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Rivers and lakes of the Czech Republic. Large rivers of the Czech Republic

In the south of the Czech Republic, from there it flows north, crosses Prague, after which, continuing its path, it flows into the Laba, near the town of Melnik, many of its sections are dammed and turned into artificial reservoirs for recreation. The second largest river is the Elbe, which flows through the south, west and north of the Czech Republic; large cities and ports are located on the banks of the river. The third most important river in the Czech Republic is the Morava River, which flows in Southern Bohemia.

Most rivers are characterized by spring floods, caused by seasonal melting of snow in the mountains and foothills, and summer rain floods. In winter, the rivers are covered with ice for 1-2 months. Shipping is poorly developed, but the rivers of the Czech Republic flow into three seas at once: the Baltic, Northern and Black, thus, despite the absence of a maritime border, Czech ships go to large waters. Cascades of hydroelectric power stations were built on the Vltava.

List of largest rivers by length

List of the longest rivers in the Czech Republic.

River Czech name Length in the Czech Republic,
Total length,
1 Vltava Vltava 430 430
2 Laba (Elba) Labe 370 1 165
3 Ohře Ohře 256 316
4 Morava Morava 246 353
5 Berounka Berounka 246 246
6 Sazava Sázava 225 225
7 Die Dyje 209 306
8 Jihlava Jihlava 185 185
9 Svratka Svratka 174 174
10 Jizera Jizera 164 164
11 Luznice Lužnicė 153 208
12 Orlice Orlice 140 140
13 Audra Odra 136 861
14 Aftermath Otava 136 136
15 Opava Opava 129 129
16 Becva Bečva 120 120
17 Radbuza Radbuza 112 112
18 Uglava Úhlava 109 109
19 Morawice Moravice 105 105
20 Khrudimka Chrudimka 104 104
21 Ploucnice Ploučnice 103 103
22 Oslava Oslava 100 100

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An excerpt characterizing the Rivers of the Czech Republic

Behind was certain death; there was hope ahead. The ships were burned; there was no other salvation but a collective flight, and all the forces of the French were directed towards this collective flight.
The further the French fled, the more pitiful their remnants were, especially after the Berezina, on which, as a result of the St. Petersburg plan, special hopes were pinned, the more the passions of the Russian commanders flared up, blaming each other and especially Kutuzov. Believing that the failure of the Berezinsky Petersburg plan would be attributed to him, dissatisfaction with him, contempt for him and ridicule of him were expressed more and more strongly. Teasing and contempt, of course, were expressed in a respectful form, in a form in which Kutuzov could not even ask what and for what he was accused. They didn't talk to him seriously; reporting to him and asking his permission, they pretended to perform a sad ritual, and behind his back they winked and tried to deceive him at every step.
All these people, precisely because they could not understand him, recognized that there was no point in talking to the old man; that he would never understand the full depth of their plans; that he would answer with his phrases (it seemed to them that these were just phrases) about the golden bridge, that you cannot come abroad with a crowd of vagabonds, etc. They had already heard all this from him. And everything he said: for example, that we had to wait for food, that people were without boots, it was all so simple, and everything they offered was so complex and clever that it was obvious to them that he was stupid and old, but they were not powerful, brilliant commanders.
Especially after the joining of the armies of the brilliant admiral and the hero of St. Petersburg, Wittgenstein, this mood and staff gossip reached its highest limits. Kutuzov saw this and, sighing, just shrugged his shoulders. Only once, after the Berezina, he became angry and wrote the following letter to Bennigsen, who reported separately to the sovereign:
“Due to your painful seizures, please, Your Excellency, upon receipt of this, go to Kaluga, where you await further orders and assignments from His Imperial Majesty.”
But after Bennigsen was sent away, Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich came to the army, making the beginning of the campaign and being removed from the army by Kutuzov. Now the Grand Duke, having arrived at the army, informed Kutuzov about the displeasure of the sovereign emperor for the weak successes of our troops and for the slowness of movement. The Emperor himself intended to arrive at the army the other day.
An old man, as experienced in court affairs as in military matters, that Kutuzov, who in August of the same year was chosen commander-in-chief against the will of the sovereign, the one who removed the heir and the Grand Duke from the army, the one who, with his power, in opposition the will of the sovereign, ordered the abandonment of Moscow, this Kutuzov now immediately realized that his time was over, that his role had been played and that he no longer had this imaginary power. And he understood this not just from court relationships. On the one hand, he saw that military affairs, the one in which he played his role, was over, and he felt that his calling had been fulfilled. On the other hand, at the same time he began to feel physical fatigue in his old body and the need for physical rest.

