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Opening a recreation center, what is needed? Business idea - How to open a recreation center Rest by the lake business plan

Today, small but profitable business, for example, a recreation center, is becoming very relevant. How to open it, where to start, what pitfalls there are in this business and how much you can earn, this will be discussed further.

  • Where to start implementing the “Recreation Center” project
  • What is needed to open a recreation center on your own?
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Pitfalls in the holiday resort business
  • How much can you earn at a country recreation center?
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • What equipment to choose for a recreation center
  • What is the OKVED code for business at a recreation center?
  • Which tax system to choose for operating a recreation center
  • Do I need permission to open a recreation center?
  • Recreation services sales technology

Where to start implementing the “Recreation Center” project

Before opening a tourist center, it is necessary to assess the competitive situation in the region where the project will be implemented. Find out if there are similar recreation centers nearby, what services they offer and how much their maintenance and service costs. Only after this can you begin to develop your own successful strategy for opening a recreation center.

Next, you will need to go to the site and decide on the location of the camp site. It is advisable to choose a picturesque landscape setting overlooking the shore of a lake or river; it would be nice if there were mountains nearby. Among other things, it will be necessary to take into account the comfort of access roads or bus routes.

Example. To make the task easier, you can look for an old recreation center that is not functioning, but has retained all the necessary infrastructure for this, or an abandoned pioneer camp. In this case, the amount of money invested will be much less than if you had to start all over from scratch.

The next important point before opening your own business called a “recreation center” is to find a source of financing and realistically assess the amount of investment. You may have to enter into an early lease agreement with an option to buy on a starting basis. When all of the above stages have been completed, you can safely begin building or restoring housing.

For example, a tourist center can be decorated with several residential panel houses, a summer cafe, a dining room, a bathhouse and an administrative building. At the same time, permanent staff should be selected in an amount of no more than 15-20 people. It is possible to hire students for servants and help during the summer. There is another alternative - to purchase a ready-made business at a discounted price, that is, you will not need to rebuild everything from scratch or restore used buildings.

What is needed to open a recreation center on your own?

Thus, in order to independently promote your business, you will need to carefully and with all the details develop an individual and correct business plan for a recreation center that corresponds to the existing selected database. Give your business a name, choose a form of activity and a taxation system. For example, to open a tourist center, the organizational and legal form of a limited liability company is best suited.

Exclusive interview with the owner of a tourist center on Sakhalin

Sergey Smirnov has been hosting guests at his recreation center on the Okhotsk coast of Sakhalin for 10 years. What additional sources of income can an entrepreneur who accommodates guests for the weekend outside the city have? How much does fishing on the high seas cost? What do guests do at the recreation center? Find the answer to these questions in an interview with him. He will also tell you how to find your own business, whether to buy a franchise and how you can make money from your hobby.


Main points of the interview

  • Start date: 2002
  • The main activity is the business of organizing recreation
  • Organizational and legal form of doing business - individual entrepreneur
  • Initial investment - 1.5 million rubles.
  • What did you do before you started entrepreneurship - fisherman, carpenter.
  • The first serious income as an entrepreneur is 25,000 rubles. over the weekend
  • The company's development plans include organizing a petting zoo at the camp site, opening a billiard room and children's playrooms.
  • What is most important in business is that it is important not to earn money through sweat and blood, but to do what you really like and receive a reward for it.

How did your holiday business start and how has it developed?

Ten years ago I bought a plot of land in a picturesque small village near the sea. A year ago, the only store in the village burned down and I was offered to restore it. However, during the period when trade was not carried out there, local residents, of whom there were only about 50 people left, solved the problem of supplying food and necessary things on their own. Almost every family had a car and everyone took the opportunity to go to a neighboring village 10 km away. The construction of a store building, its connection to all networks, as well as refrigeration equipment and the goods themselves would cost me a couple of million rubles, at a minimum. Several dozen potential buyers would not be able to reimburse all my expenses (I’m not even talking about profit) even after 50 years of work in this place. I had to look for other ideas for using the land.

While I was thinking, my friend suggested getting together as a group for a picnic; the May holidays were approaching and people were actively looking for an opportunity to open the country holiday season. We decided to settle in this territory and at the same time discuss its potential. That's where everything came up. Friends exclaimed: brilliant! You just need to invite guests here and arrange for them the same recreation program that you offer us - barbecue, fishing, fish soup, sailing on the sea.

