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Are people in America good? How do ordinary people live in America? How to live in America: a view from the inside. Credit "trap"

America is always heard. She attracts and evokes conflicting feelings, she is discussed and condemned, and naturally, she is admired! Tourists usually return home from America quite impressed by the sociability and friendliness of Americans. Of course, you can find exceptions: an ill-mannered taxi driver, a rude waiter, although this most likely will not change the overall impression. But you can truly learn the American way of life only after living in America for some time.

For those who have not yet been to the “states,” it will most likely be interesting to briefly get acquainted with what American life is like, what its image and style are. So, the acquaintance begins...

How Americans live

In fact, the main American national traits are friendliness towards strangers and ease of communication. These people are accustomed to being polite to guests, and when giving an answer to the standard question: “Do you like it here?” asked somewhere in Europe, they will adhere to the rule: “If you can’t say anything good, it’s better not to answer at all.” . And therefore, Americans interpret the standards of honesty that other nations profess in their own way, considering such “honesty” a sign of rudeness.

As a rule, in America people move freely both geographically and socially. They easily make acquaintances and make new friends. True, most American houses are still separated from each other by a fence. And even such invisible barriers as lawns are adequately perceived and respected: you can have friendly relations with your neighbor in your home, and at the same time not show interest in his affairs. And although this dividing line is very thin, it still exists as a border.

Americans believe that religious, political, and income-related topics should not be discussed in casual conversation, and people who insist on mentioning their status in conversation or those who put on too much air are generally considered insincere. They are the ones who often become the object of ridicule.

In general, Americans love pranks, puns and jokes, although their specifics are not always clear to foreigners. You have to live in America for two years to learn to perceive their humor, which they call “tomfoolery,” - this part of the everyday communication of most residents of the “states,” which is often the background of ordinary conversation. However, jokes, witticisms and mutual banter are not used simply as entertainment. Their goal is often more serious - to express their own opinion. In view of this, many American citizens believe that any person can be recognized by the perception of a joke addressed to them. They value the ability to joke in a way that gets them out of a sticky situation or prevents an argument.

Daily life of Americans

The lives of most ordinary Americans are concentrated, as a rule, around their home. The necessary housework is always available, and most people do it with their own hands. And if the owners do not have enough time to clean the yard or rooms, then the lawn in front of the house must be in perfect condition, otherwise - a fine!

They don't go to the store every day and usually stock up on food for a week. They almost never pay in cash, because they prefer cards (most often credit cards). Once a week, without fail, the whole family gets together for dinner to discuss and find out what is happening. It is also common to hold lawn parties for neighbors.

In many families, parents, as a rule, always require all possible help from their children around the house. Americans task their children with vacuuming rugs and furniture, washing floors and windows, mowing the lawn, clearing snow, and looking after pets. But in some families these jobs are also performed by adults. Children are often rewarded for such services with small pocket money.

Teenagers usually work part-time at a supermarket or car wash, mowing lawns, delivering newspapers, or babysitting. Parents welcome this not at all because they cannot provide their children with everything they need. It’s just that such experience is useful, because children leave home immediately after finishing school, having already been accustomed to physical labor, which often becomes the beginning of progress towards gaining the necessary position in society.

American lifestyle

The morning in an American family begins, perhaps, like in other countries: working parents go to work, and children go to school. Most adults leave by car, and children are picked up by school buses. By the way, at the age of 16, many children receive a license and have their own cars, despite the fact that insurance for minors and novice drivers (with the exception of excellent students) is many times more expensive than for adults.

Schools are divided by age: primary school, middle school and high school, each in a separate building. For kids, classes start at 8:30, and for high school students as early as 7 in the morning (at about 6:30 in the morning they are picked up from the stop by a yellow school bus). The cost of schooling depends on the area in which you live (the better the area, the higher the status of the educational institution). Tuition is paid once a year, it is included in the general tax, and then the state itself distributes the money for its intended purpose.

Many Americans work no more than eight hours a day, usually with two days off each week. In addition, some employers offer work with different modes, part-time or remote work from home, using the telephone and the Internet. Online in the States is considered the norm for everything - they pay bills online and make purchases.

Almost every American, in addition to work or study and household chores, attends courses, goes to a bridge, bowling or golf club. Many are members of various public organizations and societies, while being very active in charity. Parishioners of one church often organize charity events: dinners where everyone treats others to some dish they brought with them, selling baked goods or cakes, and even washing cars.

