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Detailed map of Belgium in Russian. Belgium map in Russian. Detailed map of Belgium with cities, provinces, roads, airports. Where is Belgium located on the map of Europe

(Kingdom of Belgium)

General information

Geographical position. In the north, Belgium borders with the Netherlands, in the east with Germany, in the southeast with Luxembourg, and in the south and southwest with France. To the west, Belgium has 65 kilometers of access to the North Sea.

Square. The territory of Belgium occupies 30,528 square meters. km.

Main cities, administrative divisions. The capital of Belgium is Brussels. The largest cities: Brussels (1,000 thousand people), Antwerp (500 thousand people), Ghent (240 thousand people).

Belgium consists of 9 provinces: Antwerp, Brabant, Hainaut, Liege, Limbourg, Luxembourg, Namur, East and West Flanders.

Political system

Belgium is a constitutional monarchy. The head of state is the king. The head of government is the prime minister. Legislative power belongs to parliament, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Relief. From a geographical point of view, Belgium can be divided into three parallel zones, stretching from northwest to southeast: Lower Belgium, from the North Sea coast along the border with the Netherlands, similar in landscape to the Dutch provinces of North Brabant and Zeeland (along the coast of the country, transformed mostly in the resort area, stretches a ridge of dunes); Central Belgium is a hilly, fertile area reminiscent of the Rhineland in Germany; and Upper Belgium, the Ardennes mountain region bordering France and the valleys of the Meuse and Sambre rivers.

Geological structure and minerals. Belgium has coal and natural gas deposits.

Climate. Belgium has mild, wet winters and cool summers: in December-January the temperature usually does not fall below 0°C, in July-August it does not rise above + 19°C. Temperature fluctuations due to the small area are insignificant, with the exception of the Ardennes region, where in winter the temperature is several degrees lower and snow often falls. In some places it rains 200 days a year.

Inland waters. The main rivers of Belgium are the Scheldt and the Meuse.

Soils and vegetation. The soils in Belgium are brown forest and podzolic. Broad-leaved forests occupy almost 20% of the territory). There are many protected areas and natural parks (Haut-Fan, Kalmthout, etc.).

Animal world. Wild boars, fallow deer, roe deer, hares, squirrels, and wood mice are found mainly in the Ardennes. Partridges, woodcocks, pheasants, and ducks live in the marshy thickets.

Population and language

Belgium has a population of 10.175 million people. About 60% of Belgium's population is Flemish. The Flemings live mainly in the northern provinces of Belgium: West and East Flanders, Antwerp, Limburg and northern Brabant. French-speaking Walloons, who make up 40% of the population, live in the south of Brabant, in the provinces of Hainaut, Liege, Luxembourg, and Namur. In the east of the country (province of Liege), the majority of the population speaks German.

In terms of population density, Belgium ranks one of the first in Europe: 550 people per 1 sq. km. Belgium is a highly urbanized country: more than 90%) of the population lives in cities.

Linguistic division: During the Middle Ages, French was the language of the aristocracy, and Flemish was the language of the bourgeoisie and the lower classes. After the formation of the Kingdom of Belgium in 1830, French became the official language: teaching in schools, higher educational institutions, and legal proceedings were conducted in French.

In 1962, a linguistic boundary was drawn between the two communities in Belgium and teaching was allowed in both French and Flemish. In 1982, this division culminated in the creation of a federation consisting of the Flemish North, Walloon South and Brussels. Brussels, as the capital of the state, has a special bilingual status: despite the predominant (90%) French-speaking population, French and Flemish languages ​​are equal.


The predominant religion in Belgium is Roman Catholic.

Brief historical sketch

Until 1714, Belgium was called the Spanish Netherlands, from 1714 - the Austrian Netherlands, from 1830 - the Kingdom of Belgium.

1579 - Union of Arras - an attempt to conclude a separate treaty by Philip II and two southern provinces - Artois and Hainault (Gennegau).

1584-1598 - defeat of the anti-Spanish movement in the southern provinces: Bruges and Ghent were taken in 1584, Brussels in 1585, and Antwerp after fierce resistance.

In 1604, Ostend, the last Dutch outpost in the southern provinces, was captured by the Spaniards.

In 1598-1621. - Archduke Albert VII and his wife, Archduchess Isabella, daughter of Philip II, were rulers of the Spanish Netherlands. It was a period of relative prosperity and stability.

In 1648, the Peace of Westphalia confirmed that the southern provinces of the Netherlands belonged to Spain.

In 1667-1697 During the wars of Louis XIV, the French army invaded the Spanish Netherlands several times.

1701-1714 - War of the Spanish Succession. 1714 - Peace of Utrecht: The Spanish Netherlands ceded to Austria. Prince Eugene of Savoy was appointed stadtholder, on whose behalf the Marquis de Prie ruled.

1740-1780 - reign of the Austrian Empress Maria Theresa. Prince Charles of Lorraine was appointed Stadtholder of the Austrian Netherlands. A period of stability and prosperity for the country. School reform. Foundation of the Academy of Sciences.

1745-1748 - War of the Austrian Succession. Battle of Fontenoy (1745). The French conquered almost the entire territory of the southern Netherlands. 1748 - Peace of Aachens: the southern Netherlands are again under the rule of the Austrian Empire.

