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Jobs and available vacancies in Shanghai. How to find work in China for Russians Job search in advertising agencies in Shanghai

Thanks to good salaries, working in Shanghai is very tempting for Russians. The Chinese authorities, through social programs, provide employment to the working-age local population. For non-residents of the country, the flow of vacancies also does not dry out. The high economic potential of the Celestial Empire, along with rapidly developing technologies, has led to the demand for experts, smart specialists, representatives of creative professions and specialized workers. Even a student who has mastered the initial skills of speaking Chinese will be able to earn extra money.

Advantages of working in Shanghai

Foreigners, including Russians, want to work in Shanghai not only because of high salaries. They are also attracted by the prospect of career growth, which they can often only dream of in their homeland. Citizens of other countries who have found work in this metropolis consider the working conditions created to be very acceptable, and living in Shanghai is quite comfortable. They may also participate in social security programs.

The above is confirmed by information from official sources. Thus, according to the annual survey “Amazing China”, this city of central subordination in the PRC in 2019 was recognized as the best for foreigners for the sixth time in a row.

In total, the studies were carried out in 31 regions of the country. The top three look like this:

  1. Shanghai – 3.91 points out of 6 maximum.
  2. Beijing scored 3.67 points.
  3. Guangdong Province (including Shenzhen and Guangzhou) – 3.52 points.

And in the report of the Center for China and Globalization, Shanghai was awarded first place in the category “Developmental environment for international talents.” One of the reasons is the simplification of employment rules in this city for foreign graduates since 2017.

The most in-demand professions in Shanghai

Being one of the business centers of China, Shanghai is one of the cities in which, in fact, the market for the most popular specialties in the country is formed. And here the following point is noteworthy: work in Shanghai for Russians is most often offered not by local, but by international companies, whose branches are open in the Middle Kingdom. Moreover, almost 40% of vacancies, as on average in China, are in the sales and marketing sector.

But not everything is so simple here. The success of the country's economy and the popularity of its products in the international arena led to an increase in demand for representatives from other areas of activity, which could not but affect the state of the labor market segment for foreigners.

Let's look at the vacancies in Shanghai that our compatriots can apply for:

  • IT manager, programmer. Russian engineers who already have extensive experience in this field of activity are in greatest demand among city companies. It is not uncommon for employers to cover part of their housing costs.
  • Specialists in logistics, personnel selection and finance. Highly qualified workers in the field of logistics and human resources (HR) are among the most valuable personnel of Shanghai leading companies. The same applies to representatives of such professions as tax manager, auditor, accountant.
  • Model. Of course, such work is best suited for girls in Shanghai. However, foreign guys can also work as models in this city, and in other municipalities of China. The fact is that local consumers are sympathetic to people with European appearance, and they themselves are notable personalities in the Celestial Empire. Therefore, events or advertising with the participation of foreigners automatically become prestigious and attractive.
  • English teacher. Any person from the post-Soviet space with knowledge of spoken English at at least an intermediate level can fill such a vacancy.

Many people are interested in working as a lawyer in Shanghai. Everything is much more complicated here. Without a diploma from a university in the People's Republic of China, it will not be possible to fill such a vacancy. In addition, you will be required to pass certain legal exams and speak Chinese.

Moreover, the last requirement provides for language training, which, in turn, allows you to pass the HSK exam (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) at least level 4. Only then will the lawyer be able to successfully interact with the client.

The business center of Shanghai, the Pudong district, is the main concentration of migrant workers. An important fact: there are about 800 financial organizations operating in the metropolis, approximately 170 of which have foreign investments.

To find a job in Shanghai, first of all you need to study offers from such large international and Chinese companies as:

  • Shanghai auto corporation SAIC Motor, which cooperates with General Motors and Volkswagen;
  • Jiangnan Shipbuilding Company;
  • national oil and gas corporation China National Petroleum Corporation;
  • Shanghai Baosteel Group, the largest steel company in China.

You can also find a job in Shanghai in 2019 via the Internet. Below are the most popular web resources and links to them.

  • Current list of Chinese companies, including Shanghai ones -
  • The famous Shanghai newspaper Shanghai Daily -
  • Job search site –
  • Vacancies in China – and

However, the ideal option for finding a job is to visit Shanghai as a tourist. This way you will be able to look around the place, try to establish business contacts, and, perhaps, communicate with Russian-speaking people who have decided to emigrate to China.

