Tourism Visas Spain

USA visa interview. Interview at the US Embassy: first steps to obtain a US visa

So, you filled out the application form, paid the consular fee, signed up for an interview on the official website, printed out the application confirmation, and collected all additional documents. The next stage, which is usually feared, is the interview itself. If we are talking about a tourist visa, then the essence of the interview comes down to ensuring that the consul sees you as an ordinary tourist who wants to see the sights of the country, and does not plan to stay in their state illegally. Let's look at mistakes regarding interviews.

1. Take the interview too seriously. You get nervous, don’t sleep at night, drink valerian. All these actions will not benefit you. After all, it's unlikely that this is the main thing in your life and if you don't get a visa, it won't be the end of the world. Take it easier, convince yourself first of all that you don’t really need a visa, there are quite a few visa-free countries in the world where you can go. Then you will have the corresponding “right” attitude.

2. On the contrary, they approached the issue too frivolously. You haven’t studied anything, haven’t read reviews on the Internet, have no idea what questions they might ask you, don’t know that you can’t bring tablets, laptops, or even headphones into the consulate. This may cause you additional inconvenience that could easily be avoided.

3. We arrived an hour before the appointed time. This will not provide any benefits. And, if everything happens in winter, then you will also freeze, since they let one person into the building at the appointed time. At any given time, about 10 people gather; the queue before entering the consulate is distributed among themselves. Whether you come in first or tenth will not affect your visa approval, so it’s enough to arrive 10-15 minutes in advance.

4. We took too many things with us. It is better to leave large bags, suitcases, and backpacks somewhere else. Only telephones are accepted for storage.

5. Dressed too brightly and provocatively. Cleavage, very high heels, short skirts and red lipstick will clearly not improve your chances of getting a visa. Be more modest, dress in casual styles typical of America or Europe. For men, a classic suit is also not at all necessary, if it is not your everyday wear.

6. Booked a hotel and bought tickets. Some “helping” agencies claim that this is absolutely necessary. In fact, this is not a necessary action; on the contrary, it is even an undesirable action. More precisely, you can book anything, but presenting it to the officer at the window as confirmation is a big mistake.

7. You have prepared too many “papers”: certificates from work, proof of ownership of real estate, a car, shares, grandmother’s jewelry, bank statements and other documents that should firmly tie you to your homeland. To make things even more important, they were certified by a notary. This in itself is not a mistake, but rather a waste of time. Mandatory documents listed on the consulate website are only an international passport and confirmation of the application form with a barcode. Old international passports, a Russian passport (just in case), and perhaps a certificate from work will also be useful. In the vast majority of cases, additional documents are not asked, and if suddenly this becomes decisive, the consul will ask to send them electronically.

8. You answer questions that are not asked, show certificates, documents and other papers when you are not asked. This is the most common mistake! For example, you are asked: “Purpose of trip.” The correct answer is: “Tourism” (the maximum you can say is something like: “I dream of seeing New York”). Categorically wrong: “I want to go to New York, but I have a husband, three children and a grandmother at home, and I have a good job, look at the certificate, I’ve already bought tickets, and I also have return tickets, look.” Answer as accurately as possible and don’t worry, if clarification is needed, you will be asked.

9. Switch to English. Interviews are conducted in Russian by default. In cases where the person had a work visa or traveled under the Work and Travel program, the officer may suggest switching to English. For an “ordinary tourist,” knowledge of the language is not mandatory, and there is absolutely no need to demonstrate it.

10. You attach too much importance to your marital status. There is an opinion that if a woman is divorced or unmarried, then the chances are very small by default, since she will certainly go to America for a new husband. This is wrong. If you have a confirmed good salary and, most importantly, a lot of trips to other countries (preferably not only Europe), then the likelihood of getting a visa is very high. Therefore, if, for example, you are separated or in the process of divorce, answer honestly.

11. You communicate in an overly free manner. Don’t confuse this with simplicity, free communication does not mean at all that you can communicate with the consul as with a school friend. If they are communicating with you seriously, there is no need to make ridiculous jokes in order to defuse the situation. Of course, rudeness and disrespectful attitude towards a foreign country in the style of “I don’t need your America, I’m happy at home” is completely unacceptable. Such behavior does not indicate a strong connection with the homeland, but a lack of upbringing.

