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Tips for participants in fishing competitions. Winter fishing competitions - recreation center Derbovezh Summer fishing competitions


1.1. Types and levels of competitions:

1.1.1. Competitions are held individual and team. In individual competitions, the results are counted for each athlete individually. In team competitions - to each athlete individually and the team as a whole.

1.1.2. Competitions are divided into the following levels:

a) Level 1 - Championships, championships, Cups and other competitions of the Russian Federation and the association “Rosokhotrybolovsoyuz”.

b) level 2 - Championships, championships and other competitions of the Federal Administrative Districts, All-Russian public and sports associations and departments; interregional sports competitions, interdistrict competitions in law enforcement agencies;

c) level 3 - championships and championships of Russian regions (republics, territories, regions, autonomies, Moscow and St. Petersburg), regional sports organizations, championships and championships of military districts;

d) level 4 - championships, championships, mass, demonstration and qualifying competitions of districts, cities and military garrisons;

e) level 5 - championships and championships of clubs, youth sports schools, primary physical education and sports organizations.

Competitions are held by the relevant sports committees, sports federations and boards of voluntary societies in accordance with the Regulations on the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification.

1.1.3. In competitions of any level, a championship can be held separately among the following age categories: “CHILDREN” - up to 14 years old; “TEENAGERS” - 14-16 years old; “YOUNS” - ​​16-18 years old.

The age of each category is determined as of January 1 of the current year. Boys and girls with sufficient physical and technical training, under the responsibility of sending organizations, can participate in the championship among men and women, and women - among men, on equal terms with them.

1.1.4. Sports fishing competitions using a float rod are held in open water. A float rod means a tackle: a fishing rod equipped with a fishing line, a float, a sinker and a hook.

1.2. Duration of the competition

1.2.1. Competitions for individual and team championships are held:

a) first and second levels of all types - in two days, one round per day;

b) third and fourth levels in two rounds, according to the decision of the organizers in one or two days;

1.2.2. Duration of the round of individual and team competitions:

a) first level - 3 hours, second level - by decision of the organizers 3 - 5 hours;

b) third and fourth levels in two days - by decision of the organizers 3 - 5 hours, and two rounds in one day - at least 2.5 hours;

1.2.3. Competitions of the fifth level are held only for individual championships:

In one round duration: according to the decision of the organizers 3 - 5 hours;

Two tours in two days according to the decision of the organizers: each tour from 3 to 5 hours;

Two tours in one day: each tour is at least 2.5 hours.

1.2.4. Competitions of all levels and types in law enforcement Ministries and departments and in Military Hunting Societies can be held on the same day.

1.2.5. Due to unfavorable weather conditions, or other unforeseen circumstances that threaten the life and safety of participants, the competition may be suspended or canceled by the decision of the chief judge.

In the event of a thunderstorm, the competition is immediately stopped by giving a special signal and the athletes are placed in a shelter.

If conditions allow the competition to continue after the break as part of the daily schedule, the competition may resume. In this case, a signal is first given allowing the athletes to take their places, after which after 5 minutes a signal is given to continue fishing.

If atmospheric conditions do not improve, or the daily routine does not allow the competition to continue, then the round is considered completed if its duration is at least half the time allotted by the rules for a given type and level of competition.


2.1. Requirements for all types of competitions.

2.1.1. In individual and team competitions, athletes must take part in both rounds of the competition to receive the final qualifying result.

2.1.2. All competition participants are required to know and comply with the rules and regulations of the competition during the competition.

It is strictly prohibited to place competition participants at a distance of less than 50 meters from any electrical structures (power lines, transformers, masts of high-voltage lines, etc.), as well as to conduct competitions during a thunderstorm.

2.1.3. Zones and sectors for both rounds are divided according to the same principle (Article 2.1.20 of these Rules).

2.1.4. Warning signals are given at set intervals.

Signals are given by the chief judge of the competition in a clearly visible (audible) light (sound) way, and are duplicated by voice by the senior judges and control judges in all zones.

2.1.5. At a signal 5 minutes before the end of the round, coaches and media representatives are required to leave the sectors, fishing zones and neutral strips.

At the signal announcing the finish, the athletes stop fishing.

After the signal announcing the finish, the catch is weighed at the competition site.

Athletes remain at the fishing site (in the sector) until the judge-controller arrives for the catch.

Athletes are prohibited from leaving the sector until the end of the weigh-in.

2.1.6. From the moment they enter the sector designated for the competition at the signal until the end of weighing their catch, athletes do not have the right to accept practical assistance from other persons in preparing the competition site, gear, bait and bait, landing fish, etc. and provide assistance to other athletes.

After the signal to enter the sector, the athlete may temporarily leave it with the permission of the judge only in case of emergency. Essential items (drinking water, food, medicine, etc.) can only be given to the athlete through the judge.

2.1.7. Fish taken into account are caught and removed from the water before the “Finish” signal and only those species and sizes that are allowed to be caught in a given area in accordance with the regulations on the competition and the rules of amateur and sport fishing in force in the given region.

Fish that are prohibited from catching are not counted. If she is caught, she must be released immediately.

2.1.8. The catch of a fish is also counted when it is accidentally caught by the mouth. Automatic hooking devices and intentionally turning fish are prohibited.

2.1.9. During the competition, athletes are required to store their catch in a cage, which is immersed in water as much as possible. The mesh of the cage must be made of natural or artificial thread. The use of cages made of metal mesh is prohibited.

Fish placed in the cage must, if possible, be kept alive until the arrival of the weighing judges. The fish is weighed in its pure form, in a uniform container.

2.1.10. A representative of the junior age category has the right to compete in competitions of the next oldest age category under the responsibility of the organization that he represents. At the same time, he has equal rights and opportunities with his older rivals.

A representative of the older age category has no right to participate in competitions held among younger age categories.

The same provision applies to the categories “MEN” and “WOMEN”, among which the category “MEN” is considered the eldest.

2.1.11. At competitions of the first and second levels, on the eve of the competition day, athletes are trained for at least 3 hours.

The training takes place at the competition site. Places for training of teams and athletes are provided by allocating boxes (a group of sectors according to the number of team members). At Level 1 competitions, training prior to competition day is mandatory for all teams participating in the competition. During training, teams are required to fully feed all sectors allocated for training.

At second-level competitions, by decision of the competition organizers, the participation of teams and athletes in training on the eve of the competition round may be optional. In this case, the sectors allocated for training, under the responsibility of the competition organizers, in accordance with the regulations on the competition, must be fed at the expense of the competition organizers or at the expense of the team and athletes, or from other sources.

The distribution of teams into boxes is carried out by a panel of judges in the order of team registration.

Members of the panel of judges are present at the official training.

2.1.12. On competition days and training days, the presence of members of delegations participating in the competition on the reservoir in the dark is prohibited.

2.1.13. Fish caught during training are released into the reservoir.

Fish caught in the first round of a two-round competition is at the disposal of the competition organizing committee.

2.1.14. At the end of official training, as well as at competitions two days after the end of the 1st round (handing over or weighing the fish), athletes are required to leave the shore at the competition site - within 120 minutes.