For children, life is also “in full swing”: playing a musical instrument, lessons in horse riding and ballroom dancing, ice skating, swimming, tennis and golf - everything that parents consider useful. One child goes to a club for a party or meeting, another goes to the library, another goes to the cinema. Neighbors constantly stop by, the phone keeps ringing, notes hang on the refrigerator reminding family members (everyone without exception!) of what needs to be done, and so on all day long.

American lifestyle

There is a lot of work, and people don’t have time to just lie on the couch. I'm on my feet all week, and only on weekends can I go to the park, have a barbecue, or invite friends to a party. In the USA there are few holidays and vacations, and they are shorter than, for example, in Russia. The middle class vacations once a year, especially if there are children. Family vacations are expensive; vacations are most often spent in California or Florida. Wealthy people prefer to vacation in Hawaii, the Bahamas and Alaska. All Americans, regardless of income, love discounts and usually do not buy anything without discounts (fortunately, they almost always exist).

Life, as a rule, forces “American residents” to do well on exams for admission to prestigious universities in order to get a well-paid profession, have the opportunity to “grow” professionally and intellectually, lose weight, improve their health and learn to relax. In America, you can’t get a job through connections and you can’t pass an exam for having beautiful eyes. Only hard work and ability can guarantee a consistently high standard of living.

Any services, be it medicine, education or calling a plumber to your home, are expensive, and you cannot live on a salary of 3 thousand dollars. The average American must earn 7-10 thousand dollars a month to afford to maintain a home, travel, educate children, receive various services, pay taxes and go to stores and restaurants. A trip to the doctor (visit only) costs from 40 to 60 dollars under insurance; if you have neither insurance nor money, then it’s easier to immediately prepare for a “meeting with Elvis.”

American lifestyle

Americans believe that everyday life should be tireless, and everything that industry produces should serve people and make their life as comfortable as possible. Everything from mail order trading to in-car banking, from computer services to the supply of clothing materials and ready-to-eat confectionery or takeaway food is done in this country for the people! Why carry cash in your wallet when you have a plastic card?

Americans also prefer comfort when it comes to clothing, and only follow a dress code at work or at a party. They don’t iron their clothes or dry them on a line, like we do, they have machines: one washes, the other dries. Office clothes are usually sent to the cleaners ($2.50 per shirt), from where they are returned in a ready-to-use condition. Not a single American will lie under the hood of a car - he will invite a specialist, and nine out of ten will buy coffee in a cafe in the morning or drink it on the go on the way to work, although almost every home has an excellent coffee machine.

Every American smiles, especially at work. Being moody at work is not acceptable. After all, the boss must show his subordinates, and his subordinates – buyers or clients, that “everything is okay with me!” The American businessman is not pedantic or petty, but at the same time he understands that there are no trifles when organizing any business. Therefore, he prepares carefully for the upcoming negotiations, taking into account absolutely all the elements that could in any way affect the success of the matter. Citizens of the United States also value punctuality and save time - they use diaries on laptops and live according to a schedule, arriving exactly on time for their appointment.

American lifestyle

Smoking in public places is prohibited, and Americans drink alcohol in the form of cocktails with more ice than liquid. Most of the population suffers from obesity - there are a lot of cheap fast foods and it is difficult to give them up.

To combat excess weight, which is becoming a national problem, sports are being promoted - even the president participates in races and various sports events.

There are many lonely old people in the country, and you are more likely to see an elderly person walking with a dog than with grandchildren, since children and parents in the United States exist far away and independently from each other. Americans are very independent, because the main idea of ​​the American way of life is that everyone is the creator of their own destiny.

Americans are sociable, but visiting their home is not at all easy. It’s more likely to receive an invitation from them to a restaurant than to your own home. Spending a lunch break with a person during the workday means maintaining a business relationship with him. But inviting a married couple to your house in the evening is already a personal relationship. In general, they rarely eat and cook at home, preferring to go to restaurants; by the way, almost all restaurants are designed to accommodate even small children.

Since American citizens are great patriots of their homeland, they do not approve of any criticism expressed by foreigners about anything related to their country, for example, about an article published in a newspaper or magazine. They may not at all approve of the policies pursued by their president, but they will not allow any criticism of foreigners in his direction.

These people sincerely believe that their American way of life is the highest achievement of mankind, and that the United States of America itself is the most important country in the world. And they sincerely respect all existing American laws and their authority.

This is your acquaintance with how Americans live in their United States.

Most residents live in some kind of illusory world relative to how people live in the United States.

In fact, poverty levels in America have reached unprecedented levels. The middle class is gradually dying. Unemployment is at a fairly high level. Most Americans live very poorly. Does this mean that the US economy is going through difficult times? Let's try to answer this question relying solely on the facts.

