Tourism Visas Spain

Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, its recreational areas - abstract. Plants and animals of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus: description with photos and videos of the nature of the Caucasus Natural zone of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus

The place of the lesson in the structure of the educational process. Lesson according to the curriculum.

Lesson format: combined lesson using COR, “Big Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius 2008.”


  • To form in students an idea of ​​the natural zone of the subtropics;
  • Introduce the geographical location of this natural zone, climatic conditions, flora and fauna, human activities;
  • Develop students’ cognitive interest, ability to compare, work with maps;
  • Foster love for the Motherland and respect for the environment.

Equipment: map of natural zones, map of the Black Sea Coast, cards depicting plants, inhabitants of land and sea, paintings and slides depicting the objects being studied, herbarium material, waybills, computer, screen, projector for viewing the presentation (Appendix 1).

During the classes

I.Organizing time

– Friends, I hope that you are all feeling well and are ready to work. Smile at each other. You and I will succeed today. Smile for me. Thank you!

– Look at the mood barometer. The arrow shows that we are all in a good mood. We will try not to let our mood drop by the end of the lesson. (Slide No. 2)

II. Communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson

- Today in class, my dears,

They are looking forward to us: a wonderful coast, sea and beach.

But we are not going to rest, but to study the subtropical zone of Russia.

Slide No. 3 Sound recording “The Sound of the Sea”

– But first we need to contact the weather bureau and listen to the weather forecast. (The duty officer gives information about the weather).

– Well, friends, it’s time to hit the road for new knowledge! In front of you are waybills that you must fill out during the lesson. (Slide No. 4)

III. Learning new material

- Name our route. (The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is a subtropical zone).

– Let’s turn to our assistant – the map. What will she tell us? (The zone occupies a very small area).

– This amazing area is located on the coast. On one side are the high young Caucasus Mountains, and on the other, the Black Sea.

- Attention! A little information from the “This is interesting” section. (Slide No. 5)

  • The length of the Black Sea from west to east is 1150 km
  • Width from north to south – from 580 to 265 km
  • Greatest depth – 2212 km
  • The age of the Black Sea is 8 thousand years

The location of the zone lies the secret of its amazing climate and nature. Let's look at a simple example: you are on the beach. When is the water warmer - during the day or in the evening? (In the evening).

Yes, the water heats up and cools down slowly. In what thermal zone is the zone we are studying today located? (In the temperate zone, closer to the Northern Tropic, this means that the sun sends almost direct rays here).

The sun heats the sea during the summer, and then the sea releases warm air to the coast in winter. The Caucasus Mountains are close, right next to the coast.

– What mountains are these? (High mountains).

They protect the coast from cold northern winds. Summer is hot here. The sun is as high above the horizon as in the desert. Even in winter, its rays greatly warm the surface of the earth, the air temperature remains above 0 degrees and the snow that falls quickly melts and does not lie on the ground for a long time. At a time when frosts and snowstorms are raging in the North, roses are blooming in the gardens here. (Slide No. 6)

Why, unlike deserts, does a huge number of plants grow here? On the coast, humid winds blow from the sea. They bring a lot of rain. The air here is humid.

What does the word “subtropics” mean? (The tropics are a thermal zone located on either side of the equator.)

The prefix “sub-” in Latin means “under.”

This means the subtropics are the area under the tropics. More precisely, near the tropical zone. The subtropical zone is located to the south of our country, and here, on the Black Sea coast, is only a small piece.

– Guys, our own correspondent from our St. Andrew’s school is contacting us - leading botanist Zhenya Mikheev, who is conducting his observations on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. (Slide No. 7, Sound recording “Sounds of the forest”)

– Zhenya, what can you say about the flora of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus? (Slide No. 8)

Favorable conditions - warmth and moisture - make it possible for tall trees with large leaves, heat-loving trees, to grow. These are oak, beech, chestnut. The beech reaches a height of 25-40 meters, its trunk is smooth, the leaves have the shape of an oblong ellipse, the fruits are nuts, but they cannot be eaten. Beech lives up to 500 years. Chestnut is a long-lived tree - it can live up to a thousand years, its height reaches 35 meters. Its leaves are oblong with sharp teeth. The fruits - nuts - are used for food. Plants brought from different warm countries: cypresses, magnolias, palms. There are many fruit trees growing on the Black Sea coast: peaches, apricots, figs, walnuts . (Slides No. 9–16)

You can also add about the vineyards growing here. A There are tea plantations on the mountain slopes. Cork oak and boxwood, a tree with strong, dense wood, are highly valued. Unfortunately, boxwoods are currently on the verge of extinction. (Slide No. 17)

– I will ask you, friends, to include in your travel sheets the names of those subtropical plants that you remember. (Slide No. 18)

(Independently filling out route sheets for the sound recording “Sounds of the Forest”)

(Slide No. 19)

– Which representatives of the subtropical flora did you indicate? (Plants are listed and their images are attached to the wall map “Black Sea Coast”).

– And now our next correspondent, leading zoologist, Vlad Vasiliev, is getting in touch with us. (Slide No. 20, Sound recording “In the animal world”)

– Please, Vlad, what can you say about representatives of the animal world, about the inhabitants of land?

Sound recording (message from a botanist): The fauna of the Black Sea coast is rich and diverse.

The pride of the local forests is the Caucasian red deer. This is a large, slender and graceful animal. In terms of beauty, the deer is not inferior to the roe deer. She is also slender, proud, graceful.

The “master of the forest” is the Caucasian bear. Wild boars also live in the forests. Their body is covered with thick dark brown bristles. They greedily eat chestnuts, nuts, and acorns;

A ferocious but rarely seen predator is the lynx, which sets up ambushes, usually hiding on a tree or rock, from where it deftly attacks roe deer and deer.

There are leopards and jackals, cicadas that feed on plant sap.

Often you can see a frozen praying mantis on the branches. Frozen in a prayerful pose, this hunter waits for the prey (small insects), grabs it and immediately eats it. There are amazingly beautiful butterflies, such as the oleander hawk moth. Land animals also include lizards and snakes.

Various birds, such as seagulls and cormorants, get their food in the sea. These are cunning, intelligent and very voracious birds. Cormorants walk on the ground with difficulty, but they climb trees very deftly and fly and swim well. I have everything, Natalya Alexandrovna. (Slides No. 21–33)

– Write down the land inhabitants of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus that you remember in your travel sheets. (Slide No. 34)

(Independent completion of route sheets. Sound recording - melody “In the Animal World”)(Slide No. 35)

– Which representatives of the subtropical fauna did you indicate? (The inhabitants of the land are listed and their images are attached to the wall map “Black Sea Coast”).

IV. A minute of health(carried out to the sound recording “The Sound of the Sea”)

We quickly went down to the sea, bent down and washed ourselves.
One two three four! What a wonderful refreshment!
And now we swam together. Together - once, this is brass.
One, the other is a rabbit. We all swim as one, like a dolphin.
We went ashore and went home. (Slide No. 36)

V. Learning new material (continued)

– How does sea water differ from fresh water? (It's salty).

- That's right, now you will see how much salt there is in sea water.

Laboratory work (experience)

– For one liter of water 1.5 teaspoon of salt – Black Sea water;

– For one liter of water, 1 glass of salt – Dead Sea water.

– Is there a lot of salt in the water of the Dead Sea? (So ​​many).

– Because of so much salt, there is no life at all in the Dead Sea.

– Is there a lot of salt in the water of the Black Sea? (Few).

– Let’s try to make a forecast: is the world of marine life diverse here? (Children's forecasts).

The sea inhabitants are amazing and unique: jellyfish, crabs, seahorses, pipefish, dolphins. Seahorses are fish with a head similar to the head of the fairytale Little Humpbacked Horse. They do not have a permanent color: if a seahorse sits on brown algae, it turns brown; if it sits on green algae, it turns green.

The pipefish is a thin and long fish. Even though it’s a “needle,” it can’t prick anyone—it’s soft.

And dolphins are toothed whales, only much smaller. These are the smartest sea animals, they are excellent swimmers, and easily overtake high-speed passenger ships.

Dolphins never leave their relatives in trouble: they support a wounded or sick person on the surface so that he can breathe, and help him swim. It happened that dolphins saved people in the same way. Dolphins navigate and communicate with each other using sound signals. (Slides No. 37–42)

– Write down the sea inhabitants of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus that you remember in your travel sheets. (Slide No. 43)

(Filling out route sheets. Sound recording “Underwater World”)(Slide No. 44)

– Which representatives of the sea inhabitants did you indicate? (The inhabitants of the sea are listed and their images are attached to the wall map “Black Sea Coast”).

– The Black Sea coast is a place where thousands of people from all over Russia come to relax. Numerous sanatoriums and holiday homes have been built here. It is here that the All-Russian children's center "Orlyonok" is located, where a student of our St. Andrew's school, Kristina Kanashova, recently vacationed. She was sent there for academic success and creative activity in the life of the school. (Slides No. 45–46)

– Christina, tell us about the natural features of this zone, about your impressions. (Student's story). (Slides No. 47–61)

-What advice would you give to the guys on how to behave by the sea?

