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How, when and where to hunt in spring. Where to hunt in Russia

The hunt must be successful!

Today, almost every one of us dreams of quality outdoor recreation. This is not surprising, given the environmental situation in most cities in our country. Modern life dictates its conditions to us. Often we do not live, but survive, trying to achieve success in life, prosperity, and create comfort in our own home. But, as a result, we don’t even have time to enjoy the benefits that we have acquired. But there is a way out of the situation - a pleasant pastime in the lap of nature. But where to go? Where can you really relax today?

Psychologists say that hare hunting is one of the most natural and natural ways to discharge and relieve accumulated tension. The conclusions of scientists are entirely logical, because from time immemorial for humans hunting and fishing were one of the most popular fishing methods. Today, the main goal of hunting is not the extraction of food, but the process itself, which allows you to forget about everything, get distracted and have fun. Besides, hare hunting, duck hunting or boar hunting allow you to experience feelings that are practically unfamiliar to a modern person accustomed to living in a city - a feeling of persecution, pursuit, adrenaline. This is why hunting and fishing have such a great effect on the health of modern people.

However, unfortunately, it is very difficult for a modern person to find time to devote, say, several days to such an activity as hare hunting, wild boar hunting or duck hunting. That's why it comes to the rescue guaranteed hunt- that is, that hunt, after spending time on which, you will certainly return home with game. By paying a small amount of money, you will experience the whole gamut of feelings as on a traditional hunt. However, at the same time, you will not waste time searching for an animal where it simply does not exist. That is why guaranteed hunting is so valued among modern game lovers. Company Safari Park will help you take your mind off the bustle of the city, forget about problems and difficulties. By contacting us, you can order such services as duck hunting, wild boar hunting, hare hunting, hunting and fishing. In a word, we provide a wide range of services for organizing quality holidays in the lap of nature.

The hunting takes place in the Moscow region. Hunting with Safari Park- this is not just an opportunity to have an interesting time, it is also a guaranteed hunt - that is, by contacting us, you will always be sure that you will please your family with delicious and delicious game, regardless of whether it is wild boar hunting, hunting duck hunting or hare hunting! The forests near Moscow are rich in game and have been a favorite place for hunters for a long time. However, hunting in the Moscow region, organized by our rangers, allows beginners and experienced hunters to use the most modern equipment to achieve maximum results. Equally important is the provision of not only such services as guaranteed hunting, but also the opportunity relax comfortably on a modern, specially equipped base.

Imagine how important it is after a hard day, full of adrenaline and adventure, to return to base and know that a hot lunch or dinner is already ready here, it is always warm, cozy and as comfortable as possible. In the end, you can always have a great night's sleep here - something that you have never been able to do in the city due to the noise and the large number of things to do and problems!

In a word, hunting and fishing in the company of Safari Park specialists and your friends is unique opportunity get maximum impressions and stock up on energy for a long period of time. And then for a long time to remember how the wild boar hunt, duck hunt or hare hunt took place in the forests of the Moscow region, and tell your friends and acquaintances who were not lucky enough to take part in such an event as hunting in the Moscow region, about how wonderfully you killed the beast with one shot. Remember that only hunting and fishing makes you feel like a real hero. At the same time, a guaranteed hunt allows you not only to experience a whole range of emotions that you have never experienced before, but also to get the opportunity to enjoy dishes from a real wild animal!

So is it really worth denying yourself such pleasure? After a long time of tireless work, have you really not deserved such a magnificent, invigorating and health-improving holiday? Call and book your unforgettable vacation in the lap of nature at a specially equipped Safari Park base right now!

By order of the MSOO "MOOiR" No. 13 of July 31, 2018 "On organizing hunting for game birds in the summer-autumn season of 2018", heads of hunting and fishing farms need to organize amateur and sport hunting in the summer-autumn season of 2018, as well as issuing permits for the extraction of hunting resources and vouchers for the following species and groups of game birds within the following periods:

Photo by Sergei Fokin.

