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The most criminal cities in the world. One of the safest countries in the world is Germany

Continuous hostilities in the Middle East and Western Europe, terrorist attacks in North America, riots, violence, a rapidly growing death toll. Sometimes it starts to seem like the world has gone crazy. Looking at all this carnage, you want to hide yourself and take your loved ones away from all these events. Where better to go to hide from all this horror happening around? It's good that you asked.

Every year, the non-governmental institute Legatum, which is located in London, publishes a list of the most prosperous countries in the world. In addition to GDP and the level of development of democracy, countries are also assessed by their level of security. The result is a whole list of places where the likelihood of being subjected to any kind of violence or becoming a victim of a crime tends to zero. Want to escape your everyday nightmares? Then go to the right place.

Sweden has a low crime rate

Forget the grey, foggy and rainy Scandinavian dramas and head to Sweden, the first country on our list of the safest countries in the world to live. The number of local residents barely reaches 10 million, and the number of murders does not exceed 100. If you still think that this is a lot, then consider the fact that the entire population of Sweden is slightly less than the population of Moscow, where five times more murders occur annually.

But crimes happen in Sweden too. Pickpockets often come out to “hunt” tourists. Sweden is the undisputed leader in Europe in the number of officially recorded rapes, which doesn’t sound very safe until you learn that the concept of rape is interpreted differently here. In the US, for example, you can easily hold a colleague accountable for harassment if he is particularly persistent in showing interest in you. If this happens in Sweden, then each of the harassment will be equivalent to rape. Maybe this is why only 15% of Swedish residents are afraid to walk at night.

If one day you happen to visit the Vienna Opera, then you can safely continue the evening with a walk around the evening city, it will be safe

This tiny nation was once the cradle of a great empire. Based in Austria, the Habsburgs ruled a variety of states from Germany to Mexico to Peru. But the Habsburg dynasty fell in the First World War, however, Vienna's heritage is still one of the most luxurious in the world. And, as a pleasant bonus, there is a very low probability of becoming a victim of violence. The population of this country is about 9 million people (slightly smaller than Sweden), and the number of murders per year barely reaches 40. Austria ranks 6th out of 38 countries included in the OECD (Organization of Economy and Social Development) list. ore-no-honest-va and development).

Of course, even in such a prosperous country one cannot do without problems. In 2015, after the migration crisis, the route of slave traders began to pass through Austria, the climax was the death of 70 people who were left on the road in a car. The following year, this was reflected in an event that seemed to have nothing to do with it - the election results almost won a far-right leader, something like this had not happened in Europe since the Second World War. But despite all these events, Austria is still a very hospitable country with magnificent landscapes where you can have a great time.


The first thing you notice after you've had enough time to admire the pristine beauty of the local nature is that Switzerland is overflowing with firearms. The Swiss love it, just like the people of American Texas love... guns! The number of its rightful owners in this country is off the charts and is only a few points behind the leader of the hit parade - the USA. But, if the States have a bad reputation and there are many people who like to shoot for no reason, then the likelihood of suffering at the hands of crime bosses or petty criminals in Switzerland tends to zero. This country has a population of 8 million people, and in 2014 there were less than 50 murders.

And most likely the reason is a very high standard of living. Switzerland ranks 12th in the world in terms of GDP per capita, and one of only two countries with a population of more than 5 million. The cities simply reek of wealth. Forget about sidewalks paved with gold. The wallets of local residents are practically lined with platinum.

But all this prosperity hides an unpleasant secret - Switzerland's national banks made a lot of money storing the stolen Nazi wealth during World War II. In the post-war years, Swiss banks were accused of hiding cash from people ranging from petty fraudsters to Pablo Escobar himself.

One of the safest countries in the world is Germany

The famous birthplace of Bavarian sausages and beer

Germany is the most populous country in Europe, with 15 million people. And not so long ago, it also accepted about a million refugees from various hot spots of the world. Since the moment that the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR united, and this was in 1990, the level of all types of crime in Germany has only decreased. The only type of crime that thrives is shoplifting.

However, Germany is ranked 9th in the OECD's safety rankings, meaning you're only slightly more likely to be killed in big Germany than in tiny Austria, although the actual numbers are significantly higher, but who cares? 2,100 murders for a country of 80 million is a good number, especially considering that the US (population 318 million) has recorded about 15,000 murders in recent years.

