Tourism Visas Spain

Riddles about squares and parks. Riddles about countries. Quests about what can be seen on the city streets

How to introduce a child to knowledge of geography? Very simple! Give him a map and stock up on our riddles about countries and continents! Very simple and accessible riddles will serve as an excellent tool for studying elementary geography. This knowledge is very important, it will be useful to him in completely different life situations, it would be good if he received this knowledge in an accessible and playful form now!

We have collected a large and interesting collection of riddles about countries and continents that will be fun and playful to solve not only for children, but also for adults. Develop correctly with our riddles about countries and continents.

There are giant mountains here -
Tibet, Altai, Pamir,
Carpathians and Balkans.
The whole world knows them.
Here the rivers are Ob and Angara,
Don, Volga, Lena and Kura.
Forest diversity
In our native...

We will find it on the globe
Two different poles!
And we’ll find it at Yuzhny
A continent covered in ice!

Here, among the polar ice floes,
The penguin is trampling importantly.
This continent is deserted
And the penguin is here as a guide.
He is ready to tell people
How beautiful...

Try to guess
What is this edge?
Everything around is white and white -
Covered with white snow.
Snow is falling from a low cloud,
The frost is bitter day and night.
Wind whistles, blizzards howl -
The region is cold and icy.

There are sharks scurrying around and gorillas jumping.
Scary "big evil crocodiles"
They will bite you, beat you and offend you.”
Remember that place where you can't walk?

Burnt with heat
Desert Sahara.
But among the savannah -
Elephants and monkeys
Lions, zebras and giraffes
Walking in the hot...

It contains the Kalahari Desert,
There are plenty of mirages in the Sahara.
This southern continent
And the area is large.

Only in a big, green country
Kangaroo lives smart.
He won't abandon his children
He carries them with him in his bag.

This is a miracle continent
He is beautiful and small.
And there's only one on it
Picturesque country.
In other places there are such animals
I can hardly find it
After all, a kangaroo among the steppes
He only walks in...

What kind of miracle? In the center of the city
Snow-white mass.
Someone laid out shells
Like giant toys.
(Sydney Opera House)

A boot floats in the sea
Thousands of years and never got wet!
And people live on it -
Who will name it for us?
(Italy and Italians)

Here surrounded by blue seas
A green boot is floating.
In it, for Christmas gifts
Or for the New Year,
So many things are hidden at once,
What you can't do in a year:
Ancient cities,
Rivers and canals
Orange groves,
Yachts, carnivals,
Mountains and so on...
And it's all - …

The bell tower got angry
On the wrong project
And tilted a little
To make an effect.
(Leaning Tower of Pisa)

This region is far from us,
We call him...
(Far East)

Everything is mixed here: north and south,
Hot sun and whistling blizzards.
(Far East)

In this glorious city
There is an area of ​​the ancient museum
Gladiators fought here
In the Colosseum arena

Could fit all your friends
Huge Roman...

To the sound of Spanish castanets
There is a fire burning in my soul.
I know: there is nothing better in the world,
What is yours, Spain, ...!

We'll eat ravioli
And ride a gondola.
The city stands on the water,
Famous all over the world!

Instead of streets and boulevards
This city has canals.
Along the canals there are motor ships,
Fashionable transport for the people.

With the huge Mount Fuji
Large city near a volcano
Hundreds of people enter the subway
The city of the future is...

This is a volcano, not a pit.

There is no higher “roof of the world”!
It's called...

In the first syllable there is a bow,
Poses variety.
There is no war - in the second.
The word is mountains in Asia.

It contains the Kalahari Desert,
There are plenty of mirages in the Sahara.
This southern continent
And the area is large.

What do we call the sea?
What does Tallinn and St. Petersburg wash?
Everyone knows, I think, about him.
So, who is the first to answer?

On the waters of this river
The famous "Aurora" stands
Having managed to go down in history,
By giving a signal - a signal of terror.

There are roads - you won’t pass,
You won't cut the grass in the meadows,
You can't pick mushrooms in the forests
And you can’t cast your gaze from the mountains to the ground.
Author Yuri Chistyakov

Do you want your child to be well versed in geography? Then you should definitely introduce your child to interesting riddles, which we have collected in one useful section - riddles about countries. Here you will also find fascinating riddles about continents and all kinds of attractions, which is also very useful for the overall development of every child.

  1. ← Previous Riddles about transport
  2. You read:

    We caught our river
    They brought her home
    The stove was hot
    And we swim in winter.

Water pipes

    He is the rocking chair and the bed,
    It's good to lie on it.

    Then they will open
    They'll close it
    Here she is creaking
    And whines.

    If I stood up, I would reach the sky.

    Warms batteries better
    It's warmer and more fun with him.

    We sit while the night is upon us,
    As soon as it dawns, we leave.


    Four brothers are running along the same road,
    But they won’t catch up with each other.

    We need to buy bread
    Or give a gift, -
    You and I will take the bag,
    And we go outside
    There we walk along the shop windows
    And we go to...

    From corner to corner
    Everything is sweeping around...

    I'm lying above the river,
    I hold both banks.

    Suddenly out of the black darkness
    Bushes grew in the sky
    And they are blue,
    Crimson, gold
    Flowers are blooming
    Unprecedented beauty.
    And all the streets below them
    They also turned blue
    Crimson, gold,

    The monster's emerald eye began to glow.
    So, you can cross the street now.

