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Jews and fascism. Nazism in Germany was created and led by Jews who called themselves “Aryans” as a disguise! Jews are Gestapo agents

Who grew the Russian Empire over the centuries, who discovered new lands for it, developed, defended, and expanded them - just not the Jews. And in recent history, looking into the faces of those. who built Magnitka, settled Norilsk, put Uralmash on its feet, erected the Chelyabinsk tractor plant, launched the Krasnoyarsk aluminum plant, who defended Damansky, who froze, drowned in swamps, disappeared in the taiga, searching for and discovering Samotlor, Surgut, Urengoy - there are no Jews among them.

So why are the current owners of Magnitka, Norilsk, Samotlor, Surgut, Urengoy entirely Jews?

Who are they? Crook! And this is international recognition, which in all other cases the Jews themselves obsequiously like to refer to. The authoritative American magazine Forbes, which deservedly has a reputation as a well-informed publication, paints a true portrait of the billionaire in its detailed article “The Godfather of the Kremlin” Boris Abramovich Berezovsky, who, in a matter of years, immediately sucked as much out of Russia as his half-blooded Rothschilds sucked out of other nations over centuries.

Jewish capital, created on the blood and destruction of the Russian people and other indigenous peoples of Russia, destroys the Russian spirit, the national spirit of other indigenous peoples of Russia. I am Russian, and therefore I write about Russian troubles from the Jews. A Tatar will tell his story, equal to mine, a Chechen will tell his story, a Bashkir will tell his story... All of us, the indigenous peoples of Russia, have one enemy - Jewish fascism.

Jews strive not only to rob the Russian people, to seize our fabulous wealth, to take possession of our plants, factories, our gold, oil, gas, and Jews are striving for power in Russia not for the sake of power and profit itself - they need to destroy the Russian spirit, the Russian national consciousness - that's what they're aiming at. If we give the Jews all the wealth of the Russian land, if we give them all the power over ourselves, the Jews will not be satisfied, they will not calm down until at least one Russian recognizes himself as a Russian on the Russian fatherland. Until this happens, the Jews will not be happy with the stolen Russian wealth, they will not be comforted by the purchased power in Russia. We were under a foreign yoke for a year, and five years, and three hundred years, and each time, relying on the national spirit, we smashed the foreign yoke. To deprive us of the national instinct, national memory, national self-awareness is the only way for Jews to gain a foothold in Russia and retain both wealth and power.

Sculpture of Lusiza Bourgeois (Louise Bourgeois)"The Spirit of Zionism", installed in London...

Jewish fascism. The Bible project and its information cover

Translation from English, compilation and comments: Donnie Darko And Sister Mercy

About Israel's main ally

“The Jewish lobby in the US and UK openly advocates expanding the “War on Terror” to Iran, Islam and even further. I would never argue that this kind of war propaganda is inherent in Jews as a people, but, unfortunately, it is very symptomatic of Jewish political thinking - both on the left, and on the right, and on centrists...” Gilad Atzmon: “Who these wanderers? »

One significant, in our opinion, report on Russia Today highlighted the hypocrisy of the system of international relations, which began as the Peace Enforcement League, then changed its name to the League of Nations, and after World War II was renamed the United Nations (As one of the authors recently noted, “The UN has become stabilizer of the world" V catalyst of wars"" In relation to the UN, how instrument of globalization- this is a very accurate definition).

As RT channel reported, at the beginning of April this year, the International Criminal Court rejected a Palestinian request to investigate war crimes committed by Israel against the residents of the PNA. Official reason for refusal: Palestine is not a state recognized by the UN. And Israel’s allies (primarily its patron, the United States), who use their veto power, do not allow such recognition at the UN.

There are plenty of opinions on the Internet and in print publications about what exactly Israel poses a direct threat to the future of our planet. That the propagandists of racism in the Jewish state are often . The fact that part of the Jewish population of Israel and Jewish diasporas in different countries are ashamed of the domestic and foreign policies of their state (by the way, a third of the Jews of Israel are in favor of the creation of the state of Palestine). We also mentioned the number of UN resolutions on this topic. So there is clearly a “watershed” in Israeli society and the world community related to the Palestinian issue.

However, Barack Obama’s speech (05/19/2011) with a demand for Israel return to borders 1967 was a year met such pressure (from the Jewish lobby in the US and diplomatic channels) that the President #1 terrorist country was forced to justify himself, explain himself and cajole the Jewish lobby AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) vowed “eternal friendship.” And at the same time change the wording their statements to neutral ones (note the difference in Obama's facial expression in the two videos). And in his speech, delivered before AIPAC in early March 2012, the US President made new important confessions(from 5:45 mark), which were practically not mentioned in our media:

“ is our common ideals that form the true foundation of our relationship. This is why America remains committed to Israel under both Democratic and Republican presidents, and at the level of congressional leadership of both parties. In the United States, our support for Israel is bipartisan, and it should remain that way.

AIPAC's activities continually feed this connection. And because of AIPAC's effectiveness in executing its mission, you can expect to hear many kind words from elected officials over the next few days expressing their commitment to the U.S.-Israel relationship. But if you undertake to study my commitment, you should not rely solely on my words. You can look at my affairs. Because as far as the United States is concerned, I have maintained my commitment to the State of Israel over the past three years. At every decisive moment, at every crossroads, we were ready to help Israel. Every time, without exception.

