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How to equip a fishing rod for grayling fishing. Schemes of the most catchy gear for magnificent grayling

Fishing is a type of active recreation that simply cannot but evoke positive emotions. And if we talk about a separate type of it, such as grayling fishing, then we can confidently say: there are plenty of fans of this fish. First of all, this is a very beautiful fish, unique in its appearance - it is simply impossible to confuse it with another, in particular, because of its fin, which is shaped like a sail.

Unfortunately (or fortunately?) catching this fish is quite difficult if you don’t know special secrets. But, if experience is present, as well as desire, nothing is impossible! How exactly does fishing for grayling differ from fishing for other fish, such as its closely related salmon? Simply because you need special gear to catch grayling!

There are three types of grayling, named after their habitats:

  • Siberian;
  • European;
  • Mongolian.

Of course, all three are divided into subspecies. Grayling - the fish is quite large, because mostly you come across specimens weighing up to one kilogram. The record was set by a seven-kilogram grayling.

When and how to start fishing?

You should start fishing for grayling only after the spring flood, when the river re-enters the old channel and the water in it becomes clear. The bite begins two to three weeks after spawning, just in time for the flood to recede. Thus, the most favorable time begins from May-June, and the maximum catch can be obtained in July. It is also worth considering the region; the beginning of the season depends on the geographical location.

You should fish with a wet fly, which looks like an ordinary insect; you can use small spinners. Exactly in spring, grayling reacts very actively to flies due to post-spawning gluttony. In the spring, the lure must be carried out in the bottom part of the river; closer to summer, it is necessary to move to the surface - this is due to the fact that the number of insects in the summer is much greater and it is easier for grayling to provide food for themselves.

Grayling prefers cool weather, so autumn is the most favorable conditions for this fish. But In autumn there are fewer insects, and, accordingly, food, so the greedy grayling will be easy to catch.

Grayling lives exclusively in the northern half of the globe, preferring clear, cold water. Russia has all types of grayling, practically in all rivers and lakes, including tundra and mountain, shallow and deep, with the exception of waters located in the south of the country. The bottom of the reservoir should be rocky, but it can also be pebbly. One of the prerequisites is a fairly slow flow.

The best gear for successful fishing!

Grayling is a rather lazy fish that will not pursue prey, but will take a wait-and-see attitude. Seeing the target in front of it, the fish breaks away from the bottom and grabs the prey. Taking into account the psychology of the fish, you should place the bait directly above the parking area. You can calculate the location of the parking lot by small splashes in the water.

Gear for catching grayling should be selected based on the conditions dictated by nature itself: it all depends on the time of year, because in the fall you need some gear, and in the summer - completely different. By the way, the same can be said about the time of day: the optimal time is morning and evening dawns. On white nights, of course, you can extend the pleasure and fish all night, and in the fall - all daylight hours. Success will be guaranteed, as will lunch.

For an experienced fisherman, catching grayling will not be difficult, since experience will help you choose the right gear. By the way, you can fish even without bait. In summer, the most suitable gear for catching grayling is the following:

  • fly fishing;
  • float;
  • "ship".

Success is guaranteed in any case, but if the fisherman knows the peculiarities of fishing using this gear, then an incredible catch is almost one hundred percent guaranteed.


Beginners can be advised to try catching such fish from the salmon family on a spinning rod, because for this static and not particularly active fish species, this is a very good choice. Fishing for grayling is good with a spinner: you can easily catch the largest specimens. Of course you need carefully approach the choice of spinners: a medium-sized fly bait is ideal, no matter spinning or oscillating. The Mepps company can be called a reference point. The spinners from this manufacturer are an excellent example of ideal products.

Fly fishing

Another good way: fly fishing for grayling. This type of fishing is practically a sport, and grayling fish will do well both with “pure” fly fishing and mixed with other gear and techniques. It doesn't matter whether a fisherman prefers a dry or a wet fly - the results will be excellent, especially in areas where rip currents are common. You can also catch insects caught near the shore. But for successful fishing, you will have to spend some specific and possibly a long time in the water. So It is recommended to equip accordingly, not forgetting the waders: nothing should spoil the pleasure of fishing!


Another option is to catch grayling with a float rod. There are three methods: ordinary, wiring or floating. You can use a variety of fishing rods: with an inertial or spinning reel. It is worth considering the thickness of the fishing line - it is better to use a fishing line no thicker than 0.20 mm, if possible - even thinner from 0.14-0.16 mm.

