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Memo (how Jews differ from Jews). The Jews themselves prove: there are Jews and there are Jews! Why are Jews kikes?


About the author Vsevolod Vikhnovich received an engineering education at the Mining Institute, subsequently graduated from Leningrad University and received a diploma in psychology. Nowadays he is a psychologist and historian, a researcher at St. Petersburg Hebrew University. Participant of the World Jewish Congresses in Jerusalem.

Author of more than 60 articles and the book "Karaim Abraham Firkovich: Jewish Manuscripts History of the Journey", St. Petersburg: Center "Petersburg Oriental Studies", 1997
The book by V. L. Vikhnovich is dedicated to the life and works of one of the most interesting characters of the last century - the Karaite collector of ancient books and manuscripts on the history of Jews and Karaites, Abraham Firkovich.

This is a fascinating narrative, including not only materials about the life of Firkovich, but also information on the history of the Karaites, Khazars, Jews of Eastern Europe, as well as the history of Jewish writing.

At the end of the twentieth century we have to observe another grimace of history. Prominent figures of the party, which calls itself “communist” and was once considered an exemplary internationalist, are taking up the dirty banner of their ideological enemies of the beginning of the century - the Black Hundreds. Their slogans about “Jewish dominance”, about “the press that sold out to the Jews” are widely used; the word “Jew”, which was already considered a common slur in Russia in the last century, is returning to the parliamentary lexicon; there are discussions about the “indigenous” and “non-indigenous” peoples of the country, etc. d. The results of policies inspired by such “ideas” have already proven fatal for the fate of historical Russia in the past century. We still hope that the sanity of the Russian people will allow us to avoid a new disaster in the next century, associated with the threat that in response the question may arise: “Who is actually “indigenous” in the North Caucasus (Tataria, Bashkiria, Yakutia, etc. )? " The situation in Chechnya and many former Soviet republics provides clear examples of the response to it. But since we are talking about “indigenous”, it is worth pointing out, without even going into very ancient history, that, according to ancient Russian chronicles, Jewish (Jewish) communities existed on the territory of Ancient Rus' long before the adoption of Christianity there under Prince Vladimir.

At the same time, in connection with the intensification of public interest in the relevant topic, it is apparently necessary to at least briefly recall the historical and philological history of the evolution of the concepts of “Jew” and “Jew” in the Russian socio-political tradition, despite the fact that this topic was considered exhausted already in the 19th century.

The name “Jew” comes from the Hebrew verb “avar” (to cross, go over) and, according to the biblical tradition, all the companions of Patriarch Abraham who crossed the Euphrates River, heading at the call of the Almighty to the Holy Land, were considered “crossed, crossed (the river),” people "Ivri", in Russian pronunciation "Jews". From here it came that “Jews” are all the descendants of the ancestor of the people - Patriarch Abraham. This name became "generic". However, the same tradition determines that the Divine Covenant was not passed on to all the descendants of Abraham, but only through his son, Patriarch Isaac, to his grandson, Patriarch Jacob (his other name is Israel). In this regard, for the people chosen, according to the same biblical tradition, by G-d, a new name arises - “sons of Israel,” or Israelites. Formally, it is specific to the broader name “Jews,” but later this distinction was forgotten and these names became synonymous. Let us note in passing that the situation has changed radically after the creation of the modern state of Israel, since non-Jews may not be its citizens, and on the other hand, the majority of Jews in the world are not citizens of this state, that is, they, in the civil sense, are “not Israelis.”

The patriarch Jacob - Israel - had 12 sons from four wives, as the book of Breshit (Genesis of the Russian Bible) tells, whose descendants formed a special tribe (clan). After the exodus from Egypt, these clans settled in the Holy Land, located between the banks of the Jordan and the Mediterranean Sea. The inheritance received by the tribe of the fourth son of Jacob, Israel Judah, was located in the southern part of the country and the holy city of Jerusalem became its capital. The name Judah is the Russian form of the Hebrew name, "Yehuda", literally "He who is praised, exalted" (meaning, of course, G-d). Subsequently, the state of Judea was formed in this area, and

after disappearing as a result of being hijacked into Assyrian captivity in 722 BC. e. the remaining tribes of Israel, only the inhabitants of Judah remained the successors to the spiritual heritage of the patriarchs. They survived the Babylonian captivity of the inhabitants of Judea, the restoration and fall of the second kingdom of Judah, and the destruction by the Romans in 70 AD. e Jerusalem and the Jerusalem Temple. Therefore, even in ancient times, all adherents of the religion of Moses began to be called Jews, in other words, “Jews” became, as it were, the third name of the people, along with the names “Jews” and “sons of Israel.” At the beginning of the new era, in Greek the Jewish religion was called “Judaismos” (Judaism in modern Russian). In Latin, Jew is pronounced "Iudeus", and in Greek "Iudaios".

