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The highest peaks of the world on all continents. What are the highest mountains in the world? Which mountains have the highest peak

Everyone knows that the highest mountain is Everest. Can you name the second tallest? Or at least three more from the TOP 10 list? How many eight-thousanders in the world do you know? Answers under the cut...

No. 10. Annapurna I (Himalayas) - 8091 meters

Annapurna I is the highest peak of the Annapurna mountain range. The height of the mountain is 8091 meters. It ranks tenth among all the peaks of the world. This peak is also considered the most dangerous - the mortality rate of climbers for all years of climbing is 32%, but in the period from 1990 to the present, the mortality rate has decreased to 17%.

The name Annapurna is translated from Sanskrit as “Goddess of Fertility.”

The peak was first conquered in 1950 by French climbers Maurice Herzog and Louis Lachenal. Initially they wanted to conquer Dhaulagiri, but found it impregnable and went to Annapurna.

No. 9. Nanga Parbat (Himalayas) - 8125 meters.

Nanga Parbat is one of the most dangerous mountains to climb among the eight-thousander mountains. The height of the Nanga Parbat peak is 8125 meters.

Among the Europeans, the peak was first noticed in the 19th century by Adolf Schlagintveit during his trip to Asia and made the first sketches.

In 1895, the first attempt to conquer the peak was made by British climber Albert Frederick Mummery. But he died along with his guides.

Then several more attempts were made to conquer it in 1932, 1934, 1937, 1939, 1950. But the first successful conquest occurred in 1953, when Hermann Buhl, a member of the German-Austrian expedition led by K. Herligkoffer, climbed Nanga Parbat.
Nanga Parbat has a climber mortality rate of 21%.

No. 8. Manaslu (Himalayas) - 8156 meters.

Manaslu (Kutang) is a mountain that is part of the Mansiri Himal range in Nepal.
In 1950, Tilman made the first reconnaissance of the mountain and noted that it was possible to climb it from the northeast side. And only 34 years later, after several unsuccessful attempts to conquer the peak, on January 12, 1984, Polish climbers Ryszard Gajewski and Maciej Berbeka climbed the main peak of Manaslu for the first time, conquering it.
The mortality rate among climbers on Manaslu is 16%.

No. 7. Dhaulagiri I (Himalayas) - 8167 meters.

Dhaulagiri I is the highest point of the Dhaulagiri mountain range in the Himalayas. The height of the peak is 8167 meters.

From 1808 to 1832, Dhaulagiri I was considered the highest peak in the world. Climbers paid attention to it only in the 50s of the 20th century, and only the eighth expedition was able to conquer the peak. A team of the best climbers in Europe, led by Max Eiselin, conquered the peak on May 13, 1960.

In Sanskrit, dhavala or dala means “white” and giri means “mountain”.

No. 6. Cho Oyu (Himalayas) - 8201 meters.

Cho Oyu is the sixth highest mountain peak in the world. The height of Cho Oyu is 8201 m.

The first successful ascent was made in 1954 by an Austrian expedition, which included Herbert Tichy, Joseph Jächler and Pazang Dawa Lama. For the first time, an attempt was made to conquer such a peak without oxygen masks and cylinders, and it was a success. With its success, the expedition opened a new page in the history of mountaineering.

Today there are 15 different routes to the top of Cho Oyu.

No. 5. Makalu (Himalayas) - 8485 meters.

Makalu is the fifth highest peak in the world. Located in the central Himalayas, on the border of Nepal with China (Tibet Autonomous Region).

The first ascent attempts began in the mid-50s of the 20th century. This can be explained by the fact that most expeditions wanted to conquer Qomolungma and Lhotse, while Makalu and other lesser-known neighboring peaks remained in the shadows.

The first successful expedition occurred in 1955. French climbers led by Lionel Terray and Jean Cauzy conquered the peak on May 15, 1955.

Makalu is one of the most difficult peaks to climb. Less than 30% of expeditions are successful.

To date, there are 17 different routes to the top of Makalu.

No. 4. Lhotse (Himalayas) - 8516 meters.

Lhotse is the fourth highest peak in the world, at 8516 meters. Located on the territory of the Tibet Autonomous Region.

The first successful ascent was made on May 18, 1956 by a Swiss expedition consisting of Ernst Reiss and Fritz Luchsinger.

