Tourism Visas Spain

Walnut Island on the Neva. Walnut Island. Oreshek Fortress in the history of the country

We live on the island of Notterøy. It seems to have something to do with nuts, because notte is a nut, but Toure says the old name for the island sounds a little different and means island of pleasure because the weather is almost always good here. Indeed, it is almost always sunny here.

...From our kitchen window you can see a hill and an ancient tower with a Norwegian flag. This is the highest point of the oldest Norwegian settlement - Tonsberg. At the foot of the hill is a monument to the Norwegian princess. Just a princess. She lived here in the 13th century and married a Spanish prince.

The road to the tower is so steep that it is almost impossible to ride a bicycle, and there are wooden benches at the turns. What if someone gets tired? At the top of the hill there was once a settlement, an entire city, surrounded by a stone wall. Now only the foundations of buildings. And you can even guess without a diagram that there was a church here, and over there - a small palace and a high stone wall - from enemies. Now you can step over it. Around the hill are rosehip bushes with surprisingly sharp thorns. Maybe the same princess from Rosehip lived here, and the Spanish prince broke her spell and married her? I really believe it.

There is also a dense forest on the island. With thickets of blueberries, raspberries, apple trees and cherries. The stone boulders here are overgrown with moss and ferns, and on the slopes there are steps made of stone - nature itself, they say, made them. Throughout the forest there are perfectly trampled paths with traces of horse hooves. The ground is soft and black. And in the evenings there are people here, half the island, for sure. With dogs and children. And everyone is running.

Orange garden flowers grow in the stumps of perfectly evenly cut old trees. It's so simple - just scoop some seeds from the ground and throw them in.

Raspberries grow along the paths, but no one picks them. They buy it in the central square from oriental girls - three times more expensive than strawberries.

Paths scatter through the forest like the legs of a spider - choose any one. We followed one of them to the west, towards the sunset, and at the end we discovered a huge flat stone and a cliff, no less than two hundred meters. At the very edge there are pink flowers with Christmas leaves. Mama Toure even freezes them and decorates the house with them at Christmas. Below are houses like toy ones. Beige, yellow, red. In the Swiss style - stone, white, with black roofs and clusters of red flowers on the walls. And then there is only sea and sky. And there is no road forward, right or left.
- We have found the end of the world!
- But he’s in a different place! Remember that rocky beach?
- The earth is round, so he is not alone.
- I thought that since the earth is round, there is no end...
- On the contrary, there are, and a lot!

You are not a slave!
Closed educational course for children of the elite: "The true arrangement of the world."

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

View from Orekhovoy Island to Lake Ladoga
View from Orekhovoy Island to Lake Ladoga
 /   / 59.95389; 31.03833Coordinates:
A countryRussia 22x20px Russia
RegionLeningrad region
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The main attraction is the ancient 14th-century Novgorod fortress Oreshek, which is now a branch of the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg. There is no permanent population on the island. The museum is connected to the mainland (the village named after Morozov and Shlisselburg) by water (boats).

The relief of the island is flat. The shores of the island are steep, except on the eastern side, where the beach is located. The banks of the fortress bastions are reinforced with stone.

The island is covered with herbaceous vegetation (clover, nettle, burdock, snapdragon, rapeseed, thistle). Alder and red elderberry bushes grow, sporadic spruce, poplar, rowan and apple trees are planted. The fauna is represented by insects (bumblebees, butterflies) and birds (seagulls).

For the first time, Orekhovy Island, located at the source of the Neva River, was mentioned in Novgorod chronicles in 1228, when the famous trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks” passed along the Neva. In 1323, the Grand Duke of Novgorod Yuri Danilovich founded the Oreshek fortress here.

