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Investments in stable and reliable currencies. Which currency is the most reliable in the world? The most reliable currency in the world today

What do you think is the most valuable currency in the world today?

Most believe that the British pound is the most expensive currency, however, as it turns out, this is not the case.

Especially for blog readers, we have compiled a list of the most powerful currencies in the world (as of January 13, 2019).

So, the most expensive currency in the world...

No.1 – Kuwait Dinar (1 KWD = 3.29 USD)

Currency code – KWD

1 KWD = 3.29 USD
1 KWD = 220.603 RUB

Kuwaiti dinar - the most expensive currency in the world against the dollar and Russian ruble.

Kuwait is a small country with enormous wealth. The high value of its currency is explained by the significant export of petroleum products to the world market.

No.2 – Bahrain Dinar (2.65 USD)

Currency code – BHD

1 BHD = 2.65 USD
1 BHD = 177.25 RUB

The Bahraini dinar is the second most valuable currency in the world.

Bahrain is an island state in the Persian Gulf with a population of just over 1 million people. As in the first case, the main source of income for this country is the export of black gold.

Interestingly, the Bahraini dinar is pegged to the dollar, and for the past 14 years, its value relative to the dollar has not changed.

No.3 – Oman Rial (2.60 USD)

Currency code – OMR

1 OMR = 2.60 USD
1 BHD = 177.25 RUB

Oman is a country on the Arabian Peninsula. Thanks to its strategic location, it has a developed economy and a high standard of living.

The Omani rial, like the Bahraini dinar, is pegged to the dollar.

Interestingly, the purchasing power of this currency is so high that the government has to issue paper notes in denominations of 1/2 and 1/4 rials. In the picture above you can see 1/2 rial.

No.4 – Jordan Dinar (1.41 USD)

Currency code – JOD

1 JOD = 1.41 USD
1 JOD = 94.25 RUB

It is quite difficult to explain the high value of the Jordanian dinar, since the country is not particularly developed economically and lacks important resources such as oil. However, 1 Jordanian dinar costs about $1.41, making it one of the 10 most expensive currencies in the world.

No.5 – British Pound (1.26 USD)

Currency code – GBP

1 GBP = 1.26 USD
1 GBP = 85.25 RUB

It is the British pound that everyone considers the most expensive currency in the world, but as it turns out, it is only in 5th place.

By the way, the British colonies issue their own banknotes, which are visually different from the banknotes issued by the Bank of England, but are quoted 1 to 1.

So, there are also: Scottish, Northern Irish, Manx, Jersey, Guernsey, Gibraltar pounds, as well as the St. Helena pound and the Falkland Islands pound.

It's funny, but native Britons don't always want to accept "other" pounds as payment.

No.6 – Cayman Islands Dollar (1.20 USD)

Currency code – KYD

1 KYD = 1.20 USD
1 KYD = 81.25 RUB

The Cayman Islands are one of the world's top tax havens. These islands have given power to hundreds of banks, hedge funds and insurance companies.

In particular, due to its leadership among tax havens, the Cayman Islands dollar is worth about US$1.22.

No.7 – European Euro (1.14 USD)

Currency code – EUR

1 EUR = 1.14 USD
1 EUR = 76.34 RUB

Even though the Euro currency has lost about 20% of its value over the past year, it is still one of the strongest currencies in the world.

Part of its strength comes from the fact that it is the official currency of 17 European countries, including several economic heavyweights.

In addition, the Euro is the world's second reserve currency, covering 22.2% of all world savings (for the dollar - 62.3%).

No.8 – Swiss Franc (1.04 USD)

Currency code – CHF

1 CHF = 1.04 USD
1 CHF = 68.05 RUB

Switzerland is not only one of the richest countries in the world, but also one of the most stable. Its banking system is famous for its unwavering "Banking Secrecy".

Moreover, their high-tech products are appreciated all over the world.

