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How long does it take to arrive at the airport? How long before departure does check-in end and start? Inspection of passengers and personal belongings and hand luggage carried in the aircraft cabin

Many tourists, when planning their trip, are interested in the question, how far in advance should they arrive at the airport? First of all, it depends on many factors, such as the place where you are planning to fly, whether you have luggage, whether it is the holiday season or not, etc. One thing you need to remember is that you need to get to the airport with enough time.

How many hours before the flight departure should I arrive at the airport?

You must arrive at the airport before check-in begins. This should usually be done a few hours before departure. If you have a ticket for an international flight, then it is better to arrive 2.5-3 hours before the plane departs. To board a domestic flight, you can arrive 2 hours before departure. You cannot be late for your flight. Registration for the flight ends 40 minutes before the aircraft's departure. Travelers who are making a flight not for the first time know the amount of time that will have to be spent on going through all the formalities. If you are boarding an airliner for the first time, you should arrive at the airport as early as possible, because you will also have to get your bearings in the operation of the terminal areas, understand where you need to go for check-in and where to check in your luggage. This may take a long time.

There are several reasons why you should arrive at the airport at a predetermined time. In addition to registration, additional time may be needed to go through security, pack luggage, visit duty-free shops, and so on. It is also worth considering the fact that at the airport you will have to go through several stages of inspection.

Upon arrival at the airport, first of all, you need to go through a security check. Airport employees check whether passengers are carrying prohibited products and substances in their hand luggage or checked luggage. In order not to waste time during inspection, we recommend that you study the list of prohibited and permitted items for transportation on an airplane. At the entrance to the airport you need to go through metal detectors. This usually takes just minutes, but during peak times there may be a line out front.

To make an international flight, a passenger must first go through customs control, then registration and passport and visa control. It is clear that it takes some time to complete all these procedures. Therefore, you can never rely on the fact that the queues will be small and everything will go quickly.

Passenger registration

We also recommend that those tourists who booked tours with a travel agency take care of arriving at the airport on time. Tickets are often issued directly at the airport before check-in for the flight, and in order to receive a boarding document for your flight, you will first have to find your tour operator's counter.

Those who want to get good adjacent seats on board the aircraft also need to arrive at the airport in advance. If you arrive after check-in has begun, even a married couple can get seats in different rows of the plane. The same applies to companies that prefer to fly together. To be seated next to each other, it is recommended that you arrive several hours before check-in begins. Please check with the airport administration for more exact times. You can check-in a day before the flight departs, rather than arriving immediately before departure. However, this option is not always available and is not offered on all flights. Therefore, most often you should arrive at the airport several hours before departure. If there are any complicating factors, for example, unusual luggage, transportation of animals, it is better to have even more time to process everything on time.

The question of how many hours before departure you need to be at the airport is of more concern to passengers who are about to take their first plane flight. There is no clear answer here. But to avoid unpleasant situations and not be late, it is recommended to arrive in advance. Check-in for the flight begins 2 - 3 hours and ends 30 - 40 minutes before departure.

IMPORTANT: the exact time ranges when check-in and boarding begin and end can be found directly from the airline by phone or on the website via the Internet.

Upon arrival at the airport, a person goes through the following stages:

  1. Customs control. Certain categories of persons who transport certain types of goods must undergo special control and receive a declaration. It is advisable to find out the list of items subject to declaration in advance. Usually this is a large sum of money, currency, securities, precious metal, cultural property. Passengers who, for health reasons, require psychotropic or strong painkillers and narcotic substances must declare the transported medications. Passengers going hunting must declare their weapons if they take them with them.
  2. Check-in. This is the first thing a passenger who does not require customs control should do. Electronic displays display the flight number indicated on the electronic ticket and the number of the counter where check-in takes place. During the process, luggage is usually checked in and checked in.
  3. Expectation. The time from the start of check-in to the start of boarding the plane can be spent in the waiting room. Those interested can take a walk, have a snack, visit Duty Free stores and do some shopping. Passengers with children can entertain their little ones in special children's playrooms. If necessary, you can visit the mother and child’s room to carry out hygiene procedures (feed the baby, wash, change clothes, etc.)
  4. After boarding has been announced, passengers pass through passport control and search of personal belongings. Usually the procedure is not lengthy if the passenger does not have things with him that are prohibited in the aircraft cabin (for example, the same bottle of water that cannot be taken on the plane unless it is intended for a small child). If they are found on you, you will have to leave them. Then they board the plane and are seated in their seats.

