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Entertainment in America for young people. Business ideas for a holiday park

Regardless of the field in which the population of Russia is employed, everyone has a need for rest and entertainment. Therefore, the entertainment business will never lose its relevance. But the most important thing is to choose or form the right business idea that will generate income. They can even be very profitable, but before implementing them it is necessary to conduct a market analysis.

Business ideas in the entertainment sector - the most relevant and profitable

You should start any business by choosing a business idea and registering the enterprise. Drawing up a business plan with calculations of expenses and future income will also be an important stage of work.

Advice: Before opening any business, it is necessary to analyze its profitability. The best option would be to contact specialists for this.

Laser paintball

Laser paintball is a type of paintball that means there is no need to buy paint balls and get your clothes dirty. In addition, unlike a regular game, this one does not require instructors, since defeats are recorded automatically using a computer. The opening of such an enterprise will be especially profitable in tourist areas, so this idea can easily be implemented as one in the Krasnodar region.

Segway rental

Segway is a new generation scooter that has recently gained great popularity among lovers of progressive technology. This device ensures fast movement with less energy and time, ease of operation, environmental friendliness and lack of noise.

The cost of one device on two wheels can range from 10 to 100 thousand rubles. To organize a rental business you will need at least 2-3 Segways. As a rule, the place for rental is chosen to be crowded - recreation parks are perfect for this. You don’t need special premises for this, and you can even store the devices at home. This idea is suitable as one of the simplest.

Trampoline Park

How to make money during a crisis? It is unlikely that this will be difficult if you decide to open a trampoline park. On the one hand, in difficult times, any entertainment business is risky, but trampolines, oddly enough, have been and will be popular in the near future. Moreover, there are trampolines for both adults and children; their cost will depend on the purpose. You can register a business as an individual entrepreneur and sell it in recreation parks.

Mobile planetarium

An interesting business idea in the entertainment sector for parents and their children involves purchasing a frame made of light alloy materials and investing from 100 to 200 thousand rubles. The diameter of the dome, as a rule, reaches 5 meters, height – 3 meters. This device can be installed both indoors and outdoors. Equipment you will need is a fan for quickly inflating the planetarium, the inner shell of the dome for projection, the fabric dome itself, and chairs for spectators. To make it more impressive, you can purchase or have special astronaut suits made to order.

Skate park

The popularization of active recreation and sports in Russia is gradually raising them to a new level. For this purpose, sites are built and rebuilt, sports equipment is purchased and installed. Meanwhile, skate parks can be especially popular, since here special equipment is installed for skateboarding and they provide free use of the territory, when it can be difficult to skate in ordinary parks.

It is best to install appropriate sites in or near the center. The park can be both indoor and outdoor. In this case, the first option is better, since it will be in demand in winter. In order to open a park, it is necessary to develop its plan and approve it with architects and the city cadastral chamber. You can offer equipment as additional services, so the popularity and importance of the enterprise will increase significantly.

Climbing wall

For several years now, the climbing wall has remained one of the most popular places for a pleasant pastime. At climbing walls you can simply get an adrenaline rush, or you can prepare yourself for climbing a real mountain. Climbing walls today come in three types: children's, entertainment and sports. The least expensive are children's, the most expensive in terms of organization are sports. Depending on the composition and configuration, they are divided into modular (assembled in a special room) and mobile (assembled in 2-3 hours and consist of portable structures). In addition to the main structures, it is necessary to purchase special equipment: safety devices (helmets, ropes, cables), gymnastic mats, various consumables.

Advice: both children's, entertainment and sports installations can be combined in one building, but in different rooms. This will increase the popularity and demand of the enterprise.

House with the ghosts

Along with various quests, various “panic rooms” have been very popular for several years now, and over the years they have become more and more realistic. Scenery and installations can be supplemented with computer special effects and actors. The most important thing is to remember that the more realistic the situation in such a “haunted house” is, the more real emotions visitors will experience and the more popular the site will be. The main expenses for starting a business will be the cost of renting and renovating the premises, as well as decorations.

