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Where is Kyrgyzstan located? The Kyrgyz Republic is Russia or not. Linguistic explanation of different names for the same country

The state is located in Central Asia within the Pamir-Alai and Tien Shan mountain systems, which are separated by high-mountain valleys and basins. It borders on Kazakhstan in the north, Uzbekistan in the west, Tajikistan and China in the south, and China in the east.

The name of the country comes from the ethnonym of the people - Kyrgyz.

Official name: Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan)


The area of ​​the land: 198.5 thousand sq. km

Total Population: 5.4 million people

Administrative division: The state is divided into 6 regions.

Form of government: Republic.

Head of State: The president.

Population composition: 64.9% - Kyrgyz, 13.8% - Uzbeks, 12.5% ​​- Russians, 1.1% - Dungans, 1.0% - Ukrainians, 1.0% - Uighurs, 0.9% - Tatars, 0 .9% - Kazakhs, 0.9% - Tajiks, 0.7% - Turks, 0.4% - Germans, 0.4% - Koreans, 0.3% - Azerbaijanis, 0.2% - Kurds.

Official language: Kyrgyz. The language of international communication is Russian. Uzbek, Kazakh and Tajik languages ​​are common in the western and northern regions of the country.

Religion: 75% are Sunni Muslims, 20% are Orthodox and representatives of other faiths.

Internet domain: .kg

Mains voltage: ~220 V, 50 Hz

Country dialing code: +996

Country barcode: 470


Kyrgyzstan has a sharply continental climate, which is temperate in most parts of the territory, and subtropical in the Chui and Fergana valleys. The seasons are clearly expressed. The length of the day in December is 9 hours, in June - 15 hours.

The climate is strongly influenced by the distance from the oceans and the fact that the country's territory is predominantly located in the mountains, at altitudes from 300 to 7000 m above sea level. The deserts and plains surrounding Kyrgyzstan to the north, west and southeast make the differences in climate at different altitudes even more dramatic. Therefore, in Kyrgyzstan, vertical climatic zonation is clearly expressed; 4 types of climate can be distinguished here, which differ significantly from each other.

Firstly, the valley-foothill belt (500 - 1200 m), which is characterized by hot summers (average temperature in July during the day is 30...34 C°) and moderate winter (average temperature in January during the day is 2...5, at night -4...-7 С°). There is little precipitation per year (400-500 mm), mainly in spring and early summer, with a pronounced minimum in August and September. This belt is characterized by clear weather (180-240 sunny days per year). The absolute maximum air temperatures in summer reach 42...44 C°. Winter here is short, with average daily temperatures below zero observed from mid-November to mid-March.

The next, mid-mountain zone (1000 - 2200 m) has a typical temperate climate with warm summers (average temperature in July during the day is 25...28 C°) and moderately cold winters (average temperature in January during the day is -2...-6, at night -7...-10 C°), with a small amount of precipitation (200 - 400 mm), falling mainly in summer and accompanied by thunderstorms. Winter comes earlier - in mid-October, and lasts until March.

The high mountain belt (2000 - 3500 m) is characterized by cool summers (average temperature in July during the day is 18 ... 16 C°) and cold winters (average temperature in January during the day -5 ... -10, at night -15 ... -20 C°). The amount of precipitation depends on the orientation of the slopes; on the western slopes the amount of precipitation can be 3 times more than on the eastern. Winter lasts from early October until April. Sometimes in the summer months the temperature can drop to 0 C°.

The latter, the belt of eternal snow (above 3500 m) is characterized by very cold summers (the average temperature in July during the day is 4...7, at night +1...-2 C°), and frosty winters (the average temperature in January during the day is -10. ..-14, at night -29...-35 C°), the frost-free period is only 3-4 months. Absolute minimum air temperatures are observed in winter (-45...-54 C°).

In the area of ​​the ice-free Lake Issyk-Kul (1600 m), in winter the air temperature is 3-5oC higher than in other areas, and in summer there is no sweltering heat.


Kyrgyzstan is located in central Asia. In the north it borders with Kazakhstan, in the east with China, in the south with Tajikistan, and in the west with Uzbekistan. Almost the entire small territory of the country (total 198,500 km2) contains mountain ranges.

The territory of Kyrgyzstan extends from west to east for 900 km, from north to south for 410 km and lies approximately between 39° and 43° northern latitude. There are 2 large mountain systems on the territory of the country: Tien Shan and Pamir-Alai. They are separated from each other by the Fergana Valley, which has unique natural and historical value. However, only a small part of it belongs to Kyrgyzstan.