Pay attention to the original appearance of this bill. This is the only currency that I have seen that “looks” vertical.

No.9 – US Dollar

Currency code – USD

1 USD = 1.00 USD
1 USD = 66.95 RUB

Due to America's leadership on the world stage, its currency has achieved the title of “world reserve currency.” In other words, you can pay with dollars anywhere in the world.

No.10 – Canadian dollar (0.75 USD)

Currency code – CAD

1 CAD = 0.75 USD
1 CAD = 50.45 RUB

The Canadian dollar is the world's fifth-largest reserve currency. It is often called a "loonie" after the bird featured on the $1 coin.

Dropped out of the top ten

Due to the dynamically changing economic and political situation in the world, it is difficult for a currency to remain in this ranking, so here is a list of currencies that left the top ten in previous periods.

Australian dollar

Currency code – AUD

1 AUD = 0.73 USD
1 AUD = 48.29 RUB

Interestingly, the new range of Australian banknotes, as pictured above, will have a tactile feature (Braille) to help the visually impaired community identify the denomination of the note.

Also in Australia, the fight against “cash” is being waged by reducing the share of cash payments when making small retail purchases.

Libyan Dinar

Currency code – LYD

1 LYD = 0.72 USD
1 LYD = 47.44 RUB

The Libyan dinar has tokens called dirhams. Interestingly, one dinar is equal to 1000 dirhams, and not 100, as we used to think.

Azerbaijani manat

Currency code – AZN

1 AZN = 0.59 USD
1 AZN = 39.25 RUB

It is, of course, surprising to see the Azerbaijani manat on this list, but the currency of this Middle Eastern country is only slightly cheaper than the US dollar.
But despite what you might think, the local economy is actually quite strong and its unemployment rate is low.

Is a high currency value a sign of a strong economy?

It is known that the currencies of not particularly successful countries tend to decrease in value. However, when the economy is doing well, we are unlikely to see the opposite effect.

Indeed, in practice, there were practically no cases when the value of a currency constantly increased. The reasons may be different, but generally speaking, the state itself does not benefit from the constant strengthening of the currency, because the population begins to actively save money instead of spending it.

Thus, the high value of the currency only indicates that inflationary processes in the country are under control.

In the context of this article, mention should also be made of Japan and its one of the strongest economies in the world. At the same time, the value of the Japanese yen is very small, $1 = ¥109.77.

Information about the highest value currencies is unlikely to be used by investors to make any investment decisions. In this case, it is better to consider the most stable currencies.

By the way, did you know that you cannot use images of banknotes without the inscription “SPECIMEN”? Let's learn to obey the laws, comrades!

Evgeny Smirnov


# Interesting

TOP 10 world currencies

The Omani rial has such high purchasing power that the government has to issue paper notes in denominations of 1.2 and 1.4 rials.

Article navigation

  • Bahraini Dinar
  • Omani rial
  • British pound
  • Cayman Islands dollar
  • European Euro
  • Libyan dinar

A strong and stable national currency is an indicator of a developed economy and a good quality of life in the country. Let's get acquainted with the most expensive currencies for 2019!

The state of Kuwait is a country in southwest Asia, which borders Iraq to the north and west, and Saudi Arabia to the south. From the east it is washed by the Persian Gulf. The capital is Kuwait City.

The Kuwaiti dinar is the most expensive currency in the world against the ruble and dollar. The high value of this currency is explained by the significant export of petroleum products to the world market.

One Kuwaiti dinar is equal to 209 rubles or 3.30 dollars.

Bahraini Dinar

The Kingdom of Bahrain is an island state on the archipelago of the same name in the Persian Gulf in southwest Asia and the smallest Arab state (population just over 1 million). The Bahraini dinar is the second most valuable currency in the world.

As in the first case, the main source of income for this country is the export of black gold. Interestingly, the Bahraini dinar is pegged to the dollar exchange rate and its value relative to the dollar has not changed for 14 years.

