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Where does the crab have more meat? Crab fishing. Where, what and how to catch crabs. What kind of crabs are served in Moscow restaurants

Crabs are caught in the southern and northern seas. Depending on the type they are small and large. Kamchatka crab is considered the largest and most delicious crustacean.

They also catch crabs on the Black Sea coast. Of course, they are smaller than their northern counterparts, but they are also tasty.

The easiest way

Before choosing one of the methods of catching crabs, you should consider that some are listed in the Red Book. Therefore, some species are caught in a certain season, while fishing for others is completely prohibited. Before you catch a crab, you should know where they live. You should not catch for fun, remember, many species are becoming extinct.

Several ways to catch crabs:

  • Crabs like to hide under rocks away from crowded places. Grab your fins and mask and go fishing. Before diving, you must wear gloves; crustaceans have sharp claws and can easily injure the enemy. You should catch it in a net; a plastic bag can be easily bitten through.
  • This method is more suitable for those who like to fish from the shore or boat.. A trap is prepared from a mesh and an iron rim. The mesh is attached to the round rim so that it hangs down. Bait (fish, snail, chicken meat) is tied into the trap and lowered into the pond. After a while, the crab catcher is lifted and the animal ends up in the net. This is how crayfish are caught.
  • Method of catching crab on the shore, you need a place with a rocky bottom; they crawl ashore in the morning or evening. You have to appear at the right time, in the right place.
  • Fishing with a stick– take a branch with a forked end in the form of a slingshot, lower it into the water in front of the crab’s claws. The animal thinks that it is being attacked and grabs the stick with its claws, at which point it is pulled ashore.
  • Sometimes vacationers walking along the Black Sea beach, notice crabs in shallow water. At this moment they are caught, you need to lower your hand and take it from the side of the tail. In this position, the crustacean will not be able to injure.

Catching crabs using a pot

Crabs are caught in different ways, such as using a pot. You can buy it or make it yourself. The main condition is lightness and maneuverability. It’s not worth buying professional pots that weigh a lot; they are intended either for sport fishing or for commercial activities.

The pot is a box with wire sides and an entrance hole.

The bait is taken and attached so that the crab can approach it, but cannot feast on it. Once the crab is in the pot, quickly pull it out, using thick rubber gloves to pull the animal out of the trap. The trap should be left overnight; crabs are nocturnal creatures.

The trap should be marked so that it can be found in the morning without being confused with someone else's.

To catch crabs well, you need to choose the right bait. You need to conduct an experiment by planting various baits in the pot. Crabs love chicken necks, frozen fish, eel, various shellfish and just raw meat. They rarely refuse food, but sometimes it happens.

It is better to use bait that the animal often encounters in life.

When the crabs are caught, they should be placed in a container with ice. They are eaten within 24 hours, then they die. Eating dead animals is dangerous.

Catching crabs using trot

Trot fishing can take time, but the catch is always good. You will need skill and the necessary tools.

You will need:

  • net
  • buoys 2-5 pcs;
  • bait;
  • thick gloves;
  • boat;
  • hooks;
  • anchor;
  • rope;
  • fishing line
  • ice box.

First of all, you will need a boat; installing a rope from the shore will not work. They are installed at a shallow depth, you need to take two buoys and connect them with a fishing line, its length is 1 m. Then, another line with an anchor is attached to one of the buoys. Hooks with bait are attached to the fishing line.

Crabs are active in the morning or late evening and should be collected during this period. Take a net and carefully remove them from the bait, using gloves. Install several trots using different types of attachments.

After the crabs are caught, they are placed in a box of ice, which must be taken to the boat. In this state, crustaceans live for 24 hours, then die. Therefore, you should prepare them in time to avoid poisoning.

Using the Line Throwing Method

Casting a line is actually more difficult than it may seem. It is better to take a friend with you who will help guide the boat. When the boat is sailing forward, at this time you should lower the buoy with an anchor into the water, and carefully lower the lines. It is necessary to ensure that the lines do not get mixed up and do not touch neighboring trots.

