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Exchange money in Pattaya today. What money should you take with you to Pattaya? Anti-theft protection

The national currency of Thailand is the Thai baht (THB).

The Thai baht is divided into 100 satang.

Payment for goods and services with foreign money is prohibited in Thailand. All payments are accepted in baht only. Torn bills are not accepted by most banks, hotels, shops and restaurants.

Money exchange in Thailand

For exchange for baht Within Thailand, the most suitable global currency is the US dollar, followed by the British pound and the euro. Exchange operations are carried out by any banks in Thailand or private exchange offices (in tourist centers, hotels, etc.). Banks in Thailand and certified exchange offices charge a commission for exchanging or cashing out money; street money changers do not charge a commission, but there is a high probability of fraud.

The dollar exchange rate at Thai exchange offices located at airports and hotels is often greatly underestimated compared to the bank exchange rate.

The exchange rate in Thailand is quite stable, but when exchanging dollars for baht, you should remember that the higher the denomination of the dollar bill, the more favorable the exchange rate for it in Thailand (the difference is 2-5%).

How much money to take to Thailand

For a comfortable holiday in the country (accommodation, transportation, food, souvenirs, etc.), the average tourist should always carry with him an amount of cash equivalent to $100 per person per day. To this amount it is advisable to add a cash reserve of $200 in case of unforeseen circumstances. Excursions in Thailand cost an average of $32-42.

In Thailand, it is customary to bargain in markets and souvenir shops. The discount from the original price can be up to 30%.

In Thailand, it is customary to leave a tip in tourist areas. Taxi fares are rounded up by $0.3, porters are usually paid an additional $0.6-1.3 (depending on the load), restaurant tips - 5-10% of the bill, for room cleaning - 0.6- 1.3 $, in a massage salon or spa it is customary to leave a tip of 1.3-7 $.

The “Land of Smiles” is not the cheapest place in Asia.
At major seaside resorts in Thailand, prices can be very close to
worldwide. Tourists from Russia can safely focus on the lower level of domestic prices.

Approximate prices in Thailand

  • A liter of gasoline - $1.2
  • 1-day metro pass - $1.2
  • Short taxi ride - $4
  • 1 liter of drinking water - 1 $
  • Coffee in a cafe - 3-5 $
  • Breakfast at the hotel - $3
  • Bottle of wine in the store - $7
  • Beer - $3 per liter
  • Chicken fried rice at a street food stall/restaurant - $1.2 / $2.2
  • Fruits: bananas / coconut / mango - 0.8 $ / 0.5 $ / 1.6 $ per kg
  • Souvenir T-shirt - $1.5-3
  • Beach towel in store - $3
  • Parachute ride - $1.2 / 10 min.
  • Jet ski rental - $16 per person for half an hour
  • Massage session - $7-42 for 1.5 hours
  • Hotel room with air conditioning - $10-13 per night

Payment for goods and services in Thailand is made exclusively in baht. The above prices correspond to the average exchange rate between dollars and baht at exchange offices of major banks in Thailand.

Banks of Thailand

You can withdraw cash either from Thai banks or from street ATMs. Banks in Thailand are open from Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 15:30 (less often until 20:00). After 15:00 it is quite difficult to find a working bank in Thailand.

ATMs in Thailand, unlike banks, operate around the clock, but charge a commission of $5 for each transaction (you can withdraw up to $644 at a time). ATMs and banks in Thailand can be easily found in all major cities, as well as in tourist resorts.

The most popular plastic cards in Thailand are:

  • Mastercard
  • Maestro
  • Diners Club
  • American Express

They are accepted for payment by most restaurants, supermarkets and hotels in Thailand.

In some places there is a 3 - 5% tax on credit card transactions.
Therefore, before paying with a credit card, you need to find out the terms of payment.

Central Bank of Thailand

Central Bank of Thailand(Bank of Thailand) specializes not in conducting financial and credit operations, but in regulating the activities of more than 30 commercial banks in the country and maintaining the stability of the national currency. The Bank of Thailand is located in the center of the capital on Bangkhunprom Road.