Of all attempts to climb Lhotse, only 25% were successful.

No. 3. Kanchenjunga (Himalayas) - 8586 meters.

Until 1852, Kanchenjunga was considered the highest peak in the world, but after calculations based on data from the 1849 expedition, it was proven that the highest mountain is Everest.

All peaks in the world tend to have a decreasing mortality rate over time, but Kangchenjunga is an exception. In recent years, the mortality rate while climbing to the top has reached 23% and is only growing. In Nepal, there is a legend that Kanchenjunga is a woman mountain that kills all women who try to climb to its peak.

No. 2. Chogori (Karakorum) - 8614 meters.

Chogori is the second highest peak in the world. Chogori was first discovered by a European expedition in 1856 and was designated Mount K2, that is, the second peak of the Karakoram.
The first attempt to climb was made in 1902 by Oscar Eckenstein and Aleister Crowley, but ended in failure.

The summit was conquered in 1954 by an Italian expedition led by Ardito Desio.

To date, 10 different routes have been laid to the top of K2.
Climbing Chogori is technically much more difficult than climbing Everest. In terms of danger, the mountain ranks second among eight-thousanders after Annapurna, the mortality rate is 24%. None of the attempts to climb Chogori in winter were successful.

No. 1. Chomolungma (Himalayas) - 8848 meters.

Chomolungma (Everest) is the highest peak on Earth.

Translated from Tibetan, “Chomolungma” means “Divine (jomo) Mother (ma) of vital energy (lung).” The mountain is named after the Bon goddess Sherab Jamma.

The English name "Everest" was given in honor of Sir George Everest, the head of the British India Survey in 1830-1843. This name was proposed in 1856 by George Everest's successor Andrew Waugh after the publication of the results of his collaborator Radhanath Sikdar, who in 1852 first measured the height of "Peak XV" and showed that it was the highest in the region and, probably, in the whole world.

Before the first successful ascent to the summit, which took place in 1953, about 50 expeditions were carried out to the Himalayas and Karakoram (to Chomolungma, Chogori, Kanchenjunga, Nanga Parbat and other peaks).

On May 29, 1953, Everest was conquered by New Zealand climber Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay.

In subsequent years, the highest peak of the world was conquered by climbers from different countries - the USSR, China, USA, India, Japan, and other countries.

Over the entire period of time, more than 260 people died while attempting to climb Everest. Nevertheless, more than 400 people try to conquer Chomolungma every year.

The answer to the question about eight-thousanders is that there are 14 of them in the world, 10 of them are in the Himalayas, and the remaining 4 are in the Karakoram.

The power of nature frightens and delights at the same time. Evidence of her strength is found in the deep crevices and highest peaks of the planet. Everest is called the top of the world, and it really is. However, not everyone knows what the highest mountain in the world is. Yes, there are giants that exceed the size of the famous Chomolungma. But what they are and where they are - read on.

The largest and highest mountain on the planet is the shield volcano Mauna Kea. It is located on an island in the Hawaiian archipelago. Its size is shocking. If you put this natural colossus next to Everest, the latter will seem like a small hill.

For comparison: the height of Mauna Kea from the base to the top is 10,203 m, and Everest is 3550 m. Do you feel the difference?! So why is the Himalayan peak given the palm?

The thing is that Mauna Kea originates underwater, where most of the volcano is hidden. The peak of the mountain above sea level is at an altitude of 4205 m, while Chomolungma rises to 8848 m.

The Hawaiian giant is about a million years old. Active “youth” helped the volcano grow to such dimensions. From the moment of its birth, Mauna Kea erupted regularly for 500 thousand years, then activity began to decline. The volcano is now considered extinct. According to rough estimates, the last eruption occurred 4-6 thousand years ago.

Such an amount of volcanic rock concentrated at one point exerts enormous pressure on the earth's crust. Its total volume is about 3200 km3. It's hard to imagine how much it weighs, but this mass is enough to push the Pacific Plate six kilometers.

"Mauna Kea" translates to 'White Mountain'. The indigenous people could not call it anything else, because this is the only place on the Hawaiian Islands where snow falls in winter. Local tribes consider the mountain sacred, and only leaders have the right to climb it. Unfortunately, and perhaps fortunately, this does not stop the Europeans.