Currency code BHD. One Bahraini dinar is equal to approximately 167 rubles or 2.66 dollars.

Omani rial

The Sultanate of Oman is a state in Western Asia. In the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula, it borders Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen. The state is washed by the waters of the Arabian Sea and the Gulf of Oman. Thanks to its strategic location, Oman has a developed economy and a high standard of living.

The Omani rial, like the Bahraini dinar, is pegged to the dollar. Interestingly, the purchasing power of this currency is so high that the government has to issue paper notes in denominations of 1.2 and 1.4 rials.

One Omani rial is equal to approximately 164 rubles or 2.6 dollars. Currency code OMR.

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan borders Syria in the north, Iraq in the northeast, Saudi Arabia in the east and south, and Israel and the Palestinian National Authority, partially recognized as the state of Palestine, in the west. Jordan shares the Dead Sea coastlines with Israel and the Palestinian National Authority. The coastlines of the Gulf of Aqaba are with Israel, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

It is quite difficult to explain the high value of the Jordanian dinar, since the country is not particularly developed economically and lacks important resources such as oil.

However, one Jordanian dinar costs about $1.41, making it one of the 10 most expensive currencies in the world. Currency code JOD. One Jordanian dinar is equal to approximately 89 rubles.

British pound

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is an island country in the northwest of continental Europe.

It is the British pound that everyone considers the most expensive currency in the world, but, as it turns out, it is only in fifth place. By the way, the British colonies issue their own banknotes, which are visually different from those issued by the Bank of England, but are quoted one to one. There are also Scottish, Northern Irish, Manx, Jersey, Guernsey, Gibraltar pounds, as well as the St. Helena pound and the Falkland Islands pound. It's funny, but native Britons are not always willing to accept other pounds as payment.

Currency code GBP. One British pound is equal to approximately 83 rubles, which is 1.31 in dollars.

Cayman Islands dollar

The Cayman Islands is a British overseas territory in the West Indies located in the Caribbean Sea. The property includes the islands of Grand Cayman, Little Cayman and Cayman Brac.

The Cayman Islands is one of the most popular tax havens in the world. There are hundreds of banks, hedge funds and insurance companies listed here.

It is thanks to its primacy among offshore zones that the Cayman Islands dollar costs about $1.20. Currency code KYD. One Cayman Islands dollar is equal to approximately 76 rubles today.

European Euro

The European Union is an economic and political union of 28 European states.

Even though the euro currency has lost about 20% of its value in recent years, it is still one of the strongest currencies in the world and is valued more than the dollar. Part of its strength comes from the fact that it is the official currency of 17 European countries, including several economic heavyweights. In addition, the euro is the world's second reserve currency, accounting for 22.2% of all global savings. For the dollar, this share is 62.3%.

Currency code EUR. One euro is equal to approximately 74 rubles or 1.17 dollars.

Switzerland (officially the Swiss Confederation) is a state in Western Europe, bordered in the north by Germany, in the south by Italy, in the west by France, and in the east by Austria and Liechtenstein. The name comes from the canton of Schwyz, one of the three original cantons of the Confederation. Switzerland is not only one of the richest countries in the world, but also one of the most stable.

Its banking system is famous for its unshakable banking secrecy. Moreover, their high-tech products are appreciated all over the world. Pay attention to the original appearance of this bill. This is the only currency that looks vertical.

Currency code CHF. One Swiss franc is equal to approximately 64 rubles, which is 1.01 in dollars.

The USA or the United States of America is a country in North America. The United States has a federal structure and is administratively divided into 50 states and the District of Columbia. They also control a number of island territories: Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam and others.

Due to America's leadership on the world stage, its currency has achieved the title of “world reserve currency.” In other words, you can pay with dollars anywhere in the world.

Currency code USD, today one American dollar equals 63.5 rubles.

