Tourism Visas Spain

Phrasebook in French for tourists. Russian-French phrasebook for tourists: we are going to Tunisia. In Russian

Although the official language of Tunisia is Arabic, French is widely spoken here. So, when going to Tunisia, you should not try to master the Arabic language. It will be enough to take with you a French phrasebook with pronunciation.

In Tunisia, even the inscriptions on road signs are duplicated in French, so a Russian-French phrasebook will greatly make your life easier when traveling. Rest assured that you will be understood in French anywhere in Tunisia.

A French phrasebook should be purchased in advance or downloaded and printed. Although there are usually no problems with charging equipment in Tunisia, it is still better to have all the necessary information on paper. Especially if you are planning a trip to the desert.

The service has prepared several useful phrases in French for you.

In Russian

In French


Thank you (thank you very much)

Merci (merci beaucoup)

Mercy (mercy side)

Please (reply to thank you)

Je vous en prie.

Zhe vuzan pr.

My pleasure

Please (request)

S'il vous plaît

Sil wu ple


Pardon / excusez-moi

Sorry/excuse mua



I don't understand.

Je ne comprends pas.

Zhe no compran pa

Do you speak Russian?

…in English?




... français?

I do not speak French.

Je ne parle pas……francais.

Jeux neux parles pas……francais.

Mister, madam...

Monsieur, madame...

Monsieur, madam...

Slower please.

Plus lentement, s’il vous plaît.

Plu lantman, sil vu ple.

Help me please.

Aidez-moi, s’il vous plaît.

Ede-mua, sil vu ple.

I need…

J'ai besoin de…

Zhe byozuen do

Where is…?

Où se trouve... ?

Is this true...?


Le restaurant

Le store



Railway station

Bus station

La gare routiere

La gare routiere



La voiture



How much does the ticket cost?

Quel est le prix d'un billet?

Kel e le pri don biye?

Where are the toilets?

Où sont les toilettes?

Have a dream le toilet?

How much does it cost?

Combien ça coûte?

Kombien sa kut?

What's the price?

Quel est le prix?

Kel e le pri?

I would like to buy/order...

Je voudrais acheter/commander…

Zhe vudre ashte / team…

You have…?

I'll take it.

Je le pran.

Do you accept credit cards?

Acceptez-vous les cartes de credit?

Accepte vou le carte do credit?

The French language attracts with its beauty. It is spoken by 270 million people around the world. In this article you will learn how to speak politely in French.

In this article, you will learn ways to say “please” in French and understand in what situations to use them.

Why learn French

The French language is distinguished by its melody. In a conversation, the Frenchman's voice rises and falls. Because the words in a sentence are connected to each other, speech sounds like one melody. This makes French seem like an incredibly beautiful language. This is one of the reasons why it is very popular.

Another reason to learn French is the history and culture of the country. Everyone who loves Hugo, Dumas, Voltaire and other famous personalities wants to read their works in the original, speak their language and even think in it.

French is the official language of the UN. It is spoken by almost 300 million people around the world. For 35 countries around the world, French is the official language.

"Please" in Russian and French

Being in another country, people cannot avoid communicating with its residents in the local language. No matter how you try to abstract yourself from the outside world, in an unfamiliar place you will sometimes have to ask for directions, ask for help, or find out some important information.

It is difficult to survive in a foreign country without knowing the language. That is why tourists learn the basics of foreign languages ​​before their trip or, as a last resort, take phrase books with them.

However, not everyone knows, for example, how to pronounce “please” in French. Phrase books do not always spell out pronunciation in Russian letters.

At the same time, in Russian we can use the word “please”:

  1. When we ask for something. For example: Give me this book please.
  2. When we respond to a request. For example: Is it possible with you? - Please.
  3. When we respond to gratitude. For example: Thank you very much! - Please.
  4. When we convey something. For example: Please your payment.
  5. When we experience emotions: indignation, indignation, surprise, etc. For example: Here you go!
  6. When we want to be polite. For example: Please weigh this piece of meat for me.

In French, we use different words and phrases in these situations. Let's try to figure out how to say "please" in French in different speech situations.

Request and response to gratitude

So, in French there are two options for the word “please” when making a request:

  • S"il vous plaît - sil vu ple(pronunciation of "please" in French with Russian letters). The phrase "sil vu ple" is used either when addressing many people or to express respect in formal speech.
  • S"il te plaît - strong te ple. This phrase is used when addressing close people, peers and, in general, everyone with whom you are on first name terms.

When we want to respond to gratitude, the phrases “sil vu ple” and “sil te ple” are not suitable. There are several variations of "please" in French in response to "thank you".

  • Je vous en prie - same vuzanpri. This is a common phrase in response to "merci". This is a respectful form of address.
  • Je t "en prie - same tanpri. The same phrase, but when addressed as "you".