By the way, Christianity, which arose in the depths of Judaism, adopted many Jewish biblical names, and along with the widespread Ivan, Zakhar, Maria, Anna and others, one can also mention Abram (Abraham), Isaac (Isaac), Judah. The last name was very popular in ancient times. For example, among the first disciples of the founder of Christianity were two Judas; one is a traitor, and the other is a faithful follower of Jesus (Jesus is the Latin rendering of the Hebrew name Joshua). The Russian surname Yudina came from the name of Judah, and, for example, one of the close generals of the last Russian emperor was called Nikolai Iudovich Ivanov.

Since in the Jewish environment, right up to the Age of Enlightenment, which began for it only at the end of the 18th century, the consciousness of the inseparability of the concepts of religion and people reigned supreme, the name of the Jew became the self-name of the people. However, in different languages ​​it was naturally pronounced differently. In English it took the form “ju”, in French “juif”, in Italian “judeo”, the Turks pronounce it as “jigut”, the Moldovans “zhidan”, the Germans “jude” (hence “id” in Yiddish), the Finns “yutalainen” , for the sake of curiosity, we will indicate the Chinese pronunciation “yuterien”. In Slavic countries it was pronounced "yid".

There is a widespread opinion among Slavists that the Slavs, in particular the Balkan Peninsula, adopted this name from Italy. In the oldest monuments of Slavic writing, in particular, in the first translations of the books of the Bible and, for example, in the ancient Russian chronicle collection “The Tale of Bygone Years,” the names “Jew” and “Jew” are found in different places, clearly not showing disdain for the second version of the name. For example, in “The Tale of Bygone Years,” the preacher of Christianity, expounding the sacred story to Prince Vladimir, speaks of the birth of Moses: “At the same time, Moses was born as a Jew.. The king who destroyed the children of the Jews commanded that the Jews be swept into the river,” but a few lines lower: “Moses, having killed an Egyptian who offended a Jew” (The Tale of Bygone Years. Moscow-Leningrad, 1950. Vol. 1 Page 66) Further, according to this missionary, the future “King of the Jews” Jesus was born “in Bethlehem of the Jews” (ibid. , page 70) Thus, the name “Jew”, “Jew” is applied to the concepts and names of the Bible that are holy for a Christian. In ancient Russian epics, “Zhidovin is a mighty hero” is mentioned.

In the meeting of V.I. Dal there is such a Russian folk sign: “a girl with full buckets, a Jew, a wolf, a bear - a good meeting; empty buckets, a priest, a monk, a fox, a hare, a squirrel - for worse” (V. Dal. Months. Superstitions. Signs. Quirks . Elements. Proverbs of the Russian people. St. Petersburg, 1992. P. 48) The name Jewish (Jew) is used much less often, although it is also known. This situation continued in the Slavic countries in subsequent centuries. Moreover, documents of the Polish-Lithuanian state, which then included the territories of modern Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania and, partly, Russia, show that the name “Jew” was used by the Jews themselves as a self-designation. Many noble nobles called them this word, accompanying it with the most respectful epithets. A typical example: on January 4, 1519, the Polish voivode Jan Zaberezinski assures in writing that he owes “Mr. Isaac Ezofovich, the Jew of Berestey” a certain amount of money, which he undertakes to return to “his grace” within a certain period of time (our italics - V.V.). In Russia, the situation began to change in the 18th century. If in the Bible in the Slavic language, printed in Ostrog (Ukraine) in 1581, the Apostle Paul says that he is a Jew from Tarsus (Acts of the Apostles 21:39), then in the Slavic Bible, published in 1753 (Elizabethan Bible) in St. Petersburg this word was replaced by Judean, although in other places the word “Jew” was left unchanged. As the famous translator of the Talmud into Russian, Pereferkovich, wrote in 1913, this is the first documentary evidence that the word Jew acquired an offensive meaning, or, in the language of modern science, a negative connotation. (I. Berlin. Historical destinies of the Jewish people on the territory of the Russian state. Petersburg, 1919. P. 169, our italics - V.V.).

Beginning with the reign of Catherine II, the name “Jew” was removed from all official documents of the Russian Empire and replaced by the concepts of “Jew” or a person of the “Jewish religion.” Already in the Empress’s address on the transition of Belarus in 1772 to the power of the Russian crown it is said that “Jewish (our italics - V.V.) societies living in cities and lands annexed to the Russian Empire will be left and preserved with all the freedoms that they now use the law and their property” (Yu. Gessen. History of the Jewish People in Russia. Moscow-Jerusalem, 1993. P.47).

The first Jewish-Russian publicist L. Nevakhovich, in his essay “The Cry of the Daughter of the Jews,” dedicated to Alexander I, praised his mother “the wise Catherine” for the fact that “the previous name, which was created only by contempt and desecration, is already abolished ... and is decorated with the venerable called a Jew" (L. Nevakhovich. The cry of the daughter of the Jews. St. Petersburg, 1803. P. 62-63). In Russia, a transformation began then, similar to the rethinking in our time of the name of African Americans in the United States. Today there the name "negro" has become highly offensive and has been replaced by the word "black", although both of them mean "black" (the first in Spanish, the second in English). But, of course, the displacement of the word Yid from the official vocabulary did not immediately mean its transition to profanity. In everyday life and even in unofficial Russian literature, it was used on a par with the word “Jew.”