Four years ago I stood before you and said: “Israel's security is sacred and inviolable. This issue is not negotiable." And belief in this was the guiding star for my actions as President. In fact, my administration's commitment to Israel's security is unprecedented. Our military and intelligence cooperation has never been closer [than it is now]. Never before have our joint maneuvers and combat training been more active and dynamic. Despite the difficult financial situation, our military assistance is increasing year by year. We are investing in new opportunities. We supply Israel with cutting-edge technology—the kind of goods and systems reserved only for its closest friends and allies. And rest assured, we will not come at a cost to maintain Israel's qualitative military superiority, because Israel must always be able to independently defend itself against any threat.

This is not a matter of financial statements alone. As a senator, I talked with Israeli troops on the border with Lebanon (The Israeli film Lebanon (Lebanon) gives a peculiar claustrophobic impression of the first Lebanese war. The moral level and “heroism” of the Jewish tank crews are shown in it with considerable frankness). I met with families who survived the terror of missile attacks on Sderot. And that is why I, as President, provided the necessary funding for the deployment of the Steel Dome system. (Iron Dome) to intercept missiles that could fall on homes, hospitals and schools in this and other cities. Our cooperation is now expanding Israel's defense capabilities so that more and more Israelis can live without fear of conventional and ballistic missiles. No family, no citizen should live in fear.

Just as we came to help in the field of security, we also came to help in the field of diplomacy. When Israel came under fire from the Goldstone Report (the Goldstone Report called on signatories to take action against those accused of war crimes), we opposed it. When Israel became isolated after the [peace] flotilla incident, we supported it. When the Durban Conference [Durban II in Geneva, UN Conference against Racism (2009)] was scheduled, we boycotted it. And we will always reject the view of Zionism as racist. When unilateral resolutions are brought to the Human Rights Council, we oppose their adoption. When the lives of Israeli diplomats in Cairo were in danger, we intervened and helped save them. When attempts are made to boycott or strip Israel of any authority, we oppose them. And every time someone tries to delegitimize Israel, my administration opposes it. So at this point there should not be a shred of doubt: I have Israel's back at this critical hour.

Well, if during this political season you hear anyone question my administration's support for Israel, remember that the facts suggest otherwise. And remember that the US-Israel relationship is simply too important to be derailed by partisan politics. Israel's security is too important."

The speech of the head of the largest economy and commander-in-chief of the most powerful army in the world is reminiscent of persuasion a pathetic politician trying to ingratiately ingratiate himself and please his real “voter,” whose votes he most lacks to prolong his power. He - obvious puppet, which reads the written text from the prompter screen and changes the tone and vector of its statements in accordance with instructions coming from above.

Unlike Obama, Elizabeth II clearly denotes his possessions- she is “the ruler and head of 16 countries of the British Commonwealth of Nations” ( British Commonwealth of Nations is a “voluntary interstate association of sovereign states”, which includes Great Britain and almost all of its former dominions, colonies and protectorates. And these are 54 states or over 1.8 billion people (or about 30% of the Earth's population). In 16 of them, Queen Elizabeth II is the de jure head of state (this includes Canada, the Commonwealth of Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, the Dominion of Newfoundland and Ireland), of which she is queen and commander-in-chief. And President Obama bows his head to her(and even, like a servant, pulls out a chair for her). He - vassal of Israel And british crown. In addition, it is no longer news that many current rulers, including Obama, are relatives. And then, the Jews brought Obama to power - which is described in detail; so there can be no talk of any political independence. And therefore Israel's main ally for the time being, completely controlled by the Jews and their intermediaries.

Senator Barry Goldwater "The Israel Lobby is extremely powerful, it can send us to war, and it's all about money."


From an interview with Senator Barry Goldwater:

Kolbe: Is the Israel lobby very powerful?

Goldwater: “My God, yes, extremely powerful! Take megacities like New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco - they have a huge share of the Jewish population and a lot of money. And their senators simply “bend under” this influence. Compare it with the influence of labor unions, the National Rifle Association, the American Medical Association (and the list of influences goes on for a long time) - all of them are inferior to Israeli influence; Israel has the most powerful one. And they make it so difficult to participate in elections without [sponsors] - when a large and specialized group is acting against you. And the tendency is only to overcome this pressure by joining them (the so-called “special interests”).”

More on this topic

We are talking about the use by the States of weapons prohibited by international conventions, as well as experiments and testing of new types of weapons in combat conditions. At the end of March on the channel RussiaToday a documentary was shown about the Americans who fought in Iraq, using ammunition with high penetrating and destructive power there. For those who survive, children are born with genetic abnormalities and mutations, and chemical analysis reveals in their urine Uranus. For more details, see the selection of materials at the links " Yugoslavia"(from 1:35 mark), " Iraq », « Afghanistan », « Libya", as well as films " Use of depleted uranium as a weapon », « Consequences of the use of depleted uranium in Iraq"and one of lectures And interview about this theme.

The “commonality of ideals” mentioned by Obama is also evidenced by the Americans’ direct borrowing of the methods of “working with the population” used by Israeli troops and special forces against the Arabs. “The States are now emulating Israeli military tactics in [Iraqi cities] like Fallujah and Najaf” (Simon Tisdall, October 20, 2004).

“Until we start asking questions, we will have the Zionist lobbies with their conspiracies. We will continue to kill in the name of Jewish suffering. We will continue our complicity in Western imperialist crimes...” Gilad Atzmon “Who are these wanderers?”

When someone at the US Homeland Security Agency designated Israel as a terrorist state and ordered Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to search its citizens, there was an immediate apology for the mistake, emphasizing the phrase: “The United States did not consider and do not believe that Israel is in any way associated with terrorism; on the contrary, it is a partner in our efforts to combat global terrorism.”