The undeniable advantage of this fishing method will be the ability to ensure the movement of fisherman along the river, without the danger of being discovered. But the float must be sliding, and it is better not to use a sinker. Of course, this method is more relevant towards the end of summer, when it gets colder and grayling changes its habits, becoming more active in searching for food. The fisherman will have to go upstream and cast his fishing rod to where, in his opinion, the fish are located.


An interesting and original, but nevertheless quite common method of fishing can be called “boat” fishing, which is also known as “torpedo” or “snake”. Previously, there were a variety of designs: for example, single-hull ones, that is, made of planks, one side of which was loaded. Nowadays, double-hulled “catamaran” type boats are more common. Progress almost always implies improvement: such “ships” are several times more stable, and they are managed much better than those that came before.

The “boat” requires control, and a spinning rod with an inertial reel is ideal for this purpose. You can sail the boat against the current or down the river: the result will be a constant bite. It’s easy to feel the grip with your hand, and you should watch the line deflection- a sure signal that a fish has been caught! Boats are great for fishing on the lake in the summer.

What else can you advise a fisherman to make grayling fishing successful? Of course, reveal the secrets of baits and lures!

A wide variety of insects, whose natural habitat is the river bank, will become wonderful baits:

  • flies;
  • stoneflies;
  • grasshoppers;
  • whipwings and others.

If you have to fish with a float, it’s quite it makes sense to use a worm, but it must first be prepared: cleaned and painted.

It is interesting that for all its reluctance to make unnecessary movements, grayling is a finicky fish and cannot buy just any bait. In some situations it will go for a spinner, and in another situation it will prefer a fly, and only of artificial origin. In order for the bait to work, you need to choose it only on the spot, having very carefully assessed all the conditions of the reservoir, perhaps by finding out from local fishermen what baits they use. The stonefly fly is considered universal and will certainly help you catch a fish of truly royal size.

Grayling is a predatory fish that has an oblong body, bluish or greenish-silver on the sides, with black spots on the back. Reaches a length of 50 cm and a weight of 2.5 kg.

The main diet of this fish can be considered: animal food (worms, caddis flies and insect larvae), insects (botflies, various beetles, mayflies) and juvenile fish. And depending on the time of year, they choose bait, and then the gear to go with it.

Gear selection

The main habitats of grayling can be called the north of the European part of Russia, the basins of the Baltic and White Seas, in lakes such as Onega, Ladoga and Imandra. Found in the upper reaches of the Dnieper and Volga. Prefers cold, fast-flowing rivers, such as: Chusovaya, Vishera, Berezovaya, Kolva, Uls and their tributaries.

The choice of gear that would be more appropriate to use for grayling fishing depends on: depending on the time of year, weather conditions, characteristics of the reservoir (lake, large or small river).

In early spring (April-May), fish are caught using animal food, so fishing is practiced with a float rod and bottom tackle. With the appearance of caviar and juvenile fish (May-June), they begin to fish with spinning rods with small rotating spoons. And when there is a mass emergence of insects (mid-June), they switch to boat and fly fishing. And then until late autumn, grayling is successfully caught using all the gear listed above.

Catching grayling with a float rod

They begin to fish with a float rod immediately after the rivers open and the water becomes clear. The most common way is through wiring. It has become especially relevant recently with the advent of inertia-free reels. The following baits are used for float tackle: caddis flies, worms and various insects (mayflies, grasshoppers, flies, gadflies and horseflies).

Float tackle is selected depending on the place and method of fishing. For fishing from the shore - casting - use heavier tackle. This is necessary in order to deliver the bait to the desired fishing spot. A rod 3.5 to 4.5 meters long with rings. A small inertia-free reel on which a fishing line with a diameter of 0.2–0.28 mm is wound.

A float weighing 3–5 grams, depending on the casting distance. You can use replaceable leashes made of fishing line with a diameter of 0.15–0.17 mm - this is important when catching larger, and therefore more cautious fish.

Fishing for grayling while fishing is considered the calmest, but you need to remember that after catching 2-3 specimens, you need to change the place of fishing and it is advisable to go downstream, since the frightened fish goes up.

Fishing for grayling using a spinning rod

Grayling begins to actively fish for spinning rods from mid-summer, when juvenile fish, various beetles and larvae appear in the river.

The length of the spinning rod depends on the fishing conditions and therefore it can vary from 2.1 m to 2.7 m. The test is usually 0 - 7 grams, since rotating spoons are used to catch grayling: 0-1 numbers of different colors and always with a “edge” on the hook. The most common and most catchy “spinners” are considered to be Meps spinners - Aglia - copper, white and black with red specks.