1.1. For marsh-meadow (snipe, garcock, corncrake, snipe (great snipe - except for the nesting population), etc., see clause 32.2 of the Hunting Rules), field (grey partridge, quail, wood pigeon, doves, clause 32.4 of the Hunting Rules) and waterfowl (geese, geese, ducks, moorhen, coot, clause 35.3 of the Hunting Rules)

1.2. To the forest (woodcock, hazel grouse, black grouse (limited))

1.3. To obtain a permit to extract hunting resources, you must provide

the following documents:

Hunting license of a unified federal standard

Valid hunting membership card (if available)

A valid permit to carry a hunting firearm intended to be used for this type of hunting

Permission to keep and breed birds of prey in semi-free conditions (when hunting with birds of prey)

1.4. Due to the problems with rabies in a number of areas of the region, documents for hunting with dogs must be issued only if there is a valid mark on the veterinary certificate confirming that the dog has been vaccinated against rabies.

1.5. When preparing documents for hunting with a hunting dog and (or) fowl

include them in your travel itinerary.

Hunting for species listed in the Red Book is prohibited.

2. Do not allow the permissible catch of game birds to be exceeded per hunter per day (clause II of the Appendix to the order of the Ministry of Agriculture M.O. dated April 12, 2012 No. 48):

2.1. Swamp-meadow game: 10 individuals of different species per day per hunter.

2.2. Waterfowl - 5 individuals of different species per day per hunter.

2.3. Field game: Gray partridge - 2, quail - 10, wood pigeon - 5, turtle doves - 5 individuals per day per hunter.

2.4. Upland game: Hazel grouse - 2, woodcock - 5 individuals per day per hunter.

Black grouse: 1 individual per hunting season per hunting ground (hunting reserve).

3. When organizing a hunt, be guided by the current legislation, this order, as well as the price list for services approved by the Council of the MSOO "MOOiR" (Minutes No. 7 of July 31, 2018. Entered into force on July 31, 2018).

The price list is posted on the website of MSOO "MOOiR"

4. Due to the unfavorable sanitary and epidemiological situation in the region, staff members carry out explanatory work among hunters about the presence of a threat of ASF, preventive measures and compliance with sanitary safety rules when staying in hunting grounds.

In case of detection of a dead animal in the hunting grounds, cases of mass death, or obvious signs of animal disease, the HUNTER OR STAFF EMPLOYEE of the hunting user is obliged to notify as soon as possible about this fact an official of the specially authorized state body of the Moscow region (Department of Hunting and Hunting Resources) and (or ) SBBZH of this area.

Heads of farms should post the contact telephone numbers of regional SBBZH, territorial departments of hunting supervision, in places where documents are prepared for hunting.

It is worth noting that in the spring hunting is allowed exclusively for waterfowl and upland game. The period of spring hunting for birds has the shortest duration - only 10 calendar days. These limits are established for all regions of the country. In the spring, shooting of not all breeds of birds is allowed.

The following list of birds is not subject to the ban:

  • Goose.
  • Drake.
  • Black grouse.
  • Woodcock.
  • Partridges (in some regions).
  • Capercaillie.

The most favorable time for hunting each bird is a certain time. For example, the best time to hunt partridge is at the end of March. However, it should be remembered that hunting this game is allowed only in those regions where the number of partridges is high. But even there hunting is carried out only for males.

Woodcock hunting (for males) begins in mid-April. By this time, the bird flies to the nesting sites and begins to fly. The capercaillie has a lekking period in April. Hunting during this period is only allowed for roosters. The time to hunt for drakes begins towards the end of May. During this period, ducks are distracted from the places where drakes gather and begin to hatch chicks. Hunting hazel grouse in the spring is strictly prohibited. At this time, the bird is in the breeding season. And, as you know, the male hazel grouse takes an active part in this process.

It is worth noting that during the spring hunting season, females of any game are not supposed to be shot. The hunt is mainly for polygamous males. As a rule, females in the spring are busy incubating clutches or breeding offspring. Specific rules for spring hunting may vary depending on the region. Some changes may be introduced due to the presence of special circumstances in the region.

For example, based on a decision of the hunting commission, hunting for a certain type of game may be prohibited in the spring of a particular year. The reason most often is the lack of suitable nesting conditions for birds.

Hunting equipment

Hunting is impossible without special permission (ticket, license) - everyone knows this. But, in addition to this, you need equipment and special hunting equipment. The hunter’s kit is varied. Some things can be chosen as desired.