But such obsequious behavior of the “world gendarme” is no longer surprising. At one time, the Americans “swallowed” the murder of their sailors on the naval reconnaissance ship “USS Liberty” [see photo and video at the link ] (June 8, 1967, at the height of the “Six-Day War” torpedoes were fired from Israeli torpedo bombers and a military aircraft, then the A 2-hour shelling of the American warship; napalm was used repeatedly. Then 821 holes from missiles, shells and machine guns were found in the hull; 37 crew members were killed, 172 people were wounded by the attackers, which is described in detail. at David Duke's; it was an act of intimidation, which was readily attributed to “wartime”).

In 2001, the States agreed with the official version about the orderers and perpetrators of terrorist attacks that already claimed the lives of their own citizens (New York, Arlington and Shanksville), although it is well known that this was a special operation of the American-Israeli intelligence services in conjunction with Jewish representatives of big business (This topic is the subject of Victor Thorne’s 2011 book “Made in Israel: 9/11 and the Jewish Conspiracy Against America,” as well as a huge number of videos, documentaries and articles. There are many arguments in favor of the version that one of the reasons The reason for the assassination of US President John Kennedy was his open threats to Israel to obtain an inspection of nuclear facilities in Dimona. The Israeli Mossad was a co-perpetrator of the conspiracy. Affirmatively on the same topic. spoke out and Libya's Muammar Gaddafi (from the 4:33 mark). Most likely, this is why Kennedy’s “successor”, Lyndon Johnson, no longer mentioned any inspections, and even put the brakes on the topic of the attack on the USS Liberty). And the senior leadership and ordinary citizens of Israel expressed satisfaction with the events of September 11.

No retaliatory measures were taken after the attack (May 31, 2010) by Israeli special forces on a flotilla carrying humanitarian cargo for Palestine, when 9 crew members were killed, including one American. Official Israel this time not only was not punished - it did not even apologize to the United States and Turkey.

As a short and succinct summary, here is another quote from James Petras about the American fifth column:

“We [the American people] have been colonized and ruled by a small, extremist and militaristic “ally” [Israel], operating through local proxies who, under any other circumstances, would be openly accused of treason.”

Letter to Israel from the father of an American soldier

(brief summary)

A very peculiar message from one American Christian, Rob Lonaker, appeared on the Veterans website today. His son Jeff took an oath to defend Israel and is now serving in Afghanistan with an all-Christian platoon. Jeff has a Bible with him. All his colleagues deeply understand how important Israel and the Jewish people are to God. They all love Israel and periodically lose limbs and die for it.

At the same time, the soldier’s father writes, many Americans (and Jeff) came to the conclusion that explosives were used to collapse the World Trade Center twin towers (there are eyewitness accounts of this, the results of chemical research and video footage). Next, the author discusses how successfully the Israeli lobby controls the US Congress and media. And he especially admires Israel’s ability to ensure that no one criticizes it. Well, yes, we are closest friends and allies...

After reflecting a little on the events of 2001, Lonaker concludes: you arranged September 11th for us - and he wonders: how could this be, why did you have to go so far and kill 3,000 of your allies? After all, Jeff and his fellow soldiers are already dying for you. Perhaps, he suggested, just as God sent punishments on Job in order to test his faith, so Israel tests America. And I, like the biblical Abraham, am ready to sacrifice my son if you, Israel, say that this is the will of God. And Jeff will go on the attack for you, no matter the cost. After all, isn’t that what blind faith is all about?

Anti-Semitism is a shameful phenomenon. Actually, any oppression, and especially the physical destruction of people based on nationality, is criminal, especially if it is initiated by the government and carried out on a national scale. History knows cases of mass genocide against representatives of different nations. Hundreds of thousands of Armenians were killed by the Turks at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Not everyone knows how brutally Japanese soldiers dealt with the Chinese during the occupation of Nanjing and Singapore in the late 30s. Mass executions were carried out during the war by the allies of Nazi Germany, the Croatian Ustasha. By historical standards, recently, in 1994, terrible purges on ethnic grounds (Hutus killed Tutsis) shocked Rwanda.

But there is a people who were subjected to the most severe ethnic persecution in the twentieth century, called the Holocaust. Modern Germans cannot unambiguously explain why their grandfathers, who grew up under the influence of Goebbels’ propaganda, exterminated the Jews. It is possible that the ancestors themselves would not have found a clear argumentation for their actions, but in the thirties and forties, in most cases everything was clear and understandable to them.

Woe from mind?

When asked why Jews were exterminated in different countries (and this happened not only in Germany in the twentieth century, but also in other countries at different times), one can most often hear the answer from representatives of this people: “Out of envy!” This version of the assessment of tragic events has its own logic and truth. The Jewish people gave humanity many geniuses who shone in science, art, and other areas of human civilization. The ability to adapt, a traditionally active position, an active character, subtle and ironic humor, innate musicality, enterprise and other absolutely positive qualities are characteristic of the nation that gave the world Einstein, Oistrakh, Marx, Botvinnik... Yes, you can list for a long time who else. But, apparently, it’s not just a matter of envy of outstanding mental abilities. After all, not all Jews are Einsteins. There are simpler people among them. The sign of real wisdom is not its constant demonstration, but something else. For example, the ability to provide yourself with a friendly environment. Such that no one would even think of offending representatives of this people. And not out of fear, but out of respect. Or even love.