When the lines are immersed in the water, you need to lower the second buoy with an anchor. Fishing at sea should be done in warm, windless weather. When the waves are big, you won’t be able to cast a trot.

To sink lines comfortably, you need to catch a good current. The boat should float towards the current, this makes it easier to cast lines. It is difficult to use only a boat; the current pushes the buoy away, making it possible to correctly install the reel.

When time passes, they begin collecting crabs. You need to act quickly; the crabs eat the bait and leave the hook. Try to collect against the sun so that the shadow does not reflect on the line; the crab may notice the danger and swim away.

To quickly collect crustaceans, you need to have a friend. One holds the line, and the other collects it with a net. After collecting the crabs, you should cast the line again.

Crab fishing on the beach

Several species of arthropods, such as the sand crab, are found on the sea beach. They live on the border between land and water, and are a favorite pastime for children and adults.

To catch you need:

  • come to the edge seashore;
  • define the coastal boundary;
  • face the sea and start digging a hole (if for some reason you get scared and don’t want to catch it, the crab will swim away to the sea without any obstacles);
  • you need to dig a hole with your hands 30 cm deep.

When dug, it will begin to fill with water, favorable conditions for the crab. He, not suspecting anything, crawls out of the hole, at that moment he is caught.

The sand crab has the color of sand or small multi-colored pebbles that are found near the seashore. Therefore, it is difficult to notice in sea waters. Sometimes they leave peculiar traces on the sand that are easy to identify.

When you notice a crab, hurry up to pull it out, it is a wild animal and does not like unnecessary attention. Having admired enough, release it into the sea.

How to get a crab from the depths?

To catch a large crab at depth, you need to buy a mask with fins and a snorkel. Practice swimming underwater, it's not as easy as it may seem.

After a short workout, you need to swim away from the shore of the beach and dive into the water. By making sharp movements with your fins, you can sink to significant depths. The deeper the sea, the larger the individuals.

Don't forget to take rubber, thick gloves and a crab net. Mittens will protect your hands from crustacean bites, and the net will preserve the catch. You should not take a plastic bag instead, the crabs will easily get out of it by making a hole in it.

To successfully hunt crabs, you need to choose quiet, rocky places, without vacationers and loud beaches. There they like to hide from enemies. If you are afraid to handle a large crab with your hands, take a slingshot stick. With its help, it is easy to lure the crab out of its hiding place; when it clings to a branch with its claws, it must be quickly placed in the net.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:
  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

Catching crabs on a crab trap

Crab fishing is somewhat similar to crayfish fishing. Take a round metal rim, attach a net and bait. The crab catcher sinks to the bottom of the reservoir for 20-30 minutes., and abruptly pulls out. If you pull out slowly, the crabs will escape.

Not only crabs live in the sea, but also other animals that love raw meat like crabs, then they also swim to the bait. Therefore, when hunting in the sea, attach a larger piece of bait so that the crabs also get it.

Experienced crabbers use a trick; they catch crabs from a boat, throwing a crab trap, and then apply a glass surface to the water and look at the crab trap.

When a crab is trapped, it is pulled out.

It is convenient to look under the water through the glass before the water gets to the surface, to prevent this from happening, take a small old aquarium with high sides. Then all fishing takes place under strict control, and you won’t have to be upset when there is no longer any bait or crabs in the crab trap.

Catching crabs by hand

Catching crabs with your hands is an interesting idea, but not safe. To fish, you need to know the habitat. In the summer season, they hide at shallow depths under stones, crawling out to the shore from time to time. To find out the habitat, you should ask local residents.

When a school of crustaceans or individual specimens are noticed, they are caught. It's better to do this during calm weather when there is no wave on the Black Sea coast. You need to fish near the shore, lifting small stones. You should take it from the tail side, otherwise it will pinch.

