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A story about Hamburg in German, 12 sentences. If the city of Hamburg were a person... Best time to visit

Germany is a country of many cities. According to estimates, there are 2,500 of them (including villages).

Cities with a population of 100,000 people are already considered large in Germany and are called Großstadt. There are 80 of these in the country. Of these, four - namely Berlin, Hamburg, Köln, München - are million-plus cities - the population of which has exceeded one million people.

This note will list German cities in German. More precisely, 100 of them are the largest or most popular. Next to each city name, the number of inhabitants in it is even indicated. In addition, the cities in this note are structured in a convenient way: by the lands in which they settled. After all, as you know, Germany consists of 16 states, and I have already written a detailed history about six of them

German cities in German

The names of the German states are marked in red, and the name of the capital of the given state is in bold italics.

Hamburg – Hamburg

Hamburg – Hamburg– 1,786,450 people

Schleswig-Holstein – Schleswig-Holstein

Kiel – Kiel – 239 500

Flensburg – Flensburg – 90,000
Lübeck – Lubeck – 210 230

Mecklenburg-Vorpommern – Mecklenburg – Vorpommern

Schwerin - Schwerin – 95 220

Rostock – Rostock – 202,700
Stralsund – Stralsund – 57,670
Wismar – Wismar – 44,400 people

Greifswald – Greifswald – 54,600

Niedersachsen – Lower Saxony

Hannover – Hannover – 522 700
Cuxhaven – Cuxhaven – 54,400
Oldenburg – Oldenburg – 162 170
Celle – Celle – 70 240
Wolfsburg - Wolfsburg - 121,500

Osnabrück – Osnabrück – 164 100
Braunschweig – Braunschweig – 249,000
Hildesheim – Hildesheim – 103,000
Goslar – Goslar – 41,000
Göttingen – Göttingen – 121 060

Bremen – Bremen

Bremen – Bremen – 548 000
Bremerhaven – Port of Bremen – 113 370

Sachsen-Anhalt – Saxony-Anhalt

Magdeburg – Magdeburg – 231 500
Quedlinburg – Quedlinburg – 28,420
Halle – Halle (Halle) – 233,000
Lutherstadt Wittenberg – Lutherstadt Wittenberg – 49,500

Brandenburg – Brandenburg

Potsdam – Postdam – 156 900
Brandenburg an der Hafel – Brandenburg an der Havel – 71,800
Eisenhüttenstadt - Eisenhüttenstadt - 31,130 (and once a city with such a complex name was Stalinstadt)
Cottbus – Cottbus – 103,000

Berlin – Berlin

Berlin – Berlin – 3 460 725

Sachsen – Saxony

Dresden – Dresden – 523 100
Leipzig – Leipzig – 522,800
Meißen – Meissen – 27,545
Chemnitz – Chemnitz – 243 250
Zwickau – Zwickau – 93 800

Hessen – Hesse

Wiesbaden – Wiesbaden – 276 000

Frankfurt am Main – Frankfurt am Main – 680,000
Kassel – Kassel – 195,500
Marburg – Marburg – 80 700
Fulda – Fulda – 65,000

Offenbach – Offenbach – 121,000
Darmstadt – Darmstatt – 145,000

Thüringen – Thuringia

Erfurt – Erfurt – 206 000
Eisenach – Eisenbach – 43,000
Jena – Yen – 105,500
Weimar – Weimar (Weimar) – 66,000

Nordrhein-Westfalen – North Rhine-Westphalia

There are many large cities concentrated in this land...