Revolutionary money grab

People of different nationalities strive for power and wealth. Anyone who truly wants to taste these attributes of earthly paradise looks for ways to achieve his goal and sometimes finds them. Then other people (who can be conventionally called envious people) have a desire to redistribute goods, in other words, to take away values ​​from the rich and appropriate them or, in extreme cases, divide them equally (or in a fraternal way, this is when the eldest has more). During pogroms and revolutions, successful owners of fortunes of different nationalities, from Zulu kings to Ukrainian top government officials, come under analysis. But why were the Jews exterminated first in almost all cases of mass robbery? Maybe they have more money?

Aliens and xenophobes

For historical reasons, Jews did not have their own state from ancient times until the mid-twentieth century. They had to settle in different countries, kingdoms, states and move to new places in search of a better life. Some of the Jews were able to assimilate, joining the indigenous ethnic group and dissolving into it without a trace. But the core of the nation still retained its identity, religion, language and other characteristics that define national characteristics. This in itself is a miracle, because xenophobia to one degree or another is inherent in almost all indigenous ethnic groups. Otherness causes rejection and hostility, and these, in turn, make life very difficult.

Knowing that a common enemy could be the best reason to unite a nation, Hitler exterminated the Jews. Technically it was simple, they were easy to recognize, they go to synagogues, keep kashrut and the Sabbath, dress differently and sometimes even speak with an accent. Moreover, at the time the Nazis came to power, Jews did not have the ability to effectively resist violence, representing an almost ideal ethnically isolated and helpless victim. The desire for self-isolation, which determined the survival of the nation, once again worked as a bait for pogromists.

"My Struggle" by Hitler

Did the Germans know about Auschwitz and Buchenwald?

After the defeat of Nazism, many Germans claimed that they knew nothing about concentration camps, ghettos, high-efficiency crematorium ovens and giant ditches filled with human bodies. They also did not know about soap, and candles made from human fat, and other cases of “useful disposal” of remains. Some of their neighbors simply disappeared somewhere, and the authorities did not reach them with information about the atrocities committed in the occupied territories. The desire to disclaim responsibility for war crimes among ordinary Wehrmacht soldiers and officers is understandable; they pointed to the SS troops, who were primarily engaged in punitive operations. But there was also Kristallnacht in 1938, during which not only stormtroopers in brown shirts acted, but also ordinary people. Representatives of the sentimental, talented and hardworking German people with sweet rapture destroyed the property of their recent friends and neighbors, and they themselves were beaten and humiliated. So why did the Germans exterminate the Jews, what were the reasons for the sudden outbreak of fierce hatred? Were there any reasons?

Jews of the Weimar Republic

To understand the reasons why the Germans, their recent neighbors and friends, exterminated the Jews, one should immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the Weimar Republic. Many historical studies have been written about this period, and those who do not want to read scientific tomes have the opportunity to learn about it from the novels of the great writer E.M. Remarque. The country suffers from unsustainable indemnities imposed by the Entente countries that won the Great War. Poverty borders on hunger, while the souls of its citizens are increasingly possessed by various vices caused by forced idleness and the desire to somehow brighten up their drab, miserable life. But there are also successful people, businessmen, bankers, speculators. Entrepreneurship, due to centuries of nomadic life, is in the blood of Jews. It was they who became the backbone of the business elite of the Weimar Republic, which existed from 1919. There were, of course, poor Jews, artisans, working craftsmen, musicians and poets, artists and sculptors, and they made up the majority of the people. They basically became victims of the Holocaust, the rich managed to escape, they had money for tickets.

The Holocaust reached its peak during World War II. “Death factories”, Majdanek and Auschwitz, immediately began operating on the territory of occupied Poland. But the flywheel of mass murder based on nationality gained special momentum after the Wehrmacht’s invasion of the USSR.

There were many Jews in the Leninist Politburo of the Bolshevik Party, they even made up the majority. By 1941, large-scale purges took place in the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, as a result of which the national composition of the Kremlin leadership underwent significant changes. But at the lower (as they say, “local”) levels and in the bodies of the NKVD, the Bolshevik Jews still maintained quantitative dominance. Many of them had experience of the Civil War, their services to the Soviet government were assessed as indisputable, they participated in other large-scale Bolshevik projects. Is it worth asking why Hitler exterminated Jews and commissars in the occupied Soviet territories in the first place? For the Nazis, these two concepts were almost identical and eventually merged into a single definition of “liquid commissar.”

Vaccine against anti-Semitism

National hostility was gradually instilled. Racial theory began to dominate almost immediately after the Nazis came to power. Chronicle footage of ritual sacrifices appeared on cinema screens, during which rabbis killed cows by cutting their throats with a sharp knife. and women can be very beautiful, but Nazi propagandists were not interested in such things. For propaganda videos and posters, “walking manuals for anti-Semites” were specially selected, with faces expressing brutal cruelty and stupidity. This is how the Germans became anti-Semitic.

After the Victory, the commandant's offices of the victorious countries pursued a policy of denazification, in all four occupation zones: Soviet, American, French and British. Residents of the defeated Reich were actually forced (under the threat of being deprived of food rations) to watch revealing documentaries. This measure was aimed at leveling the consequences of twelve years of brainwashing of the deceived Germans.

Same like that!

Talking about geopolitics, preaching the ideals of racial superiority of the Aryans and calling for the destruction of nations, the Fuhrer nevertheless remained, paradoxically, an ordinary person who suffered from a number of psychological complexes. One of them was the question of one's own nationality. Understanding why Hitler exterminated the Jews is difficult, but one clue may be the origins of his father, Alois Schicklgruber. The father of the future Fuhrer received the infamous surname only after an official declaration of paternity, certified by three witnesses and made by Johann Georg Hitler in 1867 for reasons of inheritance.