What prompted you to start your own business? What are the advantages and disadvantages of running your own business over working for someone else?

Commercial fishing crew boat

I started thinking about my own business immediately after the army, when I went to work in a fishing brigade. At first I dreamed of having my own crew and fishing area, then, after weighing all the difficulties of entering this market, the competition in which was very tough, and the minimum entry threshold was 5-10 million rubles, I abandoned this idea.

He continued to work for hire, but since fishing is a seasonal job, he often looked for part-time work in the winter. I remembered that since school I loved working with wood and opened a carpentry workshop together with my brother. We bought machines, signed contracts for the supply of timber, found a carpenter and started working. My brother was looking for clients and solving other organizational issues, and the carpenter and I worked on orders and for fun. They did everything - from benches to carved portraits.

For three years I was torn between going to sea and carpentry, but then I decided to invest the accumulated money in my business, since in essence I was an employee of my own brother, and he was a manager. I also wanted to lead. I imagined it vaguely - I drop by my enterprise several times a day and with an energetic look I notice everything and give instructions to my employees. I had no idea what my brother was doing outside the workshop. And it included accounting, finance, searching for materials, attracting clients, participating in exhibitions, and communicating with everyone interested in our products.

Carpentry workshop with product samples

Of the advantages of hired work, I remember only an imaginary sense of confidence in the future and stability of earnings, as well as the fact that the manager takes all the problems upon himself, I could only work hard “from here until lunch.” There was not enough money and there was no incentive for development. But one day I realized that I was very dependent on my bosses; if my brother got sick or decided to go on vacation, then I would have no chance of earning the usual amount of monthly income. Then I realized that it was time to take responsibility for my own life. They found another worker for the workshop, and I went to work freely, where I liked a plot of land on the river bank.

Do you remember your first serious income, not as an employee, but as an entrepreneur?

During the first weekend, when the guest house was finally built, we received 25 thousand rubles from the guests. The company was small but generous - they tried all our entertainment - from riding on our jet ski and learning to dive with my personal scuba gear in a local river to fishing in the open sea from a boat. The women were cooking, the men were frolicking like children, and I was still worried that they wouldn’t like anything. But everything ended great and I often see my first guests at the base with their families - they often come to relax with their children.

On a scooter along the river

What helped you during periods of crisis, when everything around you was collapsing and businesses were closing one after another?

He treated his employees as a team, so there were no problems with motivation, mistrust, or productivity. During the calm period, when the 2008 crisis hit many enterprises, and almost no one had free money for vacation, they themselves enthusiastically looked for additional work and customers - they cut hay and sold it to farmers, built greenhouses for summer residents in the village, made them garden furniture. They contributed the money from all these “hack jobs” to the general treasury, because they used my equipment, transport, materials, tools.

I took from this money only that part that went to pay insurance premiums - the rest went to their wages. Thus, the employees supported themselves, and I could throw all my energy into promotion - equipping new houses to receive more guests. This period quickly ended - the workers had no free time left, the next season of out-of-town trips came and they had to again act as guardian angels for vacationers. The crisis didn’t affect my company anymore - people love to relax with us, even when it’s hard. By the way, all those employees who were with me then have remained to this day and built their own houses not far from the base.

Why don’t you go to the capital, any Russian metropolis or abroad? What keeps you on the island?

There is a saying: your own village is better than Sobyanin’s. This is about me - going to a huge unfamiliar city or even a country - it means again proving something to myself and others. If such a desire had appeared several years ago, I would have left, but now nothing can lure me away from the island. I know all the roads here and can navigate the surrounding forests and hills perfectly.

View of the bathhouse

I will feel uncomfortable in the asphalt jungle, and in a foreign land, without knowing the language and with a completely different mentality, it will be difficult to find my place. Here I can combine all my “male” hobbies - construction, sports, fishing, bathhouse with business, but in another region or country I will have to start something else and WORK. I don’t want to return to hired labor or develop an uninteresting business.

What services do you offer to guests of your recreation center?

The base includes 4 detached two-story cottages. There is also a Russian bathhouse with a steam room on site. At any time we organize a trip to the coast - the sea is only 2 kilometers away. The cottages have common living rooms designed for relaxation in large groups and equipped with karaoke. Each house has a kitchenette with everything necessary for catering, and our chef is ready to prepare any dishes according to a pre-agreed menu.

