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An almost dissolved city. Reutov. Almost dissolved city General data and historical facts

origin of name

Where the name of the city of Reutov came from is not known for certain. There are many legends, each of which offers its own version of the origin. One of the legends connects the name of the city with the Vladimirsky tract. As you know, exiles were driven along this road to hard labor in Siberia. Not far from the place where the city later arose, relatives of the exiles stayed, accompanying their relatives to hard labor. When saying goodbye forever, the relatives “roared,” hence the name. There is a legend connecting the name of the city with the Moldavian river Reut. On this river lived Moldovan traders who came to Reutov land and founded a settlement. The third legend is based on rumors that a huge number of “howler” bears lived on the site of today’s Reutov.

First mentions

The first mention of the Reutovo wasteland dates back to 1573 (or 1574). The mention can be found in the Scribe Book of the 16th century. At first, the wasteland was part of the Vasiltsev camp (Moscow principality). Then the wasteland came under the jurisdiction of the Moscow district of the Moscow province. The officially accepted version is that a signal line ran through the territory of the modern city, which was part of the defense. The line consisted of watchtowers on which bells, otherwise called reuts, were installed. Bells were needed to transmit signals to Moscow about an approaching enemy. One of the towers with a bell was located at the intersection of modern Victory Streets, and. The tower was located at the highest point in the area. Like all other towers, a reut bell hung here. A civil servant, a clerk, worked at the watchtower. He was responsible for the sentinel service. The clerk received the nickname Reut (from the bell). Not far from the tower, a farmstead was founded, called Reutovo. In the Scribe Book of the 16th century one can also find references to the village of Ivanovskoye, the village of Krutitsy and the Pishchalnikovo wasteland, which later became part of the city of Reutov (the village of Ivanovskoye was partially included).

Seltso Reutovo

From the 17th to the 18th centuries, the village of Reutovo belonged to the princes Dolgoruky and Turenin. In the 18th century, Reutovo became a village. In documents from 1709 one can find references to this village as the property of Prince V.M. Dolgorukov. In Reutovo there were stables and cattle yards, 2 stable yards and a votchinniki yard. 9 people also lived here. At the end of the 18th century, about 200 people lived in Reutovo and the village of Pishchalnikovo (in those years the name was written using a soft sign). In 1787, Reutovo was bought by Moscow prince N.I. Maslov. The new owner turned the village into a luxurious country estate. However, at the beginning of the 19th century, Maslov went bankrupt. Reutovo was sold to A. M. Pokhvistnev, an officer-lieutenant colonel.

In the 1820s, Pokhvistnev built a paper spinning factory in his village, which produced high-quality products. In 1831, at the All-Russian Exhibition, Reutov yarn was awarded a large gold medal. But in the same 1831, Pokhvistnev sold the village. The new owner of Reutovo was the landowner E.I. Dubrovina. In 1833, the village passed to A.S. Mastinina. And in 1840, the titular councilor M.E. Romanov became the owner of Reutovo.

Factory village

The next owner of the village and the paper spinning factory was the Moscow merchant Sergei Mazurin. The new owner rebuilt the factory and built a brick factory. Dormitory buildings were erected for the company's employees. Thus, the factory village of Reutovo grew up behind the brick factory. In 1860, the factory became the “Partnership of the Reutov Manufactory”. According to the List of Populated Places of the Moscow Province for 1862, in the owner's village of Reutovo there were 842 residents of both sexes - 380 males and 462 females.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, manufacturer Karl Rabeneck bought the factory from the Partnership and owned it until the end of 1918. Even before the October Revolution, in 1913, a railway line was built through Reutovo to. At the same time, the Reutovo station was built, which has retained its name to this day.

Shortly before the October Revolution, the factory village of Reutovo consisted of a “metalworks”, that is, a residential building where mechanics and mechanics lived, five barracks, a wooden and brick school, a club (or People’s House), an estate called the “ark”, a hospital, utility rooms, residential buildings for factory managers and Rabeneck's house with a park. In the very center of the village there was a bakery and a trading house. More than three thousand people lived in the village. The territory of the plant and the village was surrounded by a high fence. The village could be left through one of four gates: Krutitsky, Nikolsky, Ivanovsky or Gorensky.

