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History of the name of the city of Yekaterinburg. Yekaterinburg is the capital of the Urals. About the city Ekaterinburg

TOP 17 main attractions of Ekaterinburg is not a selection of individual buildings or monuments, but a set of short stories that characterize our city from different angles. It is clear that the choice is completely subjective - it is my own choice based on my life priorities.

Why exactly 17?

I chose the number 17 so that our selection of attractions in the Ural cities would differ from the selection of attractions on all other sites for tourists. Besides, seventeen is a beautiful and lucky number.

What to expect from this excursion?

I organized the excursion so that you can walk from object to object, and only to Uralmash you have to get there by transport. In total, the excursion will take from 3 to 7 or more hours. For three hours - if you travel according to the principle of Japanese and modern tourists - I walked quickly to the object, took two photos - the object without my beloved, the object with my beloved (proof - I was there) and further. In this case, my short description is enough)

If you travel correctly (not in a hurry), move from place to place and can stand for half an hour admiring the curl of a wooden pattern, then seven hours will not be enough. In any case, wear comfortable shoes. And dress warmer Ekaterinburg- this is not the warm south!

Are we wrong?

If anyone is ready to argue and present their TOP 17 Ekaterinburg- welcome, we will post yours too. And if you are a tour guide, we will also post your coordinates in gratitude for your cooperation.

AND YES! We organize city tours in 4 languages: Russian, English, German, Chinese. Call: +79222086467, write - [email protected]

List of TOP-17 attractions of Ekaterinburg

If you have time for a country walk, this is also a must-see:

Let's start our tour with Yeltsin Center And monument to Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin(Boris Yeltsin Street 3). Yeltsin Center located on Yeltsin Street and this is a completely new attraction in the city Yekaterinburg. Although the First President of Russia was born in the distant Butka village, but the Presidential Center (a tradition of American presidents) decided to build in Yekaterinburg.

Externally, this is a modern building, with a stylish facade, located in one of the best places in the city - on the shore of a pond. This building is also famous for the original lighting of the facade, the area of ​​which is more than 2000 square meters and consists of 28 kilometers of LED strips (lighting artist from Germany Stefan Hoffman), so the building looks especially beautiful in the evenings. By the way, I recommend an evening walk along the embankment of the city pond to every guest - this is the most pleasant place for walking and cycling in Yekaterinburg.

IN Yeltsin Center must visit museum, one of the most professional museums in Russia, where the life of the First President of Russia is presented in seven episodes, in the history of seven days. There is also a large bookstore in the Center, with an excellent selection of fiction, journalistic, and historical literature. There are a couple of souvenir shops with modern, but definitely not for everyone, gifts.

There are several different establishments where you can have a snack: a buffet, a children's cafe, a cafe, and a huge, always half-empty restaurant. And, although the restaurant’s menu shows obvious claims to modern Russian cuisine, to me the food is BarBoris I don’t like it, I’ll tell you about more pleasant and authentic establishments where you can try Ural cuisine a little later. But in Yeltsin Center you can try from Naina Iosifovna Yeltsina, wife of the First President of Russia or bird cherry cake from her.

IN Yeltsin Center Many events of various levels are held: from meetings of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region to rock concerts. Coming in and out Yeltsin Center you will definitely pass by one made of white marble, which is popularly called “chalk”. Monument to the President was installed before it was opened Center, and from time to time vandals made attempts on him, they would throw blue paint on him, or they would try to spoil him in some other way, because the figure of the First President of Russia still looks ambiguous in the eyes of Russians: for some, he is a politician who managed to lead Russia without revolutions through a difficult transition period, and for whom - this is the man who destroyed the gigantic Russian Empire, created over the course of centuries, transformed into the Soviet Union during Soviet times.

From monument to Yeltsin we walk along Yeltsin Street to the city center, to Square of 1905. On Yeltsin Street there are several more objects related to the life and work of Boris Nikolayevich: for example, ours (this is such a Russian tradition that every regional center has its own “White House”) - the first skyscraper Ekaterinburg(located on 8 March Street 2). It is also interesting because (although the entrance is on the other side of the street) that he lived in this complex B.N. Yeltsin, when he was First Secretary of the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee of the Communist Party.

On the way to the square we will meet several more interesting objects (the guide can tell you about this or you can read about it in our guidebook “Our Yekaterinburg. More than the Red Line"), and we go to Square 1905 where everything still stands Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, as a monument, and the beautiful building of today's Yekaterinburg City Hall.

City Hall and 1905 Square

Still, the main decoration of the city’s central square is a building in red and gray tones, richly decorated and retaining, sometimes unnoticed by the untrained eye, traces of several past centuries.

For almost 200 years there were Seating rows, which were rebuilt a couple of times. In 1902, there was a big fire, and already in the 20s, a 5-story monster made of glass and concrete in the style of constructivism grew on the square. There were shops on the lower floors, and the city council of workers' deputies on the upper floors. In 1947, the building began to be rebuilt again, and its current appearance is in the “Stalinist Empire” style. City Council found only in 1954 - according to the project G.A. Golubeva In the center of the building, a tower with a gilded spire and a chiming clock was built: the diameter of the dial is 3.5 meters, the length of the hour hand is 1.6 meters, and the length of the minute hand is 1.9 meters.

Admire the ceremonial columns, bas-reliefs on the facade, plaster sculptures on the roof depicting representatives of various working professions, and the Victory Salute panel.

