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Corsairs: City of Lost Ships (CLO). Walkthrough of the game Corsairs: City of Lost Ships Corsairs City of Lost Ships a lot of money

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The game can be played as three characters: Peter Blood, Ian Stace and Diego Espinosa, each with their own unique storyline.

Storyline for Peter Blood

You appear at Oglethorpe's estate, England. It is January 1, 1665. Servant Jeremy Pitt informs you that Lord Gildoy has been wounded. Enter the house, talk to the servant Andrew James and proceed to the bedroom in the west wing on the second floor. Approach the bed with the dying lord. A servant will appear and report that he has brought everything necessary for treatment. You find yourself in your office. Talk to Andrew James. The second servant, Jeremy Pitt, will appear and report that the royal dragoons are galloping here. He will advise you to take a sword from the balcony and run off to hide. exit the office, take the key from the table on the left and go up to the second floor. Unlock the chest on the balcony and take Brett's sword, pistol and ammo. Soon Captain Gobart will appear and the dragoons will attack you. If you kill him, two more will attack you. You won't be able to kill them all. As soon as they defeat you, you will be captured and, according to the story, thrown into prison.

You will appear at hard labor. April 1, 1665. Jeremy Pitt will inform you that Colonel Bishop wants to see you. Leave the room. Talk to Colonel Bishop. Go door to door and you might find something useful. But do not take a weapon - the guards will take it away from you when they meet you. Exit the plantation and run along the path to the right. You will find yourself on the streets of Bridgetown. Head to the governor's residence. Talk to the governor sitting at the table, go through the door next to him and go up to the second floor to his wife’s bedroom. Talk to Mrs. Steed. Talk to the governor. Tell him that you went to look for Mr. Dan and you need money to buy medicine. Take 1000 piastres. Go out onto the street and turn right. There you will find Mr. Dan's house. Dan himself is not in it, but your competitor is there - Dr. Wacker. He will ask you to come to the tavern the next day for an important conversation. Leave the house and you will meet Mr. Dan. Tell him that you came to get medicine from the governor's wife. He will give it to you completely free of charge. Return to the residence and give the medicine to Mrs. Steed.

You will appear at the tavern the next day. Mr. Vacker is not here. Ask the tavern owner where you can find Dr. Vacker. Head to the tavern room. There you will find Doctor Vacker, who will promise to give you a loan of twenty thousand piastres to help organize your escape. Return to the plantation and find Jeremy Pitt. Tell him that he is the only navigator and the fate of the escape depends on him. After he agrees, you will need to find three slaves: Hagthorpe, Ogle and Nicholas Dyke.

Nicholas Dyke will tell you that Colonel Bishop wants to sell it. Talk to Colonel Bishop. You will find him at his plantation residence. Head to the tavern and have a drink with one of the drunks. He will tell you that an important merchant, a friend of Colonel Bishop, recently arrived in the city. This is probably Vernon. Find his house. Exit the tavern to the right, go past the moneylender's house, the one you need is the next one. Wait for Vernon to go up the stairs and search the chest that is located directly below it. Take everything in it and go outside. Talk to Nicholas Dyke and tell him that the deal will not take place and he can calmly prepare to escape.

Also find a slave in a spotted bandana - Levi's Mower. He will complain of a headache and ask you to bring him some medicine. Return to the city to Mr. Dan's house. He himself is not here now. Go to the second floor and take the medicine in the box next to the scales. Go back and give the medicine to Levis. In exchange, he will give you a light dagger that the guards will not be able to detect.

Now find the one-eyed slave Ned Ogle in one of the houses. Return to the city, find the moneylender's house and pay him the debt of 5,000 piastres.

Talk to Pitt and tell him that you found the weapon and the team.

You will find yourself the next day in your hut. Go to the tavern and talk to Dr. Wacker. Instead of the promised 25,000 piastres, he gave you only 18,000. The rest you need to get somewhere. Go to the moneylender, he has a deal for you. After talking with him, return to the inn and talk to its owner. Give him 500 piastres or he will refuse to talk. Head to the shipyard. Talk to the impostor. Tell him that he is your old debtor.

He will get scared and give 55,000 piastres instead of 30,000, although this will negatively affect your reputation. Now you can either nobly return the money to the moneylender, or keep it for your own needs. Now that you have the required amount in your hands, return to the tavern and talk to the carpenter at one of the tables. Exit the tavern. A soldier will approach you and order you to go to the plantation. Return to the plantation. On the way, Nathaniel Hagthorpe will meet you and inform you that Pitt was captured by guards. After the conversation, you will find yourself at the city gates at night.

Run to the plantation. You will need to quietly sneak past the guards to the edge of the plantation and take the weapon from the chest. Please note that each guard has his own patrol area. The visibility zone in the dark is small, so the main thing is not to pass directly in their path. Get to the longest white building. In the corner of the plantation closest to him you will see a pile of logs and boards. Among them is a chest with weapons. Unfortunately, you will have to be content with only a saber and a few healing potions. Fighting the guards is almost useless. near the colonel's house you will see captured Pitt and two guards near him. See the guards somewhere around the corner and deal with them. Then talk to Pitt. He will say that Natall escaped on your sloop.

Now leave the plantation past the guards, trying not to engage them in battle. Enter the city. kill all the Spanish guards, luring them out one by one, and one lady will come up to you to thank you for saving her. She will tell you that the Spaniards have captured the city. Head to the shipyard. Swim around the side of the shipyard and find your comrades. Swim to the ship. Climb onto it and kill the guards. Then go into the cabin and fight one on one with the captain. The ship is yours. Exit the cabin and talk to Pitt. Talk to the team. Only Ogle will agree to serve you faithfully, the rest will ask you to disembark them at the first port. This is where the uniqueness of Blood's storyline ends.

To start the national storyline in the game, you need to get a marque patent (if you want to go through the pirate line, you need to talk to Morgan in Port Royal). To do this, you need to complete about 10 small orders from the governor of the city belonging to the line you need. Possible options for these tasks are described below.

1) Destroy a gang of thugs in the jungle. Run around the jungle, find a couple of thugs, destroy them, and soon you will come across the head of the gang. Having defeated him, you can return to the governor for a reward.

2) Search for an enemy spy in the city. You need to look for it in houses. As soon as you enter the desired house, you will immediately have a conversation with him, after which the battle will begin. After killing the spy, you can return to the governor for a reward.

3) Destroy the smugglers.

4) Get into the enemy fort (city) and take documents from the messenger. The task is not easy. You will have to make your way under cover of darkness, from the nearest beach through the jungle. Soldiers in the dark see only in front of them and not very far. Therefore, you have a chance to sneak in unnoticed.

Dutch national storyline.

The Governor General of Holland, from whom you will take tasks, is located in the city of Willemstad.

1) The first task is to deliver the head of the Jansenists, Chumakeiro, to Curacao; at the moment he is on the island of San Martin. Arriving on the island, go to the tavernkeeper and ask about Chumaqueiro, he says that he took himself a house, which is located near the governor’s residence. As soon as you enter the house, two people will attack you. After killing them, enter the room on the second floor where Chumakeiro is standing. Now sail to Curacao, where at the residence of Peter Stezzant, Chumaqueiro will give you 30,000 piastres.

2) The second task is to purchase a batch of coffee, black, red and sandalwood for Curacao in Fort Orange. You will be given papers to purchase goods at a special price and a sum of money. The entire cargo will take up 6800 quintals, be prepared for this. Goods must be delivered to Stavesant within 2 months. Sail to Jamaica, dock at Cape Negril and go to Fort Orange. First, go to the governor and give the papers to receive preferential prices, then go to the store. After purchasing the goods, come back. For completing the task you will receive 75,000 piastres.

3) The third task is to obtain information about the British plans towards Holland in connection with the trade war. Travel to Hispaniola and talk to the head of the city of La Vega. The head is Edward Mansfield, but in fact, his last name is Mansvelt, and he is Dutch by nationality. He is also Modyford's confidant in matters of robberies against the Spaniards. But Mansfield cannot say anything about the plans of the British, but recently an English envoy from Modyford came to him with a proposal to attack Curacao, naturally Mansfield refused. Edik will also say that it is better to learn about the plans of the British from the great and terrible Henry Morgan. Go to Jamaica and you'll find out that Morgan is in Antigua. Go there and talk to him. He will say that if you help him, he will help you too. We need to find out if his companion Pierre Picardie is honest. It is located in Tortuga, then ask the moneylender, the owner of the shipyard, the owner of the store, in the tavern and in the brothel. It turns out that he spent a lot of money. Now go to Morgan, he says that Vaschet’s plans don’t know anything, but one of his officers, who was sent to prison, knows about Modyford’s plans, go to the Prison, kill the guards. You learn that the British want to attack Fort Orange. Sail to the Governor General and he will pay 50,000 piastres.

4) The fourth task is to intercept the British and save Fort Orange from destruction. Sail to Jamaica as quickly as possible. A small squadron consisting of 3 English ships will cruise around the island. Sink them and land in the bay. Kill all the English in the bay and in the next location. The task is completed. You can go to Stevezant, he will pay 100,000 piastres.

5) The fifth task is to escort three flutes to the La Vega pirate settlement and back. Sail to La Vega, disembark. It turns out that the Spaniards attacked the settlement and killed Mansild. Buy provisions and go to sea. The more ships that survive, the greater the reward. If all the ships survive, it will amount to 60,000 piastres.

6) The sixth task is to find Morgan and notify him that the Dutch are seeking revenge. Sail to Jamaica, make your way into the city and go to Morgan's residence. Henry will say that the attack was organized by the Spanish governor of Santiago, Jose Sancho Jimenez, and we need to conduct reconnaissance to find out whether Don Jose will be in the city in the near future. Sail to Santiago and dock at the lighthouse. Make your way into town and go to the tavern. Ask the owner about the governor, under the pretext that you want to join the service. Several Spanish officers will enter. Kill them and run to the ship. The task is completed, you have learned that there is a holiday in the city soon and the governor should be present at it. Return to Jamaica to Morgan. The task is completed. Sail to Curacao to the governor and receive 200,000 piastres.

7) The seventh task is to deliver a dispatch to the governor of Tortuga, Bertrand d'Ogeron. Sail to Tortuga in order to deliver the dispatch to d'Ogeron, then he will ask you to walk for two hours while he writes a letter to Stezzant. After two hours, receive the letter. At the port A messenger will meet you and tell you that a messenger from the Governor of Holland is waiting for you at the tavern. Go to the tavern and go up to the room. Then you will be stunned and the letter will be taken away. Go to Governor d'Ogeron. He will tell you to find out at the port office which ships left the port in the near future. It turns out that the brig La Rochelle has left the port, which is heading to San Juan. Head there and, off the coast of Sna Juan, board the ship. The captain will say that Antonio, who took the letter from you, left the ship and moved to the galleon Isabella, which is heading to Santa Catalina. Catch up with the galleon, board it and Antonio will surrender. Take the letter and head to Stezzant, he will give out 150,000 piastres.

8) The eighth task is a business trip at the disposal of Aaron Mendez Chumakeiro. His house is located in the city, not far from the residence. Aaron will give you the task of finding an ancient book that some English privateer tried to sell in a pirate settlement in Bermuda. Travel to Bermuda and go to Jackman's residence. After talking with him, sail to Martinique, to the local brothel. Ask all the girls there, one will give you new information, for a reward, the filibuster who wanted to sell the book, in an incomprehensible language, was called Laurent de Graf, he usually lives in Tortuga. Sail to Tortuga. In the local tavern you will find out that de Graf has now gone on a raid to Cartagena for two weeks. Sail there. Near Cartagena, Laurent fights with superior Spanish forces. Sink the enemy squadron without letting it sink the Frenchman's ship. Send a boat to Laurent de Graaf's ship. Find out from him about the item you are looking for, he will offer to buy a map of the buried treasure from him for 235,000 gold. Pay the required amount. The treasure is hidden on Turks Island. Swim to Turks, go into the cave and find the chest. You will find a holy book there, as well as a blunderbuss, a pair of good pistols, an expensive cuirass, 200 gold bars, rings, brooches, and a couple of idols, including a very useful idol - the rat god. Sail to Curacao to Chumaqueiro and give him the bible. As a reward you will receive 1,000,000 piastres. Then go to the residence to report on the success of the mission.

9) The ninth task is to capture four first-class battleships, namely manovars. They are usually found in large trade caravans, military squadrons and gold caravans. For each ship you will be given 50,000 piastres.

10) The tenth task is the defense of Curacao from an attack by a Spanish squadron consisting of 8 ships, including manovars. Go to the port and go out to sea, there the fort is already fighting the invaders, help him defeat the Spaniards. After the last Spaniard goes under water, the mission to protect Curacao will be completed. Return to the residence for your reward, which will amount to 200,000 piastres.

11) The eleventh task is to repel the Spanish attack on San Martin. Go out to sea and sail to Marigot as quickly as possible. Having reached San Martin, enter into battle against 8 enemy ships. Having sunk their fleet, return to Willemstad and receive a reward, again of 200,000 piastres. The Governor General says it's time to retaliate against Spain.

12) The twelfth task is the capture of Maracaibo. The fort there is not that powerful and it won’t be difficult to demolish it. After capturing a colony for Holland, you will receive a 300,000 piastres reward and the opportunity to capture English and Spanish colonies for yourself or Holland.

French national storyline

1) The first task is to escort the French privateer Pere Legrand, who captured a military galleon with rich booty on a lugger and now wants to return to France. Go to the tavern and talk to Pierre, he will become our passenger. Now head to the island of Martinique, Le Marne Bay. Five thugs who need Legrand's gold will be waiting for you on the shore. Engage them in battle, trying to save Pierre. After defeating them, you will receive the promised reward of 20,000 piastres. Sail to Tortuga and report on the completion of the mission.

2) The second task is to deliver a letter to the Governor General of the Dutch Republic, Pieter Stezzant. After arriving in Curacao, go to the governor's residence. You will be put in prison, mistaking you for one of the pirates who killed the envoy D'Ogeron. After some time, a jailer will pass through the prison. Talk to him. It turns out that his relative is one of the officers at this colony. Persuade him to ask his relative to conduct a search on our ship, where there is a French corsair patent. The jailer will want to take some things from the ship in exchange for help. Peter Stezzant will come and apologize. Now we need to find out more about this story with pirates. Go to the tavern. There you will overhear a conversation between two people in a tavern. Then you will need to follow them. And so, having reached the bay, it turns out that these are not pirates at all, but sailors from the Spanish galleon, which, under the pirate flag, robbed ships in these waters. Next there will be a fight with the Spaniards. Now go to the port. A Spanish galleon is waiting for you there. Board him, then the captain of the ship will tell you everything when he dies. Go to Stezzant and tell him that the filibusters are not to blame for anything, you will receive 20,000 piastres. Go to Tortuga, tell everything to the governor and receive the rank of commander of the French fleet.

