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Income of deputies of the State Council of Chuvashia: the richest and poorest people's representatives. Navalny's headquarters in Cheboksary Shzsa: work for the Ministry of Defense

The 2015 declaration campaign is in full swing in Chuvashia. Citizens required to report income should hurry to submit information to the tax service before April 30. So far, 29.2 thousand declarations have been submitted. More than 1,000 individuals reported incomes of over one million rubles. Three of them earned almost 100 million rubles each. But this is not the limit. Millionaires will still make themselves known, the Federal Tax Service in Chuvashia predicts.

According to preliminary data as of March 1, 1,001 taxpayers reported income over 1 million rubles (excluding expenses and deductions). In particular, 991 people earned from 1 million to 10 million rubles, ten from 10 million to 100 million, which is two times more than in the same period last year, Svetlana Aristova, deputy head of the Federal Tax Service for Chuvashia, said at a briefing .
When asked by SCh how the richest residents of the republic earned their millions this year, Aristova explained:
– Mainly on the sale of property. In isolated cases, on the sale of securities. Last year, among the millionaires were mainly representatives of the wholesale trade.

On March 27-28 and April 24-25, the tax authorities will host open days for individuals, where you can get advice

It is curious that the top ten millionaires are entirely new names. The “old” ones may make themselves known by the end of April and show higher incomes, the tax service suggested. Last year, for example, as a result of the declaration campaign in Chuvashia, 3,901 millionaires declared themselves.
Let us remind you that the Tax Code defines two categories of taxpayers – individuals. In the first, those who are required to submit a declaration: these are citizens who received income from the rental of apartments, garages, transport, from the sale of real estate and other property owned for less than three years, persons who received income abroad, lottery winnings, individual entrepreneurs, private practicing lawyers, notaries, tutors, housekeepers, trainers and others. They must report their income by April 30. Otherwise they may be held accountable. At best, they will be fined 1,000 rubles, at worst, they will be subject to a full tax audit.
The second category includes those who have the right to file a declaration in order to receive tax deductions (social or property). They can exercise this right throughout the year.

In 2014, in Chuvashia, taxpayers submitted 98.4 thousand personal income tax returns, which is an increase of 8.3 percent. more than in 2013. The amount of tax payable to the budget amounted to 202.1 million rubles (in 2013 – 100.1 million).

The growth dynamics of applications for tax deductions is increasing from year to year, noted the Federal Tax Service for Chuvashia. As of March 1, the growth was 40 percent. compared to the same period last year. This means that our citizens are ready to “run around” once again, just so as not to overpay taxes.
The most popular deduction in the republic is property. As of March 1, 19,700 people applied for it.
The dynamics show that recently our citizens have actually purchased more housing. The housing interest is understandable: due to currency exchange rate fluctuations, people tried their best to invest their existing cash savings in real estate.
But taxpayers apply for social deductions (for treatment and education) less often. As of March 1, 7,200 applications were submitted.
During the briefing, tax officials unexpectedly curtsied towards taxpayers. According to Aristova, residents of Chuvashia are among the most conscious tax payers in the country. Last year, for example, 93 percent declared their income. citizens from the list of potential declarants.

A declaration campaign began in Chuvashia, and deputies of the republican State Council were the first to report on their income and property. As it turned out, the number of deputies who earned more than 1 million rubles is now 35, down from 37, and at least 10 of them prefer to travel on foot and do not have their own cars. The incomes of the richest and poorest deputies also increased. If in 2016 they varied from 30 thousand rubles to 21 million rubles, then in 2017 the richest deputy earned 38.6 million rubles, and the poorest - 139.9 thousand rubles.

The TOP-5 richest deputies at the end of last year were headed by the general director of Elara JSC Andrey Uglov, who declared income in the amount of 38.6 million rubles. A year earlier, he indicated in his declaration a more modest amount of 13.8 million rubles. General Director of Orion House of Public Health Vladimir Mikhailov, which earned 30.4 million rubles last year, or almost three times more than in 2016, was in second place. And the third place was retained by the general director of the Energozapchast plant. Yuri Shlepnev, who declared 20.2 million rubles.

