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Ryazan State University of Radio Electronics. Russian universities. Study abroad

Ryazan State Radio Engineering Academy

Motto Always forward!
Year of foundation
Rector Gurov Viktor Sergeevich
Location Ryazan

Ryazan State Radio Engineering University located in Ryazan, founded in the year as the Ryazan Radio Engineering Institute with the aim of training qualified engineering personnel, mainly for the defense industry. At the same time, by decree of the USSR Government, radio engineering institutes were organized in Minsk, Moscow, Novosibirsk and Taganrog. There were only 3 (three) radio engineering institutes in the USSR: Ryazan Radio Engineering Institute, Minsk Radio Engineering Institute and Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute.

There are 6 full-time faculties:

  • radio engineering and telecommunications,
  • automation and information technology in management,
  • engineering and economics,

where engineers, economists, managers, bachelors and masters are trained in 30 specialties and areas. There is also an evening faculty with a correspondence department and a faculty of pre-university preparation. 6000 students, more than 500 teachers. Postgraduate and doctoral studies are available.

Scientific centers created:

  • Aerospace Image Processing Research Institute;
  • Research Laboratory of Autonomous Information and Control Systems;
  • Regional Center for Probe Microscopy;
  • Scientific and Technical Center for Power Electronics.

Highly qualified specialists are trained by postgraduate studies in 14 specialties and doctoral studies in 12 specialties.

Since 2007, the EPAM Systems Training Center has been operating at the university.

History of University

The Ryazan Radio Engineering Institute was organized according to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of December 28, 1951.

It is customary to jokingly call first-year university students “kozera” (capricorns). One version of the origin of this name: freshmen, like real capricorns, do not have tails, at least until the first session. Another version comes from the word zero (zero), i.e. zero, nothing. ((Since the beginning of the 60s of the 20th century, there are generally accepted unofficial names among students of other courses:

  • second course - blotter; or: literati;
  • third year - student;
  • fourth year - engineer; or: married;
  • fifth year - human. or: people.

There is a well-known tradition of celebrating student weddings in the foyer of the second floor of the university (also called the “garbage dump”). The newlyweds come there straight from the registry office, sing funny ditties and treat everyone with champagne. Drinking champagne with the dean or rector is considered a good omen.

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See what "Ryazan State Radio Engineering Academy" is in other dictionaries:

    Ryazan State Radio Engineering Academy- Ryazan, st. Gagarina, 59/1. Social work. (Bim Bad B.M. Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., 2002. P. 474) See also Universities Ch489.518.26 social worker ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Attention! The current list is here: List of Russian universities with military departments since 2008 Official documents Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 12, 2000 No. 768 “On the training of citizens of the Russian Federation in programs ... ... Wikipedia

    Universities- here: universities and institutes of the Russian Federation providing training in psychological and pedagogical specialties: Adyghe State University, Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation, ... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary - RGRA RGRTA RyazGRA Ryazan State Radio Engineering Academy since 1993 earlier: RGRTI after: RSRTU Ryazan, education and science, communications, technical ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

Ryazan State Radio Engineering University is a multidisciplinary university that trains specialists in the field of radio engineering, electronics, automation, computer science, information security, economics and management.

In 2016, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University entered the top 100 best universities in the international ranking of higher educational institutions “Academic Ranking of World Universities-European Standard” of the European Chamber of Science and Industry (91st place among 2000 universities from around the world). In 2017, RSRTU became the owner of a 1st degree diploma of the All-Russian competition “For Contribution to the Development of Intellectual Property.”

RSRTU students win regional, all-Russian and international competitions, participate in scientific and practical conferences, and research projects. They are encouraged by scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Governor of the Ryazan region, the administration of the city of Ryazan, and receive increased scholarships.

University graduates can receive a European diploma supplement in English - Diploma Supplement, which is a unified form accepted in European countries. Internships at foreign universities are common.

In 2017, RSRTU became the winner of the Spartakiad of the Ryazan region among universities and military institutes. Creative teams of the university perform at city, all-Russian and international competitions.

University graduates are in demand by employers. In terms of the salary of young specialists employed in the IT industry, RSRTU entered the top 20 best universities in 2017.

The university has 3 academic buildings, 5 dormitories (4 of them directly next to the main building), a sanatorium, a stadium, a sports and recreation camp "Green Forest", a swimming pool, a military department and a military training center. On the campus there are sports grounds for basketball, volleyball, and tennis. Each dormitory has equipped sports rooms.