The Kyrgyz Republic has a huge reserve of water resources. The 7 largest river basins contain more than 28,000 rivers and headwaters, 90% of which are 10 km long. Among the large rivers, the Naryn River, with a length of more than 500 km, should be noted.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

The vegetation of Kyrgyzstan is highly diverse, with at least 1/4 of all species being endemic. The Tien Shan is characterized by the presence of a forest belt of Tien Shan spruce, which above is replaced by juniper thickets and subalpine meadows. In the northern mountainous frame of the Fergana Valley, walnut forests have been preserved in some places. In the highlands there are subalpine and alpine meadows, which have been used for many years as summer pastures for sheep.

At the highest levels of relief, a subnival belt with stone placers and snowfields is widely developed. Herbaceous plants are extremely rare there; mosses and lichens are common. Alpine meadows, located in the mountains at an altitude of 2500 - 3000 m, are rich in a variety of herbs; rare flowers grow here - edelweiss, which has become a symbol of the mountains for many. Various types of mushrooms are found in forests, steppes and meadows, some of them reach very large sizes.

In the foothills, ephemeral deserts, semi-deserts and dry steppes are common, giving way higher up to shrub vegetation and woodlands.

Animal world

The highlands are inhabited by the teke mountain goat, argali mountain sheep, leopard, stone marten, red wolf, gray and red mountain marmots. In the forest mountain zone, roe deer, wolf, ermine, wild boar, lynx, brown bear, fox, and marten are common. The steppe foothill regions and adjacent plains are characterized by numerous species of rodents, including the yellow ground squirrel, the large jerboa, the red-tailed gerbil, various reptiles, ungulates - goitered gazelle, birds - partridges, bustards, etc.


The geographical location and natural resources of Kyrgyzstan determined its central position in the zone of developed Central Asian civilization. Since ancient times, the country has been a pass on busy trade routes between the West and the East.

Today, the development of tourism on the ancient Great Silk Road is not only a tribute to the rich history of the country, but also the discovery of half-forgotten pages of the past of the entire human civilization. Many travelers find Kyrgyzstan the most attractive, accessible and friendly region of all the Central Asian republics, especially given the presence of beautiful natural monuments - the Central Tien Shan and Pamir-Alai, the most beautiful mountains of Central Asia.

Banks and currency

Som (S, KGS), equal to 100 tiyn. There are banknotes in circulation in denominations of 1000, 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 1 soy, as well as coins in 50, 10 and 1 tyiyn.

Som is the only legal tender on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, although in practice US dollars and euros are accepted for payment or even required when paying for hotels or when organizing trekking and high-mountain ascents. Russian rubles and currencies of neighboring Central Asian republics are accepted at the markets.

Banks are open from 9.00-9.30 to 17.00-17.30 from Monday to Friday, closed on Saturday and Sunday.

Currency can be exchanged at bank offices, currency exchange offices (usually open 24 hours a day) and in many shops. Not only American dollars and euros are accepted for exchange, but also British pounds sterling, Russian rubles, Kazakh tenge, Uzbek sum, Chinese yuan and other types of currencies. It is preferable to exchange currency in the capital - in the provinces the rate is slightly lower. When exchanging US dollars, it is recommended to have new banknotes on hand - the exchange rate for old ones is noticeably lower everywhere, even in government institutions.

Credit cards are accepted for payment in most banks and in some large hotels in Bishkek. Travel checks can be cashed at the offices of large banks, at licensed exchange offices and in some large stores in the capital, but the commissions are quite high (3-7%). It is almost impossible to use non-cash means of payment in the province.

Useful information for tourists

The state is practically not visited by foreign tourists.

? Then you will be interested in the following information: it is advisable to plan a vacation on the sandy beaches of Issyk-Kul for the summer months, and conquering the slopes on skis and snowboards - for the winter. It is better to plan high-mountain ascents for June-October, horseback riding and hiking tours for March-October in the south of the country and April-October in the north of Kyrgyzstan.

Kyrgyzstan: where is the “Switzerland of Central Asia”?

The location of Kyrgyzstan, with an area of ​​199951 sq. km, is Central Asia. The state is located in the center and west of the Tien Shan mountain range. It borders on the southwestern side (870 km), on the northern side (1220 km), on the eastern and southeastern side by the People's Republic of China (850 km), on the western side (1100 km).

