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Where is it better to shop: at discount centers or at sales? Sales or discounts: which is better? Outlet "Village" in the Moscow region

Agree, many of us want to purchase high-quality branded products at an affordable price. Therefore, it is important to understand what a discount store, outlet, stock is, so as not to miss this season's new items at a price that will pleasantly surprise you. Our small guide article will help with this.

What is a discount store?

Let's look at the concept itself. A discount store, discount center is a retail outlet where what is called stock is sold: unsold collections, leftovers from warehouses. This could be clothing, electronics, sporting goods, equipment, etc.

Where does stock product come from? There are several sources:

  • Wholesalers stock.
  • A batch with a small manufacturing defect.
  • Overproduction of a certain type of product.
  • Items from stores that are not sold out during the current season.
  • Products of original brands that, for a number of reasons, were not put up for sale.

Types of discounts

There are two main types of discount shoe and clothing stores:

  • Monobrands. Here the remains of the collection of one manufacturer are sold. Finding them is easy - the name is the same as that of a brand store, but with the prefix “discount” (for example, an Adidas discount store). What’s interesting is that although such markets have an original name, they are located in areas and shopping centers where it is difficult to meet visitors to the brand’s salon.
  • Multibrands. Here you will find unsold lots of goods from different manufacturers. Often this is not an original product made in China. However, more and more multi-brands are displaying luxury items in their windows.

History of discounts in Russia

A wide segment of the population in our country learned what a discount store is after the August 1998 crisis. Entrepreneurs have accumulated huge stocks of unsold leftovers. The crisis has affected everyone: Russian manufacturers, suppliers of expensive foreign clothing, wholesalers, retailers, who have chosen the middle class as their main audience.

When telling what a discount store is, one cannot help but recall the so-called “confiscates”. They sold goods presented by structures that provided funds as collateral - products in warehouses or in circulation. Due to the crisis, borrowers were unable to fulfill their obligations, and banks thus tried to somehow compensate for their losses.

It must be said that the practice of stock trading was already widespread in Europe and the USA by that time, so in Russia all that remained was to put it on the right track.

Discounts and original stores

So what is the key difference between, for example, an Adidas discount store and Adidas Original? The main difference: in a branded market you can buy an item at an affordable price only during a sale. Discounts are stores with constant discounts.

As for the products, they are supplied of the same quality as in the original market. Only, as a rule, these are things from old collections, often in rare sizes. Sometimes they may have a small manufacturing defect.

Discounts and stocks

How, then, does a discount shoe and clothing store differ from a stock store? Or is it the same thing?

A discount is a very large-scale retail outlet of one or several brands. All goods that were not sold in the original store in a year (less often, in half or a year and a half) come here. It also turned out to be unclaimed at sales there. Sometimes clothes and shoes with defects arrive here.

The stock is also a rather large retail space. It can only be multi-brand - things come here from completely different sources. Most often they turn out to be dealer warehouses. Products end up here not after brand stores, but straight from storage.

In stock you can also find customs confiscated goods (usually made in China). As for its legality, it is usually imported quite legally.

They are full of stock and non-brand clothes that are sold at low prices. There are also items that are out of fashion, items with defects. Examples of stocks - “Fashion Factory”, “Last Name”, etc.

Discounts and outlets

What is an outlet? This is the same clearance store, but always multi-brand. The outlet is not just big, it amazes with its scale. Here you will find items from the shelves of fashion boutiques and collections that are not on sale. Some products even come here straight from the factory assembly line! The outlet has a huge selection of items, varying in price and style.

Depending on the country, they (outlets) have their own advantages. For example, in American ones there are very reasonable prices, and in European ones you can find exclusive products. In Russia, people are more familiar with the addresses of discount stores rather than outlets. The movement is just developing. The first Modapolis outlet was opened in Moscow only in 2011 on the territory of the largest center Crocus City Mall.