You can also resort to the services of recruitment agencies. This will be discussed below.

What do you need to get a job in Shanghai?

To conduct legal work in Shanghai, in fact, as in the entire People's Republic of China, you need to have:

  • valid passport;
  • work visa category Z;
  • residence permit (hereinafter referred to as residence permit) for the purpose of work. This is a regular sticker on a visa-type passport. Only work should be indicated as the purpose of stay;
  • work permit. This document is a plastic card with a QR code on it. When it is scanned, all personal information about the card holder is provided.

Not all employers are ready to assist foreigners in completing the last two documents. Many people give preference when hiring a person who already has them.

In addition, submitting:

  • letters of recommendation;
  • HSK certificate;
  • diploma from a Chinese university, etc.

Specialized companies and recruitment agencies for employment

Chinese specialized firms and recruiting agencies are engaged in job searches. The quality of services provided by companies varies. Some organize the client’s employment in full, right down to providing assistance upon arrival in China. Other specialized firms charge money only for providing a list of vacancies.

They all host their websites online. Below are some web resources:

Successful recruiting agencies have developed a database of exclusive vacancies and have also signed contracts with various enterprises. They receive monetary compensation for finding highly qualified specialists for client companies.

Another source of income for such firms may be a certain percentage of the salary of the person they employ. Payments are usually made no longer than 1 year.

You can choose an agency suitable for cooperation by going to its website using the appropriate link:

  • – International recruiting agency;
  • – Ginkgo Search Partners agency;
  • – employment agency for chefs.

What is the salary level in Shanghai?

The Shanghai authorities increased the minimum wage by ¥60 from April 1, 2019. If earlier this figure was ¥2,420 ($360), now it is ¥2,480 ($369) and is one of the highest in China.

The average salary of a person officially working in a metropolis, before withholding income tax, ranges from ¥ 16 thousand ($2,382) to ¥ 17 thousand ($ 2,530.5).

Cost of living in Shanghai

Even with a high income, if you move from Russia to Shanghai without a mortgage, you will not be able to purchase a residential property. Calculations made on the basis of average data show that if you save your entire salary, even ¥ 17 thousand ($ 2,530.5), then saving for housing in a residential area of ​​​​Shanghai with an area of, for example, only 20 m2 will cost 54.5 of the year.

The cost of renting a 3-room apartment ranges from $1,000 to $3,000 per month. But you will also need to pay for utilities. Their cost for subletting housing with an area of ​​85 m2 (garbage removal, water, electricity) will be approximately ¥ 421.72 ($ 62.77).

Now a few words about nutrition. Approximate prices in cafes and restaurants:

  • inexpensive lunch for one person – ¥33 ($5);
  • dinner for two with alcohol – ¥267 ($40);
  • Big Mac set in one of the McDonald's restaurants – ¥ 27.5 ($ 4).

In stores, 1 kg of loose rice costs ¥6 ($0.9), 1 kg of zucchini costs ¥1.7 ($0.25), 1 kg of bananas costs ¥4 ($0.6).


The prospect of quickly finding a job in Shanghai depends on the entrepreneurial spirit of the applicant, as well as on his personal and professional qualities. Knowledge of spoken Chinese is a plus, but in many cases it is enough to speak English at the Pre-Intermediate level. Highly qualified personnel can count on their employer to provide them with visa support, housing, a social package and a decent salary.

Work in Shanghai: Video

The best way to tell you how to find a job in China is from friends or relatives who personally searched for vacancies in China in 2017-2016, and who are currently working in China. They have seen from their own experience the reality of getting a job in China for Russians, and will be able to tell you how to act correctly. Additionally, they can know about the latest job openings at their job in China.

You need to start looking for work in China while still in Russia. Once you find a Chinese employer, you will need to be issued a formalized work license. Based on the work license provided, you must apply for a work visa at the consular center at your place of residence. All this time you need to be in touch with the employer and the employee of the diplomatic department, because... The procedure for obtaining a work visa is quite complicated and has a number of unique differences (unlike other countries). Once you are the proud holder of a work visa and arrive in China, you should register within the first 24 hours and begin the process of obtaining a work permit at the labor office.