(Each student is given a memo “How to behave by the sea”).

– And now I will ask you, Christina, to act as an ecologist.

Are there environmental problems in this natural area? If yes, which ones?

Large cities have been built on the Black Sea coast, and this is also a place where thousands of people from all over Russia come to relax, because numerous sanatoriums and holiday homes have been built here.

Are there environmental problems in this natural area? If yes, which ones?

Christina's message as an ecologist: Unfortunately, environmental problems have arisen on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus: wastewater and household garbage are polluting the sea. Man can be merciless to nature: he throws household garbage on the coast, breaks off branches of trees and bushes, picks off flowers, catches beetles and butterflies, destroys jellyfish and crabs. But in memory of the trip you can buy souvenirs and postcards or just take a photo. Because of such a careless attitude towards nature, the Caucasian ground beetle, Colchis broom and yew plants have become rare, they are listed in the Red Book. Boxwood groves, dolphins, and Black Sea bottlenose dolphins are under special protection. To preserve the unique nature of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the Sochi National Park was created (view postcards).

VI. Working with the textbook(Page 138)

– Name the representatives of the flora and fauna that are included in the Red Book. (Slide No. 62)

– I’ll add that the Black Sea was declared a sea of ​​special purity regime. October 31 is named International Black Sea Day. (Slide No. 63)

VII. Lesson summary:

– Which natural zone of Russia did you get acquainted with in class today?

– What can you say about the natural features of this zone?

– Remember the representatives of the flora and fauna of this zone.

(After each correct answer, a transcript of the message of the inhabitants of this natural area for the children appears on the slide - “Take care of nature!”).(Slide No. 64)


  1. Lesson developments for the course “The World around us”, grade 4. / Dmitrieva O. I. - M.: “VAKO”, 2008.
  2. I'm going to class at elementary school. Natural history. M.: “First of September”, 2001.
  3. "Big Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius 2008."
  4. "Big children's encyclopedia."
  5. I explore the world: Det. Encycl.: Animals / Comp. ETC. Lyakhov - M.: Publishing House AST-LTD, 1997.
  6. I explore the world: Det. Encycl.: Plants/ Comp. L.A. Bagrova - M.: Publishing House AST-LTD, 1997.

Sochi National Park was created in 1983. The purpose of its creation was to preserve the unique natural complexes of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The park became one of the first national parks in Russia.
The main value of the national park is the mountain forests, unique in beauty and richness of vegetation, occupying 94.1% of the area.
The presence of animals and plants that are absent in other parts of the planet allows us to consider this territory as a World Heritage site. It is no coincidence that the protected part of the national park, together with the Caucasus Nature Reserve, was nominated for the World Natural Heritage List.
Also in this territory, more than 60 natural monuments were identified, and many historical and archaeological monuments were identified.
You can see a lot of interesting things here.

Svir Gorge

Svir waterfalls are located on the territory of the Sochi National Park in the Lazarevsky district of the city.

Natural monument "33 waterfalls"

In the picturesque gorge there are numerous small waterfalls, rapids, and waterfalls, which attract tourists and sightseers with their beauty. There are 33 waterfalls on the Dzhegosh stream.

Akhun Tower

The name comes from the name of the Ubykh god - Akhyn. Mount Bolshoy Akhun, with its size and almost ideal shape, stands out against the background of the Sochi landscape. At its top there is an old-style observation tower.
It is also known that in the depths of the Akhun karst massif there are more than 20 caves. More than 200 species of higher plants grow in the forests, 34 of which are listed in the Red Book of Russia. On one of the peaks of the massif are the remains of the medieval Christian temple of Maly Akhun.

Byzantine temple

Presumably the temple was built in the 11th-12th centuries. Now its ruins can be seen in the village. Loo Lazarevsky district. The ruins are a monument of church architecture. They began to be studied in the late 80s of the 20th century. The walls of the temple were made of sandstone and slate, and therefore are almost completely preserved, although they are densely overgrown with trees and bushes.

Volkon Gorge

The Volkon Gorge is very picturesque. It contains the Volkonsky dolmen, a hydrogen sulfide spring and the Two Brothers rocks with a natural tunnel between them. The journey to the gorge begins with a monument of the Middle Bronze Age - a dolmen. The dolmen in the Volkonsky Gorge belongs to a rare monolithic type.

Agur waterfall

Back in 1911, Agur Falls became a popular tourist destination. The path carved into the rock, winding, leads to the first 30-meter waterfall. It consists of two cascades of 12 and 18 meters, the jets of which fall at an angle to each other. Above are two more waterfalls, smaller in height, but no less beautiful. The second one – its height is 21 meters – is multi-jet. The height of the third waterfall is 23 meters.

The park is home to animals listed in the Red Book.: Bison, leopard, black stork, black vulture, griffon vulture, golden eagle, Caucasian otter, Caucasian forest cat, stag beetle, Karelina newt, Caucasian toad and many others.

The employees of the Sochi National Park do a lot of different work aimed at preserving natural complexes and objects located on the territory of the national park.
They are engaged in the conservation and breeding of rare and endangered species of animals and plants. Thus, the national park is implementing a program to restore the population of the Central Asian leopard in the wild. In 2013, for the first time in Russia, a pair of leopards gave birth to offspring in captivity in the park.

Lesson on the surrounding world on the topic "Natural area of ​​the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus"

Target: to form in students an idea of ​​the subtropical zone of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, to introduce them to the geographical location of the subtropical zone, flora and fauna, and human activities.


    developing the ability to work with maps and herbariums;

    improving speech and observation skills;

    developing the ability to work in a group.

Multimedia component : PowerPoint presentation

During the classes

    Organizing time

II. Checking homework (in the form of a press conference).

1.Pose questions for your classmates on the topic “Desert”. (The teacher calls four students at will. The rest of the children ask them questions, playing the role of journalists).

2.At this time, 4 students work using cards

Individual work using cards(4 people)

Desert climate:

A) dry, cold;
B) dry, wet;
B) humid, hot.

More animals in the desert can be seen:

A) during the day;
B) in the morning;
B) at night.

Doesn't grow in the desert:

A) saxaul;
B) acacia;
B) birch.

Great harm is caused by:

A) heavy rains;
B) snowfalls;
B) sandstorms.

People call the ship of the desert:

A) saiga;
B) camel;
B) goitered gazelle.

III. Communicating the topic and objectives of the lesson

Teacher: Dear young researchers! We continue to get acquainted with the natural areas of Russia.

I suggest you go there today
Where there is a lot of sun and sea water.
The subtropics will reveal secrets to us,
Let's find out what kind of animals live there,
What plants grow here?
And why is this zone called subtropics?

( Slide 1 , )

3. Updating knowledge

Let's turn to the assistant card. She will tell us that this amazing zone occupies a very small area. It is located on the coast. On one side are the Caucasus Mountains, and on the other, the Black Sea.

Translated from Latin, “sub” means “under”, “subtropical” means “located under the tropics”, that is, near the tropical zone. And the tropics are a thermal zone located on both sides of the equator. The main part of the subtropical zone lies to the south of our country, and it seems to “look in” to us and gives us a real miracle of southern nature.

Let's try to revealsecret amazing climate and nature of this area( slide 2 ).

Imagine that you are on the beach. When the water is warmer - during the day or evening?(in the evening, because the water heats up slowly and cools down slowly)

The sun heats the sea during the summer, and then the sea releases warm air to the coast in winter.

What kind of mountains are the Caucasus Mountains related to in height??(high ) ( Slide 3 )

Those. they are an insurmountable barrier to the cold north wind, so the coast has moderately hot summers and warm winters. There is a lot of precipitation. The sea sends a large amount of moisture to the land, and it is also retained by the mountains.

Draw a conclusion: what is the secret of the amazing climate and nature of this zone? (Slide 4 )

But how such climatic conditions affect the flora and fauna of this zone, tell us, young botanists, zoologists, ecologists, after working independently in groups.

4. Discovery of new knowledge

We begin to listen to the preparation of “scientific developments” of groups based on their research


Problematic question:

Why is this area attractive to tourists?

The group should find out:

Where is the Black Sea coast located on the map;

Climatic conditions of the zone.

What time of year is it better to relax on the Black Sea?

Botanists (slide 5 – 15)

Problematic question:

Is the flora of this area diverse?

The group should find out:

Reasons for flora diversity;

Distinctive features of subtropical plants;

Plants. Types of plants.

Zoologists (slide 15 – 29)

Problematic question:

Is the fauna of this area diverse?

The group should find out:

Causes of fauna diversity;

Land dwellers;

Land dwellers who forage for food in the sea.

Inhabitants of the sea.

Ecologists (slide 30 – 31)

Problematic question:

How does man influence the ecology of the Black Sea coast?

What does the Black Sea coast mean to people?

Ecological problems;

Plants and animals listed in the Red Book.