But there is a list of things without which hunting is basically impossible:

  • Gun.
  • Ammo.
  • Weapon cleaning kit.
  • Binoculars.
  • Raincoat tent.
  • Flashlight.
  • Walkie-talkie.
  • Backpack.

Optional, but often used by hunters things include:

  • Thermos.
  • Navigator.
  • Camera.

Also, every hunter must have special clothing:

  • Camouflage.
  • A cap.
  • Gloves.
  • Boots.

Depending on the type and season of hunting, special devices (stuffed animals, decoys, etc.) can be selected to facilitate the process. Each type of hunting has its own set of additional tools. Each hunter chooses equipment for his hobby, based on the experience of his comrades and based on personal preferences.

The choice of each individual item for hunting must be approached with the utmost seriousness. After all, good hunting equipment. For example, you can read about how to choose hunting binoculars here - - this is almost 50% success. Of course, a lot depends on the prevailing conditions and the skills of the hunter himself. But modern equipment and a set of hunting gear are something without which it is impossible to imagine hunting as a pleasure.

Places where you can hunt

If you have a hunting license and a good gun in your hands, you can go hunting. But for hunting, not only the season is important, but also the terrain. Hunting is not allowed everywhere. Russia is a huge country. And there is enough space for hunting lovers. The main thing is not to break the rules and clearly know the places.

So, hunting for woodcock, wood grouse, black grouse and partridge can be carried out in the following regions:

  • Leningrad region.
  • Novgorodskaya.
  • Pskov.

Wild ducks and geese dominate the territory of Lake Ladoga. You can hunt black grouse in the forests of the Moscow region. The hunting grounds in the Tula and Tver regions are suitable for hunting wood grouse. Hunting for upland game in the spring is permitted in the Vologda region.

Also, hunting for some types of game is allowed in Karelia and Kamchatka. There are also hunting grounds in the North-West of the country. Some types of hunting are also permitted in the Caucasus Mountains and Altai. Hunting for game birds is permitted in Khakassia and the Ulyanovsk region. When arriving in a new region, you need to find out what types of hunting are allowed there.

Where this or that game is found can be found out from experienced hunters. As a rule, fans of such active recreation are always aware of the birds’ habitats. Professional hunters know the peculiarities of the bird's mode. And they can give practical advice on hunting tricks.

And, this is where hunting is allowed in each specific season, you need to find out in specialized hunting societies. Before you go hunting in a new region, you need to find out information about prohibitions and permits for hunting in this area. Any violation of hunting rules may be regarded as poaching and may entail administrative or criminal liability.

Where to hunt animals? It’s clear with the protected area - there’s no need to go there. Where can you officially hunt animals? If ducks are swimming in a city park, is it a good idea to go there with a gun and shoot them? Alas, in this case there is a high probability that the person will be held accountable. Even if it’s a hooligan thing. But it will. After all, you can’t shoot and scare law-abiding citizens in broad daylight. You can drive off and look for prey in the fields. But here too there are some peculiarities. The best option is specialized land. They have created the necessary conditions for the development of living creatures. There are private hunting grounds and public areas. Let's focus on the second ones.

Introductory information

It should be noted that in terms of regulatory support, everything is bad with this. For example, the legality of transferring certain territories for private use is now quite topical. After all, many such events took place in the dark, in violation of the current antimonopoly legislation. But before we sort all this out, we should turn to the regulations. Namely, Federal Law No. 209 of July 24, 2009 “On hunting and on the conservation of hunting resources and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation.” According to this Federal Law, the following division is provided:

  1. Assigned hunting grounds. These include objects that are used by individual entrepreneurs or legal entities on the basis provided by federal law.
  2. Public hunting grounds. These include objects on the territory of which individuals have the right to freely stay to hunt animals.

There is one interesting clarification. Thus, according to current legislation, publicly accessible hunting grounds must occupy at least one fifth of the entire territory of the subject allocated for the hunting of animals. It is also possible to change the hunting grounds registered before the adoption of the regulatory framework from the option of long-term licenses to hunting agreements.