Major banks in Thailand

Bank BangkokBank- the largest commercial bank in Thailand, more than 600 branches throughout the country.

Address: 333 Silom Road, Bangkok 10500,Thailand
Phone: +(66 2) 231-43-33

Bank KrungThaiBank- the second most important bank in Thailand.

Address: 35 Sukhumvit Rd., Klong Toey Nua Subdistrict, Wattana District, Bangkok 10110, Thailand
Phone: +(66 2) 255-22-22

Siam BankCommercialBank is the oldest commercial bank in Thailand.

Head office address: 9 Ratchadaphisek Road, SCB Park, Chatuchak, Bangkok, Thailand
Phone: + ( 66 2) 777-77-77

Bank KasikornBank- the most innovative and high-tech bank in Thailand.

Head office address: 1 Soi. Kasikornthai, Ratburana Road, Bangkok 10140, Thailand
Phone: +(66 2) 888-88-82

Bank TMBBank- A bank whose shareholders and main clients are the Thai military.

Head office address: 3000 Phahon Yothin Rd., Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Phone: +(66 2) 299-11-11

Citibank Bank- one of the largest foreign banks in Thailand.

Head Office Address: 99 Sukhumvit Road, Interchange 21 Building, Klongtoey Nua Sub-district, Wattana District, Bangkok 10110, Thailand
Phone: +(66 2) 788-20-00

Transfer money to Thailand

There are several ways to transfer money to Thailand:

  • currency bank transfers
  • telegraphic transfers
  • transfer to credit card

You can transfer money to Thailand to a card or bank account ($30 per transfer). Many experts recommend using a City Bank card, which has offices in Bangkok and other major cities in Thailand. For Russian citizens, it will be convenient to use a Sberbank card (up to $5,000 per day without opening an account), since the exchange rate of the baht against the ruble is more stable than against the dollar.

As long as we have been living in Pattaya, tourists have been asking us: “What currency should I take to Thailand?” We responded differently, depending on the economic situation. But times have changed, and for 2019 we can give clear advice on what currency to take to Thailand - rubles, dollars or euros. Of course, the final decision on which currency to travel to Thailand with is up to you. But we advise you to listen to our opinion. This will help you save, if not money, then nerves. But isn’t this the main thing on vacation?

From bad to worse and back again

What currency should I use to travel to Pattaya? What currency should I take to Thailand? What is more profitable to take to Thailand: dollars, rubles or euros? Perhaps these are the main questions that face all tourists who are going on vacation to the land of smiles. Previously, answering this question was not so easy - especially if you are traveling to Pattaya or Phuket, where there are many exchange offices with market rates for the dollar, euro and ruble. But now, thanks to the targeted and consistent actions of the Russian authorities, there is no need to think about the answer anymore! And that's why.

Here is a chart of changes in the exchange rate of the Thai baht to the Russian ruble for 2018-2019. Actually, to be precise, this is how the course changed dollar to the ruble. But since the exchange rate of the Thai baht against the dollar has remained virtually unchanged over the year, the dynamics of the ruble against the baht look the same. Yes, friends, this is true: I’m already tired of explaining that it’s not the dollar or the baht that has grown – it’s the ruble that has fallen. For those who still believe in the fairy tales of Uncle TV and spend a lot of time on Odnoklassniki, I advise you to read this article with the magical effect of clearing your eyes:

As we have the misfortune to observe on the chart, the ruble exchange rate has been changing very much lately - from bad to very bad and back again. If we turn to common sense, as well as statements by Russian and foreign economists, then all forecasts say: the Russian economy will not emerge from the crisis in the near future. And all this directly affects our opinion about what currency to take to Thailand in 2019.

What currency should I take to Thailand in 2019? Just not rubles!

Until recently, when the ruble exchange rate did not change so rapidly, I answered the question “What currency to take to Thailand” depending on the situation. They say that there are many exchange offices in the city where you can exchange rubles for baht at the market rate, but keep in mind that this rate may change, etc., etc. But times have changed, and in the current economic situation my advice is clear : You only need to bring dollars to Thailand. And that's why.

