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Fisherman's schedule for the year. Burbot fishing in April

The moon is a celestial body with the strongest energy. It affects all life on Earth. In this article we will talk about the influence of the Moon on fish, so that fishermen can plan to catch it on the most favorable days for this according to the lunar calendar of 2017.

Astrologers say that Pisces is very sensitive to changes that occur with the Moon. That is why on some days fishermen manage to catch several kilograms of fish, and on others – a couple of pieces.

So that fishing lovers do not waste time, we have compiled a list of days when the bite according to the 2017 lunar calendar will be very good, and when there will be none at all.

When drawing up the fishing schedule for next year, we were guided by two principles:

  1. The phase of the moon was taken into account:
  • When there is a new moon, fishing will be unsuccessful.
  • The first quarter of the Moon is a favorable time for fishing.
  • Second quarter of the Moon - you can go fishing, but it is important to take into account that the activity of fish on such lunar days will be slightly reduced, so the catch will be small.
  • The full moon is the best time for fishing. There is a possibility that the catch will be maximum.
  • During the third quarter of the Moon, astrologers advise fishing only if you have enough complementary food. The fact is that during this lunar phase, fish are in search of food.
  • It is useless to fish during the waning moon - there will be no catch.
  • The seventh lunar phase and the phase of the old Moon should be devoted to preparing for fishing: updating gear, stocking up on fish food, and so on.

  1. They combined the lunar phase with the zodiacal constellations, which have a strong impact on the process of fishing:
  • When the Moon is in Aries or Capricorn, fishing is possible, you won’t have to count on a big fish catch;
  • The days when the Moon is in the zodiac constellation Taurus are the best for fishing;
  • When the Moon is in Gemini, Leo, or Sagittarius, the bite will be small, so astrologers advise feeding the fish and updating fishing equipment on such days;
  • When the Moon comes under the influence of Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces, the bite will be excellent, so feel free to plan your fishing trip.

Fisherman's lunar calendar for January 2017

In January, fish are most often in a state of suspended animation due to low air temperatures. She is very lethargic and immobile. This is due to the lack of oxygen for waterfowl, because all bodies of water are covered with a thick layer of ice. It is not surprising that a huge number of fish accumulate in places where fishermen drill holes, as a result of which they manage to make a large catch.

Astrologers have determined that the best time for fishing in January will be January 1-8, 17-24, 2017. And here January 9-16, 24-31 the fish will stop being active, so there will be no bite.

Fisherman's lunar calendar for February 2017

In February, as a rule, the frost is the most severe, so fish often hibernate. But, if you choose the right day, you can enjoy the fishing process to the fullest. There is a chance of catching a big fish, the main condition for fishing in February is not to make noise.

  • Successful days for fishing this winter month will be: 1-5, 16-21, 26-28 February
  • You can also fish February 6-8, 15, 22-23, however the catch will be insignificant
  • It's pointless to go fishing February 9-14, and 1st, 24th-25th

Fisherman's lunar calendar for March 2017

In March, the ice on reservoirs will begin to melt rapidly, so more oxygen will flow to the fish, they will begin to wake up and actively look for food on the surface of the water. But this does not mean that the entire month is favorable for fishing.

Only March 1-7, 17-22, 26-31 the catch may be successful. On the remaining days of the first spring month, astrologers do not advise fishing, as this process will only bring disappointment.

Fisherman's lunar calendar for April 2017

During April, the life processes of the fish and its activity will return to normal. It will move more actively underwater, but fishermen will not be able to catch it every day and not everywhere. You will only need to catch fish in their spawning areas. April 1-5, 15-19, 26-30.

WITH 6 to 14, 20, 21 and 25 April Not the most favorable time for fishing. It is better to devote these days to other issues related to fishing.

Fisherman's lunar calendar for May 2017

There is already such a belief among fishermen that May is the best month for fishing. It is believed that the bite is always good, and the catch is large-scale. However, the lunar calendar data for fishing indicates some other data.

  • Successful fishing in May will only be possible from 1st to 5th, as well as 17th and 31st.
  • From 6 to 9, 12-13 and 16 May, you can only go fishing if your goal is to rest and relax, because there may not be a catch.
  • From 10 to 15 May Astrologers generally do not advise going fishing, since no bite is expected these days.

Fisherman's lunar calendar for June 2017

In June, fish finish spawning, so their goal this month is to restore vitality. They begin to be active underwater, looking for food. Fishermen, knowing this feature of underwater inhabitants, begin to feed them intensively in order to make an excellent catch.

However, according to the lunar calendar for fisherman in 2017, the best days for fishing will only be June 1-3, 6, 15-21. The remaining days of the first summer month will be fruitless in terms of fishing.

Fisherman's lunar calendar for July 2017

In July, the peak of the heat comes, from which not only people try to hide, but also fish, which move to the bottom of the reservoir, where the water is cooler. Of course, as the air temperature drops, the fish return. This occurs mostly in the evening or early morning. Therefore, you need to fish exactly at this time of day, but on certain days.

Best suited for fishing according to the lunar calendar July 1-6, 13-18, 24-31. Dedicate all other days to other activities.

Fisherman's lunar calendar for August 2017

In August, the air temperature is still quite high, so the recommendations for organizing the fishing process this month are similar to those in July. Fishing is generally easy in August. However, to ensure a big catch, you should choose a day favorable for fishing. For example, 1-3, 9-17, 22-30 August.

From 18 to 12 August According to astrologers, you can fish only for the sake of relaxation; don’t expect a big catch. Postpone fishing if you plan to do it during the period from 5 to 8 August, since there definitely won’t be a bite.