In 1789-1790 Under the influence of the French Revolution, a popular uprising occurs in Belgium. The United Belgian States are proclaimed. After the suppression of the uprising, the country again fell under Austrian rule.

In 1792-1794. the country was occupied by French troops, and 1795-1813. - annexed to France. In 1815, the Battle of Waterloo took place, ending in the defeat of Napoleon.

In 1815-1830 Belgium was part of the United Netherlands.

In 1830 the Belgian revolution began. There were uprisings in Brussels, Antwerp, and Louvain. Belgian independence was proclaimed. In 1831, the London Agreement of the Allied Powers (England, France, Russia, Austria and Prussia) recognized the country's independence. Leopold I, Prince of Coburg was elected King of Belgium.

In 1834 the University of Brussels was founded. In 1835, a railway was opened between Mechelen and Brussels, the first on the European continent.

In 1914-1918 Belgium was occupied by the German army during the First World War. In 1919, as compensation for damage caused during the war, Germany transferred the areas of Eupen and Malmedy to Belgium.

In 1939-1945. Belgium was again occupied by the German army during World War II.

In 1944-48. The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg united in the Benelux customs union, and in 1958 they created an economic union.

In 1960-1990 Tensions between the Flemings and the Francophones (French-speaking population) intensified. In 1963, a “language barrier” between these population groups was legalized. In 1980, two autonomous regions were created: Flanders and Wallonia. Brussels received a special status. In 1984, a German-speaking region was created in eastern Belgium.

Brief Economic Sketch

Belgium is a highly developed industrial country with intensive agriculture. Coal mining. Ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering (automotive, electrical, production of weapons equipment), chemical (plastics, synthetic fibers, rubber) and petrochemical, textile, and food industries are developed. Diamond cutting, diamond trading. The main branch of agriculture is meat and dairy farming. Main crops: wheat, barley, sugar beets, potatoes, vegetables. Export: industrial equipment, cars, chemical and pharmaceutical products, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, textiles, jewelry diamonds.

The monetary unit is the Belgian franc.

Brief sketch of culture

Art and architecture. Brussels. City Hall (from the bombing of 1695, only the three-story facade of the city hall, built in 1401-1455 by J. van Ruysbroeck in the Gothic style, has survived); a unique symbol of the city of Mappeke K$ (a fountain bronze statue of a small pissing boy, created in 1619 by Hieronymus Duxnois the Elder); gothic church of st. Nicholas, damaged by the bombing of 1695 and reconstructed in the 50s of the 20th century; City Exchange building, built in 1871-1873. in an over-exuberant neoclassical style; Brussels Opera House (built in 1819 in the classicist style, the interiors designed by the architect Poehler were completed only in 1856); the thirty-story tower of the Roger International Center (1960; it houses 85 companies employing 2,500 people, 2 theaters and underground parking for 2 thousand cars); Gallery of St. Hubert (1847; the first glazed covered gallery in Europe, which provided space for shops, restaurants, cafes and theaters; the Gallery of St. Hubert reaches a length of 213 m and consists of two large galleries - the Rhine and Royal - and one small Princes' Gallery); Chapel of Our Lady (considered one of the oldest churches in the city; it began to be built at the beginning of the 13th century, the nave dates back to the 15th century, and the western tower has a Baroque finish. Inside, the remains of frescoes from the 15th century are preserved. Many famous people are buried in the church, including in the third chapel of the southern aisle there is an epitaph to Pieter Bruegel the Elder, who was buried here in 1569); the Anspache fountain, 20 m high, named after the mayor of Brussels (1863-1879) Jules Anspache, the main initiator of the creation of internal boulevards; Church of St. Jean of the Order of the Beguines (1657-1676, architect L. Faidherb; three-nave cruciform basilica with a hexagonal tower behind the altar); Brussels Cathedral dedicated to the patron saint of the city, St. Michael and St. Gudule (their sculptural images can be seen on the Gothic gable of the western façade of the cathedral: “St.