How to get a visa to the USA? This process is shrouded in secrets and legends. But after reading this article everything will become clear to you. Let's get started!

Short introduction

The USA is a large and very interesting country that annually welcomes thousands of tourists from around the world. However, the domestic traveler has a huge number of stereotypes and myths, because of which such a trip seems difficult, and it is abandoned in favor of easier options. It is not right! In addition, sometimes a US visa is simply necessary.

The first and main myth is the difficulty of obtaining a US visa. Here are instructions that will tell you how to get a US visa without any problems!

So, how to get a US visa?
There is a simple algorithm for obtaining a US visa:

  1. Assess your chances
  2. Pay a consular fee of $160
  3. To upload a photo
  4. Fill out the DS-160 form
  5. Sign up for an interview
  6. Collect documents and come for an interview

Skyscrapers in Chicago

Step 1: Estimating the odds

First, let's look at your chances. There are a number of misconceptions, for example:

  • The interview is only possible in English;
  • you need to have a large amount in your bank account;
  • You also need to own real estate and go only by invitation.

Of course, if you have real estate and a large bank account, this will not be a disadvantage. As for everything else, these are just myths.

However, it is quite expected that if you are a young 20-year-old unemployed girl renting a room in a communal apartment, the process of obtaining a visa will be somewhat more difficult for you. Although this does not mean that there are no chances.

The consul (or visa officer) by and large does not care how cool, rich and successful you are in Russia. The only thing he will be interested in is that you leave the United States after the end of your trip, and will not remain illegally growing medical marijuana. Accordingly, you need to convey only two messages: the first is that you will return (because you have a close connection with your homeland), the second is that you want to go to the USA exclusively as a tourist to see the sights.

Chicago streets

Step 2: Pay the fee

Let's start paying. And here is an important point. The only amount you have to pay is the $160 US application fee. If you are offered assistance in obtaining a visa for an additional 2,500 rubles, then at best they will fill out the application for you, but you will still have to pay $160. So fill out everything yourself and do not resort to the services of sites that guarantee 100% receipt of a visa. Only the visa officer at the embassy (or consulate) will tell you whether you will receive a visa or not after the interview.

There are many ways to pay the consular fee. Now the main question is “Why pay?” It’s simple; when you sign up for an interview, you will need to provide your receipt number.

Ideal place for a run

Step 3: Taking a photo

Upload a photo. This task shouldn't cause too much trouble. The easiest way is to go to a photo studio, say that you “need an American visa” and ask to burn the photo on a disk. Although you can save money and take a photo against a white wall in the kitchen, in this case, be sure to check if everything worked out using the special service on their website.

Visa to the USA is not difficult

Step 4: Fill out the form

Let's start filling out the questionnaire. First of all, don’t be alarmed - the form is in English, and you also need to fill it out in English; if you don’t understand something, feel free to use a translator. If you have Google Chrome installed, you can set it to automatically translate. Please note that women's and men's profiles are different, so don't be surprised.

Some questions at the end of the questionnaire may cause confusion. “Have you engaged in terrorism?”, “Have you participated in the torture of US citizens?” “Have you ever forced anyone to have an abortion?” etc. There's no need to explain what your chances of getting a visa will be in the next eternity if you try to make a joke. Don't forget to save your profile regularly. Once you have filled it out, be sure to print out the confirmation, which you will need to take with you to your interview.

Washington Memorial

Step 5: Sign up for an interview

Sign up for an interview on in your personal account. By indicating in advance what type of visa you need (for example, tourist B2). You indicate the consulate where you will be interviewed (in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg or Vladivostok), the application number and the consular fee payment code. Don't forget to indicate the passport delivery method. I highly recommend the PonyExpress courier service, firstly, it is free, and secondly... although, perhaps, free is the best argument. The consulate warns that the passport will be delivered in 2-3 days, but, as a rule, it is delivered the next business day after the interview.

Streets of Washington

Step 6: Preparing for the interview

And now, the most exciting and long-awaited moment has come; you are going for an interview at the US Consulate. What do you need to take with you?