Workers' village

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR in 1928, the factory village of Reutovo received the status of a workers' village. The settlement was part of the Razinsky volost (modern Balashikha district, since 2005 the Balashikha urban district). A year later, in 1929, due to administrative changes, the workers' village was transformed into a regional center. The Reutovsky district included 37 settlements. The district and village Council of Workers' Deputies was located in the workers' village.

In the 1930s, industrial development began in Reutovo. Artels were created: “Stroyoborudovanie” (today: JSC “ACT”), “Bolshevik” (today: JSC “Reutov Weaving Factory”), “Utilsyrye” (today: JSC “Plast”), as well as many different small enterprises.

City status

The workers' village of Reutovo received city status on October 7, 1940 by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. The name was also changed to Reutov.

In the spring of 1941, the regional center was moved to Balashikha, since this city was considered more industrially developed than Reutov. Reutovsky district becomes Balashikha. The population of Reutov in the early 40s increased to almost 15 thousand people. The city had 20 standard houses where spinning factory workers lived, and 6 barracks.

During the Great Patriotic War, more than 1,200 people were mobilized from Reutov to the front. Those remaining in the rear were supposed to help build protective lines around the capital. 2 evacuation hospitals were opened in the city. More than six hundred Reutovites did not return from the battlefields, defending their homeland. 254 of the dead were spinning mill workers. In the post-war years, the memory of the victims was immortalized on Victory Street by the Glory Memorial Complex with an eternal flame. Five Reutovites were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union: I. A. Kormilkin, V. N. Barsukov, A. P. Retyunsky, S. I. Lobanov, V. P. Sherstnev. The title of Hero of Russia was awarded to two residents of the city: B. A. Vorobyov and S. A. Burnaev.

Post-war Reutov

After the end of the war, the city begins to actively build up and develop. In the mid-50s, the OKB-52 aviation and missile enterprise was created in the city (later it was renamed). At the moment, the company is called FSUE NPO MASHINOSTROENIYA. Academician V.N. Chelomey, twice Hero of Socialist Labor, was appointed general designer of this enterprise. NPO MASHINOSTROENIYA becomes a world leader in the field of high technologies and knowledge-intensive industries. The enterprise received the status of a research and production center of federal significance. Currently, a military-industrial corporation is being created headed by this enterprise. Reutov owes his further development to “NPO MASHINOSTROENIYA”, since the enterprise can be considered a city-forming one. New residential buildings, gyms, kindergartens, schools, a Palace of Culture and much more were built in the city. Thanks to NPO MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, Reutov became one of the Russian science cities.

In December 1970, Reutov was classified as a city of regional subordination by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. The city still belonged to the Balashikha district.

Post-war Reutov was able to rise to a new level of development, significantly exceeding the pre-war level. In addition to a huge number of residential buildings, 2 parks appeared in the city (in the area of ​​the Mir Palace of Culture and in the southern part of the city), and the Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. One of the city's popular attractions is the Children's Opera House. An art gallery was opened. The reconstruction work of the Start stadium has been completed. A major renovation has been completed at the local history museum. Active housing construction continues in Reutov.

The city of Reutov is located on the territory of the state (country) Russia, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Europe.

Which federal district does the city of Reutov belong to?

The city of Reutov is part of the federal district: Central.

The Federal District is an enlarged territory consisting of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In what region is the city of Reutov located?

The city of Reutov is part of the Moscow region.

A characteristic of a region or a subject of a country is the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements that are part of the region.

The Moscow region region is an administrative unit of the state of Russia.

Population of the city of Reutov.

The population of the city of Reutov is 99,989 people.

Year of foundation of the city of Reutov.

Year of foundation of the city of Reutov: XV century.

In what time zone is the city of Reutov located?

The city of Reutov is located in the administrative time zone: UTC+4. Thus, you can determine the time difference in the city of Reutov, relative to the time zone in your city.

Telephone code of the city of Reutov

Telephone code of the city of Reutov: +7 495 +7 498. In order to call the city of Reutov from a mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +7 495 +7 498 and then the subscriber’s number directly.

Official website of the city of Reutov.

Website of the city of Reutov, official website of the city of Reutov, or as it is also called “Official website of the administration of the city of Reutov”:

History of the city of Reutov

The first written mentions of this city date back to the 16th century. The so-called Scribe Book tells about the “wasteland” of Reutovo. The first name of the city lasted until 1940.