It is better to wind a braided cord with a diameter of 0.08 - 0.10 mm on an inertia-free reel, but fishing line with a diameter of 0.2 - 0.28 mm is also suitable.

The use of a cord makes the spinning tackle more sensitive, but also more noticeable. But when the water is a little cloudy, it has virtually no effect on the bite. When the water is very muddy, grayling stops pecking and moves into cleaner tributaries.

When searching for grayling, fishing all the designated places using a spinning rod, you must not forget that this gear can be tempted not only by chub and perch, but also by pike, which can bite the line if you fish with it without a leash. And the leash, in turn, can scare away cautious fish.

How to increase your fish catch?

  1. Over 7 years of active fishing, I have found dozens of ways to improve the bite. Here are the most effective ones:. This pheromone additive attracts fish most strongly in cold and warm water. Discussion of the bite activator “Hungry Fish”.
  2. Promotion gear sensitivity. Read the appropriate manuals for your specific type of gear.
  3. Lures based pheromones.

Catching grayling with bottom tackle

Bottom tackle for catching grayling is usually used when the fish in shallow rivers in the fall roll down to the pits. And on large rivers, such as the Angara, where the depth reaches 5 meters and the current is very fast, grayling is caught with bottom tackle all summer and autumn.

On small and medium-sized rivers they use bottom gear - “baler”, which consists of a rather short and rigid spinning rod equipped with an inertial reel. A multi-arm structure, which is made of steel and elastic wire with a cross-section of 0.5 mm, is tied to the end of the fishing line.

The bait for this type of fishing is artificial flies. A sinker weighing 25-30 grams is attached to a piece of wire 24-30 cm long through a loop in the middle using a fishing line 5 cm long. At the ends of this “yoke” flies are attached on leashes of the same length as the sinker. The leashes are made of fishing line with a diameter of 0.2 mm. The shape and color of flies directly depend on the fishing region.

On large mountain rivers, where there is great depth and current, they fish with a “balda”, which consists of a sinker, three leashes with flies and a huge float.

All this gear is controlled using a rigid rod at least 4 meters long and an inertial reel. The float is “sliding”, quite large and heavy. When fishing, the depth is made 2 m greater than the existing one, which is why the tackle is dragged by the current along the very bottom. A bite is a change in the behavior of the float from normal, or its disappearance under water.

Catching grayling with other gear

1. Fly fishing This type of gear is considered more modern and the most expensive.

The gear includes a special fly fishing rod, an inertial fly reel and a special floating line. Flies are used both floating and sinking. Fishing with this gear requires a certain skill and experience, without which you cannot count on a successful outcome. It is better to develop the skill somewhere in the field and garden. Searching for fish during fly fishing is more interesting and dynamic than when fishing with a wire.

This is the most common and inexpensive tackle that you can make with your own hands, having the appropriate drawing.

The boat board is made of board (plywood) 15 mm thick. The boat float is made of hard foam. The board of the boat is connected to its float using two curved welding electrodes with a diameter of 3–4 mm, at the ends of which a corresponding thread is cut. The board of the boat must be loaded in such a way that ¼ of it sticks out of the water, and ¾ is under water.

This can be adjusted at home in the bathroom or in a barrel, whichever is convenient for you. The assembled ship is similar in design to a catamaran. On both sides of the boat's float there are ears made of iron (tin cans), to one of which a fishing line of 0.8–1 mm is attached using a snap fastener. 10 leashes made of 0.17–0.20 mm fishing line are attached to the fishing line. Artificial flies are tied to leashes.

The first leash is attached at a distance of 4–5 m from the carabiner clasp and has a length of 50 cm. The second and subsequent leashes are fixed at a distance of one meter from each other and the length of each subsequent leash is 10 cm longer. The longest leash is 140 cm.

The leashes are attached to the fishing line using ordinary shirt buttons. It is better to choose buttons of soft colors, since during fishing it is possible that grayling will start to grab them.

The button is kept from sliding down the fishing line by two knots tied at the front and back. Attaching the leash with a button prevents it from wrapping around the main line when landing fish. And even if the leash is wound around the fishing line, it will not be difficult to unwind it. Just pull the fly and the line will straighten out.

The reel for winding the fishing line, which is attached to the boat, can be made of board or plywood 20 mm thick.

The length of the reel can vary from 0.5 to 0.8 m. It depends on the preferences of the fisherman himself. In a reel 80 mm wide, a slot is made 10 cm long shorter than the reel itself and 30 mm wide, for attaching flies to a fishing line, which is threaded there through pre-drilled holes at a distance of 20 mm from each other.