3) The third task is to find a way to bring Donna Anna to Tortuga. For this mission you will be given a Spanish trade license and a ring, by which the wife of the fort commandant will know that we are D’Ogeron’s envoy. To penetrate Havana, you can act in three ways. First. Raising a flag friendly to Spain, enter the port and dock. Second. Land at the lighthouse and then go to the city. Third. If the license has expired, then go into the city at night, landing at the Lighthouse. Next, go to the tavern and ask the maid to take the ring to Donna Anna. After 3-4 days, the maid will say that she brought the ring and Donna Anna will be waiting for you at night, opening the door. Enter the house and kill the soldiers waiting for you. Go into the bedroom and talk to Donna Anna. Now run to the ship and sail to Tortuga. And there you will receive 25,000 piastres.

4) The fourth task is to escort a first class battleship to the island of Dominica. There are rumors that the Spaniards are already hunting for this ship, on 3-4 galleons, under the command of Juano Galeno. Near Dominica, the ship should join the Guadeloupe Island squadron. Go to Port Control and take command of the Soleil Royale. Now your course is towards Dominica. There will be 4 galleons waiting for you near Dominica, but there will be no French squadron. After the sinking of Juano Galeno's squadron, you need to go to Guadeloupe and find out why the promised squadron did not meet you. The governor of Basse-Terre will justify himself by saying that he received the letter about the nomination of your squadron only yesterday and did not have time to prepare anything. He will take the royal manovar and thank you for the completed mission. Return to the Governor General. As a reward you will receive 28,000 piastres. Also talk to d'Ogeron again and get a promotion.

5) The fifth task is to protect Donna Anna. It turns out that the relatives of the murdered commandant of the Havana fort want revenge. Go to Havana to find out the details of your revenge against Donna Anna's friend, Ines de Las Sierras. Land near the lighthouse and run to the city, there, as quickly as possible, run to Iness’s house, not paying attention to the guards. It turns out that relatives are walking somewhere in the jungle. You will find them at the lighthouse, followed by a fight with relatives. Next, sail to Tortuga, where you will receive 5,000 piastres from D’Ogeron, at the same time go to Donna Anna, and receive gratitude from her.

6) The sixth task is to deliver a letter to Francois Olone. Under no circumstances should the letter fall into the wrong hands, and if you get into trouble, you must first destroy the package before you die. Go out to sea and head for Guadeloupe. As you approach Guadeloupe, you will be attacked by a Spanish warship. Having dealt with the ship, moor at the port and go to the house of the French filibuster, which is located almost opposite the governor’s residence. François will not receive you in the best way at first, but as soon as he finds out the purpose of your visit, his attitude will change. Next, you can choose one of the options:

1) Refuse to attack Cumana and receive the promised reward of 10,000 piastres.

2) Agree to participate in the attack on Kumana in the proposed adventure, but there is one condition: there should be only 1 ship in your squadron.

The squadron will include yours and 3 other ships, a frigate and two corvettes. Head for Cumana and hurry up. After defeating the fort, disembark and after a fight in the city, go to the residence and demand money from the local governor. Then you can either divide everything fairly and receive a legal share equal to 50,000 piastres, or keep the money for yourself, but then you will have to fight with Olone and his comrades. Now head for Tortuga and talk to the governor.

7) The seventh task is to free Rock the Brazilian from prison. He is being held in Santiago. Land at the lighthouse, then go to the church, ask the priest about the Inquisition, then leave the church. There is a door under the stairs. Enter there, then ask the prisoners where Rock the Brazilian is and kill the guards, then together with Rock, who cannot hold weapons, leave the city. Sail further to Tortuga, where the Governor-General will give you 30,000 piastres, and Rock will hint that he has something hidden in Martinique, namely an expensive cuirass that can withstand 35% of blows.

8) The eighth task is to go to the disposal of the Marquis of Bonrepos. Monsieur Bertrand d'Ogeron asks you to appear in Guadeloupe, to the naval commandant of France, the Marquis Bonrepos. Sail to Guadeloupe and land in Basse-Terre. Go to the residence and talk to the Marquis. He will tell you the details of the policy and give you his own task. It consists in persuading famous pirates (in Jamaica, Jackman in Bermuda and Morris in Trinidad and Tobago) not to participate in the war against the Dutch. You will not be given funds for this operation. Sail to Bermuda, to Jackman, he was not even going to get involved in this matter. Next sail to John Morris, in Trinidad and Tobago, tell him about the upcoming events. He doesn’t like attacking the Dutch, but for this, he will demand that you carry out a small task for him - deliver him Captain Gay’s logbook. Sail to Jamaica and go to the local tavern , ask the owner where to find Captain Gay. He rents a room. Go into the room and kill Captain Gay. Search the body and take away the ship's log and personal belongings. Go to Henry Morgan's residence, but he is not there. The servant will say that he is in his house in Antigua, and will warn that Morgan's house is always closed. Now head back to Maurice, give him the ship's log and in return you will receive what was required of him, his agreement not to attack the Dutch. It's time to go to Antigua and visit the famous English pirate Henry Morgan. The door to the house is locked, go around his home, behind the house there is a hatch to Morgan's basement. Go to his house and talk about not attacking the Spaniards. Henry does not want to attack the Dutch and will demand 250,000 piastres. Give him the money. The task is completed, it’s time to go to the Marquis of Bonrepos. Instead of a yellow award, you are given a baronial title. Return to Tortuga, where you will receive Bertrand d'Ogeron's congratulations and another title.

9) The ninth task is to repel the Spanish attack on Port-au-Prince. For this task you will be given the Soleil Royal, however, it must remain afloat. Next comes the battle with the Spanish ships. Go to Tortuga, where you will receive 5,000 piastres.

10) The tenth task is to capture Santo Domingo and transfer it to France. Sail to Hispaniola, destroy the fort and land troops. After the battle inside the city, go to the residence and embrace the Spanish colony with the French. Return to Tortuga and receive your reward, 40,000 piastres.

11) The eleventh task is the capture of Santa Catalina. The city is located on Maine and controls the pearl fisheries of the New World. Having defeated the fort and landed troops, having dealt with the soldiers in the city, go to the residence and declare Santa Catalina a French colony. Return to Governor General Bertrand d'Ogeron. As a reward you are given everything that you plundered in Santa Catalina. Now you should go again to Guadeloupe to the Marquis of Bonrepos.

12) Twelfth task - meeting with the Marquis of Bonrepo. Head to Guadeloupe, where you will learn that peace has been concluded with Spain, the Soleil Royal is withdrawn from your squadron, the Louvre knows about you and everything. Don’t forget to visit D’Ogeron, he will promote you to admiral, and now you can seize colonies for yourself or for France.

Spanish national storyline.

1) The first task is to free three Spanish citizens who were captured by Henry Morgan, a famous English pirate. For the release of the prisoners, he demands an amount of 500,000 coins. You are required to enter the Port Royal prison and free the Spaniards. Duration - one month. Sail to Jamaica and moor in Portland Bay, then make your way through the jungle to the enemy fort, if you have an English trading license and the flag of a nation friendly to England, calmly go through the guards into the prison. If not, you will have to break through with a fight, or just run a little. In the prison, kill all the soldiers and free the prisoners. The way back will be simple if you run out of the prison and run to the bay. Return to Havana. Oregon y Gascon will thank you for successfully completing the task and give you 50,000 piastres.

2) The second task is work for the Holy Inquisition. The meaning of the task is this: a high-ranking Jesuit, Antonio de Suoza, has arrived in the archipelago. You are placed at his disposal. Go to Santiago, the seat of the Inquisition is located under the church building. Find Suozu and get information on the second task from him. It is as follows: you need to collect an indulgence, which amounts to 50,000 piastres, from three merchants: Joao Ilhayo, Joseph Nunen and Jacob Lopez de Fonseca, but if they refuse, then you need to kill them. You can find them in Curacao. They organize a sect there called the Janensints. At the port, a priest will come up to you and say that it is highly undesirable to kill them. Travel to Curacao. First, go to the tavern and ask the owner about the three Jansenists. Get information from him that Joao Ilhayo and Yakov Lopez run a store, and Josef Nunen is a moneylender. Go to the store first and talk to Joao. He will say that he does not have that kind of money. When asked where his companion, Yakov Lopez, is, he will answer that he does not know. He will offer a deal. If you find Lopez, their families will collect 100,000 piastres and be able to buy an indulgence. Agree. Go to Panama, go to the store, and ask about Lopez. It turns out that he was supposed to come a month ago, but never came. Now walk through the houses of Panama and in one you will run into bandits. Kill them and go up to the second floor, where you will find the missing one. He will ask you to provide him with a service, which is to find the stolen Gospel of Judas Iscariot. The thief was last seen at a shipyard in Bermuda, from where he never returned. This request is not required. But if you take up the task, sail to Bermuda, go to the shipyard. Talk to Alexus, he will open the door for you. Next, go into the dungeon, kill several skeletons. In one of the chests you will find a treasure and a Gospel. Now return to Curacao to Joao Ilhayo. He will give the promised amount of 100,000 piastres, tell him about the gospel for Jacob. He will give a reward of 1,000,000 piastres. Now go to the moneylender, he will refuse to talk to you. Go to the tavern. Ask the waitress about the moneylender's son. It turns out that he sailed off to pirate near Jamaica, to Fort Orange. Sail there, board his ship, take his son prisoner, and give his son for ransom in the form of an indulgence, now the task is completely completed. Swim to Suoza and receive a reward, which depends on the timing of the task. Then report to the Governor General.

3) The third task is to capture Rock the Brazilian and hand him over to the Inquisition. Rock lives in Tortuga. swim there, make your way into the city and go to the tavern for information. It turns out that he is not in Tortuga now, he is piracy near Maracaibo. Set course for Maracaibo. Board his ship, Rock the Brazilian will surrender. Take him into the hands of the Holy Inquisition, to Monsignor de Suosa. Antonio will send you to the Governor General. Oregon y Gasconom will tell you to come to him in a few days. Return to the residence in a few days and receive a task to find the treasures of the Brazilian rock, which are located in Cuba, Hispaniola and near Belize on Maine. The exact location of the treasures is unknown. The first will be the treasure located in Cuba. Swim to Ana Maria Bay, dock, then turn left and then straight, go into the cave and open the chest, which contains 150,000 piastres and several idols. Next, sail to Hispaniola, to Samana Bay, go straight and find a well that serves as the entrance to the cave, find in it a chest with treasure that will amount to 150,000 piastres, diamonds, gold bars, gold rings, gold brooches. Now set course for Maine, towards Belize. Moor at the port, go outside the city gates, turn left and then right, go into the cave and search the chest, which will contain 150,000 piastres. Return to Don Francisco and give him the money, 500,000 piastres (you will have to fork out more than what was in the chests) and receive 100,000 piastres.

4) The fourth task is to investigate the murder of the commandant of Havana, Jose Ramirez de Leyva. Go to the commandant’s house, then on the second floor in the room you will find an unfinished letter, then go to the tavern, there you will find out from the waitress that she gave a letter to the commandant’s wife from some ladroon. Now go to Oregon-y-Gascon, get a trade license. Next, sail to Tortuga and talk to the tavern owner. After talking, he will tell you about D'Ogeron's passion, Spanish national Donna Anna, who was brought by one of the trusted officers of the Governor General, Henri d'Estrée. Next, go to Henri's house. The servant will say that the owner is talking next to the house, then Henri will run from you. Run after him into the dungeon in the bay, there he will stop you and ask why you are chasing him, then kill the ladrone. Now go to the governor general for a reward of 120,000 piastres.

5) The fifth task is a business trip to Santiago. Travel to Santiago and go to the residence for instructions from the local governor. The task will be to completely destroy the pirate settlement of La Vega on Hispaniola. Sail to Hispaniola, dock in La Vega Bay, go to the next location, the assault will begin, kill all the pirates and enter the city, where the massacre will continue. After destroying everyone in the settlement, go to the residence, there you will have to fight the leader of the La Vega filibusters, Edward Mansfield. Kill him and leave the residence. The task is completed, you can return to Jose Jimenez. Don Jimenez will present a reward of 100,000 piastres. Return to the Governor General and receive his gratitude.

6) The sixth task is to intercept the messenger of the Governor-General of Holland in Tortuga. You will be issued a trade license. Go to Tortuga, go to the port office there, the boss will agree to send a messenger when the Dutch messenger's ship arrives, then rent a room in the tavern for a week, wait a couple of days, then you will be informed that the Dutchman has arrived. Next, lure the messenger into the tavern room, where you take the dispatch from him. Receive a reward of 50,000 piastres.

7) The seventh task is to assist Manuel Rivero Pardal. We urgently need to go to Antigua, to help the Spanish corsair Manuel Rivero Pardal, who is in search of British merchant ships in the waters of the island. French filibusters, under the command of Moses Vauclein, set out to intercept him. Sail to Antigua as quickly as possible and enter the battle between the unequal forces of the Spanish corsair and the French pirate squadron. Having sunk the last ship, go for a reward, which will be 25,000 piastres.

8) The eighth task is the defense of Cumana from the attack of a joint French-English squadron of pirates. Sail to Cumana, sink the enemy squadron and receive 100,000 piastres in Havana.

9) The ninth task is the task of the governor of Porto Bello to escort ships. Sail to Porto Bello, where Governor Cabral will brief you in detail. You need to deliver 4 galleons loaded with gold to the uninhabited island of Cayman, where you need to transfer the squadron to the powerful Spanish fleet sent to Europe. Take command of a squadron of 4 galleons loaded with 10,000 quintals of gold. Near Cayman, instead of Spanish ships, pirate ships will be waiting for you. The galleons entrusted to you must remain afloat in order to receive the maximum reward. Having sunk the last pirate, head to Havana, where you tell the Governor General about the strange events that happened to you. He generally cannot understand why the meeting place was Cayman if it was necessary to escort the ships to Belize. He will promise to look into this situation and reward you for saving all the galleons with an amount of 220,000 piastres.

10) The tenth task is to protect Maracaibo from invasion. Don Francisco will say that the problems in the previous task were the result of uncoordinated actions, this will not happen again. And you need to go to Maracaibo to repel enemy attacks. Head for Maracaibo, go to the local governor and then go out into the street, where you will meet a Spanish officer bearing bad news: the city was attacked by an English pirate squadron. Visit the governor again, he will order you to begin repelling the attack. Go out to sea and start a battle against 8 ships, among which there will be several manovars. There will be a fort on your side. Having sunk all the ships, dock and go to the residence, where you will receive a reward from the saved city in the amount of 70,000 piastres. Return to Cuba, where you will receive gratitude from the Governor General.

11) The eleventh task is the destruction of the Dutch colonies. Returning after some time, Don Francisco will ask you whether you are ready to attack fortified cities. The task will be to plunder 2 Dutch colonies in the archipelago, on the islands of Curacao and San Martin. Sail first to Curacao, destroy the fort, and capture the city. Then attack San Martin. Having captured the city, you can return to Havana. Your reward will be all the loot you loot. Oregon y Gascon will ask you to come to him in about a month.

12) The twelfth task is the capture of Port-au-Prince. In a month you will be tasked with capturing the French Port-au-Prince. All trophies are your property, the task time is not limited. After destroying the fort and killing the French soldiers in the fort and the city, go into the residence and declare the colony a Spanish possession. Return to Governor General Francisco Oregon y Gascon. All tasks have been completed and you can act in the interests of Spain.

