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Holidays on the Gili. Gili Trawangan (Lombok) reviews. Where to live on Gili

The distance from Moscow to Indonesia is about 10,000 kilometers - to Denpasar Airport, which is located on. But this is not the end point! We still need to get to the Gili Islands.

Denpasar – Gili

Denpasar is one of the most popular transit points among travelers, although in terms of distance it is not the closest.

So, I flew to beautiful Indonesia. Since I landed late in the evening, there was no way to get to Gili. Therefore, we had to spend one night in a hotel in Kuta.

(P.S. On the map just below the airport you can see the city. Public transport is poorly developed in Bali, it’s better to say that there is none in this area, so you need to take a taxi. Uber will come in handy, but you shouldn’t neglect the locals either. Go from the airport to Kuta is about 30 minutes. The cost is about 4 USD (50,000 Indonesian rupiah, IDR). Drivers who ask for more are simply impudent.

The tourist town turned out to be a great place for me to have a little fun after a long flight. I had a lot of strength, because an unprecedented vacation lay ahead of me.

The next morning, fresh and sleepy, I set off for Gili. My choice fell on, popularly known as “Gili Ti”. This is the largest island of the three (Gili Meno and Gili Air), but you can choose the order of visiting them as you wish. In order to find yourself in the neighboring territory, listen to some advice.

First, to get on the boat, you need to get to Padang Bai port. As soon as the locals notice you there, the fight will immediately begin! Many travel agencies sell tickets for their spitboats (fast boats), so don't be shy and bargain. Remember: the boats do not have a schedule, they all leave as soon as they are full. The price tag starts from 34 USD. This is the cost there and back.

My advice is this: not much more expensive, and sometimes even for the same money you can buy a ticket from travel companies that are “stuck” near any hotel. This is especially true for Kuta. Guys specially appointed by the agency pick you up from the hotel at the right time and take you to the ferry in comfort. Which is what I recommend. Save effort and time! The ticket has an open date, so you can leave the islands at any time, you just need to find the check-in counter of your operator on Gili (this is not at all difficult to do: there are signs and signs everywhere. Managers on the islands will be happy to advise you). Travel time varies from quality of the transport provided. Usually you can get to Trawangan in an hour and a half. Sometimes you don’t even have time to blink an eye before they drop you off, so once I “flew at the speed of the wind” in 20 minutes. As a rule, the boat is designed for 40 people, but I note that it is not always filled. Another important detail: suitcases. You don't have to worry about them. They will be “seized” before boarding. The loader guys will politely and kindly ask you to check in your luggage - you can’t refuse, they will put a special marking “Travangan” or “Meno” or “Gili Air” (because the ferry goes to all three islands) and will invite you to stay in the cabin. At first I was scared , the luggage of all passengers was mercilessly thrown into a common pile. There was no place for order and neatness. Having taken all my valuables, in my heart I had already said goodbye to my friend, who had served me faithfully for seven years. But, to our great surprise, on Gili, the luggage was handed out safe and sound, in principle, like everyone else present. I note once again that the same boat brings people to all three islands at once. The only difference is the price of the trip, it does not differ critically.

The most expensive way to get to the paradise island (from Bali), but also the most convenient, is to hire your own boat. But its price will be approximately 100 USD. A special transfer will pick you up from your hotel and take you to Padang Bay. Travel time does not depend on the cost, and you will also spend more than an hour.

Lombok – Gili

If you land at Lombok airport, then getting to Gili is much easier. The distance between these points is much smaller.

From the airport you need to go to the port of Bangsal, buy a ticket at the ticket office and in 20-30 minutes you will be on Gili. The one-way price is only 1 USD (or 13,000 IDR).

Again, you can buy a ticket to any island, and there are also boats constantly running between the islands that will take you to any island at any time.

Bali – Lombok – Gili

  • By ferry

For extreme travelers who have a lot of time but a thin wallet, I suggest getting from Bali by ferry to Lombok (price 3 - 5 USD), and then follow the scheme described above. This means you need to buy a ticket from the port of Padang Bay to Lombok to the port of Lembar, and from there get to another port called Bangsal. I think it’s worth taking a taxi and buying a ticket to Trawangan or another island.