There is a Creative Center at RGRTU: the film studio "RGRTU-Film", the tourist club "Altair", the intellectual games club, "Star" teams and other student associations.

More details Collapse

Today, Taganrog Radio Engineering University is one of the prestigious universities not only in Russia and its south, but also in the world. But calling it a university is incorrect, since the correct name of the institution is the Engineering and Technology Academy of the Southern Federal University (abbreviated as ITA SFU). Over the past decade, several transformations have taken place, and today graduates receive prestigious diplomas from SFU.

History of the university in the twentieth century

The year of foundation is considered to be 1952. By decree of I.V. Stalin in 1951, construction of a university began in the south of the USSR. Until 1974, it was called the Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute. In 1974, it was named after V.D. Kalmykov (Minister of Radio Industry of the USSR, prominent political and scientific figure, native of Rostov-on-Don). But already in the early 90s, with changes in the country’s political system and education system, the institute ceased to exist.

Since 1993, this educational institution began to be called Taganrog State Radio Engineering University named after V. And it bore this name until 2006. During all this time, many specialists in various fields emerged from the walls of the institute (and subsequently the university). These are electricians, roboticists, acousticians, as well as psychologists, environmental protection specialists, programmers and many others. There are 8 faculties in total, including the Pre-University Training Center, where high school graduates undergo training in special programs.

21st century: massive changes

If at the very beginning of the 2000s it was the Taganrog State Radio Engineering University (feedback from graduates can be heard even on social networks), then in 2006 a full-scale reform began. The result is that the educational institution is included and “downgraded” to the rank of institute. During the period 2007-2012. it is called the Taganrog Technological Institute of the Southern Federal University.

But this only helped improve the situation - in post-perestroika times, funding was scarce, so new equipment was purchased in scanty quantities. But in the 21st century, the situation has changed dramatically: again the country needs competent specialists, and as a result, students learn their trade using the latest equipment. The most modern measuring instruments, computers, in the entire educational institution there is hardly a classroom left without multimedia equipment.


During the period 2012-2013. another transformation took place, the educational institution was called the Taganrog campus of SFU. The name is quite controversial, as many students and teachers associated the name "campus" with a network of dormitories. In fact, this is not entirely true, because the campus includes libraries, research centers, and sports grounds, which are separate from the city and are located on the same territory. But the Taganrog Radio Engineering University has a slightly different structure.

It cannot be called a campus, since it is not isolated from the city - it is located within its boundaries, and residential buildings of ordinary residents are located next to the buildings. Probably for this reason the name did not stick: from 2013 to this day the university has been called the Engineering and Technology Academy of Southern Federal University. Each academic building houses one or two institutes. In fact, what used to be a faculty is today an institute, a division of the academy.

Admissions and training

Here is a brief summary of what Taganrog Radio Engineering University experienced. The admissions committee of this university is located at the address: Taganrog, st. Chekhova, 22 (building “A”). Throughout the academic year, open days are held at the institution. Future applicants can come and see with their own eyes what this or that institute offers them. Usually open days are held in the hall of building “D”, located on the lane. Nekrasovsky.

But after passing the Unified State Exam, a high school graduate can contact the admissions committee. By providing a copy (or original) of the exam certificate, as well as writing a statement, you can expect the results to be announced. If you have a high enough score, then there is nothing to be afraid of: you will definitely enter the Taganrog Radio Engineering University, and you will study absolutely free. There is also a contract form (you pay every semester during your studies) and a target form (you are paid for by the company where you are required to work for some time after graduating from university).

What specialties are popular?

But I would also like to know what Taganrog Radio Engineering University has to offer. What specialties will be relevant in the near future and in demand in the future? It’s trite, but nanotechnology is perhaps one of the most modern areas. You can find several specialties in this area at the Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Instrument Engineering, which is part of the ITA SFU.

Another “fashionable” direction is robotics. Of course, this area is still in its infancy, but it is quite possible that modern students will make significant breakthroughs in creating robots in a few years. And how can Radio Engineering Taganrog University exist without specialties in the following areas:

  • electrical engineering;
  • radio receiving and transmitting devices;
  • electrical equipment of automobiles;
  • electrical equipment of enterprises.

And these are not all specialties; more detailed information can be found directly at the academy.


Motto Always forward!
Year of foundation
Rector Gurov Viktor Sergeevich
Location Ryazan

Ryazan State Radio Engineering University located in Ryazan, founded in the year as the Ryazan Radio Engineering Institute with the aim of training qualified engineering personnel, mainly for the defense industry. At the same time, by decree of the USSR Government, radio engineering institutes were organized in Minsk, Moscow, Novosibirsk and Taganrog. There were only 3 (three) radio engineering institutes in the USSR: Ryazan Radio Engineering Institute, Minsk Radio Engineering Institute and Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute.

