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Banknotes of Thailand. Where is the best place to change currency in Thailand?

On September 20, 2017, Thailand introduces new banknotes of different denominations - from 20 to 1000 baht. Does this mean that the old currency will no longer be accepted in stores in the country. How to change “old” money, how obligatory this procedure is and where to do it. What does the new money of the Kingdom of Thailand look like? Details in the article!

The main feature of the new banknotes is their appearance. All new banknotes depict the highly respected and now deceased King of Thailand, Bhumibol Adulyadej. The portrait passes through the framework of time - different time periods from the life of Rama IX and the stages of his reign are reflected.

Some banknotes feature the royal family:

  • Wife – Queen Sirikit;
  • Son - Maha Watchiralongkon Mahidol;
  • Three daughters - Ubon Rattana, Maha Chakri Sirindhon, Chulabhon Valailak.

Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX) - ruled the Kingdom of Thailand for exactly 70 years (1946-2016)

New money - old money doesn't work?

They are working. Old-style banknotes will still be “in use” for a long time. According to forecasts from the Central Bank of Thailand, the familiar series of Thai banknotes will remain in circulation for another 15-20 years. All financial organizations will accept and issue “different generation” currencies without any problems.

The memory of the king is in everyone's pocket...

This edition was released specifically for the King's Memorial Day. From October 13 to December 29, Thailand will host commemorative ceremonies to mark the anniversary of the death and cremation of Rama IX.

The largest banknote in circulation is 1000 baht.

For residents of Thailand, this event is particularly significant. No family is left behind. New Thai banknotes with the image of the king only unite the local people together. It is believed that everyone who exchanged old money for new ones thereby honored the king and his entire family.

Where to exchange old money for new banknotes in Thailand

For tourists or regular visitors to the country, there is no need to exchange currency. Over time, it will be “replaced” by itself - change in a store, issue at an ATM, etc. If you want to make an exchange “here and now”, you can do this at any bank in the country. It should be borne in mind that there are too many people who want to exchange money before the anniversary of the king’s death.

The Thai Baht has been the national currency of Thailand since April 15, 1928. Initially, the baht was the local designation for the currency of the 14th century Indochina states - the tikal, which served as both the monetary unit of Thailand and a unit of measurement of mass.

Thai money is designated THB (officially) and Baht (in everyday use). The symbolic designation is ฿. There are 100 satangs in one baht. At the moment, Thai coins of 25 and 50 satang, 1, 2, 5, 10 baht are used in calculations. Thai banknotes - 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 baht.

Photos of coins

There are only 25 and 50 satang coins in circulation (dark yellow, almost brown). To be honest, it is considered bad manners to pay that kind of money in markets, stalls, Thai restaurants (7/11 or hypermarkets are fine). These coins are not quoted at all among the locals.

Coins are also issued in denominations of 1, 2, 5 and 10 baht. 1 and 5 baht - nickel alloy (silver), 2 baht - there are both silver and yellow, 10 baht - the center is yellow, the rest is silver.

Banknotes of Thailand

Paper Thai money comes in denominations of 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 baht. The 100 and 1000 baht bills are similar in color, so it is easy to confuse them at first. Until the end of the 20th century, there was also a 10 baht note in circulation, but currently it is not used and you will not see it.

Officially, throughout the country, only the Thai currency - baht - is accepted for payment. But if you have just arrived and did not have time to exchange currency, then you can pay for a taxi in dollars or euros. When paying for goods in stores and shopping centers, strictly baht is accepted.

Take a good look at Thailand's paper money in the photo below. Remember, in addition to hieroglyphs, there is a designation in the form of Arabic numerals on both banknotes and coins.

Money of Thailand - photos of all paper bills

How and where to change currency in Thailand

Previously, we found out what kind of money in Thailand is baht and satang. Let's move on to answering the question of how to exchange them and what is the exchange rate in relation to the ruble. In the past, the rate was almost one to one, i.e. 1 baht = 1 ruble, but after 2014 it began to fluctuate and currently 1 baht = 1.7 rubles. The exact exchange rate today can be found, for example, at

Foreign currency can be exchanged for Thai money at the international airports of Suvarnabhumi and Phuket. In the first case, the course is not particularly good, but in the second case it is almost no different from the course in other places on this island. In Suvarnabhumi, it is better to exchange some money so that you have enough to get to the resort of your choice, and there you can do the rest of the amount or as needed.