2.1.15. Representatives, coaches, reserve athletes and judges are not allowed to fish during competitions at all levels.

2.1. 16. Fishing is carried out with one fishing rod equipped with one single hook. The length of the line, the weight and shape of the sinkers and floats are arbitrary. The weights should be placed on the line above the hook.

It is allowed to equip fishing rods with guide rings and reels. The number of spare rods and gear is not limited.

Donka fishing is prohibited. The rig (a fishing line equipped with a float, sinker and hook) must have positive buoyancy. It is allowed to touch the bottom of part of the sinkers, but not more than 10% of their total mass.

2.1.17. The length of the rods is limited within the following limits:

Up to 10.0 meters for the “TEENAGERS” category;

Up to 11.5 meters for the category “BOYS” AND “WOMEN”;

Up to 13.0 meters for the “MEN” category.

2.1.18. Competitions are held from the shore on rivers, canals and on suitable banks of other bodies of water. Reservoir area. allocated for competitions, must be as straight as possible and have the same conditions in terms of depth, bottom topography, vegetation, approach to the fishing site, etc. The width of the reservoir should not be less than 35 meters. The depth should be, as far as possible, the same throughout the entire competition site and have a minimum value of 1 meter in any sector at a distance of 13 meters from the shore.

When the competition is held over two days, the second round is held on the same site.

2.1.19. According to the decision of the organizers, at team competitions of the second and lower levels, athletes may be allowed to participate in the competition only in the individual competition, who are evenly distributed among the zones by drawing lots. Uneven numbers of athletes are allowed in zones with a difference of no more than one athlete. This condition must be reflected in the competition regulations.

2.1.20. When holding team competitions, the site is divided into zones according to the number of athletes in the team. The zones, in turn, are divided into sectors according to the number of teams and, if necessary, athletes participating in competitions only for individual championships. The number of sectors in zones should not differ by more than one sector. By decision of the technical commission or panel of judges, the length of the sector along the shore is set from 10 to 20 m. Sectors and zones are separated from each other by a neutral strip 1 m wide. If necessary, gaps between zones are allowed. A free sector must be marked in front of the outer sectors of the competition area.

Zones and sectors are limited by a cord or flags from the shore inland at least 10 m. Zones are designated by Russian letters A, B, V, etc., and sectors by numbers 1, 2, 3, etc., applied to stencils that are installed in zones and sectors. The sizes of flags and stencils are arbitrary but of the same type, and they must ensure clear visibility by athletes and spectators.

The competition area must be separated from spectators by a neutral strip at least 1 m wide.

In exceptional cases, depending on the topography of the coastline, on the recommendation of the technical commission, the length and width of the sectors, as well as the neutral strip, can be changed by the main panel of judges.

The division of zones into sectors must be completed before the start of mandatory training.

2.1.21. By decision of the organizers, when holding personal competitions of the second and lower levels, the coastal section is divided only into sectors or zones, based on the total number of athletes, at the rate of one zone for 10 - 25 athletes. The number of sectors in zones should not differ by more than one sector. This condition must be reflected in the competition regulations.

2.1.22. At competitions of the first, second and levels, the athlete receives 120 minutes for preparation; at third level competitions - 120 minutes, provided that the competition is held in one round per day; at other competitions - by decision of the organizers from 60 to 120 minutes. Upon arrival of the athlete to his sector, he is obliged to put down his fishing equipment in his sector and then leave it. This also applies to persons helping the athlete carry equipment.

During each round of the competition, five signals are given: the first is the entrance to the sector, the second is the start of feeding, the third is the start (beginning of fishing), the fourth is 5 minutes left until the finish and the fifth is the finish (end of fishing).

Any preparation of gear and other equipment after the athlete arrives at his sector before the first signal is prohibited.

At the first signal (“entry into the sector”), the athletes occupy their sectors and begin preparing for fishing. It is not allowed to provide them with practical assistance in preparing the competition site, gear and bait.

Additional gear can be handed over to the athlete through the referee-controller before the signal allowing the start of feeding, and bait and groundbait - only before the panel of judges begins to check the amount of permitted bait and groundbait.

2.1.23. Feeding fish is allowed: at the second signal (5 minutes before the start) with a large amount of bait (large lumps) and at the third signal (“Start”) - in small portions. The bait should be formed and thrown without any packaging equipment. Harvested and not abandoned large lumps must be broken at the “Start” signal. Throwing bait is allowed with one hand or with the help of a slingshot, which can be used with both hands.

After the third signal (“Start”) and until the end of the competition, feeding is allowed in small portions of free-form bait. Making lumps of bait after the third signal is carried out only with one hand without using a stop (bucket, stand, etc.). The amount of bait (clump) in one cast portion should fit in a clenched hand.

For feeding, the athlete is allowed to attach a feeder with a volume of no more than 250 ml to the end of the plug rod used for fishing, and also carry out feeding with a series of lumps of the size established above.

2.1.24. The athlete is allowed to use bait and bait of natural origin. The bait and bait can be painted and impregnated with odorous substances. Baits containing live or dead fish, live and dead ants, ant eggs and fish eggs are prohibited.

The use of narcotic and fish intoxicating substances is prohibited. The bait must be placed on the hook and not attached to it in any other way.

The amount of bait is limited to 17 liters of moistened and sifted bait mixture, including ballast, and bait and bait of animal origin - no more than 2 kg, of which the amount of bloodworms should not exceed 1 kg. On the recommendation of the technical commission, this number may be reduced, which must be reflected in the competition regulations. In this case, they must be subjected to control by members of the panel of judges, and the athlete must present to the inspectors all the bait and bait available in his sector. Checking the bait and bait must be completed during the first half of the time allotted to the athletes for preparation. In this case, making bait balls and starting feeding is allowed only after completing the inspection in the sector.

At the end of training and each round of competition, it is prohibited to throw leftover bait into the pond.

2.1.25. The athlete is allowed to hold the rod in his hand or place it on the shore, on the water or on special holders (stands) without removing the tackle from the water.

2.1.26. During competitions, athletes are allowed to use platforms whose maximum dimensions are 1 x 1 meter. The platforms must be located in one line, as decided by the panel of judges, out of the water or partially in the water. Additional platforms designed for auxiliary equipment and materials can be installed next to the main platform.

2.1.27. During the competition, the athlete can position himself in his sector for fishing as he sees fit. It is prohibited to enter the neutral zone, as well as to feed and catch fish in it. In their sector, athletes must move as silently as possible, without attracting attention to themselves. Photographers and cameramen have the right to enter the neutral zone only with the permission of the judges and athletes of the neighboring sectors.

After weighing, the athlete returns the fish caught in the competition round to the cage and releases it into the reservoir at the command of the chief judge after weighing the catch of all athletes in the zone.