Pirate storyline

Sail to Bermuda. There, contact Jackman with a job offer. Jackman will say that at the moment he has no orders, but Captain Goodley, who is currently in Puerto Principe, Cuba, needs help, and will offer to meet with him and discuss the details.

Go to Cuba in Puerto Principe and find Captain Goodley in the tavern. When talking with him, it turns out that you need to take a guy named John Bolton, who is waiting in the port of Puerto Principe, to Port Royal in Jamaica to Henry Morgan. Agree, saying that serving with him is an honor for you. Go to the port of Puerto Principe and meet John Bolton there, take him on board and head to Jamaica.

In Port Royal, Jamaica, escort John Bolton to Morgan's house (Morgan's house with columns is on the left side of the city when coming from the port). On the way to the house you are stopped by English soldiers. The soldier's commander says that accusations of connections with pirates have been brought against you and John Bolton. You are sent to prison until the circumstances are clarified. However, you are freed by Morgan himself, who says that he paid a ransom for you and is waiting at his residence, after which he leaves.

At the residence, Morgan instructs Edward Lowe, who lives somewhere in Martinique, to deliver the black mark. Travel to Martinique at Le Francois. Upon arrival, ask the innkeeper about Edward Lowe. It turns out that the owner of the tavern knows Lowe and he lives not far from the tavern. Exit the tavern and go right to the house covered with boards, where Lowe lives. Go into the house and when talking to Edward, give him the black mark. Lowe will say that all problems with Morgan have already been resolved and will ask to return the black mark back to Henry Morgan. Go back to Jamaica and Morgan.

After listening to the story, Morgan becomes furious and says that Lowe deceived you. To rectify the situation, Morgan instructs you to find and deal with Lowe personally without any black marks. So quickly return to Le Francois and go to Edward Lowe's house. However, he had already left the house in an unknown direction. Go to the tavern owner and ask him about Lowe. The owner will confirm that Edward recently left the settlement, leaving his things for safekeeping, but the tavern owner does not know where he could have gone. Go to the store and ask about Lowe's. The merchant says that Edward came and was interested in a place where he could buy a ship, but his business as a merchant is to trade goods, not ships that are sold at the shipyard. There is no shipyard in Le François; the nearest shipyard is in Fort-de-France. Either go there on foot across the island, or by boat, dock at the port of Fort-de-France.

First, go to the shipyard and ask the owner if Lowe has stopped by. It turns out that Lowe actually came in and wanted to buy a ship (a brig), but he didn’t have the money for such a ship and Edward went to the moneylender. Since then, the shipyard owner has not seen Lowe again.

Head to the loan shark. He will say that Edward Lowe really came in and tried to borrow money, but the moneylender immediately saw swindlers and deceivers, and therefore did not give the loan to Lowe. Where Edward Lowe went next, he doesn’t know.

From the moneylender, head to the port office. Ask a question about Edward Lowe to the head of the department. He asks: for what purpose are you interested in Edward Lowe? Answer that Lowe is your close friend and you must inform him about his mother’s serious illness, but you just can’t catch up with Edward. The head of the port department falls for this trick and says that Lowe boarded a passing ship that went to Bermuda.

In the Bermuda settlement, head to the tavern, where the owner says that Lowe was here and was interested in the local shipyard. Go to the shipyard to see Master Alexus. When asked by the master about who you are with Low, answer that you want to catch up with him in order to settle scores with him. The master begins to complain that the swindler Lowe forged Jackman's signature, and he (Alexus) gave Lowe a ship - the brig "Sea Wolf" with unique characteristics, which was built by order of Jackman. Go to Jackman. He is in a state of quiet rage at what happened and asks only one thing: when we kill Lowe, to give him greetings from Jackman. But where Lowe went on the stolen brig is unknown.

Ask people in taverns around the archipelago about rumors until someone tells you that attacks on mail ships have become more frequent in the area of ​​Cumana, which is located on Maine. Head to Kumana. If the ship is more powerful than class 6, then it must be parked at the Kumane port office and any ship of class 6 must be purchased at the shipyard. Then, on this ship, go out to sea and sail to the Trinidad and Tobago region. There you will meet Lowe in the brig. Board the brig and talk to Lowe, who says that Morgan’s power will soon change. Kill him. Go to Morgan with a report on the work completed.

Morgan proposes to carry out an operation, the result of which will eclipse all of Sharpe's affairs. Namely, Morgan proposed to rob pearl fishers who would collect pearls on tartans for a month on Turks Island in North Bay. Morgan offered to deliver at least 1,000 small and 500 large pearls. Profit - in half.

Make your way to North Bay of Turks Island. There, pearl fishers are already fishing on tartans under pirate flags. When they see you, they run away in all directions. You need to catch up with them and match each tartan side by side, then the pearls will be automatically reloaded into your inventory. Collect the required amount and return to Port Royal to Morgan, where you will hand over half of the loot.

At the exit from Morgan's residence, Captain Goodley meets you and offers you to work as a bounty hunter for a good reward. The target is John Avory, who was last seen in Willemstad (Kyurosau Island). Go there and go to the moneylender. The pawnbroker confirms that John Avory was here recently, but is no longer in town. He heard that John was going to Port of Spain in Trinidad and Tobago. Go there. There, contact the moneylender. A Port-of-Spain moneylender says that Avory did work for him in the city, but after completing it he left the city and went to the Spaniards on Main in the city of Maracaibo. The moneylender of Maracaibo confirms that John was in the city, but according to rumors he overheard in the brothel, Avory went to the French in the city of Port-au-Prince, in Hispaniola. In Port-au-Prince, first go to the tavern. The tavern owner says that John was here a couple of days ago and killed the sharper. You need to visit the moneylender. The moneylender will tell you that Avory did some work for him. But where John went next is anyone's guess. Although the moneylender has an assumption that John could go to Willemstad, because... a moneylender was recently robbed there. The moneylender of Willemstad is still worried about what happened, but this is not surprising, because an unknown person stole 50,000 piastres from him. He hired John Avory to find the robber. The moneylender will also promise to pay you 5,000 piastres if you bring the gold to the moneylender first. John Avory himself headed to Bermuda. The tavern owner in Bermuda confirms that John Avory is now on the island, or rather in the house of Orry Bruce, apparently a robber of a moneylender. The house is located next to the tavern, go there. In the house you will meet John Avory and Orry Bruce, sorting things out. Tell them that you have an order for both of them, then kill them and take valuables from the corpses, and also take 50,000 piastres from Orry Bruce. You can return to the moneylender for your reward and report to Captain Goodley about the completed order.

Give the money to the moneylender of Willemstad, he will pay you 5,000 piastres in return. You will find Captain Goodley in the Port Royal tavern and receive a reward from him, also tell him that you will now go to report to Morgan about your successes, to which Goodley only grins. Go to Morgan's residence.

Having heard the story, Morgan says that John Avory was his confidant and you finished him off. You explain that this was an order from Captain Goodley. Morgan immediately calls the captain to sort out the situation. Goodley, who came, says that he did not give you any orders. To understand what happened, Morgan appoints a duel between you and Captain Goodley. Kill Goodley. Morgan says you have proven your innocence in this case.

Henry Morgan will ask you to go to Jackman in Bermuda and tell him about Goodley's death.

Seeing you, Jackman is very surprised and says that you allegedly captured his captain Sid Bonnet and gave him to be torn to pieces by the Spaniards. We'll have to look into this. Jackman directs you to Cozumel Bay, on Main, where John Leeds dropped anchor on the frigate Antwerp, with whom you need to talk. Head to Cozumel Bay.

John Leeds meets you there on his frigate. Launch the boats and board his ship. After a conversation with Leeds, it turns out that the crew and captain of the corvette sunk by Leeds landed in Cozumel Bay. By the way, the captain of the corvette is very similar to you and, accordingly, all the sins of this captain are blamed on you. Therefore, you need to deal with your double. Land in the bay, where you destroy part of the crew of the sunken corvette, but the captain is not among them. Go to the next location from the bay and meet a captain there who really looks like you. The double says that he will tell everything if he and the team are released from the encirclement and allowed to leave quietly. Kill him and the rest of his team.

Then return to the ship and head to Bermuda to Jackman. Jackman, after listening to the story, sends you to Morgan with a report on what happened. Report the situation to Morgan.

Morgan will send you to catch up with the pirate Steve Linnaeus, whom he sent to La Vega, on Hispaniola, to find out a series of oddities that have been happening lately in the Brotherhood of the Coast. Go to La Vega.

Upon arrival, contact the tavern owner for help. He says he hasn't seen Steve Linnaeus for a while, but his buddy has just gone to sea. We need to intercept him. Go out to sea and catch up with your friend Linnaeus, who really didn’t have time to go far, and climb aboard. When talking with Steve's friend, a strange story emerges. According to him, Steve recently left with two strangers in an unknown direction and disappeared. And his schooner “Swallow” is apparently being sold at the Santo Domingo shipyard. Linnaeus, according to a friend, would never have sold his ship of his own free will. Therefore, Linnaeus’s friend weighed anchor and went to sea, so that Linnaeus’ story would not be repeated with him. In any case, you need to check out the Santo Domingo shipyard.

The owner of the Santo Domingo shipyard said that the deal for the sale of “Swallow” was the most successful, because it was given to him for next to nothing. Under some pressure, the owner also says that he bought the “Swallow” from a guy who did not introduce himself, but the shipyard owner’s servant saw him go to sea on the frigate “Leon”. According to the shipyard owner, the frigate should still sail in the waters of Hispaniola. Go out to sea, onto the global map, there you will see a ship with purple sails - this is the frigate “Leon”, board it.

The captain of "Leon" invites you to go over to the side of HIS admiral. This is Richard Sawkins. He also says that their brotherhood needs people like you, and Henry Morgan himself nominated himself for the post of admiral of the Coastal Brotherhood and no one elected him. In addition, the captain of the Leon reports that Steve Linnaeus is already resting at the bottom of the sea. Refuse the captain's offer and kill him. Head to Morgan.

After the report, Morgan directs you to Puerto Principe, where, according to rumors, Richard Sawkins is planning some kind of operation against the Spaniards that needs to be thwarted. This will damage Sawkins' reputation among the pirates.

In Puerto Principe, go to the tavern and ask the tavern owner about the operation. He will answer that something is really being planned now, but Soukins keeps all the details in the strictest confidence even from those close to him and sits at home almost all the time. You need to get into Richard Sawkins' house and steal documents. Go to Sawkins' house, grab the papers from the table and run away from the settlement. Because everyone becomes an enemy. Sawkins's papers set out the plan for the upcoming operation against the Spaniards. Sawkins learned that the Spaniards had started transporting the largest consignment of precious stones from Panama. To carry out this operation, the Spaniards abandoned the land delivery of jewelry from Panama to Porto Bello and sailing in the Caribbean Sea. Just one battleship must round Cape Horn, rise to the fortieth parallel, then turn right and reach Lisbon in a straight line.

Sawkins assembles a squadron and plans to meet the Spaniard in two weeks at San Martin. We need to get ahead of them and intercept this ship below San Martin, sink it or board it. Go out to sea and sail to San Martin.

Two weeks later, a ship with purple sails appears near San Martin - this is your goal. Board the ship. In the chest in the captain's cabin you will find a large number of precious stones. That's it, the mission is completed, you can report to Morgan.

Morgan will ask about the details of the operation, but avoid answering and say that there was nothing particularly interesting on the ship.

Morgan will invite us to take a trip to Panama. Morgan's plan is to take Porto Bello and reach Panama by land, because... The Spaniards will definitely not wait for this. Morgan suggests taking a more powerful ship (if the squadron consists of more than one ship, then the rest must be placed in the port department) and gives 20 days for preparation. During these days, hire people, buy food, medicine, weapons, cannonballs, bombs, gunpowder and return back to Morgan by the agreed date.

It turns out that by this time Morgan had already assembled a squadron of 5 powerful 1st class ships. He gives you the task of performing and immediately taking Porto Bello. Move towards Porto Bello, attack the fort and capture the city. Go to the governor's house and talk to the governor. The governor turns out to be already aware of the plan to march on Panama and was ready for your attack on his city and therefore was very surprised that you took the city so quickly. In addition, he said that you will die in the jungle on the way to Panama. Tell this news to Morgan who comes up. He believes that Richard Sawkins was able to secretly warn the Spaniards about the plan to march on Panama. Morgan is not going to give up the trip and suggests splitting up. You will command the second squad, which will include Soukins. You are instructed to land in the Gulf of Darien within two days and go to Panama. On the way to Panama, you need to quietly shoot Soukins, because... Morgan does not want to see him at the city walls.

Set out to sea and reach the Gulf of Darien. Disembark there. Sawkins will approach you and say that he is ready for the upcoming operation.

On the way to Panama, your squad will be attacked three times by the Spaniards and the local population.

The last battle will be at the walls of Panama. Morgan comes up and gives the task to find the governor of Panama, because... The Spaniards' forces were exhausted by ambushes in the jungle, and there was no one left in the city.

Go to the house of the governor of Panama, find him in the next room and interrogate him. According to him, the gold of Escorial is in a locked chest in the same room, but the key is in the possession of the commandant of Panama, who participated in the defense of the city and most likely died. We need to find the key. When leaving the governor's house you will meet Morgan. He gives the order to find the key, and he goes to interrogate the governor.

Go to Panama Fort. There in the prison on the commandant's desk there is the necessary key, take it and return to the governor's house. Open the chest - the gold of Escorial lies there (50,000,000 piastres). At this moment, Morgan comes up and takes the gold, saying that now he will collect gold from all the sailors, and in the evening he will divide it, according to the laws of the Coastal Brotherhood. He also says that the governor could not stand the torture and died, however, he managed to talk about another chest, which is located on the outside of the fort. Morgan sends you there to check these words. Go to the fort. In front of the fort there is a narrow path that goes around it from the outside. Follow it, at the end of the path there is indeed a chest, but there is nothing valuable in it. Return to the city.

At the entrance to the city, a sailor meets you and says that Morgan collected gold from everyone, loaded it onto a galleon standing in the port, and secretly left Panama in an unknown direction. The sailors refuse to go back with you and continue to plunder the city, so you will return to the ship alone.

On the way to the Gulf of Darien, you will be attacked by the Spaniards again, but you don’t have to engage them in battle, you can run around them.

Board the ship and head to Port Royal, to Morgan's residence. Morgan's secretary says that Morgan himself is in London and will arrive only in a year. Return a year later to Morgan and demand your share of the spoils. However, Morgan says that the Coastal Brotherhood has come to an end, he himself is now a planter, and he bought his forgiveness and forgiveness for other surviving pirates from the English crown for the gold of Escorial. The end of the pirate storyline.

Main quest

To start the main quest of the game - the game quest City of Lost Ships, you must first complete the so-called quest about killing beggars. It is taken in the main city of the country of which the hero is a citizen. (for example, for Jan Spain it is Willemstad).

