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What to use to catch perch in early November. Perch fishing in November. Where to fish? Jig rigs for perch

In November. Where to fish and with what?

Perch fishing in November presupposes certain knowledge. Without which it could come to naught. In this article, I'll cover all the basics you need to know before you go bass fishing in November.

In November, perch is quite capricious. This is due to the fact that November is the last month of autumn and many factors begin to influence the fish. Which accordingly affects its fishing.

Firstly, this is the upcoming adaptation to winter conditions, changes in water temperature, day and night, etc.

All natural phenomena greatly affect fish.

Therefore, for successful perch fishing in November, it is better to choose calm and warm weather. Without strong pressure changes and wind.

Perch fishing in November. Parking places

As the weather gets colder, the perch goes deeper. In November, you should look for perch at a depth of 8–9 meters with a drop of 11–12 meters. Especially where the bottom is rocky. In such places, young carp fish spend the winter, which creates a good food supply for the perch for the winter.

Of course, it is best to find such areas using an echo sounder. By the way, other predators also spend the winter in such places.

But having found such a rocky bottom with a lot of small things, it’s not a fact that there will be a perch there. Finding it in November is really not that easy.

Having found a similar place, you just need to fish for it. Looking for a school of perch.

Watch bass fishing in November online!

Perch fishing in November. Tackle

For perch fishing in November We will need a fiberglass spinning rod with a maximum cast weight of up to 30 grams. The reel can be used inertialess.

Line 0.24 – 0.27 millimeters.

This simple design and budget rod are quite suitable for effective perch fishing in November.

Perch fishing in November. Bait

Spinner baits, which are so effective in summer, are no longer suitable. In November, the choice should be made towards foam fish, twister and vibrotail.

Foam fish are very good both at medium depths (from four to six meters) and at great depths (from eight to twelve meters).

The length of the fish is 45 -50 millimeters. It is usually equipped with a tee No. 7 or a double No. 8.5 and a heavy 20 gram sinker. It is this disproportionate connection in the video of a small fish and a heavy sinker that works best at great depths.

The color of the bait does not play a strong role. But you should take some flowers.

Perch fishing in November. Fishing technique

The technique for catching perch in November is very simple. Let the bait fall to the bottom, then make two or three turns of the reel (not very quickly), and again let the bait fall to the bottom. That's all.

Perch usually bites confidently and quickly, swallowing the bait completely.

Since perch is a schooling fish, when fishing for perch in November, cast several at a time to the place where you caught one of them. Sometimes you can catch up to five perches from one place.

Good luck with your bass fishing in November.

Perch fishing in November. With the arrival of cold November, many anglers are sheathing their gear and starting to prepare for winter ice fishing. It’s understandable, this is not the most comfortable month for fishing. Wind, dampness, endless fog, ice on the fishing line... not everyone can fish in such conditions. But not everyone gives up. The most avid fishermen, driven by the hope of catching a trophy, continue to visit reservoirs and endure the hardships of November. Just like in the summer, they get up before dawn and rush to a river or lake in order to have time to enjoy a few hours of fishing, because in the pre-winter daylight hours are already short.

What can you catch in November? At this time, the majority of fishermen are targeting the predator, although one or two feeders can still be seen on the banks, patiently waiting for the roach to bite. Everyone else uses spinning rods. The main object of fishing is, of course, the beautiful pike. Also during this period you can effectively catch pike perch and cold-loving burbot. Many people enjoy hunting striped robbers. Catching perch in November with a spinning rod is an interesting and exciting activity. It will be discussed below.

⚓ Features of perch fishing in November

Despite the rapid approach of winter and the drop in temperature, the perch does not stop feeding. He needs to store enough fat to survive the three hungry winter months. Striped fish live in schools and practice collective hunting for fry, which are becoming fewer and fewer every day. Small fish gradually move to greater depths, looking for places to winter. The same thing happens with various underwater creatures such as worms and leeches, which perch likes to eat. This plays into the hands of fishermen, because the less food there is in the reservoir, the more willingly the striped fish takes artificial baits.