It should be noted right away that our goal is only the desire to trace the change in the emotional meaning of the ethnonyms “Jew” and “Jew” in Russia, and not to analyze the views of Russian writers on the national issue. Let us only point out that, although Pushkin has both names, it is hardly worth rushing to classify him as an anti-Semite. In the epigram to Bulgarin there is the line “be a Jew and it won’t matter”; he also wrote the wonderful beginning of the poem “In the Jewish Hut”, etc. But, of course, the poet was not free from the prejudices of his era and his social environment. Another genius of Russian poetry, M. Yu. Lermontov, in his romantic drama in verse “The Spaniards,” filled with ardent sympathy for the Jews persecuted by the Spanish Inquisition, already uses the word “Jew” much more often to designate his heroes, although, however, “Jew” is also found. He also wrote a wonderful poem based on biblical motifs, “Jewish Melody,” on the theme of the Psalms of David. Limiting ourselves only to these examples and without going into a detailed discussion of the issue, it is necessary, however, to point out that in post-reform times, Russian progressive public opinion is beginning to react more and more sharply to the use of this name “Jew.”

Already Dostoevsky had to justify himself: “Isn’t it because they accuse me of “hatred” because I call a Jew a “Jew”? But... I don’t think it was so offensive.... (The Jewish Question. Diary of a Writer for 1877. Sobr. vol. 25. L. 1983). Before the revolution, the word “Jew” was considered by Russian journalism, in addition to openly pogrom, as an element of profanity. The situation was different for writers from Little Russia (Ukrainian) or those associated with Ukraine. Here it should be pointed out that by the beginning of the twentieth century in Great Russia, that is, outside the “Pale of Settlement of Jews,” according to the legislation of that time, 320 thousand Jews were allowed to live, having sufficiently mastered the Russian language and culture. Among them were wealthy merchants, bankers, people with higher education, skilled artisans, retired soldiers who had served a long period of military service under Nicholas I, and in Siberia and other very remote places, exiled revolutionaries. The bulk of traditional Jewry (about 5 million people), speaking the Yiddish language, remained within the “Pale of Settlement” - in Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, that is, the territories included, as stated above, until the end of the 18th century. V. into the Polish-Lithuanian state. There, the linguistic situation practically did not change and the use of the word “Jew” continued everywhere.

Examples from Gogol's works written on Ukrainian material are typical. In the story "Taras Bulba" the Jews themselves call themselves "Jews", and the hero of the story Taras addresses the Warsaw Jews with a prayer to save his beloved son from execution: "Listen, Jews!" - he said, and there was something enthusiastic in his words: “You can do anything in the world, even dig it out of the bottom of the sea... Free me my Ostap..!.” (N.V. Gogol. Taras Bulba. Collected works. 1949. Vol. 2. Page 130). It is obvious that in such provisions they do not use offensive names of those from whom assistance is asked. Surely such a magnificent stylist as Gogol, regardless of his attitude towards Jews, would not have made such a mistake if there had been another name.

It is absolutely clear that in the Polish-Ukrainian environment the name “Jew” still did not have a particularly offensive character. Of course, this also applies to the work of Ukrainian writers of that time, in particular T. Shevchenko. Characteristic in this regard is the scandal that erupted in 1861, when the Little Russian (Ukrainian) magazine Osnova, published in St. Petersburg, used the word “Jew.” This caused such a storm of indignation and indignation on the part of Russian journalism that the editors had to publicly explain for a long time that this word in Ukrainian does not have an abusive character. The famous Russian-Ukrainian historian and publicist Kostomarov, defending the position of Osnova, wrote offendedly: “The entire literary Great Russia is rebelling against us for the Jews. We have many enemies, the enemies are strong!” (N.I. Kostomarov. To the Jews. // N.I. Kostomarov. Russian foreigners. M. 1996 P. 282-300).

Under Soviet rule, especially during the civil war, the words “Jew” and “Jewish power” became common in the anti-Soviet propaganda of the White Guards. Naturally, the Soviet authorities perceived the name “Jew” then and after the civil war as a counter-revolution with all the ensuing, often very serious consequences. A typical anecdote from that time is: a man at a tram stop reports that he is making the tram Jewish, hinting at the fear of using the word “waiting” to avoid trouble. During the Great Patriotic War, Goebbels propaganda and its local accomplices tried to use the word “Jew,” already for clearly mocking purposes, characterizing the government of the USSR as “Jewish,” which further strengthened the negative emotional meaning of this word.

This situation gradually led over the long years of Soviet power to the elimination of the name “Jew” also from the Ukrainian literary language and its replacement with “Jew”. The change has become so entrenched that it is unlikely that even the most ardent fighters against the “Muscovite” legacy will dare to return to the past today. True, on the territory of western Ukraine, which was part of Poland until 1939, the process of such rethinking began only with the inclusion of this territory into the USSR. In his memoirs N.S. Khrushchev recalls one episode from his visit as First Secretary of Ukraine in 1940 to Lvov, the main city of the region: “When we gathered for a rally at the Lvov Opera House, we invited Ukrainians, Poles, and Jews, mostly workers, although the intelligentsia also came. Jews spoke there among others, and it was strange for us to hear them say: “We are Jews and on behalf of the Jews we declare and so on...” Then on the sidelines I asked: “Why are you talking about Jews like that? You say “Yids” because it’s offensive! They answered me: “And here it is considered offensive when they call us Jews” (Memoirs of Khrushchev.// Questions of History. M. 1990, No. 7. P. 91).