Oliver Trust will stop you on the street and offer you, for a reward of 1,000,000 piastres, to kill all the beggars on the archipelago. You can either agree or refuse the offer; this will have little effect on the further outcome. Now you should look for beggars (a man in rags, usually sitting on the ground, can move around the city) in cities, and talk to them, find out why they are being hunted. You need to interview at least three beggars. One of them will send you to a tramp who lives on one of the islands of the archipelago. If he is not in the city, spend the night in a tavern, he will soon be found. The tramp suggests that the Governor-General of Curaçao, Peter Stavesant, himself is involved in this case. Head to Curacao, to the Willemstad colony.

Enter the residence and go into the room (the door opposite the entrance), go to the chest near the round table. The chest is locked, but you don't have the key. Leave the residence and go to the tavern. Ask the owner about the key keeper, the tavern keeper will tell you to contact the key maker, Hill Corner, who sits at a table near the counter. The key master will agree to make a copy of the key from the chest in the residence for a decent amount of money, agree to his offer, and wait 2 nights in the tavern. After that, go to the house to the key holder. Go into the house. An officer and 2 soldiers will come, kill them and go up to the second floor and take the key from the table. Now go to the residence to the chest. When the soldier turns away, open the chest and take all its contents, the letter (Stuvesant's correspondence with the Dutch West India Trading Company) and the treasure. Return to the beggar.

It turns out that Teaser Dan actually visited the Island of Justice. You, again, need to go back to Willemstad, to Stavesant and talk to him. Moor in the sweat of Willemstad, go to the tavern and ask the tavern owner about Teaser, where Den disappeared, the owner of the tavern does not know, also, he will advise you not to interfere in the affairs of the governor general and the Dutch West India Company. Now go to the residence and start a dialogue with Stavesont. But as soon as you mention Teaser’s name, the governor will become sharply wary. Say you’re writing a book, but you won’t be able to really learn anything. We need to find a representative of the Dutch West India Company in the archipelago.

Get to the nearest pirate colony. Having reached the nearest diplomat, ask him about the representative, but the diplomat refuses to name the location of the representative of the Dutch Trading Company. Give the agent the name Oliver Trust, and he says that the customer can be found in San Martin. Sail to this island.

Having moored in one of the bays of San Martin, make your way to Marigot and go to Oliver’s house, which is located just opposite the local moneylender. After a short dialogue, kill Thrust, search the corpse and take the letter from the table. From the letter you will learn the location of that very mythical Island of Justice, which turns out to be by no means mythical. Return to the ship and sail to the beggar you know.

The tramp will give you the key of Diffindur, which will be useful later.

Before heading to the city of lost ships, leave your ship at the port office and change to tartan. Give the money to the moneylender for safekeeping. Place the officers on the boats and also leave them with the port master. Since you will lose everything upon entering the City.

Swim to the upper left corner of the map. You will go out to the open sea. After the command “swim”, a video will play, and then the hero finds himself in the City. The sea is raging, a wild storm. A local resident named George Stokes approaches you and says that he saw the death of your ship. You are the only one who survived. He will bring you up to speed a little. The city consists of many wrecked ships connected in an incomprehensible way. You are on the Velasco galleon, which is home to one of the established crime clans - the narwhals. On the barque "San Gabriel" there is a second clan - the Caspers. Neither one nor the other spares anyone who dares to disturb them. Stokes will also say that before the storm ends, you need to visit the head of this God-forsaken place - Admiral Chad Capper, at the San Augustine warship. As it turned out, this is the same missing privateer who went out for a prize three years ago and disappeared without a trace. And now he is an admiral and the head of the City.

Turn around and jump into the water. You need the flute "Fernando Diffindur", on which is the very chest that opens with Diffindur's key. The ship has a rift approximately in the middle. Having found the ship, swim around it and go into the gap. The chest is on the right. Put all your things there and calmly go to the admiral.

You will be officially declared a “citizen of the City.” The City has almost everything that is typical of an ordinary port: a tavern, a store, a church, a money lender. The moneylender is a special story. Everyone will tell you that he is a terrible, terrible person, a warlock. The debtor will be obliged to return to him an amount five times greater than this. It turns out that Brahms gave his soul to Miclantlecutli, the Aztec god of the dead. If the debt is not repaid, after some time, when moving to any location, you will be transported to the sacrificial temple, to Tenochtitlan. God will appear to you and demand your money back. If you don't have them, you won't get out of there. This will happen even after you get out of the City.

Now go to the Fleron caravel, to the tavern owner Hill Brunner and ask him about Teaser Dan (that same missing beggar). Everyone thinks he drowned. Hill asks you to remain silent about the fact that Teaser managed to get to the mainland, because the admiral must under no circumstances find out about it. The law of the City states that no one is allowed to build rafts or boats to sail away. Hill will ask you to visit him later, he must consider the information received.

After a while, return to Hill. He will make an appointment for you after twelve o'clock at night in his wine cellar (this is one of the cabins on the same ship, you need to go out onto the deck and go to the stern of the ship). After the conversation, you will need to visit the Fernando Diffindur flute, where Teaser often sailed. Hill needs proof that you are right.

Now your task is to find Andre Labor, a carpenter, in the city. According to Brunner, it was he who helped Dan build the floating craft. Labor makes an appointment for you in the cabin of the corvette Protector. The carpenter betrays you. He brings a policeman with him. Kill them. Tell Hill what happened. He proposes to cover up the traces of the crime and frame one of the clans, namely the “narwhals”. To do this, you need to waylay one of the “narwhals” in the bow of their base (the Velasco galleon), take the clan amulet from him and take it to the admiral, and thus remove suspicions of murder from you. After completing this, you will be tasked with destroying all the "narwhals". Officers will be given to help. After killing everyone, go to the barrels opposite the entrance. Between them lies an ordinary key for chests. Report to the admiral about the successfully completed task. Now go back to Hill Brunner and tell him what happened. He will ask you to come see him later. Spend the night at the tavern for a few days, then go to Hill. He says that today at midnight in the tavern there will be a meeting between Capper and a certain person. You must eavesdrop on the conversation while hiding behind a column in the wine cellar (stand sideways and don't move or you will be discovered). The information turned out to be really very important. It turned out that Kapper and the leader of the “Kasperov” clan (and it was he) were in the same bundle. It turns out that you are not the admiral, but he has you wrapped around his finger. With your hands you destroyed the “narwhals”. In addition, they mentioned a certain Mechanic. Report everything to Brunner. He will express his thoughts on this matter and try to remember who already lived here before him. This is necessary in order to find out who this Mechanic is.

You won't learn anything more from Hill. After some time he is killed. Tavern waitress Armo Dulin will tell you that she found Brunner's corpse in the wine cellar, and noted that before his death he asked her questions about the man who lived here before him.

Go to the admiral. He will tell you not to get involved in this matter. Try to find the oldest residents of the City. One of them is Cecile Galard, who lives in the Eva galleon. When you go to her, you will see three “caspers” trying to kill the unfortunate woman. Kill them and receive information about the Mechanic as gratitude (if you fail to save the elderly lady, Aurélie Bertin will tell you everything). His name is Henrik Wedeker, and it was he who came up with the way to anchor the City's ships. It seems that the admiral isolated him on the barque San Gabriel, the base of the Casper clan. You need to get to him. You will have to destroy the entire clan alone.

Talk to Henrik. It turns out that the City is supported by only three ship skeletons and can be destroyed by any storm. Luckily, he has a ship to get him out of here. But: firstly, he will sell it to you, and only for one and a half million, and secondly, the ship still needs to be freed from the wreckage. But this can only be done with the help of a gear that Henrik dropped into the water. Your task is to go underwater in a special suit (this can only be done from 10.00 to 19.00) and get the gear. The air supply in the suit is only six minutes, and terrible voracious creatures have appeared under the City.

The suit hangs on the wall inside the Phoenix platform. He puts on (and takes off) automatically, you just need to approach him.

Go underwater. The location of the gear is randomly generated. You will have to fight huge crabs. You can only fight with a saber. You won't be able to run either, and you only have six minutes.

Having found the gear, return back to the Mechanic. The corvette must be provided with all the necessary goods for sailing. These are cannonballs, buckshot, nipples, bombs, canvas, medicines, boards, provisions, gunpowder and weapons. Go to the tavern waitress Armo Dulin. So, shells for guns can be obtained from housewives. These are Lea Toors, Aurelie Bertin, Alice Taylor and Elisa Calvo. Eliza will need a lute, 10 bunches of grapes and 3 bottles of wine, Leah - 10 bags of salt. Provisions, boards and canvas can be purchased from the store owner. Padre Angel will give you the medicine. For gunpowder and weapons, you need to contact policeman John Workman. He will help with the condition: take him with you.

It remains to recruit a team of at least 15 people. After finishing the set, go to the Mechanic, the storm has already begun. But Capper arrested him. We need to help out the scientist.

Go to the residence. There is no mechanic here. He is in prison on Tartarus. Run there as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to free Wedeker - he is in a cage, and there is no time to look for the key. The mechanic will send you to the second mast of the Fernando Diffindur flute, to the very place where Teaser Dan hid his chest.

Having reached the indicated place, use the “open” icon to go out into the open sea. The quest is completed.

to be continued...

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Question: The head of the settlement gave me the task of finding the gang. Where the hell can I find them?
Answer: Just wander around the entire jungle. And what did you think, bandits also move freely through the jungle.

Question: The governor ordered to find the enemy spy. Well, where to look for it?
Answer: Search all the buildings in the city. He's definitely in one of them.

Question: The governor gave the task to find the smugglers. Where are they?
Answer: At the tavern you need to make an appointment with them. Then just swim to the desired place (from the “swim to” menu)

Question: How to add new characters?
Answer: In the folder with the game Resource\Ini\texts\russian there is a file, HeroDescribe, it contains all the instructions on how to create your new character. Well, look for other models, a lot of them have already been made

Question: I answer surveys on maritime topics, but the answer is not counted as correct. Why?
Answer: Check if you have mixed up anything. Then try entering the answer in small letters.

Question: The "swim to" function isn't working? Why?
Answer: This feature only works for friendly ships and forts. Well, even for sailing to all kinds of capes, bays and bays. For one more quest

Question: What nonsense? According to Isabella’s quest, I must reach Belize in 15-16 days - this is impossible!
Answer: Catch the wind. Swim in zigzags. Expect normal wind. Good luck!

Question: Isabella was kidnapped, the body of her maid was found, where to look for her?
Answer: She's in a cave outside the city.

Question: I can't customize the buttons the way I want. The message “the button is already occupied” appears. How to win?
Answer: It's simple. You look for what the desired button does, change it to another one, and then use the freed one. What did you want?

Question: Why can't I take the city for myself? After destroying the soldiers in the city, the governor does not have the necessary dialogue branch.
Answer: First you need to go through a line of quests for some nation, and then start capturing settlements!

Question: Sometimes, out of the blue, your reputation goes down. What the hell is this?
Answer: Reputation is hard to gain and easy to lose. And if she doesn’t do anything for a long time, she will return to “Ordinary Sailor” again. Think!

Question: At the tavern, the pirate suggested meeting on the ship. I go out to sea, but there is no one. I swam around the island and found no one. What to do?
Answer: It is not always possible to swim to the ship. Swim around the island, swim to bays, capes and try to “swim to” there.

Question: I found a treasure, there are locked chests with gold inside, how to open them?
Answer: No way. They can only be sold. Expensive.

Question: Where is the unique shipyard where you can improve your ship?
Answer: In Bermuda. Only there is one problem with the way back. Still, a bad place, after all. I advise you to stock up on money

Question: Where is Fort Orange?
Answer: In Jamaica. Walk through the jungle. If you get bored, buy a card.

Question: How to reduce losses from boarding?
Answer: Destroy the enemy team, have weapons and medicines in the hold. Certain perks also help.

Question: Once in a tavern I talked to a maid, and she promised me a night of love. He just says, I’m busy right now. Is this an Easter egg or what?
Answer: This is a scam. You were tricked, ha ha ha

Question: Where is the Isle of Maine?
Answer: This is not an island, this is a mainland. Well now you'll find

Question: Where can I find good items?
Answer: In treasures. During national quests.

Question: Sick of rats, damn them! How can we prevent them from eating food and spoiling cargo?!
Answer: We need to find the rat god. Where? Search

Question: How many tasks do you need to complete to gain access to the Governor General?
Answer: From 5 to 10, approximately. I note that the tasks must be completed by the same governor, otherwise you will complete them before Chinese Easter.

Question: I answered the question, I should get a sword as a prize. He must have been lying in some bay. I climbed the whole bay, but there is a completely different sword there. What's the matter?
Answer: This is exactly the sword you were promised. They just said a different name, yeah.

Question: I don't see the "experience threshold" in the character interface. What is this, a bug?
Answer: No. Select the desired item in this interface and the desired value will automatically appear there.

Question: The sails are slowly lowered/raised and the cannons are loaded. What's the matter, how can you fight like that?
Answer: You have few people on your ship and/or they have little “sailor” or “gunner” skill.

Question: What is the limit on the number of officers? I wish I could get more!
Answer: Maximum number of officers = Leadership*2. But there are also quest officers for Captain Blood.

Question: Is it possible to complete several lines in one game? For example Spain and France?
Answer: No, just one. But you will play it many times)

Question: Tired of generated quests. WHERE to look for normal tasks, do they even exist?
Answer: There are, you need to look for them. Very interesting.

Question: The map is too big, I can't find the island or city I need. What to do?
Answer: Open the map of the archvipelago (the real one) and look... But it takes a long time. I suggest you buy or find location maps, they are all in the game

Question: Why do I have disadvantages in some character characteristics? How to fix?
Answer: There may be a ship that does not match your navigation skill, there may be an overweight of things or poor health. You can also easily have an idol in your inventory that gives a bonus to one skill and imposes a penalty on another skill. Be careful!

Question: Is it possible to assign officers to a companion ship?
Answer: No.

Question: Is it possible to change PIRATES during the game?
Answer: Only at the beginning, on the deck of the ship. We need to think right away!

Question: I collected three skulls, but the promised bonus does not work. Why?
Answer: The skulls must be of different colors.

Question: How can I complete Askold, Isabella, the quest with LG? Please describe in more detail. And preferably, a complete walkthrough.
Answer: Look for it yourself, it will be more interesting, yeah

Question: How to start playing? I can’t do anything, I don’t have enough team, I don’t have enough money.
Take a walk in the jungle, there are free items there. Steal from the houses of the townspeople...Take tasks to deliver passengers. While you're at it, you'll learn how to play and understand where to raise big money.

Question: How to get into a city hostile to the GG nation?
1) You can buy a license (from the pirates in the tavern), change the flag to the desired one.
2) Just swim to the island and land in the bay. At night there is a chance to sneak into the city. And to go out...Well, you'll understand

Question: Well, where can you get manovar? He's not at the shipyard!
Answer: It shouldn't be at the shipyard. Just grab it. Easiest to find during siege of colonies.

Question: Where are the islands of Belize, Santa Catalina, Porto Bello, Panama, Cartagena, Maracaibo, Caracas, Cumana?
Answer: These are not islands, but cities. They are located on the mainland, Maine.

Question: Where is Tenochitlan?
Answer: This is a location with a pyramid (temple). Buy a map of the pearl industry and find out.

Question: How to enable acceleration greater than x2?
Answer:+/- on Numpad.