It is better to make an exchange at exchange offices rather than banks, since in the latter the procedure is longer - they will ask you for your passport, take a copy of it, and you will have to fill out paperwork. Banks, by the way, do not work very conveniently - only on weekdays, usually from 10 am to 4 pm. The exception is bank offices in hypermarkets and shopping centers, they are open daily.

What money to take to Thailand

The clear answer is to take euros or dollars. Rubles are not quoted here; they are exchanged only in some places in Pattaya and Phuket, and at a very unfavorable rate. In principle, in addition to dollars and euros, you can take any currency of the main countries of the world - Japan, China, Australia. By and large, this does not matter - somehow you will not be able to win in terms of money and the difference in exchange rates for the main currencies in Russia and Thailand. The only caveat is that if you are bringing dollars, then only bills of 50 and 100, since the rest are exchanged at a reduced rate.

It is advisable to bring dollars in banknotes issued after 2003, since the rest are exchanged for Thai currency only by Bangkok Bank, the main bank of the country.

The national currency of Thailand is the Thai baht, its official designation is THB. It is a hard currency that has been little subject to fluctuations in recent years.

Throughout Thailand, payment is officially accepted only in baht, so you need to take with you the currency that can be profitably exchanged for baht.

All exchange transactions are carried out through the American dollar, so the baht to ruble exchange rate depends on the dollar to ruble exchange rate.

The baht to dollar exchange rate is stable.

1 USD = 34.15 THB

1 EUR = 38.31 THB

Because The dollar to ruble exchange rate at the time of writing is 56.5 rubles, therefore,

1 THB = 1.66 RUB

What is more profitable to take: the euro or the dollar?

Here everything depends on the euro-dollar exchange rate, because the baht is pegged to the dollar.

Recently, the exchange of dollars for baht in ruble equivalent is slightly more profitable than the euro.

  • Exchange offices are more willing to accept dollars and are more willing to accept them when paying in cash.
  • If you have rubles and you don’t care what to exchange for, take dollars.
  • If you have a substantial supply of euros, you don’t have to try to exchange them for dollars, you will only lose.

What is better to take: cash or bank card

When withdrawing cash from ATMs abroad, higher fees apply.

In banks you can find the opportunity to withdraw cash without interest, but such a bank still needs to be found.

In all chain stores and large souvenir shops you can pay for your purchase with a card without interest.

It would be optimal to take with you a plastic card with a dollar account and a certain amount of dollars in cash to pay for taxis, cafes and other small expenses.

  • The smaller the denomination of a dollar bill, the worse its exchange rate. Therefore, you need to take bills of at least $100 with you.
  • In major cities of Thailand, exchange offices can be found literally at every turn. However, the course in them may differ slightly. It is worth walking along the surrounding streets and comparing existing exchange rates.
  • It is better not to change large amounts at the airport immediately upon arrival - the rate there is usually higher than at street exchange offices.

What kind of money to take to Thailand is always a concern for vacationers, especially those who decided to go to this country for the first time. Before leaving, carefully approach this problem and think about how and where you will change money in Thailand, whether you will take cash or a bank card and many other little things.

Cash in Thailand

Most often, travelers carry with them a thick wallet with cash bills that they plan to spend during the trip. This option is not the most suitable, only because in Thai hotels and banks there is nothing suitable for storing money, except for safes in the room and lockers at the reception. There are cases that even when storing currency in the room safe, it disappeared. Not all hotel employees in Thailand are honest and conscientious.

It is better to take some cash, leave the rest on the card and withdraw it as needed.

Which currency is more convenient?

What to take to Thailand: dollars or euros is not so important, but whether to take rubles to Thailand worries the majority of Russian vacationers.

It will be better if you exchange Russian money for traditional dollars or euros, in which case it will take much less time. Regarding the exchange rate of money, 50 and 100 dollar bills have a higher exchange rate, so it is more profitable to change them than small ones.