Köln – Cologne – 1 010 000
Essen – Essen – 575,000
Bielefeld – Bielefeld – 324,000
Münster – Münster – 280,000

Paderborn – Paderborn – 147,000
Dortmund – Dortmund – 582,000
Bochum – Bochum – 375,000
Oberhausen – Oberhausen – 213,000

Duisburg – Diesburg – 490,000
Krefeld – Krefeld - 235,000
Wuppertal – Wuppertal – 351,000
Düsseldorf – Düsseldorf – 589,000

Bergisch Gladbach – Bergisch Gladbach – 106,000
Aachen – Aachen – 260,000
Bonn – Bonn – 325,000

Rheinland-Pfalz – Rhineland-Palatinate

Mainz – Mainz – 200 000

Trier – Trier – 107,000

Koblenz – Koblenz – 107,000
Worms – Worms – 82,000

Kaiserslautern – Kaiserslautern – 100,000
Neustadt an der Weinstraße – Neustadt an der Weinstraße – 53,000
Speyer – Speyer – 50,000

Saarland – Saarland

Saarbrücken – Saarbrücken 176 000
Völklingen – Völklingen – 40,000

Baden-Württemberg – Baden-Württemberg

Stuttgart – Stuttgart – 607 000
Mannheim - Mannheim - 315,000
Heidelberg – Heidelberg – 147,000
Heilbronn – Heilbronn – 123,000

Schwäbisch Hall – Schwäbisch Hall – 38,000
Karlsruhe – Karlsruhe – 296,000
Baden-Baden – Baden-Baden – 55,000
Esslingen am Neckar – Esslingen am Neckar – 93,000

Tübingen – Tübingen – 89,000
Ulm – Ulm – 123,000
Freiburg – Freiburg – 225,000
Ravensburg – Ravensburg – 50,000
Konstanz – Konstanz – 86,000

Bayern - Bavaria

Munich – Munich – 1 354 000
Coburg – Coburg – 42,000
Schweinfurt – Schweinfurt – 54,000
Aschaffenburg – Aschaffenburg – 69,000

Würzburg – Würzburg – 134,000
Bamberg – Bamberg – 70,000
Bayreuth – Bayreuth – 135,000
Erlangen – Erlangen – 106,000

Fürth – Furth – 115,000
Nürnberg – Nuremberg – 506,000
Rothenburg ob der Tauber – Rothenburg ob der Tauber – 11,025
Regensburg – Regensburg – 105,000

Ingolstadt – Ingolstadt – 126,000
Passau – Passau – 51,000
Augsburg – Augsburg – 265,000
Füssen – Fussen – 14,300

By the way, if you want to write a story about German cities in German - or rather about one of them - you need to look here.

