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What Italian dish is loved in Croatia? What to buy in Croatia. List of things you cannot bring from Croatia

When I was going to Croatia for the first time, many assured that local dishes were copied from Serbian ones. But this is so only at first glance. After wandering around local cafes and restaurants, visiting hospitable Croatian homes and reading many books about local culinary masters, we managed to find out a lot of interesting things. And if you choose between the cuisine of Croatia and Serbia, you should start your gastronomic journey with Croatia.

What are the main differences between food in Croatia?

  • Manifold. This is explained by history, because it was part of different countries, its ethnic composition changed, and new residents brought new recipes. Trade routes passed through the region, and wealthy merchants and travelers lived here. For example, the famous Marco Polo comes from the Croatian Korcula, from a family that was actively involved in trade. It is also important that the Croats themselves have always been open to the unknown, so the dishes and recipes of other peoples and cultures took root, gradually transformed, and adapted.

  • Attention to detail. People adopted other people's culinary traditions, used new techniques to improve their own, and experimented with spices, oils and herbs. Do you know where the most popular universal seasoning mixture “Vegeta” was invented? Just half a century ago in Croatia through long trials and selection of combinations of tastes. The seasoning was liked not only by Croats and residents of all of Yugoslavia, but also glorified the Podravka company, which invented it, throughout the world. And in Croatia, as in neighboring countries, soups are still cooked on the basis of this powder, salads are made, meat is fried in it, and used for any stew.

  • Specialties tied to a geographical location. For example, for signature sage honey, I go to the island of Pag. The value of honey is that sage grows in conditions of particularly favorable ecology and climate, where even drops of the sea breeze falling on the leaves and flowers of the plant impart additional healing properties to the future honey.

Different regions - different dishes and drinks

Most tourists, when they come to Croatia, make one mistake. Passing through different cities and regions, they eat the same dishes everywhere: some decide to try something local, the majority prefer something familiar from the menu. I do it differently: first I make a trip itinerary, then using it I make a list of signature dishes or drinks that interest me, for which this or that place is famous. It's not just about the original recipes, but also about the products that are used for cooking and grow only nearby. To this list I add several iconic establishments in the area.

Dalmatia and islands, Dubrovnik

Here they prefer quick recipes, something Italian and Greek is felt, they actively use herbs, figs, almonds in cooking, and they make excellent olive oil themselves.

What should a sophisticated tourist try?

  • Fresh fish and seafood, which are cooked divinely here : sea ​​bream, sea bass, sea bass, mackerel, octopus, cuttlefish, lobster, mussels and oysters.
  • Pršut, the pride of local residents.
  • Frogs, eels and crayfish(look in places where there are fresh bodies of water).
  • Alcohol: wines “Grk”, “Prch”, “Dingach”, “Vugava”, “Plancic” and “Postup”, as well as the famous cherry liqueur “Maraschino” and herbal “Vlahov” (some say that it is similar to “Riga balm").

Many islands have their own special dishes that are included in the list of national treasures and are definitely worth trying.

  • Pashtitsada- rump, which is first marinated for a day in vinegar or wine, and then cooked over low heat for several hours and served in a flavorful sauce with a side dish of pasta or gnocchi. This dish is available in all restaurants in Dalmatia, but if you have the opportunity, go to the Paštitsada festival in the village of Veliko Brdo in the last days of September, when St. Jerome's Day is celebrated here.

  • Vitalats- a rare specialty of the island of Brac. It is prepared from the liver, heart and lungs of a milk lamb, slowly roasted on a spit. The presentation looks unusual. In theory, this is an appetizer that is served to guests while the lamb itself is fried. There are special tours to the island of Brac, which include not only a hearty lunch, but also a master class on how to prepare vitalac.

  • Visovacka jogger- marinated lamb with homemade aromatic herbs, vegetables and hard sheep's cheese, best prepared on the island of Vis.
  • Dalmatian tripe with cheese, vegetables and spices.
  • Arambasici-similar to cabbage rolls, but in sauerkraut leaves made from different types of minced meat with seasonings.
  • Black risotto with cuttlefish.

Istria and Kvarner

Rich lands, gorgeous coastline. Lots of fish and seafood along the coast, excellent meat, juicy vegetables, truffles, if you go deeper.

Here they proudly offer tourists dishes that absolutely cannot be confused with anything else.

  • Shrimp buzara in tomato-wine sauce.
  • Soup “iota” from vegetables and smoked meats, pasta with asparagus and shrimp.
  • Fuji and the Plukans in cream sauce with truffles.
  • Black and white truffles grow throughout the year. They are searched for by specially trained dogs and pigs. Some agencies offer tourists tours where you can pick a whole basket of truffles yourself. The delicacy is sold in markets (don't expect them to be cheaper here than in France) and served in restaurants (black truffles with pasta are especially good).

  • Pashsky cheese- famous sheep's cheese, which is made on the island of Pag. Its peculiarity is its saltiness. It is transmitted to him from the sea breeze that falls on the grass that the local sheep feed on. It has a juicy honey look that is so appealing to raw foodists. I advise you not to skimp and buy a whole circle, and upon arrival, cut it into pieces and give it to your most beloved friends. This gift will definitely please your taste.

  • Istarski prosciutto- dried-smoked pork ham. Its preparation is like an old ritual: it all starts with a special diet for the pigs to give the meat a certain texture and color. Recipes for spice mixtures that give prosciutto its special flavor are passed down from generation to generation in every family. And they don't repeat themselves. Pršut is the most popular gastronomic souvenir that is brought from Croatia as a souvenir.

  • Guilt:“Cabernet” from Porec, “Malvasia” from Buj, “Sauvignon”, “Merlot” and “Teran” from Buzet, “Žlahtina” from Vrbnik, sparkling wine “Bakarska Vodica”.


In the east of Croatia, the culinary heritage of Austria-Hungary is most noticeable. Fish dishes, sausages and sausages are not lacking in spiciness; they contain a lot of paprika and garlic.

To try real Slavonian cuisine, you don't have to shell out for expensive restaurants. Choose ones that market themselves as good old-fashioned eateries with homemade food. What is definitely worth trying?

  • Cobanac- these are different types of meat stewed with vegetables and spices. A simple dish that 99% of people are crazy about. Fills you with warmth and love for life.

  • Kulen- spicy sausage made from minced pork with spices and paprika. Fans of spicy food love kulen, and they also take it with them in a suitcase, just like prosciutto.