Dining room under canopy

In the river outside the perimeter of the recreation center you can catch small fish on the ear, and if you want something more serious, then we suggest going out to sea on a boat for salmon. Our chef makes amazing kebabs from this red fish; he will also cook five-minute caviar for sandwiches or give you salted pink salmon.

In addition to passive relaxation, you can take advantage of our other services:

  • Organization of fishing (in the river from the shore and at sea from a boat);
  • Rent out boats and water scooters, snowmobiles and ATVs, boat rides and mini-yacht rides;
  • Sports equipment rental - bicycles, skates, skis;
  • Diving training and organization of diving with the provision of equipment.

Ice fishing

There are conditions for those who just want silence and privacy. The bathhouse has all the facilities for spa treatments and aromatherapy, which allows you to relieve accumulated stress. In the morning you will be woken up by the singing of birds, and not the annoying hum of cars under the window. You can go for a walk alone: ​​in the summer on foot or by bike, in the winter - on skis. You can just sit with a book or laptop in the fresh air when it’s warm and sunny, or if it’s damp and cold, in front of the fireplace with a glass of mulled wine.

Gambling fishing

Families with children will also find something to keep their children occupied - on the territory there is an inflatable pool for the little ones, and just outside the fence there is a clean river without dangerous currents or deep holes; in winter we clear an ice rink on its surface, where you can play hockey or just ride on skates. Again, directly outside the base there is a meadow that easily turns into a football field.

Nearby there are strawberry meadows, forest raspberry thickets, and lingonberry clumps. You can walk and explore the surroundings with a guide, or just take a walkie-talkie with a navigator so you don’t get lost. The cost of the holiday depends on the number of people and the time spent at the base. On average, per day of stay here you need to pay from 400 to 1500 rubles per person.

Double bedroom

Another double room (family)

Additionally, rental of sports equipment is paid (from 100 rubles per day for a bicycle and up to 1000 rubles for scuba gear), organization of excursions, boat trips and fishing - up to 5,000-10,000 rubles per day for a group of 3-7 people. Sauna and cooking are included in the price of the holiday. Products are paid separately or brought independently.

Kitchen in one of the guest houses

On weekends from May to October there are often no places left in any of the houses; some come and set up a tent nearby, and only use our entertainment. Houses are booked in advance for holidays, and spring and autumn school holidays are also in demand. In fact, you can come to us any day - there is always a shift of 2-4 people on site, who will accommodate you in the house, heat the bathhouse, and feed you.

In principle, it’s clear how you earn money, and what are the main expenses? Without what is it impossible to organize a good holiday at home for clients?

Fishing in the sea

Everything is important. Every detail plays into the reputation of the recreation center. What impression will the service staff make on the guests, what temperature will be maintained in the house, how the antenna is configured, are there towels and cups for the number of guests, how soft are the pillows and whether the guide offers a fishing spot. In principle, all these issues, except the last one, can be resolved with the help of monetary expenses, and any unlucky bite can be compensated for by alternative entertainment.

The main expenses are base maintenance and staff salaries, as well as fuel for transport and equipment. The rest is little things, but very important little things. You always need to take care of the presence of a first aid kit, bottled water, a supply of batteries, household chemicals and hygiene products.

For lovers of rustic exoticism

From what sources did you form your start-up capital? How much money did you need at the initial stage? What did you have to spend money on?

So, in 2002 I purchased the site, and in 2003 I began construction. All the money was accumulated when I was a mercenary in my brother’s carpentry workshop and a fisherman in a commercial fishing crew.

Where it all began - materials for construction

I got a plot of 0.9 hectares for next to nothing - 400,000 rubles. To improve the territory (filling the site with crushed stone, a well, sewerage, water supply, connection to the electrical grid) we had to pay another quarter of a million rubles, and also a fence - for 180,000 rubles. About half a million more was spent on materials for the first house (timber, boards, lining, paint, varnish, impregnations) and tools. I did the main work myself, but closer to completion I hired two workers to help, and then two more. About 100,000 rubles were spent on salaries a couple of months before welcoming the first guests. Then the costs for furnishings began - plumbing, electrical, furniture, household appliances, the same TV and karaoke. More than a hundred thousand were spent on a house with a capacity of 12-15 people. It turns out that in a year I had to invest about 1.5 million rubles.

I listened to all the wishes of the first clients and then they came again and again and brought new clients. The wheel started spinning, there was no need to even spend money on advertising.