Nobody invented money; it appeared naturally as soon as primitive society moved to a new level of development. When people were unable to produce everything they needed to survive on their own, they had to resort to a system of barter - the exchange of goods. So, the first money was: skins, stones and shells. The prototype of modern coins appeared in China 2000 BC.

Now each state has its own national currency. The article will discuss which country’s money is the most expensive.

The most expensive currency against the ruble

The Kuwaiti Dinar is one of the most expensive currencies in the world. Designated KWD. 1 dinar costs 220.603 Russian rubles. In relation to USD – $3.29, that is, the dinar is three times larger than the dollar.

This value of KWD is explained by Kuwait’s strong economy, which is built on oil exports to leading countries in the world. The largest banknote issued by the National Bank is 20 KWD; dinars in denominations of 1.2, 1.4 and 1.5 are more often used in everyday life. The smallest monetary unit is the filsa, issued in the form of coins.

Banknotes have been in state circulation since 1961. Their design changed 4 times. The series of money printed in 1980 in Kuwait never came into use because the Iraq War began at that time. The Iraqis occupied the country and took away the cash. When enemy troops left the state, the Central Bank of Kuwait issued the 4th series of banknotes, and the money of the previous series was declared invalid.

National currency of Bahrain

In the international banking system it is designated as BHD. 1 Bahrain denarius is equal to 177.25 rubles. The currency is pegged to the US dollar. The exchange rate in relation to this money has not changed for 14 years and remains high: 1 BHD = 2.65 USD.

The rial of the Republic of Oman is slightly cheaper than the currencies presented above. 1 rial costs 2.60 US dollars, the ratio to the ruble is 177.25. The rate has not changed for many years. Money is issued on paper banknotes. The most popular denominations are 1.2 and 1.4 rials.

Oman is a strong state located on the Arabian Peninsula. The country has a powerful economy, developed infrastructure and a very high standard of living.

The national currency of Jordan is included in the “Most Expensive Money” rating and occupies third place. Previously, the Persian denarius was used in the country, but after economic and political reforms in 1950, the Jordanian dinar came into use. Designation – JOD. 1 Jordanian dinar is equal to $1.41. A strong exchange rate against the ruble = 94.25.

Paper notes and coins are issued, called quiches and piastres.

The English pound is expensive and reliable, like England itself. For 1 British pound you can buy 1.25 US dollars and 85.25 Russian rubles.


1 pound consists of 100 pence.

Paper banknotes are issued in denominations of 50, 20, 10 and 5 pounds. There are 10, 50, 20 and 5 pence coins in use.

The Cayman Islands are a paradise for business. Many entrepreneurs use this place as a tax shelter because there are no taxes here: neither on profits, nor on added value, nor on capital gains. The only thing you have to pay for is the state fee ($854).

The European world (the European Union, which includes states with strong economies) has its own currency. EU money is called the euro. They are recognized not only by Europe, but by all countries. International code is EUR.

Euros have long been the most valuable money. Keeping savings in this currency is still profitable, because the exchange rate has remained unchanged for the last few years. Currently, 22% of the world's inhabitants keep their savings in EUR.

The national currency of Switzerland is strong, reliable and original. This is the only money in the world on which the image is printed not horizontally, but vertically. Keeping savings in Swiss currency is profitable and reliable, because the franc exchange rate is stable, like the entire Swiss banking system.

1 CHF costs 1.04 US dollar and 68.5 rubles.

International designation USD and $. The US dollar is known all over the world; the currency can be used to pay in any country.

Victoria Mitina

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Each country has its own monetary unit, which is related in a certain way to the currencies of other countries. This rate is not constant and depends on many factors. Today there are over 180 types of national money. Let's determine what the most expensive currency in the world is as of April 2019, according to the Russian Central Bank.

Currency quotes depend on various factors that reflect the relationship between national and global politics and economics. These include:

  • state of the economy;
  • inflation rate;
  • central bank interest rates;
  • competitiveness of state goods on world markets;
  • activities of financial organizations and speculative currency transactions;
  • prices for energy resources and other raw materials.