Many researchers agree that Reutov was formed in 1492-1495. Once upon a time, most of the wasteland belonged to single-yard farms. At first they had to cut down the forest to clear the area for arable land, and only after that they started building a house. There were few such farms; there was a fairly considerable distance between them and only a narrow path was laid.

The Reutovo wasteland was an integral part of the Vasiltsev camp and was part of the Moscow principality. Subsequently, her lands became part of the territory of the Moscow district of the Moscow province.

Origin of the city's name

There are a number of legends about the origin of Reutov. According to one of them, the origin of this name is directly related to the Vladimirsky tract, where residents wept as they saw off their loved ones who were driven away to Siberia. According to another version, the city was named after the Moldavian river of the same name. Allegedly, the inhabitants of those coastal areas once moved here, and they decided to preserve the name of the settlement as a reminder of their historical homeland. There is also an assumption that it was in the Reutov area that howler bears once lived, which later gave the city its name.

A popular version among historians is the one that talks about the presence of guard towers with bells, called reuts in Old Slavonic. It is known that such a tower was located exactly where Lenin, Pobeda and Gagarin streets now intersect. The person who watched the bells was called “reut”. Later, the area began to be called similarly.

The Scribe Book has been preserved, which talks about settlements that later became part of the city of Reutovo. It included the village of Krutitsy, the village of Ivanovskoye, as well as the already well-known Pishchalnikovo wasteland by that time. By the way, it is documented that from the 17th to the 18th centuries the city was owned by the Russian princes Dolgorukov and Turenin.

Reutovo is a village owned by Vasily Dolgorukov

Historians testify that at the beginning of the 18th century the city of Reutovo became a village and came into the possession of Prince Vasily Dolgorukov. This fact is mentioned in the Census Book of 1709. At that time, only nine peasant souls lived here, but by the end of the century 181 people lived here. This happened, among other things, due to the annexation of the village of Pishchalnikovo. There were 13 peasant farmsteads and three large fields. When the property was transferred to the Moscow prince Nikolai Ivanovich Maslov, the once small settlement of Reutovo became an excellent country estate.

At the beginning of the 19th century, Maslov went bankrupt, and he had to part with Reutovo; it came into the possession of the famous merchant I. F. Pokhvisnev.

In 1824, a paper spinning mill was opened in the city, which improved its economic well-being. In 1860, this enterprise began to be called the “Partnership of the Reutov Manufactory”. Until 1918, the factory was the property of Karl Eduardovich Rabenek.

The history of the city is quite rich; one could talk about it and talk about it. Let us note that a truly important event occurred in 1912 - a railway was built and put into operation from Reutovo to Balashikha. A station was opened, named after the city, which is still in operation today.

The city of Reutov in our time

Now the population of Reutov is 71 thousand people. Occupying an area of ​​900 hectares. The city is considered an important industrial and scientific center. Reutov is located next to the Russian capital, with which it is separated only by the Moscow Ring Road. In the city of Reutov there are about twelve catering enterprises, 25 organizations are engaged in service issues in the domestic sphere, and at least one hundred and two are engaged in trading activities.

Also, speaking about Reutov, it should be noted that:

  • there is a printing house, warehouse complexes and bases that are federally owned;
  • there are about one and a half thousand companies of various levels, not counting small firms, of which there are also many;
  • Medicine in the city is at a fairly high level, as indirectly evidenced by four pharmacies, six clinics, a dental clinic and a number of other medical institutions.

Reutov also has a medical and sanitary unit No. 5 and a city Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance. A large number of educational institutions are open and functioning for children, including eight secondary schools, one shift school, two colleges and a gymnasium. There are at least 15 preschool education organizations, as well as an orphanage where children with speech and hearing impairments are educated. Plus, in Reutov there is a House of Children's Creativity, where young residents of the city develop their talents.

As for famous personalities of the city, it should be noted that 12 writers and 14 professional artists live here. Reutov also attracted the attention of journalists and poets.

The cultural life of the city is quite rich, primarily thanks to the cinema and club, as well as an art gallery. The city also has a Children's Opera House, where performances are often given.

The city's transport network is quite well developed, there are at least six minibus lines operating here, and the service of minibuses is well established. There are 102 payphones.

The coat of arms appeared at Reutov in 1993. At the same time, the Charter of Local Self-Government arose. The mayor of the city supervises the work of self-government bodies. Reutov has a prosecutor's office, a police department, an archive, a court, an Ecology Committee and a number of other important administrative facilities. The city has well-developed social protection of the population, as three relevant departments deal with this.