The Polish-born former Prime Minister of Israel Menachem Begin, who ended up in a camp in Vorkuta in 1941, also faced a similar situation. There he met with a repressed prominent Soviet communist, a Jew by origin, named Garin. There were often disputes between them on ideological grounds. Begin recalls: “Once Garin scolded me for my “shameful humiliation” in front of anti-Semites. He heard my conversations with the Poles and noticed that we use the word “kike.” “Jew,” said Garin, “is an offensive word that is used only by anti-Semites , and it is prohibited in the Soviet Union. And here I am, a Zionist, supposedly proud of my Jewishness, not only allowing the Poles to say “Jew”, “Jewish”, but in conversation with them I myself, without a twinge of conscience, utter this anti-Semitic curse." I explained to Garin as best I could that if in Russia the word “Jew” sounds offensive, then in Poland it is a common word and Polish anti-Semites, wanting to show their contempt, say “Jew.” Garin listened to me, but did not agree. “This is Talmudism,” he said, “The word Jew is anti-Semitic in everyone.” languages..." (M. Begin. In the White Nights. Jerusalem-Moscow, 1991. P. 220-221).

A similar meaning regarding the word "Jew" remains today in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The Jewish fighting organization that raised the uprising in Warsaw in 1942 called itself in Polish the “Jewish organization of the Boyowa,” on the monument to the fallen fighters of the Warsaw ghetto the words “Jewish people” are written in Polish, and in Prague there is an old Jewish cemetery called - Czech "Jewish".

Returning to Russian-Soviet reality, it should be pointed out that this attitude towards the word “Yid”, as referring to profanity and offensive language, persisted during the Soviet period, despite all the zigzags of real politics. Sometimes its emotional function was performed by the verbal stigma “rootless cosmopolitan” and later by a purely political concept - “Zionist”. In everyday vocabulary today, the word “Jew” is sometimes sincerely, and most often slyly, used to designate a Jew “a greedy, bad, arrogant, thieving rogue and deceiver,” contrasted with a Jew “good and smart.”

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize once again that the subject of this note is only a brief summary of the evolution of the meaning of the concepts “Jew” and “Jew” in Russian society, and not the problem of the notorious Jewish question.

The ancient holy land, which is the progenitor of three world religions, also comes from the words “Jews”, “Jews”. These concepts have a long history and are not semantically distinguishable in the interpretation of many languages. Many do not share these concepts and consider them similar in essence. In many ways, Jew and Jew can be perceived as synonymous, but they have distinctive aspects.

In ancient times there were two kingdoms: Jewish And Jewish, which occupied the territory of the Semitic peninsula and professed one religion. After the fall of the Kingdom of Judah, nationalities became closer, and concepts began to be identified with each other. In the past, these names indicated only the territorial location of two tribal peoples who came to new lands and carried the knowledge of their prophets received on Mount Sinai.

Every Jew by nationality who professes the religion of Judaism can combine both concepts at once. A Jew who is not of Jewish origin and has received the rights of a citizen cannot formally be a Jew.

Peculiarities in the definition of the concept “Jew”

  • Jew is the nationality of the ethnic group of people who inhabit the state Israel. Ethnic groups, representatives of this concept exist in all countries of the world.
  • A person born to a Jewish mother up to the third generation can be considered a Jew. In the male line, Jewish roots are preserved only in direct kinship, that is, from father to child and no further.
  • Modern non-Orthodox movements make it possible to call a Jew a person who lives on the territory of the state and has accepted citizenship. Although official documents indicate “Israeli,” in everyday life the word “Jew” is acceptable.
  • The status of “Jewish” can be given to a person by the state if he has a number of documents submitted to the Israeli consulate of his country of residence.
  • Despite the fact that Israel is a purely religious country that lives according to Divine canons, not guided by generally accepted constitutions in the world, a Jew is not obliged to practice Orthodox Judaism or attend a synagogue. At the same time, they, like everyone else, are obliged to honor the holidays: Purim, Yem Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah and others.
  • A Jew is not required to speak Hebrew unless he holds public office. The large number of immigrants allows the country's residents to speak other languages ​​comfortably. Russian is widely spoken. In everyday life, people can communicate with each other in a dialect - Yiddish.

