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Facts about Andorra. This is interesting! Andorra: the smallest country in the world What professions are prohibited in Andorra

Not so long ago, on the mountain trails and valleys of Andorra, scenes worthy of being included in the best scenes of adventure cinema were played out. Every now and then you could come across a truck full of bags of money abandoned in the middle of roadside slush, or find a suitcase stuffed with gold. For smugglers who did not want to share their profits with Spanish customs, the only road at that time led through little Andorra. However, as soon as Spain lifted the ban on imports, smuggling lost all meaning.

Andorra does not have its own airport or railway. The nearest railway stations and air terminals are in Spain and France . Tourists who want to visit the state first fly to Spain, and only then get to the right place, because the border between Andorra and Spain is smoother and gentler than the border with France, where mountains mainly predominate.

Andorra is comparable in size to a principality Liechtenstein , another dwarf state.

When the Versailles Union was created, which was started through negotiations and treaties and included many countries, Andorra was not included in it. And not because the country somehow did not suit us or contradicted something, no. They simply forgot about her. After all, she is so small and inconspicuous.

You can only anger an Andorran by mentioning one name: Max Frisch. To this day, Andorrans cannot forgive this Swiss writer for calling his theater play, which talks about hostility towards foreigners and the unscrupulous expulsion of a political refugee, “Andorra”. This anger is understandable, especially considering that during the Spanish Civil War and World War II, Andorra sheltered refugees and thereby saved the lives of many of them.

In 1934, Soviet emigrant Boris Skosyrev declared himself king of Andorra. But his power was interrupted by four gendarmes, who sent him to a Spanish prison. During his reign, Skosyrev managed to proclaim his flag, and this flag was official until 1980. It looked like a tricolor (red, yellow, blue), and it also had a crown on a yellow stripe.

Unlike, for example, Liechtenstein, there are no fictitious companies in Andorra, however, at the same time, a real tax paradise reigns in the country. There are low taxes and, therefore, Andorran citizenship is one of the most desirable in the world. However, the conditions that this country sets for immigrants are very strict: it is necessary to live in the country for several decades (!!!) before the applicant has a chance to officially become a citizen of the country.

Andorrans live the longest. The average life expectancy in Andorra is 83 years: according to this indicator, the country is in second place in the world and is second only to Japan . High life expectancy is facilitated by clean air and a cold but sunny climate (300 sunny days a year). And also, high-quality medical care, which is provided free of charge to all working citizens and members of their families.

More than 75 different species of ants live in Andorra.

Andorra does not have its own army. It never stayed here, because Andorra never fought with anyone, and in fact, with the development of the state, there was no need for it either. That is why men in Andorra did not serve in the army and there is no conscription here, as in many other countries.

In the Andorran town of Escaldes-Engordany there is a museum of Russian nesting dolls. It contains about 300 exhibits. The museum's cinema hall shows films dedicated to the history and process of making these wooden dolls.

Andorra is a shopping paradise. For a long time, the country was a duty-free trade zone, therefore, prices for many goods, especially luxury ones, were much more attractive than in other European countries. In 2015, under pressure from the EU, the country introduced an income tax, but it is low, and thanks to numerous tax breaks, Andorra remains an attractive shopping destination.

Until 1993, Andorra paid symbolic tribute to the President of France and the Bishop of Urgell. According to its constitution, Andorra is a parliamentary principality, although without princes. The Bishops of Urgell and French presidents have long ceased to bear this monarchical title and do not interfere in the affairs of the mountainous state. However, this was not always the case. Andorra owes its existence to the fact that at one time Spain and France could not come to an agreement over a small area in the Eastern Pyrenees. By the decision of the arbitration court on September 8, 1278, both large neighbors agreed to henceforth govern Andorra jointly. This went on for almost 700 years, until June 4, 1993. On this day, the citizens of Andorra and their government - the General Council - finally received sovereign rights.

More than 30% of Andorra's territory is a national park, which is protected by UNESCO.

Andorran hydroelectric power plants are an important economic factor for the country: the excess electricity generated is sold to Spain.

