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Perch fishing in January. Active winter robber. Perch biting in January What is used to catch perch in winter in January

Perch is a fairly common predatory fish and is found in almost any body of water in our country. And even if fishing is unsuccessful, the perch will always be a lifesaver for you. And yet, catching perch in January is considered not such a simple task, since its activity decreases and it becomes sedentary. The vital activity of this fish is greatly influenced by how rich the reservoir in which it lives is in oxygen. It thrives in flooded ravines and old river beds, if there is enough oxygen there. Prefers a hard bottom and stays near small fish sites. Perch also loves bottoms covered with snags.
Perch may begin to experience a lack of oxygen in stagnant bodies of water. In order for perch fishing to be more successful in January, the fisherman needs to be very well oriented in the chosen body of water. In January there are severe frosts and cold winds. They cause inconvenience not only to anglers, but also to the perch itself. If you don’t know the specifics of perch fishing in January and don’t know the reservoir well, then you’ll have to cut more than one ice hole. The small activity of the perch is maintained due to the fact that at this time it moves to the bottom, where the water temperature does not fall below 4 degrees Celsius.
When going fishing in January, it is enough to take a fishing rod with jig tackle. This is a tackle that is used for vertical trolling. In more rare cases, you can use fishing rods for fishing with a float. But rods and reels are more convenient for catching perch in January. This is the type of tackle that is most often used for fishing this fish.
The length of the whip must be at least 15 centimeters. Thanks to this size, it is possible to create a certain shock absorption during hooking and protect the already weak line from breaking.
Any fishing rod is suitable for catching small perch. But in order to catch larger perch, you need to stock up on the appropriate gear.
To make the number of bites more voluminous, the diameter of the fishing line should be small. Most often, a fishing line with a diameter of up to 0.15 millimeters is selected for January fishing.
To increase the efficiency of catching perch in January, it is best to use jig tackle. But we must take into account that in the middle of winter this fish becomes very picky about bait and prefers sluggish play or its complete absence. As practice shows, fishing is good with a “devil” jig. It’s a good idea to use bulk jigs no longer than 7 millimeters. For greater efficiency, multi-colored hairs are added.
The nod is taken hard, and its length should be 10 centimeters. To ensure that the nod bends only slightly, it must be well adjusted. Otherwise, the bite will be poorly visible, which will significantly worsen the situation.
Different baits are used for catching perch in January. But this fish is best caught using bloodworms. Also suitable as bait are maggots, dung worms, fish fillets, and the eyes of the perch itself.
In January, you can catch perch using both lures and jigs. But fishing with a spoon is more difficult and begins with drilling holes, which is labor-intensive work. To begin with, about ten holes are drilled and fishing begins. If you fail to catch a perch in any of the holes, then you need to move 200 meters away from them and continue working on drilling the holes.
The color of the spinners used to catch perch can be different: white, red or a combination. On sunny and bright days, fishing will be much more successful with duller lures that are made of copper or brass, and on a cloudy day it is better to catch perch with a white metal lure.
Perch will bite faster on a lure that moves slowly in the water, so you shouldn’t constantly tug on the fishing rod when luring. It is most effective to tap the rod on the bottom after several lifts.

This article talks about how to prepare for bass fishing in January. Where to look for a predator, what determines the choice of place to catch it. What gear is used to catch perch in January, what baits are used.

Lure fishing. This type of bait is used in January mainly when catching an active predator, when its stopping place has been determined. You should start catching perch with a spoon from the shore, that is, from shallow water. If there are no predator bites, then you should move to the side at least 20-25 meters. You shouldn’t spend more than 10 minutes on one hole; we note that if a predator is present in the fishing area, you won’t have to wait long for it to bite.

For catching perch, it is recommended to select spinners up to 4 cm in length; regarding color, it is better to opt for white, red or combined options. In cloudy weather, perch more readily attacks light-colored baits, and in sunny weather, bright-colored lures. This point is important to remember and take into account when choosing bait regarding color shade.