Controversial issues

The state of affairs discussed above has attracted much criticism. For example, in the Voronezh region, the number of publicly accessible hunting grounds is only three percent of the total allocated territory. The transfer to hunting relations from licenses leads to the fact that the norm required by law is unlikely to be fulfilled. After all, such a change does not lead to the emergence and formation of publicly accessible lands. It turns out that the actually distributed licenses will now be indefinite. This causes quite a significant intensity of passions. Now information about this has been transferred to the Constitutional Court in order to somehow influence the situation. Why is this so important? The fact is that, according to the Tax Code, a hunting permit in such public lands costs only 650 rubles. Whereas assigned territories operate on a different principle - the price in them is determined by the tenant. And in such cases, as a rule, the cost is tens of times higher.

About the allocation of territories

Many people are concerned about the issue of boundaries. Public hunting grounds often do not have a clearly established boundary. Although this is important for planning, territorial hunting management and conservation of natural resources. The Sakhalin region can be cited as an example of good work. They prepared a document that described the physical and geographical data of the territory, the number of hunting resources, the socio-economic characteristics of the subject, as well as an action plan for their rational use. Attached to the diagram was a map indicating land (both public and assigned), green areas, and so on. In addition, a separate consideration is given to where such a territory could be created in the future. Moreover, an electronic version of the map is available on the official website of the Ministry of Forestry and Hunting of the Sakhalin Region. Therefore, anyone can familiarize themselves with it and even download it. The Tyumen region has also proven itself quite well. They decided to work through auctions. The Ivanovo region evokes mixed feelings. Thus, all territories that were transferred under license were recognized as publicly accessible lands. Whereas things didn’t go any further: a map with boundaries was not drawn up, no auctions were held. As a result, we had to reap our own mistakes - many local decisions had to be overturned through the courts. Information instructive for officials came from the Tver region. There, due to non-compliance with federal legislation and administrative delays, Deputy Governor Melnikov resigned. And after him came the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Protasov.

Implementation of legal requirements

Public hunting grounds are being created slowly and with difficulty. In many regions there are still no designated territories or they are present in insufficient quantities. So, the same can be said about Moscow, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan, Tula, Smolensk, Kaluga and many other regions. By the way, for several years there has been active discussion about the fact that there are literally no public hunting grounds in Russia. And then suddenly the heads of those responsible began to roll. At the same time, the transition period created a number of unique situations. For example, money is not going to the state budget due to the fact that the situation is in limbo. At the same time, tenants, on the basis of previously concluded licenses, continue to receive funds, while almost all of it goes to them as net profit. In essence, this situation has led to legalized lawlessness. Without schemes for placement, use and protection, hunting lands turn into a real stumbling block between various “murky” personalities with people who want to live according to the law, and not according to concepts. It is very important. After all, a scheme is a document of territorial structure, which should contribute to the rational use and conservation of natural diversity.

Consideration from different points of view

Public hunting grounds should be considered not only as a place where animals can be hunted, but also as a habitat for wild animals. They perform feeding, protective and nesting roles. In the first case, everything depends on the available amount of food. Protective properties are manifested in how well you can hide from enemies and bad weather. Nesting suitability shows how suitable the territory is for the birth and rearing of young animals. In this regard, the type of hunting area plays an important role. It is determined by a set of characteristics that have a certain significance for the life of animals and the process of their production. As a rule, living conditions are taken into account, mainly feeding and protective ones. In this case, the composition of birds and animals is taken into account. In addition, one should not discount the wide variety of natural landscapes. The largest unit here is the category. On the territory of the Russian Federation there are:

  1. Tundra.
  2. Steppe.
  3. Forest.
  4. Swamp.
  5. Aquatic.
  6. Alpine.

Each of the listed categories is divided into classes and groups. What are they? Classes are distinguished depending on what biological forms of forest-forming species are present in the land. In this case, deciduous, mixed, dark coniferous and light coniferous are distinguished. At the same time, forested areas that are not afforested (cleared areas, dry areas and burnt areas) are a separate class. Now about the groups. In this case, the typological division is carried out depending on the predominant tree species: cedar forests, birch forests and pine forests.

What does the participation process look like?

