Tourism Visas Spain

Attractions, map, photos, videos. Panorama of Barcelona. Virtual tour of Barcelona. Sights, map, photos, videos Virtual walk around Barcelona

Panoramas of Barcelona airport (Spain) and the surrounding area. Virtual tour of the airport in Barcelona - being updated. Panoramic photographs for viewing, general view of the area, coordinates

Panoramic shots of Barcelona airport

Volumetric panoramic photography of Barcelona airport, which is located in the community of Catalonia, Spain (Spain), makes it possible to see with your own eyes the general plan of the area.

Using a panorama of Barcelona with images, you will take a virtual tour around the region. Use interactive arrows to navigate through virtual pictures. Google zoom tools (+ | -) for zooming in and out of objects on the territory, online.

The nearest airports for flight departures are Reus, Girona, Valencia, Madrid

The air hub of the Catalonia community looks different in the photo, for comparison it looks like it does on a satellite map. Images of the airfield will provide tourists with detailed information about the Barcelona air gates: the location of parking lots and parking lots, entrances and approaches to the terminals, nearby infrastructure.

Coordinates - 41.30334,2.07854

Basic information is located under the diagram: location on the map of Spain and the world, how to get there and plan your route, airline flight schedules, plane arrival times.

Stereo panorama of the airfield provided by Google Street View

Barcelona is one of the most famous and most ancient cities in the world. According to one version, it was founded by the legendary hero of ancient Greek mythology, Hercules, 400 years before the advent of Rome. Another common theory connects the history of Barcelona with a certain Hamilcar Barca, the father of the Carthaginian commander Hannibal.

Prosperous due to its ideal location on the Mediterranean coast, Barcelona was repeatedly besieged and conquered by the Romans, Visigoths, Moors, Franks, British and other warlike peoples. But this did not prevent the city from preserving its heritage to this day, so the sights of Barcelona - from ancient fortifications to ultra-modern skyscrapers - date back to almost all periods of its history.

The center of the old city is the Gothic Quarter. There are many buildings built here during the Middle Ages, and some of them dating back to the era of Roman settlement. Nearby is the lively Rambla - a trip to Barcelona is unthinkable without a walk along it. In addition to exquisite shops and restaurants, almost every building here is an architectural monument. Particularly interesting are the ancient Boqueria market, built of glass and decorated with mosaics, as well as the 60-meter Columbus monument, installed exactly in the place where the famous navigator returned from his first voyage to America.

The city itself is literally strewn with hills of varying heights. The highest point (500 m above sea level) is Mount Tibidabo, from which fantastically beautiful views of Barcelona open up. The name of the mountain comes from the Latin tibi dabo (“I will give you”) - this is how the devil tempted God, showing him the beauty of the world from the top.

The second highest (173 m) is Mount Montjuic, on which Barcelona hosted the 1929 World Exhibition and the 1992 Summer Olympics. Local attractions include a futuristic-style Magic Fountain with an elliptical shape, lighting, music and occasional fireworks. Above are the parks of Montjuic and the Olympic territory, and the most historical monument on the mountain is the castle of the same name. It was built in the 17th-18th centuries for the defense of the city. The castle was captured by the British led by the Earl of Peterborough and Napoleon's troops, and now a military museum has been created within its walls.

For the same World Exhibition, the Plaza de España, one of the largest in the city, was created at the foot of the mountain. On its sides there are two 47-meter Venetian towers, and in the center there is another impressive fountain, decorated with sculptures in the Baroque style. The Plaza de España in Barcelona was conceived as nostalgia for past greatness and at the same time as a symbol of the existing state - and this task was more than accomplished.

Other magnificent monuments of the 20th century include the Palace of Catalan Music, built by the architect Luis Domènech i Montaner in the Catalan Art Nouveau style, and the 21st century is vividly represented by the Agbar Tower, a modern 38-story skyscraper (however, four of its floors are underground). The shape of the tower is inspired by the idea of ​​the water element, the bizarre outlines of the rocks of the nearby Montserrat mountain range and at the same time the bell towers of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. And all this beauty is made of multi-colored metal and glass panels.

