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When the carp bites, there are conditions for the best bite. Carp fishing in November. Where to fish and with what? Fishing for carp in late autumn

Catching carp in autumn is a very interesting activity. The holiday season is officially over and there are practically no holidaymakers on the banks of the reservoirs. All that remains for the fisherman is to collect the gear and enjoy the wonderful bite.

Autumn fishing for this underwater inhabitant has its advantages. Among them is a reduction in the amount of natural food, due to which feeding fish becomes more convenient. With the arrival of cold weather, representatives of this species feed intensively, wanting to replenish their fat reserves. The chances of catching a real trophy increase significantly.

Habits of carp in autumn

In the fall, the carp develops a voracious appetite, because... he needs to stock up on energy for the whole winter. Cold weather forces this heat-loving fish to go deeper, but this does not mean that there is no food there. Following the carp, all insects, larvae and bugs move to the bottom of the reservoir.

The length of day and night varies and there is much less sunlight. Frequent precipitation also affects the activity of the fish, and it rushes to fill its stomach with something edible before going into hibernation. In autumn, carp are extremely cautious and attentive. Seeing a potential danger, he will not think long and immediately move away.

Experienced carp fishermen are confident that the first frost is considered the best time to go fishing. The fish, without being particularly picky, rushes at everything that catches its eye, afraid of losing its last food reserves.

Life cycle of carp in autumn

It is no secret that carp is a particularly strong and large fish. He is able to cover long distances and even jump over many obstacles. The life cycles of carp depend on a lot of factors. Among them:
- water temperature in the reservoir;
- abundance of food;
-oxygen level;

During winter, fish are inactive and their nutritional requirements are reduced to a minimum. With the arrival of spring warming, carp quickly moves to shallow areas of the reservoir and prepares for spawning. In summer, it is not at all difficult for a fisherman to predict the habits of this underwater inhabitant and the period is considered the best for fishing. How does carp behave in the fall? Let's try to figure it out.

The upcoming change in weather has a good effect on the activity of the fish and its appetite awakens. Autumn short-term precipitation and light winds revive carp. But if the wind is very strong, then it practically does not leave its favorite deep places, waiting for warming.

Sudden changes in pressure also disrupt the activity of cyprinids, but this compensates for the lack of food and oxygen. In autumn, carp begin mass migrations, which are caused by the desire to find good food. The beginning of the longest and most intense autumn zhora is just around the corner. A strong cold snap forces the fish to quickly find a place for winter parking. Small individuals form large schools and lie on the bottom.

How to catch carp in autumn

When fishing for carp in autumn, the main difficulty is choosing a promising place. In order not to leave the reservoir without a catch, you need to find the ideal area where the fish live. It is often found near large shallows, with plenty of food and warm water. Carp especially loves heavily overgrown or snagged places, as well as areas with a relief bottom and sharp changes in depth. Schools of small carp are found at depths of 1.5 to 5 meters, as well as in places where streams pass into the river.

Effective fishing involves choosing several fishing points located at a short distance from each other. After making several reconnaissance casts, you need to select a promising depth at each point.

These points can be located:

1. At exits from pits or depressions;
2. In the shell rock zone;
3. In the thickets of reeds;

Having properly fed such areas, you can start fishing, gradually changing the casting point and moving from one to the next. When fishing in autumn, we must not forget that carp is a very cautious fish. Seeing prey, he will think carefully before swallowing it.

Feeding carp in autumn

Feeding of the chosen place is carried out several days before fishing. As bait, you can use various homemade and branded store-bought mixtures. To begin with, you can use bait based on grain crops, including corn, hemp, tiger nuts, peas and others. You can add some boilies to the mixture, which will enhance its aromatic properties.

On the following days of complementary feeding, the amount of formula can be reduced. It is also better to use large pieces of bait to attract large fish and scare away small individuals.

And finally, you need to throw some hemp and a fairly large number of boilies into the pond.