Michael trampling the dragon" and in the bottom row: "St. Gudula between two saints." The construction of the temple began in 1220 with the choir; the completion of the work dates back to the 15th century. During the Reformation, the temple was severely damaged, then it was subjected to significant destruction during the bombing of 1695. It is believed that under Napoleon Bonaparte the cathedral was partially restored, and comprehensive restoration continues to this day. The picturesque compositions in the southern chapel belong to the school of Rubens. Carved oak pulpit, the work of the sculptor X. Verbruggen (1699), Museums of Fine Arts, which now consist of two separate museums; The Museum of Ancient Art is not only the largest art museum in Belgium, but also the largest collection of paintings and drawings by the Old Netherlandish masters, Flemish painting and sculpture in Europe. The museum was founded in the 1830s, when it contained 400 works); Royal Palace; Brussels Park (hunting place of the Counts of Brabant, known from documents from the 14th century. The modern park was designed in 1776-1780 by B. Guimard based on the model of the Versailles park); The Palais des Nations was built in 1779-1783. based on Guimard's design. Now it houses the Senate and several ministries); The Royal School of Music (the building of which was built in 1876-1877. It houses the Museum of Instruments of the Royal Conservatory. More than 500 exhibits are exhibited in a small room, among which you can find such ancient instruments as the viola da gamba, a miniviola designed to be carried in the pocket of a street musician. The whole hall is dedicated to the inventor of the saxophone, the Belgian Adolphe Sax); Congress Column (45 m high, built in 1850-1859 in honor of the Congress of 1830. An eternal flame burns here in memory of the soldiers who died in the two world wars of the 20th century); Royal Museum of Art and History (the most interesting are the collections of antiquities, works of the Egyptian, ancient Greek and Roman periods, the section of decorative and applied arts: medieval and modern tapestries, lace, silver jewelry, porcelain, glass, furniture - and a collection of casts); Autoworld museum (various types of engines and car models are on display); "Mini-Europe" park (models of famous buildings of the countries of the European Community are collected. The park began to be created in 1987: first, an art history commission selected the most architecturally interesting monuments, the most important from a religious point of view, the most significant for the historical and economic development of Europe, the most spectacular technological projects of the 20th century. ; then 55 masters of making models from eight European countries began to work); Cathedral of Our Lady (built in 1854-1872 according to the design of the architect Pöhler). Lat-Verpen. Town Hall (built in 1561-1565 according to the design of the Renaissance architect K. de Frindt and partially renovated in 1581); Cathedral of Our Lady (the largest Gothic church in Belgium: height 40 m with a width of 55 m and a length of 117 m; the construction of a huge seven-nave cathedral was carried out from 1352 to 1616 by many architects, among whom were G. and D. van Wagemaker, R. Keldermans, P. Appelmans. Here are the paintings by P. P. Rubens: “The Raising of the Cross” (1610), the famous triptych “The Descent from the Cross” (1612), “The Assumption” (1625), etc. Machelen. Cathedral of St. Romuald (construction work The cathedral began in 1217, but it was finally completed in 1452-1546. Liege. St. Martin's Basilica, which was built in the XIII-XIV centuries; Museum and Academy of Fine Arts (among works of modern sculpture and painting - portrait of Napoleon by Ingres, which the emperor donated to the city). only the eastern crypt.

The choir of the modern cathedral dates back to the 14th century; the choir chapels were built in the Flamboyant Gothic style in the 16th century. The western tower with four octagonal turrets on the sides, designed by J. Stassins, was built in the Brabant Gothic style in the 15th century. The transept and nave, begun in the 13th-14th centuries, were completed only by 1539-1559. in the style of flaming Gothic. Until the 16th century The cathedral was dedicated to St. John; The main shrine of the cathedral is a polyptych-altar by the brothers Gurbert and Jan van Eyck, made in 1432 for the family chapel in the crypt of the burgomaster of Ghent I. Veidt and his wife I. Bollyut. The altar is huge - height 3.5 m, width 5 m, and includes 14 images when opened); Church of St. Nicholas (a wonderful example of Burgundian Gothic); the gun, called Mad Greta, because after the first shot it cracked. Bruges. Chapel of St. Basil of Caesarea, better known as the Chapel or Basilica of St. Blood (built in 1139-1149 to house a reliquary with drops of Christ’s blood taken from Jerusalem during the 1st Crusade). Louvain. Catholic University.

The science. A. Vesalius (1514-64) - naturalist, founder of anatomy; S. Stevin (1548-1620) - author of the most important works on hydrostatics, navigation, etc.; L. Dollo - paleontologist, who discovered the law of irreversibility of evolution), 3. Gram (1826-1901) - inventor of the dynamo; J. Lemaitre (1894-1966) - creator of the model of the expanding Universe.

The Kingdom of Belgium is a Western European state with its capital in Brussels. Neighbors -, and, in the north-west, the border of Belgium runs along the North Sea. More than 11 million citizens live in a small state (30.5 thousand sq. km), which makes Belgium one of the most densely populated countries in Europe.

Geographically, the Belgian lands can be divided into the northwestern coastal plain, the central plateau and the Ardennes Upland in the southeast. Low Belgium rises 100 m above sea level, on the plateau the height reaches 200 m, and the height of the hill is 500 meters.

In the lowlands, the relief is represented by dunes and fertile polders. The space between the Lys and Scheldt polders is filled by the sandy Flemish Lowlands with low hills. Behind it begins the Kempen region with coniferous forests, corn fields and meadows.

Between Kempen and the Meuse and Sambre valleys lies central Belgium with clay plains and fertile soils. A huge beech forest remains south of Brussels. This part of the country has a lot of arable land and agricultural land.

Wooded high Belgium is less populated than other areas. It is difficult to conduct agriculture in the mountains, but tourists strive to get here. Behind the hilly region of Condroz, the low mountains of the Ardennes begin, covered with forest, serpentine roads connecting colorful villages. The “peak” of the Ardennes is Mount Botrange, rising 694 m above sea level.

The climate of Belgium is typical of Western Europe - mild, with cool, humid summers and rainy, warm winters. Frosts and snow do not occur in Brussels every year, but the heat does not last for a long time.

- a small kingdom, which is located in Western Europe, has a truly considerable history and is very popular among tourists from other countries. So what is her secret?