  1. both passports (Russian and foreign)
  2. proof of payment
  3. printout of the DS-160 form
  4. If your passport is new, then it’s better to take the old one to be sure

Yes, and that's all! But in order to be confident in your abilities, you can take with you:

  • bank statement
  • certificate from work (income)/university
  • documents on the availability of property (real estate, car, garage)
  • a printout of your ticket and hotel reservations (but it’s better not to pay anything until your visa has been approved)
  • certificate of marriage/birth of a child/disability of a relative
  • a contract for the sale and purchase of something very expensive

That is, what connects you with your homeland.

However, most likely you won’t need all this, so the main thing you need to remember is self-confidence and the intention to get a visa.

Lincoln Memorial

Let's go for an interview

Let's say you have an appointment at 8:00 am. You arrive at the consulate exactly at 8:00, but if you are suddenly very afraid of being late, then 5 minutes in advance. You can identify the consulate from afar by the long queue lined up on the street. These are the people who like to arrive an hour and a half early and wait. Don’t worry, they won’t get to the consulate before their appointed time. You ask who is last at 8:00 and stand behind him. After two checks, first by our police, then by an American officer, you enter US territory.

And here, ATTENTION! You cannot bring with you to the consulate: laptops, headphones, flash drives, phones, bags (medium, large), backpacks, food, etc. Leave it all in the car, or better yet, at home. You hand over your phone at the entrance, they put it in a small cell, and you stand in a new queue, where you receive a personal number.

Now you, as a free person, can sit on chairs and watch the beautiful views of America on TV until you are invited to give your fingerprints. After which you return to your chairs and views until it’s your turn for the interview.

The interview is conducted by an American visa officer (or consul, which is rare) who will speak Russian (quite possibly very bad Russian, with a strong accent). If he suddenly asks what language is best to contact you in, answer that in Russian. Here you are not getting a job; excellent knowledge of the language and having an IELS/TOEFL certificate will most likely be your significant disadvantage.


What questions will be asked?

  • What is the purpose of your trip? It’s better to answer in monosyllables - tourism
  • What are you planning to visit? You describe in detail which cities you want to go to, what you want to see - Disneyland, the Statue of Liberty or the Grand Canyon, try real Coca-Cola and in general the USA is a gorgeous country
  • Where do you work? What are you doing at work? How long have you been working there? Answer as is, you can embellish a little in places
  • If you are a student/master's or graduate student, you may ask about your research topic, so try to learn it before the interview
  • Do you have relatives in the USA? This is a very important question, because of course you have no relatives. You already answered it in the questionnaire, so don’t surprise the officer and answer the same. The American concept of “relative” is strictly regulated, it means parents, children, siblings and that’s it. But a fourth cousin is already an acquaintance/friend
  • How long will you spend in the USA? This question must be answered clearly - two weeks, a month, six months (this is the maximum period of stay in the USA)
  • Do you know English? Answer I know, or I know a little, or I know moderately.
  • Who pays for the trip? Depends on your situation. It's better if it's you.
  • Which countries have you visited? This won’t affect anything, you just start calmly listing the countries you’ve visited, this will show that no matter what, you still live in Russia.

It is possible that you will not be asked questions at all, but just in case, it is worth preparing and thinking through the answers. At the end of the interview, you are immediately informed of the result and the time of delivery of your passport.

In order to obtain a US visa, you must undergo an interview. In many cases, it is the interview, and not the answers in the questionnaire, that is the determining factor in whether a visa is approved or, conversely, rejected.

Therefore, many people begin to panic because of this, not knowing what awaits them, and then with their behavior they only aggravate the situation, reducing the chances of issuing a visa.

But the basic principles of passing an interview are quite simple, you just need to adhere to a few basic principles - and then you will understand how to pass the interview without problems.


During the interview you will be asked a number of questions, so it will be good if you have answers to them prepared in advance. First of all, you need to be able to answer the following quickly, clearly and without hesitation:

  • How long do you intend to stay in the USA?
  • What is your occupation in the country where you live permanently?
  • Do you have friends or relatives in the USA?
  • Do you have children?
  • Are you married?

The questions may be different, but, as reviews show, you shouldn’t expect any special tricks.