Some of the best sources of information about fresh vacancies in China are social media. networks, for example, you can find out about work in China for Russians (vacancies 2017) by registering at In addition, large industrial centers of China (Beijing, Shanghai) have their own social networks where they post information about job vacancies in China in 2017. Large Chinese companies ( FAW Group, China National Petroleum Corporation or SAIC Motor) post information about new vacancies on their websites. Therefore, if you have the appropriate qualifications, you can send your resume to such companies.

When deciding to look for a job in China, you should remember that, despite the booming economy, Chinese salaries cannot be compared with incomes in Western Europe, the USA and Canada. However, the relatively low income is compensated by the invaluable work experience gained in China, work experience abroad and low living expenses.

Jobs in China without knowledge of the language

For Russians who decide to go to work in China, the main difficulty is knowledge of the Chinese language. This is the main problem when looking for a job, however, if you speak English at a good level, prestigious vacancies will be available to you. However, work in China is also available for Russians without knowledge of foreign languages. First of all, these are vacancies in Russian companies operating in China. In addition, it is possible to get a job as a Russian language teacher in China.

In addition to knowledge of the language, the main requirement for successful employment in China is a higher education diploma. In addition to a diploma, high qualifications and work experience will be a big advantage - there is an abundance of unskilled labor in China. Certified engineers, representatives of various technical specialties, cooks, and civil aviation pilots are especially in demand in China.

Today in China there is a special demand for English language teachers. This is due to the boom in learning English; everyone is learning it - from preschool children to established adults. Therefore, if you have a teaching diploma and speak English well, you have a great chance of getting a job as an English teacher in China, which pays very well. By and large, working as a teacher in China is considered prestigious and well paid. If you are looking for a job as a teacher in China, then you can view similar vacancies on sites where vacancies are published.

In addition to publications about the availability of vacancies from direct employers, in China there are a huge number of recruiting companies where they will look for a suitable job for you for a fee. You should treat such agencies very carefully, and, if possible, contact trusted ones that have good reviews from friends.

Work in China for girls

For girls, finding a job in China is quite easy. The areas of activity where a girl can find a good job are quite diverse:

Entertainment sector;

Service sector;



IT sphere.

To quickly find a job in China, there are plenty of vacancies for a girl. The main condition is the presence of professional skills, decency and knowledge of languages. However, there are vacancies in which a girl can work in China without knowing the language. Those with a bright, attractive appearance have the greatest chance of finding a job in China; such girls are gladly hired for work in all areas of activity.

There are always vacancies for attractive girls in modeling agencies, nightclubs, and entertainment shows. Working as a model or dancer in China pays well. However, working in such establishments can come with unpleasant moments. Even with an official contract with an employer, and with professional security, models and dancers run the risk of becoming the target of harassment.

In order to minimize such risks, when choosing a place to work, read reviews about it, find out how long this or that agency has been working, and carefully study the contract before signing. It is advisable to sign the contract before flying to China, this will allow you to save on the flight and speed up the processing of permits in China.

Summarizing the above, we can say that working in China is comfortable and interesting. Many people who go there to work do everything necessary to stay in China as long as possible.

We continue to talk about popular relocation destinations for domestic IT specialists. On the agenda Shanghai is one of the largest cities in mainland China, willingly welcoming expats.

Despite the fact that the Eurozone states, the USA and Canada still lead lists "dream countries" of Russian developers, more and more programmers are turning their attention to the Asia-Pacific region and, in particular, to China, whose IT market is developing rapidly . Shanghai, the economic capital of the country, attracts professionals from all over the world due to the abundance of jobs and loyal attitude towards foreigners. Let's look at the pros and cons of moving to one of the largest metropolises in the Middle Kingdom.

High standard of living and sympathy for foreigners

In 2016, the international consulting company Mercer contributed Shanghai is included in the list of the 10 most expensive cities in the world for foreigners to live. In terms of quality of life, the million-plus city ranks 8th among Asian megacities—the best result for a populated area in mainland China.

In terms of prices, Shanghai is in many ways inferior to even Hong Kong, which is popular among expats - local public transport and real estate were recognized as among the most expensive in the region. However, many emigrants from Russia are confident that in Shanghai they can afford a higher standard of living than in most megacities of the world. Salaries for qualified IT specialists here correspond to European ones, but living costs are lower than in Berlin or New York, popular among domestic IT expats.

