Tourism Visas Spain

Peru. state structure. Official name: Republic of Peru Transport and Communications

It is located in the west of South America and borders on the north with Colombia and Ecuador, on the east with Brazil and Bolivia, on the south with Chile, and on the west by the Pacific Ocean.

The name of the country comes from the Piru River, which means “river” in the local Indian language.

Official name: Republic of Peru

Capital: Lima

The area of ​​the land: 1.28 million sq. km

Total Population: 29.9 million people

Administrative division: The state is divided into 25 departments.

Form of government: Republic.

Head of State: The president.

Population composition: 45% are Quechua and Aymara Indians, 37% are mestizos, 15% are from Europe and about 3% are from Asia.

Official language: Spanish and Quechua, Aymara and other languages ​​of Indian groups.

Religion: 90% of the country's believing population are Catholics, the rest profess Protestantism, Judaism and Islam.

Internet domain: .pe

Mains voltage: ~220 V, 60 Hz

Country dialing code: +51

Country barcode: 775


Transitional from tropical in the east to tropical mountain in the west. Average monthly temperatures on the coast are +15-25 C, in the Andes - from -5 to +16 C. Precipitation is from 700 to 3000 mm. in year. In the coastal strip (Kosta), instead of rain, sometimes a tiny drizzle, called "garya", falls. The cold Peruvian Current reduces the average annual air temperature on the coast by an average of 6 C.

The Andes ridges create an insurmountable barrier to oceanic air masses, resulting in a contrast between the desert slopes of the Pacific coast and the forested slopes facing the Atlantic.

Up to an altitude of 3500 m, moderate temperatures prevail, without frost or heat; above that, the “pune” zone (“cold place”) begins, which is characterized by strong thin air, low temperatures (at altitudes above 4100 m they do not rise above 0 C) and sharp daily temperature fluctuations (sometimes up to +20 C during the day, freezing down to -12 C at night). The average annual temperature at an altitude of 4500 m is only +2 C.

Selva's climate is humid, tropical, with high rainfall. The average annual temperature is +26 - 28 C. From November to March is the rainy season.


Peru is located in western South America in the Southern Hemisphere. The area of ​​the country is 1.29 million square meters. km. In the west, Peru is washed by the Pacific Ocean, in the south it borders with Chile, in the southeast - with Bolivia, in the northeast - with Brazil, in the north - with Colombia, in the northwest - with Ecuador.

In the west of the country, the desert lowlands of the Costa stretch along the entire coast. The width of this coastal strip varies from 65 to 160 km. Further east, the Peruvian Andes "sierra" chain begins. They occupy almost the entire central part of the country and stretch from northwest to southeast.

The average altitude of the Sierra is about 3660 m above sea level. The Peruvian Andes consist of two ranges: Western and Eastern. The highest peak, Mount Huascaran (6768 m), belongs to the Eastern Range. In the southern part of the Sierra there are volcanoes, 14 in total. The most famous of them is the active Misti volcano (5822 m). In the east of the country lies the tropical plain of the Amazon "selva", occupied by rain forests. This region occupies about 60% of the territory.

The main rivers of Peru are the Amazon and its tributaries Marañon, Ucayali and Putumayo. In the southeast of the country, on the border with Bolivia, Lake Titicaca is located in a tectonic basin. This is the largest alpine navigable lake in the world, it is located at an altitude of 3812 m, its area is 8446 sq. km. Most of the lake's water area is located in Peru.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

The coastal strip is dominated by desert plants - cacti and thorny bushes. The slopes of the central Andes are covered with dense subtropical mountain forest, which with height gradually gives way to forest of a more temperate climatic type - "seja". The main tree of seja is cinchona. The southern Peruvian Andes are home to drought-tolerant feather grass, short grass, and lepidophyllum shrub. In the mountain valleys there are cacti, spiny legumes and deciduous broad-leaved trees. Selva is occupied by tropical rain forests. Mahogany, cedrela, rubber, sarsaparilla, vanilla and tropical flowers grow here.

Animal world

The desert coastal fauna includes sea lions, Humboldt penguins, Chilean flamingos, Peruvian pelicans, Inca terns, brown boobies, lizards, tarantulas and scorpions. The cold waters of the Pacific Ocean are home to tuna, sardines, haddock, bonito, swordfish, mackerel, rock bass, sole, smelt and shrimp.

In the highlands there are llamas, alpacas, guanacos, vicunas, chinchillas, and on the eastern slopes - jaguars, spectacled bears and tapirs. Among the birds found here are the Andean condor, ibis, partridge, duck, goose, flycatcher and finch. The selva is inhabited by tropical animals - jaguar, cougar, armadillo, peccary, tapir, anteater, several species of monkeys, alligator and several species of snakes.