But all the sights of Barcelona, ​​even taken together, pale in comparison to the works of the architect Antonio Gaudi. Of course, each monument in Barcelona is unique, but each of them can be placed in one or another cultural series. A Baroque fountain, Venetian towers, Art Nouveau buildings or ancient Roman ruins - all this can be found in many other cities around the world. Sometimes without a caption it is impossible to understand whether we are seeing photographs from Spain, Italy or, perhaps, the Czech Republic, while every architectural work of Gaudí is unlike anything else in the world. It is enough to see one building, one balcony, one “curl” created by him once, and you can recognize the rest of his works. Gaudí designed several houses for other cities, but the bulk of his legacy is located in the capital of Catalonia.

Millions of pages have been written about this amazing architect - the founder of his own style, which ended with him - but no words can convey what exactly Gaudi created and why he was unique. Gaudi spent his childhood by the sea, so all his houses resemble sand castles. He considered the best interiors to be the sky and the sea, and the ideal sculptural forms to be trees and clouds. Gaudi hated closed and geometrically regular spaces; he avoided straight lines, believing that this was the creation of man, while the circle was the creation of God... How can one retell what happened to an author with similar views?

Take a better look for yourself. In our panorama you can see several of his masterpieces: Park Güell (1900-1914), Casa Mila (1906-1910) and the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, ​​which has been under construction for about 130 years.

In total, in the capital of Catalonia there are more than a dozen objects created by Gaudi; It's not always buildings. Thus, throughout Park Guell, which occupies an area of ​​more than 17 hectares, houses and fountains, paths and columns are generously scattered - all this has become the embodiment of the fantasy of the great Gaudi.

Let's take a closer look at the Church of the Holy Family. The Sagrada Familia, or Sagrada Familia, is a church in Barcelona's Eixample district, built with private donations starting in 1882, the famous project of Antoni Gaudí. And although Gaudi was only one of the architects, it was his contribution, made from 1883 to 1926, that determined the current appearance of this legendary long-term construction. And although in 2008 a group of more than 400 cultural figures in Spain called for the construction of the temple to be stopped (in their opinion, the creation of the great architect was the victim of careless, inept restoration for the sake of the tourist industry), the unusual appearance of the temple made it one of the main attractions of Barcelona . And in November 2010, Pope Benedict XVI consecrated the temple, and now it is officially recognized as suitable for church services. Now even in its unfinished form, the temple looks simply fantastic.

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Add your review about "Barcelona, ​​Spain"

Nothing like Barcelona in Spain. Catalonia is different!


What a wonderful, marvelous, great, beauty job. I wish to see your work about Colombia soon. Sure will be also excelent. Here also we have magic music, incredible landscapes. Let me invite all of you to enjoy them from now on. See you soon i wish. God bless you all.

Gene Jack Vera Zambrano, Colombia

We were in July 2015 for 7 days in BCN.
Thank you for these super panoramas.


Beautiful Barcelona, ​​Spain, of course, Spain

Maria Sope#241a, Spain

Went to la sagrada Familia Just amazing view of the church inside out, Thank you Fits for that great Gift that I will NEVER forget, it is just Beutiful

Rosemarie Joseph, Trinidad and Tobago

I was fortunate enough to go to Barcelona this summer. These views are fantastic and make it easier for me to share my travels with my family and friends. I am also a teacher and I can"t wait to show my students real, 3-D, views of places we discuss in class. Thank you so much for this fantastic resource!

Elizabeth van der Meer, USA

Beautiful pictures from Barcelona, ​​but the music doesn’t match with Catalonian culture. You put an Andalusian music. Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia is not an Andalousian city. I guess it was a mistake.

Carme Puig, France

Curiously, why New York citizens don"t write us? In our panoramas of New York City we use European music, which doesn"t match with American culture. We have to change this music too and to post everywhere incitements to nationalism? Did we understand your thought correctly? :)

Varvara, AirPano

Barcelona is a fantastic city, but that music has nothing to do with Barcelona. That is Andalusian music, like most of the “typical” things the world knows about Spain, though it is true that in many places in Spain, and especially in Barcelona, ​​they “accept” it if there is an economic interest: tourism; and there are places in the town and souvenirs all around flamenco. Many Catalonians hate Spain, but they don't mind taking advantage of Spanish (Andalusian I should say) stereotypes if that means "money".

Juan Senel, Spain

Amazing! Great job, thank you for sharing

Leta Blakeslee, USA

Una ciudad absolutamente encantadora, preciosa, llena de historia y de gentes maravillosas.

