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Which state is called the last frontier. Official nicknames of US states. From the history of the islands

Lately I have developed an interest in the United States, a mature interest. And I decided to start studying them from a geographical point of view, when I came across this map. You see, in addition to the names of the states, there are also their official nicknames. In this post, I talk about the 6 regions that make up the 50 states and their nicknames, but not necessarily their official ones. I'll tell you about those that caught my attention. And you can look at the official ones yourself at any time on the page of the state you are interested in on Wikipedia.

And when you read my post, you can play Word Dynamo to definitely remember the nicknames of the states - Nicknames for the 50 US states.

The United States of America is known to consist of 50 states, which can also be grouped into 6 regions:

The Northeast (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island) – Northeast

The first European settlers arrived here in the 17th century. These were mainly English Protestants seeking freedom to preach their religion and carry out political reform. Now people with Italian, Irish and Eastern European roots live here. Winters in this region are cold and harsh, the land is not fertile, so they did not engage in farming here, but they built factories and developed trade. This part of America is famous for its theaters and museums, as well as the country's most highly ranked universities, such as MIT.

Main – Pine Tree State(Pine Tree State), it's clear why. Because 90 percent of the territory is covered with coniferous forests. The capital is Augusta.

New Hampshire–Granite State(Granite State). The state's economy is based on granite mining. The capital is Concord.

Vermont–Green Mountain State(green mountain state), from French “vert mont”– i.e. green mountain. The capital is Montpelier.

Massachussets–Bay State(state with bays). The capital is Boston. Name Bay State takes us back to the first settlers in 1628 and the colony they founded, “the colony of Massachusetts Bay”. This state is also called Pilgrim State (migrant staff) and Puritan State (Puritan State). And on the license plates it says The Spirit of America (American Spirit) or The Codfish State (Cod State).

Rhode IslandOcean State. Just look at the map. Connecticut – Constitution State. In 1639, the first American constitution was adopted in the city of Hartford. Also in use are the titles The Nutmeg State (Nutmeg State) and The Land of Steady Habits (the land of unchanging habits).

The Middle Atlantic (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Washington DC, and Maryland) - Mid-Atlantic region.

The first settlers here were not only English Protestants, but also English Catholics, Dutch and Swedes. Although the climate here is not as cold as in the northeast, farming was still difficult and unprofitable, so manufacturing and shipping became the main industries. This region is home to some of the most populous American cities and the capital of the United States, Washington. Today, the main industries are finance, pharmaceuticals and communications systems.

New York. The motto of this state is “Excelsior”, [ɪk-] (“all higher”), so some call it the Excelsior State. Name Knickerbocker State reminds us of the pants worn by the early Dutch settlers.
And George Washington called this state “the seat of Empire” (“the center of the empire”) and in the 1820s the Empire State . The capital is New York.

New JerseyGarden State(Garden State).

PennsylvaniaThe Keystone State(Cornerstone State). The state owes its name to its central position among the original thirteen colonies that made up the United States, as well as the large number of important documents signed on this land (for example, the Declaration of Independence). It was also an important state economically because manufacturing (like the northern states) and agriculture (like the southern states) flourished here.

DelawareBlue Hen State(Blue Hen State). The origin of the name is still unknown. And in the 16th century, the Spaniards brought peaches to these lands, and soon the entire state was already covered with peach trees. Hence another name - The Peach State.

Maryland- has several nicknames. Monumental State(monumental state) comes from the nickname of the largest city - Baltimore - “Monumental City”. Oyster State (Oyster State) – Chesapeake Bay oysters were once considered the pride of the state.

The South (Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, and parts of Missouri, Texas and Oklahoma) – South

The first settlers were English Protestants, just like in the north, only less independent and less revolutionary. The good climate actively contributed to the development of agriculture. But these days the main source of income is tourism and industry.

VirginiaOld Dominion. You may have never thought about it, but virginia means “virgin,” and the state got its name in honor of the English Virgin Queen Elizabeth the First. “Old Dominion” is the official nickname of the state of Virginia, associated with its history. The restoration of the English king Charles II to the throne (1660) was enthusiastically received by Virginian townspeople. The king, in gratitude, gave the colony the status of dominion and imprinted on his coat of arms the symbols of the London Company, which he had liquidated back in 1624. Virginia legislators reminded the king that the first and most loyal to the crown English colony in the New World, Jamestown, arose on their territory and officially adopted the name Old Dominion." (Lingvo)

West VirginiaMountain State, what can I say, mountain state.

KentuckyBluegrass State(blue grass state). Although the grass here is green, bluish bugs give it a distinctly blue tint in the spring.

Tennessee– the state got its name from an Indian phrase meaning “steeply bending river,” hence the nickname The Big Bend State , and widespread production of corn and lard led to the emergence Hog and Hominy State (Pig and Corn Mush State).

