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How to find out if there is a ban on traveling abroad.

India Often, when traveling abroad, citizens are faced with the impossibility of leaving due to certain circumstances.

Thus, defaulters may be subject to such prohibitions until the debt is fully repaid. Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem

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In this material, we will consider ways to find out about the existence of a ban on traveling abroad from Russia (restrictions) in 2019, what official sources can be used to find out this information, and we will also consider the legal side of the issue.

Important points

For some reason, many Russians find themselves unable to travel abroad. However, they often do not even suspect that certain restrictions are imposed on them by law.

To prevent difficulties and troubles during the passport control process, it is recommended to check in advance whether a ban has been imposed on you.

You can complete this procedure online; in this article we will tell you where to check the ban on traveling abroad from Russia and provide step-by-step instructions.

Basic moments

The presence of a ban on traveling abroad is based on significant reasons, this could be a significant debt to the tax authority or work as a civil servant.

However, we note that in case of a small or conflict situation with alimony, it does not imply an automatic ban on leaving.

If a citizen is faced with an illegal imposition of restrictions, he has the right to appeal to the courts.

Based on practice, the court’s decision in most cases is made in favor of the plaintiff. A strict restriction on travel abroad may only apply in certain situations.

Thus, a ban is imposed if a person has debts under a court decision to foreclose on property.

The prohibition also applies if proceedings against a citizen are not initiated by judicial institutions.

In general, the ban is a last resort if the debtor completely ignores the need to repay the debt.

Let us consider the reasons and grounds for which a person’s right to travel outside the Russian Federation is temporarily limited:

  • conviction for committing a crime;
  • completion of military or any civil service upon conscription;
  • employment in the FSB;
  • being under investigation or accused of committing a crime;
  • the citizen provided deliberately false information to prepare documents for traveling abroad;
  • access to state secrets;
  • ignoring sanctions and obligations imposed by the court.

To defaulters

It is legally possible to establish restrictions on leaving the Russian Federation for citizens who ignore their obligations to pay taxes and other payments.

A travel ban is imposed for the following debts:

  • payment;
  • credit obligations;
  • unpaid ;

It is important to note that the ban does not apply to all debtors, but only to those who completely ignore all notices and warnings.

The decision on a travel ban is made by a judicial authority. Grounds for which the ban on traveling outside the Russian Federation applies:

  • debts exceed 10 thousand rubles;
  • the citizen has been presented with a writ of execution or enforcement proceedings have been started;
  • the writ of execution is overdue for 3 years after the court’s verdict.

If a citizen repays the entire amount of the debt, all restrictions on leaving are lifted. Also, restrictions may be lifted if an agreement is reached on payment of the debt with the bailiff service.

Civil servants

When applying bans and restrictions on travel abroad for civil servants, it is necessary to take into account the institution in which the citizen works.

Persons who are employed in closed institutions, as well as those who have access to state secrets, do not have the right to travel abroad.

Such a ban is determined by a period or regulation; the period can be extended to 10 years by a special commission.

This period is determined by the level of secrecy of the documentation to which the citizen has access.
For judges, the need to apply a ban is not prescribed by law.

However, due to their access to state secrets, such restrictions may be applied to them for other reasons.

For a child

Such an application is submitted personally by the parent or guardian to the migration agency.

An application can be submitted at any time without giving reasons. However, there is no need to necessarily notify the other parent of such a prohibition.

The application must indicate the applicant’s passport details, his permanent place of residence, as well as the child’s details.

The application will need to be accompanied by a passport and notarized documents that confirm parental rights, adoption or guardianship of the child.

Legal regulation

The rules, reasons and grounds for restrictions and bans on the travel of citizens outside the Russian Federation are contained in.

This regulatory act also sets out the rules regarding the possibility of minor children traveling abroad. To do this, you will need a notarized permission from the other parent.

How to check for a travel ban online

In 2019, you can check for restrictions or bans on leaving the country on the following online resources:

FSSP website

On this portal you can receive an official notification, which contains:

  • duration of the restriction;
  • number and date of the decision made;
  • name and address of the institution that prohibited departure.

Institutions that monitor compliance with legislative rules when citizens travel abroad - FSSP, FSIN, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and employing organizations.

