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Chub in August – camouflage comes first! How to choose a spinning rod for chub fishing? Camouflage when fishing for chub

August The month is different in that at this time a huge number of different insects appear, and the water in reservoirs is noticeably cleared of dirt and turbidity. All this leads to the fact that chubs are more often found in the upper layers of water to hunt for fallen insects. In addition, at the end of summer, grasshoppers appear - excellent bait for chub fishing in August. The main advantage of this bait is that the grasshopper stays perfectly on the hook, which in turn allows you to make very important long casts to catch this fish.
Chub in August prefers to stay in deeper places with slower currents. Here it is best to catch it with a bottom fishing rod using small minnows, crayfish meat or barley shells, cubes of sausage or cheese, chicken intestines, bread pellets, river lamprey larvae, frogs, and pieces of lard. A rigid, elastic rod with a reel is perfect for fishing. Moreover, after casting, the reel must be put on the brake. If it is weak, then the line can be wrapped around the reel handle to eliminate the possibility of the line being pulled off during sharp bites. For baits such as cubes of sausage or cheese, crayfish meat, pellets of bread, it is advisable to take small treble hooks No. 5-6. When catching medium and large specimens, larger baits are used, since the fish has a large mouth, and with small baits and small hooks there are more empty bites and offensive escapes. Immediately after the bite, you need to slightly loosen the line for 3-4 seconds, and then smoothly hook. The chub should be fished by leading it in half-water, and not lifting it to the very surface.
In case of night chub fishing in August for a frog or small minnow, it is best to place the tackle on a pebble shallow, not far from the fish’s habitat. In this case, the bait is cast almost at the very shore. Often such techniques give good results. The main thing is to ensure that the line does not sag too much. Chub bite much more readily when there are ripples or a small wave on the water surface. During calm periods, the bite noticeably weakens. If fishing takes place on navigable rivers, it is recommended to wait until the steamer passes and the wave appears. In addition, the last condition is essential for chub fishing in August for spinning. The following types of spinners are chosen: medium “Spinner”, “Trofimovskaya”, “Universal”. Slightly tarnished spoons made of red copper, which often turn out to be the most catchy, are best suited.
The spinners must be cast across the current, giving them the opportunity after casting to float into the bottom layers of water while slowly rewinding the line. After this, as soon as the spoon floats down completely and the line itself stretches out at an angle of approximately 45° to the shore, you can immediately begin rewinding the line evenly. At this moment, at the very beginning of the spinner’s return journey, bites often occur - decisive, sharp, not requiring hooking and obliging the angler to firmly hold the handle on the reel drum all this time. When fishing with a spinning rod with a sinker that goes in front of the spoon, there are often sharp grabs of the fish by the sinker. Therefore, it is not recommended to install hanging tees on it. The best hours for chub fishing in August The time is considered to be from 9 to 10 am and from 15 to 17 pm.

This is one of the most effective methods of catching it. Catching this fish requires a lot of patience and perseverance of the fisherman, since it is very difficult to outwit this fish and it will not be possible to catch it with just anything. The hook must be skillfully camouflaged with bait, and the fisherman himself must try to be less noticeable. You can compensate for your lack of experience in catching chub with a float rod by reading this article, which will help you successfully deal with this fish in practice.

About the chub

The chub is a fish of the carp family, quite large, its dimensions reach about 80 cm in length and weight 8 kg, but usually fishermen come across a chub no larger than 1 kg. The lifespan of this fish is on average 15-18 years. It lives mainly in small, clean rivers with cold water and fast currents, where there are riffles and a rocky and pebble bottom. A very cautious and timid fish. It lives mainly in the rivers of central Russia.

In October, you can no longer find chub on the rifts. The water has become colder and, in preparation for wintering, it sinks deeper into the holes, from which it does not move far even on fine days, so it is necessary to catch it during this period in the holes or at the exits from them. Occasionally may appear on sandbanks.

What to use to catch chub on a float rod

The chub is an omnivorous fish and there are many baits on which you can successfully catch it, but there is also some seasonal dependence. So, in the spring, the most effective bait for chub can be considered the cockchafer. This is indeed a very catchy bait when catching chub on a float, and besides, it is quite a common food for this fish. May beetles often end up in the water during flight or fall into the water from trees where they already exist.
a hungry chub is waiting. During the period when the cockchafer emerges, the chub may completely refuse some food for some time.

or other food, which allows you to save time on choosing bait and will allow you to catch a lot of chub during this period.