Question: Is the Indian Temple opening?
Answer: Yes, on a quest

Question: According to Isabella. I came to her house and talked to her. What to do next?
Answer: Run around the buildings of the city.

Question: At the wedding with Isabella, four strong guys fly into the church. I can't get them down.
Answer: Think about it. Arm yourself to the teeth. Remember that there is also a circular blow.

Question: Isabella is sinking along with the brig "Enthused"! What to do?
Answer: While completing this quest, you made a mistake. Present Isabella with some evidence that should have been found earlier. Now you can't help it, download an early recording of the game.

Question: Why is this wedding with Isabella necessary?
Answer: There are advantages. For example, an improvement in health, and not a bad one at that. There are a few more advantages, but I won’t mention them. Well, the plot...

Question: Quest "sink the pirate". It is not found in coastal waters. Where?
Answer: Send boats to the ships you can reach. If you don't find the pirate, swim to the bays and look for ships there.

Question: I am drowned by the Flying Dutchman and washed ashore. Where to get a ship?
Answer: Well, if you have reached this point in the game, you will definitely find money. Lots of ways

Question: I can't find the treasure! What's the matter?
Answer: 1) If you enter the desired cave, the map will disappear from your inventory and the inscription “treasure is somewhere nearby” will appear at the top. If this does not happen, then this is the wrong cave. 2) If the map has disappeared, then carefully search all the chests. After searching the chest where the treasure is located, skeletons should appear.

Question: How to get to the pearl coast?
Answer: Buy a map of the pearl industry. Everything is there.

Question: Where can I find cursed pearls?
Answer: Take the task from the governors, maybe you will find it.

Question: Why do we need buckets, candles, lutes, pots and other things?
Answer: These are simply useless things in terms of obtaining banknotes. But in everyday life they are not superfluous even for a pirate.

Question:What is the introductory quest that helps you find the GPC?
Answer: This is the quest "Kill all the beggars". We get it absolutely by accident, on the street (in the colony where we appeared, absolutely at any time) Oliver Trust approaches us...

Question: Well, I started playing, running through the jungle, driving passengers, escorting ships. There is barely enough money to pay the crew and officers. How can you get rich quickly?
1) You can and even need to start trading. Go to the nearest store and look at the products. You need to choose a product that will cost very little in this store compared to prices for the same product in other stores in the archipelago. The most valuable goods: sandalwood, mahogany, ebony, gold; they are most profitable to transport and resell. If you're lucky, you can collect 100% of the gain and even more.
2) You can capture other people's ships and resell the captured cargo. But this matter already requires a certain skill.

Question: How to find out prices for goods. Are they changing?
Answer: Prices in the settlements of the archipelago are constantly changing. You can keep an eye on prices by simply going into stores and talking to the traders. You can also inquire about prices from ship captains of friendly nations.

Question: I boarded a ship, but I can’t take it for myself. Why?
Answer: you must have a free officer who can be appointed captain of this ship. Always carry such a person, or better yet a couple.

Question: How many ships can I have for personal use?
Answer: About sixty. But at the same time, 55 must be deposited in the port departments of the cities. You can only have 5 ships in battle at the same time.

Question: The team is constantly rebelling. What to do?
Answer: Pay off your debts to the team, give them a “bonus”, thereby improving their mood. Always carry medicine, food and rum in the hold.

Question: The character's leadership value is not upgraded. What can you do to soften it?
Answer: Some officers are capable of holding several positions at once. Look for such people, they are very helpful.

Question: I boarded an enemy ship, there are no officers, but I want to exchange the ship. But there is a problem: there were things in the chest on my old ship, how can I move them?
Answer: No way. Things will be transferred to the new ship themselves.

Question: Captain Blood's quests. How to defeat a villain sitting in a brothel?
Answer: The easiest way is to arrange a meeting outside the city gates. Before you go fight him, steal bottles of life, otherwise it will be very difficult to win! In a fight with him, use a trample blow; nothing else can take him. Keep a short distance, otherwise he will shoot you every time. If you feel that you cannot win, start the game again. When creating a character, make sure the Light Weapon skill is at the highest level. It will be much easier this way!

Question: Captain Blood's quests. So, how can I free my blond comrade? There are plenty of guards there! If I kill everyone, relations with England deteriorate...
Answer: Everything is simpler than it seems. Just run to the camp, take the sword from the chest and talk to your friend. Then run as fast as you can into the city.

Question: Captain Blood's quests. How to escape pursuit on this slow and stupid frigate?!

Answer: Depends on the difficulty of the game you choose. On difficulties up to "Corsair" the easiest way is to sink both ships and not worry about it. At higher levels it is easier to escape. Maneuver. The ships will definitely fall behind, their captains are stupid.

Question: Captain Blood's quests. Where can I find medicine for a fellow sufferer?
Answer: The medicine for migraines is in one of the houses, on the second floor. Look, there are not many houses. Appears after completing the governor's quest to help his wife.

Question: Collided with a corvette at sea. Damn, you can't escape from it and not get into it. What to do?!
Answer: Damage his sails and masts, i.e. use the nipples and maneuver. No more, the corvette is a very strong enemy.

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Corsairs City of Lost Ships

Hacking Money.

Start > All Programs > 1c > K:GPK > Settings
In the settings, uncheck the "Full screen mode" and the "800*600" column
Launching the ArtMoney program
Let's start the game
Let's go to the store
We buy any item
We remember how much money is in the account
Using the Alt+Tab keys, go to ArtMoney, click “Search” in the “value type” column and set “text”
In the value field, write the amount of money in your account and click search
Then we go back to the game, sell a little of what we bought, remember how much money we have after the sale
In ArtMoney, click “weed out”, enter how much money is left after the sale, and restore justice, i.e. indicate the amount of gold we need.
After sifting, it may give several values, but as a rule, the number we need is the first; if it does not help, do the same with subsequent numbers.

Hacking Skills/Abilities.

Let's launch ArtMoney
Minimize the game (Alt+Tab)
Search parameters: Search for “Exact value”, Value “we write the number of free skills on the account at the moment”, Type “Text”
Let's go into the game, use the skill.

We adjust the number of skills to what we need (for example: 50 (this is quite enough).

Hacking perks.

Let's launch ArtMoney
Launch the game in windowed mode
Minimize the game (Alt+Tab)
In ArtMoney, select the process with the game, click “search”
Search parameters: Search for “Exact value”, Value “we write the number of perk points on the account at the moment”, Type “Text”
Let's go to the game, upgrade your perk...
Click "Sift" and set a new value.
We add the first one in the list of found addresses (as a rule, this is it), you can try the second one, etc., if it doesn’t work.
We adjust the number of skills to what we need (maximum - 100)
We return to the game and save.

In principle, in this way you can hack any value of the game, from the number of piastres to the carrying capacity of the ship.

Note: do not hack 2 game parameters at once (that is, 2 duplicates of the program are open at once), this risks losing information.


In the root directory we find the engine.ini file, open it and look for the line debugwindow = 0, change it to debugwindow = 1
Go into the game and press F5 (in windowed mode)
A window for introducing cheats will appear, in this window we set a certain function perceived by the game, set

desired values ​​and get some item, experience, key, etc.


On the left side of DebugWindow enter:
GiveItem2Character(pchar, "blade1") - we get a dusak into our inventory!

In order to add a certain number of any item, similarly on the left side of the DebugWindow we enter:
TakeNItems(pchar, "blade1", 5) - we get 5 dusaks!

Hack All Totems.

On the left side of DebugWindow enter:

Totem_1 - Totem Xochiquetzal. (+20 luck)

Totem_2 - Totem of Mictlantecuhtli. (+20 stealth)

Totem_3 - Quetzalcoatl Totem (+20 defense)

Totem_4 - Totem of Mixcoatl. (+20 accuracy)

Totem_5 - Tezcatlipoca Totem. (+20 pistols)

Totem_6 - Totem of Chalchihuitlicue. (+20 authority)

Totem_7 - Totem of Huitzilopochtli. (+20 medium weapons)

Totem_8 - Totem of Tlaloc. (+20 light weapons)

Totem_9 - Totem Mayahuel. (+20 heavy weapons)

Totem_10 - Totem of Tonacatecuhtli. (+20 trade)

Totem_11 - Camashtli Totem. Camashtli, god of the stars, hunting, war and fate. Creator of fire.

Totem_12 - Totem of Sinteotl. (+20 to navigation)

Totem_13 - Totem of Tlazolteotl. Goddess, cleanses from illicit passions

Totem_14 - Totem Tonatiuh. Tonatiuh, god of the sky and sun.

Totem_15 - Totem Xipe-Toteku. (+20 to repair)

Important: When we get totems in such a dishonest way, they will not be counted towards us when completing the Aztec quest; in order to be counted, we need to go

Go to a shopkeeper or merchant and sell him all the totems received by the cheat, immediately buying them again - now they have become “game”.

Hacking Skills.

To add experience: AddPartyExp(pchar, amount of experience).

We enter one of the codes below on the left side, while on the right we see the current value - change it to the desired one.

pchar.skill.FencingLight - Skill with light weapons

pchar.skill.Fencing - Ability to handle sabers

pchar.skill.FencingHeavy - Mastery of heavy broadswords, axes and swords

pchar.skill.Pistol – Pistols

pchar.skill.Fortune - Fortune (Luck)

pchar.skill.Sneak - Stealth

pchar.skill.Sailing - Navigation

pchar.skill.Accuracy - Accuracy

pchar.skill.Cannons - Cannons

pchar.skill.Grappling - Boarding

pchar.skill.Defence - Defense

pchar.skill.Repair - Repair

pchar.skill.Commerce - Trade

Hack "Energy, reputation, caliber, rank, money, immortality."

We enter one of the cheats on the left side, on the right we see the current value (percentage for reputation) - change it to the desired one

pchar.rank - Rank

pchar.Reputation - Reputation

pchar.ship.cannons.type - gun caliber:

value 0 - 12 lb. culverins;
value 1 - 16 lbs. culverins;
value 2 - 24 lbs. culverins;
value 3 - 32 lbs. culverins;
value 4 - 12 lbs. guns;
value 5 - 16 lbs. guns;
value 6 - 24 lbs. guns;
value 7 - 32 lbs. guns;
value 8 - 42 lbs. guns;
value 9 - 48 lbs. guns.

Enter on the left side

LAi_SetImmortal(pchar, true) - immortality of both the main character and his ship

pchar.chr_ai.immortal, on the right side enter 1 - immortality of only the main character

If we want to remove immortality, then we enter accordingly:

LAi_SetImmortal(pchar, false) - for the first cheat

pchar.chr_ai.immortal, on the right side enter 0 - for the second cheat

Increase Energy:
On the left side write and on the right side indicate the amount of energy. Be careful and don’t set an exorbitant value.

On the left side we write pchar.Money, on the right we set the amount of money.

Burglary of goods in the hold.

We write in the left column: pchar.ship.cargo.goods.N – goods in the hold of the ship, where N – goods
In the right column we indicate the desired quantity of this product in the hold (as many as you like)

For example
pchar.ship.cargo.goods.bombs – bombs.

Instead of N we write:

Balls - cores

Grapes - buckshot

Knippels - knippels

Bombs - bombs

Sailcloth - sails

Planks - boards

Slaves - slaves

Wheat - wheat

Ebony - ebony

Chocolate - cocoa

Sugar - sugar

Wine - wine

Linen - canvas

Rum - rum

Tobacco - tobacco

Coffee - coffee

Mahogany - mahogany

Cinnamon - cinnamon

Copra - copra

Paprika - paprika

Fruits - fruits

Ale - ale

Silk - silk

Clothes - clothes

Cotton - cotton

Sandal - sandal

Leather - leather

Oil - oil

Food - provisions

Weapon - weapon

Gold - gold

Silver - silver

Powder - gunpowder

Brick - bricks

Medicamen - medicines

Cannon_12 - 12lb cannon. (in the hold)
Cannon_16 - Cannon 16f.
Cannon_24 - Cannon 24f.
Cannon_32 - Cannon 32f.
Cannon_42 - Cannon 42f.
Culverine_12 - Culverine 12f.
Culverine_16 - Culverine 16f.
Culverine_24 - Culverine 24f.
Culverine_32 - Culverine 32f.

Hacking Ammunition.

In the left column we write:
GiveItem2Character(pchar, "xxx") where xxx is:

blade1, blade2, blade3...blade35 - all swords (to get a specific instance, enter blade and for example 27 and in this case we get the Morgan rapier, with the rest as well)

topor1, topor2, topor3 - axes

toporAZ - Macuahuitl, the most powerful weapon in the game

pistol1...pistol6 - firearms

pistol7 - Shotgun, the best firearm in the game (quest)

bullet - bullets

mushket - blunderbuss (currently for sale)

questMushket - double-barreled musket (quest)

cirass1...cirass5 - all cuirasses

spyglass1...spyglass5 - spyglasses

suit_1, suit_2, suit_3 - cast-offs, merchant's clothes, nobleman's clothes

potion1 - healing potion

potion2 - elixir

potion3 - antidote

potion4 - potion

potionwine - excellent wine

Hacking team morale and experience.

pchar.ship.Crew.Morale - team morale, write the function on the left side, and the current morale as a percentage will appear on the right side, set it to 100 - morale will become “Heroic”, if we set it to 1000, we will get an instant reload

Similarly with experience - on the left side we write a function, on the right we get the value in %, set it to 100 and get sea wolves:

pchar.Ship.crew.exp.sailors - sailors' experience

pchar.Ship.crew.exp.Cannoners - canoeists' experience

pchar.Ship.crew.exp.soldiers - soldier experience

Hacking amulets, etc.

· GiveItem2Character(pchar, "sculMa1") - White crystal skull

· GiveItem2Character(pchar, "sculMa2") - Pink crystal skull

· GiveItem2Character(pchar, "sculMa3") - Blue crystal skull

Indian5 - Coshkostli figurine. (+10 stealth)

indian10 - Idol of Chak-Moon. (+20 pistols, +10 accuracy, -20 stealth)

indian12 - Image of a jaguar warrior. (+10 heavy weapons)

indian14 - Image of Yakatekuht-li. (+20 trade, -20 authority).

indian19 - Figurine of Achkuatsin. (+20 accuracy, +10 guns, -20 stealth)

indian22 - Atlantic warrior. (+20 defense, +10 light weapons, -10 authority and luck)

indian15 - Large stone disk. (+10 authority and protection, -10 luck)

indian18 - Idol of an ancient deity. (+20 navigation, -20 stealth

indian17 - Dog figurine. (+10 stealth)

indian11 - Rat God (no rats on the ship)

indian6 - Chimalpopoku disk. (+10 medium weapon)

indian7 - Idol of the Great Mother. (+10 luck)

statue1 - Stone mask (+30 repairs).

jewelry8 - Bronze ring (+10 luck)

jewelry9 - Bronze cross (+10 luck)

jewelry15 - Emerald pendants (+10 to stealth)

Hacking keys.

GiveItem2Character(pchar, "xxx") where xxx is:

Key1 - key for a simple lock (simple key)

Key2 - key for ordinary locks of medium complexity (regular key)

Key3 - key for complex locks (complex key)

keyPanama - key to the chest in the Panama residence

keyQuestLSC - Diffindur key (from the chest of the Governor General of Curacao Peter Stavesant)

keyPanama_LSC - admiral's key (key lost by the admiral)

keyQuestLSC_Tizer - The mysterious key of Tizer Dan, supposedly from the mysterious Island (from the chest to the Diffindur ships).

