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Names of pizzerias in Italy. The most delicious Italian pizza in Rome. The best pizzerias in Rome

I have an Italian friend. He is from Rome, and we met last summer in Kamchatka.
When he found out that I was going to Rome, he wrote: the best pizza in the city center of Rome is in piazza del teatro Pompeo 18 or via del governo vecchio 114 "da baffetto"
After that, it became clear what to dream about first :)
On the first evening we went to "Baffeto" on governo vecchio 114, very close to piazza Navona. The second pizzeria is also somewhere nearby, but it is located in a tiny area that was not on the paper map. And the street was governo vecchio. By the way, a very beautiful street.

The pizzeria opens after lunch at 6:30 p.m.
We arrived at 18:50, one hall and all the tables on the street were already occupied. By 19:00 another hall was occupied. By half past seven there were no more places on the second floor. Moreover, everything was very fast - we were about the twentieth table half an hour after opening, and we waited about 10 minutes for our order, hardly more.

Second hall. Tables are covered with paper sheets. Behind the door you can see the cutting shop - they grind the cheese, grind the fillings, and then take it all to the kitchen, carrying it through the hall itself.

At first I was worried - who cares about huge bowls of grated mozzarella))
Mozzarella is ground like this - in a meat grinder. Kilograms and kilograms.

There are quite a few drinks - homemade wine, beer, juices, soda. It's not about drinks.
The wine is very simple, cheap (2 euros per glass), great to wash down with pizza.

A strange caprese with tough suluguni-like mozzarella. But the butter and basil are very tasty.

But here it is pizza.
There was some confusion when ordering; we tried to ask for a 4-cheese pizza with zucchini flowers. And they brought - that's right - a 4-cheese pizza and a pizza with zucchini flowers :)

Very tasty.
From the word “taste” - very bright 4 cheeses (gorgonzola is in the lead, the rest are catching up), greenish delicate zucchini flowers fused with mozzarella. Juicy filling and thin but not soggy dough.

I don’t know about the best one, but this pizza can definitely count on a solid five and a place among the nominees for the title of best.
We continue our research :)

Part 2, added two days later

Today we found ourselves in this pizzeria again. We were walking home in the evening and got a little lost in the Navona area. My husband said, “We walked here recently, past the pizzeria.” I claimed that we walked from the other side of the square. In the end, he said: “Okay, let’s bet. If we go to Baffeto now, you’ll buy me pizza.” I agreed (more likely out of surprise - for the first time I heard from him “let’s argue”) ... and ten seconds later we approached Baffeto from some unknown direction.

And today we are so lucky. Firstly, we fell into the hands of the owner himself. Working with guests is his thing. I sincerely believed that a wise person should not even order food, drinks, or sweets - he just needs to say “do what is best.” And all will be well.
Very charming:

And secondly, we were seated right in front of the pizzaiolo - the master who makes the pizzas. I wrote something about how fast it is. No, it's not fast, it's lightning fast.

Pizzas are prepared 8-10 pieces at a time.
The first master (he is on the left, not very visible) is responsible for the dough. He forms dough balls of equal weight and rolls them into thin circles for the pizza base.
The second straightens them slightly and places them on the marble surface of the table.

Then he scoops up the tomato paste with a ladle and pours it onto the dough with a soft, round motion and smoothes it out with a circular shaking motion.

These are all very small seconds.
Then, in a lightning-quick motion, he sprinkles it with cheese. First, place a handful of cheese in the center, then quickly smooth it out. There are pizzas without a tomato base and without cheese. For example, we prepared Nutella pizza - this is a baked dough base, which is thickly spread with Nutella (chocolate-nut butter).

Then mushrooms.

And then - meat, sausages, eggs, zucchini, zucchini flowers, anchovies - for each of the pizzas. Orders are piling up on a platform above the board - the master checks them.
The master seems to be tearing the toppings into pieces and throwing them towards the pizzas. Pieces of minced meat are still flying, and he is already taking and throwing the next ingredient.

There's a stove behind me. A few more seconds and all the pizzas are thrown there with the help of a large shovel.

After a few minutes, the pizzas are taken out, placed on large iron plates, and the waiters almost run around carrying them to the tables. At this time, dough balls for the next pizzas are prepared and the table is wiped down.