Historical details, bas-reliefs of famous Sverdlovsk residents, and memorial plaques will open to the attentive eye. The building is popularly called Gray house. I suggest you spend a few minutes looking at all this decoration: figured cornices, medallions and bas-reliefs, a lot of all kinds of figures - a military man, a collective farmer, a metallurgist - on the roof of the building. I really like looking at these details because they are very touching. This building is also interesting because you can easily enter it from the street and walk along the corridors. There is no access control in the building; you can also go to the mayor’s canteen and try what the “city servants” eat for lunch.

On square 1905 there are many interesting objects, but we move on. At the square we turn left, cross the pedestrian crossing, and if you are already hungry, I advise you to go to a small restaurant with a strange name. Why was he called that? Because, in general, it is located between 2 houses, the restaurant is not very large, about 30-40 people, in the center of the hall there is an open kitchen according to today's fashion trends and in this restaurant you can try modern Ural cuisine, the prices here are low, per 1000 rubles you can have a hearty lunch and dinner along with excellent Russian wine.

If you are not hungry, then we turn off Lenin Avenue, and go down the wide stairs, and then you will find yourself in the most ancient part of the city Ekaterinburg, on the left side limited dam. The townspeople call it with slight affection “the dam”.

Historical square of Yekaterinburg

This is where it started Yekaterinburg city, and it began with a dam that blocked. They say that in the body of the existing dam there are still old larch trunks from that time. Dam continues to operate, and the plant that once operated on this site was partially demolished and partially converted into a historical monument.

Ekaterinburg, today the largest and most comfortable city on Ural, begins its story with the desire of the reforming emperor Peter I build on Ural the largest ironworks in Russia and Europe, and with it create an administrative center uniting under its leadership all the Ural state-owned factories. From this center the development of all was to be managed. Ural. The emperor's first attempt was unsuccessful: Uktus plant, built in 1704 at the confluence Uktusski river V Iset River(territory of today Ekaterinburg), was burned by the Bashkirs in 1718 and fell into disrepair. In 1720 Peter the First sends to Ural his companion Vasily Tatishchev in order to put mining affairs in order.

Vasily Tatishchev(1686-1750) Moscow nobleman, devoted comrade-in-arms from the age of 18 Peter the Great. In 1720-1723 and in 1734-1739 served on Ural, leading Mining Board. A multifaceted scientist: he wrote many scientific works on history, economics, and geography. Vasily Tatishchev gave scientific evidence that Ural Mountains are a natural border between Russia and Siberia, and passes along the peaks.

Vasily Tatishchev immediately understands what the future has Uktus plant no, and begins to look for a place for a new plant. He found a place on the shore Iset River and began construction: cleared the construction site, prepared stacks of construction wood. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t get along with his pet Peter I, a powerful Ural manufacturer, because cannons and cannonballs from the Demidov factories were the main argument in the war with the Swedes. Berg-College recalls Vasily Tatishchev With Ural. Replaced Tatishcheva on the construction of the plant and the city on behalf of Peter the General Georg Wilhelm de Geninn, arrived at Ural at the end of 1722, at the head of a team of specialists: draftsmen, designers, builders of fortifications. Georg Wilhelm de Geninn(1676-1750) knew mining and metallurgy very well, under his leadership the cannon foundry in St. Petersburg (1712), Sestroetsky (1721) and Olonets factories were built.

In the spring of 1723, simultaneously with the construction of the largest ironworks in Russia, the construction of a city began, which was named in honor of his beloved wife. Petra and in honor Saint CatherineEkaterinburg. It was difficult to find a better place for construction: deep water Iset, there are rich forests around, a lot of ore.

Ekaterinburg is the first industrial city in the world, because here, for the first time in the world, mass industrial production became the center and meaning of an urban settlement, defining the vector of development of this human settlement for centuries. It was not trade, as was often the case in human history, not the administrative center, but production that determined the character of the city. For Ekaterinburg The animation of the principle of forming a city around production is also characteristic: 200 years after its founding, socialist towns appear on its outskirts: "Uralmash", "Elmash", a little later - "Khimmash". Later on this same principle will be built Chicago, Detroit, but the first was Ekaterinburg, which preceded the industrial revolution by 150 years.

Today next to dam there are a lot of interesting little things - a time capsule, bas-reliefs, but we turn and walk along the right bank through a small park in which large boulders are scattered here and there; in fact, these are not just boulders, these are examples of the most famous Ural rocks. On some stones, unfortunately, the tablets have been knocked down, but on most of them they have been preserved, so along the way we can take a small geological excursion until we reach Museum of Fine Arts, which is led by a very strong team led by Nikita Kopyrin has recently become the number 1 museum in the city Ekaterinburg.

Museum of Fine Arts
and Kasli Pavilion

IN Museum of Fine Arts There are several very interesting collections, including the famous openwork cast iron, which became the pinnacle of the skills of the Kasli masters. manufactured specifically for the international industrial exhibition in Paris in 1900. Refurbished Kasli cast iron pavilion today it is the only architectural structure in the world made of cast iron in the museum collection (which is confirmed by UNESCO).

The museum has a good book and souvenir shop. Leaving the museum, we’ll walk across a small bridge across the stone bank. Iset, which here especially violently rushes its waters downstream and let's go along the left bank, immediately in front of us, and a little further and higher -. In general, there is perhaps the highest concentration of museums per square meter in the city. All of them are located in former factory buildings.