There are 6 full-time faculties:

  • radio engineering and telecommunications,
  • automation and information technology in management,
  • engineering and economics,

where engineers, economists, managers, bachelors and masters are trained in 30 specialties and areas. There is also an evening faculty with a correspondence department and a faculty of pre-university preparation. 6000 students, more than 500 teachers. Postgraduate and doctoral studies are available.

Scientific centers created:

  • Aerospace Image Processing Research Institute;
  • Research Laboratory of Autonomous Information and Control Systems;
  • Regional Center for Probe Microscopy;
  • Scientific and Technical Center for Power Electronics.

Highly qualified specialists are trained by postgraduate studies in 14 specialties and doctoral studies in 12 specialties.

Since 2007, the EPAM Systems Training Center has been operating at the university.

History of University

The Ryazan Radio Engineering Institute was organized according to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of December 28, 1951.

In the second half of the year, several RRTI students, led by Yuri Woodka, created the underground organization “Marxist Party of a New Type.” Woodkey's brochure “The Decline of Capital” became the policy document. The group's activities were uncovered by the KGB, and the organizers were sentenced to various prison terms. Yuri (Arie) Woodka currently resides in Israel. A group of people, including students, were indeed convicted under Art. 70 “Calls for a violent change of the constitutional order” and Art. 72 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR “Organizational activity aimed at committing especially dangerous state crimes, as well as participation in an anti-Soviet organization.” At present, both the direction of the activities of this group and the degree of its influence on the socio-political processes of that time are met with mixed assessments. At that time, nothing was known about this group either in Ryazan or in the USSR. Only around the city in families associated with the radio institute did a vague rumor spread about the expulsion of several people for “immorality.”

University traditions

Every year on May 7, Radio Day, graduates of all years of graduation meet each other at the main building of the university on Gagarin Street. Considering that in recent years alone, the university has annually graduated about 1,000 engineers and economic engineers, a large number of “radicals” (as students and graduates of RSRTU call themselves) always arrive at the meeting. Festive events continue until late at night in cafes, restaurants and simply on the streets of Ryazan.

Traditional comic greeting and response.

Information about the university

MIREA - Russian Technological University


General information:

MIREA - Russian Technological University - a leading state university, which was formed as a result of the merger MIREA, MGUPI, MITHT im. M. V. Lomonosova and a number of scientific institutes. The university today provides training in the most popular educational programs in the areas of:

  • IT and automation
  • Electronics and nanotechnology
  • Chemistry
  • Radio engineering and telecommunications
  • Safety
  • Technics and techology
  • Cartography and geoinformatics
  • Design
  • Jurisprudence
  • Economics and Management

MIREA - Russian Technological University in ratings

  • TOP 10 among metropolitan engineering universities in the ranking of demand for universities in the Russian Federation - 2017, which was presented by the “Social Navigator” project of the MIA “Russia Today”.
  • TOP-3 by the number of budget places among Moscow universities (according to the portal). RTU MIREA traditionally ranks 2-3 in various ratings for this indicator.
  • 37th place out of 1100 in Russia in the Webometrics International Ranking (universities are compared by the level of content of their official websites).

20 facts aboutMIREA - Russian Technological University

Potential of 3 universities

MIREA - Russian Technological University - was created as a result of the merger of MIREA, MGUPI, MITHT named after M.V. Lomonosov and a number of large educational, scientific, design and production organizations. Restructuring increased the university's potential several times.

State university

Upon completion of RTU MIREA, graduates receive a state diploma recognized both in Russia and abroad. License for educational activities No. 1987 dated March 10, 2016 (valid for an indefinite period). Certificate of state accreditation of MIREA No. 2545 March 17, 2017 (valid until March 17, 2023).

Alumni income

The university is in the TOP 10 in terms of the average monthly salary of graduates based on the results of monitoring the employment of university graduates by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

3rd place in the number of budget places among Russian universities

Every year, more than 4,000 budget places are allocated for first-year applicants. The university provides discounts and installment payments for those who study on a paid basis. If you have good academic performance and there are places available, transfer to a budget program is possible.

6 hostels in Moscow

The RTU MIREA campus accommodates more than 4,000 non-resident students, graduate students and doctoral students. When it is necessary to provide additional places, the university accommodates its students in the dormitories of partner universities.