Hacking Miscellaneous.

On the left side:

pchar.Ship.HP - hull of the GG ship;

pchar.Ship.Crew.Quantity - crew of the GG ship;

pchar.Ship.SP – sails in percentage of the GG ship;

pchar.chr_ai.charge - GG weapon charges (1.0 one barrel is fully charged, 2.0 two barrels are fully charged) and

pchar.chr_ai.charge_max - maximum charges, the maximum value that can be displayed is 6 (what will happen if you set it more, I haven’t checked);

pchar.model.animation, in the right column indicate “woman” or “man” to select the animation of your hero (useful for those playing as women, because sometimes the animation gets confused)

On the right side we write the desired value...

TakeNItems(pchar,"xxx",n) - for a certain number of any item, where n is the quantity (see step 1) or GiveItem2Character(pchar, "xxx") - for a single instance, where xxx is :

Mineral10 - bag of salt

Mineral2 - lute

potionwine - wine

potion5 - grapes

coins - black pearls

Hack Cards.

b>GiveItem2Character(pchar, "xxx") where xxx is:

map_normal - normal map

map_LSC - GPK map

map_Pearl - map of pearl industries

map_beliz - map of Belize

map_santa - map of Santa Catolina

map_jam - map of Jamaica

map_cuba - map of Cuba

map_hisp - map of Hispaniola

map_antigua - map of Antigua

map_barbados - map of Barbados

map_cayman - map of Cayman

map_Curacao - map of Curacao

map_guad - map of Guadeloupe

map_TORTUGA - map of Tortuga

map_dominica - map of Dominica

map_martiniqua - map of Martinique

map_trinidad - map of Trinidad and Tobago

map_nevis - map of Nevis

map_sm - map of San Martin

map_terks - map of Turks

map_maine_1 - map of west Maine

map_maine_2 - map of south Maine

map_panama - map of Panama

map_maracaibo - map of downtown Maine

map_cumana - map of Cumana

map_puerto - map of Puerto Rico

A pirate, a free privateer, even an officer in the service of His Majesty is always thinking about how to sell something. I don’t know if this actually happened (it is doubtful that the captains of the royal ships carried goods for their own benefit), but I can say with confidence that the most profitable business in the Corsairs was trade. You can sink hundreds of ships, but you will not earn even a tenth of one successful transaction of a true merchant. We will talk about speculation in exotic (and not so exotic) goods in the vast Caribbean Sea.

From sloop to galleon and warship

Choosing a ship (or ships) for trading operations is a very responsible matter. In fact, the style of the entire game depends on it. You can choose a small ship and win due to speed, or you can equip a whole squadron. Of course, the difference in net profit will be very significant, but there is another side to the coin. It’s easier to evade pirates on a small ship, but a “heavy” squadron is clumsy and vulnerable. The impact of cargo on huge ships, such as the Manovar, is especially felt. It’s impossible to escape pursuit on a loaded trough to capacity, and a tactical maneuver is unlikely to succeed. And a pirate on a light corvette (brig, sloop, frigate) will have time to change sides ten times.

How to solve these problems? First, you need to choose a route. Secondly, evaluate your budget and figure out what style of play will suit you best. Decide in advance whether you will fight or run away when meeting ill-wishers. The fact is that there is no point in equipping one, but a heavy ship. You will take up precious space in the hold with cannonballs, gunpowder, provisions and other goods. On the other hand, many small pelvises will be able to escape prosecution, and sometimes the price will be lower. And thirdly, you should select a product group. Some are cheaper, some are more expensive, but only you will lose money from rats, not buyers (and sellers).

On a note: There's a whole bunch of "Rat Gods" to be found in Tenochtitlan. If you are going to get serious about trading, it makes sense to complete this task first.

Depending on the strategy, you need to choose ships. In this chapter, we will look at each vehicle in turn, assessing their effectiveness in relation to cost and other parameters. Money is the main thing you need to pay attention to. How well this or that ship behaves in battle is of secondary importance, because for military raids a successful merchant can easily form a separate squadron.

Let's divide the ships into three groups: small, large and huge. Everything below third grade will go to the first. In the second - third and second grade. Huge ships - all first class.

So, after purchasing a ship of any group, the first thing you should do is decide on equipment and tactics.

It is important: Equipment tips apply to all ships within the group.

With all my might

If you decide to cut through the sea with great speed (and maneuverability) on a small boat, the first thing you need to do is sell the guns. Yes, you won’t be able to do anything against the pirates, but you don’t need that! The main thing is to leave, to break away, and for this you need to lighten the ship. In addition, guns take up space for cargo. The guns are great for dropping in battle, but they cost so much that it’s better to sell them anyway.

This is interesting: In Corsairs Online, dropping cannons is a common occurrence for merchants. True, the guns there are restored on their own, and there is no need to buy them again.

The next category is people. This includes the team itself (and its salary), its provisions (provisions) and rum (for morale). Since you will not participate in battles, you can immediately forget about weapons and medicine. Weapons are needed during boarding, and medicines are needed after. If there is no cause, then there will be no consequences.

Sell ​​cannonballs, buckshot, nipples and bombs after the cannons (or throw them away, they are still cheap). Gunpowder goes there - all this is not needed. True, it doesn’t take up much space, so you can, in principle, leave the grips and just a few guns to fire at the pursuers, and then make your legs.

To summarize: a light ship strategy requires maximum movement speed, which means you need to provide the best captain (with maximum navigation) and a full crew so that the ship does not drag along like a lame turtle.

Better not come near

This strategy is valid for any variant of ships. However, its trading efficiency is slightly lower than that of all the others. The point is this: you equip the ship to its fullest extent (except perhaps without boarding materials) and give battle to anyone who decides to attack you. For ships of the first group (small ones), this strategy is only useful if you are only afraid of pirates. Otherwise, the very first punitive squadron will send you to the bottom. No options.

Owners of large and huge ships will feel somewhat more confident. Heavy warships almost always have the best hold volume. Therefore, the fact that you are carrying cargo imposes only one limitation - mobility. It is much more difficult for a galleon loaded with the most “I don’t want to” to pick up speed, turn around, and trim. Please note that you will have nowhere to put loot from other ships, so you don’t have to take anyone on board.

Combat merchant squadron in all its glory.

This strategy reaches its maximum effectiveness (in terms of defense) when controlling manovars (and ships of similar class). We buy the heaviest guns and bombs, and if someone attacks, it’s worse for him. But there is one very serious nuance - you will have to look for captains with maximum navigation skills. Otherwise, instead of fighting vehicles, you will get useless piles of wood and metal. As you know, the level of a mercenary depends on yours, and jacks of all trades are found only at the highest (fortieth and beyond) levels. Another argument against is the volume of cargo transported.

Let's calculate how much is needed for the combat capability of the ship. First, of course, the guns. A set of 32 pound guns for the royal manowar (112 guns) weighs 1,700 units. Five thousand bombs - another 300. Provisions - about a thousand, no less. Don’t forget gunpowder - at least 250. Rum is optional, but 500 barrels will weigh 500. In other words, goods for combat require two and a half, or even three thousand volumes. With a total carrying capacity of seven thousand (sometimes a little more), this is almost half. That is, you can earn half as much. In addition, do not forget about the costs of repairs, and the team needs to be paid and maintain its morale. Officers also regularly demand wages, and the higher the level of the mercenary, the more money you will have to pay.

Despite all the disadvantages of the strategy, it has one advantage - you can follow the plot and make trades along the way to maintain the budget. You won’t really earn money, but the costs of maintaining the squadron will not be so noticeable (which is no less important).

This is interesting: maintaining a thousand people costs almost two hundred thousand every month. Calculate how much money is needed to maintain a full squadron.

Classic scheme

Being a Rogue Trader is, of course, good and romantic. Here you have a chase, and responsibility only for yourself and your actions, and real money in your hands. Besides, you can do whatever you want at any time, no one will force you to do it. But the profit in this case is not so impressive. A large merchant, managing an entire squadron, turns millions, and in some cases - tens of millions. He can sell (and buy) the entire Caribbean, but the level of preparation (and costs) are completely different. The highest level in the trade business, in my opinion, is occupied by a warrior-merchant.

This is what a trade screen should look like for a self-respecting merchant. Information about the quantity of goods in all stores in the archipelago is purchased from the bartender.

What does this mean? It's simple - you don't run from the enemy, but drown him, but you don't spend half your cargo on weapons. The key is specialization. Each ship must perform a specific function. Only those who are suitable for this should fight. Naturally, the role of an escort should be played by the player, since the allies, although not stupid as traffic jams, cannot boast of complete adequacy. Practice shows that one single manovar with maximum caliber guns and full equipment can easily cope with a serious squadron.

In addition, do not forget that you have a huge advantage in the form of critical shots, skills that improve reloading and other goodies. And if you manage to fire from both sides at once, there is no doubt about victory. I remember that when I ran into a punitive squadron of five Spaniards, I sank their manovar in three salvos. Two of them, however, were critical, but even without them fifty guns cause significant damage.

Do not forget that the squadrons of other powers never consist of only manovars. Yes, only first class ships can meet, but so what? Warships and warships are no match for you. As for pirates, everything is even easier with them. You will rarely see even the simplest battleship among them (they are not in this category), and no matter how maneuverable corvettes, frigates and others are, several powerful salvos will still send them to the bottom.

The rest of the ships with this style are completely unnecessary in battle. They can simply be turned into “trucks”. Fire the entire crew, hire the cheapest officers, remove the guns and throw shells, provisions, weapons and medicine overboard. This way you can achieve maximum efficiency when trading. Count for yourself: four completely empty ships (from 6500 to 8000 holds) and no payments to the team, because there is none at all! The huge total size of the hold will allow you to extract tangible benefits even from relatively cheap goods. In addition, you will be able to earn fabulous money from smuggling, and to accumulate starting capital, complete tasks from merchants in cities. Don't forget that any merchant wants to fill out All space available on your ships. And the more goods, the greater the reward.

Advice: merchants offer different goods for transportation, but try to choose ones that are not chewed by rats. For example, cannonballs, nipples, buckshot and bombs. Try not to take expensive items unless you have Rat Gods. Rats can easily eat all the fat. Because of these rodents, I have had to pay a fine out of my own pocket more than once.


Until now, there has not been a single intelligible analysis of the ships. There are several reasons for this: ships of the same type (frigates, for example) can differ significantly from each other. The caliber of the guns, the volume of the hold, the thickness of the armor - everything is different, but the ships were not built on machines, and each had its own characteristics. Naturally, all this affects the price (sometimes quite significantly). In this chapter we will analyze the ships in order and in detail. Since different strategies involve fundamentally different playstyles, a comprehensive assessment of the characteristics will be very helpful.

Ship characteristics

Not all ship parameters in Corsairs have a designation. Eg, number of permissible team measured by “seats”, and gun caliber- pounds. However, nothing is said about speed, maneuverability, or hold volume. In fact, everything is very simple. The developers most likely decided not to overload the player with unnecessary data (nodes, degrees and rolls), so they introduced abstract values ​​for some indicators. Hold capacity, for example, is measured in units of "net load". “Net cargo” is the multiplied weight and volume, expressed in abstract game units. So the fruit basket occupies the “1” positions, and the ebony package occupies the “5” positions. The remaining characteristics are calculated using the same principle. Hull strength- these are the same virtual hits. If the mark reaches zero, you drown. Speed created to compare ships with each other, because you can only sail to another island on a global map. In the heat of battle, the one with the higher indicator will be faster. Maneuverability is calculated according to the same scheme. Whoever has a higher score is better. Only close-hauled calculated differently. The higher the number, the steeper you can go into the wind.

"Small" class

Tartan (grade 7)

Tartan first appeared in the Mediterranean Sea. Initially, it was a small fishing boat with a triangular sail, but its good performance made it a very popular ship for coastal voyages and trade between neighboring settlements.

A Tartana is essentially an ordinary boat, but with a sail. Its size does not allow it to travel long distances (although this is possible in the game), and general indicators say that if you sail on it, things are very bad for you. Fishing is not allowed in the game, and the tartan is only suitable for this. It is not suitable for anything and is only present in the game for decoration.

Average parameters
price, gold350

Longboat (class 7)

A longboat is a large boat on which small cannons are mounted. It will never become a serious ship, but it is used for pirate or smuggling operations all over the world.

This is the same tartan, but slightly larger in size. The hold is usually three times larger, but the guns take up the lion's share of its volume. “Dead” armor and general uselessness are compensated by maneuverability and speed. An experienced captain will be saved on this vessel from any persecution. Just save something?

Average parameters
guns (caliber 12 pounds)8
price, gold2500

Lugger (Class 6)

A lugger is a small ship designed to transport cargo and guard small convoys. Although the lugger is poorly armed and has a small crew, it is specially designed for both trade and battle. Many captains value the lugger for its speed and maneuverability, and its small size allows it to make long sea voyages.

The first more or less serious ship, which, in principle, is perfect for a free trader. With this you can sink a pirate and transport something. Another thing is that the lugger is a small ship and not very strong, and only 12 guns are not at all impressive. In addition, combat equipment takes up almost half of the hold. The only undeniable advantage is that oblique sails allow you to sail steeply into the wind.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 12 pounds)12
price, gold14500

Sloop (class 6)

With a shallow draft and excellent sailing performance, the sloop is a highly effective reconnaissance ship suitable for coastal patrol and trade.

However, the hold is too small, and at a comparable price the sloop is completely inferior to the lugger in terms of performance. Improved weapons do not change the situation. In my opinion, additional guns only take up precious space in the hold. It’s not worth buying a sloop; it’s better to wait for the next ship - a schooner.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 12 pounds)16
price, gold18000

Schooner (class 5)

The good performance of this ship, coupled with a spacious hold, made the schooner one of the most attractive ships as a merchant vessel for middle-class merchants who cannot afford something better.

The schooner is the first worthy ship for trade. Its hold is usually twice as large as that of a sloop, and its performance is almost identical. The schooner's armament, like its armor, is also at an appropriate level - twenty guns will allow it to fight off small pirates. The only complaint is the price.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 16 pounds)20
price, gold32500

Bark (class 5)

A bark is essentially a converted longboat. The bark is better suited for long voyages. With a spacious hold and sufficient firepower, the barque is considered one of the best ships in its class. However, the design does not allow it to reach high speeds, and maneuverability fails. In terms of performance, the barque is losing. On the other hand, a small crew and a spacious hold will allow you to transport goods with little cost. In addition, a barque is somewhat cheaper than a schooner.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 12 pounds)16
price, gold30500

Caravel (class 5)

The unusual formula of the caravel's deck makes it easy to identify this ship from a great distance by its outline. It is advantageous to use caravels for transporting large loads, especially since they have proven to be unimportant as warships.