Fisherman's lunar calendar for September 2017

September is one of the most favorable months of the year for fishing. Thanks to moderate air temperatures and fish activity, fishermen often manage to make large catches. Moreover, in September fish can be caught using any kind of bait.

  • However, according to the lunar calendar, specific days of September 2017 are allocated for successful fishing, namely - September 7-15
  • A small catch can be expected with September 1-2, 5-6, 16-29
  • And here 3rd, 4th and 30th stay home because there won't be any bite

Fisherman's lunar calendar for October 2017

October is marked by the first frosts, which greatly affect fishing - the fish begin to hide at the bottom, since the water is warmer there. Because of this, it is extremely rare to get great fishing. However, 2017 is a time of exceptions. There will be enough days in October - from 7 to 27 when you can catch a lot of fish.

From 1 to 6, and from 28 to 31 October No bite in sight. Therefore, on these days, plan other activities or renew your gear or prepare bait for fishing on favorable days.

Fisherman's lunar calendar for November 2017

In November, all the fish hide on the bottom. Its small representatives generally look for places where they can hide from large predators for whom the fry are food. That is why in November, fishermen most often catch mainly large predatory fish, such as pike.

The main thing is to choose the right day for fishing according to the lunar calendar. In November this is the period from 8 to 30. The first week of the last autumn month is the most unfavorable time for fishing.

Fisherman's lunar calendar for December 2017

December is a mixed month in terms of weather. Sometimes the water is already covered with ice, as a result of which the same situation with fish occurs as in January and February, and sometimes the air temperature outside is above zero. To know for sure when is the best time to go fishing, use the lunar calendar data.

Video: Fishing. What do you need to know before going fishing?

Fisherman's calendar for September 2019

The fisherman's lunar calendar for the city of Moscow for September 2019 is a collection of the most important and necessary information for the fisherman about events, as well as the intricacies of the lunar cycle. It takes into account the dependence of the intensity of fish biting on the phase of the Moon. This calendar will become an advisor for you, and will help no matter who you are: a beginner or a professional fisherman. To achieve excellent success in fishing, be sure to take into account other factors - weather, luck, skill and fishing location that influence the activity of fish.

Quick transition by day September 2019
26 27 28 29 30 31
3 4 5 6 8
11 12 13 14
16 19 20 22
23 24 26 27 28 29
1 2 3 4 5 6

Fishing in September. Morning parties are getting stronger, frost is settling more often, and the water temperature continues to decline. The leaves turn yellow and leaves begin to fall. In some places, falling leaves cover the surface of the water in a dense layer. In good weather, perches, roaches, breams, and roaches like to stand under them (fish do not gather under a layer of fallen alder leaves). It is successfully caught with a float rod using a worm, a jig or a small spoon. Aquatic plants become brown, partially curl up and sink to the bottom. Underwater thickets are thinning. The mollusks, crustaceans, and worms that inhabit them burrow into the silt. The fish go to deeper places. The water becomes even clearer.

The bite of bream and carp gradually worsens, and by the end of the month it stops completely. In warm weather, small bream and crucian carp continue to be caught on bloodworms and worms until the first ten days of the next month.

In lakes and ponds, roach with bloodworms, perch and small pike with fry are well caught; in rivers, at medium depths, mainly near bushes, asp are used for bleak. Hunting with bottom fishing rods for chub and ide and frogs continues (in the first half of the night and early morning hours). The chub also readily takes on minnows and chicken intestines. In the second half of the month, burbot begins to be found on the riffles. When fishing for bloodworms and maggots, they successfully fish for roach, bream, underwater, chub, roach and mainly dace. In the second ten days, autumn feeding of pike is observed in deep places. They catch it with a spinning rod, mugs, a track and float rods. Zander bites are rare. The best results are obtained by vertical trolling with winter lures in deep snags.

Quiet, cloudy days are most favorable for fishing. Light, drizzling rain does not affect the pike bite. Fishing for burbot is more effective on dark, stormy nights. In September it is especially interesting to fish with spinning rods, circles and float rods for fry. When the weather is favorable, fishing for grasshoppers continues on the lakes. In small rivers, fishing with jigs near the banks is interesting. On the riffles at night there are chub bites for gudgeons (bottom fishing rods).

Fishing calendars for 2019:

The lunar fishing calendar for September 2019 presented below will be an excellent advisor for you. With its help you can easily determine the best moments for fishing.

Select type of selection Fisherman's lunar calendar for September 2019 for Moscow
bite rating
1 sun from 00:00
bad bite
1) The 2nd lunar day continues
from 07:56
good bite
1) Beginning of the 3rd lunar day
2 mon from 09:26
great bite
1) Beginning of the 4th lunar day
7 Sat from 15:58
good bite
1) Beginning of the 9th lunar day
9 mon from 17:37
weak bite
1) Beginning of the 11th lunar day
10 W from 18:10
bad bite
1) Beginning of the 12th lunar day
15 Sun from 19:42
weak bite
1) Beginning of the 17th lunar day
17 W from 20:10
great bite
1) Beginning of the 19th lunar day
18 Wed from 20:27
good bite
1) Beginning of the 20th lunar day
21 Sat from 21:48
weak bite
1) Beginning of the 23rd lunar day
25 Wed from 00:52
bad bite
1) Beginning of the 26th lunar day
30 mon from 08:22
good bite
1) Beginning of the 3rd lunar day
Fisherman's lunar calendar for other months

Autumn has arrived, it is getting colder and daylight hours are shortening. Of course, all this affects the activity of the fish. Let's look at the features of autumn fishing. The angler's calendar for September notes that fishing in the first autumn month becomes more difficult and has its own characteristics. This is due to the fact that, firstly, the water in the rivers becomes clear and the fish begin to be cautious; secondly, due to a decrease in water temperature, fish go to significant depths. The fisherman's calendar for September records a change in the lifestyle of most fish. It is becoming more and more difficult to predict the fishing bite for tomorrow, because a lot depends on the weather - please note:

Fish biting in September

We’ll talk about the influence of weather on fish biting a little later, while we describe the behavior of fish. So, if you are going fishing in September and expect to return home with a catch, then be sure to study the behavior of fish in the first autumn month so that your forecast of fish bite in September is justified. You can find out what kind of fish are biting in September in the fisherman’s calendar for September; information about what to fish for and where to look for fish will not be superfluous. So, by looking at the fisherman's calendar for September, you will find out that:

  • In September, ide, roach, rudd, dace, asp, chub, and ruffe gradually move to the deepest places and gather in large flocks.
  • The fisherman’s calendar marks the beginning of the zhora of the pike following the fish, which is why catching pike in deep places with live bait almost from the bottom and with a spinner gives good results.
  • Chub bite at depth from the bottom, especially well if you use crayfish necks, cracklings, and eels as bait.
  • Roach and dace continue to peck until the frosts, to catch them, as the fisherman’s calendar for September advises, is best at the bottom using bloodworms and maggots.
  • In September, asp takes only from the bottom; bites on live bait will be especially frequent.
  • The ruff finally goes into deep holes with a muddy bottom and catches well on worms and bloodworms.
  • Perch also gathers in large schools in holes with a sandy bottom; the fisherman’s calendar for September recommends using fry and worms as bait, but you can also catch perch using a spoon.
  • In the first half of September, the catfish are hungry, but from the second half of the month the catfish stops pecking and lies down in the pits.
  • The fisherman's calendar for September notes that with the onset of active cooling and the arrival of bad weather, burbot begins to take hold.

The influence of weather on fish biting in September

In September, the weather especially affects the behavior of fish. The fisherman's calendar for September will tell you a few simple signs that will make fishing in September successful.

  • Successful periods for fishing in September will be when the weather remains stable for several days with calm and cloudy days; on such days you can count on a bite;
  • The fish bite in September increases if, after prolonged coolness, warm, windless weather sets in;
  • the fisherman's calendar notes that the fish bite in September is affected by significant changes in water level, which is very important for small rivers, where the bite is especially sensitive to external factors;
  • falling leaves cover the surface of the water in a dense layer and, as the fisherman’s calendar for September reports, in good weather chub, ide, roach and other fish like to stand under them, which can be successfully caught with a float rod using a worm, jig or small spoon.

Fishing in September

All gear is good for fishing in September. Fishing in September will be good using spinning rods, mugs, and girders, and in deep places pike can be caught with vertical lures from a boat. In small rivers, fishing with jigs near the banks is interesting. The fisherman's calendar for September suggests that during the day in September fishing is more successful if you use bottom tackle. For long casts, rods without inertial reels are suitable. To fish for small fish with a float rod, it is better to choose deep places and increase the depth of descent of the nozzle. The fisherman's calendar for September 2017 advises, if the weather on the lakes is favorable in September, to continue fishing for grasshoppers.

With float rods, as the fishing calendar advises, in September you can catch:

  • in rivers - asp for bleak at medium depths, mainly near bushes;
  • in lakes and ponds - roach is caught well on bloodworms, perch and small pike bite well on fry;
  • The bite of bream, silver crucian carp, roach and dace continues.

According to the fisherman’s calendar for September, using bottom fishing rods is successful:

  • fishing in the rivers for chub and ide with frogs in the first half of the night and early morning hours, and the chub also willingly takes gudgeon and chicken intestines;
  • On the rifts, from the second half of September, burbot begins to catch along with ide and chub; the fisherman’s calendar for September notes that burbot fishing is more effective on dark, stormy nights.

How to fish in September

The fisherman's calendar calls September the best month for catching predatory fish. With an increase in oxygen in the water, fish become more active: pike, perch, as well as chub, roach, asp. For those who have not been fishing for a long time, the fisherman’s calendar for September recommends refreshing their knowledge about the habits and methods of catching predatory fish. The fishing calendar for September 2017 advises what fish to catch in September.

Pike fishing in September

The fisherman's calendar notes an increase in the activity of predatory fish in September, so fishing for pike with a spinning rod will definitely end in a bite. Pike are especially active in September when the pressure is stable, partly cloudy and a light southerly breeze. Quiet, cloudy days are most favorable for pike fishing. Light, drizzling rain does not affect the pike bite. If the weather is warm, you can fish for pike at shallow depths; in cool weather, pike go to greater depths. In September, pike should be caught in places bordering on flooded snags and aquatic vegetation. In the second decade, the autumn feeding of pike in deep places begins. They catch it with a spinning rod, with mugs, a track and float rods. The best results are obtained by vertical trolling with winter spoons in deep, cluttered holes. The active bite of pike allows you to use a lot of baits: in September, pike bites on almost anything that even remotely resembles its food. At the end of September, when the water becomes too transparent, it is better to use wobblers.

Perch fishing in September

The angler's calendar suggests that the location of the perch in September depends on the migration of the fry. In calm weather, perch fishing will be more successful in shallow water, and in consistently cold weather, expect perch to bite in deep water. In September, perch continues to bite on red worms, leeches, and small baitfish. You can successfully catch perch with bloodworms, grasshoppers, dragonflies, perch eyes, or with a spinning rod on a small spoon with a metal leash. At this time, perch can be caught well with all spinning baits, provided that they are approximately the same size.