« I don’t agree that Shanghai is a very expensive city; it is much cheaper than a number of cities of the same type - New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Moscow, etc. Here you can work and live a lifestyle that you cannot get for the same money in other places. Let’s say, have an office in the city center, play tennis on weekends and, if not buy, then at least often rent a car for trips out of town, have some hobbies and visit interesting places in your free time" - states Boris Gorokhov, a businessman from Yakutia, lives and works in Shanghai.

Attracts highly qualified migrants from all over the world and the tolerant attitude of the population and local authorities towards foreigners - in 2015, Shanghai for the third time headed rating of Chinese cities with the most attractive conditions for living and employment of expats. The rating, prepared by International Talent journalists and employees of the Chinese Society for the Study and Development of International Exchange of Professional Specialists, was formed after a survey of 20 thousand foreigners working in the country.

Most of the foreigners who moved to China work in Shanghai—in 2015, there were 88 thousand foreign specialists in the city.« This is a very safe city. Foreigners are loved here. I can't say if I like the Chinese, but I'm interested here" - notes Armen Karapetyan.

Entertainment and nightlife

Shanghai is a modern metropolis with developed infrastructure and vibrant nightlife.

The favorite pastimes of local residents are karaoke (in the city you can find karaoke bars for every taste: from small halls to large entertainment complexes with separate lounges) and visiting nightclubs where musicians from the USA and Europe perform.

Shanghai will delight you with its abundance"daytime" entertainment for every taste - from theme parks, to open markets and world-famous shopping centers. This year in Shanghai appeared legendary Disneyland - an adult ticket will cost 499 CNY (~$74).


The national currency of China is the Chinese yuan (CNY) = $0.1499 or 9.575 Russian rubles at the exchange rate in early autumn 2016.

According to the portal data , which analyzes the cost of living in different countries of the world, prices for food and consumer goods in China on average 26.71% higher than in Russia. The cost of renting real estate in China is higher by 33.26%.

Standard food set it will cost for an expat it is 2-3 times more expensive than in Russia - for a liter carton of milk on average you will have to pay 13CNY (about 124 Russian rubles), for fresh white bread - 11 CNY (105 rubles), for a kilogram of locally produced cheese - 109 CNY (1044 rubles), and for a kilogram of fresh beef - 79 CNY (756 rubles). Prices for vegetables and fruits are equivalent to Russian prices - for a kilogram of bananas they ask for 8 CNY (76 rubles), and a kilogram of tomatoes can be purchased for 7.5 CNY (71 rubles).

Average prices for food, leisure and accommodation in Shanghai according to travel portal

Although Shanghai has a reputation“expensive” metropolis, eating in local cafes and restaurants will cost only 200-250 CNY per week (about 2.5 thousand rubles). However, not all foreigners like hot and spicy Chinese cuisine - emigrants who prefer to cook on their own can spend one and a half to two times more on food.

The minimum taxi fare (3 km) is 14 CNY during the day and 17 CNY at night. For a short trip by metro you will have to pay 2 CNY.

« Monthly expenses for food and other things range from 2,000 to 4,000 or more thousand yuan. Of course, you can live on a much smaller amount; you can find cheap options for housing, food and recreation everywhere“- Boris Gorokhov is sure.

The cost of renting a one-room apartment in Shanghai can reach 10000 CNY (about 97 thousand rubles), and for"one-room apartment" in remote areas you will have to pay 6,000 CNY (about 58 thousand rubles) monthly, so experienced expats recommend paying attention to rooms (renting can be 2 times cheaper) or renting an apartment together with other emigrants. For utilities maybe leave 400–500 CNY per month per person.

Salaries and taxes

Developers are some of the most in demand specialists in China - the Celestial Empire has the largest number of Internet users in the world, the market for mobile devices and PCs is growing steadily, but there are no competent programmersThere is a lack of “world class” in the country.

According to information Glassdoor , the income of an experienced developer (Senior software engineer) in Shanghai starts from 500,000CNY per year (about $73,700), but salaries for specialists in local branches of large international companies (for example, Microsoft or Intel Corporation) can reach CNY 850,000 (about $125,000).