Belgium is divided into two historical parts. The first part is Flanders, speaks Dutch. Wallonia is the southern part, speaks French and the reasons for this division are deeply rooted in European history. The main cities in greatest demand among tourists are Brussels, the capital of Belgium, Bruges and Antwerp.

The basis of the architecture is made up of numerous medieval castles, monasteries, and bell towers left over from the times of the Knights of the Round Table. But the strongest impression is made by the local towns with the architecture typical of any medieval city, clean streets, pavements and embankments. Almost every Belgian city has old, medieval cathedrals, fortresses, and guild buildings. This allows us to say that upon arrival in this amazing country, you will fully immerse yourself in its history and get an unforgettable experience.

Belgium on the world map and on the map of Europe

Below is an interactive map of Belgium in Russian from Google. You can move the map left and right, up and down with the mouse, and also change the scale of the map using the “+” and “-” icons, which are located at the bottom on the right side of the map, or using the mouse wheel. In order to find out where Belgium is located on the world map, use the same method to reduce the scale of the map even further.

In addition to the map with the names of objects, you can look at Belgium from a satellite if you click on the “Show satellite map” switch in the lower left corner of the map.

Map of Belgium with cities in Russian

Below is another map of Belgium. To see the map in full size, click on it and it will open in a new window. You can also print it out and take it with you on the road.

You have been presented with the most basic and detailed maps of Belgium, which you can always use to search for an object of interest to you or for any other purposes. Have a nice trip!

Do you want to know where the first spa resort, French fries and comic books appeared, in which country Brussels is located - the capital of the European bureaucracy and the headquarters of NATO? You will find all this in the article about Belgium.

In the popular youth comic book “Hetalia and the Axis Powers”, each character personifies a specific country with its (according to the authors) appearance and character traits. Belgium in Hetalia is a supporting character, a sweet blonde girl who loves delicious food, is cheerful, kind to others and very diligent.

Perhaps this is the best collective image of the Belgians, with the exception of Belgium's secondary role in the European arena. Belgium plays one of the main roles here, as it is one of the main cultural, administrative and military and political centers of Europe.

Belgium character in Hetalia

Where is Belgium located on the map of Europe?

Belgium is a small state in the north-west of continental Europe, on the border with the English Channel. Belgium, along with the Netherlands and Luxembourg, is part of the Benelux - a union of three small neighboring states united on economic, customs and political issues.

Geographically, Belgium is divided into three parts. The Flemish region is the former medieval principality of Flanders, or rather its central part. The Wallonia region is a former French territory. The third region of Belgium is the Brussels Metropolitan Region.

Belgium on the map of Europe

Capital of Belgium, map of Belgium with cities

The capital of Belgium is Brussels. It is also the capital of the entire European Union. The name translates as “settlement in the swamp.” The city was founded in the 10th century, but it became the capital of Belgium only in 1830.

The symbol of Brussels is the famous sculpture of a boy peeing (“mannequin pis”), installed in the city center back in the 14th century. There is no single version about who this small statue was erected in honor of: either in honor of the boy who saved the city from a fire in this way, or in honor of the royal baby who once described the Belgian guards. But the sculpture is very revered, it was even stolen several times, but to the joy of the Belgians it was found and returned to its place.

Manneken Pis - the famous sculpture of a boy peeing in Brussels

Besides the Manneken Pis, Brussels has many other attractions. You can find an interactive map of Brussels showing all the museums, palaces, entertainment venues and concert halls.

Which countries does Belgium border with?

By land, Belgium borders the Netherlands (in the north), Germany (northeast and east), a very small section of the border with Luxembourg (southeast), and Belgium's longest land border with France (south and southwest).
By sea, Belgium borders the UK (via the English Channel)

Bruges in Belgium

What is the language spoken in Belgium?

Belgium has two official languages: Flemish (also known as Dutch) - common in the Flemish region, and French - in Wallonia. German is the main language of communication in eastern Belgium, where ethnic Germans live.

In addition to these three languages, local distinct dialects are common in Belgium. English is spoken and understood by the majority of Belgian residents.

Ghent, Belgium

Belgium telephone codes, Belgium code from mobile

The international dialing code for Belgium is “+32”.
Internal telephone codes for the largest cities in Belgium:

Leuven, Belgium

For calls from landline (landline) phones in Russia, two more codes are additionally used: “8” to connect to long-distance calls and “10” to connect to an international line.

Examples of dialing when calling from Russia to landline numbers in Belgium:

  • To call from a landline phone from Russia to the number 612-81-30 in Brussels, you need to dial the following number order “8-10-32-2-6128130”
  • To call from a mobile phone to the same number, you need to dial “+7-32-2-6128130”

Liege, Belgium

Examples of dialing when calling from Russia to the mobile number 486-112233 in Belgium:

  • From a landline number in Russia we dial “8-10-32-486-112233”
  • From a mobile number in Russia we dial “+32-486-112233”

Emergency numbers in Belgium:

  • Police 101
  • Firefighters 100
  • Emergency medical care 100
  • Emergency services 112

Ardennes, Belgium

Time in Belgium

Time zone of Belgium: GMT+2, the difference with Moscow is -1 hour: when it is 09:00 in the morning in Moscow, it is an hour less in Belgium.

Belgium: currency

Belgium is a member of the European Union, and the official currency of the country is the euro.

