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The most beautiful cities in Belarus. The most beautiful cities in Belarus Names of Belarusian cities

The Republic of Belarus is a state located in Eastern Europe. The capital is the city of Minsk. Belarus borders on Russia in the east, Ukraine in the south, Poland in the west, and Lithuania and Latvia in the northwest.

A little about the country

The state is divided into six regions and 117 districts. The number of cities in Belarus reaches 102, in addition, there are 109. The population of the country, according to the population census conducted in 2003, was 10.3 million people. Of these, 80% are Belarusians, 12% are Russians, 5% are Poles, 2.5% are Ukrainians. The population of cities in Belarus makes up 71% of the total.

The main water arteries are the Dnieper (with its tributaries Sozh, Pripyat, Berezina), (tributary Viliya) and there are over ten thousand lakes, the largest are Naroch, Lukomlskoye, Drisvyaty and Osveyskoye. More than a third of the territory is occupied by swamps. A third of the country is covered with forests, mostly coniferous, but in the south there are hornbeam, maple, oak, and ash.

Major cities of Belarus

Let's get acquainted with the largest populated areas of the country. In addition to the capital, there are only five of them. So, the large cities of Belarus: Brest, Vitebsk, Grodno, Gomel and Mogilev. Here we consider settlements by their occupied area, however, the gradation by population may differ. For example, the city of Brest ranks second after Minsk - its territory is 146 square kilometers. However, in terms of population, it is only in sixth place and is inferior to the capital, Gomel, Mogilev, Vitebsk and Grodno. So, the largest city in this country is Minsk, its area is 348 km2. The next five are located in the range from 118 to 146 km 2. The next contenders for the list of largest cities have not even crossed the 90 km 2 line - these are Bobruisk and Baranovichi.

Cities of Belarus by population

Now let’s take a look at the list of the largest settlements in the country by the number of people living in them. An example has already been given above that a larger area does not necessarily correspond to a greater density of citizens. So, the cities of Belarus by population: Minsk (1 million 900 thousand people), Gomel (512 thousand), Mogilev (370 thousand), Vitebsk (363 thousand), Grodno (356 thousand), Brest (330 thousand). Next come Bobruisk and Baranovichi - 217 thousand and 177 thousand, respectively.

Now let's take a closer look at the largest cities in Belarus.


Evil tongues say that two days is enough to explore all of Minsk. And in fact, there is no need to chase attractions in this city. On the first day, it is recommended to simply walk along the avenues; you don’t even need to take a map with you, because Minsk is a monument in itself - a monument of Soviet architecture. It may not be long before this city will be viewed as an open-air museum, personifying the era of developed socialism. However, all these words refer only to the center of Minsk. There is also an “old” city here, the history of which goes back more than nine hundred years. Lovers of antiquities will be able to visit the cathedral church and town hall, and explore ancient buildings. What makes Minsk special is its incredible cleanliness, the friendliness of passers-by and the unhurried pace of life; truly cosmic tranquility reigns here.


Every schoolchild in the Soviet Union knew about this hero city and the Soviet soldiers who died defending the fortress of the same name in the first days of the Great Patriotic War. Brest is a long-suffering outskirts of the Republic of Belarus. This ancient city, located on the border of three states - Rus', Poland and Lithuania, has been attacked by enemies several times throughout its history. It was literally torn apart, destroyed, burned and even moved from one place to another. As a result, Brest cannot boast of architectural masterpieces; the oldest buildings date back to the 19th century. But in terms of all kinds of myths and secrets, the city has greatly succeeded. Just look at the remains of an ancient wooden citadel, miraculously preserved to this day (how was it able to survive the Second World War?) or the secret passages dug under the fortress. The first mention of Brest as a well-developed settlement is found in the Tale of Bygone Years (1019). This date is today considered the year the city was founded.

Vitebsk - Chagall's Paris

It is under this name that Vitebsk is known throughout the world. The world famous avant-garde artist was born here. Chagall studied in St. Petersburg and lived in Paris for a long time. However, he still returned to his native land and even organized a city art school here.