How many hours before departure should you arrive at the airport?

Typically, check-in for a plane begins 2 hours before departure and ends 40 minutes before departure. It is highly not recommended to be late, as without this it is impossible to get on board the plane.

EXAMPLE: If the departure time on your boarding passes is 12.00, then check-in will begin at 10.00 and end at 11.20. It is advisable to arrive at the airport at the start of the procedure and not be late. If you are late, the staff at the checkout counter are unlikely to be able to help you, since checkout is regulated by electronic systems that are blocked after a certain period.

Boarding ends 25-30 minutes before departure. A voice call is provided for passengers late for boarding. If you are late, you will be considered a late passenger and will not be allowed on board.

IMPORTANT: it is impossible to get a refund for a ticket if you did not make it on board the plane due to your own fault.

How long do you need to be at the airport before departure in Russia?

The average recommended time is 2 hours before departure. It is during this period that registration opens. If the passenger already has experience in air travel or has completed it in advance via the Internet, then he can afford to arrive a little later at the start of boarding, but no later than 40 minutes before departure. However, you need to keep in mind that there is a need to check in your luggage and go through security, so it is better not to delay arriving at your destination.

How long should you be at the airport before flying abroad?

Passengers flying abroad are advised to arrive at the airport a little earlier, for example 3 hours before departure. The fact is that check-in for an international flight may end an hour before departure, and the departure time may vary depending on the situation (by 5 - 15 minutes). Moreover, when going through passport control, you may need to present not only your passport, but visa documents, which can delay the verification procedure. On an international flight, the screening and check-in procedure is longer or more complicated, so it is recommended to be at the airport early.

Reasons why you need to arrive at the airport early

A beginner who is about to make his first flight is more worried and may not know some of the subtleties of behavior. Therefore, it is recommended that he have an extra 1 – 1.5 hours in reserve. A person who is boarding an airplane not for the first time can afford to arrive a little later, but he must correctly calculate his time to go through the necessary procedures, baggage check-in and check-in, security screening, and the risk of having to settle some formalities. Therefore, having 30 minutes in reserve will also not be superfluous.

What factors influence how many hours before departure you need to be at the airport:

  1. Do you have previous flight experience?. Airport buildings are usually quite large, sometimes even huge, and it can be difficult for a beginner to figure out where to go and what to do. Passengers with experience of flying already know that they should immediately look for information on the board about your flight, and as soon as they announce the start of check-in, look at which counter it is being done and go through the procedure.
  2. Is there a need to undergo additional procedures?. If you are carrying a large amount of money or other items required by law to be declared, you must allow additional time for this procedure. If you have not packed your luggage in advance, you will need to do so before check-in. If you transport animals, you must go through a separate registration procedure and obtain a special certificate.
  3. Do you have pre-check-in for your flight, which can be accessed via the Internet. This is a very convenient feature. Online check-in opens 24 hours before departure. You need to fill out your details on the airline’s website and print out your boarding pass. The online check-in service is not available for all air carriers or for all categories of passengers.
  4. Personal qualities of the passenger. If a person is slow, takes a long time to think, gets lost in stressful situations, or has poor orientation, then you should arrive in advance in order to have time to go through all the procedures slowly. Also, when traveling with a child, it is necessary to allow extra time, since unforeseen situations may occur that will require additional time (feeding, changing a diaper, changing clothes, buying something, etc.).
  5. Desire to walk around the airport and shopsDutyFree. Many passengers are eager to purchase goods at specialized Duty Free stores at prices free of customs duties. If you are one of these shopaholics, set aside a special time for this and make the necessary purchases in advance. At the same time, take the trouble to be aware of the norms for transporting certain liquids and strong alcohol per person in advance.
  6. Unforeseen formalities. During check-in or boarding, any problems may arise with technical errors in documents, or with excess luggage, or with items prohibited for carriage in the cabin, and so on. Correcting the situation may take some time, so keep these points in mind.