Fourth guest house that can accommodate up to 25 people

How did you scale up your activities? Has your company ever resorted to loans? Have you used government support?

But the summer was coming to an end and there was an understanding that we were not at all ready for winter. That is, there was no entertainment program at all in the winter. Who would go so far (50 km from the regional capital) just to take a steam bath, although there were also steam room lovers, and also walruses who needed an ice hole and clean snow for hardening. But it was still necessary to come up with a daytime exercise routine for any company. Then the idea came to buy snowmobiles and regular cross-country skis for the base.

A supply of skis for every taste

I decided to go to the bank to take out a loan in the amount of 300-400 thousand rubles, since all income was still going to cover current expenses and, in fact, there were no savings yet. While they were harassing me at Sberbank, asking for more and more documents and certificates, which we prepared and collected with the accountant, a month and a half (!) passed and, thanks to the prepayment for the New Year holidays, I was able to buy everything I had planned.

Common dining room in the cottage

By the way, they still refused me, considering that my business experience was not enough to cooperate with such a serious and reputable bank. This is how my acquaintance with business loan products ended. I also did not receive any funds from the budget, and I did not try to participate in numerous entrepreneurship support programs that became popular in the early to mid-2000s. I didn’t meet the conditions; subsidies were given only to beginners or long-established ones for the purchase of equipment. But I needed more money to continue building additional houses. There was no need to resort to government help.

What difficulties awaited you in the process of starting a business?

There were exclusively internal problems and barriers; outwardly no one put pressure or put up barriers. The only thing that got in the way was lack of self-confidence. I thought I would invest all my money in construction now, but people wouldn’t come, or they would come and they wouldn’t like it. They are expecting, probably, luxurious apartments with a jacuzzi, but I offer them a river with a bathhouse and a wooden house with a fireplace. And my furniture is almost all homemade wood, not luxurious massage chairs or leather sofas.

The rich will find the service insufficiently developed, and the middle class will not want to pay so much for outdoor recreation, but with amenities - they will choose to live in a tent. Then I calmed down and decided that if there were no clients, I would make my own dacha here and would only invite friends and relax with my family. That’s when it became morally simpler - I didn’t spare anything during construction, I didn’t save, I tried to do everything with high quality and conscientiously. And the very first guests liked it, and they started word of mouth with rave reviews.

Waiting room for large companies

It was unexpected for me that for many city residents such a vacation is exotic. They can’t even hold a fishing rod, but riding a boat evokes the same delight in both children and a serious office clerk.

Steam room

There was a moment when I decided that I couldn’t cope without additional investments - construction was ongoing, nothing had been decided on the development of the territory, and there were no clients, then my employees helped. We didn’t have to take out loans; we made do with our own resources.

In what ways have you looked for clients and are now attracting new guests?

At first, we had enough of an influx of clients who came on the recommendations of guests who had already visited us. Then he began to regularly advertise in a number of regional newspapers, on television, and on the Internet. In the third year of the base’s existence, when we already had two houses with a capacity of 30 people, we had to become more active and start collaborating with Sakhalin travel agencies. For a small commission, they offered weekend tours to their visitors, such as foreign citizens visiting the island. They also took care of the transfer of the guests; all we had to do was welcome them with Russian hospitality and amaze them with the natural riches of the island.

What would you change in your business if you went back 10-15 years with your existing experience?

I wouldn't be afraid. I studied and received certificates as a professional tour guide and diving instructor - what I am doing now. I would learn the language and collaborate more actively with foreign clients. Now foreigners come to me, but the translator in their groups is in great demand and I have to go everywhere in a crowd, since neither I nor my employees are yet able to communicate with the Japanese or Chinese. But I'm learning Japanese, and our most experienced guide is practicing Chinese. We have already managed to learn English in practice - over five years of close work with oil industry workers, who often spend their weekends with us.

I would also try other directions in business. When I was younger, I saw a lot of opportunities, but I didn’t want to take risks. Now I regret it.

Do you now have room to grow and develop the company? Can you voice at least some of your plans for the near future?

In the coming year, I will create a petting zoo on the territory of the base, so that both children and adults will be interested not only in looking at the animals, but also in touching them. For now I'm leaning towards buying a horse and rabbits. We'll prepare their premises by spring, and then we'll see who else to add.

On the second floor of the fourth cottage, the construction of which was completed last year, I will arrange a billiard room, and not sleeping places and children's playrooms, as in the other houses.