To catch, you need skill and determination. While you are thinking about which side to take it from, it will float away. When crabs end up on a sandy beach, it is easier to catch them by blocking their path to the water. You should fish in the early morning or late evening, when there is no wave on the sea, otherwise visibility is poor.

Crabs are excellent swimmers and run fast, and the waves help them speed up. You won't be able to catch it in big waves.

Types of crabs

Crab meat is one of the most valuable seafood for humans. However, we know little about its prey and the life of this animal. There are several types of crabs, some of them are listed in the Red Book, while others are not. The crab belongs to the crustacean family and has ten legs. Some of them are large, while others are small and unsuitable for consumption.

Types of crabs:

  • Kamchatskycrab lives along the entire coast of the Far East, as well as off the coast of Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. The length of the legs reaches 150 cm. They are red-brown in color. It is a favorite delicacy among local residents.
  • Japanesespider crab is the largest species among other crustaceans. Its body length is 45 cm, and the length of its legs reaches up to 3 m. It is caught as a commercial activity or for decorating aquariums.
  • Alluringcrab most often it has one large claw and a second small one. With its large claw, it scares away rivals and lures the female. There is no commercial mining.
  • Snow crab This species has thin claws, hence the name. They are native to the Sea of ​​Japan and are fished commercially.
  • Vampire crabs acquired this name for their unusual appearance. They have a purple shell with yellow eyes. It is not involved in commercial production; it is sometimes used as decoration for marine aquariums. It lives off the coast of India, Hawaii and Southeast Asia.
  • Bigland crab lives on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. It is fished commercially for its tasty and tender meat.
    By knowing the types of crabs, you can easily identify any species. You should not eat unfamiliar animals.

Stone crab

Several types of crabs live in the waters of the Black Sea, the most common being the Stone and Grass crabs. The stone crab lives underwater, hiding under rocks. It is often found on the rocky beaches of the Black Sea coast. The shell size reaches up to 10 cm, but sometimes larger individuals are found than usual.

They live at depths from 5 to 30 meters. Therefore, they should be caught with a mask and tube or with a crab hook from a boat. Several decades ago, the crab was considered a commercial species, but today its population has noticeably decreased.

Herbal crab

It lives on the sandy beaches of the Black Sea, hiding in algae or dense thickets. Runs sideways at high speed 1 m/s. Therefore, it is difficult to catch him. To do this, you need to block his path, and then lure him out of cover so that he runs towards the obstacle.

After some manipulations he is caught. The grass crab is cowardly, so it often runs away from its opponent. In the sea, various mollusks are often attached to it, which help it better camouflage on the seabed.

Where do they catch crabs?

Crabs are found in all seas and oceans, so there is a wide choice of fishing locations. They live both in shallow waters and in the depths of the seas. Small individuals often come out of the water to bask in the sun, but when they see danger they immediately hide under the stones.

At the depths of sea waters, they also hide in shelter. These can be stones, large shells and various debris that are suitable for a house. Wrecks are an excellent refuge not only for crabs, but also for small fish.

To fish at depth, fishermen use crab traps and trots. They are left overnight and the catch is collected early in the morning.

Is it possible to catch crabs?

You can catch crabs, but in certain places and at certain times. For example, catching Kamchatka crab is considered poaching, but catching a small crab on the Black Sea coast is possible.

Therefore, before fishing, you should ask where and when you can do this. Sometimes there are other restrictions, for example, you can catch only a few specimens with your hands, or buy a license to catch them.


  • Not all crabs bite, for example, sandy is absolutely harmless.
  • Seeing a crab, hurry up to catch it, as they run quickly, moving sideways.
  • Take a bucket with you to temporarily place the animal there.
  • Beware of hungry seagulls, they can steal the crab from your bucket.
  • If you fail to catch a sand crab on your first try, you need to dig another hole, or go knee-deep into the sea. Small animals often show interest in vacationers by stepping on their feet.
  • When catching large specimens, use gloves and a net.
  • For long term storage you need to have an ice chest.
  • Do not forget that the shelf life of crab is 24 hours.