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Excerpt characterizing Orekhoviy (island)

– I don’t know... It was probably a very long time ago, but for some reason she remembers it.
- All! Let’s move on!.. – suddenly, as if waking up, the little girl exclaimed.
This time we did not follow the path so helpfully offered to us, but decided to move “our own way,” exploring the world on our own, which, as it turned out, we had quite a bit of.
We moved towards a transparent, golden-glowing, horizontal “tunnel”, of which there were a great many here, and along which entities were constantly moving smoothly back and forth.
– What is this, like an earthly train? – I asked, laughing at the funny comparison.
“No, it’s not that simple...” Stella answered. – I was in it, it’s like a “time train”, if you want to call it that...
– But there’s no time here, is there? – I was surprised.
– That’s right, but these are different habitats of entities... Those who died thousands of years ago, and those who came just now. My grandmother showed this to me. That's where I found Harold... Do you want to see?
Well, of course I wanted to! And it seemed that nothing in the world could stop me! These stunning “steps into the unknown” excited my already too vivid imagination and did not allow me to live in peace until I, almost falling from fatigue, but wildly pleased with what I saw, returned to my “forgotten” physical body and fell asleep, trying to rest for at least an hour to recharge your finally “dead” vital “batteries”...
So, without stopping, we again calmly continued our little journey, now calmly “floating”, hanging in a soft, soul-lulling “tunnel” that penetrates every cell, enjoying with pleasure watching the marvelous flow of dazzlingly colorful colors created by someone through each other. (like Stellina) and very different “worlds” that either became denser or disappeared, leaving behind the fluttering tails of rainbows sparkling with wondrous colors...
Suddenly, all this most delicate beauty crumbled into sparkling pieces, and a shining world, washed with star dew, grandiose in its beauty, was revealed to us in all its splendor...

Oreshek Fortress is an extraordinary place, a legendary fortress with a centuries-old history. This island has had to go through so much: the Swedes were here, and the Germans dreamed of getting here...

One thing that upsets us is that this wonderful tourist site is completely undeveloped. This is how we got here: we drove by car to the village named after. Morozov, and we got to the island on a private boat, an old motorboat, which took us to the island for 70 rubles from the nose. There is also a boat from Shlisselburg. A ticket to the fortress costs 160 rubles. You can take a tour.

So, let's begin. I won’t even be lazy and copy and paste the information :)

The history of this fortress began a very long time ago... "In 1310-1322, conflicts constantly occurred between Novgorod and Sweden. Opponents besieged and destroyed each other's fortresses and settlements. The Novgorodians, realizing one of the main reasons for their weakness, made a very timely decision to strengthen their defense on the Neva. In 1323, under the leadership of Prince Yuri Danilovich, they erected the first wood-earth fortification on Orekhovy Island."

In 1348 Oreshek was captured by the Swedes, but a year later the island was returned, although the fortress burned down during the assault. In 1352 the fortress was restored. Thus, “on the island at the source of the Neva, the sixth all-stone fortress in Rus' and the first (in terms of the time of its appearance) multi-tower fortress appeared. Such a fortress served as a reliable defense, so a settlement quickly arose on the unoccupied part of the island, which became the settlement of the city of Oreshek.”

"In 1410, the settlement was surrounded by a stone wall. Residents of Oreshek became one of the main organizers of navigation on the Neva, and Oreshek itself became a fortress, a port, and a trade center. After all, the trade routes of Novgorod and the West passed along the Neva, and Oreshek was the first river port on the way of overseas guests."

“After Oreshek passed “under the hand of Moscow,” its strategic importance increased even more. It was Oreshek who played a decisive role in the foreign policy pursued by the Moscow sovereign Ivan III. At his order, the reconstruction and serious strengthening of the fortresses of the North-West were carried out: Ladoga, Yama, Koporye and Oreshek. This strengthened the defensive lines of the state in the North-West. The Oreshek fortress was completely rebuilt."

“It is difficult to name another Russian fortress that would make such a strong impression on opponents and simply outside observers. Here is what Swedish and Danish eyewitnesses said about it: “Noteburg (Oreshek.-Let.) is a powerful fortress. You can defeat it either by hunger, or by agreement..."

In 1611, the Swedes retook Oreshek. “So, for almost 90 years, the fortress passed into the hands of the Swedes. They renamed Oreshek to Noteburg (from the Swedish Note - “nut”, Burg - “city, fortress”). In 1702, during the Northern War, Peter I returned Noteburg. European culture, Peter did not return the Novgorod name Oreshek to the fortress, but ordered to call it now Shlisselburg, that is, Klyuch-city, the key to the Baltic Sea. Now there were a little more than 60 versts left to this sea." Under Peter, the fortress was again repaired and fortified.