You will, of course, kill a merciless amount of time: about 8-9 hours. However, you will save money on a boat. In the port of Lombok, everything is more civilized: travel is paid at a special ticket office (do not buy “on the street”, i.e. the trip will cost many times more - there are plenty of scammers there, like everywhere else).

  • By plane

An option for those who can’t wait to put on their swimming trunks and find themselves in paradise. For those who “just don’t have the strength to wait,” there are regular flights between Denpasar and Lombok, about 7 flights a day. They are carried out by three airlines:

  1. Lion air. Cost – 19-20 USD;
  2. Wings Air. Average price – 25 USD;
  3. Garuda Indonesia– 35 USD.

Prices are indicated one way per person in economy class.

Another important tip: as soon as you land on Trawangan, the locals will start pestering you. They will offer their services as cab drivers. Yes, yes, cab drivers, because there is no transport on the island except bicycles and horses. Everyone will touch you and try to throw your luggage into their cart. But stay strong! All hotels are located within walking distance, and the local “horse taxi” is not cheap. With this money you can live on the island for a whole day. But I didn’t know this at that time, so I decided to try out a local attraction - a carriage ride. For 200 meters we paid about 7-8 USD. The price is fixed, but it's not worth it! Rip-off!

These are the signs - identification marks - that tourists use to look for their hotel.

And lastly: remember that after visiting one island, you can go to another. Boats ply between the islands every day, and tourists themselves constantly move from one corner to another, depending on their mood. There is no difficulty in moving. You just need to buy tickets at the island pier, the prices are incredible.

The Gili Islands (Indonesia) are familiar to all beach lovers. Three tiny pieces of land, surrounded on all sides by the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean, look very attractive from a bird's eye view. Well, having met Trawangan, Meno and Air, you want to stay here forever. Many people call Bali Yes, in many ways it is good and even wonderful. Bali is rich in historical and natural attractions. But if you are interested in beaches and clear waters, then you won’t find anything better than the Gili Islands, part of the Western Lesser Sunda Archipelago. They are located just thirty-five kilometers from the eastern cape of Bali. But you can’t get to Gili from the air. There is no room for an airport on the tiny islands. The only way is by sea. This article will tell you about the specifics of Trawangan, Air and Meno. We will also tell you how to get to the islands and where to rent accommodation.

Bounty advertising brought to life

Our ideas of “heavenly pleasure” are often based on the video we saw about a chocolate bar. Warm white sand, fine as powdered sugar; a calm, gentle sea, its purity and color reminiscent of turquoise, and on the horizon - sapphire; slender palm trees leaning towards the water... This is what many tourists come to Bali for. And they are surprised to learn that on the volcanic island everything is a little different. And to actually get into the advertising of the Bounty coconut bar, you need to go a little east - to the Gili Islands. Photos of Trawangan, Air and Meno don't lie. All three islands are different and have their own specifics. But they all have gorgeous beaches. Exactly the same as in the Bounty advertisement. For inquisitive tourists who cannot imagine a vacation without educational excursions, Gili is not suitable. But for those who crave passive relaxation on the beach, they are just right. Active divers and snorkelers will also not be disappointed.

Specifics of the Gili Islands

Trawangan is the largest of the trio. The islands of Gili Air and Meno are much smaller. Accordingly, if you want to alternate a beach holiday during the day with a fun time in the evening, Trawangan is for you. This island cannot be called large, except perhaps in comparison with two neighboring tiny pieces of land. But Trawangan has a sufficient selection of hotels to suit every taste and the fullness of a bank card, cafes, restaurants and even nightclubs. There is even a food market. And if you want to get away from civilization and feel like a kind of Robinson Crusoe on the edge of the earth, then you can go to the islands of Gili Meno and Air. Fortunately, they are only a kilometer from Trawangan. From this island you can see mountainous Lombok. And from the opposite shore you can admire Bali. Or rather, the island itself is hidden behind the horizon, but the towering peak of the Batur volcano is visible in the sky. There are few hotels on Ayr, and even fewer on Meno, so you need to book a hotel there in advance.