Aerodynamic tube

Before opening a business with, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Firstly, the installation itself can cost from 50 thousand to 1 million dollars, and secondly, since its maintenance is very expensive, the time spent in the wind tunnel will also be expensive for those interested. It is not practical to open a business in small towns. The cost of a wind tunnel depends on the dimensions of the device and the country of origin. Domestic products are cheaper than imported ones. In addition, the pipes can run on electricity and fuel.

Where can I get money to start a business?

The easiest way to get money to run an entertainment business is to earn and save. But if this is not possible, you can consider one or more other available methods:

  1. Take a loan from a bank. The difficulty with this method is that it is quite difficult to get a large amount.
  2. Find a partner. A business partner can be a friend, friend or relative. The most important thing is that he has the opportunity to invest money. However, there can also be several partners - it all depends on the scale of the business.
  3. Find an investor.
  4. Receive subsidies from the state. To do this, you will need to develop and present a well-written business plan.
  5. Launching a related business that does not require investment. Having earned and accumulated a certain amount in such an enterprise, you can change the scale and direction. You can also implement your business idea, but in small quantities, and gradually expand your activities.

An entertainment center for children as a business: list of services + how to draw up a business plan for a project + optimal operating hours for an establishment + starting investments and profitability of an entertainment center for children.

If you are a woman, and also a mother, who dreams of starting her own profitable business, then our article is about how how to create entertainment centers for children just for you.

A man can try himself in this business, but the mother of an active child will know better what exactly is needed to keep the children 200% satisfied.

What is an entertainment center for children?

Children from 1 year old can play in such establishments; it’s a good place to spend time on weekends with your family. School-age children love to hang out in such centers after a difficult school day.

The range of services offered by workers at play centers for children depends on their imagination and initial capital.

In addition to the amusement area itself, it is advisable to open a small cafe where parents can buy their children some food and drinks.

Many parents order children's parties to be held in entertainment centers. Here you can celebrate a birthday, end of the school year, children's graduation, hold a sporting event, etc.

The area needed for the center is much smaller than for opening an entertainment center for adults.

Gaming equipment comes first in this regard. The site should have attractions for children of any age, and slot machines can be installed.

A place for the center needs to be rented in the city center, so that it is convenient for everyone to get here. It’s good if such an establishment is in a large shopping area. Parents can leave the child for a couple of hours and go about their own business.

Business plan for a children's entertainment center

Every business must begin with a plan that must be strictly followed, otherwise you can miss an important detail and the whole idea will be lost.

When you decide to open your own center for children, draw up a business plan that indicates the amount of initial capital and outlines all the stages of the process. We have prepared a short sample of it for future entrepreneurs.

No. 1. We rent a room.

When starting a business, as a rule, you initially need to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In our case, the first priority is to find premises for an entertainment center.

To ensure that there are always customers, you need to look for sites in the city center or other crowded places in your region.

Make a proposal for cooperation in large shopping centers, but it is advisable that your gaming room be the first and only one there, because with competitors it will be more difficult to get the business off the ground.

As for squaring, it all depends on the funds you have at your disposal.

On average, gaming centers range from 30 to 70 m2. The main thing is that all the necessary equipment fits.

If you have another idea in your plans, you will have to rent a larger room. After all, you will have to fit in additional tables for guests, a stand for waiters and a kitchen.

No. 2. Registration and collection of documents.

Here we will talk specifically about the opening of a children's entertainment center; we will not talk about documentation related to the cafe and other additional ventures.

The first step is for an individual to register himself as an individual entrepreneur.

To do this, you need to bring the following documents to the tax office:

  1. Photocopy of passport with valid registration.
  2. Application form for obtaining IP.
  3. A receipt confirming payment of the state duty (its amount and details for transferring funds will be indicated by the tax inspector).

After receiving all the documents from the tax service, you will have to order a stamp for the organization and open a bank account.

Next authority is the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service (SES). Their representatives must evaluate the premises according to current standards and give permission to open the establishment.

In addition, you must obtain permission from the fire inspectorate. To do this, it is necessary to draw up an evacuation plan and install a built-in fire alarm.

All employees of the establishment are required to undergo a medical examination; a note on the doctor’s conclusion must be in the medical book. Treat this point strictly, because your employees will work with children, do not put them at risk.

No. 3. We purchase equipment for the children's center.

The most expensive stage is the purchase of equipment for a children's play center.