"Despite the fact that throughout the 18th century the fortress was constantly strengthened and rebuilt, its military and defensive importance fell. But unlike most
ancient Russian fortresses, which were awaiting decay and oblivion, fate changed the status of Shlisselburg - it became the main political prison of the Russian Empire."

“Criminals did not end up here, they were sent to hard labor in Siberia and Sakhalin. In the Shlisselburg dungeons, as in the cells of the Peter and Paul Fortress, exclusively political prisoners languished. The first prisoners appeared here already under Peter I, and the last were released by the February Revolution of 1917 ".

- old prison.

“The disgraced courtiers of the era of palace coups were replaced by convicted Decembrists, after them the cells were filled with members of the Polish resistance, followed by populist revolutionaries (mainly members of the terrorist organization “People's Will”), and finally, this series was completed by members of numerous revolutionary parties and groups participating in revolutions of 1905-1907".

“The first prisoner was the sister of Peter I, Tsarevna Maria Alekseevna. The second prisoner was also a woman, Evdokia Lopukhina, the first wife of Peter I. The most innocent victim of the Shlisselburg dungeons was Ivan Antonovich. In infancy, he was proclaimed Emperor Ivan VI. The unfortunate Tsar Ivan spent his entire short life spent his life as an anonymous prisoner in prison cells. The guards did not know who they were guarding.”

“The first mass delivery of prisoners to Shlisselburg occurred at the beginning of 1826, these were 17 participants in the Decembrist uprising. Among them were I. I. Pushchin, V. K. Kuchelbecker, three Bestuzhev brothers. From here, for several years, they were sent to Siberia.” .

A new prison where Narodnaya Volya terrorists were imprisoned: one of the main organizers of the assassination of Alexander II, Vera Figner; Nikolai Morozov (also a participant in the assassination attempts), Alexander Ulyanov (participant in the assassination attempt on Alexander III, etc.

In 1917, all prisoners were released from Shlisselburg prison. Thus ended the “prison” period in the history of Shlisselburg.

“Two and a half decades later, Oreshko had to remember his military past again. During the Great Patriotic War, the fortress played an important role in the defense of Leningrad. On September 8, 1941, German troops entered the city of Petrokrepost (as Shlisselburg was then called), thereby closing the blockade ring ".

But in the turmoil of the sudden breakthrough of the Nazis, there were two dozen people who were not confused. These were sailors of the Ladoga flotilla who were in the fortress. Having found two cannons with faulty sights in the warehouses, the sailors dragged one cannon onto the wall, the other into the tower and opened fire, aiming by eye at the concentrations of German troops on the southern bank. The Germans assessed the situation according to the laws of military science: since the fortress opened fire first, it means that there is a strong garrison in it and it is impossible to attack Oreshek on the move.
Perhaps it was these fearless heroes who saved Leningrad. After all, if the Nazis had managed to take Oreshek, it would have become a springboard for them to land on the northern shore, and this would have given them the opportunity, moving along the eastern shore of Lake Ladoga, to connect with Finnish troops, that is, to cut the future route of the Road of Life.

“Then reinforcements arrived at the fortress. Thus began the heroic 498-day defense of the Oreshek fortress. At the same time, fascist artillery began direct fire on the fortress. The shelling became daily, on one September day 250 heavy shells and several thousand mines fell on the fortress at once ".

“The Nazis methodically and continuously fired at the fortress for almost the entire period of the blockade. Shells, mines, and aerial bombs rained down on the fortress every day. Outside, the island became
resemble a mountain of small brick crumbs with a cloud of dust hanging above it. But under the brick rubble, the life of the garrison continued, the stone broke, but the people held on. More than a hundred of its defenders died during the defense of the fortress."

“The defenders of the fortress kept the Germans settled in Shlisselburg in constant tension, did not allow them to build fortifications on the shore with their fire, and destroyed many of those erected. In January 1943, Oreshk’s artillery fire played an important role in breaking the blockade. On January 18, Shlisselburg was liberated from the Nazis, a heroic The defense of the fortress ended in victory."

The Oreshek fortress has such a rich history!

Everything in quotes is honestly copied and pasted from here.