There are several colloquial phrases that the French use in everyday life:

  • Il n"y a pas de quo i or just Pas de quoi - il nya pas de qua/pas de qua - " My pleasure".
  • C"est tout à fait normal - se here and fe normal- "Everything is fine".
  • C"est vraiment peu de choses - se vreman pô de shoz- “This is a mere trifle.”

The following phrase is similar to Spanish De nada:

  • De rien - Le Ryan- "My pleasure". This is a shortened version of the phrase Ne me remerciez de rien (n e mö römercier de ryan), translated into Russian - “Don’t thank me for anything.”

The English often use the phrase No problem in their speech. (know problems)- No problem. The French also began to use this combination. This is often how they respond to Excusez-moi ( Excuse mua), that is, "sorry."

  • Pas de problem - pas deux problems - "no problem".
  • Y'a pas de souci - I pas de sushi- “no problem” (this is a more colloquial version of the phrase above).

Regional phrases for expressing gratitude

In Quebec, residents respond to “thank you” like this:

  • Bienvenue - bianvenu- "Please". Looks like English You are welcome (Yu and Welkam)

This expression is heard in Lorraine (north-eastern France) and in the western regions of Switzerland:

  • À votre service - here's the service- "at your service".

If you want to indicate that helping a person was a joy for you, you can use the following phrases:

  • C"est un plaisir - setan plaisir- “it’s a pleasure” (“with pleasure”).
  • Ça me fait plaisir - sa myo fe plaisir- “It gave me pleasure.”

And this phrase is often heard in the south of France in the city of Toulouse:

  • Avec plaisir - avec plaisir- "with pleasure".

However, if you say that in the north of France, you may be misunderstood.

Where French is needed

In what cases can you not do without knowledge of French:

  1. You are going to work in France. There is no language here. You can start your career in a French company in Russia, but you will still have to learn the language.
  2. You are going to live in countries where French is the official language. The French respect their culture, so you won’t be able to get away with knowing English here.
  3. You are going to study in France. Higher education will require you to have a high level of foreign language proficiency.

In this article, you learned how to say “please” in French and explored several variations of its use depending on the situation.

If you want to study a language seriously, then you will have to master the basics of the language: phonetics, grammar, spelling, vocabulary.

Magnificent France is a country of romance and hearts in love. Traveling to France is the dream of every couple in love. There is everything for a romantic getaway.

Nice cozy cafes, wonderful hotels, lots of entertainment and nightclubs. Holidays in France will appeal to anyone, no matter what their tastes. This is a unique, very diverse country. And if you also communicate with its inhabitants, you will completely fall in love with this wonderful corner of the Earth.

But in order to communicate with the local population, you need to know at least the basics of the French language, or have our Russian-French phrasebook at hand, which consists of important sections.

Common phrases

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Please.S'il vous plait.Sil wu ple.
Thank you.Merci.Mercy.
Thanks a lot.Merci beaucoup.Mercy side.
I'm sorry, but I can'texcusez-moi, mais je ne peux pasexcuse mua, me jyo nyo pyo pa
Yes, sureoui, bien sûrui, bian sur
Nowtout de suitetou de suite
of coursebien sûrbian sur
How can I be of assistance (official)comment puis-je vous aider?Koman puij vu zede?
colleagues! (official)cheres collegues!Shar colleague
young woman!Mademoiselle!Mademoiselle!
Sorry, I didn't n'ai pas entenduzhe ne pa zantandyu
repeat pleaserepetez, si'il vous plaitrapete, sil vu ple
please …ayez la bonte de…Aye la bonte deux...
sorry (attracting attention)excusez-moiexcuse mua
we already know each othernous nous sommes connuswell well catfish horse
Pleased to meet youje suis heureux(se) de faire votre connaissancezhe sui örö(z) de fair votr conesance
I am very happy)je suis heureuxzhe shui yoryo (yorez)
Very nice.enchanteAnchantai
My last name …mon nom de famille est...mon nom de familia eh...
Let me introduce myselfparmettez - moi de me presenterpermete mua de me prezante
would you like to introducepermettez - moi de vous presenter lepermete mua de vou prezante le
meet mefaites connaissancefat conscience
what is your name?comment vous appellez — vous?Koman vu zaplevu?
My name is …Je m'appelleZhe mapel
Let's get acquaintedFaisons connaossanceFaison connaissance
there's no way I canje ne peux pasno no no no
I'd love to, but I can'tavec plaisir, mais je ne peux pasavek plaisir, me zhe no pyo pa
I have to refuse you (official)je suis oblige de refuserzhe sui lizhe de refuse
in no case!jamais de la vie!jamais de la vie
This is absolutely impossible!c'est impossible!se tenposible!
thanks for the advice …mersi puor votre conseil…mesri pur votr concey...
I will thinkje penseraizhe pansre
I will tryje tacheraizhe tashre
I will listen to your opinionje preterai l'ireille a votre opinionzhe prêtre leray a votre opinion