Personal income tax in China is calculated on a progressive scale - the higher the employee's monthly income, the more tax the state will have to pay. Moreover, in the country the principle applies tax deduction: 3,500 CNY is deducted from the taxable income of Chinese citizens, and 4,800 CNY for foreigners. Depending on the tax rate, an amount from 0 to 13505 CNY is also deducted from the mandatory payment.

Calculation table income tax in China

For an unmarried, childless expat developer with an annual income of $100,000 (about CNY 666,990 at current exchange rates), the tax will be calculated using the following formula:

(monthly income - 4800 CNY) x percentage tax rate - deductible amount

(55582 CNY – 4800 CNY) x 35% – 5505 ~12269 CNYmonthly tax


($8333-$708) X 35% – $811 ~ $1857 (at October 2016 exchange rate $1=6.78 CNY)

Mentality and language

The workaholism of the Chinese surprises local specialists who are ready not only to overwork, but even spend the night at work. Employers try to take care of the rest and psychological comfort of employees - many companies allow afternoon naps. “After lunch, almost all Chinese go to bed. I am amazed by their ability to turn off instantly - like robots whose “Off” button was pressed - notices UCWeb employee Alexander.

Chinese workers are also distinguished by their dislike of professional risks and strong-willed decisions. “Although the Chinese are good people, they are specific. They are workaholics. But at the same time, they have one quality that just drives me crazy. Some problem comes up and they just throw up their hands and say, "May yo banff" - something like, "Well, it can't be helped." — notices manager for the production of luxury gifts Olga Herzen.

Despite the fact that knowledge of Chinese is not a prerequisite for relocation, Shanghai companies often refuse to hire English-speaking employees. Exception can be done for highly qualified specialists whose professional skills exceed those of local specialists. International companies are willing to hire expats who speak only English, but expats recommend learning the language to strengthen mutual understanding with partners and colleagues.

What you need to know

Some practical advice from for potential expats.

How to get a work visa

In order to obtain a work visa (type Z visa) for “professional” migration to China, necessary find a job in a company located in the country. A visa is issued only after obtaining a work permit and receiving an official invitation from the employer.

One of the most convenient ways to search is to subscribe to newsletters for vacancies from recruiting agencies. For example, GMS regularly disseminates information about the search for IT specialists by Shanghai companies.


You can receive tax deductions or reimbursement of work expenses at the expense of the employer or client by receiving fapiao (发票, fapiao) - a document confirming payment for goods and services.

Fapiaos with VAT are used to obtain tax deductions - in this case, the invoice must contain the name and seal of the company and the taxpayer identification number. In addition, a number of organizations reimburse the daily expenses of employees - it is enough to present a receipt received in a taxi or cafe to receive a payment.

Finding accommodation through an agency may incur additional costs. The standard realtor commission is 35% of the rental price for one month.

If a suitable option is found, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the owner of the apartment. This will help protect against the landlord’s dishonesty and resolve domestic issues as soon as possible. Experienced Expats recommend add the following points to the contract:

  • the owner's name and ID card
  • exact address of the property, monthly payment amount and payment schedule;
  • contract time
  • responsibility of the owner and tenant for certain emergency situations (who is responsible for repairing furniture, household appliances and in what case)
  • a penalty clause that the owner pays if he asks you to move out before the end of the contract.

It is useful to include in the contract a list of household appliances and furniture located in the apartment at the time of rent.

Useful resources:

  • Community of Russian-speaking tourists and expats on the social network “VKontakte” -

Shanghai is a global financial center and one of the most important transport hubs, home to the busiest container port on the planet. The city is located in eastern China in the river delta Yangtze. In addition to material benefits, working in Shanghai for Russians and other foreigners in 2019 will not only allow them to gain invaluable professional experience in a country with a powerful economy, but will also provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the history and culture of this ancient Asian state.

Modern Shanghai amazingly combines the Western lifestyle and the specifics of Eastern traditions. Locals and immigrants call this beautiful city various names - “Pearl of the East”, “Gateway to the World”, “Dragon’s Head”, “Paris of the East”. Active attraction of foreign investment, development of international business and trade relations have significantly expanded the Shanghai labor market. Next, we will outline the specifics of labor migration, options for finding a job, available vacancies and salaries in Shanghai in 2019.