How long has it been since you had a really BIG CATCH?

When was the last time you caught dozens of HUGE pike/carp/bream?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perch, but ten kilogram pikes - what a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone can do it.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home or bought in fishing stores. But stores are expensive, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be fair, homemade bait does not always work well.

You know that disappointment when you buy bait or prepare it at home and only catch three or four bass?

So maybe it’s time to use a truly working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the same result that we cannot achieve on our own, especially since it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on production - you order it, it’s delivered and you’re good to go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Moreover, now is the season! This is a great bonus when ordering!

Find out more about the bait!

After the introduction of a food embargo in 2014 on agricultural products, raw materials and food from countries that applied economic sanctions against Russia, there is a shortage of many products on the market. European cheeses, fruits, fresh berries and seafood have disappeared from restaurant menus. Many establishments had to not only look for alternative suppliers, but also completely change their concept. As a result, over the past few years, restaurants have appeared in Moscow, the menu of which contains mainly Russian ingredients, primarily meat: “Voronezh”, “Ryba Net”, “Yuzhane” and many others. Russian fish and seafood also began to be in demand, and crabs replaced lobsters. To find out all about the latter, The Village spoke with the chef of the Erwin restaurant. RiverSeaOcean" by Alexey Pavlov and compiled a detailed guide to these crustaceans.

What kind of crabs are served in Moscow restaurants?

There are many varieties of crabs, but restaurants usually use only five to seven types, since other crustaceans have little meat. The most popular crab is Kamchatka crab. Other types are most often served to attract guests. Crabs differ among themselves in habitat and seasonality - these factors affect the appearance of the crustacean, its filling with meat and taste.

Kamchatka crab

Weight: from 3 to 7 kilograms

Catch: from September to April

Peculiarity: large size, caviar

Price: 10 thousand rubles for a live crab

It is also called royal, since it is the largest among the crustaceans of the Far East. Kamchatka crab began to be bred in the Barents Sea in the mid-20th century, from where it is now caught and delivered to restaurants around the world. Kamchatka crab meat consists of dense and thick spaghetti-like fibers and usually has a sweetish taste. Although some crabs of this species may be salted, this depends on the sea in which the crustacean lived.

One of the features of this species is caviar. It is the size of a grape and has a light purple color when raw. Sometimes it occurs when ordering a whole crab. No one extracts caviar separately: it is expensive and illegal.

spiny crab

Weight: from 800 grams to 1.8 kilograms

Catch: cannot be caught during the molting period (mid-summer)

Peculiarity: spines all over the shell

Price: 6 thousand rubles for a live crab

The shell of this crab is covered with sharp spines from the head to the claws - hence the name. Despite its small size, the spiny crab is not inferior to the Kamchatka crab in terms of meat content. It tastes just as juicy and sweet, although it has less fiber than king crab. The “thorn” is brought to Moscow from the southern part of the Bering, Okhotsk and Japanese seas.

Hairy crab

Weight: from 900 grams to 2 kilograms

Catch: from August to October

Peculiarity: unusual meat structure, liver

Price: 400 rubles per 100 grams

Hairy crab is brought to Moscow from the coastal waters of Sakhalin. Hair crab is filled with meat and is fully used in cooking, just like king crab and spiny crab. This crab has a short season - only three months, but even during this time it contains a lot of meat. It has a rather specific taste, as it consists of very thin fibers, similar to threads.

The main value of the hairworm is the liver. It has the same positive effect on the human body as, for example, oysters. The hairworm's liver is small, about the size of a teaspoon, gray in color and tastes like a delicate dessert with sourness. However, the liver is not found in all hairworms.

frog crab

Weight: from 200 to 400 grams

Catch: during the whole year

Peculiarity: appearance

Price: 200 rubles per 100 grams

The crab got its name because of its resemblance to a frog: it has a large shell and small claws on top and bottom. There is little meat in the “frog” - only in the back of the crab, like crayfish. Its structure resembles pulp, and its taste is similar to fish such as sea bass or sea bream.