Gili (islands): how to get there. The fastest and most expensive option

In fact, the Gili Islands are not very far from the island of Lombok. And that one, accordingly, is located very close to Bali. You can only get to the “Bounty Islands” by sea. But there are options here too. The ticket price directly affects the time spent on the road. The more you pay, the faster and with better comfort you will get to the Gili Island you need. The most expensive option is a private transfer. You are picked up from Bali, from the point you indicate, taken by car to the Padang Bay pier, put on a high-speed glider and delivered to the desired island. The price is one hundred or more US dollars per passenger. But you will be there an hour or eighty minutes after leaving your hotel in Bali.

The best option in all respects

For just thirty-five dollars round trip per person, you can visit the Gili Islands. How to get from Bali to Trawangan? To do this, you need to drive yourself to the Padang Bay pier. There are other options. You can pay at Bali tour bureaus for a trip to Gili. It will cost a little more, but then you will be picked up from your hotel (if you are holidaying in Nusa Dua) ​​or from McDonald's in Jimbaran. Tickets can be purchased in Kuta or directly at the pier ticket office. Speedboats depart from Bali at nine in the morning, at noon and at three in the afternoon. What’s gratifying is that the return ticket is given with an open date. This will allow you to leave Gili at any time: earlier than planned, if you are unlucky with the weather; later - if you really enjoy your stay on the “paradise island”. The speedboat covers a distance of thirty-five kilometers in just over an hour. The boat first stops at Trawangan, then Meno (a kilometer from the larger island) and lastly Eyre.

Cheapest option

There are also public ferries to the Gili Islands. "Bali - Lombok" departs from the same Padang Bay pier. This ferry runs regularly, but slowly. It should be taken into account that public transport for locals does not provide air conditioning or any amenities (except for a toilet). In Lombok you should change to another ferry to Gili Trawangan. Boats to the smaller islands - Meno and Air - go very rarely. They are ordinary wooden motorboats with additional boards on the sides for stability. But this whole day trip will leave a lot of impressions. The advantage of this option is the opportunity to see Lombok. Many tourists traveling to Indonesia even recommend staying on this island for a night or two. Another advantage is the low price. Two tickets on the Bali-Lombok-Gili public ferry will cost one passenger thirty thousand rupees (or twenty US dollars).

How to get around

To ensure that the Gili Islands continue to remain environmentally friendly, local authorities have banned all motorized modes of transport. So if you are traveling with a scooter, you will have to leave it at a paid parking lot in Bali or Lombok. They definitely won’t put you on a ferry or boat to Gili with him. But don't be upset. Even the largest of the Gili Islands, Trawangan, is two and a half kilometers long and one and a half kilometers wide. You can walk around its perimeter in just over an hour. In a good hotel you can always rent bicycles; fortunately, the flat terrain of the islands does not turn pedaling into hard labor. Another type of local transport is pony-drawn tuk-tuks. Rather, this is another entertainment for tourists than a method of transportation. Moreover, tuk-tuks are quite expensive. A carriage ride will cost eighty thousand rupees. Boats are the most popular form of transport on Gili. You can ride on a regular wooden junk. For those who are terrified of diving, there are glass bottom boats. And between the three islands of Gili, carriers scurry from morning to evening.

Where to stay

All Gili Islands have their own specifics. Trawangan is considered the most expensive. But this is only at first glance. Luxurious hotels, where a night costs from one hundred dollars, are located on the first line of the northern and eastern coasts. But just across the road (especially in the area of ​​the local school) there are a lot of simpler hotels. Even backpackers can rent accommodation here. A room in a guesthouse will cost ten dollars per night. Housing on Gili Air is cheaper. But there are also luxury hotels there, although many tourists prefer to stay in apartments with a kitchen. Prices for a room in a guesthouse start from five dollars per night. In the center of the islet there are only a mosque and government offices. All hotels, even the cheapest ones, are located on the first line. Gili Meno is also called the island of newlyweds. There are few hotels here; they need to be booked in advance. Also, Meno cannot be compared to party town Trawangan. To feel happy in this tropical Eden, you need to have Eve (or Adam) nearby.