To the question Please, I need a text about the German city of Hamburg in German. Thanks for the help! =) asked by the author Anastasia Lazareva the best answer is Hamburg liegt in Norddeutschland an der Mündung der Alster und der Bille in die Elbe, die 110 km weiter nordwestlich in die Nordsee fließt. An der Elbe erstreckt sich der Tidehafen etwa von der Veddel bis Finkenwerder, hauptsächlich auf dem Südufer der Norderelbe, gegenüber den Stadtteilen St. Pauli und Altona. Die beiden Ufer sind durch die Elbbrücken im Osten sowie durch den Alten und Neuen Elbtunnel verbunden. Das Land südlich und nördlich des Flusses ist Geest, höher gelegene Flächen, die durch die Sand- und Geröllablagerungen der Gletscher während der Eiszeiten entstanden sind. Die unmittelbar am Fluss liegenden Marschen wurden auf beiden Seiten der Elbe über Jahrhunderte von Nebenarmen der Elbe durchzogen und vom Flutwasser der Nordsee überschwemmt, wobei sich Sand und Schlick abgelagert haben. Inzwischen ist die Elbe beidseitig eingedeicht, Nebenarme wurden trockengelegt, umgeleitet, kanalisiert oder abgedeicht. Alte Deichanlagen erinnern in den Außenorten noch an die Zeit, als bei Hochwasser ganze Viertel unter Wasser standen. Höchste Erhebung ist mit 116.2 m ü. NN der Hasselbrack in einem Nordausläufer der Harburger Berge. Die Alster wird im Stadtzentrum zu einem künstlichen See aufgestaut. Dieser teilt sich in die größere Außenalster und die kleinere, vom historischen Kern der Stadt umschlossene Binnenalster. Die Zuflüsse zur Alster wie die Alster selbst sind im Stadtgebiet zum Teil kanalisiert. Sie sind zumeist von ausgedehnten öffentlichen Parkanlagen gesäumt. Die zahlreichen Fleete, Flüsschen und Kanäle der Stadt werden von mehr als 2500 Brücken überspannt. Diese Zahl enthält auch Bauwerke wie Lichtzeichenanlagen oder Gleis überspannende Oberleitungen. Hamburg ist damit die brückenreichste Stadt Europas und hat mehr Brücken als Venedig (400), Amsterdam (1200) und London zusammen. Weithin unbekannt ist dagegen, dass sich auf der größten Flussinsel der Elbe, in Wilhelmsburg einer der letzten Tideauenwälder Europas befindet. Hamburg grenzt im Norden an Schleswig-Holstein und im Süden an Niedersachsen. Bis auf einige kleinere „Gebietsbereinigungen“, wie den Erwerb der Insel Neuwerk und Flurstücke beim Stauwerk Geesthacht, bestehen die heutigen Grenzen der Stadt Hamburg seit dem Groß-Hamburg-Gesetz, das am 1. April 1937 in Kraft trat. Die Stadt ist nach Berlin sowohl von ihrer Einwohnerzahl wie auch von ihrer Fläche her die zweitgrößte Stadt Deutschlands. Hamburg ist das Zentrum der Metropolregion Hamburg, der siebtgrößten der elf Metropolregionen in Deutschland. Zu ihr zählen neben der Stadt selbst die niedersächsischen Landkreise Cuxhaven, Harburg, Lüchow-Dannenberg, Lüneburg, Rotenburg, Soltau-Fallingbostel, Stade und Uelzen und die schleswig-holsteinischen Kreise Herzogtum Lauenburg, Segeberg, Steinburg, Stormarn, Pinneberg und Dithmarschen .

Hamburg is the second largest German city, Germany's main seaport and largest foreign trade point. For example, hundreds of enterprises from China, Japan and Taiwan are located here. In total, there are more than 3,000 firms that export and import. Next are the cultural and political features of the city, attractions.

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“Monologue in German with translation “Hamburg””

Deutschlands Tor zur Welt. Im Stadtstaat Hamburg sorgt der Hafen für den Herzschlag der Wirtschaft. Dass aber alle Ölkonzerne an der Elbe heimisch sind, ist den Tanker-Terminals zu verdanken. Entsprechend groß ist die Nachfrage nach Kultur, die befriedigt wird von renommierten Museen wie der Kunsthalle und von fast 40 Bühnen – einschließlich der Staatsoper mit Ballett- Weltstar John Neumeier. Nationaler Champion ist Hamburg bei den Musical-Theatern, die monatlich Tausende von Besuchern in die Stadt locken.

Germany's gateway to peace. In the city-state of Hamburg, the port provides the heartbeat of the economy. However, all oil concerns are located on the Elbe thanks to tanker terminals. Accordingly, there is a great demand for culture, which is satisfied by museums such as the Kunsthalle and almost 40 stages - including the State Opera and Ballet Theater of superstar John Neumeier (an American-born German choreographer). The national champion is Hamburg with its musical theaters, which attract thousands of visitors to the city every month.

Hamburg ist die zweitgrößte deutsche Stadt, der wichtigste Seehafen Deutschlands und größter Außenhandelsplatz. Hier haben sich beispielsweise Hunderte von Unternehmen aus China, Japan und Taiwan angesiedelt. Insgesamt gibt es über 3.000 Firmen, die im Im- und Exportgeschäft tätig sind.

Hamburg is the second largest German city, Germany's main seaport and largest foreign trade point. For example, hundreds of enterprises from China, Japan and Taiwan are located here. In total, there are more than 3,000 firms that export and import.