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Good afternoon!bonjourbonjour
Good morning!bonjourbonjour
Good evening!(bon soire) bonjoure(bonsoir) bonjour
Welcome!soyer le(la) bienvenu(e)suae le(la) bienvenu
Hello! (not official)salutsalya
Greetings! (official)je vous saluewow salyu
Goodbye!au revoir!about revoir
best wishesmes couhaitsmeh hustle
all the bestmes couhaitsmeh hustle
see you soona bientôta biento
till tomorrow!a demain!a dyomen
allow me to take my leave (official)permettez-moi de fair mes adieux!permete mua de fair me zadiyo
Good night!bon nuitbon nuits
Bon Voyage!bon voyage! bonne route!bon voyage! bon root!
Hello yours!saluez votre familesalue votr famiy
How are you?comment why?coman sa va
What's up?comment why?coman sa va
OK, thank youmerci, ca vamerci, sa va
Everything is fine.ça vasa wa
everything is the samecomme toujourscom tujour
Fineça vasa wa
Wonderfultres bientre bien
not complainingça vasa wa
doesn't mattertout doucementthat dusman

At the station

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
where is the waiting room?qu est la salle d'attente&u e la salle datant?
Has registration already been announced?A-t-on deja annonce l'enregistrement?aton deja announce lanrözhiströman?
Has the boarding been announced yet?a-t-on deja annonce l'atterissage?aton deja announce laterisage?
please tell me flight no.... is delayed?dites s’il vous plaît, le vol numero... est-il retenu?dit silvuple, le vol numero... ethyl retönü?
where does the plane land?Òu l'avion fait-il escale?Lavion fetil escal?
is this flight direct?Est-ce un vol sans escale?es en vol san zeskal?
what is the flight duration?combien dure le vol?combien du le vol?
I would like a ticket to...s'il vous plaît, un billet a des tination de...Sil vouple, en biye a destinacion de...
how to get to the airport?comment puis-je arriver a l’aeroport?Coman puijarive à laéropor?
is the airport far from the city?Est-ce que l'aeroport est loin de la ville?Esque laéropor e luen de la ville?

At customs

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
customs inspectioncontrole douanierDuanier control
I have nothing to declareje n'ai rien a daclarerzhe ne rien a deklyare
can I take my bag with me?Est-ce que je peux prendre ce sac dans le salon?esko zhe pyo prandr se sak dan le salyon?
I only have hand luggageje n'ai que me bags a mainzhe ne kyo me luggage a men
business trippour affairspur scam
touristcomme touristecom tourist
personalsur invitationsur evitation
This …je viens...zhe vien...
exit visade sortieDe Sortie
entry visad'entreedantre
transit visade transitde transit
I have …j'ai un en visa...
I am a citizen of Russiaje suis citoyen(ne) de Russiezhe shuy situationen de ryusi
here's your passportvoici mon passeportvoisy mon pasport
Where is passport control?qu controle-t-on les passeport?u control-ton le pasport?
I have... dollarsj'ai...dollarszhe...dolyar
They are giftsce sont des cadeauxsyo son de kado

In a hotel, hotel

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
can i reserve a room?Puis-je reserver une chambre?Puige reserve yun chambre?
room for one.Une chambre pour une personne.Un chambre pur yung person.
room for two.Une chambre pour deux personnes.Un chambre pour de person.
I have a number reservedon m'a reserve une chambrehe ma reserve un chambre
not very expensive.Pas très cher.Pa tre shar.
how much is the room per night?Combien coute cette chambre par nuit?Combian cut set chambre par nuit?
for one night (for two nights)Pour une nuit (deux nuits)Pur yun newy (de newy)
I would like a room with a telephone, TV and a bar.Je voudrais une chambre avec un telephone, une television et un bar.Jeu voodray youth chambre avek on telefon youth television e on bar
I booked a room under the name CatherineJ'ai reserve une chambre au nom de Catherine.Jae réservé youth chambre au nom deux Catherines
please give me the keys to the room.Je voudrais la clef de ma chambre.Jeu voodray la claff deux ma chambre
are there any messages for me?Avevu de masaj pur mua?
What time do you have breakfast?Avez-vous des messages pour moi?And kel yor servevu lepeti dezhene?
Hello, reception, could you wake me up tomorrow at 7 am?Hello, la reception, pouvez-vous me reveiller demain matin a 7 heures?Ale la reseptsion puve vu me reveye deman matan a set(o)or?
I'd like to pay it off.Je voudrais regler la note.Zhe voodre ragle A not.
I will pay in cash.Je vais payer en especes.Jeu ve paye en espas.
I need a single roompour une personneJae Beuzouin Dune Chambre Puryun Person
number…dans la chambre il-y-a…Dan La Chambre Ilya...
with phoneun telephoneen phone
with bathune salle de bainsun sal de bain
with showerune doucheun shower
with TVun poste de televisionen post de television
with refrigeratorun refrigerateuren refrigerated
room for a day(une) chambre pour un jourun chambre pour en jour
room for two days(une) chambre pour deux joursun chambre pour de jour
what is the price?combien coute... ?combien cut...?
what floor is my room on?a quel etage se trouve ma chambre?and kaletazh setruv ma chambre?
where is … ?qu ce trouve (qu est…)u setruv (u e) ...?
restaurantle restaurantle restaurant
barle barle bar
cafela cafele café
room key pleasele clef, s'il vous plaitle clay, sil vou ple
please take my things to the rooms'il vous plait, portez mes valises dans ma chambreSil vu ple, porte mae valise dan ma chambre