Andorran schoolchildren study 3 languages: in addition to the national Catalan language, Spanish and French are also studied.

Postage in Andorra is free, perhaps due to the small territory of the state.

Lawyers and their activities are prohibited in Andorra. They are called black lawyers who can make black things white.

The standard of living in the Principality of Andorra is one of the highest in Europe.

The blue-yellow-red national flag of Andorra combines French and Spanish colors. After all, blue and red are the colors of France, and yellow and red are the colors of Spain. In the center of the flag is a shield with the image of two bulls and a myrtle and the staff of the Bishop of Urgell, which also symbolizes the joint governance of the country by Spain and France. And the inscription on the shield completes this picture: “Unity makes you strong.”

Responsibility for the external security of Andorra lies with its neighbors - Spain and France.

The capital of Andorra, the city of Andorra la Vella is the highest capital of Europe. This city is located at an altitude of more than a thousand meters above sea level.

There are no prisons in Andorra. Andorra is considered a country where, in its entire history, there have never been wars, revolutions or mass repressions; the country, by law and statistics, can be considered one of the calmest. There is generally no crime here. You can walk down the street at any time, even with a huge wallet filled to the brim with money. Nobody ever bothers locals or tourists.

Tours to Andorra special offers of the day

Andorra (cat. Andorra), full official form - Principality of Andorra. Located between Spain and France, in the eastern Pyrenees. Landlocked. The name Andosini may come from the Basque handia, which means "big".

The exact origin of the country's name is unknown; there are several hypotheses about this. Ancient Greek sources mention the Iberian tribe of Andosines, who lived in the mountain valleys of the Pyrenees during the Punic Wars. Another theory suggests that the place name "Andorra" comes from the Arabic "al-Durra", meaning "pearl", and was acquired by a number of regions after the Moorish invasion of the Iberian Peninsula. There is a view that the name "Andorra" comes from the Navarro-Aragonese word andurrial, which means "land covered with bushes" or "wooded area".

The official language is Catalan (according to the Constitution), but Spanish and French also serve as de facto official languages.

The capital is Andorra la Vella.

The currency of Andorra is the euro.

The flag of Andorra is a rectangular panel consisting of three vertical unequal stripes of blue, yellow and red. In the center of the middle yellow stripe is the coat of arms of Andorra. This tricolor has been the flag of Andorra since the 19th century. Blue and red are the colors of France, and yellow and red are the colors of Spain: together they reflect the Franco-Spanish patronage of Andorra. In the center of the flag is a shield depicting the miter and crozier of the Bishop of Urgell and two bulls, symbolizing the joint government of France and Spain; red stripes on a yellow background are the colors of Catalonia. The motto on the shield is: “Unity makes you strong” (Latin: Virtvs Vnita Fortior). The flag was adopted in 1866.

The coat of arms of Andorra is one of the state symbols of Andorra. The modern version of the coat of arms was approved in 1969. The shield consists of the coats of arms of the co-owners of Andorra: the Bishop of Urgell, the spiritual head of the largest diocese in Catalonia, and the Counts of Foix, who included in their coat of arms the Viscountate of Béarn (now represented by the President of France).

The population of Andorra is 76,098 people (2013). The population of the capital is about 21,113 inhabitants.

Population by national composition (2013): Andorrans (descendants of Catalan peasants who settled the mountain valleys in ancient times) - 45.98%; Spaniards - 26.37%; Portuguese - 14.20%; French - 4.86%; English - 1.27%; other nationalities - 7.32%.