Obwohl Hamburg Deutschlands zweitgrößter Industriestandort und Zentrum einer Metropolregion von vier Millionen Menschen ist, gilt es als eine der grünsten Städte Deutschlands: 40 Prozent der Gesamtfläche sind Acker- und Gartenland, Parks und öffentliche Grünanlagen, Wald, und Heide. Landschafts- und Naturschutzgebiete machen 28 Prozent der Stadtfläche aus. Zu den zahlreichen Parkanlagen kommen mehr als 240.000 Straßenbäume.

Although Hamburg is Germany's second largest industrial center and metropolitan center with four million people, it is considered one of the greenest cities in Germany: 40 percent of the total area is arable land, parks and public squares, forests, marshes and heathland. Landscape and nature reserves make up 28 percent of the city's territory. Numerous parks are complemented by more than 240,000 street trees.

Die Kaufmannsstadt Hamburg war und ist als Ort der Freiheit und Toleranz zugleich eine Stadt der Bildung und der Kultur. Zehn Hochschulen machen Hamburg zu einem Zentrum der wissenschaftlichen Ausbildung, Forschung und Entwicklung. Die Oper, drei Staatstheater und rund 35 Privattheater tragen ebenso zum kulturellen Profil der Stadt bei wie die außerordentlich qualitätsvolle Sammlung der Kunsthalle.

The trading city of Hamburg has been and remains a place of freedom and tolerance, while at the same time being a city of education and culture. 10 institutions of higher education make Hamburg a center for education, research and development. The opera, 3 state theaters and approximately 35 private theaters make a notable contribution to the city's cultural profile, as does the exceptionally high quality of the Kunsthalle (Hamburg Art Gallery) collection.

3 Hamburg

4 Hamburg

5 Hamburg

6 Hamburg

city-land in Germany on the river. Elbe 110 km from the North Sea; the country's second largest city; area 755 km 2, population 1.7 million; bridges and a 450-meter tunnel connect the banks of the Elbe; from the 13th century member of the Hanseatic League; 1815 - free city; transport hub, the most important sea and river port (“das Tor zur Welt”); industrial, financial and cultural center; shipbuilding, aircraft manufacturing, electrical engineering, oil refining, chemical industry, non-ferrous metallurgy, film industry; metro, university, Institute for Nuclear Research, State Opera, numerous museums (historical, ethnographic, arts and crafts, etc.), churches (including the Baroque Church of St. Michael with the Michel Tower - the symbol of the city), Hagenbeck Zoo , monument to Heinrich Heine

7 Hamburg

8 Hamburg

9 Hamburg

See also in other dictionaries:

    Hamburg- Hamburg… Deutsch Wörterbuch

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    Hamburg- A city supposed to be identical with the Marionis of Ptolemy, was founded by a colony of fishermen from Lower Saxony Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Hamburg Hamburg…Catholic encyclopedia

    Hamburg- Hamburg, AR US city ​​in Arkansas Population (2000): 3039 Housing Units (2000): 1264 Land area (2000): 3.413186 sq. miles (8.840112 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 3.413186 sq. miles (8.840112 sq… StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

    Hamburg- Hamburg (hierzu der Stadtplan »Hamburg Altona« mit Registerblatt und die Tafel »Hamburger Bauten I u. II«), Hauptstadt des gleichnamigen Freistaates (s. oben), nimmt der Einwohnerzahl nach unter den Städten Europas die neunte Stelle, unter denen… ...

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    Hamburg- Hamburg (b[^u]rg), n. A commercial city of Germany, near the mouth of the Elbe. (Black Hamburg grape). See under (Black). (Hamburg edging), a kind of embroidered work done by machinery on cambric or muslin; used for trimming.… …

    Hamburg The Collaborative International Dictionary of English - Hamburg (Freie und Hansestadt H.; hierzu die Karte »Umgebung von Hamburg«), Bundesstaat des Deutschen Reiches, an der untern Elbe, wird von den preußischen Provinzen Schleswig Holstein und Hannover begrenzt. Das Staatsgebiet ist 415 qkm (7.58… …

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Let's imagine that cities are people... Then Munich is a cheerful, hospitable, cheerful place, Stuttgart is a hard worker, Cologne is an adult woman with a wonderful sense of humor, and Berlin is a young boy in search of himself.