  • Shvargl- an appetizer similar to jellied pork with paprika. Not for everyone.
  • Sujuk- flattened spicy beef sausage with spices. It's hard to describe, but if you like kulen, you'll like sujuk. Yes, it is similar to Turkish sujuk (that's where it came from).
  • Alcohol: Fruit brandies - rakija - are very good here, there are plenty to choose from. Try rakia made from plum, pear and quince. I advise you to try local wines, for example, Kutjevačka Graševina and Rheinski Riesling.

Gorski Kotar and Lika

A land of pastures and mountains surrounded by forests, where summers are short and winters are long. Perhaps this explains the modesty and simplicity of the dishes (compared to the sophistication of recipes on the coast).

Locals enjoy food made from cornmeal, potatoes, cabbage, green beans, mushrooms, as well as homemade sheep's cheese and milk, smoked lamb, pork and venison. Everything you can quickly and thoroughly get enough of. What should you try?

  • Cheese “Škripavac”- homemade soft cow's milk cheese that squeaks when you cut it. Pairs well with both dry and semi-sweet wine.

  • Alcohol: rakia with plums, quince, wild berries or honey. By the way, don’t be surprised if you are invited to try it out and drink it “one at a time.” Croatians are very hospitable. But remember, when you clink glasses, be sure to look into the eyes of the person you are clinking glasses with. Russians, out of habit, look at the brandy itself so as not to spill or break it, but Croats consider this disrespectful. It is not necessary to drink to the bottom. Rakija is sipped so that it spreads warmth throughout the body, awakens the spirit and gives joy.

Northwestern part of Croatia

The cuisine of these places is distinguished by easy-to-prepare, but delicious and healthy dishes. Barley and corn bread, meat-based soups and broths, mixtures of vegetables and herbs, fish paprikash, buckwheat porridge with blood sausage, a variety of strudels, pumpkin pie with poppy seeds, ducks and geese.

What should you pay attention to?

  • Cheese "Turosh"- traditional smoked or dried conical cheese made from granular cottage cheese with the addition of spices. The red-red specks on it are paprika. A very unusual thing, each piece is made by hand by the housewife. Also a nice gift for those who know about cheese. Many tourists learn about it after a trip to Croatia, although in my personal opinion it is more authentic and tastier than skripavac and pasha cheese. A sort of Croatian cheese truffle.

  • Meso with table” - pork meat that is first roasted or smoked and then rubbed with salt and garlic to marinate in a wooden vessel. This is a snack served with alcohol. You can order it in many restaurants or try it when visiting someone who lives in a rural area (barrels of meat are usually stored in cold cellars next to other preparations).
  • Zagorsk Strukli with homemade cheese - delicious, satisfying pastries.

  • « Krapets on the trailer» in Moslavin and Poslavin it is carp that is slowly smoked on wooden sticks. The result is very tender meat and a thin crispy crust.
  • Alcohol: Local wines are good, but honey wine stands out among the interesting drinks “ gvirts"(not to be confused with Russian mead). Taste before purchasing. Most “gvirts” are sweet, but there are also those with added spices that give them bitterness and pungency.

Sweets in Croatia

If you look into the old cookbooks of Croatian grandmothers, you will find many amazing desserts made from the simplest ingredients that you always have on hand. But what makes them special is the combination of flavors and cooking methods. For example, instead of a sponge cake layer, a cheesecake here might have a base of butter mixed with sponge crumbs. High in calories, but more tender. Some of these recipes are still offered to invited guests, served with modern and sophisticated delicacies.

  • « Bayadera" - a signature dessert of Croatia. Nut praline with nougat and chocolate. The best bayadera in the form of candies (which can be conveniently placed in hand luggage) is made by the Crash company. The same cake can be ordered in any cafe, and at family celebrations you can stumble upon a cake of the same name, which is based on the same “baiadera” recipe. Sweets differ in taste and consistency from cakes. By the way, the Krash company has a large assortment of sweets and dozens of branded stores throughout the country where you can buy sets of Croatian sweets, chocolates, cookies and other confectionery products.

  • "Paprenyake"- cookies that have recently regained their former popularity. It is made according to the oldest recipe based on honey, nuts and pepper. Doesn't taste bitter, soft and sweet.

  • "Chupavtsy", as it turned out, turned out to be a copy of the famous Australian Lamington cake. And while some are racking their brains as to how the Croatian “Chupavtsi” got to another continent, others cannot understand where cocoa and coconut come from in Croatia itself, because the recipe is considered relatively old. There is a version that one of the royal cooks once dropped a piece of sponge cake with chocolate icing into a bag of coconut flakes. But he liked the result so much that he prepared a portion of cakes and invited the gentlemen to evaluate the idea. Now “čupavtsi” is one of the most popular desserts in Croatia.

  • "Giving Birth" served in many cafes. Delicate pudding dessert with caramel sauce and whipped buttercream. The best “rozata” are found on the island and in Dubrovnik.

  • « Schnenokle» looks like pieces of clouds with sauce. In fact, it is prepared like this: first, the whites are whipped, boiled over low heat in milk, turning into tender clots, and a light cream is made from the yolks, flour and milk, which is then poured over the whites. Dessert is difficult to find in a cafe, but if you are invited to visit, you can ask the hostess in advance for a small favor (it is very difficult to prepare it yourself without experience).

Food in restaurants

I want to tell you about a couple of interesting things related to restaurant life in Croatia. As elsewhere, going to a restaurant involves enjoying food and drinks in good company. But there are several features:

  • Portions in Croatia are large, and this is worth taking into account when ordering. Take snacks at the rate of one snack for two people.
  • If you are in a cafe overlooking a river or sea, then you can sit at a table in the “first line” (tables closest to the pond) only if you are going to have lunch, i.e. Don't plan to just drink a glass of wine or a cup of coffee while looking at the scenery. Therefore, when meeting guests at the entrance, waiters clarify whether you are going to dine or not. In fact, there is a simple calculation behind this - lunch involves a larger bill than a regular coffee break, and waiters give the best seats to those who spend more money. But if, in addition to coffee, you order something alcoholic and dessert (or salad), then the place will be yours.
  • When they eat soup, they tilt the plate towards themselves, and when they clink glasses, they look into each other’s eyes. When they toast or clink glasses, do not drain the glass to the bottom. They only take a sip.
  • If the dish seems tasty, you don’t have to try to finish it to a clean plate. The cook won't be offended by this. It is enough to leave a good tip.
  • Pay for your order by card, but carry some change with you for tips. This way you will better control your expenses, and you will definitely not be cheated by cunning waiters. Check your accounts!
  • Be careful when ordering seafood dishes to avoid digestive problems. Order only bottled water (otherwise you may be served tap water, which many here consider drinkable).