Of course, life in Germany is not all about wearing lederhosen (the national dress of the Bavarians and Tyroleans) and walking safely at night. As the events at the Christmas market in 2016 showed (when a truck drove into the fairground), Germany is not immune to the diseases that plague other Western countries.

The number of murders in 2015 is 21 - and this is in a population of 5 million people

Norway has a population of about 5 million people. In 2015, only 21 murders occurred here. If Norway were one of the US states, it would certainly win the title of the most prosperous. Only sparsely populated Vermont (626,000 people) and New Hampshire (1.3 million people) would surpass Norway in the number of calls to the police. The only thing people in Norway can face is theft.

But Norway also has its difficulties. Horrible events took place in Oslo in 2011: right-wing supporter Anders Breivik detonated a car bomb and opened fire, killing 77 people. It is unlikely that there will be another Breivik, but the residents of Oslo still cannot get over the shock.

But even this fact does not spoil Norway’s almost impeccable reputation and does not make it any less attractive to tourists. Unless, of course, we ignore the fact that many people say that Scandinavians are boring. Other Northern European countries can only envy rich and prosperous Norway (even if it gets dark early here and beer costs as much as $10 a mug).


We cannot speak for everyone, but if you live in a country where a glass of beer costs more than seven dollars, then the likelihood of outbreaks of aggression among the population should be much higher. What do we know about Denmark? It is so safe here that even a Norwegian can breathe easy. According to OECD data, Denmark has the 5th highest murder rate. There is practically no crime on the streets of this country. Even drug dealers whose traffic passes through Denmark refrain from violence, at least on Danish soil.

Despite all this, Denmark is the first target of al-Qaeda and ISIS (organizations banned in the Russian Federation), who called on their followers to attack the Danes. Until now, no mass attacks have been recorded, all thanks to the intelligence and ingenuity of the Danes and their anti-extremist organizations.

Even if you don't consider the country's security level, Denmark should be number one on your list if you decide to escape your old life. Here in Copenhagen, where hippies rule, you will find your happiness.

Life in Iceland

In January 2017, in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, a young woman was kidnapped and brutally murdered on her way home from a bar. In our country, and not only in ours, no one would even pay attention to this, but the Icelanders were very saddened by this fact: they were on duty at night, tens of thousands of people took to the streets in protest. The entire population of the country united to draw everyone's attention to this reckless death. With actions like these, they showed the world why Iceland remains one of the most peace-loving countries.

Iceland has a population of just over 300,000 people and is one of the most remote and sparsely populated countries. And although remoteness often breeds hostility and violence, here everything is completely different. There are no armed patrols and no violence at all. People don't lock the doors of their houses at night. And if more than one murder occurred in a year, then such a year is considered unsuccessful here.

Local residents communicate very closely with each other, everyone knows their neighbor and neighbor’s neighbor, and are friends with friends of friends, maybe that’s why such manifestations of cruelty are perceived so acutely. Iceland is safe because the people of this country have decided so.


What do we have here? Finally, a non-European country. Japan is an island nation of 127 million people famous for its eccentricities, strict corporate culture, and security so high that even Yakuza gangsters don't carry guns. According to the OECD, Japan has the third highest number of murders, with fewer than 1,000 recorded in 2015. During the same period, the United States, which has only 3 times the population, had 15 times as many murders.

Two Japanese cities are among the three safest cities in the world (Tokyo is the leader of the hit parade, Osaka is in honorable third place). Greater Tokyo ranks second in the world in terms of population density (the Pearl River Delta is in the lead).

But before you go to the land of the rising sun, take note that in Tokyo there is a risk to life. Japan is a very turbulent region; tsunamis and earthquakes often occur here, which claim thousands of lives.


Very prosperous, Luxembourg is one of the smallest nations in Europe. How small is it? So much so that in comparison the Netherlands looks like a solid state. The whole of Luxembourg occupies approximately the same area as Moscow. But there is something here that neither Moscow nor the Netherlands has, and this is not the Court of Justice of the European Union, and not even the word “luxury” in the title, but the second position in the OECD ranking.

Here the crime itself is absent as such. True, in 2015, a series of armed robberies swept across the country, but other than that, nothing criminal happened. Even with a population of just over 500 thousand people, this is still amazing. In 2016, the city of Kansas City, USA, where the population is 100 thousand less, had more murders (126) than in all of Luxembourg.