Imagine the situation. You came to Pattaya with rubles. Yes, there are many exchange offices in the city where you can exchange rubles for baht at the market rate. Here are some of them (keep in mind that the course in the photo is no longer the same, but the addresses remain the same):

So, you checked into a hotel, changed money - let’s say, at the rate of 0.55 baht for 1 ruble. A few days later, come to the exchanger - and the rate is already 0.48! But there is nowhere to go, you need money, you have to change. Every other day you pass by the same exchange office - and there it’s already 0.5 (or 0.6, or 0.4).

American tourists in Pattaya are watching in horror as their national currency depreciates against the Thai baht.
Joke. Not American.

I'm not even talking about lost money: do you need this hassle on vacation? So that every morning, waking up to the singing of birds and the splashing of the sea, you don’t think about what trips to take or where to go, but run to the exchanger or open the news to find out what’s going on with the ruble?

Therefore, friends, do not worry yourself on vacation! What currency is best to take to Thailand in 2019? My advice is clear - only a dollar! Or euro. Or Chinese Yuan. In general, any stable currency, but not the ruble.

And then you will know exactly how much money you have at the moment. There is no need to ruin your nerves by worrying about exchange rates. You're on vacation!

Thailand. At the moment it relates to the ruble as 1:2. There are 100 satang kopecks in one baht, but they are slowly disappearing from everyday life.

There is a misconception that in tourist countries like Thailand, you can pay for any private services in dollars. In fact, the situation is completely opposite: local residents are very distrustful of any foreign banknotes.

Does this mean that you should not take dollars with you to Thailand ()? Certainly not. You need to take dollars, and the higher the denomination of the bills, the more profitable you will exchange them. This can be done immediately upon arrival in almost any city, for example.

True, it is better, after all, to give preference to a small exchanger or a bank branch on the street - this way you can win an amount equivalent to a kilo of fruit and a bottle of good beer from an exchange of $100. The most extortionate exchange rate is in hotels in popular resorts in Thailand (). I can’t even believe that someone could take their money there. But not everyone knows that most small bank branches are closed on Sunday, and on weekdays they are open only until 15.30; therefore the phenomenon.

“takes place”

It is most profitable to exchange traveler's checks in Thailand: bank displays even separately highlight their exchange rate in bold to further attract visitors. In general, exchange rates for any currency fluctuate slightly from branch to branch. With the same success as dollars, you can exchange euros, pounds and any other known world currency.

Typical currency exchange kiosks in Thailand

Easily carried out in every major store. Just like withdrawing cash from an ATM. In addition to the commission of the bank that issued the card and the commission of the bank that owns the ATM, an amount of 150 baht is always charged. The ATM will show the final figure before you confirm the withdrawal operation. There is usually a cash withdrawal limit of 20,000 baht.

Even before flying to Asia, warn your bank about the trip: this region is associated with an increased risk of fraud and there have been cases when the card was blocked after the first transaction in Thailand.


It is best to take dollars with you. This is the most common currency in Thailand. You can exchange them at any kiosk that says “Exchange”. At the same time, the rate at exchange offices located two steps away from each other may differ significantly. Don't rush to change dollars at the airport. There, as a rule, the rate is less favorable than in Pattaya. Try to take 50 and 100 dollar bills with you, they are bought at a higher price than smaller ones. By the way, you can exchange currency in many hotels at the reception, but the conditions there are the most unfavorable. Hotel guides also offer this service. When you arrive in Pattaya, do not change all your money at once. First, figure it out, maybe the rate is just rising. Before buying baht, compare prices at at least several exchange offices closest to you. But it is better to have currency with you. In Pattaya, the dollar exchange rate, like other currencies, can be updated every hour. So a situation may occur that you found an exchanger with the best prices, returned an hour later with dollars, and the rate dropped significantly.

