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Creation of the first pike submarine. Submarine "Pike" Performance characteristics of "Shch" type submarines

Type "Pike" (Type "Shch") III Series.

Unrealized modernization: modernization of 1947.
Further development: type "Shch" V series.

1. Number of submarines of the project: 4

2. Project image:

original appearance

view after major repairs and modernization

coloring of the submarine BF 1941 (PL Shch-304)

3. Project composition:

Ship name

Factory number



entry into service

LENINGRAD: Baltic Plant No. 189 (3+1)

Detailed diagram of the Shch III series submarine(from original drawings of CDB MT "Rubin")
1 - towing fairlead; 2 - guy rod; 3 - breakwater shields; 4 - surface anchor; 5 - underwater anchor; 6 - torpedo tubes;
7 - buoyancy tank; 8 - bow main ballast tank; 9 - bow trim tank; 10 - entrance hatch with tube;
11 - windlass electric motor; 12 - mooring rope view; 13-oxygen cylinders; 14 - high-pressure electric air compressor;
15 - latrine; 16 - bilge pump; 17 - electric fan of the general ship ventilation system; 18 - galley; 19 - washbasins;
20 - provision tank; 21 - bow horizontal rudders; 22-spire; 23 chain box; 24-bulkhead door; 25 spare torpedoes;
26 - beds; 27 - battery pit; 28 - low pressure turbocharger; 29 - low pressure turbocharger controller; 30 - instrument panel;
31 - torpedo loading hatch; 32 - emergency telephone buoy; 33 - commander's cabin; 34 - fuel tanks; 35 - battery;
36 - drainage centrifugal pump "Rato"; 37 - six-valve trim system box; 38 - consumable fuel tank;
39 - helm cabinet of the bow horizontal rudders; 40 - steering column of the stern horizontal rudders; 41 - gyrocompass;
42 - anti-aircraft periscope; 43 - anti-aircraft periscope winch; 44 - commander's periscope; 45 - commander's periscope winch;
46 - starting control resistance of the electric motor of the stern horizontal rudders;
47 - starting control resistance of the Nosov electric motor of horizontal rudders; 48 - electric motor of the bow horizontal rudders;
49 - electric motor of the stern horizontal rudders; 50 - radio room; 51 - power distribution board; 52 - chart table;
53 - anti-aircraft periscope shaft; 54 - commander's periscope shaft; 55 - rapid immersion tank; 56 - log tank; 57 - 45 mm gun;
58 - magnetic travel compass; 59 - steering column of the vertical rudder on the bridge; 60 - conning tower;
61 - external shaft with top flap of the ship's general exhaust ventilation system; 62 - exit shaft from the diesel compartment to the bridge;
63 - doors in the wheelhouse fence; 64 - signal mast; 65 - masthead light; 66 - wake fire; 67 - radio mast; 68 - diesel 38V8;
69 - reserve oil pump; 70 - ladder; 71 - consumable oil tank; 72 - oil refrigerator; 73 - boxes for air regeneration cartridges;
74 - “Bamag” disconnect coupling; 75 - intermediate bearing; 76- diesel gas outlet with valves; 77 - circulating oil tanks;
78 - clean oil tanks; 79 - ship oil storage tanks; 80 - main propulsion motor;
81 - panel for parallel-series connection of battery groups; 82 - control panel for main propulsion electric motors;
83 - cabinet for storing tools; 84 - diesel exhaust muffler; 85 - air cylinder for torpedo firing; 86 - fist release clutch;
87 - Mitchell thrust bearing; 88 - intermediate shaft; 89 - intermediate bearing; 90 - electric motor of economic progress;
91 - propeller shaft mortars; 92 - control panel for electric motors of economic propulsion; 93 - vertical rudder converter;
94 - high-pressure air cylinders with a capacity of 78 liters; 95 - boat; 96 - flagpole; 97 - bollards; 98 - fresh water tank;
99 - aft trim tank; 100 - aft main ballast tank; 101 - propeller; 102 - vertical rudder guard;
103 - vertical rudder; 104 - aft horizontal rudders; 105 - tail light; 106 - rail; 107 - radio antenna guy wires; 108 - rail antenna;
109 - dock keel; 110 - onboard main ballast tanks; 111 - permeable part; 112 - bow deck tank;
113 - aft deck tank; 114 - surge tank; 115 - fencing of the stern horizontal rudders.

The last voyage of the Black Sea Fleet submarine "Shch-211" is another unknown page of the Great Patriotic War.

Unusual find

In August 2001, the fourth historical and ethnographic expedition “Walking across Three Seas” started in Sevastopol from the Grafskaya pier, conducted with the support of the Russian Navy, the government of the Russian capital and the international organization UNESCO. Its participants were seven schoolchildren from Moscow and Sevastopol, who won this honorary right based on the results of the scientific conference “Archipelago Expeditions of the Russian Fleet.”

On the yacht "Perseus" young travelers passed through the places of military glory of the Russian fleet through the Black, Marmara and Aegean seas. In Bulgaria, they learned with interest that last fall, about 8 miles from Varna, in the area of ​​​​Cape Galata, at a depth of about 20 meters, local fishermen discovered a submarine from the Second World War, presumably Soviet. The Bulgarian side was in no hurry to officially report the find for two good reasons. Firstly, doubts remained about the identity of the submarine lying on the seabed, and secondly, it was in this area of ​​the Black Sea in 1941 - 1942. Several submarines of the Black Sea Fleet were lost at once, so the possibility of re-discovery of the already known “unit” was not excluded.

Returning to their native Sevastopol, the guys immediately reported the unusual find of the Bulgarian fishermen to the command of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Soon a corresponding request was sent to the General Headquarters of the Bulgarian Navy. The answer did not come immediately: in order to say something specific about the submarine lying at the bottom, not only its external inspection with the help of divers was required, but also serious work with archival documents.

For this purpose, retired captain III rank Rosen Gevshekov, who served as a senior diving officer at the Bulgarian Navy naval base in Varna, organized a team of scuba divers, which included members of the local diving club "Relict - 2002". As a result of several dives, it was established that at the bottom in the indicated area there really was a Soviet submarine from the Great Patriotic War of the "Shch" type, similar to the submarine "Shch-204", discovered in 1983 20 miles from Varna and examined by Bulgarian and Soviet specialists for a possible rise.

After the underwater stage of research on the as-yet unnamed “Pike,” Gevshekov began archival searches that were supposed to answer the main question: what number could she have worn? Active correspondence with the St. Petersburg Naval Museum, work with documents from the Varna Museum and still living witnesses of those distant events led to the expected result. Now, with a greater degree of probability, it could be argued that the fishing find was the submarine "Shch-211", which in November 1941 set out on its next military campaign, from which it was never destined to return to its home base...

Lucky "PIKE"

Laid down on September 3, 1934 in Nikolaev at the N200 plant (named after the 61st communard), "Shch-211", which had serial number 1035, was launched exactly 2 years later, and on May 5, 1938 it became part of the Black Sea Fleet.

By the beginning of the war, the Soviet Union had quite powerful submarine forces in the Black Sea. All Black Sea submarines were consolidated into two brigades consisting of 44 ships of six types, mostly Soviet-built. Only five boats of type "A" (previously called "AG" - "American Holland") were inherited by the fleet from the Russian Imperial Navy. The first brigade of submarines, commanded by Captain 1st Rank P. Boltunov, consisted of four divisions and numbered 22 boats. "Shch-211" was part of the 4th division under the command of captain III rank B. Uspensky, along with the submarines "Shch-212", "Shch-213", "Shch-214" and "Shch-215". It was the “Pikes” that were the main type of medium-tonnage boats of the Soviet Navy (V-bis, V-bis-2, X, and X-bis series)...

The submarine of the Black Sea Fleet "Shch-211" could rightfully be called lucky. On August 15, 1941, it was her crew under the command of Lieutenant Commander Alexander Devyatko who opened the combat account of the Black Sea submariners by sinking the large enemy transport Peles, which was sailing from the Bulgarian Burgas to the Romanian port of Constanta with military cargo on board. In the next 3 months of the war, the Shch-211, which regularly hunted enemy convoys off the coast of Bulgaria, came under powerful attacks three times from Bulgarian, Romanian and German escort aircraft, during one of which 12 depth charges were dropped on it. However, in an incomprehensible way, the “Pike” always managed to escape unharmed from heavy enemy fire, successfully avoiding mine traps and simultaneously achieving new combat successes.

On September 29, during the transition from Varna to Burgas, the Italian tanker Superga loaded with oil sank to the bottom from her torpedo; on November 14, the Romanian minelayer Prince Carol, heading for Varna, with under-equipped mines on board. On the same day, sea fortune turned away from its favorite submariners for the only and last time...

Submarine warfare

Then senior lieutenant Alexander Devyatko took command of the Shch-211 submarine in Sevastopol on the first day of the war - June 22, 1941. By that time, the enemy had already established an uninterrupted supply of its troops by sea. In this Germany was actively helped by monarchical Bulgaria. Legally being a non-combatant ally of the “Third Reich,” it nevertheless took a direct part in the hostilities against the Soviet Black Sea Fleet. The Bulgarian Air Force's "Sborno Troyvovo Yato" (squadron, soon expanded to a "bracket" - regiment) provided anti-submarine defense for the naval convoys of Germany and its allied countries, receiving combat missions from the representative of the German "Kriegsmarine" in Varna.

The position taken by Bulgaria, naturally, could not help but irritate the Soviet leadership. A real undeclared war was launched against the German satellite. As a result, in Bulgarian territorial waters, Black Sea Fleet submarines were actively used not only to fight enemy convoys and lay mines, but also to secretly land groups of Bulgarian underground fighters on Bulgarian territory to organize partisan movements and sabotage actions deep behind enemy lines.

On August 11, Alexander Devyatko’s crew successfully completed one of these risky missions. In stormy conditions and pitch darkness, at every minute the risk of being blown up by mines, with which the enemy generously littered all approaches to the Bulgarian shores, "Shch-211" landed a group of 14 Bulgarian communists under the command of Colonel Tsvyatko Radoinov at the mouth of the Kamchia River. In total, in August - September 1941, 7 such landing forces were sent to Bulgaria, trained at the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Red Army (today's GRU). Just four days later, the Shch-211, by destroying the enemy transport Peles, opens the combat account of the Black Sea submariners. This date can be considered the beginning of active submarine warfare in the Black Sea. During the first five months of hostilities, the Black Sea forces in total destroyed 3 submarines, 2 monitors, 20 auxiliary ships and 7 enemy transports. The total tonnage of enemy losses amounted to more than 41 thousand tons. In total, until the end of 1941, Black Sea Fleet submarines made 103 combat missions. Among the destroyed ships were 2 of the 5 large Italian tankers owned by the Nazis. For this reason, Germany and Italy experienced serious interruptions in oil supplies from Romania for a long time. As already mentioned, one of these tankers, the Superga, is in service with the Shch-211.

However, victories at sea came at too high a price for the Black Sea Fleet. Submarines leaving for combat missions perished along with their crews one after another, mostly by being blown up by mines off the Bulgarian and Romanian coasts: "Shch-206", "M-58", "M-34", "M-59", "S-34". On November 14, 1941, “Shch-211” was added to this mournful list, in December - “Shch-204”. In total, about 300 trained submariners died in the first 5 months of the war alone. They tried to make up for the losses by urgently commissioning unfinished submarines evacuated from Nikolaev, the crews for which were formed on the fly from among undertrained sailors from surface ships. In addition, as a result of Stalin’s repressions, which mercilessly drove out truly experienced submarine commanders from the naval ranks, very young officers began to be appointed to command positions, and some of them, by a strong-willed decision of the higher headquarters, were sent to ships from the army and even... from cavalry units. Of course, all this did not have the best effect on the quality of training of submarine crews. By and large, in the initial period of the war, the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet did not have a single plan for the actions of its submarine forces. For some reason, the naval command was confident that the Romanian Navy was actively being strengthened by German submarines and their attack on our bases was a matter of the very near future. As a result, most Soviet submarines waited for the enemy at their bases, regularly observing the only Romanian submarine that did not take any action. The same boats that were heading to enemy shores regularly attacked the same mine “rake” - reconnaissance of the designated positions was not carried out. The vaults of the Central Naval Archive contain the devastating directive of the People's Commissar of the Navy, Admiral Nikolai Kuznetsov, regarding the Black Sea Fleet Military Council "On the results of the submarine war for 6 months of 1941." For a more complete understanding of the difficult situation in which the Black Sea submariners had to operate, this eloquent document is worth quoting in full.

“The results of the submarine war of the Black Sea Fleet for 6 months of the war show absolutely unsatisfactory results and your failure to comply with my orders regarding the use of submarines. Of the total number of 44 submarines of the Black Sea Fleet at the beginning of the war and 54 by the end of the period, 7 enemy transports were sunk in six months, at the same time 7 were killed of our submarines. Thus, each transport costs us the price of one boat.

For comparison, I inform you that the Northern Fleet, having 15 submarines at the beginning of the war and 21 boats at the end of the period, sank 48 enemy transports without losing a single boat. Conditions in the North are different from the Black Sea, but no less complex and difficult.

Reasons for the failure of submarine warfare on enemy communications: 1. Weak submarine tension. Only 5-6 submarines were deployed on enemy communications from the Bosphorus to Odessa. On November 18, you were ordered to increase the number of positions to 14. Instead, the number of positions was reduced to 3.

2. Aimless use of submarines for purposes other than their intended purpose, such as shelling Yalta with one cannon, which I forbade you to do. Now a landing party of 20 people from a submarine has been landed in Koktebel, which could have been successfully done by a Defense Ministry boat.

3. Aimless patrol of submarines in front of Poti, where during 6 months of the war not a single enemy ship or submarine appeared, which I also pointed out to you. 4. Poor work of the Black Sea Fleet headquarters in terms of planning and organizing submarine operations, without analyzing the situation, without helping submarines in ensuring the solution of their main task. There is no reconnaissance of the positions themselves. It is obvious that "Shch-204", "Shch-211", "S-34" were killed, and "Shch-205" and "L-4" were blown up at position N28, and yet the submarines continued to be sent one after another and to On December 24, Shch-207 was sent there.

I expect the implementation of my orders on the use of submarines and the report that you made as a result of analyzing the experience of the first six months of the war in order to reduce the losses of your submarines and increase the impact on enemy communications. KUZNETSOV".

The corresponding conclusions from the document were drawn, but they could no longer stop the continuing increase in combat losses: in total, more than half of the submarines of the Black Sea Fleet were lost during the war years.

At the same time, the obvious miscalculations of the naval command did not in any way detract from the true heroism of the submarine crews, who alone entered into an unequal battle with the ships and aircraft guarding enemy convoys. The submariners understood that each torpedo strike that reached the target inexorably brought the long-awaited Victory Day closer, on the altar of which they selflessly sacrificed their lives...

The mystery of the death of "Shch-211"

Extensive research work carried out by Bulgarian enthusiasts made it possible to reconstruct in detail the chronicle of the events of the last day of the lost "Pike". On November 14, 1941, the Shch-211, which was in a combat position, took bearings off Cape Galata of the Romanian minelayer Prince Carol, which was heading for Varna. However, the first torpedo attack by our submariners turns out to be unsuccessful. Taking advantage of the pause, the commander of the Romanian ship reports an attack on a German military airfield located in the area of ​​Lake Varna. The second torpedo salvo of the "Pike" reaches its target: the "Prince Carol" goes to the bottom 5 miles from Varna. Having convinced himself that the enemy ship has been defeated, the commander of "Shch-211" gives the command to surface. On the surface and at maximum speed, the submarine begins to move away in a south-easterly direction. However, 3 miles from the sinking site of the Prince Carol, the Pike is overtaken by a German plane. Having received severe damage to the hull from bombs dropped on it, the submarine sinks. The next day, storm waves will wash ashore near the village of Shkorpilovtsy with terrible evidence of the death of the Soviet submarine: the disfigured body of the senior assistant commander, a torn landing boat and a dented tank with fuel. It is interesting that the sequence of events outlined by the Bulgarians on that distant tragic day has nothing in common with the official version of the death of Shch-211. According to Soviet data, the "Pike" of Lieutenant Commander Devyatko was blown up by a mine in the area of ​​Cape Shabler on November 16, 1941, that is, two days later.

The discrepancy in dates cannot but surprise. Some Soviet sources even claim that “Shch-211” “went out on another combat mission on November 16, did not make contact and did not return to base at the appointed time. Presumably it was blown up by a mine and died in the Varna area.” But if we take into account that the Pike left Sevastopol only on November 16, then it could not have appeared in the Varna area on the same day: the submarine’s passage would have taken much longer. Most likely, the date of the death of Shch-211 is approximate, because the Soviet side did not have any specific evidence indicating either the exact day of the tragedy or its actual causes. Meanwhile, German pilots clearly recorded on November 14 the fact of the sinking of a Soviet submarine as a result of the bombing. Despite the fact that domestic military historians are still skeptical about the effectiveness of the use of German depth charges by aviation against submarines and claim that not a single one of the Black Sea Fleet submarines was destroyed from the air in 1941, the Bulgarian version of the death of Shch-211 seems more plausible. The lens of an underwater video camera captured numerous damage to the submarine’s hull, which a mine alone could not cause. In addition, the above-mentioned directive of the People's Commissar of the Navy speaks in favor of the Bulgarian version. Admiral Kuznetsov clearly distinguishes between the concepts of “died” and “exploded.” The latter does not apply to Shch-211.

Under state protection

The further fate of the found "Pike" is the topic of future consultations and meetings of Russian and Bulgarian representatives. As a rule, any actions regarding sunken and lost ships are carried out in accordance with intergovernmental agreements. According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On perpetuating the memory of those killed in defense of the Fatherland,” adopted in 1993, the sites where warships and their crews were lost are military graves, are subject to state registration and are protected by the state. Their maintenance on the territory of other states is carried out in the manner determined by interstate treaties and agreements.

Lifting the Shch-211, due to severe damage to the hull, can hardly be considered advisable. Despite the fact that the bow torpedo tubes are most likely empty (the Romanian ship was attacked twice), there is still a danger of an explosion of the spare torpedoes located on the racks and in the stern tubes of the submarine. Most likely, in relation to the Shch-211, the scheme already worked out in June 1983 by the Search and Rescue Directorate of the Black Sea Fleet for inspecting the Shch-204 submarine, which perished on December 6, 1941, also off the coast of Bulgaria, will be applied. Then the 28th Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense concluded that it was unsafe to raise the submarine due to the dubious state of the torpedo combat charging compartments. Preparations for the planned rise of the "Pike" were stopped. The submarine's hull was cleared of fragments of nets and fouling, the upper deckhouse hatch was opened, and after examining the central post and compartments, the remains of the submariners and part of the ship's documentation were raised to the surface. At the end of the work, which was carried out for 45 days, the upper conning hatch was welded shut, and the remains of the crew members were buried in Sevastopol. The bow gun from the submarine is now one of the most valuable exhibits of the Museum of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation.