North Carolina– this state has a very picturesque mountain range, which is why it is sometimes called the “Land of the Sky” – Land of the Sky. The Wright brothers made their first flight on this earth, from here - First In Flight .

South Carolina–Palmetto State(Dwarf Palm State).
GeorgiaPeach State(Peach State).

Florida- translated from Spanish as “blooming”, so it is not surprising that the official nickname of Florida Sunshine State(sunshine state).

Arkansas- used to be called The Bowie State And The Toothpick State (both names refer to the Bowie knife, widely used in this area, which was also called “a toothpick knife”). Another name- Hot-water State , appeared due to hot springs near Hot Springs (which are literally “hot springs”). But most of all I like The Wonder State (State of Miracles). I still haven't figured out where this name came from(

Alabama is located in the center of land where cotton has been grown for many years, so it is not surprising that it was once called Cotton State (1844), Cotton Plantation State, Cottondom (1856), Cotton Belt (1871), Cotton Country (1871) and even Cottonia (1862). Now the most common nickname is The Heart of Dixie . Dixie - states located south of the Mason-Dixon Line. Apparently derived from the inscription on ten dollar bills issued in bilingual Louisiana before the Civil War: the word DIX = "ten" was printed in French on the back of the note. Soon New Orleans, then Louisiana and the entire South began to be called “Dixie Land” or simply “Dixie,” especially after the 1859 song “Dixie’s Land,” which became its official anthem after the formation of the Confederacy. (Lingvo)

Mississippi once called Mudcat (a type of catfish) State because of this fish, which was found in large numbers in local rivers. Now Mississippi is most often called the Magnolia State.

Louisiana. There were once many pelicans here, hence the name Pelican State. Also at the end of the 19th century it was called Creole State meaning the Europeans living there, and specifically the French, about whom. But the Americans from the north misunderstood this name, I think that by Creoles they meant Africans, so the name did not stick.

Missouri known as Iron Mountain State (Iron Mountain State) , Lead State (lead state).

Oklahoma Even before the land was officially opened to settlement, people were crossing the border and claiming the land for themselves. When the first official settlers crossed the border, they encountered those who had done it before, settled the land and did not want to give it up. This is how the name came about Sooner State (literally the staff of those who came earlier).

Texas Lone Star State(The Lone Star State) is the official nickname of the state of Texas, whose single star on the flag symbolizes the independent spirit of the state.

The Midwest (Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa, part of Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska and eastern Colorado)

The Midwest is the largest of all the regions, so the climate in its different parts is very diverse. The land is mostly flat and very fertile, which contributed to the development of agriculture. This region is called the breadbasket of the USA (in English “breadbasket”, i.e. bread basket), because oats, wheat and corn are grown here in large quantities. The first settlers were Americans from the eastern shore, as well as recently arrived Swedes, Norwegians and Germans. The region is relatively sparsely populated. The largest city is Chicago, which is like a connecting link between the west and the east.

OhioBuckeye State - state horse chestnut, which grows in abundance in this state).

MichiganWolverine State(Wolverine State), a rather strange name for a state in which wolverines may never have been found. But Michiganders were called wolverines for their greed and malice with which they conquered lands from the native Indians and fought the Ohioans in the Toledo War. The state is located on the shores of two lakes, so it is also sometimes called Lady of the Lake, or even Water Wonderland (land of water wonders) . The city of Detroit, in which the American automobile industry is concentrated, is located in the same state, so Michigan is also Auto State.

Indiana–Hoosier State. Once upon a time, hoosier meant “big man from the Wild West,” but then it came to mean only residents of Indiana, without any negative connotations.

Wisconsin– Wisconsin is called the badger state – Badger State , and its inhabitants – badger -i.e. badgers. But the point is not that there are or were a lot of badgers here, but that back in the 19th century, some Wisconsin residents worked in the Illinois Galena lead mines. These mines are located at the junction of Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin. So, unlike all the other miners, the Wisconsin miners did not live in houses, but in caves on the hillsides. And such “houses” were very similar to badger holes.
Wisconsin is also famous for its dairy farms. It produces 40% of all American cheese and 20% of its butter. Hence the nicknames Dairy State (dairy state) and America's Dairyland (American Dairy Country) and sometimes Cheese State (cheese state).

IllinoisThe Sucker State (state of bagarieves (such fish). Also called - Garden of the West, The Garden State And The Corn State (corn state). President Lincoln began his political career here, so Land of Lincoln. But today it is most often used Prairie State (Prairie State).