Peru is one of the most interesting countries in the world. Numerous monuments of the pre-European period are concentrated here - the cultures of Kilkee, Lurche, Nazca, Mochica, Chavan, Chan Chan, Chimu, Tiahuanco and, of course, the Inca. Amazing nature - the great Andes and the “green hell” of the Amazon valley, the sand dunes of the Pacific coast and the relict lake-sea of ​​Titicaca, the mysterious Nazca petroglyphs and high-mountain deserts - all this is concentrated in a relatively small territory of this country.

  • Paracas
  • Lake Titicaca
  • Tukuma
  • Chan-Chan
  • Reserve "Pakaya Samiriya"
  • Colca Canyon
  • Lake Yarinacocha
  • Ollantaytambo
  • Pisak
  • Ruins of Karal
  • Tiahuanaco
  • Huascaran

Banks and currency

The official currency of Peru is the new sol. 1 new sol is equal to 100 centimes. In circulation are banknotes in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200 new soles and coins of 1, 2 and 5 new soles, as well as 5, 10, 20 and 50 centimes.

Some shops, hotels and restaurants accept US dollars as payment. US dollars are the easiest currency to exchange; other currencies incur large fees. You can exchange foreign money in banks, exchange offices, hotels and at the airport. The most favorable rate is at exchange offices, the least favorable is at hotels. Be sure to keep your foreign currency exchange receipts before leaving the country, they are necessary for the return exchange of unspent new salts.

Credit cards are widely accepted in Peru's main tourist centers. Traveler's checks are most often not accepted for payment, but they are quite easy to exchange.

Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00, some are open on Saturday from 9:00 to 13:00.

Useful information for tourists

Peru is one of the safest countries in South America for tourists. However, you need to be careful when visiting crowded places - such as city markets. Luggage, handbags, photo and video cameras must always be held with your hand.

Tips (approximately 10% of the cost) in bars, restaurants, hairdressers, and hotels are already included in the bill.

Peru is a remote South American country with an intriguing history, unique architecture and extraordinary natural diversity. As the owner of one of the new seven wonders of the world - the mysterious city of Machu Picchu, Peru is rightfully proud of the rich heritage of the Inca Empire. This colorful country, full of contrasts, attracts tourists not only with its rich archaeological heritage, but also with authentic colonial architecture, exquisite gastronomy, as well as pristine nature in the mountains and jungle.

Located in the Andes Mountains on the west coast of South America, the country is bordered in the northwest by Ecuador, in the north by Colombia, in the east by Brazil, and in the southeast by Bolivia and Chile. In the west, its coastline is washed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. Peru is considered one of the largest countries in South America by area, according to this indicator it ranks third after Brazil and Argentina. Its area is very impressive and amounts to 1,285,216 km2.

The country's population as of 2018 exceeds 32,495,510 people. The capital of Peru is the city of Lima with a population of 9,562,280 people. Human. The country's national currency is the Peruvian Nuevo Sol, PEN. On average, the exchange rate against the dollar is approximately two and a half to one, that is, for one dollar they give 2.7 soles. The official language in the country is Spanish, but in regions with a predominant Indian population, the official languages ​​are Quechua and Aymara.

Peru is a very religious country, the main religion in the country is Catholicism

Current time in Lima:
(UTC -5)

Customs regulations

There are no overly strict customs regulations in Peru. As elsewhere, the import of drugs, weapons and ammunition is prohibited. The import of sausages and, in particular, dry-cured ham requires a special certificate of suitability from the manufacturer. It is allowed to import up to 2.5 liters of strong alcoholic drinks per person, as well as up to 400 cigarettes. The import and export of foreign and national currency is not limited. Export is limited only to previously imported amounts. It should be remembered that the export from the country of objects of archaeological or historical value is strictly prohibited.

How to get to Peru

It makes the most sense to start your trip from the country's capital - it is the largest city, and flights there will be much cheaper and more frequent than to other cities in Peru.

The easiest and most logical option to fly to Lima () from Russia is flights from one of the European airlines with a connection at its home airport. These are Iberia, Air France, KLM, Air Europa and Lan. See all flight options from your city to Peru using the form below.

How to get from Peru to Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador

Recently, tourists are increasingly combining visits to Peru with Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador. The most convenient way to get from Lima to these countries is with direct flights from LAN. Today, this airline is considered the undisputed leader in the Latin American aviation market. LAN is famous for its impeccable service and reliable aircraft, but its ticket prices are quite high. The average cost of an economy class airfare on the Lima-Santiago-Lima route will be approximately $400, provided that the ticket is purchased several months before departure. Just before departure, prices can reach $700. Travel time is four hours.