Point of memory and sorrow

On nautical charts there is a point with coordinates 42 53 min. 8 sec. north latitude and 28 03 min. 6 sec. eastern longitude is the place where military honors are given in memory of the crews of the submarines "Shch-204", "S-34", "Shch-211" and others who died while operating on enemy communications in the western part of the Black Sea during the Great Patriotic War.

In Bulgaria itself, the memory of Shch-211 is honored in a special way. One of the streets in Varna is named after Alexander Devyatko, and for a long time the Bulgarian side annually invited the families of the deceased submariners to its world-famous Golden Sands resort. If the remains of the dead crew are removed from the hull of the Shchuka, which has become an underwater necropolis, Sevastopol will honor its heroes. Through the grinding of enemy mines and the echoing explosions of depth charges, they rushed to their home base to report a new victory for the Black Sea people. Today, when more than half a century separates us from the war, their failed return to their native shores must finally take place.

Currently, we can name many who died during the Second World War for unknown reasons. It can be assumed with a high degree of probability that most of them ended up on the seabed not without enemy influence. Others ended their military careers due to shipwrecks. Still others may have been mistakenly destroyed by their own - such cases were not very rare. Perhaps the same fate befell submarine Black Sea Fleet "Shch-206", which died in the first combat campaign.

"Pike" - shortened title for six episodes diesel-electric submarines USSR Navy. Built according to designs by B.M. Malinina. The design of the third series of submarines was taken as a basis, which was distinguished by its simplicity of design, reliability, and the ability to be transported by rail in disassembled form.

Diesel-electric torpedo Submarine series V-bis-2 code “Pike”, tail number “Shch-206”. Until 1934 it was called " Nelma" The Soviet "Shch-206" was laid down on January 5, 1934 at plant No. 200 "Name of 61 Communards" in the city of Nikolaev, and launched on February 1, 1935. On October 1, 1936, it became part of the USSR Black Sea Fleet.

diesel-electric torpedo submarine series

V-bis-2 code “Pike” photo

Soviet submarine "Shch-206" in the Southern Bay, the city of Sevastopol

On the day the Great Patriotic War began Submarine"Shch-206" went on a military campaign to the Romanian shores. The commander of the submarine, Lieutenant Commander S.A. Karakay, received orders to attack Romanian ships if they left the main base of the enemy fleet - Constanta. To the database submarine"Shch-206" did not return, thereby opening the list of losses of submarines of the Black Sea Fleet.

The main version appeared soon sinking of a submarine"Shch-206", according to which the submarine exploded on a Romanian minefield. By the way, this version is considered generally accepted today. True, it later became clear that the boundaries of the position submarine"Shch-206" did not include the area of ​​​​Constanza itself, since the Romanians announced the laying of mines there long before the start of the war. Perhaps the Shch-206 submarine ended up on a minefield as a result of an unfortunate navigation error.

According to another version, Soviet submarine"Shch-206" was sunk on July 9 by Romanian warships. On this day, the Romanians decided to start trawling the fairway south of the main base of their fleet - where the position of the Soviet submarine was located. Having discovered the periscope, the Romanian ships began to pursue the unidentified submarine. Later, torpedo boats approached the scene and attacked the submarine with depth charges. The chase ended with a powerful underwater explosion and the formation of an oil slick on the surface of the water.

However, even in this case it is impossible to declare with complete confidence the victory of enemy ships over submarine"Shch-206", since a strong underwater explosion could be mistaken for a series of explosions of depth charges themselves, and the sailors saw periscopes and oil stains quite often.

Unfortunately, in the initial period of the war, the Soviet armed forces acted inconsistently. The Black Sea Fleet was no exception. Perhaps the lack of coordination between the commanders of ships and formations on the one hand, and senior management on the other, was the reason submarine deaths"Shch-206"?

The next day after Soviet submarine"Shch-206" left the base for the last time; a dispatch was received from the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command to the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet, according to which the surface ships were to conduct a raid operation on Constanta. The purpose of the raid was the destruction of an oil storage facility and reconnaissance of the defense of the Romanian naval base. On the evening of June 25, a detachment of light forces consisting of the cruiser Voroshilov, the leaders of the destroyers Moskva and Kharkov, as well as the destroyers Soobrazitelny and Smyshleny, left the port of Sevastopol to bombard the enemy coast. However, the commander of the operation, T. A. Novikov, was not informed of the presence of the Soviet submarine Shch-206 off the Romanian coast. Naturally, the commander could not know anything about the operation diesel submarine.

The next morning, a detachment of the Black Sea Fleet appeared in the Constanta area. Soon an artillery duel with enemy coastal batteries began. The duel was not in favor of Novikov’s squadron, since coastal targets were clearly visible, and the silhouettes of Soviet ships were clearly visible. A few minutes after opening fire, the destroyer Moskva exploded and sank - the ship was maneuvering in an enemy minefield. As a result, the detachment of ships was forced to leave the dangerous area.

True, the evil fate of the ships of the light forces detachment did not end there. When the squadron was leaving, a torpedo trail was discovered on the left side of the destroyer Soobrazitelny. " Savvy", in turn, fired several depth charges at the supposed location of the submarine. During underwater explosions, the stern of the submarine appeared from the water, followed by characteristic signs of its death - air bubbles and oil stains.

Black Sea sailors suggested that the destroyed by the destroyer " Savvy"The submarine was the only Romanian submarine « Dolphin", but the latter was far from the scene and subsequently survived the war. Name and affiliation of the sunken submarines remained unclear.

This circumstance served as the basis for the assumption that the attacked submarine was Soviet submarine"Shch-206". At a much later time, this version had numerous supporters. They also explain the death of the destroyer " Moscow"commander's mistake submarine"Shch-206", which, not being aware of the ongoing raid mission, mistook its ships for Romanian ones.

However, to this day, adherents of this point of view have no clear evidence that they are right. Probably, the traces of torpedoes and signs of the death of an unknown submarine were once again nothing more than a figment of the sailors’ imagination, and the real reason sinking of a submarine“Shch-206” remained a secret. We just have to believe that it won’t be forever.

During the Second World War, class " Pike» actively participated in combat operations at sea. For military services, six of them became guardsmen, eleven were awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

Technical characteristics of the submarine "Pike":

Length - 58.8 m,
Width - 6.2 m;
Draft - 4.3 m;
Surface displacement 609 tons
Underwater displacement - 706 tons;
Immersion depth - up to 90 m;
Power plant - two diesel engines of 685 hp each. and two electric motors of 400 hp each;
Speed ​​- 10 knots;
Cruising range - 9300 miles surfaced and 100 miles submerged;
Crew - 40 people;
Torpedo tubes 533 mm - 4 bow and 2 stern (10 torpedoes);
45 mm gun (some have 37 mm automatic guns) - 2;



  • 4 533 mm bow torpedo tubes; 2 533 mm aft torpedo tubes; 10 533 mm torpedoes.


  • 2 - 45/46 artillery installations "21-K"; 1000 45mm rounds.

Same type ships

"Shch-121" ("Catfish"), "Shch-122" ("Saury"), "Shch-123" ("Eel"), "Shch-124" ("Halibut"), "Shch-125" ( "Muksun"), "Shch-204" ("Lamprey"), "Shch-205" ("Nerpa"), "Shch-206" ("Nelma"), "Shch-207" ("Killer Whale"), " Shch-306" ("Haddock"), "Shch-307" (Cod), "Shch-309" ("Dolphin"), "Shch-310" ("Belukha"), "Shch-311" ("Trout ")

Submarines of the III "Pike" series are the first type of medium-sized submarines built in the USSR. 1935-1936. - V-bis-2 series (14 units),

General information

Submarines of the III "Pike" series are the first type of medium-sized submarines built in the USSR. The design of four submarines of this series was carried out in parallel with the design of Project I submarines “Decembrist”.

“Pike” is a medium-sized one-and-a-half-hull submarine, the durable hull of which was divided into 6 compartments. Main distinctive features: increased maneuverability, greater survivability.

History of creation

The project was developed in the design bureau, headed by B. M. Malinin. The tactical and technical characteristics of submarines of this type changed slightly from series to series in the direction of increasing the power of diesel engines and slightly reducing the cruising range, as well as increasing the underwater speed. The armament (four bow and two stern torpedo tubes, two 45-mm guns) remained unchanged.


In 1933, submarines of the Shch (“Pike”) type began to enter service with the fleets, and by 1941 there were already 84 of them. “Pikes” were built and delivered in series - 1933 - III series (4 units), 1933 -1934 - V series (12 units), 1934-1935 V-bis series (13 units), 1935-1936 - V-bis-2 series (14 units), 1936-1939 - X series (32 units) and 1941 - X bis series (9 units + 2 units after the war).

Prerequisites for creation


The new series of boats of the Shch type was named V bis-2 series and had a number of significant differences. Once again, the theoretical drawing and shape of the deckhouse were reworked, which finally increased the surface speed by 0.5 knots. and improved seaworthiness. The aft bulkhead of the second compartment was made stepped - this made it possible to store the torpedoes in assembled form. The torpedo-loading device was redesigned, which, on the one hand, reduced the clutter of the compartments, and on the other, reduced the loading time to 12 hours, versus 25-30 before. The bulkheads of the central post were strengthened (now they could withstand a pressure of 6 kg/cm). The main ballast tanks No. 3 and No. 4 were adapted to receive additional fuel. The transmission of the economical electric motor was changed from gear to belt, making its operation silent. The electric motors of the bow and stern horizontal rudders were moved to the end compartments, leaving only manual control in the central post. The system for blowing the main ballast with diesel engines has become standard. Some of the submarines received Som network cutters. Thanks to the introduction of all these innovations, the V-bis-2 series boats have earned high praise from sailors. On boats of the V bis-2 series, the main ballast was blown with a diesel engine, which worked as a compressor. On the "Shch" type submarine of the V-bis 2 series, the bow contours were somewhat improved by lengthening the boules. To store spare torpedoes in the assembly, the aft bulkhead of the second compartment (on the 31st frame) was made unusual - the profile was not vertical, but stepped, its upper part (above the battery pit) was moved one groove aft. The strength of the bulkheads of the central post, now located in the fourth compartment, was designed for 6 atm. 5 submarines of series V-bis 2 - “Cod” (head, “Shch-307”), “Haddock” (“Shch-306”), “Dolphin” (“Shch-309”), “Belukha” (“Shch- 310") and "Kumzha" ("Shch-311") were laid down on the eve of the 16th anniversary of the October Revolution - November 6, 1933. The first two of them entered service with the Red Banner Baltic Fleet on August 17, 1935, the third - on November 20, 1935 The commander of one of the submarines of the V-bis 2 series described his submarine as follows: “equipped with the latest electronic navigation devices at that time, the submarine “Shch-309” (“Dolphin”) could sail in any weather far from its bases, both at sea and at sea. and in the ocean. Possessing powerful torpedo weapons, as well as systems, devices and instruments that provide a covert launch into a torpedo attack, the submarine was able to operate against large enemy warships and detect them in a timely manner - this allowed its surveillance equipment to guarantee stable communication with the submarine. command at a great distance from their bases. Finally, the appropriate arrangement of instruments and mechanisms in the submarine ensured not only the successful use of weapons and the preservation of its survivability, but also the rest of the personnel during the time free from watchkeeping. The strength and reliability of the submarines were tested in the harsh battles of the war of 1941 - 1945. The commander of the same submarine “Shch-309” wrote about this from the fierce pursuit of his submarine by enemy anti-submarine ships in 1942: “The submarine withstood all the tests: close explosions of depth charges, great depths, the vagaries of the sea elements, and in full combat readiness, not Having let not a single drop of water inside, she continued to perform combat service, and this is a considerable merit of the submarine’s builders.”

Construction and testing

A total of 14 units were built in 1933-1936:

Description of design


The durable hull of the "Shch" type submarines, 43.0 m long, was located between 14 and 75 shanks, the distances between which were unequal: from 14 to 16-500 mm, from 16 to 64-750 mm, from 64 to 75-500 mm . Over the course of 22 to 63 sp. it was a pipe with circular sections. In the area from 14 to 22 and from 63 to 75 sp. The sections of the durable hull had an elliptical shape, with the bow sections having a vertical main axis and the stern sections having a horizontal main axis. The largest diameter of the strong hull at the midship frame is 4.38 m. The sheathing of the strong hull was made of steel sheets 13.5 mm thick, applied in the longitudinal direction and connected by overlapped grooves, and connected by strips at the joints. There was a three-row staggered rivet seam along the grooves, and a two-row one along the joints.

The durable hull was designed for an external pressure of 9 atm, corresponding to a depth of about 90 m. However, during the war, “pikes” also dived to great depths. Thus, Shch-405 in August 1941 accidentally “drew” to a depth of 125 m, Shch-402 in October of the same year - to 115 m. The strong hull was limited from the bow and stern by waterproof flat bulkheads of riveted construction 16 mm thick. The torpedo tubes were connected to the trim tank bulkheads and formed part of the pressure hull structure.

Six welded bulkheads divided the robust hull into seven compartments. The lining angles were riveted both to its plating and to the bulkheads; fastening the beams to the sheathing is done by welding. Bulkhead 22 sp. - made of 44 mm sheets in the middle and 11 mm along the edges - supported by vertical posts and a chain box. The remaining bulkheads had a thickness of 11 mm (designed for a pressure of 2 atm), and those forming the central post - 14 mm (designed for 6 atm on both sides).

The unsinkability of the boats on the surface, for cases of sailing without fuel, was ensured by 7 waterproof compartments in the onboard ballast tanks. If any compartment of the durable hull with the adjacent onboard tank on one side was damaged (with the exception of the sixth compartment), as well as if one of the end tanks was damaged, the boat could remain on the surface with positive stability and maintain speed. Unsinkability in case of an accident in a submerged position was not ensured. A strong cabin was located between 40-44 shp. and was made of low-magnetic steel in the form of a cylinder with an internal diameter of 1700 mm. The cabin body was made up of two 12-mm sheets connected to each other by squares with spacers between them made of leaded canvas. The cabin roof is spherical, with a sphere radius of 1770 mm, made of sheets 16 mm thick; it had a hole with a diameter of 650 mm for the coaming of the entrance hatch. The superstructure ran the entire length of the boat; its maximum width is 1750 mm, the height in the area where the cylindrical part of the durable body is located is 750 mm. The thickness of the side plates and the upper deck of the superstructure is 3 mm, the distance between the frames is 500 mm. To quickly fill the superstructure with water when immersing its sides from 22 to 31 sp. in the bow and from 58 to 70 sp. in the stern they did not reach the strong hull by 5 mm, forming something like constantly open longitudinal scuppers. Ventilation of the superstructure when filling it with water was carried out through a large number of drilled holes in the deck.

The wave-cutting shields of the bow torpedo tubes (the upper ones are 3040 mm long, the lower ones are 2790 mm long) were made of 8 mm steel. Due to the design features of the bow, the breakwater shields on pikes broke more often during the war than on other types of boats. It happened that due to their jamming it was necessary to leave the position ahead of schedule. On Pacific and North Sea boats, the shields were removed, as a result, the surface speed dropped by about 2 knots, and the underwater speed by 0.5.

A box-section keel made of 10-mm sheets, riveted to a durable hull with squares, was located in the middle part of the hull (14-69 lp.) and served to enhance its longitudinal strength, as well as to place the boat on keel blocks during docking. To increase the stability of the submarine, portable solid ballast (usually cast iron ingots) with a total weight of up to 37 tons was placed in the keel. In order to reduce water resistance during underwater passage, the durable wheelhouse had a light fence made of 3-mm steel sheets. The fencing deck, located at the level of the conning hatch coaming, served as a navigation bridge during surface navigation - a magnetic compass and a vertical rudder control post were installed there.

Aft of the wheelhouse, in the enclosure, there was an above-water latrine and a room for the boatswain's equipment. Free filling and drainage of the fence during immersion and ascent was ensured by holes in its side walls and in the deck. In the area where the stern gun was located, the bulwark of the fence had parts that could be folded down using a hand winch. In the lowered position, they served as a platform for the gun crew. On some boats, already during the war, they were removed and replaced with a round platform with handrails or with permanent tubular railings. The underwater and surface anchors were pulled out with an electric capstan. Hall's surface anchor weighed 600 kg, and the underwater mushroom anchor weighed 1000 kg.

Dive and ascent system

Inside the durable hull there were tanks: trim bow (between 14 and 15 sp.) and stern (73-75 sp.), torpedo-capacity (17-20 sp.), provision (20-22 sp.), fuel No. 1- 4 (24-31, 31-37, 45-49, 49-55 sp., respectively), equalization (41-44 sp.), quick immersion (43-45 sp.), fresh drinking water (39-42 and 69 -73 sp.), replacement shells (37-39 sp.), oil main (55-60 sp.), consumable (51-53 sp.), waste (49-51 sp.). Most of the main ballast tanks were located in boules. Deck tanks (on 33-39 and 47-57 shp.) were eliminated during major repairs.

For ascent, a system consisting of high (emergency blowing) and low pressure air ducts with red copper fittings was used (It should be noted that in those places where red-copper pipes ran close to the steel sheathing sheets, a galvanic couple was formed, which contributed to intense corrosion. For To combat this phenomenon, zinc protector plates began to be inserted between copper and steel, but this was not always possible; in general, the service life of red copper tubes did not exceed 1.5 years.) The normal ascent of the submarine was carried out as follows. When the sea state was up to 4 points, the middle tank was first completely purged with high-pressure air; at the same time, the wheelhouse with the hatch came out of the water almost entirely, and the entire upper deck was about 0.5 m from the surface of the water; the conning hatch was quite high from the water level. When the sea state was over 4 points, simultaneously with the middle tank being blown, the end ballast tanks No. 1 and 6 were partially blown with high pressure air. The rest of the main ballast was blown with low pressure compressed air supplied by a diesel engine, which in this case served as a compressor and was driven by the main electric motor. The submarine commander judged that the tanks had been completely purged by the release of air bubbles in the area where the kingston baffles of the corresponding ballast tanks were located. The rapid ascent of a submarine was carried out only in case of accidents and other extreme situations. In this case, all main ballast tanks and the middle one were purged with high pressure air.

The high pressure air on the boat was for the following purposes; emergency blowing of ballast tanks, firing torpedoes from torpedo tubes, supplying air to the compartments for rescue purposes, starting diesel engines and turning off the Bamag couplings, blowing through the gratings of the ballast line receiving seams, obtaining medium pressure air. The total supply of VVD was 4758 liters at a pressure of 200 atm; it was stored in 61 cylinders with a capacity of 78 liters each. To replenish the air flow on the boat, there were two high-pressure compressors of the K-7 type with a capacity of 6 liters per minute at a pressure of 255 atm. But in operation they turned out to be very unreliable and often failed. The medium pressure air line served mainly auxiliary devices. It was assembled from red copper pipes with bronze fittings and originated in the fourth compartment from the VVD main.