Walking around the city

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
where can I buy...?qu puis-je acheter…?u puij ashte...?
city ​​maple plan de la villele place de la ville
guidele guidele guide
what to see first?qu'est-ce qu'il faut regarder en premier lieu?Keskilfo rögarde en prêmie lieu?
it's my first time in Parisc'est pour la premiere fois que je suis a Parisse pur la premier foie kyo zhe xui e pari
what is the name of …?comment s'appelle...?koman sapel...?
this streetcette rueset ryu
this parkce parcsyo park
Here "- where exactly …?qu se trouve...?syo truv...?
railway stationla gareA la garde
please tell me where is...?dites, s’il vous plait, où se trouve...?dit, silvuple, u se truv...?
I'm a newcomer, help me get to the hotelje suis etranger aidez-moi, a arriver a l’hotelzhe sui zetranghe, ede-mua a arive a letel
I'm lostje me suis egarzhe myo shui zegare
How can I get to …?comment aller...?koman tale...?
to the city centerau center de la villeo center de la ville
to the stationa la garea la garde
how to get outside...?comment puis-je arriver a la rue...?coman puige arive a la rue...?
it is far from here?c'est loin d'ici?se luan disi?
can you get there on foot?Puis-je y arriver a pied?puige et arive à pieux?
I'm looking for …je shersh...
bus stopl'arret d'autobuslyare dotobyus
exchange officela bureau de changela bureau de change
where is the post office?qu se trouve le bureau de posteou se trouve le bureau de post?
please tell me where is the nearest department storedites s'il vous plait, qu est le grand magasin le plus prochedit silvuple u e le grand magazin le plus proche?
telegraph?le telegraph?le telegraph?
where is the pay phone?qu est le taxiphoneDo you have a taxiphone?

In transport

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Where can I get a taxi?Ou puis-je prendre un taxi?U puige prand en taxi?
Call a taxi, please.Appelez le taxi, s’il vous plait.Aple le taxi, sil vou ple.
How much does it cost to get to...?Quel est le prix jusqu'a...?Kel e le pri zyuska...?
Take me to...Deposez-moi a…Depose mua a...
Take me to the airport.Deposez-moi a l'aeroport.Depose mua a laeropor.
Take me to the train station.Deposez-moi a la gare.Depoze mua a la garde.
Take me to the hotel.Deposez-moi a l'hotel.Depose mua a letel.
Take me to this address.Conduise-moi a cette adresse, s’il vous plait.Conduize mua a set address sil vu ple.
Left.A gauche.A gosh.
Right.A droite.A druat.
Directly.Tout droit.Tu drois.
Stop here, please.Arretez ici, s’il vous plait.Arete isi, sil vu ple.
Could you wait for me?Pourriez-vouz m'attendre?Purye vu matandr?
This is my first time in Paris.Je suis a Paris pour la premiere fois.Jeux suey a pari pour la premier foie.
This is not my first time here. The last time I was in Paris was 2 years ago.Ce n'est pas la premiere fois, que je viens a Paris. Je suis deja venu, il y a deux ans.Se ne pa la premier foie kyo zhe vyan a Pari, zhe suey dezha venu Ilya dezan
I've never been here. It is very beautiful in hereJe ne suis jamais venu ici. C'est tres beauZhe no suey jamais wenyu isi. Se tre bo