3.1. The organization conducting the competition is obliged, in accordance with these rules and the rules of amateur and sport fishing in force in the region where the competition is held, to develop and approve regulations and send them to possible participants in advance (no later than a month before the start of the competition, and for competitions of the first and second level - no less than 2 months). The regulations indicate the type of competition: (team, individual), the number of athletes and other persons in the team, basic organizational issues, characteristics of the reservoir, lists the types of fish accepted for weighing and prohibited for fishing, as well as their minimum sizes, determination of winners, awards, financial terms of participation. The regulations on competitions of the first and second levels are accompanied by a schematic section of the reservoir at the competition site.

Changes to the regulations can only be made by the organization that approved it and no later than an hour before the start of the draw.

In competitions of the first and second levels, training is provided.

3.2. Organization conducting the competition:

a) resolves all issues of their logistical support, ensuring security measures for them and staffing the panel of judges;

b) appoints the technical and credentials commissions, the main panel of judges, the competition commandant, ensures security and medical care; provides conditions for holding a meeting of representatives (captains), drawing lots and the work of the secretariat;

c) ensures the most equal conditions for performances for all athletes;

d) provides athletes with starting numbers, and the panel of judges with uniform containers for weighing catches;

e) after the end of the competition, issues to each team or sends by mail a protocol of the technical results of the competition or an extract from it.


4.1. In the application for participation in team competitions, all members of the delegation (athletes, coach, representative) are indicated.

Applications for participation in competitions are submitted within the time limits established by the competition regulations.

4.2. The application must indicate: last name, first name and patronymic (in full) of the athlete, his year of birth, sports qualification (rank), and the athlete’s knowledge of safety rules.

4.3. The application or classification book must contain a doctor’s conclusion on the athlete’s admission to competitions for health reasons.

4.4. The application indicates a representative of the organization (team), coach and captain.

4.5. The application must be signed by the head of the sports organization and certified by its seal.

4.6. The final application with the name list of the team is submitted to the competition secretariat no later than 1 hour before the draw.


5.1. Each participant in the competition has the right to file protests regarding the decisions of the judges or violations of the rules and regulations of the competition by athletes, teams, coaches, representatives and judges. The protest is submitted to the main panel of judges in writing through a team representative or coach (in their absence, through the team captain).

5.2. Protests, with the exception of those relating to the determination of places, are submitted no later than an hour after the end of the corresponding round of competition. Protests regarding the determination of places must be submitted no later than one hour after the official announcement of the results of the relevant round or the overall results of the competition.

5.3. Decisions on protests, with the exception of those relating to the distribution of places, must be made by the main panel of judges before the results of the round or competition are confirmed.

5.4. The representative (coach, captain) of the team who filed the protest must be present at the meeting of the main panel of judges when analyzing the protest.

5.5. The decision on the protest is made by a majority vote of the members of the main panel of judges in an open vote.

The decision of the main panel of judges regarding a protest is final.

5.6. A protocol is kept about the consideration of each protest and the decision made.


6.1. The first level competitions involve teams from Moscow and other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, all-Russian public associations, regional and equal societies of hunters and fishermen, and the best fishing clubs of the largest cities in the country. The number of teams and the order of their selection for the finals of the competition are determined by the regulations on the competition.

Athletes allowed to compete:

a) for first-level competitions - not lower than 1st category;

b) athletes are allowed to compete at other levels in accordance with the regulations of the competition by decision of their organizers.

6.2. All competitions involve teams of no more than 5 athletes; the composition of the teams is determined by the regulations on the competition. Only a full team can be admitted to level one team competitions. A reserve athlete included in the application may replace the main one at the request of the representative (captain) of the team before the start of the draw for each round.

Individual competitions among women and boys can be held simultaneously with team competitions at all levels.

A team that does not show up or is late at the start (third signal) is removed from the competition.

An athlete withdrawn from a competition is not replaced by a reserve athlete.

6.3. The athlete is required to have documents proving his identity, as well as confirming his sports qualifications and membership in the sports organization (department) for which he competes (passport, membership card, ID), as well as a compulsory health insurance policy; compete in a sports uniform that is the same for the entire team and carefully attached the starting number received by lot; treat the competition participants with restraint and respect, and avoid cases of appearing drunk at events provided for by the competition schedule.

6.4. The participant in the competition is obliged to know and comply with the rules of amateur and sport fishing, the regulations and rules of the competition, not to make noise during the competition and not to interfere with other participants, to arrive at the start and finish line on time, not to leave garbage on the reservoir, as well as pieces of fishing line that have become unusable tackle. For violation of competition rules, the athlete is responsible in accordance with the sanctions of section 12 of these rules.

6.5. The athlete must not interfere with the work of the judges. He receives all information regarding the conduct of competitions and their results through a representative or coach (captain) of the team.

6.6. The athlete has no right to enter the water without the permission of the senior zone judge.

6.7. The team (athlete at individual competitions) is obliged to be present at the general formation at the opening and closing of the competition or to inform the organizers in advance about their absence from these events, indicating the reason.

6.8. Competition participants are allowed to use mobile telephone communications:

a) to an athlete in the zone - in exceptional cases and only in the presence of a judge;

b) to the coach - only outside the competition area.


7.1. The representative must know the competition rules and competition regulations.

7.2. The representative, being the team leader, is responsible for the organization, behavior and discipline of team members.

7.3. The representative cannot interfere with the work of the panel of judges. He receives all the necessary certificates from the chief judge.

7.4. The representative is obliged to attend meetings of the panel of judges regarding the consideration of issues related to his team, and has the right to participate in the draw and be present when the catches are weighed.

7.5. The representative submits a written statement about changes in the team, in accordance with Art. 4.1 - 4.6, as well as protests regarding the conduct of competitions and refereeing.

7.6. The coach must have an armband or badge provided by the competition organizers indicating the team. He has the right to give his athlete verbal advice and instructions. The coach has the right to be in the athlete’s sector of his team with the notification of the referee-controller.

For teams that arrive at the competition without a coach, any member of the declared delegation may be allowed to act as a coach during the competition round.

7.7. A representative and coach of a team who violates the requirements of the regulations and rules of the competition, by decision of the main panel of judges, are warned or removed from participation in the competition.

7.8. In the absence of a coach and a representative, their duties are performed by the team captain for the entire period of the competition in compliance with the requirements of Article 2.1.6 of the rules if he takes part in the competition round as an athlete.


8.1. The technical commission is appointed by the organization conducting the competition. The commission includes qualified judges and specialists in the relevant discipline. The commission examines the reservoir - a possible location for the competition to determine its compliance with the competition rules and the planned number of participants, determines the main parameters of the reservoir at the competition site (width, depth, current, bottom characteristics, presence of vegetation), the species composition of fish and the expected weight of catches, ensures production diagrams of the reservoir at the competition site, takes measures to eliminate natural and artificial obstacles at the competition site, taking into account the characteristics of the reservoir (width, depth, current), if necessary, gives recommendations on limiting the number of bait mixtures.

The commission draws up the results of its work in the form of a report.

8.2. The credentials committee, consisting of a chairman and two commission members, is appointed by the organization holding the competition. At competitions of the second and lower levels, the functions of the credentials committee may be entrusted to the main panel of judges of the competition.