Things to do on Gili

According to reviews, the main pastime of tourists is lying languidly on the beach. And when the sun sets on the horizon, the public goes to the west coast, sits comfortably on sun loungers or right on the cooling sand with a bottle of some drink and indulges in contemplating the sunsets. The sunset is a truly enchanting sight. The sunsets alone are worth visiting the Gili Islands. Reviews also compare the local waters with the Egyptian Ras Mohammed. The inhabitants of coral reefs are not only colorful fish, but also stingrays, giant manta rays, turtles and sharks. Few people know, but Trawangan and Air have good bays for surfers. They are located at the southern ends of these islets. In the diving areas there are schools where they teach scuba diving. Trawangan even issues diplomas.

Gili Islands (Bali): reviews

All tourists say that several categories of vacationers feel great here:

  • newlyweds or lovers,
  • very lazy people for whom relaxation means lying languidly on the beach,
  • divers and surfers,
  • very young children, for whom the main entertainment is building sand castles.

The Gili Islands do not indulge tourists with excursions. The only thing that tour operators can offer you is a trip on a glass-bottomed boat. The tour lasts about three hours and costs one thousand rupees per person. Along the way, the boat makes several stops among the reefs, and those who want to dive, and not just watch, can plunge into the gentle waters of the Indian Ocean.

Until recently, the Gili Islands were a kind of refuge for backpackers with a minimal set of housing, a small kilometer-long beach, Rastafarian cafes, magic mushrooms and a hippie atmosphere. But the popularity of the islands did its job - active development began on the islands - stylish cottages and hotels appeared next to the simple bungalows, the beaches began to grow, glamorous restaurants and equipped beach areas were added to the simple cafes. But the lazy and relaxed atmosphere has not gone away.

It’s definitely worth going to the Gili Islands if you’re fed up with surfing and parties in Bali and suddenly want to be lazy in the company of hundreds of other lazy people like you) It’s so beautiful, good and lazy here that you need enormous willpower to leave these paradisiacal places.

Plan to stay on the Gili Islands for at least 3-4 days.

why go

Gili means “small island” in Indonesian. The Gili archipelago consists of three such small islands - Trawangan, Meno and Air. All three islands are within sight of each other (a few minutes by boat). It’s easy to choose from three islands: Trawangan - for social individuals, Meno - for hermits or lovers, Air - for rather asocial individuals, those who are tired of the Trawangan party)

Gili Trawangan

Gili Trawangan is the largest and most popular of the three Gili Islands. From the sea side, Gili Trawangan looks touching - a tiny strip of land that easily fits into the lens. The island is even more charming - the beach, no transport except horse-drawn carts, many cafes and beach restaurants with beds (a Gili feature) and a huge number of cats of different sizes, colors and colors.

I don’t really want to do anything on Gili Trawangan. You can, however, rent a bike and go around the island or go out to sea a couple of times - there are excellent diving spots near Gili. And the rest of the time - a pillow, a hammock, a book, beer, shrimp and/or fruit juices (as you like) and beautiful views of the calm emerald sea. Beach massages and yoga are available in the island's main beach area.

Transport in Trawangan. Photo credit:

Gili Meno

Gili Meno is located midway between Trawangan and Air, and is the calmest and least developed island of the three. Gili Meno is often called the island of newlyweds - if you don't need anyone, then this is the place for you. There are charming beaches, inexpensive bungalows, a couple of nice hotels and, again, a book, a hammock, a bike, boats, diving, snorkeling, fishing, seafood in restaurants on the beach in the evenings..)

Gili Meno. Photo credit: LodiPlanting, Flickr

Gili Air

Gili Air is the smallest of the three islands, located closest to. Gili Air has the largest community of local residents, the island is green, well-kept, with a good selection of accommodation and absolutely beautiful beaches. The atmosphere on Gili Air is calmer and much more authentic than Trawangan. Many backpackers increasingly prefer Gili Air, considering Trawangan too expensive and touristy.