When exploring the cities of Belarus, you cannot ignore Vitebsk, because it can safely be called the soul of this country. The aroma of antiquity and national flavor have been preserved here. According to legend, the city was founded by order of Princess Olga in 974. It was located on a busy trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks.” Olga was captivated by the extraordinary beauty of the confluence of the Vitba River and this beauty struck her so much that she exclaimed: “Let the city of Vitebsk stand here.” So now he traces his history back to this event. Although it would be worth noting that there are references to Krivichi settlements here back in the ninth century. The city's favorable commercial location served it poorly militarily. He, like Brest, was repeatedly attacked by enemy armies, but was able to survive all the hardships and today is included in the list of “The Most Beautiful Cities of Belarus”.


This is a calm and quiet city. It is famous for its grandiose fortress walls, erected long before the appearance of the current capital of Belarus. Grodno suffered, perhaps, the most adversity compared to other cities of the republic. And only thanks to its reliable walls the city managed to survive. During the Northern War, Grodno nevertheless fell. The castle was literally wiped off the face of the earth. Later, an equally majestic and beautiful New Castle was erected in its place, adorning the city to this day.

Studying the cities of Belarus, an attentive person may notice one feature of Grodno that is characteristic of the whole country, but is especially noticeable here. This land has always been multi-confessional - Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Lutherans, Orthodox Christians and even Old Believers live peacefully side by side here. In Grodno you can see the neighboring Lutheran church and synagogue, mosque and Christian temple.


Like most ancient cities, Gomel does not remember its year of birth. The first mentions of it were found in chronicles of the twelfth century. However, we are told that the city already existed, but when it was founded is not known. His child was located on the cape, which was formed by the right bank of the Sozh River and the left bank of the Gomiyuk stream, now this is the territory. According to archaeological data, in the 11th century jewelry and bronze foundry, ironworking, pottery, woodworking, weapons and bone-carving crafts were developed here. Through trade routes, Gomel was connected with Kiev, Chernigov, Northern Russia, Smolensk, Volyn and Byzantium. Today this city is one of the most beautiful in the country, with the richest cultural, historical and scientific potential, with a unique style and appearance. Today's Gomel has developed industry, culture, and science; it is a socio-political center and an important transport hub. Its very favorable geographical position contributes to the development of the national economy. Among other things, Gomel is the intellectual center of the republic, as well as the venue for major sporting and cultural events. This is a city of shady alleys, ancient buildings, openwork chestnut trees, wide avenues and extraordinary people who shaped its history.


This city was first mentioned in the “List of Russian cities, distant and close” (14th century). Starting from this period, Mogilev became part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and at the end of the century it passed into the possession of Jadwiga, the wife of the Polish king and part-time Prince of Lithuania Jagiello. There are many legends describing the emergence of this settlement.

Modern Mogilev is rich in architectural monuments, for example, the complex of the St. Nicholas Convent. There is an old Christian church here from the early 16th century. In the city center you can see the Church of St. Stanislaus, built in 1752. Initially it belonged to the Carmelite Order, but by decree of Catherine the Great it was transferred to the residence of the bishop. In 1785, on the high city rampart, the most beautiful palace of the Orthodox figure of the 18th century, George Konissky, was built. In addition, many buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries and a memorial arch from that period, the building of the regional theater and the former City Government have been preserved here.

Is Belarus an appendage of Russia?

Most Russians perceive this country as a kind of “province” of the once great Russian Empire, inferior to Russia both in territorial borders and in cultural and historical significance. If you ask the younger generation what cities are in Belarus, few will be able to name even two or three settlements other than the capital of this republic. However, this attitude towards this state is unfair, and statements about the “province” do not stand up to criticism. It was here that the Principality of Lithuania was located and developed for many centuries, castles and the most beautiful cultural and architectural monuments were created, many of which can still be seen today. This is such a glorious country - Belarus. The cities (the list of which was given above, and others, smaller in size, but not in historical significance) of the republic confirm this. Any of them, upon careful examination, is capable of revealing the deepest historical layers. So the question about the “provinciality” of Belarus is at least incorrect.

The city is located in the Grodno region near the border with Poland. It is in Svisloch that there is the only monument-bust in Belarus to the national hero of Belarus Konstantin Kalinovsky, who graduated from the Svisloch gymnasium, and the only monument to Stalin in Belarus.

Monument to Kalinovsky. Photo:

Of interesting architecture, one can note the Holy Cross Church of the 19th century.