In public places


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Help!Au secours!Oh sekur!
Call the police!Appelez la police!Apple la polis!
Call a doctor.Appelez un medecin!Apple en medsen!
I'm lost!Je me suis egare(e)Zhe myo shui egare.
Stop the thief!Au voleur!Oh aviary!
Fire!Au feu!Oh fyo!
I have a (small) problemJ'ai un (petit) problemesame yon (peti) problems
help me pleaseAidez-moi, s'il vous plaitede mua sil wu ple
What's wrong with you?Que vous arrive-t-il?Kyo wuzariv til
I feel badJ'ai un malaiseJe(o)yon malez
I'm sickJ'ai mal au coeurGe mal e coeur
I have a headache/stomach acheJ'ai mal a la tete / au ventreZhe mal a la tête / o ventre
I broke my legJe me suis casse la jambeZhe myo suey kase lajamb


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
1 un,uneen, yun
2 deuxdoyo
3 troisTroyes
4 quatrekyatr
5 cinqsenk
6 sixsis
7 septseth
8 huitwhit
9 neufnoef
10 dixdis
11 onzonz
12 douzeduz
13 treizetrez
14 quatorzekyatorz
15 quinzekenz
16 seizesez
17 dix-septdiset
18 dix-huitdisuit
19 dix-neufdisnoef
20 vingtvan
21 vingt et unwen te en
22 vingt-deuxwen doyo
23 vingt-troisvan trois
30 trentetrant
40 quarantetran te en
50 cinquantesankant
60 soixanteSuasant
70 soixante-dixsuasant dis
80 quatre-vingt(s)Quatreux van
90 quatre-vingt-dixQuatreux Van Dis
100 centsan
101 cent unsanten
102 cent deuxsan deo
110 cent dixsan dis
178 cent soixante-dix-huitsan suasant dis suite
200 deux centsde san
300 trois centstrois sains
400 quatre centsQuatro San
500 cinq centsSank-san
600 six centssi san
700 sept centsset san
800 huit centsYui-san
900 neutral centsnave dignity
1 000 millemiles
2 000 deux millede miles
1 000 000 un millionen million
1 000 000 000 un billionen miliar
0 zerozero

In the shop

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
please show me this.Montrez-moi cela, s’il vous plait.montre mua selya, sil vu ple.
I would like to…Je voudrais...wowdre...
give it to me please.Donnez-moi cela, s’il vous plait.done mua selya, sil vu ple.
How much does it cost?Combien ca coute?kombian sa kut?
what is the price?C'est combien?combien cut
please write this.Ecrivez-le, s'il vous plaitecrive le, sil vu ple
too expensive.C'est trop tro sher.
it's expensive/cheap.C'est cher / bon marchese cher / bon marche
can I try this on?Puis-je l'essayer?Puige l'esaye?
Where is the fitting room located?Ou est la cabine d'essayage?U la kabin désayage?
my size is 44Je porte du quarante-quatre.Jeu port du querant quatr.
do you have this in XL size?Avez-vous cela en XL?Ave vu selya en ixel?
what size is it? (cloth)?C'est quelle taille?Se kel tai?
what size is it? (shoes)C'est quelle pointure?Se quel pointure?
I need a size…J'ai besoin de la taille / pointure…Jae beuzuan de la tai/pointure
do you have….?Avez-vous… ?Ave wu...?
do you accept credit cards?Acceptez-vous les cartes de credit?Acceptevu le carte de cred?
do you have an exchange office?Avez-vous un bureau de change?Avevu he bureau de change?
What time do you work until?A quelle heure fermez-vous?And kel yor ferme wu?
Whose production is this?Ou est-il fabrique?At the ethyl factory?
I need something cheaperje veux une chambre moins cherejeu veu un chambre mouen cher
I'm looking for a cherche le rayon...jeu cherche le rayon...
shoesdes chaussuresde chaussure
haberdasheryde merceriede mercery
clothdes vetementsDe Whatman
can I help you?Puis-je vous aider?puij vuzade?
no thanks, I'm just lookingnon, merci, je regarde tout simplementnon, merci, zhe regard tu sampleman
When does the store open (close)?Quand ouvre (ferme) se magasin?kan uvr (ferm) sho magazan?
Where is the nearest market?Q'u se trouve le marche le plus proche?ou sé trouve le marche le pluse proch?
you have …?avez-vous...?awe-woo...?
bananasdes bananesda banana
grapedu raisindu rezin
fishdu poissondu poisson
kilogram please...s’il vous plait un kilo...sil vuple, en kile...
grapesde raisinde resen
tomatode tomatoesde tomato
cucumbersde concombresde concombre
give me please …donnes-moi, s’il vous plait…done-mua, silpuvple...
a pack of tea (butter)un paquet de the (de beurre)en pake de te (de beur)
box of chocolatesune boite de bonbonsun boit de bonbon
jar of jamun bocal de confitureen glass de confiture
bottle of juiceune bou teille de jusun butei de ju
loaf of breadune baguetteun baguette
a carton of milkun paquet de laiten paquet deux

