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Map of Sweden in Russian. Detailed map of Sweden in Russian Borders of Sweden on the map

(Kingdom of Sweden)

General information

Geographical position. The Kingdom of Sweden occupies the eastern and southern part of the Scandinavian Peninsula and the islands of Öland and Gotland in the Baltic Sea. Square. The territory of Sweden is 449,964 sq. km.

Main cities, administrative divisions. The capital of Sweden is Stockholm. Largest cities: Stockholm (1,500 thousand people), Gothenburg (800 thousand people), Malmo (500 thousand people). Administratively, Sweden is divided into 24 counties.

Political system

Sweden is a constitutional monarchy. The head of state is the king. The head of government is the prime minister. The legislative body is the unicameral Riksdag.

Relief. The topography in the north and west is dominated by plateaus and mountains; the Scandinavian Mountains stretch along the border with Norway, where the highest mountain, Kebnekaise, has a height of 2,123 m. Between the Scandinavian Mountains and the Gulf of Bothnia on the Baltic Sea lie the Norland Plateau, the Central Swedish Lowlands and the Småland Highlands.

The southern peninsula of Skåne is flat.

Geological structure and minerals. In Sweden there are deposits of iron ore, lead, zinc, copper, and silver.

Climate. The climate in Sweden is temperate, transitional from maritime to continental. The average January temperature in the north is from -6°C to -14°C, in the south - from 0C to +5°C. In September or at the end of May, when the sun does not set and white nights begin.

Inland waters. About 10% of the country is occupied by lakes - Vättern, Vänern, Mälaren, Elmaren and others.

Soils and vegetation. Forests occupy about 57% of the country's territory. They are mainly coniferous (spruce and pine) in the north, and to the south they gradually turn into deciduous trees (oak, maple, ash, linden, beech).

Animal world. Animals in Sweden are not very diverse (about 70 species), but there are a lot of them. In the north in Lapland you can see herds of reindeer. In the forests there are moose, roe deer, squirrels, hares, foxes, martens, and in the northern taiga there are lynxes, wolverines, and brown bears. There are up to 340 species of birds, and up to 160 species of fish.

In 1964, the environmental protection law came into force, and Sweden, the first European country, had national parks (the first of which was created in 1909). Now in Sweden there are 16 national parks and about 900 nature reserves.

Population and language

Approximately 8.7 million people live in Sweden. The population density is low, on average 20 people per 1 sq. km. About 95% of the population are Swedes. National minorities are represented by the Sami (about 15 thousand people) and Finns (about 30 thousand).


The majority of Swedes profess Lutheranism, about 50 thousand are Catholics, Jews, etc.

Brief historical sketch

KI-VIII centuries. n. e. There is a mention of the Svei tribe in historical documents; from this era, the graves of kings in old Uppsala remain.

In the VIII-XI centuries. the city of Birka was founded; Vikings made campaigns. In 1164 Finland was annexed to Sweden. In 1350 Magnus Erikson issued a code of law.

In 1397-1523 The Kalmar Union was in effect - a union of Denmark, Norway and Sweden under the dominance of Denmark.

In the 15th century there was a struggle against Danish rule.

In 1523-1560. The Danes were expelled and Swedish independence was restored by King Gustav I Vasa.

In 1527 the Lutheran reformation was carried out.

In 1611-1632. Sweden strengthened its power and expanded its territory under King Gustav II Adolf.

In 1658, Swedish territory expanded to its maximum due to the southern provinces captured from Denmark.

B1660-1697 there was a strengthening of royal power under Charles XI.

In 1700-1721 The Northern War was underway, as a result of which Sweden ceased to be a world power.

In 1719-1772 The role of the four estates increased due to the weakening of royal power.

In 1809 Sweden loses Finland, but in 1814 gains Norway. In 1905, the union between Sweden and Norway was dissolved.

1914-1918 and 1939-1945 Sweden remained neutral in the world wars.