Kyrgyzstan (the capital is Bishkek) lies within the Tien Shan and Pamir-Alai mountain systems. In the east, on the borders with Kazakhstan and, rise the 6995-meter Khan Tegri and the 7400-meter Pobeda Peak. The northeast of Kyrgyzstan is occupied by Issyk-Kul with sanatoriums and tourist centers located on its shore, the west by the Chatkal Range and the Talas Valley, the south by the Alai Range, the northern slope of the Trans-Alai Range, and the Alai Valley.

Kyrgyzstan consists of Issyk-Kul, Naryn, Chui, Osh and other regions (there are 7 in total), as well as 2 cities of republican significance (Osh, Bishkek).

How to get to Kyrgyzstan?

Those who need to be in , should use the services of Ural Airlines, Vim-Avia or Air Kyrgyzstan, on board whose aircraft they will stay for 4 hours and 15 minutes. If you stop for a rest at the airport, you can expect arrival in 16.5 hours, Ekaterinburg - after 9 hours, Bishkek - after 8.5 hours, - after 14.5 hours.

Holidays in Kyrgyzstan

Osh deserves the attention of travelers (famous for the Shahid-Tepa and Sadykbay mosques, Alymbek Paravanchi madrasah, Michael the Archangel Church, the Great Silk Road local history complex, Ak-Bura fortress), Bishkek (famous for the Erkindik Statue of Liberty, the Manas sculptural complex ”, Panfilov and Kemal Ataturk parks), Naryn (travelers are invited to visit the national theater “Manas Ruhu”, the Museum of Local Lore and the Musical Drama Theater, as well as go rafting on the Naryn River in April-November), (tourists should pay attention to the Dungan mosque, Holy Trinity Cathedral, the grave and monument to Przhevalsky), Maly waterfalls (a 23-meter waterfall) and Big waterfalls (consists of 2 cascades: the height of one of them is 60 m, and the other is 80 m) Arslanbob (in the vicinity there is a grotto “Cave” 40 angels").

Kyrgyz beaches

  • Kekilik Beach: in addition to the traditional beach pastime, in August you can have fun here as part of the ongoing apricot festival.
  • “Golden Sands” beach: is a beach where you can sunbathe on golden sand, walk barefoot on the sandy bottom of a clean lake, spend time in a modern water park and the Iceberg club (delights guests with delicious cocktails and night discos), and also take a ride on a 70- meter Ferris wheel.

Souvenirs from Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyz souvenirs are gifts in the form of kumis, cognac “Kyrgyzstan”, felt products, handicrafts made of genuine leather, chess, backgammon, jewelry and figurines made of horns or bones, ceramic dishes with national ornaments, dried fruits, Uzgen rice, dried lamb and horse meat , honey, nuts.

Kyrgyzstan- a fabulous, bewitching and alluring Central Asian country with its natural beauty. Its tourism potential is enormous! This is a fairly developed republic with a rich history, unusual culture and many interesting traditions. Located at the crossroads of the Great Silk Road, Kyrgyzstan still preserves unique ancient monuments, which, organically combined with modern buildings, can give a lot of unforgettable impressions to its guests. Excursion tours in Kyrgyzstan are very popular among curious tourists from near and far abroad.

Kyrgyzstan- real " mountain paradise", nestled between deserts, steppes, harsh highlands Tajikistan and the sparsely populated, arid plains of Western (Xinjiang). The two greatest mountain systems on Earth stretch across the entire territory of Kyrgyzstan - and - with the highest world-class peaks - (7439 m), (7134 m) and the most beautiful pyramidal (6995 m). Climbers, rock climbers, skiers, snowboarders, mountain hikers (trekking, hiking) and other extreme sports enthusiasts travel to the most beautiful mountainous regions of Kyrgyzstan both in winter and summer.

Thanks to its majestic mountains and temperate continental climate, Kyrgyzstan is considered the land of the largest glaciers on the planet, huge snow fields, rapid mountain rivers, turquoise alpine lakes, enchanting alpine meadows and colorful flora and fauna of fertile valleys.

One of the main Kyrgyz “celebrities” is, whose boarding houses and health resorts are visited annually by a huge number of lovers of languid beach holiday.