Most likely, the point is a very high standard of living and a minimal number of beggars in the country. Luxembourg occupies a respectable position in the GDP ranking (6th place). But there are difficulties here too - currently as many as six Luxembourgers are fighting ISIS in Syria.


And here he is - the leader of today. Tiny Singapore, home to 5.3 million people concentrated in an area almost three times smaller than Moscow, home to 12 million. With such terrible overpopulation, it would seem that crime should flourish. But in fact it is very safe here, in 2011 there were only 16 murders here. In 2015 and 2016, the total number of all illegal actions was less than in the last 10, or even 20 years. The only crimes that are on the rise are cybersecurity violations, which may not be very pleasant, but are far from violence against people.

Unlike Japan, this is a seismically favorable zone. In addition, it is very clean here, and if you spit gum on the street, you will certainly pay a hefty fine. But all this security comes at a high price. The local government is truly responsible and puts the safety of human life and health more important than freedom. Singapore ranks 75th on the Economist Intelligence Unit's Democracy Index list, behind Colombia, Serbia, Hungary and Brazil, and just 10 places above Honduras. Yes, the price of security in this country is very high, but it is worth it.

Now you know where the safest places on our planet are, and if you like to travel (and who doesn’t?), you can, without hesitation, go to one or more of the countries that we talked about today.

There is such a thing as peacefulness. Research on this issue is being conducted by the Institute of Peace to determine the level of peacefulness. In general, more than 22 factors are assessed to determine this level: the number of murders, the number of inmates in prisons, the percentage of guns per capita, etc.

Research has only been carried out since 2007, but throughout this time Iceland has been considered the most peaceful and safe country for both the local population and tourists. What are the most criminal countries in the world? The worst indicators are in the Middle East and the African continent. In this part of the world, military conflicts, a high level of terrorist threat and many other negative factors have not subsided for a long time.


According to the Institute of Economics and Peace, at the beginning of 2018, the most criminal country in the world is Syria. She took the lead with a score of 3.814. This is a fairly large state, home to more than 18 million people.

Since 1963, power in the country has been held by the Baath Party, although formally it is a presidential republic. And in Syria, a civil war began, which continues to this day. Fierce fighting continues in many cities, and some settlements are generally under the control of terrorists. According to the most conservative estimates, about 450 thousand people have died in the country since the start of the war. But despite everything, the GDP per capita is $6,375.


The second position in the top most criminal countries in the world is occupied by Afghanistan (35.53 million people). The Institute of Economics and Peace assigned it an index of 3.567. Here the military civil conflict has been going on for several decades. Although everything has calmed down a bit, rebel resistance still arises from time to time. Today, the rebels are demanding the complete withdrawal of all foreign troops from the state. NATO troops intervened in the conflict in 2001.

Compared to some countries, the GDP per capita here is quite good and amounts to 1,958 thousand dollars. According to the form of government, Afghanistan is an Islamic republic.


A relatively small state in the Middle East, with a population of just over 38 million people. The form of government is a federal parliamentary republic.

The military conflict in the country lasted from 2003 to 2011. Today, tensions within the country are somewhat lower, however, some parts of the state are still under the control of terrorists. The peacefulness level is estimated at 3.556. That is, it is too early to talk about stability, and new uprisings could begin at any moment. In terms of GDP per capita, the country is not in last place, the figure is $16,954.

South Sudan

Another most criminal country with a peacefulness index of 3.52, which does not attract tourists at all. The conflict began in 2011 when 98% of the local population voted to secede from Sudan. However, in an independent state, the conflict between the opposition and the government continues to this day. Against this backdrop, the local population is dying and the movement of residents is severely limited both within the country and outside the state.

Today, the country has a population of 12.576 million people, and its per capita GDP is at a very low level of $1,489.


The presidential republic of Yemen closes the top five most criminal countries in the world. A country located in southwest Asia with a population of 28.250 million people.

The country has a very low standard of living, some citizens are not able to even satisfy their most basic needs, and there is no need to talk about medicine or anything else at all. GDP per capita is $1,287. And all this is happening against the background of the continuous struggle of terrorists, bandits and politicians for power in the state. The peacefulness level is 3.412.


This country has been among the leaders of the most criminal countries in the world for more than one decade. Although today the peacefulness rating is not the worst and is at around 3.387.

The form of government in the country is a presidential republic, although in fact today it is an almost completely collapsed state. The current totalitarian regime was overthrown back in 1991, but the political situation has not stabilized, nor has the economic one, and it is not even possible to determine GDP per capita. There is complete anarchy in the state, which affected not only local residents, but also ships sailing along Somalia. Today the country has a population of 14,743,000 people.