Fishing for pike perch in September

September, as the fishing calendar notes, is a great time for catching pike perch. In September, pike perch almost always stays near the bottom and feeds on exits, which often occur in the dark. The main methods of catching pike perch in September are jig-spinning, girder and bottom tackle. Use a fry or a worm as bait to catch pike perch; you can also catch pike perch using a spinning lure. Fishing for pike perch in September will be especially successful on a warm, sunny day without sudden changes in atmospheric pressure. Take note that the westerly wind affects the improvement of the pike perch bite in September. The fisherman's calendar notes that pike perch tend to gather in schools in mid-September and migrate to their wintering grounds.

Bream fishing in September

The fisherman's calendar for September notes that the bite of bream and carp practically stops by the end of the month. In warm weather, small bream and crucian carp continue to be caught on bloodworms and worms until the first ten days of the next month inclusive. However, in September, catching bream on a bottom can be successful if you use a small crawler or a bunch of worms as bait. Also a popular way of catching bream in September is feeder fishing. Lupine, pearl barley, dough and animal baits are used as bait for bream. The fisherman's calendar for September suggests that in reservoirs and large rivers you can try to catch bream in areas with an uneven bottom and an abundance of depressions or on channel edges. Fishing for bream using this method is more comfortable from a boat.

Catching catfish in September

Catfish actively hunt in the first half of September, gaining weight for winter, and therefore catching catfish will be successful using special bottom tackle and bait from chicken giblets, fresh fish or clotted blood. You can catch seasoned catfish using the hawkmoth larva in pits and pools. As the temperature drops, the catfish's activity noticeably decreases, and after the first frost, the catfish's bite stops completely.

Burbot fishing in September

The fisherman's calendar confirms that starting from September, burbot is caught very well on bottom fishing rods. if you use small frogs as bait. To catch burbot in September using frogs, use a bottom fishing rod with a sinker at the end of the line; it is better to use small single hooks. A live frog is impaled by piercing both of its lips with a hook from bottom to top. Fishing for burbot is good in September at night in calm weather with a lighted fire. You can also use ruffe, gudgeon, crawler, and meat as bait for catching burbot.

Dace fishing in September

The fisherman's calendar records that in September the dace again takes the worm, but from the bottom and in deeper places. The dace bite continues until frost. You can use steamed bread grains as bait for catching dace. After severe frosts, shortly before a river or lake freezes, all the dace goes into the deepest holes and stops being caught until early spring.

Fishing calendar for September 2017

Autumn fishing is especially good for predatory fish, but in September you can still count on a good catch of peaceful fish. Look at the angler's calendar for September to find out what kind of fish you can expect to bite in September. It’s easy to use the fish-biting calendar in September; to find out which fish will bite in September, look at the left column of the table - what kind of fish bites in September - and compare it with the second or third column, so you will know How do fish bite in September?. Please note that in the first half of September, it is predicted that bream, white bream and catfish will become hungry; bleak will experience a steady diet throughout the month, and in the second half of September, this will occur in pike, roach, ide and roach.

what kind of fish bites in September How do fish bite in September?

fish bite in September from 1 to 15

fish bite in September from 16 to 30
Chub (adult)
Chub (growing)
Elets (adult)
Dace (growing)
Ruff (adult)
Ruff (growing)
Crucian carp (adult)
Crucian carp (growing)
Rudd (adult)
Rudd (growing)
Bream (adult)
Burbot (adult)
Burbot (growing)
Perch (adult)
Perch (growing)
Roach (adult)
Roach (growing)
Bleak (adult)
Bleak (growing)
Pike (adult)
Pike (growing)
Ide (adult)

Decoding the color markers of the fisherman's calendar for September 2017

Fisherman's lunar calendar for September 2017

Many anglers notice that the activity of fish and their bite may depend on the Moon. For example, there is a lot of evidence that during the full moon, fish practically do not bite. Therefore, fishermen’s interest in the lunar calendar is justified. However, be aware that the influence of the Moon on the fish bite in each specific body of water may differ. This fisherman’s lunar calendar for September 2017 was compiled for those fishermen who prefer to take into account the influence of the Moon on the fish bite when making their own fishing forecast.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30

The fisherman's lunar calendar for September 2017 was built taking into account the following phases of the moon:
  • September 6, 2017 full moon;
  • September 13 third quarter moon;
  • September 20, 2017 new moon;
  • September 28, 2017 first quarter moon.

Fish biting according to the lunar calendar for September 2017

The lunar calendar for September 2017 suggests that the days of weak bite in the first autumn month fall on: 3, 4, 8, 9, 19, 20, 21 September, therefore, on these days, anglers should prepare for fishing especially carefully.
Normal biting days, as noted by the lunar calendar, in September fall on 1, 2, 10-12, 16-18, 22-24, 29-30. September. It will be even better to bite on September 13-15, 25-28 - for these days the lunar calendar for September predicts zhor. But on September 5-7, 2017, no bite is predicted.

Experienced fishermen know that fish are caught and bit depending on many factors. However, the information provided by the fisherman’s calendar for September and the lunar calendar of fish bites for September will never be superfluous in making a fishing bite forecast.

As the fisherman's calendar for April records, at the beginning of the month the rivers of the central zone of the country usually open. However, in the first and second ten days of the month, it is still possible to fish from ice in lakes and large closed reservoirs in the northern part. As the fisherman's calendar for April 2018 notes, ice fishing in the last days of ice is exciting, but requires special caution from the angler. The ice near the coast is melting faster, and wide edges are formed. Fishermen need to carefully check the ice condition and find a strong place in advance to return in the evening. The fishing calendar for April 2018 advises looking for strong places near steep banks not illuminated by the sun.

Fisherman's calendar for April 2018

As the fishing calendar suggests, April in different regions of our country allows you to fish in a variety of ways. In the northern regions, fishing from the ice continues, and in the southern regions they are fishing in full force in open water. So, to the question of how to fish in April, you can answer - whatever you like. The main thing is not to forget that in April many fish have a spawning period and this imposes a number of restrictions on fishing in April.