The operational characteristics of the ascent system can be judged from the test results of the submarine Shch-204 U-bis-2 series. Engine mode: rpm - 200, roll when blowing - up to 6° on both sides, blowing time - 11 minutes (onboard ballast tanks No. 3 and 4 with fuel were not subject to blowing). At 300 rpm (both engines): roll - up to 2°, blowing time - 4 min. At 320 rpm (both engines): no roll observed, time 3 min. Increasing to 415 rpm (both engines): no roll was observed, blowing - about 2 minutes. It follows from this that when blowing ballast at a low speed, the possibility of a large roll could not be excluded. In fresh weather, blowing the submarine's ballast, even at high engine speeds, without running was difficult. In such cases, this procedure was carried out on the move: one electric motor drove the propeller (the submarine moves against the wave), and the other rotated the diesel engine at high speeds and blew out the ballast. A blowing mode is also possible, when the main propeller electric motors, with the Bamag clutches turned on, worked on the propeller and the submarine sailed against the wave. At a speed of about 200 rpm, blowing occurred almost without roll and took approximately 10 minutes.

The drainage means on boats of the Shch type U-bis-2 series with a total capacity of 280 t/h consisted of two three-piston pumps TP-15 from the Borets plant (total capacity 15 t/h with a back pressure of 9 atm). Drainage means - one R-130 turbopump installed in the central post (capacity - 250 t/h, with a parallel connection of impellers and a back pressure of 9 m of water column and 25 t/h, with a series connection of impellers with a back pressure of 9 atm). The filling time for the main ballast tanks was 32 seconds. The time for blowing them with low pressure air when ascending from the positional position to the surface is 4 minutes at 340 rpm of the diesel engine. According to wartime estimates, the submersion system for submarines of the Shch type (except for the X-bis series) did not provide rapid submergence due to the small volume of the rapid submersion tank. The commanders had to take ballast into the equalization tank.

Power plant and driving performance

Submarines of the "Shch" type were equipped with two uncompressor eight-cylinder four-stroke diesel engines 38-V-8 built by the Kolomna Machine-Building Plant. The normal (also maximum) power of each engine is 685 hp. at 600 rpm. Cylinder diameter - 280 mm, piston stroke - 380 mm, fuel consumption at full power per 1 hp/h - 175...185 g. A characteristic feature of the engine was its low specific weight - 16 kg/hp. Its disadvantages include excessive sensitivity to the quality of lubrication of the head bearings (if this requirement is not met, cylinder pistons quickly scuff up) and severe corrosion of the working bushings. Depending on the task being solved, the boat could have a normal or increased fuel supply. The amount of fuel in durable hull tanks was considered normal - 29.6 cubic meters. m, which approximately corresponded to a weight of 26 tons. Reinforced - the amount of fuel taken into on-board ballast tanks No. 3 and 4 plus the normal reserve, that is, 70.9 cubic meters. m, or 62-64 tons. With a normal fuel supply, the highest surface speed was 12.3 knots. Cruising range without charging 1280 miles. At an economic surface speed of 9 knots. the cruising range without charging reached 2280 miles. Each full charge of the battery reduced the cruising range: in the first case by 55 miles, in the second - by 90. With an increased fuel supply, the maximum surface speed was reduced to 12 knots, the economic speed was reduced to 8. The cruising range (without charging) was 2880 and 5250 miles respectively. The average underwater speed for one hour was 8 knots, the cruising range was 8 miles. Economic underwater speed is 2.55 knots. provided a cruising range of 104 miles.

The main DC propulsion motors of the PGV brand from the Elektrosila plant are single-anchor, reversible, with an hourly power of 400 hp. at 450 rpm. They drove the propeller, served as generators to charge the battery, and rotated diesel engines when blowing ballast. The battery consisted of 112 KSM-2 type cells, divided into two groups. The elements in each group were connected in series; The groups themselves, when the boat was parked in the base, were connected to each other in parallel, and to give full speed - in series. Ventilation for each battery is individual. During the war years, this system, as it had not justified itself, was converted to a general pit system. Charging time: from a fully discharged state - 12-14 hours, from a medium discharge state - 9 hours. The desire of boat commanders to sail with a fully charged battery led to numerous recharges, during which the battery constantly overheated, and its service life was reduced. The propeller is three-bladed, bronze. Its diameter is 1260 mm, pitch is 970 mm, weight is 225 kg. During operation, it turned out that the edges of the blades were too thin, easily bent, cracked and broke. To control the boat along the course and depth, a vertical semi-balanced rudder (feather area 4.2 sq.m) and two pairs of balanced horizontal rudders (bow 4.14 sq.m, stern 4.52 sq.m) were used. The first is controlled by a Davis screw drive, rotated by an electric motor, or manually from the seventh compartment. The largest shift angle is 35°. The greatest angles of shifting of the second ones are 20° (bow) and 25° (stern). The transmission from electric motors is roller, manual control is from the central station. It should be noted that the electric drive of the horizontal rudders turned out to be very noisy, and the manual drive required a lot of effort to shift. Often this forced the personnel to abandon the use of manual drive, even in cases where the boat was being pursued by the enemy. The diameter of the circulation at full surface speed is about 295 m. The stability of holding depth at any speed, starting from 2 knots, is 0.3 m. Boats of the Shch type could sail in finely broken ice. The time for shifting the rudders at full speed with electric control from the middle position to any extreme position: for a vertical rudder - 15 s, for horizontal rudders - 10...13 s. Reverse travel was carried out only by the main electric motors.

Auxiliary equipment

Submarines of the "Shch" type were equipped with two periscopes: a command periscope (PA) and an anti-aircraft periscope (PZ), which initially had a length of 7.5 m. Starting from the X series, 9-meter periscopes were used. Boats of earlier production also received them during major repairs. The height of the periscope heads from the waterline was 7.3 m and 9.45 m, respectively. Observation was carried out only from the central post; lifting and lowering was carried out by a very noisy electric winch or manually. The following navigation instruments were installed on the submarines: Sperry gyrocompass (or brand GU M-1 model 2), three 127 mm magnetic compasses (main, track and wheelhouse), electric log GO M-3 model 2, echo sounder EMS-2 and hand lot . Surface illumination at night was provided by an MSPL-L4.0 spotlight.

Crew and habitability

Initially, the crew of the "Shch" type submarine included 7 "medium" commanders (commander, commissar, assistant commander, commanders of BC-1/4, BC-2/3 and BC-5, military paramedic), 6 junior commanders and 25 Red Navy men. In wartime, the number of crew increased to 40 people (7 middle and 15 junior commanders, 18 Red Navy men). Autonomy with a normal supply of fuel, oil, fresh and distilled water was 20 days, in some cases it increased to 45-55. The fresh water supply ranged from 2.5 to 6.7 tons. Air purification was carried out by 10 electric fans or 9 regeneration machines with special RV-2 cartridges (total supply - from 900 to 1920 pieces) filled with caustic soda. For the same purposes, a special system of 12 steel cylinders with a capacity of 38-40 liters with oxygen compressed to 150 atm was used. The time of maximum continuous stay under water with full use of the entire regeneration system is 72 hours, without use - 12 hours. A single cabin for the boat commander, a wardroom, and easily removable bunks (30 pieces) were arranged for the personnel. On board there were permanent and portable electric heating pads, a steam heating pipeline fed from the shore base to maintain the temperature in the compartments with the hatches closed not lower than +14 ° C at an outside temperature of up to - 20 ° C, an electric galley for cooking, electric utensils, two pneumatic underwater latrines and one above-water one in the cabin enclosure, a shower pipeline in the cabin enclosure. The boat was equipped with rescue and lifting equipment: eyelets for lifting the boat using the base, reinforced with scuppers in the superstructure (for lifting the boat with soft EPRON pontoons), external and internal equipment for purging compartments and tanks using diving hoses, two signal buoys, four keel belts. For the exit of personnel from the sunken submarine, airlock hatches, tubes and a rescue cabin were used; there was also the possibility of exit through torpedo tubes.


Auxiliary/anti-aircraft artillery

The initial artillery armament of the Pike was two 45-mm 21-K semi-automatic assault rifles. The horizontal firing angle of each gun is 280°, descent is 10°, elevation is -85°, high-explosive projectile weight is 1.41 kg, initial speed is 760 m/s. Firing range: horizontal - 50 kbt, altitude - 4500 m. Rate of fire - about 25-30 rds/min. Ammunition - 500 rounds per barrel. For the first shots, a sealed fender for 15 rounds was installed near the semiautomatic device. In the middle part of the bridge there were two swivels for detachable M-1 Maxim machine guns (the supply of cartridges for them and for five Mosin rifles was 24,000 pieces). In addition, there were 27 revolvers on the boat. The artillery armament of the pikes initially caused criticism among the sailors. Converted from the famous 45-mm anti-tank gun, the semi-automatic 21-K as an anti-aircraft gun was distinguished by extremely low combat characteristics. And its capabilities in combating surface targets were very modest. So, for example, during the Soviet-Finnish war, to sink the 379-ton Estonian ship “Kassari” in almost testing conditions, the Shch-323 spent 152 shells, the Shch-311 spent 127 shells to destroy the 484-ton “Fenris”. The 45-mm high-explosive shell had only 360 g of explosive and could not cause fatal damage to the ship. It is curious that, having returned from a combat campaign in early June 1942, the commander of Shch-214 V.Ya. Vlasov (sank three Bulgarian schooners) proposed replacing the 45-mm guns... with ordinary backpack flamethrowers! Firing with armor-piercing incendiary shells had slightly better results, but overall the 45-mm gun demonstrated completely unsatisfactory combat qualities. Therefore, it is no coincidence that even before the start of the Great Patriotic War, some “pikes” of the X series of the Black Sea Fleet began to receive a 12.7-mm DShK machine gun instead of a stern 45-mm gun. The search for a new artillery system for the Pike has been going on since the late 1930s. In November 1939, headed by V.G. Grabin OKB No. 92 on its own initiative began to develop the F-35 76-mm non-universal boat gun. Its swinging part was borrowed from the F-22 divisional cannon with a barrel length of 50 (actually 51.3) calibers. Maximum barrel elevation angle - 36°, projectile weight - 6.2 kg, initial speed - about 700 m/s, rate of fire - 12 rounds/min; the total weight of the gun mount is 0.79 tons, the crew is 4 people. The only copy of the F-35 was installed on the Black Sea Shch-204, was successfully tested at the beginning of 1941 and died along with it. According to the version set out in the memoirs of V. G. Grabina, the decision to abandon the new gun was made by Marshal G.I. Kulik, who tried not to overload artillery factories with “extra” naval orders.

Mine and torpedo weapons

The main armament of the submarine is six steel torpedo tubes installed in planes parallel to the diametrical one. The total length of the apparatus is 7520 mm, the internal diameter of the pipe along the guides is 536 mm. The distance between the axes of the bow apparatus is 1350 mm, the stern one is 1240 mm. The shooting was carried out with compressed air. The time for receiving torpedoes is 4.5-5 hours, preparing a second salvo is from 3 hours 20 minutes to 4 hours. Since 1939, boats began to be equipped with a bubble-free torpedo firing system (BTS). The principle of its operation was to automatically bypass the high-pressure air pushing the torpedo inside the durable hull after the torpedo had passed 2/3 of the length of the torpedo tube. When the pressure in the pipe dropped to the outboard value, water completely filled the pipe, and through it the torpedo replacement tank. In combat conditions, this overly complex system often failed. If the appearance of an air bubble on the surface, as a rule, could be avoided, then the filling of the torpedo replacement tank and the restoration of normal buoyancy usually occurred after the bow or wheelhouse of the boat appeared on the surface. On German submarines, torpedoes were pushed out by a special piston, which was driven by compressed air emitted from a pipe into the boat. With such a system, there was no threat of air escaping to the surface. The “Pikes” were armed with 10 torpedoes: 6 in the tubes and 4 spare ones on racks in the second compartment. Initially these were 533-mm torpedoes of type 53-27 (the first number is the caliber in cm, the second is the year of adoption), developed at the Ostekhbyuro. Depending on the type, they weighed 1675 or 1725 kg (explosive weight 200 or 250 kg), speed 43.5 knots. and a cruising range of 3700 m. The main disadvantage of the 53-27 torpedoes is their poor sealing and inability to withstand the depth regime, therefore, with the beginning of the war, they were completely banned for use in the Black Sea Fleet, and were used very limitedly in other fleets (when the depth was set to at least 3 m) . They were replaced back in 1938 by the 53-38 torpedo, which was a copy of the 53F Fium torpedo purchased in Italy in 1930. The new torpedo, with almost the same length as 53-27 (7200 and 7150 mm, respectively), had a weight of 1615 kg (explosive weight 300 kg) and a speed of 44.5 knots. at a range of 4000 m (there was also a mode of 34.5 knots - 8000 m or 30.5 knots - 10,000 m, but it was practically not used on submarines). It was this torpedo that was the main one on the “pikes” during the Great Patriotic War. The torpedoes of types 53-38U, 53-39 and the ET80 electric torpedo, which entered service already during the war, were not used on boats of the Shch type due to size limitations. Since the production of 53-27 torpedoes began virtually simultaneously with the construction of the first pikes, the designers provided for the possibility of firing old torpedoes of the 45-10/15 type - for this purpose, gratings installed inside the torpedo tubes were used. Soon, torpedoes of this type were removed from service, but in 1936 they were replaced by others - type 45-36Н, also designed on the basis of an Italian prototype: length 5700 (6000 mm) (Data in parentheses are given for the 45-36НУ torpedo with an increased combat charge compartment), weight 935 (1028) kg, explosive weight 200 (285 kg) and speed 41 knots. at a range of 3000 m; there was also a 32-knot mode - 6000 m. At the beginning of the war, torpedoes of the 45-36N type were used on pikes to a limited extent, but then they began to be used more and more often. By the beginning of 1945, the normal ammunition load of Baltic submarines of the III - V series consisted of eight 53-38 and four 45-36N torpedoes. Despite the increase in ammunition, the variety of torpedoes made their use difficult, since due to the difference in speed characteristics they could not be used in one salvo. In addition, due to a shortage of torpedoes since 1944, the Pikes had to take the unsuccessful 53-27 again.

Communications, detection, auxiliary equipment

The external communication radio equipment consisted of a long-wave transmitter “Shkval-Shch” and a short-wave transmitter “Bukhta”. Subsequently, they were replaced, respectively, by “Perch” (60-75 W, operating range 200-1200 m, transmission range with a boat antenna 80-100 miles) and “Pike” (500-650 W, range 30-120 m, transmission range up to 2000 miles). Long-wave Dozor and short-wave KUB-4 were used for reception. During repairs, the latter was replaced by “Metel” or 45-PK-1 with increased sensitivity. All devices worked both as a radiotelegraph and as a radiophone through a microphone. For intra-squadron communication and communication with landing parties, there was a “Raid” VHF transceiver station (power 4-6 W, transmission range up to 15 miles). Radio direction finders “Burun” and “Passat” were installed on some of the boats. Since 1939, submarines began to be equipped with noise direction-finding stations of the Mars-12 type with an elliptical base of 12 receivers (the receivers were located in the bow permeable end). Depending on the hydrology of the sea, the station could detect the noise of a large ship at distances of 12.5-30 kbt, with a direction finding accuracy of 1° to 3°; She did not determine the distance to the target. It should be noted that even with this primitive, relatively foreign level, equipment, by the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, only 159 submarines out of 213 were equipped. During the war, our fleet adopted a much more advanced GAS "Dra-kon-129" of English production, which could work in both passive and active (“echo”) modes, determining the distance and bearing to targets distant at 12-18 kbt with an accuracy of 2.5°-3°. The first of the pikes to receive it was Shch-403 in mid-1942. It was mainly used to detect anchor mines, which represented the main threat to submarines in all theaters of war. To communicate with submarines, the pikes had a Vega or Sirius two-sword sound-underwater communication installation. Her upper sword was located on the deck between the 9th and 10th swords, and the lower sword was located in a special enclosure between the 45th and 46th swords. The “Som” net cutter installed on some of the boats was a system of cutters (four on the stem, two on the forecastle linearly elevated and one on each side), as well as a system of guy ropes that protected the protruding parts of the boat from getting caught by net fence cables. Practice did not confirm the usefulness of this device, and it was gradually dismantled, covering the saw on the stem with metal sheets.

Modernization and refurbishment

In 1947, TsKB-18 carried out developments on a project to modernize the remaining submarines of the V and X series. During the overhaul, it was planned to install an RDP device (snorkel), remake the wheelhouse, following the example of boats of the new series, lower the gun platforms to the level of the upper deck, install more modern periscopes and equipment, and increase the fuel supply. Due to lack of funds, lack of production capacity and the obviously low combat value of the boats in the new conditions, these plans were abandoned. “Pikes” remained to live out their lives in the same form.

Service history


  • Submarine Shch-309 "Dolphin"(commander - Lieutenant Commander S.S. Veseloye) left the base on the night of November 29, 1939. Her route ran through the Gulf of Finland to the area of ​​the small island of Fore, located northeast of Gotland. The main tasks at such a position relatively remote from the coast of Finland were to be a long-range blockade and surveillance of the Swedish fleet. Only Finnish ships were allowed to attack, and the commander was required to strictly adhere to the laws of naval warfare and prize law. The very first days of patrolling showed a complete cessation of the movement of enemy ships on the open sea. In fact, only German steamships sailed in the area of ​​operation of Shch-309, which there was no order to inspect. On the evening of December 5, when Sweden's neutrality was no longer in doubt, the submarine received an order to return to Tallinn. She arrived there the next day, and on December 12, without having time to undergo the required repairs, she was transferred to Libau along with the entire division. Obviously, this was dictated by the fear of leaving the boats in the port, where they could be blocked by ice during the unprecedentedly harsh winter of 1939/40. Despite difficult weather conditions, on January 14 Shch-309 went to sea to enforce a blockade southeast of the Åland Islands. By the time it arrived at the position, the boat resembled a small iceberg. The Red Navy men sent to chip away the ice were twice washed overboard by the wave and could hardly be pulled onto the deck. Patrolling at any moment threatened to end in disaster. Realizing this, the command recalled the boat to Tallinn on January 17. She never went to sea again.
  • Shch-310 "Belukha"(commander - senior lieutenant N.M. Ovechkin) left Kronstadt simultaneously with Shch-309 to perform the same tasks, however, its area of ​​​​operation was to be the western approaches to the island of Saarema. Having not met the enemy, she returned to Tallinn on the morning of December 7, but that same evening she again went to a position in the area of ​​​​the Swedish Landsort lighthouse (southern approaches to Stockholm). The second campaign also turned out to be inconclusive - Finnish ships did not need to sail in this area quite far from the coast, since the Swedes, who sympathized with the Finns, provided them with their own territorial waters for the movement of transport. On December 16, the position at Landsort was abolished, and in the evening of the next day Shch-310 entered the Libavsky roadstead, and this ended its campaign.
  • December 6 Shch-311 “Kumzha”(commander - Lieutenant Commander F.G. Vershinin) left Kronstadt for a new base - with the outbreak of hostilities, the 21st Division was supposed to be based in Tallinn. The transition was carried out in poor visibility conditions, and a couple of hours later the boat ran aground in the area of ​​the Demanstein Banks. The destroyer Karl Marx, called to help, removed the submarine and escorted it back to Kronstadt, where its underwater part was inspected. Fortunately, there were no serious damages, and the submarine arrived in Tallinn on the 9th. Here Shch-311 awaited orders to move to Libau, where it arrived on December 12. Since Shch-311 was the only one from the division that did not make combat trips, and the readiness of its mechanisms did not raise concerns, the command sent the submarine for operations in the Gulf of Bothnia.