Grayling habitats can be easily identified by the characteristic splashes of feeding fish. And so it usually stays on the reverse current, at the confluence of two currents, in whirlpools that form behind stones or other obstacles in the water. When fishing with this gear, there were cases when, with one retrieve, up to 5 fish were caught on the leashes, but it was possible to pull out a maximum of two, because the rest were unhooked during fishing.

They fish with a boat (water kite) from the river bank. There are two fasteners on the boat float, to which the main fishing line is attached using a fastener, depending on the direction of the river flow.

It makes no sense to use the presented model of a boat on a river less than 20 meters wide, since it will float along the opposite bank, where the current will most likely be insufficient to pull the main fishing line with leashes with flies attached to it.

The principle of fishing is such that the boat, like a kite, but only due to the water, floats away from the shore and drags a fishing line with flies behind it, and the fisherman holds it by the fishing line wound on a reel. Due to this, the fishing line is stretched and you can “knock” the water with flies on leashes, imitating insects falling into the river.

It is better to fish in swamps, since when landing fish you need to go into the water so as not to tangle the leashes with the flies.

When the fish bites, it hooks itself, so there is no need to hook it with a hand and a reel. If a fish is hooked, this can be seen by the characteristic “angle” formed on the main line.

To catch fish, you need to secure the reel on the shore, go into the water and pull out the boat along with the fish, while releasing the pulled line with leashes downstream.

The fishing line with leashes released in this way easily untangles. They fish by boat, both upstream and downstream. However, it has been noticed that fishing with the current is more successful and brings very good trophies.

Features of winter grayling fishing

When planning to catch grayling in winter, you must remember that this fish stays near the edge of holes in fast currents, and identifying such places in winter conditions is practically very difficult.

To do this, you will have to cut an incredible number of holes and determine such a place by trial and error. But you can do it easier by noticing such places in the fall, by trees or some other characteristic features of the area. You definitely won’t be left without a catch if you fish either early in the morning, before sunrise, or in the evening at sunset. However, in cloudy and cloudy weather, grayling can bite all day, but not as actively as on other days. To catch the morning fishing and prepare your gear for this, it is better to arrive at night 1-2 hours before dawn.

Now let’s decide on the basic postulates for choosing a fishing location. To do this, you need to determine the depth by making several test holes. The holes should be located as close as possible to the main stream, since this is where you can find the coveted fish. The distance between the holes should not be less than 20 cm, but their number should be sufficient so as not to miss any opportunity to catch fish.

Winter fishing for grayling is a special winter bait because it is different from summer bait. In winter, grayling bait must be given exactly where it is, otherwise there will be no bites. The most attractive can be considered “no-attachment” tin or lead jigs with a golden color. in winter on a regular perch fishing rod 30-40 cm long.

A nod 5-8 cm long is used quite hard. The line on a reel with a diameter of 0.20-0.25 mm should be at least 25 meters. You need to fish with a weight of 1-2 grams, shaped like a pellet or a drop. On such a jig with a long fore-end, you can attach an edge of feathers by wrapping them with nylon thread. If the bite is good, the grayling will take it even without bait on such jigs, but you can also attach a jig, worm or maggot.

Also in winter they fish with summer flies by attaching them to the main line through leashes 25-30 cm long. With such gear, a load of 5-8 grams is attached to the end of the main line, depending on the strength of the current. The number of leashes and the distance between them depends on the depth, but there should be no more than three.

Bites occur sharply and unexpectedly, so you need to be on guard so as not to miss the fishing rod, and in some case not leave it unattended, not secured.

  1. When fishing with a wire, hold the tackle a little so that the bait is in front and the float is slightly behind - this does not scare the fish so much.
  2. It is better to cast the spinning bait slightly upstream so that it rolls down the river rather than crossing it.
  3. There are often bites on the boat when the fly does not float on the surface, but is buried 10-15 cm. To do this, loosen the tension of the main fishing line, as if throwing it into the water.

This fish prefers those areas of reservoirs where there is a current. Therefore, it is pointless to catch grayling in oxbow lakes and bays with stagnant water. You can find it near the rifts, on rapids. You need to know that the fish tends to stick to the edge of the strong water flow at the edge of the rapids. Every obstacle to the water flow: snags, cobblestones, a plant island where water breakers form, attracts fish. Therefore, grayling fishing in these places gives the most excellent results.

Large graylings grow in deep and large bodies of water where there are stones, sunken trees and other shelters. The fish ignores strong currents and areas overgrown with aquatic vegetation, but in May and June it is sometimes found in grassy areas. It often swims to the shore to feast on larvae and other animals.