Collection of gear for carp fishing

Experienced carp anglers advise using strong feeder gear for fishing, because... an ordinary spinning fishing rod is not always able to cope with its task.

The selected tackle should be as durable and reliable as possible. Carp is an aggressive fish, and its bites can be unpredictable. Hooks must be strong and very sharp. The diameter of the monofilament line should not exceed 0.3 mm, but it is selected depending on the size of the expected prey. The reel is taken to be a spinning reel with a line supply of 200 meters.

Baits for carp fishing in autumn

The chosen bait should be as aromatic and appetizing as possible. It should stand out against the background of clear autumn water and gray bottom. For the autumn season, you can use the following types of attachments:
-dung or earthworms;
- bloodworms;
- maggots;

Carp fishing time

Experienced fishermen advise starting fishing before the onset of strong winds. The force of the wind mixes the water layers and raises the oxygen level in the reservoir. That is why going fishing in windy weather will be a good way to ensure a good catch.

Choosing a place for fishing remains an individual procedure, which depends on the characteristics of each reservoir. Before throwing your tackle into the water, you need to thoroughly study the area and understand the habits of the carp in the selected area.

In September, carp show the highest activity. The fish, without being particularly picky, rushes to any easily accessible prey, without refusing the offered bait.

October carp fishing

October cold snaps force carp to go deeper. At this time, fish are looked for in the deep parts of the reservoir, and for fishing it is worth choosing cloudy but windless weather.

November carp fishing

November is the last month of calendar autumn. During this period, it is almost impossible to find fish on the windward side. You need to go fishing early in the morning or in the evening. At night, carp are inactive.

Basically, carp fishing in the fall is an interesting activity, but very difficult. Without taking into account all the subtleties and peculiarities of the behavior of this fish in the autumn, you can come home empty-handed.

With the autumn cooling, life in water bodies undergoes significant changes. First of all, this applies to shallow reservoirs and shallow coastal areas of large lakes and rivers. The water in these areas cools the fastest, which forces fish to migrate to deeper water areas. To one degree or another, this applies to all types of fish, and what can we say about the heat-loving carp?

Choosing a place and time of fishing

Habitats of large carp with the onset of autumn they do not change much. Large individuals stayed at great depths in the summer and do not leave them in the autumn. If the depth of the hole is more than three to four meters and there are any shelters in the immediate vicinity of it, then the carp will live on it throughout the year. In summer, carp can leave this shelter only if it is below the thermocline level. In winter, only oxygen starvation can force all fish to migrate.

The pits themselves are rarely feeding, especially if the density of carp on them is high, so the fish comes out to feed in shallower areas adjacent to the pit. And in this matter, autumn is already making its own adjustments.

  • Early autumn When the water just begins to cool, the coastal shallows are still teeming with life, so carp quite willingly come out to feed in them in the morning and evening hours.
  • Starting in mid-autumn These areas become lifeless, since all living things have migrated to the depths. Accordingly, the carp has nothing to do there.

But there is one thing... In the first half of autumn, such shallow waters can work. If the weather has been warm and clear for several days, and a light breeze drives the heated upper layer of water to a certain shore, then the water temperature near this shore may be significantly higher than in other parts of the reservoir. This factor can attract fish to the shore, so that the indicated place becomes potentially promising.

There is one peculiarity here. Since the prospects of a place are determined solely by the temperature factor, you need to fish on it during the daytime, one might even say, during the period of maximum warming up. The water will cool down overnight, so morning fishing will be hopeless.

It should be remembered that in autumn aquatic vegetation falls to the bottom. Therefore, those areas of the coastal zone that were densely overgrown in the summer will not attract carp in the fall. The dead stems and leaves will not support any living organisms that could serve as food for the carp, and those that are buried in the mud have become difficult to reach due to the carpet of fallen vegetation hiding them.

A typical promising place Colonies of mollusks are used for catching carp. Such colonies are usually located at depths of two meters or more, so with the onset of autumn, the prospects of these areas do not decrease.