During the fishing process, the bait should not be jerked sharply, all movements should be smooth, only in this case it will be possible to attract and provoke the predator to attack. The bait must be torn off the bottom to a height of up to 20 cm, and when lifting, pauses must be maintained (2-4 seconds). At the top point, the pause can be increased to 10 seconds. It is often possible to attract perch by lightly twitching the spoon directly on the surface of the bottom or a few centimeters from it.

The behavior of perch in the wilderness depends on its habitat. In non-freezing reservoirs, as the water temperature decreases, its activity decreases slightly. Although schools of perch up to 400 grams continue to actively hunt for small fish. Under ice cover, perch continues to feed in January, but with less intensity. It becomes as passive as possible when frosts reach about -15 degrees. In such conditions, even small perch group in small schools in bottom depressions and practically stop feeding.

Perch does not tolerate oxygen starvation, which often occurs under a thick layer of ice in stagnant bodies of water. In still water, perch usually settles in recesses near islands of reeds or in steep areas near the shore, abundantly overgrown with coastal thickets. In flowing reservoirs, perch concentrates at the confluence of tributaries or small streams. Perch is also attracted to existing bottom springs in January.

On rivers, January perch usually moves after peaceful small fish. It often looks for its prey on dumps, which are located in areas with fairly fast currents. Prefers a hard, slightly silty bottom.

On large reservoirs and large rivers, the predator has more opportunities to find suitable prey. It can go into deep water and go into shallow water. Its agility increases during periods of thaw, which are not uncommon especially in the southern regions.

Catching perch in January is fishing that requires the angler to have patience while searching for places where a striped predator is present. When planning winter fishing for perch in the wilderness, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to go through more than a dozen holes. The exception is fishing for perch in January on small lakes. Here, the search for a predator is simplified due to the limited space. The most promising are the depressions (pits) near the reeds. The main thing is to choose the bait and bait well. Perch jigs are used as bait. In the dead of winter, it is more advisable to use them with additional bait of bloodworms or maggots.

In large reservoirs, the search for perch should begin from coastal depressions and gradually move to depth. The use of bait makes sense if a local area that is promising for catching perch is being fished: a bay, a place where external waters flow, etc.

Perch fishing gear in January

When catching large perch in January, a winter girder is used. The use of this gear allows you to simultaneously fish a large area of ​​​​the reservoir. In the dead of winter, there is a possibility of the line freezing on the reel, which a small perch is unable to unwind, so it is necessary to periodically check all the lines, regardless of whether the bite alarm has worked or not. But you shouldn’t get carried away with a large number of girders. The optimal option is 10 – 12 pieces. If you approach catching perch on a girder according to the principle, the more, the better, then fishing from a pleasant pastime can turn into hard, exhausting work.

For lovers of active fishing, the most suitable fishing rod is for winter perch. The main thing is to choose a comfortable rod, with which you can easily set the desired action of the bait. The reel is chosen at the discretion of the angler, but when fishing it is usually not used. Simple versions of inertial coils are suitable. A sensitive nod serves as a bite signal. For catching perch, a fishing line with a thickness of about 0.10 mm is used. The choice of fishing line diameter depends on the size (weight) of the possible catch.

A winter fishing rod for catching perch in January can be equipped with a small spinner and a balancer (5 cm), but during the dead winter period jigs for perch with additional bait are more often used. With skillful use of bait, successful fishing for perch in January and with baitless jigs is possible. The “devil” jig is perfect for this type of fishing.

To attract a low-active predator, catching perch in winter on a bulldozer is used. This winter fishing rod rig attracts predatory fish with the muddy fountain it creates, an additional noise effect and bait on the hooks.

If you successfully determine the perch's parking spot, fishing becomes productive and exciting. After almost every cast on the ice surface, the number of striped predators caught increases.