The territory is covered by a dense network of rivers. Almost all of them have important economic, historical and cultural significance in the life of the population. Some of them flow into the Black, North and Baltic seas, but shipping in the country is poorly developed. However, water routes, which pass through the most picturesque places, are popular among tourists.

What you need to know about the rivers of the Czech Republic?

Most reservoirs are characterized by spring floods, which are caused by seasonal snow melting. Rain floods occur here in the summer months, and in winter the water can completely freeze. Very often tourists are interested in the question of which river in the Czech Republic flows in Germany. There are several of them – Odra, Laba and Ohře. The country also has bodies of water that cross the borders of Slovakia (Morava), (Luznice, Die) and Poland (Opava).

Main rivers of the Czech Republic

To make it easier for tourists to understand the main rivers of the Czech Republic, we present a list of them below:

  1. (Berounka) - flows in the western part of the country and is the main tributary of the Vltava. It has a length of 139.45 km. There are 5 cities on the banks of the river: Chernoshitse, Dobřichovice and Rzhevnice.

  2. (Vltava) is the largest river in the Czech Republic, its length is 446 km. It originates in the mountains, passes through the Devil's Walls gorge, the Budejovica plain, the hills in the middle part of the country and flows into the Laba. The largest river in the state is located on this river and 12 locks are installed that regulate floods in cities, and.

  3. or Elbe (Labe or Elbe) - the river originates in the Czech Republic, although most of it flows through Germany. The total length of the reservoir is 1165 km. For quite a long time, Laba was considered polluted and unsuitable for swimming. However, in recent years, a water purification program has been operating. There are 20 cities along the river.
  4. or Eger (Ohře or Eger) - it begins in the Fichtelgebirge mountains, flows east towards the city, and not far from Prague it flows into the Laba. Its length is 291 km. There is a large Nehranice reservoir on the river, and the most beautiful site is located in the area.

  5. (Morava) - is a left tributary of the Danube; the middle and upper reaches of the river are located in the Czech Republic. Its length is 388 km. The Morava flows through the cities of Hodonin, Marheg, Golic, etc. Its waters are used for hydroelectric power stations and irrigation.

  6. (Svratka) or Švartsava – it originates in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands, flows southeast and flows into Dyje. The tributaries are the Bobrava and Svitava rivers. The length of Svratka reaches 173.9 km, and the drainage basin covers an area of ​​7112.79 square meters. km.

  7. (Jizera) is the right tributary of the Laba, which is located in the Central Bohemian and Liberec regions. The height of the source is 885 m, and the mouth is 169 m. The length of the river is 164.6 km, the basin area is 2193 square meters. km.

  8. (Jihlava) is a left tributary of the Die, which belongs to the Danube basin. It flows through the South Moravian region and the Vysočina region. The pool area is 3117 sq. km, the length of the river is 180.8 km. Jihlava has its source at the foot of Mount Javorice. There are 3 large cities on the shore: Pohorelice and Jihlava.

  9. (Dyje) is a right tributary of the Morava, which has a winding channel. Its length is 235.4 km, the average water flow reaches 43.9 cubic meters. m per second. The river has 2 sources: Deutsche Thaya and Moravska Die, they unite near the city of Rabs an der Thaya. In the channel there is a large lake with islands, on one of them is located. In several places, Dije is blocked by dams that form reservoirs.

  10. (Sázava) is the right tributary of the Vltava, flowing through the Central Bohemian region. The pool area is 4350 sq. km, the length of the river is 225 km. The height of the source is at a distance of 757 m, and the mouth is 200 m. St. Procopius built in the river valley in the 11th century.

  11. (Úpa) is a river in the Czech Republic, which is a left tributary of the Laba and flows in the Králové Hrádec region. It originates at the foot of. It stretches for a distance of 78 km. The reservoir is fed mainly by rainwater and snow.

  12. (Úhlava) - its length is 108 km, and the basin covers an area of ​​915.5 square meters. km, average annual consumption does not exceed 6 cubic meters. m per second. Near the city of Pilsen it merges with the rivers Radbuza and Mze and forms the Berounka.