The instability of the political situation in various powers, natural disasters, international and domestic military conflicts do not pass without leaving an impact on the value of currencies. Mass panic caused by negative fundamental news leads to sharp price hikes in the foreign exchange market, and then to their stabilization at the established level.

Despite the fact that this currency is currently one of the most popular in trading, it lost its position in the ranking of the most expensive and moved to last place in the TOP 10. It is a means of payment of the Commonwealth of Australia, used on the territory of the Norfolk Islands, Cocos Islands, Christmas Island, some states of the Pacific zone and, of course, Australia itself - a rich and stable country.

The currency has been in circulation since 1966.

The purchasing power of Australian citizens is higher than that of residents of the UK and Germany. Stability is based on free principles of doing business.

In 1988, banknotes began to be made of thin plastic. Currency code - AUD, sign - $ or A$, $AU, rate - 1 AUD = 46.58 rubles.

Singapore dollar

Singapore's currency has existed in its current form since 1967. The dollar was originally pegged to the pound sterling. Over the years, banknotes of various denominations were issued, the series of which were named Orchids, Birds, Ships.

1999 and to the present day, banknotes from the Portraits series are in use

Has the code SGD, indicated by the sign $ or S$, exchange rate against the ruble: 1 SGD = 48.28 rubles.

Brunei dollar

In Southeast Asia, the Brunei ringgit (this is the official name of the state currency) occupies a leading position among the most expensive.

Brunei is a small state with a developed economy, the basis of which is the extraction and processing of rare natural resources. Code – BND, symbol – $, rate: 1 BND = 48.39 rubles.

It is a reserve, “world currency”, as well as a means of payment for the Marshall Islands, El Salvador, Zimbabwe, and the United States of America. You can pay in dollars anywhere in the world.

According to leading economic agencies, dollar interbank transactions account for 41% of the total number in the world

Currently, the reserve currency has no collateral. However, the dollar remains in the leading position, with more than 60% of world capital coming from it. It influences the US economy and the financial condition of Europe, being in close connection with the euro. Code – USD, symbol – $, rate: 1 USD = 65.36 rubles.

The Swiss Confederation is one of the most stable and wealthy countries in the world. Even during times of global cataclysms, its banking system remained unshakable.

The banknotes have a creative design - the composition of the images is located vertically

Thanks to the unsurpassed quality of Swiss goods, the country's currency is increasingly strengthened, backed by a 40% gold reserve. Famous watches, cheeses, chocolate and the notorious bank secrecy contribute to this in the best possible way. Franc code – CHF or SwF, symbol – ₣, exchange rate to ruble: 1 CHF = 68.05 rubles.

The official currency of the European Union has firmly strengthened its leading positions in non-cash payments in all member countries since 1999, and since 2002 in cash transactions. Its high cost is directly dependent on the fact that among the 17 countries in which the euro is the official means of payment, there are “locomotives” of the world economy.

Used by many countries as a reserve currency

Recognized as the second world reserve currency (22.2% of world capital). Unlike the American dollar, with which it competes, it is backed by gold reserves. Code – EUR, sign – €, exchange rate to ruble: 1 EUR = 76.34 rubles.

The most stable currency in history since the end of the 17th century. is pound sterling. For several centuries it was the main world reserve currency. Since then, it has been distinguished by a stable high exchange rate, which was shaken by the absorption of the American dollar in the mid-20th century. the entire currency market. After the formation of the European Union, the pound significantly strengthened its position.

The banknotes are designed creatively

The UK's partially regulated market economy ranks 6th in global rankings and second only to Germany in Europe. Its stability and low level of inflation allow the pound not to lose importance in international payments. Code - GBP, symbol - £, rate: 1 £ = 85.57 rubles.