Sights of Andorra
  • Grandvalira ski resort
  • Ski resort Soldeu
  • Incles Valley
  • House Museum of Casa de la Val
  • Castle d'Enclar
  • La Margineda Bridge
  • Car Museum
  • Motorcycle Museum
  • Tobacco Museum
  • Lake Juclar
  • Lake Egnolasters
  • Spa Caldea
  • Church of the Blessed Virgin of Meritchel
  • Church of Santa Coloma
  • St. John's Church

  • France and Spain provide external security for the Principality of Andorra.
  • The capital of Andorra, the city of Andorra la Vella is the highest capital of Europe. It is located in the center of the principality on the banks of the Valira River at an altitude of 1079 meters above sea level.
  • Every year 8-9 million tourists arrive in Andorra. For comparison, the population of this country is about 80 thousand people. In Andorra, foreigners are attracted not only by its attractions and ski resorts, but also by duty-free trade.
  • In order to become a citizen of a country, you need to live in it for at least 10 years.
  • Andorra has only about 200 kilometers of paved roads.
  • The standard of living in the Principality of Andorra is one of the highest in Europe.
  • Andorra has never had its own currency, apart from collectible coins.
  • The main government institutions of the Principality are located in Andorra la Vella. The government office, prison and court are housed in the Valley House. It was erected in the capital of the state back in 1580.
  • There is practically no serious crime here. Only theft could not be eradicated.
  • There are no lawyers in Andorra. Their activities on the territory of the principality were prohibited by law in 1864.
  • In 1934, Soviet emigrant Boris Skosyrev declared himself king of Andorra. The mutiny took place with the help of 5 people. The Spanish police quickly pacified the riot and restored the system of the previous government of the state. Skosyrev was arrested and sent to a Spanish prison.
  • When the First World War began, Andorra officially declared war on Germany. But the local authorities forgot about this, and thus Andorra was officially at war with Germany until 1957, when, four decades later, the Andorrans finally came to their senses.
  • Andorra was not accepted into the Versailles Union for a rather unusual reason - this country was simply forgotten.
  • The national cuisine of Andorra has absorbed the culinary traditions of Spain and France. In the cozy restaurants of the principality you can try dishes with an Andorran twist.

Andorra: the smallest country in the world

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Andorra belongs to the smallest countries in the world, its territory is only 470 km/sq., and its population is no more than 80 thousand people. Despite its small size, the country can be proud of its capital - Andorra la Vella, which is considered the Alpine capital of Europe and is located at an altitude of 1,029 m above sea level. If you are planning to visit this small country in the future, it would be a good idea to learn some interesting facts about Andorra.

A country without prisons or courts

The small state in Andorra is recognized as one of the safest, which is why there is no prison on its territory. Lawyers and lawyers were prohibited there by law back in 1864. Then, most likely, the legal profession was not very respected, since all lawyers were called black people.

High quality of life

The country's inhabitants were engaged in agriculture in antiquity; today they are mainly engaged in banking and tourism. Therefore, Andorran business structures are often heard about. Their standard of living is one of the highest among European countries. Own money in Andorra still does not exist; the entire population uses the euro. True, for collectors and tourists they produce Andorran diner, which costs 100 centimes and is coated with gold and silver.

Defense and Law Enforcement

Despite the fact that this country does not need prisons, it nevertheless has police. Policemen also sometimes perform the duties of the military - there is simply no regular army here. And neighboring countries - France and Spain - are responsible for its protection, and if you remember history, there were precedents.

For example, in 1934, Russian immigrant Boris Skosyrev called himself Boris the Great, King of Andorra. Quite quickly, several gendarmes easily arrested the false ruler, and then threw him into prison in Spain. This was the end of his reign. However, the population did not forget about the Russian origin of the deceiver. Perhaps, in his honor, local residents opened the Russian Matryoshka Museum. This museum has 300 types of nesting dolls, as well as films about how to make toys from wood.

Features of movement

Andorra does not have its own railway or airport, but this does not prevent local residents from traveling safely both within their own country and over long distances. When they want to use this type of transport, they simply go to a neighboring country.

Due to the very small territory, the state does not require payment for postal services at all.

Only amateurs in sports

Residents of the country love football, and even created a football team consisting of amateurs, people who are far from sports. It is worth telling that in 1996 the first match took place between the national teams of Andorra and Estonia. Although Andorra lost, this is not bad, considering that the team included the director of a construction company, an insurer, a housing office employee and a bank clerk.

You need to look for Andorra on the map in the Pyrenees between France and Spain.

It is these countries that ensure the external security of the principality and determine its economic policy.