They report to the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the emerging reasons for traveling abroad. If they disagree with the restriction, citizens can file lawsuits in the courts.

Algorithm for finding out information on the bailiff service website:

  • register on the service, create a personal account;
  • enter your region of residence and personal data;
  • if enforcement proceedings have been initiated against you, the service will detect you. Otherwise, you will receive a notification that no information was found for your request.

Through the State Services portal

Residents of Moscow can request up-to-date data on the State Services portal. All information on payments and fines is stored here, and citizens can also obtain data regarding debts that have arisen.

On the portal, citizens have the opportunity to pay their debt; this procedure can be completed in 10 minutes, without having to stand in line.

In order to conduct a check, a person must register and create a personal account.

After which the citizen has the opportunity to find out information about the existence of enforcement proceedings or arrears in tax payments, the number of unpaid fines from the traffic police.

All these services can be found on the main page of the site, and to search you just need to click on the required one and indicate your personal data to perform the search.

Official tax website

In your personal account on the official tax service, you can find out whether you have arrears on tax payments and fees.

To do this, the first thing you need to do is contact the tax office with your passport and request a login and password for access.

Video: ban on leaving Russia

Then on the website you need to go to the “Overpayment/Debt” section in your personal account, turn on the filter and get a list of taxes and fees for which there is an unpaid debt.

Note that the presence of debt in this department only implies the possibility of imposing restrictions.

How to cancel a restriction

The period of restrictions on traveling abroad is usually set at 6 months, after which the period can be extended. However, a citizen has the right to challenge this fact.

If a person competently approaches the filing of a statement of claim, then the court can cancel the prohibitions or restrictions.

Lifting the ban is permitted if the following conditions are met:

It is legally possible to lift restrictions or bans on the departure of a minor child from the Russian Federation.

A parent or guardian has the right to file a claim, and if the child reaches 10 years of age, his opinion will be taken into account during the consideration of the case by the court.

Let's look at how you can quickly correct your debt situation. If you have arrears on alimony or tax payments, and you need to travel abroad, then you will need to urgently pay the entire amount of the debt.

After making payment, contact the service employee and provide payment confirmation.

After this, the bailiff is obliged to formulate a resolution that cancels the restriction or ban, and promptly send it to the border service.

To speed up the process, check with the bailiff whether he has sent your documents to the border service.

You do not need to present this resolution when crossing the border, since border guards trust only information from internal authorities.

However, it can often take several weeks to send documents between departments, only after which you will be able to travel abroad.

So, we have examined the reasons and grounds for imposing restrictions and bans on the travel of citizens outside the Russian Federation.

How to find out if leaving the country is allowed? Is there a ban on flying abroad? How to find out for what reasons they may not be released from the Russian Federation? We will discuss these and other important issues in our article.

If you are in arrears on any obligations, this does not mean that you are prohibited from leaving the country. Moreover, the existence of a debt must be notified in writing to the registration address. Recently, residents of Russia have been threatened with a ban on leaving their country due to existing debts. But in practice it's not so scary. And very rarely do cases occur when you are suddenly found at the border on the list of malicious defaulters because of a debt of one hundred rubles.

But everyone should still be armed. According to the law of the Russian Federation, the procedure for imposing a ban on visiting other countries is very complicated. This measure is used as the last option to suppress debtors. If you comply with the laws and pay taxes or other obligations on time, then there will be no complaints against you and you can safely leave the country.

Reasons for the ban

The first thing you need to check before leaving the country is whether you have the status of a restricted citizen. You can check it in person at government service offices or via the Internet. State portals provide information about all debts and their status.

The most popular and most compelling reasons why they are not allowed to leave the country are if there is a suspicion of committing a criminal offense, provided that the citizen refuses military service and if there is a subpoena to court. A ban on crossing the border can be obtained due to the simplest and most ordinary payments, for example:

  • Overdue loan;
  • Any type of fine;
  • Non-payment of alimony;
  • Debt to pay for housing and communal services.

Leaving the country is prohibited not because you have an unpaid debt, for example, from 5 months ago. A taboo on traveling to other countries may be imposed provided that your debt has turned into a court case and a legal obligation has been imposed on you.