Fishing for perch in January is very painstaking and its success mainly depends on the right fishing location. In January, perch is less active; each hole should be fished for a long time. During oxygen starvation that overtakes perch in January, this fish, as a rule, splits into small groups and sharply narrows its area of ​​presence. When there is enough oxygen, perch tries to stay close to the upper boundaries of old channels or ravines.

The behavior of perch in January most often depends on the habitat. continues to feed even in the dead of winter, but does so with less intensity. As a rule, when the water temperature drops to -15°C, the perch becomes almost passive and even the smallest individuals gather in groups and settle down in bottom depressions, stopping feeding.

In stagnant reservoirs, oxygen starvation often occurs, which perch tolerates very poorly. In reservoirs of this type it can be found at the confluence of small streams or tributaries.

Bottom springs also attract perch. In reservoirs with stagnant water, perch prefers to be located in steep areas near the shore or in depressions near islands of reeds. The bottom in perch sites is most often hard, with a small content of silt. To successfully catch perch in January, the angler requires endurance, since during the search he will have to make many holes.

It will be much easier for anglers who want to catch perch on a small lake, since due to the limited space, finding perch here is simplified. Among the most promising places for catching perch in January are holes or depressions near reed thickets. Catching perch in January is more successful when using jigs with a bloodworm attachment or other bait of animal origin.

With skillful play with a jig, catching perch in January is also possible with a reelless bait. For this type of fishing, a “devil” jig is most often used, and it is recommended to wind a red thread on the shank of the hook. In addition, in January, perch can be caught with small silicone baits, balancers, spoons and rattlins. In large bodies of water, start searching for perch from coastal depressions, and then gradually move to depth.

Perch fishing gear in January

To catch perch in January with a jig with a nozzle or a reelless bait, a simple winter fishing rod of the “balalaika” type is most often used. The reel is built into the handle of such a fishing rod. The role of the bite alarm is played by the nod, which is placed on the tip of the whip.

In this case, a nod made of a material such as lavsan or a simple metal one about 6 centimeters long is suitable. Depending on the type of intended prey, winter monofilament with a diameter of 0.06 to 0.12 millimeters is used as fishing line.

When catching perch with a balance beam, silicone or spinner, take a winter fishing rod with an open-type reel, the length of the nod is within 6 centimeters, and the alarm itself can be made of a clock spring, nipple rubber or lavsan.

The main fishing line is usually one intended for winter fishing, but if it is not available, any other line with a cross-section from 0.12 to 0.14 may be suitable for catching small perches and not particularly active biting, and a cross-section from 0.16 to 0.18 for catching large individuals.

In addition, catching perch in January with artificial bait allows the use of short (as a rule, the length does not exceed 1.2 meters) ultralight spinning rods equipped with an inertia-free reel, on the spool of which a monofilament line is placed, and its diameter varies from 0.16 to 0.18 millimeters. Some anglers use braided line with a diameter of about 0.06 millimeters instead of monofilament.

Lures for catching perch in January

Spoons for winter perch fishing

In January, perch fishing is carried out on small-sized ones, which can be made of bronze, tin, silver, copper or brass. As a rule, the size of such baits ranges from 1.5 to 2 centimeters for catching small specimens and from 3 to 5 centimeters for catching large specimens. Spinners designed for catching perch are equipped with a triple hook, on the forend of which there is a plumage made of red threads, multi-colored cambrics or beads.

Such decoration provokes the perch to attack and serves as a sight for it during this attack. In addition, there are other options for equipping spinners.

So, for example, they can simply have a single hook, or a single hook that is fixed by soldering, as well as a triple or single hook on a winding ring or chain. In conditions of low perch activity, spinners with a triple hook on a chain, the forend of which is hidden using cambrics or beads of different colors, have proven themselves well.

As a rule, for fishing at shallow depths in areas without current, spinners with a pronounced horizontal action are used, which shift quite strongly from the axis of the hole when gliding. Typically, spinners of this type have a fairly wide body, and their center of gravity is located on top of the body or in the middle of the spinner.