The population of the dwarf country barely exceeds 85 thousand people, and the size of the territory is only 467.63 square meters. km.

The official name of the country is the Principality of Andorra. Its protection by Spain and France allowed the state to abandon the maintenance of its army. Its strength is only 12 people. The army has not fought here for 700 years.

Every man who is a citizen of the country must have a weapon at home and, in case of war, immediately arrive at the mobilization point.

There are no lawyers in Andorra. Their activities on the territory of the principality were prohibited by law in 1864.

The country was formed as a state in 1278. During this period, the Spanish bishop and the French house of Foix established the sovereignty of the region.

Andorra is considered the 14th longest living country in the world. In one day you can travel around the entire principality.

It is so small that at the conclusion of the Versailles Alliance, they forgot about its existence and did not include it in its countries. And this is not the only case of “forgetfulness”.

Fun fact: During World War I, Andorra declared war on Germany. This fact was remembered only in 1950.

The state adopted its Constitution only in 1993. This made it a formally independent state. Until this period, the principality paid symbolic tribute to the President of France and the Bishop of Urgell.

The principality does not have its own railway or airport. The national flag of Andorra has absorbed the colors of the national flags of Spain and France. It contains red, blue and yellow colors.

The joint management of these countries by the principality is reflected in the coat of arms. It is located in the center of the national flag and represents the image of two bulls, a myrtle and the crozier of the Bishop of Urgell.

In order to become a citizen of a country, you need to live in it for at least 10 years.

The country is not part of the EU, but the euro is used as the national currency.

Andorra's own national currency is the diner and centimes. They are issued only for collectors in the form of metal coins.

The main source of state income is tourism. Almost 11 million tourists visit the principality every year. In Andorra, foreigners are attracted not only by its attractions and ski resorts, but also by duty-free trade.

Goods here are 2 times cheaper than in EU countries. You can send parcels from Andorra completely free of charge. All this stimulates the influx of foreign citizens and trade here.

There are also very interesting museums here.. One of them is located in the town of Escaldes-Engordany and is dedicated to Russian nesting dolls.

It contains more than 300 exhibits. There is a cinema hall where films are shown telling about the history of the creation of the toy and the processes of its manufacture.

Another museum The principality, which tourists love to visit, has collected a collection of cars, bicycles and motorcycles.

He did not rule for long. The Spanish gendarmerie very quickly pacified the riot and restored the system of the previous government of the state. Sysoev was arrested and sent to a Spanish prison.

The main government institutions of the Principality are located in Andorra la Vella. The government office, prison and court are housed in the Valley House. It was erected in the capital of the state back in 1580.

The highest capital of Europe

The capital of the principality is Andorra la Vella. This is the highest capital of Europe, reminiscent of a quiet provincial town.

It is located in the center of the principality on the banks of the Valira River at an altitude of 1079 meters above sea level. The tall spire of her Caldea hotel is Europe's largest spa complex. Its area is 6000 sq. meters.

Andorra la Vella is considered the best ski resort in the country. The history of the city is closely connected with the name of Charlemagne. In gratitude for the help of the people of Andorra in the battle of the Frankish army with the Arabs, he declared them a sovereign people.

The population of the capital of the principality is about 20 thousand people, and the territory is 12 square meters. km. It has a thermal spring.

There are no public toilets in the capital. All of them are located in shopping centers, of which there are quite a lot.

Spain + France = Andorran cuisine

The national cuisine of Andorra has absorbed the culinary traditions of Spain and France. In the cozy restaurants of the principality you can try dishes with an Andorran twist.

Meat dishes are very popular here. Pork is especially popular.

One of the most popular dishes "La parillada". It is prepared from several types of meat. These are pork, rabbit, turkey and beef. White beans and fried sausage are added to them.

Another popular meat dish is Cunino.. This is rabbit in tomato sauce.

In Andorra, a dish with fried lamb is called “Hai”, fried bacon flavored with potatoes and cabbage is called “Turinsat”. Duck with apples and beans has a special taste in Andorra.