Theoretically, the transition area between the hard bottom and silt deposits is promising. In such a place, it is best to lay the equipment on a hard bottom at the very border with the silt. So the bait remains in sight, and the carp will rummage through the mud somewhere in the immediate vicinity.

In general, it can be noted that with the onset of autumn, the daily cycle of carp activity becomes less pronounced. Fishing at dawn is no longer as successful as it was in the summer, and night fishing may be completely unsuccessful. But fishing in the daytime can give a good catch. With some averaging, we can say that the most favorable time for carp fishing begins at ten in the morning and lasts until evening twilight.

The influence of weather conditions on carp activity

Carp is a heat-loving fish, so any sudden cold snap negatively affects its bite. Likewise, and vice versa, warming after the onset of cold weather can lead to the activation of carp.

The most favorable meteorological conditions for carp fishing in autumn are:

  • warm cloudy weather with winds from the south or southwest;
  • light drizzle on warm atmospheric fronts;
  • clear sunny weather without wind or weak warm wind.

Being sensitive to changes in weather, carp react especially sharply to any sudden changes in the autumn. The likelihood that carp will be active increases significantly if the meteorological conditions described above were observed in a particular reservoir for two to three days or more.

Based on the above, we can conclude that carp fishing in September will be more active than in October and with further cold weather it will only become more difficult. However, don't be upset. The weather, although important, is not the only factor influencing the autumn bite. We will return to fishing tactics that will help you not be left without a catch even in November, but for now a few words about gear.

Tackle for carp fishing in autumn

Due to the fact that fishing will mainly be carried out at a considerable distance from the shore, float rods remain unclaimed. Of course, you can use a match, but using bottom rods will still be preferable.

There are no special requirements for the gear itself, except maybe sensitivity. In autumn, carp bite much more carefully, so for catching fish up to two kilograms in weight, a feeder rod will be preferable to a carp rod. And the carp fighter is no longer the same as it was in the summer.

When choosing tops For a feeder rod, preference should be given to fiberglass tips - they are softer than carbon ones.

We will not dwell on the equipment separately. There are some features, but we will touch on them when considering fishing tactics.

Tactics for catching carp in autumn

Tactically, autumn carp fishing is characterized by a decrease in its activity in general and the concentration of a large number of individuals in individual local areas. As you can see, there are pros and cons. If an angler knows a body of water well and has been catching carp on it for several years, he is in an advantageous position. In an unfamiliar body of water, fishing will most likely be doomed to failure - the carp moves little around the body of water, so if the place is chosen incorrectly, the carp will be unlikely to reach the fishing point.

Another feature of autumn fishing is associated with a decrease in carp activity - feeding tactics. For fishing in cold water, the amount of bait should be limited to one or two kilograms of dry mixture for the entire day of fishing. Of course, the starting point needs to be fed, but with a smaller amount of feed mixture compared to summer. Carp eat little and selectively, so the requirements for the quality of bait and bait increase significantly.

When fishing on a feeder It is better to use feeders of reduced volume, but maintain a fairly high fishing rate. “Quite tall” is a relative concept. If, when fishing for roach, four casts per hour is considered a low fishing rate, then for catching autumn carp this will be the required rate. This will allow you to feed the point in portions and constantly maneuver the nozzle and dips.

Speaking of attachments: The carp has never been overly modest and does not disdain large baits. But in the fall, it is advisable to reduce the size of the nozzle a little. A dozen selected bloodworms on a hook are more likely to attract carp than a twenty-centimeter crawl. Of course, bloodworms can only be attached to a carp hook by fastening it into a bun using a silicone ring.

In conclusion, we will dwell on flavoring agents, without the use of which carp fishing is already unthinkable. Yes, aromatics are needed, but autumn fishing has its own characteristics. Firstly, this is the concentration of aroma. It needs to be reduced to a subtle aroma.

There is an old rule: It’s better to add less aromatics rather than more. This is especially true when fishing in cold water. An excessive amount of flavorings can scare off fish, and if when fishing in a weak current the degree of saturation of the aroma quickly decreases, then when fishing in closed reservoirs, where they are usually caught, the fish can be scared off for a long time.