On the one hand, in the lower part of the volcano, for the sake of the development of the sugar industry, wild forests were practically destroyed; on the other hand, the top of Mauna Kea is an excellent place for space exploration. Since 1964, 13 observatories have been built here. The question of whether it was worth doing this, given the holiness of the mountain, still causes heated debate.

The highest mountains in the world: list

The dream of every climber is to conquer the main peaks of the world. There are seven in total on the list, one for each continent and region of the Earth. Let's talk briefly about each of them:

  1. His Majesty is Everest.

Has several other names. In Tibet, the mountain is called Qomolungma (Divine Mother) or Jomo Gang Kar (Holy Mother, White as Snow). The Nepalese call the highest peak Sagarmatha.

This is one of the most violent places on the planet. Not everyone will be able to reach at least the base camp, which is located at an altitude of about 5,000 m. Let alone the summit.

The air temperature on the mountain in the warm season does not rise above zero degrees, and in winter it varies from -36 during the day to -60 degrees at night. Add to this the violent winds, the speed of which sometimes reaches 200 km/h, and you will understand that the slightest problem here can turn into a disaster.

In the off season, few people will challenge grief, because it is akin to suicide. Since its first ascent in 1953, Everest has claimed the lives of more than 250 people, whose bodies are still there. To pick them up, you need to equip an expedition, and this is very expensive. The fees for the lift alone reach up to 25 thousand dollars. No matter how cynical it may sound, many corpses serve as landmarks for climbers.

  1. The second highest height in the world is Aconcagua.

Located in Argentina and part of the Andes - the longest mountain system in the world, stretching for 11,000 km. Translated from the Quechua language, “Aconcagua” means “Stone Guardian”. Looking at the mountain, you understand that it was not given this name in vain.

Massive and majestic, Aconcagua truly resembles a stone giant. The height of the mountain above sea level reaches 6961 m. Technically, it is not considered too difficult to conquer. The record for ascent and descent belongs to Karl Egloff: his time is 11 hours 52 minutes. Even children came up here. The youngest climber was only nine years old.

The weather is relatively mild. The average temperature at the top is 20 degrees below zero, much colder at night. There is low humidity here, but strong winds will not allow a person to forget where he is.

  1. Presidential Mount McKinley.

Located in Alaska, 210 km north of Anchorage. It occupies the third position in height above sea level - 6190 m. In fact, it is a huge granite block that came out of the ground as a result of tectonic activity. This happened about 60 million years ago.

The mountain was often renamed. It was originally called Denali, which means “great” in the Athabascan Indian language. When the Russians came to Alaska, the granite giant was simply called Big Mountain. In 1896, when Alaska ceded to the United States, the mountain was named after President William McKinley. However, in 2015, the first name was returned to it.

Based on climbing statistics, this peak is not for everyone. Only 58% of attempts are successful. Since 1913, the mountain has claimed the lives of more than 100 people. Weather conditions and lack of oxygen do not stop people, even if they have to walk alone in winter. This is what Loni Dupre did, who successfully climbed Denali and came down unharmed on January 11, 2015.

  1. Kilimanjaro.

The highest point in Africa - 5892 m. It is located in Tanzania and is a potentially active volcano. Presumably the last eruption took place 200 thousand years ago, but the lava did not go anywhere. It is located under the crater at a depth of 400 m.

Kilimanjaro has three peaks that are separate volcanoes:

  • Shira - 3962 m;
  • Mawenzi - 5149 m;
  • Kobo - 5892 m.

A distinctive feature of the mountain is the ice cap, which has not left the top for 11 thousand years, since the last ice age. However, over the last hundred years, due to deforestation and decreased rainfall, the glacier has shrunk by 80%.

One of the easiest peaks to climb. The first documented assault took place in 1889. It was accomplished by a group of climbers led by Hans Meyer. Trained climbers can climb to the top and descend back in 10 hours. For beginners, due to the need for acclimatization, this requires 5 days.

  1. The highest mountain in Europe is Elbrus.

It belongs to the same type of mountains as Kilimanjaro - a stratovolcano. The last eruption occurred around 50 AD. e. It has a saddle shape with two peaks: eastern - 5621 m; western - 5642 m.

The mountain is shrouded in many glaciers with a total area of ​​134.5 km2. Melt water flowing down the slopes of Elbrus feeds several large rivers: Kuban, Baksan and Malka. The weather here changes from bad to good every 5–7 days. In summer it can be hot - 25–35 degrees, in winter at an altitude of 3,000 m the temperature drops to –12–20 degrees.