On the morning of December 24, the boat left the base (the trip was provided by divisional commander-lieutenant A.E. Orel, a famous submariner and future commander of the Baltic Fleet) and immediately found herself in a force nine storm. Despite this, the very next day the “pike” reached the Åland Sea without incident, where it stopped, passing through the South Kvarken S-1 Strait. That same evening, her first meeting took place with the enemy - the gunboat "Karjala", which, having discovered the surfaced "Kumzha" in the light of the moon, gave its identification marks from a distance of 15 kbt. Realizing that it would not be possible to get within salvo range under such conditions, Vershinin decided to leave on the surface. The Finns began to pursue, but soon the opponents lost each other in the darkness. The next day, the boat crossed South Kvarken in a submerged position (at the same time it hit the ground and briefly jumped to the surface) and on December 28 took up a position near the Finnish port of Vasa. Previously, Soviet submarines had not appeared here, and therefore the enemy felt quite calm - all the standard lighthouses were burning. Shortly before midnight, Vershinin discovered a transport crossing the course of the pike, heading towards the shores of Finland without lights. The boat increased its speed and after 8 minutes, from a distance of 10-12 kbt, opened fire from the bow cannon. After the first shots, the ship, which by that time had already crossed the course of the boat, “showed the stern” and headed towards the Norrscher lighthouse. Numerous hits, some white flashes, and even the lowering of boats were observed from the submarine's bridge. What was even more surprising was that, having passed the lighthouse, the ship again sharply turned east and entered the zone of floating ice. The submarine passed behind its stern, continuing to fire from two guns (in total, during the battle, which lasted almost an hour, the boat fired 67 45-mm shells). Despite the visible list, the transport stayed afloat and moved on the same course. Vershinin continued the pursuit, maneuvering between the ice floes, but soon interrupted the pursuit. He never saw the death of the ship, but considered its fate a foregone conclusion. Who did Shch-311 attack? It is generally accepted that the German transport Siegfried came under fire. However, the German historian Yu. Rover clarifies that in fact the ship was called “Sigrid” and had a tonnage of 1224 gross tons. Such a ship did exist, but not in the German, but in the Finnish merchant fleet (this is confirmed by the observations of Vershinin, who saw the Finnish flag above the ship) and was classified as a motor tanker. There is no doubt that “Sigrid” did not die, but information from Yu. Rover's claim that he did not receive any damage at all is highly doubtful. Before the Kumzhi guns had time to cool down after the battle, a new transport was discovered in the west. Shch-311 quickly set on a parallel course and at 4.48 on December 29 opened fire. The hits soon followed (in this battle the boat fired 140 shells). After about 45 minutes, the ship slowed down and, turning towards the Norrscher lighthouse, threw itself onto the coastal rocks. A precisely fired torpedo broke the target in half. Only the bridge and forecastle of the Finnish steamer Vilpas (775 GRT) remained above the water, transporting wheat from the Swedish port of Malmo to Vasa. There were no meetings with the enemy in the following days. Steamships breaking through to Finnish ports easily bypassed the small-sized position of the Kumzhi. But on January 5, in conditions of heavy snowfall, Vershinin discovered another ship heading towards the Finnish coast. It was located outside the blockade zone, and the commander decided to wait until the ship entered the zone where weapons were allowed to be used without warning. Since the submarine was clearly visible from the white stripes painted across the hull and indicating that it belonged to the Swedish merchant fleet, as well as the name on the stern and even the barrels standing on the deck, it can be assumed that the distance between the “pike” and the ship was small. According to Vershinin, the ship suddenly turned north and increased its speed. In fact, if the ship changed course, it was very slightly - the Swedish steamer Fenris (484 GRT) was making a voyage from one Swedish port to another, but due to poor visibility it moved too far from the western shore of the bay. Seeing that the target was moving away, Vershinin at 14.40 ordered to fire at the ship's heading. After that, it seemed to have stopped moving, but as soon as the “Kumzha” began to approach, it picked up speed again. Then our submariners opened fire to kill. According to the version of the Fenris crew who escaped in full, the ship was suddenly attacked and immediately stopped. While the crew was boarding the boat, an unknown submarine without a flag quickly turned the ship into a blazing fire. Meanwhile, Shch-311 fired a torpedo at the target. After walking a few meters in a straight line, it sharply turned to the side and passed in front of the Fenris’s nose. Soon the heavily damaged coaster landed on a sandbank in the area of ​​the Zuiderostbrotten lightship, but at least another hour passed before the Kumzha finished shelling (127 shells were fired). On January 7, the boat was recalled to base, in the evening of the next day it crossed South Kvarken and arrived in Libau on the 10th. The transition was carried out in a storm, the strength of which is evidenced by the fact that thick glass in the wheelhouse was broken by the impact of the wave. Shch-311 turned out to be the only submarine of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet that sank a Finnish transport during the entire war and achieved two confirmed victories. February 7 F.G. Vershinin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and “Kumzha” was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.


  • "Shch-121" ("Zubatka") Laid down on December 20, 1933 in Leningrad at plant No. 194, factory No. 214. In 1934, it was transported in sections by rail to Vladivostok to plant No. 202 (Dalzavod), where on August 26, 1934 it was launched. On April 30, 1935, it became part of the Pacific Fleet. On August 9, 1945, it met 4 submarine brigades in Nakhodka under the command of Lieutenant Commander Yaylo Andrei Georgievich as part of the 11th Division. Did not participate in hostilities.
  • "Shch-122" ("Saira") Laid down on December 22, 1933 in Leningrad at plant No. 189 (Baltic Shipyard), factory No. 251. In 1934, it was transported in sections by rail to Vladivostok to plant No. 202 (Dalzavod), where on August 29, 1934 it was launched . On April 30, 1935, it became part of the Pacific Fleet. On August 9, 1945, it met 4 submarine brigades in Nakhodka as part of the 12th division under the command of Lieutenant Commander Ivan Dmitrievich Kuznetsov. With the outbreak of hostilities, she took up her assigned position in the Sea of ​​Japan, but had no encounters with the enemy.
  • "Shch-123" ("Eel") Laid down on December 20, 1933 in Leningrad at plant No. 194, factory No. 215. In 1934, it was transported in sections by rail to Vladivostok to plant No. 202 (Dalzavod), where on August 26, 1934 it was launched. April 30, 1935 became part of the Pacific Fleet. On August 9, 1945, it met 4 submarine brigades in Nakhodka as part of the 12th division under the command of captain 3rd rank Mikhailov Boris Mizailovich. With the outbreak of hostilities, she took up her assigned position in the Sea of ​​Japan. On August 19, while in a positional position, she was attacked by two torpedoes from an enemy submarine. The salvo was detected by an air bubble at a distance of 4-5 cabins and the Shch-123, diving in circulation, managed to evade the torpedoes.
  • "Shch-124" ("Halibut")Laid down on December 22, 1933 in Leningrad at plant No. 189 (Baltic Shipyard), factory No. 252. In 1934, it was transported in sections by rail to Vladivostok to plant No. 202 (Dalzavod), where on December 29, 1934 it was launched water. On November 23, 1935, it became part of the Pacific Fleet. On August 9, 1945, it met 4 submarine brigades in Nakhodka under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Adolf Evseevich Reznikov as part of the 12th Division. Did not participate in hostilities.
  • "Shch-125" ("Muksun") Laid down on December 20, 1933 in Leningrad at plant No. 194, factory No. 217. In 1934, it was transported in sections by rail to Vladivostok to plant No. 202 (Dalzavod), where on August 26, 1934 it was launched. On May 23, 1936, it became part of the Pacific Fleet. On August 9, 1945, it met the 1st Division of the 1st Submarine Brigade in Ulis Bay under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Nazarenko Pantelei Konstantinovich. Did not participate in hostilities.
  • "Shch-204" ("Lamprey") Laid down on June 15, 1934 in Leningrad at plant No. 194, serial number 216. In 1934, it was transported in sections by rail to Nikolaev to plant No. 200 (named after 61 communards), where on December 31, 1934 it was launched under serial number 1040. On January 9, 1936, it became part of the Black Sea Fleet. On June 22, 1941, it met under the command of Lieutenant Commander Ivan Mikhailovich Gritsenko as part of the 3rd Division of the 1st Submarine Brigade in Sevastopol. On November 25, she took up a position near Varna, did not make contact and did not return to the base at the appointed time. There is an assumption that on December 6, 20 miles from Varna, she was discovered by the Bulgarian patrol boats Belomorets and Chernomorets. Having received heavy damage from depth charges dropped by Bulgarian boats, "Shch-204" surfaced and was sunk by artillery fire. The combat service period was 5.5 months (June 22, 1941 - December 6, 1941). 3 military campaigns (43 days).
  • "Shch-205" ("Nerpa") Laid down on January 5, 1934 in Nikolaev at plant No. 200 (named after 61 communards), serial number 1029. November 6, 1934 launched. On December 24, 1936 it became part of the Black Sea Fleet.
  • On June 22, 1941, she met under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Pavel Sevastyanovich Dronin as part of the 3rd Division of the 1st Submarine Brigade in Sevastopol. On June 23, she took up a position off the coast of Romania. The entire campaign was on the easternmost edge of the designated area, i.e. as far as possible from the coast and from coastal communications and, naturally, had no encounters with the enemy. Upon arrival at the base, the ship's commander was removed from his post, put on trial and shot. On July 17, lieutenant captain (later captain 3rd rank) Pavel Denisovich Sukhomlinov was appointed commander of the ship. On December 4, during the next campaign, while surfacing from the ground near Varna, she was blown up by two mines and received heavy damage to the durable hull and a number of mechanisms. Despite this, she managed to return to the base, where she was put in for repairs. May 18, 1942 north of Cape Karaburun, she sank the Turkish transport “Duatepe” (128 brt) with artillery fire. In June, she made one flight to besieged Sevastopol, delivering there 29 tons of ammunition, 1.5 tons of food, 17 tons of gasoline and taking 50 people to the mainland. Since the autumn of 1942 she has not taken part in hostilities. March 1, 1943 awarded the title "Guards"
  • Duration of combat service - 38.8 months (June 22, 1941 - September 16, 1944). 6 military campaigns (94 days). 3 torpedo attacks as a result of which 1 ship (683 GRT) was sunk and another 1 ship was damaged. 1 ship (128 GRT) was sunk by artillery fire.
  • "Shch-206" ("Nelma") Laid down on January 5, 1934 in Nikolaev at plant No. 200 (named after 61 communards), serial number 1030. On February 1, 1935, it was launched. On October 1, 1936, it became part of the Black Sea Fleet. On June 22, 1941, it met under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Karakai Sidor Alekseevich as part of the 3rd Division of the 1st Submarine Brigade in Sevastopol. In the first days of the war, she went on a military campaign and on June 23 was supposed to take a position at Mangalia. She did not make contact and did not return to the base at the appointed time. There are several versions of the possible cause of the death of Shch-206. Thus, according to Romanian data, on July 9, the Romanian destroyer Naluka, 8 miles east of the port of Mangalia, attacked a submarine with depth charges and observed a large oil slick and air bubbles. On the same day, 5 cabs from that place, two Romanian torpedo boats “Vitelia” and “Visculul” again attacked the submarine with depth charges. Finally, there is some possibility of the sinking of the Shch-206 by the Soviet destroyer Soobrazitelny on June 26, when it accompanied the leader of the Kharkov after the shelling of Constantia; in any case, the destroyer bombed some unknown submarine, and only Shch could have been there -206.” Duration of combat service - 4 days (June 22, 1941 - June 26, 1941). 1 combat campaign.
  • "Shch-207" ("Killer Whale") Laid down on January 5, 1934 in Nikolaev at plant number 200 (named after 61 communards), serial number 1031. March 25, 1935 launched. On December 18, 1936 she became part of the Black Sea Fleet. On June 22, 1941 she met under the command of senior lieutenant (later captain-lieutenant, captain 3rd rank) Nikolai Alekseevich Panov as part of the 3rd division of the 1st submarine brigade in Sevastopol, was under repair. Since the spring of 1943 it has not taken part in hostilities. On April 12, 1944, Captain-Lieutenant Stetsenko Vasily Vasilyevich was appointed commander of the ship. The duration of combat service was 38.8 months (June 22, 1941 - September 16, 1944). 11 military campaigns (194 days). 4 torpedo attacks.
  • "Shch-306" ("Haddock") Laid down on November 6, 1933 in Leningrad at plant No. 189 (Baltic Shipyard), serial number 250. Launched on August 1, 1934. On August 17, 1935 she became part of the Baltic Fleet. On June 22, 1941 she met under the command of senior lieutenant (later lieutenant commander) Smolyar Nikolai Ivanovich as part of the Separate training division of submarines in Orienbaum. Since June 27, she was in position in the area of ​​the Kalbodagrund lighthouse, Gulf of Finland, where she was repeatedly attacked by anti-submarine boats, which dropped more than 200 depth charges on her. Without attacking a single target, she left the area on July 6 and returned safely to base. October 20, 1942 left Kronstadt on a military campaign. During his stay at sea, the commander did not make a single report and only on November 12 reported that he was beginning to cross the Gulf of Finland to return to base. Since it did not arrive at the meeting point with the escort forces, it can be assumed that the Shch-306 was lost as a result of a mine explosion in the area of ​​the Nargen mine position. According to post-war data, during the actions of "Shch-306" in this area, the transport "Elbing IX" (467 gross tons) was lost and two more ships were damaged. Duration of combat service - 16.8 months (June 22, 1941 - November 16, 1942 .). 2 military campaigns (37 days).
  • "Shch-307" (Cod) The lead boat in the V-bis-2 series. Laid down on November 6, 1933 in Leningrad at plant No. 189 (Baltic Shipyard), serial number 249. Launched on August 1, 1934. On August 17, 1935, she became part of the Baltic Fleet. On June 22, 1941, she met under the command of Lieutenant Commander Nikolai Ivanovich Petrov as part of the Separate Submarine Training Division in Orienbaum. From July 24 she was in position in the Libau area, where on July 30 she tried to attack an enemy submarine and sank it. In August, she took part in the Tallinn crossing as part of a cover detachment. In December, Nikolai Onufrievich Momot was appointed captain of the ship (later captain of the 3rd rank) on September 23, 1942. left Kronstadt on a military campaign and on September 27 took up a position in the area of ​​\u200b\u200b. Khuvudsher. There she repeatedly discovered ships, but due to the fact that they were sailing in Swedish territorial waters, she refused to attack. Therefore, on September 30, Shch-307 was shifted to the Åland Islands. In this military campaign, as it turned out after the war, the Finnish submarine Iku-Turso was engaged in a targeted search for "Shch-307", starting it on October 11. Already on October 12, the Finnish submarine discovered the Soviet submarine by the noise of diesel engines, however, by a happy coincidence , "Shch-307" sank, not even suspecting that they had already launched an attack on it. "Iku-Turso", having lost contact, again discovered the Soviet submarine only at 20.44 on October 26 and tried to attack it with artillery fire, but the flashes of its own shots blinded those on the bridge, "Shch-307" was lost again. On October 27, the Soviet submarine was again detected by the noise of diesel engines. This time, Iku-Turso attacked Shch-307 with torpedoes, and then opened artillery fire. BUT. Momot discovered the enemy in time, dodged the torpedoes with an energetic maneuver and made an urgent dive. The commander of the Finnish submarine, observing this dive, considered the Soviet submarine sunk. February 24, 1944 Mikhail Stepanovich Kalinin was appointed commander of the ship. On November 5, the vertical rudder control failed and on November 7, the boat arrived in Turku ahead of schedule. On January 17, 1945, while the batteries were being topped up, intense release of chlorine began (it turns out that the base provided not distilled, but contaminated water), “Shch-307” was forced to return to the base. On March 6 she was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. Duration of combat service was 46.5 months (June 22, 1941 - May 9, 1945. ). 4 military campaigns (126 days). 11 torpedo attacks, as a result of which 3 ships (6541 GRT) and 1 ship were sunk, in addition, 3 more ships were possibly sunk and 3 ships were damaged.
  • "Shch-309" ("Dolphin") Laid down on November 6, 1933 in Gorky at plant No. 112 (Krasnoye Sormovo), serial number 550/3. April 10, 1934 launched. On November 20, 1935 it became part of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet. Participated in the Soviet-Finnish War. On June 22, 1941, she met under the command of Lieutenant Commander (later captain 3rd rank) Kabo Isaac Samoilovich as part of the 6th Division of the 2nd Submarine Brigade in Tallinn. Since June 25, it operated unsuccessfully on the approaches to the Stockholm skerries. Due to the indecision of the commander and poor training of the personnel, all opportunities to attack the enemy were missed. On September 27, she reached a position west of the island. Maly Tyuters in case of an attempt by a squadron of German ships to break through to Kronstadt. On November 9, she went to sea in the Memel-Vindava area, where she was unable to carry out a single attack, and on November 26, she arrived at Surkula Bay to meet with the escort. The wait lasted for ten days and, taking into account the ice conditions, she arrived in Kronstadt only on December 11. March 1, 1943 awarded the title "Guards". On March 26, Nikolai Alexandrovich Filov was appointed commander of the ship. Summer 1944 for a month she practiced combat training tasks on Lake Ladoga. On October 4, she went on a combat mission, but the commander was diagnosed with an eye disease (“night blindness”). Therefore, the boat lay on the ground during the day and surfaced at night only to charge the batteries. ON THE. Filov reported loss of vision and on October 21, Shch-309 was returned to base. On October 27, Captain 3rd Rank Pavel Petrovich Vetchinkin was appointed commander of the ship, and on October 31, the boat went to sea a second time. On November 21, she unsuccessfully attacked two enemy destroyers and abandoned an attack by a detachment of warships consisting of a cruiser and destroyers due to shallow depths and uncertainty about the training of personnel. On February 22, 1945, she arrived at the position near Libau, having on board the brigade commander, Rear Admiral S.B. Verkhovsky, who was ordered by the People's Commissar of the Navy to personally teach submarine commanders to act more effectively. On February 23, she sank the transport Göttingen, but the subsequent campaign did not go well and, having used up all the remaining torpedoes in three unsuccessful attacks, Shch-309 returned to base long before the expiration of its autonomy. On March 30, she went out to sea again, where she was repeatedly attacked by anti-submarine forces, so the Shch-309 operated only at night and rested on the ground during the day. Due to the failure of one diesel engine, she left the position on May 6 and arrived in Turku on May 10. Duration of combat service - 46.5 months (June 22, 1941 - May 9, 1945). 8 military campaigns (230 days). 14 torpedo attacks, as a result of which 4 ships (12357 GRT) were sunk and 2 ships were possibly damaged.
  • "Shch-310" ("Belukha") Laid down on November 6, 1933 with Gorky at plant No. 112 (red Sormovo), serial number 550/4. April 10, 1935 launched. On August 21, 1936 it became part of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet. Participated in the Soviet-Finnish War. On June 22, 1941, she met under the command of Lieutenant Commander (later captain 3rd rank) Dmitry Klemetyevich Yaroshevich as part of the 6th Division of the 2nd Submarine Brigade in Tallinn. From June 24 to July 10 she was in position in the Baltic Sea and had no encounters with the enemy. When returning to base on July 11, while on a trip to Soela-Väinu, she discovered a submerging enemy submarine at night. Instead of attacking her, the senior division commander on board, Captain 2nd Rank M.V. Fedotov ordered to dive and lie on the ground. Upon returning to base, he was removed from his post and appointed commander of the submarine. From September 21st she was with Fr. Gogland in order to prevent a sudden breakthrough to Kronstadt by a squadron of German ships. September 30, 1942 one of the fired torpedoes began to circulate, and the submarine had to avoid it. On October 3, she discovered an enemy submarine practicing combat training tasks in support of a destroyer. At the moment of the attack, the horizontal rudders jammed and the submarine was thrown to the surface. The fired torpedo, and the Shch-310 itself, were noticed; the enemy submarine avoided diving. On October 9, while returning to base, she was blown up by a mine. The explosion severely damaged the bow, a number of instruments and mechanisms, water began to flow into the first compartment - the submarine lay on the ground. Having eliminated the main damage, she independently reached the base, where she embarked on lengthy repairs. March 15, 1944 Semyon Naumovich Bogorad was appointed commander of the ship. In the summer, I practiced combat training tasks on Lake Ladoga for a month. The sonar station "Dragon-129" was installed. March 6, 1945 awarded the title "Guards". Duration of combat service - 46.5 months (June 22, 1941 - May 9, 1945). 5 military campaigns (149 days). 22 torpedo attacks, as a result of which 6 ships were sunk (10334 GRT), possibly 4 more ships were sunk.
  • "Shch-311" ("Kumzha") Laid down on November 6, 1933 in Gorky at plant No. 112 (Krasnoye Sormovo), serial number 550/5. April 10, 1935 launched. On August 21, 1936 it became part of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet. Participated in the Soviet-Finnish War and on February 7, 1940. awarded the title "Guards". On June 22, 1941, she met under the command of Lieutenant-Commander Sidorenko Pyotr Antonovich as part of the 6th Division of the 2nd Submarine Brigade in Tallinn. On June 25, she took up a position in the area of ​​Norrköping Bay, where over the course of 10 days she detected targets 13 times, but only tried to attack once, and even then unsuccessfully - the commander forgot to give the order to prepare torpedo tubes and remembered this only at the time of the command “Fire! ". On September 27, it was sent to a position west of the island. Gogland in case of an attempt to break through to Kronstadt by a squadron of German ships. On November 9, she left Kronstadt for operations in the area of ​​the Elandsrev lighthouse. On November 15, I first discovered running lights, and then a single vehicle. Having approached to a distance of 2 - 2.5 cabs, she unsuccessfully carried out four torpedo attacks. After this, fire was opened from both 45-mm guns from a distance of 3 - 5 cabs, only then the transport turned off its running lights and turned towards the shore. Soon she came under fire from a coastal battery and set out on a retreat course, expending 20 45-mm shells and scoring several hits. She had no further contacts with the enemy. Upon arrival at the base, captain 3rd rank Pudyakov Anisim Antonovich was appointed commander of the ship. October 10, 1942 left Kronstadt for operations in the Baltic Sea. however, on October 15, in the Porkkala area, she was sunk by depth charges of the Finnish patrol boats VMV-13 and VMV-15. Duration of combat service was 15.7 months (June 22, 1941 - October 15, 1942). 4 military campaigns (60 days). 4 torpedo attacks.