Second feature consists of changing smells. Sweet and fruity scents worked wonderfully in the summer, but their time is over. For autumn fishing you will need smells of animal origin: squeezes and attractants based on fish, bloodworms, worms, etc. As a budget option, you can consider adding ground zebra mussels, bone or fish meal, powdered milk, and blood to the bait.

The above recommendations apply primarily to “wild” reservoirs. On a paid pond the situation may be different. As a rule, such reservoirs are relatively small in area and do not have a complex bottom structure, and the food preferences of carp directly depend on what the owners of the reservoirs feed it.

Experienced feeders know that you can successfully catch carp not only in summer, but also in autumn. Moreover, the biting time may not be limited to the relatively warm September - it can actually be extended almost until winter. Therefore, today we will look at what carp bite on in November, what bait and bait to choose to catch it.

First, let's say a few words about the behavior of fish: naturally, as the water gets colder, its activity decreases. And by November, the carp becomes very lazy, practically does not swim in the water area and spends almost all the time in wintering pits. Therefore, you need to feed and catch it exactly in its resting places. Moreover, considering that fish at the end of autumn is already very capricious and picky about food.

What bait should be used for carp in November?

Bait for carp in November
  • Volumetric- you need to spend 10-15 kg of it per day to attract already passive fish. In this case, you need to feed for several days in a row: generously the first time and less in subsequent times.
  • With a strong smell- in cold water, carp will only react to a rich aroma, so choose a strong, but not too exotic flavor. For example, add cinnamon or vanilla to your bait.
  • Nutritional- at the end of autumn, you cannot attract lazy carp with porridge alone - you need something more serious. Add animal ingredients to your bait; chopped earthworms or bloodworms would be an excellent option; maggots are also good.

These requirements were derived taking into account the behavior of carp in November and generally in late autumn. By following them, you maintain a good chance of catching fish even in cold water; if you ignore them, you reduce the probability of success to almost zero.

What bait to use to catch carp in November

We deliberately wrote “bait” - in late autumn you should not rely only on plant baits. As an exception, only sandwich components can be used. For example, if carp have been successfully caught on corn all summer in this reservoir, you can put the grain on a hook along with a worm or bloodworm, but only as an additive. But in general, lazy fish will react more actively to animal baits.

Therefore, the most catchable bait for carp in November is: The most catchable bait for carp in November

Earthworm- he wriggles on the hook, luring passive fish with his activity. An even more attractive option would be a bunch of several worms.

Bloodworm or maggot- fish like them for their nutritional value and rich taste, so they readily respond to them. To increase catchability, you can make a sandwich with both of these baits.

Boyles- practically the only mixture with a large proportion of plant components that gives results in late autumn. The main thing is to make balls whose composition will be attractive to carp in November, and we give the recipe for making them below.

Please note that we have listed the baits in random order, and not in ascending or descending order of their catchability. November carp can actively grab boilies and react rather sluggishly to the worm, or vice versa. Much depends on what food he has become accustomed to during the season. But speaking of boilies. Let's move on to making them.

How to prepare boilies for carp fishing in November

We present to you a catchy recipe for 1 kg of dough:

  • Take bird food and corn grits (or semolina) in a 1:1 ratio so that you get about 400 g, grind and mix.
  • Add 5% (50 g each) of bone and fish meal and 40% (another 400 g) of soybean meal.
  • Stir, pour in 10 eggs and 10 ml of vegetable oil.
  • For flavor, add 5 teaspoons (total) of cumin, cinnamon and garlic.
  • Continue stirring until a homogeneous dough forms and form into balls of appropriate size.
  • Boil boilies in boiling water, cool and dry for several days.

The bait is ready - try catching it or choose a more animalistic option with a worm, bloodworm, or maggot. Now you know what carp bites on in November - so catch it, this is also quite possible in the fall.