From a mountaineering point of view, Elbrus is not particularly difficult to climb, but there are several extreme routes. The peak was even stormed on a motorcycle in 1963 and a car in 1997.

  1. Vinson Peak is the highest point on the sixth continent.

The mountain is part of the massif of the same name, which is located 1200 km from the South Pole and extends 21 km in length and 13 km in width. The highest point is at 4897 m above sea level.

American pilots discovered Vinson Peak in 1957, and 9 years later its peak was conquered by climber Nicholas Clinch. Despite the aggressive conditions of Antarctica, summer is relatively comfortable here. In the tents of the assault camp, the temperature is in the range of 0–10 degrees Celsius. During ascent, the thermometer often drops below thirty-five degrees.

  1. Pyramid of Carstens, or Puncak Jaya.

Located on the island of New Guinea. Its peak is considered the highest point in Oceania and Australia - 4884 m, and according to some sources - 5030 meters. Jaya Peak was discovered by European explorer Jan Carstens in 1623.

Arriving in Holland, he spoke about the glacier he saw, for which he was ridiculed. Like, where does the glacier come from in the tropics?! However, they laughed at him in vain. What he saw was one of the highest mountains in the world.

Despite such an early discovery, the first ascent occurred only 339 years later. A group of climbers led by Heinrich Harrer stormed the mountain in 1962.

The highest mountain in Kazakhstan

On the border with Kyrgyzstan and China, on the Tien Shan ridge, the majestic and cold Khan Tengri rises. This is the highest point in Kazakhstan - 7010 m above sea level. The name of the mountain is Turkic and is translated as ‘Lord of the Heavens’.

Externally, Khan Tengri is a natural pyramid with regular edges. The top of the mountain is covered with a layer of ice 15 meters thick. In pagan times, people believed that the supreme God lived there and ruled the whole world from there.

The first mentions of the mountain are found in the writings of ancient explorers and adventurers. As for modern study, it began in the middle of the 19th century, when the geographer P. Semenov made a detailed description of the mountain.

The first successful assault on Khan Tengri took place on September 11, 1931. The climbers from the Ukrainian expedition became heroes. It was led by Mikhail Pogrebetsky, Boris Tyurin and Franz Sauber. The athletes spent a long time and meticulously thinking through and working out the route of the ascent. As a result, it was decided to go along the southern and southwestern side of the mountain.

Khan Tengri is famous not only for its beauty, but also for its regular accidents. Every season the mountain takes several people. 2004 was especially dark. Then a Polish climber died during the ascent, and a month later an avalanche at an altitude of 5,000 m trapped a group of 50 people. While the rescue operation was underway, 11 climbers from Russia, Ukraine and the Czech Republic died.

The highest mountains in the world annually attract hundreds of daredevils who risk their lives for the indescribable feeling of unity with nature. They can be understood, because those who once climbed to the top want to repeat it again and again. Vysotsky also wrote: “The whole world is in the palm of your hand - you are happy and silent and only slightly envy those others whose peak is still ahead.”

According to the data, this particular shield volcano, located in the Hawaiian Islands, is the highest, if we take into account the height from the very base of the mountain.

As you know, with its height of 10203 meters it is 1355 meters higher than Chomolungma. If you decide to visit this gigantic elevation, you will notice that most of the mountain is hidden under water, and rises only 4205 meters above sea level.

Mauna Kea has existed on earth for about a million years. According to experts, the last period of activity of the volcano was 500,000 years ago, the last eruption occurred approximately 4-5 thousand years ago, so it is considered inactive and there is no reason for concern.

It is believed that the top of the volcano mountain has all the best qualities intended for astronomical observation: humid air, temperature, number of sunny days per year, environmental conditions, etc. As you know, a number of powerful telescopes are already operating at its summit, and in 214, construction began on the largest telescope in the world.

The highest mountains in the world from all continents. Description of the seven highest peaks by frequency.

As you know, there is a project that includes a list of the highest peaks of the world around the world and it is called “Seven Summits”. This seven includes the mountains of North and South America, as well as Asia and Europe. Climbers who have conquered all seven peaks automatically become honorary members of the “Seven Peaks” club.