Frog crab is harvested in the Indian Ocean near the Seychelles and supplied to Russia in boiled and frozen form. Some restaurants may serve the whole frog to make the dish interesting. But due to the strong shell, it is not easy to get to the meat, so it is better to ask to fillet the crab and process it.

Blue crab

Weight: from 400 to 500 grams

Catch: during the whole year

Peculiarity: the most tender meat

Price: 300 rubles per 100 grams

The blue crab lives on the Atlantic coast of North and South America, as well as in the Baltic, Mediterranean, Adriatic and North seas. This crustacean has the softest and most tender meat due to the lack of fiber in it. But poor fillability - only 40% meat of the total body weight. Therefore, blue crab is usually used as an additional ingredient rather than as a main dish.

Snow crab

Weight: from 200 to 400 grams

Catch: from October to April

Peculiarity: looks like a spider

Price: 300 rubles per 100 grams

Snow crab is also called opilio. It is delivered to Moscow from Murmansk. Restaurants most often offer its phalanges - long (about 30 centimeters) and thin, like pencils, with a small amount of sweetish meat, which is not very easy to get. Also used in cooking are the claws and “fists” of this crab. Opilio has dense, juicy and vitamin-rich meat.

How are crabs caught and prepared?

All crabs are caught, in principle, the same way - it’s just that some do it legally, and some don’t. Restaurants deliver crabs live, as well as fresh frozen and boiled-frozen. Live crabs are transported by plane in special containers with small briquettes that cool the container. After transportation, the crab is allowed to rest in its natural environment, otherwise it will die, and only then is it delivered to restaurants.

Live crabs can only be found during the season, since the rest of the time the crustaceans go to the bottom and feed from the resources of their own body - they cannot be caught. To cook crabs throughout the year, restaurants buy them fresh frozen or boiled-frozen. The taste of this meat is no different from freshly cooked meat.

Crabs can be prepared in different ways, it all depends on the imagination of the cook. But most often they are simply boiled or steamed, lightly treated with olive oil, herbs and served. Cooking time depends on the weight of the crab, but on average 30 minutes.

What do you eat crabs with?

Most often, crabs are served with hot melted butter, to which garlic and finely chopped herbs (for example, wild garlic) are added if desired. Among the sauces, the best is a simple aioli based on homemade mayonnaise. Some people like to eat crab with tartar, wasabi mayonnaise and other bright-tasting sauces, but they can overpower the taste of the meat. As for dishes with crab, it is better to combine it with simple products - cereals, spaghetti, bread. Classic dishes with crab include risotto, fettuccine, and bruschetta. Rose wine also goes well with crabs.

In the places where crabs are brought from, they are considered a completely common product. Some people specifically travel, for example, to Murmansk to try crab meat. But if we talk about large enterprises involved in growing these crustaceans, they do not sell anything to the locals, preferring to give all the goods to wholesalers, especially abroad.

How to eat crabs correctly?

The easiest way to cut a crab is to ask the cook to serve it to you open. If you want to do everything yourself, then you should pick up scissors and start, for example, with the phalanx. The phalanx must be cut at the root and cut across to the very end on both sides. After which you need to remove the top cover and remove the meat with a special device that looks like a spatula with a clove. The claw attachment has three threads that hold everything together, so you have to pull the meat onto the plate from them.

To get the meat out of the “fist”, you just need to break it with a special hammer. The meat in the “fists” differs from the meat in the phalanges in its denser structure. As for the crab head, there is practically no meat in it. But if you wish, you can open it too. To do this, cut the crab with scissors starting from either side. Crabs only have a hard shell, and the bottom is soft, so it can be cut through without difficulty.