Let’s once again admire the bubbling water falling through the dam’s slot and the one located in the most honorable place near the water - rhodonite stone, mined near the southern borders Ekaterinburg, which in Ural is called orlets. They say the name is due to the fact that eagles like to decorate their nests with pieces of rhodonite, and the legend that rhodonite makes growing eaglets strong and courageous. Then local residents began to put eagles in children’s cradles so that they would be as strong and courageous as eagles.

What is the symbolism of rhodonite placed on Plotinke- in the cradle of the city - it’s clear without further explanation. And we will climb the stairs that lead to Water Tower Museum, behind which stands monument to the founding fathers of the city Tatishchev and De Gennin.

Monument to Tatishchev and de Gennin

Yekaterinburg - the capital of constructivism

Behind the monument to the Founding Fathers there is a small Labor Square and a small chapel that reminds us that the main temple once stood on this site Ekaterinburg. On the square there is also fountain "Stone Flower".

The fountain was built in 1960 according to the architect's design Demintseva: jets of water came out of the concrete. Two years later it was rebuilt based on tales. Since the fountain was installed in Soviet times in front of the building of the regional committee of the CPSU, today on each even petal of the flower a Soviet pentagonal star alternates with a hammer and sickle on the odd one. Ears of wheat rise above the petals, and a stream of water flows from the core of the flower in summer. The cast iron flower is cast in and painted green. For the last 20 years, there has been a struggle between believers and non-believers for this fountain; it is not yet clear who will win this struggle.

To the right and left of the square you will see buildings that are somewhat similar to each other, and they are similar in their pronounced geometric shapes (the buildings seem to be assembled from a children's construction set: here are the cubes, here are the cylinders, here are the corner elements), the characteristic exposure of the structure and refusal of decoration (the beauty of a building lies in its functionality!), contrast of blank wall surfaces with large areas of glazing (“ribbon windows”).

Building across the road - Main Post Office(Lenina 39), slightly reminiscent of a tractor, was built in 1934, and has always housed the central post office Ekaterinburg, but probably no one remembers, but it was also planned to include a kindergarten for the children of employees Houses of Communication, and a gym. Then the building was called House of Communications(this name was in trend: nearby House of Printing, House of Justice, House of offices, House of Defense And House of Industry).
And the building on the right - House of Soviets(Lenina 34) - this was the original name of this building - is notable primarily for the fact that it was here that the first President of the Russian Federation began his political career Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin. And connoisseurs of architecture will remember that the regional executive committee complex is the largest administrative building Sverdlovsk region, built in the constructivist style. The building was built according to the “Great Sverdlovsk” plan, which envisaged the formation of several public and administrative centers along Lenin Street.

Both buildings are bright representatives of the “constructivism” style, widespread in the world in the 20-30s of the last century. Ekaterinburg Recently, it has been actively promoted as the “capital of constructivism” in Russia, since about 140 objects of this style of construction have been preserved in the city. Of course, I have my own opinion on this matter, because in Moscow and in other cities of Russia and the world, enough constructivist objects have been preserved and, perhaps, in better condition.

And you and I are walking past fountain and past the little one chapels along the pedestrian crossing to the building Main post office, here we see cast iron hatch, which denotes Ekaterinburg center. And we turn left and, past the radio faculty beloved by students monument to Alexander Popov, we go to a 100-year-old beautiful building that stands high above the road.

Museum of the History of Stone-Cutting and Jewelry Art and Sevastyanov's House

Why do I think that you should definitely visit this museum? Because the whole story Ural And Ekaterinburg has always been closely connected with stone-cutting and jewelry art. You and I know that Ural Mountains very rich in minerals, precious and semi-precious stones. Not everyone knows, but we also have minerals and precious stones that were first found and described on Ural.

For example, alexandrite, this luxurious gemstone was first found on Ural. According to one version alexandrite was discovered by a Finnish mineralogist, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Nils Nordenskiöld, which on April 17, 1834, he found a strange green stone. At first Nordenschild I decided that it was not entirely clean. However, measuring the hardness of the stone gave high values: 8.5 instead of 7.5 (usual for emerald). Late in the evening Nordenschild I began to admire the stone with lit candles. But in the scientist’s hands, instead of a green stone, there was a bright red crystal. So it was opened alexandrite, named after the future Tsar Alexander II, who celebrated his coming of age on this very day.

Museum of Stone-Cutting Art not very large, only 8 halls, and, like most Ekaterinburg museums, is located in an adapted building, in the building of the former Mountain pharmacy(1820s, architect - M.P. Malakhov), but the museum's collection is very rich. A visit to the museum is especially “dangerous” for girls - the best examples of Ural jewelry art accumulated over decades are very impressive.

I highly recommend visiting "Emerald Room", which presents about 400 exhibits from the museum’s collections. Among them are mineralogical samples of emeralds, including the unique “New Year” and “Zvezdar”; beryls, aquamarines, phenakites, alexandrites, precious stones of varying clarity and cut, jewelry from the famous Moscow factory I.P. Khlebnikov, famous jewelers of the Ural school L.F. Ustyantseva, A.S. Panfilova, OJSC "Jewelers of the Urals".
Leaving the museum, we will immediately see a cheerful, elegant, built in the Moorish-Gothic style (itself Sevastyanov never lived in this house) - which so adorns the city embankment. Behind Sevastyanov's house We turn right and it spreads out in front of you from the left bank.