8.3. The work of the credentials commission is led by its chairman. Mandate

The document commission checks the compliance of the competition participants with the requirements of the regulations on these competitions and gives an opinion on the admission of athletes, coaches, team representatives and judges to participate in the competition. The credentials commission formalizes its conclusion in a protocol.


9.1. As a rule, the panel of judges for team competitions must include judges from all sports organizations participating in the competition. The composition of the panel of judges for personal competitions is completed by the organizers of the competitions.

9.2. The main panel of judges and the panel of judges are appointed by the organization conducting the competition.

The main panel of judges includes: the chief judge, the chief secretary and their deputies. Decisions of the main panel of judges are made by a majority vote. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chief judge is decisive.

The panel of judges, in addition to the members of the main panel of judges, includes senior judges in zones, table judges and controller judges in zones. Depending on the level of competition, the composition of the panel of judges may be increased or decreased. All judges must clearly know the rules of the competition.

At level 1 competitions, zones must have at least 1 judge per 5 athletes. At competitions at other levels there must be at least one judge per zone.

9.3. The chief judge manages the competitions and heads the work of the panel of judges, personally distributes responsibilities among the judges, and before the competition conducts a training seminar with them on the topic of the upcoming competition; checks the availability of medical support, reports at the meeting of representatives and team captains about the types and permissible sizes of protected fish.

Monitors the correct course of the competition, resolves issues that arise, considers violations of the rules of the competition and incoming protests committed by participants in the prescribed manner, and, together with the main panel of judges, makes decisions on them.

The chief judge has the right to unilaterally temporarily interrupt or cancel competitions due to unfavorable weather or other conditions interfering with the normal course of competitions, to exclude from participation in competitions athletes who are drunk and for other reasons related to the safety of athletes, as well as to suspend judges who cannot cope with their duties.

At the end of the competition, sums up the results of the competition with the judges and evaluates the work of the judges.

The chief judge submits a written report and other established documentation to the organization conducting the competition within the established time frame.

9.4. The deputy chief judge works on the instructions of the chief judge, and in his absence replaces the chief judge and exercises his rights.

9.5. The Chief Secretary accepts applications for participation in competitions, registers judges, draws lots and is responsible for preparing all judging documentation for competitions.

The Deputy Chief Secretary works on the instructions of the Chief Secretary, and in his absence replaces the Chief Secretary and exercises his rights.

Secretary judges work under the direction of the chief secretary and take part in the preparation of documentation.

9.6. Senior judges in the zones check the competition participants according to the zone protocol and are responsible for the progress of the competition in the zone. The presence of unauthorized persons in the competition area is not allowed.

After the end of each round, the chief judge is informed about all violations of the rules of the competition committed by athletes and about the sanctions announced to violators.

Senior judges of the zones take part in weighing the catches at the competition site, present the zone protocol to the senior weighing team or the secretary to enter the weighing results into it and sign the protocol after weighing, personally hand over the signed protocol to the chief secretary of the competition or accept the catch from the control judges or from the athletes and present the catches along with the zone protocol for weighing. In the absence of referee-controllers, they perform their duties.

9.7. Control judges work under the guidance of senior zone judges. They control the equipment, as well as compliance with the rules and regulations of the competition by the athletes assigned to them.

Warn athletes about their violations of competition rules and the sanctions imposed for these violations. Infractions and rule violators are reported to the senior zone judge.

Control judges take part in weighing catches at the competition site or accept catches from athletes and hand them over to the senior judge of the zone; take part in weighing and determining the results in the zone.

At the end of the round, the referee-controller continues to monitor the catch of his athletes and, until the judges conducting the weigh-in arrive, prevents outsiders from entering the sector or zone.

During the competition, the referee-controller is positioned in such a way as not to interfere with the athlete and at the same time observe his actions and catch. The cage must be within sight of the controller.

9.8. The competition commandant organizes the preparation, equipment and registration of the places where competition participants are lined up, the breakdown of zones and sectors for competitions, prepares the premises and places competition participants and judges, organizes the issuance of equipment and equipment to competition participants and judges, is responsible for maintaining order at the competition site, and carries out the instructions of the chief judges.


10.1. The fish submitted for competition is weighed in bulk in a mesh-type container or with a perforated bottom that does not interfere with the drainage of water. The container is provided by the competition organizers. At competitions of the 1st and 2nd levels, the catch is weighed with maximum accuracy within the technical tolerance of scales for commercial and industrial use, but not less than 5 grams. The use of household spring steelyards is prohibited.

Fish are accepted for weighing only from the cage, and after weighing they are returned to the cage, where they are kept by the athletes until the end of weighing the catches of all athletes in the zone.

When weighing catches in the competition area, the athlete immediately after weighing signs the protocol. For the presented fish, the athlete is awarded 1 point for each gram of weight.

10.2. The winner of the round is the fisherman with the largest catch weight.

If the weight of the catches in one zone is equal, athletes who have the same results are counted a number of points (places) equal to the arithmetic average of the sum of the places that they would have to share (example 1: two anglers claiming 5th place receive: ( 5+6): 2 = 5.5 points (places) each. Example 2: three anglers competing for 8th place receive (8+9+10): 3=9 points (places) each).

Athletes who are left without a catch receive a number of points (places) equal to the arithmetic average for the places in the range of which there are anglers without a catch in a given zone. (Example 1: 24 athletes in the zone. 12 of them took the first 12 places in their catches. The remaining 12 receive (13+24): 2 = 18.5 points (places) each. Example 2. 29 athletes, 5 of them took places from 1st to 5th, the remaining 24 receive (6+29): 2 = 17.5 points (places) each. Example 3. 29 athletes, 26 with catches took their places, the remaining 3 without a catch receive (27). +29):2=28 points (places) each. If there is one athlete in the zone without a catch, then he receives the number of points corresponding to the last place.

If an athlete is withdrawn from the competition, or the athlete fails to appear at the start or finish, he is assigned a place according to the number of participating teams (according to the number of athletes during individual competitions) plus three.

When an athlete is removed from the competition after weighing his catch, the athletes occupying the places next to him retain their places without changes (For example, an athlete who took 8th place is removed. The athletes following him remain in 9th, 10th m, etc. places).

10.3. In team competitions involving athletes only in the individual competition (Articles 2.2.4; 2.3.3; 2.3.10; 2.4.4; 2.4.15), their results should not affect the placement of athletes participating in team competitions. At such competitions, two protocols of technical results of athletes are drawn up. One with the results of athletes only in individual-team competitions to determine the places taken by teams. The other is with the results of all athletes to determine the places occupied by athletes in individual competitions. For example, there are 6 athletes in the zone, five of whom are participants in team competitions. For the convenience of the judges, the athletes from the teams are entered into the zone protocol first, and the rest after them. The protocol requires two columns to determine the places occupied by athletes:


No. Last name Place Place

pp initials team Weight in teams. in personal

Athlete___________gr_____test ______test_________.

1 Ivanov A.V. Star 300 5 6

2 Petrov B.I. Spark 500 4 5

3 Sidorov Yu.P. Spinner 1200 2 3

4 Andreev A.A. Vympel 900 3 4

5 Yuryev I.K. Uranium 1250 1 2

6 Kozlov V.V. 1300 no 1

10.4. The winner of the competition in the individual competition is the athlete who scores the least amount of places in both rounds.