  13. (Orlice) is a left-bank tributary of the Laba, which is located in the Kralove Hradeck region. The length of the river is only 32 km, while the drainage basin area is 2036 square meters. km, average annual consumption - 21.5 cubic meters. m per second.

  14. (Otava) - flows in the South Bohemian and Pilsen regions and is a left tributary of the Vltava. The length of the river is 111.7 km, the average water flow is 26 cubic meters. m per second, and the drainage basin covers an area of ​​3840 square meters. km. The main source of nutrition is rain and snow.

  15. (Opava) is the left tributary of the Odra, which flows along the Czech-Polish border. Its length is 111 km, and the basin area is 2089 square meters. km. It takes its origins on the slopes of the Hruby Jesenik mountain range at the place where the rivers Černaya, Srednyaya and Belaya Opava merge.

  16. (Bečva) is a left tributary of the Morava, located in the Olomouc and Zlín regions. The river stretches for 62 km, the basin covers an area of ​​1626 square meters. km. In the old days, the river was used as a transport route for transporting timber. In 1930, locks were built here to prevent flooding in Vsetinska and Roznovska Becva. On the shore there are such large cities as Přerov and Teplice nad Bečvou.

  17. (Radbuza) is a small river in the Czech Republic with a length of 112 km. The drainage basin covers an area of ​​2179 square meters. km, and the average annual consumption does not exceed 11 cubic meters. m per second. The flood here occurs in the spring, when the snow melts and it rains.

  18. or Lainsitz (Lužnice or Lainsitz) is a river popular among lovers of water tourism that flows into the Vltava. It crosses the Czech-Austrian border several times. Its length is 208 km, the basin area is 4226.2 square meters. km, the average water flow is 24.3 cubic meters per second.
  19. or Oder (Odra or Oder) - forms a natural border between Germany and Poland. It originates at the foot of the Czech mountains - in the Eastern Sudetes. The height of the source is located at a distance of 634 m, the total length of the river is 903 km, the basin area is 125,000 square meters. km, and the average water consumption is 480 cubic meters. m per second.

  20. (Oslava) - belongs to the Danube basin and covers an area of ​​867 sq. km. Its length is 99 km, and the average annual water flow does not exceed 3.5 cubic meters. m per second. It flows into the Jihlava River.

Prague is the heart of Europe. This city amazes with a huge number of architectural monuments - fortresses, Gothic palaces and ancient buildings. If you don’t know which river in Prague is considered its most important waterway, then this article is just for you. The Czech capital stretches along both banks of the picturesque Vltava River. According to legend, the southern tribes began to settle in this region precisely because they felt the incredible energy that emanated from the waters. From Old German the name Vltava is translated as “wild (fierce) river.” The first mention of the reservoir can be found in the chronicles of 872.

general information

This river in Prague is considered one of the main attractions. The Vltava is a navigable river along which steamships ply and hundreds of tourists go on sightseeing trips along the river every day. By the way, this body of water is considered to be in the Czech Republic. The Vltava flows from south to north. It flows into the Elbe, which crosses Germany and reaches the North Sea. Its length is 446 km.

The river in Prague plays the role of a kind of border that divides the city into western and eastern parts. The Vltava flows through the most beautiful historical part. Besides Prague, there are two more cities on this river - Cesky Krumlov and Ceske Budejovice.

The shortest distance between its banks is 40 meters, and the longest is 330 m (at the Sitkovskaya dam in the center of the capital). The current within the capital is quite smooth and calm.

An island was formed under the dam, which is called Slovenian. Next to it there is another one - Streletsky. There are a total of 10 islands on the Vltava. This majestic river in Prague has 10 streams on the left bank and 14 on the right.

History of the river

For many centuries, the Vltava for Czechs is not just a river, but a national treasure. Her presence had the best impact on the development of the capital and the country as a whole. This river overflowed its banks a couple of times; they say that quite a strong flood was observed here in the 15th century. In 2002, the Vltava once again overflowed its banks. This flood was the most destructive in the last 500 years. As a result of the disaster, a large part of the city center was also damaged.

Vltava bridges

In the 12th century, the first one, called Judith, was built; it was 500 meters long and 7 meters wide. In the 14th century it was replaced and renamed Charles. This structure is topped with 30 unique sculptural groups and statues.