The hunting grounds of the Leningrad region were chosen as the object. You can find a diagram that shows clear boundaries. In this regard, the situation is not bad. True, this scheme, even in 2018, is still not in the “approved” state. At the moment, over 150 hunting grounds are assigned. Their popularity and activity are due to the fact that, despite the difficult climate, hunting the animal is quite effective. In addition, a large area is allocated for hunting. The Leningrad region, thanks to coniferous forests with a large number of fur-bearing and ungulate animals, has well developed hunting tourism. People come here not only from other regions of the Russian Federation, but also from neighboring Baltic states. There are also many swamps, rivers and lakes. For example, wild boar hunting is popular. True, such popularity also has a number of negative consequences. For example, the same wild boar hunt will cost from 10 to 25 thousand rubles per unit on private territory. But with public lands, as mentioned above, there are significant problems. Although in some places the cost can be even higher. The size of public areas is not very large. Several small plots are located near St. Petersburg. The rest, larger in area, are located in Podporozhye and Tikhvin districts. To obtain a permit, you must pay a fee. Although, as an alternative option, you can negotiate on the spot with the duty forester or huntsman. If you are interested in renting hunting grounds, then this option is not suitable. Everything will have to be decided centrally within the framework of the order established in 2012.

Criticism of public areas

Why is this happening? Why can't critics rest? The point here is simple - problems arise with security, biotechnology is not carried out, and there is a risk that poachers will kill the game. But at the same time, the task is to preserve nature for children. This is much more important than holding various World Football Championships and Olympics. Moreover, nature, which helped the formation of our ethnic group, should not only be preserved, but also increased. This applies not only to plants, but also to the animal world. That is why it seems that there is no need for the land to occupy a large area.

Correcting the situation

The creation of publicly accessible hunting grounds is unlikely to lead to the extinction of wildlife. Despite the criticism that there is no one to protect and monitor the increase in natural resources. Is it so? When hunting in this area you have to pay money. And not only for the opportunity to hunt, but also when harvesting licensed species of animals. And all this money goes to the owner - the state. Therefore, if you think logically, it is on his shoulders that the concern for the protection and enhancement of natural resources that exist in publicly accessible lands should fall. How to use the available opportunities? A likely solution to the current situation will be a situation in which publicly accessible lands will become training grounds where the system of state management of hunting will be developed. The ranger service could take on the responsibility for protecting the territory. Game managers will be able to draw up plans for relevant work. To do this, you can involve not only specialists, but also everyone who wants to hunt game. Of course, it will be necessary to provide state coercive rights, uniforms, means of communication, transport and service weapons. But before attempting something like this, the boundaries of hunting grounds throughout the country should be established and approved by decisions of authorized structures.

Continuation of thoughts about development

How to finance events? As an experiment, you can create some kind of structure, for example, the “All-Russian Fund for the Augmentation of Wildlife on the Territory of Public Hunting Grounds.” Financing will be provided through payments from natural resource users. If desired, you can find many sources of income. For example, book excursions, accompanying experienced shooters. For this purpose, it is possible to create forest areas and carry out the required work on the development and conservation of existing natural resources. In this case, it is necessary to take care of the presence of a rigid vertical of power. This is necessary so that local bureaucrats do not establish their own rules and regulations, ruining a good idea in the bud. It is desirable that this be a federal structure with direct subordination to the government. This includes not only foresters, fisheries protection and similar structures, but also scientific institutions. This will allow you to make complex, rational decisions. For example, it was decided to cut down a section of forest. But there is a breeding ground for wood grouse on it. Or there are plans to build a road. In such cases, it is necessary to carefully study all factors and make competent, scientifically based decisions. It is necessary to provide for the possibility of compensation for damage caused to nature. And only taking into account numerous factors will a permit for hunting or a decision to suspend it be made for the growth of populations.


As you can see, there is still a long way to go until the situation in the hunting sector is completely resolved. Let’s start with at least a full-fledged introduction of the regulatory framework both at the federal level and at the local level. After all, unaccepted schematic maps and many other issues to this day do not allow one to calmly enjoy the hunting process. There are complaints about the symbols used, the speed of work, and the implementation of laws in full. Moreover, after a fairly long period of validity of the law, voices are increasingly being heard to abolish the practice of assigning hunting lands. The argument is based on the fact that hunting users often receive money from both ordinary people and the state. At the same time, funds are not invested in the development of the economy, which entails the depletion of natural resources.



The main question is when?

Guess how many hunting seasons there are? Logic will not help here, we have four seasons, but hunters have only three seasons. They differ not only in different types and methods of hunting, but also in terms (and in each region their own time periods are established annually). In general, there are no strict and specific frameworks - the seasonal division is arbitrary and depends on many factors. But the main characteristics, of course, are there. I'll say a few words about each.