There will be a billiard room here

I will buy a “wing” for skating - there is a lot of space for skating, we will first master it ourselves, then instruct guests. Again, you need to buy a couple of new scuba gear and a camera for underwater photography - looking at the inhabitants of the seabed is a very exciting activity for both adults and children.

What is the role of the state in the development of small business today? How can it help ordinary entrepreneurs?

Small business problems have remained the same since the late 90s. There is still a high degree of uncertainty in the economy as a whole. No entrepreneur can be confident about his business - new regulations and laws can jeopardize any activity. Prohibitions, restrictions, additional barriers - they are difficult to predict.

There is little information on how to properly interact with government agencies and various authorities. It is difficult to get employees to know where to go and what piece of paper to obtain a building permit or legalize an advertising structure or obtain a license to sell alcoholic beverages. Sometimes the Internet helps. Now I am not afraid of bureaucracy, because first I draw up clear instructions for myself indicating the deadlines for issuing and processing documents and calmly carry out the entire sequence of actions according to this list. Consultations from acquaintances who work in various fields and branches of the civil service also help. That's why connections are everything.

What is the most important thing in any business?

Shared living room in one of the houses

You need to choose an activity that you will never get tired of: you like working with children - open an educational or play center, love animals - build a hotel for dogs or a veterinary clinic. There is nothing complicated in this principle, but many people forget that it is important not to earn money through sweat and blood, but to do what they really like and receive a reward for it.

What do you do alongside your main line of work?

In addition to the recreation center and organizing excursions, I remain faithful to carpentry - I carry out individual orders for the production of unique products and furniture made of wood.

This is how drivers see the cafe from the road

In addition, on the highway that connects the regional center with local attractions and places of public recreation, I have a kebab cafe. Vacationers stop to buy everything for a picnic or just have a snack along the way.

Interior of a roadside cafe

Formalities you can’t do without - how did you legalize your activities?

From the very beginning, I decided not to split hairs and immediately after purchasing the land I registered as. I first chose UTII as the taxation system, since I was going to engage in trade, and as my initial plan changed, I chose the optimal mode for organizing recreation and leisure, excursions and equipment rental - the simplified tax system. I found an accountant, as they say now for outsourcing, but then they said part-time. She dealt with the interaction with the tax office and the pension fund, and all other approvals and visits to authorities were my responsibility.

The Money Makers Factory offers you to familiarize yourself with the “My Business” online service, which allows you to independently conduct accounting without resorting to the help of hired employees.

What authorities control your business and what checks do you have to endure in order to gain the right to receive guests at the recreation center?

Representatives of the sanitary and epidemiological station and firefighters regularly visit us to check compliance with numerous standards. And they will check the water, and count the fire extinguisher, and measure the distance to the river. We work closely with the environmental prosecutor's office and conduct tours and walks only in permitted directions, so as not to violate the water protection zone or forest shelterbelts. Fisheries inspectors also visit us to check the legality of fishing and the availability of fishing licenses.

Other authorities prefer to call me and I go through the offices with the necessary papers. They say correctly that without a piece of paper you feel like an insect. This is where all the documents that my valiant and very experienced accountant prepares come in handy. There have never been any problems with reporting.

How do you feel about running a franchise business? Are you considering the possibility of selling your franchise to newcomers to open a similar company, or perhaps you yourself want to acquire some existing business model?

I think that a newbie in business should not purchase a franchise - understand what you are going to do better from scratch. It’s better not to buy an existing business model, but to build it yourself. Essentially, what are you paying for when you purchase a franchise? For knowledge and information, for experience and a name, but all this can be purchased for free and independently, besides, the created company will be exclusively your brainchild. Even if you pay the franchisee, no one will run around and look for clients for you, negotiate rent and advertising, find local suppliers and hire staff. Although just recently I considered this an excellent chance to start.

Cottage for up to 20 people

I went through this: I wanted to open a confectionery shop as a franchise without unnecessary worries, so that my wife would be involved in this area and it would be easier for her to delve into the business without distracting me from my work. They promised to show her everything, tell her and organize everything, but she was only supposed to use ready-made solutions for any situation. As a result, we lost the deposit we paid for renting a place in a large shopping center, because the franchise sellers took too long to adjust their standard agreement in accordance with our realities. And instead of all these approvals, right down to what color the tablecloths and napkins should be, it was necessary to order the equipment and install it in the provided premises. All deadlines have passed, but the main “confectioner” has not decided anything concrete.