Another difference between outlets: due to their scale, stores are most often located outside the city. There are also many similarities with discounts: reasonable prices, a large selection of items from famous brands.

Pros and cons of discounts

In conclusion, let’s summarize the discount stores “Sportmaster”, “Adidas”, “Puma” and others. - Let's present their obvious pros and cons.

Obvious advantages:

  • low prices;
  • a large assortment;
  • famous clothing manufacturer;
  • original collections.

But at the same time, buyers also note annoying disadvantages:

  • Prices. They can be either low, acceptable, or practically no different from the price tags in the original stores. It all depends on the integrity of the discount operator.
  • Quality. Brand fame does not guarantee that you will purchase a quality product. It may have a defect or be slightly worn. Sometimes discounts also include items from collections that were 10 years old. In addition to their incorrigible fashionable obsolescence, there is another disadvantage here - the physical dilapidation of such products.
  • Dimensions. As a rule, discounts include a minimum number of items in popular sizes - mostly either too large or too small.
  • Style. It’s also rare to find something elegant and unusual here. Either this is the “base” of an uncomplicated and simple design (everyday things), or bright, flashy names from past collections that were in fashion for the maximum season. Considering their obsolescence, such products are not for everyone.

So we have looked at the main features of a discount store. Now you know how it differs from the original market, outlet and stock.

To the question “What is a discount?” can be answered as follows:

Discount is a multi-valued economic term. Firstly, “discount” can be understood as the difference between the indicators of the value of securities (current exchange rate, par value and price at maturity).

Secondly, " discount"may mean the difference that exists between the forward exchange rate of a currency and the rate for which it would be sold if purchased immediately.

Third, " discount” also denotes the difference in prices for a certain product at different delivery times. For example, a product delivered in six months will cost less than a product delivered immediately.

Fourthly, " discount“This also means a reduction in the cost of the product if it does not meet the declared qualities. They work according to this system discount stores.

Fifthly, " discount“is the deduction of interest on a loan when it is repaid before the loan term.

At sixth, " discount» can be declared any commercially (for example, seasonal discount).

Seventhly, " discount“is a bank credit operation with a certain calculation of expenses and interest.

Discount Center is a store where you can find branded items from past collections at lower prices. As a rule, these are leftovers brought to one store. They can be of a very decent appearance, practically no different from standard stores (hangers, shelves, space and beauty), or they can be basements and corners, sometimes even strongly reminiscent of second-hand stores (or even worse).
Discount Center – this is NOT second-hand. Abroad (even here) they are called outlet-shops, and as a rule they are very decent establishments with good quality items.
You can buy a fake in any of these stores - you need to be able to understand the seams, the authenticity of labels and other signs of quality. Therefore, going to discount centers is like a hunt.)) However, buying things such as jeans, blouses, dresses in classic styles or simply things that have not gone out of fashion for several years is much more pleasant there since the price is significantly lower. So discount centers- our everything, you just need to be able to look for them, and be able to look in them, because even in the Chanel showroom in the Central Department Store you can find boots stained at the seams of the soles with glue.

Where is it better to shop: at discount centers or at sales?

Winter is in full swing now sales. Discounts in many stores reach 50%, but this is not the limit. A little later prices will drop even lower. In the meantime, let's talk about where it's better to shop - at these same sales or at discount centers, where, in fact, year-round sales of old collections are held. This article is relevant mainly for Russia, although it is unlikely that the realities in Ukraine and other CIS countries are noticeably different from those in Russia.

How does a discount center differ from a stock center?

Discount Center - this is a retail outlet (usually a rather large one) of a chain of stores. For example, Adidas, Puma, O'stin. The discount center of such a chain receives goods that could not be sold in a regular store for about one year (less often one and a half to two or six months). It is logical to assume that these clothes (and shoes, of course) remained unclaimed even during sales in this store. In addition, clothes with defects are often sent to us, both invisible and visible to the naked eye. But, in any case, the origin of clothes and shoes is obvious.