Here is our “signature” pizza. It contains a lot of vegetables, exceptionally tasty minced meat and an egg broken into the center (like a master beats eggs! If you need to break 10 pieces into ten pizzas, he hits them on the edge of the table, just on the table, with both hands at the same time, lightning fast).
This is a "big" pizza. It is approximately 25 centimeters in diameter, very thin.

Another funny thing. We tried to order tea. The owner concentrated, walked around, searched, and found two bottles of iced tea in the supplies. There is no hot tea on the menu at all. No, not at all.
I had to take a beer.

And great tiramisu.

The impressions from the second trip are excellent - even better than from the first.
On the way home we were already talking about a third visit :)
There are many versions of where the best pizza is. Today I would become O Baffeto's biggest apologist.

Pizza is one of the most important dishes of Italian cuisine. There are several places in Rome where they prepare the most delicious pizza according to traditional recipes. Most often, the pizzaiolo (chefs who bake the pizza) in them are Neapolitans. Remember the addresses where you can try the most delicious pizza in Rome.


Neapolitan pizzeria in Rome. Here, pizza making has truly been taken to an art form. Neapolitan style (high edges and thinnest dough) and Roman fillings. In the ranking of the best pizzerias in Rome (translated as “oven”) it always takes first place.

Address: Via Statilio Ottato 110 (near the Subaugusta metro station and the Cinecitta film studio) - tel. 06.71546118 - average price for pizza - 7.50 euros


A true laboratory of tastes, selection of the best raw materials and toppings, including organic flour. La FUCINA (translated as “the forge”) has long gained popularity among locals and is famous for its variety of pizzas.

Address: Via Guiseppe Lunati 25 Tel. 06/5593368 - average price 12 €


This place is always packed - the restaurant has a vibrant kitchen full of ideas, and was one of the first to develop new pizza flour mixtures and use baking powder. LA GATTA MANGIONA (translated as “glutton cat”) is famous for its excellent mix between Neapolitan (the birthplace of pizza) and Roman cuisine.

Address: Via Federico Ozanam 30 (near Garbatella metro station) - tel. 06 4883031 - average price 8.50 €


A noisy and popular place in a good way. PANATTONI AI MARMI owes its name to the marble tables in the establishment. They serve authentic and very tasty Roman pizza at a very affordable price.

Address: Viale Trastevere 53 tel.06.5800919 (Trastevere district), average price 5.50 euros


The owners of this restaurant are adherents of traditional Roman cuisine and the classical school of making Roman pizza, dating back to the 30s of the last century. The main traditions of Roman cuisine are still observed here.

Address: Via Pietro Cavallini 14 (on the banks of the Tiber, near Piazza Cavour) tel. 06.3204405.Average price 8 €


Located in the heart of Rome, the restaurant offers a lively atmosphere and Roman School pizza - varied, tasty and crispy. You can also eat outdoors, surrounded by the young and fun Roman crowd.

Address: Via del Teatro Pace 44 (piazza Navona) tel. 06.6869278 Average price - 5.50 €


A kingdom of pizza in Rome's liveliest district of Trastevere, where you can also enjoy exceptional locally brewed beers. The Margherita pizza is especially delicious here, prepared according to the classic Neapolitan recipe and straight from the oven!

Address: Via Benedetta 23 tel. 06.5894016 Average price - 8 €


The secret of taste here is in the mixture of flour and in the use of the best raw materials. Here they make classic oval-shaped pizza, just like in old Roman times. Tradition, great taste and a good balance between crispy crust and soft and smooth dough.

Address: Piazza di Pasquino 1 tel. 06.6893043 Average price - 6 euros


A cult place in the center of Rome. A typical Roman simple place in the style of a village pizzeria, but the food here is very tasty! Thin, crispy, soft and cooked in a wood-fired oven, pizza is the hallmark of DA BAFFETTO. This is the case when you can eat one large pizza entirely and want another one as an encore.

Address: Via del Governo Vecchio 114 Tel 39 06.6861617 Average price - 12 euros


Not far from Piazza Navona there is an excellent pizza restaurant called La Focaccia. Upon entering the small room on the top floor, you will find yourself in front of a large wood-burning oven, where authentic Neapolitan pizza is prepared according to classic recipes.