Distinctive features of the “Jews”

  1. Jews are people who practice religion Judaism.
  2. A Jew can be a person who was born a Jew on or outside the Holy Land.
  3. Not necessarily belonging to the Jewish nation. Any inhabitant of the planet can begin to profess the religion of Judaism. In this case, having proven his loyalty, undergoing training in the community, having received the permission of the senior rabbi, he takes the “GIYUR” exam, during which he accepts this religion and becomes a Jew.
  4. It is obligatory for Jews to comply with all rules and canons. Strict observance of fasts on holidays, regular attendance at the synagogue.
  5. Jewish status can be given in a religious community by a senior rabbi.
  6. By converting to Judaism, a person receives the right to reside in Israel on an equal basis with the native inhabitants of the country. The country provides a full social package, citizenship upon passing an exam on the theoretical part of the history of the formation of religion and the state as a whole, as well as circumcision, which is mandatory for men.
  7. A full citizen of the country, by birth or repatriated, cannot call himself a Jew without professing the official religion of the country.
  8. Knowledge of Hebrew, the official language of the country, is required to read prayers and scriptures in the original.

Often the concept of “Jew” is used to name certain features that are characteristic of a given nationality. Entrepreneurial by nature, thrifty people who in no way relate to the State of Israel receive the label “Jew.”

Sons of Israel, Jews may have reformist views and not blindly follow all the rules, and introduce new things. This concerns the role of women in society, work not only in the middle Lanka, but also in the government. Judaism prohibits women from engaging in any male work or participating in important decisions, while extolling women as mothers and guardians of the family hearth.

Representatives of religious communities demonstrate their attitude towards faith by their appearance. Strict outfits, covered arms and legs for women. Head covering is obligatory for everyone, especially in the synagogue, to testify to one’s submission to the Lord. Jews, as a local population, differ from the inhabitants of European countries of the world, except for lighter clothes due to the hot climatic location.

The signs that Israel uses as symbols on the flag and coat of arms are part of the religious heritage of the Jews, which modern society has adopted. Five-pointed Star of David- a symbol of illumination, Menorah– a stand for 7 candles, each of which is lit on the next day of Hanukkah has become an integral part of modern state attributes and once again brings together the concepts of “Jew” and “Jew”.

Question: Who are the Jews?
Answer: Jews are a people scattered throughout the world. Numbering approximately 15 million people.
Q: How do Jews differ from other peoples of the world?
A: Mainly circumcised members. Although circumcision is practiced by the aborigines of Africa and Australia, as well as by adherents of Islam. And if we abstract from members, then Jews are people just like us, they are born, live, grow, study, work, grow old, and die. Jews can be teachers, scientists, doctors, journalists, bootblacks, and police officers.
Q: Who are the Jews?
A: Jews are the same Jews who began to engage in commerce, private business, and financial activities. And since the desire to cheat, deceive, heat up, defraud their partner, client, buyer, without disdaining violations of criminal laws and human ethics, is in the blood of Jews, then, having started to engage in commerce, private business and financial activities, a Jew willy-nilly turns into a Jew. In other words, a Jew is a vicious Jew who does not disdain deceiving the citizens of the country that has sheltered him, and is drawn to fraud and crime.
Q: That is. it turns out that the Jews are potential criminals.
A: It would be more accurate to say that the Jews are actual criminals. Well, a Jew cannot honestly engage in business, trade, finance, even for the life of him. He develops fraud, deception, and falsehood on a subconscious level, as an innate basic instinct. The only way to prevent the degradation of a Jew into a Jew is to prohibit him from engaging in the above activities. Q: Are Jews and Yids dangerous for the state in which they live?
A: Jews do not pose any danger to the state that sheltered them. On the contrary, Jews bring some special national flavor; among them there are many smart, talented people, nuggets. But as soon as a Jew begins to turn into a Jew, he immediately begins to pose a threat to state security, as well as to undermine the moral and ethical foundations of society.
Q: Should the state fight the Jews?
Oh yeah. Any state, if it really cares about its own security, if it cares about the prosperity, well-being, and morality of its citizens, is obliged to fight the Jews. Prevention of Judaism plays a significant role. Laws should prohibit Jews from engaging in any type of private business activity in the country. In the case of the illegal transformation of Jews into Jews, the identified Jews must be immediately arrested, put on trial, and their property must be confiscated in favor of the state. The Jews who fled abroad and managed to take the loot and stolen goods with them must be tried in absentia, and the sentences must be carried out by any available means.
Q: Jews can transform into Jews. But is the reverse transformation of a Jew into a Jew possible?
A: Yes, it is possible. But only through forced treatment with healthy physical labor. For this purpose, special labor camps should be created, in which every Jew arrested by a court sentence could undergo a course of rehabilitation (for Judaism is a social disease) and be released as a normal Jew, earning his living by honest labor.
Q: How do you assess the current situation with Jews and Yids in Russia?
A: There are approximately half a million Jews living in the Russian Federation. This is normal, because the critical number of any national minority that does not pose a threat to the national security of the country is one percent. Jews have been living side by side with Russians for centuries, a kind of Russian-Jewish contamination has occurred, some Jews have become Russified, and some Russians, on the contrary, have become over-Jewish. But, apparently, in Russia there is some kind of special, fertile soil for the emergence of Judaism, because Judaism, with the connivance of the authorities, in various difficult times for Russia, posed a significant threat to it. It still poses a threat. During the period of forced privatization of state property during the transition from rotten socialism to embryonic capitalism, Russia was literally plundered by the Jews who began to multiply uncontrollably in a favorable environment of corruption and anarchy. Feeling impunity, the Jews began to shamelessly become impudent, not at all afraid of either the Russian people or the Russian state. The Jews, especially fattened by thieves' grub, got into politics, not disdaining the elementary bribery of open-mouthed officials and open-mouthed people. They began to try to dictate to the state, authorities, country, people, what to do and how to behave. It is unacceptable. And, although during the presidency of V.V. Putin, some kind of fight against the Jews is being carried out (for example, Khodorkovsky was imprisoned, the collapse and nationalization of Yukos began), but the measures taken by the government are completely insufficient. It is necessary to carry out mass arrests of all Russian Jews, nationalization of their property acquired through robbery since the time of Gorbachev's perestroika. The capital taken abroad by the Jews must be returned and socialized into the budget. All this must be done for the sake of all Russian citizens, including Jews. But, the main thing in this matter is not to go too far. Don't throw out the Jew along with the Jew. Because Jews are the same citizens of Russia, and it is not their fault that some of them transformed into Jews. Only the Jews should be punished. I think that the slogan of the last century, somewhat corrected, is “Re-Jewize the Jews - save Russia!” - has regained relevance.