Upon arrival, you can exchange some money at the airport so that you have Thai baht at your disposal for travel and other small items until you get to the exchange office with a favorable rate. This option is more suitable for independent travelers.

Most often, money exchange in Thailand takes place in banks. If you don’t have time to get to the bank to avoid being deceived and exchange funds profitably, do it at specialized points marked Exchange. It is not worth changing money at a hotel or guesthouse, as the exchange rate leaves much to be desired.

How to bring money to Thailand

Once you have decided what kind of money to take to Thailand (dollar bills or euros), you should think about how to transport them. You can carry money in the form of cash, but there are safer ways.

The most universal option is traveler's checks. Thomas Cook and American Express checks can be easily exchanged for Thai baht at any banking institution, be it the bank itself or a branch. They charge a commission of about 30 baht per check, but their exchange rate is much higher. When you buy such checks from a Russian bank, you will also be charged a small commission, which varies depending on the bank’s tariffs. Before buying checks, read the rules on how to transfer money to Thailand.

If traveler's checks exceed $10,000, you must declare this information on your declaration, but otherwise there are no import restrictions.

Bank cards

Russian tourists can use VISA and Mastercard debit and credit cards in Thailand without any problems. But it is better to check with your bank representative in advance whether it is possible to use their card in this country. When making ATM withdrawals upon arrival, it is better to calculate the costs in advance and cash out a large amount to avoid paying a fee of at least 150 baht each time.

Also in Thailand you can pay by card without any problems - this applies to large stores. Of course, it is unlikely that the owner of a small store will provide the opportunity to pay by card, but paying for purchases with a card in shopping centers or chain grocery stores is no problem.

Shopping in Thailand

As for that, you decide for yourself. Firstly, this is personal, and secondly, the amount of money depends on the resort you are going to and the holiday season. Pattaya is considered the cheapest resort in Thailand – when it comes to beach holidays. Here you can relax both on a budget and on a grand scale - whatever you want. The farther you go from mass gatherings of tourists, deeper into the country, the cheaper it is.

In general, on average, regardless of the resort, if you don’t indulge yourself too much, but also don’t go to great lengths, 1,500-2,000 baht per person per day will be enough, subject to breakfast at the hotel.

When counting on a certain amount, put part of it on the card, and take part with you in the form of large bills, preferably euros or dollars.


Shopping is considered the main entertainment in the country. Therefore, you shouldn’t buy in advance and take a lot of things with you, but taking a couple of empty suitcases won’t hurt. And then, you can buy a suitcase in Thailand at a ridiculous price.

Shopping centers in Thailand are considered one of the best in all of Asia, because the richest assortment and high quality make goods a tasty morsel for shopaholics from all over the world.

The most interesting thing while shopping will be visiting the night and floating markets, where you can not only make good purchases, bargain and treat yourself to new things, but also try local delicacies, chat with Thais and just have fun.

Budget shopping

What money to take to Thailand 2016 and how much is entirely up to you. The main thing is to correctly calculate the budget (some vacation in Thailand for a few dollars a day). If you want to buy more and spend less, you just need to visit the "outlet town" called Premium Outlet in Phuket or Outlet Mall in Pattaya. Large resort cities allow tourists to purchase branded items at incredibly low prices with a discount of 30 to 70%.

Despite the fact that prices are very low and can “fit” any wallet, Thailand is not considered one of the cheapest countries. In shopping centers you can expect low prices for goods such as fruits, flowers, etc. Those tourists who visit markets for foreigners especially overpay. As a rule, there are no signs with prices and it is different for each buyer, which is why many overpay 2 or even three times more than the market value.

Where is the best place to shop?

The most profitable places for this are the already mentioned markets. There are a great many of them in every city and resort village. Prices are lower towards the end of the market, so don’t rush to buy everything just after entering the “tent city”.

Look around, get used to the surroundings, choose. Also, local markets allow things that may cause indignation in the shopping center. You can safely bargain and earn a discount of up to 50% at an already low price.

What to buy

Thailand is a country of contrasts, so each place has its own traditions. However, there are things that unite the state and make it whole. Elephants, in all their manifestations, and Thai cosmetics are things that you should definitely buy in Thailand. Such gifts for loved ones and small trinkets for yourself will long remind you of a fabulous trip to the Land of Smiles and will warm you with the warmth of Thailand throughout the year.