The Nusel Bridge is considered the highest. Its length is 485 meters and its height is 40 meters. It connects two Prague hills and looks as if it curls over a gorge. The Karlinsky Viaduct, which was built in 1850, is considered a very beautiful railway structure. It consists of 85 arches and its length is more than a kilometer. In total, there are about 15 bridges on the river.

The most picturesque places

Now you know the name of the river in Prague, but you probably still don’t know where the most charming place on this body of water is located. It is believed that the most beautiful part of the Vltava is its branch, which is called Chertovka. It separates Kampa Island from the historical part of Prague - the Lesser Town, which is located on the left bank of the river. In past times, water from this tributary was used in burgher houses, palaces and factories.

You can also admire the giant wooden wheel of one of the old factories of the city, which is surrounded by other strange historical structures. This place is also called Prague Venice.

The Vltava gives the city an extraordinary charm and romance. The most beautiful river of Prague has linked together the destinies of the people and the country since centuries

The Czech water system lies within the boundaries of the main watershed of Europe. The entire territory is densely dotted with small rivers, which are divided among themselves into three large basins: Labsky, Odra and Danube.

As for the lakes: more than 450 were formed naturally, and another 150 are artificial reservoirs. In addition, the Czechs are actively investing in the development of fishing ponds. Today, about 21,800 of them have been created, the largest Rozmberk occupies 469 hectares of area.

Large rivers of the Czech Republic

Most rivers in the Czech Republic are of short length, the largest of which flow in the country: Vltava, Laba, Ohře, Morava, Berounka. Almost all of them are characterized by high water in the spring and are completely covered with ice for 1-2 winter months. Despite the fact that navigation in the country is poorly developed, the rivers of the Czech Republic flow into three different seas: the Baltic, Black and North.

The length is more than 440 km - this is the largest river system located exclusively in the Czech Republic. The Vltava has its source in the Šumava Mountains. It is quite susceptible to spring floods, which cause major floods. In order to regulate the flood in Prague, Český Krumlov and České Budejovice, 12 floodgates were installed.


Despite the fact that in Europe the Elbe is considered a German river, a third of its part flows through the territory of the Czech Republic and originates there in the Labsky Meadow. In addition, the Laba gives rise to the Vltava and meets it near the town of Melnik. In total, there are 20 Czech cities along the Czech Elbe river route.

In the Czech Republic, this river begins in the area of ​​​​the city of Litomerice, and then flows about 50 km along Prague. Ohře, together with the Ore Mountains, literally divides two states: Czech and German. There is also a large Nehranice reservoir, which is fed by the waters of the river. The most popular site in Ohře is located near Karlovy Vary.

It got its name from the historical region of the Czech Republic, Moravia. Today the river passes through the borders of three states (also Austria and Slovakia); the upper and middle reaches of the Morava are located in the Czech Republic. The river can be called mountainous; in some areas it rises to a height of 1390 m (Mount Kralicky Sneznik). At about 130 from the mouth there is a navigable section of the Morava.

The river is considered originally Czech, because it is the main part of the Vltava. Only part of the river system is located in Bavaria. There are a total of five cities along the current; Pilsen is considered the place where the Berounka takes its source. The river flows into the Vltava, which feeds it, not far from Prague.

Large lakes of the Czech Republic

The Czech Republic is one of the European countries that do not have full access to the sea. This deficiency in the water system is replaced by a large number of reservoirs and lakes located in the mountainous and lowland regions of the country. Almost all are part of resort areas and are very popular among tourists.

A natural lake formed during the glacial era. Nearby is the Black Lake, with which they form the main European watershed. The reservoir is surrounded on all sides by forest and is located under Ozernaya Mountain. Getting here is quite difficult, but the dark, enchanting depths are worth it.

It is both the largest and deepest natural lake in the Czech Republic and is located in the north-west of the country. It is surrounded on all sides by dense forest, has the shape of a triangle and is part of the Laba basin, which carries its waters to the North Sea. Black Lake is located very close to the German border, so during the Iron Curtain it was very difficult to establish a tourism business here.

On the territory of the lake there is the oldest pumped storage power station, built in the late 20s, early 30s. last century.

The largest artificially created lake in the Czech Republic. Its formation is associated with the construction of a dam on the Vltava River. Lipno is located in the southern part of the republic. Sailing is actively developed here; the average water temperature in summer reaches 23 degrees. In terms of size, the lake is quite large for Europe and even deep - 21.5 m is the maximum recorded figure.