But it's not that simple. The unpredictable November weather makes adjustments to perch fishing. There is frequent precipitation, the temperature drops sharply, and the illumination of the water constantly changes. All this affects the perch; it has to adapt to the vagaries of the weather and adapt to new conditions. That is why the bite in November cannot be called stable. Some will be more lucky, some less, some will not see a single bite in a day. Nevertheless, perches continue to occupy reservoirs until the freeze-up, and for their persistence and patience they often receive a reward in the form of a decent catch.

⚓ Where to look for November perch

Deep places with snags at the bottom, deep edges, areas where it is convenient to attack fry from shelters (bridge supports, boulders, flooded trees) are considered promising. The desired result can be achieved by fishing where floaters regularly fished in warm weather. They threw kilograms of bait into the water, collected schools of small fish, and the predator, out of habit, continues to visit such places.

On rare sunny days in November, you can try fishing in shallow water. When the sun is shining and the weather is calm, the small fish still come out into shallow water, and the perch follow them. This is relevant for the first half of the month. At the end of November, when the daytime temperature no longer rises above 5-6 degrees, schools of perch move to depth. From this moment until the ice begins to form, it is possible to catch a striped fish with a spinning rod only in deep horizons, and it is advisable to bring the bait above the very bottom.

⚓ Perch spinning

At the end of autumn, perch can be caught with a jig using a long fishing rod with a side nod, but for such fishing you also need a boat, since it is not possible to reach great depths from the shore in many bodies of water. Besides, no one wants to sit in a boat in an open space and withstand gusts of cold wind. Large humpbacks sometimes fall for live bait intended for pike, but this is not at all a pattern. That is why the best tool for fishing for November perch will be a well-assembled spinning tackle.

For cold water, experienced perch fishermen recommend assembling the following kit:

  • light springy spinning rod 1.8, 2.1 or 2.4 meters long (depending on conditions) with dough from 2 to 30 g;
  • an inertia-free reel with a spool size of 2000-2500 (you should not use a large reel, otherwise it will negatively affect the balance of the tackle);
  • main line - either monofilament 0.16-0.18 mm, or high-quality braided cord with a cross-section of 0.08-0.1 mm;

With such a spinning rod it is convenient to catch perch anywhere, both from a clean shore and among dense thickets of bushes. If you have to cast from under overhanging tree branches, then it is advisable to take a shorter rod - 1.8 m. In addition, with a “shorty” rod it is much easier to move from one place to another, especially if there is a lot of different vegetation on the shore of the reservoir.

⚓ Catchable baits and fishing techniques

In November, almost everything works for perch: miniature spinners, small spoons, wobblers of a suitable size, jig baits. In shallow water, some manage to catch even with a surface popper. The striped robber shows the greatest interest in rubber. He can be tempted with a twister, vibrotail or slug, slowly dragging the bait along the bottom. Another effective way is to catch perch in November on a retractable leash. In this case, the sinker going in front of the bait will raise the turbidity, attracting a predator from a great distance. The technique of fishing with a retractable leash is simple: pull, stop, pull again. It is during pauses that the predator most often attacks.

If the perch is standing in the water column, you can provoke it to bite with an oscillating or rotating spinner on a uniform, smooth retrieve. It is important to choose such a speed that the bait plays on the verge of failure. For fishing at the very bottom, silicone baits and wobblers (both sinking and floating) are suitable. Recommended wiring is stepped.

If the choice falls on wobblers, it is better to use small-sized models. Unlike pike, perch does not always decide to attack large baits that it cannot swallow. In addition, it has been noticed that the use of large wobblers in perch fishing increases the number of idle bites. The fish may strike from the side rather than from behind, thereby avoiding contact with the treble.

It’s worth mentioning separately about turntables. This is a universal bait that can be used in any horizon. It is best to fish with rotating spoons with maximum drag, which makes it easier to hold them at the desired depth during retrieving, including very slow ones.

⚓ A few words about microjig

This trend in spinning fishing appeared relatively recently, but has already gathered a huge army of fans. Microjigs differ from regular jigs in the weight and size of the baits, as well as in more delicate tackle. It is very sensitive and transmits even the slightest touch of a fish. Using jig heads or eared weights weighing from 2 to 5 g allows you to quite successfully catch cautious November perch, which over the previous two months has already filled its belly and now does not rush at everything.