I consider it necessary to provide a list of mountains that are included in the list of “seven peaks”:

  • Chomolungma (Asia);
  • Aconcagua (South America);
  • McKinley (North America);
  • Kilimanjaro (Africa);
  • Elbrus or Mont Blanc (Europe);
  • Vinson Massif (Antarctica);
  • Kosciuszko (Australia) or Cartens Pyramid (Puncak Jaya) (Australia and Oceania).

Chomolungma (Everest) as the highest peak in Asia

Geographically, it laid out its southern mountain ranges (8760 m) on the border of Nepal and the Tibet Autonomous Region of China, and its northern ones (the main ones, 8848 m) on the territory of China itself. The peak itself belongs to the Himalaya mountain system and the Mahalangur-Himal ridge. Its coordinates are 27.59`17` north latitude. 86.55`31` E

An interesting fact is that we would not have known about this mountain as the highest in the world if in 1852, a certain mathematician and topographer Radhanat Sidkar, while in India, was 240 km away. from India, did not determine this by trigonometric calculations.

The tallest Asian beauty has the shape of a triangular pyramid. The southern skrod is distinguished by its geometric steepness and exposure, so it does not hold snow and firn. As you know, many glaciers descend from the peak, ending their existence at an altitude of 5000 m.

According to facts, the first people to climb the highest peak were Sherpa Tenzing Norgay and New Zealander Eumond Hillary, they climbed on May 29, 1953 through the South Col.

There is no need to hide the fact that the mountain is not very welcoming to guests. Its climate is very harsh, wind speed reaches 55 m/sec, temperatures in some places drop to -60 degrees Celsius. According to statistics, every twentieth climber remains forever on the slopes of harsh peaks, even modern equipment and equipment do not help, as a result of which 200 climbers from 1953 to 2014 left their lives without conquering the highest peak.

Aconcagua is the second of the “Seven Summits” and the highest peak in the western and southern hemispheres of the Earth.

As you know, in Argentina, in the central part of the Andes, the highest mountain in South America is located - Aconcagua. According to the data, this peak was formed by the convergence of two lithospheric plates, Nazca and South American, and is 6962 m in absolute height. It also has a large number of glaciers, the largest being the northeastern (Polish) and eastern ones.

Coordinates: 32.39` S 70.00` west

Compared to Chomolungma, climbing to this peak will not be difficult if you do it from the northern slope. But despite this, it will be more difficult to conquer from the south or southwest. As you know, the British were the first to climb Mount Aconcagu in 1898 with the expedition of Edward Fitzgerald.

The third of the “Seven Summits” is the highest mountain in North America – McKinley

Coordinates – 63.04`10` north latitude. 151.00`26` west

This natural wonder is located in the center of Denali National Park in Alaska. As history goes, until 1867, that is, until Alaska was sold to the United States, it was considered the highest mountain of the Russian Empire. The first person to see it from both sides is considered to be Lavrenty Alekseevich Zagoskin, the leader of the Russian expedition.

On March 17, 1913, American climbers under the command of Hudson Stack are considered the first people to conquer this peak.

According to stories, the indigenous people, the Athabascan Indians, used to call this mountain Denali, which means “great.” It was also called “Big Mountain” when it belonged to the Russian Empire. It received its final name in 1896 in honor of the 25th American president.

The highest mountain in Africa and the fourth of the “seven” is Kilimanjaro.

Geographic coordinates: 3.04`00` S, 37.21`33` E.

This mountain is a potentially active volcano in northeastern Tanzania. Its ridge consists of three extinct volcanoes: Shira is located in the west with an altitude of 3,962 m above sea level, Kibo in the center with a height of 5,891.8 m, and in the east Mawenzi with an altitude of 5,149 m.

Speaking about the appearance of the mountain, its peaks are covered with an ice cap. Unfortunately, this glacier is actively melting and is barely noticeable in height as in the old days, and experts predict its complete disappearance by 2020. This active melting may be due to the cutting down of nearby forests and a decrease in precipitation.

As evidenced by the facts, in 1889 the first ascent of this peak was made by Hans Meier. It is important to say that conquering this mountain is not considered technically difficult. since it is located close to the equator and is at the intersection point of all types of altitudinal zones.

The highest peak in Russia and Europe - Elbrus

Geographic coordinates: 43.20`45` N, 42.26`55` E.