Excellent hold and weak combat characteristics. This is due to low speed and poor maneuverability. On the other hand, there are thirty guns (13 per side and two each at the front and rear), and the caliber is not bad - up to twenty-four pounds. One of the disadvantages is the poor close-hauled sail, since all the sails of the caravel are straight. The caravel works well as a “truck”, but military cover is required. Another plus is that a caravel is only slightly more expensive than a barque, and the hold is almost one and a half times larger.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 24 pounds)30
price, gold38500

Barquentine (class 4)

When Spanish merchants realized that they were becoming easy prey for pirates in the Caribbean, they began to massively convert their galleons into barquentines. Thanks to the mixed sailing rig, the barquentine can move quite quickly in any direction. And although the transatlantic journey lasts a little longer, the Barquentine will certainly escape the pirates.

Excellent running characteristics and good hold. An excellent ship for the “all-out” scheme. The hold, however, is not as spacious as that of a caravel, but the barquentine sails well against the wind. Among the shortcomings, only weak weapons can be noted, but the price does not bite. The maximum crew reaches two hundred people, which means that you can safely board an impudent pirate.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 12 pounds)16
price, gold33500

Brigantine (class 4)

Legendary type of sailing ships. Fast and maneuverable, like a swallow, the brigantine soars over the endless expanses of seas and oceans.

The brigantine has excellent driving characteristics, although the price is only slightly more expensive than the barquentine. The hold, however, is very small, so the brigantine is hardly suitable for trading operations. The choice of a pirate or privateer, not a merchant.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 16 pounds)20
price, gold32500

Flute (class 4)

Flute is a fairly strong and large ship. It is excellent for long-distance voyages, but it is unwise to use it for military purposes. The flute is good as a merchant ship, since in terms of the size of the hold and the strength of the hull it is very difficult to find a rival to the flute in its class. The flute first appeared in Holland. They were built from soft wood to make the ship as cheap as possible.

The first ship for large merchants. Excellent hold capacity and good performance characteristics, a fairly strong hull and a large crew. Yes, it is difficult for him to find a rival in the class (only a galleon), but, as you remember, flutes were built from the cheapest types of wood. They were originally conceived as workhorses, and guns were installed on them more for show. Flute is a true merchant ship, but it is also suitable for the “all-out” scheme, although it works best in guarded merchant squadrons.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 24 pounds)18
price, gold50000

Brig (class 4)

The brig is often used as a merchant ship, but even more often as a warship. High speed and excellent maneuverability make it one of the most harmonious ships. However, the straight sail rig limits its close-hauled capabilities.

The brig is good for the “all-out” scheme. Still, it is rather weak in battle (only 16 guns). On the other hand, even a small number of guns can pay off due to maneuverability and speed, but there are pitfalls here too. The fact is that the straight sail rig does not allow the brig to sail steeply into the wind. The only reasonable use is to load up and run.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 24 pounds)16
price, gold41500

Galleon (class 4)

This is undoubtedly the most famous type of ship in history. A close relative of the caravel, the galleon is a clumsy but reliable ship that has served sailors for two hundred years. Easy prey for a real pirate.

Everyone used them, but most often the Spaniards. It was on galleons that gold (as well as other goods) was exported from the colonies. The galleon is an excellent merchant ship, but unimportant in battle. It's all about poor maneuverability and low speed. With such indicators, only the battle line is suitable for battle, but the relatively thin armor puts an end to this idea. The galleon is perfect for the merchant, and if he has a ship (or ships) for protection, the legendary ship will pay for itself in one voyage.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 12 pounds)20
price, gold53500

"Big" class

Corvette (Class 3)

The corvette was designed to be powerfully armed, but at the same time as fast and light as possible. As a result, corvettes have a weak hull, but are able to catch up with lighter ships and conduct successful battles with heavier ones. Typically, the corvette was used as a patrol vessel and also as an auxiliary warship.

The corvette has the thinnest armor in its class, but in terms of speed only a frigate can compare with it, and in terms of maneuverability it has no equal at all. However, a corvette is not at all suitable for trade, because a loaded ship is not so fast, and this is its main advantage. Each ship must be used in accordance with its specialization. A corvette is a fast, nimble and relatively powerful ship. You can’t take a fort on it, but on the open sea it has no equal.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 32 pounds)32
price, gold73500

Heavy Galleon (Class 3)

A heavy galleon is a powerful warship. Large caliber guns, a durable hull and a large crew provide reliable protection for any cargo. Unfortunately, the strong armor resulted in an even greater reduction in performance.

Heavy galleons eventually replace flutes (due to the hold) and regular galleons. Yes, in terms of performance, heavy galleons lag behind (quite noticeably) other ships in their class, but the huge hold more than makes up for all the shortcomings. Due to its low top speed, a heavy galleon is not suitable for a full-on strategy. The ideal application is “better stay away” or “classic scheme”. The armor is strong, and there are fifteen cannons on each side, and the caliber is decent. Verdict - a heavy galleon is excellent for armed squadrons, but only opens up under escort.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 32 pounds)36
price, gold100000

Pinas (class 3)

This ship is large and strong enough for long sea voyages. The capacity of its hold allows it to transport a large amount of cargo, and its weapons allow it to ward off pirates. However, in combat it sorely lacks the maneuverability and speed of a real warship.

A pinas is simply an improved version of a flute. Its hold is spacious, there are few guns, but it is cheap and fast. The cheapness makes the pinnace a workhorse, but there is no point in buying it - it’s better to save up for a galleon.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 16 pounds)18
price, gold62500

Frigate (class 2)

Fast and maneuverable frigates are very popular with many captains for their good performance and firepower. A squadron of frigates may well destroy the fort and plunder the city.

In fact, a frigate is the first heavily armed ship (twenty guns on board), and anything heavier plays the role of a floating fort. Meanwhile, a frigate’s hold is not as small as a corvette’s, so you can both protect the squadron and carry additional cargo. Keep in mind that frigates have straight sails, so you won’t be able to sail steeply into the wind.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 32 pounds)46
price, gold150000

Warship (Class 2)

A warship, although superior in number of guns to a frigate, is inferior to it in speed and maneuverability. However, by strengthening the hull and increasing the size, some warships can be equipped with the heaviest guns.

A warship is simply a weighted frigate. To tell the truth, the armor and additional guns backfired on him - his maneuverability and speed dropped significantly. There is no point in using a warship as a “truck,” since there is a heavy galleon one class lower, which is equal in armor, and you can carry more cargo. In addition, a galleon is much cheaper, and speed is not so important in the presence of a military escort.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 24 pounds)56
price, gold170000

"Huge" class

Ship of the line (class 1)

A battleship is a formidable force. Armed with the most powerful and long-range guns, with a very strong hull, it is capable of successfully confronting any ship at sea and destroying coastal fortifications.

An excellent ship for the “better stay away” scheme. Lots of guns, a strong hull, a large crew and a spacious hold. Unfortunately, it is hardly suitable for other schemes - it is too expensive, and in terms of the volume of the hold it is not far from a heavy galleon. On the other hand, good speed allows you to apply the scheme “with all your might.”

Average parameters
guns (caliber 32 pounds)66
price, gold250000

Gunship (Class 1)

Warship - development of a warship (essentially a frigate) by increasing the size and strengthening the hull. Huge and unwieldy, it carries several batteries of heavy guns and is served by a large crew.

Only good for combat. Its hold is not much larger than that of a battleship or a heavy galleon, but the armor is much thicker, and there are as many as thirty-six guns on each side. Suitable for the “better stay away” scheme, but that’s all. “At full speed” will not work, since the warship does not shine with speed, and the “classical scheme” is of no use. Why guard an expensive ship if you can buy three heavy galleons for the same money?

Average parameters
guns (caliber 32 pounds)80
price, gold345000

Manowar (class 1)

Man-of-war is the most powerful ship in history. It carries up to a hundred cannons on three gun decks, and its hull is practically impenetrable for cannonballs. Unfortunately, the ship's enormous size and displacement limit its use to naval battles and sieges of forts.

The largest ship of the line is perfect for a merchant. Surprised? The manovar has the most voluminous hold, and the level of armor allows you to wait until the military escort deals with the enemy. Also great for the “don’t come near” scheme. There is nothing more terrible than five manovars. I remember how the Spanish punitive squadron ran into me at sea... With the first salvo we sent the Spanish flagship to the bottom. Two and a half hundred cores are no joke. Especially when the caliber is forty-two pounds.

Average parameters
guns (caliber 32-42 pounds)102
price, gold525000

Royal Manowar (Class 1)

Royal first class ship of the line. Terrifying firepower is combined with exquisite hull finish and impressive performance. This is the greatest ship of all time.

Only suitable for war. To be honest, its usual modification has a much more spacious hold, and additional guns are not as important as the cargo. Ideally, you can make the royal manovar the flagship, and let the “trucks” be ordinary ones. The same squadron configuration is also suitable for the “better stay away” scheme.

The Royal Manowar is the pinnacle of shipbuilding. However, it is only suitable as a flagship warship. For trading, it is better to use ordinary manovars, they are cheaper.

Trade routes

In the Return of the Legend guide, we have compiled a table of export and import of goods for all stores in the archipelago. Since then, the economic system has been slightly modified, and some goods have changed status. The new version takes into account all the changes since “Return of the Legend” and the latest patches. Based on the table nearby, we will look at the optimal trade routes.

Types of trade

Of course, the economic system in the Corsairs is far from ideal; it lacks changes in prices, demand, supply, and much more. The economy is simple and just begs to be made money. The game is kind to the player who can evaluate his strength. Let's look at a few trading techniques that have been common to the Corsairs (since time immemorial).

This is interesting: in fact prices change. If you buy a lot of a certain type of product, its price rises (scarcity), and if you sell a lot, it falls (supply). But if something is exported somewhere, even the end of the world will not force the merchant to import this product.

Direct flight

By direct flight we mean a regular trip from point A to point B and back. We buy the product we need, sell it and come back for the next portion. For direct flights, goods from the highest price category (black and mahogany, silk, gold) are best suited. Why? It's simple: you make a huge profit, and the faster you transport all the goods, the sooner it runs out and the sooner you can switch to another product. During this time, stores will be restocked. A distinctive feature is that the method is only suitable if you have money for an expensive product. This is true, for example, for a squadron of manovars. You need to invest an unimaginable amount of money, but the return exceeds all expectations. The best use of the scheme is smuggling.


The essence of the chain is to select a group of goods that you will trade. For example, you buy ebony at the lowest price and take it to where they buy it the most. At this port you buy another export product and take it to the next port. And so on. The scheme is difficult to implement as you need to be aware of quotes in all stores Use the table and plan the best route.

Circular flight

This method is essentially a mixture of the first two. You choose a starting port and transport the best goods to another city. There you buy another product and take it somewhere else. Eventually you should return to the first port you selected. This scheme is the most difficult to implement, but it is also the most profitable - your ships will not be idle. Pure profit, complete confidence and accuracy. The point of the scheme is that when you return to the starting city, there will already be enough goods there. In addition, you can change the round trip as much as you like, simply by choosing a different product.

Caribbean Products
Cores - - - - - E E - - - - AND AND AND
Buckshot - - E - - AND - - AND - - AND AND -
Knippel - - - - E - - E - - E - - E
Bombs - - - - - - - E - - - - - -
Powder TO - E E - E - - - AND - - - -
Provisions E - TO AND E - - TO AND - E E E -
Weapon AND - AND E - - E - TO AND - AND AND AND
Canvas AND E - TO - - - AND AND AND - AND AND -
Boards - AND - AND TO AND - - E E TO - - -
Coffee - E - E - - TO - - E - - - E
Tobacco TO - E - E - - AND TO AND E AND AND AND
Sugar AND - - E E - AND AND TO E E - - -
Wheat - E E - E - TO AND AND TO E - - E
Rum - AND - - AND - E E - - AND E E -
El E - TO AND - - E E - E - E E E
Cotton E - E - E - TO AND - TO E - - -
Canvas E E - TO AND - E - E E AND - - E
Leather - - AND - AND TO AND - E E AND - - E
Silk - TO TO - - E - AND - TO - - - AND
Cloth - - - TO AND AND - - AND - AND - - -
Ebony - E - - TO AND AND TO - - TO TO TO TO
Red tree E - TO - TO AND - - E - TO - - AND
Sandalwood E E E E - AND - TO - - - E E -
Cinnamon TO TO AND AND - E - - - E - E E -
Copra - - AND AND - TO AND - AND TO - TO TO TO
Paprika AND AND - E - E - E - - - - - E
Oil E E - E - AND TO - E - - TO TO TO
Gold - AND - - AND - E - - - AND - - -
Silver - AND - - - E E - - - - - - AND
Cores - AND AND - - - - E AND - - AND -
Buckshot TO AND AND AND - - - E - E - AND -
Knippel - - - - - - - E - - - AND -
Bombs E - - - - - - E - - - AND E
Powder AND TO TO TO - E E E - - TO AND AND
Provisions E - - E - - - - - - TO - -
Weapon - TO TO TO AND TO TO E - - TO AND -
Medicines AND - - E - AND AND - E AND AND AND -
Boards - E E - AND TO TO - - E E E -
Cocoa - E E - AND TO TO - - E - - -
Coffee - E E - TO E E - - AND - E -
Tobacco - TO TO TO AND - - AND - AND - TO -
Sugar E - - E - E E - E - E E -
Wheat - E E - E - - - - E AND - -
Wine E - - E E - - E E - AND TO -
Rum E - - - E E E - AND AND AND TO E
El - - - - - E E - E - - E AND
Cotton AND TO TO TO E - - AND - E - E -
Canvas E E E - AND - - - E - - - -
Leather - - - E TO AND AND TO AND AND TO TO -
Silk AND - - AND - - - AND AND TO - - -
Cloth E - - - - E E AND TO AND AND E -
Ebony TO AND AND - E AND AND - - E E - -
Red tree - - - E - AND AND - - - E - -
Sandalwood - E E - AND AND AND TO AND - E - -
Cinnamon - - - - E - - - E - - - -
Copra TO - - AND - - - TO TO - - E -
Paprika - - - E AND - - TO AND TO - - -
Fruits AND E E - - - - - TO AND AND - -
Bricks TO AND AND AND - E E - TO TO AND - -
Silver - - - AND E - - AND - - E - AND

* K - smuggling, E - export, I - import, dash - regular price.


In the final chapter, we'll look at goods and ports, as well as some illustrative examples of trade routes.

First, keep in mind that cities that are nearby have almost the same trade policies. In other words, if Havana imports canvas, Puerto Principe imports it too. There are no short but profitable routes in Corsairs. Or rather, they were, but with the release of the patches, the easy life ended. Let's consider several routes for each type of trade.

Direct flight

The simplest and most expensive at the same time. For direct flights it is better to choose the most expensive goods: gold, silver, silk, ebony, mahogany and sandalwood. For a time, smuggling was one of the most profitable voyages, but recently a smuggler went missing in a pirate town near Curacao (Mahogany). Although store data indicates that the goods are smuggled, no one will buy it from you. And for the better. To be honest, having found one single route with enormous profitability, I abandoned all the others. Why waste time when you can earn phenomenal amounts in just a few flights?

Direct trade scheme for mahogany. The final destination is Fort-de-France.