Among the traditional first courses - sheep cheese soup "Tupi" and "Escudella". The seafood here is Andorran trout, fish soup "Porusaldu".

In the northern regions of the principality, French and Italian cuisine predominates. They are dominated by macaroni and cheese.

Not a single meal is complete here without salads. Most often, gherkins, tuna, seafood, corn, and ham are used to prepare them.

The most famous Andorran cheese "Turi" prepared in special earthenware. Its recipe includes moonshine and garlic.

For dessert, the residents of the principality prepare various mousses, crepes, creams and “Torrijas”. The latter is bread with cream and honey. The curd pies and fondue are very good here.

Among fruit desserts, the most popular is "Orejones". This is a dried peach that is boiled in wine and sugar. Interesting dishes are Andorran rice and Manzanas asadas.

The situation is worse in the principality with its national alcoholic drinks. The country traditionally drinks Spanish wine.

Exemplary Catholics

There are rules of conduct here. They are designed for those who ski. In essence, they are more reminiscent of safety instructions.

Cultural traditions are fusion of French and Spanish customs. Large flows of tourists have accustomed the residents of the principality to tolerance.

There is practically no serious crime here. It was not possible to eradicate theft in the principality. Striptease, pornography and prostitution are prohibited in Andorra. Sexual minorities existing in the state do not advertise their orientation.

Provocative behavior of foreigners in the country can lead to expulsion from it and a ban on entry. Such measures are taken against any violator of order, regardless of his economic status or political position.

Exemplary Catholic Andorrans trying to lead a decent life. This does not stop them from smuggling.

There is no ban on alcohol and tobacco here. The majority of Andorrans are Catholics. They are quite pious people. This influences the habits and behavior of the citizens of the principality.

Many traditions of their ancestors have been preserved in their life. Andorrans prefer cash payments. Local residents treat nature very carefully.

They will never cut down more trees than they need. This is due to the belief that God will punish them for the damage done to nature for the sake of profit. All Andorrans are very hospitable.

Traditions, habits, holidays

Each province of Andorra has its own holidays, which they readily celebrate. Most of them are associated with religious dates.

Besides them There are also general public holidays. Among them:

  • in January- New Year and Epiphany;
  • in March- Constitution day;
  • in May- Labor Day;
  • in June- Day of Andorra;
  • in September- All Saints' Day and St. Charles of Borromean Day;
  • December- Feast of the Immaculate Conception and Christmas.

Very popular among local residents various festivals and fairs.

Every year there are troubadour poetry competitions. The tradition of paying debts and taxes in canvas bags has also been preserved here.

Unusual and surprising

Andorra is not part of the Schengen area, but To get there from Russia, you need a Schengen visa. There are only 200 km of asphalt roads in the country.

You can only get here by car from Toulouse or Barcelona. It is surrounded by 65 mountains and is home to more than 75 different species of ants.

At the checkout in Andorran stores you can always take a free bunch of fresh parsley.

Despite the fact that the country is considered one of the richest, you can rent a good 3-room apartment in the capital for 400-500 euros per month.

The state does not have its embassies abroad. There are no large cities in the principality; the population of many villages does not exceed 100 people.

More than 30% of Andorra's territory is a national park, which is protected by UNESCO.

Once in the principality worth a visit is the park in Andorra la Vella and the Coma Pedrosa Valley in the district of La Massana. These are places of amazing beauty.


Andorra is a tiny principality, lost in the eastern Pyrenees between much more impressive neighbors - France and Spain. Despite its modest size, Andorra attracts many tourists.

First of all, everyone who is partial to alpine skiing comes here with pleasure. There are many trails, gentle and dizzying slopes, creating excellent conditions for a ski holiday. In addition, Andorra attracts tourists with a holiday in the mountains, surrounded by magnificent and almost untouched nature.

The advantages of the principality include a European-style high level of service and a well-developed tourist infrastructure. At the same time, a holiday in Andorra will cost an order of magnitude cheaper than in other European ski resorts. The principality also has a duty-free zone, so you can just go here for shopping.