Brief Economic Sketch

Sweden is a highly developed industrial country with intensive agriculture. Extraction of iron ore, non-ferrous metal ores. Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, various mechanical engineering: shipbuilding, automobile and aircraft construction, electrical engineering and radio electronics. Woodworking and pulp and paper industry for export. Chemical, textile, food (mainly dairy and meat) industries. Agriculture is highly productive. Animal husbandry for meat and dairy production. In crop production - production of feed, grain (barley, oats, wheat), sugar beets, potatoes. Export: machinery and equipment, timber, paper and chemical products, metals. Foreign tourism. The currency is the Swedish krona.

Brief sketch of culture

Art and architecture. Stockholm. Underground Museum of the Middle Ages (restored medieval houses); Royal Palace (architect Nicodemus Tessin the Younger, 1754, the treasury contains royal crowns studded with precious stones. The oldest crown belonged to Charles X (1650), the arsenal includes armor, costumes, carriages dating back to the 16th century) ; the Church of St. Nicholas, consecrated in 1306 (this church is often called the cathedral); the Stock Exchange building, where the Nobel Prize in Literature is chosen annually in the hall of the Swedish Academy; Postal Museum; Franciscan Church of Riddarholms13th century. (all Swedish monarchs were buried in this church for six centuries); Rid-darhuset - “Knight's House”, construction of which began in 1656; Birger Jarl's Tower; the town hall building (the most famous example of the style of national romanticism, based on the Gothic tradition. Celebrations for the presentation of the Nobel Prizes are held in the Golden Hall, decorated with mosaics, and in the Blue Hall with a glass roof and a majestic staircase; National Art Museum (Russian icons of the 16th-17th centuries ., European sculpture and masterpieces by Rembrandt and Renoir; a collection of works by Swedish artists of the 16th-18th centuries); Museum of Modern Art (the greatest artists of the 20th century. Here are “The Mystery of William Tell” by Salvator Dali, “Apollo” by Matisse, “The Guitarist” by Pablo Picasso ); Museum of Oriental Antiquities; Architectural Museum; building of the Royal Swedish Opera (rebuilt at the end of the 19th century); monument to Charles XII; Museum of the Mediterranean and the Middle East (collections of Etruscan and Roman, as well as Islamic art); Milles; Museum-apartment of the playwright and writer August Johan Strindberg; Puppet Museum; Water Museum; Northern Museum.

The science. K. Linnaeus (1707-1778) - naturalist, creator of the system of flora and fauna; K. Sigban (1886-1978) - physicist, founder of nuclear spectroscopy.

Literature. A. Strindberg (1849-1912) - a writer whose essentially realistic work absorbed the artistic achievements of modernism (historical dramas “Gustav Vasa”, “Eric XIV”, the novel “The Red Room”, collections of short stories, psychological novels “On the Skerries”, “Black Banners”, etc.); S. Lagerlöf (1858-1940), writer, best known for her children's book The Wonderful Journey of Nils Holgersson in Sweden; A. Lindgren (b. 1907) is the author of stories about Malysh and Carlson and many other books for children imbued with humanism.

The Kingdom of Sweden is located on the Scandinavian Peninsula, which includes the mainland of Norway and Finland and is washed by the Barents, North, Baltic, and Norwegian seas, in the northwestern part of Europe. The area of ​​the state is 447,435 km 2, which is the fifth result among European states. The islands of Gotland and Öland also belong to Sweden.

Features of the geography of the kingdom, according to a detailed map of Sweden, are a large number of islets and rocks along the rugged coastline - they are called skerries. The length of the coastline itself is 3128 km. Part of the country is located beyond the Arctic Circle. The influence of the Gulf Stream, as well as the barrier of the Scandinavian Mountains, determines the temperate climate despite the fact that Sweden is located in northern latitudes.

Sweden on the world map: geography, nature and climate

Sweden on the world map occupies the eastern and southern parts of the Scandinavian Peninsula. In the northeast it neighbors Finland, in the south the closest state is Denmark through the Øresund, Skagerrak and Kattegat straits, and in the west there is the border with Norway.