In the old days, this state developed rapidly and was one of the safest in all of Africa, and possibly the world. Even today, the GDP per capita is $9,986. However, huge oil reserves haunt many countries. Many regions of the country are under constant threat of terrorist attacks, people are disappearing, and the authorities are unable to restore order.

The state is home to more than six million people, the official form of government is a parliamentary republic, but de facto there is a complete lack of stability, and the level of peacefulness is at around 3.328.

South African Republic

It is not only the most dangerous country (index 3.213), but also the poorest. On average, GDP per capita does not exceed $677. South Africa has a population of 4.659 million people.

Human rights are not respected in the country; people are often kidnapped, especially family members of rulers and leaders. Not only are people killed here, but people face various forms of violence, even representatives of the international community and humanitarian organizations are kidnapped.

South Africa gained independence from France in 1960, but the first democratic elections were held only in 1993. The form of government is a presidential republic. It was possible to maintain a peaceful situation within the borders only until 2004. Clashes gradually began to break out. The opposing sides in the conflict are Christians, Muslims and the government. Despite the signing of several peace agreements, the situation in the country is not improving.


The country's peacefulness level is 3.213. Independence was achieved in 1956 and Sudan became a presidential republic. But from that moment on, the civil war in the country did not stop. Almost everyone fights; conflicts arise against the backdrop of ethnic heterogeneity and due to internal political views. The country does not respect human rights, although the legal system is entirely based on Islam.

The country is home to more than 40 million people with an average income of $4,586.


So, which country is the most criminal? Oddly enough, even the post-Soviet country Ukraine was included in the rating with a peacefulness rating of 3.184.

Ukraine is a parliamentary-presidential country with about 44 million people living here. GDP per capita in 2017 is $8,713.

The country was included in this rating not long ago, and this is due to the military conflict in the eastern part. Despite the fact that other regions are relatively calm, the crime rate is still considered to be very high, so there are no guarantees for tourists regarding their safety while traveling.

Summing up

Some people will be glad that they did not see their country in the top ten, but Russia is in 13th place, and Israel and Turkey, that is, tourist Meccas, are in 19th and 18th place, respectively.

In some countries, conflicts only flare up periodically. For example, Nicaragua is the most criminal country in the world. This country is the only one in Latin America where the Sandinista dictators managed to come to power, which provokes periodic intensification of armed conflicts with the “contras” (counter-revolutionaries), who, by the way, are supported by the US intelligence services. In any case, I would like to believe that in the near future all conflicts on the planet will stop and all people will live in harmony.

If you are planning to spend your upcoming summer vacation without incident, then it is better for you to exclude the cities from the tourist route, the list of which we provide for you.

Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

This city is in first place in terms of the level of unfavorable crime situation. The whole reason is that Ciudad Juarez is located on the border between the United States and Mexico, and huge quantities of drugs are transported through this city every day. As a result of this combination of circumstances, several hundred people are killed here every year during police operations and simply during fights between bandits. Not long ago there was a terrible incident in Ciudad Juarez when armed men burst into a club and simply opened fire on innocent unarmed citizens. The attack killed about fifty people.

Caracas, Venezuela

Venezuela can compete with Mexico's Ciudad Juarez for the title of the most crime-ridden city in the world. They are especially merciless here towards tourists, who can simply be stripped naked in broad daylight and killed. Attacks on tourists have become commonplace in Caracas, and therefore it is better for a visitor not to appear without security. Labor emigrants who are forced to live in the Venezuelan capital live in separate areas under guard. The whole reason for this level of crime is that Venezuela has problems with unemployment and low wages. People simply have nothing to live on and therefore they are forced to resort to such unpopular measures in order to somehow exist and not die of hunger.

San Pedro Sula, Honduras

Despite the tourist attraction of the region, San Pedro Sula is not the best choice for a tourist. There are about 170 murders per 100,000 population. The situation here is the same as in Ciudad Juarez: it is a border city through which illegal drug and contraband traffic flows. The situation, it must be said, is more rosy here and during daylight hours it is more or less safe to move around the city, however, at night it is still better to stay at home.

Guatemala, Guatemala

Almost half of all murders in Guatemala occur in the capital - about 90 people per 100,000. Robbers, swindlers and pickpockets - they can all be found on the streets of Guatemala day and night. There are special safe zones for tourists, but even in them you can find many problems.