Address: Via della Pace, 11. Tel +39 06 6880 3312. Average price - from 8.5 euros

Via Statilio Ottato 110-116
Many people speak of this establishment as the best pizzeria in Rome. They serve pizza in the Neapolitan style - with delicious elastic dough and large edges that hold the filling well. However, don't rush into the main course, start with fritti (fried appetizers), such as suppli" alla gricia - fried balls of rice with cured pork flank, sheep's pecorino cheese and black pepper. And don't forget to order one of the dozen beers from the winery to accompany your meal cards.

Antico Forno Roscioli
Via dei Chiavari 21
For three generations, the Roscioli family has been preparing the best bread, beloved by all the townspeople, in this historic bakery between Largo Argentina and Campo de Fiori. Their pizza bianca—essentially a Roman flatbread topped with olive oil—has become a cult dish for schoolchildren, workers, young professionals, tourists and every neighborhood grandma. By simply mixing flour, water, salt, yeast and sugar, the Roscioli family created a masterpiece, soft on top and crispy on the bottom. Order it, but don't hesitate - it's delicious fresh!

Forno Campo de" Fiori
Piazza Campo de" Fiori
Just a few minutes walk from Roscioli there is another sacred address for every gourmet, where they prepare amazing crispy pizza bianca and thin pizza rossa (the so-called flatbread with tomato sauce). If the restaurants Forno Campo de "Fiori and Antico Forno Roscioli participated in the championship for the best Roman pizza, the first would undoubtedly win in the Rossa category, and the second - Bianca. In the neighboring annex (located at Vicolo del Gallo, 14) you can buy excellent sandwiches and pastries.If you find yourself in this place in August or September, you can enjoy the seasonal offer - pizza prosciutto e fichi - this is pizza bianca with slices of ham and sweet, overripe figs.

La Gatta Mangiona
Via F Ozanam, 30-32
At first glance, La Gatta Mangiona looks like an ordinary, unremarkable pizzeria. But once you try any dish, you will understand that you have come to the right place. Order potato croquettes, which are made here with leeks, cod and lemon zest, and suppli" con ragu bia with meat sauce according to an 18th-century Neapolitan recipe. The menu includes a full range of pizzas: from the traditional margherita to such rare varieties as scozzese ( with potatoes, salmon, mozzarella cheese and parsley) - all of them are prepared with high-quality dough. The wine list includes more than 200 items, 70 types of beer, grappa, whiskey - this alone is enough to surpass most Roman restaurants.

Da Remo
Piazza Santa Maria della Liberatrice 44
If you arrive at this classic Roman pizzeria before 8 p.m., be prepared to line up for scrocchiarella, a Roman-style, crispy, thin-crust pizza. Start with a fritti, follow with a serving of beans, and then dig into the flat, crispy wood-fired pizza. This pizza is especially tasty when it doesn't have a lot of toppings, so it's worth ordering a classic margherita. Another advantage of this restaurant is the fast, clever waiters who manage to both serve a crowd of customers and exchange a few words with them.

Life Pizzeria Bio
Via Cassia 701
This pizzeria, which recently appeared in the northern part of Rome, became the first organic pizzeria in the city. Among the huge selection of different pizzas, you can find vegetarian options, which are usually difficult to find in other Roman establishments. If you don't eat meat, it's worth ordering a pizza with mozzarella cheese, zucchini and onions and a variety of seasonal toppings. There are also completely unconventional options with products foreign to Italy, for example salmone controcorrente with salmon, mozzarella cheese and ginger, or eros pizza with tomatoes, chili peppers, basil and dark chocolate.

Li Rioni
Via dei SS Quattro 24
Every evening, thin-crust Roman-style pizza is baked in a small wood-fired oven in the backyard of Pizzeria Li Rioni. During the day, this establishment, located just a few blocks from the Colosseum, is full of tourists, but from nine o'clock in the evening until midnight it is owned by hungry locals. In the summer you can sit outside, and when it's cool, choose a place inside the pizzeria, in a room whose walls are decorated as if you are on the streets of old Rome. Of the entire assortment, we especially recommend trying pizza with sausage and mozzarella cheese and margherita - one of the best in the center of Rome. But keep in mind that due to the popularity of the establishment, you will have to wait quite a long time for your order.