The relief is varied: in the north there are snow-capped mountains covered with tundra forests; the central part is dominated by small hills in the form of forested hills. Here, in the Central Swedish Lowland, a large number of rivers and lakes are concentrated. To the south, the terrain becomes flat, making the Skone Peninsula region suitable for agriculture.

The largest lakes are Vättern(1898 km 2) and Wenern(5545 km 2). Highest point - Mount Kebnekaise(2126m.) Scandinavian ridge on the border with Norway. Between the Scandinavian Mountains and the Gulf of Bothnia on the Baltic Sea, which washes Sweden from the east, lies the Norland Plateau.

Nature in Sweden

Forests cover more than half (53%) of Sweden's territory. In the north these are taiga forests, mainly coniferous species - spruce and pine, birch trees grow on the slopes of the mountains. Tundra forests are common in the Arctic Circle. To the south, broad-leaved species appear - oaks, maples, and aspens. Beech forests can be found in the south of the kingdom. Around the lakes there are lush meadows, and swamps with their characteristic vegetation are often found.

Animal world

The fauna is not rich due to the specific natural conditions, but the representatives of the existing species of animals and birds are numerous. Among them are bears, roe deer, foxes, hares, wolverines, lynxes, moose; in the north live herds of deer, muskrat and American mink, which were originally brought into the country for commercial breeding and have taken root in the wild.

About 340 species of different birds live on the shores of seas, rivers and lakes - ducks, gulls, quacks, swans and others. Representatives of salmon, trout, and perch fish are common in rivers.

Water resources

The map of Sweden in Russian is replete with an extensive network of rivers and lakes. The rivers do not differ in length, but they can boast of the presence of rapids and hydropower potential. The main ones originate in the Scandinavian mountains and carry their waters to the Gulf of Bothnia in the east of the kingdom. Among them are Thorneälven (565 km), Umeälven (460 km), Kaliksälven (450 km) and Skellefteälven (410 km). Lakes occupy 9% of the state's territory. In addition to the mentioned lakes Vänern and Vättern, the large lakes include Mälaren (1140 km 2) and Elmaren (485 km 2).

State climate

Climate The state is distinguished by its diversity, the reason for which is several factors: a large meridional extent, the containment of Atlantic air flows by the Scandinavian mountains, and the warm waters of the Gulf Stream in the south. Due to a combination of these factors, most of the country is influenced by a temperate maritime type of climate, with warmer winters and cooler summers compared to countries located at the same latitudes. In December, the thermometer on average shows a slight minus (-2 - -3 degrees), in July + 18 degrees.

In the north of Sweden the climate is subarctic, the average temperature in December is -16 degrees, in July +6 - +8 degrees. The further south you go, the wetter the climate and the more significant the precipitation. Of course, there are also temperature anomalies - for example, the lowest temperature recorded in Sweden was -53 degrees, the highest was +38.

Administrative division of the country

The administrative-territorial division of the kingdom is represented by two levels. At the top level the kingdom is divided into 21 linen, which replaced the provinces back in the 17th century, each of which is led by a governor. At the lower level, management is carried out within the framework 290 communes involved in solving housing, road, medical and other issues of the population.


Stockholm is the capital of the kingdom. On the map of Sweden with cities in Russian, it is noticeable that the city is uniquely located - on the coastline connecting the Baltic Sea and Lake Mälaren, it occupies part of the Stockholm archipelago. In fact, Stockholm is 14 islands connected by 57 bridges.


Gothenburg is the second largest city in Sweden. Located in the southwest of the country, on the coast of the Kattegat Strait, near the northern tip of Denmark. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the military importance of the fortified city protecting Sweden from the Danes was great. Today it is the largest port and industrial center of the country.


Malmö is the third largest city in Sweden, located in the southern administrative region of Skåne. The distance from Malmö to Copenhagen is only 19 kilometers, the cities are connected by the Oresund Bridge. It is the warmest and southernmost city in the country, an important industrial center and transport hub in Sweden.