You can take rubles with you. Now in Pattaya it is also quite easy to exchange them for baht in any Exchange. The exchange rate everywhere is about 0.97 baht per ruble. This means that for every thousand you lose about thirty rubles. It seems like a little, but it all depends on the amount you exchange. In any case, the ruble exchange rate here remains at a constant level, and if fluctuations occur, they are not so frequent, and you can roughly calculate how much you lose on the exchange. The situation with the dollar is different: it is difficult to predict its growth or fall. Therefore, you lose a small amount when buying dollars in Russia, since the selling price is more expensive than the Central Bank rate. But when exchanging in Thailand, you can either lose or remain in the black. It depends on what happened to the dollar these days.

You can take a bank card with you just in case, and it is better to pay with it in large stores. For example, you went to a jewelry factory and really wanted to buy yourself earrings for 100 thousand. Then feel free to pay for your purchase by card. I don’t recommend withdrawing money from ATMs on the streets, because there are a lot of scammers in Pattaya now. If you do have to use a street ATM, make sure that no one is standing behind you. If there is a queue, wait until it clears, or find another ATM.

Is the answer helpful?

We always take cash dollars with us. It is worth considering that it is better to have bills of 50 and 100 dollars with you, they are accepted at a higher rate. Be sure to take one- and five-dollar bills with you, they will be useful to you upon check-in (for the roomboy who will bring your things to your room). It is not profitable to change currency at the airport, just as in hotels at the reception. But upon arrival, you will still have to exchange dollars at the exchange office, since you need to pay for a visa, and it should be enough for the first hours of your stay in the country. In Pattaya there are exchange offices on Beach Road, in large shopping centers, and on Second Road. They work until late in the evening. But don’t rush to change at the first exchanger on your way, go through a couple, the rate may differ. There are often ATMs nearby. As for bank cards, they are convenient, but you won’t be able to pay with them everywhere. For example, in the Central Festival shopping center this will not be a problem, but in the next one - Royal Garden Plaza - it’s mostly cash. Therefore, always have some cash in your pocket. On any excursions, also take rustling bills with you so as not to run around looking for terminals.

Is the answer helpful?

I assumed that in Pattaya there would be slightly different conditions for the development of “money relations” than in Chiang Mai, but I did not expect that I would have to completely rebuild. So, let me start with the fact that in Pattaya you can exchange our native Russian rubles literally on every corner, in any exchange office, of which there are three dozen for every 10 meters of the way. But the exchange rate fluctuates between 0.79-0.85 versus 0.90 in the north of the country. Robbery, however... Of course, already knowing the real exchange rate, we explored as many exchange offices as we could on our way around the city and, in the end, discovered an exchange rate of 0.87. As it turned out a little later, in Pattaya this is a “ceiling” that you can count on at the moment, but you’ll have to look for it. I’ll make a reservation that the rate I indicated applies only to 1000 and 5000 bills; for other bills the rate is significantly lower (there was no difference in Chiang Mai). However, the exchange rate for large/small dollars and euros varies significantly, but this “trick” takes place throughout the country. Another piquant feature of Pattaya: it’s not so easy to pay with a bank card in supermarkets. The reason is that the resort area is jam-packed with 7/11 and Family Mart stores, and neither one nor the other retail chain accepts foreign cards. If you want to cash out your card as little as possible, practicing mostly cashless payments, then look for Tesco Lotus, Tops Market, Food Mart and Tuk Com (electronics). The problem is that there are catastrophically few of these supermarkets in Pattaya. Food Mart is the only one, and you can only pay with a card for purchases starting from 300 baht.
Why do I advocate paying by card? Yes, because in this case you practically do not lose money during the calculation, as happens when cashing out (we checked and carefully calculated))). Let me remind you that your losses when cashing out funds will consist of the commissions of two banks (native and Thai), plus double currency conversion. The only good thing is that everywhere in Pattaya the Thai bank commission is strictly set at 150 baht per transaction and not a penny more.

