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FishHungry bite activator – description and reviews. Electronic bite activator or predator fishing stimulator

Many fishermen, especially those who devote almost all their free time to their favorite hobby, have a positive attitude towards various devices and ideas that are designed to increase productivity and catchability. This is understandable, it’s more interesting when the fish bites than just sitting with an outstretched fishing rod on the shore of a reservoir. And besides, a good catch is the main reason to show off to your comrades, as probably every self-respecting avid fisherman loves to do.

Attracting attention

The purchase of a bite activator by fishermen is precisely due to the desire to have such a device. It is designed with one important purpose: to attract the attention of potential prey. A substance consisting of a mixture of ingredients (we will tell you more about them later) lures the inhabitants of the reservoir - both herbivorous and predatory fish - to the fishing point chosen by the fisherman. How does the bite activator work? Thanks to this device, fish swim to the site and begin to actively feed: this even includes bait on hooks. The result is catchy fishing that can bring the desired trophies.


What basic properties should be characteristic of a proper bite activator? After all, sometimes it is quite difficult to choose a given mixture right away due to the abundance of offers and manufacturing companies. There are several main ones, which we will talk about.


A good bite activator is characterized by attracting the attention of fish with active pheromones from a great distance. The larger the underwater area of ​​the reservoir over which they spread, the higher the likelihood of a good bite and catch.

Station wagon

For a modern bite activator, versatility is desirable. What does it mean? The fact that it can be used with the same effect to attract different types of fish: for example, carp, crucian carp, and perch. The active drug should have almost the same broad effect on them.

Practicality and readiness

The drug should be easy to prepare. It needs to be enough not for one time, but for several fishing trips. The concentration of the attractant must be constant, i.e., a necessary condition must be that it does not need to be diluted, for example, with water or another liquid, otherwise the proportions may not be maintained and will only scare away the fish.

Ecological cleanliness

The composition of the bite activator should not have a negative impact on the environment, be chemically aggressive or hazardous to the hands. Active substances are allowed to be of natural origin and do not pollute or poison the water body.

Active substance

It has been scientifically proven that many species of fish have a good sense of smell. They are capable of reacting even to insignificant concentrations of odorous substances in the aquatic environment. What kind of smells are these that form the basis of the bite activator? Scientists have set a similar goal - to identify those substances whose aromas cause an increased appetite in prey: putrefactive, pungent, camphorous, musky, floral, minty, ethereal odors. Some proteins, amino acids and pheromones are also attractive stimuli for many fish species. Using the sampling method, scientists determined the composition of ingredients that actively affect the sense of smell of river inhabitants. Most industrial mixtures are prepared according to this recipe. For example, Fishhungry and other best bite activators are popular among fishermen.

"Hungry Fish"

This is how the name of this popular mixture can be literally translated from English. This includes the essential components of anise and garlic (by the way, they have long been known and used by avid fishermen since Soviet times). It also contains some pheromones and amino acids, which allows you to achieve maximum results when fishing. Typically, the concentrated activator is diluted in appropriate proportions and mixed with bait customary for catching certain species. The effect of use is observed after 15-20 minutes. The maximum is reached in an hour, then the bait needs to be renewed. Fishhungry is a product of high technology. It does not harm the environment. However, the nature of the consistency is such that it is almost impossible to repeat the recipe yourself.

With your own hands

But many fishermen prefer to traditionally make bite activators at home, using available ingredients. For example, a mixture of black bread, anise drops and garlic, widely used by many amateur fishermen back in the Soviet years, is well suited for crucian carp. Another option: bread with unrefined vegetable oil or a mixture of garlic and live worms in a jar. Some dung worms, for example, are placed in a jar of mint, the smell of which is attractive to cyprinids. In general, there are a lot of options, and the selection is carried out individually and, as a rule, experimentally. Sometimes finely chopped fish meat is used (as a source of protein and blood), chopped leeches, and raw pieces of liver. Sometimes - a mixture of insects that live around a pond, worms and maggots, flavored with flavorings.