  • Angler's calendar - ice fishing in April

    • The angler's calendar for April 2018 suggests that night fishing continues in the second month of spring burbot near the coast.
    • Nibble pike As the calendar notes, fishing for live bait and spoons worsens in April and gradually stops due to spawning.
    • The fisherman's calendar in April advises fishing zander, which takes lures very well until the last days of ice - mainly at depths of 4-6 m, better in the morning and evening hours.
    • Often interspersed with pike perch are large perch. Medium and small perch, as noted in the angler's calendar for April 2018, are caught at shallow depths (1-1.5 m) near the grass using small spoons with bait. Fishing in April using jigs and float rods is no less successful.
  • Angler's calendar - fishing in April in open water

    • The angler's calendar for April 2018 advises, after the opening of rivers and floods, as soon as the spring waters begin to decline, to fish burbot at night using bottom fishing rods for a crawl, a bunch of worms, chicken guts, small baitfish.
    • It’s very interesting in small rivers that quickly clear of turbidity Fishing in April for ide, chub, roach, white bream, undermouth, dace, large gudgeon I'm looking for dung worms, bloodworms, caddis flies, and bark beetle larvae.
    • The fisherman’s calendar for April tells us that these same rivers have good fishing fish on float and bottom fishing rods, on the same nozzles.
    • In favorable, warm weather, from the third ten days of April on shallow, well-warmed reservoirs you can fish crucian carp on the red dung worm.
    • The fishing calendar for April notes that by the end of the month it is possible to catch “swimming” from a spinning rod for pike perch and asp using bleak, small chub or dace.
    • In small, cleared rivers you can successfully hunt with a spinning rod.
    • Fishing in lakes and large reservoirs begins after the ice disappears and turbidity settles, usually on the 10-15th day after the start of fishing in rivers, the angler’s calendar tells us in April.

What kind of fish are caught in April?

Fishing in April is an event for lovers of open water fishing. In April you can catch the following types of fish:

  • chub, silver bream, bream, ruffe, burbot, pike, perch, roach, carp and crucian carp.

The beginning of the bite of certain fish directly depends on when it is time for them to spawn. Among other things, all fishermen should remember that in the vast majority of reservoirs (except for paid ones), fishing in April is accompanied by the start of a spawning ban.

Fish spawning and fishing in April

Fisherman's calendar for April reminds that during the period of the spawning ban, fishermen must follow the rules:

  • amateur fishing during the spawning period is permitted only if the fisherman has one float or bottom fishing rod, he fishes from the shore and the total number of hooks is no more than two on the fishing gear.

As the fisherman's calendar records in April, it is observed perch spawning after the end of ice drift in rivers and with the disappearance of ice in lakes and large reservoirs. Beginning of pike spawning- in the second decade. Ruffe spawning- in the second, sometimes in the third decade. Closer to the north, these dates shift somewhat. For example, in the Leningrad, Kirov and Vologda regions, rivers open up by the end of the month. In the Kirov region usually pike spawning passes under the ice in the first two decades of April. Fisherman's calendar for April notes that the timing of spawning changes, but its order in different fish and the accompanying natural phenomena remain unchanged.

Fishing in April

Burbot fishing in April

The angler's calendar for April advises not to forget about catching burbot. Spring burbot fishing in rivers usually resumes after the ice has passed and the water begins to recede. But some fishermen don’t wait for this and cast their donks much earlier - when the ice moves two or three meters away from the shore. At this time, burbot stays near the shore and, using its highly developed sense of hearing, smell and touch, easily finds prey in muddy water. Early spring fishing for burbot gives good results.

Pike fishing in April

The angler's calendar for April suggests that pike fishing in April is difficult due to spawning. The pike bite in April gradually weakens and stops. Spawning occurs quite rapidly at shallow floodplain depths. Catching pike in April is advisable outside its spawning grounds using live bait gear equipped with one single hook. Pike can also be caught well with spinning rods in April. Use gudgeon, perch, roach and other small fish (no more than 10 cm in length) as live bait. It often happens that after spawning, the pike completely stops biting - the toothy lull lasts about 10 days. But after the rest, the time for spring pike feeding will come!

Fishing for crucian carp and crucian carp in April

The fisherman's calendar for April emphasizes that fishing in April will appeal to all lovers of crucian and carp fishing. These two species of fish, having slept for the winter, are trying hard to gain weight before the upcoming spawning. During this period, it is almost impossible to find a free place on “carp” or “crucian carp” ponds. Fishing in April for crucian carp is carried out mainly using a frieder or a bait-and-snatch bait with a feeder. As for frequent changes in depth, this does not threaten anglers, since crucian carp are caught almost at the very bottom of the reservoir.

Fishing for pike perch in April

The fishing calendar for April notes that at the beginning of the month pike perch can still be successfully caught from the ice. Fishing for pike perch in April is exciting, the main thing is to find a pike perch site. In the morning and evening, pike perch takes well on a spinner. In the evening there is excellent bite at depths of up to 5 m, and in the morning - in shallow water. In open water, pike perch are caught with spinning rods and bottom baits using live bait. Pike perch and bersh stand in a strong current, at a depth of 4-7 m, on an uneven, bumpy bottom, at the entrance and exit of holes. In spring you can catch a lot of large pike perch weighing up to 7-8 kg! Large perch are often found at these same depths.