Cities and regions of Peru

Administratively, the territory of Peru is divided into 25 regions, which in turn are subdivided into numerous provinces and districts. Each region has its own interesting specifics and features, both natural-geographical and cultural-historical.

Region Capital
1 Amazonas Chachabelt
2 Ankash Huaraz
3 Apurimac Abankay
4 Arequipa Arequipa
5 Ayacucho Ayacucho
6 Cajamarca Cajamarca
7 Callao Callao
8 Cusco Cusco
9 Huancavelica Huancavelica
10 Huanuco Huanuco
11 Ica Ica
12 Junin Huancayo
13 La Libertad Trujillo
14 Lambayeque Chiclayo
15 Lima Lima
16 Loreto Iquitos
17 Madre de Dios Puerto Maldonadlo
18 Moquegua Moquegua
19 Pasco Sierra de Pasco
20 Piura Piura
21 San Martin Moyobamba
22 Puno Puno
23 Tacna Tacna
24 Tumbes Tumbes
25 Ucayali Pucallpa

Sights of Peru

As a rule, a visit to Peru begins from the capital. The rest of the attractions and interesting places are quite scattered and distant from each other. Below you will find links to attractions in Lima, Arequipa, Cusco, Puno and other regions of Peru.

Sights of other regions of Peru

  • Oxapampa-Ashaninka-Yanesha Nature Reserve
  • Hera Falls
  • National Peruvian Railway Museum
  • Mancora resort
  • Resort Puerto Pizarro

National parks of Peru:

The country is home to many natural parks, the most interesting and worth visiting of which are the following:

  • Manu National Park in the region of Madre de Dios
  • Tambopata-Candamo National Reserve in the region of Madre de Dios
  • Paracas National Park in the Ica region
  • Huascaran National Park in the Ancash region
  • Pacaya-Samiria National Reserve in the Loreto region

Where to go in Peru


Museums and galleries

Parks and Recreation


Private guides in Peru

Russian private guides will help you get acquainted with Peru in more detail.
Registered on the Experts.Tourister.Ru project.

Things to do

In addition to a myriad of different attractions, Peru can offer its guests a wide range of activities, both sports, entertainment and educational. Here you can walk in the mountains, go horseback riding, ride mountain bikes, motorcycles or jeeps, raft down rivers, surf and ski, and even paraglid! The latter fun is especially common in the capital. Since Lima is located above ocean level, the very structure of the city is conducive to paragliding. In the Miraflores area, you can easily fly over the ocean and the terraces of the coastline, feeling like a bird. Almost constant flows of warm air allow you to take off and land in the same place.

Festivals and holidays in Peru

Being a deeply religious country, Peru has an incredible number of different religious holidays on its calendar. The main holidays - Good Friday and Easter - are celebrated on a grand scale throughout the country. In the most religious cities of the country - Lima, Cusco and Ayacucho, massive colorful ceremonies and solemn processions take place. And All Saints Day is celebrated throughout the country with a traditional ceremony of visiting the graves of ancestors. The most important holiday in the life of local residents is “Inti Raymi” - the summer solstice holiday is celebrated on June 24. The colorful ceremony of welcoming the Sun and worshiping it is held annually in Cusco and Sacsayhuaman, attracting countless tourists from all over the world. On November 5, Puno hosts an unusual celebration of the symbolic appearance of the first Inca, Manco Capac, and his girlfriend on Lake Titicaca.

In addition, each region has its own local holidays in the format of events in local history and the veneration of the patron saints of this particular area, which makes such events unique in their own way and unlike others.

So, in February there is the Marinera Dance Festival in Trujillo, in March - the Vendimia wine festival in Ica, in June - the San Juan Festival in Iquitos, in April - the Peruvian horse competition in Pachacamas, and in November - the Bullfights in Lima. It is also interesting to see what cockfighting is like, a popular entertainment among Peruvians, which is held in the capital throughout the year.

Getting around the country

Public transport is quite well developed in Peru and is represented by planes, buses and trains.

Planes in Peru

In a country with such complex terrain as Peru, air travel plays an important role - after all, many difficult-to-pass places can only be reached by air. Moreover, if you are traveling long distances, then it makes sense to use the services of one of the local airlines, for example, TACA, StarPeru or Peruvian Airlines. TACA is considered the best airline in the Peruvian aviation market, leading in all respects, and accordingly having the highest ticket prices.

Before purchasing tickets for domestic flights, you should keep in mind that there are pitfalls. The fact is that in Peru there is differentiation in tariffs for foreign and national passengers, but this only applies to two top tourist destinations - Cusco and Iquitos. And the difference in price is quite significant - for comparison, a ticket from Lima to Cusco for a Peruvian will cost about 80 dollars, and for a foreigner it will cost as much as 170 dollars!