Reutov is located in the center of the Moscow region, bordering its capital in the west and south, and Balashikha in the east. It is a science city and part of the Moscow agglomeration. Divided into northern and southern parts by the Gorky Railway. The area of ​​the city is 8.89 km².

The exact year of formation of the village of Reutovo. Most scientists believe that this is 1492-95. The first mention of it was made in the 16th century. At the beginning of the 18th century, Reutovo became a village belonging to the Dolgorukovs until the end of the century. Subsequently, the village changed owners several times, until the merchant Sergei Alekseevich Mazurin acquired it in 1843 and founded several industrial enterprises. Because of this, the village became a factory town. In 1913, Reutovo was crossed by the railway to Balashikha.

In 1928, the factory village acquired the status of a workers' village, and the following year it became a regional center. Eleven years later, Reutovo became the city of Reutov, but at the same time it was deprived of the status of a regional center.

In 1955, the aviation and missile enterprise OKB-52 (then TsKBM, currently OJSC Military-Industrial Corporation NPO Mashinostroeniya) was founded. Its head was Academician Vladimir Nikolaevich Chelomei. In 1960-61, the city was part of Moscow along with the forest park protective belt of Moscow (LPZP).

In 2003, the city became a science city for a period of 24 years.

Population of Reutov for 2018 and 2019. Number of residents of Reutov

Data on the number of city residents are taken from the Federal State Statistics Service. The official website of the Rosstat service is

The data was also taken from the unified interdepartmental information and statistical system, the official website of EMISS

The website published data on the number of residents of Reutov. The table shows the distribution of the number of residents of Reutov by year; the graph below shows the demographic trend in different years.

Graph of population changes in Reutov:

Ethnic names: Reutovites, Reutovtsy, Reutovchanin, Reutovets, Reutovchanka, Reutovka.

Reutov photo of the city. Photo of Reutov

Information about the city of Reutov on Wikipedia.

Located in the Meshchera Lowland, 15 kilometers east of Moscow. The area of ​​the settlement is 8.9 square kilometers.

General data and historical facts

According to historical data, the first village on the site of the modern city was founded at the end of the 15th century.

At the beginning of the 17th century, the settlement received the status of a village and the name Reutovo.

In the mid-19th century, a paper spinning mill, a brick factory and barracks for workers were built in the village.

In 1913, a railway line to Balashikha was built through the village of Reutovo.

In 1928, by decree of the country's authorities, the settlement received the status of a workers' village. A year later, Reutovo became the administrative center of the newly formed Reutovsky district.

In October 1940, the workers' settlement was transformed into a city and received the name Reutov.

In 1955, the defense aviation and missile enterprise OKB-52 was opened in Reutov, which employed almost 10 thousand people before the collapse of the USSR.

In 1970, by decree of the country's authorities, Reutov received the status of a city of regional subordination.

At the end of 2003, the city of Reutov was awarded the title of science city until the end of 2027.

The telephone code of Reutov is 498, 495. The postal code is 143960.


Climate and weather

A temperate continental climate prevails in Reutov. Winters are moderately cold and long. The average temperature in February is -7 degrees.

Summer is warm and short. The average temperature in July is +19.4 degrees.

Total population of Reutov for 2018-2019

Population data was obtained from the State Statistics Service. Graph of changes in the number of citizens over the past 10 years.

The total number of residents for 2018 is 103.8 thousand people.

The data from the graph shows a strong increase in population from 81,600 people in 2008 to 103,779 people in 2018.

As of January 2018, Reutov ranked 165th out of 1,113 cities in the Russian Federation in terms of the number of residents.


1.Monument to the rocket "Meteorite"- a modern monument in the form of a powerful cruise missile was installed in the park near the headquarters of NPO Mashinostroeniya in November 2017.

2.Church in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God- an Orthodox church was opened in 1999 in the city of Reutov.

3.Start Stadium- this sports facility for 2 thousand spectators was opened in 1964. In 2006, the youth football teams of Russia and Turkey held a meeting at the stadium.


There is a railway station in Reutov that connects the city with Moscow, Elektrougli, Pavolovsky Posad, Elektrostal, Noginsk.

Public transport is represented by buses, trolleybuses and minibuses.

From the city bus station there are bus routes to Moscow,