The lake is located 65 km from the capital Prague. Tour guides have been working here for a long time, and tourism and hotel businesses have been developed. The area of ​​the reservoir occupies almost 300 hectares, and this is provided that it was created by human hands, or rather restored after the major drainage of the Ice Age. After the passage of huge blocks of ice, only viscous peat deposits remained among the most beautiful mountain landscapes. The lake was restored to full water in 1366.

There are also two small islands on the territory of Lake Macha, Mouse Castle houses the remains of a beautiful medieval castle, and Duck Island today is an important ornithological reserve, closed to tourists.

In general, the rivers and lakes of the Czech Republic can be called very attractive for tourists. Despite the lack of a direct connection with the sea, lake tourism is developed, including among foreigners, as well as fishing.

The Czech Republic is a small state in Central Europe with a rich historical and cultural heritage. Narrow ancient city streets, medieval castles, Gothic churches, delicious food and excellent beer are not the whole list of what attracts thousands of tourists to the country. A separate topic is rivers, of which there are many in the Czech Republic. They attract with picturesque landscapes, an atmosphere of bliss and peace.

What you need to know

The small territory of the Czech Republic is lined up and down with a network of various reservoirs. The rivers are characterized by relatively shallow depth and. Shipping is almost never practiced in the Czech Republic, with the exception of pleasure ships carrying tourists. In the spring, floods begin on almost all rivers; in winter, a stable ice cover forms on the surface of the water.

It cannot be said that the lakes and rivers of the Czech Republic are of great economic importance. The picturesque nature and ancient architecture attracts thousands of tourists. In the waters of certain reservoirs, fish farming and catching is practiced on an industrial scale. The valleys are home to famous balneological resorts and other health resorts, where people from all over Europe come.

  • The main drainage basins of the Czech rivers are the Morava, Laba and Odra;
  • The total hydrological potential is over 1 million kilowatts;
  • Navigable rivers are Laba, Vltava and Danube;
  • Popular balneological resorts are Karlovy Vary, Jáchymov, Teplice, Marianske Lazne.

The pearl of Europe, the Danube covers a small area - its bed runs along the southern border of the Czech Republic. Its length is 172 km.

Main rivers of the Czech Republic

The Czech reservoir system is located on the border of the main watershed of Europe. Some rivers in the Czech Republic, through neighboring states, have access to the Black, Baltic and North Seas. In turn, this gives positive dynamics in the development of shipping in the country.

Main rivers in the Czech Republic:

  • The Vltava is the main, and also navigable, river in the Czech Republic. At one time, the first hydroelectric power station in Prague was built on its banks. In 1972, the station exhausted its potential and was shut down. Currently, the Old Hydroelectric Power Station, built in Art Nouveau style, is an object for photo sessions. The largest reservoir, Lipno, is located on the Vltava;
  • Elbe - the town of Podebrady is located on it, where one of the first hydroelectric power stations in the Czech Republic was built in 1924. Today it is not only a source of electricity, but also a local landmark. On the Elbe there is a large port of Decin;
  • Morava is a source for irrigating agricultural land and powering hydroelectric power stations. Navigable river.


It is located in the western part of the country, the source is near the city of Pilsen. It flows into the Vltava on the left. The drainage basin area is 8854 square kilometers, length - 139 km. Part of the channel covers the Bavarian lands. Large Czech cities are located on the banks of the Berounka.


One of the largest rivers in Eastern Europe flows through the territory of the Czech Republic, the length of the channel is 430 km. It is considered a national treasure of the Czech people. Its main feature is the changeable nature of the flow: in some places it is a stormy stream, in other areas it is quiet and smooth. The drainage basin covers 28,000 square kilometers. The source is located in the Šumava mountain range. Floods often occur on the Vltava, as a result of which residential areas and infrastructure suffer.

Laba or Elba

The source originates in the Czech Republic (Labské meadows), most of the channel is located in Germany. The Laba (the name of the Elbe River in the Czech Republic) carries its waters to the North Sea and is a navigable river. There are about 20 settlements on the banks, which has caused severe water pollution. Currently, a program has been launched to clean up the water area and improve the coastal zone. The total length of the channel before it flows into the sea is 1165 km.