General Director of the pig-breeding complex Nikolay Kurchatkin, which ranked second in terms of income in 2016, earned 19.1 million rubles, losing 2 million rubles over the year. It is interesting that his wife, who last year had an income of 103 thousand rubles, owns five land plots with an area of ​​more than 57 thousand square meters and 14 non-residential buildings. The fifth place in the top was taken by the general director of the Akkond company Valery Ivanov, who declared 17.8 million rubles.

Didn't make it into the top five richest, but the head of the TUS company took a confident sixth place Nikolay Ugaslov with an income of 16.9 million rubles. But this is not what distinguishes him from all deputies. As it turned out, he became the only people's representative in Chuvashia with foreign real estate - an apartment in Spain. Among other things, he owns a snowmobile and a trailer for transporting goods, but no cars. However, this does not prevent him from owning four garage boxes and 58 parking spaces.

The general director of the Cheboksary Distillery left the ranking of the richest deputies Oleg Meshkov. Last year, with 21.8 million rubles, it ranked first in terms of income. This year he earned a little more than 6 million rubles. But don’t worry about the deputy; his wife’s income is 41.4 million rubles.

For the second year in a row, lawyer Pesok LLC holds the lead in the ranking of the poorest deputies. Vyacheslav Soloviev. However, his income has increased slightly during this time. If in 2016 he earned 30 thousand rubles, then last year he earned 139.9 thousand rubles. Deputy General Director of Autoline LLC Roman Kalyaev earned 193.2 thousand rubles and took second place in terms of income. Sergey Belobaev, who worked for a month as deputy chairman of one of the State Council committees, earned 234.3 thousand rubles. By the way, last year his income exceeded 300 thousand rubles. Igor Molyakov, who received the post of deputy chairman of the State Council committee in November last year, earned 283 thousand rubles, and Alexander Andreev, who held the position of director of Olympus LLC for six months, received an income of 288.9 thousand rubles.

Let us note that almost every fourth State Council deputy did not declare their vehicles. This is, in particular, Oleg Delman with an income of 2.9 million rubles, who prefers to travel by motorboat, snowmobile and boat. However, he obviously does not walk around the city, because his wife owns a car. Included in the top richest deputies Valery Ivanov And Nikolay Kurchatkin They also don’t have cars. The declarations also did not contain any cars from Yuri Kislov, Sergei Melnikov, Valery and Sergei Pavlov, Vladimir Timofeev And Vladimir Yakovlev. The Chairman of the State Council also did not declare the car Valery Filimonov. All of them earned from 4.8 to 1.9 million rubles last year.

Deputies of the State Council of Chuvashia declared income from 255 thousand rubles to 23.4 million rubles for 2014

Last year, out of 44 deputies of the State Council of Chuvashia, half of the parliamentarians earned more than 2 million rubles last year, the income of a third of the deputy corps exceeds 3 million rubles. The richest people's deputies earned from 11 million to 23.4 million rubles in a year - there are six such parliamentarians. Nine people received less than 1 million rubles, the correspondent reports IA REGNUM with reference to information about income and property published on the website of the State Council of Chuvashia.

In the Chuvash parliament, the greatest income was received by the Vice Speaker of the State Council, United Russia member Oleg Meshkov, who works on a professional basis and indicated in the declaration for 2014 over 23.4 million rubles. Let us note that back in 2005, when Oleg Meshkov ran for the Cheboksary City Assembly of Deputies as the owner and general director of the Buket Chuvashia brewing company, he amazed with his 100 million income. However, he did not become a deputy then.

In second place in terms of annual earnings is Spravoross Vladimir Mikhailov, who declared more than 21.1 million rubles. Next come the production deputies, United Russia members Valery Ivanov And Andrey Uglov, whose income amounted to almost 14 and 13.1 million rubles, respectively.

The top six richest parliamentarians are rounded out by the Liberal Democrats. Yuri Shlepnev(11.58 million rubles in income) and United Russia Elena Badaeva(11.2 million rubles). United Russia received the smallest annual income Alexander Nikanorov(389.3 thousand rubles) and member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Tatyana Stareva(255.5 thousand rubles).