The beauty of Svisloch is added by the river of the same name flowing through the city, and a rich park at the former Tyshkevich estate of the 18th century.

This is where the Belarusian essayist and philosopher Valentin Akudovich comes from.

6. David-Haradok - 5892 people

Monument to Prince David. Photo by Sergei Gudilin.

And a monument to Lenin. Photo by Sergei Gudilin.

The city stands on the Goryn River in the Stolin district of the Brest region.

David-Haradok is one of the oldest settlements on the territory of Belarus. The city boasts a 12th-century castle, where the symbolic stone remains today.

Probably the main architectural attraction of David-Haradok is the wooden church of St. George, built in the second half of the 17th century. The symbol of the city can be called the monument to Prince David, who founded David-Gorodok.

By the way, the Belarusian writer Leonid Dranko-Maisyuk was born here.

5. High - 5113 people

High. Photo by Sergei Gudilin.

This city is also located near the Polish border, in the Kamenets district of the Brest region.

In Vysokoe there is an interesting palace and park ensemble of the Pototskys of the 19th century. True, now the buildings are not in the best condition. Among the city's attractions, the Trinity Church and the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross also stand out. It is in Vysokoye that you can see the ruins of the Sapieha castle.

4. Vasilevich - 3349 people

The city is located in the Rechitsa region, between Mozyr and Gomel. The Vasilevichs do not particularly stand out. The only thing worth noting is the Vasilevichsky St. Nicholas Church, which is already more than 190 years old.

But the city can be proud that the people's writer of Belarus Ivan Naumenko was born here.

3. Turov - 2770 people

Turov. Photo by Sergei Gudilin.

One of the oldest cities in Belarus opens our top three. Despite its long thousand-year history, the city itself is very small today.

Turov. Photo by Sergei Gudilin.

In the center stands the wooden All Saints Church, built in 1810. Near the church is a monument to the Great Litovian statesman Konstantin Ostrozhsky.

In Turov you can see an ancient settlement where the museum complex is located. There is also a monument to Kirill of Turov nearby.

Monument to Kirill Turovsky. Photo by Sergei Gudilin.

In addition, at the Borisoglebsky cemetery of the city there are two stone crosses growing from the ground.

2. Kosovo - 1844 people

Kosovo Palace, also known as the Puslovsky Palace. Photo

It is located in the Ivatsevichi district of the Brest region of Belarus, on the Grivda River.

And even though the city is quite small, for Belarus it is a real diamond. People come here from all over the country to see with their own eyes the majestic Kosovo Palace of the 19th century. And this is far from the only thing worth coming here for.

Museum-estate of Tadeusz Kosciuszko.

There are many historical and cultural values ​​here: the Tadeusz Kosciuszko Museum-Estate of the 18th century, the Trinity Church, St. Anthony's Church, the Chapel at the Catholic Cemetery, St. George's Church at the cemetery, the grave of participants in the uprising of 1863-64.

1. Disna - 1,500 people

On the other side is the smallest city in Belarus - Disna. Photo by Sergei Gudilin.

The smallest city in the country is located in the Miory district of the Vitebsk region. Over the past six years, there have been 224 fewer residents here.

Once upon a time in Disenshchyna, on the Darozhkovichi estate, which gave the world the outstanding French poet Guillaume Apollinaire. Moreover, in the book of the former Dissenz “Eagle’s Nest”, which was published in Poland in 2003, it is mentioned that it was probably in this estate, in the chapel, that Adam Mickiewicz hid for some time. Today the Kostrovitsky estate is located within the city, on the outskirts.

In addition to Darozhkovichi, the ruins of the former hospital delight with their beauty.

The ruins of a former hospital rise on the shore. Photo by Sergei Gudilin.

And it is in Disna that one of the last ferries on the Dvina runs.

Ferryman. Photo by Sergei Gudilin.

By the way, the famous artist Yazep Drozdovich is from the Disna region.

From the history of Disna. The Polotsk Krivichi founded Disna in the 10th century, building the Kapets-gorodok fortress here. Disna was a defensive fortress on the Dvina and also had an image of a rook on its coat of arms. Ivan the Terrible did not reach Disna, so it was here that the rich Polotsk merchants and nobility fled. Here Stefan Batory gathered troops to liberate Polotsk. Disna had Magdeburg law from the 16th century. Two centuries ago it was the second most populous city in the Polotsk region.