What does this mean? The debt has not been paid for some time and the creditor has lost hope of receiving settlement from you peacefully. The assignor goes to court and a case is opened regarding your issue and submitted for trial. Next, you are invited to a meeting and upon completion you are required to pay all debts and fines.

If the order is not followed, the applicant goes to the bailiffs. Next, the SP service employee sends a notice with information that you are given a few days to pay voluntarily. The debtor has 5 days to make payment and during these days he can still cross the border.

Upon completion of the allotted period, the bailiff has every reason to seize the debtor’s property or prohibit leaving the country. Only this service has the power to veto border crossings.

Next, the case is transferred to border control, this is the final authority that will detain you at the border. The document is sent to three addressees: the debtor, the border service and the FMS. But this method is used as a last resort, provided that the obligations are not paid and other methods do not affect the debtor. Or the total amount of debt is more than 30 thousand rubles.

Until a ban on leaving the country is imposed on you, a lot of time will pass, documents will be transferred from authority to authority. During this time, you can pay all debts and at any stage of the paperwork, present a receipt for payment and stop the process.

The ban is not lifetime, it lasts until you make payment. After six months, the restrictions are lifted from you, provided that the obligations are closed. Otherwise, the bailiff has the right to impose a second ban and this process can last indefinitely.

The actions of all services are described in Article 15 of the Federal Law of August 15, 1996 No. 114-FZ. There are no other rules and regulations for implementing the travel ban procedure.

All this does not mean that you can be calm and not worry about being added to the travel ban list. There are exceptions to the rules, for example, the court made a decision in absentia, without your participation (this type of hearing is now very often used in practice). But you were not notified in writing for a number of reasons. The most common of them, provided that you changed your address or city of residence and the court was unable to find you and invite you to the hearing. Then they have the right to hold the hearing without the participation of the accused party. And for the same reasons, the bailiff could not find you and transfer the court obligation to pay off the debts. It is in such cases that they resort to using restrictions on leaving the Russian Federation.

Check yourself for a ban on leaving the country

If you are still afraid that you will be stopped at the border and not allowed to leave. Contact the bailiff service at your place of registration. And submit a written application to receive a document stating your status.

Provided that you do not have the opportunity to personally attend the service, then a site called “NO FLIGHT” will help you. To check your status using an online resource, you need to provide personal information in the search window. Then you will instantly receive a report on your screen. It will contain detailed information about what debt you owe. If a ban exists, then measures must be taken to correct the situation.

All the reasons that will affect the possibility of departure

The database indicated that you have no debts. You have carefully checked the data on all possible services and portals. But there are still several reasons that will prevent you from leaving the country. In order to influence the situation, you must have information and be able to avoid or correct it.

Other reasons that affect the ability to leave the country:

  • Expiration date of the passport;
  • Possession of classified information of the Russian Federation;
  • It is prohibited to fly with a child under 18 years of age;
  • Service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When your passport expires, departure is naturally not possible, this is the most obvious reason of all. Only inattentive document holders can this happen at customs control. And then, provided that the service that sold you the ticket does not notice this. So, the most common case is when crossing the border by land. Statistics show that there are quite a lot of such cases, because foreign passports are used quite rarely.

If your position is limited to disclosure of your activities or you have an approved pass to secrets of a state nature. In this case, you are automatically prohibited from crossing the border of the Russian Federation.

There are cases of a ban if one of the parents or a third party flies abroad with a minor child. But there is no power of attorney for consent from the parent. In this case, the child is prohibited from flying, and so are you. If you have a letter from relatives or guardians, it will not help; only having a notarized power of attorney will give the child the right to fly. So, the main document for sending your child on vacation abroad is a power of attorney. The document can be executed by any notary on special paper, the approximate cost is 1,500 rubles. It is compiled without the presence of the child, the terms are set for one or several years, it all depends on your needs. It is more profitable to issue a power of attorney for the maximum period, since this does not affect the cost of notary services.

Read more about lifting the travel ban for a child.