Electric activator

Recently, electric bite activators have been used quite widely. How to use such a device most effectively? The device is launched into the water area. Once the activator is in the aquatic environment, it begins to click, glow and vibrate, affecting the hearing and visual organs of the intended catch. The operation of such a device is based on the fish’s sensitivity to such vibrations (especially when it emits low frequencies, spreading over a distance of up to one kilometer. All these nuances have an attractive effect.

Happy fishing everyone!

For fishing to be successful, it is necessary to feed the fish. As a top dressing, you can use special substances called bite activators. There are activators based on both natural and synthetic components.

What is a bite activator

Activators are substances that fishermen use to attract fish. There are two types of bite activators:

  1. Attractants. They lure fish using scent. Typically, extracts are used as attractants, which are obtained from the internal organs of animals, as well as from plants. Available in the form of food, aerosols and liquids.
  2. Flavors. They lure fish with taste. By irritating taste buds, they stimulate the fish's appetite. Most often, amino acids that are extracted from plants are used as flavoring agents. Available in the form of food. Also, plants can act as natural flavorings - garlic, wheat, rye, onions, cocoa, cake of various plants, mint, thyme and so on.

By origin, attractants and flavorings are: natural And synthetic. Synthetic ones are usually produced in the form of a powder or thick liquid. There are also aerosol activators that can be used to spray the bait directly. The range of action of the activator depends on the substances of which it is composed, but usually the range of action is about 100 meters.

Attention! Synthetic activators are not recommended for luring predatory fish.

Activators usually have no side effects if the dosage is followed. The only major drawback is the fact that not all activators are universal, and the same activator can attract some fish (for example, herbivores) and scare away others (for example, predators). Therefore, before use, you must read the instructions. Let's look at several popular activators for fish that are on the Russian market:

  1. Fish XXL. It is used for catching all main types of non-predatory fish, and it can be used in any body of water. It is completely natural and contains elephant garlic, hemp oil, kaffir lime, squid protein and some other components. Well suited for catching carp, bream, crucian carp, pike, roach and so on.
  2. Double Fish. It is a synthetic bite activator that can be used in any reservoir at any time of the year. The main active ingredient is the pheromone albumin, which attracts fish with its strong odor. Available in the form of cream and powder for dilution. Suitable for luring non-predatory fish - carp, crucian carp, roach and so on.

Step by step guide

The activator is used to improve the fish bite. It can be prepared from natural ingredients, or you can buy it ready-made in a specialized store. Substances such as garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, thyme, etc. can be used as a natural activator. In general, the activator is used as follows:

  1. Prepare the base for bait. To catch non-predatory fish, cook corn or millet porridge in unsalted water (about 100-200 g).
  2. If you are using store-bought activator in powder - dilute it in water according to the instructions (dosage indicated on the package). If you are using natural ingredients – grind them using a knife (dosage – 10-20 g of additive per 100 g of base).
  3. Add an activator to the base and thoroughly stir the mixture.
  4. Before fishing, make your own from the mixture small balls. Throw half the balls into the water at once, and throw the remaining balls one at a time every 10-20 minutes.

Attention! To catch predatory fish, you do not need to prepare a base, but you need to lure it directly with activators.

crucian carp

Crucian carp is a common river fish that can be caught from the surface of the reservoir and from the bottom. Crucian carp is a rather capricious fish, and its activity is influenced by the time of year, the number of other fish, diet, etc. It feeds on insects, zooplankton and vegetation. To catch crucian carp, you can use activators of both plant and animal origin. Most often the following components are used for bait:

  • as a basis– bread, various cereals (barley, semolina, wheat, etc.), as well as worms, maggots and bloodworms;
  • as additional additive components– honey, garlic, cocoa, anise, dill seeds, vanillin, calamus, crushed cane.