Due to the ambiguity of the border between Asia and Europe, there is currently debate about the location of this mountain in Europe. If the answer is positive, this mountain can be considered the highest point in Europe; if not, then Mont Blanc can claim this peak.

About the location: as you know, Elbrus is located on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachevo-Cherkessia, in the Caucasus.

Externally, it looks like a swell-shaped volcanic cone, with a height of 5642 m in the west and 5621 m in the east. According to data, in the 50s. before. AD the last eruption was observed.

The hills of this mountain are covered with glaciers measuring 134.5 sq. km, the largest of which are Big and Small Azau, Terskop.

From the point of view of climbers, the ascent is not difficult, but there are particularly difficult routes. The first conquest was accomplished during the expedition of General G.A. Emanuel, head of the Caucasian fortified line in 1929.

The highest mountain in Antarctica and the sixth of the “seven” – Vinson Massif

Geographic coordinates: 78.31`31` S, 85.37`01` W

The mountain is part of the Ellsworth Mountains and is geographically located 1200 km away. from the South Pole. Its scale is 21 m long and 13 km. in width. It is Vinson Peak that is the highest point of the massif.

It was discovered by American pilots in 1957, and on December 18, 1966, the sunrise was recorded by Nicholas Clinch.

The fifth of seven and the first Mont Blanc mountain in Europe

Geographic coordinates: 45.49`58` N, 6.51`53` E.

This beauty is located on the border of France and Italy and belongs to the Alps mountain system. Its length is 50 km. it is part of the Mont Blanc crystalline massif. The mountain has a large and majestic cover with a length of 200 km. The Mer de Glace is the largest glacier.

Jacques Balmat and Michel Paccard were the first to conquer the massif on August 8, 1786. Another interesting fact is that in 1886, during his honeymoon, Theodore Roosevelt conquered this mountain.

The seventh of the “Seven” and the first in mainland Australia is Mount Kosciuszko

Geographic coordinates: 36.27` S 148.16` E

This massif was discovered in 1840 and is located on the territory of the national park of the same name, in the Australian Alps in the south of New South Wales.

As you know, the name of the mountain in honor of the military and political figure Tadeusz Kosciuszko was given by the Polish traveler, geographer and geologist Pavel Edmund Strzelecki. It was he who carried out the first conquest of this mountain in 1840.

The highest in Australia and Oceania and the seventh of seven is the Carstens Pyramid (Puncak Jaya)

Geographic coordinates: 4.05` S, 137.11` E

It is impossible to miss the fact that there is currently disagreement over which array should cover the list of “seven” vertices. If the Austrian continent is taken into account, Kosciuszko Peak will be considered, and if all of Australia and Oceania are taken into account, the Carstens Pyramid with a height of 4884 meters will undoubtedly be the highest. For this reason, two versions of the “seven peaks” were created, including two options. But the main one is still considered to be the Carstens Pyramid.

The peak is part of the Maoke massif and is located in the western part of the island of New Guinea.

The mountain is named after the Dutch explorer Jan Carstens, who discovered it in 1623. Its hills were first conquered by a group of four Austrian climbers led by Heinrich Harrer in 1962.

Among climbers, the highest mountains in the world are called the “Seven Summits”. This list includes:

  1. Everest - 8848 m.
  2. Aconcagua - 6959 m.
  3. McKinley - 6194 m.
  4. Kilimanjaro - 5895 m.
  5. Elbrus - 5642 m.
  6. Vinson - 4892 m.
  7. Puncak Jaya - 4884 m.

Major mountain peaks

You can often hear the question: which mountains are the highest? This is Everest. The mountain is considered the highest on the entire planet. Thousands of climbers strive to get here. Basically, if you climb along a proven route, no technical difficulties ever arise. But these beautiful mountains are not conquered by everyone. Climbers face different problems:

  • strong winds;
  • lack of oxygen;
  • unpredictable weather;
  • various diseases.

By the way, Lhotse - this mountain, exceeding 8000 m, ranks fourth among the highest peaks in the world. It is located closest to Everest. However, climbers are in no hurry to conquer its peak; there have been very few ascents.

The highest mountains in the world are mainly found in the Andes. Among them, Aconcagua is considered the highest. This mountain is famous for several glaciers, the most famous being the Polish Glacier. The Andes mountains are perhaps the most beautiful in the world.