In the event of an equal sum of places for two or more athletes, the winner is the athlete who has the greatest weight of catches in two rounds.

In case of equal weight of catches for two rounds, the winner is the athlete whose catch was the largest in the second round.

In case of equality according to this indicator, the same places are determined (two first and one third or one first and two second).

10.5. Athletes who, due to a substitution, took part in only one round are excluded from the individual championship competition and are counted at the end of the competition in the order of their placings.

10.6. The winner in the team competition is the team that scores the least amount of places occupied by team members in two rounds.

In the event of an equal sum of places for two or more teams, the highest place is taken by the team that has the greatest weight of catches caught by the athletes of this team in both rounds.

In the event of equal weight of catches in two rounds, the team with the largest weight of catch in the second round receives an advantage.

10.7. At competitions in teams, regions and peers only for individual championships, the distribution of places is made in accordance with Article 10.2 of the rules.

10.8. The results of competitions of the first, second and third levels are documented in the protocol of the panel of judges, indicating in it:

surnames, initials and judicial categories of competition judges, the number of competition participants, the start and end time of each round, the decision of the main panel of judges on awarding prizes to participants, conclusions and proposals on the competition, the presence of violations of the rules of the competition and the decisions of the main panel of judges on them.

Attached to the protocol of the panel of judges is the protocol of the credentials committee, the regulations on the competition, the starting protocol indicating the sports categories of athletes, the protocols of the results of competitions in the zones by round, the protocol of the technical results of the competition, applications for participation in competitions and protocols for the consideration of protests.

The results of competitions of the fourth and fifth levels are documented in the protocol of the panel of judges in a simplified form, indicating the judges and their categories, surnames, initials, sports categories of athletes, their results, as well as the start and end time of the competition.

The poster or protocol announcing the results of the competition must indicate the time of their publication.


11.1. The meeting of captains and representatives is informational in nature and is held before the start of the competition and the draw. During the meeting, information from the credentials committee and a roll call of teams is carried out, the latest operational information about local conditions, ichthyostomy restrictions, etc. is provided, as well as clarifications on the procedure for conducting the competition. Each team is assigned a single team number by drawing lots for the entire duration of the competition, in accordance with which the drawing of lots for zones and sectors is carried out in the future.

11.2. Zones and sectors are distributed among athletes by drawing lots. Each zone must have one athlete from each team. The draw for zones takes place on the eve of the competition round,

The draw for athletes in sectors is carried out before the start of each round of the competition separately for each zone no later than 1 hour before entering the zone.

Substitutions can be made before the start of the draw for the upcoming round. Changes to the starting application can be submitted no later than 1 hour before the start of the competition round.

During each round of competition, a nominated athlete due to his sudden illness may be replaced by a reserve one based on a medical report and a written statement from a team representative. An athlete replaced in the first round due to health reasons may be entered in the second round on a general basis.

11. 3. During both rounds of the competition, no team has the right to receive the outer sector twice.

When drawing lots of sectors, representatives of teams that received the outer sectors in the previous zone draw lots for the sectors of the next zone first, with the condition that athletes from one team do not get into adjacent sectors in adjacent zones, and so on throughout all zones.

When there is a gap between zones, as well as when drawing lots for zones that have outer sectors not covered by neighboring athletes (number 1 of zone A and the last number of zone D), no team can receive such an outer sector twice during one competition.

Depending on whether the zones are placed continuously or with intervals, representatives of the teams that had extreme sectors in the first round of the competition draw lots first when drawing lots for the second round of the competition in order to prevent the same teams from re-entering sectors of similar locations.

11.4. When holding competitions on rivers or canals, sector No. 1 should always be located downstream; on wide bodies of water (reservoirs, lakes, ponds), sector No. 1 should be located on the left when looking at the body of water from the shore, and the placement of sectors, accordingly, is done from left to right.

On any body of water, additional free sectors with a width of at least 10 meters must be marked in front of the outer sectors.


12.1. The Credentials Committee does not allow the following to compete:

Command 12.1.1. - in the absence of the seal and (or) signature of the head of the sports organization on the application (Article 4.5);

12.1.2. - when a team arrives at a competition without a judge in cases where this is prescribed by the competition regulations (Article 8.3).

Athlete 12.1.3. - for the absence of the athlete:

Passport or identity card replacing a passport with a registration document;

Qualification book and sports category corresponding to the competition regulations;

A document confirming his membership in the team of the department, sports society or club for which he plays (Article 6.2., 6.3);

12.1.4. - for the absence of a doctor’s conclusion on the athlete’s admission to competitions for health reasons (Article 4.3);

12.1.5. - for non-compliance with the age category (Article 1.1.3; 2.1.10)

Expenses of a team or athlete for participation in competitions, if they are not allowed to participate in the competition for the listed reasons, are not reimbursed.

12.2. The athlete who has been sanctioned must be informed immediately. During the competition round, he is obliged to stop fishing and eliminate without delay the reason that led to the sanction.

The controller judges are obliged to report in writing to the senior judges and the main panel of judges, who have the right to sanction withdrawal from the competition, about all violations of the rules, violators and the remarks, warnings announced to them, and the sanctions imposed for violations.

Consideration of violations of competition rules and decisions on sanctions are documented in a protocol. The sanction imposed on the athlete, with the exception of the reprimand, is entered in his qualification book, the competition record and an extract from it. A sanction imposed on an athlete at regional competitions remains in effect at higher competitions and vice versa.

Proposals to disqualify an athlete or team are submitted by the main panel of judges of the competition to the Presidium (bureau) of the panel of judges of the organization conducting the competition.

12.3. Disqualification of a team or athlete prescribes their inadmissibility to the next competition.

12.3.1. A team is disqualified if it is withdrawn from the competition again within one calendar year. The team is disqualified for two years from the date of the sanction.

12.3.2. An athlete who is found to have rigged the results of a competition, planted fish, or given his fish to another athlete will be removed from the competition, followed by disqualification for a calendar year from the date of the sanction.

12.3.3. A disqualification is issued for a calendar year to an athlete who is removed from the competition twice during the year for violations of the rules and regulations during official events provided for in the competition schedule.

12.3.4. An athlete who is twice found to have rigged the results, regardless of how long ago the previous offense was, is disqualified with permanent deprivation of the right to participate in fishing competitions at all levels.

The team for which the offender played, in the cases provided for in clauses 12.3.2, 12.3.3 and 12.3.4., is assigned the last place.

12.4. Withdrawal from the competition. The team is withdrawn from the competition:

12.4.1 - for the team’s failure to appear at the start of the competition round (Article 6.2.);

12.4.2 - when two or more of its athletes are removed from the competition;

12.4.3 - for the absence of the team at mandatory training (Article 2.1.11).

The team retains the sanction of withdrawal from the competition for reasons created by the athletes within two years from the date of the sanction.