Lifehack: Before your trip, I advise you to make a list of dishes that you would be interested in trying. Already on the spot in each establishment, order something from the list. I also like this approach: in the city where you want to stay, choose the top 10 establishments near you. Read reviews about signature dishes and drinks, and based on them, make a plan for visiting establishments. This way you will clearly know what you are eating, and spend every evening with benefit and pleasure.

Street food and coffee tables on the streets

Any culinary inventions of local street chefs should only be tried at large city festivals, where people are responsible for the quality of the food. Or if you at least see what and how they cook for you. The only exceptions are, perhaps, bakeries, where there are a lot of delicious pastries. In autumn you can catch sellers of roasted chestnuts on the streets. I don’t recommend trying pljeskavica and cevape on the street, as well as fish. I recommend buying Cedevita sparkling water with vitamins at any stall (children love it). This is another product that many people bring with them from Croatia (it is sold in the form of a regular powder, which can then be diluted with water).

What other drinks are worth trying?

  • Beer “Karlovachko” – one of the oldest in Croatia. A light lager that has been brewed in the city since 1854. It is exported in huge quantities to Europe and even Australia.

  • Beer “Ozhujsko” – also a light lager, brewed since 1893 in Zagreb. One of the most popular in Croatia itself and sponsor of the Croatian national football team. Under the same brand you can find “Ozhujsko” with coriander and lemon (summer version).

  • Beer "Tomislav"– dark beer with caramel flavor. Also among the most popular in the country and the strongest. It was first brewed in 1925 in Zagreb in honor of the 1000th anniversary of the coronation of the very first king of Croatia, named Tomislav. That’s why the label proudly says “Croatian Royal Beer”.

  • Liquor “Pelinkovac” – bitter liqueur infused with wormwood. Some compare its taste to “Riga Balsam”, but most note the similarity with “Jägermeister”. It is drunk chilled or added to cocktails.

  • Liquor “Orahovac” – a spicy liqueur invented by monks. It is made from unripe, green walnuts. Many in Croatia use it as medicine - the liqueur improves appetite, treats a sore throat and stomach, and helps cope with blues and nervous tension. Housewives make the tincture themselves, sometimes adding spices, orange zest and even coffee, but stores sell excellent “Orahovets” from the “Maraska” company.

  • Coffee is the favorite drink of any Balkan resident. In Croatia they drink it a lot, sitting at a table in the fresh air. Hot, freshly brewed coffee. Here are your own rituals for brewing this drink. When you want to meet someone, you invite the person to have coffee with you. Any conversation, any meeting and acquaintance begins with it. The strong-hearted can drink rakia with coffee. Coffee can be served with Turkish delight, biscuit or the branded Bayadera candy, but certainly with a glass of water. And during one gathering in a cafe you can drink 2-3 cups of coffee. Please note that in Croatia there are many cafes where they simply brew coffee. There are no other drinks except maybe soda, no snacks, desserts or meals. Just coffee. As a coffee lover, I usually bring a pack of coffee with me from Croatia to brew in a Turkish coffee pot at home (I recommend “Franch” ground, but it’s best in beans if you have your own coffee grinder).

LifehaTo: After strong, good coffee, a lot of grounds remain, which local women can use to “tell fortunes.” You don’t need to believe in miracles, but fortune telling itself as a ritual looks impressive.

50 best cafes and restaurants in Croatia by city

There is probably nothing more valuable than recommendations from experienced travelers and tourists. Below is a list of establishments, cafes and restaurants by city in alphabetical order that I recommend you visit. The list was carefully compiled by me, based on my impressions and reviews of my friends, including those who live in Croatia, Bosnia and neighboring Serbia. And all so that you can relax there as well as we do.

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    Anything to add?

They are selling like hot cakes. By the beginning of June, resorts are already filled with tourists who prefer to spend their holidays on the shores of the Adriatic and taste the Balkan flavor. And when this is also supported by excellent service, then there is no price for such a vacation.

There is another goal for tourists vacationing in Croatia - souvenirs! After all, everything will come to an end someday, and you will have to return back to Belarus, but how can you go without things and food that remind you of your vacation?

If we touch on the topic of “what to buy” and consider it from all sides, then it would be appropriate to mention real estate in Croatia. There are plenty of such purchases made in the country by foreigners.


Croatian souvenirs can be divided into several groups, which will make it easier to navigate your choice during the holidays: gastronomic gifts, alcoholic products, folk crafts, clothing and gifts for bosses.


There are a number of products in Croatia that can only be found in this country. For example, sheep cheese "pashki". Its peculiarity is that throughout the entire aging period, it is regularly lubricated with olive oil, which gives it a special taste.

This cheese is made only on the island of Pag, where sheep graze in fields with special salted grass. There is enough intrigue to definitely take a piece of cheese to try.

Other products you should not ignore are pumpkin seed oil, prosciutto (cured-smoked pork ham), chocolate with chili pepper, and dried fig jam.

Truffles are one of the most popular souvenirs in Croatia (even though they are not cheap). There are a lot of options: do you want black or white, dried or pickled. And the traditional seasoning salt with Dalmatian herbs will remind you of the taste of Croatia.


It will probably come as a surprise to many that there are more than 700 varieties of wine in Croatia, of which 76 are elite. Therefore, when vacationing here, it would be a sin not to bring Croatian wines with you. The most famous drinks made from grapes are red “Teran”, “Merlot”, “Cabernet”, which are produced in Istra. Among white wines, “Malvasia”, “Zhlakhtina” and “Kuyundzhusha” are of particular interest.

If you want something special, then you should pay attention to the Maraschino cherry liqueur, which is produced according to the original recipe in the Dominican monastery from a special variety of Marasca cherries. Also an original souvenir will be the pear liqueur “Kruškovac” with a pear inside the bottle. Those who like hot drinks choose the famous Croatian grappa with berries and lemon.


Each region of Croatia produces its own unique souvenirs that convey the color and diversity of the country. For example, on the island of Brac the main material is Brac stone, from which local craftsmen make souvenirs. By the way, Brac stone was even used in the construction of the Capitol in the United States.