After each “report” of the group, we do the work in a printed notebook.

Sample speeches:

Speech by nerds (examining the herbarium)

Favorable conditions – warmth and moisture – make it possible for tall trees with large leaves and heat-loving trees to grow. These are oak, beech, chestnut. The beech reaches a height of 25-40m, its trunk is smooth, the leaves have the shape of an oblong ellipse, the fruits are nuts, but they cannot be eaten. Beech lives up to 500 years. Chestnut is a long-living tree, can live up to a thousand years, its height reaches 35 m. Leaves have sharp teeth. Fruit-nuts can be eaten. Plants brought from different warm countries: cypresses, palm trees

You can also add about growing vineyards. And on the slopes of the mountains there are tea plantations. Cork oak and boxwood, a tree with strong, dense wood, are highly valued. Unfortunately, boxwoods are currently on the verge of extinction

Speech by zoologists (as the zoologists speak, students fill out the table in the printed notebook “Animals of the Black Sea Coast of the Caucasus”

The fauna of the Black Sea coast is rich and diverse. The forests are inhabited by bears, roe deer, wild boars, leopards and jackals. Various birds forage for food in the sea - seagulls, cormorants. They feed on fish. The cormorant is a cunning, intelligent and very voracious seabird. Cormorants walk on the ground with difficulty, but they deftly climb trees and fly and swim well. They can stay under water for a long time. Even when the cormorant is full, it still continues to hunt. Its throat allows it to swallow very large fish.

Amazing and unique sea inhabitants: jellyfish, crabs, seahorses, pipefish, dolphinsSeahorses are fish with a head similar to the head of the fairytale Little Humpbacked Horse. They do not have a permanent color: if a seahorse sits on brown algae, it turns brown; if it sits on green algae, it turns green. The pipefish is a thin and long fish. Even though the needle is soft, it cannot prick anyone. Dolphins are toothed whales, only much smaller. These are the smartest sea animals, they are excellent swimmers, and easily overtake high-speed passenger ships. Their shiny bodies are perfectly streamlined. Dolphins can swim at a speed of 45–50 km/h. Dolphins feed on large and small fish and shellfish. These animals are easy to train, as they are smarter than dogs and monkeys.

Dolphins never leave their relatives in trouble: they support a wounded or sick person on the surface so that he can breathe, and help him swim. Dolphins navigate and communicate with each other using sound signals.

Speech by environmentalists

The Black Sea coast is a place where thousands of people from all over Russia come to relax But, unfortunately, environmental problems have arisen here too: wastewater and household garbage pollute the sea. Man can be merciless to nature: he throws household garbage on the coast, breaks off branches of trees and bushes, picks off flowers, catches bugs and butterflies, destroys jellyfish and crabs. If you touch a jellyfish, it burns like nettles. This is how the jellyfish defends itself. But some people, instead of swimming more carefully, prefer to destroy jellyfish: they throw them ashore, where they die in the sun. But in memory of the trip you can buy souvenirs and postcards or just take a photo.

Rare plants of these places are included in the Red Book: (slide 32)

Butcher's broom, Colchian boxwood, yew berry. In the Sochi region there is a unique yew-boxwood grove, which is under special protection. Some animals, for example, the Black Sea bottlenose dolphin and the Caucasian ground beetle, have appeared on the pages of the Red Book. To preserve the nature of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the Sochi National Park was created in 1983. It includes the resort city of Sochi and its surroundings, mainly mountain forests.

6. Consolidation of the material covered

Our journey is coming to an end. In conclusion, I will check how attentive and observant you were.

What will you tell your friends about the Russian subtropics?(children's stories are listened to)

What would you advise friends who are going on vacation to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus?(Take care of nature, do not throw garbage on the coast.)

7. Reflection on activities in the lesson

What did you like about the lesson?

Who was interested in working in the group?

What was the most difficult?

8. Homework

    Textbook, pp. 132-140 retell and answer questions;

    printed workbook, pp. 41-43 (make a power circuit);

    present a photo from a family album with the story “Amazing photo fact” (for those who vacationed at sea).

Information sources:

    Gerasimov S.N. Fauna of our Motherland. - M., 1992.

    Dietrich A.K., Yurmin G.A., Korushnikova R.V. Pochemuchka.-4th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Pedagogika-Press, 1993.

    Dmitrieva O.I., Mokrushina O.A. Lesson developments for the course “The world around us. 4th grade". - M.: “VAKO”, 2004. – P.125-132.

    Pleshakov A.A. The world. The world around us. Textbook for the fourth grade of a four-year primary school. At 2 hours. Part 1./A.A.Pleshakov, E.A.Kryuchkova. – 6th ed. – M.: Education, 2008. .

    Pleshakov A.A. Workbook 1 for the textbook for grade 4 “The World Around Us” / A.A. Pleshakov, E.A. Kryuchkova. – 2nd ed. – M.: Education, 2006. – P. 41 – 46.

    Smirnova O.M. Differentiated approach to teaching natural history: Methodological recommendations to help primary school teachers. – M.: New School, 1997.

    Solovyova T.A., Rogaleva E.I. Non-standard lessons of the integrative course “The World Around us”: educational and methodological manual for students of the Faculty of Primary Education and primary school teachers. - Pskov, 2007.

    Tikhomirova E.M. Lesson developments on the subject “The world around us” 4th grade: to the educational set A.A. Pleshakova, E.A. Kryuchkova “The world around us: 4th grade” / E.M. Tikhomirova. – M.: Publishing House “Examination”, 2006. – P. 91 – 97. - (Series “Training and Methodological Kit”)

Introduction 1

1. Geographical location of region 3

2. Natural conditions 5

Climatic features and resources 7

Flora and fauna 9

Specially protected natural areas and natural monuments 11

3. Geodemographic characteristics of the region 12

4. History of the formation and development of the region 13

5.Ethnocultural, historical-cultural, historical-architectural and cultural monuments 15

6. Objects of world natural and cultural heritage 16

7. Types of recreation and tourism 18

8.Assessment of the resort and recreational potential of the region 20

9. Conclusion. 21

10. References 24


Recreation- is the restoration and development of a person’s physical and spiritual strength through rest.

Recreational resources include components of the natural environment: climate, relief, vegetation, surface and groundwater, including mineral water, etc., used to satisfy recreational needs. In order to study recreational resources and methods of their use, recreational zoning is carried out.

European zone

Black Sea-Caucasian zone

Siberian-Far Eastern zone

Northern zone


Western districtNorth-Western districtCentral districtSouth-Russky districtVolga regionUral region


Azov regionBlack Sea regionCaucasian region


Obsko-Altaisky districtYeniseisky districtBaikalsky districtFar Eastern region


Russian North (Europe)Russian North (Asia)

The recreational potential of the Russian territory is exceptionally large and is capable of satisfying all types of recreation: stationary and mobile; therapeutic, health, sports and educational; summer, winter and transitional seasonal period; by age indicators - preschoolers, schoolchildren, youth, middle-aged and elderly people, as well as family and individual.

The historical recreational and tourist zoning in Russia does not coincide with the boundaries of federal districts. Therefore, the Federal Districts represent either the most significant recreational and tourist zones, or several such zones at once.

According to the Federal Law “On Specially Protected Natural Territories,” medical and recreational areas, resorts and natural healing resources are classified as a separate category of specially protected natural objects and territories.

The principles of using the properties of natural objects - mineral waters, mud, etc. for the treatment and prevention of diseases, organization of recreation are determined by the Federal Law “On Natural Healing Resources, Medical and Health Resorts and Resorts.”

Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 3, 2007 (Nos. 67-73) identified seven constituent entities of the Federation in which tourist and recreational SEZs are being created. These are the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, the Republic of Buryatia, the Irkutsk and Kaliningrad Regions, the Altai Territory and the Altai Republic.

My work is dedicated to the Krasnodar region, and specifically to the Black Sea recreational area. The Black Sea region has the most favorable conditions for health improvement and sports tourism. The 350-kilometer strip of coastline is almost entirely built up with sanatoriums, boarding houses, tourist centers and hotels - the density of recreational infrastructure is the highest in Russia.

The favorable climate, warm seas, the presence of mineral and mud springs, mountain and seaside landscapes with unique aesthetic value - all this determined the role of the Krasnodar Territory as one of the largest tourist regions in Russia and the CIS countries. All the main seaside resorts of Russia are concentrated here: Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik, etc.

There are more than 100 sanatoriums, 450 recreational facilities, and about 70 camping centers in the region. The resort and tourism industry employs about 400 thousand people; More than 6 million people vacation in the region every year.

The work examines the geographical location of the Black Sea recreational zone, its recreational opportunities, the state of tourism infrastructure, as well as ways of its development.