However, you need to catch something before the May beetle emerges. Here the choice of baits increases significantly, I won’t list everything, I’ll focus only on the most effective ones, with which the chances of catching a chub are really high. And in the spring such bait can serve as:

  • Dung worm, earthworm (large chub are good at crawling);
  • maggot;
  • bloodworm;
  • larva of the May beetle and dung beetle;
  • small minnow;
  • barley shell meat;
  • cancerous cervix;
  • bread crust;

Well, with the advent of the main delicacy of the chub - the cockchafer, it is immediately necessary to switch to using it as bait for the chub. It is quite easy to get a cockchafer, especially before sunrise, when the beetle is in a sleepy stupor. You just need to kick a tree and the beetles will fall off. Of course, you need to choose a thinner tree. Having collected the beetles in a cardboard box, you can safely go fishing.

In the summer, May beetles “run out” and it is necessary to look for an alternative to this catchy bait. And caterpillars, of which countless numbers appear in the summer, can quite deservedly serve as such an alternative. And of course. What can we talk about catching chub if we don’t mention the grasshopper. This bait can be the best one for chub fishing all summer, and there will never be any problems with catching such a bait. The grasshopper, as a bait, holds very well on the hook, thanks to which you can freely and without fear make long casts, which can be very useful when catching such cautious fish. You should catch a grasshopper at the very surface of the water.

With the arrival of autumn, the same grasshoppers and caterpillars, as well as bread or dough, are used as bait for chub, however, in the autumn period, they should be caught from the bottom, or rather at a distance of about half a meter from it. And to catch large chub in the fall, use a small frog as bait and fish with such a bait in the wire. Small chub will not bite on such bait, so you should only expect a large trophy.

There is also an unusual bait that catches most peaceful fish, but few have heard of it. This attachment is cheese! Yes, they say the chub is a true connoisseur of this dairy product. The cheese is cut into cubes according to the size of the hook and served like any other attachment.

Float tackle for chub

To catch cautious chub with a float rod, you should not use a fishing line that is too thick, which can alert the fish and, as a result, you may not see bites or their number will decrease significantly. It is advisable to use a fishing line no thicker than 0.25 mm, and a leash no thicker than 0.2 mm. If you know in advance that the size of the chub in your pond allows you to use a thinner line, be sure to do so. The hook is placed No. 7-8 with an average fore-end length, and the weight should be placed at a distance of 10-15 cm above it. The rod must be equipped with a reel so that you can release the bait with the current, waiting for the chub to bite. Wiring fishing often shows better results than stationary fishing.

Chub float

The chub float should be hidden and camouflaged from the fish's view as much as possible. Floats with bright colors when catching chub with a float rod are unacceptable, since I have already said that this fish is very careful. Choose black, gray or brown floats that will blend in with other objects floating in the water. The bulb float has proven itself to be quite good when catching chub. Such a float is less alarming to the fish, as it simply resembles an air bubble floating on the surface of the water.

How does a chub bite?

It is sometimes quite difficult to distinguish a chub bite from another fish, especially when you consider that in different bodies of water these bites can be completely different. Basically, the chub bite is very sharp. The chub is accustomed to grabbing everything edible that falls into the water, and this is how it grabs the bait on the hook. After being bitten, the float suddenly goes under the water without any preliminary movements. Such a chub bite can often take the angler by surprise, so you always need to be on alert. If the bait is correctly placed on the hook and the sting of the hook is sharp enough, then the chub may hook itself, but you should not hope for this, because self-hooking of this fish on a float tackle occurs very rarely due to the small weight of the sinker.

Bait for chub

Bait plays an important role when catching any fish, such fish as chub are no exception. You can use store-bought bait or make it yourself. Homemade can consist of just one ingredient - bread. It just couldn't be simpler. The bread must be crumbled and folded into a fine mesh net, tied into a knot, and a cord or rope attached to it, the other end of which is attached to the shore. Then, the net with bait is thrown or brought by boat to the intended fishing location.

