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Nice sanatorium in Naftalan (Azerbaijan). Treatment with naftalan oil: reviews. Health center "Naftalan" Medical resorts of Azerbaijan

The beautiful world-famous balneological resort Naftalan is located in Azerbaijan. Here is the world's only deposit of unique naphthalan oil, which is distinguished by its high healing qualities. Therefore, all the sanatoriums of this resort use it to treat many diseases. This unique place is located in an ecologically clean area, surrounded by beautiful nature. Sanatorium "Naftalan" is a balneological complex where people from all over the world come to relax and receive treatment.

Features of this place

The Naftalan resort is located 50 km from the ancient Azerbaijani city of Ganja. Clean air, beautiful nature, combined with the unique properties of naphthalan oil work wonders: here you can recover from any disease. They welcome vacationers from all over the world all year round. Their unique natural healing factors have long been valued, and in recent years, with the addition of modern equipment, they have become even more popular. Russia has especially strong ties with this place. Azerbaijan loves to host our tourists; all resort staff speak Russian fluently.

Many Naftalan sanatoriums offer guests wonderful relaxation and effective treatment. These are “Shafa”, “Gashalty”, “Magic Naftalan” and the treatment and prophylactic complex “Chinar”. The high healing power of this place is evidenced by the unique Museum of Crutches - they were left behind by healed people.

Features of naftalan oil

More than 100 years ago, oil with unique qualities was discovered. It does not contain volatile compounds, so it does not burn and is not suitable for the production of gasoline. But its unique healing properties were discovered, and people from all over the world began to come to this place. Russia, Azerbaijan and other countries began to explore this oil. Modern discoveries have confirmed its medicinal properties. Almost all microelements of the periodic table were found in the composition. But it is based on special

Naftalan is a thick oily liquid with a specific odor. Local people discovered its healing properties in ancient times, but they began to widely use it for treatment only at the end of the 19th century. At that time, naphthalan was extracted manually. Nowadays, sanatoriums in Azerbaijan use a healing substance obtained using more modern methods. For its qualities, naphthalan received the name “thick blood of the Earth.”

Properties of naphthalan oil

This unique substance has a number of health benefits. They are used to treat many diseases. Why is naftalan oil useful?

  • It activates metabolic processes in the body and blood circulation.
  • Relieves inflammation and has an analgesic effect.
  • It has a positive effect on blood vessels, relieving their spasm and strengthening the walls.
  • Stimulates the growth and renewal of cartilage tissue cells.
  • Has an antihistamine effect.
  • Increases human defenses.
  • Capable of destroying bacteria, viruses and fungi.
  • Relieves stress, improves performance and mood.

What is treated with it?

Sanatorium "Naftalan" specializes in the treatment of many diseases. Their choice depends on the healing effect of the healing oil. Patients from all over the world come here to get rid of chronic diseases and normalize their health. Treatment with naphthalan is useful for many problems in the functioning of internal organs.

This oil is useful for diseases of the joints, bones and soft tissues. It is especially effective in relieving pain and preventing exacerbations in arthritis and polyarthritis, rheumatism, osteoarthrosis, osteochondrosis, myositis, bursitis, myalgia and other pathologies. Naftalan removes inflammation and treats skin diseases - psoriasis, neurodermatitis, various types of dermatitis, eczema.

Its use is effective for diseases of the genitourinary system in men and women. Naftalan restores reproductive functions, normalizes the activity of the genital organs, treats erectile dysfunction and prostatitis. It helps women cope with adhesions, adnexitis, and infertility.

Diseases of the ear, nose and throat are successfully treated with this unique product. This is not only laryngitis, sinusitis, sinusitis or otitis media. Naftalan will strengthen the defenses of the mucous membrane, prevent frequent colds, as well as neurological and vascular pathologies such as neuritis, radiculitis, neuralgia, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

Contraindications to treatment

Like any medicine, naftalan has contraindications. All sanatoriums have a rich diagnostic base, which is used to determine whether a patient can undergo these procedures. Contraindications to treatment with naftalan are the following conditions:

  • chronic heart failure, severe angina;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • acute inflammatory diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • severe circulatory disorders;
  • tumors;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • venereal and other infectious diseases.