Ohře or Eger

The river (German name Eger) has an interesting feature: half of the channel flows in Germany, the second is in the Czech Republic. Ohře has an intense current, which attracts fishing enthusiasts. The river valley is densely populated and is also home to the famous Karlovy Vary resort. As much as 50 km of the Ohře flows along the capital of the state - Prague. An important economic facility is located on Eger - the Nehranice reservoir.


The third most important river in the Czech Republic, it is a left tributary of the Danube. Named after the historical region of Moravia. The source is located at the foot of Mount Snezhnik. In the southwest in Moravia, in its lower reaches, it literally forms the border between Slovakia and Austria.


In the local dialect, the reservoir has a different name - “Shvartsava”. The source is located on the Moravian Upland and continues in a south-easterly direction. The large Czech city of Brno is located on the banks. The length of the channel is 173 km. Svratka is a tributary of the Die River.


The source is located on the border between Poland and the Czech Republic. Due to its rapid currents and relative elevation above sea level (885 meters), the Jizera is comparable to mountain rivers. It is very popular with kayakers and kayakers. A favorable time for rafting is the period of high water from May to April, caused by active melting of snow in the Jizera Mountains. In summer, the river becomes shallow, and it is possible to swim along it only after heavy rains. The width of the channel is 10-20 meters, closer to the mouth it expands to 50 m.


It originates in the Jihlava Mountains and belongs to the Danube water basin. The length of the channel is 180 km, the water basin occupies 3000 square kilometers. At its sources the river has a rapid flow, in the valley it spreads out and becomes calm. The city of the same name Jihlava is located on it. The Daleszyce hydroelectric power station is located on the river.


For the most part, it is a border river running along the border of the Czech Republic with Austria. It is noteworthy that in the middle course the channel is surrounded by high (about 100 meters) banks on both sides. In the Middle Ages, this contributed to the construction of castles and fortresses, many of which have survived to this day. There are numerous dams on Czech territory. At the confluence of the river with the Jihlava and Svratka tributaries there are the country's largest reservoirs. On the banks of the river, both on the Czech and Austrian sides, is the Tayatal National Park.


The right tributary of the Vltava, the length of the river is 225 km. Tourists call it the “Golden River,” most likely because of the specific color of the water. Sazava is popular among river rafting enthusiasts - the calm current and picturesque landscapes attract both experienced and novice boaters and surfers. The main attraction on the route is the Czech Sternberg Castle, built in 1240. In the distant 11th century, the Sazavsky monastery was founded in the valley. Both sites are currently open to visitors.


The left tributary of the Laba (Elbe) river, their confluence is located near the city of Jaromer. The source is located on the border of Poland and the Czech Republic. The length is 78 km, the water area occupies about 513 square km. Floods on the river occur in the spring; a large influx of water occurs due to abundant melting of snow and seasonal rains.


It is the source of the Berounka River, merging with the smaller rivers Mze and Radbuza near the city of Pilsen. The riverbed is fed by rain and melt water; from April to May, floods form in the valley. The total length of the drainage is 108 km.


The river in the north-east of the country is formed as a result of the confluence of two rivers, Dikaya and Tikhaya Orlice. Back in 1279, this was the name of the monastery of the same name, which was later renamed Orlichka to avoid confusion. There are many versions regarding the name of the reservoir. Some historians claim that it is named after an ancient settlement. Other sources say that there were many eagles in that area.


A little-known river flowing in the Pilsen and South Bohemian regions. It is formed as a result of the merger of White, Black and Middle Opava. It is fed mainly by snow and rain; in spring, the riverbed overflows its banks. The length of the river is 111 km. The Otava is a tributary of the Vltava.


It flows through the territory of the Czech Republic, the length of the water flow exceeds 100 km. Part of the channel for 25 km runs along the border with Poland. On the banks of the Opava lies the city of the same name, the capital of Silesia. Since the 20th century, it has been part of a large shipping hub and was part of the Amber Road. Near the city of Ostrava, the river connects with the Odra.


It originates at an altitude of 288 meters. The source is located in the Zlín region, at the confluence of Roznovska and Vsetinska Becva. The length of the river is 62 km, then it connects with the Morava. The Becva Valley is characterized by picturesque landscapes, numerous attractions and health resorts. Teplice nad Becvou is located on it - a populated area and a famous balneological resort. The local population here is about 350 people, but the sanatoriums welcome thousands of people all year round. The resort specializes in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system.