In the place where the Neva River begins from Lake Ladoga there is the Shlisselburg Fortress. Among the people, it received a simpler nickname - the Oreshek fortress, because it is located on Orekhovoy Island.

The citadel was of great strategic importance. This is precisely what explains the origin of the ancient fortress walls that surround Oreshek. There are no equal to these walls in Russia.

Over the years the fortress converted into an analogue of the Russian Alcatraz.

There was a prison here for especially important criminals, as well as for prisoners sentenced to death. During the Great Patriotic War, the fortress again turned into important defense point. Thanks to the heroism of the soldiers who stood to their death here, the famous "The road of life", the last chance of salvation for residents of besieged Leningrad. In memory of the soldiers, inside the fortress they preserved an oath carved on iron by all the soldiers of the fortress, which ends with the words: “... we will stand until the end.”

Scheme of the Oreshek fortress

How to get to the Oreshek fortress

It is better to come here in the morning, as the last ferry leaves from here at five in the evening.

Of course, a trip here cannot be compared with a trip to a water park. However, you need to visit here.

located on an island near the small town of Shlisselburg, which 39 kilometers from St. Petersburg. You can only get here by water transport, but it is not difficult. Ferrying to the island costs from 300 rubles, which is quite acceptable at current prices.

Opening hours of the Oreshek Fortress and ferry schedule:

In May

  • Weekdays: 10:00 — 17:00 (Last ferry departure at 16:00)
  • Weekends and holidays: 10:00 — 18:00 (Last flight at 17:00)

From June to August

  • Daily (7 days a week)
  • On weekdays: 10:00 — 18:00
  • On weekends and holidays: 10:00 — 19:00
  • The last voyage of the ship: at 17:15 on weekdays and at 18:15 on weekends and holidays.

From September to November

  • Weekdays: 10:00 — 17:00 (Last flight at 16:00)
  • Weekends and holidays: 10:00 — 18:00 (Last voyage of the ship at 17:00)

The ferry to the Oreshek fortress runs every 10 minutes.

Let's look at the different options how to get to the Shlisselburg Fortress from Saint-Petersburg.

Always up-to-date information on tariffs and schedules is available on the page St. Petersburg Museum...

By bus

Option 1

Fastest, an economical and convenient travel option from St. Petersburg to Oreshok - by bus.

To do this you need to go out at the metro station "Ulitsa Dybenko". Right here near the metro entrance there is a bus stop with routes 511 . Departs every 20 minutes.

The journey will take forty to fifty minutes, the ticket costs from 70 rubles. Bmost of the buses are new, modern and well equipped. Travel time certainly won’t seem like torture.

The final stop of the bus is Shlisselburg. Get out there. From here it will be difficult to get lost. Turn left and go all the way to the Neva. As soon as you will see the bridge through the Staraya Ladoga Canal, you are almost there. From here you will see the pier (the landmark is the monument to Peter I), from which they depart crossings to Oreshek.

A ten-minute river walk without benefits and discounts will cost 250 rubles, with a discount – 200.

Option 2

Another option for how to get to the fortress is from Vsevolozhsk - route No. 512.

Ask the driver to stop in the village named after Morozov at the intersection of Mira and Skvortsova streets. Get off the minibus and walk along Skvortsova Street along “Magnit” and the “Nevis” pharmacy until you hit the pier on the shore of Ladoga. Travel time - 40 minutes + 12 minutes on foot.

By train

First you need to get to Finlyandsky Station. The most convenient way to do this is by metro – travel to the Lenin Square stop. From here you will need get to the Petrokrepost station.

Petrokrepost station is located in the village named after Morozov, on the opposite side of the river from Shlisselburg.

Travel time is about an hour.

In Shlisselburg, go around the station building and exit onto the asphalt Skvortsova Street. Follow it to the right towards Ladoga. The pier is a three-minute walk from the station.

Train schedules are available on

By the way, there is an interesting museum in the station building.

About ten minutes from the station, within the village named after Morozov, you will find the pier you need. A ride here costs 300 rubles., the travel time is a little longer - on average fifteen to twenty minutes.

By car

From the Murmansk highway (route R-21 “Kola”), before the viaduct, turn to the village named after Morozov. In a few minutes you will be in the village. At the traffic light, turn right along Skvortsova Street (along “Magnit” and the pharmacy), after 1.5 kilometers you will reach the pier.