How to treat with naphthalan

Previously, this oil was used only for bathing and lubricating the body. Now they use more modern methods of processing it. Treatment with naphthalan oil occurs as follows:

  • using baths lasting 10 minutes;
  • lubricating a certain area of ​​the body with heated naphthalan and its subsequent heating with a Sollux lamp;
  • vaginal tampons impregnated with purified naphthalan;
  • microenemas;
  • ultraphonophoresis.

Naftalan ointment

The price of this drug is about 400 rubles. After all, the naphthalan deposit is located in only one place in the world - near the city of Ganja in Azerbaijan. But this ointment can be bought in any other locality. It has retained all the healing properties of naphthalan: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, regenerating, immunostimulating. Most often it is used for psoriasis, as it not only helps relieve the external symptoms of the disease, but also prevents its spread.

It is also successfully used for other diseases. Its price in different pharmacies ranges from 370 to 470 rubles. But since it is effective for radiculitis, arthritis, injuries, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, myalgia and other conditions, people buy it often.

Sanatorium "Naftalan"

This resort complex was created in 2005. The most modern treatment methods are used here and purified naphthalan is used. In the sanatorium you can undergo a full examination of the body, on the basis of which an individual treatment plan is prescribed. Comfortable buildings offer guests rooms of different prices. Therefore, everyone can relax and heal here. In addition to medical procedures, vacationers have the opportunity to enjoy beautiful nature and a rich selection of national cuisine.

How to treat in a sanatorium

The nature itself, which surrounds vacationers at the resort, has a healing effect. Beautiful artificial lakes, pine groves and views of the foothills of the Lesser Caucasus give peace and quiet. Clean mountain air helps with diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. The main method of treatment at the resort is the use of naphthalan oil: in the form of baths, applications, tampons, microenemas and other advanced techniques.

In addition to unique natural factors, the Naftalan sanatorium also offers more modern procedures:

  • paraffin treatment;
  • iodine-bromine baths;
  • underwater traction;
  • manual and hardware massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • vibration massage;
  • electrophoresis, UHF, magnetic therapy, laser treatment.

Resorts and sanatoriums of Azerbaijan are:

1) Beaches of Baku, Khudat, Nabran, Lankaran, Khachmaz, Astara.

Azerbaijan has the same number of sunny days as Italy, Spain and Greece. The water temperature in summer warms up to +24 +26. The beach season includes the whole of September.

2) Healing mud Naftalan and Massal.

Naftalan is a resort that is the only one in the world with a natural deposit of medicinal oil. Naftalan is a liquid similar to industrial oil, free from harmful gasoline and kerosene vapors and having a high specific gravity from 0.93 to 0.96.

3) Mineral waters in Ganja.

4) Caucasus Mountains.

Sanatoriums with treatment specialize in diseases:

  • cardiovascular,
  • skin diseases,
  • peripheral nervous system,
  • musculoskeletal system,
  • diseases of the nervous system,
  • vascular diseases,
  • urological and gynecological diseases, etc.

Resorts in Azerbaijan with treatment use naftalan as a means for the treatment of skin, gynecological, nervous and urological diseases, diseases of the joints and soft tissues around the joints, liver, musculoskeletal system, diseases of the ear, throat, childhood diseases, etc. Resorts in Azerbaijan use naftalan and mud in the form of baths, trays, tampons, external lubrication of the mucous membranes of the gums, throat, nose, inhalations. Mineral waters - in the form of drinking treatment, bathing, inhalation, irrigation.

The official language in Azerbaijan is Azerbaijani, but Russian is widely spoken. To visit the country for a period of no more than 90 days, a visa is not required.

The cost of a “typical dinner” is about 10-15 US dollars.