Important! Finding a grayling site in the summer will not be difficult. In sunny weather, he himself will let you know where to fish. Jumping out of the water, it catches insects on the fly, thereby attracting the attention of the fisherman.

The fish is capricious and unpredictable, and choosing the right bait for it is sometimes not easy. It always depends on the skill of the fisherman and the successful choice of bait. For this purpose, you need to catch one fish and find out what it feeds on. When flies and butterflies appear, the period begins. With this type of fishing, a carefully selected fly and thoughtful camouflage, it is possible to make a good catch. In our rivers they use gray flies. But grayling does not particularly respond to artificial baits and may refuse to bite. The best time for fishing is morning and evening. And on bright nights, with little wind, it feeds at short intervals and can be caught all night.

Where to find grayling in autumn?

The first period of autumn is the best time for grayling to bite. Low water temperatures make fish hungry, and flying insects have already disappeared. Therefore, he begins hunting for flies, going to the surface of the water. The large fish hatches typical of the summer period are no longer observed. Although in cloudless and windless times you can still find the confetti characteristic of it. This happens from 10 pm until sunset. “Dry” and “wet” flies are used, and it should not differ from a living insect. During this period, the water becomes clearer and the fish becomes as cautious as possible, so camouflage is the main condition. Larvae are also caught. Fishing is carried out in deep areas. In autumn, the fish goes to their winter camp sites and does not stop feeding along the way. Lake fish return to the lake, and river fish go to the deepest and most extensive sections of rivers. You can catch him there.

Photo 1. Autumn grayling on a fishing rod.

Fishing rod rig

  1. The length of the fishing line between the hook and the float depends on the depth of the fished area. When fishing on the surface, the sinker is moved to the float, but if fishing is carried out in deep places in the reservoir, then the sinker must be lowered to the hook.
  2. The float should be small and light. When fishing for grayling, a goose feather is used as a float. It will not scare wary fish. Grayling can immediately take the bait, can slowly pull it into the water, or can slowly suck it. Therefore, when fishing for this fish, the float must be sensitive. Floats with bright colors are not used; fish will not suit such tackle.
  3. The fishing line used is more than 0.15 - 0.2 mm thick.
  4. Hook. The skin and mouth of the grayling are soft and delicate and therefore can fall off the hook at any moment. For large individuals, you need to use thick wire (0.6 mm) and a large hook (No. 9).
  5. Fishing bit. The fishing rod for grayling should have a light rod, 3-4 meters long. Small rivers are overgrown with bushes, and therefore a long fishing rod can create significant inconvenience if the fishing line gets caught in them.
  6. Rod stiffness. The hooked fish gives fierce resistance. A hard, inflexible whip will allow him to break off and escape. Therefore, you need to use flexible rods that can absorb jerks.
  7. A sinker weighing 15 grams for convenient casting of tackle into the current.
  8. Open spinning reel.

Photo 2. Elements of equipment for a float rod for grayling.


At the end of spawning, grayling will experience a strong hunger. Since the fish is omnivorous, this is the most catchy stage for anglers. When the water clears, it feasts on various insects, which are a good and affordable bait. These are grasshoppers, flies, and flies.

Biting calendar

  1. January. This month, grayling is at depth and bites reluctantly.
  2. February. Everything depends on atmospheric circumstances, so it is impossible to predict the fish bite.
  3. March. This stage will be transitional. Until the 15th the bite will be poor, and after the 15th excellent winter fishing is expected.
  4. April. Not very active fish are fished in rivers with a current. A worm is used for attachment. At the end of the month the bite will increase.
  5. May. It bites well on worms and bark beetle larvae. From the 15th you can use artificial flies for fishing.
  6. June. The bite becomes very active. Fishing is carried out using worms and artificial insects.
  7. July. This period is the peak of fish activity, as many insects appear for which the fish hunt.
  8. August. The activity doesn't stop.
  9. September. The fish go into the holes. It is possible to fish with a worm.
  10. October. Pecks in pits on various insects.
  11. November. There is a decrease in activity. Can only be caught in deep holes.
  12. December. With the arrival of frost, activity is at zero. It is located in the deep zones of the river.

Fishing technique

How to catch grayling with a float rod? Typically, grayling is fished with float gear in rivers and reservoirs that have a smooth and even bottom surface with a slow current. The main advantage of fishing with a float rod is that it does not require special training or skill. Everything is quite easy, and even a novice fisherman with little experience can handle it. You need to cast the fishing rod with the current. The casting process is quite common and is known to every fisherman. Its main essence is to correctly calculate the length of the fishing line, which can be selected by rotating the reel. Having cast the fishing rod, let the load descend to the required depth. The bite will occur in the same way as when catching other fish with a float rod. A simple vibration of the float will mean that the fish have noticed the bait. If the float suddenly goes under the water or to the side, a quick hook is necessary. It needs to be done quickly, but not abruptly.