There is parking right next to the pier.


There is nothing to say here. If you don’t need to save money, you can easily get to Shlisselburg by taxi. On the way, you can ask the driver to stop and take photographs of the picturesque banks of the Neva. The cost of such a walk from St. Petersburg starts from 600 rubles. It is better to use official taxis, especially if this is your first day in the city.


Another way to get to the Shlisselburg Fortress is these are private boats. They're leaving from any pier in the center of St. Petersburg. There are no clear tariffs here, but prices start from 1000 rubles.


From May to October from Admiralteyskaya Embankment and begins to run to the Shlisselburg Fortress motor ship "Meteor".

This is a large and comfortable ship, with bars, animators and other additional services on board. The pleasure costs 1800 rubles, But included in the priceincludes round trip travel, as well as entrance ticket to the fortress, this price is not that high.


Crossing the crossing on skis - that’s probably it the most dubious and unsafe way to get to the fortress. However, every year a few brave souls embark on this desperate journey. Due to the current The food here is thin even in the coldest weather, and the museum itself on the island in winter is simply does not work. Whether it's worth the risk is up to you to decide.

How much does a ticket to Oreshek Fortress cost?

Today You can visit the fortress for 250 rubles.

Students, pensioners and schoolchildren will pay 100 rubles. Children under 7 years old are free.

Just take into account that you need to add 300 rubles to the entrance price for the crossing. Pensioners, students - 200 rubles, schoolchildren - 150 rubles, children under 7 years old free.

*You can pay by credit card.

Where to stay in Shlisselburg

Guest House Shlisselburg

The most convenient place to stay at the Shlisselburg guest house, which is located directly behind the pier. The windows of this hotel offer beautiful views of the Neva and the city of Shlisselburg. The hotel has its own restaurant.

A double room will cost 2500-3500 rubles per night. You will have your own bath, TV, air conditioning and Wi-Fi. You can book a luxury room, but it will cost 8,000.

Number better to book in advance on

Hotel Atlantis

There is another option right next to the pier - slightly cheaper: Atlantis Hotel. The rooms here are a little simpler, but also equipped with TVs and their own shower. A night will cost 2000-2500 rubles. This price includes breakfast. Air conditioning is only in expensive rooms for 6,000 rubles. Another advantage is free cancellation and no prepayment.

You can book here (rooms quickly disassembled):

Hotel Petrovskaya

Another good hotel in Shlisselburg is located closer to the city center - this Petrovskaya Hotel. However, you can quickly reach the pier on foot along the Staraya Ladoga Canal.

For road travelers there is free parking

Accommodation rates start from 1500 rubles for a triple room - everything is simple here. Luxury will cost 3800 rubles per night, but this includes breakfast, you will have a shower in your room. Some rooms have balconies.

Mini-hotel Starhouse

Another good option near the marina with a beach, parking and a swimming pool is the Starhouse mini-hotel. A night in a double room will cost 1500 rubles. The place is very good and beautiful. Booking page:

Recreation center

On the opposite side of the Neva, it is best to stay at the Dragunsky Ruchey recreation center. It's just a couple of minutes walk to the river from here. It is very difficult to find free places for the summer; the base is popular. Try it, maybe you will succeed:

History of the Oreshek Fortress

Year of foundation Oreshek fortress is considered to be 1323 .

It dates back to this time the first mention of the fortress in chronicles. Shlisselburg was built to define and protect the borders of the Novgorod principality with Sweden. The chronicle says that in 1323 Sweden and the Novgorod principality concluded Orekhovetsky world, which will be protected by the impregnable fortress Oreshek.

Soon the Novgorod principality became part of the Moscow principality. Until the 17th century, Oreshek was the last frontier, an outpost separating Sweden from the Moscow principality. Gradually, the impregnable fortress turned into an important center of trade. Perhaps it was because of this that the decision was made to weaken the security of the outpost. The neighboring state immediately took advantage of this, and in 1612 the Shlisselburg fortress came into the possession of Sweden.