By visiting the sanatoriums of Azerbaijan, you will be able to see that Azerbaijan is rightfully famous for its carpets, huge varieties of pilaf and black tea in porcelain cups. At the same time, we draw your attention to the fact that if the carpet or handicraft item is classified as an antique, then you will need to pay tax upon departure. Therefore, do not forget to ask for the appropriate certificate from the Ministry of Culture when purchasing, the presence of which will free you from unnecessary financial costs.

No more than 600 grams of black caviar can be exported from the country. The Caspian Sea is home to 90 percent of sturgeon fish.

The resorts of Azerbaijan, located between Europe and Asia, have 9 of the existing 11 climatic zones of the planet: from the subtropics to the highlands. Since ancient times, thanks to the natural and geographical conditions of the region, people have settled here. Most of the sites of ancient Stone Age people were found in Karabakh, Kazakh and Nakhichevan. The statehood of Azerbaijan is about 5 thousand years old. Azerbaijan is one of the main stops on the Great Silk Road. The resorts of Azerbaijan are more than 6 thousand historical and architectural monuments: fortresses, mosques, palaces, castles. In Naftalan you can visit the only “Museum of Crutches” in the world. Hundreds of crutches were left and signed by patients who, after treatment at the resort, were able to move without the help of crutches.

Sanatoriums in Azerbaijan have an old Soviet tradition of sending a bus to the station or airport to pick up their vacationers, so be sure to arrange a transfer.

The resorts of Azerbaijan are the traditional hospitality and friendliness of the Azerbaijani people.

History of the region as a resort formation.

The Republic of Azerbaijan is located on the southwestern part of the Caspian coast in the eastern part of Transcaucasia. The population of Azerbaijan is about 9.5 million people. The capital of the country is the city of Baku.

Since ancient times, such healing natural factors as volcanic mud, mud, various types of oil and water have been widely used in the region for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. For centuries, resorts in Azerbaijan exported medicinal oil through the Great Silk Road.

Scientific research into medicinal natural resources, which has been actively carried out since the beginning of the 19th century, has made it possible to call Azerbaijan a country with a large number of resorts.

During Soviet times, the resorts of Azerbaijan actively developed, many of them were included in the list of resorts of all-Union significance.

Speaking about today, it is necessary to note the decree of the President of Azerbaijan, signed in 2007, on the state program “Resorts of Azerbaijan”, which is now being effectively implemented and brings the country’s sanatorium and resort treatment to a high European level.

Geographical, climatic and other natural factors that contribute to health improvement.

Areas of health improvement.

Based on natural medicinal reserves, resorts in Azerbaijan are divided into:

Balneologically e.

The resorts of Azerbaijan have eight groups of mineral waters of international standard for medicinal properties.


These are sanatoriums in Azerbaijan, where sea water, hot sand, sunbathing and mountain climate are considered the basis for the prevention of many diseases.

Therapeutic mud resorts.

These resorts in Azerbaijan provide treatments using silt mud from lakes Masazir and Zyg and volcanic mud.

Naftalan oil.

Oil sanatoriums of Azerbaijan.

According to geography, the resorts of Azerbaijan are divided into zones:

  • Greater Caucasus. There are more than thirty sources of thermal and cold water here. Water containing varying sulfur concentrations and organic substances, slightly mineralized mineral.
  • Lesser Caucasus. Resorts of Azerbaijan using waters rich in carbon salts. Oil fields and Naftalan oil are located here.
  • Coastal zone of the Caspian Sea: sandy beaches, reserves of iodine-bromine waters, thermal sulfide water, silt mud, sources of thermal and mineral waters.

Sanatoriums in Azerbaijan are one of the actively developing industries in the country. About one and a half million people visit Azerbaijan every year.

The Naftalan sanatorium, which is located in the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku, consists of two medical departments, one of which is combined with a residential building.

The peculiarity of this sanatorium is that it combines two unique methods of treatment - naphthalene therapy and halotherapy. Here, musculoskeletal disorders, urological, gynecological, neurological and dermatological diseases are treated through naphthalan baths in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures and massages. The second treatment direction involves a course of halotherapy in a room upholstered on the inside with blocks of salt rocks from the Duzdag caves. Here, treatment is indicated for patients with diseases of the ENT organs, respiratory tract, and those who suffer from allergies.