Here comes Hamburg, let’s get acquainted...

The German city of Hamburg, in my opinion, is a tall, handsome, stately middle-aged man. Multifaceted and contradictory. Friendly, but lonely; open but cold. And also very smart, inquisitive and immensely talented. If the city of Hamburg were a person, its face would be port

. Huge and majestic, sometimes gloomy, and sometimes joyful and happy. Hamburg is the first port city in my life. Before this, this combination had an extremely negative connotation for me. Vessels, cargo, warehouses - how can you really like it? Maybe if it's Hamburg!

10,000 ships and steamships enter Hamburg harbor every year, 500,000 passengers travel by water from here, and 131 million tons of cargo meet the port every year. And all this despite the fact that Hamburg is not a sea port, but only a river port, and the nearest North Sea is 100 kilometers away. If we imagine that Hamburg is a person, then his skeleton can be considered numerous. There are more than 2,500 bridges in Hamburg. And this is more than in London and Venice combined. Many of them are bridges for railway tracks. The largest and most famous bridge in the city is the Köhlbrandbrücke, almost 4 kilometers long. For almost twenty years it remained the largest bridge on the planet.

It is the bridges that create the special architectural appearance of Hamburg. They are everywhere you look.

If Hamburg were a man, then through his eyes there would be Church of St. Michel, made in Baroque style. Since ancient times, the 132-meter tower of this particular church served as a lighthouse for sailors. The city was lost several times due to fires and bombs, but quickly recovered. Every year, the church and tower are visited by millions of people: from above there is a stunning view of the port and the city center.

If Hamburg were a man, then the famous fish market- would, of course, be his stomach)) This market has existed since 1703, and its length is almost a kilometer. Despite the name, you can buy not only fish here, but also other food products - vegetables, fruits, eggs, spices. You can even buy a live rooster or rabbit.

And in the covered part of the bazaar you can eat and listen to a live orchestra. The Hamburg fish market is open during strictly designated hours - on Sundays from 5 to 10 am.

Among other interesting places, Hamburg is famous for its “street of debauchery” – Reeperbahn, where there are numerous entertainment venues, nightclubs, sex shops, erotic shops, and brothels. What would this street be like if Hamburg were a person? Hmm... No, no details here, think for yourself))

And the heart of Hamburg is, of course, its town hall. The majestic, huge building of the town hall consists of more than 640 rooms and is decorated with twenty statues of German kings and emperors. By the way, Hamburg Town Hall is a fairly young building, which began its existence in 1887. The ancient town hall building burned down in a fire in 1842. The city of Hamburg is somewhat unlucky in this regard: it was engulfed in fires many times, flooded by the waters of the Elbe, and suffered greatly during the war.

In the courtyard of the Town Hall, a monument to the goddess of health Hygieia was erected - as a symbol of victory over the terrible cholera.

If we imagine that Hamburg is a person, then museums and theaters- these are his talents. And the city has a lot of them: more than 50 museums of various types and 40 theaters. Hamburg – city ​​of musicals, third most popular in the world after New York and London. Some even call Hamburg “German Broadway”. Two million tickets to musicals are sold here every year. The most popular shows today are “The Lion King”, “Tarzan”, “Rocky”.

If the city of Hamburg were a person, then Church of St. Nicholas– would be his memory. The tower of the church is 147 meters and it was once the tallest tower on earth.

The church was destroyed during the Second World War, and it was not restored, only the ruins were restored and secured, providing the tower with a modern elevator. And statues were placed near the church by mourners for the dead. The result is a memorial.