  • Shch-122, from 10.6.1949 - S-122. From 12/2/1947 to 23/4/1953 it was part of the 5th Navy. On June 26, 1954, it was expelled from the Navy due to its delivery to the OFI for dismantling and sale, and on October 1, 1954, it was disbanded.
  • Shch-123, from 10.6.1949 - S-123. From 12/2/1947 to 23/4/1953 it was part of the 5th Navy. On June 26, 1954, it was expelled from the Navy due to its delivery to the OFI for dismantling and sale, and on October 1, 1954, it was disbanded.
  • Shch-124, from 10.6.1949-S-124. From 12/2/1947 to 23/4/1953 it was part of the 5th Navy. On June 26, 1954, it was expelled from the Navy due to its delivery to the OFI for dismantling and sale, and on October 1, 1954, it was disbanded.
  • Shch-125, from 10.6.1949-S-125, from 15.9.1953-KBP-32, from 12.1.1957-UTS-62. From 12/2/1947 to 23/4/1953 it was part of the 5th Navy. On August 17, 1953, she was withdrawn from service, disarmed, reorganized into the KBP and laid up, on January 12, 1957 she was assigned to the TCB subclass, and on September 17, 1971 she was excluded from the lists of Navy vessels in connection with delivery to the OFI for dismantling and sale and on December 31, 1971 she was disbanded .
  • Shch-205, from 16.6.1949-S-205. 11.9.1954 expelled from the Navy in connection with delivery to the OFI for dismantling and sale, 31.12.1954 disbanded and subsequently cut up for metal in Inkerman.
  • Shch-207, from 16.6.1949 - S-207, from 6.10.1954 - KBP-43, from 12.1.1957 - UTS-36. 11.9.1954 withdrawn from combat service, disarmed, reorganized into the KBP and laid up, 12.1.1957 classified as a training subclass, and 16.7.1957 excluded from the lists of Navy vessels in connection with the transfer to the special training ground of the Navy Air Force on the Caspian Sea for use as a target when performing combat exercises.
  • Shch-307, from 16.5.1949 - PZS-5. On April 23, 1948, she was withdrawn from combat service, disarmed, reorganized into the PZS and laid up in Liepaja, and on April 8, 1957, she was excluded from the lists of Navy vessels in connection with delivery to the OFI for dismantling and sale, on May 7, 1957, she was disbanded and cut up for metal in Liepaja . Until 1994, the submarine cabin stood as a memorial sign on the territory of the submarine brigade in Liepaja, and on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the Victory, it was installed as an exhibit of the Museum of the Great Patriotic War on Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow.
  • Shch-309. On 3/3/1949 she was expelled from the Navy due to delivery to the OFI for dismantling and sale; on 10/1/1949 she was disbanded and subsequently cut up for metal in Liepaja.
  • Image gallery

    Multipurpose nuclear submarine. The development of the submarine pr.971 was started by SKB-143 "Malachite" (Leningrad, chief designer Georgy Nikolaevich Chernyshov, from August 1976, after 1997 - Yu.I. Farafontov) according to the TTZ 1972 "development of a large nuclear multi-purpose submarine of the 3rd generation" as an analogue of the Project 945 submarine with the replacement of titanium alloys in the design with steel ones. The project used developments on low-noise submarines pr.991 and pr.958. A brief preliminary design (preliminary design) was developed by the beginning of 1976. The Central Research Institute took part in the development of the technical design, work on which began by a joint decision of the SME and the Navy of July 27, 1976. Academician A.N. Krylov (especially in terms of reducing the noise of submarines). The chief designer's group was formed in August 1976.

    Since 1968, NITI, using the Krasnoye Sormovo plant, began the installation of a coastal prototype of the power compartments of the submarine pr.971 - stand KV-1. Since 1972, work on the construction of the prototype has been continued by LAO. Construction of the installation was completed on December 25, 1975, and final commissioning, due to the mass of malfunctions discovered during hot tests, occurred on December 24, 1976. The installation of the automatic control system for the power plant was carried out by representatives of NPO Aurora ( ist. - Shumakov).

    Design: the development of the technical design of the boat was carried out from September 1976 to May 1977. One of the main tasks that the developers faced was to keep the submarine within the displacement stated in the preliminary design. The technical project was reviewed by the 1st Central Research Institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense (shipbuilding) in June 1977 and approved on September 13, 1977 with the reservations that in the process of developing drawings and construction it is necessary to ensure an even greater reduction in noise, the placement of SGPD launchers, the placement of CRBD with the possibility of using coastal targets. After receiving information about innovations on the American Los-Angeles type submarine, which were expressed in the installation of a sonar system with digital signal processing, which reduces the influence of the submarine’s own noise, and also taking into account the wishes of the Navy leadership to equip the submarine with a CBRD " " (resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers dated May 26, 1978 d.) the project was further reworked for the installation of the Skat-3 SJSC, which required a change in the hull design. The project was completed in 1980.

    Production: preparations for the production of a series of boats pr.971 at the Shipbuilding Plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur (plant No. 199) have been carried out since 1978. Head submarine K-284:
    - laid down at the end of 1980
    - the first unit of equipment was installed in a durable housing in June 1983.
    - the mortgage board was installed on November 6, 1983.
    - the official laying date is November 11, 1983.
    - assembly of the durable hull was completed in February 1984.
    - Submarine K-284 was removed from the workshop to the transport and launching floating dock "Amur" on July 16, 1984.
    - the beginning of transportation of the submarine in the floating dock to the delivery base in the village of Bolshoy Kamen - October 16, 1984.
    - launching from the floating dock in Chikhachev Bay, launching the PUF - until October 25, 1984.
    - arrived under its own power at the plant's delivery base in the village of Bolshoi Kamen and was run aground (the circulation lines were clogged with mud) on October 25, 1984.
    - two unsuccessful stages of factory sea trials - due to the failure of the PPU to reach more than 50% power (due to circulation lines clogged with dirt) - from December 7, 1984.
    - cleaning of circulation routes - December 7-20, 1984
    - the third successful stage of factory sea trials - until the end of December 1984.
    - signing of the acceptance certificate for submarine K-284 - December 30, 1984 (indicating the list of works transferred to 1985)

    Testing and adoption. Factory tests of the K-284 began on December 7, 1984 and the submarine K-284 was officially delivered to the Navy by signing the Acceptance Certificate on December 30, 1984, after which, based in the village of Bolshoy Kamen, it began fine-tuning the equipment and testing the systems. Acoustic development of the submarine K-284 was carried out in the period from 1985 to 1987. Final finishing and painting - 1986. Since 1986, the lead submarine also provided testing of serial submarines pr.971. Sea trials were carried out in 1986-1987. The first launches of the Granat CRBD - January 1987. Testing of the technology and labor intensity of navigation and dock repairs was carried out in 1987 and 1989. The main landing gear and part of the weapon systems were finalized and put into operation in 1988, the first dive to the maximum depth took place July 1, 1989. By this time, the K-284 submarine had covered more than 50,000 miles and had about 10,000 hours of operating time for its main mechanisms. Testing of all PLA systems was completed only in 1990.

    Probably the first Western photo of the submarine K-284 "Shark" pr.971 AKULA, May 1985 (photo - US NAVY,).

    One of the first photographs of the submarine pr.971 AKULA (K-284 "Shark") published in Western media (Soviet Military Power 1987. USA. 1987).

    SSN pr.971 AKULA (probably K-284 "Shark") published in Western media (09/29/1989, photo US NAVY, ).

    Head submarine K-284 "Shark" pr.971 AKULA on lay-up in Pavlovsky Bay, Pacific Fleet, November 1996 (photo by V. Lemonos,

    The second in the series of submarines pr.971 AKULA - K-263 "Barnaul" / "Dolphin" in the 45th submarine division of the Pacific Fleet (Sazhaev M.I., Navigation roads "Barsov". Website

    Project 971 submarines were built at factories in Komsomolsk-on-Amur (plant No. 199, from 1983 to the present) and in Severodvinsk (Sevmash - plant No. 402, workshop No. 50, from 1985 to 2001. ) and according to the initial plans it was planned to build 25 submarines (20 submarines were laid down). By default, PLA data pr.971.

    Rolling out of the Sevmash production facility the submarine pr.971 K-480 "Bars", April 16, 1988 (panorama from the footage of the documentary "Strike Force. Underwater Hunter", ORT, 2007-2008)

    Submarine "Sperm Whale" K-322, October 1993, Pacific Ocean (photo US NAVY, ).

    Submarine design- double-hulled, aft tail with a fairing of a towed sonar antenna on the upper vertical rudder. The durable body is made of new grade steel with a yield strength of 100 kgf/ (thickness up to 48 mm, processed on FUJICAR presses) and is divided into 7 compartments. At the design stage, the task of significantly (about 5 times compared to 2nd generation submarines) noise reduction was solved using developments of the low-noise submarine pr.991. The hull is assembled using the block method: the PLA equipment is installed inside the hull on shock absorbers and in multi-deck shock-absorbing blocks (“shelves”), which are part of the general structural system of two-stage damping (each block is isolated from the hull by rubber-cord pneumatic shock absorbers). The PLA body is covered with a rubber anti-hydroacoustic coating. Vibration-absorbing and vibration-isolating coatings are used outside and inside the durable PLA body. According to some reports, active means of noise reduction are used. The PLA equipment meets the standards of vibroacoustic characteristics Vakh-74. The crew's living conditions on the submarine have been improved.

    External devices and layout of PLA pr.971 AKULA. The numbers indicate: 1 - SGPD launchers, 2 - emergency pop-up buoy, 3 - SOKS antennas, 4 - GAS antennas, 5 - periscope, 6 - VSK unit - pop-up rescue chamber, 7 - radar, direction finder and communications antennas, 8 - exhaust diesel generator, 9 - scuppers (holes in the light hull), 10 - container of the towed GAS antenna, 11 - propeller, 12 - water outlet, 13 - cover of the thruster auxiliary screw column, 14 - intake fittings of the "Fin" type, 15 - drain holes, 16 - horizontal rudder, 17 - torpedo tube covers (

    The reactor compartment of the durable PLA body was designed with an isolated room above the reactor and pump enclosures with biological protection. The room housed the shields of the second echelon of the PLA electrical power system.

    Starting with the K-322 submarine (serial number 513), 25 noise reduction measures were introduced, including a damped main shafting bearing.

    Starting with the K-391 submarine (serial number 514), powder generators are installed for purging the main ballast tanks. Starting from the K-391 submarine, outboard fittings for circulation routes of the "Fin" type are installed on the submarine - the shape of the intake becomes flat in cross-section instead of round.

    Starting with the submarine K-461 (production No. 831, Sevmash Production Association) and K-295 (production No. 517, SZLK), 34 new mechanisms are installed on the boats in compliance with the standards of vibroacoustic characteristics VAX-80.

    According to some data, the Project 971 submarine uses a system for influencing the boundary layer of water washing the hull in order to reduce drag, which was probably tested on the experimental submarine Project 1710 "Mackerel" (there is no confirmation of this information).

    PLA Project 971 AKULA assembly shop at the Amur Shipbuilding Plant (Ships and destinies. Amur Shipbuilding Plant is 70 years old. Khabarovsk, "Priamurskie Vedomosti", 2002)

    Construction of the hull of the submarine pr.971 AKULA at the Amur Shipyard (Ships and destinies. The Amur Shipyard is 70 years old. Khabarovsk, "Priamurskie Vedomosti", 2002)

    One of the hulls of the Project 971 AKULA submarine produced by Sevmash (probably K-328 Leopard or a later submarine,


    A nuclear power plant with a water-cooled thermal neutron reactor VM-5 with a steam generating unit (SPU) OK-650M.01 (on K-284 and other submarines) with a power of 190 MW (created on the basis of the basic model OK-650.BZ). Two two-section steam generators. PPU designers - Simonov R.I., Farafontov Yu.I., Bogdanovich V.P., Rynsky M.V. The PPU is installed on U-shaped cantilever beams embedded in the transverse bulkheads (including the water protection tank). PPU was later used on submarines of other projects. The PPU is equipped with an emergency battery-free cooling system with outboard titanium heat exchangers, a lightweight sealed water biological protection tank with a compensation system.

    OK-650 series reactors were developed by NIKIET in the late 1960s ( ist. - Shumakov).

    1 x steam block single-shaft steam turbine unit (STU) with GTZA OK-9M (on the first submarines produced by the plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur) and OK-9VM with improved shock absorption with a power of 43,000-50,000 hp. (according to various sources, most likely 50,000 hp). On the head submarine K-284 - PTU OK-9V. The steam turbine unit is mounted on a shock-absorbed intermediate frame resting on intercompartment bulkheads with the main circulation pumps located in adjacent compartments.

    2 x thruster submersible 2-speed propulsion electric motors with a power of PG-160 (?) 410 hp each (370 hp according to other data). Located in retractable columns OK-300 (chief designer - A.M. Kuzmin).

    Retractable thruster OK-300 with electric motor PLA pr.971 AKULA (still from a documentary film,

    Movers- one shaft, one 7-bladed fixed-pitch propeller with improved hydroacoustic characteristics and reduced rotation speed. The main shaft stern tube bearing is equipped with a self-flow cooling system, which significantly reduces noise levels. Two tilting thrusters OK-300. The screws for Project 971 were manufactured using high-precision metal-working machines purchased from Toshiba, bypassing the restrictions of COCOM (they were also used for submarines of other 3rd generation projects). Bow horizontal rudders with flaps, retractable. Cooling system with water intakes into the central line (starting from K-391 of the “Fin” type - more efficient).

    The main propeller of the SSN pr.971 AKULA is a 7-bladed propeller (from left to right - one of the “Komsomol” hulls in the floating dock, and the rollout of the K-335 Gepard SSN from the Sevmash software, all photos from http://forums. and from the film "Sevmash Submarine Squadron", 2006)

    Propeller PLA K-480 "Ak Bars" pr.971, installed as a monument near the "Zvezdochka" center in Severodvinsk. The edges of the screw are processed and differ from the original ones. September-October 2013 (photo - Oleg Kuleshov,

    Intakes of the circulation routes of the first buildings (on the left, K-480 "Bars") and the "Fin" type (on the right, all photos from

    Energy- two OK-2 alternating current turbogenerators with a power of 3200 kW each, two reversible DC converters.

    Backup power supply - two groups of lead-acid batteries, 2 x diesel generator DG-300 with a power of 750 hp each. (according to other data, 1 x ASDG-800-1 or ASDG-1000 is possible. Different subseries have different diesel generators) with a reversible converter, fuel reserve - 10 days.
    Starting from the submarine K-391, emergency power networks are installed, and starting from the submarine K-461 (plant No. 831, Sevmash Production Association) and K-295 (plant No. 517, SZLK), outboard emergency power networks are installed.

    Rescue and life support system- pop-up rescue chamber (VSK) - VSK unit - development and analogue of VSK PLA pr.705. The K-152 "Nerpa" submarine pr.971I is equipped with a VSK of a new design (see figure). Fire extinguishing system LOKH (boat volumetric anti-chemical) with the working substance-fire extinguisher freon 114B2 (freon). Rescue universal complex KSU-600N-4 for remote automatic release of PSNL-20 life rafts (4 pieces, only on the K-335 Gepard submarine, the system was developed by the Lazurit Central Design Bureau).

    Air regeneration system "Astra-3". A new combined system of electro-chemical air regeneration (ECAR) - starting with PLA K-461 (plant No. 831, Sevmash Production Association) and K-295 (plant No. 517, SZLK).