Facts about catastrophic poverty in America

  1. 47 million Americans now live below the poverty line. This was reported by the US Census Bureau.
  2. Almost one in five children in the United States rely on food stamps. Back in 2007, every 7 children lived on the “ticket system”.
  3. There are about 1.5 million households in the United States whose daily earnings do not exceed $2.00. Since 1996, the number of these farms has only increased.
  4. 46 million US citizens rely on food banks to survive. At 6 a.m. a line begins to form. After all, everyone wants to get their rations before they run out.
  5. Over the past 6 years, the number of homeless American children has increased by 60%.
  6. Over the past year, 1.6 million children in the United States stayed overnight in shelters.
  7. New York police have found 80 special places where homeless people can spend the night. The rise of homelessness in America is now being called an “epidemic.”
  8. The overwhelming half of schoolchildren are so poor that they have no money in school canteens.
  9. Approximately 65% ​​of children living in orphanages receive various financial assistance from the state.
  10. Approximately 33% of children live in families whose average income is below 60% of the average annual income in America.
  11. The United States ranks 41st in UNICEF's ranking of the richest countries. Previously, this country was in 36th place.
  12. Since 2000, the number of poorest areas has doubled.
  13. 48.8% of 25-year-old Americans still live in the same home as their parents.
  14. 51% of American workers earn less than $30,000 annually.
  15. 7.9 million of the working-age population do not officially work anywhere, 94.7 million American citizens are unemployed for one reason or another. If we sum up these two figures, we get 102.6 million. This is exactly how much of the working-age population is currently unemployed.
  16. The “middle class” in America includes homeowners. Over the past 8 years, the number of homeowners has begun to decline significantly.
  17. 70% of Americans believe that they simply have to get into debt (loans) in order to survive.
  18. A quarter of the American population owns “negative equity.” In other words, what they have in the house does not correspond to the amount of money in their wallet.

Residents of the United States may claim that they live better than other countries and have an economic paradise. However, the fact that every day the number of American poor people is becoming larger and larger forces us to “take off our rose-colored glasses” and understand that life in America is actually very difficult.

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My name is Carina. I was born in St. Petersburg, received my education and got married there, and since 2014 I have lived in Seattle. My husband, a programmer, was transferred to work in the USA. That's how we ended up in America. During my life in the States, I said goodbye to many of my stereotypes and prejudices about Americans. Here is just one of them: in the States they eat only fast food, and therefore there are many overweight people there.

For website I have collected the most interesting and impressive moments about life in the USA and myths about Americans that are worth saying goodbye to.

Myth 1: All Americans are workaholics

I lived for a long time believing in this myth. Until I started working with Americans and realized that they don’t come to work early in order to work longer. And in order to leave earlier.

People in the US often start their workday at 7:00 am and leave for home at 3:00 pm. Staying after work to finish some business is not at all like Americans. Work outside normal hours is possible only for an additional fee or is compensated by days off.

Myth 2: There are a lot of overweight people in the United States.

This is probably the most common prejudice about Americans. Of course, I can’t vouch for all of America, but this is definitely not about Seattle. The vast majority of people here play sports, run and obsessively watch their diet. Almost every high-rise building has a gym that is open to all residents, and this is not counting the countless online sports clubs.

But sometimes you can meet very fat people. They are considered disabled and travel in automated wheelchairs. Bus drivers help them get on and even lower the bus if the person is overweight and does not have a wheelchair.

Myth 3: America has a good tax system

In Russia, a company fills out your taxes for you, and you don’t even see all this paperwork. In the US, once a year in the spring everyone starts going crazy because it's tax filing time. Everyone has to do it themselves, and many locals get their own financier to do it for them and pay him $400 for such a service.

Myth 4: There are many educated people in the USA

Few people know, but in the USA there are not many people with higher education, and they usually enter a master's program several years after graduating from a bachelor's degree.

There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, the high cost of studying for a master's degree. Many young people are forced to take out large loans to continue their education. Therefore, before entering a master’s program, they take a pause to decide on their choice. Secondly, in order to get into a particular specialty, you must first earn hours in it, and only then submit an application.

Myth 5: Women are socially protected

Yes, indeed, women are protected in some aspects here - just try to raise your hand or allow yourself any hint of harassment, you will be punished to the fullest extent of the law and even more.