We abandoned this project, and six months later the wife herself opened a mini-confectionery under a name she invented on her own and now makes and sells handmade chocolates and magnificent cakes, rather than a strictly limited list of sweets that a franchisee would impose. We don’t regret at all that we had to wait and figure everything out from scratch, but now it’s just her creativity and business. It is quite possible that we were just unlucky in the process of collaborating with experienced entrepreneurs, while other newcomers had much better relationships with this and other franchisees.

Every entrepreneur decides for himself whether to open a business on his own or use a ready-made business model. The task of the Moneymaker Factory is to talk about various ways to start your own business. Therefore, we suggest, firstly, that you familiarize yourself with the real history of the franchise business, and secondly, that you study the basic concepts of franchising, as well as familiarize yourself with the catalog of franchises presented on the website.

What advice can you give to those who just dream of going “free-swimming” and working for themselves?

The main thing is not to be afraid of your own ideas and not to choose banal solutions if your soul does not lie in a certain field of activity. I can’t even imagine what would have happened if ten years ago I had chosen to open a store rather than my own recreation center. Boredom was guaranteed for me: product - revenue - product. Where to grow next? Well, I could have bought myself a couple more of these stall shops, so what?

And now every day is different for me, you can endlessly come up with something and do something - excursions, hikes, games with children, organizing fishing and sports competitions, new furniture with your own hands and building new houses. There is no time to sit still, but I don’t get tired, because it’s interesting for me.

If you visit us on Sakhalin, you are welcome, we always have a heated bathhouse ready for you, as well as excellent fishing, and it’s easy to find us: Sakhalin region, Korsakovsky district, village. Lesnoye, st. Rechnaya, 5. Phone: 89621204013

The location of the base on the map is 46°5428 s. w. 143°0440 E. d.

Any business will be successful and profitable if you approach its organization correctly, think through all the details, and, of course, have sufficient start-up capital. A very interesting and profitable type of business can be called a frequent recreation center. Of course, organizing such a business requires significant investment, but if everything is organized correctly and patience is shown, you will be able to win the attention of customers and, accordingly, over time the recreation center will make a profit.

Opening a tourist center requires, although large, but justified investments

How to open a recreation center?

The first thing you need to do when planning to open a recreation center is to decide in what place it will be located, the picturesqueness of the area, because the successful outcome of the business will depend on this. What is also important here is the distance of the future base from the city, whether there are roads to it, as well as other points. If the base is to be built, it is advisable that it be in a forest and near some kind of body of water. The area of ​​the territory for organizing all the necessary buildings, as well as its distance from the city, is also important.

Selecting a site for a base, organizational issues

Have you chosen a site in the forest that has a picturesque lake or river bank? If this is a protected area, then it is almost impossible to obtain permission for development.

Note: If you choose a children’s camp or boarding house that has not been operating for a long time, there are many advantages: there are all or most of the necessary buildings and communications, the place is suitable for organizing recreation. However, finding such places is quite difficult, and their cost is high.

When the site on which the recreation center will be built or reconstructed has been selected, georesearch should be carried out and a project should be selected. It is necessary to decide when and how the recreation center will operate: the whole year or seasonally (only in summer, or only in winter). If this is the second option, then it will cost much less, although the payback period of the project will be much longer.

After selecting a site for building a base, it must be agreed upon with local authorities (city or district) to obtain permits for construction work. Then it is necessary to approve the business plan of the tourist center, the project for carrying out construction work and conduct a state examination. The package of documents required to submit this will depend on the region, local regulations and the characteristics of the territory. Only after obtaining a development permit can construction begin.

The presence of a beach will add attractiveness to your recreation center

Main types of buildings at the base

All buildings that will be on the territory are divided into administrative buildings and houses for those who come to relax. It is desirable that the houses can accommodate different numbers of those who wish to relax.

The type of building material for the houses will depend on the seasonality of the work and finances: if the base is intended to be used in the summer, then the houses can be built from wood, they do not even need to be insulated. It is popular to build small cottages from profiled timber. Such buildings have a beautiful appearance and are reliable.

Its main advantage is the small number of competitors. Since it is rare to find recreation centers in a city or region. If the construction of such complexes is not in demand, this does not mean that people are not interested in this type of service.

This type of business requires investing a tidy sum. To develop it, you need to study all the intricacies of this business, as well as research the type of similar services in your region or city. So, how to open a recreation center from scratch?