Another attraction of the country is Dalmatian lace. They are made in the city of Trogir in a working nunnery. True, their cost is high, since the lace is extremely beautiful, and in addition, handmade work is highly valued in Croatia.

A fun souvenir will be an archaeological fake, which is a copy of the Bascan slab with the will of King Zvonomir, as well as a copy of a ceramic vessel that is iconic for the country - the Vučedol Dove.

Once in Rovinj, you should definitely buy shaped colored candles, which are made by artisans right on the street, in front of tourists.

An interesting fact - it turns out that it was in Croatia that such a men's accessory as a tie was invented. So, if you want to make a gift for a man, then pay attention to silk ties from Croata.

From wine to gingerbread: a selection of the most delicious, beautiful and healthy things that will remind you of a magical vacation for a long time!

  1. Proshek

From the sweetest and latest grapes, Croatians make very tasty wine - prošek. In fact, it is produced not from fresh berries, but from raisins - winemakers specifically wait until the grapes dry on the vine. Both white and red varieties are used, so the shade of the finished proshek varies from amber to deep pumpkin. The wine is special and “celebratory” even for the Croatians themselves - to create one liter of the drink you will need as many as seven kilograms of raw materials (this is about 6-7 times more than is used for ordinary wine). Honey cakes and figs are considered the best additions to proshek.

  1. Pršut

Croatia does not claim sole ownership of the Balkan delicacy called prosciutto, but it does it masterfully (especially in the Dalmatia region). Pork ham smoked over oak coals is cut into thin slices and served with olives, onions and spicy sheep cheese. The recipe is slightly different - local prosciutto is not smoked, but dried for almost six months. The longer the prosciutto is aged, the higher its price, and the tastier it is! By the way, such meat can be stored for a long time, about a year - the main thing is to put it in a cool and dark place.

  1. Morcic

The main amulet of Croatian sailors, fishermen and the entire “Primorye” is the head of a Moor in a white turban. Almost no one remembers the exact history of its appearance - they agree that the morcic “came into fashion” in the 15th century, after the victory over the Turks. The Moor is carved from wood, blown from Venetian glass, sculpted from clay and covered with glaze - it is best to look for the most beautiful figures in, since the morcic is considered its symbol.

  1. Croatian "La Bayadère"

If a Croatian wants to give candy to his tourist guests, girlfriend or colleague, he will choose “La Bayadère” with 99% probability. This milk praline with dry biscuits, almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts is produced by one of the oldest confectionery factories in Zagreb, Kraš.

  1. "Buttons" from

Of course, these are not simple buttons, but real works of jewelry! Hollow inside balls with delicate and intricate filigree patterns are especially impressive in the form of earrings or pendants. During the Illyrian occupation of Croatia, such beads were indeed used as buttons, but over time they were turned into elegant decoration.

  1. Samobor crystal

The city of Samobor (20 kilometers from Zagreb) is famous for its handmade crystal - the quality of these beautiful products is not inferior to the famous Bohemian glass. Croatian craftsmen have been using a unique polishing method for almost 200 years, so in bright light carved glasses and vases shine like diamonds!

  1. Pazhsky cheese

The most famous Croatian cheese is made from sheep's milk - almost 30 liters are needed per wheel! Aromatic sage and rosemary give the cheese a special flavor. These herbs grow in abundance in Croatian meadows - the strong and gusty boron wind covers them with a thin layer of salt from the Adriatic Sea (which is why sheep give already salted milk). You should definitely buy this dairy delicacy in its homeland, on the island of Pag in central Dalmatia.

  1. Lycitarian Heart

Such dove-shaped vessels were made in 3000-2600 BC - this is definitely the most recognizable archaeological symbol of Croatia! As befits a bird of peace, the souvenir symbolizes serenity and the fight for freedom, and you can buy it in the city of Vukovar, at the Vučedol Culture Museum. All this is very symbolic - during the Yugoslav War, Vukovar became a hotbed of bloody battles, earning the title of “Croatian Stalingrad”.

  1. Truffle oil

If you find yourself in the Istria region, don't even think about leaving without truffle-infused olive oil! This is an amazing thing - it adds a spicy festive touch to even the most ordinary dish. If anything, truffle in Croatian sounds like “tartuffe”, don’t get it confused.

  1. Gingerbread paprinyatsi

Paprenjaci is another type of Croatian gingerbread, the real spirit of Christmas in a paper package. Unlike Licytar delicacies, these honey baked goods are considered more “homemade”, so you can find them mainly in small confectionery shops. To create paprinyatsi, special molds made of ceramics or wood are used - with their help, the pastry chef squeezes fancy patterns onto the surface of the dough.

It’s very easy to take the flavors of Dalmatia with you – just grab one or two jars of fig jam or marmalade. A very practical souvenir: it is packaged in tiny jars and stored for months!

  1. Teran

Croatia has everything for simple human happiness, including good red wine. One of the most popular is Teran, a drink made from Refosco grapes, which has a rich taste with a pronounced chocolate and berry flavor. By the way, it was Teran wine that became the “bone of contention” between Croatia and Slovenia - each country still defends its authorship and right to the name.

  1. Lace from the island of Pag

Delicate and intricate - a true example of ancient applied art (they say that the lace-making traditions on Pag are considered an echo of the Mycenaean culture). Once upon a time, such lace was worn by monarchs from the Habsburg dynasty, but today anyone can buy it - in the form of a napkin, bed linen or an elegant shirt.

Shopping is a popular activity for those who spend their holidays in Croatia. Moreover, at any of the resorts there is always a huge number of shops, colorful small bazaars and craft shops where you can easily purchase everything you need.

On many excursions, in addition to sightseeing, local guides organize visits to small farms, where those interested can purchase the freshest products - cheeses, olive oil, honey, wines and liqueurs. Before purchasing, travelers will definitely have the opportunity to taste them and choose the ones they like best.

What should you bring from Croatia as a gift to your loved ones and colleagues? Many travelers have this thought during their vacation. As you know, a correctly chosen souvenir is the key to positive impressions of the country upon returning to your homeland.

Souvenirs from Croatia can be divided into several main categories.

Edible souvenirs

  • Pazhsky cheese and Prosciutto. Some food brought home from Croatia will not lose its taste even if it is stored in sealed vacuum packaging outside the refrigerator. Such products include the famous Pazhsky cheese and dry-cured ham - prosciutto.

Page cheese is made from sheep's milk with the addition of aromatic herbs. Prosciutto is a dried ham of excellent quality, which depends on the length of its aging - the longer, the tastier and more expensive its cost. These local delicacies are increasingly being brought from Croatia as edible and unusual gifts for loved ones.