Stock center - this is a retail outlet (also usually of a large area) where clothes come from a variety of sources; As a rule, these are dealer warehouses. In most cases, these are clothes that have not even reached retail stores; they go to the stock center directly from the warehouse of the manufacturer, dealer (intermediary), or chain of stores.

However, clothes may also come from a specific store. Often stock center(more precisely, the owner company) also purchases clothing independently, usually from Chinese suppliers. There are also stock centers, which sell the so-called customs confiscation. As a rule, these are not entirely legally imported Chinese clothes by budding entrepreneurs.

It is worth saying that it is impossible to draw a clear distinction between stock centers and discount centers. It is difficult to determine the category of a store even by its name (a discount may turn out to be a waste and vice versa). But in terms of content, it’s almost always possible. Stock centers are usually multi-brand, and clothes (usually non-branded) are sold there at very low prices. Often it has defects of various sizes, but sometimes it looks very decent. It happens that some item goes out of fashion before it even reaches the store counter.

Typical examples of stock centers: “Family Name”, “Fashion Factory - discount center”.

Multi-brand and mono-brand discounts

Stock centers usually multi-brand. Discounts There are both multi- and mono-brand. It is supplied to a mono-brand store (for example, Puma discount) from one chain of retail stores (Puma). In a multi-brand discount (for example, Rimanenze Dolci) it is supplied from several stores of the operator of a chain of brand stores (for example, Hugo Boss, Pal Zileri, Iceberg and some others boutiques belong to the operator Bosco di Ciliegi).

In multi-brand discounts (with extremely rare exceptions) it is truly represented original branded clothing. In multi-brand stocks, you can come across both fakes and “werewolf brands” (supposedly Italy, but in reality, say, Turkey).

Pros and cons of discounts

Stocks have, perhaps, only one advantage - low prices. The main disadvantage is the dubious origin of clothes and shoes and, as a result, their dubious quality. Discounts in this sense it is better. Their obvious advantages: low prices, the obvious origin of the clothing. Obvious disadvantages: the possibility of stumbling upon clothes with defects, the availability of clothes only from old collections, the presence of mainly large-sized clothes and shoes.

Now let's look at the pros and cons in more detail. Let's start with prices. Prices can be either really low or quite high. It all depends on the integrity of the discount operator. Eat very good discount centers, with really big discounts; There are also very mediocre ones, with small discounts. In general, many reviews about various stores (including discount stores) can be found on the relevant websites.

The obvious origin of clothing, of course, does not guarantee its ideal quality. But in most cases, if a defect is discovered, it can be returned (if this defect was not stated on the price tag or by the seller, and you did not sign a piece of paper indicating the presence of this defect). The clothes may seem slightly worn (they may have been tried on quite a few times).

It is worth noting that sometimes clothing and shoes at discounts very old ones for sale. In especially severe cases, you can stumble upon collections from 2005-2007. And this means not only that things could go out of fashion. This also means that they could simply become dilapidated. Clothes could be tried on at random and significantly stretched. It may be dirty. The shoes could have been stored incorrectly - near a battery, for example. And if it hasn’t been rubbed with cream yet, just tried on at random (without a horn), then the purchase risks turning into a simple waste of money.

Let's say, Italian leather shoes for 15 thousand (with a discount - 7 thousand) that have been in the store for a year, at a discount for another year and a half, of which six months are on the battery, tried on 18 times without a horn and never treated with cream or wax, are unlikely to serve you long years. Most likely, after a few months you will understand that it would be better for you to buy shoes for this money in a regular store, even if they are not Italian. As a result, you will buy them (ordinary shoes), spending about ten thousand in total.

We are talking about expensive brands here because such mistakes in the case of expensive shoes/clothing are much more offensive. Of course, if you bought shoes for a thousand rubles, they served you for six months, and you threw them away, you won’t be very upset. But when you see shoes from the brand you’ve been dreaming about at a price that’s acceptable to you, you shouldn’t rush to the checkout with them. You need to carefully examine them, ask the seller how old they are, and so on. And then make a decision.