Where is Sweden located on the world map. Detailed map of Sweden in Russian online. Satellite map of Sweden with cities and resorts. Sweden on the world map is the fifth largest European country, which is located on the Scandinavian Peninsula.

The capital is Stockholm, the official language is Swedish, but German and English are widely spoken. The territory of Sweden is quite large, so the nature and landscapes here are very diverse. Almost 2/3 of the country's territory is occupied by forests and lakes. There are also mountains and glaciers in Sweden, especially in the northern part.

Map of Sweden with cities in Russian:

Sweden - Wikipedia:

Population of Sweden- 10,196,177 people. (2018)
Capital of Sweden- Stockholm
Largest cities in Sweden- Gothenburg, Malmo, Uppsala
Sweden telephone code - 46
Internet domains in Sweden- .se
Language used in Sweden- Swedish language

Climate in Sweden varies from temperate continental to continental. The harshest weather conditions are in the north, where real arctic winters and polar nights are observed. Air temperatures in the far north of Sweden can drop to -30 C. In other regions the weather is much milder. The average annual winter temperature is -8...-3C, in summer +21...+24C.

Visit Sweden You should start with a visit to Stockholm, which since 1998 has been not just the capital of this state, but also the cultural capital of Europe. Stockholm has a real European atmosphere: narrow cobbled streets, parks, beautiful architecture. Sights here include St. Nicholas Cathedral, Riddaholm Church and the town hall. And just 11 km from the capital there is a luxurious palace complex of the Swedish royal court.

Other beautiful Swedish cities- this is Birka, the first city of the country, Sigtuna, the first capital and Uppsala, where the largest Cathedral in Scandinavia and the oldest Scandinavian university, founded at the end of the 15th century, are located.

Tourism in Sweden- This is mainly alpine skiing. The main resorts are located in the western part, on the border with Norway. Recreation on lakes and beach tourism on islands in the Baltic Sea are also popular in the country.

What to see in Sweden:

St. Nicholas Cathedral in Stockholm, Gothenburg Cathedral, St. Mary's Church in Helsingborg, St. Nicholas Church in Halmstad, Science and Technology Museum, Millesgården Museum, Maritime Museum in Karlskrona, Turning Torso in Malmö, Elfsborg Fortress in Gothenburg, Royal Castle Palace in Uppsala, Ales Stenar Monument, Drottningholm Palace, “Crystal Kingdom” of Småland, Skogskjurkogården Cemetery, Copper Mine, Lake Nydalashen, Flokets Park, Furuvik Amusement Park.

Do you want to meet good-natured, sporty, cheerful people? Then you should definitely visit this extraordinary country. Its inhabitants invented the computer mouse, refrigerator, and matches. I think you have already guessed that this is Sweden or as it is also called “Viking Country”.

Sweden is popular for its enchanting nature; its islands and coasts attract many tourists. It is here that you can find peace and tranquility, sitting on the shore of the island. Gotland, enjoy the extraordinary beauty of blooming poppies.

A. Lindgren said: “A country in which light and laughing, gloomy and serious miraculously mixed with each other, like in a fairy tale.”

Sweden on the world map and on the map of Europe

Below is an interactive map of Sweden in Russian from Google. You can move the map left and right, up and down with the mouse, and also change the scale of the map using the “+” and “-” icons, which are located at the bottom on the right side of the map, or using the mouse wheel. In order to find out where Sweden is located on a world map or on a map of Europe, use the same method to reduce the scale of the map even further.

In addition to the map with the names of objects, you can look at Sweden from a satellite if you click on the “Show satellite map” switch in the lower left corner of the map.

Below is another map of Sweden. To see the map in full size, click on it and it will open in a new window. You can also print out the map and take it with you on the road.

You have been presented with the most basic and detailed maps of Sweden, which you can always use to find an object of interest to you or for any other purposes. Have a nice trip!