Since the chub is a fish of the carp family, it can be attracted with the same bait as carp. Ingredients and methods of preparation of which you can find out

When fishing for chub, spinning rods are usually used with a low lower test limit, since hunting for this fish almost always involves the use of light baits. The sensitivity of the rod also plays an important role: highly sensitive blank will allow you to both carry out the most effective placement of wobblers, spinners and other baits, and not miss a single, even the lightest, touch of a fish on them.

Also, when hunting for such a cautious fish as a chub (especially when fishing from the shore), it will not be superfluous to be able to perform long casts, why you should take a longer spinning rod.

Thus, the best rod for catching chub can be called the following: a fast action blank with a test of about 2 - 12 g, 2.4 m long for fishing from a boat and 2.7 m for shore fishing.


Since summer chub fishing primarily involves the use of small light baits (wobblers, flies, etc.), the best option would be small spinning reel(the most popular sizes are from 1000 to 2500).

If possible, you should choose "meat grinder", which Very good lays a thin braided line (reels with high-quality laying of thin lines are more expensive, but fishing with them will be as comfortable as possible).

Classic inertial reel or multiplier will not allow casting light chub baits.

Stories from our readers. Theme: fishing suit

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fishing line

The best line for catching chub will be thin and soft braid: its use will allow you to achieve maximum casting range for light baits and high sensitivity of the gear.

The specific thickness (and, accordingly, breaking load) of the cord is selected based on from the expected sizes of trophies and fishing conditions.

The thinner the braid, the better, but if there is a high probability of a large fish biting or there are many snags in the fishing areas, you will have to use a stronger line.


A metal leash is a very useful thing when fishing with a spinning rod, but when hunting for chub it is absolutely necessary to use it Not recommended: chub bites when fishing with a leash happen noticeably less often.

But putting a leash made of thin and inconspicuous monofilament or fluorocarbon fishing line will not be amiss: this can lead to an increase in catches.

Selection of baits


Wobbler - perhaps the most catchy chub bait. They are especially effective when hunting for bigheaded fish. floating models, although it is worth having several sinking ones in your arsenal (their important advantage is the high casting range).

Typically, when fishing for chub, crank wobblers of length no more than 5 cm.

Colors- natural (colored like fry), as well as dark matte.


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The most popular (especially among amateurs) bait for catching chub. However, it is worth noting that this type of bait is significantly inferior to wobblers in terms of catchability.

Typically used spinners numbers 00, 0 and 1, dark colors or silver.

Front sights

The chub, as mentioned above, is large insect lover. Catching it with flies (especially in June and July, when there is a massive emergence of various insects) will be very successful.

For such fishing, you can use a spinning rod with a sbirulino (bombard) rig.

Jig lures

Jig fishing is used during those periods when the chub is mainly holding at the bottom, hunting for fry (usually this happens in August).

For such fishing, vibrating tails and twisters with a length of no more than 5 cm, mounted on a hook connected through a winding ring to a “eared” sinker.

When and under what conditions do chub bite in summer?

Chub is one of those fish that are very sensitive to weather conditions.

This fish is affected pressure and precipitation. If stable reduced level atmospheric pressure, which corresponds to gray cloudy days, affects the chub bite favorable.

With frequent changes atmospheric pressure, the chub stops feeding. The biting also stops when sharp jump pressure.

The wind also plays an important role in catching this species.

slight wind a stable direction helps to improve the chub bite. If the wind direction during the day changes often, you shouldn’t count on a good catch.

It should also be noted that chub activity in northern winds is usually low.

It is also worth saying about air and water temperature.

The chub becomes inactive at low water and air temperatures(which occur in spring and autumn), as well as when it is too high, at the height of the July heat.

Optimal water temperature for it happens, as a rule, in June and August.

As for time intervals, then it is worth saying that in the first half of June The chub remains active throughout the daylight hours.

In the second half of June and July The best time to hunt for chub with a spinning rod is usually early morning and evening (morning and evening dawns), as well as night. In August The chub feeds most actively in the morning and evening dawns.