Since 2014, there has been an unspoken rule for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. There is no official document, and this ban is contrary to the legislation of the Russian Federation. Employees are simply not given orders to travel abroad. In some departments they take away your passport, although you don’t even have access to classified information. For more detailed information about your status, check with your superiors at your place of duty. Naturally, an illegal ban is not always taken seriously. When crossing the border, the Ministry of Internal Affairs officer will not be deployed back, but upon return there will be big troubles in the service. Up to and including dismissal under article.

In 2018, they plan to resume travel abroad for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but not for everyone and only to certain countries.

A list of countries has been approved for employees in which they can spend their holidays and have the right to cross the border:

  • Abkhazia;
  • Azerbaijan;
  • Armenia;
  • Belarus;
  • Vietnam;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • China;
  • Cuba;
  • Tajikistan;
  • Turkmenistan;
  • Uzbekistan;
  • South Ossetia.

So, treat your obligations carefully and make payments on time.

The article discusses the questions that most often arise among tourists shortly before leaving for a foreign tour:

  1. Under what conditions may they not be allowed to go abroad?
  2. How to check if there is a travel ban
  3. What to do if there is a debt/ban

As the holidays approach, the media increasingly raises the topic of debts and fines, the holders of which are prohibited from traveling abroad. Let's figure out under what conditions you may be refused to cross the Russian border and what to do to avoid this.

Do you want to travel abroad? Pay off your debts!

So, in 2018, you may not be allowed to leave the country if there is a court decision to collect debt from you and enforcement proceedings initiated by a bailiff. In the absence of such production, problems with customs clearance should not arise.

You will not be prohibited from traveling abroad if you have a debt of less than 10,000 (in some cases, mentioned in Article 67 of Federal Law-229 “On Enforcement Proceedings”) / 30,000 rubles. In this case, the bailiff does not have the right to restrict departure and there will be no problems at the airport.

But it is possible to leave the country with a debt exceeding 30,000 rubles. In this case (when initiating enforcement proceedings), the decision on the ban is made by the bailiff.

For what debts can you be deprived of traveling abroad?

  • for tax arrears (including land and transport),
  • for loan debt,
  • for traffic police fines,
  • for debts on alimony, credit, housing and communal services and rent,
  • for other debts and non-payments.

Let's try to figure out how everything happens. Let's say you have a debt or arrears for housing and communal services, or maybe you forgot to pay a traffic fine. Representatives of the bank or organization sue you. You receive a summons, although a court decision may be made without your participation.

If the court finds the charges justified, then a decision is made to collect the debt and the case is transferred to the bailiff of your area. The latter, in turn, decides to restrict your travel and initiates enforcement proceedings. This information is sent to the country’s FSB border service, and your data is entered into the debtors’ database.

At the same time, persistent defaulters should remember that enforcement proceedings can be initiated several days before the departure date. And you may well find out about travel restrictions only at the airport. Therefore, if you have debts, fines or overdue loans, it is better to pay them off in advance or check whether they will allow you to safely cross the border.

Am I traveling abroad or not - online test

Thanks to the development of technology, you can find out this without leaving your home on the website of the Federal Bailiff Service - fssprus.ru. When you enter your last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, as well as region of registration, you will receive information about current and completed enforcement proceedings for a given period of time, their reason, with the start and end date. But even if the FSSP website tells you that everything is fine, and you know that you have debts, you cannot be 100% sure that proceedings will not be initiated shortly before your departure date.

To get complete information about the fines, arrears and other debts you have, as well as to see the likelihood of a ban on traveling abroad, check out the website Non-departure.rf. For verification, only your first name, last name, series and passport number are required. The advantage of this site is the prompt updating of data on the institution of enforcement proceedings. However, this information may appear on the FSSP website with a delay of up to 14 days. But you have to pay for the efficiency and completeness of the data. The service for checking travel bans Nevylet.rf is paid. The cost of one check is 300 rubles.

So, you found out about the presence of debt. What to do next?

Limit of 10,000 / 30,000 rubles

If enforcement proceedings have been initiated and the debt amount is more than 30,000 rubles, then the only way is to pay it off. If the debt does not exceed the amount of 30,000 rubles or there is no court decision yet, then you don’t have to pay anything. But it is worth remembering that the risk of being stopped at the border remains, because a case may be opened after your last check.