Bait should be done in small portions or in bulk., since crucian carp prefers small elements. If any component is large (for example, reed), then it must be finely chopped before preparing the mixture.


Roach is a medium-sized fish that is recommended to be caught in spring and summer. Typically, roaches feed on insects and greens. The roach activator is made from the following components:

  • as a basis– various cereals, bloodworms, small insects and larvae, breadcrumbs, cookies, grain, bran, soil from a reservoir;
  • as odorous components– garlic, coriander, nettle, cumin, thyme, chocolate, almonds.

It is also recommended to do bait in small portions or in bulk. Fish food must be placed into the water carefully so as not to scare it away. The components for feeding must be good, since low-quality components repel roaches.


Pike is a predatory fish, so to lure it you need to use the meat of other fish or animals. Pike can be caught well only after spawning, while fishing during other periods is not very effective. To bait pike, you do not need to make a base of porridge, because the pike will not eat plant components. This fish should be fed directly with activators:

  • worms;
  • bloodworm;
  • crustacean meat;
  • meat of crucian carp, roach or perch;
  • pork or chicken meat.

If meat is used to bait pike, it must be cut into small pieces. The meat must be raw. If you use meat of animal origin as bait, it is recommended to additionally color it red using dyes (for example, you can boil peeled beets and add meat there for a few minutes). The optimal amount of meat is 50-100 g (if the reservoir is very large, the dosage can be increased by 1.5-2 times).

Worms and bloodworms need to be prepared in advance:

  1. Dry the bloodworms and worms in a dry, warm place (dosage 20-30 g of dry matter per 100-200 g of alcohol).
  2. Cut them into small pieces using a knife.
  3. Place the fragments in 100-200 g of alcohol for 5-7 days.

Attention! Pike loves only natural ingredients, so it is not recommended to buy synthetic activators to catch it.

Flavors based on natural odors

All activators based on natural ingredients can create a smell that attracts the attention of fish. The flavoring must either be placed in the water separately or added to the base. Fish also have their own taste and aroma preferences, which you need to remember when preparing the activator:

  1. Garlic - used for catching almost all types of non-predatory fish. Dosage – 2-3 large cloves (don’t forget to chop).
  2. Turmeric – for roaches (no more than 15 g).
  3. Cinnamon – for roach and bream (5-10 g).
  4. Thyme – for carp (about 10 g).
  5. Star anise - for catching all major non-predatory fish (no more than 10 g).
  6. Coriander – for bream (10-15 g).

Features of a good activator

If you prefer natural rather than synthetic flavors, then you need to remember the rules of use:

  1. The dosage should be moderate; a large amount of activator can scare away the fish rather than attract it.
  2. In spring, autumn and winter, add more components of animal origin (bloodworms, worms, fish oil, etc.) to the fertilizer.
  3. In summer, give preference to bait based on plant components.
  4. In extreme heat, odors spread more actively in the water, so during this period you need to reduce the dosage.
  5. The size and type of body of water also affects fish activity. Therefore, for optimal fishing, it is recommended to interview local old-timer fishermen about how to optimally attract fish in a given body of water.

Electronic bait

Electronic bait is also available for sale today. It is a small cylindrical device that is placed in the water while fishing. The device consists of a battery and an electronic chip that can generate acoustic vibrations and light, which can attract the attention of fish.

Typically, predatory fish react to electronic bait, while the reaction of other inhabitants of water bodies to such bait is quite weak. There are a large number of electronic baits on sale, but they differ slightly from each other in design and functionality.

Useful video

To catch a lot of fish, you need to feed. You can lure fish using garlic, porridge, worms, maggots, bread, and so on. You also need to remember that to catch predatory fish you need to use bait based on components of animal origin. You can also buy a synthetic bite activator or electronic bait in the store.

Knipovich Nikolai Mikhailovich

Zoologist, hydrobiologist. Graduated from Leningrad State University named after Zhdanov, Faculty of Biology and Soil Sciences. I am interested in fishing at a professional level.