Perch fishing in April

The fisherman's calendar for April suggests that perch at this time stays close to steep banks, where melt water flows into the river and the presence of coastal vegetation is desirable. Its biting is more active in the morning. You can successfully shine by trying different wiring in different layers of water. The fisherman's calendar also reminds that the most effective methods of catching perch in April in open water are considered to be a summer nodding fishing rod with a jig and a bloodworm (such tackle is indispensable when fishing in whirlpools with a strong current), as well as a float tackle, which will have a small jig instead of a hook.

Bream fishing in April

The fisherman's calendar for April notes that bream fishing in April gives excellent results. Fishing for bream in April is very exciting if you know what to use to catch bream in April. A brush of bloodworms or worms is a favorite dish of bream. For successful bream fishing in April, the choice of location and bait are crucial. The best places are at the exit from the pits along the fairway. The fisherman's calendar advises feeding bream the day before or early in the morning with bloodworms.

Fishing calendar in April 2018

The fish bite depends on a combination of factors: the condition of the reservoir, weather conditions, and the phase of the moon. Taking into account these data and the angler’s calendar for April 2018, the fisherman can count on a good fish bite. In order for fishing to be successful, you need to know what fish bite in April and how the fish bite in April.

what fish bite in April How do fish bite in April?

fish bite in April from 1 to 15

fish bite in April from 16 to 30
How the Chub (adult) bites
How the Chub (growing) bites
How Guster bites
How the Dace (adult) bites
How the Dace (growing) bites
How Ruff bites (adult)
How Ruff pecks (growing)
How Zherekh bites
How does crucian carp bite (adult)
How does crucian carp bite (growing)
How does a rudd bite (adult)
How the Rudd bites (growing)
How does Bream (adult) bite?
How the tench bites
How Burbot bites (adult)
How Burbot (growing) bites
How does Perch bite (adult)
How does Perch bite (growing)
How does a minnow bite?
How does a roach bite (adult)
How the Roach (growing) bites
How the Podleschik bites
How the Roach pecks
How carp bites
How the catfish bites
How does pike perch bite?
How Bleak (adult) bites
How Bleak (growing) bites
How Pike bites (adult)
How Pike bites (growing)
How the Ide bites (adult)

Decoding the color markers of the fish biting calendar April 2018

Fisherman's lunar calendar for April 2018

The fishing calendar for April is best used simultaneously with the useful information it contains lunar calendar of fish biting for April. Fishermen who love April fishing should know that according to the lunar calendar, the fish bite worsens during the full moon. Therefore, when choosing when to go fishing, look into Fisherman's lunar calendar for April 2018. There you will find favorable days for fishing in April. Fisherman's lunar calendar for April 2018 will help you prepare for fishing, but do not forget that the influence of the Moon on the fish bite in each specific body of water may differ.

How to use the fisherman's lunar calendar for April 2018

Lunar calendar of fish biting for April 2018 notes that fish bite best three days before the third quarter of the Moon, as well as the day before the first quarter and the day after. These days are the most promising in terms of fishing in April 2018 and in any month. Also Fisherman's lunar calendar for April 2018 suggests that the bite is unlikely for three days of the full moon.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29

The fisherman's lunar calendar for April 2018 was built taking into account the following phases of the Moon:
  • April 8 - third quarter;
  • April 16 - new moon;
  • April 23 - first quarter;
  • April 30th - full moon.

Fish biting according to the lunar calendar for April 2018

  • Fisherman's lunar calendar for April 2018 predicts days of weak bite on: 2-4, 14-16, 26-28 April on these days fishing will especially depend on preparation, experience and luck.
  • Stable fish bite in April expected 5-7, 11-13, 17-19, 23-25 ​​April 2018.
  • The lunar calendar for April recommends going fishing in fat days in April, which according to the forecast will fall on April 8-10 and 20-22, do not miss a good moment for fishing.
  • Also, the fisherman’s lunar calendar for April 2018 suggests that there will be no fish biting April 1 and 29-30.

Fishing calendar in April And fishing calendar for April 2018 indispensable for anglers who are just learning the science of fishing. Experienced fishermen know all the secrets; when fishing they trust exclusively their knowledge, intuition and experience. The fishing calendar for April 2018 wishes them neither tail nor scales!

Looking impatiently at the angler's calendar for June, anglers figure out the best dates when fish bite in June, decide what to fish for in June and dream of solid trophies. Remember: fishing in June means fishing during the spawning ban period, which means fishing is allowed only with a float rod from the shore outside the spawning grounds. However, in many areas the period of spawning fishing ban ends and happy days begin for summer fishing lovers in June. Who spawns in June: As the fisherman's calendar suggests, in June spawning of rudd, bream, and catfish continues in rivers and large reservoirs, followed by spawning of silver bream, bleak, carp, crucian carp, and tench. At the beginning of June, pike perch spawns, at a water temperature of 13-14 C. The spawning of crucian carp and silver bream continues. When the water warms up to 18-20 C, bleak and carp begin to spawn, and when the water warms up to 20 C, catfish spawn.

The fisherman's calendar in June takes into account that the first ten days of June still belong to the pre-summer season, and only from June 11 does a new phenological subseason begin - the beginning of summer.