Buses in Peru

The choice of a bus company should be approached with the utmost seriousness, because your safety and comfort directly depends on it. Cruz del Sur is considered the undisputed leader among bus companies in Peru. The buses of this company are comfortable and reliable, and the price-quality ratio is one of the best on the entire Latin American continent. In Peru, there are different types of buses depending on the level of comfort and seats, the most popular of which are semi-folding seats - semicama and fully folding ones - cama. The bus is the most popular type of transport in the country, inexpensive and comfortable. The network of bus routes of various companies covers almost the entire territory of the country. It makes sense to take a bus for medium distances, for example from Cusco to Puno or Arequipa. It doesn't make sense to take a bus from Lima to Cusco or Piura, it will take too long and be quite tiring. But if you have a limited budget and a lot of time, then this option will be quite acceptable. For example, a bus trip from Lima to Cusco takes on average about 12 hours and costs approximately $30.

Other bus companies with positive reviews include the following:

  • Buses Flores Hermanos
  • Tepsa
  • Linea
  • Ormeno
  • Oltursa


Peru is a fairly poor country with all the ensuing consequences, so it is not at all surprising that the crime rate here is quite high. However, this does not mean at all that during your journey there will be danger at every step. In the top tourist places in the country, relative order has been restored and there is nothing much to worry about. In Lima, Miraflores and Barranco are considered the safest areas. The center of the capital is supervised around the clock by the tourist police, whose task is to protect city guests and help them in every possible way. Cusco is generally a calm and safe city, but it is better not to go to the popular areas of Santa Clara and especially around the market, especially alone. It is worth remembering that in every city there are certain areas where tourists are not recommended to go.

Here are some precautions that you should take while traveling in this country:

  • You should not provoke the local population with your appearance, wear expensive jewelry, demonstrate expensive equipment, or large amounts of cash.
  • Leave valuables, documents and cash in the hotel safe. It is better to carry a photocopy of your passport with you.
  • If you need to withdraw money from an ATM, it is better to do it during the daytime and with an accompanying person.
  • It is better to order a taxi at a hotel or restaurant. When paying taxi drivers, it is better to give the exact amount; there have been cases when taxi drivers pretended that they did not have change.
  • Take a good look at what local money looks like. There have been cases when merchants gave tourists change in old, out-of-circulation banknotes.
  • Try to avoid places with large crowds of people; in a crowd it is much easier for thieves to steal money unnoticed. Accordingly, always keep an eye on your bags and wallets.
  • Do not carry large amounts of cash with you; it is better to limit yourself to a small amount in accordance with your daily expenses.
  • Women traveling alone may often hear catcalls and outright compliments from Peruvian men. It's not scary if you don't come into contact with them. It is better to pretend that you do not understand their intentions and pass by.
  • It is not recommended to walk alone at night. If you do not have company and you are late, you should call an official taxi.

In case of emergency, dial 105 (rescue service), the police number in Lima is 714-313.

If you have lost documents, or in any other difficult situation, we recommend contacting Russian Embassy in Peru.

Spanish and Quechua. Aymara and Amazonian dialects are also common.
Population of Peru: about 28.6 million people.
Political system of Peru: constitutional democracy.
Territory of Peru: 1,285,220 sq. km.
Main religion of Peru: Catholicism.
Time in Peru: lags behind Moscow by 9 hours (in summer), by 8 hours (in winter).
Highest point in Peru: Mount Nevado Huascaran (6768 m).

Peru- a country with ancient history on the planet. The first buildings appeared in Peru about ten thousand years ago. The Indian history of Peru begins with the Chico tribe, the oldest civilization in the world, and ends with the powerful kingdom of the Incas, the largest empire of pre-Columbian America. The Paracas, Chavin, Mochica, Nazca, Vari, and Chimu cultures also left their mark on the annals of the state. Today, Peru is home to more than 180 museums and countless archaeological parks: from the famous Machu Picchu, which has become one of the new wonders of the world, and the mysterious Nazca Lines to almost destroyed cities lost in the Andean valleys. Peru contains unique natural resources: it has 84 of the 104 biological zones existing on the planet, 20% of all bird species and 10% of all reptile and mammal species on earth live here.
The inhabitants of Peru are distinguished by their cheerful, open character, thanks to which the life of the country is decorated with all kinds of colorful holidays. The original Peruvian cuisine, based on the culinary traditions of almost all continents, is another pleasant surprise for travelers. Among the advantages of the country, one can also note the developed tourist infrastructure: traveling around Peru is not only exciting, but also comfortable.