Alois himself was married three times, and there is a version that one of his children from a previous marriage tried to blackmail the “leader of the German people” with information about the half-Jewish origin of their common father. This hypothesis has a number of inconsistencies, but due to the chronological remoteness it cannot be completely excluded. But it can explain some of the subtleties of the sick psyche of the possessed Fuhrer. After all, an anti-Semitic Jew is not such a rare occurrence. And Hitler’s appearance does not at all correspond to the racial standards adopted in the Third Reich. He was not a tall, blue-eyed, blond man.

Occult and other reasons

It is possible to try to explain why Hitler exterminated the Jews from the standpoint of the ethical and philosophical basis that he provided for the process of physical extermination of millions of people. The Fuhrer was fond of occult theories, and his favorite authors were Guido von List and In general, the version of the origin of the Aryans and ancient Germans turned out to be quite confused and contradictory, but with regard to the Jews, the policy was based on the mystical assumption that they, identified by Hitler as a separate race, supposedly represent danger to all humanity, threatening it with complete destruction.

It is difficult to imagine that an entire nation could be drawn into some kind of global conspiracy. With a multimillion-dollar population, someone would definitely spill the beans about the inhumane plan, in which everyone from the shoemaker Rabinovich to Professor Geller participates. There is no logical answer to the question of why the Nazis exterminated Jews.

Wars are committed when people refuse to think for themselves, relying on their leaders, and without a doubt, and sometimes with pleasure, carry out someone else's evil will. Unfortunately, similar phenomena still occur today...

Nazism was created by Jews who called themselves “Aryans” to disguise themselves!

In fact They Jews– both Adolf Aloizovich Schicklgruber (Hitler) and the main propagandist of fascism Joseph Paul Goebbels. It was they who first fanned “anti-Semitic hysteria” throughout the world, and then caused hundreds of thousands of their fellow tribesmen Holocaust, and all this in order to solve several problems at once in such a sneaky way:

Here they are in this photo - fake "Aryans"

1. Saddle the sharply growing anti-Jewish sentiment in Germany and throughout the world. These were exactly anti-Jewish sentiments, A Not "anti-Semitic", as they say now, because to the group "Semites" included more than 10 different nations, but the Germans had hostility only to Jews . (Modern Semitic peoples include, in addition to Jews, also Arabs, Maltese, descendants of ancient representatives of the southern subgroup of southern Semites in South Arabia, Mahri, Shahri, inhabitants of the island of Socotra, etc., Amhara, Tigre, Tigrayans and a number of other peoples of Ethiopia, Assyrians. .).

2. Lead in the wake of anti-Jewish sentiments, the more than 90 million German people, who felt strong dislike for the Jews, especially after what they had done economic crisis of the 30s of the twentieth century, as a result of which every second adult in Germany found himself unemployed.

Reference: "The Great Depression is a global economic crisis that began in 1929 and lasted until 1939. (Most acutely from 1929 to 1933). Therefore, the 1930s are generally considered the period of the Great Depression. The Great Depression is most severe affected the USA, Canada, UK, Germany and France, but was also felt in other countries. Industrial cities suffered the most, and construction virtually ceased in a number of countries. Due to a reduction in effective demand, prices for agricultural products fell by 40–60%.". .

3. Revive in a new capacity, the “Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation” (to create the “Third Reich”"third Rome") due to the political or forceful subordination of most European countries to Germany;

Moreover, the idol of a Jew Adolf Hitler, who became the head of Germany in 1933, was the Holy Roman Emperor, the son of the Jewish woman Judith Bovarsky - Friedrich Barbarossa(1122-1290). It was in honor of him that Adolf Hitler named his plan for attacking the Wehrmacht troops on the USSR "Plan Barbarossa":

4. Organize, as the Holy Roman Empire once did, under the symbol of the cross the real one "crusade", aimed at Rus' ("Drang nach Osten"), with the aim of conquering her by the forces of a united Europe.

Crusades of different times.

Reference: “During the war of 1941-1945, all of Europe fought against the USSR. 350 million people, regardless of whether they fought with weapons in their hands, or stood at the machine, producing weapons for the Wehrmacht, did one thing.”.

5. Discredit the ancient Aryan solar symbol - the swastika - to the point of impossibility of its further use in Russia and Europe as a positive symbol, initially charged with the energy of peacemaking and prosperity.

Why did the Jew Hitler need to discredit the swastika and generally denigrate the memory of the Aryans? The answer is easy to find if you think about it! Aryans, whose second name is Hyperboreans , went down in history as a missionary people who founded ancient Rome and taught the ancient Greeks sciences and arts, as evidenced by the ancient Greek historian Herodotus. In the twentieth century, thanks to new scientific discoveries and new archaeological finds in Europe, the second Renaissance could begin, which, like the first Renaissance, would certainly be focused on antiquity and its unique Culture created by the Aryans, or Aryans.

What the Aryans (Hyperboreans) looked like can be judged by these sculptures of Apollo and Aphrodite.

So that no one else in Europe would remember the Aryan Culture and they would need the devil in the flesh - Hitler, who would paint over the old image of the noble Aryans with black paint and make a new image to replace it - the Aryan killers.