Mandatory places to visit in Kyrgyzstan are its main cities - Bishkek and. They are different, but in both there is an atmosphere of good nature, light and warmth.

In recent years, the so-called Jailoo tourism- living in nomadic yurts deep in the Pamir and Tien Shan mountains, in complete isolation from civilization.

Traveling through natural and man-made places is accompanied by the constant hospitality of local residents, unusual Kyrgyz cuisine, as well as centuries-old traditions and customs of the ancient people.

Welcome to sunny Kyrgyzstan!

General information about Kyrgyzstan.
Location. Located in the northeast of Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan can confidently be called the Switzerland of Central Asia, because the two countries have much in common. Like European Switzerland, more than half of Kyrgyzstan's territory is located in the mountains, and even its lowland regions do not fall below 401 meters above sea level. Neither one nor the other state has access to the sea itself. Kyrgyzstan stretches from east to west along the Tien Shan and Pamir-Alai chains. The highest peak is Pobeda Peak (7439 m). In the mountains, everything breathes with untouched, pristine beauty, which you cannot see on the plains. The northern point of Kyrgyzstan is located at the same latitude as Rome, and the southern point - with the island of Sicily.
Square. If we compare the sizes, the Central Asian country of mountains is almost five times larger than Switzerland - its area is 199.9 thousand square kilometers. Portugal, Switzerland, Belgium and the Netherlands combined could fit here.
Population. More than five and a half million people live on these lands. Since life in mountainous regions is quite difficult, most of the population is concentrated in the valleys of Talas, Naryn, Chuisk and the Issyk-Kul basin. The national composition is diverse, but for the most part representatives of different nations do not live mixed together. For example, Uzbeks, making up 14.3%, are located in the southwest of the country; Russians, represented by 7.8%, live mainly in the north; a small number of Germans live in the Talas region and the area of ​​the city of Kant; Dungans (Muslims - Chinese) and Kazakhs - in the Chui Valley; Uighurs - in Bishkek, Osh and Jalal-Abad. The Kyrgyz are naturally the ethnic majority, living throughout the country and predominating in most rural areas.
Political structure. According to the Constitution, Kyrgyzstan is a parliamentary republic, that is, the president has less powers than the prime minister and parliament. The people elect a president once every six years, after which he can no longer run for office. 120 members of parliament are confirmed for five years according to party lists, and the head of government, in turn, is determined by parliament itself.
Administrative division: According to administrative division, the country has 7 regions (Batken, Jalal-Abad, Issyk-Kul, Naryn, Osh, Talas and Chui), 40 districts, 22 cities and 429 village administrations. The main cities are Bishkek and Osh.
Capital- the city of Bishkek with a population of 874.4 thousand people; previously the city also bore the names Pishpek and Frunze. Thanks to the orthogonal type of layout, it is perfectly blown with air from the mountains. The constant flow of fresh air sets it apart from similar large cities in the region.
Official language- Kyrgyz, but there are many people in the country who speak Uzbek and Tajik. The main language of interethnic communication is Russian, which has official status.
Currency unit- catfish On the territory of Kyrgyzstan, all payments are made in soms (1 som = 100 tyiyn). Banks and currency exchange offices can be found in all major cities of the Republic.
Religions. The population achieves spiritual wealth by professing 75% Islam and 20% Orthodoxy. Other religions account for only 5% of citizens.
Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +5 hours. Time in the country is not divided into winter and summer and is consistently +5 hours to Greenwich.
Electricity. As in many other CIS countries, in Kyrgyzstan the voltage in the electrical network is 220 V with a current frequency of 50 Hz. The sockets are mostly standard, with a double plug. However, in some hotels you can also find triple ones.