How to attract fish during periods of low activity? The answer to this question has been around for a long time, and it is quite simple. Use a bite activator or attractant. Modern retail outlets are literally replete with products designed to stimulate the bite of the inhabitants of domestic reservoirs: carp, bream, crucian carp or pike. But does this proposal always guarantee the effectiveness of application and a successful final result?

Activator selection

Without a doubt, amateur fishing is akin to art. It is not enough for a fisherman to simply locate a particular type of fish; he must know its characteristic habits and gastronomic preferences. The main difficulty is that the hunted object is not always active. Its physiology largely depends on changes in meteorological conditions. It is in this case that the need to use a fish bite enhancer arises.

The range of modern fishing products market is extremely wide, and choosing a stimulant that attracts underwater inhabitants is not easy.

Properties of good activators

The bait used by an individual fishing enthusiast is his secret, one might say, a signature technique that ensures a successful result.

Some people trust industrially made baits, while others prefer to prepare a bite activator with their own hands.

But, despite the difference in the formation process, A successful bite enhancer must have a certain set of required qualities:

  1. A factory activator or homemade attractant must have a wide range of action, ensuring the ability to attract potential prey from fairly large distances.
  2. Versatility, which allows you to effectively use the same amplifier with pheromone to catch both predatory and herbivorous inhabitants of the selected reservoir.
  3. Practicality. Preservation of properties for a certain period of time, allowing for repeated use.
  4. Ecological cleanliness.

Preparation of attractant

So, do-it-yourself attractants with pheromones for fishing. The first issue to be dealt with is the composition of the components. All types of fish love rich natural odors, and this “weakness” must be taken into account during the cooking process. Here is a list of the most interesting, from a fish point of view, aromatic additives:

Naturally, the presented list does not pretend to be exhaustive. There are a lot of effective additives used in the preparation of bite enhancers. These can be cardamom and vanillin, musk and cloves, honey and cocoa.

Good results are achieved by flavorings used in the confectionery industry: “caramel”, “strawberry”, “tutti frutti”, “cream”, “nut”, etc.

The fish also does not ignore the odors characteristic of certain types of oils: sunflower, linseed, anise and dill. A first aid kit with a standard set of medications can also become a source of bite activators. A significant increase in the intensity of fish biting can be initiated by adding valerian drops, fish oil or camphor alcohol to the bait. Even the “Zvezdochka” balm can multiply the catch many times over.

Pike bite enhancer

Pike, as you know, belongs to the category of active predators, and they are caught not only with artificial baits. Since the basis of the diet of the toothy predator is small fish, the activation of the bite lies precisely in attracting it to the fishing site. The presence of small perch, roach or crucian carp will almost certainly provoke a hungry predator to attack the bait.

Considering the features of this type of activator, we note that pike reacts inadequately to attractants of artificial origin. In addition, fishing practice shows the need for moderate use of bite enhancers.

Attractant for carp

The preferences of this rather large and strong fish are sweet aromas. Therefore, the use of components such as honey and sugar is quite logical and justified. The filler base should not be boiled, therefore, in the process of preparing the activator, it is recommended to use the steaming method. The second nuance that characterizes carp bait is the absence of small fractions.

The autumn-winter period is characterized by rather low carp activity, so it is more advisable to use attractants during this period. It is customary to cook green peas, corn or slightly undercooked potatoes as the basis for a bite enhancer.

The most favorite aromatic additives for carp bite activator are thyme and dried garlic.

Universal flavors

As noted above, versatility is one of the most important criteria for choosing a truly effective bite activator. For those who like to do everything themselves, there are several recipes for making universal attractants with your own hands:

In addition to knowing the recipe for preparing a bite activator with your own hands, it would be useful to acquire information about their correct use . It is determined by several rules:

  • Taking reasonable measures will help avoid the opposite effect.
  • The combination of several flavors in one activator often gives excellent results.
  • The dosage of the attractant depends on the ambient temperature, since warm water spreads the smell faster.
  • Observe the seasonal dependence of the taste preferences of fish. In winter, additives of animal origin (fish oil, dried blood, bloodworms) work more effectively; in summer, most inhabitants of reservoirs choose sweets.