3 ways to increase your fish catch

There are many ways to increase your fish catch, but the most effective ones are. Below, the site editors share with you the 3 most effective ways to increase your catch:

  1. . This is a pheromone-based additive that activates receptors in fish. ATTENTION! Rybnadzor wants to ban this bait!
  2. Any other baits with flavorings are less effective; it is better if they contain pheromones. But it’s most effective to use new 2016 — !
  3. Learning different fishing techniques. For example, it is written about spinning wires.

Where to fish?

Chub prefers small rivers with fast or moderate current, with a rich ichthyofauna and an abundance of vegetation.

It is impossible to find it at all in lakes, reservoirs and other standing bodies of water.

Promising points for catching chub:

  • borders of grass thickets;
  • deep holes (especially with snags or a tree lying at the bottom);
  • boundary of forward and reverse flow;
  • channel edges;
  • sections of the river under steep banks, as well as under bushes and tree branches hanging over the water;
  • sandy and rocky shallows.

Fishing technique


The best results when fishing for chub usually come from the simplest posting options:

  • when fishing with wobblers- this is a uniform wiring, it is also worth considering that floating wobblers can be released with the flow to the required distance (for example, thus bringing them under the branches of bushes hanging over the water), and only then begin wiring;
  • in fishing with spinners the main wiring will also be uniform;
  • when fishing with flies The bait is mainly used to float the bait along the current; you should also hold it or play with the fly in another way;
  • in jig fishing The main one will be stepped wiring.

Bite and hook

The chub bite, especially if fishing is carried out in rapid waters, often occurs very sharp and powerful. In this case, the fish takes the bait, as a rule, shallowly, but often hooks itself, although hooking still won’t hurt.

If fishing is carried out at depth in relatively calm water, the chub bite may be careful, and the spinning angler is not always able to notice it. It will help you not to miss a single touch of the fish on the bait. high-quality sensitive tackle. With any, even the slightest bite, you should immediately hook.


Immediately after hooking, the chub, as a rule, makes several throws in different directions(usually downstream), trying to get free from the hook. These first throws happen very powerful, but the chub is not enough for a long time: it gives up quite quickly. Its mouth is very strong, and its lips are fleshy, so the chub rarely breaks off.

When playing, you should try as hard as possible bring the fish to the surface faster and give it a breath of air: after this the chub finally calms down and no longer offers any resistance.

Fishing from shore and boat

Walking chub fishing from the shore
- the most difficult, but very interesting way of hunting for chub with a spinning rod. The angler should remain quiet and try to be as invisible as possible to the fish, and also make the most accurate casts.

Wading, as a rule, allows you to achieve much better results when hunting chub with a spinning rod than fishing from the shore.

The fish is almost not afraid of a spinning rod standing knee-deep in water, and besides, the use wading boots or waders allows you to move quite freely around the pond.

Fishing by rafting- the best option for rivers with medium or slow flow. Throwing a spinning rod from a boat, freely adrift, you can catch all the interesting points that would be inaccessible with any other fishing method.

Fishing in early, mid and late summer

June. IN first half In June, the chub still behaves like spring: it continues to spawn and bites throughout the daylight hours. In the second half of June The chub, as a rule, is already in full swing hunting for insects, spending most of the time in the upper layers of the water.

The best time to catch chub is during mass flights of insects, of which there are several in June in most regions. Since the chub feeds mainly on insects at this time, spinning baits that imitate beetles and flies will work best. Best time for fishing- early morning, as well as evening and night.

July. At the height of the July heat, most fish species stop feeding altogether. The chub tolerates high temperatures quite well, but on the hottest days He often stops responding to bait.

In July, there is usually a massive emergence of moths; the chub actively feeds on them and therefore may not feed at all during the day.

August. In August, the chub bite increases compared to July. The fish gradually switches from summer to autumn feeding mode: when the summer of insects ends, the chub sinks to the bottom, an important place in its diet is now occupied by a variety of fry, minnows, bleak and other small fish.

Chub in August starts to move to the points where he will spend the whole winter - in deep holes and riverbeds.

Hunting for chub with a spinning rod is perhaps the most interesting option for catching this beautiful and strong fish. And it’s not without reason that the chub is one of the favorite trophies of many advanced spinning anglers: even if its gastronomic qualities are not high, but catching chub in the summer with a spinning rod is incredibly sporting and exciting.

In conclusion, a video on where, how and what to catch chub. Enjoy watching and have a great bite!