Climate of Kyrgyzstan.
The topography and location of the country are the reason why you can experience different types of climate here. It is almost marine, sharply continental, subtropical, and temperate. A special feature of Kyrgyzstan is how pronounced the change of seasons is here, which is not surprising, since the lands closest to it are rich in deserts.
The average air temperature here is determined not immediately for the entire state, but according to climatic zones. So, in winter in the valleys the thermometer rarely drops below -8 degrees, but in the highlands, 27 degrees below zero is not the limit. At the same time, in summer period mountainous areas practically catch up with lowland ones in terms of indicators. In both, the average air temperature is about 26 degrees. Of course, in the high mountain regions of eternal snow, the weather is very different and has all the signs of a subpolar climate. Air temperature on the coast of Issyk-Kul less contrast and moderate all year round (in winter about +2°C, in summer +18-25°C).
Guests of the country do not have to complain about the lack of sunny days - there are an average of 247 of them per year! You can only experience cloudy skies in Kyrgyzstan in winter and early spring. The rest of the time, the region is bathed in sunshine, which, however, is not as scorching as in neighboring Uzbekistan. A characteristic feature is the dry air over the entire territory of the country. Precipitation in the country is not uniform. For example, the northern slopes of Ala-Too receive over 1,000 mm per year, but the Western Issyk-Kul region receives only 110 mm. The maximum amount of precipitation falls in early summer and in the autumn-winter period. Moreover, by mid-winter the thickness of the snow cover on the mountain slopes can reach up to 1 meter, and in the highlands there is snow all year round.

How to dress in Kyrgyzstan.
Based on the country's climate data, the preferred clothing in summer is light shirts, shorts, trousers and dresses. It is best if the majority of the fiber composition is cotton. It allows the body to breathe and does not cause excessive sweating. Due to the fact that air humidity in Kyrgyzstan is low, high temperatures are tolerated relatively easily. To protect your head, wide-brimmed headwear with mandatory ventilation holes is ideal.
Don't forget that white clothes absorb less heat from the sun. People whose eyes are sensitive to light should carry sunglasses with them at all times.
Open sandals are sufficient for footwear in the city. There are no restrictions on the style and color of clothing from the local culture. Unless in religious places it is not recommended to appear in outfits that leave the thighs, calves, shoulders, and for women, the neck exposed. If you are invited into a house, you should take off your shoes before entering.
A completely different conversation if they are planning trips to the mountains, especially highlands. List of necessary equipment and equipment for expeditions can be found. In general, keep in mind that mountainous areas are much cooler, especially at night, and the weather is extremely changeable.

Cuisine of Kyrgyzstan.
In modern Kyrgyzstan, in almost every part of it you can find any dish of Uzbek, Russian, Turkish or Iranian cuisine. The Kyrgyz people, of course, have their own culinary traditions, simply due to their nomadic past Kyrgyz cuisine not particularly varied.
For example, chicken dishes are completely absent from the national menu, because breeding these birds required a settled life. But all sorts of options fried and baked lamb presented here in assortment. This was again required by the nomadic lifestyle, because in a hot climate, meat can only be preserved by deeply frying or drying it.
The most prominent representatives of the primordial Kyrgyz cuisine various options are considered horse meat sausages. The most revered variety is Chuchuk, where the piquant taste is achieved by fattier meats and smoking. Many other snacks and dishes are prepared from horse meat, such as map And Karyn. Also very common is aromatic and satisfying beshbarmak.
But, as was said earlier, the culture of the people has long been pilaf, And manta rays, And chuchpara and many other dishes from the cuisines of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkey, as well as Uyghur dishes. A big influence in this kitchen was the mixing of The Great Silk Road, whose merit was in the transfer of not only goods, but also cultural characteristics.
Especially revered in Kyrgyzstan honey. Eaten with local flatbreads, it can sometimes be a breakfast staple. Local residents also have a positive attitude towards a variety of fruits- in the summer-autumn period they are visible and invisible in all the bazaars of the country. Apples from Issyk-Kul are rightfully considered one of the best in the world! Vegetables are very popular among the Kyrgyz people. pumpkin.
A large part of the national Kyrgyz cuisine is occupied by fermented milk drinks: kumiss, tan, ayran. They can be bought at any bazaar, in any store, and even along mountain roads.
The Kyrgyz eat food mainly on dasturkhans(dastarkhana) - a narrow tablecloth spread on the floor. If you are lucky enough to be invited, and this is very likely due to the hospitality of the Kyrgyz, you need to remember several important rules: food should be taken only with your right hand; When sitting down, your legs should not be directed towards the dosturkhan; it is better to tuck them under you or extend them to the side. There is also a negative attitude towards sneezing at the table.

Cost of food in Kyrgyzstan.
Menu in cafe And restaurants in Kyrgyzstan extremely rarely contains high price tags. Food in Kyrgyzstan is quite cheap. For example, lunch usually does not exceed 10 US dollars, and a hearty dinner - 20. However, in the capital there are also elite establishments where you will have to pay more than 10 dollars for a cup of coffee. As a rule, in restaurants and cafe in Kyrgyzstan Dishes of national, as well as Uzbek, Uyghur, European and other cuisines of the world are offered.