There is a huge “but”: in the USA there is almost no maternity leave. The duration and compensation depend on the initially signed contract with the company. Most often, maternity leave lasts no more than a month. In transnational corporations it can be up to six months, but no one guarantees job security. Of course, many women are completely unhappy with this state of affairs.

Myth 6: There is no bureaucracy in America

Alas, there is. Government agencies are working with significant delays and disruptions. My friends were forced to stay away from work because of paperwork and were unable to fly out of the country. I myself was mistakenly extended the wrong visa, which is why I almost lost my work permit and got stuck in Russia for 3 months.

Myth 7: Americans eat only fast food

Stories about Americans' deep love for fast food are not entirely true. All sorts of McDonald's, KFC, Burger King, Subway and similar establishments are not held in high esteem here. There are almost none in Seattle. They are mainly scattered along country roads, because, as a rule, two categories of people eat there: those who travel and are in a hurry, and those who are very tight with money.

But burgers and sandwiches can be found on the menu of almost every restaurant, and you can even choose the degree of roasting of the meat. Such high-quality burgers cost almost the same as a regular menu item - sometimes the price reaches $20. So it’s not really “fast”, and it’s not that harmful.

Myth 8: America has the best healthcare system

Here, of course, there is modern equipment, service and technology. But what's happening with the cost of medical care and insurance is perplexing even to those in the medical sector themselves. There is no compulsory health insurance in America, but there are a huge number of different programs.

In the best case scenario, the employer pays for the insurance. In the worst case, you buy it yourself or live without it at your own peril and risk. But even if you have insurance, before starting a particular medical procedure, you don't know how much it will ultimately cost. After treatment, the insurance company and the clinic agree on how much your insurance plan will cover and how much you will pay out of pocket. And sometimes you have to pay mind-boggling amounts.

Another difficulty: you can’t buy anything in a US pharmacy without a prescription, except for the most common medications. When I scalded my stomach with boiling water, the only thing they sold me was aloe. If you want real medicine, then see a doctor, and an appointment is usually about two weeks in advance.

Myth 9: Everyone is always polite and friendly

There are two myths circulating among Russians about how ordinary people live in America. Interestingly, they are exactly the opposite of each other. The first can be characterized as follows: “The USA is a country of great opportunity, where a shoemaker can become a millionaire.” And the second myth looks like this: “America is a state of social contrasts. Only the oligarchs live well there, mercilessly exploiting the workers and peasants.” It must be said that both myths are far from the truth. In this article we will not delve into the history of the United States or talk about slavery and racial discrimination that took place a hundred years ago. We will not admire the standard of living of the Soros family or focus on the homeless sleeping near the subway ventilation grilles. We'll just look at how ordinary people live in America now. Let's take an average family: two working parents, three children. Ordinary middle class. By the way, he makes up the lion's share of all US citizens.


The USA boasts one of the highest standards of living among all countries in the world. But at the same time, quite a few citizens have a house in full ownership. And even city apartments are preferred by Americans to rent. But a family that considers itself middle class must settle far from dusty cities. White-collar workers get to work by train or car, spending an hour and a half on the road. The house of an ordinary American family is a one-story (for the high middle-class - two-level) cottage with a green lawn in front and an extension-garage, with a spacious backyard, which houses a play area for children or a swimming pool. The area of ​​the house ranges from 150 to 250 square meters, and its cost is from 500 to 650 thousand dollars. Not everyone can just take it and lay it out like this. But here are ordinary people: the standard of living in the United States is quite sufficient to pay off a mortgage. A third of the amount must be paid in advance and taken out a loan for thirty years at 5-10 percent per annum. But! The loss of the job of one of the parents threatens the family with disaster - after all, for the house you need to pay the bank at least two and a half thousand “green” monthly.

Communal payments

Now let's look at how ordinary Americans live in America and what they pay for their mansions besides a loan. So-called townhouses (cottages) are a very expensive business. Although... how to calculate. Ordinary Americans don't bother with housing offices. In the basement of each house there is its own mini-boiler room, which is responsible for heating and heating water. The average utility bill (electricity and gas) is about three hundred dollars. Since the water is served cold, the fee for it is small - about $10. In addition to utility bills, you need to pay taxes for real estate: $500 - municipal and another $140 - the so-called community charges (for garbage removal and cleaning the area adjacent to the house). The lawn in front of the house must be well-groomed - this is the custom here. Don't get around to cutting it yourself? Hire a student and get ready to fork out $60. Mortgage loans require property insurance. Typically it's $300 per year. In total, you need to pay about three thousand dollars for housing every month.