Reference: "Renaissance , or Renaissance (French Renaissance, Italian Rinascimento; from re/ri - “again” or “new” + nasci - “born”) is a world-wide era in the cultural history of Europe, which replaced the Middle Ages and preceded the Enlightenment and New time. It falls - in Italy - at the beginning of the 14th century (everywhere in Europe - from the 15th-16th centuries) - the last quarter of the 16th centuries and in some cases - the first decades of the 17th century. A distinctive feature of the Renaissance is the secular nature of culture, its humanism and anthropocentrism (that is, interest, first of all, in man and his activities). Interest in ANCIENT CULTURE is flourishing, its “revival” is taking place - this is how the term appeared". .

Here, briefly, are the tasks that were solved during the Second World War of 1939-1945 Jew Adolf Hitler being the head of Nazi Germany, who was brought to power first over the German people, and then to power over all of Europe, by other very rich and influential Jews.

In January 2015, already knowing this vile secret, carefully hidden by those in power from all the peoples of the planet, I wrote an article "Jews! Return the money to the Germans for the "Holocaust six million Jews" scam. The very idea of ​​addressing all Jews with such an appeal came to me after I analyzed a number of historical facts and realized that the entire history of Nazism, including the so-called “Holocaust of 6 million Jews,” was a monstrous fraud on the part of the Jews themselves.

I was especially shocked by this information in the world media:

“Germany undertakes to pay compensation in the amount of one billion dollars by 2017. This will be compensation for the abuses suffered by the Jewish people during the Holocaust, when almost six million Jews died.”. .

It turns out to be an interesting “oil painting”!

On the one hand, during the Second World War Nazis executing their orders Jewish leadership, killed hundreds of thousands of Jews. This is a fact that cannot be doubted.

Jewish leadership of the Wehrmacht.

Concerning numbers allegedly died at the hands of the Nazis "6 million Jews" , then this number of victims is still documented by no one not proven!

On the other hand, the Jews to this day demand compensation from German men and women, the vast majority of whom were born after the Second World War. precisely for 6 million Jewish souls! And this tribute is taken only from the Germans, although a large number of European countries and peoples fought on the side of Nazi Germany under the unity of Adolf Hitler. How much multinational there was Hitler’s “Nazism”, one can judge from the list of Hitler’s soldiers who found themselves in Soviet captivity:

So, in confrontation with the troops of the “Third Reich”, the Soviet Army captured with weapons in their hands:

Germans – 2,389,560,
Hungarians – 513,767,
Romanians – 187,370,
Austrians – 156,682,
Czechs and Slovaks – 69,977,
Poles – 60,280,
Italians – 48,957,
French - 23,136,
Croats – 21,822,
Moldovans – 14,129,
Jews – 10,173, (even Jews, Karl!)
Dutch - 4,729,
Finns – 2,377,
Belgians – 2,010,
Luxembourgers – 1652,
Danes – 457,
Spaniards – 452,
gypsies – 383,
Norwegians – 101,
Swedes – 72.

Why are the Germans the only ones paying compensation to the Jews for the Holocaust?! Where is the logic?! What is this, historical revenge of the Jews on the Germans?! How is it even possible to take any monetary compensation from those Germans who were born in Germany in post-war peacetime?! This is unheard of injustice and even impudence!

And if the leaders of the Jewish people had the intelligence and impudence to take money for “dead souls” from all German citizens indiscriminately even 70 years after the end of that war (remember that "Germany undertakes to pay compensation in the amount of one billion dollars by 2017"), then return the money fraudulently received from them to the Germans too must all Jews indiscriminately! Everything is indiscriminate! It will be fair! Especially after newly discovered circumstances! Especially after it became known that Adolf Hitler was 100% Jewish!

By the way, the reason for writing this article was that I, the author of the article "Jews! Return the money to the Germans for the "Holocaust six million Jews" scam, the Russian judiciary wants to implicate "denial of the facts established by the verdict of the International Military Tribunal for the trial and punishment of the main war criminals of the European Axis countries". This is article No. 354.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Under this criminal article, citizens of Russia “punishable by a fine in the amount of up to three hundred thousand rubles or imprisonment for up to 3 years.” And if "denial of the facts established by the verdict of the International Military Tribunal...", It was committed "With using the media, as well as artificially creating evidence for the accusation,” the fine reaches 500 thousand rubles, and the prison term can reach 5 years.

Let me! Can it be considered a fact, and even "established by the verdict of the International Tribunal", these are the words included in the protocol of the Nuremberg Tribunal Rudolf Hess(Rudolf Heß; 1894–1987), who also referred to another Nazi criminal Jewish blood, who at that time managed to escape from justice in Argentina - Adolf Eichmann:

“Adolf Eichmann, to whom Hitler entrusted the implementation of this program, calculated that as a result of the policy pursued, six million Jews, of which four million were killed in extermination points".

These words are not an “established fact” and cannot be one by definition, since these are just “the words of Rudolf Hess,” who said that, they say, Jew Adolf Eichmann, to whom Jew Adolf Hitler "entrusted the implementation of this program", later called the Holocaust, calculated something there...

Moreover, there is no other “evidence” about “six million murdered Jews” in the verdict of the International Tribunal! Amazing thing! The Nazis didn’t bother to count how many Soviet people they killed during the Second World War, how many Poles they killed, and everyone else, why did they need to count how many Jews they killed?! So that the Jews could then present them with a bill?!

And what was the value of the testimony of Rudolf Hess at the meeting of the Nuremberg Tribunal, if he, being a high statesman and political figure in Germany, the third person in the hierarchy of the Third Reich, Deputy Fuhrer in the NSDAP, in 1941 alone flew to Great Britain with the aim of convince the British to make peace with Nazi Germany, but failed in his "mission" and "was arrested by the British authorities and remained in captivity until the end of the war!» . Good witness!