Tourism: Peru is an ideal destination for history buffs and people interested in its unique culture. Among the most popular activities: historical excursions (Incan ruins, colonial cities, remains of unknown civilizations), hiking along the “Inca Trail”, walks on Lake Titicaca, watching wild animals and birds (Amazon, Paracas Nature Reserve), ecotourism (Colca Canyon, hiking in the Andes), cruises in the Amazon, shamanic rituals, beach holidays in the north of Peru (Tumbes and Mancora).

Height above sea level: 154 m.
Weather: from October to April it is summer - warm and sunny (maximum temperature +16+18ºС), from May to September - winter, humid (minimum temperature +13+14ºС). Rains are rare.
Purchases: Souvenirs from all areas of Peru can also be found in Lima on La Marina Avenue in Pueblo Libre and in the city center.

Height above sea level:
3360 m, Sacred Valley - 2900 m, Machu Picchu - 2400 m
Climate: In the highlands of Peru, the climate is dry and quite mild, with clearly defined dry and wet seasons. The dry season (May to October), with its sunny days, cold nights and scanty rainfall, is the best time to travel in the Andes. The rainy season lasts from December to March. In high mountain areas, the difference between the air temperature in the sun and in the shade is quite noticeable; a feature of the local climate is also the ability of the weather to change dramatically within one day: from +20° C to +2° C.
Purchases: knitted woolen products, pottery, silver jewelry, wood products with artistic carvings, furs, masks. The San Blas artist district is home to some amazing studios.

Height above sea level:
Ica - 406 m, Nazca - 588 m, Paracas - 0 m.
Climate: dry and hot, no rain.

Height above sea level:
3827 m. Titicaca - 3810 m.
Recommendations: You must bring a hat and sunscreen.
Weather: The best time to travel is from April to September. The climate is dry and cool. Keep in mind that these areas of Peru are very hot during the day and cold at night. The average annual temperature is +7º C.
Purchases: Local weaving traditions are passed down from generation to generation, so here you can count on buying high-quality textiles and woolen products. These areas of Peru are also famous for the production of original musical instruments.

Height above sea level:
2335 m.
Weather: In Arequipa the weather is always sunny with fresh light winds in the afternoon. The air temperature ranges from +10 to +24º C depending on the season.
Purchases: belts, stationery, metal furniture, as well as stone souvenirs.

Height above sea level:
122 m.
Recommendations: When visiting areas of the Amazon, you need to be prepared for specific climatic conditions: heat, rain, insects, etc. It is recommended to get vaccinated against yellow fever ten days before travel. When traveling to the Amazon, clothing that covers your wrists and ankles, waterproof boots, a raincoat, light gloves and mosquito repellent are essential.
Weather: The best time to visit Iquitos is from April to October (relatively dry season). The best time to visit Puerto Maldonado is from March to December. Although the heat and high humidity persist here all year round. Average temperature +28º C.
Frequent rainfall during the wet season (November to March) causes local river levels to rise significantly.
Purchases: pottery with geometric designs, decorated clothing, as well as souvenirs and household items made from local materials.

Height above sea level:
34 m.
Recommendations: You should bring sunscreen, light clothing, comfortable shoes and a hat.
Weather: The weather is sunny and warm all year round with an average temperature of +19º C; it only gets hot in the summer months (December to March).

Weather: There are two distinct seasons on the coast: summer and winter. Summer lasts from December to March, the average air temperature during this period is +27° C. Wet and cool winter lasts from May to October, the air temperature sometimes drops to +12° C. Although during the rest of the year rains are very rare on the coast, In winter there is frequent fog and drizzle. However, the northernmost areas of the coast boast sunny weather all year round with summer temperatures around +35°C.

Useful information for tourists in Peru:

Electricity: 220/240 Volt, European style sockets.

Currency: new salt. US dollars are widely accepted. Most international credit cards are accepted for payment in hotels, restaurants and shops.

Visa: Russian citizens do not require a visa until 90 days of stay in the country.

Recommendations: People with cardiovascular disease should consult their doctor before visiting the highlands of Peru. To avoid weakness, common in high mountain areas, you need to eat light food and drink mate tea. When visiting Machu Picchu in the rainy season, you need to take a poncho or rain coat with you, and in the dry season - a hat, insect repellent and sunscreen. In areas of the Amazon, you should be prepared for unusual climatic conditions: heat, rain, insects, etc. It is recommended (but not required) to be vaccinated against yellow fever ten days before travel.

National cuisine: Peruvian cuisine is almost as diverse as nature. It includes wonderful seafood, potatoes, and tropical fruits from the Amazon jungle. It's worth trying ceviche (raw fish or crustaceans marinated in lemon juice with onions and vegetables). Thrill-seekers can try kui - stewed or fried guinea pig. Masamorra morada, a fruit pudding dating back to colonial times, is another favorite Peruvian dish to finish off a meal.