At a minimum you will need:

Equipment namesQuantityPrice in rubles
TOTAL:261 600
1. Labyrinth
1 210 000
2. Reception
1 14 000
3. Chairs
3 9 000
4. Laptop
1 24 000
5. Dressing room
1 4 600

For the first time this will be enough. As soon as you see that there are more and more clients, you can buy more inventory. For example, purchase slot machines, a trampoline, a dry pool with balls, etc.

It all depends solely on your imagination and capabilities.

We advise you to find a reliable playground manufacturer and work exclusively with him.
Under the contract, your partner company will be obliged to deal not only with the manufacture of the product, but also with its installation, packaging, repair, etc.
Be sure to check all equipment supplier documentation. After all, the health of children depends on the health of your playground.

Buy a universal module that is suitable for children of different ages, from at least 3 to 14 years.

If you want to please younger kids, you will have to purchase a separate playground with. It will cost at least 100 thousand rubles.

No. 4. Recruitment of staff.

Look for a suitable candidate for the position of animator(a person who will look after the children, organize parties for them, play with them) can be done at the stage of collecting documents for registering an entertainment center.

There must be at least two of them in order to work out a shift schedule.

Most often, students agree to such work, because for them it is an additional opportunity to earn money for their living.

An animator's salary is approximately 10 thousand rubles. In addition, it is advisable to charge them interest in the amount of 5 - 10% of the entertainment center's revenue, which is an additional 10 - 15 thousand. Such a bonus is needed so that the animators are financially interested in the influx of clients.

Most often deals with administrative issues owner of a children's entertainment center.

Regarding recruitment accountant: Rented once a year, so there is no need to hire a full-time employee of the economic department. If you need financial reporting, you can order the service from an outsourcing company.

You will also need to hire a cleaner and, if necessary, a security guard. Their salary ranges from 10 thousand rubles and does not provide additional allowances.

How to organize an entertainment center for children?

The operating hours in entertainment centers for children have their own characteristics. Most often the sites work seven days a week from 9 am to 9 pm.

Stay fees are charged per half hour or per hour. In 60 minutes you need to pay in the range of 50 - 100 rubles.

The restriction will help relieve the fullness of the labyrinth so that there is no strong crush and the children do not harm themselves.

In addition to the time limits, it is necessary to adhere to the permissible number of children who can be in the attraction at the same time. The manufacturers of the game maze should provide you with this figure.

Try to ensure that there are no sick children on the playground. Post a warning about restrictions at the entrance to the entertainment center.

To attract more customers, come up with discounts and promotions. For example, during a birthday party, the birthday person can play for free. Money will be deducted only from guests. You can reduce the price during those time periods when there are fewer children on the playground. Usually this is from the morning until 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Do not forget that this business is seasonal. In summer, children love to play in the open-air playgrounds.

If you have enough investment, you can also open an outdoor entertainment center for children.

Start-up investments and profitability of the business of entertainment centers for children

It is important to clarify that the amount to open an entertainment center for children may vary depending on the region, equipment, cost of renting premises, etc.

For one hour of play in the entertainment center, parents must pay from 100 rubles. If the center gains popularity, then you can make a profit of 150,000 rubles per month. The establishment's payback period is approximately 1-2 years.

Try yourself in this business and open an entertainment center for children- will be interesting to everyone.

Moreover, the risk that the entire investment will be lost is minimal. The initial capital is relatively small; almost any beginning entrepreneur can manage it.

Are you planning to open an entertainment center for children?

Then look at what such an establishment looks like from the inside:

The payback period is also acceptable, and if you approach the matter with all responsibility and love, the business will only prosper.

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60,000 - 90,000 rubles
from 70 000
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Relevant for cities with the population: from 250 thousand
Industry situation:the supply market is not saturated
Difficulty of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: from 1 season

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Opening a children's amusement park is expensive, but profitable. If you are not afraid of large financial investments and the expectation of a stable income, we recommend a business idea for opening a country park. This area of ​​business offers a number of advantages, which include:

  • the cost of renting and purchasing land is lower than in the city;
  • the territorial choice of location is not limited;
  • demand for country holidays has recently increased by 30%;
  • interaction with different target audiences.