San Salvador, El Salvador

95 murders per 100,000 people - fourth place goes to the city. This situation, according to human rights activists, has developed because the authorities pay very little attention to the problem of fighting crime. The main problem for most people is the Mara gang. It is the largest in the country and has many corrupt connections in the government, which leads to such a sluggish fight against the crime syndicate.

Cali, Colombia

The 72 murders per 100,000 people result from Colombia being the world's largest cocaine exporter. This state of affairs leads to the fact that drug cartels, having enormous amounts of money, control the life of the entire country, and the authorities can do little about it (and do not want to). The highest level of corruption has led to the fact that in fact, representatives of the criminal world are in power.

New Orleans, USA

It is the most dangerous city in the United States. The city found itself in such a disadvantaged situation due to the low standard of living of the townspeople, a poor education system and frequent natural disasters, during which looters operate. 67 murders per 100,000 population - tourists should avoid this city.

Cape Town, South Africa

This is one of the most beautiful and highly developed cities in Africa. Everything would be great if Cape Town didn't have its creepy suburbs and slums, which are full of unemployed people who are always happy to take away the excess from a lost tourist. The city's problems surfaced during the World Cup, when many tourists became victims of robbers.

Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

54 murders per 100,000 people - this is the result for the capital of Papua New Guinea. The reason for the high crime rate is quite banal - low quality of life, problems in the economy, unemployment. All this has led to the fact that Port Moresby has received far from the best reviews from tourists and is one of the most dangerous cities in the world.

Detroit, USA

This is a city that exists solely on government subsidies; the majority of Detroit's population is African-American. Constant acts of vandalism, general unemployment, and low levels of education have led to Detroit's crime detection rates and murder rate getting worse every year. Today this figure reaches 46 murders per 100,000 population.

The megacities of our day accommodate millions of people, not all of them have a good environment, in addition, there are problems with living space, the social situation can be difficult, and getting to work is a problem. However, if it takes at least 2 hours to get to the office, and there are no suitable jogging paths or green parks in the area closest to you, there is no need to be upset, because in the world there are not only inconvenient places to live, but also life-threatening ones. Today we will look at the most criminal cities on the planet, where normal life cannot exist.

Ciudad Juarez is a metropolis in Mexico, located on the coast of the Rio Grande River, which at this point forms a natural border area between the United States and Mexico. On the opposite side of the coast there is a large US population center - El Paso; Juarez, together with this city, forms a border-type agglomeration. Juarez, on the border, has become a strategic transportation hub, representing one of the main logistics points between the United States and Mexico.

The ongoing fights between drug cartels and a huge number of murders have “glorified” this city. Every year at least 3 thousand murders are committed here, about 7-8 such events occur every day. The harsh reality for this city is the constant confrontation between gangs and police officers, the heads of people lying on city streets in broad daylight, as well as the daily increase in freshly dug graves in city cemeteries.

Here you can see special forces checkpoints and police outposts everywhere, and sirens do not stop day or night. Corruption has long and firmly sprouted into the system of maintaining order; every day the number of murders and thefts is only increasing.

Most residents of Ciudad Juarez have one or another connection with the processes of crime in the city, since it is this way of life that allows them to bring the standard of living to the norm they need. During the day it is difficult to see people here; almost all doors and windows remain closed. The population is 1.3 million people, but you can hardly see even one pedestrian on the streets.

Caracas is the main city of Venezuela. The population of the capital exceeds 3 million people. Venezuela is one of the richest countries in the world, ranking third in terms of crude oil exports. However, the population of this state has almost never lived prosperously, since a small group of oligarchs and huge corruption in the country do not allow oil income to reach the common population.

Former President of the Republic Hugo Chavez often mentioned in his speeches that the crime level near Caracas is similar to the 5th American column of the Yankees. Crime is supported by the local rich and wealthy bandits of Colombia. However, the situation is not simple. The president himself also relied on criminal gangs. In 2002, the military decided to overthrow him from his post and arrest him. Criminal groups in poor areas have become a stronghold of the head of state. They took up arms, surrounded the putschists and forced them to release Chavez.

History knows many cases where crime supported coups. The social reforms created by Hugo Chavez in the republic did not escape the same trend. As a result, Caracas became the most criminal and life-threatening city on the planet in 2008. Here, per 100 thousand population, 130 murders were committed, and judging by unofficial statistics, their number reached 160 people. The number of serious crimes increased by almost 68 percent compared to 1998.