Diet for hypotension

Some carp anglers are looking forward to autumn; according to them, it is at this time that they come across fish. This is not surprising, because the fish had the whole summer to grow well. But the thing is that carp fishing in the fall is characterized by a couple of weeks of excellent bite, somewhat reminiscent of a real zhor.

Biting activity

The peak of biting activity occurs after the first frost. This is why carp fishing in October is so popular among carp anglers. This period lasts for 10-15 days, depending on weather conditions, and taking into account the fact that climatic conditions in different reservoirs differ, in fact, the autumn carp biting time is extended to a month in a specifically selected region.

Since the nights on the pond during this period are often frosty, daytime fishing, which is carried out throughout the daylight hours, will be more successful. However, if the weather is comfortable, then the night, and even with friends around the fire, can be a pleasant end to a fishing day.

Autumn carp camps

With the onset of autumn cooling, all natural food items of carp fish of animal origin tend to move to depth. There the water is much warmer than the upper water, which comes into contact with the frosty air. Therefore, carp fishing in October is often carried out in pits.

At this time, the summer thermocline disappears and the temperature in the water column changes according to the principle: the deeper, the higher. The water is also a little warmer in places with aquatic vegetation, near snags, on the edges.

Good places for fishing are places on the boundaries of bottom soil: silt with clay, or clay with shell rock. In such places, microorganisms that carp feed on are retained: mollusks, bloodworms, larvae, worms.

On warm, sunny days, carp can go out into sun-warmed shallow waters at midday. At the last peak of its activity, it moves a lot around the reservoir and catching carp in November is a real hunt for it.

Features of autumn gear

Due to the fact that carp fishing in October is often carried out at depth, and such places are far from the shore, the priority of using gear shifts towards donks. They continue to fish with float gear only in shallow coastal waters.

The leaders in carp fishing on an autumn pond are the following fishing rods:

  • medium and heavy class feeders;
  • Donks with inertia-free reels based on heavy Chinese spinning rods.

Due to the low mobility of simple donks and rubber bands, carp fishing is practically not carried out with them in October and November. By autumn, catching fish on a crust of bread in coastal thickets and at a distance with a water-filled float also loses relevance.


  • hair installation;
  • Gardner loop;
  • paternoster;
  • asymmetrical and symmetrical loops;
  • helicopter;
  • inline.

It all depends on the angler’s preferences and fishing conditions. If you are fishing on a pond that, in addition to carp, is stocked with crucian carp, then it is better to install sensitive installations: paternoster, symmetrical or asymmetrical loops.

In “strong” places or when there is a possibility of catching a trophy specimen, less sensitive but durable ones are better suited: a carp hair rig with a self-release weight, a helicopter or an inline.

Despite the lower water and air temperatures, do not expect that the carp will be lethargic and offer little resistance when biting. There is no need to use thin fishing line even at this time. Monofilament, but braided cord is not used for carp fishing, should have a diameter of 0.23 to 0.30 millimeters. The use of a shock leader is also mandatory.

Don't neglect the shock leader when carp fishing. It will help you when fighting a strong opponent!

Select carp hooks according to the size of the bait, but with mandatory chemical or laser sharpening.

Autumn carp fishing tactics

Upon arrival at the reservoir, scan the bottom and determine the most promising fishing spots. The relief and structure of a reservoir can be determined using the following tools:

  1. . Now they produce models with separate elements: a sensor in the form of a float, and your smartphone serves as a monitor.
  2. Marker rod. It is equipped with a special float and weight; depth measurements and the structure of the bottom surface are determined by a series of fan casts.
  3. Jig measurement. To do this, they throw the load with a feeder and carry the load in a uniform step, constantly keeping count. As the time for falling decreases, the underwater rise occurs, and as the count increases, the depth also increases.

After identifying the treasured two or three points, they are fed. Carp fishing in autumn is carried out both in these places and between them. The fact is that the carp moves between various anomalies of the reservoir, “vacuuming” the bottom in search of food, and on this way it can meet the bait.