Wallonia, Belgium

How to get to Belgium?

Visa to Belgium: documents

To travel to Belgium for a short-term tourist or guest visit, you must obtain a standard tourist Schengen visa.

Belgian visa centers in Russia deal with issues related to obtaining a Belgian visa. Applications are submitted on a territorial basis, that is, to the nearest city at your place of registration.

There are visa centers in the following cities: Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, St. Petersburg.

Mons, Belgium

You can find detailed information about obtaining a visa to Belgium on the official website of visa centers of the Kingdom of Belgium in Russia:

Airports in Belgium

There are as many as five airports in Belgium. Almost all of them accept regular flights and charters, including from Russia and the CIS countries, on a permanent or seasonal basis.

  • Brussels– the largest airport in the country, most flights arrive here. Official website of the airport:

Charleroi, Belgium
  • Charleroi– The 2nd most important passenger airport in Belgium, detailed information on the official website:
  • Liege– the largest cargo air port, which also serves some passenger flights, website:
  • Antwerp– a medium-sized airport where charters and regular flights arrive, official information here:
  • Bruges– a small port that accepts charters and private jets. Bruges Airport website:
  • Kortrijk is the smallest air port in Belgium, intended only for private aircraft and business aviation. Airport website:

Antwerp, Belgium

Belgium: population

The vast majority of Belgium's population lives in cities. The share of non-indigenous residents is only 11% (however, recently this figure has been increasing due to the influx of refugees from the Middle East and Africa). The largest national minority groups are Germans, Italians, French and Moroccans.

Street in Belgium

Standard of living in Belgium, average salary

Belgium is one of the most developed countries in Europe in terms of living standards. Counts. That it has the most friendly legislation towards migrants, good conditions for studying and buying real estate, good benefits and relatively short terms for obtaining citizenship.

The average salary in Belgium is very high. Prices for unskilled labor start from 1200-1500 euros per month. An employee with higher education and average qualifications can receive 4-5 thousand euros monthly. The income of highly qualified specialists and entrepreneurs starts from 7-8 thousand euros.

Belgium football fans

It is worth noting that the level of expenses in Belgium is also not small. Firstly, there are quite a lot of taxes here, which eat up a significant part of the income. Secondly, the costs of medicine, utilities, vehicles and other mandatory items are also quite high.

Belgian citizenship: how to obtain?

Persons whom the Kingdom of Belgium is willing to recognize as citizens of its country:

  • Refugees (2 years after arrival)
  • Persons born in the Kingdom of Belgium, regardless of the nationality of their parents
  • Persons born to a Belgian citizen, regardless of place of birth
  • Persons who are immediate relatives or spouse of a Belgian citizen
  • Persons conducting business in Belgium (owners of commercial enterprises registered here) and paying taxes to the local treasury (under this article, citizenship can only be obtained if you have a certain income and an authorized capital of at least 12.5 thousand euros)

New Year in Brussels, Belgium

Russians in Belgium: life, pros and cons

In general, the attitude of the local population towards Russians in Belgium is not bad. Unlike people from other countries, Russians do not strive to live on benefits, they work conscientiously, try to integrate into the local culture and do not create big problems for the indigenous residents.

The advantages of living in Belgium for Russians include a very high quality of life, relatively simple ways to obtain citizenship, a good level of education and medicine, relatively inexpensive housing (the cost of renting a decent apartment will be approximately 1/3 of income, and you can buy your own home after several years residence in Belgium), low crime rate. For wealthy people, the ease of doing business is a big plus.

European Parliament building in Brussels, Belgium

The most significant of the disadvantages is the high level of taxes. Also, most often, Russians have to put up with the fact that they have to start their career as an employee in Belgium “from scratch” (diplomas and previous qualifications are not recognized here in Russia). Often the problem becomes the need to know several languages ​​(French, Flemish, German, English). Belgium also has a very short maternity leave: only 12 weeks.

Some features of the Belgian mentality that a native of Russia will have to get used to:

  • Belgians are friendly, but they rarely form close relationships; they are more friendly. Their idea of ​​friendship is much more restrained than that of Russians

Belgium hosts the Formula 1 Grand Prix every year.
  • If a Belgian gave you some serious help or paid for you in a cafe, next time you are obliged to return the favor, otherwise you will be considered ungrateful
  • Women in Belgium try to emphasize their independence. It is not customary for local ladies to devote too much time to housework, use cosmetics or wear dresses as casual wear.
  • In a family, husband and wife often have separate budgets. It is customary to send parents to nursing homes. In general, family ties are not very close, you won’t see large family feasts here

Rural landscapes of Belgium
  • In conversations it is not customary to touch upon topics such as income, political preferences, intimate life, health, and personal relationships. Belgians prefer to talk about neutral topics even with close friends
  • It is customary to agree on gifts in advance. Usually the hero of the occasion makes a list of items that he would like to receive as a gift. Guests can pay for the whole gift or part of it. Even in families, they often agree in advance about who will give what gift; surprises are not accepted

Work in Belgium for Ukrainians

In order to get even the simplest job in Belgium, a foreigner needs to speak at least one of the local languages: French, Flemish or German. Some establishments accept people with knowledge of English. Without a language, finding a job is almost impossible.