For fishing in areas with deep or medium depth, it is best to use spinners with a narrow body that have a minimal horizontal component in the game, and their center of gravity is located at the bottom of the spinner. Among the popular models for catching perch are: “carnation”, “diamond”, “carp”.

Balancers for perch fishing

Perch fishing in January is carried out using small balancers, approximately 2 to 5 centimeters in length.

To catch large specimens at great depths, you can take heavier and larger baits. The color of the balancer is selected based on the depth at the fishing site and others. Thus, to catch perch with a balance beam in shallow areas, it is recommended to use bait with a natural color - blue, gray, silver, green.

If there are no bites on balancers with this color, baits of brighter, acidic colors. When choosing a balancer for perch fishing, it is recommended that the angler pay attention to the following models:

  • Kuusamo Tasapaino balance 50;
  • Rapala Jigging Rap;
  • Nils Master Jigger.

Jigs for catching perch in January

Catching perch in January is possible both with a jig with an attachment, and with a bunch of bloodworms used for fishing with a jig with an attachment, and among the popular models are: “pellet”, “drop”, “Ural”, “clove”, “nymph” . In the second case, the classic types of nozzle-free jigs are most often used: “devil”, “goat”, “witch”.

When choosing the material from which a jig is made, it is best to give preference to tungsten, since it has a lower specific gravity and is the same size as lead jigs.

As a rule, light jigs with bright colors are used for catching perch - silver, golden and black jigs. The weight and size of the jig depends on the fishing conditions. In reservoirs with standing water at shallow depths, a jig weighing from 0.2 to 0.3 grams is sufficient, and as the depth, current strength and thickness of the fishing line increase, the weight of the jig also increases.

Silicone lures for catching perch in January

Catching perch in January is possible with small silicone baits from 1.5 to 3 centimeters long; much less often, the length of edible rubber can reach 5 centimeters. Basically all well-known twisters and vibrating tails are used.

To catch perch with a microjig, a twister is used as the main bait. In addition, you can use slugs, silicone worms and larvae. In addition to the above-mentioned baits, streamers and wabiki can be used for catching perch with a drop shot.

Rattlins for perch fishing in January

This bait is a vertical wobbler without a blade; it is very effective for catching medium and large perch in January. This type of wobbler is equipped with a triple hook, but there may be models with a double or even single hook. As is the case with other baits, for catching perch at shallow depths (up to 2 meters) use a small size up to 5 centimeters long. When choosing a rattlin for perch fishing, it is recommended that the angler pay attention to the following models:

  • Rapala Rattlin;
  • Sebile Flat Shad;
  • Strike Pro Baby Rattlin.

Baits for fishing in January

When catching perch in January with a jig, vertical jig and drop shot, you can use a wide variety of bait of animal origin. The most popular bait for fishing in winter is bloodworm. However, successful catching of bloodworms is also possible with other baits of animal origin, such as a worm, a leech or a fry.

These baits can be rigged on either a large jig or a small jig head, and can also be placed on an offset hook with a swivel rig or a drop shot rig.

Fishing for perch in January using lures

The spinner game when fishing for perch in January looks like this. We fix the spoon at a distance of 5-10 centimeters from the bottom. We swing the rod, throwing the spoon up 10-15 centimeters and return the rod to its original position.

At this moment, the spoon makes oscillatory movements and glides down to the bottom point. At this point, we pause the retrieve for several seconds until the spinner stops oscillating.

After that, we repeat this process again until the perch bites our bait. To further provoke the perch, you can tap the spoon on the bottom or put it there and then slowly lift it. When fishing for perch, it is recommended to check different water horizons, since sometimes the perch attacks the spoon at a considerable distance from the bottom. In this case, the spoon is raised much higher, 30 or 60 or more centimeters from the bottom, and several movements are made at this level.