Minnesota– officially Minnesota – the North Star State – North Star State. Also sometimes used Gopher State (squirrel state). Also known as Bread and Butter State (bread and butter state) or Bread Basket of the Nation (folk granary), Cream Pitcher of the Nation (folk milk jug) and Wheat State (wheat state). Numerous lakes gave their name Land of 10,000 Lakes.

Iowa“No one knows for sure where the name came from.” Hawkeye State“. Perhaps from Fenimore Cooper's novel “The Last of the Mohicans,” or perhaps it came from the name of the Indian chief Black Hawk.

North DakotaFlickertail State (Gopher State).

South Dakota–Mount Rushmore State. The profiles of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln are carved into the rock.

KansasSunflower State (Sunflower State).

Nebraska–Cornhuskers State(corn workers state). The state officially adopted the name in honor of the University of Nebraska football team.

Colorado–Centennial State(Centennial State) because the state of Colorado entered the Union on the US Centennial year in 1876.

The Southwest (western Texas, parts of Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada) – Southwest

European influence in this region is practically not felt. Most traditions are based on the culture of local Indians and Spaniards, because... much of this region once belonged to Mexico. The terrain here is flat, the climate is dry and hot. There are many deserts in the region. This is where one of the wonders of nature is located - the Grand Canyon.

New Mexico – Land of Enchantment (Land of Wonders). Here, for example, are White Sands - (photo). The longest river in the United States, the Rio Grande (translated from Spanish as big river), flows here. In the southwest there is another natural wonder - the Carlsbad Caverns (photo).

Arizona– Arizona joined the union in 1912 and immediately received the nickname Baby State , which then went to Alaska. The annexation papers were signed on Valentine's Day, so Arizona was also Valentine State. Copper mines gave Copper State. A large percentage of the state's population is Apache Indians, so - Apache State. And it is in this state that the Grand Canyon is located (photo), so Arizona is also Grand Canyon State. You definitely know at least one city that is located in Nevada - Las Vegas. Nevada is most often called Silverland due to large deposits of silver. And the official state plant is wormwood, so Nevada is also Sagebrush State.

And the last region

The West (western Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Utah, California, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii) – West

The first settlers were the Spanish, who established Catholic missions along the coast. This is the region with the most diverse landscape and climate. Mountain ranges stretch from north to south, creating a temperate, humid climate to the west and a dry and arid climate to the east. In this part of the USA. California is the most populous state, famous for its film industry and high technology.

Wyoming– Wyoming was the first state to enfranchise women, earning it its nickname Suffrage State or modern Equality State (equality state). The symbol of the state is a cowboy on a wild horse, which is why Wyoming is also called Cowboy State .(By the way, have you ever noticed that the word cowboy is literally a cow and a boy?)

Montana- one of the first nicknames - Bonanza State (state of prosperity, success) appeared due to rich mineral resources. The abundance of gold and silver mines gave Treasure State (treasure state) , and a large number of open spaces - Big Sky Country (Big Sky Country). This state is home to Glacier National Park (photo) (that is, Glacier) and Yellowstone Park (photo) - a unique natural phenomenon about which I will definitely write a separate post. This park is unique in that it is located exactly on an underground volcano, which can “explode” at any moment.

Utah– the first settlers were members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, otherwise known as Mormons. According to the Lingvo dictionary, Mormons are members of the religious sect The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Founded in 1830 by J. Smith, to whom an angel appeared in a vision and handed over the golden tablets of Saint Mormon (according to legend, who lived in the 4th century) written in strange scripts for translation into English. Expelled from the Midwestern states (Missouri and then Illinois), in particular for promoting polygamy, which they later officially abandoned, in 1846-48 the Mormons moved to the Utah desert and founded Salt Lake City there. Other than the Bible, their sources of belief are the Book of Mormon and Smith's Doctrine and Covenants. Members of the sect strictly observe the biblical commandments, preach faith in the Trinity, the atoning sacrifice of Christ, the Kingdom of Heaven, divine revelation and the idea of ​​​​building Zion on the American continent, and recognize baptism and repentance as sacraments. Today the denomination has over 1 million followers in Utah and about 3 million in the rest of the US, and the number of its supporters is growing. The economic basis of the sect is “tithe” - a tenth of the total income paid to the community by a member of the sect; at the same time, the community takes care of its poor and disadvantaged members. The Mormon Temple on Temple Square in Salt Lake City with its nearby Mormon house of worship, the Tabernacle, is one of the city's landmarks. They have temples in eight other cities in the United States, as well as in England, New Zealand and Switzerland. The Mormons themselves called the state “Deseret”, which is why this name is sometimes used ( Deseret State). “Deseret” is a bee from the Book of Mormon, and the early settlers were said to have brought “swarms of bees” with them. Hence the state symbol - a conical beehive with bees around it - and the nickname Beehive State (the hive state).