Several large species of crab are being fished in the Far Eastern seas. This is the king among commercial species - the Kamchatka crab, and the same large blue crab, and several species of snow crabs, including the snow crab opilio, which is not inferior in taste to the Kamchatka crab. Many people have heard of such things as the first, second phalanx of the crab, rose of the crab, knee or noodles of the crab. But not everyone has an idea what it is.
So that the consumer can understand and:
buy 1 phalanx of crab, it goes on sale in several varieties depending on the size range and freezing method;
buy 2 phalanx of crab, in quality this meat is similar to the meat of the first phalanx, but smaller in size;
buy crab knee, small but high-quality pieces of crab meat;
buy crab rose, it combines meat from three segments of crab legs;
buy salad crab meat, it has another commercial name - crab noodles.
Let's look at each type in more detail. The caught crab, usually still alive or just asleep, is sent for processing and cutting. It starts with boiling the crabs or chilling them fresh. If more than 4 hours have passed after the crab is caught and falls asleep, then its meat is hardly suitable for consumption.
This is due to the fact that gastric juice begins to flow from the abdominal cavity into all parts of the crab. It is so aggressive that the process of digestion and destruction of muscle tissue occurs. This type of crab meat should be discarded. Let's look at how the crab's body works.

The structure of the crab from the point of view of zoology and technology

All commercial species of crab have approximately the same structure. From the point of view of zoological taxonomy, crabs such as the Kamchatka and blue crabs belong to hermit crabs. They are called craboids because of their external resemblance to real crabs. Craboids have only 4 pairs of walking legs; one or both legs of the first pair are armed with claws. The fifth pair of legs in craboids is reduced and tucked under the abdomen.
True crabs include all types of snow crab, including snow crab opilio. Such crabs have five pairs of well-developed walking legs.

From the point of view of crab processors, its body consists of a shell and walking legs, including legs with claws. Since crabs and craboids belong to the type of arthropods, it is clear that their legs or peripods consist of several segments - segments, each of which has its own name. The parts of the walking legs are connected to each other by flexible and movable joints. The members have the following name:
movable claw or claw, if we are talking about the first pair of legs
main segment
ischial joint
Very tasty meat is hidden under the chitinous cover of crab limbs. Each leg part contains meat with a specific trade name.

What does it mean to buy meat from 1 phalanx?

In addition to the above names of the parts of the crab's walking legs, they also have Latin names and technological ones, which are used when cutting crab. Let's start with the largest and most attractive part of the crab leg - the first phalanx. It is this part of the walking legs that is distinguished by its large size and fleshiness. The meat-to-shell ratio of the first phalanx is the most attractive. The weight of meat from the total weight of the phalanx with shell reaches 70% and is almost never less than 55%. - this means buying crab meat that has been removed from the thigh or meropodite. Sometimes this part of the leg is called the thick joint. If you count the parts of walking legs from the carapace, then the first phalanx is called the meat from the fourth segment. The meat of the first phalanx is suitable both for serving entirely in its natural form and for preparing kebabs and other hot dishes.

What does it mean to buy meat from the 2nd phalanx?

On a limb without a claw, the sixth segment is called the tibia or propodite. Sometimes it is also called the thin segment or the second phalanx. This part of the leg is somewhat smaller than the first phalanx. Consequently, in terms of the amount of meat it is, although slightly, inferior to the first phalanx. means to buy meat from the drumstick or thin joint. On the first pair of legs, which end in a claw, this segment, together with a movable finger, forms a claw. The meat from the claw is called the fighting fist. The second phalanx differs from the first only in size, and so it can be used in the same dishes as the first phalanx.

What does it mean to buy a crab knee?

The fifth segment from the shell is called the knee or carpus. It is located between the first and second phalanx. This applies to walking legs without claws. Buying a crab leg means purchasing its meat, which has been removed from the leg. On the first pair of legs with claws, this part is called the neck. Crab knee is convenient to use where small pieces of crab meat are needed. The meat from this part can simply be boiled in salted water with pepper and bay leaf and served instead of the same shrimp with beer.