  • Confectionery. Confectionery shops in Croatia are on every corner. In them you can find everything your heart desires - candies of different shapes for every taste, gingerbread products with unusual patterns and ornaments. The “Licitarian Heart” cake can rightfully be considered the calling card of the country - an excellent gift for lovers. It is made in the shape of a heart and decorated with various patterns and inscriptions made of glaze.

An excellent option for children and adults would be to purchase sweet products from the Kras confectionery factory. It is known all over the world for the production of chocolates, waffles, crispy cookies, caramels with various fruit fillings. The products of this company have repeatedly won prizes at international exhibitions.

  • Croatian honey. Beekeeping is well developed in Croatia; green honey can rightfully be considered its unique product. It is an excellent delicacy and has an original taste. Acacia honey with the addition of various herbs is also popular. Croatians call it medicinal.
  • Istra truffle. An expensive, but very delicious treat for real gourmets. The shelf life of fresh truffles is limited to 2-3 days, so it is better to buy it in crushed form. There are truffles with olive oil, or ground with olives in the form of a thick sauce. Tourists usually buy truffle sets consisting of several small jars with mushroom sauce as a souvenir.

Croatian truffle is sold in almost every major store, as well as in most food markets. Unfortunately, among truffle sauces there are often counterfeits; dishonest manufacturers may put other mushrooms in their place. It is better to purchase such a specific product in large supermarkets.

  • Olive oil. Perhaps the most popular answer to the question of what can be brought from Croatia as a gift for housewives is olive oil! Its variety on the shelves of Croatian stores is amazing, because olive groves are everywhere in Croatia. Croatian olive oil is not inferior in quality to the popular Greek or Spanish product.

It is better to buy cold pressed oil. Thanks to this technology, all useful microelements and vitamins remain in it. You can often find olive oil on sale in beautiful ceramic vessels.

  • Alcoholic drinks from Croatia are perfect as a not too expensive, but quite presentable gift for a colleague. For red wine lovers, Cabernet, Merlot or Dingach will suit you. Fans of white are better off choosing the Malvasia and Pinot varieties. When choosing wine, it is important to pay attention to its quality. If the bottle contains the inscription kvalitetno vino - the product is of high quality, you can buy it with confidence. If there is no such inscription, it is better to look for another option.

Don’t forget about the original local liqueur “Slivovitz”. Croatians pronounce this word with emphasis on the first syllable.

A popular souvenir will be grape vodka - grappa. This is a berry tincture made according to a special recipe. Grappa bottled in the shape of a ship is ideal as an original souvenir.

The approximate prices for popular foods and alcoholic drinks are as follows.

Jewelry and cosmetics

  • An excellent gift for a woman would be unusual Morcic jewelry. Their uniqueness is that they are all made in the form of a Moor's head, on which is a white turban. Such pendants and brooches look unusual, and, according to the legend of the early 17th century, they were amulets for Croatian fishermen and sailors.

Morcic Jewelry

A lesser-known, but high-quality and unusual gift would be organic cosmetics. The most popular Croatian cosmetics and brands are as follows.

  • Cream made from natural ingredients “Melem” for face and body. The moisturizing and healing properties of this cream are legendary. Among its main ingredients are lanolin and beeswax. Manufacturers keep a more detailed list secret. The cream contains no preservatives or other harmful ingredients. And this is not just a popular tourist novelty - almost every Croatian family uses the cream! The cream has universal properties - it perfectly moisturizes, protects the skin in the cold season, some even use it when styling hair and removing makeup.

  • A well-known Croatian brand of cosmetics, the products of which can be bought in any pharmacy, is “Nikel”. It has an extensive range of products made from natural ingredients combined with the latest scientific developments.
  • Another popular cosmetic brand is S-Atea. Its main specialization is handmade body care cosmetics, among which you can find very unusual gift collections of bath bombs and soaps. They look like chocolate candies and have a corresponding smell.
  • Handmade soap is another popular and inexpensive souvenir. It is made from high-quality aromatic oils with the addition of dried herbs growing in the Adriatic region. The range of shapes and colors is amazing.

Interior decorations

  • Those who like to decorate the interior of a house or apartment will love products made from seashells. They are used to make floor lamps, photo frames and other products.

It is important to remember that such a gift must be carefully packed for the trip, otherwise there is a high risk of bringing home only fragments in your suitcase.

  • Carved candles of different sizes and shapes. Craftsmen make them right in front of passers-by in a few minutes.

  • Markets and souvenir shops in Croatia offer a decent selection of wooden dolls in traditional Croatian clothing. This will be a great gift for collectors.
  • For those who like to decorate their home, it is recommended to purchase Dalmatian lace - very light and airy. They are made by needlewomen from a convent in the city of Trogir. The work is painstaking, the price is appropriate, but for fans of lace it is a truly valuable gift.

  • Among the most budget-friendly souvenirs is lavender, which is grown in environmentally friendly regions of the country. This bouquet can be used at home, in the office, and even in the car! Lavender is also sold in small canvas bags or in the form of oil. Also on the shelves of pharmacies and stores there are many cosmetics based on lavender oils - creams, shower gels, bath salts and others.
  • Souvenirs from the world famous Brac stone. By the way, the American Capitol was built from its blocks. Snow-white material is mined in the city of Brac. Local craftsmen make truly amazing things from it - from small souvenir figurines and watches to carved dishes.

  • What else can you bring from Croatia as a lasting memory of this country? An excellent option would be a ceramic vessel made in the shape of a bird - a copy of the Vučedol Dove. Vučedol ceramics are famous all over the world. Its peculiarity is a contrasting ornament with recesses that are filled with white paste - it looks original against the black background of the product.


  • A tie would be an excellent gift for a friend or business partner. It is believed that the tie was invented in Croatia. Today, a tie is the most important attribute of a stylish male look in Croatia. And also a great souvenir for tourists from different countries. A huge selection of ties of various colors and textures can be easily found on the shelves of stores in any of the country’s resorts;
  • A fountain pen. Croatia is considered to be the birthplace of fountain pens.

The pen will be an elegant image gift for a colleague or manager.

  • Leather products (wallets, business card holders, bags), as well as woolen products, for example, cozy slippers with fur trim, deserve attention. As an original souvenir, you can purchase a national costume or buy separately a Lika hat - an attribute of the Croatian costume, which, moreover, is a traditional symbol of the country.