It can also become dilapidated over a long period of time. This especially applies to clothes made from thin and delicate fabrics, for example, wool 160-250s. A simple example. In one discount center we take wool trousers (something around 130-160s) and look at them in the light. And we see that they simply shine through! At the same time, there are practically the same normal trousers hanging nearby, for the same price. So clothes must be carefully inspected! When purchasing at a discount center, you should pay close attention to inspection.

Since we're talking about trousers, it's worth talking about someone else's experience, read on some forum. Bought branded trousers in Italy, in one of the outlets (in fact, multi-brand discount stocks). For a seemingly ridiculous price - 19 euros. They were enough for exactly one day, which ended very badly (the seam came apart). Then these trousers looked at the light and saw a kind of “mesh” into which thin wool had turned.

It must be said that discounts usually have a lot of large-sized items and a small number of small-sized items. In the case of men's sizes: clothes are usually from 50, special freedom for those with sizes 54-56; shirts - usually from 40, especially a lot - 43-44. As for women's sizes, everything is less strict. However, small size clothing also occurs. And sometimes its range is quite wide. It depends on the store.

Naturally, discounts also sell things that do not have sizes (with rare exceptions) - . Scarves, shawls, ties, bags, briefcases, wallets, purses and so on. It should be borne in mind that belts, gloves and hats (for the most part) have sizes. The size chart for the same gloves is quite large.

Range. In discount stores you can usually find so-called basic things - rather boring and nondescript clothes, which, nevertheless, you cannot do without. These are gray and black trousers, blue shirts and so on. As a rule, a simple and uncomplicated design. It's worth going to a discount for such things.

The other side of the discount assortment is things that are bright, very original and sometimes extremely bold in design, which did not receive much recognition from buyers or were in fashion for a very limited time - say, one season. This clothes for everyone. T-shirts in wild colors, green jeans with rhinestones and all that jazz. However, at discounts you can also find items of original and at the same time discreet design; elegant. You need to look for yourself (yourself). A lot of useful information about all kinds of discounts and stocks was found on the discount columbia website. Names such as confiscate, discount and stock will become clear after visiting the site. In addition, there is a description of some operating centers. Good to know.


On sales usually presented clothes (and shoes, of course) from relatively recent collections. Currently - mostly from 2012, although, of course, you can stumble upon some kind of antiquities - especially in expensive stores. Prices at sales are sometimes lower than at discount centers, and the selection at the beginning of the sale is very good. At the same time, a standard sale in Russia usually consists of three periods:

Beginning (usually the first two weeks). 30% discount(sometimes - 10-30%). The choice is great, there are many sizes.
Mid (usually the next two weeks). 50% discount(sometimes - 30-50%). The choice is already noticeably smaller. There are few small sizes.
The end (before the sale of the last item from the category of those that the store wants to get rid of). Discounts 70%(sometimes - 50-70%). The choice is usually extremely narrow. There are very few sizes. The design of the remaining things is not for everybody.

Often the whole sale takes place “in one period” with discounts “up to 50-70%”. The duration of such a sale is usually about a month or slightly more.

You've probably already decided which sales period is best for you to shop for. If you are picky, selective and your clothing/shoe size is small, and you don’t want to spend a lot of time, it is better to go shopping at the very beginning of the sales. If you are willing to spend on shopping half a day, then you can go in the midst of sales. If it’s a whole day, it’s possible at the end, when the biggest discounts.

Finally, if you have large sizes (from 50 for women and from 52 for men), then you can even find a suitable item quite quickly even during the final sales period. Well, “dimensionless” accessories It is wise to buy at least in the middle of a sale.

It should be noted that "global", large-scale sales They happen only twice a year: in summer (late June - mid-August) and in winter (late December - late February). But many stores also carry out off-season sales- in spring and autumn (discounts of about 30%), and they also organize various promotions.