1. Geographical location of the region

The length of the Black Sea coast of Russia from the Taman Peninsula to Adler (border with the Republic of Abkhazia) is about 400 km, taking into account the rugged coastline. Of these, about 145 km (36.3%) are part of Greater Sochi, including the Sochi beach strip of 118 km - the so-called Russian Riviera. The Russian section of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is located in the extreme northern part of the subtropical zone. The Anapa-Tuapse strip of the Russian Black Sea coast is one of two dry subtropical regions of Russia, along with the Caspian coast of the Republic of Dagestan. The Tuapse-Sochi strip is the only region in Russia and the world's northernmost region of humid subtropics.

The Krasnodar region, of which the Black Sea region is a part, is located in the south of the East European Plain, in the Asian part of the world. However, some authors draw the border between Europe and Asia along the axial watershed of the Greater Caucasus. According to this point of view, the territory of the region is located in Europe.

From the Kerch Strait to the border with Abkhazia, along the Black Sea coast stretches the most popular region of recreation, treatment and tourism in Russia - the Black Sea. The Caucasus coast is the only place in our country where a warm sea, picturesque palm trees and high mountains coexist. Therefore, here, on the narrow edge of the subtropical sea coast between the mountains and the sea, millions of people come here every year, thirsting for sea bathing, hot sun and southern beauty. Anapa, Gelendzhik, Tuapse, Sochi - these alluring names are always associated with health and the best vacation.

The Black Sea region is the southern outpost of Russia. It is located at the same geographic latitude (43" - 45" N) as the resorts of the Adriatic, Italian and French Riviera, and its appearance is in many ways reminiscent of them. Administratively, this region includes the Tuapse and Gelendzhik districts of the Krasnodar Territory, the resort cities of Sochi and Anapa.

In terms of landscape, one can distinguish the lowland steppe Anapa part, the coast in the north of the region and the mountainous coast with subtropical vegetation in the rest of the territory. On the Anapa coast there are extensive (60-400 m wide and 35 km long) sandy beaches. The rest of the territory consists mainly of pebble beaches, their area limited by mountains close to the sea. The height of the Western Caucasus mountains located off the coast increases from north to south from 600 to 1100 m.

2. Natural conditions

The shores of the Caucasian Black Sea region are slightly rugged, simple and smooth in outline. In many places there are abrasive (eroded) banks. This is, for example, the section between Sochi and Matsesta. There is an active fight against coastal erosion and landslides. Breakwaters, protective walls, groins are a distinctive feature of coastal landscapes. In some places, spurs of mountain ranges come right to the shore, forming capes and bizarre rocks protruding into the sea: Utrish, Indokopas, Kodosh, Parus, Kiselev Rock - interesting objects constantly visited by tourists. Between Anapa and Khosta there are many rias bays, which arose as a result of the lowering of the banks and filled with sediment from numerous mountain rivers. Coastal marine pebble plains, extended into the sea in the form of wide flat capes (Adlerovsky, Sochi-Bytkh), are also formed as a result of the accumulating activity of rivers, carrying a huge mass of debris from the mountains. The rias coasts and wide capes, convenient for life, are almost entirely built up and occupied by lush evergreen subtropical vegetation.

North of Anapa the coast is different. Low sandy estuary shores are common here. Some of the estuaries managed to be laced with sand spits and turn into salt lakes. The Blagoveshchenskaya and Bugazskaya spits are unique natural formations in the north of the region. A little further to the north, on the southern steep coast of the Taman Peninsula, capes Panagia, Zhelezny Rog and the ancient Tmutarakan located between them are of great interest to tourists.

The characteristics of the Black Sea beaches are associated with the nature of the shores. From Adler to Olginka, gravel and pebble beaches stretch almost everywhere, in a strip from 20 to 80 meters. Between Gelendzhik and Anapa, narrow pebble beaches predominate, and to the north of Anapa, yellow sandy and white shell beaches sparkle in the sun, wide and very convenient for families with children. Where rocks and heaps of stone blocks and boulders come directly to the water, there are no natural beaches. But even here, in the sections Divnomorskoye - Dzhanhot, Dzhubga - Agria, Loo - Dagomys, you can always find a convenient descent to the sea among the rocks and hide on a rocky or pebble patch. Such an intimate, wild holiday also has its own charm.

A unique feature of the Black Sea region is its dissected relief, combined with the greenery and multi-colored vegetation of its own. Green vegetation, bright colors of flowers and fruits, and dissected relief together create a unique landscape diversity and have a beneficial, calming effect on humans. The mountains themselves and the natural objects associated with them: rocks, gorges, karst sinkholes and caves, waterfalls on mountain rivers - attract climbers, speleologists, and hikers.

Low, narrow, level areas near the sea are occupied by Colchis chestnut forests with evergreen undergrowth and an abundance of exotic subtropical plants: palms, yuccas, acacias, magnolias, lianas. In the north of the region, rich mixed-grass steppes approach the sea directly. There are gardens and vineyards, citrus, tea, and tung plantations everywhere.

Often, right off the sea coast, among villages and urban areas, there rise individual low (400 - 800 m) mountains and short ridges covered with majestic oak and hornbeam forests: Plyakho, Flatakh, Mosier, Suetkha, Akhun. At a distance of 10-20 km from the sea there are ridges of medium height (800-200 m): Alek, Iegosh, Amuko, Tkhab, on the slopes of which beech and spruce-fir forests grow. Even further to the east rise the ridges and individual massifs of the high mountains of the Main Caucasus Range: Chugush (3238 m), Achishkho (2391 m), Fisht (2867 m). From observation platforms you can see rocky peaks and glaciers located on the slopes. The snow-covered mountain slopes in the vicinity of Krasnaya Polyana can be used for skiing from November to May.

The diversity of flora in this region is amazing. About 6,000 plant species grow here. Among them are more than a hundred such plants that are found only in the Black Sea region. Such are, for example, yew, boxwood, and Litunda pine. There are also many relict plants here - witnesses of long-gone geological eras - cherry laurel, Pontic rhododendron, Colchis holly. These and many other amazing plants can be admired in numerous parks and squares of seaside cities, during excursions to arboretums and forest parks, and to the unique Khosta yew-boxwood grove.

The area has reserves of hydromineral resources, which are represented by various types of mineral waters and medicinal mud. The most common sulfide waters are the Matsesta type. In the resort areas of Kudepsta, iodine-bromine waters are used, Chvizhepsa - arsenic and carbonic ferruginous waters, Anapa - nitrogen-methane waters, which contain iodine and boron.

There are significant deposits of medicinal mud in the northern part of the region. These are primarily silt sulfide muds of the Vityazevsky estuary and lakes Solenoye, Chumburka, and Golubnitskoye. The health resorts of the Sochi resort are supplied with healing clayey ferruginous silts from Imereti Bay.

  • Climatic features and resources

On the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the following types of climates are distinguished: in the area from Taman to Anapa, temperate marine, in the area from Anapa to Tuapse - Mediterranean climate (close to the South Coast of Crimea, Ukraine), from Tuapse to Adler and further beyond Russia - subtropical humid (close to the humid subtropics of Abkhazia, Colchis, Pontus, Adjara and Georgia). The reason for the formation of these two different types of climate is the relief, or more precisely, the height of the mountains. Before Tuapse, their height does not rise above 1,000 m, and they are not a serious orographic barrier to moisture-carrying flows of air masses from the southwest; after Tuapse, the height of the mountains reaches 3,000 meters or more, and large amounts of precipitation fall on their western windward slopes all year round.

In the eastern part of the Black Sea, the border between climatic zones runs directly along the chains of the Main Caucasus Range, that is, the Greater Caucasus is a natural obstacle, a barrier separating two different air masses. To the north of it is the temperate zone, to the south is the subtropical zone. The mountain system of the Greater Caucasus sharpens the border between them, making it difficult to transport cold air masses from north to south, in Transcaucasia, and warm ones from south to north, in Ciscaucasia. The mountain barrier in the form of the Greater Caucasus is especially noticeable in winter, when the Ciscaucasia is filled with cold air masses coming from the north and northeast, and the Transcaucasus is protected from their invasion.

The climatic conditions of the region vary from moderately humid coastal-steppe in the north (near Anapa), coastal-mountainous (near Gelendzhik) to humid subtropical (near Sochi).

The most important resort factor in the Black Sea region is the humid subtropical climate of the Mediterranean type. The period with the most comfortable weather conditions for relaxation lasts here from May 7 - 10 to October 20 - 25. During these periods, during each month, there are more than 20 days with the most favorable weather for recreation and treatment: air temperature and humidity, wind speed and precipitation, cloudiness and sunshine are in the optimal ratio for humans: 2200 - 2400 hours a year the sun shines, During the warm period there are only 8-12 cloudy days. The Black Sea chain of ridges of the Greater Caucasus surrounds the coastal strip like an amphitheater, protecting it from the penetration of cold winds from the north and east. On the contrary, moist sea air freely comes from the west, softening the winter cold and summer heat. Along with cyclones, large amounts of precipitation come here from the sea.