The highest mountains are also in Alaska. A prominent representative was Mount McKinley, reaching 6194 m. Which mountains are the highest? We can consider that this mountain, having such a height, is one of the highest points on the entire Earth.

Features of highly elevated areas

The highest mountains in Africa are represented by Kilimanjaro. It is located in Tanzania and is of volcanic origin.

It contains several volcanic formations:

  • Kiba;
  • Mawenzi;
  • Shira.

The mountain is more than a million years old. This is the oldest mountain on the planet. Its formation is associated with a volcanic eruption and lava falling into a beautiful rift valley. Beautiful mountains have always interested climbers. Every year tens of thousands of people try to conquer this height.

In Europe and Russia, Elbrus is considered the highest mountain. This is a long-extinct volcano, but beneath it, molten magma rages at great depths.

The most beautiful hills are the Caucasus Mountains, among which Elbrus stands out. If you translate the word “Elbrus” into Russian, you get “high mountain”. Elbrus glaciers feed several rivers:

  • Kuban;
  • Malka;
  • Baksan.

Antarctica is considered another beautiful place. It is here that the Visson massif is located, reaching an altitude of 4892 m.

You can meet Mount Puncak Jaya if you visit Australia. Two Austrian climbers were able to conquer this height for the first time. This happened in the early 60s of the last century. Today, to conquer the rock, you must obtain government permission. Only specialized travel agencies can obtain such permission.

Annapurna is a mountain in Tibet that is considered the most difficult to climb on Earth.. In the middle of the 20th century, French climbers managed to climb its peak. This ascent is considered the most outstanding in the world for the entire history of mountaineering.

No oxygen was used during the ascent. This can be called a feat, because at an altitude of more than 8000 m the air contains only 30% oxygen. A person can only be in such conditions for a short period of time. It took exactly two weeks for climbers to descend from this mountain. The mountain in Tibet is one of the most dangerous peaks in the world; more than 40% of climbers die while climbing.

The second highest peak (Chogori) is located in Karakorum. The peak is located at an altitude of more than 8611 m. It is the most difficult mountain to climb. Moving along the easiest route, climbers have to pass through difficult glaciers. On their way there are rocks with steep sections. You have to overcome frequent seracs, which are icy blocks that barely hold on and can suddenly collapse. Since it is very difficult to climb this mountain, it is considered the most dangerous on the planet. Almost 24% of people who dare to conquer it die during the ascent.

Kanchenjunga is also a very dangerous peak, which reaches 8586 m and is located in the Himalayas. This mountain also received another name in the world, namely “Five Treasures Peak”. Climbing Kanchenjunga is associated with the death of many climbers.

In recent years, the percentage of accidents has increased significantly and amounted to 22%. The main reasons were various difficulties (avalanches, atmospheric conditions and technical difficulties).

Other mountain peaks

The most famous highlands on Earth are the following:

  1. Nanga Parbat.

The height of the mountain reaches 8126 m. The rock is located in the north of the Himalayas and is considered their northern end.

To get to this height, you need to go through a narrow mountain climb. The southern part of this ridge, exceeding 4600 m, is considered the mountain slope with the largest dimensions on the planet. Since the difficulty of climbing the mountain has a very high coefficient, this mountain received the second name “Killer Mountain”.

In the west of Europe, right in the Alps, this high peak is located, reaching 4810 m. A mountain range stretching for 50 km is also named by this name.

A huge area is hidden under the ice. Almost 200 km² is covered with a thick ice crust. The name means "white mountain".

Near the top there are famous ski resorts:

  • Chamonix - France;
  • Courmayeur - Italy.

Mont Blanc was first conquered in 1786 by two French climbers Balmat and Paccard. Local residents call this massif the “cursed mountains” due to the high mortality rate.

Basically, for modern mountaineering, climbing this rock is not considered particularly difficult. However, almost every year accidents are recorded here. The main reasons are considered to be poor preparedness, poor organization, climatic conditions and avalanches.

This most beautiful mountain on Earth is located in the Alps. It shares Italy with Switzerland. Its peak reaches 4478 m. The mountain is unique in its shape, which looks like a horn starting to grow straight from the numerous valleys surrounding the massif. The highest mortality rate is recorded among climbers trying to conquer this mountain.