Bernardo Gonzalez, Colombia

Barcelona fue durante un tiempo capital de España,
Actualmente es capital de la Catalunya autonómica y
si la situación politica lo permite en un futuro capital
capital de la nació catalana

jordi Navarro, Spain

Catalonia is not Spain.Wrong music of this country...change it please

According to Wikipedia, Barcelona is the capital city of the autonomous community of Catalonia in Spain.

Varvara, AirPano

I love your pictures!Thank you VERY MUCH!

Narges Bayat, Iran

I love your views!!Keep up the good work!! I would love to have such views from the Rocky Mountains and from the Volga River.

What a job you guys have!!!

Jaime Jimenez, Canada

Zaherali Lalji, USA

wonderful, amazing, full of history, welcoming, friendly Barcelona and all Catalonia!

Arrayan Mirto, Spain

Toni Martinez, Costa Rica



Cataluña es España y siempre será España.

Alberto Rupérez, Spain

I love Barcelona, ​​the most beautiful Spanish city. I love Spain and Spanish music too!!

Fritz Bauer, Germany

Above all, CATALONIA IS NOT SPAIN. Secondly, hopefully Catalonia will become independent around year 2020(bye, bye Spain!). Finally, the Russian authors of this website are kindly requested to avoid typical absurd stereotypes about considering Barcelona (the capital-city of Catalonia) as a Spanish flamenco-like city, when Catalan culture has NOTHING to do with that of Spain. Thanks for your understanding (and co-operation).


Preciosas imagenes. Si señor, de una de las ciudades mas importantes de ESPAÑA. Muy buen trabajo y muy buena la musica introducida. Tipica española "Paco de Lucia".
A ver si dentro de poco nos ponen a VALENCIA.
Gracias por vuestro trabajo tan EXCELENTE.

Xavier Espuig, Spain

Qué bonito se ve desde el cielo a una de las ciudades de mi país, ESPAÑA. Gracias por el buen trabajo.

Jaime de Castro, Spain

Gran ciudad y muy Española. La música espectacular para esta ciudad. Las fotos preciosas.
Barcelona the Spanish City! ;)

Carles Roig, Spain

Espectacular y preciosa nuestra capital, pero la música (aunque hermosa) no se corresponde en absoluto a nuestro país que es Catalunya ;)

Nur de Catalonia, Poland

Magnificent views of the capital of Catalonia! but the images are poorly labeled, ... Catalonia is not Spain.
Catalonia is a nation that was invaded by Spain in 1714 and had already parliament, democracy, trade and held their own.

Eloi Fernandez, Andorra

Barcelona, ​​called too "the city of prodigies" and the incredible capital of the next state in Europe. Only one thing, the music is not typical of this city, is gipsy and flamenco music from the south of Spain

Michel Puig, France

Si mal no recuerdo esta el convento de Monserrat era maravilloso con la vienen negra o me equivoco de lugar?

Nancy Andrade, Argentina

Jeko Dinev, Bulgaria

Una Ciudad que me gustaria algun dia visitar. Bellisima e impresionante!

Altagracia Marte, Dominican Republic

Excelente trabajo y muy agradecido por compartirlo en la red

Arturo Goncalves, Spain

adorei viajar online pela spain

Maria Maria Helena Cassinha de Oliveira, Brazil

Barcelona, ​​Catalunya! :D

Àlex Mendez Bravo, Andorra

Unica y hermosa La Barceloneta...catalonia tierra de mis abuelos.

JOTA Ferrarello, Colombia

felicidades todo esta muy bonito

David Velasco, Egypt

Site, muito maravilhoso, parabens.


Muito lindo essa maravilha de Espanha.
Lindo Site e parabens.

Luiz Arruty Rey, Brazil

Preciosas vistas de Barcelona. Gracias. Conozco bastante bien España y Barcelona es una de sus maravillosas ciudades. Aunque sí es verdad lo que dicen otros comentarios aquí: La descripción inicial de la ciudad no es muy acertada, porque las "ancient cities" españolas donde se siente el arte y la historia, son otras: Sevilla, Toledo, Salamanca, Córdoba, etc .

Adriano Guarente, Argentina

Son espectaculares todas las imágenes,PRECIOSASSSSSS,

Antoni Cedillo Ortés, Spain

Alfredo Grandi, Italy

Barcelona is not Spain, and the music in the video is from a musician from Andalusia.