Some professional fishermen, who know where and how to catch chub, call it shy and capricious prey, and those who hunt this beauty are considered almost altruists. But it is not so. Fishing for chub is not as difficult as it initially seems. At least it is no more difficult than targeting other river predators, and in some cases it is even easier.

general information

This fish prefers non-navigable small rivers, avoiding standing water, algae and muddy bottoms. In a fast-flowing river, a chub cannot stay on the rapids for a long time, so it looks for shelter in the form of stones, boulders, etc., keeping the boundary between the current and the calm. As a rule, schools of this fish are small, while larger ones are solitary. The chub feeds around the clock; it is omnivorous, but likes to diversify its food. This habit usually coincides with the beginning of the swimming season and lasts until mid-autumn.

Experienced fishermen who know how to catch chub catch them not only with worms, small frogs, fish and various larvae, but also with insects, shells and greens. Its pharyngeal teeth are so powerful that they are quite capable of crushing them, and its large mouth easily grasps fairly large objects.

For an angler, large chubs are a very tempting prey. Such specimens are very careful, and when caught they bravely resist, forcing the person to show all his skill. Those who know well how to catch chub will say that they have very characteristic bites. At night they are so sharp that anglers do not always have time to respond with a hook. Even small specimens weighing up to five hundred grams bite very sharply during the day.

Features of spring fishing

Chub fishing begins in early March, when the water is completely clear. At this time, those who know how to catch chub with a fishing rod rush to the banks of fast rivers in the hope of a good catch. The best time for spring fishing is noon or afternoon. The optimal gear for this season is considered to be float and bottom fishing rods, although those who have already gotten their hands on this and know well how to catch chub in the spring also use worm fishing, preferably in a bunch. Crawlers, bark beetles and chafer larvae have also proven themselves to be quite good, which this predator swallows with no less pleasure.

The main thing here is the long cast of the donkey - twenty to thirty meters, and the long swim of the bait, which should be in mid-water or at the bottom.

The daytime bite of large specimens is very interesting. At first, the line shudders several times, smoothly tightens and suddenly weakens. This moment cannot be missed - you need to catch it immediately. However, experienced fishermen know that during the day the chub is rarely spotted, but at night it happens that it manages to tear off poorly secured fishing rods from the shore.

When fishing for insects on the top, the bite is a sharp plunge of the bait into a funnel that appears on the water. After this, the fishing line begins to move, going under the water. From the end of May, chub are especially well caught using insects on top and with long casting. In the spring, when the cockchafer appears, the most catchy period begins.

Chub in summer

By the beginning of June, when hordes of insects begin to fly in the air, and in many rivers after the spring flood the water is already noticeably cleared, this fish more often appears in the upper layers, hunting for fallen insects. But real summer fishing for this river inhabitant begins not with the calendar summer, but a little later. This is due to grasshoppers, which are excellent, perhaps the best bait for chub. They reach their normal size only by mid-June. Therefore, those who are interested in what is best for catching chub need to know: grasshopper is bait No. 1. Its main advantage is that this insect is a very tasty food for fish and holds perfectly on a hook. In addition, chub are excellently caught using a grasshopper and using long casts.

Summer fishing continues almost all three months without a break. But even knowing how to catch chub in the summer, you can return home empty-handed. This is explained by the fact that, although this predator during this period is less capricious in biting than other species, it still has a time when it does not bite well. These are intense heat in July, a massive emergence of broom (coastal mayfly) and the appearance of a large number of moths. All these circumstances lead to the fact that in the middle of summer the chub begins to feed at night, and, having had enough, practically ceases to be interested in bait during the day. The most successful fishing for this fish is in June and August, when the heat subsides and the army of insects decreases.

During the hot months, this freshwater fish, a member of the carp family, often stays under overhanging trees, where it eagerly awaits insects falling from their leaves. It is also found in the area of ​​bridges, dams or piles. The largest specimens stay in the water column, while small ones can easily be seen on the surface.

It’s hard to say which way to catch chub (with a spinning rod or fly fishing) better. The answer depends on anglers' preferences. The main spinning baits are wobblers for chub with active play and shallow diving depth. Fly fishing involves a variety of flies, both sinking and floating. The most important thing with this tackle is to choose the right fly that will imitate the target of the chub hunt.