To avoid getting into an unpleasant situation and not being late for your flight, it is better to arrive early and prepare in advance. The usual recommended time of arrival at the airport is 2 hours before departure for domestic flights, and 3 hours before departure for international flights. Punctuality in this matter also has its advantages: if you are one of the first passengers to check in, you have a better chance of getting the most comfortable and advantageous seating on board the plane (unless, of course, you have chosen your seats in advance). Those who arrive early get the best seats, and those who arrive late get what's left. And if unforeseen situations arise, you will have time to fix everything.


How many hours before departure can I buy a plane ticket?

Answer: You can buy an air ticket before check-in for the flight begins, that is, 2 hours before the plane departs. Another question is whether there will be a free ticket and what its cost will be. Sometimes, in rare cases, you can issue a ticket even during registration.

How long before departure do you need to be at Sheremetyevo Airport?

Answer: You must arrive at Sheremetyevo Airport no later than 50 minutes before flight departure. The fact is that according to airport rules, luggage can only be checked in 45 minutes before the plane’s departure. The average recommended time is to arrive at the airport 2 hours before departure, at the time check-in for the flight begins.

It's no secret that you need to arrive at the airport in advance. This is necessary in order to timely complete check-in for the flight and the rather tedious security check procedure, check in your luggage without unnecessary haste and visit everyone’s favorite Duty Free store, where you can sometimes buy branded goods at a very good price. But if this is your first trip by air, then the question immediately arises of how long before departure you need to be at the airport.

There is no need to rush at the airport

It is quite difficult to name the most suitable time to arrive at the airport. It should be taken into account that this parameter is influenced by the direction of the flight, the presence and specifics of checked baggage, and, of course, the individual qualities of the passenger. Those who are going abroad, checking in their luggage and are not well versed in the area should arrive in advance. Those travelers who have already completed the registration procedure can afford to arrive at the airport a little later.

Many now have the first association with items that are usually sent in luggage: mobile chargers, some personal items, a wallet, etc. But we are talking about the documents required for the flight. First of all, you need to take your passport and ticket to the airport. When carrying out domestic flights, ordinary passports will be checked, but for boarding an international flight - foreign ones.

Quite often, trips abroad require another travel document - a visa. It is obtained by the passenger at embassies or visa centers. But there are a number of countries that issue visa stamps directly at the airport.

Checking in for a flight

The answer to the question of how long before departure you need to be at the airport in order to check in with a minimum of worries and unnecessary fuss is approximately the same for most airlines: at least 2 hours before departure.

Registration for foreign flights ends 40 minutes before departure, in rare cases – an hour. Registration for flights within our country closes 30-40 minutes before the flight. Typically, information about the exact time for completing this procedure is provided by the air carrier's help desk or posted on its official website. Boarding stops approximately 25 minutes before departure. Therefore, if a traveler arrives for check-in or boarding later than this time, then his are considered latecomers and are not allowed on board the plane.

It’s unpleasant to be among the late passengers

Many airlines now offer the option of checking in online. All the passenger needs to do is enter their details and receive a boarding pass. Electronic check-in is available on the websites of air carriers, and less often on the websites of airports.

The main advantage of such an online procedure is that it is already available 24 hours before departure, so travelers have the opportunity to complete this procedure at any convenient time. Many are also attracted by the fact that they can avoid the queues that always accompany check-in for a flight. Since the boarding pass is issued in advance, the passenger has the opportunity to independently choose the most comfortable seats on board the aircraft.

But online check-in is not available on all routes and not at all airports. Also, passengers cannot pass through it:

  • accompanying disabled people;
  • transporting works of art;
  • transporting animals;
  • with whom a small child flies on a free ticket.

Security screening at the airport

A mandatory procedure before boarding a plane is a security screening. This regulation applies worldwide to ensure maximum safety for travelers. The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that your luggage and hand luggage do not contain prohibited or dangerous items.

