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Türkiye. Coast map. Map of Turkey Turkish villages on the map

At the beginning of the last century, the Turkish Republic became an heiress the once vast Ottoman Empire.

The borders of the collapsed Ottoman power shrunk to the historical core, but this territory also makes it a large state - it occupies the entire peninsula Asia Minor. The area of ​​the country is comparable to the largest European countries.

Where is it located on the political map of the world?

Shores of Turkey caressed by the four seas: from the north - Black and Marble, from the south - Mediterranean, and from the west - Aegean. Europe and Asia in the northwest are separated by the Bosphorus, Dardanelles and the Sea of ​​Marmara.

The Pontic Mountains stretch parallel to the northern coast of Turkey, and the Taurus mountain range, the largest in the country, runs along the southern coast.

Climate Features

On the coasts of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas There is a typical Mediterranean climate with hot summers (average temperature + 28-32° C) and mild winters (about + 7-11° C). The swimming season lasts from spring to late autumn.

Look in this video exact location of Turkey on the world map:


Map of Turkey with resorts and hotels in Russian

Holidays in Turkey are one of the most popular destinations for tourists from all over the world. Hospitable resorts of the Mediterranean, Black, Marmara and Aegean Seas, plenty of entertainment for every taste and relatively low prices, unlike other countries, ensure the highest interest in Turkey.
For Russian tourists, Turkey is also attractive because you do not need to purchase a visa to visit this country, and the flight is not as far and long as to other countries, and most hotels have Russian-speaking staff, which makes your stay on their territory easier and more comfortable.

The most popular resorts in Turkey are located on the Mediterranean coast. You can view a map of Turkey with resorts and hotels in Russian to choose the resort that is suitable for your holiday. The map is completely interactive; you can zoom in to see the location and panorama of the resort or hotel in detail.

What are the most popular resorts in Turkey?
Of course, the resorts of the Mediterranean Sea!

Bright Antalya is the youngest resort in the country, where the infrastructure develops every year and attracts more and more attention: bars, restaurants, shops, water parks, well-groomed squares and night discos will not let anyone get bored. And historical and natural attractions will leave the best impressions. And all this against the backdrop of a clear warm sea, a bright cloudless sky and a hot sandy beach.

The southernmost resort of Turkey is cozy Alanya, which is located between the mountains and the sea, and has beautiful sandy beaches with spreading palm trees on the coast, as well as quiet bays with crystal clear water. Here you can relax in comfortable hotels, boarding houses, or rent an apartment for any desired period. Alanya mainly attracts nightlife lovers due to the large number of night bars and clubs, but lovers of a relaxing holiday will also find a place in this little corner of paradise!
Belek is the most expensive resort in the country, whose beach is recognized as one of the best beaches on the Mediterranean coast! And here you will not find architectural monuments or historical cities. This resort is famous for its nature and protected areas, as well as the best golf courses, luxurious five-star hotels and luxurious spas.

At the beginning of the last century, the Turkish Republic became an heiress the once vast Ottoman Empire.

The borders of the collapsed Ottoman power shrank to the historical core, but this territory also makes Turkey a large state - it occupies the entire peninsula Asia Minor. The area of ​​the country is comparable to the largest European countries.

  • Climate Features
  • Population, language, currency

Where is it located on the political map of the world?

Shores of Turkey caressed by the four seas: from the north - Black and Marble, from the south - Mediterranean, and from the west - Aegean. Europe and Asia in the northwest are separated by the Bosphorus, Dardanelles and the Sea of ​​Marmara.

Beyond the Bosphorus, Türkiye borders Greece and Bulgaria. Its northeastern regions are adjacent to the mountainous regions of Georgia and Armenia, the eastern regions are adjacent to Iran, and the southeastern regions are adjacent to Iraq and Syria.

The Pontic Mountains stretch parallel to the northern coast of Turkey, and the Taurus mountain range, the largest in the country, runs along the southern coast.

Climate Features

On the coasts of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas There is a typical Mediterranean climate with hot summers (average temperature + 28-32° C) and mild winters (about + 7-11° C). The swimming season lasts from spring to late autumn.

On the Black Sea coast, summers are warm (about + 26° C), winters are mild and rainy (about + 8° C).

In Central and Eastern Turkey in summer it is hot and dry (about + 30° C), and in winter it is relatively cold (about + 4°).

How long is the flight to Turkey? Distance, travel time, flight types and much more - here.

Population, language, currency

Due to centuries-old closedness, Türkiye - mononational state. Almost the entire population of the country (77 million) considers themselves Turks. Statistics point to 25 other ethnic groups living here. Among them: Greeks, Tatars, Armenians, Jews. The largest of the groups are the Kurds.

The only official language in Turkey is Turkish. 80% of Turks do not speak other languages. But the staff of resort and tourist centers can easily communicate in German and English.

Exchange dollars, euros and rubles for local currency - Turkish lira, - recommended at official exchange offices.

It is preferable to pay with liras in large cities and outback. In the resort area, euros and dollars are in use. Rubles are often accepted for payment.

Popular resorts of the Aegean Sea

  • Bodrum is located on a peninsula in the Aegean Sea facing the Greek island of Kos. It is famous for its restaurants, festive atmosphere and bohemian lifestyle.