A little about the disadvantages of sales

They also have a number of shortcomings. The most important ones are the queues in the fitting rooms (the larger the discounts and the more popular the store), the queues at the cash registers. Clothes scattered haphazardly, which sellers do not have time to pack. Constantly busy salespeople: you have to wait until they are free. In addition, the likelihood of stumbling upon an item with defects is higher than in normal times.

Finally, it is worth noting that some unscrupulous stores during the sales period do not provide real discounts of 50-70%, but virtual ones. The old price is pasted with a label with another, higher one (for example, it was 700 rubles, they stuck 1000). And on top of this label there is a sale label, sometimes with the proud inscription “50% discount” (but in fact, at the new price of 500 rubles, the discount is less than 30%). Some quick buyers try to get to the bottom of the real price by carefully peeling off the price tags.

Sales or discounts: which is better?

If you don’t need an item urgently, it’s better to wait for the “50% discount” sale. However, no one is stopping you from strolling through discount stores: maybe the item of your dreams is waiting for you in one of these stores. If you need some strictly defined item, and you also have a small size, then it is better to wait until the sales start (30% discount). Finally, if you need something urgently, then, naturally, you will have to go to discount(or to a regular store).

Some general patterns:
During sales (closer to their end) the discounts are greater than at discounts
Sales include items from newer collections
During sales (especially at the beginning) there is more choice
Sales usually feature newer items (made more recently)
At the initial stage of sales there are more items of small sizes than at discounts

And not everyone can afford shoes from famous brands. Clothing discounts in Moscow came to the rescue. There you can find and buy quality things for reasonable money.

By visiting, the buyer has the opportunity to buy high-quality branded items at a significantly lower price than they cost in branded stores. In other words, this is a collection boutique that presents items from 20-40 brands.

How does the drain work?

The remnants of past collections from expensive boutiques are sold at low prices to stock stores or distributed to discount centers. The cost of things, shoes and accessories in such boutiques is two or even three times lower than the original price. The only drawback of the store is that it is not always possible to find all sizes of one model. But having a large selection of models, clothing discounts in Moscow do not lose customers. Here everyone will choose clothes according to the desired size and individual preferences.

Where to look for DC?

Clothing discounts in Moscow can be divided into five main centers:



  • "Savelovsky";


"Olympic" DC

One of the capital's largest discount centers is located in the Olimpiysky Sports Complex. Finding the entrance to it is not easy. Those wishing to visit the stock will need to focus on the Calvin Klein and Mexx store sign. The first department offers a good selection of dresses and women's bags. The latter can be purchased for almost nothing on the window sills of the second hall. For just 600 rubles you can buy an excellent clutch from an expensive brand.

You can buy underwear in the basement of the discount store. For example, in Oasis. Having climbed the stairs, the buyer finds himself in a clothing discount from Part Two and Inwear. Chic outfits with an 80% discount can cost up to 1000 rubles with an initial cost of 6-10 thousand.

The small Crocs boutique located nearby offers inexpensive, high-quality shoes for an average of 1,200 per pair.

Getting to the DC is easy. Near the Prospekt Mira metro station, the Olimpiysky Sports Complex is easy to spot!

DC on Ordzhonikidze

For those looking for discount sportswear in Moscow and beyond, it’s worth heading to the huge building on Ordzhonikidze. In the premises of a former machine tool plant on Leninsky Prospekt, you can get lost among the abundance of clothes. Therefore, it is worth planning your purchases in advance.

Sports gear can be found at the huge discount Sportmaster. The discounts there are insignificant - only 20-40%. But the boutique has a rack of clothes from the "Full Sale" category. In such a place you can buy high-quality equipment from Nike, Puma or clothes with a 70-80% discount. If you need casual branded clothing (discount Moscow), go to People, Lawine, Savage, Paninter. There you will find fashionable sweatshirts, bright blouses and stylish dresses for 200 rubles. Discount Kapricci will offer inexpensive shoes of various styles at an affordable price.