At the restaurant

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
what is your signature dish?qu set-ce que vous avez comme specialites maison?kesko vvu zave com specialite maison?
Menu, pleasele menu, s’il vous plaitle menu, silvuple
what do you recommend to us?que pouvez-vouz nous recommander?kyo puve-woo nu ryokomande?
Is it busy here?la place est-elle occupee?la place etale ocupé?
for tomorrow, at six o'clock in the eveningpour demain a six heurespour d'aumain a ciseur du soir
Hello! can I reserve a table...?Hello! Puis-je reserver la table...?Hello, puige réserve la table...?
for twopour deuxpour deux
for three personspour troispour trois
for fourpour quatrepur qatr
I invite you to a restaurantje t'invite au restaurantsame tenvit o restaurant
let's have dinner at a restaurant todayallons au restaurant le soiral'n o restaurant le soir
here's a cafe.boire du cafeboir du cafe
where can …?qu peut-on...?u peton...?
eat delicious and inexpensivemanger bon et pas trop chermanzhe bon e pa tro cher
have a quick snackmanger sur le poucemange sur le pousse
to drink coffeeboire du cafeboir du cafe
Please …s'il vous plait...silvuple..
Omelet with cheese)une omlette (au fromage)un omelette (o fromage)
sandwichune tarineun tartine
Coca Colaun coca-colaen coca cola
ice creamune glaceun glace
coffeeun cafeen cafe
I want to try something newje veux gouter quelque chose de nouveauzhe ve gute quelköshoz de nouveau
please tell me what is...?dites s'il vous plait qu'est ce que c'est que...?dit silvuple kyoskose kyo...?
is this a meat (fish) dish?c'est un plat de viande / de poisson?seten place de viand/de poisson?
would you like to try the wine?ne voulez-vous pas deguster?no vule-voo pa deguste?
what do you have …?qu'est-ce que vous avez....?keskyo wu zawe...?
for a snackcomme hors d'oeuvrecom order
for dessertcomme dessertcom deser
what drinks do you have?qu'est-se que vous avez comme boissons?kesko vu zave com buason?
bring it please …apportez-moi, s’il vous plait…aporte mua silvuple...
mushroomsles champignonsle champignon
chickenle pouletLe Poulet
Apple pieune tart aux pommesun tart o pom
I would like some vegetables pleases’il vous plait, quelque chose de legumessilvuple, quelkyo shoz de legum
I am a vegetarianje suis vegetarienzhe sui vezhetarien
me please...s’il vous plait…silvuple…
fruit saladune salade de fruitsun salad d'frui
ice cream and coffeeune glace et un cafeun glas e en cafe
delicious!c'est tr'es bon!se tre bon!
your kitchen is greatvotre cuisine est excellentevotr cuisin etexelant
The check, pleasel'addition, s'il vous plaitLadysion silvuple


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Where is the nearest exchange office?Ou se trouve le bureau de change le plus proche?U se trouve le bureau de change le pluse proche?
Can you change these traveler's checks?Remboursez-vous ces cheques de voyage?Rambourse vu se shek de voyage?
What is the exchange rate?Quel est le cours de change?Quel e le cour de change?
How much is the commission?Cela fait combien, la commission?Selya fe combian, la commission?
I want to exchange dollars for francs.Je voudrais changer des dollars US contre les francs francais.Zhe vudre change de dolyar U.S. contra le franc français.
How much will I get for $100?Combien toucherai-je pour cent dollars?Kombyan tusrej pur san dolyar?
What time do you work until?A quelle heure etes-vous ferme?And kel yor etvu ferme?

Greetings - a list of words with which you can greet or say hello to the people of France.

Standard phrases are all you need to maintain or develop a conversation. Common words used in conversation every day.

Station – questions frequently asked at train stations and general words and phrases that will be useful both at the railway station and at any other station.

Passport control - upon arriving in France, you will have to go through passport and customs control, this procedure will be easier and faster if you use this section.

Orientation in the city - if you don’t want to get lost in one of the big French cities, keep this section from our Russian-French phrasebook handy. With its help you will always find your way.

Transport – when traveling around France, you will often have to use public transport. We have collected translations of words and phrases that will be useful to you in public transport, taxis, etc.

Hotel – translation of phrases that will be very useful to you during registration at the hotel and throughout your stay.

Public places – using this section you can ask passers-by what interesting things you can see in the city.

Emergencies are a topic that should not be neglected. With its help, you can call an ambulance, the police, call passers-by for help, report that you are feeling unwell, etc.

Shopping – when going shopping, don’t forget to take a phrasebook with you, or rather this topic from it. Everything in it will help you make any purchases, from vegetables at the market to branded clothing and shoes.