The perfect breakfast on Gili Air. Photo credit: Yasemin Berlin, Flickr

Gili Air. Photo credit: sunrisejetphotogallery, Flickr

The Gili Islands are three tiny islands where time slows down, the sense of reality disappears, and business and problems simply cease to exist. Bali is beautiful with its open spaces and diversity, but if you still dream of a lost tropical island, then you can find one near Bali, and even more than one! We have already told you about the two neighboring islands - now it’s time to learn about the little Gili Islands!

Gili Islands. A few facts about them

The Gili Islands are located in the Lombok Strait and belong to Lombok, the neighboring island of Bali. In the local dialect, the word “Gili” means “small island”. If you look at the map, you will see that there are a lot of such “gilis” around Lombok. But in our article we will only talk about the three most famous and comfortable islands -. All of them are located near the northwestern coast of Lombok, stretching out in a line one after the other. The largest of them, Trawangan, occupies an area of ​​only 2.5 x 1.5 km, and Meno and Air are almost one and a half times smaller!

In this regard, there is no motor transport here: people move around the islands on foot, on bicycles and in carts with small horses. By the way, there are no police on Gili either, so peace, freedom and Rastas reign here. However, it should be remembered that the Gili Islands are a predominantly Muslim place, and therefore there is greater distrust of visitors and stricter customs that must be respected.

In general, you can come here spontaneously and rent a bungalow on the beach on the spot, which will cost you inexpensively: from $15 per day. But it’s better, of course, to book a hotel in advance so as not to waste time looking for it and, throwing off your backpack, run straight to the beach to enjoy the ocean.

The islands of Gili Tawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air - which one should you go to?

The Gili Islands are very similar to each other: white sand beaches stretch along the perimeter, along which there is a street with hotels, restaurants and cafes; a calm ocean with incredibly clear azure water, hiding coral reefs and hundreds of fish of all colors and sizes; beautiful views of neighboring islands located quite close to each other; bungalows standing right on the beach, as well as reggae music coming from everywhere, and a complete feeling of being cut off from the world.

At the same time, the islands differ from each other, first of all, in spirit and mood. Gili Trawangan– the most noisy and party island. There are more people, more young people, more restaurants and bars. At night, the main (and only) party street, which starts right from the pier, is filled with music and crowds moving from one party to another. You can ride up to the club, for example, on a bicycle, dodging passers-by and horses, so the nightlife here also has its own flavor. On Gili Air there are significantly fewer people and during the day the island may seem completely deserted. But in the evening you will also find a couple of crowded places with live music, and they will be more soulful and homely than in Trawangan. But you will feel real solitude on Gili Meno, where there are only a few hotels and restaurants. It is sometimes called the island of newlyweds: after all, it is difficult to find a more ideal place for a honeymoon. But Meno is also sought after by those who are simply tired of the hustle and bustle and want to enjoy the singing of birds and the sound of the surf.

Everyone will choose an island to their liking. But, since they are different, it is best to visit all three, especially since there are no problems with communication between them.

There are several ways to get from Bali to Gili. The first and simplest is a direct speedboat, which will comfortably and non-stop take you to paradise islands, for example, Marina Srikandi (you can reserve a place on the boat on their website). In general, tickets are sold at any excursion office on the street. If you bargain, a round trip ticket can be purchased for $50-60. This price also includes transfer from the hotel to the port. You can also buy tickets from us at. Check the speedboat schedule immediately. Usually the earliest departs at 9 am from the port of Padang Bai (in some cases from Benoa (in Nusa Dua) ​​or Sanur) and literally in 1.5 hours reaches the main island - Gili Trawangan, from where you can get to Meno for $ 2-3 or Aira already on local boats.

The second way is to get to Gili from Lombok: after all, sailing to the nearest Gili Air from the port of Bangsal on Lombok is only 15 minutes. There are two options here: getting to Lombok by ferry or by plane. The first option is the most economical, because... Ferry tickets are only about $3 per person one way! The ferry departs from Padang Bai port every hour around the clock. But unlike a speedboat, it takes about 5 hours and arrives at the port of Lembar, in the southwest of Lombok. The journey to Bangsal port will take about 2 more hours. Thus, the total journey will take at least 8 hours. This option is suitable for lovers of economical trips and adventures, as well as for those who, in addition to Gili, want to travel around Lombok by car or bike, because the ferry is the only way to transport their transport. In this case, you will pay about $10 for a bike and $70 for a car; you won’t have to pay separately for a person.