"Savelovsky" DC

It is in “Savelevsky” that you can exclusively do shopping. In the store building, you don’t have to admire the architecture of the premises, look at interior items or household appliances for your home. More than 1,000 clothing and shoe stores are located one after another along the entire perimeter of the discount center. This allows you to enjoy shopping at Savelovsky without turning your attention to something else. A wide parking lot allows you to park your car right next to the DC. It is also convenient to get to Savelevsky from the metro.

The best deals from stores:

    And others.

The discount can reach 80-90%. This means that things are given away for next to nothing!

"Savelovsky" is also a discount store for children's clothing in Moscow. There are whole rows of stores for children, which have everything that children of all ages need. This:

    strollers, cribs, diapers, baby food - for newborns;

    car seats, educational toys, bicycles - for preschoolers;

    office, school uniform - for schoolchildren;

    clothing, shoes, toys, furniture intended for children of all ages.

The DC is within walking distance from the Leninsky Prospekt metro station.

Outlet "Village" in the Moscow region

Outlet "Village Belaya Dacha" is a shopping center similar to European outlets. The perfect discount building hides rows of glamorous shops with contrasting discounts. Here you can always buy at half price. But you will have to purchase a luxurious bag from the collection before last from Michael Kors with no more than a concession of 20-30%. Boutiques Mango, Villeroy & Boch, Accessorize, La Perla, Furla are considered the most profitable.

This DC is located near Moscow at the address: Kotelniki, Novoryazanskoye Highway 8.


The discount center on Masterkova, 4, called "Avtozavodskaya", offers a wide selection of boutiques for sports and casual clothing. Here you will find good “benefits” on clothing brands:

The Kangaroo discount store offers all the necessary goods for expectant mothers and children of all ages. The service of this boutique and reasonable discounts will not leave anyone unattended. In the Ekko store you can purchase high-quality modern shoes for every day at a price that is twice or even three times lower than the original price. Adidas and Reebok stores will delight buyers of sportswear with year-round discounts of 40%.

The DC is located near the metro station of the same name "Avtozavodskaya".

As you can see, clothing discounts in Moscow are varied and accessible to almost all customers. Almost all of them are within walking distance from the metro and it’s worth going there with your family for a profitable shopping spree. And during breaks, visit cafes and restaurants to gain strength. For restless shopaholics under 12 years of age, discount centers offer children's rooms. A large selection of clothing from expensive brands, which can be purchased at incredibly low prices, daily attracts Moscow residents and city guests to the capital's discounts.

The material was prepared with the support of the online store

Expert opinion. Evgenia Solomakhina, editor-in-chief of the portal

What it is?

Shops that sell clothes at big discounts are called whatever they call them: discount centers, stock stores, and outlets. On the one hand, they all sell things at huge discounts. But on the other hand, each of them has its own characteristics. An outlet usually occupies a large retail area and supplies items directly from factories. Discount stores most often stock items from one brand that could not be sold in a boutique. Multi-brand items are usually sent to stock and they sell not only clothing, but also accessories, equipment, furniture and much more.

Why such a low price?

They send items to stock and discount stores for several reasons. Products that are not sold by the end of the season occupy retail space and do not bring profit; the product was discounted due to minor defects; the factory sews products from leftover fabric or the company’s supply of goods is disrupted, and so that it does not take up space in the warehouse, they try to sell it to stock companies.

How did you appear?

The names of all stores came to us from English. The word stock means stocks or balances, discount means a discount, and outlet means exit. If in Russia such stores became popular after the 1998 crisis, when household incomes fell sharply and the number of customers in luxury stores fell, then the world history of stock begins back in the 1930s in North America. It was there that the Anderson-Little men's clothing store opened in 1936, the main purpose of which was to get rid of excess or damaged goods. In the 1980s and 90s, the number of discount shopping centers in the United States grew sharply, and Canada took up the initiative, where the first outlet opened in the late 1980s. In Europe, the first store of stock items appeared only in 1993.