Food expenses

A caveat needs to be made here. In the US, there is a big difference between so-called “healthy” foods labeled “organic” and conventional ones. Since ordinary people live in America, they tend to save on food. Yes, everyone knows about the dangers of chicken stuffed with growth hormones, as well as unhealthy fast food. But the average middle-class American couple usually shops at the grocery store, buys red-marked groceries, and eats lunch at Starbucks, McDonald's, or similar fast food establishments. By the way, prices for some products in America are lower than in Russia (especially in Moscow). But eating in restaurants or self-respecting cafes is very expensive. The average middle class family allows themselves this pleasure twice a month. Usually, about four hundred dollars are spent on food - this is if you do not deny yourself anything, and two hundred if you establish a strict economy regime.

Car and spending on other devices

How do ordinary people outside the city live in America? They start their day with and then get behind the wheel of a car. Living without a car in the American countryside is simply suspicious. Every adult is required to have a car - at least a used one. Leasing helps. Moreover, in the event of a breakdown, the company covers the cost of repairs. Thus, monthly payments to the leasing company for two cars are from 300 to 600 dollars, and gasoline is 150. Cars must be insured. Typically this is two hundred dollars per month per car. But you can reduce the cost of insurance by using a package with a higher price. For Internet and cable television you need to pay about eighty-five “green” per month. No one will tell you how ordinary people who do not have a mobile phone live in America, since there are practically no such people there. Even a child attending kindergarten has such a device (with a beacon, just in case). A package with unlimited calls will cost about sixty-five dollars per month.


Foreigners who observe how ordinary people live in America probably notice that they have a lot of income going to various funds. They are insured against everything: from disability, from the loss of a breadwinner, from weakened visual acuity, in case of problems with teeth, and even for that unforeseen situation if a dog damages a neighbor’s property. Sometimes the policy is paid for by the employer. But after dismissal, it stops working. In total, the family needs to shell out about five hundred dollars every month, enriching various insurance companies. But in the USA there is a practice... of transferring pensions by inheritance. Every working person pays contributions, which accumulate on his individual card. Americans can use these accumulated funds as they please. After a person’s death, the money does not burn, but, as with a regular deposit, is passed on to inheritance.

Spending on clothes

Another discovery that foreigners can make by observing how ordinary people live in America is that they do not wear expensive things. They usually dress simply and practically. On the street you rarely see a woman wearing high heels. The typical American wears jeans and a jacket in winter, and a T-shirt and shorts in summer. But this does not mean that all US citizens do not know how to dress. It’s just not customary here to show off your income. Casual style reigns here. Branded clothes are worn on occasion. And they buy it easily. The fact is that in America sales never stop. They are timed to coincide with some holidays, but after them the prices drop even more: the collection that was not sold during the sales is sold for next to nothing. Particular excitement reigns during the so-called Black Friday (after Thanksgiving). Then you can buy branded clothing for a price ten times lower than its usual cost. Thus, the average US citizen does not spend much on clothes: up to one hundred dollars a month.


High school education in the United States is free. And this debunks the myth that in America you have to shell out money for everything, and a lot of it. By the way, medicine for the poor is also free here. But how does ordinary America live? For kindergarten you need to pay about eight hundred dollars per child. Or for a baby sitter - $10 per hour. An American's income directly depends on his education. Therefore, parents try to “invest in the child’s future” at any cost. To study at a college or institute, they take out loans. Particularly highly paid professions in America are lawyers, managers, and doctors. After graduating from a university in this profile, a young man can count on twenty thousand dollars a month. Bank employees, civil servants, junior medical staff and teachers earn slightly less. But studying at an American university is expensive: from three to ten thousand dollars a year. Although there are also flexible scholarships available here.


This is how ordinary people abroad actually live. Huge expenses every month. Where do they get this kind of money? The answer is trivial: they don’t drink and work hard. They don't go out for a smoke break every hour. They are paid not for sitting at work, but for a specific result. And the better it is, the higher the wages will be. This motivation forces Americans to work conscientiously. At the same time, the minimum wage is seven and a half dollars per hour. This is the kind of money paid to teenagers or students on vacation just to walk your dog while you're at work. Cleaning by a visiting housekeeper will already cost one hundred dollars a day. But for that kind of money you need to do more than just vacuum the carpet: wash it, iron it, and polish it.

How do Americans who are private entrepreneurs live?

Private activity in the USA can provide a good income. The country is so large that if you wish, you can find a niche in any field. The government encourages and supports starting your own business in every possible way, especially if you create new jobs. There should be no bureaucratic delays when registering your business. Doing business in America is easy, as long as it is honest.