California– perhaps the most famous state for non-Americans, because Hollywood is located here. And in recent years, Silicon Valley has been attracting more and more attention, characterized by a high density of high-tech companies associated with the development and production of computers and their components, especially microprocessors, as well as software, mobile communication devices, biotechnology, etc. . (Wikipedia). But many years ago, or rather in 1848, California received its first nickname Gold State (Gold State), due to the gold rush that broke out in the area. Developed winemaking contributed to the appearance of the nickname The Grape State (Vine State). By 1867, “Gold” changed to “Golden” and since then California has been called Golden State.

Idaho– it used to be a very common opinion that the word idaho, translated from one of the Indian languages, means “gem of the mountains” (pearl from the mountains) . That's why the state is still called Gem of the Mountains or simply Gem State. But now they don’t forget about the famous Idaho potatoes, so another nickname Spud State (potato state) .

Oregon- one of Oregon's nicknames - Webfoot State (waterfowl state). As Lingvo reports: webfoot is a humorous nickname for a resident of Oregon, associated with the large amount of rain that falls in the state, especially in the fall and winter. There is a legend about a traveler who spent the night on an Oregon farm on a rainy night. Waking up in the morning and seeing that the house stood in the middle of a huge puddle, he said to the hostess: “In such places, children should be born waterfowl.” To this she replied: “We took care of that” [“We thought of that”] and showed her child, whose toes were connected by webbing. But the official state animal is the beaver, so the most common nickname is now Beaver State . Washington– it’s surprising that the city of Washington is located on the east coast, and the state with the same name is exactly at the opposite end of the country! Most of the state's territory is covered with coniferous forests, so - Evergreen State (evergreen state).

Alaska– most often used in relation to Alaska The Last Frontier (last border) and The Land of the Midnight Sun (land of the night sun).

HawaiiAloha State , since aloha is “hello” in one of the local languages.

Want to test how well you remember state nicknames, here you go

What does your name mean? How did we even get to this point? John, Robert, Michael and William aren't too far behind. Mary's birth count is 3,455,228, followed by Patricia, Jennifer, Elizabeth and Linda. Both James and Mary are New Testament names that continue to hold leadership. The United States Census Bureau tells us that the most common surname is Smith, and it has been around for decades. Next come Johnson, Williams, Brown and Jones. Although all of these surnames look like they are from the UK, they also combine other nationalities. Speaking of the UK, does it have a similar trend as its former colony? The answer is yes. According to a 2017 intelligence report, the most common name for a man in the UK over the last century is William, followed by George, Thomas, James and Charles. The name Mohamed is also very common these days and is used in many different ways. According to the same report, the two most popular female names in the last century were Elizabeth and Sarah. Although there are regular participants in the list of popular names, there are still some changes. The most popular names for newborns in 2016 are James, Elijah, Jaden, Eliot, as well as female names - Astrid, Thea, Sadie and Riley. In the UK, the most common surname is Smith, followed by Jones, Williams, Taylor and Davis. Another very popular name is Lee. The most popular first and last name in China. China has the largest population in the world with 1.379 billion people. Numerous sources give different results on names in China. For boys, popular names include Wei, Chen, Liu and Li. For girls these are Mei, Xueying, Li, Meng and Fang. The most common surnames in China are Wang, Li, Zhang and Liu. The difference with Western countries, the way we say English names is that the surname comes first in China, so you won't be called Wei Zhang, you'll be called Zhang Wei. And yes, many people have the same first and last name, such as many famous Li Li. China, as you probably know, has the largest population in the world - 1.379 billion. Numerous sources give different results on common names in China, but as given, the first names for boys that appear in many lists are Wei, Chen, Liu and Li. For girls, the names that appear are Mei, Xueying, Li, Meng and Fang. The most common surnames in China are Wang, Li, Zhang and Liu. One difference is the order in which we pronounce English first and last names - the last name comes first in China, so you won't be called Wei Zhang, you'll be called Zhang Wei. And yes, many people have the same first and last name, for example many known as Li Li. In the second most populous country on Earth, India, different sources provide different data on name statistics. It seems that in terms of boy names, the most popular boy name in India right now is Aarav. Here we must make the allowance that this name is the most popular name for newborns. There appear to be no comprehensive historical statistics on Indian names. Aarav means peace and wisdom. The following names are Reyansh, Mohamed (all spellings), Viaan, Ayaan and Atharv. The most popular female names are Aadhya, Ananya, Shanaya, Fatima and Shri. When it comes to Indian surnames, they usually denote region, religion, occupation or even caste. Caste is a system that denotes a kind of birthright. The full name of the singer Björk is Björk Guðmundsdóttir. Other Fennoscandic countries had this system in the past, but most of them have moved away from it. According to a report in Iceland, the most common names in 2014 were Aron for boys and Katrin for girls. Does this mean we can expect a lot of Aronsons and Katrindottirs in the future? Thailand is another country with an unusual naming system. Firstly, there names are quite formal and are usually used only for administrative purposes. The nickname that was given at birth will be used almost all the time. It may depend on what the baby looks like. It can also refer to what the father or mother likes, which is why children are often given English names such as Art, Beer, Cake and Golf. The child's nickname may also come from an animal, such as Sueu (tiger) or Moo (pig). To make things even more confusing, Thais may change their formal name to get rid of a bad spirit or bad luck.