How to fish in June - what to fish with in June

The June fishing calendar says that fishing in June will be successful if you catch fish with certain gear, in certain places and with special bait. We reveal the secrets of how to fish in June. So, fish in June bite on such baits and are caught as follows:

  • In June, mugs are used to catch pike perch (preferably in the late evening and at dawn), pike, and perch;
  • In June, they catch pike perch, pike, perch (preferably in rivers), asp, and chub using a spinning rod;
  • In June, pike is caught on the path, pike perch is caught along the border of aquatic vegetation, and perch is caught in the pits;
  • In June they catch with float rods:
    • pike perch, in lakes and reservoirs, on the slopes of deep, snagged holes - for small baitfish, and in rivers - near steep steep banks and among piles, in mill whirlpools;
    • pike is caught in June along the edges and in the “windows” of grass thickets in the morning and evening dawns;
    • large perch together with pike perch - for fry, worms, shell meat, molted crayfish meat;
    • tench and bream (before spawning) - for worms, molting crayfish meat;
    • carp, crucian carp, rudd (before spawning) - for worms, maggots, bread crumbs;
    • roach - for maggots, caddis flies, bark beetle larvae, ant eggs, shell pieces, bread crumbs, semolina dough;
  • With bottom fishing rods in June they catch:
    • catfish (before spawning) - for crawling fish, live bait, crayfish meat or shells;
    • bream at night - for a bunch of worms, molted crayfish meat and shells, millet porridge;
    • chub and ide - for May beetle, small frog, molted crayfish meat and shells;
    • pike perch - in rivers, near pike perch banks - for gudgeon;
  • in June they catch:
    • roach and chub - for pearl barley, peas, oats, wheat, semolina dough, maggots, greens, small caterpillars;
    • dace - for caddisfly and pieces of worm; podusta - for grains of boiled kernels and pieces of worm;
    • bream - for worms, maggots, bark beetle larvae;
  • Fly fishing in June catches:
    • chub, ide, asp - for June beetles, dragonflies, butterflies;
    • dace (on river riffles) and roach (among aquatic vegetation) - on flies, small beetles and butterflies;
  • Chub are caught by swimming (on riffles, wading) with a poplar worm (caterpillar) - in the first half of the month.

How the fish bite in June

Fisherman's calendar June suggests that at the beginning of summer in the middle zone of the European part of the country All aquatic plants grow rapidly. In the second - early third decade of June, rose hips bloom and rye blooms. The fish are capricious - there is enough food in the reservoirs. A massive emergence of dragonfly larvae is observed in the first ten days of June. In the second half of June, you can wait for the first flight of the mayfly - the best bait in this short but interesting fishing period. After the mayfly flies, the fish, having fattened up on it, does not take any bait for 5-7 days. By the end of the month, when reservoirs are rich in food, the fish becomes very picky about baits, many tender sprouts of young grasses appear, and the water thickets are teeming with mollusks, crustaceans, and worms. Juveniles and eggs of spawning fish appear in abundance. The bite of pike and large perch is getting worse. Catching large fish becomes more difficult, and much depends on the observation and persistence of the angler. In reservoirs of the northern and southern regions Depending on weather conditions, the timing of spawning and fishing of certain fish species shifts somewhat. However, the methods of fishing in June, the baits, and the order are almost the same. In June, in the Leningrad region, grayling and grayling begin to harvest. In the Kuban, spawning of carp, bream, carp, and tench continues. Fishing of carp for corn and wheat begins. The pike's bite on live bait is intensifying.

What fish to catch in June

In June they successfully catch pike perch from dusk until dawn, chub, ide, dace, roach (fly fishing and wire fishing), and all kinds of small fish take well among aquatic vegetation. During early spawning, after a short break, bream, carp, crucian carp, tench, and rudd begin to feed. Fishing is most effective on cloudy, warm days with weak winds, after short thunderstorms, and during periods of stable atmospheric pressure.

Catching catfish in June

The angler's calendar for June suggests that the best time for catching catfish is May and early June. During this period, spawning ends and the fish especially need food. You will never catch catfish in shallow waters because they are not found deeper than five meters. During the day, catfish prefer to hide under snags and go out hunting only after sunset. At this time they are usually caught. There are many devices for catching catfish, but real fishermen usually use the quok. Catching a catfish with a kwok is a sign of true skill.

Fishing for ide in June

The fisherman's calendar for June notes that at the beginning of summer, ides actively eat the first vegetation that appears. Therefore, it is effective to catch ide by attaching algae in the form of a thread-like bundle on a hook. You can find ide at this time where there is more algae - near stone ledges, wooden buildings that have been in the water for a long time. In June, ide fish stay in small schools. During the day, ide is caught on greens using any method, both from the bottom and in mid-water. If you want to catch ide from the bottom, then you need to adjust the tackle so that both the nozzle and the leash with the hook drag along the bottom. At dusk, the bite for maggots and worms begins; for this it is better to use bottom gear.

Chub fishing in June

The fisherman's calendar for June reminds that the chub is a river fish that lives mainly in small rivers with strong currents, where there is a rocky bottom and springs flow, which make the river cleaner and colder. Chub is not a picky fish and bites almost all year round; May and June are excellent times for chub fishing. The main gear for catching chub in June will be: spinning rod, float rod and fly fishing rod. Fishing with bottom tackle is not recommended, because... the catch will be small. Chub is a shy fish, so it is recommended to cast your fishing rod from behind trees or bushes without standing up to your full height.

Roach fishing in June

The fisherman's calendar for June reminds that roach behave neatly and carefully in June. To successfully catch roach in June, do not forget that the roach likes the bottom to be sandy and the water in the place where it rests to at least circulate slightly. It is in these places that you need to look for it. It’s still not worth approaching the place closely without following the rules of camouflage. On an oxbow lake it is more convenient to catch roach with a float rod. Depending on the fishing conditions, you can use fly, plug or Bolognese tackle. Fly and plug equipment for catching roach should be delicate.

Bream fishing in June

The fisherman's calendar records that June is one of the most favorable months for catching bream. It is during this post-spawning period that most representatives of the carp family leave their shelters in search of food. The bream has chosen pits with a muddy bottom, where it is possible to calmly collect food - crustaceans, larvae of various insects, mollusks, etc. Bloodworms are considered a favorite delicacy, in search of which bream go to muddy shallow water early in the morning or late evening. June bream actively feeds at night as well.