Visa and registration.
The government of Kyrgyzstan has done a lot of work to simplify the entry of tourists into the republic. Today, it is unhindered to be in the country without a visa to Kyrgyzstan can citizens of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Cuba, Vietnam, Japan and the DPRK. Citizens of Russia can enter Kyrgyzstan according to internal passport.
Visa-free regime entry into Kyrgyzstan for up to 60 days is also valid for citizens of 45 countries (more details). In addition, citizens of a number of countries have the opportunity obtaining a visa in a simplified manner.
To visit border areas, a special permit is required.
When leaving the hotel, you should make sure that its employees have issued documents indicating the length of stay. These registration cards will also need to be presented to passport control officers at the border. From registration on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic are released citizens of foreign countries subject to visa-free regime, if their period of stay in the Kyrgyz Republic does not exceed 60 days (for citizens of the Russian Federation - 30 days).

Customs rules of Kyrgyzstan.
The customs rules of the republic prohibit the import and export of weapons, ammunition, narcotic substances and printed materials that contain a threat to the constitutional order of the country. Regardless of citizenship, you can bring an unlimited amount of money into the territory of the republic, provided that there will be less money when leaving. The amount is written in customs declaration, which should be kept until leaving the state.
Other imported valuables and equipment are allowed to be imported in an amount not exceeding $5,000. They will also need to be listed in the declaration. If on the way back anything from this list is no longer available, you will have to pay an import duty.
It is allowed to import 1,000 cigarettes, 2 liters of wine, and 1.5 liters of strong alcoholic drinks. Cosmetics are allowed only in the quantity that one person may need.
As a rule, purchased handicrafts and recently manufactured goods can be exported without hindrance. Naturally, items of exceptional cultural and historical value do not fall into this category.
If your health conditions require taking medicines, it is advisable to bring the required amount of medicines with you or consult in advance with our tour operators regarding the possibility of buying the necessary medicines in Kyrgyzstan.

Currency in Kyrgyzstan.
Legally, on the territory of Kyrgyzstan, it is allowed to make payments only in soms - the monetary units of the Kyrgyz Republic, which were introduced into circulation on May 10, 1993. Currently, the banknote series is represented by the following denominations: 1, 10, 50 tiyn and 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 5000 som.
Sometimes hotel staff and other private organizations may offer to pay in foreign currency. This can only be done if the enterprise has the appropriate official permission. In other cases, problems with law enforcement agencies may arise.
However, in order to completely eliminate such misunderstandings from your tourist program, you should exchange cash for local currency in advance. This can be done in banks working, as a rule, from 9.00 to 17.00 except Saturday and Sunday, or on official exchange offices, many of which operate around the clock.
It is worth noting that the rate at different exchange offices may vary, and the rate in the capital is always higher than in the provinces. When exchanging, it is advisable to keep the documents issued by an employee of the bank or point. It should not be surprising that some of these institutions may refuse to accept heavily worn bills or old-style US dollar bills.
Under no circumstances should you change money at the bazaar from strangers - there is a risk of becoming a victim of scammers or being detained by law enforcement officers for an illegal currency transaction. The use of foreign plastic cards is available only in some shopping centers, banks and hotels in Bishkek.

Photography in Kyrgyzstan.
In the republic it is allowed to photograph and film almost everything. Restrictions are imposed only on airports and military facilities. It is also not advisable to carry out such actions in relation to strangers without their consent.

Souvenirs of Kyrgyzstan.
Admiring the splendor of the ancient monuments of Kyrgyzstan, he Issyk-Kulem and snow-capped mountain peaks, you can forget that you will want to keep the memories of this amazing place for life. Therefore, the issue of choosing souvenirs should be given, if not first, then at least second place.
In addition to all sorts of carpets and carved wood products, common in almost all Central Asian countries, they produce quite entertaining felt things. This is all connected with the same nomadic past of the people. Souvenirs in the form national Kyrgyz yurts are available for sale in a wide variety. Particularly notable among them are kettle warmer yurts, allowing you to keep tea hot throughout the evening and look very colorful on the table among vases of sweets and cookies. In order for the yurt not to miss its land, it would be a good idea to bring with you a set of bowls decorated with national Kyrgyz ornaments. No glass or mug can better convey all the aroma and warmth contained in tea.
They are also in great demand as souvenirs and gifts. panel, toys And national hats made of felt. Soft ones felt slippers, being dressed on the feet, warm not only them, but also the soul.