Finally, you can travel to Lombok by plane. There are regular flights from Bali there, and a one-way ticket costs $30-50. The flight will take only 30 minutes and, it would seem, this is the fastest way to get to Gili. But this is not entirely true: after all, the journey from the airport to the port of Bangsal, from where boats go to Gili, will take about 2-3 hours, and taxi drivers will charge a decent amount for this route.

In our opinion, the fastest, most convenient and enjoyable way to get to the Gili Islands is still speedboats, because you don’t have to make any transfers, look for a taxi in Lombok, etc. And their cost is not at all high, especially if you take care of purchasing tickets in advance.

First of all, don’t be lazy to walk around the islands, it will only take a couple of hours. For these purposes, you can remove the bike. Firstly, you will look around and understand where the best beaches, restaurants and sunset views are, and secondly, you will admire the neighboring islands, the views here are truly fantastic! And, of course, Gili is an ideal place for a beach holiday. Here you want to swim, sunbathe and do nothing else. Although, no: more active tourists will also find something to their liking here.

The Gili Islands are widely known for their snorkeling and diving, for which many people come here. On any beach you can rent a mask with a snorkel and fins and snorkel near the shore (however, be careful with the currents: in some places they are quite strong and it is better to ask the locals in advance where it is safest to snorkel). Or you can rent a boat and go on a snorkeling trip: you will be shown the most beautiful reefs, and if you are lucky, you will see sea turtles and manta rays. If you are into diving or just want to give it a try, head to the diving schools found in Trawangan and Aira. There you can not only rent equipment and go diving at the best dive sites, of which there are quite a lot around Gili, but also study with professional instructors and receive a PADI certificate. And for those who like more extreme diving, there is a freediving school on Gili Trawangan.

Despite the fact that the ocean here is very calm and there are almost no waves, there is still surfing on Gili! There are just two spots here: they are located in the southeast of the islands of Trawangan and Air. True, the waves on Gili are not entirely suitable for... The reef is not deep at all. But in a good swell there are excellent waves here that will not disappoint even experienced surfers.

The Gili Islands will perfectly diversify your holiday in Bali, because they are completely different and are very close. You can safely go here for 3-4 days. To walk around all three islands, swim to your heart's content, go snorkeling or a dive trip for the whole day, surf, have fun on Trawangan and meditate on Meno. The only negative is that you definitely won’t want to leave here, and Bali, after returning, will seem like a metropolis. The islands of Gili Tawangan, Gili Meno and Gili Air are definitely in another dimension. This is exactly what people come here for: a complete reboot – both mental and emotional.

The Gili Islands are another place near Bali that is a “must have,” so to speak. Well, that is, if you came to Bali and didn’t go to Gili, it’s a complete failure! 🙂

Some “unique individuals” are looking for information about this place using the query: “Gili Island - Bali,” but this query is not true to the root, because Gili is not one island, but three at once: Trawangan, Meno and Air. More details about each and, in general: why is it worth going there? everything in today's article with real photos from the Gili Islands.

Not so long ago, my husband and I were there in person, so the memories are still fresh. I’ll try to be as detailed as possible, but not boring... Let's go! 🙂

Gili Islands in Bali

The Gili Islands in Indonesia are a place where fans of bounty-style holidays rush from all over the world, and of course those who simply love party nightlife. Moreover, both of them get the joy of staying here equally.

Wikipedia about the Gili Islands briefly reports the following - the Gili archipelago consists of 3 islands: Meno, Air and Trawangan, which are located northeast of the island of Lombok, which is also located in Indonesia. The whole thing is generously washed by the Bali Sea. Internal combustion engines are prohibited on all three islands (this is true - this is where tourists enjoy riding horses):

Therefore, nothing prevents travelers from enjoying the wonderful sea air and many other delights of these islands.