Photo by Sergei Gudilin.

T The op was compiled according to Belstat data on the population in Belarus as of January 1, 2017.

Do you want to visit Belarus or learn more about the cities of Belarus?

Many foreigners simply know about the capital, Minsk, and some about Brest, but have never heard of any other cities in our country.

Here, we will tell you about the top 10 cities in Belarus that you simply must visit, because they are no less beautiful and interesting for tourists than Minsk.

All Belarusian cities on the list have their own separate pages on our website with more detailed information and videos of interesting sights, which will help you form an overall opinion about each city and plan your trip.

Belarus is divided into 6 regions, named after the capital of each of them: Minsk, Vitebsk, Grodno, Gomel, Mogilev and Brest regions. They are also the largest cities in Belarus.

The capital, Minsk, is a large city with 2 million inhabitants and the most visited city in Belarus. You can read about it in a separate article describing the main ones.

Largest cities in Belarus

City Region


Minsk Minsk 1,921,807





Brest Brest 330,934





9 Borisov Minsk
10 Pinsk Brest

The city itself also has several interesting places worth visiting. You will be interested in going to Sovetskaya Street, the main pedestrian street of the city. There you will find numerous cozy cafes and restaurants.

We recommend you stay there at least until sunset, because then you will have the opportunity to see the famous lamplighter who lights beautiful kerosene lanterns on Sovetskaya Street every evening.

Only after he completes his procedure do the lights in the entire city come on. What every tourist in Brest must do is take a photo with him.


Another great city to visit in Belarus is Nesvizh. It is located in the Minsk region, 120 km from Minsk. Nesvizh is much smaller than most of the cities on our list, but it is very popular among tourists. That's why.

The castle is surrounded by a moat and a beautiful park where you can take a long and pleasant walk, enjoying the tranquility and beauty of nature.

The city itself is small, but also has interesting sights. Go to the main town square and ride in a carriage, feeling like a medieval prince or princess. You can also visit some of Nesvizh's beautiful churches, and stay in a hotel on the main square.


Polotsk is a Belarusian city that you should definitely visit, as it was the first capital of Belarus. Although it has lost its importance as an administrative center, it has become the cultural capital of the country and a very popular tourist destination. The main attraction of the city is the Polotsk St. Sophia Cathedral, thanks to which the city is also a religious mecca of Belarus.


The only Belarusian city that has 2 castles inside the city. They can be easily found on Zamkova Street. The castles are simply called the Old and New Castle of Grodno.

Grodno is one of the largest cities in Belarus. Here you won't walk through the entire city center in 15 minutes. Grodno has a huge selection of attractions that are worth visiting. Go to the pharmacy museum, take a walk around the old town and city parks. You can find several old buildings from the times when Poland ruled here, as well as some newer ones from the times of the Russian Empire and the USSR. Here you can also see many beautiful churches of different religions.


Pinsk is one of the oldest cities in Belarus, many of whose historical sights, fortunately, have been preserved to this day.

Stroll the clean streets of Pinsk and enjoy the colorful houses of this quiet city. Here you will also find many beautiful churches that may amaze you. Read about other, as well as city parks and places to visit near Pinsk.


The city of Vitebsk is called the small capital of the Renaissance, while the big one is Paris. The city was founded in 974 and has had a long history full of good and bad times.

Stroll along the picturesque banks of Vitebsk's two rivers, the Western Dvina and Vitba, visit the city's Orthodox churches, pick out some interesting museums to visit, such as the Tram Museum, and buy a ticket to the famous cultural festival organized here every year.

To decide whether Vitebsk is worth visiting, check out the additional information page and video from, as well as places to visit near this Belarusian city.


Another old town in Belarus that you should visit is Novogrudok. Naturally, like many other Belarusian cities on our list, Novogrudok has its own castle. Or, something that used to be a castle and is now being restored. Although the building has not survived to this day, you can imagine the grandeur of the castle, which was used to protect the land from invaders.