National holidays in Kyrgyzstan.
Public holidays:

Religious holidays with changing dates:

. Ramadan Hayit;
. Kurban Hayit.

State symbols of Kyrgyzstan: flag, coat of arms and anthem.

Flag of Kyrgyzstan. The national flag of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan is a red panel, in the center of which there is a round solar disk with forty evenly diverging golden rays. Inside the solar disk is depicted in red Tyundyuk of the Kyrgyz yurt.
The red monochrome of the flag symbolizes the valor and courage of the Kyrgyz people, the golden Sun, bathed in its rays, personifies peace and wealth, and the tundyuk is a symbol of the father's house, in a broader sense - the world as the universe.
Forty rays united in a circle mean the unification of forty ancient tribes into a single Kyrgyzstan. Tyundyuk symbolizes the unity of the peoples living in the country. The red color of the flag was the color of the magnanimous flag Manasa(Manas is the hero of the Kyrgyz epic of the same name - the hero who united the Kyrgyz).

Coat of arms of Kyrgyzstan. The coat of arms of Kyrgyzstan depicts the gyrfalcon Manas with outstretched wings, which symbolizes the freedom of the country. Also on the symbol of the republic is the pearl of Kyrgyzstan - Lake Issyk-Kul, surrounded by high rocky Ala-Too ridges. The white peaks of the mountains illuminated by the sun are a symbol of the Kyrgyz pride in the beauty of their native land; their outlines resemble a white cap - a traditional Kyrgyz men's headdress. The coat of arms of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan was approved on January 14, 1994 by a resolution of the Jogorku Kenesh (parliament of Kyrgyzstan).

Anthem of Kyrgyzstan. was adopted on December 18, 1992. It can be translated into Russian as follows:

Ak monguluu aska zoolor, talaalar,
Elibizdin zhany menen barabar.
Sansyz kylym Ala-Toosun mekendep,
Saktap keldi bizdin ata-babalar.

Algalay ber, kyrgyz el,
Azattyktyn Zholunda.
Orkundoy ber, Osө ber,
Oz tagdyryn kolunda.

Bayyrtadan butkon munoz elime,
Dostoruna dayar dilin beruүgө.
Bul Yntymak el Birdigin Shiretip,
Beykuttuktu takes Kyrgyz zherine.

Algalay ber, kyrgyz el,
Azattyktyn Zholunda.
Orkundoy ber, Osө ber,
Oz tagdyryn kolunda.

Atkarylyp eldin umut, tilegi,
Zhelbiredi erkindiktin zhelegi.
Bizge zhetken ata saltyn, murasyn,
Yyyk saktap urpaktarga bereli.

Algalay ber, kyrgyz el,
Azattyktyn Zholunda.
Orkundoy ber, Osө ber,
Oz tagdyryn kolunda.

High mountains, valleys, fields -
Our native, cherished land.
Our fathers lived among Ala-Too,
Always keeping my homeland sacred.

Forward, Kyrgyz people,
The path of freedom forward!
Grow up, people, blossom,
Create your own destiny!

Our people have always been open to friendship,
He keeps unity and friendship in his heart.
Land of Kyrgyzstan, native country
Illuminated with rays of agreement.

Forward, Kyrgyz people,
The path of freedom forward!
Grow up, people, blossom,
Create your own destiny!

The dreams and hopes of the fathers came true.
And the banner of freedom rises high.
We will pass on the legacy of our fathers
For the benefit of the people and their descendants

Telephone codes in Kyrgyzstan.
International code of Kyrgyzstan: +996 (8-10 996)
To call Kyrgyzstan, you need to sequentially dial + 996 - city code - phone number.

Telephone codes for city lines in major cities of Kyrgyzstan:

Photos of Kyrgyzstan:

Kyrgyzstan is a small Central Asian state about which we know very little. What is the population of Kyrgyzstan today? What ethnic groups live on its territory? These questions are addressed in our article.

Population of Kyrgyzstan and dynamics of its growth

(or Kyrgyzstan) is a small state in the heart of Asia, sandwiched between China and Kazakhstan. Demographically, culturally and ethnically, this country is unusual and interesting.

How many people live in Kyrgyzstan today? And what is its ethnic structure? Let's try to answer these questions.