Robberies on city streets have become commonplace. The police do not recommend leaving home after 6 pm, and tourist groups are warned that if they are approached and told to give up their camera, they must immediately comply with the request. Drug trafficking has also become commonplace. Venezuela has become a transit point between the United States and Colombia. Even a child can get heroin in Caracas.

San Pedro is located 60 kilometers from the Caribbean coast, located in the Sula Valley. The population of San Pedro is 800 thousand people. The general plan is standard, there is a city square, park areas and a large cathedral, and nearby there are a large number of residential areas, museums and hotels. Just outside the city are the tropics and all the colors of picturesque nature. It may seem that everything is within the standards, what can attract foreigners, especially extreme tourists, to the city?

It's simple, San Pedro has long been at the top of the list of the most criminal cities on the planet. Do you know for what reason? Every year there are 169 murders per 100 thousand population. This figure is huge even for Honduras - the figures in other cities are 20 times less. Also because this city has become one of the largest centers for the transfer of drugs from South America to the United States. Perhaps the point is also that you can own weapons here on completely legal grounds, you can buy a whole arsenal of weapons. At the same time, the authorities are completely unwilling to confront the world of crime (not surprising, given the level of corruption in this city). Yes, don’t forget, more than 85% of crime in San Pedro is committed with firearms.

San Salvador is the capital of El Salvador, a small city located in Central America. About 570 thousand people live in the city. According to data, per 100 thousand people in this place there are 95 murders annually. According to the results of 2015, there are facts of more than 2,200 murders committed here. The statistics give me goosebumps.

The MS-13 and Barrio gangs take full responsibility for these statistics, because they are the ones who create tension in the locality. San Salvador has become the capital of violence, and the population can die at any moment from shootings in the streets. It must be said that these gangster groups have the same system as the Italian mafia or the Yakuza, their main specialization is assault and robbery. Here they can not only rob, but also take their life.

It is the capital of the state with the same name and has long been famous for its rebellious character. Back in the 13th century, Guatemala became the main stronghold of resistance to the colonialists from Spain. The Mexicans followed them here to develop their influence as colonizers. However, this did not work out: Mexico managed to take Guatemala for only one year.

It’s a pity, but the country was tormented not only by the encroachment of the colonialists. In 1826, a civil confrontation broke out here, and the city also did not remain indifferent. This war changed the local government, new reforms took place, and trade relations experienced serious growth. In 1839, when another confrontation occurred, Guatemala became the main city of the state. However, the discord also affects today: the criminal situation in the metropolis remains tense. The police are unable to take control of the situation; Guatemala accounts for up to 41% of all murders in the country, which equates to 90 crimes per 100 thousand citizens.

The city was founded in 1536 in the western part of Colombia. Colonizers from Spain, under the leadership of Sebastian De Belalcazar, were able to survive all the indigenous Indians who lived in the Cali Valley.

Today's Cali is the metropolis of Colombia, its population is less than that of Bogota and Medellin. The city is being built up at a rapid pace, and skyscrapers are being built here. The tallest building not only of Cali itself, but of all of Colombia is the Cali Tower. Considering the antenna spire, the height of the building is 211 meters, which has become the main attraction of the entire city.

However, the city is also known as a place of constant clashes between drug cartels, which have grown in large numbers due to the abundance of raw materials for drugs. The divisions of gangsters lead to the fact that there are up to 80 murders per 100 thousand of the city’s population per year.

Experts say that more than 30,000 murders and attempted murders are committed in Russia every year. A significant part of such crimes occurs due to domestic conflicts. According to the NationMaster information server, our country is among the leading countries in the number of murders per capita.

Russia's competitors are countries such as Colombia, South Africa, Mexico and Venezuela. This most criminal countries in the world, where every person risks his life. Russia is in fifth place after the listed leaders. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Criminal Colombia

This is a country where human life is in great danger. There are 0.6 murders per 1,000 inhabitants. Colombia is the world leader in cocaine production. For tourists, this country is considered the most dangerous on the planet. There are fewer terrorist attacks there than in previous years, but crime is rampant. Violent robberies are commonplace in Colombia.

South African Republic

There is a real rampant of black crime in this country. The chaos and lawlessness that reigns in South Africa is simply amazing. The capital of the state is Pretoria, but the largest and most crime-ridden city is Johannesburg. Alexandria is considered its most dangerous area. It is a kind of Bronx or Harlem. The area is dangerous even for South Africans during the day. Interestingly, it is located near the business center of Johannesburg.