Novogrudok Castle was built on a very high hill and surrounded by relatively flat terrain, which made it easier to see the approaching enemy from afar. We hope that with the growing number of tourists in Belarus, the local government will find money to completely restore it.

However, Novogrudok is not only a castle. The city has other interesting sights.


The second largest city in Belarus, as well as a place where many owners have changed over the city's 900-year history, is Gomel.

The main attractions of the city are located close to each other, in the center of Gomel. The main attraction is the Rumyantsev-Paskevich Palace with its surrounding park, several museums, a hunting lodge and the picturesque bank of the Sozh River. The city is worth visiting at least for its palace, but watch the video in to learn more about the city.


The last Belarusian city on our list of the top 10 cities in Belarus that you should visit. Slonim is a small town in the Grodno region, where many of the main Belarusian attractions are located, including other ancient cities, the Augustow Canal and many.

This is our review of the 10 best cities in Belarus for tourists that you should definitely visit during your lifetime. You can visit them all during the period that Belarus provides to residents of about 100 countries.

Our country is very convenient for tourists, since the main attractions of Belarus are located very close to each other. Find out more about holidays in Belarus, and also use it to visit Belarus.

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The Republic of Belarus has an ancient and glorious history, and its cities were founded during the times of the Old Russian state, and were important trade, cultural and craft centers. Despite its convenient location, almost in the very center of Europe, Belarus has not yet fully revealed its potential to tourists. Today we will try to fill this gap, and in a small tourist review we will see the most beautiful cities of this amazing and beautiful republic with such a beautiful name “Belaya Rus”.

Our top list of the most beautiful cities in Belarus opens with an ancient city founded in 1128. The city ranks first in the republic in terms of the number of historical monuments and architectural attractions of antiquity.

Historical heritage sites are the most important points on tourist routes. Among the unique monuments, we note the Old and New Castles, the Kolozha Church, erected in the pre-Mongol period of the history of Rus'.

It is noteworthy that in Grodno the historical center of the city, harmoniously blending with modern buildings, has remained almost unchanged. But among modern cultural and entertainment facilities, you should definitely visit the large Grodno Zoo.

The city is known throughout the world for being the birthplace of the talented artist Marc Chagall, and Vitebsk has many memorable places associated with the life of the painter.

For example, future artists are educated at an art school, which was once founded by their famous fellow countryman. And thousands of tourists come to visit the Marc Chagall Museum, as well as enjoy masterpieces of painting in the art center.

Among the historical buildings, tenement and merchant houses from the late 18th-19th centuries have been preserved. At night, the center of Vitebsk is illuminated with thousands of lights, and, just like during the day, it is a great place for walking.

A small Belarusian town, founded in 1223, today has a population of only 15 thousand, but can be proud of the monuments that have been preserved within its boundaries since ancient times.

First of all, this is Nesvizh Castle, founded back in 1583 by Prince Radziwill Sirotka. Due to its uniqueness, the monument is included in the UNESCO heritage list. Here you can also visit the Farny Church, and not far from the city there is a medieval convent.

Nesvizh stands on the banks of the Usha River and its picturesque surroundings attract thousands of tourists and simply nature lovers. There is almost no large industrial production in the city, so the air here is clean and, according to old-timers, has healing properties.

Pinsk is located in picturesque places where the Pina River merges with the waters of Pripyat, and at one time, in the 12th century, it was even the center of the independent Pinsk principality. But mentions of it were preserved in the first ancient Russian chronicles.

This town is the second in the number of surviving ancient monuments, and is second only to Grodno. The ancient traditions of Polesie architects have been preserved in urban development, and modern buildings have absorbed various architectural styles.

The layout of the streets and squares of Pinsk is also interesting, preserving the old radial-ring system that developed back in the Middle Ages. But during the Soviet period, new neighborhoods were located along the Pina River.


Our journey through the beautiful and amazing cities of the Republic of Belarus has come to an end, and it is difficult to determine which of them is the most beautiful city in Belarus.

One thing is clear: it is impossible to convey all the charm and beauty of Belarusian cities in one article. We simply advise you to visit Belarus, and, as they say, “live” to experience the beauty of the magnificent Belarusian cities. This will allow you to immerse yourself in the historical splendor, as well as feel the spirit of antiquity, which lurks among the architectural and historical sights of Belarusian cities.