The population of Shanghai in 2019 is 24.3 million people. According to some estimates, this is the largest city not only in China, but also in the world. As in the vast majority of the country, the lion's share of local residents are Chinese (98.8%). In addition, about 150 thousand foreigners officially live in the city, mainly citizens of the USA, Japan and South Korea. In reality the numbers could be much higher.

Over the past two decades, Shanghai's economic development has been occurring at a rapid pace. In particular, there is an increase in industrial production, a favorable situation in the market of financial and banking services, and high technologies and innovations are actively used. All this arouses keen interest among job seekers from different parts of the world who are seeking to find work in Shanghai.

The problems of a metropolis that migrant workers may face include water and air pollution, overpopulation, large-scale traffic jams and high demand for real estate. But in general, living and working in Shanghai is quite safe and comfortable. The city has excellent infrastructure, a low crime rate, a lot of historical attractions and places for interesting leisure activities.

Employment in Shanghai is attractive not only to foreigners, but also to Chinese citizens living in less developed cities or rural areas. In addition, today local youth receive higher education in prestigious European or Chinese universities and are very qualified. Therefore, competition for jobs, especially those with high salaries, is enormous here.

The procedure for obtaining documents for official work in China is very complicated. The main task is to preliminary searching for an employer, on whose shoulders the main share of responsibility for hiring a foreign employee falls. By analogy with European countries, it is the Chinese company that petitions local authorities to issue the applicant a work permit and work visa (type Z).

Not many people are able to understand Chinese labor legislation on their own, so it is necessary to concentrate on finding a vacancy in Shanghai and actively cooperate with the employer and representatives of the Chinese diplomatic department in your country. Additional consultations with relevant experts may be required. One of the important conditions concerns passing a medical examination.

The largest number of migrant workers is concentrated in the business center of Shanghai - the Pudong. There are up to 800 financial institutions in the city, about 170 of which have foreign investments. By trading volume Shanghai Stock Exchange ranks third in the world. In many large Chinese firms, more than half of the executives are hired from abroad. For example, in the countries of North America and Europe there are no more than 25-30% of such employees.

A prestigious and highly paid job in Shanghai for Russians in 2019 as a manager or specialist in the field of industry, information technology, medicine, and so on, requires a high level of qualifications, professional experience and skills. In addition, local companies are increasingly hiring foreigners without knowledge of Chinese. For international companies, the minimum English must be at an advanced level.

In order to find a job in Shanghai, you need to be a true professional in your craft, as well as take into account the cultural characteristics and mentality of the local residents. First of all, pay attention to large Chinese and international companies located in this city. For example, Baosteel Group, Jiangnan and Shanghai Automobile Corporation SAIC Motor, which cooperates with Volkswagen And General Motors. Write job offers to employers directly.

Search for a job in Shanghai

List of large companies in China (Shanghai)-

Famous newspaper in Shanghai-

Popular job search sites in Shanghai

Be active on the Internet, go to thematic forums, groups on social networks and analyze information on specialized sites. If you can’t find a job in Shanghai on your own, contact a trusted recruitment agency. Ideally, visit the city as a tourist to look around the place, try to establish business connections and communicate with Russian-speaking labor migrants.

Jobs and salaries in Shanghai in 2019

Shanghai is China's largest commercial and financial center and the fourth largest in the entire Asian region after Singapore, Hong Kong and Tokyo. Even despite a slight slowdown in the growth of the Chinese economy in recent years, there are vacancies for Russians in Shanghai in areas such as biomedicine, microelectronics, high-tech developments, IT, education, retail trade, industry and the financial services market.

In the area of ​​unskilled labor, finding a legal job in Shanghai is almost impossible and also very risky. In addition, there is no financial benefit from such employment. Work in Shanghai is available for students as volunteers, interns in Chinese companies or participants in the Au Pair program. Sometimes teachers and teachers are needed, including Russian language teachers. Work is often offered in Shanghai for girls of European appearance who can find employment in the modeling, television and entertainment business.

A significant incentive for labor migration to Shanghai is that wages in this city are among the highest in the country. Unlike some other regions of China, as of April 1, 2019, the Shanghai Municipal Government raised the monthly minimum wage from 2,420 to 2,480 yuan($360). The average salary in Shanghai in 2019 is 6,500 yuan($945). Skilled workers earn an average of 9,620 yuan ($1,400).