In the Russian Empire

The first decision of the new owners regarding the fortress was to rename the Shlisselburg fortress to Nuteburg. Only in 1702 year sovereign-emperor Peter I returned Shlisselburg into the Russian Empire. On the day of the storming of the fortress, the sovereign wrote: “The nut was strong, but it was happily chewed.” The fortress was immediately renamed Shlisselburg, which translated from German means “city of keys.” In honor of the liberation of the fort, a huge key, which can be seen here today.

Soon the fortress has lost its original meaning defensive outpost. She was replaced in this post by the famous Kronstadt. Leaving the thick walls of the fort without attention would be an unforgivable waste. That is why starting from the 18th century, Shlisselburg turned into the darkest and most terrible prison for the doomed. They were imprisoned here at different times Evdokia Lopukhina, Vera Figner, Grigory Ordzhonikidze etc. At the beginning of the twentieth century, Oreshek turned into the main prison for political criminals.

World War II

September 6, 1941 approached the walls of the fortress German troops. According to them, Shlisselburg was still considered an important outpost. In fact, Oreshek hasn’t been one for a couple of centuries. However, the Nazis did not dare to attack. Within 500 days NKVD troops held back the onslaught of German invaders. It is thanks to the courage and heroism of these people the fascists were never able to close the blockade ring.

In the 1960s years, large-scale restoration work. The walls of the fort have been badly damaged over the years. Oreshek suffered especially terrible destruction during the Great Patriotic War. Some things were never restored, but today, being here, you can fully experience the great spirit of the island.

What can you see here

Built between the thick walls of the Oreshek Fortress seven defensive towers:

  • Gateway (the only quadrangular one),
  • Golovkina,
  • flag,
  • Royal,
  • Basement,
  • Golovina,
  • Menshikov (all of them had a round shape).

Walls of the inner citadel guarded by three towers: Svetlichnaya, Chasovaya and Melnichnaya.

Most often, inspection of the fortress towers start from the Sovereign Tower.

Today there is a small Museum of Medieval Architecture. Then it's best to go to Golovin Tower. At its top there is a stunning Observation deck. Climbing here, you can see the endless expanses of the huge Lake Ladoga, which Oreshek defended for 500 days.

According to the architects, if the invaders broke through to the outer seven towers, it would be possible to take refuge in the walls citadels, fenced from the outer ring of towers by a deep ditch. From the citadel there was also an exit to the lake, which was subsequently blocked old prison building.

Go to "Secret House"(as the old prison began to be called) is definitely worth it. Here you can see the cells in which they served their sentences Decembrists, Narodnaya Volya and other famous political criminals. The three-story building of the new prison stores memory of famous revolutionaries who served their sentences here.

Monument to the Defenders of Shlisselburg during the Great Patriotic War produces very strong impression. The monument is located inside the ruins, the brick walls of which still retain the memory of the horrors of the war.

- a unique example of how a monument of medieval architecture, an ordinary fort, played a huge role in the modern history of the country. Everyone can, and even should, visit here, who is interested in the history of Russia.

Before departure it is necessary take a walk along the shores of Lake Ladoga. And also stay in Shlisselburg itself (The crossing is open until 5 p.m., but buses and trains from Shlisselburg run until late at night). Here it is worth seeing located next to each other St. Nicholas Church and Annunciation Cathedral.

A little further away famous Petrovsky Bridge.

On the opposite side you will see antique anchor from the era of Peter I. Here, very close to the anchor, is the heart of Shlisselburg - Red Square. Here you can relax in one of the cafes, admire the monument to Peter the Great (a little away from the square), etc.

To explore Shlisselburg you only need a couple of hours, but this will be a good finishing touch to the end of the tour to the Oreshek fortress. Have a nice trip.

Medvezhiy is an island in Lake Ladoga in the Leningrad region, located on the western side among the Ladoga skerries. The island also has a Finnish name - Kontiosari. The island has an elongated shape, it stretches 1.2 kilometers in length, and the width in different places varies from 200 to 700 meters. The part of the island located in the west thickens towards the end of the island.

Bear Island is unusually beautiful and picturesque; its coast is all indented and covered with small bays. And the island itself is buried in forests. Therefore, the island has recently been in great demand among tourists who love active recreation with tents and hikes. Also, the island with its unusual coastline is loved by photographers, because the photographs of Bear Island turn out magnificent.