With cold weather, especially in November, carp prefers to eat high-protein foods and fill up quickly, so the basis of autumn bait should be, on the one hand, animal components, and on the other hand, large particles of food. The preparation of baits for float rods and bottom gear is based on this.

All autumn carp baits, regardless of the gear used, can be divided into two groups:

  1. Soils with the addition of animal components: worms, bloodworms, maggots, caddis flies.
  2. Large granules in the absence of binding dust components.

Such bait granules are those elements that are also used as bait. Feeding fishing points with large fractions of bait during autumn fishing is done in order to cut off small fish from the feeding spot. The amount of bait should be small so as not to saturate the fish ahead of time.

You need to be very careful when flavoring baits in cool water in the fall:

  1. Use only alcohol-based attractants; oil-based attractants do not dissolve well in cold water and float like sparkles to the surface of the water.
  2. Change the direction of the aromatics towards spicy and meaty smells.
  3. The concentration of flavorings in bait should be minimal.


When the water gets colder, carp are increasingly interested in animal baits, which come to the fore:

  • worms;
  • maggots;
  • bloodworm;
  • various sandwiches.

Remembering the saying that a big piece makes your mouth happy, you should make the bait as voluminous as possible: attach bunches of worms, balls of maggots, tassels of bloodworms.

When using boilies, it is better to take balls with a neutral taste, and then dip them in one of the following flavors:

  • crab meat;
  • worm;
  • maggot;
  • bloodworm;
  • shrimp;
  • blood;
  • garlic.

Traditional baits for carp fishing are also used to catch domestic carp in the fall, such as:

  • corn;
  • peas;
  • dough mixed with dill or anise;
  • black bread with melted cheese;
  • semolina with garlic.

Today our topic of discussion will be carp fishing in November.

So, despite all the dubious opinions that carp loses its activity at the end of autumn, I will prove the opposite.

I am a big fan of carp fishing. I would say carp fishing is my passion. Carp fishing is excellent in November and the results are very impressive.

Moreover, in November the carp, having already gained enough fat for the winter, is the most delicious and fatty.

So let's get down to business...

Carp fishing in November. Lure

Bait is one of the keys to successful carp fishing in November. As, perhaps, in other fishing months.

I will share one of the very affordable and budget bait options for carp fishing in November. But very effective and proven.

The basis of an excellent bait for carp fishing in November will be a mixture of Sensas 3000 club noir 2.5 kg.

Why she?

For cool, clear water, it is best to use black bait. Which is what Sensas 3000 club noir is. By the way, the word noir is translated from French as black.

Of the flavoring agents, we take, of course, the aroma of an earthworm. This is our sensas aromix.

At the end of this bait there will be chopped worm and corn. You can throw a worm that weighs half a kilo. One jar of corn.

Don't be afraid to overfeed the carp. You won’t do this, but you will definitely get the effect of such bait in the form of a good catch. Unless, of course, the carp lives where you are going to catch it.

Carp fishing in November this is an interesting and exciting thing.

Carp fishing in November. Tackle

The most effective tackle for carp fishing in November is, of course, a feeder. This is not even negotiable.

For excellent feeder equipment and successful carp fishing in November, I would recommend the following components:

  • Rod Mikado black draft 3.00.
  • Line 0.2 millimeters. This is quite enough.
  • Installation, asymmetrical loop.
  • Leash 0.14 maver slr.
  • Hook size 14.

Carp fishing in November. Fishing technique

Read more about carp fishing in November on a feeder in the specification. report from professional fishermen in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus!

In outline carp fishing in November on the feeder tackle looks like this.

First we throw in 3-4 feeders of bait. And then we take a small feeder and throw in bait. We use worms and/or corn as bait.

There is an unspoken rule among fishermen: What we feed is what we catch.

You need to experiment with the bait, but in general both corn and worm are very good baits for catching carp in November.

Feed should be added every forty minutes.

Good luck with your carp fishing in November.