Microjig has many advantages, but the main thing is the ability to seduce a passive predator. It’s easy to prepare for such fishing today, because the stores have everything you need: sensitive ultralight spinning rods, thin cords, small silicone baits of all shapes and colors.

  • If the weather is not warm enough for November, before making the first cast, you need to carefully observe the reservoir. The perch can follow the fry all the way to the surface, thereby revealing its location with squelches and splashes.
  • When weak pokes are periodically felt, but the fish does not sit on the hook, it is worth reducing the speed of the retrieve and increasing the pauses. As a rule, this works.
  • In late autumn, sudden changes in atmospheric pressure quite often occur, to which the fished object reacts painfully. Hunger will force him to come out to feed, but this will be an insignificant half hour in the morning and perhaps the same amount in the evening. Therefore, on such days it is better to stay at home.

Perch fishing in November video

Fishing in late autumn, especially in November, is usually aimed only at predatory representatives of the underwater kingdom, for example, pike, perch, and less often - burbot and pike perch. Sometimes it is possible to find schools of large bream at deep feeding points.

Perch in November

Despite the fact that many anglers believe that autumn is not the time to pick up a fishing rod due to changeable weather, this is far from true. Perch fishing in November can be quite active, especially in the first half of this month.

During this period, the first ice has already formed on many reservoirs, and a storm often rages on open water.

The perch bite in November cannot be called easy and constant, since the fish during this season are extremely capricious due to the process of adaptation to the upcoming winter cold. Due to the fact that the illumination of the water changes sharply and the temperature drops, the mood of the fish also changes. All these circumstances negatively affect the perch bite in November.

This predator is a diurnal fish, so it can be caught during daylight hours, although early morning and light evening are no less promising. Moreover, it is at this time that the fish are most active.

The most promising are deep edges, areas near bridges and snags. Sometimes fishing for perch in November is successful in those places where floaters constantly fished in the summer. The reason is that juveniles of various fish species gradually get used to the feeding areas, thereby attracting the striped predator.

Perch fishing in November can also take place in shallow areas of the reservoir, which at the end of autumn become very attractive for fry, because in these places the water is warmer than in the rest of the reservoir. However, it must be taken into account that with the arrival of November and an increase in atmospheric pressure, the perch gradually moves to depth.


With the arrival of the first frosts, the water gradually begins to lighten, and the vegetation sinks to the bottom. Experienced fishermen say that the best time to catch perch is in November using spinning rods. The most catchy rod is a rod weighing from 2 to 21 grams. This will be quite enough for perch fishing in November to bear fruit. There is no need to use leashes: they will unnecessarily alarm the fish and interfere with the graceful play of the bait. There’s no need to be tricky with the fishing line either. With monofilament with a diameter of up to 0.18 millimeters, any perch in November is excellent.

For spinning

The closer the onset of winter, the more numerous the flocks of this predator are in the reservoirs. The fish are getting ready to leave for their wintering grounds, so it is believed that the best time to catch perch is in November using a spinning rod.

It should be looked for in the depths. On a large river, anglers consider casting 5 or 10 meters quite normal. In lakes and ponds, you can try to load gear from the steepest shore.

November wiring should be carried out only along the bottom. Since the behavior of this fish is not constant on the eve of wintering, it makes sense to experiment with it. Experienced fishermen use both fast and slow - stepped - wiring options.


For perch in November, you can use various types of spoons, spinners, microjigs, and small wobblers. Some even use a popper.

Perches almost never remain indifferent to “rubber” that has a light weight. It is more correct to literally drag a vibrating tail or twister along the bottom. In this case, the number of bites will definitely be greater.

Perch can be very active in November, and if you remember that its behavior depends on the water temperature and the weather, then you can catch it without any special tricks. However, it is often just the opposite: fishermen have to make slow movements, “striking” and dragging, combined with long stops at the bottom. In general, everything to ensure that perch fishing in November is effective. And, of course, the main bait is a heavy jig. Although sometimes the latter requires replacement - it all depends on the “mood” of the prey.