The climate of the Black Sea region is characterized by a mild, unstable weather, rainy winter with average monthly air temperatures of +2 +8 ° C and a very warm summer with temperatures of +20 +24 ° C, during which stable clear or partly cloudy dry weather prevails. Daytime temperatures, even in winter, sometimes rise to +15 +20° C, and in summer - to + 30 + 32° C. However, the heat is easily tolerated, thanks to the breezes and the proximity of the mountains. Average annual air temperatures - +12 +14° C - the highest in Russia.

Annual precipitation increases from 600 - 700 mm in the north to 1500 - 1600 mm in the south of the Black Sea region, and on the mountain slopes even up to 2500 mm. But this should not confuse vacationers: most of the precipitation falls in the cold season - from November to March. The driest months are May, June, July. Moreover, in the summer the rain does not cause much trouble - 1-2 hours of warm downpour with a thunderstorm, and the sun shines again. After the rain, the air is filled with the aroma of refreshed flowers and the tart healing scent of pine and cypress needles.

The Black Sea, rolling warm, clean salty waters onto many kilometers of beaches, is the real wealth of the region. At the resorts of the Black Sea region, the use of thalassotherapy - sun and air baths - in combination with sea bathing is extremely effective. According to physiologists, swimming in the sea is possible at a water temperature of at least +17 °C. This favorable period for swimming begins here from May 15 - 25 and lasts five months, until October 20 - 25. The surface layer of water warms up to optimal temperatures, +23 +24° C, in July - September. During these months, in shallow, semi-enclosed areas, the water can even heat up to +26 +27° C. In winter, the sea water temperature off the coast of the Caucasus is +8 +12° C; it is higher than the air temperature, and therefore the sea, returning the heat accumulated over the summer, softens the winter.

Sometimes swimming is prevented by stormy weather and strong waves. Usually during a warm period there are 15-20 days with waves of more than 3 points. It storms especially often in the north of the region - in the vicinity of Anapa. On the contrary, in Tsemes and Gelendzhik bays, high waves are very rare guests.

In addition to swimming, the Black Sea offers a wide range of entertainment and opportunities for active recreation: scuba diving and spearfishing, windsurfing and water skiing, yachting and sea fishing. Most of the beaches on the Black Sea coast are well equipped for a varied holiday. Changing rooms, aeriums, individual trestle beds and awnings, water attractions, rental points are indispensable attributes of any beaches. Many beaches have special areas under strict medical control. On and near the beaches, vacationers are provided with dozens of services: from selling soft drinks to watch repairs.

The powerful natural healing factor of the Black Sea region is mineral waters and silt mud. The resort business in Russia actually began in 1902 with the sulfide sodium chloride waters of Matsesta. In addition to sulfide waters, there are carbon dioxide mineral waters. Of particular value is the arsenic-containing carbonated water in Chvizheps - “Sochi Narzan”; there are also iodine-bromine waters and waters containing fluorine. Now more than 50 wells raise water from the depths of the earth for bathing, irrigation, inhalation and drinking, with the help of which diseases of the stomach and intestines, cardiovascular and nervous systems, circulatory organs and skin are successfully treated.

  • Flora and fauna


The modern flora of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is its most striking distinctive feature, a kind of calling card, striking with its variegated colors and species diversity. Moreover, most of the so-called subtropical species were acclimatized here quite recently - at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries, that is, they are introduced. Only a small number of the most frost-resistant species are autochonous. These are mainly undergrowth shrubs: cherry laurel, holly, boxwood, several types of rhododendrons and some others. Most of the moisture-loving heat-loving species died during the first glaciation. Before the mass acclimatization of subtropical and tropical species, forests are generally all-Russian deciduous in nature, but as global warming occurs, they take on an increasingly subtropical appearance, corresponding to the modern climate of the region. Artificial evergreen plantings appeared here at the end of the 19th century, initially in parks, botanical gardens and greenhouses. In the second half of the 20th century, many of them went wild and spread beyond parks and greenhouses: fan palms, laurel, Mediterranean viburnums, Chinese privets, prickly oleaster, eucalyptus, various vines, tea, citrus fruits and others.

In the northern swampy part near the Kuban Delta there are numerous folds of reeds and reeds, and floodplains. Further to the south, the altitudinal zonation is more pronounced. The Black Sea lowland, river valleys and mountain slopes of the Caucasus up to an altitude of 200-300 meters are covered with subtropical evergreen, then mixed and coniferous mountain forests.

The dry Mediterranean climate of the northern half of the Black Sea coast is favorable for growing heat-loving crops such as walnuts, grapes, chestnuts, pomegranates, persimmons, blackberries, rosemary, peaches, apricots, etc.

Closer to the south, in the humid conditions of the Sochi subtropics, citrus fruits (tangerines and lemons), various types of magnolias (common, Japanese, etc.), tulip trees, laurel, agave, yucca, palm trees, acclimatized species of eucalyptus, tea bushes, myrtle, and rhododendron grow. , bamboo, mimosa, azalea, cold-resistant pansies, etc. can bloom all winter. In August, the surface of the Black Sea glows. This is a waste product of a phosphorescent Black Sea algae called noctilyuka (in Russian, night light).


Endemic species: Western Caucasian tur (Severtsov's tur), Promethean mouse, Caucasian snowcock (mountain turkey), Caucasian black grouse, Caucasian viper (Koznakov's snake), etc.

Acclimatized species and invasive species: Altai squirrel and raccoon dog (released in 1937-1940), and later - North American raccoon, muskrat, nutria (1960s-1970s).

In the mountains you can find the Caucasian bear, lynx, wild boar, wild cat, Caucasian red deer, roe deer, bison, and aurochs. Copperhead snakes and turtles live in the gorges. The rivers and streams are inhabited by minks, otters, and among the birds - the dipper. In the Kuban delta and on the estuaries there is a lot of waterfowl, and seagulls are found everywhere. Trout is found in mountain rivers and streams. Dolphins live in the waters of the Black Sea.

Butterflies: mourning bird, admiral, swallowtail, wren, night hawk, large mantises (up to 10 cm in length). At the end of May - beginning of June, when the nights on the coast become quite warm and humid, large fireflies appear on most of the Black Sea coast.

  • Specially protected natural areas and natural monuments

Located on the slopes of the Greater Caucasus Sochi Natural National Park.

National Park"Sochi" was formed by the Resolution Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 214 from 5 May 1983 in order to preserve unique natural complexes Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, their use for environmental, recreational, educational and scientific purposes.

The national park is located in the south of the Krasnodar Territory, north of Sochi, from the borders with the Tuapse region, between the mouths of the Shepsi and Magri rivers in the northwest, in the foothills of the Greater Caucasus, to the borders with Georgia. Most of the park's territory is occupied by mountains, dissected by river valleys. The foothill zone occupies a narrow strip along the Black Sea. About 40 rivers and streams of the Black Sea basin flow through the park.

Environmental education centers have been created on the basis of Golovinsky, Lazarevsky, Krasnopolyansky and Verkhnee-Sochinsky forest districts. At the beginning of 2005, there were more than 49 recreational facilities in the national park. 28 excursion routes have been opened, 10 parking lots have been organized .

Functional zoning

On the territory of the national park there are 3 functional zones with different regimes of protection and use.

The following functional zoning is currently accepted:

1 . The protected area is 71.7 thousand hectares (37.5% of the total area).

2. Zone with reserve regime - 42.5 thousand hectares (22.2%).

3. Zone of regulated recreational and economic use - 77.1 thousand hectares (40.3%).

The protected area included karst areas in the area of ​​Dzykhry and Kepsha, as well as the recharge zone of the Matsesta waters.

3. Geodemographic characteristics of the region

The current national composition of the coastal population is quite diverse. Russians predominate (70%), there are also Armenians, whose numbers increased significantly due to immigration from Armenia in the 1990s, Ukrainians, Georgians, Greeks, etc. are also noticeable. The Pontic Greeks were quite numerous after their mass exodus from the Ottoman Empire at the beginning XX century. Stalin's repressions, and then mass repatriation to Greece after the collapse of the USSR, have significantly reduced their numbers in recent years.

The Adygs (Shapsugs, Natukhais, etc.), now not numerous, are the aboriginal inhabitants of the region.

The Krasnodar Territory is one of the few regions of Russia whose population has increased significantly in the post-Soviet period: by 0.4 million (almost 10%) of the permanent population counted in censuses, and by one million of the actual population. The determining factor for growth is the influx of “economic” migrants from all over the North Caucasus south of Russia, Ukraine and the countries of Transcaucasia, which the authorities and specialists call.

In recent years, the Krasnodar Territory has also been a place of resettlement not only for people migrating for work, but also for wealthy citizens purchasing housing from surrounding regions, the Far North and other regions

  1. History of the formation and development of the region

The Black Sea coast of Russia was inhabited by ancient people for a very long time. The so-called dolmen culture spread here 2-3 thousand years BC. Unusual structures - dolmens - are found in large numbers on the Black Sea coast of Russia. During early antiquity, the Sarmatians and, apparently, the Scythians came here from the north; the ancient Greeks traded with them on their ships, but despite their constant presence, they still did not form numerous settlements here. The coast was to some extent affected by ancient Greek colonization, and then by the indirect influence of the Roman Empire at the time of its greatest power.