How to answer

Answer as clearly as possible, do not force a smile or show in any way that you are nervous, for example, fiddling with something in your hands. There is no need to personally ask questions or say anything unnecessary. Just listen to what they ask you - and answer clearly, to the point, without going into details.

Knowledge of English

One of the most common questions that arise before an interview is the question of the need to know English - and in general, in what language everything will be held.

It is not necessary to know English, this is an optional requirement, but if you have difficulties with it, you must notify about this in advance so that Russian-speaking consulate staff can help with translating questions and answers.

But there are also exceptions. For example, if you are traveling for the purpose of studying, then you absolutely need to speak English. Otherwise, your goals for the trip will be seriously doubted, and therefore you could easily be denied a visa.


Here are some more tips that may come in handy. Another important aspect is documents.

You must provide

  • old passport (if it contains visas, the presence of which can help you).

But you should not provide other documents. Give them to employees only if you are asked to do so; the initiative in this case may be punishable - you may, without meaning to, give out unnecessary information, which will entail a refusal to issue a visa.

One of the most important events when obtaining an American visa is an interview at the American consulate. In general, we can say that the issuance of a visa depends on the progress of the interview. In a very short period of time, you will need to explain the purpose of the trip, and also convey to the employee that you do not want to stay in the United States for permanent residence.

You may need to answer a few questions about the job and clarify some biographical facts. The interview goes quite quickly, takes only 3–4 minutes, and the decision is made very quickly. In order to pass an interview successfully, you need to prepare for it.

  • First you need to fill out a special form - DS-160. The form is filled out in English, so it is better to practice filling it out in advance.
  • The next step is to print out a page confirming registration of the application form. It contains a photo and a barcode.
  • Need to pay consular fee – 160 dollars. You can pay in ruble equivalent. The receipt must be kept. It should be noted here that at least several hours pass from the moment of payment to the moment of enrollment, so you should not make payments at the last moment.
  • You need to register on the embassy website and receive an email with a password from your personal account.
  • You need to sign up for an interview through your personal account. To do this, you will need your international passport data - number, issue date and expiration date, information from the receipt for payment of the consular fee, as well as a ten-digit number (located on the confirmation page).
  • The invitation confirmation should also be printed.

Documents you will definitely need at the interview

The entire package of documents can be divided into two parts – those that are required and those that may be additionally required.


  • a foreign passport that will be valid for more than six months at the time the visa expires (it is recommended to remove the cover in advance);
  • a printout confirming the registration of the DS-160 questionnaire;

  • a printout with an invitation to an interview.
  • Documents that may also be useful:

    You should not bring confirmation of your hotel reservation or tickets - it may give the impression that the need for a visa is very high, which will lead consular officers to certain suspicions. It is best to maintain a polite, balanced neutrality.

    Preparing for an interview

    The most common interview question is what questions will the inspector ask? The interview is the final and most critical step in obtaining a US visa, and most people want to come prepared for this interview. There is no need to write all possible questions, come up with answers to them and memorize them. Unfortunately, this always creates a not very pleasant impression and an overly nervous atmosphere, which is detrimental to the result.

    The inspector checks the adequacy of the foreign citizen and his willingness to comply with the rules and regulations, in particular with regard to immigration policy.

    Answer questions truthfully, confidently and easily. Don't be verbose or try to be overly convincing. As experienced travelers say, visas are most readily given to those who demonstrate slight indifference and, by all external signs, can do without a visa.

    It is necessary to think through the travel program as best as possible - the story about it should be short, succinct, integral and as consistent as possible. If the interlocutor is confused, the officer may refuse to obtain a visa.

    Interview Questions

    What do consular officers ask?

    About the trip

    Questions about an upcoming trip can be very difficult for an unprepared person. You should not speak at random; it is best to make a travel plan in advance in order to orient yourself during a dialogue with the inspector. It is necessary to confidently operate not only with travel dates, but also with the names of the places you want to visit. The officer may inquire about some small nuances; there is no need to be scared; you should confidently outline your thoughts and ideas on this matter.

    About work activity

    The inspector may be interested in the work activities of a foreign citizen who came for an interview. This is no more complicated than a regular dialogue about work, with the only difference that you need to remember - no matter what you want to say about your work, wages and company activities, you should stick to the idea that a visa is given to those who are going to return to their homeland. The size of the salary, the company’s activities, length of service – all this may be of interest to the consular service officer.