The official currency of the Middle Eastern Kingdom of Jordan is the Jordanian dinar. Even the most experienced economic experts find it difficult to explain its high valuations. The state does not have valuable natural resources, its economy is unstable, and has a budget deficit. It is controlled by Israel, but since the middle of the last century its currency has been one of the strongest.

Analysts agree that the peg to the US dollar and the development of agriculture are the determining factors that influence the value of the dinar

Code – JOD, symbol – د.إ, JD, exchange rate to ruble: 1 JOD = 92.29 rubles.

This currency ranks third in the ranking of the most expensive. Its value is explained by the strategic position of the Sultanate of Oman, a state located in Western Asia, as well as the rapid pace of economic development and the high standard of living of the population.

Banknotes are issued in denominations of half and quarter rials, since the purchasing power of the means of payment is exceptionally high

It is tied to the dollar, which explains its mirror fluctuations with the exchange rate of the American currency. Code – OMR, designation – ر.ع., exchange rate against the ruble: 1 OMR = 169.71 rubles.

The Kingdom of Bahrain is a small Arab state located in the Persian Gulf with a population of just over 1 million people. Created in 1965, the national currency was the main capital of the UAE until 1973.

Dinar ranks second on the list, since the small state has oil reserves and well-developed mining and processing industries

The main source of income is the supply of “black gold” for export. The banknotes depict national ornaments and cultural monuments. Currency code – BHD, symbol – .د.ب, exchange rate to ruble: 1 BHD = 173.45 rubles.

The most reliable, strong and expensive currency is the Kuwaiti dinar. This small Arab country with a population of 3 million people is home to many oil fields. Its export is the basis of the economy of this state.

The ratio of the share of millionaires in relation to other segments of the population is 1 to 15, which is an exceptionally high figure.

The dinar became one of the leaders in the world market in the second half of the last century and became equal in price to the iconic pound sterling.

In global turnover since 1996. A sharp upward leap occurred in the first decade of the 21st century. The rise in prices can be explained by oil exports. Bank code - KWD, symbol - د.ك, exchange rate against the ruble: 1 KWD = 214.68 rubles.

The most expensive currency in the world is described here:

Exchange rates on the world market are constantly changing. However, some monetary units consistently hold first positions in the ranking. The top three are the currencies of the oil-producing countries of the Middle East. The most expensive currency in the world is the Kuwaiti dinar, the price of which is constantly growing and today reaches 214 rubles. for a unit.

We hold these small pieces of paper in our hands every day. They give us access to any product or service. But the question is: how much or how little can money buy?

A person, as a rule, usually does not talk about the cost of banknotes, but about the price of the product itself. In fact, the value of money becomes known after comparing it with the money of other countries. There are currently about 180 currencies in the world. What is the most expensive currency? Many are ready to assume that the euro, or, in extreme cases, the British pound sterling. Actually this is not true. Experts regularly compile ratings of the most expensive money and, in particular, their value in relation to the ruble. It should be noted that every year the leadership is held by the same ones.

Leading currency

Meanwhile, the top positions in the ranking are occupied by money from oil-producing countries in the Middle East. By the way, they plan to unite and create their own single currency, which will be akin to the euro. But the value of such money remains a mystery, given the fact that, for example, in Kuwait, every fifteenth resident is a millionaire.

The most expensive currency “smells” of oil

So, the most expensive currency in the world is the Kuwaiti dinar (currency code - 414, letter code KWD). For one such money you can get 88.59 rubles (as of April 1, 2008) or 3.75 dollars. By the way, in the relatively distant year 1984, one Kuwaiti dinar cost 2.79 rubles or 3.28 US dollars. That is, the banknotes have held the leadership for more than a dozen years.

The Kuwaiti dinar came into circulation in 1961. Then it replaced the Indian rupee. Kuwait revalued its currency in 2006 by 1 percent against the dollar. Therefore, the exchange rate of the American currency fell to 0.29 dinars per unit. But already in mid-2007, the Kuwaiti dinar exchange rate was not pegged to the dollar, which was replaced by a multicurrency basket.