Friends! Today I went to the website “ORTHODOX RUSSIA” (, which received a blessing for its activities in 1993 from Metropolitan of St. Petersburg and Ladoga JOHN (Snychev), and found there a very detailed explanation, how to correctly understand the words JEWS, JEWS, JEWS.


We find the first mention of the Jews in the Holy Gospel. Confidant of Christ, St. the apostle John speaks of "Jewish holidays"(John 6:4), that “The Jews were looking for Him (Jesus)”, “The Jews were arguing among themselves”(John 7:11 and 6:52). In the Synodal translation from Church Slavonic into Russian, these passages are translated using the word "Jews", but this is incorrect, for the Apostle John himself uses the word “Jews” on an equal basis with the word “Jews,” however, with a different meaning (see, for example, John 7:15). It turns out that two different concepts are translated into modern Russian in one word, which, you see, creates a lot of confusion.

Also, the holy chief apostle Paul in his letter to the Galatians (Gal. 1:13-14) says that he “being a Judaizer, he greatly persecuted the Church of God and destroyed it”, “succeeded in Judaism more than many of his peers”. And here again this is translated into modern Russian as "succeeded in Judaism". Although the Apostle Paul also uses the words "Jews" "Judaism", clearly giving them a different meaning than "Judaism". Otherwise, why would the inspired author use two different terms where one could get by?

In the multi-volume “Lives of the Saints” of St. Dmitry of Rostov, published in Russian in 1902-1910 and reprinted many times in our days with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus', we encounter the same confusion. Thus, in the life of the Venerable Eustratius the Faster, martyred by the Jews (March 28, Old Style), we read: “The ungodly Jew began to force his captives to renounce Christ and threatened those who resisted to starve them to death in chains.” And right there: “The Jew began to curse at Saint Eustratius just as his fathers did against the Lord Jesus Christ himself... The Jew became inflamed with anger, grabbed a spear and pierced the nailed man... He took the body of the holy Jewish martyr from the cross and threw it into the sea.”

As we see, here too the confusion continues due to the fact that the concepts “Jew” and “Jew” are used as synonyms. To be fair, let us say that the Jews themselves are to blame for its occurrence. For many centuries, rabbis argued that being a Jew is not only and not so much a nationality as a religious affiliation.

They still say so. For example, the chief Hasidic rabbi Berel Lazar on August 9, 2005, in an interview with, described famous Russian Jews as follows: “ Berezovsky was born a Jew, then baptized. Khodorkovsky's father is Jewish. But the businessman himself... is not a Jew.”. Thus, he strictly linked nationality with the Jewish religion. You don't go to synagogue, you were baptized - and you are no longer a Jew. Your mother is not Jewish (and the laws of Judaism state that a Jew is a person born of a Jewish mother) - you are also not ours...

The President of the Russian Jewish Congress, Vladimir Slutsker, expressed himself even more clearly on this topic. Correspondent Komsomolskaya Pravda asks him:
- Jews, as you know, are different. There are many baptized Jews in Russia. Religious Jewish organizations do not recognize them as their own...
To this Slutsker replies:
- And they do it right. The word "Jew" in Hebrew means "yehudi". This word in the Hebrew language has many meanings, and if we analyze it according to the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, it means “the blessed one, the representative of the Creator among the nations of the world, the one who is guided by the will of the Creator.” Therefore, he cannot fail to fulfill His commandments, and their number is 613. And the fulfillment of these commandments is called Judaism. Blood doesn't determine anything here.
The one who keeps fewer commandments is called differently. But anyone who keeps the commandments according to a Christian or some other rite is not a Jew.”

Thus, the basis of all the confusion that reigns around concepts "Jew", "Jew" and "Jew", are the Jewish Jews themselves, deliberately mixing nationality with religion.
"There is no doubt- writes Jewish writer Leo I. Levy, - that among the Jews, race and religion are so welded together that no one can say where one ends and where the other begins. The entire life of a Jew, his entire way of life, is determined to the smallest detail by the national-religious legislation of rabbinism. Every step he takes - from cradle to grave - is regulated by law. In these laws poured out the soul of the Jewish tribe, so exceptional, so unlike and so hostile to the psychology of other tribes and peoples - this soul filled with passionate hatred, without unraveling which it is impossible to unravel the secrets of the historical fate of Jewry, and the role that it played and plays in the history of the peoples among whom he lives.”