    VSK unit - pop-up rescue camera PLA pr.971I "Irbis" Improved AKULA K-152 "Nerpa" (

    Demonstration of the operation of the KSU-600N-4 universal rescue complex for releasing life rafts on the K-335 Gepard submarine (

    Submarine performance characteristics:

    Crew - 73 people (including 33 officers)

    108.25 m (according to technical design May 1977)

    110.3 m (AKULA, Improved AKULA)

    113.3 m (AKULA-II / pr.971U and K-335 AKULA-III)

    Width - 13.5-13.6 m

    Width along the aft horizontal rudders - 15.4 m

    Average draft - 9.68 m
    The diameter of the pressure vessel (using the example of the reactor compartment) is 10.9 m

    Surface displacement:

    7540 tons (according to TTZ preliminary design)

    7740 tons (according to technical design May 1977)

    8140 tons (project 971 AKULA, produced by Sevmash Production Association)

    8470-8500 tons (according to various sources AKULA-II / K-335 AKULA-III)

    Underwater displacement:

    12770 tons (project 971 AKULA, produced by Sevmash Production Association)

    13400-13800 tons (according to various sources AKULA-II / K-335 AKULA-III)

    Surface speed:

    20 knots (according to Western data)

    11.6 knots according to other data (including K-152 "Nerpa"?)

    12 knots (project 971U)

    Submerged speed:

    6-9 knots (quiet running)
    - 33 knots

    35 knots (according to Western data)

    Underwater speed on thruster electric motors - 5 knots

    Maximum diving depth - 600 m

    Operating immersion depth:

    480 m (AKULA, Improved AKULA)

    520 m (AKULA-II and including K-152 "Nerpa"?, but possibly for all submarines of the project)

    Autonomy - 100 days (according to reserves)

    Noise and detection range PLA pr.971 according to various fragmentary data:
    - The maximum detection range of the boat pr.971 GAK AN/BQQ-5 (SSBN Los-Angeles) is 10 km (data from 1995, Jeremy Boord).

    At a speed of 6-9 knots, the first Project 971 submarine hulls were not detected by US anti-aircraft defense systems (data from 1995, Jeremy Boord).
    - The noise level of PLA K-284 is 12-15 dB or 4-4.5 times lower than the noise level of PLA pr.671RTM VICTOR-III (Jane's)

    The noise level of the K-335 submarine is 3.5 times lower than the noise level of the K-284 (Alekseev A.P., Samarkin L.A.)

    With a natural background of 40-45 dB in calm conditions, the noise level of the PLpr.971 was 60-70 dB - the submarine series and measurement conditions are unknown, Kamchatka (
    - At the same time, Project 971 submarines are considered noisier than SeaWolf or Improved Los-Angeles submarines (without specification). According to Western data (1994), the noise level of the Project 971 Improved AKULA submarine at speeds of 5-7 knots is similar to or lower than the noise level of the Improved Los-Angeles (

    The estimated cost of the submarine pr.971 is 1.55 billion USD (in 1995 prices)


    TA training system "Grinda"

    Ammunition - total - 40 torpedoes, missiles, missile-torpedoes or self-transporting mines.

    According to the Soviet-American agreements of 1989, ammunition with nuclear warheads is not used in weapons.

    On one of the submarines, tests of the Splash missile launcher were carried out (not confirmed, no data).

    Starting from SSN K-391 (production number 514) Project 971 / 09710 AKULA, boats are equipped with 6 x 533 mm disposable non-rechargeable launchers REPS-324 "Barrier" for launching hydroacoustic countermeasures, located in the superstructure (starting from SSN K- 391 - serial number 514) - i.e. part of AKULA, Improved AKULA, AKULA-II and AKULA-III, except K-152 "Nerpa"). Ammunition - 6 SGAPD. Initially in the West, these launchers were perceived as vertical launchers for the Granat CRBD / SS-N-21 SAMPSON.

    MG-114 "Beryl"

    Replacement insert-launcher SGAPD "Barrier" and SGAPD MG-104 "Throw" (Shipbuilding magazine,

    MANPADS "Strela-3" or "Igla" - 3 launchers, 12 missiles.


    Hydroacoustic equipment and BIUS:
    Project 971 AKULA

    Project 971 Improved AKULA

    Project 971 AKULA-II

    Project 971 / Project 971M (?) (K-335) - AKULA-III

    BIUS MVU-132 (?) "Omnibus" developed by the Central Research Institute "Agat". On the submarine pr.971M K-335 "Gepard" - "Omnibus-U".

    The hydroacoustic complex (HAS) MGK-540 "Skat-3" SHARK GILL with digital information processing was developed by the Morfizpribor Central Research Institute, St. Petersburg, chief designer V.A. Kakalov. R&D has been carried out since 1980 on the basis of the MGK-500 Skat. In terms of its capabilities, the MGK-540 is not inferior to its American counterparts - the modernized AN/BQQ-5 and AN/BQQ-6. Tests of the final configuration of the GAK were carried out in 1986-1987. in the Sea of ​​Japan and completed only in 1988 (Submarine K-284 "Shark" pr.971 AKULA):
    - commissioning and factory tests of a prototype GAK on the head submarine K-284 - 1985-1986.
    - state tests of the prototype GAK, incl. in ocean conditions - 1986-1987.
    - finalization of the sonar system and testing in sea conditions - 1988.
    - comprehensive testing of the combat properties of the submarine - 1988

    On the submarines of the second series - planned for construction after the K-335 "Gepard" - it was planned to modernize the SAC.

    Composition of GAK:

    1. General purpose equipment with information output to the control panel;

    2. Noise direction finding equipment in the audio frequency range and echo direction finding (hydrolocation) equipment;

    Device No. 1 - nasal passive-active search and attack sonar (SHARK GILL), operating at medium and low frequencies; The radome of the main antenna of the SAC is made of fiberglass.

    4. Equipment for detecting hydroacoustic signals from operating sonars (hydroacoustic reconnaissance) with a sonar detection sonar system of the enemy MG-70 (the designation MT-70 is found - doubtful);

    5. MGK-80 sound-underwater communication and state recognition equipment;

    6. Subsystem No. 6 - noise direction finding equipment at low frequencies using a towed extended antenna MGBS-541 "Skat-3" (located in the UPV-1-3 fairing-gondola on the upper vertical rudder).

    7. Target classification equipment using a digital noise library; Research work "Osnova", "Melody", "Method", "Cape", "Signal" was carried out by the Central Research Institute "Morphyspribor" in 1979-1987. At the same time, the MGK-540 SAC solved the problem of classifying targets based on information from all subsystems of the SAC;

    8. Equipment for monitoring the operation of the complex.

    In addition, the following GAS work together with the complex:

    Mine detection sonar MG-519 "Arfa-M"

    GAS for measuring the speed of sound in water MG-543 "Reflector" or "Zhgut-M" (?)

    GAS for determining the beginning of cavitation of MG-512 "Vint-M" propellers

    Echo-ledometer MG-518 "Sever-M"

    Navigational detector of ice breaks NOR-1

    Circular navigation detector NOK-1

    The detection range of the SAC is 3 times higher than the detection range of the 2nd generation SSN.

    Target detection range - 220-230 km (according to various sources)

    Number of simultaneously tracked hydroacoustic targets - 30

    Main passive antenna GAK MGK-540 "Skat-3" SHARK GILL UAV pr.971 (

    Project 971I "Irbis" Improved AKULA (K-152 "Nerpa") - BIUS "Omnibus-E", SJSC "Skat-3" export version (there was also data on the installation of MGK-400ME-3 with the SJSC "Skat-3" antenna, but this data is considered dubious).

    During the repair and modernization of the submarine "Kashalot" (plant No. 513) pr.971 at the Amur Shipyard, it is planned to replace the SJSC with the SJSC "Kizhuch". As of the end of 2012, the timing of completion of the boat's repairs is unclear ().

    Non-acoustic means:

    Equipment for detecting submarines and enemy ships by their wake - SOKS (wake detection station) MNK-200-1 "Tukan". SOKS equipment records the movement parameters of ships and submarines for approximately 30 minutes to several hours after passage. Installed on boats starting from K-322 (serial number 513) as standard MNK-200-1 "Tukan". A sample of the SOKS MNK-200 Tukan device with protective petals is installed on the K-480 Bars submarine. There are no SOKS devices on the K-461 and K-328 submarines (most likely, the submarine was not equipped with equipment during construction; it was planned to be installed during a mid-life repair). SOX was not installed on the K-152 Nerpa submarine due to the export purpose of the ship.

    SOKS sensors MNK-200 "Tukan" on the superstructure and in the fence of the cabin of the K-157 "Vepr" submarine project 971 AKULA-II

    SOKS sensors on the vertical panel of the submarine pr.671RTM VICTOR-III (possibly MNK-100 Kolos, chronicle frame no earlier than 1982, from the documentary "Strike Force. Underwater Hunter", ORT, 2007-2008. )

    Radar equipment:
    Radian radar / SNOOP PAIR MRKP-58 or "Radian-U" ("simplified") MRKP-59 with one antenna (starting with PLA K-461 / serial no. 831, Sevmash and K-295 / serial no. 517, SZLK).

    Name modification Radar MRKP-58
    Radar MRKP-59 Note
    K-284 (plant No. 501) Project 971 AKULA There is -

    K-263 (plant No. 502) Project 971 AKULA There is -
    K-322 (plant No. 513) Project 971 AKULA There is -
    K-480 (serial number 821) Project 971 AKULA - There is?
    it is possible to replace it with MRKP-59 during operation, maybe for testing (?)
    K-391 (plant No. 514) Project 971 AKULA There is -
    K-317 (serial number 822) Project 971 AKULA There is -
    K-331 (plant No. 515) Project 971 AKULA There is -
    K-461 (serial number 831) Project 971 Improved AKULA - There is
    K-328 (production number 832) Project 971 Improved AKULA - There is
    K-154 (serial number 833) Project 971 Improved AKULA - There is
    K-419 (plant No. 516) Project 971 Improved AKULA There is?
    K-295 (plant No. 517) Project 971 Improved AKULA - There is
    K-157 (serial number 834) Project 971 AKULA-II - There is
    K-335 (production number 835) Project 971 AKULA-III - There is
    K-152 (plant No. 518) Project 971I Improved AKULA ?

    Electronic warfare system "Buhta"
    State identification radar "Nichrom-M" / AMBER LIGHT
    Radio direction finder "Zone" / RIM HAT

    Other systems:
    Automated integrated control system for PLA technical equipment.

    Navigation inertial complex "Symphony-071" (K-284, K-253, K-322 at least) with a gyro-corrector "Scandium" and on-board digital computer or complex "Symphony-U" (possibly the K-335 "Gepard" submarine?). Perhaps the prototype of the system or the research topic on which the complex was developed was called “Bear-971” (found in the media). The maximum storage time for navigation data to ensure a given navigation accuracy is more than 7 days (in a submerged position without determining the location). One of the best results in the accuracy of the NK operation was obtained in 2002 during the combat service of the K-295 submarine - for 6.5 days in a submerged position without determining the location, the position error of the submarine did not exceed 10 cable cables (1852 m). The main operating mode of the navigation complex is “Special”.

    Satellite navigation system "Sintez".

    Automated radio communication complex "Molniya-MC" / KREMMNY-3 consisting of:

    Satellite communication system "Tsunami-BM" with a towed antenna - device K-659 "Zalom" (located in the superstructure behind the wheelhouse fence)

    And the long-distance communication antenna system "Kora" / PERT SPRING

    VHF radio station "Anis" / PARK LAMP

    Radio stations R-790 (various modifications), R-143, R-855UM (3 sets), R-159 (6 sets), product P-405, "Call", "Prichal" (3 sets), R-105M ( the data is not accurate, the configuration of the submarine pr.971 AKULA of the first releases).

    Emergency signal buoy B-600-1.

    Optical surveillance TV system MTK-110 (allows optical observation at depths of up to 50-60 m). Commander's periscopes PZKE-11 or PZKE-21 (according to various sources) "Swan" and navigational astro-navigation periscope "Signal-3".

    Cabin fencing and retractable devices on the submarine pr.971 K-157 "Vepr" AKULA-II (below is a model, author - Kuznetsov A.F., Severodvinsk).

    Towed device K-659 "Zalom" (


    pr.971 / 09710 "Bars" / "Pike-B" - AKULA(1984) - basic design of the submarine (K-284, K-263, K-322, K-391, K-331, K-480, K-317, K-461). Boats can be divided into several subclasses:

    Name modification noisiness SOKS circulation
    PU SGPD Note
    K-284 (plant No. 501) pr.971 / 09710 AKULA basic - - - head
    K-263 (plant No. 502) pr.971 / 09710 AKULA basic - - - 1st serial
    K-322 (plant No. 513) pr.971 / 09710 AKULA reduced There is - -
    K-480 (serial number 821) pr.971 / 09710 AKULA reduced There is - - SOKS with protection
    K-391 (plant No. 514) pr.971 / 09710 AKULA reduced There is There is There is
    K-317 (serial number 822) pr.971 / 09710 AKULA completed
    Navy requirements
    according to the project
    There is There is There is
    K-331 "Magadan" (production number 515) pr.971 / 09710 AKULA completed
    Navy requirements
    according to the project
    There is There is There is

    Project 971 - Improved AKULA(1992) - a transitional submarine project with improved hydroacoustic characteristics and updated avionics; according to some sources, the official name of the project did not change (K-328, K-154, K-419, K-295). In Western media the name of the project “Project 971U” is found.

    Name modification noisiness SOKS circulation
    PU SGPD Note
    K-461 "Wolf" (production number 831) Project 971
    Improved AKULA
    piece of equipment with VAC-80 - There is There is
    K-328 (production number 832) Project 971
    Improved AKULA
    piece of equipment with VAC-80 - There is There is a new EHRV system was installed (see above)
    K-154 "Tiger" (production number 833) Project 971
    Improved AKULA
    part of the equipment with VAC-80, the requirements are stricter
    There is There is There is a new EHRV system was installed (see above)
    K-419 (plant No. 516) Project 971
    Improved AKULA
    There is There is There is ?
    K-295 (plant No. 517) Project 971
    Improved AKULA
    part of the equipment with VAC-80, the requirements are stricter There is There is There is a new EHRV system was installed (see above)

    SSN K-461 "Wolf" pr.971 Improved AKULA in the Kola Bay. Northern Fleet, March 2001 (photo by Ilya Kurganov,

    Presumably SSN K-154 "Tiger" (production number 833) pr. 971 - Improved AKULA (

    K-154 "Tiger" (serial number 833) Project 971 - Improved AKULA near the PLA carrier of the ultra-small submarines "Orenburg" in Olenya Bay, photos from June 1 and 5, 2005 (photo author - Den, http://

    K-154 "Tiger" (serial number 833) Project 971 - Improved AKULA there in 2010. SOKS sensors or part of the sensors were probably dismantled on the submarine (photo from the alex1976 archive,

    Project 971 / Project 971U (?) - AKULA-II
    (1995) - a transitional PLA project with a modified (3 m longer) durable hull for installation of new equipment; according to some sources, the official name of the project did not change. According to the project, the only submarine built at Sevmash is the K-157 Vepr. Structurally and in terms of the composition of the equipment, the submarine corresponds to the AKULA-III class, but without changing the shape of the fencing of the retractable devices and the fairing of the towed sonar antenna. Active equipment has been installed to reduce the acoustic signature of the submarine (probably SAG - an active noise suppression system in the range of 50-500 Hz). In Western media the name of the project “Project 971A” is found.

    SSN K-157 "Vepr" pr.971 AKULA-II in Motovsky Bay. Northern Fleet, June 1998 (photo by Ilya Kurganov,

    Project 971 / Project 971M (?) - AKULA-III(2001) - it was assumed that this project would be a large-scale “second basic” PLA project with a more modern avionics, a modified radome of the container of the towed antenna of the GAK and a different design of the wheelhouse fencing in terms of interface with the PLA body. The only K-335 Gepard submarine was built at Sevmash Production Association according to the project. According to some sources, the official name of the project also did not change (project 971).

    Submarine K-335 "Geetah" pr.971M AKULA-III in front of workshop No. 50 of Sevmash Production Association, October 1999, Severodvinsk (photo - S. Kundyvus, Sevmash Production Association,

    SSN K-335 "Geetah" pr.971 AKULA-III in Kandalaksha Bay of the White Sea during sea trials. Northern Fleet, July 2001 (photo by Ilya Kurganov,

    SSN K-335 "Cheetah" pr.971 AKULA-III in the Dvina Bay. Northern Fleet, July 2001 (photo by Ilya Kurganov,

    Project 971I / 09719 "Irbis" - Improved AKULA(2009) - modification of the Project 971 submarine for the Indian Navy (K-152 "Nerpa"). According to media reports - “with an unclassified avionics composition”, an export version of the Skat-3 SJSC - the boat does not have SGPD launchers and the SOKS system. Transferred to the Russian Navy on December 28, 2009. The transfer of the submarine to the Indian Navy took place in 2012.

    SSN K-152 "Nerpa" pr.971I - Improved AKULA during testing, 10/31/2008 (photo from the tsonyo archive,

    SSN Chakra / K-152 "Nerpa" pr.971I - Improved AKULA on the way to India, end of March 2012 (

    SSN Chakra / K-152 "Nerpa" pr.971I - Improved AKULA on the way to India, end of March 2012 (

    Project 971M -AKULA-IV(name AKULA-IV conditional.) - modernization project for the submarine pr.971. The lead boat is K-328 "Leopard" (serial number 832), repairs and modernization of the boat according to the project are being carried out by the Zvezdochka shipyard (Severodvinsk), the contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense was signed on December 27, 2012. The ship's responsible deliverer is Nikolai Yasny. The modernization will affect almost all systems - navigation, navigation, hydroacoustics, other radio-electronic systems, weapons complex, main power plant, turbines. As a result of these works, “Leopard” will be classified as generation “3+”. In total, it is planned to modernize 6 submarines pr.971 by the Zvezdochka shipyard. "Leopard" arrived at the Zvezdochka Center at the end of June 2011. Over the course of five months, the bulk of the work on surveying the material part of the submarine was completed. At the end of April 2012, the ship was raised onto solid ground. At the dock, work was completed to survey the dock part, the hull was cleaned, and the inhibitor was unloaded. Two weeks after the docking operation, the Leopard took its place in the boathouse and intensive work began on the ship to dismantle the equipment. It is planned to complete the unloading of equipment in June 2013. As of the beginning of April 2013, the Zvyozdochka shipyard does not yet have a complete set of working design documentation, which the designer should have provided the shipyard with six months ago. The lack of design documentation slows down the development of technological processes for equipment dismantling and repair (). 02/13/2014 it is reported that in 2015 the modernized Leopard submarine is planned to be transferred to the Russian Navy, while it is also noted that the work is behind schedule due to a delay in the design documentation. Following the first submarine, it is planned to modernize another 1 submarine from the Northern Fleet and 2 submarines from the Pacific Fleet.

    Projections of PLA pr.971 from the booklet of SPMBM "Malachite" from the IMDS-2011 salon (from the Gogs archive,

    Projections of PLA variants pr.971 (drawing by Diletant2010, corrections, version 04/29/2010)

    Status: USSR and Russia

    One of the first Western photos of the submarine pr.971 AKULA (K-284 "Shark"), March 25, 1986 (photo - US NAVY,).