And even if it was another Rudolf Hess (Rudolf Franz Ferdinand Höß; 1900-1947) who testified at the International Court held in Nuremberg, who was the commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp (from May 4, 1940 to November 9, 1943) and the inspector of concentration camps ( from November 9, 1943 to 1945), then his words could not serve as an “established fact.”

Now, if during the work of the Nuremberg Tribunal these words of Rudolf Hess about the extermination of “six million Jews” by the Nazis were accepted as a version and were scrupulously double-checked by various commissions with the subsequent provision of information to the world community about the burials of these same 6 million Jews, as well as other information , proving the fact that the Nazis exterminated exactly that number of Jews, then this would become "established fact". And since none of this followed Hess’s words, then his statement, What "as a result of the policy pursued, six million Jews were killed, of which four million were killed in extermination centers", is not " established fact."

In this regard, any historian has the right to doubt in the veracity of the number of victims of the Jewish people. Moreover, they are known numerous facts of fraud and speculation on the topic of the Holocaust from Jewish journalists, politicians and historians! Which is exactly what I talked about in my article, which came to the attention of the Russian “Center for Countering Extremism”.

Here, for example, is a video recording posted freely on the Internet and made, most likely, by a US citizen who has preserved old issues of the New York Times newspapers from 1915 to 1938. He filmed them in great detail to show and tell everyone that the horror story about the “Holocaust of 6 million Jews” was launched by Jewish politicians many times LONG before the start of World War II!!!

After this, how can one trust the unfounded statement of Rudolf Hess, who, speaking at a meeting of the Nuremberg Tribunal, referred to the Nazi Jew Adolf Eichmann, if for Jews the figure "6 million" Apparently, it is of a symbolic or cult (religious) nature, as all these newspaper publications eloquently speak about?! Of course, after these obvious facts of Jewish speculation on the topic of the Holocaust, there can be no confidence in the stated figure "Holocaust six millions Jews"!

Here is another irrefutable fact that incriminates both Rudolf Hess and all world Jewry of wickedness. This is a publication for October 31, 1919, authored by the famous US Senator Martin Glynn. Even then (in 1919!) an American politician used the word in his article Holocaust and repeated the number seven times like a spell "six million Jews!".

So how many times in the 20th century were 6 million Jews killed? However, these damning facts, revealing the fraud of Jews on the “dead souls” of their fellow tribesmen, are NOTHING compared to what became known relatively recently. As it turned out, Adolf Hitler, who skillfully posed as an Aryan and constantly displayed the Aryan swastika everywhere, was 100% Jewish!

This news is not from the tabloids! This was said on the Rossiya-24 TV channel! Listen now to the statement of one of the oldest deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky(by the way, a Jew by his father, who until June 10, 1964 bore the surname Eidelstein):

"You know that there are already published diaries from the family Rothschilds?! Who was Hitler? It was 100% Jewish, not German! And they, the Rothschilds, specifically adopted anti-Semitism, realizing that it was growing in all countries of the world! And then they saddled him! It was profitable for them to do this! Yes, even if German Jews and someone else died, they brought two powers into conflict! The Americans then openly said: "We will give weapons and money to both the Germans and the Russians, and let them kill each other as much as possible!"

Words "and let them kill each other as much as possible" expressing the direction of official US policy , said US Senator Harry Truman, who later became the 33rd President of the United States, on June 24, 1941, who threw the first atomic bombs in August 1945 to the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki:

Below is a video recording of Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky’s speech in the State Duma of Russia, a fragment of which I quoted above:

If all this is true about the Jewish Rothschild clan and about the Jew Adolf Hitler (and nothing prevents our powers that be from carefully checking this information and raising it to the level of an “established fact”!), then the peoples of the planet have the right to demand the convening of a new Nuremberg Tribunal, which this time must condemn the customer or group of customers of all Nazi crimes ( Rothschild clan, Habsburg clan, other Jewish clans that financed the Nazis), as well as world Jewry itself for speculating on the Holocaust! Important Application: "Jews are to humanity as corrosion is to iron!"

And now, perhaps, it’s time to ask the question: why did the leaders of Nazism ride the Aryan theme and decide to discredit and fill the Aryan swastika with negative meaning? First of all, let's ask ourselves: when exactly did Adolf Hitler first combine the swastika and Nazism? As you know, the swastika became the official emblem of Hitler's NSDAP party (National Socialist German Workers' Party) since 1923. Since September 1935, it was made the main state emblem of Nazi Germany, included in its coat of arms and flag, as well as in the emblem of the Wehrmacht - an eagle holding a wreath with a swastika in its talons. Until that time, the swastika was widely used in Russia. She was present on traditional ancient and modern Russian clothing as a pattern - symbol of well-being!

The family of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II also loved the swastika.

This symbol/sign was displayed both on the personal car of Nicholas II and on the personal diary of his wife Alexandra Feodorovna, but the most interesting thing is that in 1916, a monetary reform was planned in the Russian Empire and new cliches of Russian banknotes with swastikas had already been made! However, their release was prevented by the events that preceded the two revolutions of 1917. Then, in the spring of 1917, the “Provisional Government” that came to power over Russia used these cliches with swastikas to issue banknotes of 250 and 1000 rubles. Well, the so-called “Bolsheviks” who seized power in Russia in October of the same 1917 had to use these imperial cliches for banknotes of 5,000 and 10,000 rubles purely out of necessity.

Does everyone see the swastika in the center of the 10,000 ruble banknote?