When fishing for riffles, the following scheme of how to catch chub with a spinning rod is best suited:

  • the first cast is made close, but always perpendicular to the current;
  • the second - the same, but a little further;
  • the third is as far away as possible and perpendicular to the flow of water.

Accordingly, the same needs to be done in all sectors. In this way, the angler fishes the entire riffle of about ninety degrees.

When fishing, special attention should be paid to the boundary between fast and slow currents. Knowing where to catch chub, you can always count on a bite. There is one more sign by which the location of this fish is accurately determined: water silk. Since the chub feeds on it, it is quite natural that whole schools can be found in such places.

Of course, a completely logical question arises: “Why are wobblers so catchy for chub or spinners at a time when this fish actively feeds on water silk?” According to experts, the fact is that this representative of carp more often does not try to eat these baits, but drives away his competitors, who, in his opinion, are encroaching on his water silk. Apparently, it is the latter that is the reason why fish meat smells slightly like mud in summer.

Selection of gear

For chub fishing with a spinning rod to be most successful, you need to choose the right gear. The rod action needs to be medium to allow you to cast lighter baits far. This is unlikely to happen with a fast spinning rod. Ultra-fast rods are also not suitable. The chub is considered a fairly strong fish, but average power will be quite enough for it.

The coil also needs to be selected not very large. The best option are models with smooth running, which are designed to work with thin fishing line or braided cord. What exactly should you choose? This is an individual preference for each angler. But many people wind a braided cord onto a reel, which can withstand a maximum load of up to eight kilograms and has a thickness of 0.08 to 0.1 mm.

The main thing is in the gear

But there is another factor that is very important for luck. These are the right baits. Experienced hunters recommend using wobblers for chub and a spinner. Micro jigs and small spinners also work well.

Specifically for chub, wobblers can be taken in both different sizes and types. Although many are more accustomed to using small baits designed for a depth of no more than one and a half meters. In this case, the recommended length of the nozzle is four centimeters maximum. Although there are no special requirements for color, professionals say that the chub prefers natural shades that resemble fry, for example, dark matte.

Types of spinning fishing

It comes in three types and depends on the method and place of fishing:

  • alloy;
  • from the shore (chassis);
  • on the rifts.

Many anglers say that in hot weather, catching chub on the rifts is a real pleasure. It’s very nice to take off the waders and tread water with a spinning rod. Although those who count on a decent catch have to make considerable efforts to achieve this.

Floating fishing involves drifting with the current on a boat and throwing bait to places where it is assumed that chub can be found - in bushes, tree snags, mini-pools, etc. In such cases, bites occur mainly on the splash, after the bait splash down. However, this method is not possible on rivers with strong currents.

Fishing from the shore or walking, as it is commonly called, is one of the most popular methods. The most important thing about it for the fisherman is that while remaining unnoticed, he can also accurately cast the bait to the desired place. The advantage of this type of fishing is the ability to use various baits. If the river is not very wide, then with the help of light wobblers you can even cast it to the other bank, counting on a good catch.

Bait selection

When choosing between deep and floating wobblers, many people prefer the latter. This bait works for both splash and retrieve. And if you have to cast a spinning rod under distant snags, then there is nothing better than a sinking bait.

Spinner and microjig

On riffles, a spinner is especially useful. In general, a spinner is considered a classic bait for chub. Its use is most justified in May or early June.

As soon as the rivers return to their channels, the chub begins to stick to the bottom layer. And only in the summer does it begin to rise to the surface of the water. Therefore, early spring forces anglers to use microjigs, which at this time are the most convenient and catchy. The color of this bait can be very different: from black or light green to yellow with a dark sheen. At the same time, its mass is selected depending on the depth of fishing and the speed of the current. But there is one nuance that the hunter must be prepared for. In addition to chub, pike or perch very often bite on such a spinning bait.


When fishing for chub, it is more correct to attach the bait directly or through microscopic fasteners. There may not be a leash. If you plan to hunt pike in the meantime, then it’s still better to use it. For this, however, a smaller leash is selected, and made of string, and not fluorocarbon.