The unemployment rate in Belgium is quite high, so even if you have the language and the required qualifications, you need to keep in mind that there are many people who want to get this job. It is important to show your best qualities during the interview so that the employer chooses you.

Chocolate production in Belgium

What specialties are most in demand in Belgium:

  • Builders (masons, welders, plasterers, installers)
  • Trade workers (cashiers, sales representatives)
  • Service workers (manicurist, massage therapist, hairdresser)
  • IT specialists: programmers

Education received at home will most likely not be taken into account, since there is no unified education system between Belgium and Ukraine. Regardless of higher education, you will have to start from an ordinary lower position.

Street cafes in Belgium

Higher education in Belgium

In higher education institutions in Belgium, students begin to be admitted from the age of 18 (up to this age, schooling lasts). There are no entrance exams (with the exception of medicine), but there is a system of screening students during examination sessions, the weakest ones are expelled.

The cost of training varies from 1 to 10 thousand euros per year, the price depends on the specialty and prestige of the educational institution. The most inexpensive universities are located in the Flemish region; in the Welsh part of Belgium, education is considered more prestigious and of higher quality.

Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

What is Belgium famous for?

Some interesting facts about Belgium

  • Belgium ranks first in Europe in the number of surviving medieval palaces and castles
  • Belgium leads the European Union in terms of living standards
  • The Flemish school of painting (the most prominent representatives of Van Dyck and Rubens) originated in the Belgian city of Antwerp
  • The strangest breed of cows has been bred in Belgium, which produce a lot of meat, but outwardly resemble athletes overfed on steroids

Belgian Blue bull
  • The Belgian breed of draft horses (Brabançon) is very popular all over the world.
  • The world's largest diamond exchange is located in Belgium
  • Belgium has the largest number of government offices and representative offices of international organizations, as Brussels is the capital of NATO and the European Union
  • Belgium ranks among the highest in the world in terms of population density per square kilometer.

House located on the border between Belgium and the Netherlands (marked with crosses)
  • Belgium has a rather conventional border with the neighboring Netherlands. Sometimes the border runs through buildings, so one half of the house may be in Belgium and the other half in the Netherlands
  • Belgium is the most electrified country in Europe. Even the smallest country roads here are illuminated quite brightly at night, not to mention city streets
  • In Belgium, trams are a means of transportation not only in the city, but also outside it. The longest tram line reaches 68 km in length
  • Tiny Belgium produces so many goods that it is one of the 20 largest exporters in the world
  • In Belgium, electoral law prohibits a citizen from ignoring the popular vote. Everyone who has received a summons is required to appear at the polls.
  • 4/5 of all billiard balls in the world are produced in Belgium
  • Of course, many people know Belgian beer and Belgian chocolate.

Belgium from space - the brightest area on the map of night Europe

Traditions and holidays of Belgium

Belgium is a country where three different national cultures coexist closely: Flemish (Dutch), Walloon (French) and German. Each of them has its own traditions and holidays, so talking about customs common to the entire country is problematic.

National holidays in Belgium include:

  • Christian church dates: Christmas, Easter, Trinity Day
  • July 21 – Independence Day
  • May 1 – Labor Day
  • November 15th – Royal Dynasty Day

Christmas in Belgium

What to bring from Belgium?

  • Belgian beer, especially fruit varieties exotic for our region: raspberry, cherry, citrus
  • Belgian chocolate, handmade sweets are especially prized
  • Belgian lace and products made from it: tablecloths, paintings, towels, stoles and much more
  • Belgian tapestry: wallets, carpets, cushions, bags
  • High quality replica Swiss watches from Belgium

Fruit beer "Kriek" from Belgium

Ruling couple of the Kingdom of Belgium

King Philippe of Belgium

King Philippe of Belgium- the first monarch of Belgium who attended general educational institutions (school and academy). Before him, the royal offspring were exclusively home-schooled.

For some time, Philip studied at US universities, where he received a degree in political science. He is the honorary chairman of several public organizations in Belgium and a member of various aristocratic clubs in Europe.

King Philippe of Belgium

Queen Mathilde of Belgium

Philip's wife Matilda- a hereditary aristocrat, the daughter of a Belgian count and a Polish countess. By education, Matilda is a speech therapist and child psychologist. She met her future husband while playing tennis.

Matilda, as befits representatives of the best royal houses in Europe, devotes a lot of time to charity. The couple has four heirs.

The King and Queen of Belgium with their children

The most beautiful cities and attractions of the Kingdom of Belgium

Brussels, Belgium

Brussels- literally a city of officials (taking into account all the offices of NATO, the EU and various non-governmental organizations, up to 300 thousand officials permanently reside here). In addition, it is famous for its architecture, nightlife and the cleanest ecology in Europe.