Why are they so popular?

Due to the fact that initially not the wealthiest segments of the population went to such stores, they were often compared to second-hand stores and a bad reputation was attached to them. However, now every fashionista knows that it is in outlets and stock stores that you can find branded items from the latest collections with 50% or even 70% discounts. In the modern world, it no longer matters to almost anyone how much a thing costs if it looks stylish. World famous stars such as Julia Roberts, Winona Ryder and Sharon Stone regularly visit discount centers in search of fashion news. And top model Kate Moss admits that she often raids the famous London flea markets - Camden Market and Portobello Road Market, because they sell unusual things at low prices. The most desperate fashionistas even go on shopping tours to European countries, where they visit popular outlets and branded discount stores of Giorgio Armani, Dolce&Gabbana, Kenzo and many other brands.

With prices constantly rising in brick-and-mortar stores, stockists are becoming an alternative for those who want to save money while still looking stylish. One of these places is the online store, where you can buy items from various brands at discounted prices without leaving your home!

Hi all! I’m not a clothes person, but I also like to dress beautifully. I won't say that all my things are stylish, but I'm going for it. The quality of clothes is important to me, and I think everyone wants the item to not only fit beautifully, but also not stretch out after the first wash. And here I want to say this... An item that is bought abroad is much better quality than what can be bought in our stores.

We will not delve into why exactly this is so, but the fact remains a fact. Undoubtedly, we also have branded, high-quality items, that’s just the price. Not everyone is ready to buy a T-shirt three times more expensive than usual. Therefore, those who travel abroad try to buy at least some clothes there.

When it comes to shopping in the best countries in Europe, everyone immediately talks about visiting outlet stores. I don't think I know everything about what it is. Today we will find out what it is and whether it makes sense to visit them.

Outlet - what does it mean?

Outlet is a shopping center where you can buy branded items from previous seasons with a huge discount, from 30 to 70%. Impressive? Moreover, discounts are valid all year round. Here you should immediately understand that the phrase “past seasons” does not mean at all that this is a bunch of clothes that are no longer relevant.

No, that's not true at all. In such stores, one might say boutiques, new, high-quality, and most importantly fashionable things that you want to wear are collected. The interesting thing is that the items collected here are not from one specific company, but on the contrary, a huge number of different companies. This means that you can quickly find what you are looking for. For example, I like sports shoes from Nike, but running T-shirts from Adidas. And in order not to run around shopping here and there, I can buy everything I need in one place. Externally, the outlet resembles an ordinary boutique. Everything is beautiful and decent.

Let's see what Wikipedia says about this

An encyclopedia that many people turn to to clarify a particular issue. And so, Outlet is a special format of a shopping center that specializes in selling clothes from famous brands with very good discounts, and today there are two types of such boutiques:

  • Factory outlet - is a sale of various goods in factories and manufacturing plants;
  • Outlet mall – sale of existing stocks of various products in boutiques and brand stores.

Well, essentially the same as I told you. Overall Big Sale.

Not all clothing stores will offer you such a discount, and we all understand perfectly well how these discounts are formed. We can say that the store in any case remains in double or triple profit, and the person (customer) is happy that he got 10% off. Well, as they say, it’s a small thing, but nice.

Types and specifics of outlets

In outlets, you can buy things that will always be relevant. Previously, it was believed that such stores were only located near factories, and one had to go far out of town to buy one or another item of clothing. Not everyone is comfortable. Today, almost all factories of fashionable things create such super-stores, far from their production, so that it is convenient for people to buy fashionable and stylish things. I set a goal and found out that most of these boutiques are located outside the city, that is, it is not particularly convenient, but when you realize that there is an almost 80% discount, it is better to hang out in the car for an hour.