Various Adyghe tribes (Adyghe, Shapsugs, Natukhais, etc.), now small in number due to emigration to Turkey, settled on the coast in the first millennium AD. The Christian influence of Byzantium in the early feudal period gave way to the control of the Muslim Ottoman Empire after the 15th century, which spread Islam among the local population. The Treaty of Adrianople of 1829, concluded between the losing Ottoman Empire and the victorious Russian Empire, legitimized the transfer of the ChPR to the latter, although the Russian army captured Anapa three times during various Russian-Turkish wars in 1791, 1808, 1828. After the 1830s, the region began to be settled by Slavic settlers (Russians, Ukrainians), although the first Slavic state (Tmutarakan Principality) formed in the northern part of the ChPR back in 944-965 and existed until the beginning of the 12th century.


The first settlements in the region belonged to the Zikhs - the ancestors of modern Circassians. Since the 5th century BC. e. Ancient Greek influence is gradually increasing in the region, but the region, most likely due to the greater militancy of the indigenous mountain tribes, is less affected by ancient Greek colonization, noticeable in the Southern (Pontus) and Northern Black Sea region.

Nevertheless, the influence of late antiquity persists here much longer, especially after the Georgian lands became part of the Byzantine Empire. In the 5th-15th centuries, the bulk of the coastal Circassians and Shapsugs converted to Christianity (Orthodoxy). In the 6th-15th centuries, the region was controlled in turn by Christian kingdoms (Lazistan, centered in southern Georgia, and then the more nearby Abkhazian kingdom).

Already at the end of the 16th century, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus fell into the sphere of geopolitical interests of the Ottoman Empire and Russia. As a result of the Russian-Turkish War of 1828-1829, the area of ​​modern Sochi formally became part of the Russian Empire. In fact, only part of the coastal zone was controlled (military posts, etc.). The local population offered fierce resistance to the tsarist troops. Only after 1864 (in connection with the end of the Caucasian War) the territory of the city of Sochi became part of the Russian Empire. The Ubykhs, Sadzes and Shapsugs, due to their political unreliability, were deported to Anatolia. Russian and Ukrainian settlers, as well as Armenian and Greek refugees from Turkey, began to settle in the deserted lands.

The city of Sochi was founded in 1838 as Fort Alexandria, in parallel the forts of the Holy Spirit were founded (1837), which laid the foundation for the future district of Adler, Lazarevsky and Golovinsky (1839), which later became the villages of Lazarevskoye and Golovinka. In 1839, Fort Alexandria was renamed the Navaginsky fortification, abandoned during the Crimean War, and in 1864 rebuilt as Dakhovsky Post. From 1874 - Dakhovsky Posad, from 1896 - Sochi (named after the Sochi River, on the banks of which the village stood). In 1917 Sochi was given city status. Since 1937, Sochi became part of the Krasnodar Territory.


Previously, on the site of Anapa there was a Sind settlement - the ancient city of Sindskaya Harbor (or Sindika). With its annexation to the Bosporan state (from the 4th century BC to the 3rd century AD), it was called Gorgippia after its ruler Gorgippus. In the 14th century, the Genoese colony of Mapa. In 1475 it was captured by the Ottoman Empire. In 1781-82 a Turkish fortress was built. By the time the Russians arrived at the end of the 18th century, the village had the Adyghe name Anapa.

During the Russian-Turkish War it was captured three times by Russian troops (1791, 1808, 1828). Finally annexed to Russia by the Treaty of Adrianople in 1829.

On December 15, 1846, by decree of Tsar Nicholas I, the Anapa fortress received city status. It has been a resort since 1866. The resort construction that began then in Anapa continued in the 1920s and 30s. In the early 1940s, there were 14 sanatoriums and more than 10 pioneer camps in Anapa. During the Great Patriotic War, the resort was completely destroyed and finally restored in the 1950s.


Few people know that the settlement in Gelendzhik Bay has existed for at least 25 centuries. Then, in the 4th century BC. e., during the Greek colonization of the Black Sea region, on the Thin Cape of Gelendzhik Bay there was a Greek colony called Torik. 2 thousand years passed, and the second wave of colonizers, this time the Genoese, settled on the shores of a convenient, well-protected bay. Italian merchants named their colony Mavrolaco - “Black Bay”. But they too disappeared from the hospitable shores, driven out by the Turks. The Turks called the settlement in Kelendchik Bay. Apparently, they paid attention to the extraordinary beauty of the local Adyghe girls, because the name “Kelendchik” can be translated from Turkic as “daughter-in-law.” It was this name that was heard by the Russians when in 1829, after long wars with the Turks, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus passed to Russia. In 1831, Russian troops landed in the bay, and the Gelendzhik fortress was founded. With the construction of the highway connecting Sukhumi and Novorossiysk, life on the coast became livelier. The end of the 19th century was approaching, a third wave of colonization was underway - this time Russian.

  1. Ethnocultural, historical-cultural, historical-architectural and cultural monuments

The number of picturesque natural monuments in the Black Sea region is truly innumerable: the mud volcano Karabetova Sopka, the Kiziltash estuary, Lake Abrau, protected groves of Pitsunda pine in Dzhankhot and Divnomorskoye, Pshad and Agur waterfalls, deep gorges, Greek and Mamedova cracks, mountains Plakho and Akhun, Eagle Rocks and Tkhaba pillars - this is a far from complete list of them. Any vacationer can independently take a 2-3-hour excursion to many interesting sites.

You can get acquainted with the fauna of this corner of Russia and other areas of the planet at the Adler Dendrozoo. The dolphinarium near Anapa and the newly created Sochi Monkey Nursery are of constant interest to tourists. The Museum of Flora and Fauna of the Caucasus and the Museum of Nature of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve are also interesting.

On the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus there are many valuable historical and cultural monuments. Many of them are of national and global significance. These are settlements of primitive people and numerous dolmens - ancient burial structures in the form of huge stone blocks and slabs placed vertically, which are found near Gelendzhik, Augba, Ashe, Adler. Traces of Hellenistic civilization are the ruins of an ancient fortress of the 11th-111th centuries in Krasnaya Polyana, a settlement of the 6th-5th centuries. V. BC e. in Novomikhailovsky, in Chekon. Monuments from the period of the beginning of Russian colonization - the gates of the Anapa fortress, built in 1783, the Gelendzhik fortification of 1831, etc. In the Black Sea region there are many monuments associated with the revolutionary and military past of this region. The most grandiose of them is the memorial complex to the heroes of World War II on Malaya Zemlya near the hero city of Novorossiysk. Outstanding people of Russia lived and vacationed on the shores of the Black Sea. Many buildings in Sochi, Tuapse, Gelendzhik, Anapa are connected with their life activities. In Dzhanhot there is a house-museum of the writer V. G. Korolenko, in Adler there is a monument to the Decembrist A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, a literary and memorial museum of N. A. Ostrovsky in Sochi, etc.

  1. World natural and cultural heritage sites

The protected island in Sochi is yew-boxwood grove, it is the Khostinsky department of the Caucasian Nature Reserve, included in the UNESCO World Natural Heritage List. The uniqueness of this corner is that in the grove, near the center of the resort town, the ancient Colchis forest is preserved. Two and a half kilometers from the seashore you can see a lot of unusual things, for example, yew trees aged about 2 thousand years. They grew up here before the birth of Christ. In general, the yew is a contemporary of dinosaurs (18-25 million years ago).

The mystery of the grove is given by the thickets of Colchian boxwood - a relict tree, the trunks of which are covered with a green coat of moss. Here and there it hangs in fancy emerald strands. Imagine a fern-liana paradise! This is also the Khosta yew-boxwood grove. There are 16 species of evergreen plants. Entire corners are covered with vines, whole-leaf ferns grow, very similar to their tropical counterparts, and there are amazing flower mushrooms, orchids, and wild chrysanthemums.

The Grove is a botanical garden created by nature itself, where more than 200 species of herbaceous and 70 species of woody plants have found shelter. More than half of them are relics, 20% are endemic, not found anywhere on the globe. The grove has a rich fauna: bear, roe deer, wild cat, marten, badger, jackal, and squirrel live. It’s easy to breathe here, and what’s typical is that in the summer the grove is cooler than in the city, and in the winter it’s warmer. The ecological trail “The Mysterious World of the Ancient Colchis Forest” runs through the grove (1,600 m of concrete path), and cozy areas for relaxation are equipped. There is a Health Bench in an amazingly beautiful place.

The excursion route goes through areas with smooth relief, then through the Opolznevaya and Labyrinthovaya gully and from there to two observation platforms on the White Rocks. You will see Mount Yegosh in the blue haze, and below - a picturesque canyon.