Embankment of the city pond,
cinema "Cosmos" and the boat "Dynamo"

The pond is not very large, it is only 0.7 square kilometers, but you will see that it is very beautiful both in winter and in summer, and it is especially beautiful to watch sunsets on the pond. No matter how many times pictures of those sunsets are posted on the Internet, each time they inspire admiration. We walk along the pond, focusing on another example of constructivism - Dynamo building, which is visible like a small blue boat on the spout of the pond.

Next to it is a beautiful example of Soviet architectural art - a huge cinema "Cosmos". But we won’t get to these buildings; we’ll admire them from afar, just like the building residence of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk region, located in Tarasov's house- an old, respected, merchant, Old Believer family, several generations of which lived in Yekaterinburg. We'll turn the lane to get to Literary Quarter.

Literary Quarter and Path of Love

- a unique phenomenon for all of Russia. Here, in a small space, there is one of the largest literary museums in Russia - United Museum of Writers of the Urals, created in 1980 on the basis of several literary and memorial museums: memorial house-museum(that’s where it all started!) - it stands separately from other museum buildings (at Pushkina 27), Literary and Memorial House-Museum of F. M. Reshetnikov(Proletarskaya 6) - recognized from afar by the milestones installed near the house, Museum "Literary Life of the Urals of the 20th Century"(Proletarskaya 10) - occupies the most beautiful and unusual building in the Art Nouveau style (it is here that the virtual hall “Museum of Ural Science Fiction”) And Museum of Dolls and Children's Books "Wonderland"(Proletarskaya 16) is the most children's of all museums and the youngest (opened in May 2000) of them.

Also included United Museum of Writers of the Urals includes a completely virtual museum of A.P. Gaidar. You knew that Gaidar Ural writer? Then you just need to take a walk through the expanses of the virtual museum!

In the territory Literary Quarter there is also a park with a summer stage, made in the style of the early twentieth century, and Chamber theater, included in the structure United Museum of Writers of the Urals. The theater was opened in 1998 ( to the 275th anniversary of Yekaterinburg) performance for children "Stone Flower" according to the tales Pavel Bazhova. Every self-respecting Russian city should have monument to Pushkin, for the simple reason that Pushkin– this is our EVERYTHING! Exactly monument to Alexander Pushkin(1999), established in honor of the 200th anniversary of the poet, ends the Yekaterinburg Pushkin street, no time Cathedral What’s remarkable is that the street was renamed on the centenary anniversary of the poet, in 1899. Pushkin we have an unusual one, Pushkin We are very romantic.

And those who have a good imagination can imagine the road that ran between these mansions in Literary Quarter. According to her, a lover and still unknown writer Mamin-Sibiryak went to see the owner of the cozy mansion on Tolmacheva 41, where she lived Maria Yakimovna Alekseeva, the writer’s first common-law wife and his first Muse. Great love gave rise to a scandal throughout the Urals, because Maria Alekseeva was a married woman with three children, and ran away with an aspiring writer. The entire mining community was shocked, so the lovers ran away from Nizhny Tagil V Ekaterinburg and settled separately so as not to tease the public. Maria Alekseeva with children in the house that is now Museum of Literary Life of the Urals of the 19th Century, A Dmitry Mamin he rented a room with his mother and sister nearby - in the mansion where he lives doll museum. Probably with gardens and vegetable gardens, the lover walked from mother to Maria Yakimovna and back. Maria Alekseeva gave Mom plots for his novels: and "Privalov's millions" And "Factory Nest". But this love ended, the path was overgrown.

Temple on blood

From Literary Quarter We are going to a huge Orthodox cathedral. This temple bears the name and is the most famous and saddest landmark of the city Ekaterinburg, familiar to the whole world.

Temple on blood is located at Holy Quarter 1, although in some directories its address is listed as Tolmacheva 34. There is no contradiction in this - back in 2003, the head of the city Ekaterinburg a document was signed stating that several buildings included in the complex Church on the Blood (Elizabethan Chapel, Patriarchal Compound, Temple on blood) will be located on Holy Quarter Street. It was somehow very cynical as the address of the temple built on the site of the execution Royal family, name a street after one of the killers.

Temple built on the spot where it stood until 1977 house of engineer Ipatiev, chosen in 1918 as a prison Nicholas II and his family. Right here Royal family met my last one Easter, it was here that the wife and children congratulated Nicholas II on his 50th anniversary, right here - in the basement Ipatiev House- on the night of July 16-17, 1918, their earthly journey ended. At first they were proud of the house, then they were ashamed of it, and then in 1977, by order Boris Yeltsin demolished. The territory turned into a wasteland (somehow they did not dare to build anything on this site), attracting onlookers, tourists and a few pilgrims.
Temple on blood it took a long time to build. In 1992, the first stone was laid for the foundation of the future church, and a wooden chapel was erected nearby in honor of the newly canonized martyr Elizabeth and nuns BarbariansElizabeth was the sister of the one killed in Ipatievsky basement empress Alexandra, and her fate turned out to be no less tragic. After the stone was laid, construction stalled, like many things in the 90s. Construction resumed only in 2000, after the Royal family canonization and visit to Ekaterinburg Patriarch Alexy II– he laid a commemorative capsule at the construction site, and the process began.

Three years later, the temple was ready - made in the Byzantine style, five-domed, two-story, large and elegant. Initially, it was planned to build according to a different project - a candle temple with one dome, more austere and sad. The upper church was consecrated in 2003, and the lower one in 2010.