National government. On April 5, 1992, President Alberto Fujimori dissolved both houses of the National Congress, purged the judiciary, suspended the constitution and, with the support of the armed forces, established a regime of sole power in the country. This brought an end to the 12-year period of constitutional rule, which was marked by deepening economic and social problems, aggravation of political differences and polarization of political forces. In November 1992, elections to the Constituent Assembly were held in the country. Since most opposition parties refused to take part in the elections, the Assembly consisted mainly of supporters of the president, and the constitution it drafted gave the president broad powers. In a referendum held in October 1993, the new text of the constitution was approved by 52% of the votes against 48%. By all accounts, President Fujimori succeeded in restoring order (albeit with harsh measures) and economic stability in the country (the inflation rate, which was over 7000% in 1990, fell to 11% in 1994); as a result, he was elected president for a second term in April 1995 with a large margin over other candidates (Fujimori received 64% of the vote, his closest rival - 22%). The new constitution established a wide range of presidential powers. According to its provisions, the president is elected for 5 years and can be re-elected for a second term. He has the power to pass laws, introduce bills in Congress, revise laws passed by Congress, and appoint ambassadors and members of high military command without Congressional approval. The President also has the right to dissolve the highest legislative body if the latter expresses a negative opinion about the activities of two or more cabinet members, otherwise a vote of no confidence will be passed against the ministers. In addition, the president can, by his own will, introduce a state of emergency for up to 60 days, during which constitutional rights are suspended and control of public order is entrusted to the army. Legislative power in the country belongs to the unicameral National Congress, consisting of 120 members, whose elections are held according to party lists simultaneously with the election of the president for a period of 5 years. The prerogative of Congress is to adopt the budget, approve loan agreements and international treaties, develop bills and pass laws. Congress has the power to conduct investigations into "matters of public importance", make inquiries and express no confidence in the government (Council of Ministers) or its individual members. The judiciary, officially considered a third branch of government independent of the other two, has long been a bastion of political favoritism. After Fujimori carried out a coup in April 1992, the functioning of the country's judicial system was suspended, then it was rebuilt with the expectation of greater independence from the influence of the ruling political elite. Members of the Supreme Court are appointed by the independent National Judicial Council. The Constitutional Court, whose seven members are elected by the National Congress for a five-year term, has the power, for its part, to overturn government decrees. The 1993 constitution reinstated the death penalty for crimes such as terrorism and treason in wartime.
Administrative-territorial division. According to the 1993 constitution, the administrative division that existed before 1987 into 24 departments, 159 provinces and more than 1,500 urban entities was restored in Peru. The 1979 Constitution approved the creation of regions in the country, which were to function as autonomous economic and administrative units. To date, 12 regions have been created on the basis of 23 (out of 24 existing) departments. The formation of another region has been temporarily postponed; the rest have also not yet begun to fulfill their functions in full. According to the 1993 constitution, the division into regions remains, but the scope of powers of local governments is reduced.
Political organizations. Over the past century, public life in Peru has been characterized by weak political parties, recurring economic crises, and a pronounced stratification of the population along social and cultural lines. These factors explain the enormous political influence that the armed forces have in Peru, which for a long time felt themselves to be the only guarantor of order and the arbiter of the country's political destinies. The leading political forces in Peru in the 1990s were two “anti-parties”: Peremena 90, which was created in 1989 during Fujimori’s first election campaign, and the New Majority, an informal political entity that campaigned in the elections on behalf of the president. 1992 to the Democratic Constituent Congress (DC) and parliamentary elections in 1995. As a result, these political associations received 67 of 120 seats and provided Fujimori with majority support in parliament in pursuing his policies and implementing legislative initiatives. In April 1995, Fujimori won a landslide victory with 64% of the vote, largely due to the success of his economic policies in 1994. Quite unexpectedly, his government was challenged by an underground organization called the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement: in December 1996, militants from this organization seized the embassy Japan in Lima and held him for several months. Ultimately, the embassy was stormed, during which all the militants and one hostage were killed. The next most influential political force in the country is the Union in the Name of Peru, headed by former UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar, who took second place in terms of the number of votes received in the 1995 elections. None of the traditional political parties in Peru has overcome 4- percentage barrier in the 1995 elections. One of the oldest and most influential parties in Peru for a long time was the Peruvian Apristan Party (PAP), created on the basis of the American Popular Revolutionary Alliance (APRA). This party had a significant number of supporters in all regions of the country who took an active part in its political and non-political activities. APRA was founded by Victor Raul Haya de la Torre in Mexico in 1924, and in 1930 the APRA organization was created in Peru and a year later transformed into a national reformist