Catching perch in January on a balance beam

It is best to catch perch with this bait in areas with no underwater vegetation and snags. This is due to the fact that the balancer moves quite actively in the horizontal plane and is therefore very susceptible to snagging.

It is recommended to take a detachment with you, but it may not help in all cases. Playing with a balancer is somewhat similar to guiding a spinner.

We fix the balancer at a distance of about 5-10 centimeters from the bottom, then make a smooth swing with the fishing rod with a slight acceleration and raise the bait by 20-30 centimeters. At this point we take a short pause and return the fishing rod to the lowest point. The balancer should describe figure-of-eight loops in the water as it rises up and floats the bait down.

At the bottom point, we pause until the balancer stops rotating. Perch doesn't like too much play, so try not to swing the rod too high or too sharply. Sometimes it is useful to tap the bottom with a balancer so that cloudy turbidity rises, which can attract perch.

Catching perch in January with a jig

Fishing in January, depending on habitat and weather conditions, involves an active search for perch, so it is recommended to drill at least 10 holes at a distance of 5 meters from each other. This approach will allow the angler to cover a variety of perch locations. A series of holes can be made near the shore along the reeds or starting from the shore and going to the center of the reservoir.

Additionally, small quantities of food bloodworms can be poured into the holes, and when fishing in deep areas, you will need to resort to using a special winter feeder (dump truck).

There are a large number of fishing techniques for perch fishing, each of which works better in one period or another. Perch play with a jig is distinguished by the presence of frequent oscillations in the vertical plane in place or with rise. Choose one type of retrieve or another based on the activity of the fish, but do not forget that you can combine different types of play, change the frequency of oscillations and amplitude of movements.

As a rule, to catch active perch, a jig with swaying is gradually raised to a height of about 30 centimeters, and the number of oscillations can reach 3-5 per second. To catch less active perch, the number of oscillations is reduced to 1-3 per second, making them smoother. Catching perch with a jig without a nozzle is characterized by a high frequency of bait retrieval, and failures in such a game are not allowed. As a rule, it is mainly experienced fishermen who fish with a reelless bait.

Catching perch in January with silicone

Catching perch in January with silicone baits involves a vertical jig in a hole. The basic fishing technique looks something like this. While rocking, the silicone bait is smoothly lifted or tapped on the bottom.

Plus, you can lift the bait from the bottom to a distance of about 40 centimeters and sharply release it down. To catch perch in January, such baits are mounted on offset hooks on a hinged mounting, and a small Cheburashka is used as a sinker. A simpler option is mounted on the base of a jig head.

Catching perch in January with a drop shot

This rig option is great for catching large and medium-sized fish from the ice. Together with this equipment, bait of animal origin or silicone baits are used.

The technique of catching perch in January is not reminiscent of playing with a jig; you need to make frequent movements with your hand, giving vibrations to the bait and making pauses.

In addition, the game can be built on the rise, but in this case, keep in mind that the sinker must be stationary. It turns out that wiring is carried out only by the bait, and not by the entire equipment. This is not difficult to do; we lower the bait to the bottom, giving slack to the fishing line. Then, while swinging, we raise the bait until the line is stretched, and then release it down again. We repeat this action until the perch deigns to attack our bait.

Catching perch in January on rattlin

As in the case of balancers, rattlins are affected by the same rule regarding fishing in clean areas. The rattlin's game looks like smooth movements in the horizontal plane, during which it sways, and during lifting and gliding it also rolls from one side to the other.

The technique of placing such a bait consists of a smooth swing of the fishing rod 30-40 centimeters. During such a swing, the rattlin goes up, then the angler lowers the tip of the fishing rod down and the rattlin goes to the bottom point while swinging. Then we repeat the wiring again.

Choosing a place to catch perch in January

Where perch stay in January depends on weather conditions and the amount of oxygen in the water. If there is enough oxygen, perch in January can be found near flooded ravines, old riverbeds and in the upper boundaries of coastal dumps.