Helpful advice for travelers: always pick up receipts for goods purchased in stores. There is a financial police in Croatia. If a police officer notices that the receipt was left in the store, the tourist will be considered an accomplice of the owners of the outlet in tax evasion. In addition, when purchasing goods worth more than 500 kuna, you can make a tax-free return at the border and return up to 20% of their value.

List of things you cannot bring from Croatia

In Croatia, as in any other state, there is a list of things prohibited from being exported from its territory. These include:

  • drugs, ammunition, firearms;
  • local currency of more than 2,000 Croatian kuna;
  • items that have cultural or historical value. They can be exported only if the tourist has the appropriate permission from the state with the necessary stamps.
  • animal skins.
  • rare specimens of shells.

It is also prohibited by law to export more than 1 liter of strong alcohol or 2 liters of wine from Croatia. In order not to exceed the limit of alcoholic beverages carried in a suitcase, necessary purchases can be made in the duty free zone of the airport before departure.

It is important to choose gifts and souvenirs from Croatia, as from any other country, correctly. And clearly focus on the preferences of the person to whom such a gift will be intended. Then it will always be appropriate and will delight its owner day after day.

Croatia is one of the countries in the very center of Europe, attracting millions of travelers with its magnificent clean beaches, stunning picturesque nature, crystal clear sea and mountain ranges. There really is something to admire here. Everyone will choose from a variety of national parks, ancient castles, health resorts, healing springs, and attractions a place to visit. The Adriatic coast will not leave any tourist indifferent. Croatia is a state rich not only in its amazing nature, climate and resorts, but also in its well-developed souvenir business. Here everyone will find colorful gifts for themselves and loved ones, which will always remind them of a wonderful vacation. So what can you bring as a souvenir from Croatia?

Inedible gifts and souvenirs

In addition to vivid impressions and interesting photographs, you can bring many authentic things from Croatia for friends and family and for yourself as a souvenir of your holiday in this wonderful country. Let's talk about the most popular and original souvenirs.


The most popular among tourists and women are unique products made from precious stones of the Morcic brand. These decorations have long conquered the Croatian souvenir market and are considered the hallmark of the country.
The company's products are distinguished by excellent performance, originality and extraordinary beauty. Jewelry is represented by elegant brooches, stunning earrings, beautiful rings and bracelets, delightful pendants and pendants. Among these products you can find keychains, pins and other small items. The main distinguishing feature of the jewelry is the small head of a black man with a white turban.
At the beginning of the development of this craft, they were made from wood, then from ceramics, glass and precious stones. Croatian sailors considered them a talisman and took them with them on voyages. Lovers of jewelry will truly appreciate such a gift.

Dalmatian lace

This type of craft takes its roots from the distant past, when every girl knew how to create original motifs. Over time, lace developed, acquiring new patterns, designs and ornaments.
Today, the most prized items are those made by the nuns of the city of Trogir. Dalmatian lace is distinguished by high quality, exquisite workmanship and stunning national motifs. In souvenir shops you can choose something from clothing or to decorate your home. These can be openwork scarves, shawls, napkins, tablecloths, etc. Croatian lace is popularly nicknamed “white gold” for its high quality, handmade work and complex openwork patterns.
A wide range of products made using this technique will amaze any traveler. However, since this is handmade, the cost of the goods is quite high. Upon purchase, you will be given a certificate for the purchased item.

Souvenir candles

This gift will always be useful for decorating your interior or for a romantic dinner. While in Croatia, you can see with your own eyes how the most beautiful figured candles are produced right on the streets of the city of Rovinj. You can order an exclusive gift to suit your taste, of any shape and color.
The masters will do everything exactly and right in front of you. The souvenir will be a wonderful sign of attention for your loved ones. Gift candles amaze with their beauty, elegance and variety of colors. They are decorated with all sorts of materials and made using various techniques. Natural essential oils are used for scented candles.
Versions with the scent of lavender are especially in demand. In the city of Hvar, farmers grow these flowers in large quantities for sale not only in their own country, but also abroad. You can always find figured candles in any souvenir shop and on the counters of artisans.

Fountain pens "Nalivpero"

Most tourists buy them - both for themselves and as gifts for friends and acquaintances. Fountain pens were first invented in Croatia. Nalivpero fountain pens and gift sets of writing instruments will be an excellent original souvenir for business partners or close friends.
They were invented by the famous Croatian engineer Slavoljub Penkal. The pens here have a beautiful, sophisticated design and come in a uniquely designed gift box. Any souvenir shop will be able to offer them to you. Almost all tourists purchase fountain pens from this company as a unique souvenir.

Croatian silk ties

This part of the men's wardrobe was first invented here. Even in ancient times, all Croatian soldiers wore ties, so the state has long been considered their homeland. Every traveler tries to purchase this piece of clothing for himself and as a gift. Croatian ties are of excellent quality, made of natural silk, each of them is made by hand.
In the country that is the birthplace of ties, there is a wide range of this product, so you will never have problems with the choice. The item is made in various colors and shades. The best products are considered to be business attributes produced by the large company Croata. For a business man, a tie will be a great gift, which he will undoubtedly appreciate.

Items made from Brac stone

Miners extract this snow-white mineral in large quantities on the Croatian island of Brac. This craft began to develop in the country back in the 4th century, since then the skill has been passed on from one generation to another. First, the stone is processed, and then various items are made from it to decorate the interior.
In the country's souvenir shops you can buy wall clocks, magnificent figurines, dishes, original boxes, beautiful vases, souvenir figurines, dolls in national costumes and other useful household items that are highly durable and environmentally friendly. In addition to a variety of products and decorations, building slabs and blocks for cladding buildings are produced from the Brac mineral.
Thanks to this, buildings acquire their own unique style. Since ancient times, residents of the state considered the stone to be a talisman, so every home had at least something of this snow-white mineral. You can find items made from Brac limestone in any souvenir shop.

Dolls in national costumes

There is a very rich assortment of this product on the shelves in Croatia. Here, in each individual region, women have their own folklore costume. Since ancient times, only natural fabrics such as silk, linen and cloth have been used to make national clothing. The folklore costume, first of all, consists of a long white blouse, decorated with openwork lace.
The next item of women's clothing, which is in great demand among vacationing travelers, is a skirt, and an apron, decorated with hand embroidery with a variety of patterns, colors and ornaments, is always worn over it. Dolls in traditional handmade costumes will be a wonderful gift for a lasting memory of your trip to Croatia.