In general, the crime rate in South Africa is so high that it is ranked among the most criminal countries in the world. Tourists who come to the Republic of South Africa must follow mandatory rules: do not visit dangerous areas, do not appear in deserted places, do not leave things in the car, do not provoke hooligans and thieves, etc. Cape Town is also a very crime-prone city in South Africa. It ranks second in the world in terms of the number of murders committed (98 murders per 100 thousand people).


Home to the Mayans, spicy cuisine and tequila, this is a dangerous country. According to statistics, per capita in Mexico there are 6 times more robberies than in Russia. As for armed attacks, they happen here 8 times more often. This is what you should be wary of first. If in Europe criminals seek to obtain other people's property using theft and avoiding violence, then in Mexico a different approach has been adopted. A crude method of taking things and money is common here. On the street, a passerby can easily be approached by a criminal with a gun or knife. This feature is typical for Latin American countries.

There are a lot of rapes and murders in Mexico. The northern parts of the country pose the greatest danger to tourists. Therefore, it is better not to go there at all. The list of the most dangerous cities in Mexico includes Tijuana, Monterrey, Ciudad Juarez, Nogales, and Matamoros. Theft is widespread throughout the country, so you should not leave your belongings unattended anywhere.


Many experts put this country in first place in the ranking of the most dangerous. In Venezuela, rampant crime began from the moment Hugo Chavez came to power. An incredible number of murders are recorded here, but 91% of them remain unsolved. This is an anarchic country, the scourge of which is kidnapping and murder. Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, is the most criminal city on the planet. Every year there are at least 200 murders per 100,000 people.
In Venezuela, everyone risks their life: passers-by on the streets, small businessmen, old women in their homes, etc. In the state, all businesses, except the largest companies, are subject to tribute. Racket is thriving here.


In the vastness of our country there are enough dangerous places where crime exceeds the permissible norm. For example, Kyzyl (the capital of Tuva) is considered the most dangerous city in Russia. A record number of murders, rapes and other crimes involving serious harm to human health are being committed there. The second city in the crime ranking is Perm.

Many people mistakenly believe that St. Petersburg is the most criminal city, calling it “Gangster Petersburg.” However, statistics show that it has long lost the palm to other Russian cities. Crimes most often occur in Tyumen, Berezniki, Achinsk, Vladivostok, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Syktyvkar, Abakan, Izhevsk and Surgut. These are the most dangerous cities in our country. But the leaders in the number of murders are Kyzyl, Perm, Yakutsk and Chita.

Vatican - the most criminal country in the world

Statistics show that the highest crime rate is recorded in a European country. This is the Vatican, where there are 1.5 crimes for every resident. This is 33 times higher than the Russian figure! The population of this miniature country is only 492 people. But 486 criminal and more than 340 civil cases are investigated here every year!

The Vatican is visited by a huge number of tourists. Therefore, the main illegal acts in this country are pickpocketing committed by foreigners. About 90% of crimes remain unsolved and unpunished. The thieves cross the Vatican border without any problems and immediately find themselves in Italy. Therefore, even the Swiss Guard guarding the Holy See cannot prevent criminal cases. Even if criminals were regularly caught red-handed, there would be nowhere to keep them, since there are no prisons in the Vatican.

Where is there less crime?

Studies conducted by the UN have proven that in those countries that practice the death penalty, the crime rate is noticeably lower than in others. States whose legal system is based on Sharia principles are at the bottom of the criminal list. Sharia law provides for the death penalty for murder, rape, robbery and drug trafficking. Therefore, countries such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia occupy 61st and 62nd places. There are only 0.001 murders per 1000 people here. But the relationship between harsh punishment and crime rates is just speculation.

Today, most countries on the planet have abolished the death penalty. There are countries that simply do not carry out such a sentence. Experts believe that the death penalty is unacceptable, since judicial errors cannot be ruled out. By European standards, civilized countries cannot use the death penalty. Such sentences are carried out today in China, the USA, Iran and Vietnam. For example, in the Middle Kingdom, 10 thousand people are executed annually, and in the United States - 65 people. The most criminal countries in the world avoid the death penalty. For example, in dangerous Colombia it was abolished back in 1863, and in Venezuela, a country of anarchy, in 1864.