Travelers should be aware that at some airports, baggage inspection is carried out without the presence of the passenger. This rule applies if the passenger simultaneously receives a boarding pass and checks in luggage. In this case, only the contents of hand luggage will be inspected in front of the passenger, and then just before boarding.

Currently, there are still no uniform standards regarding the rules for carrying baggage on board an aircraft. Many nuances vary depending on the country and the chosen airline. But there are a number of rules that are the same for all states and air carriers. This includes list of items and substances that are not allowed to be transported on an airplane. You can view them on the website of any airline. This mainly concerns explosives and gases, flammable liquids, toxic and oxidizing substances and weapons. Things are a little more complicated with what you can take into the cabin as hand luggage. If you have any doubts, you should review in advance the list of things that the selected airline allows you to bring on board. Passengers should also remember that liquids can only be carried in the aircraft cabin in strictly limited quantities. Airport administrations and airlines reserve the right to introduce additional restrictions for passengers. You just need to be prepared for this.

For leisurely passengers, it is best to arrive at the airport at the start of check-in.

Two hours before departure– this is the best time for domestic flights. But if the passenger has already checked in for the flight, he may even arrive at the airport a little later. Do not forget that you must be at the airport before departure in Russia before registration is completed, and it ends approximately 40 minutes before the flight. Well, a natural factor in our country that affects the time of arrival at the airport is traffic jams.

How long before you arrive at the airport for an international flight?

With international flights, things are a little more complicated. Usually, before a flight, passengers need to go through customs control, then registration, and finally, present documents at passport and visa control. Upon arrival, the traveler goes through the same procedures, only taking into account that they follow in reverse order. The check-in time before departure may be slightly longer, so it is recommended to show up at the airport at least 3 hours in advance.

What other reasons should you arrive at the airport early?

It is worth considering the fact that at an unfamiliar airport it may take a lot of time to find all the necessary authorities. Some large airports have a very serious security checkpoint at the entrance, which can also cause a queue to form.

Finding the right authority takes time

Additional time will also be required for passengers who wish to pack their luggage on site. Shoppers who intend to wander around the Duty Free hall should also be on their guard.

How to reduce the time required to complete formalities at the airport

In order to avoid trouble upon arrival at the airport, just follow a few simple rules. To begin with, you should make sure that your luggage and carry-on luggage do not contain any items or substances that are prohibited for transportation or that may be considered potentially dangerous. You should also print out all necessary travel documents that were completed online in advance. And the last piece of advice applies to those who have all the necessary documents in hand and are traveling light (without checked baggage) - go straight to security control and then just wait for the landing to begin.

What services can you get while waiting to board?

In addition to generally accepted procedures (check-in, transfer, baggage delivery), passengers can no extra charge:

  • go to the mother and child room;
  • make a couple of phone calls and get free drinks (if the flight is delayed by more than 2 hours);
  • request a hot meal (if the flight is delayed by more than 4 hours);
  • get a hotel room and transfer to it (if the flight is delayed for more than 8 hours);
  • put your luggage in storage.

In contact with

The question of how long in advance to arrive at the airport worries primarily those who are traveling by plane for the first time.

Indeed, the procedure for boarding a flight is significantly different from boarding a train or ship.

The first and main difference between air travel and traveling by land is the need to register as a passenger. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this procedure; in fact, it is reminiscent of standing in line at the ticket office of a regular station for a train ticket and directly issuing it, only it is called differently and takes more time.


When planning to travel by air, you need to arrive at the airport terminal building at least:

  1. A couple of hours for a domestic flight.
  2. Three hours for a flight abroad.

This is the time frame for the immediate start of registration. In fact, you should arrive earlier, because you will need to find a counter that will check in for the required flight, find the place where you will need to go through customs inspection and check in your luggage, and in general, get your bearings in the building and figure out what and where it is located .

This is especially important for people who smoke, since a room where you can smoke is the most difficult to find, especially at Russian airports.

All this “throwing” usually takes about an hour for those flying somewhere for the first time. Accordingly, you need to arrive an hour before check-in for your flight begins.


It is necessary to take into account such nuances as possible traffic jams and the length of the “queue” before boarding. Peak hours at the airport itself, regardless of its territorial and national affiliation, occur on weekends, including Friday evenings.