Since 2018, if the debt does not exceed 30,000 rubles (or 10,000 rubles, in some cases - see Article 67 of the Federal Law-229 “On Enforcement Proceedings”), the bailiff does not have the right to make a decision on restricting travel outside the Russian Federation.

Have you decided not to take risks and pay off your debts? Remember that information about their repayment does not immediately reach border guards and bailiffs. It may be delayed up to 14 days. Therefore, it is recommended to part with debts at least two weeks before departure.

You can pay fines both at the bank (using a receipt) and on the website Nevylet.rf. After this, it is advisable to obtain from the FSSP a copy of the resolution to terminate enforcement proceedings, including evidence of the lifting of the travel ban from you. After all, it is the termination of enforcement proceedings, and not your payment of the debt, that is the condition for your release abroad. You should take a copy of the resolution with you to the airport. Although it does not guarantee your passage through border control. The decision of the border guards will be based only on the presence or absence of your name in the debtor database.

Every person wants to visit as many beautiful and exotic places as possible that cannot be found in Russia. When all the fees and hassles are behind you, it’s time to think about whether you can easily travel to another country. Of course, such a ban does not apply to everyone.

Federal Law No. 114-FZ provides for a number of closed rules that prevent crossing the border of the Russian Federation.

Who is affected by the ban on traveling abroad?

Cases that temporarily restrict the right of a citizen of the Russian Federation to leave the country:

  • the citizen has been convicted of committing a crime of any kind;
  • is a conscript or is undergoing military or any other civilian service;
  • the citizen is an employee of the FSB;
  • a person is accused or suspected of committing a crime;
  • the traveler submitted knowingly false information to obtain documents required for departure;
  • a citizen of the Russian Federation has access to state secrets;
  • avoids obligations imposed by the court.

Certain features that should be taken into account in specific cases of each of the grounds for prohibiting travel outside the country:

  1. A citizen's criminal record may be a condition that prevents him from leaving the Russian Federation if a court conviction has been issued and has entered into legal force. The ban is lifted at the moment the criminal record expires (such terms are provided for in Article 86 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
    The following cases are exceptions:
    - the citizen has been pardoned or amnestied;
    - exclusion of this crime from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
    - the criminal case was terminated and the court verdict was overturned;
    - expiration of the statute of limitations of the sentence (the decision was not used due to circumstances that do not depend on the convicted person).
  2. If you are drafted into the army or perform other civilian service, then you are deprived of the right to travel abroad for the duration of your service. Exceptions apply to contract soldiers who have a commander’s permission to travel freely outside the Russian Federation or citizens who have been granted a deferment or exemption from conscription.
  3. According to the concluded contract, FSB employees are prohibited from leaving the country. If the need arises, you can submit a report on temporary lifting of the restriction 3 months before the departure date. If a positive decision is made on your request, it is given to you against receipt.
  4. A citizen suspected of committing a crime is subject to a ban on traveling abroad.
    The restriction is valid until:
    - the criminal case will be closed and all charges against the detainee will be dropped;
    - the penalty will be cancelled;
    - the acquittal will come into force;
    - the accused will be released without a preventive measure.
  5. If false information is provided by a person submitting documents to leave the country, the limitation period is 1 month. The basis for the ban is the proven fact of submitting knowingly false testimony.
  6. A citizen who has access to state secrets should find out whether he has a documented clearance or not, as well as what classification of secrecy the documents to which he is admitted have. There are 3 levels of secrecy: secret, top secret and documents of special importance. Access to documents with a “secret” level cannot serve as the only basis preventing travel outside the country.

In other cases, after the cessation of work with classified documents, 5 or more years must pass, depending on the degree of secrecy, before the travel restriction is lifted.

Restriction on travel abroad for debtors

According to statistics from the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, this group of restrictions has the largest percentage. The following circumstances preventing debtors from leaving the country apply in combination:

  • The debt exceeds the amount of 10,000 rubles;
  • A civil person has been presented with a writ of execution or enforcement proceedings have been initiated against him;
  • The writ of execution is overdue for 3 years after the court decision;
  • In this case, copies of the resolution must be sent both to the debtor and to the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

When all debt is repaid and enforcement proceedings are terminated, the travel ban is lifted. If a certain agreement between the citizen and the FSSP is reached, the restriction can also be lifted.