Restaurant – French cuisine is famous for its sophistication and you will most likely want to try its dishes. But in order to order a meal, you need to know at least minimal French in order to be able to read the menu or call the waiter. In this regard, this section will serve you as a good assistant.

Numbers and figures - a list of numbers, starting from zero to a million, their spelling and correct pronunciation in French.

Tours - translation, spelling and correct pronunciation of words and questions that will be useful to every tourist more than once on their trip.

Visiting France is a passionate dream of many, not only romantic people who have read sentimental novels.

Gourmets will not refuse to come here to taste dishes from classic French cuisine; there is something to taste and learn for winemakers; car dealers also visit the country for business purposes.

Unfortunately, the times when every self-respecting, educated Russian person was fluent in French are long gone.

The average tourist has a maximum of five or six phrases in his arsenal, and even those are drawn mainly from films and proverbs: “Cherche la femme”, “Mercy side”, “C'est la vie” and so on in the same spirit.

However, this is not enough to explain yourself in a hotel or store!

It is worth studying the minimal Russian-French phrasebook for tourists - and, of course, using it, since you are lucky enough to get to know France closely.

We do not present those words and phrases that are generally known or the meaning of which is easy to guess from the meaning, consonance or accompanying picture. Only the main ones that are really needed on a trip, but have never been encountered by a person who does not speak French.

What to say at customs

This is where it all starts. You have crossed the border line, where to go now and what to say? Look for the inscription “Douane” (Duan) - customs, or “Controle douanier” (Customs inspection), or “Controle-t-on les passeport” (Control ton le passeport) - passport control.

Frequent answers:

    1. Je suis citoyen(ne) de russie – Je suis citoyen de russie – I am a citizen of Russia
    2. Pour affaires – pure scam – business trip
    3. Comme touriste - com tourist - like a tourist
    4. Sur invitation - sur evitation - for personal purposes
    5. Je n’ai rien a daclarer - wife erien a daclarer - I have nothing to declare
    6. Ce sont des cadeaux - se sont de cadeaux - these are gifts
    7.Je n’ai que mes bagages a main - not ke me luggage but mann - I only have hand luggage

How to explain yourself at the hotel

The French are a hospitable but proud people. They love their language very much and will be very happy if you at least try to communicate with them not in English, but even in broken French using gestures.

They will meet you halfway, try to understand or guess what exactly you need.

    1. Deposez-moi a l’hotel - depose moi a letel - take me to the hotel
    2. On m’a reserve une chambre - he’s on reserve une chambre - a room is reserved for me
    3. Puis-je reserver une chambre? – puige reserve un chambre? – can I reserve a room?
    4. Combien coute cette chambre - combien coute cette chambre - how much does a room cost?
    5. Une chambre pour une(Deux) personne - un chambre pour une(de) person - room for one (two)
    6. Je voudrais la clef de ma chambre - same voudrais la clef de ma chambre - I wish the key to the room
    7. Pouvez-vous me reveiller demain matin a 7 heures? — puve vu my reveye deman matan, and set(o)er? – could you wake me up at 7 am?
    8. Je voudrais regler la note - Je voudrais regler la note - I would like to pay
    9. Рortez mes valises dans ma chambre - porte me valises dan ma chambre - take my suitcases to the room, please
    10. A quel etage se trouve ma chambre? - And kaletazh setruv ma chambre? – What floor is my room on?
    11. A quelle heure servez-vous le petit dejeuner? - A kel yor servevu lepeti dezhene? – what time is breakfast served?

Place an order at a restaurant

Ordering food in a French restaurant or cafe by randomly pointing your finger at the menu would be very reckless. Often the menu is given in both French and English, but this does not always help. Remember a few important phrases.

    1. Puis-je reserver la table - can I reserve a table?
    2. Le menu, s’il vous plait - Le menu sil vous plait - menu, please
    3. Que pouvez-vouz nous recommander? — Kyo puve-wu nu ryokomande? — what would you recommend to us?
    4. specialites maison - special maison - signature dish
    5. Manger bon et pas trop cher - Manzhe bon e pas trop cher - eat delicious and inexpensive
    6. Manger sur le pouce - Manger sur le pouce - have a snack
    7. C’est un plat de viande / de poisson? — Seten place de viand/de poisson? Is this a meat (fish) dish?
    8. Qu’est-se que vous avez comme boissons? - Keskyo wu zawe com buason? - What can you drink?
    9. Je suis vegetarien - Je suis vegetarien - I am a vegetarian
    10. L'addition, s'il vous plait - Ladisyon silvuple - please calculate
    11. C'est tr'es bon! - Se tre bon! - delicious!

Minimum vocabulary for shopping

It’s a sin in France – especially in Paris – not to visit the boutiques, souvenir shops and markets. To avoid getting into trouble, learn these common expressions.