A car transfer can always get stuck on the way to the airport, so it is more convenient to use express trains, of course, if they are available. It is better not to drive your own car to the airport, since finding a parking space and paying for it always takes a lot of time and nerves, especially in Moscow.

The passenger registration process has another time limit - the end of registration. This is the most unusual moment for those traveling by land, which is not at all an empty formality. If you don’t check in on time, it will be impossible to get on the plane, although you will be able to look at it from the window.

Boarding and check-in are completely different things that people who find themselves in the terminal building for the first time often confuse.

Jaysin Trevino /

Passenger check-in ends:

  • one hour before departure – for foreign flights;
  • forty minutes before departure – for domestic flights.

These deadlines can be extended by 10-15 minutes under any circumstances, but you shouldn’t count on such promotions.

Online check-in

The procedure, of course, simplifies the pre-boarding arrangements for the passenger. Online bookings can be made on the websites of carrier companies or on the airport websites, if the carrier and the airport have an appropriate agreement. As a rule, online registration is available 24 hours before flight departure.

But this method has a lot of disadvantages, so when going on your first flight in your life, it is better to go through the whole procedure the old fashioned way.

ines s. /

If you decide to use the Internet to simplify registration, you need to know that it has significant limitations and is completely invalid for:

  1. Flying with small children without payment or at a reduced price.
  2. Accompanying disabled or sick people.
  3. Flying with pets.
  4. Carrying large sums of money, jewelry, works of art and other luggage that needs to be declared.

In addition to these points, there is also a nuance - not all airlines universally allow online checkout; it may turn out that, for example, this can be done in one city, but not in another, although we are talking about the same flight.

There is one more thing that, paradoxically, happens very often - a typo in the passenger’s data. This, of course, can be solved, but while the issue is being sorted out, the plane will fly away.

Boarding is usually available after check-in closes and ends half an hour before departure. Therefore, those who quickly completed the check-in procedure and received a boarding pass and tags for hand luggage should not get carried away with inspecting the duty-free area, but it makes sense to pay attention to exactly how to board, where to do this and find out other similar points.

Alec Wilson /

Help desks can help with this. But not every airport has them everywhere; in some buildings such counters are only available at the entrances to the terminals. If there is no sign to the information desk or the information desk itself, you can contact any airport employee. There is no need to distract customs officers, but a bored guard is usually happy to explain everything in detail.

You need to be in the waiting area for boarding at least 40 minutes before departure, already knowing which exit it will be through. This information is available at. It is impossible to miss boarding while in the waiting area; an announcer announces the start, just like at a train station.

Customs procedures

Customs inspection is carried out by security officers of this department. Items checked in as luggage are inspected in the absence of the passenger, which is, of course, extremely unpleasant, and causes at least bewilderment for those flying somewhere for the first time. If possible, it is more convenient to limit yourself to a small suitcase that you can take with you.

Sergey Vladimirov /

The rules regarding the dimensions of hand luggage and the list of what may be present in it are different for each air carrier; moreover, they change periodically. This point must be clarified; it is best to do this by calling the help desk of the company that owns the aircraft or on its website.

When using sites, you should look at the date the rules were updated, otherwise incidents are possible. For example, in 2015, Aeroflot changed the rules for carrying hand luggage, prohibiting a number of items, including guitars, from being taken into the cabin. As a result, many musicians flying out on tour across the country found themselves in an awkward situation.

The contents of hand luggage are inspected before boarding. The so-called customs “corridors” pass earlier; in fact, it is through them that the passenger enters the waiting area:

  • green – for those who have nothing to declare;
  • red – for those who need to fill out any documents for part of their luggage.

With you, when passing through the corridor, you need to have and better keep it ready:

  1. Boarding pass.
  2. A visa, if required, for example, when flying to England or the USA.
  3. Passports – Russian and foreign.
  4. The child’s birth certificate and his/her international passport, if the child’s age requires one.
  5. Veterinary passport, if a pet is flying with the passenger.