And one more feature of the protected area: it is located on the slopes of Mount Bolshoi Akhun with characteristic karst labyrinths. The geological monument is of great interest - a classic section of Upper Cretaceous limestones of the Danish stage with local accumulations of fossilized sea urchins, a tectonic system of cracks. One of the objects on display is the Labyrinth - a stone corridor whose walls have been polished by time and rain. It was formed as a result of a powerful earthquake, and from its layers one can imagine the processes of formation of the Caucasus Mountains.

The grove amazes visitors with its wild, unique beauty of untouched nature and leaves an indelible impression. There is a green twilight here even on a sunny day. Gnarled tree roots intertwine across the surface of the soil. The mountain river Khosta roars in a picturesque gorge.

In the grove there is a Museum of Nature, the exhibition of which presents the flora and fauna of the entire Caucasus Nature Reserve, and you can also see stuffed wild animals. Mystery, peaceful silence, clean, positive energy, and the healing air of the forest have a beneficial effect on the state of mind and health of people. Come to a grove, the phenomenon of its healing power has not yet been fully studied. But undoubtedly, trees and herbs, flowers and birds will help you live more joyfully and longer, and your journey into the depths of centuries will be remembered for a lifetime!

  1. Types of recreation and tourism

The Black Sea region is the most popular area for recreation, treatment and tourism in Russia. The 350-kilometer strip of the Black Sea coast is almost entirely built up with sanatoriums, boarding houses, tourist centers and hotels. The period with the most favorable weather conditions for recreation begins in early May and continues until October.

The area has a fairly developed recreational network. Resort towns and villages are located along the sea coast. Here we can distinguish 4 resort areas, which were formed around Anapa, Gelendzhik, Tuapse and Sochi. Each of these cities is a tourist center.

In Anapa there are various cultural and entertainment institutions, excursion bureaus and travel companies, there is a developed transport infrastructure, which includes an airport, railway station, bus station, and seaport. The Anapa area is mainly focused on children's and family recreation. There are about 150 health resorts and recreational facilities concentrated here.

The resort area of ​​Greater Gelendzhik occupies a 100-km strip of coastline. There are over 100 recreational facilities here, most of which are recreational in nature.

The Tuapse resort area specializes both in recreational recreation for tourists who arrive from other regions, and in short-term recreation for residents of the Krasnodar Territory.

The resort area of ​​Greater Sochi stretches for 145 km along the Black Sea coast and is the most popular among tourists. This includes resorts such as Lazarevskoye, Dagomys, Sochi, Matsesta, Khosta, Adler. The recreational network of the zone includes over 220 health resorts and recreation facilities. Sochi is home to the Research Institute of Resort Business and Tourism, the Sputnik International Youth Center, and among cultural events the city is famous for its annual film and music festivals.

Sochi is an important transport center of the Black Sea region. There is a seaport, a railway station, and an airport in Adler.

The Black Sea coast of Russia is the country's largest zone of domestic beach tourism, children's tourism (pioneer camp "Orlyonok") and sports tourism (Krasnaya Polyana complex). All existing types of recreation and tourism are represented on the Black Sea coast: family, children's, active, extreme, corporate, medical, educational. During the years of Soviet power and in modern times, a developed infrastructure has been created. A significant number of guests from the CIS countries and abroad are expected to arrive for the 2014 Olympics.

Rocks, gorges, caves and waterfalls of the Black Sea region attract climbers, speleologists, and hikers. Diving, spearfishing, windsurfing, and yachting are very popular in the area.

The unique natural monuments of the area include the mud volcano Karabetova Sopka, Lake Abrau, Pshad and Agur waterfalls, Eagle Rocks, Tkhaba Pillars, etc.

There are many historical and cultural monuments preserved in the area. Among them are the settlements of primitive people, the ruins of an ancient fortress of the 2nd-3rd centuries. in Krasnaya Polyana, fortifications of the 6th-5th centuries. BC. in Novomikhailovsky, gates of the Anapa fortress (1783), Gelendzhik fortification (1831).

The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus offers enormous opportunities for practicing a variety of sports, including extreme ones: mountaineering, rock climbing, swimming, diving, windsurfing, yachting, paragliding, water skiing, kitesurfing, jet skiing, parachute flights over the sea, riding on all kinds of water attractions , like a “banana” or a “tablet”. In the 90s-2000s, a large number of water parks were built, a large number of children’s camps were renovated. Canyoning, rafting and jeeping, hiking with or without overnight stays, “savage” holidays, walks on horse riding, catamaran and boat rides, fishing and hunting.In the highlands you can practice winter sports most of the year, and on the coast - summer sports

  1. Assessment of the resort and recreational potential of the region

The Black Sea region mainly specializes in medical and health tourism. The main recreational resource can rightfully be considered the warm sea and sandy beaches, which stretch for tens of kilometers. There are extensive sandy beaches on the Anapa coast. The rest of the territory consists mainly of pebble beaches, their area limited by mountains close to the sea.

The height of the Western Caucasus mountains located off the coast increases from north to south from 600 to 1100 m. The swimming season lasts about 4 months: from mid-May to mid-late October. The water temperature ranges from +18 to + 24° C, and on particularly hot days the water can warm up to + 30° C.

Summer is very warm, the average July temperature is +25° C. The Black Sea region has a fairly developed recreational network. Resort towns and villages are located along the sea coast.

It should be noted that the richest hydromineral reserves and favorable landscape and climatic conditions determined the specialization of the zone for therapeutic recreation on a nationwide scale.

The cultural and historical potential of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus provides ample opportunities for the development of educational tourism. Ancient defensive structures of indigenous peoples have been preserved here, and there are many memorable places associated with the stay of outstanding cultural figures.

Problems of recreational development of the region:

    insufficient development of the transport network,

    sea ​​pollution, especially on the Novorossiysk - Tuapse section;

    overlapping short-term recreation areas for local residents with resort areas in the vicinity of Sochi, Anapa, etc.,

    fragility of the coastline (destruction of beaches due to sea abrasion);

    overlapping the interests of viticulture, which provides the Abrau-Durso winery with high-quality grapes, onto the recreational territories of the Gelendzhik resort area.

  1. Conclusion.

The Black Sea coast is the only subtropical zone on the territory of the Russian Federation. The subtropical climate and unique high-mountain resorts create favorable opportunities for the development of tourism, including international tourism. Fertile lands, mineral reserves, borders with foreign countries are conducive to the development of economic and foreign economic relations. However, the advantageous geographical location also has a downside. Due to the favorable location and favorable climate of the region, the population density here is several times higher than the average for the Russian Federation, and human economic activity intensively destroys natural landscapes.

Despite the significant development of the resort industry and tourism in the area, the opportunities are not fully exploited. This is due to a number of reasons. Often the sanitary condition of the coasts is critical and beaches have to be temporarily closed. Hurricane winds accompanied by floods are sometimes observed on the Black Sea coast. The instability of the political situation and interethnic conflicts have an even greater negative impact.

In the future, the Black Sea region can increase the reception of vacationers, patients and tourists by 10 times. This will make it possible to transform the recreational sector of the region into one of the main sectors of the economy.

Today, government agencies are developing plans for the development of recreational areas, and some projects for the construction of resort real estate have been approved. The most promising from the point of view of development of recreational real estate are the regions that have four main components that determine the development potential: multi-format (the presence of potential for several types of tourism), federal significance, compliance with the stage of market development and the presence of a base for development in the following stages. Analytical studies have shown that the Black Sea coast is a very promising area for the development of recreational real estate. The main goal of state policy in the field of tourism is the creation in the Russian Federation of a modern, highly efficient and competitive tourism complex, providing ample opportunities to meet the needs of Russian and foreign citizens for a variety of tourism services.

The geography of tourism in Russia is faced with the task of finding ways to increase the country's competitiveness in the global tourism market, reorienting tourist flows - the return of compatriots and attracting foreign tourists to Russian tourist centers, the formation of a highly effective tourist complex, providing, on the one hand, ample opportunities to meet the needs of Russian and foreign citizens in a variety of tourism products, and on the other hand, a significant contribution to the development of the Russian economy, including through an increase in the number of jobs, tax revenues to the budget, inflow of foreign currency, conservation and rational use of cultural and natural heritage.

  1. Bibliography

    Bulanov, S. “Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Guide." - M.: Ajax-Press. - 2005

    V.G. Ignatov, V.I. Butov, “Southern Russia and its regions” - Rostov-on-Don: March 2007.