Via della Meloria 43
Pizzarium is getting better and more popular every year. The housewife uses organic flour, ground in the old-fashioned way on stones, when preparing dishes. Toppings change regularly and may seem very unusual (for example, your pizza may contain rabbit meat, raisins, dill), but at the same time, they do not forget the good old classics such as pizza alle patate (with potatoes and mozzarella cheese) and pizza rossa (with delicious tomato sauce). Pizzarium also makes excellent suppli (fried rice balls with filling) and bakes fragrant bread.

Via Giovanni Branca 88
For a long time, the pizza filling in this establishment has remained unchanged: you will always find “Greenwich” (with Stilton and mozzarella cheeses) and pizza in bocca (with prosciutto, sage, mozzarella) on the menu. Sometimes the menu includes focaccia pugliese, a Southern Italian-style flatbread with cherry tomatoes and olives. At 00100 they prepare a delicious trapizzino - a triangular pie made of fluffy dough, stuffed with typical Roman ingredients, such as tripe with tomato sauce and mint, pieces of oxtail stewed with celery and carrots, tongue with garlic sauce and parsley, or chicken with bell pepper.

Today we will tell you about establishments that reinterpret the classics with flair: pizzerias that celebrate Neapolitan gastronomy, choosing the best local products for their dishes and not forgetting the traditions of their own land. Don't know where to go for dinner while on vacation in ? Then write down the addresses!

Generous, plentiful, unrivaled, traditional: Neapolitan cuisine is a reflection of the hot southern city. However, for a long time, gastronomic critics have reproached the chefs of restaurants and trattorias in Naples for a lack of originality. Over time, the situation has changed dramatically: today, visiting some Neapolitan establishments, guests can enjoy delicious dishes, reinterpreted with flair.

So, today we’ll talk about the best pizzerias in Naples, where they approach the process of preparing classic dishes with incredibly creative approaches!

10 best pizzerias in Naples

Pizzeria Oliva

Pizzeria "Oliva" is located in the "Sanità" district, where the true "creative" heart of Naples beats. The owners of this pizzeria follow the "Pizzologia" philosophy - the types of pizza offered constantly change depending on the season. In addition, the so-called “caffè sospeso” rule applies here: after having a hearty dinner, you can also pay for pizza for those who come after you but do not have the money to pay for it.

Address: Via Arena alla Sanità 7 Bis


The son of the nineteenth of 21 pizzaiolo brothers, superstar and unsurpassed master Gino Sorbillo invites everyone to enjoy delicious pizza in his own pizzerias "Sorbillo", located at via dei Tribunali and via Partenope. Visiting Sorbillo establishments is a kind of guarantee of a tasty and extraordinary meal. The pizza here is prepared exclusively from local “doc” products: “bio” flour, DOP, San Marzano tomatoes and other ingredients that you can choose yourself for a “gourmand” pizza, the taste of which cannot be forgotten.

Address: Via dei Tribunali, 38

La figlia del Presidente e il Presidente

Why such a strange name? Because these two pizzerias are run by Maria Ciacalli, daughter of Ernesto, the famous Neapolitan pizza maker who went down in history not only for his excellent pizza, but also for having the courage to stop Bill Clinton's motorcade in Via Tribunali in 1994 to offer him a piece hot margarita. Here, in addition to various variations on the theme: “How much Neapolitan pizza suited Clinton’s taste,” you can try more than 20 types of pizza, including incredibly creative ones.

Address: Via Grande Archivio, 23

Pizzeria De Figliole

You can order pizza with ricotta, Neapolitan salami, provola cheese and red peppers, friarelli sausage or anchovies, but don't expect the traditional wood-fired dish. In this establishment, since 1860, pizza is fried in a frying pan in plenty of olive oil. Tell me, what is modern and innovative here? Come to De Figliole and find out for yourself!