Bobby Hidy /

Checking documents, that is, passport control, is not a completely formal procedure. They may not be allowed to leave Russia at this very stage, and it will be impossible to return the money spent. Categories of citizens who fall under the “ban” can be clarified on the bailiffs’ website and check yourself there by entering data.

Video: how long before the plane’s departure should you arrive at the airport and why is this so?

What else do you need to know?

Any passenger who has registered and is waiting for boarding can receive a number of services that do not require any payment.

These services include:

  • Mother and child room - Russian women who are in the period of breastfeeding should pay attention to this service - this process must be carried out in a specially designated place, in some countries the fine for public feeding is a decent amount, in the same place, in the mother and child room, you can change diapers and carry out other manipulations necessary for the baby.
  • If the flight is delayed by a couple of hours, drinks of your choice, usually tea, bottled mineral water or coffee.
  • If the flight is delayed by 4 hours, you will receive a set meal similar to what is served on board the aircraft.
  • If the flight is delayed for more than 8 hours - transfer and accommodation in a hotel, there is no right to choose with this service; if the tourist is not satisfied with anything, he can leave the airport on his own, or stay in it - this will not be paid for.
  • Luggage storage is a rather inconvenient service that creates confusion at the moment when the departure is announced; if all the luggage is one suitcase, it is easier to have it with you.

All available documents must be kept, if not in your hands, then in the side pocket of your bag, since a person flying somewhere for the first time, of course, does not know which of them and when they will be needed.

You shouldn’t get too carried away with drinking in the boarding area or before check-in, since finding a toilet in an unfamiliar place will also take time.

The list of what can be taken on board from duty free must be clarified; not all air carriers allow glass bottles of alcohol or any other products, things and souvenirs in hand luggage.

Matthew Grapengieser /

How much time you need to arrive at the airport depends primarily on the passenger’s experience of flying, the degree of knowledge of the airport terminal and, of course, on the selected flight time. In any case, you should be at the airport no later than a few minutes before check-in begins.

For many passengers, boarding Aeroflot planes and checking in for a flight raises many questions. It is not always clear when to arrive at the airport and what actions to take before the aircraft departs. It is important to understand that the process of registering passengers and boarding them takes more time when compared with a similar process at a train station or bus stop. This is due to the need to go through security and baggage checks. Below we will look at how long it takes to board, as well as when to arrive to avoid being late for your flight.

Arrival time

To avoid delays in departure, it is advisable to arrive for check-in and security at the airport in advance in order to have time to check in for boarding at Aeroflot. These rules may vary depending on the airport. For example, in Sheremetyevo (Moscow), check-in for the flight starts:

  • 2 hours in advance - for a domestic flight.
  • 2.5 hours for an international flight.

Popular destinations of Aeroflot airline

Place Direction Find a ticket

Moscow → Adler

Moscow → Istanbul

Moscow → London

Moscow → Dubai

Moscow → Simferopol

Moscow → Phuket

Moscow → Paris

St. Petersburg → Dubai

Moscow → Bangkok

Moscow → Prague

What to do at the airport, and how long before boarding on Aeroflot planes ends?

After arriving at the terminal, the passenger must go through all the formalities and proceed to board the flight. You must first study the information provided on the special board. If you have luggage, you must check it in at the check-in counter. To avoid delays in departure, it is worth checking the baggage rules in advance, and also making sure that the cargo being transported meets the requirements for dimensions and weight. Otherwise, you will have to pay extra.

Find out in advance when registration ends. The deadline is 40 minutes before the plane departs. Many people forget that upon arrival they are required to go through security control, and in the case of a flight between countries, border and customs clearance. Please also note that on Aeroflot planes, boarding ends 20 minutes before the aircraft departs (indicated on the ticket). There is an exception for flights to St. Petersburg - here check-in ends half an hour before departure.

As for things, you can check in your checked baggage at Sheremetyevo no later than 45 minutes before departure. Registration is carried out at special DROP OFF counters. If the airport does not have one, check-in is carried out at a regular counter. When boarding an Aeroflot flight, it is recommended to present your boarding pass and personal document (passport).

Three categories of passengers board first:

  • Adults with children.
  • Passengers with Sky Team cars (Elite class and Elite Plus).
  • Business class clients.