Temple on blood firmly fits into the picture of modern Ekaterinburg. Today it is an indispensable object of visit for all excursions and pilgrimage trips, every year on Bright Week hospitably opening the entrance to its bell tower (the most convenient and safest in the city if you go up there with children), when anyone can go up and ring as much as they want and as they want. At Christmas, near the temple there is an annual ice sculpture festival- in addition to the thematic competition figures, a Christmas nativity scene and children's slides certainly appear, and in July many pilgrims flock here to take part in the religious procession from Church on the Blood until the night of July 16-17. Everyday life Church on the Blood– this is not only daily services, but also the work of various Sunday schools and courses, including the unparalleled Oktoekh singing school, the school of bell ringers and the school of icon painting.

Kharitonov Estate and Kharitonovsky Park,
where the traces of the Kyshtym beast were lost

Main decoration Voznesenskaya Gorka, the most famous for its hosts, guests and architects, full of mysteries, immortalized in literary works, beautifully located and fairly well preserved. We owe the appearance of such a landmark in our city to one of the richest Ural merchants-Old Believers Lev Ivanovich Rastorguev(1769-1823). He began his career as a petty employee in a merchant's shop Zlobina, specializing in wine farming with warehouses throughout the country, including Ural. In the wine trade Rastorguev traded up to quite a substantial capital, which allowed him to buy several Ural factories ( Kaslinsky, Kyshtymsky), and several large tracts of land where gold deposits were discovered.

A respectable person should have appropriate housing. That's why Lev Rastorguev purchased a plot of land Voznesenskaya Gorka and began the construction of a stone two-story house - the main building of the future estate. The construction of the estate with all its services lasted for almost a quarter of a century - Lev Ivanovich himself did not live to see its completion.

Why so long? Perhaps because most of the estate was hidden underground: in the form of extensive basements and an extensive network of underground passages - either for Old Believer services and meetings, which were not welcomed by the authorities, or for storing “gold reserves” (legends about not yet found Rastorguev's treasures still excite the imagination).

The second reason for the protracted construction could be the foggy story with its architect: there were rumors that for a substantial bribe Rastorguev extracted from the exiled architect, whose name remained a secret. The master set to work with enthusiasm, putting his whole soul into the new creation. But the merchant did not keep his word - he sent the architect back to prison. The architect, who fell into despair, did not make it to prison - he committed suicide right on the road, cursing both the house and all its inhabitants before his death.

Lev Rastorguev died suddenly under strange circumstances in the prime of his life, leaving a rich inheritance to two daughters and his young wife (who was highly suspected of involvement in her husband’s untimely death). The unfinished estate passed to his eldest son-in-law - Kharitonov, it was under him that the palace and park ensemble acquired a complete look, with a park in the English style (the English style presupposed the presence of a reservoir - an artificial lake had to be dug), a stable, a utility yard, gates and fences with a wrought-iron lattice and a house Old Believer church under the dome of the main building. At the last stage of construction, the outstanding Ekaterinburg architect made his contribution to shaping the appearance of the estate Mikhail Malakhov.

The heirs lived in grand style - they organized balls and mass celebrations, and even hosted the emperor in 1824 Alexandra I touring the country. But in 1836, both Rastorguev’s sons-in-law - Kharitonov And Zotov, with a light hand Mamin-Sibiryak nicknamed "Kyshtym Beast"- were exiled to Finland (instead of hard labor), where their traces were lost. And the estate began to gradually fall into disrepair, suggesting that maybe, and indeed it was, the curse of the deceased architect.

Black Tulip and the House of Officers

And we, past the monument to Komsomol members who bravely stride from one church to another, through a small square we will go out onto Turgenev Street, past the wooden lace house in which there once was private theater(in our city there are not only private museums, but also private theaters), let's go down Pervomaiskaya Street until the complete alarming tragedy Monument "Black Tulip". This is a memorial to the Ural internationalist soldiers, located on Soviet Army Square in the square of Lunacharsky - Pervomaiskaya streets. IN Yekaterinburg The concepts of “military duty” and “military unit” have always been of great importance, so the appearance of this monument in our country is no coincidence.

In 1991, the “Afghans” announced a competition to create a monument to soldiers and officers who died during local military conflicts on the territory of other states. 15 projects took part in the competition. After several rounds, the architect's tandem won Andrey Serov and sculptor Konstantin Grunberg. Construction of the monument began in 1992.

The monument is a stylized space of a cargo military transport aircraft that transported the bodies of dead soldiers and officers to their homeland. The Afghans themselves called such planes "Black tulips".

In the center of the composition is a mournfully bowed figure of a seated soldier with a machine gun, around which there are metal pylons imitating the frame of an aircraft fuselage with the names of Ural residents who died during the fighting in Afghanistan. On the ten pylons of the monument there are 240 names of Sverdlovsk residents who died in Afghanistan. On August 5, 1995, the grand opening of the monument took place.

At the suggestion of a number of organizations of combat veterans and families of those killed in the North Caucasus, in 2003 a monument to soldiers who died in the Caucasus, Tajikistan and other hot spots in Russia and the CIS countries was opened here. The author of the new monument was also Andrey Serov. The composition of the memorial complex was complemented by a 5-meter stele made of red granite, which is cut by a symbolic mountain fault. Around the stele there are vertical slabs with 413 names of the dead Sverdlovsk residents - military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, FPS, GUIN of the Ministry of Justice.
Opposite the memory complex "Black Tulip" located District House of Officers(Pervomaiskaya 27), a historical and architectural monument of federal significance, built in Yekaterinburg in 1932 - 1941 as an architect V.V. Emelyanov. In 1937, the unfinished club of the trade union of educators was transferred to the UralVO. The military at that time in the Soviet Union were the elite, so a pompous building was built for them. House of the Soviet Army. The huge building in the Soviet neoclassical style is decorated with elements characteristic of the buildings of the Red Army (Workers' and Peasants' Red Army) in the 1930s - towers, spiers, heraldic emblems in sculptural decoration. In the right wing of the building there is Museum of the History of the Ural Military District. Samples of heavy military equipment are displayed in the Museum's courtyard.