Chapter 1. Brief description of the United States of America…….

Chapter 2. Toponymy of the names of American states…………………..

Chapter 3. History of the formation of states………………………………….. .


List of references………………………………………………………..



The USA is a country in North America. In the east it is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, in the southeast by the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, and in the west by the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

The USA, as we know, consists of 50 states and the District of Columbia. 48 states are located compactly, two are separate. The capital is Washington. The area of ​​the USA is about 9363.2 thousand km 2. The population of the United States as of June 2010 was 309,469,203.

The USA is a democratic presidential republic. The current Constitution was adopted in 1787. Each state, in addition to the general Constitution, has its own. The highest official in the state is the governor, who is elected, as a rule, by direct elections for a term of 2 to 4 years. Under the current Constitution, which came into force on March 4, 1789 and was subsequently supplemented by 26 amendments, the head of state is the president (since January 2009 - Barack Obama).

Language is English (official), about 32 million US residents also use a second language, the most popular among them are Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Polish, Thai, Navajo, etc.

It is an undeniable fact that the culture and traditions of the United States incorporate the culture and traditions of all the peoples that make up its composition. This is reflected in the names of the 50 American states.

I was of great interest in which states were the first to appear as part of the country, whether each state has symbols and an official nickname, what is the etymology of the origin of state names. Etymology (Greek etymología, from étymon - the true meaning of a word, etymon and lógos - word, teaching), a branch of linguistics that studies the origin of words, their original structure and semantic connections.

The purpose of this course work is the study of the origins of the names of American states.

In accordance with the goal, we can distinguish next tasks :

· providing a brief description of the United States of America;

· study of the toponymy of the names of American states;

· study of the history of state formation.

Chapter 1. Brief description of the United States of America

The first level of administrative division of the United States is the states.

States are divided into districts - second-level administrative units, less than a state and no less than a city. Since in most states districts are referred to as counties, a frequently encountered translation into Russian is “county”, by analogy with counties in England (which are also called counties). In total, according to the US Census Bureau, there are 3,141 counties in the country. The smallest number of counties is in the state of Delaware, the largest number is in the state of Texas. Each state determines the number of its administrative units. The powers of county administrations and relationships with municipal authorities located in their territory of settlements vary greatly from state to state.

Fig.1 US states

The third level of administrative division is city municipalities and townships, which manage the local life of settlements. First, there is local city government, and these may have different names in different states. Townships are rural administrative units traditionally covering an area of ​​about 100 square kilometers (36 sq mi). They are only available in 20 states.

State (state - “state”, “country”) is the main state-territorial unit of the United States (50 states), which has a significant degree of sovereignty in internal affairs and cedes full powers to the federal authorities in relations with foreign states. The admission of a territory to the United States is preceded by a lengthy procedure: the territory’s mandatory adoption of its own Constitution, which must satisfy the US Congress, which decides on its admission to the United States. Has no right to secede from the United States.

The word “state” appeared during the colonial period (around 1648) - it was sometimes used to refer to individual colonies. It came into common use after the Declaration of Independence in 1776.



Idaho (English) Idaho) is a US state in the Pacific Northwest in the group of Mountain States. The state's largest city and capital is Boise. Among other states, Idaho is the 14th largest in area and 39th in population. Idaho received statehood on July 3, 1890, the 43rd state. Idaho's nickname is the "Gem State" due to its abundance of natural resources. The state motto is “Esto perpetuum” (Latin: “Let it be so forever”).

Population – 1.5 million people, about 50% in cities. Ethnic composition: Germans - 18.9%, British - 18.1%, Irish - 10%, Americans - 8.4%, Norwegians - 3.6%, Swedes - 3.5%.



Iowa (English) Iowa) - the 29th US state, in the Midwest in the group of states of the Northwestern Center. 26th in area and 30th in population (almost 3 million people). Ethnic composition: German Americans - 35.7%, Irish - 13.5%, British - 9.5%, "Americans" - 6.6%, Norwegians - 5.7%, Dutch - 4.6%, Swedes - 3.3% and Danes - 3.2%. The capital and largest city is Des Moines. Other major cities are Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Sioux City, Waterloo, Iowa City. The official nickname is the "Hawkeye State".