The island is located in the Gulf of Lehmalahti, this is the western part of Lake Ladoga.

Konevets Island

Konevets is an island in Lake Ladoga. Tourists and pilgrims love to visit this island. Here, on the island, is the Konevskoy Nativity of the Mother of God Monastery. The origin of the island's name is interesting. It is believed to have come from a huge boulder that weighed 750 tons. It was called the Horse-Stone and they believe that sacrifices were carried out on the stone. So the island began to be called Konevets.

The island is separated from the mainland by the Konevetsky Strait, but communication with the mainland is irregular. Konevets is small in size: it stretches 5 kilometers in length and 2 kilometers in width. The origin of the island is connected with the sand that was brought by the waters of the lake. This deposited sand formed the island. There is shallow water around the lake, so ships cannot approach it.

In the monastery, located on the island, there is an interesting temple in the name of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, where the relics of St. Arseny Konevsky are located. The island is beautiful for its harsh nature with powerful boulders throughout the territory, sparse vegetation and the waters of Lake Ladoga.

Walnut Island

Orekhovy Island is located at the very source of the Neva River, emerging from Lake Ladoga. There is no population on the island; there remains an ancient fortress dating back to the times of the Novgorod Republic, built in the 14th century. It was erected by the grandson of Alexander Nevsky, Prince Yuri Danilovich. The fortress became a strong outpost against the attack of the Swedes. It is also called Oreshek. Now this fortress belongs to the Museum of the History of St. Petersburg.

The island is located very interestingly, it seems to be in the center of the source, dividing it into two almost identical branches. This division of the river creates an unusually strong current in this place, which is not covered with ice even in severe frosts. The Oreshek fortress itself is built in the shape of a triangle, stretched across the entire island; the walls of the fortress are decorated with five turrets.

The Oreshek (or Shlisselburg) fortress became not only an outpost, but was also a prison for almost two centuries during the times of Tsarist Russia. The defenders of the fortress fought bravely during the Great Patriotic War. All these heroic and terrible stories of the fortress on Orekhovy Island can be seen in the exhibitions of the museum located in the fortress.

Suho Island

Suho is an artificial island in Lake Ladoga. It was formed by the bulk method. Its birth is associated with the development of navigation in Lake Ladoga during the time of Peter the Great. Previously, there was a sandbank on the site of the island, which hindered the progress of ships. The island is small, measuring 90 meters long and 60 meters wide.

At the end of the 19th century, a lighthouse was installed on Suho Island. The lighthouse keepers have not lived on the island for a long time, but the lighthouse is still functioning.

The island gained fame during the Great Patriotic War. He was on the route of a convoy of Soviet troops, and for some time he had to hold the line against 30 ships of the Nazi forces that were trying to capture the island. Currently the island is uninhabited.

Gryadovy Island

The small island of Gryadovaya in Lake Ladoga can be seen among the Western Ladoga skerries - rocky islets that form beautiful archipelagos. It has an elongated shape, its length is 900 meters, its width is about 200 meters. The island looks very picturesque. One of its banks is completely rocky, it is located high above sea level, the other banks are completely overgrown with vegetation - bushes and forests. The height of the rocky coast of Gryadovoy Island reaches 34 meters.

Gryadovaya Island is chosen by tourists who are attracted by its proximity to the mainland, amazing nature and clean air, as well as the opportunity to be alone with the forest, lake, and birds. You can often see small tent cities on the island during the warm season.

Dvuhgorby Island

Dvuhgorby is an island located in Lake Ladoga, in the Lekhmalanti Bay. It is small, its length is only 350 meters, and its width reaches 200 meters. Not far from it is Bear Island. Dvukhgorby Island is located 750 meters from the shore.

Tourists love this island. Located very close to the mainland, it is wild enough for those who want to relax in nature without a huge number of people. The island is also diverse in nature; there is a forest, small swamps, and convenient places to pitch a tent. Lots of blueberries and lingonberries. The island is inhabited by birds; gulls and terns can be seen on it.

Until 1940 it belonged to Finland. In 1945, it finally became part of the possessions of the USSR.

Sights of the Leningrad region