Quarter of a bright communist future

And now we have an excellent opportunity to walk next to the bright communist future - an elite quarter that was built as a prototype of the city of the future and it was built for security officers. Location Chekistov town At that time, near the newly built business center of socialist Sverdlovsk, it was no coincidence: NKVD - OGPU employees strictly controlled the progress of construction.

Chekistov town was designed as the residence of the command staff of this service. It was built according to the design of architects I.P. Antonova, V.D. Sokolova And A.M. Tumbasova in 1929-1936. The residential complex covers the territory of a rectangular block with an area of ​​4.1 hectares within Lenin, Kuznechnaya, Vasnetsovskaya (now Lunacharsky) and Pervomaiskaya streets. All residential buildings of the plant are located along the perimeter of the block, forming a sawtooth composition.

The ten-story horseshoe-shaped building was supposed to be occupied by single, small-family and seconded law enforcement officers, now Hotel "Iset". In one of the entrances there are elite apartments with large areas. The complex included an administrative building, a building Palace of Culture named after Dzerzhinsky(the building currently occupies Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore). In the center there is a three-story building of a nursery and kindergarten - the first example in the history of the city of combining preschool institutions in one building, as well as a U-shaped building of a clinic with a pharmacy and a hospital. The entire complex was surrounded by a high fence and guarded around the clock.

Socialist housing had no prototypes; everything was done from scratch, invented on the fly. The main idea was to provide new citizens with free housing, freed from the prejudices of bourgeois life. The idea could not be realized - the kitchens had to be fenced off. From the 30s to the 60s, constructivism was a brand Sverdlovsk, and the building Hotel "Iset", built in this very style, became the architectural symbol of the city. It was printed on New Year's cards, and in 1937 a stamp was issued in Spain with the appearance of this ultra-modern building at that time. True, look at "Iset" the Spaniards had almost no chance at life size - Sverdlovsk was a closed city until the early nineties.

As noted by a famous researcher of the history of architecture of Sverdlovsk A.A. Berseneva, for the appearance of the city, it became the embodiment of architecture that was proletarian in spirit, which for many years foresaw complexity as the main goal of urban planning of our century. Unfortunately, during the entire existence of the town, buildings with wooden floors and worn-out utility lines have not undergone major repairs.

Shigir idol and monument to Zhukov

From Iset hotels just a few steps to Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore(Lenina 69/10). This museum stores many interesting valuables, but we will tell you about the most interesting. – the oldest wooden sculpture on our planet! This archaeological miracle was preserved thanks to two factors: the idol was made of durable larch and lay in a peat bog for thousands of years, and peat, as a natural preservative, protected it from decomposition. January 24, 1890 on The second Kurinsky mine of Count A.A. Stenbock-Fermor fragments of a wooden sculpture were found, which went down in world history as the Great Shigir Idol, a find Count Stenbock-Fermor gave (WOLE). According to a famous archaeologist V.Ya. Tolmacheva the height of the idol was 5.3 m. The lower part (193 cm!) of this unique ancient sculpture was irretrievably lost.

What does a famous person look like? Shigir idol? This is a thick larch board, completely covered with carved geometric patterns, which is crowned with a head. Faces are carved on wide planes: three on the front side and three on the back. In the ornament of the idol, scientists identify characters associated with the Upper (heavenly) and Lower (underground) worlds, and also guess the figures signifying the masculine and feminine principles, the animal and plant world. However, not all images could be interpreted in any way.

The sculpture itself was made at the Center for Archaeometric Research named after. Klaus-Tschier University of Heidelberg (Germany). A radiocarbon analysis carried out in 2015 with a refined calibration curve, performed in Germany using the accelerator mass spectrometry method, led to a dating of 11 thousand years before our time. The wooden idol of the Ural peoples is almost 6000 years older than the famous Egyptian pyramids!

IN Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore in 2003 a special Hall "Shigirskaya Pantry", which presents archival photographs from excavations, about six hundred unique objects from the peat bog. Shigir idol stored in a special display case at a temperature of +16Cº degrees, fragments of the idol are held with thin metal staples so that the pressure on parts of the idol is minimal.
Leaving from Shigir idol don’t be too lazy to take a hundred steps to the left and you will see the most truthful (according to the townspeople) sculptural image Georgy Zhukov- Marshal of Victory. It must be said that in 1995, the year of the 50th anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany Marshal Zhukov As many as 8 monuments were erected.

Lenin Avenue: monument to Sverdlov
and street art objects

Still Sverdlovsk-Ekaterinburg the city is tolerant and fairly independent from the opinions and influences of capitals and fashion. And if in Moscow in the 1990s many monuments of the Soviet era were mercilessly overthrown, then in Yekaterinburg they continue to live peacefully on the streets of the city, despite the flow of time. That's why on Lenin street, between and University building continues to call to a bright future Yakov Sverdlov. This is not a monument to a person, it is a mark of time and a reminder of how cruel revolutions can be. For years, the monument has patiently endured acts of vandalism; it is either doused with red paint or defaced with obscene words. The monument can be called the very first object of STREET Art in Yekaterinburg.