Alabama is a state in the group of states in the Southeast Center. Area 133.9 thousand km. Population 4.4 million people. The capital is Montgomery. The largest cities are Birmingham, Mobile, Huntsville. It borders on the east with Georgia, on the north with Tennessee, on the south with Florida, and overlooks the Gulf of Mexico. Has state status since 1819 (22nd state). The official nickname is "Heart of the South". The University of Alabama is operated by the state government. Located in University, Alabama. Branches in the cities of Tuscaloosa, Birmingham (large medical center - about 9,000 employees), Huntsville. The university has long been a stronghold of the Old South. Founded in 1831. The largest natural history museum in the South is in Tuscaloosa. The library in Tuscaloosa has 1.2 million volumes. About 30,000 students. The university's nickname is "Bama".

Article about US states. In this article you will not only find a complete list of US states, but also learn something interesting and special about each of the 50 US states! It could be a curious fact from the state's history, a unique property, or a funny law that applies within that state. In addition to entertainment information, it contains basic information for each US state. State names are arranged alphabetically. The USA is a multinational country, the beginning of whose history was laid by diverse immigrants from different countries - “a haven for the suffering.” In this regard, each state of this state is a new touch in the history of the United States, a unique page in the chronicle of the country. Each state is fraught with its own secrets, each was founded by its own ethnic group, before the arrival of Europeans Indians lived everywhere, and everywhere different tribes - with their own foundations and traditions, foundations and morals, with their diplomatic relations with other numerous tribes, with their own attitude towards invasion of foreign cultures. As a result of such diverse facts, as a result we see the emergence of 50 states. It's like a recipe for making a chemical. Different components and different proportions of reagents gave different, sometimes simply unexpected, results. Thanks to its youth, the history of the United States has been preserved in detail in the memory of generations, in the records of contemporaries and in documents of that time. And now this history can become a textbook for everyone, practical material for analyzing and studying any historical issue. But the pages of this history are available to everyone even now, in almost their original form. This story has 50 main chapters. This is the number of states that are currently part of the United States. Today we have the opportunity to learn about each state.

Population: more than 1.6 million people.

Area: 216,632 km².

It borders six states, as well as Canada.

The state of Idaho has the most developed agriculture, mining and science and technology industries.

2) Iowa

Population: more than 3 million people.

Area: 145,743 km².

The state shares borders with six other states and is the 29th.

Interesting fact: the vast majority of the population of Iowa (35.7%) are descendants of Germans.

3) Alabama

Population: about 4.7 million people.

Area: 135,765 km².

It borders four states and is the 22nd state of the United States.

Fun fact: Alabama's official nickname is "The Heart of the South."

4) Alaska

Population: just over 710,000 people.

Area: 1,717,854 km².

It is the largest state in the USA.

Alaska is the 49th US state.

An interesting (and sad) thing about the state: until 1867, the territory belonged to Russia; on March 30 of this year, papers were signed on its sale. The state motto is “North to the Future.”

5) Arizona

Population: about 6.4 million people.

Area: 295,254 km².

Borders seven states.

Interesting facts: the state of Arizona is home to about 50,000 Russian-speaking residents, and the share of copper mining is 2/3 of the entire country's copper production.


Population: 2.673 million people.

Area: 137,732 km².

Borders 6 states. State motto: “The people rule.”

Arkansas is the country's leading state in the production of rice, soybeans, broiler chickens, and also produces about 10% of all cotton in the country.

Interesting fact: African Americans make up 15.7% of the state's population.

7) Wyoming

Population: 532,668 (2010).

Area: 253,348 km²

Fun fact: The state's name comes from an ancient Native American expression for "changing mountains and valleys."

Wyoming has the largest mining industry. The resources industry is the economic backbone of the state; Thus, oil discovered in the state began to be extracted back in the 1880s, and natural gas, uranium and coal are also being developed. Along with resource extraction, tourism is of great economic importance to the state. The low population density of this state allows us to conclude that many of the historical values ​​and traditions of Indian society, which so attract tourists, have been preserved. By the way, in the past, many Indian tribes lived in the state of Wyoming: Crow, Shoshone, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Sioux. Some more interesting facts about the state: oil production in Wyoming began even before it officially became a US state (it was July 10, 1890, Wyoming is the 44th US state); the capital of the state is the city of Cheyenne (the name of one of the Indian tribes); Wyoming is the US state with the smallest population.

8) Washington

Population: 5.9 million people.

Area: 184,827 km².

Capital: Olympia.