Bahraini Dinar

Another currency on the list of the most expensive is the Bahraini dinar (currency code BD or BHD). In 1966-1973, this money was the national currency of the United Arab Emirates. They were then replaced by the UAE dirham.

The Bahraini dinar entered the market in 1965 and then replaced the Gulf rupee. This dinar was pegged to the US dollar in 1987. And in relation to other world currencies, in particular the Russian ruble, the Bahraini dinar fluctuates along with the dollar. The cost of the currency is 62.36 rubles.

Omani rial

This is the monetary unit of the state called Oman. The international currency designation is OMR. By the way, on banknotes you can find an inscription in English on one side and in Arabic on the other.

The coins were put into circulation without an English designation. The money of this state will cost Russians 61.08 rubles.

Latvian lats

The Latvian armor circulated on the territory of Latvia from 1922 to 1940. And then it came into circulation only in 1993, after the state gained independence. After the Maltese lira and the Cypriot pound were replaced by the euro, the Latvian lat became what is called the “heaviest” currency of the European Union. At the beginning of 2009, the pound sterling was 15 rubles lower than the lat.


This is the UK currency. Currency code – UKL or GBP. It is worth noting that banks in individual territories that are part of the country issue banknotes with their own designs. And formally, every banknote is accepted by all UK banks.

Which currency can you trust?

The name pound sterling was finally assigned to the currency in 1694. At that time, the Bank of England had just issued the first money. In the 18th and 19th centuries, the pound sterling was the main reserve currency in almost all countries. But after World War II, the pound lost its status as the most significant currency. This happened after the money of the United States of America began to dominate the world economy. However, in 2006, the pound sterling again became the third most common reserve currency. Banknotes have gained particular popularity in recent years. Their price is 53.21 rubles per unit.

But further down in price are the so-called Special Drawing Rights (code - XDR). This is an artificial reserve and payment instrument that is issued by the IMF. It has only a non-cash form - entries in bank accounts. No banknotes were issued. In addition, the SDR has a limited scope of use; it circulates only within the IMF and is used to repay IMF loans, replenish reserves, regulate balances and cover balance of payments deficits. Special drawing rights appeared in 1696. Now the cost is 38.69 rubles. The XDR rate is now published daily. It is determined based on the dollar price of a basket of 4 leading world currencies: the yen, pound sterling, euro and US dollar. But the weight of currencies in the basket is reviewed every five years.


The official currency of the European Union countries is the euro. It operates on the territory of 17 EU countries. In 2006, about 610 billion euros were in cash circulation. This helped the currency become the owner of the highest total price of cash that circulated around the world.

The euro has outperformed the US dollar. The euro appeared in non-cash payments in 1999, and in cash in 2002. Cash euros have replaced national currencies in 17 EU countries out of 27. One euro is equal to approximately 40 rubles.

Jordanian Dina

The Jordanian Dina (code JD or JOD) is the currency of Jordan. Each banknote and coin depicts a royal dynasty. The money is signed in Arabic and English. In 1949, the currency replaced the Palestinian pound. The cost today is more than 30 rubles per unit.

Azerbaijani manat

This is the official currency of Azerbaijan. He was subject to denomination twice - first in 1992, then in 2006. The design of the banknotes was developed by the Austrian Roberto Calino, who also worked on the modern design of the euro. The coins therefore resemble EU currency. The price of a monetary unit is less than 30 rubles.

Ghanaian cedi

This currency was introduced in 1965 in Ghana. Its international designation is GHC, C. By the way, for quite a long time Ghana did not have its own currency. The country circulated money that was brought from neighboring countries.

After the influx of foreigners into the country and the beginning of tourism development, they needed their own money. The Ghanaian pound was introduced in 1958, after which it was changed to the cedi in 1965. This currency went through reforms in 1972 and 2007. The last time the reason was inflation. The denomination removed the four zeros from the cedi.
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