Pike fishing in June

As the angler's calendar for June suggests, fishing for pike in June is not an easy task. In June, large pike are very picky - the abundance of fry in reservoirs simply spoiled the predator. The fisherman's calendar advises using wobblers to catch pike, and fishing along the coastline and along underwater vegetation, that is, in places where the predator can ambush. It also doesn’t hurt to constantly change baits and find the most catchy one through experimentation. Also in June it is very good to catch pike with live bait - small crucian carp. Throw the bait into windows without vegetation, along the vegetation, and the result will not keep you waiting.

Perch fishing in June

The fisherman's calendar for June notes that after spawning, schools of perch break up into small groups of five to ten individuals, and this is already the month of June, and scatter throughout the entire reservoir. There are especially many of them near holes, backwaters, and under bushes hanging over the shore. Fishing at the beginning of summer is distinguished by a variety of methods and a large number of baits. Perch is less dependent on hydrometeorological conditions and is not so picky about bait. If he takes, he takes everything. Usually they come across 250-400 grams, and large humpbacks are found at great depths. It’s more convenient to catch these from a boat. A vertical spinnerbait will also work here.

Fishing for pike perch in June

Unlike spring fishing, starting from June, pike perch can also be caught in the shallows, where at this time many small fish live. You just need to change the bait to a spinner or soft bait with small weights. According to the angler's calendar for June, in the first half of the month the pike perch has an active bite. What to use to catch pike perch in June? In the Vologda region, when fishing for pike perch in the evening and at night, a prepared ruff is used as a bait. The head, tail, fins are cut off and the skin is removed; the bait is delicate and can attract not only Vologda pike perch.

Forecast of fish biting activity in June

Looking at the angler's calendar for June, you can see that the forecast for the fish bite in June shows that after an active bite in May, there is some lull in June. How can one not remember the fishing saying: June - spit on the fish. Don’t be upset, and in June the fish will bite, although the bite won’t be as active as at the beginning of the season. During the new moon and full moon, the bite should be expected to be weaker than in the previous month. The influence of the Moon will have an effect, and during May the fish will rest from the hungry winter, get nourished and become picky.

Fishing calendar for June 2018

Fishing in reservoirs in June will be more successful if you take into account Fishing calendar in June. Fishing results are influenced by many factors (water temperature, moon phases, atmospheric pressure). Taking into account these data and Fisherman's calendar for June, the fisherman can count on a good fish bite. It’s easy to use the fish bite calendar in June; to find out what fish will bite in June, look at the left column of the table - what kind of fish bites in June- and compare it with the second or third column, so you will know How do fish bite in June?.

In order for fishing to be a success, you need to know not only what fish bite in June, but also how the fish bite in June. From Fishing calendar in June it is clearly visible that in the first half of June the bite is excellent chub, ruffe, asp and crucian carp, adult perch, gudgeon, roach, carp and pike perch. But the most active bite is in June(zhor) in other fish - bites like crazy in June: catfish, ide, rudd, bleak, silver bream, dace, tench. But it will be more difficult to catch pike in June - the pike bite is weak throughout the month. But this is better than the lack of bite for bream, bream (in the first half of June) and pike perch (in the second half of June). Putting it into practice Fishing calendar in June, the fisherman will know what gear to take for fishing.

what kind of fish bites in June How do fish bite in June?
fish bite in June from 1 to 15 fish bite in June from 15 to 30
Chub (adult)
Chub (growing)
Elets (adult)
Dace (growing)
Ruff (adult)
Ruff (growing)
Crucian carp (adult)
Crucian carp (growing)
Rudd (adult)
Rudd (growing)
Bream (adult)
Burbot (adult)
Burbot (growing)
Perch (adult)
Perch (growing)
Roach (adult)
Roach (growing)
Bleak (adult)
Bleak (growing)
Pike (adult)
Pike (growing)
Ide (adult)

Decoding the color markers of the fisherman's calendar for June 2018

Fisherman's lunar calendar for June 2018

The influence of the moon on fish biting definitely worth taking into account. It is believed that the bite gets worse during the full moon, so if you are going fishing, take into account the fisherman's lunar calendar for June. Fisherman's lunar calendar for June 2018 will help prepare for fishing, however, with all due respect to the forecasts, do not forget that the influence of the Moon on the fish bite in each specific body of water may differ. Fisherman's lunar calendar for June 2018 can only warn, and your catch depends largely on your skill and luck.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30

The fisherman's lunar calendar for June 2018 was built taking into account the following phases of the Moon:
  • June 06, 2018 - third quarter of the moon;
  • June 13, 2018 - new moon;
  • June 20, 2018 - first quarter of the moon;
  • June 28, 2018 - full moon.

Fish biting according to the lunar calendar for June 2018

  • Fisherman's lunar calendar for June 2018 predicts days of weak bite on: 1-2, 13-14, 25-26, June 30, 2018, on these days fishing will depend on preparation, experience and luck.
  • Stable fish bite in June expected 3-5, 11-12, 15-17, 21-24 June 2018.
  • The lunar calendar for June recommends going fishing in fat days in June, which according to the forecast will fall on June 6-10, 18-20, 2018, do not miss a good moment for fishing.
  • Also, the fisherman’s lunar calendar for June 2018 suggests that there will be no fish biting from June 27 to 29.

For beginner anglers Fishing calendar in June And fishing calendar for june 2018 will be a useful help in your favorite hobby. For those who are used to trusting only their knowledge, intuition and experience when fishing, we wish them neither tail nor scales!

We hope that the fishing calendar for June and the fisherman's calendar for June will be useful to you. However, do not forget that the fish you catch and bite depend on many factors. No tail, no scales for you when fishing in June.