The state of Washington officially became a US state on November 11, 1889, Washington being the 42nd state. Before the arrival of Europeans, numerous Indian tribes lived in the state. Currently, there are 20 Indian reservations in the state, where Indians live. Interesting facts about Washington State: the majority of the state's population (20.9%) are ethnic Germans; Russians in the state - 1.4% of the total population; the headquarters of such giant corporations as Microsoft, Valve, Starbucks, are located in Washington state; In the state of Washington, the cultivation of cannabis for medical purposes is permitted (in limited quantities, of course).

9) Vermont

Population: more than 610 thousand people.

Area: 24,923 km²

Capital: Montpelier.

Vermont is a small state (45th in area) with a fairly high population density, however, the state is 49th in population. It is the 14th state of the United States and became part of the United States in 1791. The official state motto is “Liberty and Unity.” The official nickname is “The Green Mountain State.”

10) Virginia

Population: more than 8 million people.

Area: 110,785 km²

Capital: Richmond.

It is the 10th state in the United States.

11) Wisconsin

Population: 5,453,896 (2010)

Area: 169,639 km²

Capital: Madison.

Population: 1,374,810 (2011)

Area: 28,311 km²

Capital: Honolulu.

13) Delaware

Population: 783,600 (2010)

Area: 6,452 km².

Capital: Dover.

14) Georgia

Population: 8.186 million (2000).

Area: 153,909 km².

Capital: Atlanta.

15)West Virginia

Population: 1.808 million (2000).

Area: 62,755 km².

Capital: Charleston.


Population: 12,869,257 people (2010).

Area: 149,998 km²

Capital: Springfield.


Population: 6.5 million people.

Area: 94,321 km².

Capital: Indianapolis.

18) California

Population: 37,253,956 people (2010).

Area: 423,970 km².

Capital: Sacramento.

The US state with the largest population.

Population: 2.688 million (2000).

Area: 213,096 km².

Capital: Topeka.

20) Kentucky

Population: 4.042 million (2010).

Area: 104,659 km²

Capital: Frankfort.


Population 5,029,196 million (2010).

Area: 269,837 km².

Capital: Denver.


Population: 3,574,097 people (2010).

Area: 14,357 km².

Capital: Hartford.


Population: 4.5 million (2010).

Area: 135,382 km².

Capital: Baton Rouge.

24) Massachusetts

Population: 6,349,097 (2010)

Area: 27,336 km².

Capital: Boston.


Population: 5,314,879 people.

Area: 225,181 km².

Capital: Saint Paul.


Population: 2.967 million (2010).

Area: 125,443 km².

Capital: Jackson.


Population: 5.595 million (2010).

Area: 180,533 km².

Capital: Jefferson City.

28) Michigan

Population: 9.938 million (2010).

Area: 250,493 km².

Capital: Lansing.


Population: 967,440 people (2010).

Area: 381,156 km².

Capital: Helena.

Population: 1.275 million (2010).

Area: 91,646 km².

Capital: Augusta.

31) Maryland

Population: 5.296 million (2010).

Area: 32,133 km².

Capital: Annapolis.


Population: 1,826,341 (2010)

Area: 200,520 km².

Capital: Lincoln.

Population: 1,998,257 (2010)

Area: 286,367 km².

Capital: Carson City.

34) New Hampshire

Population: 1.236 million (2010).

Area: 24,217 km².

Capital: Concord.

35) New Jersey

Population: 8.791 million (2010).

Area: 22,608 km².

Capital: Trenton.

36)New York

Population 19,378,102 (2010).

Area: 141,300 km².

Capital: Albany.

There is a famous one in New York State.

37) New Mexico

Population: 2,059,179 (2010)

Area: 315,194 km².

Capital: Santa Fe.

Population: 11,435,798 (2010)

Area: 116,096 km².

Capital: Columbus.

39) Oklahoma

Population: 3.45 million (2010).

Area: 181,196 km².

Capital: Oklahoma City.

Population: 3.64 million (2010).

Area: 255,026 km².

Capital: Salem.

41) Pennsylvania

Population: 12,281,054 (2010)

Area: 119,283 km².

Capital: Harrisburg.

42) Rhode Island

Population: 1,051,302 (2011)

Area: 4,002 km².

Capital: Providence.

The smallest state in the USA.

43)North Dakota

Population: 632.7 thousand people (2010).

Area: 183,272 km².

Capital: Bismarck.

44)North Carolina

Population: 9,380,884 people (2010).

Area: 139,509 km².

Capital: Raleigh.


Population: 6,403,353 (2011)

Area: 109,151 km².

Capital: Nashville.

Population: 25,145,56 (2010).

Area: 696,241 km².

Capital: Austin.

47) Florida

Population: 18,801,310 (2010)

Area: 170,304 km².

Capital: Tallahassee.

48)South Dakota

Population: 796,214 (2010)

Area: 199,905 km².