How many people live in Kyrgyzstan? The population of this country reached 5.9 million people at the beginning of 2015. An amazing feature of Kyrgyzstan is that the majority of the population here still lives in rural areas (more than 60%). Thus, the urbanization processes that dominate the entire modern world cannot in any way overwhelm the small Central Asian country.

There are only 51 cities in Kyrgyzstan. But not one of them is a million-plus city. The largest of them are the states), Osh, Jalal-Abad, Karakol and Tokmok.

It is worth noting that, according to demographers, half of the total urban population of Kyrgyzstan lives in the capital of the country, Bishkek. According to various estimates, from 600 to 900 thousand people live in this city. This discrepancy in numbers is explained by incorrect registration of citizens, which is typical for the modern Kyrgyz Republic.

The population of Kyrgyzstan has more than doubled over the past half century and continues to grow. Over the past year, the total increase in the country's population was about 250 thousand people. The main reason for this was high birth rates.

The most populated regions in Kyrgyzstan are Osh and Jalal-Abad regions.

Ethnic composition of the republic's population

The population of Kyrgyzstan has a rather complex ethnic structure. It should be noted that until 1985, the Kyrgyz were not the dominant ethnic group in this republic. The thing is that during the Soviet era, its borders included territories where other peoples (primarily Uzbeks and Russians) historically lived. By the middle of the twentieth century, the Kyrgyz made up only 40% of the total population of the republic.

However, over time, the number of Kyrgyz began to increase rapidly. During the period from 1959 to 2009, their total number in the country increased by 2.5 times.

Today, the top ten peoples of Kyrgyzstan (by number) are as follows:

  1. Kyrgyz, 71%.
  2. Uzbeks, 14%.
  3. Russians, 7.8%.
  4. Dungans, 1.1%.
  5. Uyghurs, 0.9%.
  6. Tajiks, 0.8%.
  7. Turks, 0.7%.
  8. Kazakhs, 0.6%.
  9. Tatars, 0.6%.
  10. Ukrainians, 0.4%.

It is worth noting that the Kyrgyz predominate in the ethnic structure in all regions, as well as in the capital of the state, where their share is about 70 percent. Uzbeks live in Kyrgyzstan quite compactly, concentrating in two cities - Osh and Uzgen.

Interethnic conflicts

Inside the republic can be described as tense and unstable. They are distinguished by a rather large conflict potential, which from time to time manifests itself in street riots and clashes between different ethnic groups.

Thus, the largest conflicts on ethnic grounds arose in the country in 1990 (the so-called Osh massacre) and in 2010.

Interethnic conflicts in Kyrgyzstan are usually caused by several factors. Among them:

  • scarcity (for example, land was the root cause of the Osh conflict of 1990, which claimed at least 1,200 lives);
  • deep economic crisis and mass unemployment;
  • insufficient presence in the state apparatus of governing the country.

Migration processes in Kyrgyzstan

The population of Kyrgyzstan is actively migrating from villages to cities, where there is at least some chance of finding work. Most often these are young people who were unable to obtain sufficient education. But getting settled in a big city is often very difficult for them. As a result, unemployment and crime are rising. Active migration of Kyrgyz from rural areas to cities (mainly to Bishkek) began in the early 90s and continues to this day.

In addition, many residents of Kyrgyzstan also travel abroad. The main target of emigrants in this case is Moscow, as well as other large Russian cities.

It is worth mentioning one more consequence of the collapse of the USSR for this state. In the early 90s, non-indigenous citizens, in particular Russians and Ukrainians, began to leave Kyrgyzstan en masse.

Russian diaspora in Kyrgyzstan

There is a fairly powerful Russian diaspora in the Kyrgyz Republic. Even despite the fact that compared to 1989, the number of Russians in this country has decreased by three times.

The Russian population in Kyrgyzstan is concentrated mainly in the Chui and Issyk-Kul regions, as well as in Bishkek. But in areas where Uzbeks dominate, Russians have not taken root at all.

One way or another, there is no discrimination against Russians in Kyrgyzstan. The Russian language is freely used in schools and universities in Kyrgyzstan, and there is even a Russian Drama Theater in Bishkek.


The Kyrgyz Republic is a small country in Central Asia with a population of 5.9 million. The population of Kyrgyzstan is characterized by a rather complex ethnic structure. This, in turn, is manifested in acute interethnic conflicts that periodically flare up in this country.

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