As for United Russia deputies who work on a professional basis, the Speaker of the State Council Yuri Popov earned more than 2.637 million rubles. His ex-deputy Anatoly Knyazev indicated 2.266 million rubles, the leader of the Chuvash United Russia and the head of the parliamentary committee Nikolay Malov(wife - 13.5 million rubles) declared an annual income of 2.5 million rubles. Heads of committees Peter Krasnov And Igor Kushev declared 2.05 and 1.35 million rubles, respectively.

Representatives of other parties receiving salaries for parliamentary work declared the following annual incomes: leader of the Right Russia faction Igor Molyakov- 1.257 million rubles, head of the faction communist Dmitry Evseev- 1.256 million rubles, Andrey Kulagin- 1.33 million rubles.

Let us note that of the deputies’ wives, the richest is the wife of Oleg Meshkov, who earned almost 19 million rubles. In second place in terms of income is the wife of Nikolai Malov (13.5 million rubles), in third place is the wife of Vladimir Mikhailov (4.2 million rubles).

Income of deputies of the State Council of Chuvashia for 2014

Income of deputies for 2014, rublesIncome of spouses, rubles
1 Meshkov Oleg23 408 011,58 18 914 908,89
2 Mikhailov Vladimir21 121 795,96 4 195 618,22
3 Ivanov Valery13 973 391,55 168 000
4 Uglov Andrey13 134 809,05 0
5 Shlepnev Yuri11 582 542,09 2 118 932,25
6 Badaeva Elena11 196 249,08 -
7 Shchetnikov Sergey8 933 409,74 8,5
8 Reznikov Mikhail9 699 695,47 -
9 Semenov Sergey7 782 000 501 408,5
10 Miftakhutdinov Kiyametdin6 935 048,65 218 840,71
11 Nikolaev Vadim5 296 073,69 328 537,74
12 Sveshnikov Vladimir4 131 759 421 295
13 Nikolaev Nikolay4 071 750,43 1 036 902,74
14 Kislov Yuri3 522 720,41 542 394,94
15 Pavlov Valery3 375 475,39 1 358 527,27
16 Knyazev Anatoly2 266 172,61 105 400,50
17 Popov Yuri2 637 222,42 1 073 100,70
18 Malov Nikolay2 518 194,16 13 539 711,19
19 Nikolaev Oleg2 478 960 25 680
20 Talanov Oleg2 279 116,47 115 456,41
21 Krasnov Peter2 055 096,87 389 818,90
22 Mikheev Sergey2 049 838,09 374 196,01
23 Andreev Valery1 816 608 352 399
24 Filimonov Valery1 809 622,45 219 692,46
25 Shigashev Valery1 542 217 80711
26 Alexandrov Vyacheslav1 475 890 905 855,96
27 Delman Oleg1 475 258 80 000
28 Kushev Igor1 349 528,32 0
29 Kulagin Andrey1 330 623,25 146 288,98
30 Vanerkin Nikolay1 260 088,20 847 386,34
31 Molyakov Igor1 257 151,43 0
32 Evseev Dmitry1 256 775,23 -
33 Ugaslov Nikolay1 147 728,31 104 405,57

The story of the Chuvash businessman ended as Pravda Volga Federal District predicted. Over the past three years, the once largest developer in the republic has lost control over almost all of its assets - Mega Mall, MTV Center, MegaGalaxy and the future Mega Hall - as a result of their bankruptcy and transfer into the hands of creditor banks. And in March 2018, citizen Nikolai Mikhailovich Gerasimov himself became bankrupt. Observers note that this is a rare case when a businessman has no one to blame for his failures but himself. About how the business empire of Nikolai Gerasimov came to a natural collapse, and what does Auchan, IKEA and VTB24 Bank, which generally did not issue loans to the businessman, have to do with it, in the material of Pravda Volga Federal District.