I am constantly asked about exchange offices in Pattaya, what is the current exchange rate and what should I take with me to Thailand, dollars or rubles? So today I will tell you and show you where they are
the best exchangers in Pattaya, their addresses, currency exchange rates in Pattaya and I will give simple tips to those coming to Pattaya on vacation.

Exchangers in Pattaya – Where to change currency in Pattaya and exchange rate

If you come to Pattaya and live in the Jomtien area, consider yourself lucky. The best exchangers in Pattaya are located here. There are good exchangers in the center of Pattaya,
and in other areas, but they are not located as often and densely as in Jomtien.

I know that many of my readers go to Ambassador. Friends, you are the least fortunate of all, there are no good exchangers near you, so the easiest way to profitably change currency in Pattaya is to drive to the nearest good one. I’ll give some advice to Ambassador residents, but for now I’ll tell you what the exchange rate is today in Pattaya, and what to take with you – dollars or rubles.

Exchange rates in Pattaya – what to take, dollars or rubles?

Today, the ruble to baht is more or less stable and has been around 1.8 to the ruble-baht ratio for several months.
That is, at a good rate in Pattaya, you will exchange 1,800 rubles for 1,000 baht at the exchange office.

If you have dollars or euros set aside for your trip, then there is no question, take them. If you have to buy dollars first, then change them to baht, and the rest
baht into rubles again, then maybe it’s not worth it.

You can do this - take part of the cash in rubles, and part on a dollar card. Don't forget about conversion. If you are traveling with a ruble card, they will change it for you first
rubles for dollars, dollars for baht - and only then does the ATM issue. Double conversion is beneficial for everyone, but not for you.

Once again. Neither in Pattaya, nor anywhere else in Thailand, you will NOT withdraw anything other than Thai baht from an ATM. In Pattaya you cannot withdraw dollars from an ATM, only baht!

The Sberbank ATM is somewhere in the back streets of “boys town”, this is also a local joke. There is neither Sberbank nor any other Russian bank in Pattaya, nor are there ATMs.
Because there is no representation.

In my opinion, if you are not going to exchange rubles for dollars at home and go with rubles, I would advise taking 50-100 dollars to Pattaya for the first couple of days,
since if a good exchanger is not near you, exchanging dollars for baht even in an exchanger with a bad exchange rate is more profitable than rubles for baht.
It is easier and faster to exchange dollars in Pattaya and pay for a taxi, food, make a deposit for housing, for small expenses, etc.

In Pattaya and in Thailand in general, you cannot pay in dollars ANYWHERE. Even in markets, not to mention large stores, only local baht are accepted in Pattaya.
Neither euros, nor rubles, nor dollars, nor other currencies are accepted.

Addresses of the best exchangers in Pattaya on the map

Now let's get down to business.

My favorite exchange office is located in Pattaya at the entrance to Soi Welcome Jomtien from the sea.

The exchanger is called Winner and is too unprepossessing to be noticed by chance. So keep your head up.

Exchange office in Pattaya Winner on Jomtien

Open from early morning until late evening, it usually offers not only the ruble-to-baht exchange rate, but also the best dollar-to-baht exchange rate.

The best exchange office in Pattaya on Google map:

How to get here if you live in Jomtien? Catch any tuk tuk towards AWAY from the center. The fare is 10 baht.

After Winner exchanger, the best currency exchange network in Pattaya is T.T. Exchange Popularly called a “yellow exchanger with hammers,” although the hammers look more like a line
power transmission

Well, that's not the point. Exchangers T.T. There are several exchanges in Jomtien.

At the very beginning of Jomtien, at the entrance to the beach street there is one, next to 7/11, almost at the turn to the Jomtien promenade.

Exchange office address on the map of Pattaya:

The next exchange office in Pattaya with a good exchange rate is located between 6 and 7 Jomtien soy.

For those who are not oriented. There are 2 Jomtiens. 1- Beach Road Jomtien, that is, the beach part of the street by the sea and parallel to it, across the lane is the second Jomtien.
Here are Soi - in our opinion, the lanes are located between them.
Previously, they were designated by a circle with a number inside, but now they simply put new numbers at the entrance to the alley.