When considering universal bite enhancers, one cannot fail to mention a mixture that has received widespread advertising support and the enthusiastic prefix “super”. This is a Fish hungry attractant. The manufacturer claims that it is impossible to make the Fishhungry composition with your own hands, since its recipe includes secret components: essential oils, amino acids and pheromones.

To be fair, we note that the use of this attractant is quite effective and consistently leads to good catches.

Alternative options

Scientific and technological progress has not ignored such a seemingly archaic sphere of human activity as recreational fishing. An alternative to mixtures that activate fish bite are baits made using innovative technologies or electronic bite activators.

What are the features of these devices, which are quite unusual for most fishermen? The vast majority of electronic fish activity amplifiers belong to the universal category, which significantly expands the scope and seasonality of their use. The manufacturer declared the possibility of attracting fish to the fishing site, regardless of their species.

This effect is achieved by creating specific vibrations and increased acoustic background, propagating through the water column at a fairly high speed. The physiological structure of fish (inner ear, lateral line) allows them to capture and respond appropriately to these vibrations, accurately determining the location of the source.

Note that for the electronic bite activator to function effectively, a depth of 25 - 30 centimeters is sufficient. Depending on the model, baits of this type may differ in the presence and method of manual correction of such a key parameter as the frequency range.

Based on the above, a logical conclusion follows: when going fishing and counting on a solid catch, you need to stock up not only on gear and bait, but also on activators that can improve the fish bite, and, consequently, the angler’s mood.

Attention, TODAY only!

Every fisherman knows that successful fishing requires more than just bait, good gear and the ability to use it. Many people use various baits to make the fish more active and the bite to improve. Many professionals recommend using bite activators.

It is especially relevant in the cool season, when the fish are hiding and you need to use all the tricks to lure them out.

DIY bite activator

Bite activators or attractants are special additives that are added to food. It does not satiate the fish, but only whets her appetite. This is a special group of substances that can lure fish to the fishing spot.

They can be divided into two types: those that lure fish and increase appetite, and those that lure, but do not cause the desire to look for food. Appearance varies. Can be prepared in the form of balls, tablets, or liquid.

The composition necessarily includes the following ingredients:

  • Vegetable oils;
  • Aromatic additives;
  • Refuse;
  • Amino acids;
  • Spices;
  • Animal food particles.

Also, very often they add different flavorings, but quite a bit. To feed the place where fishing is planned, an activator in the form of tablets is usually used. They fall to the bottom and in the process spray a scent around them, which forces the fish to look for the place that has attracted attention and stay there to look for food.

Stores sell a huge number of different types of bite activators, which vary depending on the type of fish being hunted. But, it is much easier and cheaper to make an activator yourself. There is nothing complicated in the process itself, and the additives do not cost much.

Natural scents for activators

It is better to use natural aromas for filling; fish like them most and are not able to scare them.

The best scents for activators:

  • Star anise. It has a delicate anise aroma and a slightly bitter taste. It is used to attract peaceful fish.
  • Turmeric. Most suitable for luring roach. It can be thrown during hot weather.
  • Garlic. Can be used in almost any form: dried, grated, tincture. Dried garlic is used to attract carp and bream.
  • Basil. Will be effective for any type of fish.
  • Dill. Attracts many types of fish, especially those that live in the mud.
  • Cinnamon. It is considered a universal remedy that works effectively at any time of the year and on any body of water. Very often it is added to the activator to attract roach and bream.
  • Thyme. It has the best effect on carp, especially effective when fishing in rivers.
  • Coriander. Suitable for catching bream.

Also, scents such as:

  • Vanillin;
  • Nutmeg;
  • Cocoa;
  • Cardamom;
  • Carnation.