    Increasingly, the US Embassy pays attention to family and issues of close family ties during interviews. If a person goes on a trip, leaving his family at home, it is better to say so. There may also be a question about loved ones in America and their status.

    About money

    Or about the sponsor of the trip, if it is paid for by another person. Confirmation of financial stability must be in any case. If the trip will be paid for independently, then a bank statement will be sufficient; if it will be paid for by a sponsor, then in addition to bank documents, a letter of intent from the sponsor will also be required.

    About the host

    If a visa is issued at the invitation of relatives or any organization, you need to be prepared to provide documents confirming this and be able to explain the importance of this trip.

    About language skills

    This is a very sensitive issue. Of course, the traveler does not have to have deep knowledge of English, but when traveling independently, this question may arise.

    About Honesty

    It is important to remember that you need to answer questions truthfully and consistently - this will help you not to get confused yourself and not to confuse the consular officer. It is also important to remember that all answers in a personal dialogue with the inspector must correspond to the answers on the DS-160 form. Otherwise, unnecessary questions may arise.

When planning to visit the UK, you need to be prepared for the fact that when obtaining a visa, in addition to preparing a certain list of documents and submitting biometric data (fingerprints and retinal scans), you will need to undergo an interview at the British consulate.

Types of failure

During the interview, the consular officer may have suspicions about the veracity of the information provided, about the trustworthiness of the traveler and his financial viability. In this case, the officer will return the traveler’s passport at the end of the interview, which means a refusal to obtain a visa. Failure options can be symbolically divided into three categories:

  • Refund- return of documents due to incorrect completion or incomplete package. This is the least “painless” option for refusal, because for some time the traveler can collect a complete package of documents, fill them out in accordance with the rules and again submit them to the center for consideration. The new interview will take place with a different officer;
  • Refuse- refusal for other reasons (will be indicated in the letter) for which the officer concluded that the person receiving the visa does not comply with the migration rules. In this case, the applicant has the right to appeal to challenge the consular decision;
  • Ban- the most dangerous type of refusal, because in this case you can try to get it again only after 10 years, but you shouldn’t be upset in this case, because the decision can be challenged in court, if, of course, all the documents are genuine and the information in them is true.

In any case, no matter what the result is, you shouldn’t get upset ahead of time. You need to calmly (without hysterics, curses and tears) leave the consulate premises and, having understood the reasons, act further. You can ask the officer for the reason for the refusal.

Factors to help you pass an interview successfully

To pass an interview without receiving any kind of refusal, you need to have a complete package of correctly filled out documents and during a conversation with an officer adhere to several rules:

  1. Appearance and pleasant manners. It is advisable to come to the consulate in neat, not pretentious clothes, with a neat hairstyle, without chewing gum in your mouth, and without drinking alcohol the day before. Avoid sharp gestures, jargon and obscene words in speech, speak politely, try to smile (but not too tightly).
  2. Preparation. Before the interview, you need to prepare several answers to possible questions: length of stay in the country, reasons for entry, reasons for returning home, place of residence for the period of stay in the country, date of entry and departure. All questions are asked in English, so you need to speak it at the proper level. Arguments should be prepared that will help convince the officer that there is no reason to stay in the country as long as possible.
  3. Honesty and openness. All answers must be truthful. Sometimes an officer may ask the same question several times. It is imperative to answer it in detail, without expressing dissatisfaction or irritation. When interviewing, it is advisable to avoid simple “yes-no” answers; you should try to give the most succinct and convincing answer. In the event that there is no answer to the question, it is better to answer: “I don’t know” than to come up with it on the fly and get out of it.
  4. Calm and confident. Exude calm and confidence when answering questions. To put your mind at ease, you can ask your friends to ask a few questions before the interview. Speech should not be too quiet, but not too loud.

If you adhere to these simple rules, there should be no difficulties in obtaining a visa to the UK. An additional advantage will be having your own business card, fluency in English, and a Schengen visa. It is advisable, after registering on the Migration Service website, to print out the invitation and go with it to the Visa Center. In addition, you must have copies of the entire package of documents with you.