Traffic light

    At the very crossroads
    The three-eyed sorcerer hangs,
    But he never looks
    Three eyes at once.

Traffic light

    He's not himself
    Not easy.
    He's the boss
    That's all there is to it
    Cars at once
    Follow him

Traffic light

    Three eyes - three lights.
    Very important for me,
    So that the eye glows green,
    I'll go home then.

Traffic light

    On the wide pavement
    A stern guard stood up.
    How to look with a red eye -
    This means it’s dangerous for us to go.

Traffic light

    You can pour it, but you can’t deliver it.

    The cat is standing
    About four legs.


    Where does this happen?
    What is the earth above your head?

    He runs into the distance but does not bother,
    Friendly with legs.

    The houses stand
    They look at each other.
    Pedestrians are walking
    They carry bags.
    And cars
    They drove off somewhere.

    You walk - there lies ahead,
    If you look back, he’s running home.

    Mushrooms are born
    One sprout
    Standing along the path
    Smooth backs,
    The old mushroom breaks down
    A new one is growing.

Street With Houses

    Stands all day -
    He's not lazy.
    And when the evening comes -
    It will start working.

    Standing in the garden among the pond
    A column of silver water.

    Lay down asphalt belt
    Through a hundred villages.

    Girded with a stone belt
    Hundreds of cities and villages.

    I think I'm very handsome
    I stand on thick legs.
    But here is a mushroom picker and a very happy one,
    He will take me into his container.


    He stood on a strong leg,
    Now it's in a basket.


    That mushroom is very pale
    And has not been eaten by anyone yet,
    Because it's poisonous
    And he is very famous for this.

Death cap

    I am not a simple toadstool, -
    Very poisonous.
    Yes, imagine me like this
    All covered in mystery!

Death cap

    Grow on the edge
    Red-haired girlfriends
    Calling them ….


    Red-haired girlfriends are standing at the edge of the forest,
    Calling them...


    In the forest under the Christmas tree there is a baby -
    Just a hat and a leg.

    Wearing a hat, not a man, standing on one leg, not a heron, living in the forest, not a beast.

    Drilled the earth
    I left the spine
    He came into the world himself,
    He covered himself with a hat.

    One summer I'm in the forest
    He walked between the trees.
    Lo and behold, there’s a hat on your foot!
    What did I find?

    Who puts a hat on their foot?

    Little baby
    Passed through the earth
    I found Little Red Riding Hood.

    Yesterday we went into the woods,
    And what did we find there?
    He stood on a thick leg,
    In a strong hat by the path.

The city, streets, houses, special buildings - all this is of great interest to little researchers. They are curious about everything. Why are they called that and why do they exist? And after an informative conversation, it will be interesting to solve riddles about the city and everything that is in it.

Quests about houses

They are the main part of cities. Without them, large and simply huge settlements simply would not exist. That's why riddles about the city begin with rhymes related to houses.

1. There are a hundred apartments in it,

This is a whole mini-world.

Sometimes there is a skyscraper -

You can't see it through a telescope.

2. A separate family lives in it:

Dad, mom, brother and me.

It has rooms for us,

There is a rug on the floor.

There is also a kitchen, a bedroom, and a living room.

I didn’t mention the bathroom and toilet...


3. Every home has one

The floor below everyone is zero!

There are almost no windows in it,

Only slots for cats.

They will climb into it in the snow,

Will protect from frost, wind and dogs.

Tasks about what can be seen on the streets of the city

Houses line up into streets. While walking along them you can see a lot of interesting things. Continuation of tasks about the city and everything that is found on its streets.

1. There is a road in the middle,

There are houses on the sides.

There are a lot of pedestrians walking

And the cars drive.

2. There is a column of them along the road

He stands and waits all day.

While it is light, everyone is dozing sleepily.

The night will come and the light will come on.

3. To cross the road,

We find a pillar with eyes.

The light is red - we are standing.

Green - we're walking happily.

(Traffic light)

Quests about special buildings

Shops, kindergartens and cinemas, as well as many other objects accompany people's lives. Therefore, when asking children riddles about the city, you definitely need to remember these buildings.

1. There are people in it in even rows,

While the lights are off, they sit,

They eat popcorn and watch movies,

And the light will be given, “See you!” They say.


2. In this house of children all mothers

In the mornings they lead quickly.

Here are toys and pajamas,

Teacher and many friends.


3. If you need cookies,

Bread, sausages, sweets,

It's in this establishment

Nobody will tell you no.


Quests about cities of the world

The first will be riddles about cities, which are among the most famous in Russia.

1. This city is surrounded by dense rings.

It was founded long ago on seven hills.

Everyone knows the Kremlin with its bright stars.

For Russia, this city is like the Sun in the sky.

2. This city is built of stone

And it is located at the mouth of the Neva.

It is decorated with lions and fountains,

And at night bridges are built over the river.

(Saint Petersburg)

And in conclusion - riddles about cities - the capitals of other states.

1. Eiffel once built a tower in it.

It is a city of fashion, style, love.

It is important for all lovers to visit it,

To live longer than a century in advice and love.

2. This city is very wonderful.

They have an old custom,

So that at five o'clock you can drink tea and eat toast.