The shortest is no more than 10 days. At this time, it is quite clearly delineated who can be hunted and who is absolutely safe. Feather hunting is allowed only for males of some birds and only for a few pre-agreed days. Moreover, you can only shoot those males that are easily distinguishable from females and do not take part in hatching the chicks.

There are a lot of subtleties here. In most northern territories and assigned hunting grounds in central Russia, it is allowed to hunt drakes, black grouse and wood grouse. But, at the same time, in many regions, shooting birds in the spring is completely prohibited - for example, in the European part of the country, where the number of wood grouse and black grouse is small. Spring hunting of geese is also prohibited almost everywhere, because male geese do not differ in plumage and habits from geese. You cannot shoot hazel grouse and partridges, despite the fact that from afar you can see where the cockerel is and where the hen is. These birds split into pairs in the spring, in which the males raise the young along with the females. Woodcock hunting has its own nuances. It is allowed to be obtained in flight, since mating circles are carried out exclusively by males. But you can’t shoot these wood waders flying up from under their feet, since birds of both sexes can get shot.

It is prohibited to hunt other species of birds that are of interest to hunters everywhere in the spring, and the use of hunting dogs is equated to poaching. The categorical prohibition is quite logical: in the spring, the strongest and most adapted birds find themselves under the guns of hunters, those who have managed to overcome the hunger and cold of a long winter, and travel thousands of kilometers from their wintering grounds. to the nesting sites. These individuals are the most valuable producers of new and new generations of game birds. Hunters also treat females of various animals very, very carefully.


The most beloved and revered season among hunters. Since it is quite long, lasting more than three months: hunting for waterfowl and swamp game, field birds, as well as hares, bears, ungulates (mm-mm, wild meat!), and partially fur-bearing animals gradually opens up.

Summer-autumn hunting opens with waterfowl and swamp game. It begins at dawn on the second Saturday of August (an interesting date, isn’t it?), in the southern regions of the country - a little later. Hunting for game birds with spaniels and pointing dogs, during this season, may be allowed a couple of weeks earlier than the general deadline. In well-organized hunting grounds, gamekeepers build huts in areas where ducks fly daily. Stuffed animals are placed nearby or a decoy is released to attract single ducks.

During the summer-autumn hunting season, lovers of swamp game go out for prey. They hunt with the help of a gun dog for snipe, great snipe, and spearfish. The favorite habitats of birds are swamps or floodplain lowlands. This type of hunting is for physically trained people, since it is necessary to walk a lot, navigate the terrain well, and shoot accurately. And also for those who are patient, since mining is difficult. Hunting for field game is extremely popular among those who like to wander around with a gun. They look for quails immediately after harvesting wheat; they usually look for birds with the help of guard dogs - in the weeds, along the edges of fields and meadows. But the shooting of gray, white and bearded partridge starts in September, when the chicks grow to the size of adult birds. Here the hunter cannot do without an excellent reaction, since the brood takes off at once, quickly and screaming. They go hunting for upland game at the end of August.

As for hunting animals, they start hunting the hare in September and continue hunting it until the end of February. It is also preferable to hunt bears in September; this large predator is not hunted alone. But it is prohibited to shoot mother bears with small cubs before they go into the den! Ungulates are harvested at different times, separate for each region; they need to be clarified. Usually elk, deer, wild boar, and roe deer are hunted in a roundup, when the first more or less stable snowball appears. Snow makes it possible to track prey by following its tracks - for example, a den site.


It lasts on average 3 months. Everything is simple here - the beginning of the winter hunting season coincides with the first day of the calendar winter, December 1. By this time, everything changes, adapting to the harsh cold: the way of life of animals, and with it the conditions and types of hunting. At this time, hare, fox and other fur-bearing and ungulate animals are intensively hunted. In the snow, prey is more noticeable, but the winter forest is impassable for dogs, so they are almost never used. But flag hunting becomes effective.

In March, all types of recreational hunting are officially closed.

This is how the introductory part turned out. There's a lot to think about, isn't there? We will definitely continue this conversation. Comment, advise, share your experience! It will be useful and interesting for both me and Sanchez, our fellow site visitors.

Text: Dmitry Long-awaited