Pravda PFO has at its disposal a fresh ruling from the Arbitration Court of Chuvashia declaring Gerasimov bankrupt. The resulting document was preceded by a demand from the applicant, Bank St. Petersburg, for 107 million and a request from the debtor’s representative to postpone the consideration of the claim due to Gerasimov’s desire to personally attend his own bankruptcy case, which was impossible at the time of the court hearing due to the businessman’s illness. The debtor's petition was rejected, Gerasimov was declared bankrupt, a debt restructuring procedure was introduced against him, and the next arbitration hearing was scheduled for July 10. Appointed financial manager of the debtor Andrey Enkov from Saint-Petersburg. Gerasimov himself, whom Pravda PFO reached by phone, refused to comment on the information about his bankruptcy.

From the materials of the arbitration case, it becomes clear why the bank needed to declare Gerasimov insolvent as an individual. The fact is that in 2012, the entrepreneur acted as a guarantor under a loan agreement between Bank St. Petersburg and TK Nikolaevsky for a total amount of up to 160 million. The agricultural market, which was managed by Gerasimov, was unable to repay this loan, and at the end of 2015 At Nikolaevsky, a bankruptcy supervision procedure was introduced.

During the proceedings, the creditors got to the unfortunate guarantor: St. Petersburg filed a lawsuit against Gerasimov back in December 2016, the businessman fought like a lion in court for more than a year, and, nevertheless, lost.

Nikolai Gerasimov at a meeting with youth

Although, if we take the situation as a whole, then Gerasimov’s bankruptcy as an individual is only the final point of the collapse of the businessman’s empire. For the developer, who back in 2013 was the rightful owner of Mega Mall, MTV Center, MegaGalaxy and then plans to build the unprecedented Mega Hall shopping center worth about 10 billion, starting in 2014, began to lose assets one after another .

“Mega Mall” came out of the actual control of the businessman back in 2015-2016, when the businessman’s creditors from Petrocommerce Bank, which later became part of the Otkrytie group, began to control the financial flows of the shopping complex. On March 1, 2018, Gerasimov’s departure from business at the Mega Mall was legally secured: an Otkritie protege was elected as the new general director of Everest CJSC, the management company of the shopping complex. Alexander Ivanov.

Another asset of the businessman, MTV Center CJSC, which managed the shopping and entertainment complex of the same name on Ivan Yakovlev Avenue in Cheboksary, was declared bankrupt in November 2017 for a debt of 77 million rubles with assets of 14.8 million. The plaintiff in the case was the Leasing Company "St. Petersburg" is a subsidiary of the bank.

At the final stage of the proceedings, Gerasimov tried to start the liquidation process of MTV Center CJSC and even appointed himself as the liquidator of the company - but the court overturned this decision. A St. Petersburg resident has been appointed bankruptcy manager of MTV Center Sergey Kovalev, a meeting of the company’s creditors is scheduled for April 6 in St. Petersburg, the next court hearing will take place on April 9.

Bank St. Petersburg itself bankrupted an asset that was supposed to become the main diamond in the crown of the businessman MTSORT LLC, which managed the former territory of KhBK, on ​​which the businessman planned to build the Mega Hall complex. Gerasimov’s main debt in the amount of about 700 million also hung there. “Pravda Volga Federal District” already stated that “Mega Hall” got out of the businessman’s control at the end of 2016, despite the developer’s attempt at the last moment to repaint himself as a builder and a project on the site of the future complex residential area "Mega City".

The trick did not work: in July 2017, a monitoring procedure was introduced at MTSORT LLC, and in November the company was finally declared bankrupt.

In general, it is in the Mega Hall project that observers are inclined to see the reason for the collapse of the businessman: Gerasimov invested in an adventure worth about 10 billion in a falling market. The head of Chuvashia created additional difficulty for the entrepreneur Mikhail Ignatiev, who first convinced the businessman, with promises of support, to purchase the Nikolaevsky shopping center after the murky stories from the time of his own leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic, and when the deal took place, he wished the businessman good luck in all his endeavors and waved his hand.

Ignatiev acted in a similar way with the Trans-Volga base “Burevestnik”: Gerasimov acquired it for the future gasification of the Trans-Volga region, which.