A course of naftalan treatment is prescribed for children from 6 years of age. And they can undergo halotherapy sessions from birth. The number and list of procedures for children are strictly prescribed by the attending physician.

Healthy, tasty and high-quality food in the sanatorium is organized according to a system of choice from a menu presented with dishes of Azerbaijani cuisine. If necessary, you can consult a staff nutritionist about your diet.

Due to the location of the sanatorium near the center of Baku, in their free time from procedures, vacationers can make forays to amazingly beautiful places in the capital - on their own or using the services of a tour desk.

Taking into account the two treatment profiles of the sanatorium, two types of treatment packages are respectively provided. In the first, naphthalan baths are key. They are complemented by electrophonophoresis, quartz treatment, amplipulse, solux, magnetotherapy, darsonvalization, laser therapy and other physiotherapeutic procedures. The second treatment package includes only halotherapy sessions. Physiotherapy is available at an additional cost. Otherwise, both packages include 3 meals a day, an electrocardiogram, a doctor’s consultation, and an ultrasound.

The minimum course of treatment requires 7 nights. To get the desired effect from the prescribed course, it is recommended to take a voucher for at least 14 days. Vacationers must provide a sanatorium card or statements of the last medical examination at their place of residence. When booking a trip on our website, no prepayment is required; you will pay it upon check-in.

2 adults

From 10/25/2017 to 11/10/2017

Rest and treatment are excellent. But they put us old people on the 3rd floor, at the end of the corridor, in a corner room, without a refrigerator. But it can be tolerated. But when, due to the train schedule, we had to pay extra for two days, we were horrified. Accommodation, treatment and food in this room costs $22 or 1250 rubles. And it turns out that for our 16-day stay in Naftalan for 2 people it is 40,000 rubles, and we paid you 51,178 rubles. Overpayment of 11,178 rubles, is this how much your services cost for a booking? Our friends were accommodated in room 309 (ours was 302) and as new clients they also received a discount. We are very, very sorry that we contacted you. Now we advise all our friends to call directly to the sanatorium.

1 adult

From 07/08/2017 to 07/28/2017

If you go for treatment, then the treatment is worth it. But, it is better to stock up on funds in order to take additional medical services (procedures). If we talk about the conditions themselves, they are terrible and evoke unpleasant memories from the half-destroyed SOVKA. There was nothing resembling what was stated in the picture when purchasing and booking the tour. It turns out there are old buildings and new buildings. In the old building, you will most likely be accommodated in a terrible cell "2*2" with a rusty toilet and a shower that pours directly onto the toilet. The staff is literally begging for money, this leaves the impression of a "milk cow". But, if you force yourself to accept these conditions as a given and focus on treatment, then everything is tolerable. Moreover, Russian people can only be surprised by a good attitude and a decent level of rest. But we are used to the bad - we have seen and passed through

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Natural healing factors

The city of Naftalan is one of the largest balneological resorts in the post-Soviet space. The main natural healing factor is naftalan, a special type of oil that is extracted from wells located here on the territory of the resort.

Naftalana is a kind of mineral oil, which is a viscous substance of dark brown color with a characteristic petroleum odor. The most active component in naphthalene is naphthenic hydrocarbons.

Once on the skin and mucous membranes, naftalan has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, vasodilating and antiallergic effects, accelerates metabolism and even improves male and female reproductive function. Today, naphthalene is used to treat more than 70 types of diseases.

Sanatorium profile

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system
  • Disruption of the central and peripheral nervous system
  • Skin diseases
  • Gynecology
  • Urology, including chronic prostatitis

Medical base

The diagnostic and treatment center of the Naftalan sanatorium is located in the main building. For convenience, it is connected by a corridor to building No. 2. For vacationers:

  • Department of Functional Diagnostics
  • Biochemical and clinical laboratories
  • Therapeutic department, where after examination, as prescribed by a doctor, you can undergo the following procedures:
    • naftalan therapy (baths, lubrication, gynecological tampons, rectal microenemas, applications, etc.)
    • paraffin therapy
    • iodine-bromine baths
    • hardware physiotherapy
    • various types of massage
    • underwater spinal traction
    • physiotherapy

The typical duration of visits is from 15 to 20 days.