    1. Combien ca coute? - Kombyan sa kut? - How much does it cost?
    2. Montrez-moi cela - Montrez moi cela - show me...
    3. C’est cher / bon marche - Se cher / bon marche - it’s expensive (cheap)
    4. Soldes/promotions/ventes - Soldes/promotion/ventes - sale, discounts
    5. Ou est la cabine d’essayage? — U la kabin désayage? - Where is the fitting room?
    6. C'est quelle taille (pointure)? — Se kel tai (pointure)? — what size clothes (shoes) is this?
    7. J’ai besoin de la taille / pointure - J’ai besoin de la taille / pointure - I need a size...
    8. Acceptez-vous les cartes de credit? — Acceptevu le carte de cred? - Do you accept credit cards?
    9. Ou est-il fabrique? — At the ethyl factory? – who produces it?
    10. merci, je regarde tout simplement - merci, je regard tou sampleman - thank you, I’m just looking

Other useful phrases

Of course, you can’t insure yourself for every eventuality; very different situations can arise in a foreign city in a foreign country. We are sure that you will be able to figure out from the signs and display windows what kind of establishment is in front of you: a store, restaurant, confectionery, theater, museum or exhibition hall.

You can buy the necessary products yourself at the market or in a supermarket; many of the names sound international. As a last resort, you can simply indicate what exactly you would like.

We also do not provide translations of numbers, days of the week, names of months and words of politeness when meeting, acquaintance, farewell, gratitude, etc.

These are clichés that you will hear many times a day and are easy to remember without a dictionary or phrase book. But a few especially useful phrases that are not used so often are worth learning.

    1. Ou puis-je prendre un taxi? — U puige prand en taxi? — where can I hire a taxi?
    2. Je suis a paris pour la premiere fois - Je suis a paris pour la premiere fois. — this is my first time in Paris
    3. Qu’est ce que vous conseillez de visiter en premier lieu -Keske vous conseillez de visiter en premier lieu? — what would you recommend watching first?
    4. Au secours! - Oh sekur! - help!
    5. Appelez un medecin! - Apple en medsen! - Call a doctor!
    6. Appelez la police! - Apple la polis! - Call the police!
    7. Au feu! - Oh phew! - fire!
    8. Aidez-moi, s’il vous plait - Ede mua sil vu plait - help me, please
    9. J’ai un malaise - Same (o)yon malaise - I don’t feel good
    10. Je ne comprends pas - Je ne compren pas - I don’t understand
    11. Repetez - Repeat - repeat

Where else do they speak French?

Officially, French is one of the official languages ​​in more than 30 countries around the world. This:

  • France;
  • Belgium;
  • Switzerland;
  • Monaco;
  • Canada;
  • numerous African countries;
  • French Guiana;
  • Caribbean states;
  • part of Mexico;
  • state of Louisiana in the USA.

In total, more than 100 million people speak Moliere’s language in the world. We hope that after studying this article one more will be added to this number!

I read it myself - tell your friends! Give it a like!

A French phrasebook is a collection of words and phrases that will help you on your journey. An online Russian-French phrasebook is an excellent opportunity to prepare for your trip. We deliberately do not give too much material so that you do not get confused. If necessary, you can download a French phrasebook for tourists and take it with you.

  1. Numbers in French. Phrasebook for travelers.
  2. Phrasebook for tourists: greetings and farewells.
  3. French phrasebook for travel: pronouns.
  4. Weather and time in French: phrasebook.
  5. Find out how to get there in French.
  6. Basic questions in French: phrasebook.
  7. Communication at the airport in French.
  8. Cafe and restaurant in France.
  9. About yourself in French.

French for travel

French for travel is a very limited range of topics. We will not learn the names of animals and musical instruments, as they do in school: it is better to remember numbers, polite phrases, basic questions and a few sentences for frequently encountered situations.

Buy phrasebooks in French:

  • Can ;
  • or .

A Russian-French phrasebook for tourists is an opportunity not to get lost in a foreign city, to communicate with those who do not know English or Russian, and also to pass the border and customs without fear.

If you want more than just a list of words in French, then go to the lessons for beginners or to the section with grammar tables - they give more in-depth knowledge.

Russian-French phrasebook with transcription (pronunciation)

French for travel is an emergency. It is assumed that you may not know the rules of French pronunciation, moreover, you may not have any information about international transcription at all. Our goal is not to practice perfect pronunciation, because for a couple of trips this is absolutely not required. In this regard, in our phrasebook the transcription of French words is given in the Russian version. Of course, it is quite “flawed”, because French has many sounds that we don’t have, but don’t worry - the locals will still understand you!

We suggest looking up and immersing yourself in the world of French phrases. Have fun with the online phrasebook! Have a nice trip!