In markets and stores you can buy a large variety of sea shells - from very small to huge sizes, of various shapes and shades. Shells have always served as an excellent material for creative and enterprising people. They are used to make a variety of interior items: boxes, photo frames, paintings, figurines, original table lamps and other unique souvenirs.
Local craftsmen create full-fledged works of art from shells, which are hard to take your eyes off, especially if you see them for the first time. Many people use national patterns, country symbols and unusual ornaments in their products. The choice is so huge that it becomes quite difficult to purchase any gift right away. You can stand for hours near the counters with these products.

Sea corals

Tourists purchase them as a separate piece of furniture. Local merchants offer travelers sets with seafood gifts: corals and shells with fancy shapes on a beautiful stand or basket. Products made from black stone are extremely in demand. A variety of women's jewelry is made from coral: earrings, rings, bracelets, pendants, pendants, necklaces.
This pebble has always attracted a large number of people with its beauty. Since ancient times, corals have been credited with magical and healing properties, which is why amulets and talismans are made from them. They are believed to help in the fight against disease and bring good luck, happiness and prosperity to their owner. Coral products will be a wonderful souvenir to remember your unforgettable trip.

Vučedol Dove

It is a ceramic vessel made in the shape of a bird of an unusual shape, the exclusive feature of which is three legs. The production of Vučedol pigeon takes its traditions from the distant past. Knowledge of special manufacturing technology was passed on by craftsmen from one generation to another.
Any collector or art connoisseur will never pass by such a product and will certainly add this rare item to his collection. If you purchase a Vučedol dove, be sure to ask the seller to package the product securely, as this is a rather fragile item that can break.

Istrian Cajun

This is a small copy of a stone house symbolizing fertility. In past centuries, Croatian farmers built cajuns right in the fields, which served them as shelter from the weather and a small shed for storing equipment.
The miniature of the structure is created in compliance with all proportions and from natural stone, which was used by farmers. For connoisseurs of Croatian history and culture, such a souvenir will be an excellent gift.


This plant has been grown in Croatia for many centuries. The flowers that grow here and are hand-picked are considered the highest quality raw materials around the globe. When entering any of the souvenir shops, you will always catch their subtle fragrance.
Cosmetic oils are made from lavender, aromatic pads are sewn, masks, creams, and tonics are produced with the addition of a beneficial extract, because it is a real natural antidepressant. A pleasant delicate aroma helps fight insomnia, depression and headaches. Lavender is also a great air freshener.
Just put a pillow with flowers in your wardrobe - and your clothes or linen will smell of the most delicate aroma of this mountain flower. Don't miss your chance to buy real quality lavender products. The largest selection of Croatian flowers can be found in the city of Hvar.


The country has a well-established production of towels. They are made exclusively from flax using manual labor. Woven towels are decorated with embroidery with traditional national ornaments, patterns and designs in red and white colors. They are valued for their high quality and durability. This gift will never remain on the shelf. A towel with national symbols will always remind you of a pleasant holiday in Croatia.

Fur slippers

In Croatia you can buy comfortable, warm indoor shoes made from real fur. Sheepskin slippers have the following qualities - they quickly warm your feet thanks to natural materials and do not cause allergies. Croatian craftsmen will offer you a wide range of different models and colors. Slippers will be a good purchase and an excellent gift for yourself and relatives. They will remind you every day of the pleasant moments spent traveling.

Samobor crystal products

Numerous items made from this mineral are abundant on the country's shelves. What is not made from it? And the finest handmade glasses, and salad bowls with openwork patterns, and various souvenirs, and figurines, and even chandeliers. Crystal is also used in jewelry. Earrings, pendants, rings, necklaces look amazing with it. And the cost of jewelry will please you. Every woman will be extremely pleased to receive such a gift.

Gift soap

You will find it in any souvenir shop. In Croatia, it is produced only from natural raw materials and high-quality essential oils. Various scrubs, dried medicinal herbs, flowers and plant seeds are added to it. This handmade product has excellent properties: it perfectly cares for facial skin, performs moisturizing, rejuvenating functions, and perfectly cleanses all excess cosmetics.
Made in the shape of a figurine, sweets or shell, it will also serve as a wonderful decoration for the bathroom. Soap is extremely popular among travelers, so it is produced in large quantities. And if it is handmade, then this is an excellent gift for any occasion. The unique shape, colorful packaging, wonderful aroma make such a souvenir exquisite and unique. It has always been and will be a sought-after product!

Edible gifts and souvenirs

Recently, gifts from trips are increasingly of a gastronomic nature. And that's what Croatia offers.

Croatian cheese

It is famous for its great taste. Here you can try a delicacy made from cow's and sheep's milk. Both will impress you with an original spicy aftertaste and aroma. The cheese will serve as an excellent edible gift that you can treat to friends and family.
Be sure to buy and try Pazhsky cheese, which is aged in olive oil and herbs - sage and rosemary. As a result, it acquires a unique rich taste and aroma, incomparable to anything else. Pazhsky is known all over the world and has repeatedly taken first place at cheese exhibitions.
The excellent quality of Croatian cheeses is not inferior even to French ones. They will be a wonderful addition to wines and a favorite delicacy on your table. Don't miss the opportunity to taste excellent aged noble cheeses.

Croatian alcohol

Local elite alcoholic drinks can be a good souvenir from Croatia. They are made exclusively from natural and high-quality raw materials. The alcohol has a pleasant taste and is bottled in beautiful original souvenir bottles. In total, the state produces 700 different varieties of wine. Local grape vodka “Grappa”, bottled in original bottles in the shape of a ship, and honey “Meditsa”, which comes in yellow and red colors, are especially in demand among travelers.
Pear and cherry liqueurs and blackberry wine are considered one of the most popular among tourists. It is worth trying the legendary wormwood tincture, which has a special taste and healing effect. One of the strong alcoholic drinks that is in demand among travelers is the liqueurs “Travaritsa” and “Orehovac”. You will also be pleased with the Croatian moonshine infused with walnuts - “Rakia”. Among the beers, it is better to opt for the brands “Karlovachka” and “Tomislav”. Croatian intoxicating drinks are in no way inferior to their Czech counterparts. Winemakers produce alcohol no worse than French.
Men will love a gift in the form of cognac, herbal liqueur or national beer, while women will appreciate the splendor of traditional Croatian wines and a variety of liqueurs. Local distillers make alcohol from raspberries, cherries, blackberries, strawberries and even pears. As you can see, the choice is great. The alcohol has a special aroma, a pleasant aftertaste, is of excellent quality and a rich assortment. Alcohol will be an excellent souvenir brought back from vacation.