Address: Pizzeria De’ Figliole, via Giudecca Vecchia 39, Tel. 081 286721

Pizzeria Starita a Materdei

If you experience déjà vu upon entering this pizzeria, you've probably seen the film "The Gold of Naples" (1954), when the incomparable Sophia Loren paraded around this pizzeria. Despite the history, this establishment does not have great fame among tourists: this pizzeria is a “precious treasure” that locals keep for themselves. Of course, the pizza here is magically delicious, and there are simply countless varieties to choose from: try the latest discovery of the local master pizzaiolo - pizza “alla Starita”: mozzarella “fior di latte”, salami, black pepper, mozzarella again, prosciutto cotto and porcini mushrooms - divine!

Antica pizzeria dell'angelo

Ricotta and pumpkin blossoms, or do you prefer spicy sausages, or maybe you're drawn to the ricotta mousse filling and prosciutto crudo? This is the “trick” of the pizzeria Pizzeria dell’Angelo, which invites its customers to try extraordinary toppings, using, however, exclusively local products for their preparation! Incredibly delicious!

Da Michele

In this pizzeria since 1870! year, they prepare only “LE pizze”: either “Margherita” or “Marinara”. If you don't like these classic options, look elsewhere for pizza, but we promise you, you're missing out. Why? Yes, because Michele's pizzeria is considered the "Temple of Real Pizza." They serve airy, soft-sided, moderately-sized pizza with the most aromatic and delicious toppings. What about modern innovations? Who cares when your hands are reaching for a plate of hot Margarita!

Da Gaetano

Pizzaiolo Gaetano is the eternal “rector of the university”, which produces the best masters of Naples, the grandfather of the real owner of the cult pizzeria “U Gaetano”, which opened at the beginning of the 20th century. The pizzas here are always unsurpassed, and young Gaetano always tries to add a touch of sophistication and chic to classic recipes!

Pizzeria Brandi

Want to try the margarita where it was invented? At your service is the Pizzeria Brandi, where in 1830 pizza maker Raffaele Esposito prepared pizza for Queen Margherita, who paid an official visit to Naples. They say that after trying the pizza, the queen was more than satisfied, and we are inclined to believe this legend!

Antica Pizzeria Port'Alba

This pizzeria was the first among Neapolitan establishments that risked innovating its recipes, and was also the first to invite customers to sit at a separate table and eat in peace, without leaving the pizzeria. Almost two centuries later, Antica Pizzeria Port’Alba has not changed its policy: it offers a lot of delicious types of pizza. We advise you to pay special attention to local pizzas with seafood. Simply delicious!

The Italian capital has many restaurants serving world cuisine, but despite this, the hearts of local residents are still given to traditional pizzerias and trattorias. Anyone who says that you only need to go to Naples for delicious pizza is mistaken - the best Italian pizza can be found in Rome.

There are two main types of pizza in Italy:

- round (pizza tonda) - a dish for dinner, served in pizzerias with service. It is customary to order it for one person and cut it yourself using a knife and fork;
- slices (pizza al taglio) - already cut and sold for takeaway. Its cost depends on the size of the piece you buy.

So, we’ll tell you where to try the most delicious pizza in Rome.

Sfizi di Pizza

A place for a quick and satisfying snack without hurting your wallet - they serve small pizzas costing from 3.5 to 5 €. There are no waiters; visitors place an order at the cash register, pay for it and take it on a tray to their table. After eating, the tray with dishes must be put away.

Mon-Fri 08:30–20:30, Sat 09:00–15:30

La Montecarlo

If you want to experience a real atmospheric trattoria, plan a trip to La Montecarlo, one of the best pizzerias in Rome. All the staff, including the owners, are Italian, the pizza is baked right in front of your eyes, the food is served in iron plates, and the tables are covered with rough paper tablecloths, on which the waiters write the bill.

The menu includes 16 types of pizza with thin, crispy dough (price 6-10 €), especially tasty - “Four Cheese” and the signature “Monte Carlo”. First take an Italian appetizer of rice, mozzarella and tomatoes - suppli, and after the main course treat yourself to one of the tiramisu or panna cotta.