Yes, meet me "Ekaterinburg - the capital of Street Art". If you walk around the city in winter, you may see orange lampshades on a pair of lanterns next to the monument. 5 years ago famous street artist of Yekaterinburg dressed up the city lanterns as home lampshades, and since then, every winter the townspeople admire themselves: “Oh, how cool we are, we have lampshades!”, although years pass, trends change in the world, thousands of new discoveries are made, and here we have lampshades. From monument to Sverdlov let's go to the side Houses of Printing and go into the courtyard, where there are several street art objects.

Many objects are created within festival, which passes into Yekaterinburg on the first weekend of July. First yard work Houses of Printing from a street artist Milky. Milky this courtyard was reminiscent of the New York courtyards where graffiti originated. The work was entirely done with the artist's money.

Here is the work from VGA. VGA have been participating in the festival since 2010, every year they paint different masks around the city. For example, they painted masks on Iset embankment, at the junction on Bolshakova, in the transition to Plotinke. Work "Masks"- these are cheerful purple smiles that captured the cheerful mood of the performers.

There are two more works in this yard and both are related to bulls. In one, a bull is painted on a door, which for some reason was removed; the second picture was born spontaneously, overnight Stas Bags from St. Petersburg and Nikita Nomerz from Nizhny Novgorod.

Street art does not last forever, this is one of its meanings. Many art objects have already disappeared from the streets of our city. Unfortunately, there is not a single resource where all the city’s Street Art objects are listed. If you want more STREET Art objects, you can go into the courtyard cinema "Salut" and we're going to skyscraper Vysotsky.

Vysotsky - observation deck

Our road lies along Krasnoarmeyskaya Street and if you are hungry, it’s time to go to a not very large, but very cozy restaurant. The restaurant is interesting because here you can try the best dumplings in the city: these are real Ural dumplings, these are Siberian dumplings, dumplings with salmon, with venison, there are dumplings with duck, there are dumplings with mushrooms, dumplings... It’s better to try it yourself and not remember, we have a long trip ahead of us Uralmash.

Past, past the first skyscraper "Antey", who today looks short next to his younger brother - Vysotsky. U skyscraper "Vysotsky"- very interesting story. Firstly, this skyscraper was designed by designers who had never designed skyscrapers before, and secondly, the skyscraper was built by a person who had never built skyscrapers before.

Co observation deck "Vysotsky" you can see not only the entire city, but also 4 reservoirs that are located in the vicinity of the city. Why does the skyscraper have the name "Vysotsky"? In fact, this has nothing to do with the height of the building; the skyscraper was named after poet and singer V. Vysotsky, whom the owner of the skyscraper loves very much.

Uralmash - two legends in one place - the legendary plant of factories and the most famous organized crime group "Uralmash"

In order to get to Uralmash, we take the trolleybus. This trolleybus line itself is Uralmash- a historical object, because the first trolleybuses went to Uralmash in 1963 - first to the 1st Five-Year Plan Square (the final one was then called UZTM), although 20 years later than the branch to Himmash.

I have already said that Ekaterinburg is a city of factories. And this is not said for the sake of words, in reality our city used to be made up of cubes - districts with similar-sounding names - Himmash, Elmash, Uralmash. Each district used to be a factory, and around it was a small, self-sufficient (it had everything: housing, schools, hospitals, kindergartens, clubs, stadiums, its own police departments) city, which was obliged to ensure the functioning of the plant, because the main function of the city Ekaterinburg, from 1723 until the 1990s, there was factory production.

The tour should start from "Museum of the Uralmash Plant", and then climb up to the podium next to monument to Sergo Ordzhonikidze to try to capture at one glance the magnificent design of the social town. The main urban axis of Uralmash-city, as a continuation of the central alley of Uralmash-plant, is called Ordzhonikidze Avenue. All the major streets of the garden city (and for socialist towns it was important to have a properly organized space, with a large number of parks and public gardens), like rays converge on the central square, along them people had to flock to the factory entrance. The socialist town project was magnificent, although World War II prevented its full implementation, but still, walking along the streets of the city, you can still find those islands of socialist construction.

After perestroika and the collapse of the USSR Uralmash They were one of the first to suffer - no one needed huge factories and huge volumes of production. Uralmashevskaya organized crime group appeared in a small area around schools 115 and 117 Uralmash. Perhaps, as a community of young energetic guys, it had already developed by the mid-90s. Everyone trained at the same stadium, with the same coaches. Typical guys from the factory outskirts, rivals of the “major” youth from the center, at some point turned into a powerful criminal structure and kept the entire Ekaterinburg. A lot has been written about this; those who are especially interested should read it. But OPG "Uralmash" added some fame to the city.


This is where mine ends TOP 17 sights of Ekaterinburg. I understand that it was impossible to cover all the interesting sights for tourists in a city with a million people in a short excursion, but I tried. In fact, these are not 17 separate attractions, they are 17 small adventures, 17 small little excursions, each of which can be taken around the city Ekaterinburg within a couple of hours. But if you don’t have much time and you want to see the whole city in one day, in this case you just need to go through this TOP17. I wish you happiness!

The city of Yekaterinburg is located on the territory of the state (country) Russia, which in turn is located on the territory of the continent Europe.

Which federal district does the city of Yekaterinburg belong to?

Yekaterinburg is part of the federal district: Ural.

The Federal District is an enlarged territory consisting of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In what region is the city of Yekaterinburg located?