What does it mean to buy a crab rose?

The beautiful word rose or rosette in a crab refers to the first three segments from the shell:
first segment - thigh or coxopodite
second segment - ischial segment or basopodite
third segment - innominate or main segment
All these parts can be called a crab shoulder. They serve as the point of attachment of the legs to the carapace.
- this means buying the meat extracted from these three small parts of crab legs. Rose crab meat is suitable for salads, first and second courses. It should be noted that it is rose meat that differs in that it contains the least amount of water. It is the crab rose that can be used to prepare rolls, various snacks, and salads.

What does it mean to buy salad crab meat?

No matter how carefully and carefully crab processors remove the meat from the chitinous shells, it happens that small fragments remain inside the shell. After the main meat has been extracted, the chitin is carefully cleaned again to remove its remains. They make a kind of crab mix. - this means buying meat from all parts of the crab. It is salad meat or crab noodles that is convenient and profitable to use for any salads, cutlets and dumplings.
All crab meat has approximately the same composition and beneficial properties, it is important for the consumer that he can purchase fresh and high-quality crab meat.

Crab meat is a product rich in protein, vitamins and microelements. Crab meat contains the most iodine and B vitamins, as well as calcium and magnesium.

In terms of taste, Kamchatka crab is in no way inferior to sea crayfish - lobster and lobster. Tender, slightly sweet crab meat is easily digestible and has many beneficial properties.

Crab meat is especially valued as a source of protein for sports and dietary nutrition, an antioxidant, and also as a product for increasing potency and an aphrodisiac.

Crab meat is very easy to prepare - you just need to boil it in salted water and then you can use it as your culinary imagination dictates. A classic of the genre - crab salads. Crab meat is great for soup and is also used to make tender crab cakes.

Crab meat - how to choose?

We will now tell you how to choose which crab meat to buy and how to clean it.

The 1st phalanx is the longest and fleshiest part of the crab limb, containing the most meat. The yield of clean meat from the first phalanx (i.e., what percentage of the total weight is the meat, and not the chitinous shell) is 55-70%.
The 2nd phalanx is shorter and thinner than the first phalanx, it contains a little less pure meat.
The knee is the articulation of the 1st and 2nd phalanx of the crab. The smallest parts of the crab. Crab knee boiled in salted water with spices is an excellent snack for beer, tastier than the usual shrimp.

The fighting fist is the largest claw of the crab on the front pair of limbs. It contains a lot of meat and is maximally saturated with protein and proteins. The crab fist contains the thickest meat in consistency.
A non-combat fist is a crab fist with a claw; the meat in it is not as dense as in a combat fist, it is more tender and juicy.
The rose is the “shoulder” of the crab, the place where the limbs are attached to the body. Rose contains the most tender crab meat. Rose – white or light cream color with veins.

Crab mix (or “salad meat”) is a cut of meat from different parts of the crab that, for some reason, are not sold as a whole. Used most often in salads.

Cleaning the crab is not that difficult, and most manufacturers sell the unpeeled crab already with the chitin cut. You need to insert a knife into the cut crab claw and break it, then remove the meat from it. The claw can be split with tongs, but you need to be careful not to flatten the meat.

Kamchatka crab

In our country, the most popular types of crab are king crab (King crab) and snow crab (snow crab). The main crab production region in Russia is the Far East, Kamchatka, Sakhalin. In the mid-twentieth century, Kamchatka crab was artificially relocated to the Barents Sea and now there is also a successful crab fishery there. In 2013, a quota for crab fishing in the Barents Sea was set at 900 tons.
The real food store LeaderFood offers various types of Kamchatka crab meat only dry frozen, with a minimal amount of glaze, as well as Kamchatka crab meat in its own juice.