Nikolai Gerasimov asks a question to Mikhail Ignatiev at a meeting of the head of the region with businessmen in October 2017

And yet, it was under Mega Hall that Gerasimov pawned everything he had. And the project was plagued by failures almost from the very beginning. Auchan was one of the first to refuse to participate in the adventure; the Swedes from IKEA could not understand for a long time why the developer considered the agreement with them a done deal, because “Mega Hall” was an obvious non-format for them. Gerasimov was finished off, oddly enough, by a bank that did not give him loans at all. The anchor tenant of the Mega Hall was supposed to be VTB24 with its service center for 1,500 jobs, but at the last moment the bankers chose the First Site for location.

Actually, on the day VTB24 announced the severance of relations with Gerasimov (ironically, exactly April 2, 2014), it became clear that the developer had lost his business. What happened next was a matter of time, although it took a long time: big empires take a long time to collapse.

Now the businessman’s former assets are divided among banks. In the Mega Mall, as already mentioned, Otkrytie rules the roost, and in the MTV Center - Bank St. Petersburg. It is obvious that banks do not have the slightest incentive to manage and develop retail: their job is to find a buyer for assets as soon as possible and close holes in their own balance sheets. And in some places it has already been possible to find buyers: for example, “MCORT” was managed by structures close to the entrepreneur (ELBRus group of companies) at least until the end of 2017, and further expansion of the businessman is possible in this direction.

Different winds are now blowing in the corridors of the Mega Mall

Under Gerasimov’s management, the crumbs of the former feast remained: the Everest car market on Marposadskoye Highway and the Trans-Volga recreation center Burevestnik, and the status of the MegaGalaxy entertainment complex and the Nikolaevsky shopping center is still unclear. And Gerasimov’s bankruptcy is not the last bad news for the region’s business elite. According to Pravda PFO, clouds are hanging over another major businessman in Chuvashia, whose creditor is one of the largest banks in Russia. So it makes sense to wait for soon news.

While writing this article, we came across a small rating where the richest people of Chuvashia were presented. True, it was compiled back in 2007. As you understand, some information could be outdated, and our millionaires may no longer be such. In any case, we will try to answer these questions by considering the path to success of each of the people on our list.

So, let's begin. Many people have repeatedly heard that the Russian region discussed in our article is one of the poorest: everything has been stolen, life goes on “like clockwork” only for officials. Others believe the opposite - Chuvashia is a fully developed region within the Volga Federal District. Be that as it may, any point of view, even the most negative, has the right to exist. We are the ones to determine the richest people of Chuvashia in 2013, let's turn to statistics, although they are not infallible.

According to its data, in the spring of this year several thousand residents of the Republic declared their income. Compared to other Russian regions, the indicators here turned out to be relatively modest. As it turned out, only one billionaire lives in Chuvashia, as well as more than two thousand millionaires. By the way, three of them were able to earn more than 500 million rubles in the previous year.

1. We suggest starting the rating with representatives of the political elite. We are talking about a person who defends the interests of Chuvashia at the federal level - Leonid Lebedev. In addition to his political activities, a member of the Council of the Federation of the Russian Federation does not forget to conduct active business activities. Many rightfully consider him one of the richest people in the Chuvash Republic. His brainchild, the Sintez company, has come a long way to fame. It all started back in the 80s. At first it was a recording studio, then it became involved in the timber and pipe trade. This is such a drastic turn of events. In the 90s Lebedev’s business reached a new level: shelves and oil fields were already being developed, banking structures were being created. Now he is still the full owner of Sintez, although now it is a whole group of companies, including Negusneft and Kores Invest. In 2013, a domestic entrepreneur made several attempts to enter the coal business, however, only time will tell what will come of it. For now, the politician is content with his considerable fortune.

According to Forbes magazine, in 2011 his personal income exceeded 2.26 million rubles. According to the magazine, his wife lives much better - in 2011 she was able to earn about 185 million rubles. Let's not forget about the officially declared fifteen real estate properties and seven cars. Now the politician and entrepreneur in one person is actively involved in supporting cultural projects in the territory of Chuvashia, and also provides financial assistance to domestic cinema.