    You can explore the city in a few hours. From here excursions to the surrounding area, rich in attractions, and boat trips to nearby islands are organized.

    Among the most popular routes: visiting medieval fortresses, the ruins of the Mausoleum in Halicarnassus, the city of Milas - a center for the production of handmade carpets. In two hours by car you can get from Bodrum to Ephesus - the greatest city of antiquity.

  • Marmaris. Resort town on the bay shore. Here is the confluence of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas. The bay is picturesquely framed by pine forests and fragrant oleander thickets.

    In Marmaris there is a large yacht club and a whole flotilla of boats ready for sea voyages to neighboring islands with clean beaches and pristine nature.

  • Holidays in Turkey, Marmaris - in the following video:

  • Fethiye. A quiet seaside resort town on the southern coast of the Aegean Sea. It is surrounded by mountains, the tops of which are covered with snow in winter.

    Boat excursions depart from Fethiye to the Twelve Islands and Kekova Island, where you can see the sunken ruins of ancient cities.

  • The city serves as the gateway to Lycia, famous for its ancient rock tombs, which are more than 2,500 years old.

  • Pamukkale. One of the most popular resorts in Turkey, located far from the sea coast. But its healing springs attract millions of tourists every year. The hotels here are full, you need to book rooms in advance.

Holidays on the Mediterranean coast

Landscape of the Turkish coast The Mediterranean Sea is a narrow coastal line, limited by mountain ranges and areas with steep cliffs. There is a particularly favorable climatic zone here.

We are going on vacation: do we need a visa to Turkey and how to extend our vacation in this country? You will find the answer to these and other questions here.

Wonderful climate and fertile land of the coast since time immemorial attracted peoples many civilizations. Their traces are visible everywhere. Archaeological excavations of ancient cities from the times of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome have been carried out here for more than a hundred years, but to this day bring sensational finds.

The pearl of this region has long been recognized Antalya. The city is picturesquely located on a rocky plateau. The city planners managed to harmoniously combine the spirit of the old city and the modern architecture of tourist complexes.

Wide boulevards and alleys lined with palm trees, plane trees and oleanders lead to the medieval city center, where the shops of merchants and artisans crowd the alleys.

The port of Antalya is the most beautiful on the Mediterranean coast. The mighty walls of the ancient fortress border the waters of the port, around which restaurants and cafes offer their services.

Alanya city spread around a rocky peninsula. The part of it protruding into the sea is topped by a fortress with a long battlemented wall, erected in the 13th century.

Alanya's beaches are among the best in Turkey. Alanya is also famous for its sea caves. The microclimate in some of them is considered healing.

Kas city, which grew up on the ruins of the ancient city of Antiphellos, is today a popular tourist destination where you don’t have to go far to meet the past. Kas is very picturesque: thanks to the warm climate, rubber trees, citrus fruits, palm trees and other exotic flora grow here.

From Kas there are excursions to the village of Kale, famous for its necropolis with Lycian tombs.

Kas and the nearby islands are an ideal place for underwater sports. The water here is clear and warm, fish is abundant, and there are also plenty of ancient shipwrecks in the coastal waters.

Jide city- a true open-air museum. Hotels, cafes and restaurants are comfortably located here between the ancient buildings. At the height of summer, Jide is overcrowded. So for those who love peace, it is better to come here in spring or late autumn.

All Jide beaches have free access and are very popular among surfers.

The famous Manavgat waterfall is located 8 km from Jide. Tourists flock here to admire the local nature and taste fresh trout in restaurants located under the cascades of the waterfall.

When is the best time to fly to Turkey on vacation? Read our next article.

Türkiye is washed by four seas at once: the Mediterranean, Black, Aegean and Marmara. But the best place to relax, swim and sunbathe is in the Mediterranean and Aegean seas: there is a fairly developed tourist infrastructure, a large selection of hotels and entertainment. The resorts of the Black Sea coast of Turkey are less developed, and the swimming season here is shorter. Even in Istanbul, where 3 seas merge at once, there is almost no beach

It's not difficult to fall in love with Turkey. It captivates with its atmosphere of carefree fun, pleasant service and range of entertainment. Of the many options for foreign holidays, Türkiye has become number one for Russians. And there are at least 5 reasons for this. Türkiye, especially at the beginning of the season and in the fall, during the velvet season, is cheaper than all other Mediterranean destinations. But for a relatively low price

Türkiye is the choice of most Russian tourists. Millions of our compatriots visit it every year. A visa-free regime has been established between the two countries: Russians can stay in Turkey without a visa for 60 days. At the airport of arrival you only need to present your passport. At the time of entry it must be valid for at least 4 months. Very rarely, border control may require

Hundreds of thousands of bargain hunters come to Turkey every year. It has long been known that high-quality and inexpensive clothing is sold in Turkey. Turkish textiles, leather goods, jewelry and silk scarves are especially prized. It is worth remembering that in resort areas the goods will be of lower quality, and sellers can raise prices three times higher than real ones. I recommend leather goods

The beaches of Turkey are beloved by Russian tourists. Firstly, their diversity is amazing. Turkey has sandy, pebble and rocky beaches, some wild and incredibly popular. True, you don’t have to choose during the season - there are a lot of vacationers on all the beaches.