  • Grand Place- the main square of the city. The Grand Place is interesting for its architecture, since all the buildings here have a unique history of construction and use. The main building of the square is the Brussels City Hall
  • Atomium- a structure in the form of an iron molecule, magnified hundreds of billions of times. The sculpture building was installed for the opening of the 1958 World Trade Fair

Atomium, Belgium
  • Mini Europe– a miniature park where you can see small copies of all the most famous buildings in Europe
  • Brussels Cathedral– a medieval building, the main Catholic church of Brussels, which is dedicated to St. Michael and St. Gudula
  • Royal Museum of Belgium is a complex of 6 museums united under one roof. The exhibition is considered one of the richest and most interesting in Europe
  • Museum of Medicine in Brussels– a very interesting collection that tells about the history of the development of medicine in different eras (including prehistoric) and in different parts of the world (Asia, Africa, the East, South America)
  • Galleries of Saint Hubert– indoor shopping pavilions, which, in addition to great shopping, will also provide aesthetic pleasure, since the building has serious historical value
  • Comics– famous paintings on the walls of Brussels houses, representing excerpts from comics (it is believed that comics as a printed genre originated in Belgium)

Comics on the walls of Brussels, Belgium

Bruges, Belgium

Bruges is rightfully considered the most beautiful city in Belgium. In terms of the number of attractions and museums, it also holds the palm. The most notable of them:

  • Chocolate Museum– the most famous chocolate museum in the world. Bruges is considered the birthplace of dark chocolate. The product was obtained thanks to the mistake of a pharmacist who was only trying to improve a cough medicine
  • Beginki Monastery- a medieval shelter for orphaned girls and widows, in which the unfortunate received a roof over their heads and the opportunity to earn a living. Unlike nuns, beguines were not bound by a vow of celibacy and could leave the monastery at any time
  • Belfort– the city watchtower, the most recognizable building in the city, a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Bruges, Belgium
  • Church of Our Lady in Bruges– an active temple, which houses one of the few surviving sculptures by Michelangelo “Mary and Child”
  • Museum of Fine Arts– an exhibition of works by the Flemish school of painting, which originated in Belgium and gave the world Rembrandt and Van Eyck
  • Diamond Museum– a unique museum about the history of the development of jewelry, all stages of diamond mining and processing, as well as a priceless collection of jewelry
  • Bruges Brewery Museum– the history of the development of brewing, unique recipes, but most importantly – tasting of the best varieties, which is included in the price of the excursion

Bruges, Belgium

Liege, Belgium

Liege– a city of contrasts, which combines medieval palaces and chimneys of industrial giants. The city is considered the most rebellious and wayward region of Belgium.

  • Palace of Prince-Bishops– a unique building that was completed over 900 years and bears the imprints of all possible historical architectural styles

Liege, Belgium
  • Weapons museum– an exhibition of all possible types of weapons from the early Middle Ages to the present day, some exhibits are priceless
  • Mount de Buren- a famous street that consists of only steps, stairs, as it is located steeply uphill
  • Churches and cathedrals of Liege– many, the most noticeable of them: the bright as a toy Church of St. Batholomeo, St. Paul’s Cathedral (Masonic Gothic)
  • Beer pubs in Liege– at almost every step you will find beer restaurants dating back many centuries and offering beer brewed according to their secret recipes
  • Rzehe Castle– an interesting building, which in the Middle Ages was an orphanage. Currently, the castle has recreated the interiors of that time.

Jeje Castle, Liege, Belgium

Antwerp, Belgium

Antwerp– the diamond capital of Belgium, as well as the design center of all of Europe. It is here that they set the tone for fashion trends in clothing, jewelry and interior items.

  • Rubens Museum– house-museum of the famous painter, founder of the Flemish school
  • Sten Castle– medieval fortification, the first stone building in Antwerp
  • Fashion Museum Antwerp– a historical collection of clothes, shoes and jewelry, the oldest exhibit of which dates back to the 16th century
  • Museums of Antwerp– numerous galleries and art collections in which you will find many world-class masterpieces, since Antwerp is considered one of the main art capitals of Europe

Sten Castle, Antwerp, Belgium

Leuven, Belgium

Leuven– a medieval city, a former trade and educational center of medieval Europe. Leuven can delight tourists with a beautiful old center, quality nightlife and excellent shopping.

  • Grand Beguinage– a historical quarter in the old part of Leuven, the most interesting in terms of architecture and preservation of buildings
  • Catholic University of Leuven– one of the oldest universities in Europe, the main area of ​​study in which medicine remains to this day
  • Nightclubs in Leuven– modern dance floors in terms of technical equipment and repertoire, the most famous and visited of which is the Silo club
  • Museum of Religious Art Leuven- a collection of works of art and church treasures, which is located in the building of the oldest Catholic church in the city - St. Peter's Church

The Grand Beguinage quarter in Leuven, Belgium

Charleroi, Belgium

Charleroi– an industrial city, a center of coal mining, among Belgian cities it is considered the most criminal and dysfunctional (of course, by the standards of super-calm, sleepy Belgium)

  • Museum of Photography– the most detailed and extensive exhibition in the world about the history and development of photography, as well as a collection of unique photographs
  • Glass Museum– a collection of household samples and glass art objects from ancient times to the present day. All eras, styles and movements are represented, from the first glass plates to the masterpieces of Bohemia and Venice
  • Museum of Fine Arts Charleroi– a painting gallery that presents all the main styles and European schools

Charleroi, Belgium

Ardennes, Belgium

Ardennes is not a city, but a mountain range in Belgium, where several villages and small towns are located. The Ardennes is the most sparsely populated part of Belgium.