Which ones? You'll find out soon...

The Gili Islands on the map are located between the island of Bali and the island of Lombok. For the first time, I visited them with my husband in 2014. Fortunately, then he already knew how to get to the Gili Islands from Bali. And when we decided to do this after a week of vacation in Bali itself, we had no difficulties.

And everything is done quite simply. On the island itself. In the Karangasem area (where, by the way, a volcano recently thundered) there is a port called “Padang Bai”. So it is there, in this port, that we usually buy tickets to the Gili Islands. But here it is important not to fall for the bait for those who are for the first time...

Yes Yes! You can go to the same islands at completely different prices - I guarantee you that. The last time, a round-trip ticket on a speedboat for one person cost us 400 Indonesian rupees (about 2,000 rubles in Russian money). But for this you need to bargain... :)

Because when you approach one of the many stalls that sell tickets for boat brands: Eka Jaya or Marina Srikandi, first they offer you a ticket at a cost of 2 times more expensive. And even more! Moreover, the sellers claim that this is a single price for everyone...

Fortunately, we know the real prices. So this time, we quickly informed that we know the real prices and we have an offer for 500 rupees to leave directly with a transfer from the villa, which is located 50 km from the pier. To which the seller, of course, agreed to sell us tickets immediately from the ferry for 400 rupees each. And we were traveling in a high-speed boat from Eka Jaya. The inside looks like this:

The soft seats are almost like on an airplane, and local vendors actively sell food and drinks before departure. And on the second floor there is an open sky, music is playing and beer is being sold... :) But it was very windy there. So I couldn’t even take a photo.

But let's get back to buying tickets. So the most important thing here is to decide where you will go? If you are from the port, it is better to arrive here by 9:00 am in order to have time to buy a ticket. The boats run until 13:00, but it is better to protect yourself from any force majeure and arrive early. Well, or buy tickets in advance online through some trusted service, for example, and be sure that you are guaranteed a place on the boat. 🙂

By the way, have you already decided which Gili island to choose? 🙂

In general, in this matter everything strictly depends on only one thing - what do you want to get from your vacation? All islands are beautiful in their own way, and then I will describe the beauty of each one separately.

Generally speaking, the weather on the Gili Islands is, as a rule, always better than on the island of Bali itself. So this time we left the cloudy captivity of Bali and ended up in sunny Gili:

This means that during the high season from April to September, it is hotter than Bali. And in the low season, when it rains on the big island, the sun shines brightly on Gili at least during the day.

So if you suddenly miscalculated the season and Bali greeted you with constant rain, then go to Gili. And draw your own conclusions on the topic: “Gili Islands: which is better?”

In November 2017, we decided to visit the Gili Islands again. And this time we traditionally decided to start from Trawangan.

Gili Trawangan Island is the largest. This can be clearly seen in the photo from the Gili Islands in Indonesia. This can be clearly seen on this map:

The naked eye can see that Trawangan is the largest. He is also the most popular, the most “moving” in every sense of the word. There are plenty of hotels around and in the center of the island. The entire embankment is covered with a network of cafes, clubs and restaurants that are open until late at night.

When I first saw this island in 2014, the impression from it, of course, was simply indelible! In the good sense of the word. Of course, I had never seen such beauty, cleanliness, and at the same time the opportunity to have a good rest in the evening in my life, so Trawangan looked like a dream in my eyes...

But everything changed in November 2017... The fact is that this time we arrived there at the beginning of the rainy season. And either the season or the global restructuring on the island did not allow us to enjoy it to the fullest.

The fact is that on the island of Trawangan itself the following happened: someone from the government came there and banned the construction of restaurants right on the embankment in the port. And a row of decent establishments - the face of the island - was taken and demolished... They left only tables with umbrellas along the coast and that’s all.

In addition, so much garbage appeared on the island that walking around it became somehow even unpleasant.

We didn’t take pictures of the heavily trashed places, so in reality it looked a little worse...