Yellow exchangers T.T. Exchange are clearly visible even in the local confusion and endless advertisements, banners and clutter.

exchange office next to Soi 7 Jomtien on the beach

Here is the address of the T.T exchanger. Exchange in Pattaya between 6-7 soy.

It will be useful for residents of the Rusalochka, Surf Beach Hotel and others that are nearby.

I think many people know such an odious condominium as Jomtien Beach Condo.

jomtien beach condo

Right in front of the entrance, from the Jomtien beach side, a T.T. booth was recently installed on the sidewalk. Exchange exchanger.

exchange office in Pattaya near Jomtien Beach condo

It works like everyone else, from 8 am to 21-22 pm. The exchange rate between the ruble and the baht and the dollar against the baht is good, so there are always people there.

Address T.T. Exchange at Jomtien Beach Condo

Next to the Jomtien Night Market, a few meters away from it if you walk from the center, there is a Money Club exchanger. Most often there is also a good exchange rate for exchanging baht for rubles.

The course in the picture is old

Here is the address:

My advice to you. If you are changing a large amount, do not be lazy to compare the T.T. Exchange with exchange rates in Winner.
Sometimes one or the other option will be more profitable.

For those who don't know. When exchanging currency at a Pattaya exchange office, you will need a passport or any other proof of your identity, a photocopy will also do.
Some people are very strict about this law, others not so much, but I don’t remember being allowed to exchange dollars for baht without a license or passport. It's a matter of fines. If they find out
Such a violation will result in a heavy fine for the exchanger.

About banknotes

In Thailand you need to take large bills in dollars or euros. The exchange rate for 100 and 500 dollars or euros to baht differs from the rate of small money in a larger direction.
Taking it to Pattaya and changing 20s, 10s and smaller bills is very unprofitable.

Exchangers in the center of Pattaya

There are also several T.T exchangers in the center of Pattaya. Exchange.

One of them is located near Royal Garden, on second road.

Here is his address:

The second one is on Beach Road, about the same place. By the way, they also sell second-hand cigarettes at low prices, I wrote about this once.

dollar to thai baht exchange rate in Pattaya (Old exchange rate photo)

Address of the exchanger in Pattaya in the center on the map:

There is no point in writing about the rest, you understand the principle. See T.T. Exchange, you can safely exchange rubles for baht or dollars for baht.

Where can I change money at an Ambassador in Pattaya?

Especially for those who are traveling to Ambassador and don’t know where to change money nearby, is there a good exchange office near Ambassador. So, it’s not good.

When leaving the hotel on the Sukhumvit highway there are several exchange offices, but the rate there is of course stupid.

exchanger at Ambassador

To change money at a good rate, you will need to drive to Jomtien or the center.
You need to get in a white tuk-tuk and get off at the Outlet on Thepprasit or a little earlier, on Chaopryk or Wat Bun.

If you get off at the Outlet, you can change to a blue tuk tuk and take it almost to Jomtien. If you are not afraid of a motorbike taxi, this method is better, as it is easier and faster.
Either catch a taxi bike directly from the Ambassador (which will definitely cost you more), or take a white tuk tuk to the nearest intersection (Wat Bun, Chaoprich),
Motor bikes are always milling around them. Explain that you need Soybean Welcome Jomtien.

Where is the Winner exchanger? (I’m talking about the Winner exchanger for you; motosai definitely don’t know it) And go straight to it.

Well, or exchange at the rate offered by the exchanger at the Ambassador.

How to save money on a hotel or apartment on vacation?

I'm looking on the Rumguru website. It contains absolutely all discounts on hotels and apartments from 30 booking systems, including booking. I often find very profitable options, I can save from 30 to 80%

How to save on insurance?

Insurance abroad is required. Any appointment is very expensive and the only way to avoid paying out of pocket is to choose an insurance policy in advance. We have been applying for many years on the website, which gives the best prices for insurance and selection along with registration takes only a couple of minutes.

Have questions? Ask in the comments.