Experienced fishermen say that strawberry, nut, and caramel flavors are very effective. Also, oils have proven themselves: secluded, anise, sunflower.

How to make an activator with your own hands?

In order to make your own bite activator, you first need to decide on the type of fish you will be hunting. After all, the use of certain ingredients depends on the desired extraction. Basically, any composition includes aromatic oils, flavors, pomace, spices, and parts of the animal bait that the fish prefers.

First you need to decide on the form of the activator; the features of use depend on it. For example:

  • When producing a liquid activator you need to make it as flavorful as possible. This activator is used to treat gear or add it to bait.
  • Dry or activator in tablets thrown directly into the water in the place where the fishing will take place. And if there is a strong current in the reservoir, then a little higher than the desired place.

Flavoring - application

In winter, you need to make every effort to lure the fish out of hiding.

Therefore, for winter fishing it is better to use flavors such as:

  • Anise;
  • Strawberry;

You can coat the bloodworm with a bite activator using such flavors or add a little to the bait itself.

In the summer, you can use many flavors, very popular ones such as:

The flavoring is quite easy to make yourself. For example, to create a fruity smell, you need to pour a few tablespoons of concentrate per liter of water. Put on the fire and bring to a boil, wait 15 minutes, turn off and leave until it cools down. It can even be poured into bait.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective:

  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates its appetite. It’s a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to impose a ban on its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear can be found on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

To catch bream you need to use flavors such as:

  • Vanilla
  • Strawberry or any fruit flavors

It is best to use vanilla; bream loves it very much, so the bite will be good. Also, sweet fruity scents are often used. Such flavors can even be used for fishing in fast-flowing rivers. The smell will spread, which will attract more individuals.

Stages of preparing a bite activator for bream:

Bait for crucian carp

Crucian carp is a desirable catch for many fishermen. To lure this fish, you can prepare a fairly simple bite activator.

Cooking steps:

  • You need to pour about 200 ml of water into an iron pan and add a few drops of any flavoring for crucian carp.
  • Place the pan on the fire and wait until it boils.
  • After the water boils, add semolina little by little inside, stirring thoroughly. You need to pour until the mixture becomes like sour cream.
  • After this, turn off the heat and cover everything with a lid for a few minutes.
  • When everything has cooled down, you need to take out the mixture and knead it a little with your hands to increase the density.

Another recipe for an activator for crucian carp:

  • Place half a glass of pearl barley in a small container and pour boiling water over it.
  • The container must be wrapped to prevent heat from escaping and left for several hours.
  • After this, add one of the following flavorings to the resulting mixture: garlic, cocoa, vanillin, anise, dill.

Now only mine bites!

I caught this pike using a bite activator. No more fishing without a catch and no more looking for excuses for your bad luck! It's time to change everything!!! The best bite activator of 2018! Made in Italy...

To prepare a bite activator for carp you need:

Roach bait

To prepare a bite activator for roaches, you need to prepare the dough:

Another way:

  • Pour 200 grams of flour into a small container and add one egg. Move everything carefully.
  • Pour in a little milk and add a spoonful of honey.
  • There is no need to cook everything; after everything is thoroughly mixed, you need to form small balls.
  • Place the balls in boiling water for a few minutes.
  • After cooling, you can grease them with oil to make them more flavorful.

Pike are usually caught using artificial baits that look like small fish. A bite activator wouldn't hurt either.

The recipe is very simple, it is suitable not only for attracting pike, but also any other predatory fish. You need to take several capsules with fish oil and pierce them so that the contents flow out. It must be mixed with Vaseline and add a little salt.

There are several simple recipes:

  1. In equal proportions you need to mix dried bloodworms, worms and snails. Before this, all ingredients must be crushed into powder. All this is filled with alcohol and infused for at least a week.
  2. Finely chopped dill, cloves and garlic are mixed with anise and cinnamon. The resulting mixture must be poured with alcohol and left for several weeks, placed in a dark and cool place.