Military department and deferment from the army

RTU MIREA is one of 15 Moscow universities where a military department has been preserved. Classes are held for students of all educational programs. Upon successful completion of the university, graduates are transferred to the reserve. Full-time (full-time) students are granted a deferment from military service.

Preparation for work in knowledge-intensive fields

Knowledge-intensive industries require research skills, so RTU MIREA students participate in R&D and design work, including being involved in the implementation of international scientific projects. All conditions have been created for students’ scientific work. In the last year alone, new high-tech equipment was purchased with a total cost of about 3 million rubles, and a competition was held to receive a “University” grant for young scientists (3 grants in the amount of 1 million rubles each).

Current educational programs

The university has more than 500 educational programs. For each of them, the university offers only obviously relevant knowledge and skills that allow you to be guaranteed to get a job.

In-demand secondary vocational education

The University has a College of Instrument Engineering and Information Technology. Its training programs are included in the TOP 50 most popular specialties of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

More than 50 partner companies

RTU MIREA works closely with high-tech enterprises: corporations Rostec, Rosatom, Roscosmos, etc. Thanks to the unique continuing education program “College → University → base department → base enterprise,” students are guaranteed guaranteed employment.


In 2017, MIREA - Russian Technological University became the only university that was awarded the UNESCO medal “For contribution to the development of nanoscience and nanotechnology,” including for teaching students in this field.

State awards

More than 40 university employees have state awards, including:

  • Honorary title "Honored Worker of Higher School of the Russian Federation"
  • Honorary title "Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation"
  • Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology
  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree
  • USSR State Prize
  • Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
  • Laureate of the Russian Presidential Prize in the field of education
  • Honorary title "Honored Military Specialist of the Russian Federation"
  • Honorary title "Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation"
  • Honorary title "Honored Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation"
  • Honorary title "Honored Chemist of the Russian Federation"

Teachers of the Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov were awarded the Russian Government Prize in the field of education for 2017 for a set of textbooks on analytical chemistry.

Demand for graduates

75% of university graduates are employed, according to the latest monitoring by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The figure reflects students who received their first higher education full-time (with the exception of graduates working in law enforcement agencies and continuing their studies in graduate school). All graduates are in high demand in partner companies and among industry enterprises in general.

More than 45 additional education programs

The university implements joint programs with the largest companies in the IT industry (Cisco, Microsoft, Huawei, 1C-Bitrix, Samsung, etc.) and VGTRK (TV Academy), MBA, foreign language courses, training in a car and motorcycle school. Training takes place on the territory of the university. Prices are an order of magnitude lower than in commercial structures.

Social guarantees for students

Students receive a basic scholarship, the amount of which increases with good academic performance, and can apply for an additional personal scholarship. They are provided with benefits for travel around Moscow, medical and psychological services, and vouchers to recreation centers. Those in need can receive financial assistance.

Study abroad

Students annually participate in double degree and exchange programs. Our partners include leading educational institutions from more than 30 countries, where you can study for free. The university provides scholarship support to its students and helps them find affordable housing abroad.

Qualified teaching staff

Among the university teachers are members of the Russian Academy of Sciences and other academies, professors and doctors of science. Leading foreign scientists and teachers are invited to give some lectures and training courses. The basic departments are taught by practitioners - leading employees of enterprises.

Sports opportunities

The university has 3 modern sports complexes, where numerous sports sections operate. The complexes have indoor tennis courts, volleyball and basketball courts, a swimming pool and even a climbing wall.

Interesting student life

The university has a Student Union, there are free classes in theater, vocal and dance studios, and a guitar school. KVN, the OpenAir festival, and the School of Survival take place regularly. There are a photo club and a mountaineering club, pedagogical, rescue, search and archaeological teams.

Comfortable conditions

Studying takes place on 8 campuses, which are located close to metro stations. All of them are equipped with modern equipment, multi-service infrastructure and high-speed Wi-Fi. There are cafes, libraries, and conference rooms on site.


Address: 119454, Central Federal District, Moscow, Vernadskogo Avenue, 78

Contact phone: +7 499 215-65-65

Rector: Kudzh Stanislav Alekseevich


Institute of Information Technologies

Institute of Cybernetics

Institute of Fine Chemical Technologies named after M.V. Lomonosov

Institute of Radio Engineering and Telecommunication Systems

Institute of Innovative Technologies and Public Administration

Institute of Physics and Technology

Institute of Integrated Safety and Special Instrumentation

Institute of Economics and Law