The athlete has the sanction of withdrawal from the competition, for reasons beyond his control, within one year from the date of the sanction.

The sanction of removal from the competition is given to an athlete:

12.4.4 - for the use of gear, bait and bait not provided for by the rules (Articles 2.1.16, 2.1.17, 2.1.24.);

12.4.5 - for lack of cage (Article 2.1.9.);

12.4.6 - for bringing into the catch (not releasing into the reservoir) fish of a species prohibited from catching (Article 2.1.7);

12.4.7. - for deliberate substitution of zones (Article 11.2.);

12.4.8 - for violation of the procedure for conducting training and competitions (Articles 2.1.11 - 2.1.15);

12.4.9 - for preparing balls and feeding fish without presenting bait and (or) bait for control, or for hiding part of the bait or bait from inspection (Article 2.1.24);

12.4.10 - for accepting, while in the competition area, anything without the permission of the judge (water, food, bait, bait, tackle, etc.)

12.4.11 - for accepting assistance in catching fish (Article 2.1.6);

12.4.12 - for intentionally turning fish red (Article 2.1.8);

12.4.13 - for the use of prohibited technical means;

12.4.14 - for his unsportsmanlike behavior, expressed in a rude, disrespectful manner towards the participants of the competition;

12.4.15 - for being drunk and committing actions that offend public morality and degrade human dignity;

12.4.16 - for non-compliance with the Competition Regulations (Article 2.1.2);

12.4.17 - for repeated violation of the rules, entailing a “warning” sanction, in the presence of a previously issued warning.

12.5. Warning. The team that received the warning retains it for two years from the date of the sanction. The team is warned:

12.5.1 - for other violations in the execution of the application (Articles 4.2, 4.3, 4.4);

12.5.2- for an athlete found to be rigging the results of competitions, placing someone else’s fish, or transferring his fish to another


12.5.3 - for a team athlete who appears drunk during events provided for in the competition schedule

12.5.4 - for the team’s failure to appear at the opening and closing ceremonies of the competition without a good reason and notifying the panel of judges; An athlete who has received a warning retains it for one year from the date of announcement of the sanction. A “warning” sanction is issued to an athlete:

12.5.5 - for untimely arrival during the gathering of athletes for events provided for by the schedule of the competition;

12.5.6 - for violation of the established procedure for preparing the fishing site, bait, bait and their use (Article 2.1.6, 2.1.22, 2.1.23, 2.1.24)

12.5.7 - for violation of the established procedure for occupying a sector or zone (Articles 2.1.22 - 2.1.24);

12.5.8 - for fishing in a neutral zone or zone (Article 2.1.27);

12.5.9 - for leaving the zone or sector without the permission of the referee (Article 2.1.6)

12.5.10 - for premature (before the command) release of fish from the cage (Article 2.1.27; 9.1);

12.5.11 - for inclusion in the catch of fish prohibited for catch due to size (2.1.7, 6.4.);

12.5.12 - for accepting practical assistance from other persons (Article 2.1.6.);

12.5.13 - for leaving garbage, pieces of fishing line on the reservoir, as well as throwing leftover bait into the reservoir (Article 2.1.24; 6.4.);

12.5.14 - for being in the sector before the signal allowing entry into the zone (Article 2.1.22);

12.5.15 - for entering the water without the permission of the judge (Article 6.6);

12.5.16 - for untimely departure from the competition site after the end of the first round (Article 2.1.14);

12.5.17 - for moving around the zone after the “finish” signal before the end of weighing or collecting the catch in the competition area (Article 2.1.5);

12.5.18 - for making bait balls after the 2nd signal using two hands or a stop (Article 2.1.23);

12.5.19 - for repeated violation of the rules, entailing a “remark” sanction.

A remark is announced to the athlete:

12.6.1 - for installing a platform and additional equipment in violation of the decision of the panel of judges (Article 2.1.26);

12.6.2 - for feeding fish in the neutral zone (Article 2.1.27);

12.6.3 - for moving from a sector (zone) to a neutral zone (Article 2.1.27);

12.6.4 - for lack of a start number (Article 6.3.);

12.6.5 - for creating noise and interference with other athletes when moving in the competition area (Article 2.1.27, 6.4.);

12.6.6 - for the athlete’s interference in the work of the judge, for rudeness with the judge and arguing with him (Article 6.3, 6.5.).

In case of repeated remark, it is equivalent to a warning and is entered into the protocol.


13. 1. The winners are awarded in accordance with the regulations on the competition. Reserve athletes, both those who took part and those who did not take part in one of the rounds of the competition, are awarded as part of the team.

At competitions of the first and second levels, representatives and coaches of winning teams are awarded on an equal basis with the athletes of their teams.

13.2. The line-up of competition participants for awarding winners and prize-winners and closing the competition takes place 1 hour after the official announcement of the competition results and consideration of protests received based on the competition results.

The formation of competition participants can be carried out earlier than the specified time in case of unanimous written consent of the representatives (captains) of all teams or all athletes in individual competitions.


Sports categories are assigned to athletes who have fulfilled the norms and requirements established by the Unified All-Russian Sports Classification at official (included in calendar plans, approved by the relevant sports bodies and provided with appropriate refereeing) competitions.

Shayapov R.Kh.

1. The competition is held for the purpose of:
- popularization of fishing sports;
- promoting active recreation and promoting a healthy lifestyle;
- improving the skills of fishermen

2. The competition has the status of an open personal competition

3. At the end of the competition, the results are summed up, the winners are identified and awarded.

4. Any participants who have paid the competition fee can participate in the competition. Registration of participants is carried out in advance, immediately before the competition or during the competition. Participation fees must be paid in advance or at the meeting point prior to the start of participant registration.

Contributions must be made in advance, before the start of the competition, either to the Sauzovo base (contact number 8 960 382 44 02, 8 917 373 50 55 Valentina Nikolaevna, or the city of Neftekamsk, Lenina St., 21B, Neftekamsk Real Estate Agency, 5th floor, 8 917 795 74 01, 3-08-30 Natalya)

The second competition will be held subject to the participation of at least 40 people
We invite not only fishermen, but also everyone who wants to support the participants; hot cakes and tea will be organized for you. All this can be purchased directly at the base.

5. The amount of the fee is set at 300 rubles.

6. The competition is held on September 16, 2017, Saturday in the Krasnokamsk district, the village of Sauzovo, at the Sauzovo base on the lake shore.

7 Brief description of the reservoir:
- the depth of the reservoir in the fishing zone is from 0.5 to 4 meters;
- species composition of fish: all types of fish

8. The competition is held in accordance with the “Rules of the competition for fishing with a summer float rod.”

9. Additional terms:
- limiting the maximum length of the fishing rods used to 10 meters;
- one athlete can use in one round up to 3 kg of moistened and sifted bait mixture (including ballast) and up to 2 kilograms of live bait and bait, including bloodworms no more than 1 kilogram.

10. All fish are counted, except for species listed in the Red Book.

11. Weighing of catches is carried out by judges using identical scales with a measurement accuracy of up to 10 g. in bulk in the same container. The catch is presented for weighing in a bag with the participant’s number. The catch should be freed from debris as much as possible. Only fish caught by the participant from the moment of registration to the Finish of the competition are taken into account.