    Vavilova E. V. Economic geography and regional studies. - M. Gardariki, - 1999

    A.S. Kuskov, V.L. Golubeva, T.N. Odintsova, “Recreational Geography” Textbook – Flint, MPSI – 2005

    Bagrova L. A., Bagrov N. V., Preobrazhensky V. S. Recreational resources (approaches to the analysis of the concept) - Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Ser. geogr. - M., 1997

    Preobrazhensky V.S., Kvartalnov V.A. Basic concepts and models of recreational science // Theoretical problems of recreational geography. - M., 1989

    Erdavletov S.R. On the subject of tourism geography // Tourism and regional development: Materials of the III International. scientific-practical conf. Smolensk, 2004

    Ecological and economic problems of recreational areas of the Greater Sochi resort: Reports of the scientific conference of specialists and young scientists, Sochi, March 2 - 3, 1994 - Sochi: Sochi Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1995

    Senin V.S. Introduction to tourism. M.B.I., 1993

    Bobrov R. “All about national parks.” - M.: Young Guard - 1987

    Materials of the national Internet portal “Nature of Russia” http:// www. priroda. ru/

    Materials from the Internet portal “Holidays in Russia” http:// www. turlog. ru/

  1. Recreational resources Black Sea coast Russia

    Thesis >> Physical education and sports

    Deciduous and coniferous plantings in recreational zones Black Sea coast they talk about the suitability of this area for... numerous wars in the territory Black Sea coast Caucasus. Natural recreational Sochi resources and his surroundings (coastal and...

  2. History of the development of the resort business in Black Sea coast Caucasus

    Coursework >> Physical education and sports

    ... recreational resources……………………...……8 II. The history of the development of the resort business, including Black Sea coast Caucasus………………………………………….11 ...resort zones in the Baltic, in the Carpathians, in the Crimea, in Black Sea coast, most of Azov coast And...

  3. Tourist- recreational resources of Turkey and resorts Black Sea coast Krasnodar region

    Abstract >> Physical education and sports

    Unique Feature Black Sea coast Caucasus- dissected relief... recreational resources Black Sea coast Krasnodar region. Resort Sochi - Sochi – balneoclimatic seaside piedmont resort zones

Lesson type: combined


- formation of a holistic picture of the world and awareness of man’s place in it based on the unity of rational-scientific knowledge and the child’s emotional and value-based understanding of his personal experience of communicating with people and nature;

Characteristics of student activities

Understand educational objectives of the lesson, strive to fulfill them.

Find and show on a map of natural subtropical zones, tell about them on the map. Install reasons for the unique nature of the subtropical zone. Work in pairs: get to know each other based on materials from a textbook with flora and fauna of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, tell based on a drawing about ecological connections in the desert, simulate power circuits. Discuss safety rules while relaxing by the sea, environmental problems of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Discuss the story “In the Cave” from the book “The Giant in the Clearing.” Work with a terminological dictionary. Characterize the subtropical zone according to plan. Formulate conclusions from the studied material, reply to final questions and evaluate achievements in the lesson

Planned results

Subject (know, be able to)

Know general conditions necessary for the life of living organisms.

Be able to give examples of representatives of different groups of plants and animals of the Black Sea coast

Metasubject (Regulatory. Cognitive. Communicative)

P. - search for necessary information, construct messages orally, analyze objects highlighting essential and non-essential features. Establish cause and effect relationships. Use general problem solving techniques.

R. - make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors, use suggestions and assessments to create a new, perfect result.

K. - formulate your own opinion and position.

Personal results

A feeling of love for one's country, expressed in interest in its nature.

Self-assessment based on criteria for the success of educational activities

Basic concepts and definitions

Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, subtropics

Preparing to learn new material

Let's learn about the nature and environmental problems of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Let's learn to behave correctly by the sea.

Remember what natural areas we have already met. Where do we have left to go? If you have ever been to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, get ready to talk about it.

Find the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus on the map. Here is located subtropical zone, or subtropics. What can you tell from the map about this natural area? Learn to show it on a map.

Learning new material

By the Black Sea

The nature of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is amazing, unlike the nature of other places in our country.

Once here, you immediately feel that you are in the warm south. As you already know, there is a subtropical zone here, stretching in a narrow strip along the Black Sea coast. The main part of the subtropical zone lies to the south of our country, and it only “drops in” on us and gives us a real miracle of southern nature.

This zone has moderately hot summers and warm winters. In winter it rains, and if snow falls, it melts quickly. Why are winters so warm here? Thanks to the sea and mountains. The sea heats up during the summer, and in winter it releases heat to the air. The mountains do not allow cold northern winds to pass here.

The soils of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus are fertile and the vegetation is rich.

Look at the plants of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus in the herbarium and in the drawing. Think about how you recognize these plants in nature.

2.According to the textbook drawing (pp. 128-129), get acquainted with the fauna of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Find information about animals in the text of the textbook.

3.Using this drawing, tell us about the ecological connections in the nature of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Make a model of a typical power circuit.

1. Beech Grove. 2. Walnut. 3. Ki-paris. 4. Roe deer. 5. Seagulls. 6. Cicada.

Oleander hawk moth. 8. Cormorants. 9. Cornermouth jellyfish. 10. Dolphin. 11. Caucasian lizard. 12. Praying Mantis. 13. Crab. 14. Seahorses. 15. Sea pipes.


The flora of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is very diverse. Broad-leaved trees grow in the forests on the mountain slopes - oak, beech, real chestnut. In parks and on city streets, people grow beautiful plants brought from different warm countries: bale-rice, magnolia, palm trees. These plants remain green all year round. The gardens are ripening walnuts, figs, apricots, peaches.

The fauna of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is also very diverse. The insects of these places are beautiful. From afar you can hear the loud chirping of those sitting on the branches cicadas(they feed on plant sap). Among the green leaves lurked a predatory mantis, which waits for prey - flies and other insects.

A rare large beetle hides under the stones - Caucasian ground beetle, which feeds on snails. In the forests at night they light their lights fireflies.

Occasionally there is an amazingly beautiful butterfly oleander hawk moth. There are many other beautiful butterflies.

Among the large animals we will name those living in forests roe deer. They live on the seashore seagulls, cormorants, who feed on fish

Very interesting marine life: dolphins, strange fish Sea Horses And sea ​​needles, and crabs, jellyfish


The shores of the Black Sea are a place where many thousands of people come for recreation and treatment. Here is a beautiful resort town Sochi. Numerous sanatoriums, rest houses, and boarding houses have been built there.

In the resort city of Sochi

Attention! When relaxing by the sea, you need to be careful, swim only under the supervision of adults, do not swim beyond the restrictive buoys, and under no circumstances swim in a storm. You can only be in the sun wearing a hat. You need to tan gradually, starting from a few minutes, so as not to get burned. It is necessary to use sunscreen, which protects the skin from the dangerous effects of sunlight. The best time to relax at sea is in the morning and evening hours, when it is not as hot as during the day.

One of the main attractions of the city of Sochi is the Arboretum (from the Greek word “dendron” - tree). This is an unusually beautiful park where plants from all over the world are collected. Here you can see the mighty cedar, whose homeland is the distant Himalayas, and eucalyptus, which “came” from Australia, and the elephant palm from South America. We will see bamboo groves, thickets of cacti and, of course, tall cypress trees reaching towards the sky - one of the main decorations of the park.

Unfortunately, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus is not without environmental problems. Sewage and various garbage enter the sea and pollute it.

People who come here to relax do not always treat nature with care. They pick beautiful flowers, break branches of trees and bushes, carve inscriptions on trunks, write on rocks, throw out garbage anywhere, catch beetles, butterflies, and other insects as souvenirs, destroy crabs and jellyfish. If you touch a jellyfish, it burns like nettles. This is how the jellyfish defends itself. But some people, instead of swimming more carefully, prefer to destroy jellyfish: they throw them ashore, where they die in the sun...

Rare plants of these places are included in the Red Book of Russia: butcher's broom(1), sam-shit Colchian(2), yew berry(3). In the Sochi region there is a unique yew-boxwood grove, which is under special protection. Animals included in the Red Book: dolphin Black Sea bottlenose dolphin(4) and already known to you Caucasian ground beetle(5).

To preserve the nature of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, a national park was created in 1983 "Sochi". It is directly adjacent to the resort city of Sochi and includes its surroundings, mainly mountain forests. There are many excursion and tourist routes through the park. For example, many tourists visit the famous Vorontsov Caves - a mysterious underground kingdom. For the convenience of tourists, there is lighting, paths and stairs.

Everyone who lives on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus or comes here to relax is obliged to protect the nature of this wonderful place

Comprehension and understanding of acquired knowledge

Let's discuss!

1. How do you explain the names of animals: seahorse, pipefish, mantis? Test yourself on the Self-Test Pages.

2. In the book “The Giant in the Clearing,” read the story “In the Cave” and discuss it. Why do caves need protection?

check yourself

1. Show the subtropical zone on the map. Explain where it is located. 2. How should you behave near the sea? 3. Give a brief description of the subtropical zone according to the plan on p. 71.


On the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus there is a subtropical zone. In order to preserve the beauty and diversity of the nature of these places, a kind, caring attitude of every person towards it is necessary.

Homework assignments

1.Write in the dictionary: Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, subtropics.

2. Draw how you imagine the Black Sea and its shores

3.If you have never been to the Black Sea, think about what questions you will ask the guys who were there.

4.Using the Internet, take an imaginary trip to the Sochi National Park. What interesting things can you see there? What the national park staff are doing to protect the nature of the Black Sea coast


Outdoors. Black Sea coast.

Presentation hosting the world