Vicolo Savelli, 13

Tue-Sun 12:00–01:00


Whatever one may say, all pizzas are similar to one another, but there is a place where you can eat unusual pizza in Rome - at Konopizza you will be offered a dough cone with a filling inside. The owners presented the idea of ​​such a product in 2004, and in Rome the project became so successful that they are now selling a franchise for their invention.

There are 10 types of pizza to choose from (any one for 5 €). The guest chooses the topping, it is placed in the cone and baked, 3 minutes - and the pizza is ready. By the way, the food remains warm until the last bite. The pizzeria has salads and desserts, all in cones. Appreciate how convenient it is to eat them on the go this way!

Via del Pellegrino, 15

Mon-Thu 12:00–00:00, Fri-Sat 12:00–02:00, Sun 12:00–23:00


Unlike most pizzerias in Rome, which open around lunchtime and sometimes only for dinner, Emma's is open all day. It occupies a spacious hall in the city center and is popular among citizens and visitors.

The menu includes traditional pizzas, but some with non-standard ingredients, such as whole grain flour. We recommend trying Quattro stagioni (“Four Seasons”) with tomatoes, mozzarella, artichokes, mushrooms, ham and.

The location is great for small companies. The food, wine and service will not disappoint, but it is best to reserve a table in advance. The cost of pizza is 8-11 €.

Via Monte della Farina, 28/29

Daily 12:30–15:00 and 19:00–23:30


High-tech design, modern lines and technology coexist here with large wood-burning stoves in the center of the room. Giulietta solves the heated debate about the easiest and most delicious way to make pizza. The establishment has two ovens with different temperatures, one for Roman pizza - crispy, thin and light, the second for Neapolitan pizza - with a base of fluffy and elastic dough.

The traditional fritti that comes with pizza are divided on the menu into those from Rome and those from Naples. There is also craft beer, and the perfect way to finish the meal is coffee or. The price of pizza is from 7.5 to 11 €.

Piazza dell'Emporio, 28

Daily 19:30–23:30

Piccolo Buco

A small and cozy pizzeria in the very center, next to the Trevi Fountain. Owner Luca Issa was born and raised here, and in 2015 he opened Piccolo Buco, which serves the best Neapolitan pizza in Rome.

It is baked in a wood-burning oven, the dough is aged using traditional technology for 72 hours, and only fresh seasonal products are chosen for the fillings. A classic Margherita will cost 9 €, and a Capricciosa with San Daniele, fresh champignons and artichokes will cost 15 €.

Via del Lavatore 91

Tue-Sun 12:00–15:00 and 18:00–23:00

Farine la pizza

Despite its simple style, delicious authentic food and budget prices make Farinè la pizza a local favorite. A laconic menu - only 7 different Roman-style pizzas, but each one is made with great love and experience. The dough is prepared using the classic method and matures within three days. Each pizza can be ordered in three sizes - from small (120 g) to large (420 g), price - from 3.50 €.

Please note that the pizzas here have no meat toppings, only cheese and vegetables. In addition to draft and bottled beer, the pizzeria has good beer.

Via degli Aurunci, 6/8

Tue-Sat 19:15–23:30, Sun 12:30–14:30 and 19:15–23:30

Zero Pizza

A quality pizzeria in Rome, which offers both sliced ​​and traditional round pizza, opened after reconstruction in April 2018. A spacious room with tables made of light and black wood, ceramic floors - everything is aesthetically pleasing and done with great taste. The dough is made from a variety of high hydration flours which, together with a 48 hour leavening process, ensures the food is highly digestible.

The pizza menu is divided into “red” - with the addition of tomatoes, and “white” - without tomatoes, with sauces based on cream or mayonnaise. Prices: white pizza – from 10 €/kg, red – 11 €/kg, round pizza – from 6 to 12 €. There is a delivery service.

Piazza dei Re di Roma, 57/A

Sun-Thu 10:00–23:30, Fri-Sat 10:00–00:30

Le Jardin De Russie

Located in the Hotel De Russie, the establishment is one of the best restaurants in Rome. The chef with 25 years of experience has developed a sumptuous menu for discerning guests, serving the best of Roman classics. Prices are much higher than in the city, the restaurant is suitable for a romantic dinner or a special occasion. In summer, it is better to take a table on the terrace in the garden, closed from prying eyes.