party. Haya de la Torre remained the leader of the party and played a prominent role in the political life of Peru until his death in 1979. At the beginning of the party's activities, its radical position and penchant for violent and direct action (strikes, demonstrations, etc.) won it supporters among industrial and agricultural workers, as well as representatives of the middle class. After an unsuccessful attempt at armed uprising in 1932, the party was outlawed and its official activities were banned (except for a short period from 1945 to 1948) until the mid-1950s, when, in order to obtain the status of a legal party, it announced a transition to more moderate positions. Haya de la Torre ran for president several times, but never achieved his goal. His protégé and fellow party member Alan García Pérez was elected president in 1985. Peru's main center-right parties are the Popular Action Party (PA), whose leader Fernando Belaúnde Terry served as president from 1963 to 1968 and from 1980 to 1985, and the conservative Popular Action Party (PA). Christian Party (CHP), which achieved notable political success after splitting from the Christian Democratic Party (CDP), which did not enjoy any significant influence. After a brutal defeat in the 1985 elections, the ND and the CDA jointly supported the neoliberal candidate, writer Mario Vargas Llosa, who was defeated by Alberto Fujimori, an independent candidate of Japanese origin. Peru has a significant number of left-leaning political parties, most of which coalesced into a broad, if fragile, coalition known as the United Left in the 1980s. Despite individual successes achieved in municipal and parliamentary elections, this coalition was unable to perform adequately in the presidential elections of 1985 (against García Pérez) and 1990 (against Vargas Llosa and Fujimori). The small parties that made up the coalition, professing Trotskyist, pro-Chinese and Christian views, were unable to unite under a common unified program and eventually lost their supporters. The most radical group in Peru in the 1980s was the pro-Maoist faction of the Communist Party, which called itself Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path). In 1980, this organization launched a guerrilla war among Indians living in the high Andes. The activities of Sendero Luminoso became increasingly widespread and spread to coastal cities in subsequent years, despite the fact that the rebels' actions were extremely brutal and the army took equally harsh measures against residents suspected of supporting the guerrillas. After the organization's leader, Abimael Guzman, was captured by government security forces in 1992, the group's guerrilla activities declined significantly.
Judicial and legal system. As in most Latin American countries, Peru's legal system is based on Roman civil law as it was used in Spain and, to a lesser extent, France.
Armed forces. For men over 18 years of age, service in the armed forces is compulsory for a period of 2 years. However, not all persons who have reached military age are required to be drafted into the army. In 1997, there were 120 thousand people in active service in the armed forces of Peru, including 75 thousand in the ground forces (including 50 thousand conscripts), the naval forces numbered 18 thousand people (including 3000 sea infantrymen), the air force numbered 15 thousand people. Internal security and police functions are carried out by units of the Civil and Republican Guard, numbering approx. 60 thousand people.
International relationships. Peru is a member of the UN and its specialized organizations, as well as a member of the OAS. In addition, Peru is a member of the Latin American Integration Association (LAAI), the Andean Group, the Economic Council of the Pacific Rim, and the Organization for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America. Tensions between Peru and Ecuador, caused by the territorial claims of both countries, resulted in open armed conflict in 1941, when Ecuador began an undeclared war, seeking to secure disputed territory in the upper reaches of the Marañon River. However, Ecuador's action was not successful, and in 1942 the Treaty of Peace, Friendship and Borders was signed between the two countries, according to which Ecuador lost 334 thousand square meters. km of territory. This agreement, however, was not able to end the confrontation. Every year, on the anniversary of its signing, conflicts broke out, and in January-February 1995, hostilities began in the valley of the upper reaches of the Cenepa River, which soon ended with the signing of a peace agreement. This agreement, prepared with the participation of the countries guarantors of compliance with the “Rio Protocol” (Argentina, Brazil, Chile and the USA), did not determine the exact location of the border. An international mission of military observers was sent to monitor the disputed territory in Peru and Ecuador, and negotiations began in 1996 to resolve the border dispute. By January 1998, at negotiations in Rio de Janeiro, Ecuador and Peru reached an agreement that marked a turning point in the history of this conflict. The final resolution of controversial issues was entrusted to specially created commissions, which were supposed to develop the terms of an agreement on trade and navigation between these two countries and determine in detail the position of the border, excluding further conflicts; A special bilateral commission has also been created, tasked with developing measures to strengthen mutual trust and ensure the security of both countries. Most of the commissions successfully completed their tasks, but the solution to the main issue of drawing the border was delayed. In an effort to end the conflicts, Presidents Maouad and Fujimori asked the guarantors of the Rio Protocol to establish a border. The final border agreement was signed by both presidents and foreign ministers of Peru and Ecuador on October 26, 1998 in the city of Brasilia. Peru has long had territorial claims to Chile due to the transfer of part of Peruvian territory to Chile after the end of the Pacific War of 1879-1884. Peru declared a maritime coastal zone 200 nautical miles (370 km) wide as its territorial waters. Attempts by U.S. and other vessels to fish in the area have resulted in repeated and bitter disputes with Peruvian authorities.