As for the word “Jew,” for some mysterious reason it especially irritates professional “fighters against anti-Semitism.” Moreover, all their explanations are that this is, supposedly, an abusive nickname, an offensive nickname, etc. do not stand up to any criticism. In most European languages ​​(French, English, Polish, German, etc.) “Jews” is the original self-name of Jews. And in the Russian language the word “Jew” appeared only in the 19th century.
But in Russia, for some reason, Judaizing “human rights activists” are trying with particular zeal to prohibit Russian people from using the term "Jew". They even demand that the prosecutor’s office initiate criminal cases under the notorious Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - "for incitement"- against those who dare to use this “terrible” and “forbidden” word. However, for now our prosecutors have enough common sense not to punish Russian citizens for using their native language in full according to V.I.’s Explanatory Dictionary. Dalia.
However, they do it very clumsily. Thus, in May 2005, the St. Petersburg prosecutor’s office refused to initiate a criminal case against the editor-in-chief of Rus Pravoslavnaya, Konstantin Dushenov, whom two Jewish-loving “human rights activists” - Linkov and Vdovin - called for to be imprisoned for using a “forbidden” word on the pages of the newspaper. Deputy city prosecutor A.D. Korsunov then considered that “The word “Jew” and its grammatical modifications are not an officially recognized indication of belonging to a particular religion.” As they say, thanks for that. But I just want to ask: what if it did appear, what then? To call a Jew a Jew, a Muslim a Muslim, and a Christian a Christian, is that an insult?..

Why then are the Slutskers, Lazars and Rabinovichs like them trying so hard to “ban” an inconvenient word? Yes, because it is precisely this that reveals their entire satanic essence, clearly designates their devilish, godless, misanthropic essence. Metropolitan John (Snychev) spoke about it this way: ““Jewism”, “the Jewish yoke” is the yoke of Christ-sellers, who should be quite specifically called Jews, and not Jews, as is sometimes incorrectly written. We should not be afraid to call a spade a spade. This is a battle of creeds, not national differences.. This must be clearly understood"

The Jews are Christ-haters, to whom the Lord Himself said: "Your Father is the Devil" (John 8:44). It is in this sense that the holy apostles John and Paul use this term, distinguishing such inveterate villains from the Old Testament Jews of that time, among whom there were many future Christians. But after the crucifixion of Christ the Savior, the deicides and their descendants completely reshaped Judaism to suit their black needs. Today they have gained such strength that they are trying to erase even the very memory of their terrible crime among the people, they want to appear before us in a “civilized” form, they strive to disguise their hellish essence, slyly juggling the concepts of “Jew” and “Jew,” confusing and mixing religious and national aspects of the problem. How can they not be angry when - despite all their efforts - someone suddenly calls them by their real name, which bears the indelible stamp of godlessness and infernal malice...

Jew's bastard

Summarize. From an Orthodox point of view, the concept of “Jew” has a very specific meaning. The term “Jew” in its church understanding is not a definition of nationality. Not all Jews are Jews. And vice versa, not all kikes are jews. There are, unfortunately, “Judaizing” French, Chinese, Tatars, Kalmyks...

“Jew” is also not a definition of religious affiliation. Not all Jews are Jews (although, alas, most of them are). And, again, not all Jews are Jews. There are Judaizing apostates among the Orthodox, even among our high-ranking hierarchs...

The reader, of course, has the right to ask: then who are they, these mysterious “Jews”? From the Orthodox point of view, the answer is very simple: the Jews are the descendants (both in blood, but most importantly in spirit, the satanic atheistic spirit) of those deicides who demanded the crucifixion of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ, who shouted before Pilate in the square: “blood It is on us and on our children!” (Matt. 27:25). These are Slutskers, Lazars and the like. We Orthodox have no complaints about other Jews (for example, those who were baptized and sincerely rejected the Satanism of the Talmud and Shulchan Aruch).

So it was in vain that the prosecutor’s office studied this simple question for so long and painfully decided whether the word “Jew” had a national or religious connotation. Although, as they say, all's well that ends well. Now the prosecutors, one must think, have finally figured out this far-fetched problem and we, the Orthodox Russian people, can finally, in our own country, fearlessly, openly and publicly say how we despise all this arrogant and cowardly Jewish bastard, how - in full accordance with the teachings of the Holy Church - we abhor the disgusting Jewish wickedness, Satanism and devil-worship.

Meetings with Bishop John. Publishing house "Tsarskoe Delo", St. Petersburg, 2005, pp. 93, 121, etc.

Among the various movements and branches of Judaism, there are “Israelites in whom there is no guile” (John 1:47). Those who, according to the prophecies of our Holy Fathers, in the “last times” will find the strength to reject the Antichrist, realizing that the true Messiah was Christ the Savior, and the Talmudic false messiah of the rabbis is a “man of sin” and a vessel of the devil’s abominations. There are few of them, of course, among the Jews, negligibly few, but still there are.