  1. Choose a location to open a base;
  2. Equip your vacation spot with everything you need;
  3. Do advertising;

How to choose a place for a recreation center?

Its success depends on where the recreation center will be located. It should be surrounded by trees, and there should also be a body of water nearby. For example, the sea, river or lake. The base can be located in the mountains, but if there is water nearby, there will be more entertainment for tourists.

In addition, it should be taken into account that the base should not be located close to the city, but also not be far from it. It is best if the distance between the city and the complex is about 40-100 km.

Keep in mind that the road to your vacation spot must be good, otherwise people will not drive. Availability of parking is also very important.

What is better: to build, reconstruct an old base or buy?

It is very difficult to say which is better of these three options. If you decide to buy a ready-made recreation center, then this is an excellent option. But the prices for a ready-made complex will be very high. In addition, it is difficult to find it in your city or region.

It is possible to reconstruct the old recreation center. This method has its pros and cons. Firstly, some buildings have already been constructed, and secondly, the location meets the criteria. The catch is that sometimes it will be cheaper to build a base from scratch than to reconstruct an existing one.

The third option would be to build a base from scratch. To do this, you need to buy or lease land. Then construct all the necessary buildings. You also need to buy accessories for the base.

What to build a recreation center from?

To decide what you need for construction, you need to decide during what period will your complex operate?

If it is the summer season, then you can do without heating or insulating guest houses. If you plan that your complex will operate all year round, then all the necessary equipment for life are necessary.

Houses need to be built from high-quality materials and have good heating. In addition to them, it is necessary to build showers and outdoor cafes.

A good solution would be to build houses from timber. One house for 2-4 people will cost about a million rubles. In addition, larger cottages need to be built for guests who can afford more luxurious accommodation.

It is also very popular now to make houses from old shipping containers. This accommodation option will not cost you much.

Equipment for recreation center

After the base is built, it is necessary to take care of its equipment. If there is a body of water nearby, you need to clean its bottom and make a beach. It is also necessary to make a pier, buy boats, mattresses, catamarans. Fence the swimming area with buoys.

For the leisure of guests, you need to build several gazebos of different sizes, with benches, tables and barbecues.

It is also necessary to take care of leisure activities for children. For them it is necessary to build a playground, as well as swings and sandboxes. In addition, it is advisable to make courts for volleyball and football. To give your vacation spot a special touch, you can make sculptures from wood.

Base personnel

To operate a recreation center, approximately 10-15 people are needed. These are cooks, waiters, doctors, security guards, cleaners. You can hire students and people who want to earn extra money. In general, you will need about 150 thousand rubles per month.

Advertising of a recreation center

To advertise a recreation center, you can place a large banner on a city street. Also, don’t forget about it. Serious organizations always have it. You can also distribute leaflets, booklets, business cards, and hang posters.

Business registration

After you have equipped the complex, you need to register it. You do not need to obtain permits or licenses for this.

Also, after completion of construction, it is necessary to invite fire supervision and SES.

Recreation center as a business: features

If you want your base to be different from others, come up with something that it will specialize in. So, for example, you can create a complex for fishermen. For them, you can rent fishing rods, boats and other fishing equipment.

You can also open a complex in the village. This option is suitable for those people who want to escape the noise and bustle of the city. If the base is located among picturesque nature, it will be a great success.

Business nuances

Difficulty opening

When people decide to open, they are faced with perhaps one difficulty - obtaining permission from the fire department and the sanitary-epidemiological service. In order for them to approve your activities, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of the law during construction and bypass all authorities to fill out the necessary documents.

Seasonality of business

Obviously, in summer time the demand among people for this type of recreation will be much greater. It’s good if the complex is located in a mountainous area where you can go skiing. Then there will be no fewer clients. But what if this is not the case?

In this case, you can equip a base for fishermen or for people who want to retire from everyone. During the New Year, you can earn some good money. In early autumn and late spring, you can organize discos for young people.

But remember that if you want your complex to operate in winter, it must be equipped with equipment that will provide heat to residents.

The profitability of the recreation center

The income of a recreation center directly depends on its attendance. Don't expect there to be a lot of people even in the summer.

Mostly people will come on weekends. Thus, we can calculate that on average you will earn 1,500 rubles per day from one person. There will be about 400 people per month. That is, profit - 600,000 rubles.