The activator turns out to be liquid and does not need to be poured into water; just before casting, you can drop a few drops on the bait, or simply lower it into a container with the activator.

The bite activator is simply irreplaceable in order to lure the fish and make it bite. Its main feature is that the fish are not saturated with it, and its aroma forces them to look for food, which is bait. There are a huge number of bite activators; you can buy them in the store or make them yourself. The process itself is very simple, and most of the ingredients can be found in your kitchen.

How long has it been since you had a really BIG CATCH?

When was the last time you caught dozens of HUGE pike/carp/bream?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perch, but ten kilogram pikes - what a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone can do it.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home or bought in fishing stores. But stores are expensive, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be fair, homemade bait does not always work well.

You know that disappointment when you buy bait or prepare it at home and only catch three or four bass?

So maybe it’s time to use a truly working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the same result that we cannot achieve on our own, especially since it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on production - you order it, it’s delivered and you’re good to go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Moreover, now is the season! This is a great bonus when ordering!

Find out more about the bait!

In order to increase catch volumes, some fishermen use special baits that attract prey to the fishing site. These products are used by both amateur and professional fishermen. Bite activators (attractants) have become popular devices.

How to prepare an attractant

The fishing market has a wide range of different bite activators from Russian and foreign manufacturers. The products are available in the form of tablets or liquids. They are produced to lure fish and increase their appetite.

If you prepare an attractant yourself, you must keep in mind that it contains the following ingredients:

When preparing the activator its condition is taken into account, on which the features of application depend:

  1. The product in liquid form should have a strong, persistent aroma. Typically, such baits are processed into artificial gear or added to the main bait. The optimal amount of product is about 5% of the total weight of the bait.
  2. Loose and pressed bite activators are designed to be scattered over the water surface.

To catch different types of fish, bite activators are used, which differ in their composition.

Carp bait

The mixture is prepared in several stages:

Porridge for crucian carp

Preparing bait for crucian carp has the following features:

Another recipe for luring crucian carp:

  1. Take glassware with a volume of at least 0.5 liters.
  2. 50 g of pearl barley is poured into it.
  3. The container with the cereal is filled with boiling water, closed tightly and wrapped in a towel - this allows you to retain heat longer.
  4. Infuse for 3 hours, during which time the pearl barley swells.
  5. Add anise, garlic, crushed dill seeds, reed roots, cocoa powder, vanillin or other ingredients that have odors that attract crucian carp to the container.

Activator Fishhungry

The most common attractant sold in fishing stores is FishHungry. Active advertising campaigns helped this brand take one of the leading positions. But based on the opinions of a large number of experienced fishermen who used the FishHungry bite activator, certain conclusions can be drawn:

The FishHungry activator has demonstrated its effectiveness or uselessness in various cases.

Fishermen prepare means similar to the Italian product to attract fish, using insects, fish fry, and macadamia. Some people use vanilla or anise oil as an additive, which activates fish biting.

Review of fish baits

Among other actively selling means of Russian and foreign production, it is worth mentioning the following:

Electronic means

Electronic baits, which successfully perform their functions, have become an innovative alternative to activators of plant and animal origin. They have a number of features:

Thus, ide picks up vibrations propagating through water in the range of 25–5,520 Hz.

If the prey is bream or crucian carp, then it is better to adjust the frequency within the range of 25-3,850 Hz.

To lure large breeds, it is necessary to use low frequency vibrations in the range of 200-500 Hz. This setting is effective for catching prey whose diet includes a variety of representatives of the class of crustaceans.

For effective fishing of predatory fish, it is recommended to set the operating range to a frequency of 5,000−12,000 Hz - this will simulate the sound vibrations of fry.

It is worth highlighting cases when the use of additional means of biting stimulation is necessary to enhance the bite:

Products that increase the intensity of the bite have become indispensable assistants in fishing. It's up to the angler to choose whether to make a bite activator with his own hands or give preference to industrial designs.