Lure for chub

In this type of fishing, bait is used extremely rarely. But if there is a risk of being left without a catch at all, then this maneuver should not be neglected. It is necessary to habituate the chub, that is, force it to regularly visit a given place. For complementary feeding, it is better to use bread, steamed grains mixed with oil or fragrant flavorings. Crumbs of flaxseed pomace and berries, in particular raspberries, are perfect.

The bait that is used during fishing should consist of light, small particles that attract these fish. When the opportunity arises, those who love chub fishing stock up on ant eggs, bran and macadamia.

One of the most interesting fishing objects for anglers is the chub. Recently, chub is most often purposefully caught by fly fishing or spinning using spinners, wobblers and jig baits, although catching chub with a float rod can be no less productive and exciting.

About the chub

The chub or, scientifically, Squalius cephalus is a large fish of the carp family. In the literature there are references to giants weighing up to two pounds, but the existence of such chubs was already in doubt during the time of Sabaneev. Today, a chub weighing more than two kilograms can well be considered a trophy, and its maximum weight reaches 5–6 kg. This strong and beautiful fish is most common in small and medium-sized rivers and is practically never found in reservoirs with stagnant water.

Chub is a large fish of the carp family.

Chub spawning

One of the characteristics of the chub is that, unlike most fish, it continues to bite during spawning. Chub begin to spawn when they reach three years of age and weigh 150–200 g. Spawning takes place when the water warms up to 12–15 °C, i.e. from April to June, depending on the region. A sign of the beginning of spawning can be the flowering of bird cherry. Chub spawn in the current, in places with a rocky or gristly bottom.

Where to look for chub

In small and medium-sized rivers, the favorite habitats of the chub are:

  • riffles;
  • holes near steep banks;
  • tree crowns hanging over the water;
  • large snags and boulders.

In large rivers and reservoirs, chub stay near holes leading to shallows and near large submerged objects. The chub also gravitates towards artificial structures - bridge piles, dams, piers.

There is no point in looking for chub in places with a muddy bottom, as well as in creeks and bays overgrown with algae.

Contrary to the fisherman's expectations, the chub often stands in the current not behind an obstacle, but right in front of it, collecting food that the water brings.

In large rivers and reservoirs, the chub stays near the pits

What do you use to catch chub?

Considering the omnivorous nature of the chub, you can catch it with almost any equipment: a float rod, spinning rod, bottom tackle and fly fishing. At the same time, the choice of baits and artificial baits is simply huge.

Nozzles can be:

  • bread;
  • corn;
  • peas;
  • steamed grains of wheat or pearl barley;
  • chicken liver and other entrails;
  • pieces of lard, meat, sausage or frankfurters;
  • whole cherries and mulberries.

The following are used as bait:

  • worm - earthworm or crawling;
  • live bait - preferably with a narrow body (bleak, minnow or minnow);
  • frog;
  • leech;
  • various insects during their emergence (especially the May beetle and grasshoppers).

Worm for bait

Many traditional baits for catching chub are no longer used due to their low availability:

  • crayfish meat;
  • blood clots;
  • lamprey larva.

When and where to catch chub with a regular fishing rod

Fishing for chub with a float rod can be carried out throughout the open water season. In early spring, immediately after the ice melts and before the water becomes cloudy, the chub emerges from its wintering pits and begins to feed in preparation for spawning. At this time, he is caught in the wiring in the lower layers of water.

As the water bodies warm up, the chub gradually moves to shallows and riffles, while its taste preferences change. The warmer the water, the more the chub is attracted to plant baits.

In the summer, after insects begin to emerge, the best bait for catching chub on a float are beetles, grasshoppers, and dragonflies. It is better to fish with them in the upper layers of water or on its surface. At this time, camouflage is especially important - if a chub notices an angler, you don’t have to wait for a bite.

In the fall, the colder the water, the easier it is to catch a chub using live bait or bait of animal origin. In late autumn, chub activity decreases, but its fishing can continue until freeze-up. Moreover, the closer winter gets, the less often the chub appears in shallow water.

Catching chub with a float rod

The chub feeds both day and night. However, in summer the best bite occurs in the morning and evening dawns, and in spring and autumn - after 10–11 o’clock, when the water warms up a little. The largest specimens usually bite at night.