Capital: Pyrrhus.

49)South Carolina

Population: 4 million (2010).

Area: 82,931 km².

Capital: Colombia.

Population: 2,763,885 (2010)

Area: 219,887 km².

Capital: Salt Lake City.

The nicknames of the states of Alabama (Alabama - Heart of Dixie), Alaska (Alaska - Last Frontier), Arizona (Arizona - Grand Canyon State), Arkansas (Arkansas - Land of Opportunity), California (California - Golden State), Colorado (Colorado - Centennial State), Connecticut (Connecticut - Nutmeg State), Delaware (Delaware - First State), Florida (Florida - Sunshine State), Georgia (Georgia - Peach State), Hawaii (Hawaii - Aloha State).

Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.

A nickname is a shortened form of a person's name. A nickname can also be a descriptive name for a person, place or thing.

A nickname is a shortened name of a person. A nickname can convey the characteristic features of a person, place, or thing.

America's fifty states have some of the most historically interesting nicknames.

Among the nicknames of the fifty American states there are historically very interesting ones.

Alabama is known as " Heart of Dixie" because it is in the very middle of a group of states in the Deep South. Dixie itself is a nickname for the American South. It started when Louisiana notes printed with the French word for "ten" on them. "Deece," or D-I-X, led to "Dixie".

State Alabama known as " Heart of Dixie", because it is located in the very center of the group of states of the "Deep South". The word Dixie itself is a "nickname" for the southern United States. It appeared when the state of Louisiana printed money with the French word "ten". "Deece," or D-I-X, from where " Dixie."

Way up north Alaska is called the " Last Frontier"for understandable reasons. Near the Arctic Circle, it was the final part of the nation to be explored and settled.

State Alaska in the far north it is called " The final frontier"for obvious reasons. It is located near the Arctic Circle and was the last to be developed and settled among the states of the country.

Arizona is the " Grand Canyon State" because of the famous winding canyon carved by the Colorado River.

Arizona called " Grand Canyon State" due to the winding canyon carved by the Colorado River.

The southern state of Arkansas is the " Land of Opportunity". The state legislature chose this nickname. Arkansas is rich in natural resources and has become a favorite place for older people to retire.

Southern State Arkansas called " Land of (auspicious) opportunity". This nickname was chosen by the state legislature. Arkansas is rich in natural resources and has become a favorite place to live in retirement.

In a popular Spanish book, a fictional island called "California" was filled with gold. Sure enough, plenty of it was discovered in the real California, in eighteen forty-eight. This started a gold rush unlike any other in American history in the " Golden State".

In a popular Spanish book, "California" was the name of a fictional land rich in gold. And of course, in a real state California in 1848 rich deposits of gold were discovered. A gold rush unprecedented in American history began, and California received the nickname " Golden State".

You would think Colorado would be known as the "Rocky Mountain State". But its nickname is the " Centennial State". That is because it became a state in eighteen seventy-six, exactly one hundred years after the nation declared its independence.

You might think that the state's nickname Colorado will be "Rocky Mountain State". But his nickname" Centennial State"The fact is that Colorado became a state in 1876, the centenary year of the declaration of US independence.

Connecticut is called the " Nutmeg State" after a spice. Connecticut Yankees, as people in this northeast state are called, are known to be smart in business. So smart that it was said they could sell wooden, meaning false, nutmegs to strangers.

Connecticut called " Muscat State"by nutmeg. The inhabitants of this northeastern state are called "Connecticut Yankees," and they are known to be very businesslike people. So businesslike that they were said to be able to sell wooden counterfeit nutmegs to strangers.

Little Delaware is called the " First State"because it was the first state - the first to approve the new United States Constitution.

Small State Delaware called " First State", because he was the first to adopt (approve) the American Constitution.

The southern state of Florida likes to tell about its sunny days and fine beaches. So Florida is the " Sunshine State". Florida's neighbor to the north grows some of the sweetest fruit in America. So Georgia is the " Peach State".

Southern State Florida boasts sunny weather and excellent beaches. That's why his name is " Sunshine State"Florida's northern neighbor grows the sweetest fruit in America. That's why Georgia called " By the Peach State".

Hawaii, far out in the Pacific Ocean, is the " Aloha State". That is the friendly greeting that means both "hello" and "goodbye" in the native Hawaiian language. So, aloha for now. Next week we will tell you about the nicknames of more American states.

State Hawaii on the islands in the Pacific Ocean they call " Aloha State". Aloha is a friendly greeting that means both "hello" and "goodbye" in Hawaiian. So I'll leave it at that and say, "Aloha." Next week we'll continue our story about US state nicknames.

This VOA Special English program was written by Ted Landphair. I"m Barbara Klein.