There was garbage on Trawangan before, but it all accumulated in the center of the island. At the edges, where the main flow of tourists is, this was not noticeable at all. But apparently, there have been too many tourists in recent years and the island’s authorities simply couldn’t cope with so much garbage, which eventually broke through onto the embankment and ruined the whole view.

In general, after staying in Trawangan for 2 days, we realized that while there was such a global restructuring, there was nothing to do here. Of course, lovers of night parties were not very upset that their island became a little dirtier... 🙂 But everyone else really became depressed and went to other Gili islands.

Gili Air Island

So we boarded a private boat and sailed to the second island - Gili Air (or as the locals call it - “Air”, which means “water” in Indonesian).

Our photos from the island of Gili Air did not turn out much better or more interesting. Because although the island itself turned out to be much cleaner than Trawangan, the weather was disappointing.

But first, let me tell you what is special about Air.

The Gili Islands in Bali each have their own characteristics. So, if the first one - Trawangan - is an island of youth and night parties, then its neighbor Air is intended for completely different purposes.

Eyre is such a “tropical village”. Here chickens and roosters roam peacefully, horses ride. And in recent years, the island has rebuilt itself so well that its restaurants and cafes can easily give a head start to its older “party brother”. Therefore, both lovers of peace and quiet, as well as those who want to experience the evening restaurant life, will like it here.

We stayed on the island for 1 day. During which we managed to rent our bicycles and explore the entire island to our hearts’ content, having dinner at a restaurant that served salads and seafood. And even capture a tornado in Bali!

Yes, yes, just at the same time when on the island, such a mini-tornado was also flying over it.

Of course, we didn’t see the sunset that evening. But this spectacle was also worth it!

Gili Meno Island

Well, the last island from the Gili archipelago is Meno. We visited it only once in 2014. Why was he not the most attractive for us?

But before answering this question, let's decide: where is the island of Gili Meno? But actually everything is there. Near Lombok. Meno is located between Trawangan and Air. The area is approximately the same as Air and, accordingly, smaller than Trawangan.

The specialty of Meno Island is “honeymoons” for lovers. This island is notable precisely because most couples in love come here very often right after their wedding to enjoy each other’s company in peace and paradise.

For us, all the times it turned out that trips to the Gili Islands were always in the company of relatives. So back in 2014 we went to this island just to see it without spending the night.

Briefly about the impressions: clean, beautiful, inexpensive accommodation. In general, it’s not much different from Air, but it’s really more expensive to shoot something.

But these are impressions from 2014. In 2017, everything could change. Therefore, if you decide to choose the island of Gili Meno for a long-term stay, then it is better to read a couple of recent reviews about it on the Internet. Then you will have a more complete understanding of it.

The Gili Islands in Indonesia are located close to each other on the map. And in reality, it really won’t take you more than an hour to get from one to the other. Taking a public boat from one Gili island to another in the morning will cost about 100 - 150 rubles. You just need to find out the schedule of these boats in advance at the pier. They go rarely and only in the first half of the day.

But travel is not the only money spent on Gili. The biggest expense is, of course, housing. Trawangan in this sense is more expensive than Eir and is approximately equal to Meno.

So a simple room in a homestay on Trawangan will cost about 1000 - 1500 rubles. In this case, you can choose a clean decent option with breakfast. But no hot water in the shower. On Air, the situation with homestays is about the same, but there are more offers for that price and they look more decent.

Please note that I am providing price tags for the rainy season. In the high season, they increase by an average of 500 rubles for homestays and 1000 - 2000 for hotels and villas.

This time we were incredibly lucky to rent a villa for 2 couples in Trawangan for only 10,000 rubles. for everyone for 1 night. In high season, such a villa would cost us 15,000 rubles. - not less.

It was very bright, tastefully furnished, with its own private area and swimming pool. And the shower... What a shower it was! When you wash in it, you get the feeling that you are washing right in the middle of a tropical jungle! By the way, it was given to us by a very pleasant Russian hostess, Olga.

In general, we were delighted, so here is the name of the villa - Rustic Charm. Located in the center of the island. You can find and book this villa or other hotels on Gili on the Booking website.