A little-known river in the Czech Republic with a length of 112 km. It begins in the east of the country, not far from the German border. The mouth is located near the city of Pilsen - the beer capital of the Czech Republic. In the spring-summer period, rain floods occur. The average annual water flow is 11 cubic meters per second. On the Radbuz there is the famous town of Gorshovsky Tin, which was awarded the title of a historical and architectural monument in 1953.

Luznice or Lainsitz

The river flows through the territory of the Czech Republic, the length of the channel is 208 km, of which 48 km of water flow falls on the territory of Austria. The source is located on Mount Reichelberg, at an altitude of about 800 meters. The riverbed meanders, crossing the borders of Austria and the Czech Republic several times. The name comes from 1179, literally translated means “The river that flows next to the meadows.” Lužnice is popular among water rafting enthusiasts. Fans of romantic walks along the coast will also find a lot of interesting things to see - the ruins of medieval castles have been preserved in the Lužnice Valley. Of all the buildings, the observation tower of Kotnov Castle has survived to this day.

Odra or Oder

It flows through the territory of the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany (German name Oder). The length is 903 km, the drainage basin area is over 120 thousand square kilometers. The width of the riverbed in some places reaches 250 meters. At its confluence with the Baltic Sea (Szczecin Bay), the Odra is divided into two branches, one of which is used for navigation. This is where the border between Poland and Germany is formed.

On the Odra, there is an influx of water in the spring due to melting snow; in the summer, the riverbed overflows due to seasonal rainfall. Floods have repeatedly occurred in the Oder Valley, inundating settlements and agricultural land. In winter, a stable ice cover forms on the surface of the water.


The river is 99 km long and flows through the territory of the Czech Republic. Refers to the Danube water basin. It is a tributary of the Jihlava River.

On the map

On the map, the rivers of the Czech Republic form a network from north to south and from east to west. Economically important rivers, as well as popular among tourists, are marked there. Looking at the map, you can see many lakes in the Czech Republic. Most of them are of natural origin. Among vacationers, Black, Devil's, and Makhavo lakes are valued.

On the map you can see large cities standing on the banks of Czech rivers:

  • Prague is the capital, attracting tourists with its medieval streets, castles, churches, medieval towers with pointed spiers. It’s not for nothing that they say “To enjoy Prague, you have to get lost in Prague.” The water area offers beautiful views of the old part of the city. In the Prague area there are as many as 12 locks operating on the Vltava. It is the main port city in the country;
  • Pilsen is the fourth largest city and one of the five economically important cities in the Czech Republic. The capital of Western Bohemia, rich in ancient architecture. Automotive and Brewing Center. It is here that the famous Skoda factories (producing cars) and the brewery producing the famous Pilsner beer are located;
  • Brno is the administrative center and former capital of Moravia, currently the second largest city in the Czech Republic. Located on the banks of Svratka and Svitava. In the Middle Ages, the city served as a fortress, hence the symbolic name (Brno literally translates as armor). Despite the large area and the presence of attractions, the city is not very popular among tourists;
  • Olomouc is located on both banks of the Morava. It is a city of medieval squares, students and universities. Local residents jokingly call it “Second Prague.” The city is famous for its sights, picturesque landscapes and ancient architecture, but the pace of life is much calmer than in the capital;
  • Ostrava is a large industrial city in the east of the country, located near the Polish border. People call it the “Steel Heart of the Czech Republic” because of the many metallurgical plants. When visiting the city, tourists have a unique opportunity - to go down into the mine and see the process of coal mining;
  • Karlovy Vary is a famous resort located in the Ohře Valley, more precisely at its confluence with the Tepla influx. In addition to hospitals, the city is famous for its picturesque landscapes and ancient architecture.

In general, the lakes and rivers of the Czech Republic are not so important economically in the life of the country due to the lack of direct access to the sea. It is difficult to say that they contribute to the export of domestic products. All cargo is transported by water to a major railway station or airport, then delivered to its destination.

Rivers in the Czech Republic are more of a cultural heritage. Almost every river in the Czech Republic holds important historical moments on its banks. Reservoirs attract many tourists - lovers of rafting, fishing, and simply a relaxing holiday in nature away from the bustle of the city. At the service of vacationers are qualified guides, cafes and restaurants, comfortable rooms for any budget.