    - 1987 January - first launches of the Granat CRBD from the head submarine pr.971 K-284.

    1988 - after modifications, the MGK-540 "Skat-3" SJSC was adopted on the head submarine K-284.

    1990 - tests of the head submarine K-284 and all systems of Project 971 were completed.

    1990 April 6 - submarine K-480 (the future "Bars") dives to a maximum depth of more than 400 m (Norwegian Sea).

    1990 summer - first combat service of submarine pr.971 - Pacific Fleet, 45th submarine division, submarine K-322 - senior campaign deputy division commander, captain 1st rank Sidenko Konstantin Semenovich. The duration of tracking foreign submarines on a voyage was more than 14 days (354 hours). This was the best result - the tracking time for a foreign submarine exceeded the best achievements of submarines of the USSR Navy. Incl. through the SOKS system.

    1990 - second combat service of submarine pr.971 - Pacific Fleet, 45th submarine division, submarine K-263 under the command of captain 1st rank Mishin Alexey Egorovich. This was the first and last combat service of the K-263 submarine; later, combat training tasks were practiced on the submarine by the crews of the formation. Since 1998, the PLA has stood next to the PLA in “sludge.”

    1991 summer - third combat service of submarine pr.971 - Pacific Fleet, 45th submarine division, submarine K-391 - senior campaign deputy division commander captain 1st rank Sidenko Konstantin Semenovich. The results of tracking foreign submarines are better than in the first combat PLA service pr.971.

    1992 - combat service of the submarine pr.971 K-331 (Pacific Fleet, 45th submarine division, senior campaign - deputy division commander, captain 1st rank Vasin Sergey Egorovich). A new record has been set for the Russian Navy in tracking foreign submarines.

    1993 - on the submarine K-391 (plant No. 514) the last missile firing in the Navy was carried out with the Granat complex, the senior on board was Rear Admiral Yu.V. Kirillov.

    1995 spring - K-419 "Walrus" (production No. 516) during combat service solved problems in remote areas of the Pacific Ocean off the western coast of the United States. The senior campaigner is the division commander, Rear Admiral K.S. Sidenko. The submarine operated in a strict anti-submarine warfare system on the part of the US PLA. The campaign was partly of a demonstrative nature. This was the first contact of US NAVY with the Improved AKULA submarine (K-419 "Walrus"), which showed that at a speed of less than 6-9 knots, tracking a submarine with hydroacoustic means of anti-aircraft defense is impossible (Jeremy Boord, admiral, head of the US NAVY operational department).

    1996 was the last year during which the K-317 Patner submarine last launched the power plant in the operating mode of the main turbogenerators.

    1997 October 6 - the unfinished submarine "Lynx" (production number 837) was removed from construction at the Sevmash Production Association and expelled from the Navy.

    1997 - at the Pacific Fleet, from the 45th submarine division, Project 971 submarines were transferred to the 10th anti-aircraft submarine division of the Pacific Fleet.

    1997 - the efficiency of the K-335 "Gepard" SSN is more than 80%, there is information about the disposal of SSN Nos. 520 and 521.

    1998 January 22 - the unfinished Cougar submarine (serial number 836) was removed from construction at the Sevmash Production Association and expelled from the Navy.

    1998 September 11 - on the K-157 Vepr submarine, sailor Kuzminykh killed 8 colleagues and wounded an officer. The sailor was shot by an FSB special group during an assault on the compartment in which he tried to barricade himself, threatening to explode a rocket.

    1998 - The submarine K-328 "Leopard" of the Northern Fleet made a long voyage, as a result of which the submarine commander, captain of the first rank S.V. Spravtsev, was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

    1999 September - the K-317 Panther submarine of the Northern Fleet was delivered to Severodvinsk towed by the rescue ship Admiral Chiker for scheduled maintenance and repair.

    January 29, 2000 - on the submarine K-461 "Wolf" two officers were washed overboard during a storm while trying to fix a malfunction. It was not possible to save.

    2000, beginning of the year - as part of the 24th submarine division of the Northern Fleet of Russia, submarines K-317 "Panther", K-461 "Wolf", K-328 "Leopard", K-154 "Tiger", K-157 "Vepr", K-335 "Cheetah". SSN K-480 "Ak Bars" is located in Gadzhievo in the sludge division.

    2000-2005 - hull structures of the Cougar and Lynx submarines (serial numbers 836 and 837, as well as No. 838 of the Sevmash Production Association), at the suggestion of the Sevmash management, were used in the completion of the SSBN Project 955 Yuri Dolgoruky (according to an interview with Kovalev in the film "Sevmash Submarine Squadron", 2006).

    Use of hull structures of submarines No. 836 and 837 of the Sevmash Production Association for the construction of the SSBN "Yuri Dolgoruky" pr.955. The bottom picture shows the turbine and reactor block (Stills from the film “Sevmash Submarine Squadron.” Sevmashfilm Studio, 2006)

    2001 - The Gepard submarine was delivered to the Fleet through the use of Sevmash's own funds in the amount of 542 million rubles. At the same time, in the state budgets of 2001-2002. no funds were provided to pay off the debt. As of May 2002, the company's debt had not been repaid despite the order of the Russian Government dated December 26, 2001 ().

    2002 - after a long break, the submarine K-295 "Samara" (plant No. 517), under the command of captain 1st rank Viktor Nikolaevich Chuvashev, enters combat service in the Pacific Ocean. The senior officer of the campaign is the deputy division commander, Captain 1st Rank Alexander Konstantinovich Zaika. The submarine returned from a cruise, having lost part of the sonar fairing as a result of a collision with an unidentified submerged object.

    2002 October 1 - the K-480 "Ak Bars" submarine was excluded from the Navy's operational service and put into storage in Sayda Bay (Northern Fleet).

    January 2004 - a contract was concluded with India for the completion and modernization of the submarine pr.971I (K-152 "Nerpa") for subsequent sale on lease for 10 years. In the Indian Navy, the submarine should be named INS "Chakra".

    2005-2009 - PLA pr.971 and modifications are based in Yagelnaya Bay (Northern Fleet) and Krasheninnikov Bay (Rybachy village, Pacific Fleet).

    November 2, 2006 - in Severodvinsk at the Sevmash Production Association, during repairs on the K-317 Panther submarine, due to the negligence of the welders, the cable wiring caught fire and a fire occurred in the third compartment. The submarine was restored and, after completion of mid-term repairs and modernization (avionics and sonar were modernized), entered service on January 28, 2008.

    2007 - readiness of the submarine K-152 "Nerpa" (serial number 518) 86.5%, the nuclear reactor was loaded on the submarine in 1998. The submarines "Samara" and "Kuzbass" are actually combat-ready - at the Pacific Fleet (the rest are either under repair, either in reserve or in retirement), in the Northern Fleet - "Gepard", "Vepr", "Leopard", "Tiger" (the rest are similar to the Pacific Fleet).

    SSN K-152 "Nerpa" pr.971I Improved AKULA goes out for testing in the waters of the Bolshoi Kamen Shipyard (furnishing base of the Amur Shipyard) from the Zeya transport dock, July 2008 (photo by A. Silkin ,

    SSBN K-222 pr.661 - PAPA between the submarine K-480 "Ak Bars" pr.971 and the missile cruiser "Admiral Nakhimov" at the wall of the Sevmash production facility in Severodvinsk, photo no later than 2008 (http://www.

    - 2008 November 8 - on the K-152 Nerpa submarine during tests in the Sea of ​​Japan, 20 people were killed as a result of an abnormal activation of the fire extinguishing system in the bow compartment.

    2008-2009 - the Russian Navy has 12 Project 971 submarines, 6 each for the Northern Fleet and Pacific Fleet.

    2009 May 11 - during the visit of Russian Prime Minister V.V. Putin to the Amur Shipyard, the unfinished building of factory No. 519 (Irbis) was inspected. It is stated that there is a hull, there are “shelves”, there is equipment, there is no order from the Navy for submarines.

    Hull and propeller of the submarine pr.971I factory No. 519 in workshop No. 19 of the Amur Shipyard in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, May 11, 2009 (

    - 2009 July 10-27 - SSN "Nerpa" (K-152) pr.971I re-entered sea trials (Bolshoy Kamen settlement, Pacific Fleet).

    SSBN "Borisoglebsk" PR.667BDR and SSN K-480 "Ak Bars" PR.971 at the wall of the Zvezdochka shipyard awaiting dismantling. Severodvinsk, summer 2009 (

    - September 2009 - SSN "Nerpa" (K-152) Project 971I successfully completed the third stage of sea trials.

    2009 December 28 - SSN "Nerpa" K-152 was accepted into the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy. The ship's reception ceremony took place in the village of Bolshoy Kamen on the territory of the Vostok Shipyard. The transfer of the submarine to India is scheduled for 2010.

    SSN K-480 "Ak Bars" pr.971 at the Zvezdochka shipyard for disposal. Probably a photo from 2009 (photomontage from images from the alex1976 archive,

    - 2010 February 19 - at the Zvezdochka shipyard (Severodvinsk) a fire occurred on the dismantled K-480 Ak Bars submarine. The fire has been extinguished. Apparently, during the disposal of the K-480 "Ak Bars" submarine (serial number 821) at the Zvyozdochka shipyard, the boat was stripped down to the strong hull shells, the light hull and giblets were disposed of, and the strong hull shells were transferred to Sevmash Production Association for use during the construction of the 3rd hull of SSBN pr.955.

    - 2010 August 20-26 - SSN pr.971 AKULA tried to take an acoustic portrait of a Vanguard class SSBN at the exit from the British Navy base Faslane. A Trafalgar-class submarine was sent to protect the SSBN.

    PLA K-335 "Cheetah" pr.971, Gadzhievo, December 2010 (photo - Rustem Adagamov,

    SSN K-461 "Wolf" pr.971, Gadzhievo, December 2010 (photo - Rustem Adagamov,

    - September 2011 - SSN K-154 "Tiger" was brought into the dock of Shipyard No. 10 "Nerpa" to undergo scheduled repairs.

    November 2011 - the submarine K-328 "Leopard" pr.971 arrived at the Zvezdochka shipyard to undergo medium repairs and equipment modernization.

    2011 February 28 - contract No. R/1/2/0216/GK-11-DGOZ was concluded between the Russian Ministry of Defense and Zvezdochka Center for repairs of orders pr.971 ( ist. - Annual report 2011).

    2012 January 19 - information appeared in the media about the fire of vapors of alcohol-containing liquids that took place on January 14, 2012 on the submarine K-335 "Gepard" pr.971M AKULA-III, which was undergoing a technical inspection at shipyard No. 10 in Aleksandrovsk (Murmansk region) . The fire allegedly occurred in the 4th compartment of the submarine, there were no casualties. On the same day - January 19, 2012 - this information was corrected by the head of the press service of the Western Military District, Andrei Bobrun - on January 14, a broken standard portable lighting lamp on the Gepard ignited during work in the interior. According to the instructions, the LOX (boat volumetric chemical) fire extinguishing system was immediately turned on, and the fire was extinguished without casualties or material damage. The ignition of the light bulb did not cause any damage, so the incident, according to Bobrun, is not classified as a fire or fire. The Gepard crew continues to work according to plan.

    The incident occurred on January 14 in the village of Gadzhievo, and not in the water area of ​​the 10th shipyard, as previously reported by the media. After returning from a trip, during which problems arose on the boat with two reversible converters located in the 4th (reactor) compartment in the auxiliary equipment enclosure (a reversible converter is an electrical machine that converts one type of current into another), a decrease in insulation resistance was detected. To eliminate the problem, the crew of the boat called the factory warranty team by written notice, whose specialists, together with the submariners, planned the work in accordance with existing guidelines and began to carry it out. While carrying out technical work on one of the converters while drying it, one of the members of the factory team dropped a portable lamp of non-explosion and fireproof design, the lamp broke, and as a result of the resulting spark, the vapors of the alcohol-acetone mixture, the working fluid used to dry the electric machine, instantly ignited. The burst of vapor did not lead to a fire in the compartment, but caused the automatic activation of the LOX volumetric fire extinguishing system. The vapor outbreak also caused mild injuries to a plant specialist, who went to a medical facility only at the insistence of the SRZ management - his left hand and left cheek were smoked. After providing medical care on an outpatient basis, the worker was released (

    SSN K-328 "Leopard" pr.971 enters the Zvezdochka shipbuilding center, Severodvinsk, April 17, 2012 (photo - Oleg Kuleshov,

    SSN K-328 "Leopard" pr.971 under repair in the docking chamber of the CS "Zvezdochka", Severodvinsk, summer 2012 ().

    SSN K-328 "Leopard" pr.971 under repair in the docking chamber of the CS "Zvezdochka", Severodvinsk, July 2012 (

    SSN K-335 "Cheetah" pr.971 AKULA-III, presumably autumn 2012 (photo from the tsonyo archive,

    2012 December 27 - the media reported that in 2012, the Zvezdochka Center signed a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense for the repair of two Project 971 submarines - the first Leopard submarine (production No. 832) has already arrived at the Zvezdochka Center " in November 2011. In the future, repairs and modernization at the Zvezdochka shipbuilding center are planned to be carried out on all combat boats of the project - incl. and from the Pacific Ocean. Also in December 2012, the CA signed a contract for the repair of all titanium submarines of the "Barracuda" type - work with them is planned to be carried out in workshop No. 10 after its re-equipment. Note - the implementation of the repair program for Pacific submarines pr.971 at the Zvezdochka Shipyard means that the Far Eastern shipbuilding and ship repair plants (Amur Shipyard, Zvezda Shipyard) will not be loaded with this work.

    SSN K-335 "Geetah" pr.971 AKULA-III in the PD-50 floating dock at SRZ-82, January 2013 (photo from the avsky archive,

    - 2013 March 27 - Russian Defense Minister S.K. Shoigu, while on a visit to Kamchatka, visited the nuclear submarine pr. 971 "Bratsk", which has been under repair since 2007. Since 2008, more than 250 million rubles have been allocated for the repair of the Bratsk submarine, but the repairs have not begun. Even an inventory of the upcoming repairs has not been carried out. The boat has a duty crew of 37 people. Previously, it was planned to complete the repairs and bring the boat out for mooring trials in December 2012. Now SRZ proposes to modernize the boat, the cost of which is estimated at several billion rubles. As a result, in the summer of 2013, the Bratsk submarine will be sent for repairs to another shipyard ().

    - 2013 October 08 - in July-August 2014 it is planned to transfer the K-391 "Bratsk" and K-295 "Samara" submarines pr.971 from the Pacific Fleet to Severodvinsk to the Zvezdochka CS. The transfer of boats will be carried out via the Northern Sea Route. The boats will undergo medium repairs with deep modernization (). Also in 2014, the Volk submarine will go to the Zvezdochka Center for repairs. Transportation of Pacific boats will be carried out using a docking vessel. Relevant negotiations with the Doquise company have been carried out. The dock submission schedules have been agreed upon. By August next year, it is necessary to complete the work on sealing the Bratsk hull - this ship has been in the floating dock for a very long time. The Samara nuclear submarine is afloat, and it is necessary to carry out work on it to transfer the main power plant to a nuclear-safe state. At the beginning of August, in Avacha Bay of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, both ships will be placed on the deck of a docking vessel, which will deliver them to the Zvezdochka water area along the Northern Sea Route. This transition will take about three weeks ().

    SSN K-263 "Barnaul" pr.971 at the Zvezda Shipyard, 2012-2013. (

    K-461 "Wolf" near the wall of the shipyard "Zvezdochka", summer 2014 (

    Submarines K-391 "Bratsk" and K-461 "Wolf" at the wall of the shipyard "Zvezdochka", December 2014 (

    Submarines K-391 "Bratsk" and K-461 "Wolf" at the wall of the shipyard "Zvezdochka", April 2015 (

    Boats of the project in the Fleets:

    Year Pacific Fleet K-284
    "Sperm whale"
    ("The Dragon")
    Head 501 502 513 514 515 516 517 518
    Board 985 997 951 970
    Project 971 / 09710 971 / 09710 971 / 09710 971 / 09710 971 / 09710 971 971 971I / 09719
    1985 1 Pacific Fleet, 72 brigade submarine, B. Kamen
    - - - - - - -
    1986 1 Pacific Fleet, 72 brigade submarine - - - - - - -
    1987 1 Pacific Fleet, 72 brigade submarine - - - - - - -
    1988 2 Pacific Fleet, 72 brigade submarine Pacific Fleet
    11.01 the Navy Flag was raised, 72 brigade submarine, B. Kamen
    31.12 - 45 div.PL Vilyuchinsk
    - - - - - -
    1989 3 Pacific Fleet, 72 brigade submarine Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL
    Pacific Fleet, 45th division submarine Vilyuchinsk - - - - -
    1990 4 Pacific Fleet, 72 brigade submarine Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45th division submarine Vilyuchinsk - - - -
    1991 5 Pacific Fleet, 72 brigade submarine Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45th division submarine Vilyuchinsk - - -
    1992 5 Pacific Fleet, 72 brigade submarine Pacific Fleet, 45 div submarine Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL - - -
    1993 5
    Went in for repairs at the Zvezda Shipyard
    Pacific Fleet, 45 div submarine Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45th division submarine Vilyuchinsk - -
    1994 5 DVZ "Zvezda" Pacific Fleet, 45 div submarine Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL
    01.04 withdrawn from the permanent readiness forces
    Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL - -
    1995 6 Fokino sucks Pacific Fleet, 45 div submarine Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45th division submarine Vilyuchinsk -
    1996 6
    Fokino sucks Pacific Fleet, 45 div submarine Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL -
    1997 6
    Fokino sucks Pacific Fleet, 45 div submarine Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL
    25.02 introduced into the permanent readiness forces
    Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL Pacific Fleet, 45 div. PL -
    1998 4
    Fokino sucks Pacific Fleet from 01.05 - 10 div submarines, sucks Pacific Fleet from 01.05 - 10 days submarine, Rybachy, Krasheninnikov Bay, Kamchatka

    due to the expiration of the operational period. batteries has been withdrawn from the permanent readiness forces and is awaiting repairs

    Pacific Fleet from 01.05 - 10 days submarine, Rybachy, Krasheninnikov Bay, Kamchatka Pacific Fleet from 01.05 - 10 days submarine, Rybachy, Krasheninnikov Bay, Kamchatka Pacific Fleet from 01.05 - 10 days submarine, Rybachy, Krasheninnikov Bay, Kamchatka -
    1999 4
    Fokino sucks 10 div PL, sucks Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines, sucks
    Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
    2000 4 Fokino sucks 10 div PL, sucks Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines, sucks Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
    2001 4
    Fokino sucks 10 div PL, sucks Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines, sucks Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
    2002 4
    Fokino sucks 10 div PL, sucks Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines, sucks Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
    2003 3 Fokino sucks 10 div PL, sucks Pacific Fleet, from 01.06 - 16th submarine squadron, transported for repair to the ASZ
    October - delivered to the shipyard in Vilyuchinsk Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
    2004 3 DVZ "Zvezda" recycling
    10 div PL, sucks ASZ, waiting for repairs Shipyard, Vilyuchinsk Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
    2005 3 DVZ "Zvezda" recycling 10 div PL, sucks ASZ, waiting for repairs Shipyard, Vilyuchinsk Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
    2006 2 DVZ "Zvezda" recycling 10 div PL, sucks ASZ, waiting for repairs Shipyard, Vilyuchinsk Shipyard, Vilyuchinsk Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
    2007 1 DVZ "Zvezda" recycling 10 div PL, sucks ASZ, waiting for repairs Shipyard, Vilyuchinsk Shipyard, Vilyuchinsk Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines

    August - moved to B. Kamen to support testing of the Nerpa submarine.