Lycitarian Heart

Croatia is famous for its numerous confectionery shops, where you can buy everything your heart desires. They offer such a wide range of different sweets that it is sometimes quite difficult to make a choice. Confectionery factories produce candies of various shapes and flavors, in colorful souvenir boxes with wishes. Local gingerbreads, beautifully painted with a variety of patterns and ornaments, are popular among those with a sweet tooth.
The hallmark of Croatia is a heart-shaped cake decorated with red icing with inscriptions and patterns. It is believed that if a guy gives a girl such a gingerbread, he will thus confess his tender feelings. This cake is produced under the name “Licitarian Heart”. If you have a sweetheart, be sure to buy a couple of these gingerbread cookies as a gift.

Local honey

You can also appreciate the large selection on the country’s shelves of delicious real healing products, packaged in beautiful souvenir jars. The most popular among travelers is lavender and tangerine honey. Green honey is considered a unique product of Croatian beekeepers - you will not find such a delicacy anywhere in the world. It's worth a try.
Local residents call acacia honey with the addition of various herbs one of the most medicinal, which can only be purchased in pharmacies. A rather rare beekeeping product is pine nectar, which has special taste and healing properties. Every lover of this product will definitely find something here for themselves and as a gift.

Sweets from the company "Kras"

This factory is famous for the production of chocolates, toffees, delicious cookies, crispy waffles, caramels with various fruit fillings. Thanks to the high quality of its products, this company has repeatedly won prizes in international exhibitions.
For the production of sweets according to its original confectionery recipes, "Kras" is a leader throughout the country. Since its opening, it has been producing delicious chocolate bars that can still be tasted today. The factory offers candies with numerous fillings - cream, nut, cherry, cognac.
Excellent waffles are sandwiched with a variety of creams to suit every taste. Sets of chocolates and cookies in beautiful souvenir packaging are in demand among travelers. Sweet products have an exquisite taste and excellent quality, so do not miss the chance to buy them while in Croatia.

Meat delicacies

Among the huge selection of products, it is worth giving your preference to the traditional dish of Croatian cuisine - prosciutto. It is a dried-smoked pork ham with a unique aftertaste. To give as a gift, the product is thinly sliced ​​and placed in vacuum packaging, so there is no fear that the delicacy will spoil on the way home. In local restaurants and cafes, pork ham is offered in combination with olives, onions and cheese.
Another interesting meat delicacy is Slavonian kulen - smoked pork sausage with the addition of various spices, produced according to traditional recipes of Croatian cuisine.
Among the wide variety of meat delicacies, it is worth noting Samobor or Zagorsk chesnovki - these are delicious Croatian small sausages that you can bring home and pamper your family. Meat delicacies purchased in Croatia will be an excellent addition to your table, where you can gather with friends and loved ones upon arrival from your trip.

Olive oil

On Croatian shelves you will see a huge variety of it. Olive oil produced here has long won a leading position in the food market. It is made both in its pure form and with the addition of fragrant, spicy herbs and garlic. Its excellent qualities are preserved thanks to the observance of all technologies: manual collection and subsequent cold pressing. Don't hesitate to buy it and enjoy the wonderful taste and aroma. It is also important that it is sold both in glass bottles and in beautifully designed ceramic souvenir vessels.


They are truly royal mushrooms that grow underground. The forests of Croatia have the most favorable environment for their cultivation. They are collected with the help of dogs and pigs - their smell tells you where they can be found. Truffles are the most expensive delicacy, but no gourmet can resist them. They are offered pickled, dried, and added to a variety of dishes and products.
In Croatia, it’s even easy to buy cheese with these mushrooms, olive oil with them added, and on the shelves of local stores you can also find chocolate with pieces of the delicacy. One of the wonderful, delicate delicacies in Croatian shops is truffle paste - don’t miss the opportunity to try it or buy it as a tasty souvenir.


In Croatia, this is not a common product, as it is flavored with aromatic herbs. Sea salt is mined mainly on the island of Pag, processed and mixed with spices. It will diversify your dishes with extraordinary taste and aroma. Sold for fish, meat, salads, pilaf, chicken. Any housewife will love such a gift.
In addition to food grade salt, flavored, colored salt is available for sale and is used for bathing. Feel free to buy it and enjoy pleasant water treatments when you arrive home. Colored salt is also scattered into original jars and bottles and can serve as an interesting and unusual interior decoration.

slave cake

The original dessert takes its name from the island where it was first prepared. The recipe for this delicacy was kept in strict secrecy for a long time. The main ingredients in it are almonds and lemon liqueur. In ancient times, slave cake was prepared exclusively for special important holidays, but today it is offered in any cafe in the city or purchased in colorful packaging for a gift.

Fig jam

Sweets lovers will undoubtedly be pleased with a jar of this delicacy. Figs are one of the most popular fruits in Croatia and are sold both fresh and dried. Jams and preserves are made from it and used for numerous desserts and baked goods. Believe me, you have never tasted anything tastier than such a delicacy. Fig jam is made both in pure form and with additives - cocoa, hazelnuts, almonds, orange. You can appreciate any of them and buy the delicacy as a gift to your loved ones.

Chocolate with pepper

It has long been a hit in Croatian confectionery shops, because the combination of spicy and sweet ingredients is unusual and unique. Today, this delicacy is gaining popularity among lovers of sweets. The unique, distinctive taste is revealed gradually as the chocolate begins to melt. This is the only way to taste the hot pepper. You can undoubtedly purchase such delicacies as a gift.

Cookies "Paprenjak"

It resembles our traditional gingerbread. They contain honey, nuts and hot peppers, so the cookies have a special, refined taste. Figured cookies according to traditional recipes are produced here in huge quantities. Tourists willingly buy them as gifts for relatives.

Croatia is a country that undoubtedly has unique souvenirs for every tourist. The souvenir business is well developed here, and there are many folk craftsmen who create exclusive items. Many gifts convey the national life and symbolism of the people. Most of the souvenir products are concentrated in the shopping arcades of the market in Zagreb. It is quite difficult to list all the gifts that you can buy here, as you can see, there are a countless number of them here. The main thing is to take a lot of money with you on your trip - and you definitely won’t leave here empty-handed, but will bring home a piece of hospitable Croatia that will remind you of a pleasant vacation!