Float tackle for chub

Rod and reel

To catch chub on a float, you can use both fly rods and fishing rods with running equipment. The choice is determined by the fishing conditions, but a fishing rod equipped with a reel has more options. It is better to use a carbon fiber rod, because it is held in your hands, and you have to cast the rod quite often. The most versatile rod length is 5–6 meters.

The reels used are inertialess. You need to choose models with even laying of the fishing line and the ability to finely adjust the friction brake. Today, almost any reel, except the cheapest, can cope with this task.

Catching chub with a fly rod is effective only in those places where the fish comes close to the shore:

  • between the trees and bushes growing on the shore;
  • on steep banks;
  • near bridges, piers and other structures.

You need a rod length of 5–6 meters to catch chub

Lines and leashes

To equip a float fishing rod, it is recommended to use a main line with a diameter of 0.16–0.18 mm and leashes of 0.12–0.16 mm. The use of fluorocarbon leaders is desirable, but not required. In combination with modern rods and reels, these diameters are enough to cope with chub of any size. Recommendations for the use of lines 0.25 mm and larger are replicated on the Internet, but are outdated. Their source is fishing literature from the times when the only fishing lines available were Klin and Chernigov.

Sinkers and hooks

The load should be sufficient to deliver the hook with the nozzle to the required depth, but not excessive. Too heavy a load roughens the tackle and reduces its sensitivity. The carrying capacity of the float must correspond to the weight of the sinker. To catch chub with a float rod, floats with a dough of 1.5–3.5 g are usually used.

It is better to choose hooks from carp series from well-known manufacturers. The size of the hook must match the size of the bait. The length of the leash is from 15 cm to half a meter.

How to assemble a half-bottom with a float for chub

If it is necessary to hold the bait in one place, then by moving the float to the tip of the rod, the float rod can be turned into a half-bottom. The bite will be visible by the vibrations of the float, which is located 20–30 centimeters above the water level. Most often, this technique is resorted to in the spring and early summer, when strong currents prevent comfortable wiring. If necessary, the weight of the sinker can be increased by adding several pellets to the load.

If fishing conditions require the use of sinkers weighing more than 12–15 g, it is better to use bottom gear - a picker or a feeder.

It is best to catch chub on a feeder

Choosing a float for chub

When fishing for chub, it is important to consider not only the carrying capacity and shape of the float, but also its color. Brightly colored floats can simply scare away wary fish. Moreover, the shallower the fishing depth, the more inconspicuous the float should be. When fishing on the surface, it is better to use transparent water-filled floats that simulate an air bubble. They are used without additional loading, and the length of the leash is increased to 1–1.5 meters.

An improvised replacement for a water-filling float can be a piece of a branch, not cleared of bark, 8–12 cm long and about a centimeter in diameter. Swimming horizontally, it looks natural and does not alarm the chub.

Chub bites

The chub bites on the move, confidently sinking the float, but when it feels the resistance of the fishing line, it can throw the bait. Therefore, there is no need to delay cutting. The hook should be quick and short, as a too strong and sweeping jerk can lead to the line breaking. To reduce the number of empty bites, it is better to leave the hook tip open.

Often, when purposefully catching chub with a fishing rod, anglers do not use bait, downplaying its importance. In fact, the rule: “as you feed, so will you catch” is true for all carp fish, except asp.

The best bait for chub

The easiest way is to buy ready-made bait, special chub bait or universal bait.

The most attractive odors for chub are:

  • vanilla;
  • strawberry;
  • chocolate;
  • cherry;
  • seafood.

The consistency of the bait is determined by the fishing conditions:

  • when fishing from the bottom - dense balls, with soil (earth, clay) for weighting;
  • when fishing in mid-water - balls that break when they hit the water, or geyser-type bait. This will create a trail of particles that attract chub in the water column;
  • When fishing from above, the same bait is used as bait as for bait - bread crusts, insects, etc.

When making bait yourself, you use cake (usually sunflower, but you can use hemp, flax and others), breadcrumbs, and various grains. It is highly advisable to add animal components to the bait. Dry blood is very effective, especially in cold water.

Taking into account the caution and good vision of the chub, it is necessary to select bait that does not stand out in color at the bottom. A bright spot on the bottom is more likely to scare away than attract the chub.