Photo 3. Methods of guiding on the current.

Important! The grayling's mouth is very delicate, and a sharp jerk with the hook can tear it apart. The fish will leave, but will not survive the injury. Therefore, cutting must be done carefully.

It’s worth getting ready to cast your fishing rod frequently. With the help of a reel, the gear passes in a free semi-circle along the current, which significantly increases the chances of a bite.

Why does it have to be “braided”? Unlike trout, grayling is quite favorable towards braided line. I have more than once witnessed almost the same catch as mine among users of this miracle of human thought. But the inextensibility of the line causes great injury to the caught fish, and compliance with the “catch and release” principle becomes even more controversial. It is difficult to say whether the inextensible “braid” is the direct cause of grayling coming off the hook: grayling rarely clings to the lip, mainly when the bite is weak, when there are many more “hits” than catches. I don’t know what this is due to: caution or lethargy of the fish, but I often observed perch “barely hanging” on the hook when using “braid”, even with a perfectly adjusted clutch.

The abrasion on stones and shells of monofilament and braided fishing line, in my opinion, is approximately the same. But if you happen to wrap a twig with fishing line or accidentally throw off the turns, then the “braided” knot will have to be untangled longer, and even say goodbye to 1-2 m of cord. After such an incident, the monofilament line quickly disappears from my backpack, which I take in reserve; my friends immediately recognize the competition with the line in favor of the monofilament, which is measured by the number of graylings actually pulled out.

Typical algorithms
The biggest debate arises about wiring: should the bait be led upstream or downstream? Contrary to all fans of upstream. Those who claim that grayling react more often to food going downstream and are less frightened when approached from behind, I note: the object of its hunt is walking or standing against the current. And in the turbulence behind the obstacles, passive living creatures drawn by the water sometimes perform such pirouettes in relation to the main flow that, from the outside looking in, both we and the grayling cannot discern why some caddisfly has become an ace swimmer. So, only grayling will tell you whether to throw the bait downstream or upstream. So, we are on the river. We go into the water and throw it down under the shore. The spinner is pulled by the water in line with you downstream. This fishing against the current is the first and one of the main techniques when catching grayling from the bushes. We make the second cast from the bank to the middle of the river and put the bait under the bushes. Such wiring can be done in relation not only to the shore, but also to any area that is interesting to us, stretching along the riverbed, if the first method does not work.
Next, let’s try the third technique, “hanging.” We cast and, reeling in, lower it - we lift the rod, and the bait is carried. Gradually slow down the winding speed; Now the main thing is to feel at what angle of elevation of the rod relative to the horizon the current will independently support the spoon in place. Moving the rod up and down can diversify the game. And when moving the rod forward or backward, do not forget about the increasing or decreasing water pressure on the bait. Try not to let it jump out like a dolphin, but also not to fall like a stone to the bottom. All this is not so easy to achieve. We set the spoon under the branches of a bush hanging over the water and let the bait hang. We try not to catch the bottom or foliage and at the same time not disrupt the play of the spinner. Forward - back, up and down... Yes! After a short fishing, the fish ends up on the shore. And now we re-wiring in a catchable place. Although the larger grayling always takes first, there are pleasant exceptions.
We must remember that during spring floods or heavy rains, rifts and “points” are hidden by water.
Having mastered the first basics of wiring well, it’s time to move on to riffles and rapids. It is no secret that active grayling grazes before the dump. How to “comb” this place in one wiring? With the flow - no way, but against the flow - easily. Standing higher on the shore, we cast across and bring the spoon to the drop. Now only the speed of the wiring will allow you to “draw” a line parallel to the flow. If this succeeds, then consider that you have already caught the fish. Then we cast at an angle downstream to the opposite bank; departure with the intersection of the drain “pincers” of the main jet; wiring along the dump taking into account individual stones and breakers; going under the shore and “hovering” over a promising place. And so every time - with one hand we wave the “conductor’s baton”, with the other we play along with the speed of rewinding, and it is always unique. This is art, and the river here is the main composer, because we play according to its notes, according to its flow.
But it all ends someday, and you have to go back, because the grayling has moved away from the shore into the “ditch” of the riverbed. The wiring here is simpler: we wind quickly, race with the current and look for bottom anomalies stretched along it. Do not forget to accurately hit the bait under individual boulders and luds, in the “spots” of the drain, sometimes making cross casts. Here everything happens quickly: the fall, the “winding” of the petal and then the spinner being pulled out, sometimes within a few centimeters. This also has its own meaning.