For urban Belgium, where the majority of the population lives in cities, the Ardennes region is a veritable green oasis where you can enjoy views of endless pastures, green hills and untouched nature.

The Belgians love to spend weekends in the Ardennes, as there are many opportunities for active leisure and communication with nature: rafting, mountain trails, rural landscapes and a peaceful atmosphere.

Ardennes, Belgium

Castle of the Counts of Flanders, Belgium

Castle of the Counts of Flanders located in the Belgian city of Ghent and is famous primarily for its preservation. This is the only fortress in all of Europe where you can see the medieval defensive system in the form in which it existed many centuries ago.

In addition to its defensive function, the castle throughout its long history served as the residence of the rulers of Flanders, a mint, a court site, a prison and even a textile factory.

The castle premises contain collections of authentic medieval objects for various purposes. The most impressive of them is a collection of medieval torture instruments.

Walls of the Castle of the Counts of Flanders, Belgium

Holidays in Belgium by the sea: resorts, beaches

It would seem, what kind of beach holiday can we talk about if Belgium is located almost in the north of the European continent? It turns out it can. The Belgian coast is 70 km of sandy beaches, which are equipped with everything necessary for a good holiday at sea.

The most famous beach resorts in Belgium: Ostend, De Haan, De Pann and Westende. All of them are located on the North Sea coast, but don’t be intimidated by the name - the beach season here lasts all summer, and from late June to early September you can catch many sunny, hot days that do not remind you of the northern latitudes.

Ostend, Belgium

Belgian resorts are considered one of the most prestigious in Europe. There is excellent hotel service, many accommodation options, excellent infrastructure and transport links.

A tram line has been laid along the entire coastline, connecting all the large and small resort villages into one line.

Beach in Belgium

The cultural and entertainment life in Belgian resorts is full of a variety of events all summer - from classic music festivals to the most fashionable youth movements.

By the way, despite the reputation of a prestigious place, the beach cities of Belgium can offer many economical options: hostels, private pensions and campsites.

Video. Medieval fair in Brussels

Video. Curiosities of Brussels

Belgium is an exciting destination for travelers seeking to get to know a country better known throughout the world for its luxurious castles, delicious delicacies and unusual attitude to humor.

Belgium on the world and Europe map

The small kingdom is popular with many travelers, as its unique location played a significant role in shaping the country's rich history.

Where is it?

Belgium is in northwestern Europe and is one of the smallest states on the European continent. It covers an area of ​​about 30,528 km².

Watch a video about the detailed location of Belgium on the world map:

What countries does it border with?

If you look at the map of Belgium, you will notice that the kingdom has borders with in the south and west, with and the Netherlands in the east, A in the southeastern part borders Luxembourg.

Thanks to this neighborhood, Belgium has absorbed a lot of interesting things from the countries bordering it. This influence is especially noticeable in culture, traditions and national languages.

A little history

The history of Belgium begins about 400 thousand years ago, but as an independent state, it was formed only in 1830. Until this time, the indigenous population was constantly changing - it was inhabited by unknown disappeared peoples. The last inhabitants were the Gallic clan of the Belgae, who settled here permanently and gave the name to their country.

Belgium was part of the Duchy of Burgundy for a long time, but then decided to unite with the Netherlands to form Holland.

After several disputes, the country separated and became independent kingdom.

Country on the political map

Belgium consists of three regions: Wallonia, Flanders And Brussels-Capital Region.

Belgium is constitutional parliamentary monarchy and federation, where the government is appointed by the king and the prime minister is chosen after his party wins the elections.

A country - member of the European Union, NATO, UN and is part of the Benelux(Belgium, Luxembourg, ). Also in the capital of the country are the headquarters of influential organizations such as NATO, the European Commission and EFTA.

Population and language

Belgium has one of the highest population densities relative to other countries. Its relatively small territory is inhabited by about 11 million inhabitants, but the Belgians themselves do not like to participate in the census, so this number may vary.

There are two predominant ethnic groups here:

  • Flemings(60% of the population) living in the northern provinces;
  • Walloons(40% of the population) living in the southern provinces.
  • Among national minorities they predominate Germans.

According to a survey, in Belgium 43% of the country's population are Catholics; the rest of the population enjoys freedom of religion.

Due to their history in Belgium, the national languages ​​are: Flemish(reminiscent of Dutch) German And French. Here you can rarely find residents speaking English, and even less often speaking Russian.

Detailed map of Belgium with cities

Belgium is known to the world for many cities thanks to rich history And active modern life.

The heart of Belgium - Brussels is the largest city in the country with a population of only 148 thousand people. It is considered one of the 19 municipalities that form the metropolitan region.

Belgium includes nine major cities, among which:

  • Antwerp– the largest port in Europe immediately after Rotterdam and the center of the diamond trade;
  • Bruges– the chocolate capital of Belgium and the city called Northern;
  • Liege– the third major city in Belgium, in demand due to its museums and a large number of cafes with national cuisine;
  • Ghent– a place famous for its luxurious ancient castles and silk factories;
  • Leuven– home to the famous Stella Artois and a large number of prestigious universities;
  • Bouillon- a border town, which is a picturesque Belgian province.

Due to its location, high standard of living and a wide range of interesting places, Belgium is popular among travelers.