So, if not for the revolution of 1917, Russia and the entire Russian people would have lived under the sign of the Aryan, or rather the Hyperborean, swastika! And this is a firmly established historical fact! Why did the Jew Adolf Hitler, who was brought to power over Germany in 1933, seize this initiative from Russia, and in September 1935 the swastika became the main state emblem of Hitler's Germany? Everyone is free to seek and have their own answers to this question, but I want to express my point of view.

If we have already recognized as a fact that the Second World War unleashed by Adolf Hitler was the diabolical idea of ​​high-ranking Jews, then part of this diabolical idea was their desire to quickly discredit both the Aryans themselves and their solar symbol - the swastika.

Why and why?

Why is known. Over the centuries, Christian leaders have constantly reformed the Christian religion, and its external and internal contents have constantly changed, like a child's game of "broken telephone." What the original Christianity, which arose in the first centuries of the new era, was like, modern people could not even guess. And just imagine that archaeological excavations are being carried out in Jordan at the very beginning of the twentieth century and scientists find an ancient city Gerasa(Gerasa), which was once part of the famous Decapolis mentioned in the Bible. And what is found during excavations of the ancient city of Gerasa?

In 1920, archaeologists found this floor mosaic in it, which is full of swastikas, depicted, pay attention, ... in motion! Also on this floor mosaic there is an image of a man in traditional Russian shirt and boots like Tsarevich Ivan, and next to it in letters Old Russian alphabet the word CHRIST is written.

Mosaic of the Christian Orthodox Church "St. Cosmas and St. Damian", city of Gerasa, North Jordan. Dated 553 year new era. (Swastika mosaic of the Christian Orthodox Church of St. Cosmas and St. Damian, Gerasa (Jerash), Northern Jordan, 553 AD).

Here's the scene, taken from a wider angle. The red square outlines what is shown in the photo above.

Help from Wikipedia: "In antiquity, Gerasa was a developed and busy trading city, part of the so-called Decapolis. The famous philosopher Nicomachus of Gerasa was born here. A strong earthquake in 747 AD destroyed most of the city. The ruins of Jerash remained covered with a layer of soil for hundreds years until they were discovered in 1806 by a German orientalist Ulrich Seetzen. The inhabitants of Sakib and other ancient villages in the region were the founders of the modern city of Jarash in the early nineteenth century. 70 years later, Circassians settled in Jarash, emigrating to Jordan from the Caucasus in 1878, after the Russian-Turkish War.". .

Imagine! For 1059 years (from 747 to 1806) the ancient city of Gerasa was hidden under a layer of soil. During this time Christianity reached its power on the planet, the priests convinced everyone that Christ was a Jew, and then suddenly in 1920, literally from underground, an ancient city appeared mosaic picture in which CHRIST appears in Russian national clothes, surrounded by multiple images of swastikas!!! As they say, “Dear mom!!!”

Logically, Christian leaders: Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox Christians should have at least somehow explained or, at least, commented on such a sensational archaeological find! The very inscription on the mosaic “CHRIST” seems to oblige them to this. However, it is still observed deathly silence regarding such a unique find. It was in order to fill this unexpected silence in the religious sphere that arose at the very beginning of the twentieth century that the mission of the “lifesaver” was entrusted to Adolf Hitler. On the one hand, he had to use the Aryan-Christian swastika denigrate as much as possible, so that it would be discouraging for anyone to think of her as a holy symbol, and to conquer Russia with its Russian people with all the might of a united Europe - the forces of the “Third Reich”.

Today, for most people, it seems unthinkable to connect the swastika and Christianity at the mental level! It seems impossible to them. However, what to do with these artifacts, the authenticity of which cannot even be doubted, since you can even touch it?!

Here is the left and right rotation swastika deacon on vestments a (XVI century). Now this clothing of an Orthodox priest is a rare exhibit in the Novodevichy Convent Museum in Moscow. The monastery itself was built in 1524, more than 100 years before Nikon’s famous reform, which split the Orthodox faith into the so-called “Nikonians” and Old Believers. The presence of swastika images on the ancient clothes of Orthodox priests is also no coincidence, also pointed out by the historian A. von Fricken, author of the pre-revolutionary book “Roman Catacombs and Monuments of Early Christian Art.” (M., 1872).

This book contains the following information:

"One of the central places in the symbolic language of early Christians is occupied by swastika: “The gammatic cross is found on Christian monuments, primarily next to epitaphs, before Constantine. We see it near a 3rd century inscription from the city's catacombs Cusi in Tuscany; on a tombstone of Roman origin, now preserved in the city's collection of antiquities Bergamo, together with the monogram of Constantine, near the epitaph of the year 363 and accompanied by a monogram, a wreath and a palm tree. In many other examples, an equilateral cross with curved ends is a replenishment of catacomb tombstones, either separately next to the name of the deceased, or between A and Q. The same sign is repeated several times on a Christian sarcophagus of the 4th century (now in the city Milan[With. 154; 519].

Information, as we see, is scarce, but a historian of the century before last confirms that in early Christianity the swastika occupied "one of the central places". So it was still 1872! And in 1920, that same famous discovery was made in the city of Gerasa, where, according to the Bible, Christ himself once walked! In order to neutralize this sensation completely (with a guarantee!), subsequently the enemies of the human race came up with a cunning move with Nazism and with the fake “Aryan” Hitler, killing peoples under the symbol of the Aryan-Christian swastika! Well, it seems that I have told you everything that I would like to convey to millions of people. At the end of this article, it remains to repeat once again the main historical sensation of the 21st century.