Jordan Johnson, Aruba

This is such a remarkable Project. Congratulations. A few weeks ago my family and I visited Barcelona and it was a great help to have visited this site before.

Enrique Perez, Mexico

Great combination of ART & SCIENCE... Marvellous photos and locations... Simple great work done..

3D tour of the city of Barcelona– the capital of the autonomous region of Catalonia and the province of the same name. The largest industrial, commercial and tourist center in Spain.

Barcelona attractions popular

La Rambla pedestrian street in the center of Barcelona. Border between the Gothic Quarter and the Raval Quarter. There is always a lively atmosphere of fun, celebrations and delightful secrets.

Gothic Quarter– Once the very center of Barcelona and the center of all its medieval attractions, the Gothic Quarter is located between Rambla and Laietana Street. The quarter received its name due to the surviving buildings erected in the Middle Ages.

Casa Batllo– one of the most famous mansions, an amazing and unique masterpiece of Gaudí, Casa Batlló is located on Passage de Gràcia, in the heart of the Eixample quarter. Over the years, Casa Batllo was recognized as a monument of Barcelona, ​​later as a state-level monument

House Mila- a residential building and architectural monument, the last of the masterpieces of the legendary Antoni Gaudi. This landmark of Barcelona in 1984 became the first building of the 20th century to be included in the UNESCO List.
Sagrada Familia– a church in Barcelona, ​​in the Eixample district, built with private donations since 1882, a famous project

Barcelona (cat. Barcelona, ​​Spanish Barcelona) is a city in Spain, the capital of the autonomous region of Catalonia and the province of the same name. A port on the Mediterranean Sea 120 km from the French border. The largest industrial and commercial center in Spain. One of the most important tourist destinations on European routes. The population of Barcelona is 1,617,487 (INE 2016). It is the second most populous city in Spain after Madrid and the tenth in the European Union. The city's suburbs are home to 3.2 million people; taking them into account, Barcelona has almost 5 million inhabitants. In 1992, Barcelona hosted the Summer Olympic Games. In 2004, Barcelona hosted the World Cultural Forum 2004. In March 2010, Barcelona became the capital of the Mediterranean Union, which includes 43 countries. In 2013, Barcelona hosted the World Aquatics Championships.


Barcelona is located in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula on the Mediterranean coast on a plateau 5 km wide, bordered on the south by the Collserola mountain range and the Llobregat River, and on the north by the Besos River. The Pyrenees are approximately 120 km north of the city. The coastal mountains of Collserola create the slightly rounded boundaries of the city. The highest point is Mount Tibidabo. Its height is 512 m, above it rises the Colserola antenna tower, noticeable from afar, with a height of 288.4 m. The highest point within the city is the Mont Taber hill (cat. Mont Taber), 12 m high, on which the Barcelona Cathedral is located. Barcelona lies on the hills that give their name to the city's neighborhoods: Carmel (cat. Carmel, 267 m), Monterols (cat. Monterols, 121 m), Puchet (cat. Putxet, 181 m), Rovira (cat. Rovira, 261 m) and Peira (cat. Peira, 133 m). The 173m high Montjuïc mountain in the southwestern part of the city offers magnificent views of the port of Barcelona. On Montjuic there is a fortress of the 17th-18th centuries, which took over the defensive functions of the destroyed Ciutadella citadel, while a park was laid out on the site of the latter. Currently, the fortress houses the Military Museum. In addition to the fortress, Montjuic is home to Olympic venues, cultural institutions and famous gardens. To the north the city is bordered by the municipalities of Santa Coloma de Gramanet and Sant Andria de Besos, to the south by Hospitalet de Llobregat and Esplugues de Llobregat, to the southeast the city borders the Mediterranean Sea, and to the west The towns of Sant Cugat del Valles and Cerdanyola del Valles are located.

Barcelona's climate is Mediterranean, with mild, dry winters and warm, humid summers. The coldest months are January and February (average temperature about 10 °C), the hottest are July and August (average temperature about 25 °C). The greatest amount of precipitation falls in October (about 90 mm); the smallest is in July (about 20 mm).


According to the Barcelona City Council, on January 1, 2005, the population of the city was 1,593,075 people, the population of greater Barcelona was 5,292,354...