General information

Sanatorium "Naftalan" has been operating since 2005. It became the first private medical institution opened in the famous Azerbaijani city of Naftalan, while the resort area itself dates back to 1873.

This sanatorium provides effective treatment for more than 70 diseases of organs of different systems. “Naftalan” welcomes guests for recreation and recreation all year round and has a capacity of up to 200 people.

Procedures using naftalan mud, unique in its properties, a complex of physiotherapeutic procedures, physical therapy, a wide range of leisure activities - all this makes Naftalan an excellent place to recuperate after illnesses and improve the overall tone of the body.

The Naftalan sanatorium is located 50 km from the second largest Azerbaijani city of Ganja (Kirovabad). From Ganja airport to the sanatorium you can drive in just 45 minutes. If you fly to Baku, the trip to the resort will take more than 4 hours (360 km).

The resort town of Naftalan is located at an altitude of 400 m above sea level, in the foothills of the Lesser Caucasus. The main buildings were built in a new sanatorium area (3 km from the city center) on the shore of an artificial lake, surrounded by an almost untouched pine forest.

There are no busy highways or industrial plants near the sanatorium. In short, your recovery will begin with the first breaths of clean ionized mountain air, filled with the aromas of pine needles.

The territory of the Naftalan sanatorium is a large park area, which is fenced and under 24-hour security. The total area is about 5 hectares.

There are 3 residential buildings, one of which is luxury (24 VIP rooms), a library, national restaurants, a billiard room, an aerosolarium, a dance hall, a parking lot and other internal infrastructure facilities.

Opening hours: all year round.


The housing stock of the Naftalan sanatorium consists of 3 multi-storey buildings:

  • the main building, in which, in addition to residential rooms, there is an administration, a diagnostic and treatment center and a dining room
  • building No. 2 (improved), connected to the main building by a passage
  • VIP building with 24 superior rooms

In the main and improved buildings:

  • 1-room singles
  • 1-room 2-bed
  • 2-room doubles

Standard equipment of 1-room rooms: beds, wardrobe, coffee table, chairs, bedside tables, TV, combined bathroom with a set of towels (2 pieces for each guest). In 2-room rooms there is an additional chest of drawers and dressing table, in the living area there are 2 soft armchairs.

In the VIP building:

  • 1-room 2-bed
  • 1-room singles
  • 2-room doubles

Room equipment: beds, wardrobe, coffee table, chairs, bedside tables, TV, refrigerator, chest of drawers. There is a combined bathroom and balcony. The bathroom has a set of towels and bathrobes. The 2-room rooms have a sofa and 2 armchairs in the living area.

Rooms are cleaned daily and bed linen is changed upon request.


Ordered 3 meals a day for vacationers at Naftalan are provided in the dining room located in the main building. National cuisine is served. When preparing, only local vegetables and fruits are used, grown without the use of chemical fertilizers.

Recreation and entertainment

  • Board games
  • dance evenings
  • aerosolarium
  • library
  • billiards
  • national teahouse
  • excursion services (trips to such sights of Azerbaijan as Mingachevir, Hajikend, Ganja and Sheki, as well as the legendary Museum of Crutches in Naftalan)

There is a spacious free parking lot on the territory of the sanatorium.

Wi-Fi Internet – no.


Children are accepted to the sanatorium from any age. Up to 3 years of age, a child can live with his parents free of charge (with payment for meals on the spot, if desired). From 7 years of age, children are accepted with payment for accommodation, food, and treatment.
Treatment of children: from 5 years.

Take note

Documents required for travel to the sanatorium:

  • travel package
  • for adults - a foreign passport, for children - a foreign passport / birth certificate, and if the child is accompanied not by parents, but by another person - a power of attorney

Check-out time: check-in at the sanatorium - after 12.00, check-out - before 12.00.