What you should definitely do in Andorra - master one of the winter sports, sit in a bar on the mountain slope, visit local museums and shopping centers, buy souvenirs, such as cigars, or ski equipment at competitive prices, relax at one of the spa resorts .

The best hotels and inns at affordable prices.

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What to see in Andorra?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photographs and brief descriptions.

Lake Engolasters is located near the town of Encamp, at an altitude of about 1.6 thousand meters above sea level. There is a special tourist route to it, but some people prefer to climb the steep slopes, observing the picturesque surroundings. There is a picturesque church nearby, so a walk along the banks will bring great pleasure. You can also take a ride on the local cable car to see the entire lake valley from above.

This unusual museum is located in the seventh district of Andorra, at an altitude of 909 meters above sea level. It is here that the best cigars in all of Europe are made in small factories and factories. The Tobacco Museum opened in 1999 and houses a collection of everything related to the path of tobacco from the plantation to the smoker. In the museum you can get acquainted with ancient equipment, tools, handmade cigars, and also taste one or another sample right on the terrace.

This is the most picturesque place in the entire Principality of Andorra, green, surrounded by mountains and at the same time carefully furnished by human hands. A highway stretches along the Incles Valley, along which many cozy hotels and shops await tourists. There are also ski resorts here. A mountain river flows through the valley, on the banks of which there are picnic areas for the convenience of travelers. The trip itself along the central Incles road will bring a lot of pleasure, and a walk - even more so.

Once in Andorra la Vell, one cannot help but notice this outstanding structure, much more like a powerful tower or fortress than a temple. Meanwhile, Santa Coloma is really a church, albeit devoid of luxury or deliberate pretentiousness. Built back in the 10th century and retaining its original appearance to this day, the church has remained a striking example of pre-Romanesque architecture. The church is still in operation, attracting tourists with its unique beauty and ancient history.

The Church of St. John was built in the Romanesque style in the form of a powerful tower, located in one of the most beautiful corners of Andorra - at the exit from Canillo. It is believed that the temple was built in the 11th-12th centuries. It is distinguished by a Lombard-style bell tower, porticoes, remains of magnificent stucco work and a rectangular nave. A visit to the Church of St. John is usually included in the route of bus tours in Andorra, since it is located right on the route of other interesting attractions.

As a matter of fact, this is the building of the old parliament of the city, where many antiques have been preserved that tell about the history of Andorra. In the house-museum of Casa de la Val, tourists can see the hall where the council met, visit a truly medieval kitchen and a guest room. In general, the decoration of this fortress cannot be called lush or too bright, however, it is interesting precisely because of its history. In addition, there is a Postal Museum, and the first floor is occupied by the Church of San Ermengol.

The resort of Soldeu is connected by a network of slopes and lifts with two more resorts - El Tarter and Canillo. This opens up vast opportunities for travelers to visit many interesting places and move freely between individual zones. In addition, Soldeu is located close to the capital of Andorra, so it is quite accessible from a geographical point of view. It is recommended to visit the resort from December to April.

This is a ski resort located not far from the villages of the same name, beautifully spread out on the mountain slopes. Vallnord Arinsal began to develop relatively recently, but is already popular. All trails and sections are divided into sectors - for families, for children, for all ages, for experienced skiers. Although, it should be admitted that Vallnord Arinsal is preferred by beginners - all conditions are created for them here.

This thermal wellness center can be called unique and designed for unique relaxation, rejuvenation and relaxation. Caldea is the largest thermal water center in Europe! Here you can spend time not only alone, but also with the whole family, and have a romantic evening. The territory of the center is 600 square meters with pools of varying depths, rocks, cascades, waterfalls, a water park, jacuzzi and showers. The thermal waters of Caldea have many healing properties.

This resort represents the most prestigious, iconic and largest ski area in Andorra. This includes several small resorts, united by a network of slopes and lifts. Grandvalira has been operating since 1956, and is still actively developing. The resort offers excellent recreational conditions for everyone - professionals and people who have started skiing for the first time, for couples with children and young lovers. By the way, there is a special snow kindergarten for children.