It turns out that there are three types of outlets:

  • Mono-brand. Well, from the name it is already clear that the products (clothing) of the same brand are presented here. This is convenient for those who prefer a certain brand of clothing, for example, Prada, D&G, and so on. Such stores offer a large range of sizes and, of course, a huge assortment of beautiful, stylish items;
  • Multi-brand, in the form of a shopping center. In this version, many brands are represented. Many models and many sizes. Visually, it is no different from a simple department store;
  • Multi-brand in the form of a village. A large number of different brands are also represented here, but not in one store, but in several. That’s why it turns out that it’s like in the village.

Outlet and discount - what's the difference?

Walking around the city, you often come across stores like “Discount Center”. And for some reason our people think that this is an outlet, but I hasten to upset you, this is far from the case. And if you have visited a real outlet at least once, you would understand what I am talking about.

That's the point here. If in outlets we can buy branded items at a very, very good discount, then at a discount we can buy, let’s say, the remains of things from the warehouse. Of course the price is quite reasonable and quite low. It is in discounts that things are not given a huge discount, that is, goods without a premium. And the discount is not an intermediary, but the outlet is an intermediary between the client and the manufacturer.

It is difficult to argue about where the price of a product will be cheaper. In addition, there is an opinion that outlets offer customers clothes from defective collections. Personally, I have not come across any marriages, but this is my personal experience.

But why is the price of clothes in outlets so low? What is the reason for this?

In fact, there is a clear answer to this:

  • firstly, huge amounts of money are not spent on renting premises. Since such centers are mostly located outside the city. For example, in Europe, outlets are located exclusively outside the city, where you can get there by bus or car;
  • secondly, such stores are trying to reduce working staff. Here no one will personally run after you. Yes, of course, there are assistants and managers, but not in such numbers as in the city’s boutiques;
  • thirdly, the delivery method. The reasonable prices are also due to the fact that supplies to such boutiques are made directly from the designers themselves. That is, there are no costs for suppliers, warehouse space, and so on.

In addition, the advantage of such stores is that the manufacturers provide a guarantee, so don’t let this bother you that the price is so pleasantly low.

If we talk about how to get to such magical places, then everything is more complicated. Since it is located outside the city, you will have to get there either by bus or by car. If we talk about the day of the week, it is better to do this on Monday, since it is convenient for many people to visit stores on weekends.

It is unlikely that you will enjoy jostling with people in fitting rooms, or fighting for your favorite item at the counter. But remember, if you decide to skimp and you are on the road, do not pack a lot of things, because what you save in the store, you will have to pay extra at the airport. It'll be funny, won't it?

Internet outlet also takes place. And what’s most interesting is that it’s incredibly convenient and profitable. Besides the fact that you can buy things cheap, you don’t have to spend time on it, well, a lot of time. Although I prefer to measure things in person. Many people will agree with me, because returning an item back is a pain in the ass, and not all stores are ready to offer such a service. But, again, the Internet allows you to save a lot of time, nerves and effort.

There is no need to go out of town or stand in lines (and they exist there). Most often, I personally came across multi-brand outlets. It seems convenient, but it’s still better for me to go in person. Like to see the country and buy things. Two in one.

In the end, I'll say this

Buying things in boutiques is definitely cool. But not everyone can afford it. Agree, it’s unrealistic to buy for $300. Although you understand perfectly well that you are paying for the name, for quality, for rent and for the seller’s salary. Although why suddenly should we do this? But you can dress beautifully, stylishly and fashionably, and for this purpose such successful stores as outlets will come to our aid.

The undoubted and undeniable advantages of such a store are obvious, but, unfortunately, in our country there is no such thing yet. There are some stores that position themselves as outlets, although this is far from the case. It is best to go to other countries such as France, Germany and Italy for such a purchase. By the way, for those who want to get their own business, it’s a good idea to buy things at a 70% discount and sell them with a small markup. Think about it.

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Text— Agent Q.

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