“Bastard - everything that is bastard or has been dragged into one place.” (V.I. Dal. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language). In this context, we use the word “bastard” in this sense. They really came - dragged themselves - to Russia from all over the world. The same Berl Lazar “chief rabbi of Russia” (how impudent, eh?) was elected in 2000 by two dozen Christ-haters like him, eighteen of whom were not even citizens of Russia (Gazeta, July 23, 2002).

I have long wanted to forget about this topic a little and generally reduce the flow of thoughts being published on this topic, but apparently it’s not fate yet, since what I’m typing now, I think I simply have to publish.

I am again touching on the old, ordinary, already quite tired of many, but still a very burning and controversial topic of the differences between such a nationality as a Jew and such a type of person as a Jew. Yes, I started talking again about truly the greatest phenomenon of times and peoples.

It is no secret that these concepts (especially in this period in the history of peoples who have been living for a long time in the territory that is listed as “Russia” on school maps), when the question of nationalism and everything that contributes to it and not so much, torments a huge number of minds and minds, I want to note, not the very latest) have become in our time often confused, incorrectly interpreted, and sometimes even in the right case for someone (although they could have done it: why once again confuse what people still can’t unravel?) replace each other.

It’s just that I would like to quickly sort out these concepts - if not once and for all, then at least for the next year.

Firstly, let’s still remember what all the world’s explanatory dictionaries mean by the word “Jew” and what its basic, more or less correct meaning is.

A Jew is, first of all, not an ominous follower of Zionist secret texts, ancient manuscripts and books, not a participant in a terrible “occupation” Judeo-Masonic conspiracy that destroys all living and healthy things, but simply a person who speaks his own language, communicates in it, is educated in the field the history of their people, their traditions. And he doesn’t necessarily have to be religious and obsessed with ancient traditions and customs - after all, in our country, for example, they no longer wear bast shoes and lead a completely modern life, and the Israelis have long been a completely secular people, but they respect believers in their country (usually closed on Saturday). Well, and also, a Jew, as I used to understand, either lives on the territory of Israel or has some connection with this country.

The rest are simply pretending to be Jews. This is as stupid as calling yourself Russian without ever living in this bitterly cold country and without knowing its language even in its most primitive forms. After all, if we discard the above-described criteria for division according to cultural characteristics, we will get exactly the same thing that modern domestic nationalists do not like: anyone can become a Russian and a Jew if they want. Although, personally, I don’t see anything wrong with this - let people play. This is at least better than much else that society loves now.

The main thing is to know when to stop and remember that such concepts as homeland and home are very relative.

A culture like the Jewish one, with all its symbols, traditions and rituals, has the right to exist just like everyone else. Moreover, it is quite beautiful and very ancient. And all human prejudices based on some supposed malevolence, danger, Sotoninism of some symbols of this culture (such as 666, the devil, magendavid) are just ordinary brain programming, based exclusively on physical reactions, weakly connected with something of the greatest spiritual, wise and eternal. Because pure truth can never be the product of lengthy debates, studies and ugly human emotions, and people are such creatures that if they need it, then they can find the sacred and right even in the most absurd things and phenomena, as long as there is peace in their hearts .

Symbolism is a very diverse science and the elements in it (even if we are initially accustomed to them as opposites) often intersect and interact, so judging about good and bad symbols is as absurd as judging which is better - tomatoes or cucumbers. So it’s all about stubborn self-programming, which, as a rule, starts from some personal complexes of a person and pursues rather primitive and selfish goals.

So, little by little we sorted things out with the Jews. What then is a “Jew”?

For some reason, some people like to cite as examples the negative textual statements of Russian classic writers. In their writings, bad and unpleasant people are openly called Jews. I agree, due to the fact that the word Yid is etymologically directly associated with Jews, their arguments sound quite convincing at first. (I myself, when I saw such proposals from Gogol, I will say, was pretty shocked.)

But let's dig into the history of the Russian language and literature.

It turns out that the word Yid for Russian writers only served as a substitute for many words that could be used to christen any nasty character in history. That is, “Jew” in the Russian verbal tradition is not the same as “Jew,” as many today, without thinking, prefer to think.

Mean, sycophantic, hypocritical, disgustingly harmful, ugly deceitful and false, painfully destructive selfish and greedy people, very pathetic, weak and complex people due to fears - these are synonyms for the word “Jew” in earlier centuries. Such people were, are and will be for a long time. And they, naturally, have many common features among themselves that have nothing to do with such a concept as “Jew”.

But not everyone understands this, so the line between an early Russian person and his transition into the category of Jewish Jews is very vague and changeable. It’s worth giving a reason and wanting it.

But if we consider everything from an independent and sober point of view, then it is quite clear that there are both Russians and Jews (although I personally no longer rely on such a concept as nationality, but simply perceive different people who experience beauty and eternity with different sides), and just nerds who can be of any nationality. The current question is whether this specifically chosen nationality has them.

Although nerds are also different...