Restrictions on travel abroad for civil servants:

Each specific case of restrictions has its own set of features. It is worth considering the position and place of work of the citizen. Both persons serving in “closed” places and citizens with access to state secrets are subject to restrictions on leaving the country.

The travel ban is established for the period specified in the employment contract or regulatory legal act, which can be extended up to 10 years by the Interdepartmental Commission. It all depends on the degree of secrecy of the documents to which you have access.

The law does not provide for restrictions on leaving the country for judges. But they, like citizens who have access to state secrets, may be affected by travel restrictions for other reasons.

Where can I check restrictions on traveling abroad?

Today, the following online resources are available to learn about restrictions on leaving the country:

  1. Unified portal of public services - to fully work with the site you will need to register. In your personal account you can check the presence of unpaid fines and debts;
  2. On the official website of the tax office you can check your tax debts before your trip;
  3. The website of the bailiff service provides information on enforcement proceedings about all citizens with debt. The general database also contains data on all departments of bailiffs, where you can get advice or pay off your debt.

Under circumstances of any kind, the authorities of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia will issue a notification containing:

  • period of restriction;
  • number of the decision to ban travel and date;
  • Name and address of the organization prohibiting travel.

Organizations monitoring compliance with order when traveling outside the Russian Federation: FSSP, FSIN, Ministry of Internal Affairs, employer. They notify the units of the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia about circumstances that have arisen that prevent you from traveling abroad, after you have completed your documents.

If they do not agree with the decision to ban leaving the country, citizens can file a complaint with the court or the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Additional restrictions on traveling abroad since 2014

The regulation, signed in May 2014, prohibits prosecutors from entering 173 countries. The existence of an agreement between the United States and 173 countries on the extradition of citizens of other countries serves as an argument for including these states on the entry prohibited list. This restriction helps maintain the safety of employees of this department.

Similar restrictions previously affected employees of the FSKN (drug control), FSB (Federal Security Service) and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Ministry of Internal Affairs). The introduction of “sanctions” by some countries against the Russian Federation served as a ban on the entry of security forces into the territory of these states.

The State Duma of the Russian Federation has introduced a bill concerning persons with debts. According to it, bailiffs are required to send registered letters to citizens with the amount of debt and a notification that in case of non-payment of the debt, they will be denied the right to travel outside the country.

Another innovation concerns the ban on a child leaving the country by one of the parents or guardians. When submitting an application to the Main Directorate for Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia about preventing a child from leaving the country, the other parent will not be notified about this. Only in court can this ban be lifted.

Interesting fact: the legislation does not provide a list of grounds for lifting the ban, and the decision will be made by the court. If the child is 10 years old, his opinion is taken into account in this dispute.

If you have restrictions on leaving the country, even if you wish, you will not be allowed to travel abroad. Make sure once again whether you can freely travel outside the Russian Federation. This will help you avoid unnecessary problems at the customs checkpoint or in the airport terminal and will save your nerves. It is especially important if you cross the border by car, having driven 1000 kilometers in front of the checkpoint.

​Cases when a person buys a plane ticket, but at the airport finds out that he is prohibited from flying abroad, can be classified as ordinary. This happens quite often. And all because many do not even know that they are subject to restrictions of this kind. The group of citizens restricted from traveling abroad includes not only military personnel or those suspected of crimes, but also debtors and representatives of certain professions.

Debtors constitute a large group of people who are often subject to such restrictions. Bailiffs do not always inform debtors about the ban imposed on them. Since all notices are delivered by mail, it also happens that letters simply do not arrive at the actual address of the defaulter.

Who is prohibited from traveling abroad?