Grayling is the most prominent representative of the salmon family. A distinctive feature of this fish is its high dorsal fin on a solid dark gray back. There are many black spots of various shapes on the body. There are several varieties of grayling, each of them has its own color options. The largest individuals live in Europe and Mongolia. Grayling fishing can be done at any time of the year.

Favorite habitats of grayling are mountain rivers, where they, together with trout, become the main representatives of freshwater ichthyofauna. Beautiful fish are found in the cold rivers of the European continent, in the northern and northeastern regions of Russia, as well as in the waterways of Siberia. A large population of grayling lives in the Angara, there are many fish in Yakutia, Karelia, and the Kola Peninsula.

In rivers, graceful fish try to occupy areas with flow, where they grab passing food objects. Grayling fishing will be successful on the rifts and upper reaches of the reaches, which are adjacent to the drains. Grayling does not go into strong currents; the fish stays along the edges of the stream, as well as at the border of the direct flow and the return flow.

Advice. Grayling likes to hide behind large rocks, where two water streams merge.

Grayling bait

To fish for grayling, anglers use a rich arsenal of natural and artificial baits. Fish prefer animal food, actively eating both insect larvae and small baitfish. Depending on the food supply in the river or lake, it is necessary to select artificial flies and spoons.

Grayling fishing on: spring summer autumn winter
artificial bait rotating spoons, imitation insect larvae flies, oscillating spoons, silicone fish flies, wobblers, spoons, silicone fish Balda, vertical spinners, fly agarics
natural baits bloodworm, caddisfly, worm worm, goose, bark beetle, flies, whitebait grasshopper, worm, maggot, fry bloodworm, maggot, worm

Ways to catch grayling

To catch beautiful freshwater fish, anglers use several methods.

  1. A float rod is used for fishing in rivers where there are areas with slow flows and return flows. Fishing is carried out by wire; thanks to this method, the bait is presented to the fish in the most natural way. Fishing requires insect larvae, worms or fry.
  2. Fly fishing enthusiasts also enjoy productive fishing. With proper selection of flies and precise casting, it is possible to deceive wary fish and tempt them to bite.
  3. Spinning Grayling on a spinning rod is also actively used by fishermen on rivers and lakes. It is important to find a school of feeding fish and slowly move a small spoon near it.

Grayling Fishing Guide

For successful fishing, it is not enough to acquire expensive fishing rods and fashionable baits. It is very important to find a suitable place for fishing and correctly present the bait to the fish. The fishing tactics are as follows.

Grayling Fishing Guide choice of location casting bait angling fishing
Fishing in the river is best done in areas with slow currents. Animal baits and artificial flies are floated downstream, and spinning spoons are held against the current. It is necessary to throw the bait exactly at the chosen point. Grayling grabs prey that swims next to it. When fishing with a spinning rod, the fish is often spotted on its own, but when fishing with a float or fly fishing tackle, you need to hook it after a confident bite. Fishing for grayling should not be rushed; the angler should use the flexibility of the rod blank to tire the fish.

Grayling fishing in spring

With the onset of spring, you can go looking for grayling. Ice drift often creates many interesting fishing spots in rivers. A distinctive feature of grayling is its spring migration to the upper reaches of rivers. This occurs before spawning, so the fish actively feeds while moving.

The fish migration occurs in April, although everything depends on the nature of winter and air temperature. At the end of April or beginning of May, grayling spawns. Therefore, it is advisable for fishermen to spend the spring in the upper reaches of rivers, as well as on small rivers.

Advice. It is best to catch grayling in the summer in the upper reaches of rivers and small streams due to the migration of fish.

Grayling fishing in summer

Grayling prefers cool water at any time of the year. In summer, fish hide from the heat in shady areas with an influx of spring water. The best places for summer fishing are rifts with a rocky bottom., as well as coastal steep banks with abundant vegetation.

The appearance of insects adds to the hassle of fishermen choosing bait. It is important to use natural bait or imitations of those insects that fly out en masse during a particular period. The fish bite best in the afternoon before dark.

Important. It is necessary to use natural bait or imitations of those insects that fly out en masse during a specific period.