Perch fishing in November involves several types of fishing. The most popular is the smooth one, carried out in the middle thickness of the water. It is most suitable for catching perch with a spoon. Another method is step wiring, which is used at great depths. It is suitable for fishing with a wobbler and twister.

Wiring with stops - a modification of the first two - is used together with a jig. Its essence lies in pausing the bait for a few seconds.

When giving preference to wobblers, it is better to choose those models that are small in size. This significantly reduces the number of empty bites. You can use not only sinking, but also floating types of wobblers. When choosing the second option, the fisherman needs to know that the depth should be kept small. A popper is suitable if it becomes clear that this one was attracted by a small fish that stays in shallow water. However, this happens quite rarely, so catching perch in November with a popper is a rarity among anglers.


In the latter, the spoon is the most versatile bait, since it can be used in various water layers: both above the grass and near the very bottom. The spinner should have high drag when the blade is deflected by sixty degrees. You need to be able to hold it quite easily in a given water horizon, including during slow retrieval.

Spinners up to No. 3 are more suitable for fishing the shallowest areas of a reservoir, for example, with a depth of up to one and a half meters or overgrown with aquatic vegetation. Anglers use larger numbers more often in places where the tackle can be lowered two to three times deeper. In general, a spinner is considered universal, but it is not the first on the list of baits used to catch perch in November.

For microjig

It is he who enjoys the greatest popularity among lovers of “silent hunting”. Every fisherman necessarily faces the question of choosing not only promising places, but also equipment. By choosing the right bait and area, the angler is guaranteed to be successful in catching perch in November. However, this is not so easy to do.

A microjig differs from a regular jig only in the size of the bait and the weight of the head; in all other respects they are the same. For fishing, you can use the same twisters or vibrotails. The weight of the head must be selected depending on the depth of the intended location of the perch in November. With this equipment, it is best to go at a distance of one and a half to four meters from the surface, so the weight of the heads should be in the range from 2 to 7 grams.

Equipment method

This factor also depends on fishing conditions. If there is a lot of snags or underwater debris in the reservoir, which can interfere during wiring, then it would be best to use a non-snacking installation, which you can do yourself with the help of a “Cheburashka” sinker.

In late autumn, perch, like any other predator, despite the prejudices of many fishermen, is caught quite well. There is no need to spend a lot of time searching for a place for these fish, because the striped predator remains in the summer feeding areas until freeze-up. Let's consider what changes characterize the behavior of this fish at the end of autumn, as well as how effective perch fishing should take place in November using a spinning rod.

When and where to catch perch in late autumn

Perch is a diurnal predator, and therefore can be successfully caught throughout the daylight hours. But still, the best time for fishing for striped fish is considered to be a couple of hours after sunrise and shortly before sunset.

The most promising places for perch fishing:

  • bridge vaults;
  • snags;
  • sharp depressions on the bottom of the reservoir.

The striped predator often swims into shallow water areas to feed on small fish. Often in late autumn, perch also swims into places that float fishermen have carefully fed for some time, since in such areas the fry often accumulate and linger for a long time.

Fishing for perch in November using a spinning rod

Considering the fact that the water is becoming clearer day by day, fishing for perch in November will be most successful with a spinning rod, and the latter should be light and inconspicuous.

The length of the spinning rod should be selected taking into account the fishing conditions - from a floating bait or from the shore. The optimal test form is 2-20 grams.

When choosing a fishing line, the decisive factor will still be the financial condition of the fisherman. The ideal budget option is considered to be a monofilament line with a cross-sectional diameter of 0.16 mm, and the optimal solution would, of course, be a braided line with a thickness of up to 0.08 mm.

Lures for November perch

Catching perch in November with a spinning rod will give excellent results when using small wobblers and spinners as bait. Very rarely, in late autumn, fishermen use surface baits - poppers. And if this happens, it is only in cases where the object of the hunt of a striped predator is a fry that stays mainly on the water surface.

When fishing for perch in November using a spinning rod, wobblers are used both with weak depth and sinking. It is important that the baits are small, otherwise there is a high probability of scaring away the predator.