Perch fishing in January will be more successful when fishing the following places:

  • changes in depth (various holes and hills);
  • grassy banks;
  • on the edges;
  • in thickets of reeds;
  • in areas with natural obstacles.

Find out which bodies of water in your region allow perch fishing in January:

Always remember the main rule of any winter fishing: Knowledge of the water area is the key to success! Winter is a difficult period for all fish. And the activity of perch in January, like many other fish, very much depends on how rich the reservoir remains in oxygen:

If there is enough oxygen in the water, then fishing for perch in January will be more effective in the upper boundaries of coastal dumps, old channels, and flooded ravines. When going fishing in January, keep in mind that perch prefers a hard bottom covered with snags and chooses places closer to small fish sites. Fishing for sailor perch throughout the winter is possible along the coastline, near reed thickets.
- if the reservoir is not flowing, then by January the fish begins to lack oxygen. Perch reduce their area of ​​movement and divide into small groups of 5-8 individuals. For perch fishing to be successful in January, the angler must have a very good understanding of the pond. Catching perch in January becomes quite a labor-intensive task, because if you don’t know the exact position of the predator, you will have to walk around a lot and drill more than one meter of ice. In January, perch moves deeper into the pits; the water temperature in such places does not drop below four degrees, which at least to some extent keeps the fish active.

January is a month of severe frosts and piercing cold winds; this causes a lot of inconvenience not only to the fisherman, but also to the fish itself.

Perch fishing gear in January

The angler's arsenal of perch fishing in January is small.

  • Perch fishing rod

To fish for perch, you will need a fishing rod with jig tackle and tackle used for vertical trolling. Also, catching perch in January can be done with fishing rods configured for float fishing, but this is less common. Mostly fishing rods equipped with reels are used; such tackle is much more convenient to use, especially for those who like to catch perch. Of course, small stripers can be caught with any fishing rod, but if there is even the slightest chance of catching a worthy specimen, then the tackle must be appropriate.

  • Fishing line for perch in January

The diameter of the fishing line is generally selected within the range of 0.15mm, because thinner tackle brings more bites. The whip on a fishing rod for catching perch in January should be at least 15 cm long; this size will sufficiently create the necessary shock absorption when hooking and protect the line from breaking.

What to catch perch in January

  • Catching perch in January with a jig

Catching perch in January is much better and more effective if you use jig tackle, but there are some drawbacks. The nod should not be very hard and up to 10 cm long. It is important that the nod is correctly adjusted; it should only bend slightly under the weight of the jig, otherwise it will be very difficult to see the bite. With the advent of the low season, the perch becomes very picky about lures and playing with them, he is more interested in a more sluggish game or even its complete stop; it is better to use a jig that is more voluminous, but not longer than 7 mm. “Devil” type jigs performed well. To increase the effectiveness of the jig, you can use multi-colored hairs tied to the fore-end.

  • Baits for catching perch in January

Fishing for perch in January can be done using various baits, the following baits for perch are mainly used: bloodworms, dung worms, maggots, pieces of fish fillet, the eye of the perch itself, but to a greater extent anglers use bloodworms.

  • Fishing for perch in January using lures
Catching perch in January with a spinner is a little worse than with a jig, but still, it cannot be ruled out as an option. All luring always begins with a lot of work with an ice drill. A dozen holes are drilled, to begin with, in the direction from the shore and their fishing begins. If the perch does not find itself in any of the holes when trolling, then physical work should be continued, moving to the side 200 meters.

You can catch perch using various lures 3-4 cm long. By color, they can be red, white or a combination of several colors. On bright sunny days, duller ones made of brass or copper perform better; on cloudy days, spinners made of white metals are effective. More often, a perch is tempted by a lure that does not move too quickly in the water, therefore, there is no particular need to continuously twitch the fishing rod while luring. It is better, after a couple of lifts, to swing the spoon at the bottom or knock on it.