Advice for those who plan to pay with a card in Thailand - be sure to call the bank and warn them that during a certain period you will be in Thailand and pay for various goods and services with a card. Otherwise, the card may be blocked after the first transaction, regardless of the amount. If you are lazy and do not call, the bank may block the card in order to prevent fraud.

Are you going on vacation and have chosen Thailand (Phuket) for yourself? The money of this country is something that every tourist will have to deal with. And this applies not only to Phuket and other popular places. The Thais are known to have an extremely respectful, even reverent attitude towards their own currency and an extreme reluctance to make payments in euros or dollars, which are so widely quoted among us. That is why, once at the Bangkok airport, foreigners have to immediately exchange part of their cash for local currency units. Since 1928, this has been the Thai baht.

The international classification code for Thai money is ISO - 4217, and Thai currency is abbreviated as THB.

What kind of money will you find in Thailand?

Nowadays, paper bills of only five specific denominations are in circulation in the country: 20 baht (a bill with a predominantly green color in design), 50 baht (predominantly blue), 100 baht (red), 500 baht (purple). The largest one is a “money” worth 1000 baht, decorated in brown tones.

The metal money of Thailand is represented mainly by Thai baht in denominations from 1 to 10. One- and five-baht are minted in silver, but the second of them is larger and, thanks to the original form of minting, at first glance looks like faceted. A two-baht coin (made of yellow metal) can be found much less frequently than a 1-baht coin.

The largest coin in terms of thickness and diameter is 10 baht. It is bimetallic - a silver ring running along the edge borders a yellow central circle.

About Thai trifle

Each is equal to one hundred satangs - Thai "kopecks". In circulation you can find small coins of 25 and 50 satang. Both of them are bronze-red in color. The likelihood of the average tourist coming across this kind of money during an ordinary short trip to this country is not very high. This is due to the fact that prices in shops and markets have long been rounded up to baht.

Occasionally, you can get change as change, but you are unlikely to be able to use it as money - you won’t be able to buy anything with it, you can only throw it as alms on the street or keep it as a souvenir.

Coins are minted in Thailand similar to American coins - you can look at the reverse side by turning them from top to bottom (vertically), and not like in Europe - horizontally. And at first it can be confusing.

Get used to the baht

When going to Thailand, get ready to spend money only in the national currency, and therefore information about its current exchange rate is always up-to-date. This data is constantly updated by SCB Bank, one of the largest in the country.

At resorts, if you go to the exchange office of any other bank, you may encounter a slight discrepancy in rates, but the differences are not so great as to cause serious damage to the tourist budget.

You can also exchange our Russian rubles for Thai money, but in recent years such an exchange has not been very profitable. Although relatively recently their mutual exchange rate was 1:1.

Where is the best place to exchange currency?

The exchange rate is not the same everywhere. As in any country actively visited by tourists, changing money right at the airport is the most unprofitable thing for foreigners. Any bank knows that a tourist needs local banknotes immediately upon arrival. If, for example, the purpose of your trip from the airport through Thailand is Pattaya, you need money for both the bus and just to have a snack along the way. And therefore, the purchasing rate for dollars or euros at airports is always artificially low.

It is not very profitable to change currency at exchange offices located in hotels and guesthouses. When exchanging a 100-dollar bill, a tourist loses on average from 80 to 100 baht, which is equal to the cost of lunch at a local cafe or a couple of bottles of beer. Exchange rates may differ even in two neighboring points, since all banks in Thailand dictate their own conditions to their branches located at resorts. Those who want to save money are advised to go around several of these points in a row and choose where Thai money is offered the cheapest. Fortunately, there are enough exchangers in the country, especially in tourist destinations. Many of them, for example in Pattaya, work until late in the evening.

Features of dollar exchange

Those planning a vacation to this country should remember the stable exchange rate of the Thai baht in recent years, but its minor fluctuations occur literally every day. You can save a little more by bringing money (especially American dollars) in large bills. The exchange rate displayed by banks on the board exists, as a rule, in three options:

  • for one- and two-dollar bills (the least profitable for the dealer);
  • for banknotes in denominations of 5, 10 or 20 units (slightly more expensive);
  • for dollars in the form of banknotes of 50 and 100 units (the most optimal from the point of view of a tourist).