2. Next, we would like to move on to consider an equally famous figure in the business and political circles of Chuvashia - Vladimir Ermolaev. A successful entrepreneur, deputy of the State Council of Chuvashia, back in 2007, he was able to make a fortune for himself in the region of 3 billion rubles. According to analysts, it has now increased by approximately 2 billion. The general director of the Yurma agricultural holding was able to achieve such results even despite the fact that in 2013 he purchased the unprofitable Hosiery and Knitting Factory in Cheboksary. Having corrected the situation there, the businessman is still successfully coping with SUOR LLC, which today is among the TOP 5 largest stone processing enterprises in the Russian Federation.

In addition, one of the most influential and richest people in Chuvashia does not forget about his brainchild “Chuvashstroy”, which every year is increasingly conquering the construction market of this Russian region. At the end of last year, Vladimir Ermolaev decided to expand his business activities - he acquired the Novocheboksarsk house-building plant.

3. The fate of the next Chuvash millionaire has changed greatly over the past six years since 2007. This is about Semyon Mlodike. In 2007, he was the general director of the Tractor Plants Concern, and a year earlier he was elected to the local State Council. It would seem that what could put a damper on his rapidly growing career? The criminal case that was initiated against him. He was accused of money laundering. According to the investigation, while at the head of Promtractor-Vagon CJSC, Mlodik was able to “launder” more than 270 million rubles by concluding fictitious transactions. However, the court has already dropped the charges against him. By the way, in 2007 his fortune was estimated at 2.6 billion rubles. Now we can talk about the state only from rare reports from the press. According to sources, as a result of investigative actions, Mlodik’s property was seized. This included: a 5-room apartment in Moscow, part of a private house in the Moscow region, as well as a couple of foreign-made cars. Now the former general director of Tractor Plants heads Lesosibirsk LDK No. 1 in Krasnoyarsk.

4. By the way, academicians are also among the richest people in Chuvashia, and the latter is the general director of JSC Dorris — Igor Roshchin. His above-mentioned enterprise today determines, literally, the entire appearance of this Volga region. It is engaged in road and construction works. For several years, the company's turnover was about 3.4 billion rubles. Now these numbers have at least doubled. The entrepreneur's fortunes also improved. According to some estimates, his 2 billion fortune (2007) has added the same amount over these few years. Despite this, he is very popular and respected in Chuvashia. He is the winner of many awards, holder of various titles (for example, “Honorary Builder of Russia”) and other awards.

5. On the fifth line of the rating we placed several non-public figures: Kalinin Vladimir Mikhailovich and Ivanov Sergei Kirillovich. Heading the Morgaush Dairy Plant several years ago, he was considered one of the most influential and enterprising people in his homeland. His fortune was estimated at several hundred million rubles. However, his passion for money played a cruel joke on him. In 2011, he was already involved in a case of causing damage to this company. The investigation then estimated the damage caused at 46 million rubles. It seems that the entrepreneur was not very upset then, because he is still a co-owner of one of the largest and richest Chuvash enterprises - Tekstilmash OJSC.

There are legends about Sergei Ivanov and his billions in Chuvashia, but there is no confirmation that his income today exceeds 1.3 billion rubles. It is only known that he controls such enterprises as Avtomatstrom-Renta LLC, Avtomatstrom LLC, Volga Transfo LLC and Kontrakt LLC.

6. Finally, in sixth place we will place three people whose incomes have been steadily growing since 2007:

  • Grigoriev Pavel Viktorovich And Grigorieva Irina Olegovna. Their business is known far beyond the Republic. They own hotels, the largest Tekstilmash plant, Snabresursy JSC, Hotel OJSC, Parsek-Invest LLC and a number of other enterprises. Their fortune today is estimated at 2 billion rubles.

  • We haven't forgotten about Oleg Meshkov, who today is the general director of the Buket Chuvashia brewing company. The company's products are known not only in the businessman's home region, but also beyond its borders. The company's turnover is becoming more and more nationwide every year. Today his personal income exceeds 2 billion rubles, and his company’s turnover in 2011 exceeded 136 million rubles.

Our new TOP rating of the richest people in Chuvashia could be continued by several more positions, but the incomes of these “nominees” over the past six years either remained at the same level or fell completely. If you wish, you can view them in the old list.