Grayling fishing in autumn

Grayling fishing in the fall has its charms and difficulties. First of all, it should be noted that the fish has managed to accumulate fat and, when fished, offers powerful resistance. But for a good catch you need to know the grayling feeding areas. Coastal waters are the most attractive for fishing. Experienced fishermen carefully examine not only the water streams adjacent to the shore, but also the areas off the opposite shore. Grayling bites in the middle of the river are quite rare.

In autumn, the bait should move slowly through the water column. Sometimes fish bites occur only after monotonous fishing of the same point. By the way, in the fall, schools of grayling migrate to the lower reaches, where they prepare to spend a long winter.

Advice. The most attractive areas for grayling fishing in the fall are coastal waters.

Grayling fishing in winter

In winter, grayling continues to lead an active lifestyle, delighting anglers with its bites. The first ice is considered the best period for catching grayling.

  • Ice appears on the lakes first. Here you can catch beautiful fish using jig tackle, a vertical spoon or balance beam, as well as a bulldozer.
  • River fishing usually takes place on frozen holes and pools, where large numbers of fish accumulate. It is possible to interest the fish with the help of fly agaric jigs or baitless jigs. It is often useful to plant a couple of maggots or a worm.

Grayling fishing calendar

Grayling fishing can be successful in different seasons of the year. Fish activity often repeats itself month by month from year to year. Therefore, you can create a specific biting calendar.

Tackle for grayling

To catch grayling, anglers use several types of gear. Each of them can bring an excellent catch at a specific time. The peculiarities of the reservoir should not be discounted. The most popular fishing rods are listed in the table.

Catching grayling with a Tyrolean stick

Many spinning anglers use an unusual equipment called a Tyrolean stick when fishing for grayling. The principle of operation of the equipment is in many ways similar to the operation of a diverter leash. The role of the sinker is performed by an elongated stick equipped with a passage ring.

  1. Spinning tackle is selected for fishing conditions. The length of the rod is limited to the range of 2.1-2.7 m.
  2. A monofilament line of 0.18-0.20 mm is wound on a spinning reel with a 2000 spool.
  3. A Tyrolean stick is mounted on the base and secured with a bead.
  4. A fly, wobbler or silicone fish is tied to a leash 0.14-0.16 mm thick. Important: the length of the leash should be less than the size of the stick, and the bait should be selected lighter than the Tyrolean rig.

Retrieving is done very slowly; even during a pause, the stick makes the bait play, attracting grayling.

Fly fishing

To catch grayling with a fly, anglers use not only fly fishing gear, but also some traditional fishing rods.

It can be interesting to catch grayling using a “bale” or “drag”. Two anglers connect the ends of the main line of their spinning rods. On one of the tackles 2-3 leashes with flies are attached. One of the partners goes to the opposite bank, while unwinding the fishing line from the reel. When the anglers find themselves on opposite banks, the line is tightened and the rods are lowered synchronously. The lures touch the water, which causes the grayling to rise to the surface in order to grab a fallen object.

Spinning fishing

Spinning allows you to purposefully hunt for trophy grayling. In adult individuals, pronounced predatory tendencies appear. Therefore, small spoons, wobblers and silicone fish can bring a worthy trophy.

To collect catchable tackle you will need:

  • light rod 2.1-2.4 m long with casting up to 7 g;
  • “meat grinder” size 2000-2500 with a gear ratio of 5.1:1;
  • braided cord 0.10 mm thick;
  • set of artificial baits.

When fishing with a spinning rod, an angler must remember one feature of grayling. This fish will not catch up with a fast-swimming wobbler or spinner. Only a slow, even retrieve will allow you to see the bite. Therefore, only high-quality baits that actively work at low speeds can interest grayling.

Fishing on the bulldozer

An interesting way of catching grayling from under the ice in winter is using the bulldozer. The gear consists of a short fishing rod with a reel, monofilament with a diameter of 0.18-0.20 mm and a rig called a bulldozer. There are many options for equipment, but the principle of operation is the same. A cylindrical or cone-shaped lead weight has a transverse hole in the thin part at a distance of 2-3 mm from the edge. A piece of fishing line 0.16-0.18 mm is passed through the hole. On opposite sides of the lead weight, hooks with a long shank are attached to the fishing line. The ends of the fishing line are tied with a regular knot, after which the equipment is connected to the main fishing line. The hooks are decorated with red threads imitating bloodworms.

The game looks like this: The equipment is lowered to the bottom, the fishing line is fixed. With a wrist movement the bait is thrown, and after the bulldozer falls to the bottom there is a pause. At this moment the fish grabs the bait.

You can fish for grayling throughout the year. If you choose the right tackle for a specific body of water and time of year, you will have a chance to catch the most beautiful freshwater fish.