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The Constitution of 1993 is in force. Administratively, the country is divided into departments: Ayacucho, Amazonas, Ancash, Apurimac, Arequipa, Ica, Callao, Cajamarca, Cusco, La Libertad, Lambayeque, Lima, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Moquegua, Pasco, Piu-ra, Puno, San Martin, Tacna, Tumbes, Huancavelica, Huanuco, Ucayali. The most important cities: Lima, Ayacucho, Arequipa, Ica, Iquitos, Cajamarca, Cusco, Pucallpa, Piura, Sullana, Tacna, Trujillo, Huancayo, Huanuco, Juliaca, Chic-layo, Chimbote.

The legislative branch is represented by a unicameral Congress, elected for 5 years by universal secret, direct compulsory voting on the basis of proportional representation. The quota from each department depends on the size of its population.

Congress is engaged in legislative activities. The right of legislative initiative belongs to deputies, representatives of the executive branch, and the Supreme Court. Congress approves the state budget, loans, solves problems of managing natural resources, ratifies international treaties, grants citizenship or restores it, determines the size of the Armed Forces, and declares amnesty.

Executive power belongs to the president together with the ministers of state. The President acts as the guarantor of the Constitution and the rule of law, appoints the chairman of the Council of Ministers and, on the latter’s recommendation, ministers. The President serves as the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and appoints commanders of the military branches and senior officers. A presidential candidate must be Peruvian by birth and at least 35 years of age.

The president and two vice-presidents are elected for a term of 5 years by an absolute majority of votes from a single national constituency. Representatives of the Armed Forces and the Police do not have the right to participate directly or indirectly in elections. Since 2001, the President of Peru has been A. Toledo Manrique.

The judiciary is autonomous. It is represented by the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court, district and local courts, and autonomous tribunals established in cases of terrorist activities. The death penalty has been abolished, except in cases of wartime treason and terrorism. Members of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts are elected by a qualified majority by Congress for a term of 5 years without the right of re-election. The Supreme Court is the highest court and makes the final decision on charges against senior officials (after the preliminary opinion of Congress).

Department governors are appointed by the president. Elections of municipal authorities are held once every 3 years.

The system of political parties in Peru, which has developed since the 1930s. and existed until 1990, is experiencing a crisis. The administrations of A. Fujimori and A. Toledo failed to overcome it. Most of the old parties (Aprist, Popular Action, Christian People's, United Left) continue to exist in one form or another. Of these, new parties and blocs emerged that participated in the general elections of 1995, 2000 and 2002.

The Peruvian Aprist Party was founded in 1924 as the American Popular Revolutionary Alliance. It first appeared as a political party in 1930. In 1945-77 it was officially called the People's Party. In 1985-90 she was in power (president - A. Garcia), is a member of the Permanent Conference of Political Parties of Latin America and the Caribbean and is an advisory member of the Socialist International Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Possible Peru movement was created in 1999 as an election blockolo. The leaders are A. Toledo (now the President of Peru) and H.B. Caballero. Declared commitment to the idea of ​​democratization of the political system, respect for human rights, modernization of the economy, and social orientation of politics.

The Popular Action Party was founded in 1956. The leader is F. Belaunde Terry (President of Peru 1963-68, 1980-85). In the 1990 elections, she supported the candidacy of writer M. Vargas Llosa for president of Peru. In 1997 it was part of the parliamentary bloc of the democratic opposition, and acted independently in the elections of 2000 and 2002. Member of the Forum of Democratic Political Parties of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Union for Peru was founded in 1994 as an election movement in support of the candidacy of former UN Secretary General J. Perez de Cuellar for the presidency of Peru. He opposed the policies of President A. Fujimori, for democratization, mitigation of neoliberal policies, and for the social orientation of budget policy.

The Christian People's Party was created in 1966 on the basis of the right-wing faction of the Christian Democratic Party. Participated in the government of F. Belaunde Terry. In 1990, she supported the presidential candidacy of Peru from the Democratic Front of the writer M. Vargas Llosa. Leader L. Bedoya Reyes, Minister of Justice in 1964, mayor of Lima in 1963-64, stood in open opposition to the military regimes and the government of A. Fujimori. The party is part of the Union of Latin American Parties.

In Peru, compulsory military service lasts 2 years (for men aged 20-25). There are 188 thousand reservists. Armed forces 125 thousand people, including: in the land army - 85 thousand, navy - 25 thousand, air force - 15 thousand.

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