Let's look at expensive products one by one. Mahogany is sold at reasonable prices only in four colonies: Havana, Maracaibo, Marigot and Willemstad. The noble type of wood is considered smuggled only in Port of Spain and Fort-de-France. There are only two cities, and they belong to the French and the British. The shortest route for mahogany is from Curaçao to Martinique. Just remember to settle relations with other nations and take the appropriate flag in your skills. Unfortunately, you cannot do without trade patents (unless you play for Holland). The second good route is from Marigot to Martinique. Use it if the mahogany stock in Willemstad runs out. Havana is unsuitable for profitable trade. There are no ports nearby with sufficiently high purchase prices, and the nearest “smuggling” cities Very far.

Another viable option is a flight from Maracaibo to Martinique. This option is also suitable for starting a “half chain”. Let's say you have a squadron of five manovars and you can easily buy up the entire stock of goods in the store. It turns out that you are wasting your time because you are leaving the hold empty. To make the most of it, you need to start in Maracaibo, then look at Curacao and only then sail to Martinique. If things don't work out with the smugglers, you can simply sell the goods at a high price. Mahogany is imported, for example, to Basse-Terre. However, the difference in profit is very significant.

Let's do the math. With a store stock of 10,000, you can buy mahogany for an average of 250 gold. You can sell it to a store marked “import” for a price of 400 gold. If you don’t have “Rat Gods”, we’ll write off another 10% for losses from rodents. We multiply 150 by 10,000, and subtract 10% of the average losses from rats from the final profit. In total you will receive 1,350,000 net profit. Not bad? Now let’s do the math for smuggling. A unit of mahogany in Fort-de-France costs 700 gold. We multiply 450 by 10,000, subtract the losses from rats, for a total of 4,005,000 gold. The difference is obvious.

On a note:“Corsairs” is partly a role-playing game. Try to play the role to the end. In particular, you can play without the save-load link. If something happens, continue the game no matter what. With this style, selling goods to “import” is perhaps the safest option.

Redwood is the best product for a direct flight, especially if you haven't gotten rid of rats. Gray robbers consume silk in obscene quantities. True, they don’t touch the gold, but there is no smuggling of it either. If you choose between gold, silver and ebony, choose wood. Firstly, even with a larger volume, the final profit will be greater. Secondly, only a few colonies are “rich” in gold, and even then there is so little of it that the game is not worth the candle. In a successful situation, ebony can be bought at an average price of 100 coins and sold for 550. Gold, with its ratio of 650-820 (170 income per unit), cannot compete with noble wood. Best routes: Cumana, Maracaibo, Cartagena - Fort-de-France.

We did not consider two products from the upper price range - slaves and sandalwood. It is impossible to make money on the former, because they are sold (and then with “import”) only in Bermuda, and they can only be obtained by boarding (you leave the survivors as slaves). But this income cannot be called permanent, besides, slaves can start a rebellion, and when the rebellion is suppressed, someone will inevitably die.

Sandalwood, on the other hand, is a good choice for trading, but only if the supply of wood has completely dried up. Sandalwood is considered smuggled in Charlestown and Santa Catalina. It's a pity, but these cities are too far from the main trade routes, so, in essence, you have two options: take sandalwood from Willemstad to Charlestown, and then stock up on mahogany in Marigot, or not trade sandalwood at all.


For the chain, the best goods are in the middle and low price categories, since the “export-import-smuggling” schemes for them are much more diverse. Judge for yourself, for example, we transport mahogany to Martinique (or St. John's), since the prices are best there. Ebony - right there. But you can sell and buy bricks, wheat, rum, ale and other inexpensive goods wherever you want, since the ratio of the purchase price of one unit of goods to the selling price is not so high. The benefit here is achieved by the large quantity, and not by the cost of a single bag of wheat.

Chain starting in Cartagena. The final destination is Fort-de-France.

This is interesting: the difference in purchase and sale prices for goods of the lowest category is no more than ten doubloons and rarely reaches at least two times the excess.

The first thing to do is to create a good route. For a novice trader, purchasing trade licenses is a very burdensome matter, so you need to trade only with those ports where they don’t dream of letting you go to the bottom. The Spaniards and the Dutch have the easiest life. Many ports are open to them, which means you can trade anything. The question "where?" does not matter, except that the distance between cities can somehow affect the choice of product (route). Otherwise everything is the same. Unfortunately, in Corsairs there are no NPCs tied to any specific islands, ports or areas of the sea. You can, deep in the rear of the Spaniards, on the Maine, meet a huge punitive squadron of, say, the British. This is unfortunate, since the chance of evading pursuit depends only on the course relative to the wind. Blowing in the back? Have a blast. No? So they will catch up.

It is important: Don't rely too much on the Skilled Sailor ability. Yes, it allows you to escape from a meeting on the high seas, but this does not mean that you will hide from any pursuers. In the worst cases, the menu will pop up every split second. In other words, after refusing, you will immediately be offered to enter the battle - and so on until you agree. Or don't load the nearest save.

Let's consider an illustrative diagram using the example of the main character from Spain. The choice is not accidental. Spanish traders have the easiest life. Let's say you start a chain in Cartagena. The nearest city is Maracaibo. We take a load of wheat, and in Maracaibo we buy a shipment of sugar to bring it to Curacao. In addition, we fill the holds with gold and silver. Having sold sugar in Willemstad, we fill the hold with mahogany and sail to Cumana. There we will sell gold and silver, and fill the empty space with ebony, which can be sold to smugglers in Fort-de-France. Starting with simple goods, at the finish line you will trade the most expensive ones. The chain should be replenished exactly by the time you return to the starting point. If upon return the goods have not yet appeared, extend the chain.

In the resource-rich Caribbean, there are many different trade chains, because the route is determined only by the opportunity to buy or sell a certain product.

Circular flight

Round trip starting in Cartagena. Please note that our beloved Fort-de-France is not included in the circle.

Any merchant should have a good map - as well as a whole bunch of more detailed ones. For dark things, you know...

The example of a round trip is simple. Let's take the route given in the “Chain” chapter as a basis and modify it a little. The last city in the chain is Fort-de-France. To get a round trip we need to change Fort de France to Basse Terre. Of course, you will have to buy a trade license, but the profits are worth it. Looking at the table "Products of the Caribbean", we see that the French in Basse-Terre import ebony and mahogany, and export silk. Now you have a choice: either sail to Porto Bello and sell the silk you bought honestly, or hand it over to smugglers in Cartagena. To be honest, the second option is much preferable. Using this principle, you can build a chain of such size that you will literally buy and sell the entire Caribbean Sea.

So, we figured out the trade. Of course, no article is enough for a comparative analysis of profits from the sale of different products, but we have “built a foundation” on which you can create schemes yourself. Whether they are profitable or not - only a test flight will tell. I wish you successful voyages and profitable transactions. You will especially need luck!

on 2014-09-02

From sloop to warship and galleon ship

The choice of a ship (or ships) for trading operations is a very important matter. In fact, the style of the entire game depends on it. You have the opportunity to choose a small boat and win due to speed, or you have the opportunity to equip an entire squadron. It goes without saying that the difference in net profit will be quite significant, but there is another side to the coin. On a small ship it is easier to escape from pirates, but a “heavy” squadron is clumsy and vulnerable.

The influence of cargo is especially felt on huge ships - such as the Manovar. It’s impossible to escape pursuit on a loaded trough to capacity, and a tactical maneuver is unlikely to succeed. And a pirate on a light corvette (brig, sloop, frigate) will have time to change sides ten times.

How to solve these troubles? First, you need to choose a route. Secondly, evaluate your budget and figure out which style of play will suit you best. Decide in advance whether you will fight or run away when meeting ill-wishers. The fact is that it is unnecessary to equip one, but heavy ship. You will take up precious space in the hold with cannonballs, gunpowder, other goods and provisions. Otherwise, many small pelvises will be able to escape persecution, and the price will sometimes turn out to be lower.

And thirdly, go select a group of goods. Some are inexpensive, some are more expensive, but only you, and not your clients (and sellers), will lose money from rats.

Note: in Tenochtitlan it is possible to find a whole bunch of “Rat Supremes”. If you really plan to get into trading, it makes sense to complete this task first.

Depending on the strategy, it is necessary to select vessels. In this chapter, we will look at all vehicles one by one and evaluate their effectiveness in relation to other parameters and cost. Money is the main thing you need to pay attention to.

How well this or that ship behaves in battle is of secondary importance, since a successful merchant can freely form a separate squadron for army raids.

Let's divide the ships into three groups: small, huge and huge. Everything below third class will go to the first. In the second - third and second grade.

Huge ships - all first class.

So, after completing the acquisition of a ship of any group, the first step is to decide on tactics and equipment.

If you decide to cut through the sea with great speed (and maneuverability) on a small ship, the first thing you need to do is implement guns. Yes, you won’t be able to do anything against the pirates, but you don’t need that! The main thing is to leave, to break away, and for this it is necessary to shrink the ship.

In addition, guns take up space for cargo. Cannons are excellent for dropping in battle, but they cost so much that it is better to implement them anyway.

This is quite interesting: in Corsairs Online, dropping cannons is a simple matter for merchants. Indeed, the guns in that place are restored on their own, and there is no need to take them again.

The next category is people. The team itself (and its salary), its provisions (provisions) and rum (for morale) come to me. Since you will not take part in battles, you may immediately forget about medicines and weapons. Weapons are needed upon capture, and medicines are needed upon completion.

If there is no circumstance, then there will be no consequences.

Sell ​​cannonballs, buckshot, nipples and bombs behind the cannons (or throw them away, they are still inexpensive). Gunpowder In the same direction - all this is not required. Indeed, it doesn’t take up much space, so it’s possible, in principle, to leave the handles and just a few guns in order to fire at the pursuers, and then make their legs.

To summarize: the strategy with light ships requires high speed of movement, accordingly, it is necessary to provide the best captain (with great navigation) and a full crew so that the ship does not drag along like a lame turtle.

Better not come

This strategy is fair for any type of vessel. But its trading efficiency is slightly lower than that of everyone else. The essence is the following - you equip the ship to its fullest extent (except perhaps without boarding materials) and give battle to anyone who decides to attack you. For ships of the first group (small), such a strategy is only needed if you are only afraid of pirates.

Otherwise, the very first punitive squadron will send you to the bottom. No options.

Owners of huge and huge ships will feel more confident. Almost at any time, heavy combat ships have the best amount of hold. Based on this, the fact that you are carrying cargo imposes only one limitation - mobility.

It is much more difficult for a loaded galleon to gather speed, turn around, and trim. Please note that you will have nowhere to put the loot from the second ships, so it is possible not to take anyone on board.

This strategy achieves great effectiveness (in terms of defense) when controlling manovars (and ships of similar class). We buy the most bombs and heavy guns, and what if someone attacks - it’s worse for him. But there is one very important nuance - you will need to look for captains with great navigation skills.

Otherwise, instead of combat vehicles, you will get unnecessary piles of metal and wood. As we know, the level of a mercenary depends on yours, and the level of a master depends on

all hands are seen only at the highest (fortieth and then) levels. Another argument against is the amount of cargo.

Let's calculate how much is needed for the ship to be combat ready. First, of course, the guns. A set of 32 pound guns for the royal manowar (112 guns) weighs 1,700 units. Five thousand bombs - another 300. Provisions - about a thousand, no less. Don't forget gunpowder - at least 250. Rum is optional, but 500 barrels will weigh 500.

In other words, goods for combat require two and a half, otherwise three thousand quantities. With a non-specialized carrying capacity of seven thousand (from time to time a little more), this is practically a good half. In other words, you can get half as much.

In addition, do not forget about the cost of repairs, and the team needs to be paid and maintain its morale. Officers also systematically demand wages, and the higher the level of the mercenary, the more money will need to be paid.

Despite all the disadvantages of the strategy, it has one advantage - you have the opportunity to follow the plot and make trades along the way in order to maintain the budget. You won’t get much, but the costs of maintaining the squadron will not be so noticeable (which is no less important).

This is very interesting: maintaining a thousand people costs almost two hundred thousand monthly. Calculate how much money is needed to maintain a full squadron.

Nice scheme

Being a free trader is, of course, wonderful and romantic. Here you have a chase, and responsibility only for yourself and your own actions, and real money in your hands. In addition, you have the opportunity to do whatever you want at any second, no one will force you to do it. But the profit in this case is not so impressive. A big merchant, managing an entire squadron, manages millions, and in some cases, tens of millions.

He can sell (and acquire) the entire Caribbean, but the degree of preparation (and costs) are completely different. The highest level in the trade business, in my point of view, is occupied by the soldier-merchant. What does this indicate? Everything is easy - you don’t run from the enemy, but drown him, but you don’t spend half the hold on weapons. The main point is specialization. Any ship is required to perform a certain function. Only those who are suitable for this are obliged to wage war.

Of course, the role of an escort must be played by the player, since the allies, although not stupid as traffic jams, cannot boast of ideal adequacy. Experience says that one single manovar with large-caliber cannons and full equipment can fully cope with an important squadron.

In addition, remember that you have a huge advantage in the form of critical shots, skills that improve reloading and other goodies. And if you manage to fire from both sides at once, there can be no doubt about victory. I remember that when I ran into a punitive squadron of five Spaniards, I sank their manovar in three salvos.

Two of them were indeed critical, but even without them fifty guns cause significant damage.

Remember that the squadrons of the second powers under no circumstances consist of manovars alone. Yes, only first class ships will be able to meet, but so what? Combat and warships are no match for you. As for the pirates, everything is still easier with them.

You will rarely see among them even the most simple battleship (they are not in this area), and no matter how maneuverable corvettes, frigates and others are, a couple of wonderful salvos will still send them to the bottom.

The rest of the ships with this style are not at all necessary in the battle. They may be in “trucks”. Fire the entire crew, hire the cheapest officers, remove the guns and throw ammunition, provisions, medicine and weapons overboard.

This way you can achieve greater efficiency when trading. Calculate for yourself: four completely unmanned ships (from 6500 to 8000 holds) and no payments to the crew, since by and large there is none! The huge total size of the hold will allow you to derive significant benefits from fairly inexpensive goods.

In addition, you can earn fabulous money from smuggling, and to accumulate starting capital, do tasks for merchants in cities. Remember that any merchant wants to fill all the cheap space on your ships. And the more goods, the greater the reward.

Tip: Merchants offer a variety of goods for transportation, but try to choose ones that are not chewed by rats. For example, cannonballs, nipples, bombs and buckshot. Try not to take expensive goods if you don’t have “Rat Almighty”. Rats will be able to freely devour the whole broth.

Because of these rodents, I have repeatedly had to pay penalties out of my own pocket.

It is possible to increase your authority by fulfilling the priest’s mission to cleanse the cave. Upon completion of the task, it is possible to inform God’s servant about its successful completion any number of times - the scale of authority will increase with each repetition. The easiest way to expand your trading skills is by purchasing ships of various classes. It’s easy to get money by selling goods to smugglers (the price per item increases three times).

In addition, it is possible to easily collect money for the ship of the joining captain: change the ship with him, go to the shipyard and take the tartan instead. Then you change back and implement the tartan - the joining captain takes only about 700 piastres.


Hacking of goods purchased from tent campers in Corsairs GPK 1.3.2.AT

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