Such income occurs only in the summer. Basically, the base pays for itself in 3-4 years. But it happens when the invested money is returned after 1.5-2 seasons of work.

Business plan for a recreation center

  1. To install electricity and improve the territory, you need to spend about 800,000 rubles;
  2. Registration of a land plot will cost about 100,000 rubles;
  3. To purchase all the equipment, you should invest about 100 thousand rubles;
  4. Advertising, – 100,000 rub.

In general, the initial payment will be 1.2 million rubles.

Monthly expenses

  1. and insurance – 200 thousand rubles;
  2. Utilities – 15 thousand rubles;
  3. Other expenses – 50 thousand rubles.

In total, 265 thousand rubles.

This business can rightfully be considered one of the most enjoyable, because an entrepreneur who has thought through all its details will be able to earn money and relax at the same time! The successful opening of a recreation center will be very profitable, and the businessman himself will have the opportunity to periodically take vacations with his whole family, while continuing to make great money!

Where does the opening of a tourist center begin?

This type of activity should be developed only when a suitable location is in mind. Without it, it is impossible to create a successful recreation center, even if you develop the best business plan, so it is important for a businessman, first of all, to find either a good plot of land in a resort area, or an existing recreation center that can be purchased and converted. The future base should be located in a good area for proper recreation and be convenient in terms of access roads: it is advisable to open it not too far from the city. At the same time, it is best to plan to open a recreation center where there is a river or lake (the closer to the shore, the more popular it will be), and the presence of the sea nearby will significantly increase the entrepreneur’s chances of making quick money.

Only after a place for the object has been found can we begin to resolve formalities. At this stage you need:

  1. Create an enterprise (you can start with an individual entrepreneur, but it’s better to immediately count on an LLC)
  2. Think about where the necessary investments will come from - these could be the entrepreneur’s personal savings, but they may not be enough, so you need to immediately think about getting a loan from a bank or participating in a government support program (subsidies, low-interest loans and grants will help open a recreation center even for those who are very strapped for money)
  3. Conclude a long-term lease agreement for a land plot (if it belongs to the state, the agreement is concluded with the KUMI of the administration of a given locality) or buy the land, if possible

In the future, you may need to obtain permission to open a tourist center from the department that manages nature reserves and resort areas. This is necessary if the object will border on natural monuments or national parks, and its construction or reconstruction may violate specially protected zones. The permit in this case will allow you to avoid constant inspections and payment of possible fines. You will also need a work permit from the sanitation station and fire supervision - they must coordinate the operation of the facility before its launch.

How much does it cost to open a recreation center?

You should immediately prepare for the fact that this type of business will not be cheap. Investments will be quite large, and renting a plot alone can cost at least 100 thousand rubles per month. The construction or reconstruction of the base itself will cost about another 2 million, and the entrepreneur will need:

  • build houses or buildings, a summer cafe or dining room, as well as showers, if they stand separately - to save money, you can order several large wooden log cabins for vacationers to live in, each of which will cost about 250 thousand rubles
  • improve the territory (it should be decorated both with the help of ornamental plants and with the help of small architectural forms, sculptures and other decor)
  • carry out the necessary communications
  • arrange playgrounds, beaches, playgrounds

Separately, about 500 thousand rubles will need to be spent on the purchase of furniture and equipment (refrigerators, household equipment, washing machines, air conditioners, household appliances, etc.).

Having created the necessary infrastructure, you need to take care of the staff, and opening a recreation center may require a staff of 10-15 people: 1-2 cooks, 2-3 waiters, 1 administrator, 1 doctor, 1 cleaner, 2 security guards, 1-2 porters. The wage fund for them is from 150 thousand rubles monthly. To save money, students can be hired for some positions, but cooks and doctors must be professional.

It is also worth considering that about another 50 thousand rubles will be spent monthly on paying for utilities and other services (in winter, this amount will increase significantly due to heating bills, and to save money, the base can be preserved in the cold season). However, these expenses will pay off, and in general, the opening of a recreation center can pay for itself in 1.5-2 seasons if its monthly profit is from 300 thousand rubles. To achieve this, you need to provide for the cost of placement on the base at least 500 rubles. per person per day with the possibility of resting from 400 people monthly. You can also earn money on additional services (organizing banquets, celebrations, corporate events, etc.), and if the appropriate conditions are met, opening an object will pay off faster, and the entrepreneur will be able to earn excellent capital every season.