Instructions for use, or how to implement a business idea in the entertainment industry

Organizing a business idea for a health and entertainment complex is not easy. You should adhere to the rules, the strict observance of which will not only facilitate, but also guarantee the profitability of the business:

  • the maximum distance of the recreation park is 20-40 km from the nearby city;
  • ecologically clean area;
  • a pond and a forest belt in the area around the park;
  • the presence of an asphalted access road;
  • availability and convenient location of parking spaces;
  • comfortable zoning of the park for recreation of different age groups;
  • availability of entertainment infrastructure.

Segmentation of the commercial territory should be given more attention than other areas of the enterprise. It is the content and location of the entertainment infrastructure that largely contributes to the effective operation of a new recreation park.

Outdoor cinema, or an original idea for a business in the leisure sector

Today, work in the entertainment industry can hardly be called stable. The viability of the park depends entirely on its entertainment infrastructure. The demand for it, unfortunately, is quickly losing its relevance. A mobile cinema is not only a profitable business idea, but also a sustainable competitive advantage for a country holiday park.

Firstly, park clients will be able not only to watch an interesting film, but also to relax in the fresh and clean air. Secondly, they will be able to comfortably retire in their vehicle without the burden of being around strangers. Thirdly, the cost of a movie show will please those who like a sociable holiday. The fee for a movie show is charged only for a parking space. To successfully implement a business idea, you need to purchase:

  • computerized equipment;
  • matte screen surface;
  • projection equipment;
  • attachments;
  • audiovisual products;
  • material for the production of printed newsletters.

The initial payback of the business idea will appear after 2-3 seasons of stable operation of the summer cinema. The average ticket price can vary from 200 to 800 rubles. for one parking space.

Implementing a budget version of a summer cinema can cost you 1 million rubles. While the cost of a full-fledged version can reach 15 million rubles.

Climbing wall, or the idea of ​​active recreation

A healthy lifestyle has more than a million active adherents. Mountaineering and rock climbing are an integral part of the active recreation of young people of the 21st century.

In pursuit of adrenaline, people are ready to study in detail the features of a new route, making it not so much safe as exciting. However, for beginners, this practice is too expensive and dangerous. In this connection, the implementation of a business idea for a holiday park today is no less relevant than a rock climbing expedition. At the startup stage, equipment of the following format should
to be available:

  • simulator for beginners;
  • climbing wall;
  • professional climbing infrastructure;
  • professional equipment.

A mountaineering training center is considered a profitable business idea. On its territory you can conduct classes in the following formats: classes for beginners, advanced training courses and corporate entertainment events.

Climbing infrastructure can be located both outdoors and in a specialized room.

The cost of building an alpine city can be calculated based on the average cost per 1 sq. meter. According to experts, the minimum price is 1 sq. meter of high-quality equipment costs about 17,000 rubles, while following international standards can cost you 58,500 rubles per 1 sq. m. meter.

Laser tag and paintball, or innovative entertainment for children and adults

Today, laser tag is considered not only a fundamentally new format of the entertainment complex, but also a profitable business idea. Innovative tools and protective equipment allow you to master military sports shooting skills without harm to your health.

A laser duel in a recreation park is one of the profitable scenarios for developing the infrastructure of an entertainment complex. Military sports attractions are very popular among the younger generation of teenagers aged 8 to 16 years. Before opening a club, it is necessary to purchase specialized equipment:

  • decorative infrastructure of the playground;
  • protective camouflage equipment for two teams;
  • game sets of shooting equipment;

An equally popular business idea is opening a club specializing in precision paint shooting. Paintball is an approximate version of military-strategic actions. The pain from the dye bullet is close to real.

The game is suitable for people over 16 years of age, since the possibility of injury is much higher than with the previous type of military sports attractions.

The technical equipment of a paintball playground is similar to its less traumatic equivalent. The only difference between the games is the shooting equipment. The main distinctive elements of which are paint balls and equipment for spraying them.

The expenses necessary to implement a business idea in the park are most often calculated individually. However, appealing to the experience of successful businessmen, we can assume that the cost of opening a children's military sports club can vary from 500,000 rubles. up to 1,500,000 rub. While a role-playing military sports ground, aimed at the older generation, will cost you from 950,000 rubles to 3,000,000 rubles.