The city of Yekaterinburg is part of the Sverdlovsk region.

A characteristic of a region or a subject of a country is the integrity and interconnection of its constituent elements, including cities and other settlements that are part of the region.

The Sverdlovsk region is an administrative unit of the state of Russia.

Population of the city of Yekaterinburg.

The population of the city of Yekaterinburg is 1,455,514 people.

Year of foundation of Yekaterinburg.

Year of foundation of the city of Yekaterinburg: 1723.

In what time zone is the city of Yekaterinburg located?

The city of Yekaterinburg is located in the administrative time zone: UTC+6. Thus, you can determine the time difference in the city of Yekaterinburg, relative to the time zone in your city.

Telephone code of the city of Yekaterinburg

Telephone code of the city of Ekaterinburg: +7 343. In order to call the city of Ekaterinburg from a mobile phone, you need to dial the code: +7 343 and then the subscriber’s number directly.

Official website of the city of Ekaterinburg.

Website of the city of Ekaterinburg, official website of the city of Ekaterinburg, or as it is also called “Official website of the administration of the city of Ekaterinburg”:

Flag of the city of Yekaterinburg.

The flag of the city of Yekaterinburg is the official symbol of the city and is presented on the page as an image.

Coat of arms of the city of Yekaterinburg.

The description of the city of Yekaterinburg presents the coat of arms of the city of Yekaterinburg, which is a distinctive sign of the city.

Metro in the city of Yekaterinburg.

The metro in the city of Yekaterinburg is called the Yekaterinburg Metro and is a means of public transport.

The passenger flow of the Yekaterinburg metro (congestion of the Yekaterinburg metro) is 52.40 million people per year.

The number of metro lines in the city of Yekaterinburg is 1 lines. The total number of metro stations in Yekaterinburg is 9. The length of metro lines or the length of metro tracks is: 12.70 km.

The city of Yekaterinburg, which bore the name of Sverdlovsk for most of the Soviet period of Russian history - from 1924 to 1991, is a large industrial, scientific and transport center with its rich history and attractions. Yekaterinburg has the official status of the administrative center of the Ural Federal District, and is popularly called the capital of the Urals. Yekaterinburg is located 1667 kilometers east of Moscow, on the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains.

Ekaterinburg is one of the five largest (by population) Russian cities, only Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk are ahead of it. The city is divided into seven administrative districts, and an interesting fact is that the city center is divided between five districts.

The Iset River passes through the city of Yekaterinburg, and there are also two large lakes on its territory - Shartash and Shuvakish. The city, despite the abundance of industrial enterprises, and maybe even because of this fact, is very green, there are many parks, squares, and gardens.

Yekaterinburg is known as a large industrial city, and the industries represented in it are very diverse: optical, mechanical engineering, electronic, metallurgical, military-industrial complex, food and light industry.

Unlike many industrial cities, Ekaterinburg can boast that it also has a developed trade sector. Moreover, a higher level of retail trade turnover is observed in Russia only in two cities - St. Petersburg and Moscow. Shopping complexes, multiplexes, shopping centers and shopping centers are actively developing in the city - at the beginning of 2009 there were a total of more than fifty of them.

Yekaterinburg is a major transport hub; seven railway lines converge there – Perm, Tyumen, Kazan, Nizhny Tagil, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan and Tavdinsk; and the Sverdlovsk Railway Administration is also located here. Koltsovo International Airport is located in the city of Yekaterinburg. Intracity transport in Yekaterinburg is presented in almost all possible forms - trolleybuses, trams, buses, minibuses, metro. Despite this diversity, the total passenger flow has a steady downward trend, while the number of cars in personal use by Yekaterinburg residents is growing. The growth in passenger traffic is demonstrated only by the metro, which was put into operation in 1991. Now the Yekaterinburg metro consists of one line, on which there are seven stations. The first tram depot appeared in Yekaterinburg in 1929, the first trolleybus went on line in 1943. Currently, the construction of a high-speed tram line is in the design stage, which will connect the new microdistrict of Yekaterinburg under construction with its center. There are a lot of entertainment places in the city.

The headquarters of the Volga-Ural Military District of Russia is located in Yekaterinburg.

Yekaterinburg is also the educational center of the Ural region; it is in this city that the headquarters of the Presidium of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences is located. There are many institutions of secondary and higher education in Yekaterinburg. Among the higher educational institutions of Yekaterinburg there is even a theater institute.

There are more than fifty museums in Yekaterinburg, among which the largest are: the Sverdlovsk Museum of Local Lore, the Radio Museum, the Museum of Nature, the Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of the History of Stone-Cutting and Jewelry Crafts, the Historical Museum, the Museum of Nevyarsk Icons and many others.

By the way, Ekaterinburg museums regularly take part in the annual all-Russian event Night of Museums. There are also many hotels in the city of various price levels.

Twenty-four theaters constantly operate in Yekaterinburg, and during the Second World War it was here that the troupes of the Moscow Art Theater and the Soviet Army Theater were evacuated.

More than seven hundred animals, representing almost three hundred species, permanently live in the Yekaterinburg Zoo, including monkeys, felines and even elephants. And those who are more interested in fish than animals or birds should visit the Aqua Gallery, which consists of several dozen aquariums with exotic fish; You can look at the fish not only from the outside, but also practically while in the underwater kingdom - an underwater tunnel was created for this purpose. The city has a circus with its own troupe, which annually presents new programs to residents and guests of the city.