Oddly enough, there is no such gradation in relation to other world currencies, including the euro. Also know: old American dollars (year of issue earlier than 1966) will not be accepted at a street exchange office; you should take care in advance to bring newer bills with you.

Important nuances

Russian citizens recently should not have any problems exchanging rubles for Thai money - such a procedure is quite accessible in most places popular among tourists. Sometimes the direct exchange rate may not be displayed on the information board, but this does not mean that the procedure is impossible - you just need to contact the operator.

Important nuance! Do not forget that any money in Thailand, both bills and coins, contains the image of the king. The country's own monarch is highly respected by the country's inhabitants, and therefore any manifestation of disdain for the royal person is fraught with severe retribution for desecration - from attacks by an angry crowd on the street to criminal charges.

That is why never show disrespect towards Thai banknotes - do not crumple them, do not throw them to the ground and do not step on them under any circumstances!

A short excursion into the past

The history of the Thai baht (THB) dates back to ancient times. The concept of “bat” was used by the population of Indochina to designate the so-called tikal, which also served as a unit of mass. From 1350 until the 19th century, on the territory of Siam, the strongest and most powerful Thai state, silver and gold bars of non-standard convex shape, large in weight (1.215 kg), were minted. Since 1861, the English mint began to produce ordinary, European-looking round coins for the needs of Siam.

Banknotes called tikals and tamlungs were also issued at that time. They finished printing them in 1918. The Thai baht as an independent national monetary unit was “born” on April 15, 1928 and remains in this capacity to this day.

About small coins

The name satang - a small Thai small change coin - is translated from Pali as “one hundredth”, which is true. The satang has been minted since 1898, which means that it officially appeared before the baht. 25 such small coins are colloquially called “salueng”.

Thai coins have always been distinguished by a variety of weights and shapes. The largest ones in terms of value are those that cost 10 baht. Small ones - 25 satangs. Each of the coins, as already mentioned, is issued with the image of a royal portrait. It is applied on the front side, and on the back there may be various mythological characters, etc. Reverses with minted temples are often found, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate.

Russia - Thailand: money (rate, local features, etc.)

In a sense, our tourist has it easier than, say, a Frenchman or a German. You won't have to deal with complicated calculations if you're going to Thailand. Money (it’s difficult to accurately name the exchange rate to the ruble, since it constantly fluctuates, albeit slightly; for example, at the beginning of April 2017, for 100 baht they ask for approximately 163.2 Russian rubles) here they cost about the same, and the Thai currency is converted into similar values to our ruble figures. Thus, when calculating future expenses for a vacation in this country, our tourist can operate with prices in familiar monetary units. In addition, many goods and services here are much cheaper than in Russia.

You can cash out Thai currency at a huge number of ATMs that accept most standard bank cards, such as MasterCard or Visa. Their commission is fixed (150 baht), cashing limits are from 20,000 to 30,000 baht. Without commission, you can withdraw money from the card through the bank by presenting a scan of your passport.

How much money should you have to go to Thailand? When going to the country for a long period of time, it is worth stocking up on dollars, since during the cashing process, banks initially convert rubles, euros, and other money into American dollars. If the trip is short, you can take a card with rubles on it. If you are importing an amount over $10,000, you will need to declare it at Russian customs.

On the issue of tipping

They are accepted in the service sector of any country, and Thailand is no exception. Their size is usually kept within reasonable limits. It is not customary to throw money away here, but at the same time, if you receive a handful of change, the staff may feel insulted. The size of the tip cannot be higher than the cost of the service itself. The taxi meter is simply rounded up. Although this does not always happen.

In hotels, the “extra” money is left for the maids and luggage porters. It is not customary to tip in dollars.

It is better not to make attempts to “buy off” from paying for something prohibited (such as smoking in unauthorized places) - it will definitely not be possible to avoid a fine.

If you follow these simple rules, then you can relax in this beautiful country at a very reasonable cost, wisely spend your planned budget and get the most excellent impressions.