12. The fish is accepted by a representative of the judging panel; the catch is weighed and counted; After the end of the competition, the fish is at the disposal of the competition participants.

11. The participant must be present at the weighing in order to observe the weighing and sign a protocol indicating the weight of the catch. After signing the protocol, no claims regarding the weight of the catch will be accepted

13. The results of the competition are summed up by a panel of judges. The results are summed up in the individual competition. The winner is determined based on the points earned. Points are awarded according to the following scheme: fish weight in grams + 50 points for each fish caught.

14. Distribution of seats.
a) The first places go to the athletes who score the most;
b) If the weight of the catch is equal between two athletes, the winner is the participant with the least number of fish in the catch;
c) The “Biggest Fish” prize is awarded to the athlete who caught the fish with the largest weight in grams.

15. Participants’ training on a pond is not limited.

Competition regulations


8.00 – 8.30 - gathering and registration of participants (at the competition site), drawing lots;
8.45 – 9.00 - grand opening of the competition, access to the sectors;
9.00 – 9.25 - entrance to the sectors, preparation for the competition (first signal)
9.25 – start of bait (second signal)
9.30 – start of fishing (third signal)
13.55 – five minutes before the end of the tournament (fourth signal)
14.00 – finish, start of weighing (fifth signal)
14.00 – 14.30 – weighing of catches, summing up the results of the tournament
15.00 – awarding of winners, ceremonial closing of the competition

The organizing committee and the panel of judges may make changes to these regulations, of which the competition participants must be notified no later than thirty minutes before the start of each round.
The dates of the competition can be shifted if they are difficult to carry out due to weather conditions or other force majeure circumstances (the postponement of the competition dates is carried out on the basis of a vote of the competition participants by telephone to the organizers or in person by a simple majority of votes no later than 30 minutes before the start of the competition).

Rules for fishing competitions with a summer float rod

1. Fishing is done with one fishing rod equipped with one single hook. The weight and shape of sinkers and floats are arbitrary. The weights should be placed on the line above the hook. It is allowed to equip fishing rods with guide rings and reels. The number of spare rods and gear is not limited.
Donka fishing is prohibited, i.e. with a sinker lying on the bottom with or without a float; with a pop-up leash or with a free-floating underwater part of the equipment: for spinners, jigs, artificial flies. The float must not be overloaded (the weight of the equipment located below the float must not exceed its carrying capacity),

2. The maximum length of fishing rods is established by the Competition Regulations.

3. Competitions are held from the shore, from the bridge and on other suitable shores of the reservoir.

4. The site is divided into sectors according to the number of athletes.
The length of the sector along the shore is set from 9 to 20 m by decision of the panel of judges or the technical commission. Sectors and zones are separated from each other by a neutral strip 1 m wide. If necessary, gaps between zones are allowed.

5. Upon the athlete’s arrival at his sector, he must put down his fishing equipment in his sector and then leave the sector. This also applies to persons helping to carry equipment.
Any preparation of gear and other equipment is prohibited before the “Ready” signal.
At the signal “Get ready,” the athletes occupy their sectors and begin preparing for fishing. It is not allowed to provide them with practical assistance in preparing the competition site, gear and bait. Additional gear, as well as bait and groundbait, can be handed over to the athlete through the controller before the signal allowing the start of feeding.

6. At the second signal (5 minutes before the start), supplementary feeding is allowed to begin. The method of casting and the shape of the bait being thrown are arbitrary. It is prohibited to use feeders or other packaging for feeding.
After the third signal (“Start”) and until the end of the competition, feeding is allowed only in small portions of bait of arbitrary shape. The amount of bait in one thrown portion must fit in a clenched fist. Making lumps of bait is carried out only with one hand, without using a stop (bucket, stand, etc.) These lumps are allowed to be made only after the “Start” signal. It is allowed to throw the bait with only one hand or using a portable slingshot, which can be held with both hands. The bait must be formed and thrown without any packaging devices.

7. The athlete is allowed to use bait and bait of natural origin. The bait and bait can be painted and impregnated with odorous substances. Lures containing live or dead fish, as well as fish eggs, are prohibited. The use of narcotic and fish intoxicating substances is prohibited.
The amount of bait and bait may be limited by the Competition Regulations. In this case, they must be measured (bait - in a wet state) and subjected to control by members of the panel of judges.
When casting bait, the athlete is allowed to hold the rod in his hand or place it on the shore, on the water or on special holders without removing the tackle from the water.

8. Only the athletes themselves are allowed to use the landing net.

9. During the competition, the athlete can position himself in his sector for fishing as he sees fit. It is prohibited to enter the neutral zone, as well as feed and catch fish in it. In their sector, athletes must move as silently as possible, without attracting attention to themselves. Photographers and cameramen have the right to enter the neutral zone only with the permission of athletes and judges of neighboring sectors.

First Winter Fishing Festival


General provisions


1.1. Popularization of such an interesting and active form of recreation as winter fishing.

1.2. Introducing amateur fishermen to beautiful and interesting places for fishing and recreation.

1.3. Promoting family holidays and a healthy lifestyle.


2.1. During competitions, you are allowed to use one winter fishing rod equipped with any bait permitted by the fishing rules.

Spinner, jig balancer, hook, etc.

2.2. It is allowed to use any live or artificial attachments or shock absorbers.

2.3. The use of bait is allowed.


3.1. The competition zone is determined by the main refereeing commission conducting the competition, taking into account the characteristics of the reservoir.
3.2.Zones are indicated by signs or flags.

3.3. By decision of the refereeing commission, if necessary, the dimensions of the competition area can be changed both larger and smaller.


4.1. The competition is held in one stage and begins with a general start at the command of the chief judge. The “Start” signal means the start of fishing or drilling a hole.
Five minutes before the end of the competition a warning signal is given.

4.2. When the “start” command is given, the participant’s ice drill knives must be covered with a cover.
4.3. The cover of the ice drill knives is removed upon the participant’s arrival at the hole drilling site.
4.4. In the competition area, participants are located at a distance of at least 5 meters from each other. In a controversial case, when placing participants closer than 5 meters from each other, the issue is decided by the judge. The participant who arrives first at the chosen place has an advantage.
4.5.The number of holes is not limited.
4.6. The place is considered occupied after the hole is drilled. The beginning of drilling is the installation of the rotor on the ice. Only the hole where fishing is currently taking place is considered occupied.
4.7. During fishing, the distance between anglers must be at least 5 m.
4.8. At the signal announcing the finish, the participants stop fishing and remain at the fishing spot (in the sector, near the hole) until the judge-controller arrives for the catch. Participants are not allowed to approach each other until the catch is collected. Fish taken out of the water after this signal begins to sound are not counted.
4.9. When fishing, the tackle must be in your hand. If an angler places it on ice, the line and bait must be completely out of the water.
4.10. Anglers do not have the right to accept practical assistance from participants and other persons in preparing the competition site, gear, landing fish, etc. and provide assistance to other participants (without the permission of the judge)
4.11. After the start of the competition, a participant may temporarily leave the competition site with the permission of the judge only in case of emergency.
4.12. Only fish of those species and sizes that are allowed to be caught in a given area in accordance with the Regulations on the competition and the Rules of amateur and sport fishing in force in the given region are accepted for the calculation.
4.13. The catch of a fish is also counted when it is accidentally caught by the mouth. In this case, intentionally turning fish red is prohibited.
4.14. During the competition, anglers store their catch in uniform containers provided by the competition organizers.
4.17. It is allowed to use electronic means for detecting fish and measuring depth, and screwdrivers for drilling holes. Motorized ice drills are prohibited for use.