Spinning fishing technique for perch

You will need to experiment with wiring, since the temperament of a tabby is rarely predictable. First of all, it is worth checking the effectiveness of slow retrieving at the bottom - the bait can attract even well-fed fish, presenting itself to it as easy prey.

A quick, jerky retrieve, which is called twitching, on the contrary, can irritate the predator and force it to attract attention from afar.

Often, a striped predator bites on a sinking bait, which can easily be simulated using a sinking wobbler, allowing it to sink to the bottom as slowly as possible.

There are a lot of tactics and methods for catching perch in November using a spinning rod, so the more experiments you conduct, the higher the chance of catching a worthy specimen, or even more than one.

Many anglers believe that November is not a very good month for perch fishing. After all, the weather becomes changeable, sometimes the rain will pass, sometimes the snow will fly by. But this is a rather misleading statement, because November is a fairly good month for catching predators, especially perch.

Search for fish

Perch is a diurnal predator, so you can catch it throughout the day; of course, the most promising time is early morning and evening; it is believed that it is during these periods of time that perch is most active. Perch fishing in November is most promising on deep edges, near bridges, and in snags. Sometimes perch can be found in places where floaters constantly fished during the summer. After all, the juveniles of various fish get used to the feeding areas, and thereby attract the striped predator. Also, do not bypass the shallow areas of the reservoir; in November they become very attractive for fry because the water in these areas is warmer than in the entire reservoir.

But do not forget that, to a greater extent, with the arrival of November and an increase in atmospheric pressure, the perch begins to gradually move to depth.


With the arrival of November, the water begins to brighten and the vegetation sinks to the bottom. Light spinning tackle is suitable for this time. The test rod should be from 2 to 21 grams, this will be quite enough for catching perch. There is no point in using leashes; it will unnecessarily alarm the fish and interfere with the more elegant play of the bait. There is no need to be tricky with the fishing line; for catching perch in November, a regular monofilament line with a diameter of 0.16 to 0.18 mm is suitable; such a fishing line will be enough to catch almost any perch. Also, if financial capabilities allow, you can use a braided cord with a diameter of 0.04 to 0.08 mm, but this is quite a costly affair, and the advantage is not special over fishing line.


Lures in November can be used with a variety of spinner spoons, micro jigs, small wobblers and in some cases even poppers.

When fishing for perch in November, a spinner is a more versatile bait, because it can be used in various layers of water above the grass or near the very bottom. Micro jig is also a good bait, and sometimes even better than a spinner, but effective placement of a jig will be ensured if you are familiar with the reservoir and you are sure that there are no unwanted obstacles in the fishing area in the form of snags, submerged stumps, etc. When giving preference to a wobbler, it is better to choose small size models, this will greatly reduce empty bites. You can use both sinking and floating wobblers. If you choose a floating model, then its depth should be small.

A popper is suitable if you notice that a predator has been attracted by a fry staying in shallow water, but this happens quite rarely and therefore catching perch in November with a popper closes the list of baits.

Having selected the tackle and decided on the fishing location, it is worth talking about methods of placing the bait. After all, proper wiring is the key to successful fishing. In addition to standard stepped wiring, there are the following types:

  • Very slow retrieving at the very bottom. Typically, such wiring is not used when fishing with jigs, but it is very effective when the perch bite is weak. Its sequence is as follows: after casting, you need to wait until the bait lies on the bottom, then lower the tip of the rod to the water itself and begin to rotate the reel evenly and very slowly, adjusting the depth of the retrieve with the rod itself.
  • Posting with long pauses. It is also designed for fishing in deep places. For a good effect of such wiring, the load on the bait should be minimal. After casting and the bait reaching the bottom, you should select a little free fishing line, lift the spinning rod and make four turns of the reel, without lowering the spinning rod. After this, wait again until the bait falls to the bottom and repeat everything. If the bait is loaded correctly, then the tail of the twister will work when the bait falls. And the perch bite itself usually occurs during that very pause.
  • A jerk retrieve or also called twitching is quite effective for catching perch in November. This type of wiring is mainly used in the summer, but in November it will help tease even the laziest perch. The essence of this type of wiring is not very sharp, short twitches of the rod with simultaneous winding of the fishing line.