According to Russian legislation, several categories of citizens are not allowed to leave the country:

  • Citizens who are serving in the military or alternative civilian service (in some cases they have the right to leave the country with permission from the command, deferment or exemption from conscription).
  • Suspected and accused of committing a criminal offense;
  • With an outstanding criminal record (there are some exceptions when restrictions can be lifted: amnesty, exclusion of corpus delicti from criminal law);
  • Employees whose service is related to state secrets;
  • Judges, employees of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Drug Control Service, the prosecutor's office, the investigative committee, some civil servants (previously restrictions applied only to FSB employees, but after the sanctions this professional list expanded);
  • Citizens who provided false information during the preparation of exit documents;
  • Persons who have not fulfilled obligations imposed by the court;
  • Children who are prohibited from leaving the country by one of their parents or guardians.
  • Citizens who have not repaid their court debt (this could be debts for housing and communal services, various fines, late payment of alimony, outstanding loans) may not know that they belong to the category of those banned from traveling.
  • According to the Federal Migration Service, it is debtors who are most often subject to prohibitions. But this requires the presence of certain circumstances:
    • the amount of debt is 10 thousand rubles or more;
    • the debt is confirmed by a court decision;
    • the court did not provide for repayment of the debt in installments or deferment of the debt;
    • the writ of execution is not expired;
    • the debtor does not take steps to repay the debt.
  • Bailiffs are allowed to issue travel restrictions for a period of 6 months. But the temporary ban can be extended if the debtor does not fulfill the obligations. It is worth remembering that this is only the right of the bailiff, he is not obliged to make such decisions.
  • Fines imposed by the traffic police can also serve as a reason why a citizen has the right to temporarily not be allowed to go abroad, but only if there is a court decision; a ruling on an administrative offense alone is not enough.

How do you know if restrictions apply to you?

If you are not sure that the bans do not apply to you, it is better to look for your last name on specialized Internet sites. This check should be done before purchasing tickets, since it will be very difficult to return the money spent on them later.

  • On the bailiffs website (fssprus.ru) you can find information about your debts, if any, for all enforcement proceedings.
  • You also need to find out about existing fines and debts on the government services portal (gosuslugi.ru). However, to do this you will have to register on the site.
  • On the official website of the Federal Tax Service (nalog.ru) you can find out information on unpaid taxes.
  • Online service, which includes all three of the above sources, including checking for debts that are not on federal websites (fines, late payments to microfinance organizations, loans, etc.). This way to find out whether you will be released abroad is the most universal.

As for children who are not allowed to travel abroad, things are more complicated here. When one of the parents writes a statement to the Federal Migration Service that he prohibits taking the child out of the country, the other parent is not required to inform about this. You can find out exact information about restrictions of this kind only after contacting the FMS.

How to get rid of restrictions?

You can get rid of restrictions after paying off your debt. If you have a debt, this does not mean that you are prohibited from traveling, but the likelihood of this is high, and therefore, after discovering your name in the lists of debtors, you need to immediately take care of eliminating the debt.

For example, if you found your name on the official website of the FSSP, find there information about who is dealing with your issue and the employee’s contacts. After payment, you should contact the bailiff, report the actions taken and clarify whether a resolution was issued to you that temporarily restricts your right to leave. If yes, then you need to send the bailiff a document confirming payment and receive in return a copy of the certificate of lifting of the ban. It is also necessary to clarify when the document will be sent to the Border Guard Service. After that, all you have to do is wait until you receive the final confirmation. Typically the entire procedure takes approximately 14 days. But the issue should be kept under control: there have been cases when, for some reason, documents did not reach the Border Service, sometimes they simply forgot to send them.

Your name must be removed from the list of restricted citizens; presenting a certificate of lifting of restrictions on you to the border guard before departure will not yield anything.

You should do approximately the same thing when you have been fined by the traffic police. The Inspectorate and the FSSP have developed a joint program according to which bailiffs deal with the cases of defaulters. First, we pay off the debt, then we report this to the service and wait for the restrictions to be lifted.

If one of the parents has imposed a ban on the child’s travel, then it can only be lifted through the court.

In some cases, when it is not possible to pay the debt immediately, there is the possibility of emergency lifting of restrictions. The bailiff can independently make such a decision if a person, for example, needs urgent treatment or examination.

Sometimes a person travels abroad and bypasses all these requirements. To do this, you just need to go to a neighboring state, which does not require serious border checks, and then fly from there in any direction.

If you still have uncertainty about lifting restrictions on traveling abroad, then our online lawyer is ready to answer all your questions for free.