4.18 The use of motorized vehicles is prohibited.


5.1. Duration of the competition is 5 hours.
5.2. In exceptional cases, the chief judge has the right to make changes to the time frame of the competition depending on the circumstances. When such a decision is made, all participants are immediately notified.


6.1. All warnings and violations of the rules must be brought to the attention of the chief judge and the referee commission, which has the right to sanction withdrawal from the competition. The participant against whom sanctions have been imposed must be immediately informed about this.
6.2. The sanction of removal from competition may be imposed for unsportsmanlike behavior, including being on the ice while intoxicated.
6.3. A participant who is found to have rigged the results of the competition, inserted fish caught outside the scoring time, or transferred his fish to another participant will be removed from the competition.


7.1. Each competition participant has the right to file protests. Protests, with the exception of those relating to the determination of places, are submitted no later than one hour after the end of the competition. Protests regarding the determination of places must be submitted no later than 30 minutes after the official announcement of the results of the relevant round or the overall results of the competition.
7.2. Decisions on protests, with the exception of those regarding the distribution of places, must be made by the refereeing commission before the results of the round or competition are approved.
7.3. The decision on the protest is made by an open vote of the judicial commission with a majority vote.
7.4. The decision of the judging committee on the protest is final.


8.1. The participant is obliged to know and comply with the Rules of Amateur and Sport Fishing and the Rules of Competitions. During the competition, do not make noise or disturb other participants, and arrive at the start and finish on time.
8.2. A participant who has caught a fish of a species or size prohibited from fishing by the Rules of Amateur and Sport Fishing in a given region is obliged to immediately release it into the reservoir. This fish does not count toward the competition.
8.3. Participants are required to have an identification document (passport) and a compulsory health insurance policy.


9.1. The chief judge and the commission of judges are appointed by the organization conducting the competition.
9.2. The composition of the judicial commission includes: the chief judge, deputy chief judges, a secretary, and supervisory judges. Decisions of the refereeing commission are made by a majority vote. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chief judge is decisive.
9.3. Depending on the scale of the competition, the composition of the refereeing commission may be increased or decreased. All judges must clearly know the rules of the competition.

9.4. The chief judge directs the competition and heads the work of the panel of judges, distributes responsibilities among the judges, is responsible for the availability and preparedness of life-saving equipment and the provision of medical care, and personally checks the condition of the ice.
Has the right to exclude from participation in competitions violators of these rules and the Regulations on competitions, athletes who have committed unsportsmanlike behavior, as well as judges who fail to cope with their duties. The chief judge has the right to temporarily interrupt or cancel the competition due to adverse weather conditions that interfere with the normal course of the competition. The chief judge has the right to make a decision on any controversial situation that arises during the competition.
9.5. Deputy chief judges work on the instructions of the chief judge, and in his absence they replace the chief judge and exercise his rights.
9.6. The chief secretary accepts applications for participation in competitions and conducts registration. Responsible for completing all referee documentation for these competitions; Table officials work under the direction of the chief secretary and take part in the preparation of documentation.
9.7 Control judges monitor compliance with the Rules and Regulations of the competition. The participant is warned about violations and reported to the Chief Judge.
9.8. Control judges participate in weighing the participants’ catch on the spot or accept the catch from the participant, hand it over to the senior judge of the zone and take part in weighing and determining the results in the zone.


10.1 No more than five fish of the same species are accepted for competition.

Five roaches, five ruffs, five perches, etc. Fish submitted for competition are weighed in the container provided.

10.1 One gram of weight equals one point.
10.1. For each species closed in number, the angler receives an additional 200 points

10.2 The angler who catches the largest fish in the competition receives an additional 200 points to his total.
10.3 The winner of the competition is the angler with the most points.
10.4. If the weight of the catches is equal, the championship goes to the one who caught the larger fish.


11.1 Pike perch-40 cm.

11.2 Pike -32 cm.

Summer is the time for the sports component, for fighting with other feeders for trophies. Therefore, we set a goal and collected various tips for you to participants in fishing competitions.

Summer is the time for the sports component, for fighting with other feeders for trophies. Therefore, we set a goal and collected various tips for you to participants in fishing competitions. These are tips from people who have repeatedly participated in tournaments of various sizes, won prizes and taken places of honor.

Each such advice is dictated by experience, so it is worth taking it into account or even following it exactly.

And we tried to prepare tips covering all issues, from preparation for a tournament or other event to fishing tactics.

If you want to go to a sporting event, prestigious, local or, for example, with a prize, but all the places are already taken, do not hesitate to sign up for the reserve. Practice shows that during the confirmation of participants or even entire teams, many are eliminated for a variety of reasons. So “go to the end” - someone will cancel the application, and you may well end up in their place.

For fishing competitions there is a landing net, a rod pod, and any other devices that are only permitted by the rules. Remember that even little things are important in tournaments; even such a seemingly insignificant “lotion” as a batrunner will help you out a lot when you need to move away from the feeder. And the better the quality of the accessories, the better, naturally - at competitions it is especially worth giving preference to well-known brands.

In conditions of fierce tournament competition, it is worth taking expensive branded mixtures. Of course, homemade pea-millet bait is good, but only when you cast it for your own pleasure, without trying to be better than others. At competitions, you need to attract fish before your neighbors do, so it is important to create an effective bait.

We recommend the following composition: 60% of the mixture should be for carp, 25% for bream and 15% for crucian carp or roach.

And don’t forget the flavoring, which is quite strong and composed of two components, for example, raspberry and vanilla or caramel and chocolate. With it, you are more likely than a competitor to attract curious fish with something new.

Competitions are not a time when you need to be afraid of spooking the fish. Therefore, the coolest baits are those that are immediately noticeable, and these are moving and even wriggling baits. It’s worth hanging a worm and a bloodworm on a hook, either separately, or even as a sandwich - it will be a win-win solution. If you plant one, you can supplement the animal component with a plant component, most practically - a grain of canned corn, it will give both aroma and taste.

Remember, the comfort of the fisherman should always come first. Therefore, fish in a suit that will not restrict your movements, in which all the pockets are located in a free action zone, which prevents water from getting you wet and provides the necessary temperature balance. And what it will be like, old or new, and how you will look compared to others is the tenth thing.

Some tips for fishing competitions may even seem banal, but they remind you of those little things that beginners often forget about, so they still won’t be superfluous. Well, we hope you also learned something new.