    September-December - emergency repairs at the Zvezda plant

    Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
    2008 2 DVZ "Zvezda" recycling 10 div PL, sucks ASZ, waiting for repairs delivered to PD-71 to restore technical readiness and repair Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines DVZ "Zvezda", repairs Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
    2009 2 - 10 div submarines, sucks, waiting for repairs (?)
    ASZ, waiting for repairs PD-71 Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines DVZ "Zvezda", repairs

    August 17 - a contract was signed to restore technical readiness with completion in 2011. Cost 1.01 billion rubles

    Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines -
    2010 3 - 10 div PL, sucks ASZ, waiting for repairs PD-71 Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines DVZ "Zvezda", repairs Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet
    2011 3 - 10 div PL, sucks ASZ, waiting for repairs PD-71 Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines DVZ "Zvezda", repairs

    It was planned to complete the VTG under the 2009 contract.

    Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Pacific Fleet
    2012 1 - 10 div PL, sucks ASZ, waiting for repairs PD-71 28.09 - DVZ "Zvezda" DVZ "Zvezda", repairs Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Indian Navy
    2013 1 - a recycling competition has been announced
    ASZ, waiting for repairs it was announced that the repair of the Zvezdochka CS would be carried out starting in 2014. DVZ "Zvezda", repairs

    December - it was planned to complete the renovation

    Pacific Fleet, 10 div submarines Indian Navy
    2014 0 - disposal ASZ, waiting for repairs DVZ "Zvezda" - restoration of technical readiness DVZ "Zvezda", repairs repairs and modernization are planned at the Zvyozdochka CS Indian Navy
    2015 0 / 2 - - ASZ, waiting for repairs CS "Zvezdochka" as of April, preparations are underway for transfer for repairs

    November - CS "Zvezdochka", external pier

    end of November - completion of repairs is planned, amount - 163 million rubles (2014, 2015) end of November - renovation is planned to be completed (2014, 2015) CS "Zvezdochka" as of April, preparations are underway for transfer for repairs Indian Navy

    Year SF K-480
    "AK Bars"
    821 822 831 832 833 834 835
    Board 878 867 872 853 890 835
    Project 971 / 09710 971 / 09710 971 971 971 971U 971M
    1989 1 - - - - - -
    1990 1
    SF, 24 div PL - - - - - -
    1991 2
    SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL, Gadzhievo, Yagelnaya Bay - - - - -
    1992 3
    SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL, Gadzhievo, Yagelnaya Bay - - - -
    1993 4 SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL, Gadzhievo, Yagelnaya Bay - - -
    1994 4 Due to the current conditions, trips to sea have been stopped SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL, Gadzhievo, Yagelnaya Bay - -
    1995 4 Gadzhievo, it sucks SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL - -
    1996 5 Gadzhievo, it sucks SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL, Gadzhievo, Yagelnaya Bay -
    1997 3 Gadzhievo, it sucks SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL Severodvinsk, repair April - power plant accident at the test site SF, 24 div PL -
    1998 4 Gadzhievo, it sucks SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL October - towed to Severodvinsk SF, 24 div PL -
    1999 3 Gadzhievo, it sucks withdrawn from permanent readiness forces SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL Software Sevmash, repair SF, 24 div PL -
    2000 3 Gadzhievo, it sucks 06.09 - towed to Severodvinsk to Sevmash Production Association SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL Software Sevmash, repair SF, 24 div PL -
    2001 3 Gadzhievo, it sucks Sevmash software, it sucks SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL Software Sevmash, repair SF, 24 div PL -
    2002 4 Gadzhievo, it sucks Sevmash software, it sucks SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL Software Sevmash, repair SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL, Gadzhievo, Yagelnaya Bay
    2003 4 Gadzhievo, it sucks Sevmash software, it sucks SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL
    March - SRZ-10, Polyarny, factory repair
    SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL
    2004 5 Gadzhievo, it sucks Sevmash software, it sucks SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL January - left SRZ-10
    SF, 24 div PL
    SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL
    2005 5 Gadzhievo, it sucks May - docked at Sevmash SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL
    2006 4 Gadzhievo, it sucks Sevmash software, repairs and modernization of avionics
    SF, 24 div PL Severodvinsk, repair SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL
    2007 5 Severodvinsk, it sucks Sevmash software, repairs and modernization of avionics SF, 24 div PL Severodvinsk, repair
    SF, 24 div PL

    a practical 3M10 rocket was fired

    SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL

    summer - warranty repairs at Sevmash Production Association

    SF, 24 div PL
    2008 6 CS "Zvezdochka" SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL
    2009 6 CS "Zvezdochka", recycling SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL
    2010 6 CS "Zvezdochka", recycling SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL
    2011 6 - SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL

    July - arrived at

    SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL
    2012 4 - SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div PL April - CS "Zvezdochka" docked, medium repair and modernization SF, 24 div PL According to unconfirmed data, in reserve due to the exhaustion of the reactor core resource SF, 24 div PL
    2013 4 - SF, 24 div PL SF, 24 div submarines,

    repairs and modernization are planned at the Zvyozdochka CS

    CS "Zvezdochka", medium repair and modernization SF, 24 div PL refurbishment (?)
    SF, 24 div PL
    2014 4 ? - SF, 24 div PL August - came to Severodvinsk for repairs and modernization at the Zvezdochka Center
    CS "Zvezdochka", medium repair and modernization SF, 24 div PL
    refurbishment at the shipyard "Nerpa"

    SF, 24 div PL August - the beginning of repairs and modernization at the Zvyozdochka CS, docked at the external pier completion of renovation?
    SF, 24 div PL
    27.11 - The submarine left the Nerpa shipyard, where it was undergoing repairs to restore technical readiness

    SF, 24 div PL

    Number of Project 971 submarines in the USSR and Russian Navy by year:

    Total Pacific Fleet SF
    1985 1 1 -
    1986 1 1 -
    1987 1 1 -
    1988 2 2 -
    1989 4 3 1
    1990 5 4 1
    1991 7 5 2
    1992 8 5 3
    1993 9 5 4
    1994 9 5 4
    1995 10 6 4
    1996 11 6 5
    1997 9 6 3
    1998 8 4 4
    1999 7 4 3
    2000 7 4 3
    2001 7 4 3
    2002 8 4 4
    2003 7 3 4
    2004 8 3 5
    2005 8 3 5
    2006 6 2 4
    2007 6 1 5
    2008 8 2 6
    2009 8 2 6
    2010 9 3 6
    2011 9 3 6
    2012 5 1 4
    2013 5 1 4
    2014 4 0 2
    2015 5 ? 2 ?
    2016 6 ? 4 ?

    - 2010 February 03 - according to media reports, the transfer of the K-152 Nerpa submarine to India should take place before the end of June 2010.

    2010 August 24 - a representative of the headquarters of the Pacific Fleet stated that the transfer of the Nerpa submarine to India will occur at the end of 2010.

    2010 October 01 - the transfer of the Nerpa submarine to India has been postponed to the 1st quarter of 2011. Currently, the Indian crew is undergoing training on the submarine. According to media reports, the submarine is being leased to India for 10 years for 650 million USD ( if it's not a media mistake).

    October 7, 2010 - Director General of Rosoboronexport Anatoly Isaikin stated that the transfer of the Nerpa submarine to India will take place as planned - i.e. until the end of 2010

    2011 October 4-5 - in Moscow, during the work of the intergovernmental commission, the timing of acceptance tests and acceptance of the submarine by the Indian Navy was agreed upon. The launch of acceptance tests for which it is planned to test the weapon systems is scheduled for 10/30/2011. Acceptance of the boat by the Indian Navy is expected on November 22-23, 2011.

    October 30, 2011 - The Nerpa submarine did not go to sea for testing - the release date has not been announced. but there is information about its transfer. Information was also released that the reliability of the boat’s weapon systems during testing was no more than 35%. The deadline for transferring the submarine to India will also apparently be postponed.

    2011 December 30 - the Act on the transfer of the K-152 "Nerpa" submarine pr.971I to India for leasing was signed at the General Staff of the Russian Navy. On January 20, 2012, the boat will leave for India.

    2012 January 19 - deadline for the planned transfer of the K-152 Nerpa submarine to the Indian Navy. On January 16, 2012, the deadline was announced to be postponed to January 23, 2012.

    2012 January 23 - SSN K-152 "Nerpa" pr.971I was transferred to the Indian Navy on the territory of the Zvezda plant in Bolshoi Kamen. The name of the boat in the Indian Navy is Chakra.

    February 10, 2012 - before the specified date, the Chakra submarine (K-152 "Nerpa") will depart from Vladivostok to its permanent location - the Visakhapatnam base on the east coast of India.

    - 2012 March 30-31 - expected time of arrival of the Chakra submarine (K-152 "Nerpa") at the Visakhapatnam base on the east coast of India (02/21/2012).

    - 2013 March 12 - with reference to a representative of the Russian military-industrial complex, the media report that India is ready to finance the completion of the second submarine pr.971I - "Irbis" (plant No. 519) - at the Amur Shipyard (Komsomolsk-on-Amur) with subsequent transfer to the Indian Navy. The durable hull of the boat is ready and is in storage at the Amur Shipyard.

    December 17, 2014 - The Times of India newspaper reports that the Indian Navy has decided to lease a second Project 971 submarine from Russia.

    Registry PLA pr.971 and modifications (data is constantly being updated, sorted by launch date, version as of 02/13/2014): U_96. Quo vadis, Russian fleet, part 2. Website

    Name Project NATO Factory.
    Factory Bookmark date Launch date Date entered. into operation Note
    1 K-284 "Shark" 971 / 09710
    AKULA 501 K-n-A No. 199 11.11.1983 27.07.1984 30.12.1984 Pacific Fleet, withdrawn from the Navy, there are many discrepancies regarding the dates of laying and descent
    2 K-263 "Barnaul"
    971 / 09710 AKULA 502 K-n-A No. 199 09.05.1985 28.05.1986 30.12.1987 Pacific Fleet

    1998 - the boat was put into storage.
    - 2002 - the boat was renamed "Barnaul".
    - 2006 - the boat “for repairs” was delivered to the wall of the Zvezda Shipyard.
    - 2011 - according to Western PLA data not in the Navy.
    - 2011 - with US funding, nuclear fuel from the boat's nuclear power plant (NPP) was transported to PA Mayak for disposal.
    - 2013 - a decision was made to dismantle the submarines at the Zvezda Shipyard.

    3 K-322 "Sperm Whale" 971 / 09710 AKULA 513 K-n-A No. 199 05.09.1986 18.07.1987 30.12.1988 Pacific Fleet, under repair with modernization (2009-2012 - at the Amur Shipyard).
    4 K-391 "Bratsk"
    971 / 09710 AKULA 514 K-n-A No. 199 23.02.1988 23.02.1988 29.12.1989 there are discrepancies in dates
    Pacific Fleet, in service (?), according to Western data - as of 2011, not in the Navy. Since 2007, the boat has been taken to the shipyard "SVRTs" (Kamchatka) for repairs. As of March 2013, repairs have not been carried out, but are planned after the transfer to the Zvezdochka Shipyard in 2014.
    5 K-480
    "AK Bars"
    971 / 09710 AKULA 821 Sevmash, responsible delivery person - V.M. Chuvakin, delivery mechanic - V.P. Pastukhov
    22.02.1985 04/16/1988 (withdrawal from the workshop)
    29.12.1988 SF, 10.10.1990, the boat was given the name "Bars". According to the Sevmash PO booklet, during its service the boat performed two autonomous combat missions and one search operation. On April 27, 1996, after concluding a patronage agreement with the Republic of Tatarstan, the boat was renamed "Ak Bars". 2000 - according to unconfirmed reports - Gadzhievo sludge division. Decommissioned in 2002, 2009-2010. disposal at the Zvezdochka Shipyard, structural elements were used in the construction of the 3rd hull of the SSBN Project 955
    6 K-317 "Panther" 971 / 09710 AKULA 822 Sevmash, responsible delivery person - V.N. Sorokin, delivery mechanic - V.P. Pastukhov 06.11.1986 05/11/1990 (withdrawal from the workshop)

    05/21/1990 (launching)

    12/27/1990 (Act signed)

    12/28/1990 (USSR Navy Flag raised)

    SF, in service. On October 10, 1990, the boat was given the name “Panther”. According to the Sevmash PO booklet, during its service the boat performed two autonomous combat missions and one search operation. In 2000 - 24th submarine division of the Northern Fleet, Yagelnaya Bay. In 2006-2007 underwent repairs with modernization of avionics at the SMP. According to Western data - as of 2011, as part of the Navy.
    7 K-331 "Magadan"
    971 / 09710 AKULA 515 K-n-A No. 199 28.12.1989 23.06.1990 31.12.1990 Pacific Fleet, in service (?). According to Western data - as of 2011, as part of the Navy
    8 K-461
    971 Improved AKULA 831 14.11.1987 06/11/1991 (withdrawal from the workshop)
    12/29/1991 (Acceptance Certificate signed)

    01/27/1992 (Navy Flag raised)

    SF, July 26, 1991, the boat was given the name “Wolf”. According to the Sevmash PO booklet, during its service the boat performed two autonomous combat duties. In service (2010). In 2000 - 24th submarine division of the Northern Fleet, Yagelnaya Bay. According to Western data - as of 2011, as part of the Navy
    9 K-419 "Kuzbass"
    971 / 09710
    Improved AKULA 516 K-n-A No. 199 28.07.1991 18.05.1992 31.12.1992 Pacific Fleet Under repair at the Zvezda shipyard in Bolshoy Kamen (as of 2010, for several years).
    - 01/14/2010 - agreement to extend the life of systems and equipment ( ist. - NIPT "Onega" for 2010).
    - 2013 - renovation is expected to be completed (media, April 2013).
    10 K-328 "Leopard" 971 Improved AKULA 832 Sevmash, responsible delivery person - V.I. Kuznetsov, delivery mechanic - V.P. Pastukhov 26.10.1988 06/28/1992 (withdrawal from the workshop)
    12/30/1992 (Act signed)

    01/15/1993 (Navy Flag raised)

    SF, 01/24/1991, the boat was given the name “Leopard”. According to the Sevmash PO booklet, during its service the boat performed four autonomous combat duties.
    - 2000 - 24th submarine division of the Northern Fleet, Yagelnaya Bay.
    - 2006 - standing still.
    - 2011 - according to Western data, as part of the Navy.
    - June 2011 - arrived at the Zvezdochka Center for repairs.
    - 12/27/2012 - a contract was signed for repairs and modernization on Project 971M - the lead ship of the project (the first of 6).
    11 K-154
    971 Improved AKULA 833 Sevmash, responsible delivery person - L.V. Berezovsky, delivery mechanic - S.M. Khviyuzov 10.09.1989 06/26/1993 (withdrawal from the workshop)
    12/29/1993 (Act signed)

    01/05/1994 (Navy Flag raised)

    SF, July 24, 1991, the boat was given the name "Tiger". According to the Sevmash PO booklet, during its service the boat performed two autonomous combat services, according to the results of one of them, the commander, Captain 1st Rank Burilichev A.V. awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. In 2000 - 24th submarine division of the Northern Fleet, Yagelnaya Bay. In service (2010), according to Western data - as of 2011 as part of the Navy.
    12 K-157
    971U AKULA-II 834 Sevmash, responsible delivery person - V.N. Sorokin, delivery mechanic - S.A. Belopolsky 13.07.1990 12/10/1994 (withdrawal from the workshop)
    11/25/1995 (Act signed)

    11/30/1995 (Navy Flag raised)

    SF, 04/06/1993, the boat was given the name "Vepr". According to the Sevmash PO booklet, during its service the boat performed one autonomous combat service and one search operation. In service (2010), in 2000 - 24th submarine division of the Northern Fleet, Yagelnaya Bay. In the summer of 2007, the submarine underwent warranty repairs at SMP. According to Western data - as of 2011, as part of the Navy
    13 K-295
    ("The Dragon")
    971 Improved AKULA 517 K-n-A No. 199 07.11.1993 15.08.1994 17.07.1995 there are discrepancies in dates
    The Pacific Fleet is in service (?), according to Western data - as of 2011, as part of the Navy. In 2014, it is planned to transfer it to the Zvezdochka shipyard for repairs.
    14 K-335
    971M AKULA-III 835 Sevmash 23.09.1991 17.10.1999 03.12.2001 tests completed on December 20, 2000, Northern Fleet, in service (2010), in 2000 - 24th submarine division of the Northern Fleet, Yagelnaya Bay. According to Western data - as of 2011, as part of the Navy
    15 K-152 "Nerpa" 971I / 09719
    Improved AKULA 518 K-n-A No. 199 actual start of construction - 1987 ()

    bookmark - 1991 (?)

    24.06.2006 28.12.2009 There are discrepancies in dates

    2001 - with allocated funding, readiness over the year could change by 0.6% ().

    2002 - technical readiness as of January 1 - 83.4%, state funding for construction was not provided for 2002 ().

    The Pacific Fleet is in service and is planned to be transferred to India at the end of 2010.
    The submarine was handed over to India on January 23, 2012. The official ceremony of commissioning the submarine into service with the Indian Navy will take place on April 4, 2012.

    16 K-337 "Cougar" 971U AKULA-II 836 Sevmash 18.08.1992 removed from construction on January 22, 1998 AKULA-III 838 Sevmash 1992-1993 plan withdrawn from construction in 1997 or earlier at the stage of preparing the groundwork - Construction was stopped according to Decree No. 937-73 of December 7, 2000 ().

    structures used in the construction of SSBN pr.955

    19 K-"Irbis" 971I / 09719
    Improved AKULA 519 K-n-A No. 199 1994 (?) - - Construction was frozen in 1996.

    Construction was stopped according to Decree No. 937-73 of December 7, 2000. Readiness 56.5% ().

    Readiness for 2007 is 60%, located at the Amur Shipyard (2009-2010). The name of the boat "Irbis" is probably unofficial.

    20 TO- 971M AKULA-III 520 K-n-A No. 199 1990 (?) - - dismantled on the slipway at 25% completion and sold for metal by the plant management
    21 TO- 971M AKULA-III 521 K-n-A No. 199 1991 (?) - - sold for metal (?)
    10A K-328 "Leopard" 971M AKULA-IV 832 CS "Zvezdochka" 2013 - plan - 2015 (02/13/2014) - 12/27/2012 - a contract was signed for repairs and modernization on Project 971M - the lead ship of the project (the first of 6)